REG NO. 160705038




MEDAN 2021






Signed :

Date : April 16th, 2021








Signed :

Date : April 16th, 2021



In the process of completing this thesis, a lot of advices, suggestions, comments and supports have been contributed by many people. It is not possible to mention all of them, but some deserve to be written. First of all, I would like to thank to God for all of His blessings in my life and my very special gratitude is for my beloved parents for their never ending support, care and love to encourage me to learn and work hard in order to finish my study in Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of North Sumatera. Thank you for always supporting me in following my dreams, for being patient in the hardest time, and for always guiding me through this life. Moreover, I thank to my beloved sisters, Yunike, Yohana and Rahel. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. as my thesis supervisor, for her great care, patient, and excellent advices in guiding me in the process of preparing this thesis until it appears as it should be, and I also would like to thank my co-supervisor, Drs. Siamir Maralafau, M.Hum. for his kindness, knowledge and patience to help me to write and finish this thesis. Then my special thanks also to Mr. Sukirno as the administrator of English Department, who always helped and answers all of my questions patiently. To all the lecturers of the English Department, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all the knowledge I have learned. May God ease your hardships and give you all a long, healthy and prosperous life. Amin I also dedicate my greatest thanks to my best friends Farisa, Olivia, Marni, Zura, and also my seniors Yuri, Rizka. To all my classmates in Sasing 16-B, and the last but not least, I would like to thank to my best partner, Aji Putra for being one of my mood booster, and for supporting me in my hardest time. Finally, I am really grateful to have everyone supporting me in the process of writing this thesis. Thank you so much for being my power and motivator. Hopefully, this thesis will have great contribution for the development of English language learning. Medan, April 16th, 2021

Devi Selvia Br Panggabean vi Reg No. 160705038


This thesis is entitled "Materialism Portrayed in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asians: A Comparative Literature". The author uses novels as the object of research, namely the Crazy Rich Asian novel (2013) by Kevin Kwan and the novel The Winner Stands Alone (2008) by Paulo Coelho. This analysis discusses how materialism is described in the Crazy Rich Asian novel and The Winner Stands Alone novel. In this thesis, the writer uses the sociological theory of literature and social class theory to analyze the novel. The method used in writing this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method. The findings and analysis that can be found in the novel are about differences in social class and also the differences and similarities of materialism in the two novels. This class difference is created because of the existence of social class groups, where they classify their social class, namely the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. Where the upper class doesn't want to accept the middle or lower class into their group. The difference in social class is measured by power or wealth, privilege and prestige which affect the position, lifestyle, habits and behavior between the upper, middle and lower classes so that the gap between the three classes is so striking. The conflict that occurs is a gap in social status within a group and family life or relationships.

Keywords: Materialism, Social Class, Comparative Literature, Crazy Rich Asian, The Winner Stands Alone



Skripsi ini berjudul "Materialisme yang Digambarkan dalam The Winner Stand Alone and Crazy Rich Asians: A Comparative Literature". Penulis menggunakan novel sebagai objek penelitiannya yaitu novel Crazy Rich Asian (2013) karya Kevin Kwan dan novel The Winner Stands Alone (2008) karya Paulo Coelho. Analisis ini membahas bagaimana materialisme digambarkan dalam novel Crazy Rich Asian dan novel The Winner Stands Alone. Dalam skripsi ini penulis menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra dan teori kelas sosial untuk menganalisis novel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan dan analisis yang ditemukan dalam novel tersebut adalah tentang perbedaan kelas sosial serta perbedaan dan persamaan materialisme pada kedua novel tersebut. Perbedaan kelas ini tercipta karena adanya kelompok kelas sosial, dimana mereka mengklasifikasikan kelas sosialnya yaitu kelas atas, kelas menengah dan kelas bawah. Dimana kelas atas tidak mau menerima kelas menengah atau bawah ke dalam kelompoknya. Perbedaan kelas sosial diukur dari kekuasaan atau kekayaan, keistimewaan dan prestise yang mempengaruhi posisi, gaya hidup, kebiasaan dan perilaku antara kelas atas, menengah dan bawah sehingga kesenjangan antara ketiga kelas tersebut begitu mencolok. Konflik yang terjadi adalah kesenjangan status sosial dalam suatu kelompok dan kehidupan atau hubungan keluarga.

Kata Kunci: Materialisme, Kelas Sosial, Sastra Bandingan, Crazy Rich Asian, The Winner Stand Alon






ABSTRACT ...... vii

ABSTRAK ...... viii


LIST OF TABLES ...... xi

CHAPTER I:INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 6 1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 6 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 7 1.5 Significances of the Study ...... 7 CHAPTER II:REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theory of Literature ...... 8 2.1.1 Theme ...... 9 2.1.2 Plot ...... 9 2.1.3 Character ...... 10 2.1.4 Setting ...... 10 2.1.5 Point of view ...... 10 2.2 Sociology of Literature ...... 11 2.3 Materialism ...... 12 2.4 Social Class ...... 14 2.4.1 The Upper Class...... 15 2.4.2 The Middle Class ...... 15 2.4.3 The Lower Class ...... 16


2.5 Postmodernism ...... 18 2.6 Comparative of Literature ...... 18 2.7 Previous Studies ...... 20 CHAPTER III : METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ...... 21 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 21 3.3 Data Collection Method ...... 22 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ...... 23 3.5 Theoretical Framework ...... 24

CHAPTER IV :DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Matrealism portratyed in The Winner Stands Alone ...... 25 4.2 Matrealism portrayed in Crazy Rich Asian ...... 33 4.3 Similarities and Differences of Matrealism in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asian Novel ...... 40

CHAPTER V :CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusions ...... 46 5.2 Suggestions ...... 48 REFERENCES ...... 49




Table 4.3.1 Intrinsic elements in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asians ...... 41

Table 4.3.2 Similarities and Differences of Materialism in The Winner Stands

Alone and Crazy Rich Asians ...... 43




1.1 Background of the Study

People nowadays wants to look modern by following and using the new technology and it changes them become materialistic. Materialism is a phenomenon of human tendency to get excess in material and by doing an unsuitable and various ways to get what they want. Materialism has become an issue in society, when people are interested towards something or things that actually they don’t need, they will become obsessed about it and try to get much money, everything they do to get much money, and become money oriented. It happened because they never feel satisfied with their life and for what they have. Having much money and buy branded things make them become confidence and they can show off to society about what they have.

This situation make a huge social class among society, and create social disparities between communities

According to Karl Marx in Social Class Theory (1977), In this world have several social classes, A social class is a set of subjectively defined concepts in the social sciences and politicaltheory centre on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middleand lower classes. The first are upper class or commonly referred to as rich people, those who have a lot of wealth, which is obtained from their hard work or from their offspring. The upper class in modern societies is the social class composed of people who hold the highest social status, usually are the wealthiest members of society, and wield the greatest political power.

According to this view, the upper class is generally distinguished by immense wealth

1 which is passed on from generation to generation. Prior to the 20th century, the emphasis was on aristocracy, which emphasized generations of inherited noble status, not just recent wealth.

The second is the middle class, this middle class can be made into two groups, the upper middle class and lower class, the upper middle class they do not have as much wealth as the upper class, but they live with sufficient wealth. The middle class is a class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy. The very definition of the term "middle class" is highly political and vigorously contested by various schools of political and economic philosophy. Modern social theorists - and especially economists (with widely divergent open and hidden political motivations behind their arguments) - have defined and re-defined the term "middle class" in order to serve their particular political ends. The definitions of the term "middle class" therefore are the result of the more- or less-scientific methods used when delineating the parameters of what is and isn't "middle class".

The third is the lower class or the so-called poor people, those who live in shortages, and who do not have assets, some of them do not even have a house at all or commonly called the working class (or labouring class) comprises those engaged in waged or salaried labour, especially in manual-labour occupations and industrial work. Working-class occupations (see also "Designation of workers by collar color") include blue-collar jobs, some white-collarjobs, and most pink-collar jobs. Members of the working class rely for their income exclusively upon their earnings from wage labour; thus the category includes almost all of the working population of industrialized economies, as well as those employed in the urban areas (cities, towns, villages) of non-industrialized economies or in the rural workforce.

2 Talking about materialism, it is closely related to postmodernism. The birth of postmodernism can not be separated from the notion of modernism. The view of modernism assumes that the truth of science is absolute and objective, meaning that there is no human value. According to Jean Francouis Lyotard (1970), postmodernism is all criticism of universal knowledge, on metaphysical traditions, foundations and modernism. So it can be concluded that postmodernism is a new idea that refuses or even includes from the development of an existing idea of the theory of thought of the past, namely the notion of modernism which tries to give criticisms of modernism which are considered to have failed and are responsible for the destruction of human dignity; it is a shift in science from modern ideas to a new idea brought about by postmodernism itself.

In America, materialism, like capitalism, is a defining factor of the American way of life. As with all things, materialism has its good and bad points. It is a trend that paints the American picture. It gives a perception of wealth and prosperity.

However, it is commonly a shallow depiction of reality. The possession of things does not equate to financially stability. Regardless of how it is viewed, it defines us, motivates us, and moves our economy more than any other custom. Americans are made to feel that they absolutely must have certain things that had not even been invented just a few years ago. The increase in high tech, computerized, and digitized devices in the areas of electronics and household appliances has altered the landscape of the American home and family. This increase in American materialism, unfortunately, exists along with other less fashionable increases; teen suicide, depression, divorce, the disintegration of the family, bankruptcy, and despair. It does not appear that those living by the law of materialism are necessarily happy or

3 fulfilled. The increase in the pursuit of things is evident; satisfaction from possessing these things is suspect and spurious.

Materialism also could be seen from literary works. According to Wellek and

Warren (1982:94), literature represents life‘ and life‘ is a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary imitations‘ Through literature, an author tries to express his or her idea about what he or she ever experienced in life time or what was happening around them from natural phenomenon to the life of the people in their community.

According to Peck and Coyle (1984:103) novel, as one of literature genres, is a long work with a great amount of detail on every page. It presents all the complicating facts that need to be reconsidered before we can reach any sort of judgment. There are lots of literary works from time to time that describe how society is judged from their material. Some of literary works that describe about materialism are The Winner

Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan.

The Winner Stands Alone is a novel by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, which published in 2008. The book was first published in Portuguese under the title O

Vencedor esta So, and translated into English entitled The Winner Stands Alone which has 468 pages and the novel tells about Igor, a Russian millionaire who is a successful businessman, but his perception of good and evil has become skewed. He believes that if committed for a good reason, murder is acceptable. He is obsessed with Ewa, his former wife. Ewa left him for Hamid, the fashion designer. Igor wanted Ewa to get back to him and he used his wealth and money to get what he wants. He killed people in randomly as the message that he wants sent to Ewa. This story take place in France, especially in Cannes Film Festival. This event shows opulence and wealth. Here many rich people are gathering and common people came to the festival to looking for rich

4 people and being pretended about their identity. All they did just focus to get much money and make their dream happen to become rich people and also can join with super class in the event.

Crazy Rich Asians Novel published in 2013, written by Kevin Kwan, has 469 pages. The story tells the story of an economics professor named Rachel Chu and her boyfriend, Nick, a history professor. Both work in New York City and live modest lives. Nick comes from a wildly rich and powerful family in , a fact she finds out later when she accompanies him there to attend his friend’s wedding. Rachel bonds with her mother and eventually with Nick, who had nothing to do with the cruel actions of his crazy family.

Both of these novels, describe about materialism which became the motif of these two novels that still happens in reality. Sirgy(1998) expanded the idea of materialism as “a condition in which the material life domain is considered to be highly silent relative to other life domains” (p.243). In other words, that materialism is related to the problem of possessing worldly goods which are considered important in life. The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asiansis a story about materialism that still exist until nowadays. People being materialistic about money and branded things that they want to buy even in fact they don’t really need that things.

Materialism is an interesting theme in the study of literature, because materialism is a culture that occurs in almost all parts of the earth. The author chose materialism theme as the focus of discussion that will be used in comparing the two novels to find out the similarities and also the differences. Through the novel, the author will see how the theory materialism by Karl Marx described in these two stories. In literature, things like this we can refer to as comparative literature.

5 Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the study of literature and cultural expression across linguistics, national, and disciplinary boundaries. The study of the literatures of two or more groups differing in cultural background and, usually, in language, concentrating on their relationships to and influences upon each other. Kasim (1996:26) stated a comparative literature can be said as a study that includes a comparison of literary works of national literary which are different, the relationship between literary works with science, religion, and the works of art, and it also talks about the theory, history, and literary criticism.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Problems in this study formulated as follows:

1. How is materialism portrayed in the novel The Winner Stands Alone?

2. How is materialism portrayed in the novel Crazy Rich Asians?

3. What are similarities and differences of materialism in The Winner Stands

Alon eand Crazy Rich Asians?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem statement, the researcher formulates the objectives of the

research as follows:

1. To describe the materialism that found in The Winner Stands Alone.

2. To describe the materialism that found in Crazy Rich Asians.

3. To find out the similarities and differences of materialism that found in The

Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asians.

6 1.4 Scope of the Study

It is very important to make a scope in analyzing this research because it will

make this thesis more objective. In this research, the writer only focuses on the

dialogues and events which are related to materialism in the novel The Winner

Stands Alone that written by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asians that written by

Kevin Kwan.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This thesis is intended to be helpful to understand more about the literary work,

The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin

Kwan. The analysis of this thesis is expected to be able to give significance for

readers about materialism which is portrayed in society. Moreover, this study can

be used as reference for the readers who want to study literature.



2.1 Theory of Literature

Roberts and Jacobs (1993: 1) state that literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, analyze and advocate ideas.

Through literature, everybody may not just get entertainment but also ideas contained in the literature itself. As generally known that literary works contain various aspects in human life such as culture, social or moral that readers may get some lesson and knowledge from them. Furthermore, literature brings many essential meanings for human’s life. It helps human to grow both personally and intellectually because literature lets human see and learn more about a lot of different points of view, ideas, culture and so many more which may open, increase their knowledge, grow their intellectuality and personality to be better. Literature makes human as a human.

Peck and Coyle (1984:38) basically divide literature into three genres, namely poetry, drama and novel. Poetry is dominated by the rhythm and melody; drama is the combination of dialogue and stage; and novel is a narrative kind of fictitious writing.

Meanwhile, Roberts and Jacobs (1995:3) elaborate the kinds of literature by stating that literature may be classified into four categories or genres: (1) prose fiction,

(2) poetry, (3) drama and (4) nonfiction prose. Usually the first three are classified as imaginative literature. The genres of imaginative literature have much in common, but they also have their distinguishing characteristic. For instance, the distinguishing characteristic of prose fiction or narrative fiction is depicted by myths, parables, romances, novels and short stories.

8 Taylor in Martha Pardede (2016:14) say, they are three most important element consist :

1. Plot

According to Klarel in Martha Pardede (2016:15), plot is the sequence of

action and incidents which make up a story.The plot is a very important basic

framework. The plot regulates how actions must be related to each other, how an

event has a relationship with another event, and how the characters are portrayed

and play a role in the event.

2. Character

According to Abram in Ayu Wulan Dary (2017:10) says, “Character is people

who are appeared in a narrative prose or novel and it is interpreted by the readers

as a person who has moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed

in what they say and what they do.”

According to Klarrel in Martha Pardede (2016:17), Characters in a text can be

rendered either as type or as individual. Two kinds of character.

- Flat Characters : is a typified characters in literature dominated by one


- Round Character : usually donates a person with more complex and

differentiated features.

Characters and stories are two things that can not be separated. In a novel, the

two are not made to complement each other. Not infrequently interesting from a

story or novel not only comes from the idea of the story, but also comes from the

characters in it. In addition, if the characters in the novel are unique, epic, and

interesting characters.Characterization is a very important element in novel


9 3. Setting

Setting is a time and place that novel needs. portrayal of the time, place, and

atmosphere of the events in the story. The characters in the story live at a certain

place and time (period). Therefore the events experienced by the characters occur

at certain times and places. Setting is a main factor in the formulation of subject

matter and the direct influence on the expression of theme. It also become more

active factor in narrative, as in ghost story where setting characterizes action


4. Point of View

Point of view is the perspective from which side is the story told by.

According to Klarel (2004:22-25) The term point of view or narrative perspective

characterizes the way in which a text presents person, events and setting. There

are 3 types of point of view

- Omniscient point of view

This is a method of story telling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and

feeling of all the characters in the story. This point of view is the most objective

and trustworthy view point because an all knowing narrator is telling the story.

- First Person Narrator

In this point of view, the author seems as the main character in the story. First-

person narrations can adopt the point of view either of the protagonist or of a

minor figure. The majority of novels in first-person narration use, of course, the

protagonist (main character) as narrator.

10 - Figural Narrative Situation

Presented the story without addition commentator. In the figural narrative

situation, the narrator moves into the background, suggesting that the plot is

revealed solely through the actions of the characters in the text. This literary

technique is a relatively recent phenomenon, one which has been developed with

the rise of the modern novel, mostly in order to encourage the reader to judge the

action without an intervening commentator.

2.2 Sociology of Literature

In general, the sociology of literature can be defined as the study of the relationship between literature and society. This relationship can be two-way, namely how the social context influences literary writers in building their imagination and how the implications of his work on social life at large.

Literary sociology is a scientific and objective study of humans in society, about institutions and social processes. Sociology examines social structure and social processes including social changes that study social institutions. Religion, economics, politics and so on and form social structures in order to get a picture of the ways humans adapt to their environment, social mechanisms and culture. Literature as sociology deals with humans; because of its existence in the community to be enjoyed and utilized by the community itself. Literature as a social institution that uses language as a medium because language is a form of social expression that displays a picture of life.

Swingewood (1972 in Wiyatmi, 2013: 7-8 in Ayu, 2017:15) says that there are two forms of sociological research that uses the data of literature. The first, which

11 began an investigation of the social environment to relate the literature with outside factors of literature is imagined in literature. By Swingewood, this way is called sociology of literature. This investigation sees the social factors that produce a literary work at the time and specific communities. Second, a research relates to the genre structure of literature and certain society. The second way is called literary of sociology. The study of sociology of literature more likely to show the relationship between author and social life in the form of any aspect of both the content of literary works created by the circumtances and social forces at any given time. Laurenson and

Swingewood (1971, in Endraswara, 2013: 79 in Ayu, 2017:16) says, “There are three perspectives concerning the sociology of literature, namely (1) study looked at literature as a social document that is in it is a reflection of the situation at the time of literature were created, (2) studies that reveal the literary as a reflection of the social situation of the author, and (3) research that captures literature as a manifestation of historical events and socio-cultural circumstances. The text contained in literary works will be a reflection of the current state of society so that aspects and can not be separated from the element of imagination and socially of social life will be automatically reflected in literature (Endraswara, 2013: 79-81).

2.3 Materialism

According Karl Marx (2003:13) materialism is the way production or production techniques in a broad sense is organized in the empirical case and it is decisive political organization. The concept of materialism as opposed to objective idealist way of thinking, to change the society through a change in consciousness.

Materialism as a philosophy is held by those who maintain that existence is explainable solely in material terms, with no accounting of spirit or consciousness.

Individuals who hold to this belief see the universe as a huge device held together by

12 pieces of matter functioning in subjection to naturalistic laws. Since materialism denies all concepts of Special Creation, it relies on the Theory of Evolution to explain itself, making beliefs in materialism and evolution interdependent. As stated in

Dictionary of social science (2002: 299):

Materialism is a philosophical position that states everything is material, or a state of matter. It means that philosophy of materialism holds the only thing that exists is matter; that all things are composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of material interactions. In other words, matter is the only substance.

