Paulina Chiziane | 9780914671480 | | | | | The First Wife A Tale of Polygamy 1st edition PDF Book

Open Preview See a Problem? Feisty and exuberant, ferociously candid It is amazing that this was written and set in current day and not hundr "In love, all men are betrayers. It isn't polygamy itself that is the villain in this story, but a society that allows for one-sided polygamy as a result of the women-as-property assumption. A man is the cause of sadness borne by widows. Add to registry. After Tony is forced to marry the four other women--as well as an additional lover--according to polygamist custom, the rival lovers join together to declare their voices and demand their rights. The first and second were the result of rape, but for the third and fourth, she gave herself of her own free will, because she felt she was a specialist in rape. A challenging but nonetheless rewarding read. We are lost mares galloping across life, being fed crumbs, enduring vicissitudes, waging war on each other. I can imagine a science fiction editor forcing a retaliatory overthrow at the end of the story. Recommended to anyone who likes good literature, written with imagination. Polygamy is an army of children, lots of half brothers and sisters growing up happy, innocent, future reproducers of the ideals of polygamy…. I think it should have ended after view spoiler [Tony's fake death hide spoiler ]. While there is much stunning and beautiful writing, the frequency of lyrical, metaphor-laden passages can be overwhelming. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Related Pages :. Thank you for signing up! Astounding fictional recounting of what polygamy doest to the body, heart, and soul. John Davis Two White Men. It sounds interesting Like Like. Rami fights against the customs, doing everything she can to secure the best life for herself and the other wives. In short, Rami embraces polygamy not to free Tony but to trap him, to rein him in, to work him, and even to intimidate him. Email required Address never made public. Anyway, the novel is superbly translated. La Stamberga dei The translation by David Brookshaw is very fine. Welcome back. As I contemplated changing my college major again to anthropology I read a lot of ethnographies. There was a lot of repetition in Ernest J. And we are our most aggressive judges. She seemingly has no control over her life. Well worth the time! You might decide to stay together for the kids; you might want to start couples counseling; you might ask your divorced friends for attorney referrals. Support Our Annual Fund Drive! This point is hammered to the reader over and over, as if Chiziane isn't sure we understand what she is writing about. Nirvana Tanoukhi. Twitter LarsonChuck. The First Wife A Tale of Polygamy 1st edition Writer

It's written in beautiful, evocative style. I'm still unsure how these procedures actually work. Rami is shocked to find out that Tony is not only seeing another woman, but he has another family and home with this woman that includes four children and one on the way. We are solely supported by you, our readers. Reviewed by seeword seeword. And a third. Recommended to anyone who likes good literature, written with imagination. Like what you read? Other editions. Support Our Annual Fund Drive! Rami fights against the customs, doing everything she can to secure the best life for herself and the other wives. In this book 's first published female novelist you read that right weaves the story of Rami, wife to Tony and mother to several children. Three Poems. Chiziane is a poetic writ I am surprised at the criticisms I see of this book. Tony, however, has other ideas. Susan Bernofsky. Chiziane was the first woman in Mozambique to publish a novel. I am always fascinated when a translation reads so sm What a fascinating book. Even when she seems to vacillate on what it is she actually wants, it is so human even if it was annoying for me as a reader wanting to say, "What are you doing? Papi Rita Indiana. With delightful complications and unexpected plot turns, Chiziane's battle of the sexes is like none other in world literature. There is the stomach, the brain, and you know, that other thing, maybe the most important thing. My heart breaks for these women of Mozambique, caught between traditional culture and the new society values which colonisation thrust upon them. A Spare Life Lidija Dimkovska. Her anger and despair translating into a hopeless poetry of suffering. It was the same when I read Scholastique Mukasonga, Tsitsi Dangarembga and Noo Saro-Wiwa: a sense of tribes, cultures, linguistic groups, histories that I with my white European belief in an "Africa" know nothing about. And you know I love a story about women banding together to help one another. A WordPress. When confronted, Tony responds: Betrayal? The style of writing in the novel feels like an oral tradition. Beneath her sadness lies a beautiful soul and yet no matter which way she turns, she can do no right for do So, as part of my personal library-borrowing policy of choosing a book at random rather than by preferred genre, I was introduced to Rami, the First Wife. Notify me of new comments via email. Danube She accepts any treatment from her husband, what is she without him? The writing is urgent and surprising. Most of the time you see Mia Couto, who often has women as background only. The First Wife A Tale of Polygamy 1st edition Reviews

