Global Marine Ecological Status Report No
Global Marine Ecological Status Report no. 11 Based on observations from the global ocean Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorder Surveys (GACS) Global Marine Ecological Status Report Based on observations from the global ocean Continuous Plankton Recorder surveys Citation: Edwards, M., Helaouet, P., Alhaija, R.A., Batten, S., Beaugrand, G., Chiba, S., Horaeb, R.R., Hosie, G., Mcquatters-Gollop, A., Ostle, C., Richardson, A.J., Rochester, W., Skinner, J., Stern, R., Takahashi, K., Taylor, C., Verheye, H.M., & Wootton, M. 2016. Global Marine Ecological Status Report: results from the global CPR Survey 2014/2015. SAHFOS Technical Report, 11: 1-32. Plymouth, U.K. ISSN 1744-0750 Published by: Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science ©SAHFOS 2016 ISSN No: ISSN 1744-0750 Contents 2....................................................................Introduction Summary for policy makers 8....................................................................Global CPR observations North Atlantic and Arctic Southern Ocean Northeast Pacific Northwest Pacific South Atlantic and the Benguela Current Eastern Mediterranean Sea Indian Ocean and Australian waters 20...................................................................Applied ecological indicators Climate change Biodiversity Ecosystem health Ocean acidification 30....................................................................Bibliography Introduction The Global Alliance of Continuous Plankton Recorders, known as GACS, brings together the
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