Materialism is a philosophy of life who are looking for basic everything, including human life in the material realm solely, to the exclusion of everything that transcends nature. Meanwhile, the people whose lives are oriented to the materials referred to as materialists. These people are the bearers of materialism or also people who are concerned with material alone. Materialism is familiar in the philosophy that states that you can say really is material. Basically all the things that consist of materials and all phenomena are the result of material interactions.

In Marxism, Marxian class theory asserts that an individual’s position within a class hierarchy is determined by his or her role in the production process, and argues that political and ideological consciousness is determined by class position. A class is those who share common economic interests, are conscious of those interests, and engage in collective action which advances those interests. Within Marxian class theory, the structure of the production process forms the basis of class construction.

According to Marx, these classes are a collection of social principles dragging the conflict within and giving the impression of change their economic sub-structures.

Because of that, one class is able to know for sure his interests in society as a whole through the revolutions has been in effect before this. Marx's reality illustrates the history of mankind colored by struggles or struggles between human groups. Marx

13 Itself acknowledges the class struggle or revolution that erupts not start as one Class society, but it serves as a representative to the community to express the demands and benefits of all experts in the community.

2.4 Social Classes

Based on the characteristics of social stratification, we can find some class divisions or groups in society. Term class does not always have the same meaning, although in essence realizing a basic system of position in society. Definition of classing line with the understanding of the layer without having to distinguish the coating base that community.

Social class or social group has a relatively more meaning used to show the social layer based on economic criteria.So, the definition of Social Class or Social

Group is: A group of people who occupy a social layer based on criteria the economy.

In general, social classes are divided into three classes that are upper, middle and lower. The upper class is the highest class which is the top social group compared to other classes. The upper classes are usually influenced by great wealth, influence or power in a good social, have a very sufficient income, undergo a high level of education such as a master or the rest and can also maintain family stability.

Whereas the middle class is the level of people who have enough wealth, have jobs and income that can support them, have savings and future plans and are usually involved in social activities. The lower class is the lowest class that has a modest income even for saving it is difficult, looking for money to live today and can not think about future savings, and relatively low education.

Karl Marx in Social Class Theory rests on the reason that "The history of all societies which existed until now is the history of class struggle" (1977: 48-50).

14 According to this view, since human society emerged from a primitive state and was relatively distinguished, it remained basically divided between classes which clashed in pursuit of class interests. The social class divisions are classified as, upper class (rich people, business people, and industrialists, plus top executives); the middle class (which includes most white-collar and professional workers); and the working class (those with blue collars or manual labor).The second group is the middle social class where life is adequate but not as much as the first group. The number of the second group is quite a lot. The last group or which is located at the bottom of the pyramid is a low social class which is a very large number of ordinary people.

2.4.1 The Upper Class

The upper class in modern capitalist societies is often distinguished by

the possession of largely inherited wealth. The ownership of large amounts

of property and the income derived from it confer many advantages upon the

members of the upper class. They are able to develop a distinctive style of life

based on extensive cultural pursuits and leisure activities, to exert a considerable

influence on economic policyand political decisions, and to procure for their

children a superior education and economic opportunities that help to perpetuate

family wealth.

2.4.2 The Middle Class

Marxism defines social classes according to their relationship with

the means of production. The "middle class" is said to be the class below the ruling

class and above the proletariat in the Marxist social schema and is synonymous

with the term "petite-" or "petty-bourgeoisie." However, in modern developed

countries, Marxist writers define the petite bourgeoisie as primarily comprising

15 owners of small to medium-sized businesses, as well as the highly educated

professional class of doctors, engineers, architects, lawyers, university professors,

salaried middle-management of capitalist enterprises of all sizes, as the "middle

class" which stands between the ruling capitalist "owners of the means of

production" and the working class.

2.4.3 The Lower Class

Lower class (occasionally described as working class) are those employed

in low-paying wage jobs with very little economic security. The term "lower class"

also refers to persons with low income.The working class those persons who hold

low-paying, low-skilled, nonunionized jobs in such industries as food service and

retail sales. There are considerable differences within the working class, however,

and a useful distinction exists between skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers

that broadly corresponds to differences in income level. What characterizes the

working class as a whole is a lack of property and dependence on wages.

Associated with this condition are relatively low living standards, restricted access

to higher education, and exclusion, to a large extent, from the spheres of

important decision making. Aside from the dramatic rise in living standards that

occurred in the decades after World War II, the mainfactor affecting the working

class since the mid-20th century was a general shift in the economy from

manufacturing to service industries, which reduced the number of manual workers.

2.5 Postmodernism

Postmodernism is a movement of ideas that replaces modern ideas (which prioritize ratios, objectivity, and progress). Postmodern has aspirations, wants to

16 improve economic and social conditions, awareness of historical events and developments in the field of broadcasting. Postmodern criticized modernism which was considered to have caused decentralization in the fields of economy and technology, moreover this was coupled with the influence of globalization.

In postmodernism wealth can be explained in social class. Social class is a relatively homogeneous and long-lasting group in a society, arranged in a hierarchical sequence, and members in each level have the same values, interests, and behavior.

There are two main elements of the social system of class division in society, namely status and role. Social position means a person's place in a social environment, the prestige of his rights and obligations. This social position can be achieved by someone with a business intentionally or obtained because of birth. The role is a dynamic aspect of position. If an individual carries out his rights and obligations in accordance with his position, he carries out a role.

Jean-Francois Lyotard was the person who introduced postmodernism in the field of philosophy and science in the 1970s in his book "The Postmodern Condition:

A Report on Knowledge". He interpreted postmodernism as all criticism of universal knowledge, on metaphysical traditions, foundations and modernism (Maksum, 2014:

305-306). So it can be concluded that postmodernism is a new idea that refuses or even includes from the development of an existing idea of the theory of thought of the past, namely the notion of modernism which tries to give criticisms of modernism which are considered to have failed and are responsible for the destruction of human dignity; it is a shift in science from modern ideas to a new idea brought about by postmodernism itself.

17 Postmodern wants to have ideals, namely to improve economic and social conditions, awareness of historical events and developments in the field of broadcasting. Postmodern criticized modernism which was considered to have caused decentralization in the fields of economics and technology, moreover this was coupled with the influence of globalization. In addition, postmodern considers the current media to only dwell on the same problem and question each other. In the arts field, for example, aesthetic and ideological rejection of the modern art movement, such as: rejection of abstract expressionism in painting, appears. In literature, a representation of the beliefs of the final representation appears in the novel and also on the flow of poetry (Lestari: 2007).