What a book! They move their bodies with skill, welcoming the awakening of all springtimes. I recommend this work of fiction. Chiziane is a poetic writer with great heart. Cover design by Merikokeb Berhanu. In order to catch women of all types…. I am so glad I found this book and I will be thinking about it for a long time. Daniel Warner Voting Heroes. A fascinating book that deserves so much more attention than it has gotten. Rami suspects that her husband, Tony, is not only kept away from home by his career but she also thinks he has another woman stashed away somewhere in the city. The second wife knows of a third wife; the third reveals a fourth; and, eventually, the fourth reveals a fifth. Read this and forget about the front page of any newspaper in the country. Lists with This Book. Jul 10, Zippergirl rated it liked it Shelves: reviewed , netgalley. The First Wife tackles head on the Mozambican tradition of polygamy, exploring its pains as well as rare pleasures through the eyes of Rami as she tries to keep track of her slippery husband Tony. As heavy as it sounds the story is actually light and even comical in places. My happiness was to have borne only men, she says, for none of them will experience the pain of rape. If we join hands, we can transform the world. A literal fistfight ensues. Friend Reviews. Crossed Paths. Shenanigans follow, which really are a lot of fun. Open Preview See a Problem? That's very obvious, though. Bye Bye Blondie Virginie Despentes. Shop Our Brands. Rami discovers that her much-loved husband Tony is unfaithful to her. Add to Wish List. Quotes from The First Wife: A Chiziane was the first woman in Mozambique to publish a novel. Astounding fictional recounting of what polygamy doest to the body, heart, and soul. Rami reaches her breaking point when one of her sons breaks the window of a car while playing ball and she has to take care of the situation by herself. But most of all, I felt so angry throughout the book. The style of writing reminded me of epics like the Iliad and Odyssey which are prone to repetition because of their origins as oral literature. In short, Rami embraces polygamy not to free Tony but to trap him, to rein him in, to work him, and even to intimidate him. Want to Read saving…. Polygamy is a solitary howl under the full moon…. Rami, the main character, tearfully realizes that "every man" is "an animal threatened with extinction, but who merits preservation, who dies by the thousands on the field of battle because he can't control his greed for love, ambition, and power. Used with permission from the artist. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Related to her active involvement in the politics of Frelimo Liberation Front of Mozambique , her narrative often reflects the social uneasiness of a country ravaged and divided by the war of liberation and the civil conflicts that followed independence. In this book Mozambique's first published female novelist you read that right weaves the story of Rami, wife to Tony and mother to several children. With each new threat Rami spins off into a revelry lamenting the status of women. Cancel Submit.

The First Wife A Tale of Polygamy 1st edition Read Online Katherine Gregor. The very intensity of the prose makes it quite a challenging read, especially as it is also repetitious and unrelenting, but any criticisms I might have of it as a novel are outweighed by its intrinsic worth as a work from an African writer opening up her country to a wider international readership. Let us unite, and together form one hand. Five Poems. We are the first ones to hinder our own progress by adhering to old mentalities, by perpetuating traditions, by educating our daughters differently than we educate our sons. This superb novel, written by Mozambique's first published female novelist and expertly translated from the Portuguese by David Brookshaw, is narrated by Rami, a modest southern Mozambican woman who has been faithfully married to a police chief in the capital of for the past 20 years, but is disturbed by the increasing frequency of Tony's nights spent away from home and his inattention to her. Mar 21, Melissa rated it liked it Shelves: netgalley , archipelago-books. Not to give anything away, but the sexual license and the sexual prowess that polygamy practically forces on Tony becomes his personal and psychological undoing. Polygamy is an army of children, lots of half brothers and sisters growing up happy, innocent, future reproducers of the ideals of polygamy…. I wrote the following review which was published in Pleiades Book Review But Rami is at the same time a badly jaded realist. You are commenting using your WordPress. So very human. Jun 05, Shelley Rose rated it really liked it. Rami goes there to fight this woman and the other woman says, "Tony's not here. I could not resist after a few friends rated this one so highly, and even moreso when I discovered that this is the FIRST female author to be published from Mozambique. He hasn't got only one concubine, oh no, that would be too little for his taste but four. They fly anywhere they feel like going, like butterflies. It isn't polygamy itself that is the villain in this story, but a society that allows for one-sided polygamy as a result of the women-as-property assumption. Like Like. And you know I love Lyrical while still natural, stylistically this book is well worth a read. But Rami takes a different tack, enrolling in a love school and seeking magic spells. I take my inspiration from tales around the campfire, my first art school. I have rarely had a reading experience as strange and disturbing as this one. Playing the role as playboy cheater, than as responsible husband to these women and his children with them. What a unique reading experience this was. Crossed Paths. She studied at Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo.