B F Abies balsamea (L.) P. Mill. alsam occurs statewide and is Bthe most abundant in the state. It is frequently found in damp and on well-drained hillsides, and often occurs in thickets. The tree normally forms a sharp spire to a height of 60–70 feet and grows to 12–20 inches in diameter. On young , the branches are horizontal, slen- der, and produced in regular whorls to Balsam fir is form a strikingly symmetrical crown. the most abundant tree In old age, the top is often slim, regu- lar and spire-like. in the state. The bark on young trees is pale gray, smooth, thin and has prominent blisters that are filled with a resinous liquid known as “Canada balsam.” On old trees the bark gets rougher and blisters are absent. The aromatic are about REGISTER OF 1 inch long, dark green, and shiny BIG TREES 2008 above with 2 rows of white stomata Balsam Fir below. The tips are occasionally Circumference: 78'' notched. On branches in full sun, leaves Height: 104' turn up, but on lower branches they Crown Spread: 23' Location: T4 R3 WELS spread out at right angles to the branch, giving it a flattened appearance.

46 BALSAM FIR Like all true , balsam fir cones point upward and disintegrate R

when they are mature. I F

The cones are 2–4 inches long, erect and dark purple before maturity. Cones ripen in August and September of the first year, and disintegrate short- ly thereafter, leaving only the central spike-like stalks. The twigs are smooth after the leaves have shed. Winter buds are covered with clear . The is soft, light and moder- ately limber. It is sawed into dimension lumber chiefly for light and medium building construction, and is used extensively for pulp. Balsam fir is favored for Christmas trees and greens. Each fall many tons of branch tips are collected for making Christmas wreaths. In the past, the branches were steamed in a retort to produce oil of balsam. Also, the clear pitch formed in the blisters of relatively young bark was used to mount microscope slides and to attach theatrical costumes to bare skin.

The smooth bark with resin blisters distinguishes balsam fir from the rest of our .