Whereas postmodernity refers more to the situation and social social order of information technology products, globalization, lifestyle fragmentation, excessive consumerism, deregulation of the money market and public facilities, the aging of the country and nation and the re-excavation of traditional inspirations. This briefly actually wants to appreciate other factors (tradition, spirituality) which are eliminated by rationalism, structuralism and secularism.

2.6 Comparative Literature

Comparative literature is an interdisciplinary field whose practitioners study literature across national borders, across time periods, across languages, across genres, across boundaries between literature and the other arts (music, painting, dance, film, etc.), across disciplines (literature and psychology, philosophy, science, history, architecture, sociology, politics, etc.). Defined most broadly, comparative literature is the study of "literature without borders."

18 ln principle, the discipline of Comparative Literature is a method in the study of literature in at least two ways. First, Comparative Literature means the knowledge of more than one national language and literature, and/or it means the knowledge and application of other disciplines in and for the study of literature and second,

Comparative Literature has an ideology of inclusion of the other, be that a marginal literature in its several meanings of marginality, a genre, various text types, etc.

Razali Kasim (1996: 16, 17) mentions that American movement shows a wider scope study on comparative literature. Comparative study is not only about

‘comparing’ literary works or the authors, but also talks about various other fields.

Broadly, comparative literature includes:

1. A study of comparing literary works as well as the authors.

2. A study about the relationship between literary works and other sciences (such

as, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.), with religion and beliefs as well as

arts (such as paintings, music, architecture, and sculpture).

3. A study of theory, history, and literary criticism (more precisely ‘literary

criticism theory’) which covers more than one national literature In the 20th

century, comparative literary study is evolved.

Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the study of literature and cultural expression across linguistic, national, and disciplinary boundaries.

Comparative literature "performs a role similar to that of the study of international relations, but works with languages and artistic traditions, so as to understand cultures

'from the inside'. While most frequently practiced with works of different languages, comparative literature may also be performed on works of the same language if the

19 works originate from different nations or cultures among which that language is spoken.

2.7 Previous Study

There are some relevant studies used to support this study. The first one is the study that was done by Aviandani Aulia Nasution (2017), from University of

Sumatera Utara, with the title of her thesis is Materialism in Jhon Pasos “The Big

Money and Mochtar Lubis “Twilight in Jakarta”: A Comparative Literature. The thesis compared how materialism portrayed in Indonesian and Western culture.

The second one is the study that was done Tami Fahar Nasution (2017) from

University of Sumatera Utara with the title of her thesis, Materialism in Jane Austen’s

Novel Mansfield Park and Edith Warthon’s Novel The House of Mirath: A

Comparative Literature. The thesis described about how materialism portrayed in both novels.

The next one is the study that was done by Arifah Ulfa Nasution (2019) from

University of Sumatera Utara with the tittle of her thesis is An Analysis of Social

Classes and It’s Conflict in Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asian Novel. This thesis described about materialism especially the social classes among rich people in Asia, which divided into three class, the upper class, the middle class, and also the lower class.

And the last one is the study that was done by S. Syahril (2020) from UIN Ar-

Raniry, with the title of his thesis Women and Marriage: An Analysis Comparative

Literature on The Novel Indonesia, England, and America described about how marriage and woman was characterized based on their social economy and social status, beside that this thesis also compared type of women based on Indonesia,

England, and American culture.



3.1 Research Design

This research conducted by using qualitative descriptive design in order to describe the materialism that found in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asian

Novel.Qualitative research is an umbrella term for a wide variety of approaches to and methods for the study of natural social life (Huberman &Saldana, 2011).

According to Bodgan and Bilken (1992) qualitative research is as direct source of the data and the researcher is the key instrument, qualitative means to find out how a theory works in different phenomenon whose data collected are in form of words rather than number. Qualitative research has the natural settings, attempting, to make sense or to interpret phenomena in terms of the meaning people bring to them. This research also applied descriptive design.

3.2 The Data and Source of Data

The data was taken from novels The Winner Stands Alone written by Paulo

Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian written by Kevin Kwan. The quotations categorized as data sources are quotations that described about materialism. Quotations which are considered as data in form of phrase and clause.

3.3 Data Collection Method

This research collected by using documentary method, in which only the data that support the research question are taken. The data of this research was taken from novel The Winner Stands Alone written by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian written by Kevin Kwan. The data only focused on materialism aspects.

21 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The data were analyzed by using interactive model proposed by Miles, Huberman and

Saldana (2014) with three phases of data analysis which are consist of data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification.

Grapic 3.4 Interactive Model by Miles Huberman and Saldana 2014

1. Data Condensation

Data condensation is aimed at processing the raw data that appear in the written up field notes in order to be analyzed. The process can be form of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming. In this research, after all the data have been collected, the next step is condensing the data. It includes the process of selecting utterances in both novels The Winner Stands Alone written by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian written by Kevin Kwan then focusing on utterances which indicatesmaterialism in order to make sure that it was really suitable as the data, after that simplifying the data by categorizing the utterances into type of social classes.

22 2. Data Display

Data display is defined as display as an organized assembly of information that permits conclusion is drawing and taking. In this step all the data which had already condensed will be described in a form of quotations and categorized according to the types of its social classes. In this step we can see which type of social classes is often used

3. Drawing Conclusion

Drawing conclusion involves stepping back to consider what the analyzed data mean. Conclusion is drawn based on the data display. At this stage, researchers will verify the results with supervisors based on the findings obtained.

23 3.5 Theoretical Framework The chart of the method can be summarized in the pattern below:


Primary Data: Novel The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan.

Reading the two novels

Classifying the data based on comparative literature and materialism

Re-read the two novels, The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan

Interpreting the data based on motif: materialism, by taking the quotations

Analyzing the data and compare the data between novel The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho and Crazy Rich Asian by Kevin Kwan

Concluding and summarizing



4.1 Materialism portrayed in The Winner Stands Alone

This novel was first published in 2008 by Paulo Coelho and this novel is the thirteenth novel written by Paulo Coelho, at the time the novel was published in

Portuguese with the title O Vecender esta so, in the novel, Paulo Coelho brought us to the Cannes Film Festival. it is a gathering place for the super-elite - those who have succeeded in the world of fashion and film, some of which have even reached the top positions and are afraid of losing their prestigious positions. The novel tells the story of several actors, namely Igor, a Russian millionaire, Hamid, an Emperor of the

Fashion World who comes from the Middle East and Gabriella, an American actress who wants to get the main role and there is a criminal detective named Savoy who is ambitious and hopes to uncover a case that will make him famous and also a woman named Yasmine who was nearly successful. The contents in the novel Coelho Sang

Pemenang Stand Alone tells that in order to get money, power, and fame people are willing to do anything even at what price they have to pay, they do not care, the important thing is they can get money, power and fame and that is what happens in the world. this time. Set in the Cannes film festival, the novel wants to tell an epic drama and also the tension between the characters within 24 hours but the power and fame as well as the fame that they achieve are in contrast to their personal lives which are full of competition, cunning, worry and loneliness which creates apparent happiness.

The writer Paulo Coelho is very good at describing how these people maintain their existence. That's where Igor met Olivia, Gabriela, Jasmine, Javits, Cristina, etc.

25 From the meeting that took place, there was a murder which was suspected to be a serial murder but the great thing about the killing from the beginning to the end of the story only happened in 24 hours, a time which is arguably quite short. This novel tells the story of super high-class people where these people are willing to do various ways so that their existence can increase and their prestige can also increase so that someone becomes someone who is famous in the wider community.

The novel, set at the annual International Cannes Film Festival in southern

France, tells of the increasing tensions among the characters during a span of twenty- four hours. Coelho talks about the roles of morals, dreams, and power in the overly materialistic world before setting into action the goings on at the festival and exploring the lives of the “super class.” a) Upper Class

Mostly this novel talked about power and greed that justifies any means so the guy can take back his lover. On the first chapter, in the beginning of the story. It described about planning a murderer. Here are the following quotes that explains about them.

“He will only use the Beretta as a last resort. There are other ways of extinguishing a world, of destroying a universe, and she will probably understand the message as soon as the first victim is found. She will know that he did it in the name of love, and that he feels no resentment, but will take her back and ask no questions about her life during these past two years. “ Paulo Coelho (2008 : 16)

From the first quotation above, it could be seen that the main character in this novel had planned a murderer at the party that night. He used The Beretta Px4 compact pistol to kill his target. He would do whatever it was to take back his lover.

In this situation it could be seen that this guy have power to do creepy things in order to get what he wants.

26 “He will only know for sure tomorrow morning. His plan is to allow the Furies, those ancient figures from Greek mythology, to descend on their black wings to that blue-and-white landscape full of diamonds, Botox, and high-speed cars of no use to anyone because they carry only two passengers. With the little artifacts he has brought with him, all those dreams of power, success, fame, and money could be punctured in an instant.” Paulo Coelho (2008 : 17)

The second quotation told us about the place where the party held with all of the glamorous things, and how the guy will puncture all of the dreams, power, success, fame, and money from its target in instant way. He wanted to show that he had power to do that.

“Igor ignored the woman. He shielded his face behind a French newspaper (a Russian newspaper would have aroused suspicions) so that she wouldn’t see him. An unnecessary precaution: like all women who feel themselves to be queen of the world, she never looked at anyone else. Such women are there in order to shine and always avoid looking at what other people are wearing because, even if their own clothes and accessories have cost them a fortune, the number of diamonds or a particularly exclusive outfit worn by someone else might make them feel depressed or bad-tempered or inferior.” Paulo Coelho (2008 : 17)

The third quotation could be seen that most of woman pretend to be queen of the world, spread charm to attract attention from all of people but still pretend like they didn’t care but in fact they care too much and depressed about what others wearing, and don't want to be outdone by others. This scene reflects the greed of women who are never satisfied with what they have.

“It’s always the same old spiel. The only variable is how many presents you get (preferably jewelry, which can be sold), how many invites to yacht parties, how many visiting cards you collect, how many times you have to listen to the same chat-up lines, and whether you can wangle a ticket to the Formula 1 races, where you’ll get to mingle with the same class of people and where your “big chance” might be there waiting for you. “Perfume” is also the word used by young actors to refer to elderly millionaires, all plastic and Botox, but who are, at least, more intelligent than their male counterparts. They never waste any time: they, too, arrive in the final days of

27 the Festival, knowing that money provides their only pulling power. The male “perfumes” deceive themselves: they think that the long legs and youthful faces have genuinely fallen for them and can now be manipulated at will. The female “perfumes” put all their trust in the power of their diamond.” ( Paulo Coelho (2008 : 23)

The fourth quotation we could find the word “perfume” which means rich man or women who had power and much money to take the actress or actors to join in their project or bring them to the fancy party, gave them lots of expensive presents and and certainly give them worldly pleasures in instant ways. The term perfume is used by artists and actors to describe a rich woman or man who is willing to give them the pleasures of the world, in the form of gift materials and luxurious trips to them. Perfume itself means that it can be changed when they are bored or get a man or woman who is richer than their previous target.

“Two years later, he had opened five or six large shops throughout France and had been accepted by the Fédération, not just because of his talent, but through the sheikh’s contacts, whose emissaries controlled which French companies could open branches in their country. More water flowed under the bridge, people changed their minds, presidents were elected or stepped down, the new technology grew in popularity, the Internet began to dominate world communications, public opinion became more influential in all spheres of human activity, luxury and glamour regained the position they had lost. His work grew and expanded. He wasn’t just involved now in fashion, but accessories, furniture, beauty products, watches, and exclusive fabrics. “ Paulo Coelho (2008 : 211)

In this quotation explained how Igor and his wife's business grew rapidly and became one of the wealthiest millionaires at the time. They are not only developing in the fields of technology and fashion but also penetrating into other fields.

28 “He understood because he saw the same thing happening to his wife. Ewa was also constantly traveling, and even when she was in Moscow, she would arrive home late and go straight to her computer as soon as she walked in the door. He understood that, contrary to what most people think, total power means total slavery. When you get that far, you don’t ever want to give it up. There’s always a new mountain to climb. There’s always a competitor to be convinced or crushed. Along with two thousand other people, he formed part of the most exclusive club in the world, which met only once a year in Davos in Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum. All the members were millionaires, and they all worked from dawn until late at night, always wanting to go further, never changing tack— acquisitions, stock markets, market trends, money, money, money. They worked not because they needed to, but because they judged themselves to be necessary; they felt that thousands of families depended on them and that they had a huge responsibility to their governments and their associates. They genuinely thought they were helping the world, which might be true, but they had to pay for this with their own lives. “ Paulo Coelho (2008 : 232)

From this quotation, we can see that abundant wealth does not guarantee one's happiness. Igor and Ewa, who are both successful in their businesses, don't have time for each other. Their households are separated because they are both busy, and as mentioned in the above quotation the total power means total slavery. The more successful a person is, the more enslaved to them by their assets.

“He would like to have heard her answer because he knows he doesn’t consider himself on a par with God and because he’s sure that his beloved is making the whole thing up, afraid that if she did come back, she would be rejected. Yes, he had killed out of necessity, but what did that have to do with their marriage? He had killed when he was a soldier, with official permission. He had killed a couple of other people too, but only in their best interests because they had no means of living a decent life. In Cannes, he was merely carrying out a mission. And he would only kill someone he loved if he saw that she was mad, had completely lost her way and begun to destroy her own life. He would never allow the decay of a mind to ruin a brilliant, generous past. He would only kill someone he loved in order to save her

29 from a long, painful process of self-destruction. “Paulo Coelho (2008 : 290)

According to his wife Igor already considered himself equal to

God, because he was able to kill poor people who he thought it was better to die than live in misery. Igor felt responsible for the suffering of the poor, so he decided to kill the people he thought deserved to die. He believed that after death there would be a more worthy life for these people.

“I said I would destroy a whole world to get you back. I started doing that, but was saved by an angel. I realized that you didn’t deserve it. You’re a selfish, implacable woman, interested only in acquiring more fame and more money. You refused all the good things I offered you because a house deep in the Russian countryside didn’t fit in with your dream world, a world, by the way, to which you don’t belong and never will.” Paulo Coelho (2008 : 444)

Igor is able to destroy the world to get Ewa back, because he has the power to do that, but he realizes that Ewa is not worth fighting for,

Ewa is just like other women who are hungry for fame and pleasure who always want more and more money. So she decided to leave him.

“While you’ve been away, I’ve been copying poems out in a book so that I could whisper them to you as you fell asleep. I’ve written letters telling you how I felt, letters I would leave where you could find them and then you’d know that I never forgot you—not for a single day, not for a single moment. We would discuss plans for the house you wanted on the shores of Lake Baikal—just for us. I know you had a lot of ideas for that. I planned to have a private airport built there, and, of course, I’d leave the decoration of the house to your good taste, to you, the woman who justified my life and gave it meaning.” Ewa says nothing, but stares out at the sea before her. “I came here because of you, only to realize that it was all pointless.” He squeezes the trigger. There was almost no sound because the barrel of the gun was pressed against her body. The bullet entered at precisely the right place, and her heart immediately stopped beating. Despite all the pain

30 she had caused him, he didn’t want her to suffer.” Paulo Coelho (2008 : 458)

At the end of the chapter, it is explained that Igor killed his husband and ex-wife whom he fought for. For him it is better for Ewa to die than to have to see Ewa live with someone else and leave him again.

b) Lower Class Beside the upper class, another side that also described in this novel is the lower class, where lots of people struggled to reach the success in various ways. Some of them were described in the quotations below.

“Someone is about to arrive. Someone must arrive. Young directors, full of ideas and with CV listing the videos they made at university, and who have read everything ever written about photography and Script writing, are hoping for a stroke of luck; perhaps meeting some one just back from a party who is looking for an empty table where he’ll order a coffee and light a cigarette, someone who’s tired of going to the same old places all the time and feels ready for a new adventure. How naive!” Paulo Coelho (2008 : 19)

From the quotation above it could be seen that one way to build relationships with famous people is to go to prestigious parties. That's how young directors attract the attention of seniors who are professionals in their fields. They will attend and participate in a series of parties hoping that someone will be interested in their idea and invite them to work together.

“The father works overtime to be able to buy his son the latest sneakers because if his son doesn’t have a pair, he’ll be ostracized at school. The wife weeps in silence because her friends have designer clothes and she has no money. Their adolescent children, instead of learning the real values of faith and hope, dream only of becoming singers or movie stars. Girls in provincial towns lose any real sense of themselves and start to think of going to the big city, prepared to do anything, absolutely anything, to get a particular piece of jewelry. A world that should be directed toward justice begins instead to focus on material things, which, in six months’ time, will be worthless and have to be replaced, and that is how the whole circus

31 ensures that the despicable creatures gathered together in Cannes remain at the top of the heap. “ Paulo Coelho (2008 : 26)

From the quotation above we could see the reality of how people at the lower class struggle to fulfil their life. Held their desires to be able to eat enough for the family. In contrast to the upper class who are surrounded by luxury goods, the lower class must be feel enough for what they have, and often social disparities are very visible in the lower class. Children who born from poor families often have no friends and are often ridiculed by children their age. And teenage girls are flocking to the city with the hope of becoming a successful artist in a big city.

"All the girls there believed that their dream was possible, that one day their talent would be recognized, until the penny dropped: there is only one magic word—“contacts.” They had all distributed their books as soon as they arrived in Cannes, and now keep a constant eye on their mobile phone, getting invited to whatever launches and events they can and trying their best to get into those they can’t, always dreaming that someone will ask them to one of the evening parties or, dream of dreams, award them that greatest of prizes, an invitation to walk down the red carpet at the Palais des Congrès. That, however, was probably the most difficult dream to realize, so difficult that they didn’t really allow themselves to think about it, in case the feelings of rejection and frustration destroyed their ability to wear the happy face they must wear at all times, even when they’re not happy at all. Paulo Coelho (2008 : 110)

All women believe that their talent will be recognized someday, the only miracle that can deliver these girls is with "connections". Like other lower class, connections are very important in order to move up to a higher social class. If you don't have any connection then don't dare to dream too high.

32 4.2 Materialism portrayed in Crazy Rich Asian

When Rachel Chu, a lecturer in economics of Chinese descent, agrees to go to

Singapore with her boyfriend, Nick, she imagines a simple house, hikes around the island, and spends time with the man who might marry her. She had no idea that

Nick's family home was like a palace, that she would take private planes more often than cars, and with an Asian man in her arms, Rachel seemed as though all women were being turned against.

In a world where the luxury Rachel could never have imagined, she meets

Astrid, the Singapore It Girl; Eddie, whose family is a regular resident of Hong Kong socialite magazines; and Eleanor, Nick's mother, who had very strong opinions about who could — and shouldn't — marry her son.

Set against the most exclusive venues in the Far East — from luxurious

Shanghai penthouses to private islands in the South China Sea — Crazy Rich Asians tells the story of the Asian jet set, perfectly depicting the friction between the Old

Rich and the New Rich, as well as between Overseas Chinese and Mainland China.

You could say Crazy Rich Asians is a very interesting book. This book is interesting because there is a touch of history, culture, language, the life of rich

Chinese people, especially in Singapore, that the same status of Chinese people is still differentiated, New Rich People and Old Rich People, Overseas Chinese and

Mainland Chinese. It is said that this book was inspired by a true story, the rich people of seven generations actually exist in this world.

The theme of the story is actually simple, the love story of the rich and the poor. Nick is not hiding his conglomerate identity, he just never talks about it, besides that Nick is also not arrogant like most rich people, so Rachel sees Nick just like his other friends, just like himself who is just an ordinary person, working hard just for a

33 bite of rice. The reality that Rachel found while in Singapore did shock her, the people she met were all rich, even her friend, Peik Lin, who was known to be very rich was nothing compared to the Young family and other relatives. This book opens with a prologue echoing the wealth of the Chinese people, about the racist issue that has been experienced by the Chinese, that no matter how rich you are, if the Chinese are still underestimated by westerners.

This book has so many characters, even at the beginning, we will be presented with the family tree of the Young, T'sien, and Shang clans. Indeed, the main focus of the story is about the love story between Nick and Rachel, but many subplots discuss other things, for example when the story frame moves to Nick's mother, Eleanor

Young, asserting that marriage is determined from who and where you come from, material and background. family is very important, love is not the first thing that becomes the foundation of a marriage, and how the lifestyle of socialite mothers.

There is also a story about Astrid and her husband, who is poorer than his wife, how feeling depressed and disrespected when the wife can do anything without needing her help, the ego of a man is well described here. Then the story about Eddie, another cousin of Nick, who is married, has several children and lives in Hong Kong.

Eddie is obsessed with perfection, he demands his family to do the same, which his wife and children don't really like. Eddie is also depicted as a rich husband who can do anything, for example, having several affairs even though his wife is flawless and comes from a well-respected family too. Kevin Kwan described that even rich people with seven generations can feel unhappiness even though they have grasped the world.

34 a) Upper Class

Here are some quotations that described about materialism portrayed in Crazy

Rich Asian especially in Upper Class.

"Well, first of all, you must understand that there are two kinds of Chinese. There are the Chinese from Mainland China, who made their fortunes in the past decade like all the Russians, but then there are the Overseas Chinese. These are the one who left China long before Communists came in, in many cases hundreds of years ago, and spread throughout the rest of Asia, quietly amassing great fortunes over time. If you look at all the countries in Southeast Asia-especially Thailand, Indonesia, -you'll see the virtually all the commerce is controlled by the Overseas Chinese. Like the Liems in Indonesia, the Tans in the Philippines, the Leongs in-"His wife cut in. Kevin Kwan (2013: 46)

At the beginning of the chapter, it was explained that there are several types of

Chinese who are spread in several parts of the world and also have become promoters of economic movement in several regions, especially the Southeast Asia region. Some of these Chinese people are already rich from their descendants, some have obtained wealth during the crisis that hit parts of Asia.

“She was born into the uppermost echelon of Asian wealth – a secretive, rarefied circle of families virtually unknown to outsiders who possessed immeasurably vast fortunes. For starters, her father hailed from the Penang Leongs, a venerable Straits Chinese family that held a monopoly over the palm oil industry. But adding even more oomph, her mother was the eldest daugther of Sir James Young and Shang Su Yi.” (Kevin Kwan, 2013:47)

From the quotation above explained that the origin of one of the important characters in the story, namely Astrid Leong, who is one of the sole heirs to the wealth of two very influential families in Asia, her father is Harry Leong, a

35 Chinese person who is very influential in the territory of Malaysia with his business in the field of palm oil industry and his mother is the daughter of Sir

James Young.

“Dr. Malcolm Cheng was Asia's most esteemed heart surgeon.So prized were his skilled hands that he was famous for always wearing lambskin gloves-made specially for him by Dunhill-to protect his precious hands whenever he ventured out in public, and he took additional measures to safeguard them from the wear and tear of driving, opting instead to be chauffeured in his Rolls-Royce Silver Spirit...... By the middle of the first decade of the new century at with Hong Kong property going for more money per square foot than anywhere else in the world, the Chengs found the selves sitting on one of the largest privately held real estate portfolios on the island.” Kevin Kwan (2013:49-50)

In the next quotation, it is explained about a family who is also very influential and also one of the Crazy Rich Asian, namely the family of Dr. Malcolm Cheng, who is one of the most influential heart surgeons in the world, thanks to his skillful hands that have saved countless lives. In addition, his wife is also one of the daughters of Sir

James Young who has expertise in property.

“Rachel always knew that Peik Lin came from money.Theymet during freshman orientation at Stanford, and Peik Lin was the girl who showed up to “8:00 a.m. classes looking as if she had just come from a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive. As a newly arrived international student from Singapore, one of the met first things she did was buy herself a Porsche 911 convertible, claiming that since Porsches were such a bargain in America "it's an absolute crime not to have one."...... She was generous to a fault, and Rachel spent most of her college years being showered with gifts, enjoying glorious meals at culinary destinations like Chez Panisse and Post Ranch Inn, and going on weekend spa trips all along the California coast courtesy of Peik Lin's handy American Express black card. “ Kevin Kwan (2013: 131)

36 One of Rachel's very wealthy college friends is Piek Lin who is from

Singapore. Piek Lin often pampers Rachel with lots of gifts and invites her to

eat at fancy places. Even though she is rich, Piek Lin is a kind-hearted person

who is not arrogant. b) Middle Class

“All these rumors came to naught when Astrid surprised everyone again by announcing her engagement to Michael Teo. The first question on everyone’s lips was “Michael who?” he was a complete unknown, the son of schoolteachers from the middle class neighborhood of Toa Payoh. At first her parents were aghast and mystified by how she could have come into contact with someone from “that kind of background,” but in the end they realized that Astrid had made something of a catch—she had chosen a fiercely handsome Armed Force Elite Commando who was a National Merit Scholar and a Caltech—trained computer systems specialist. It could have been much worse.” Kevin Kwan (2013:75)

Astrid, who is famous for her beauty and wealth, surprised everyone by deciding to marry a man whose family background is not well known. But even so, Astrid doesn't care, she had chosen a fiercely handsome Armed

Force Elite Commando who was a National Merit Scholar and a Caltech - trained computer systems specialist. And Astrid's parents who indulge their only child agree with whatever decision she makes as long as Astrid is happy

c) Lower Class

“Everyone in Singapore thinks I married you for your money, Astrid.” “You’re wrong, Michael!” “No, you just don’t see it! But I can’t face another dinner at Nassim Road or Tyersall Park with some minister of finance, some genius artist I don’t get, or some tycoon who has a whole bloody museum named after him, feeling like

37 I’m just a piece of meat. To them, I’m always “Astrid’s husband.” And those people—your family, your friends— they stare at me with such judgment. They’re all thinking, ‘Aiyah she could have married a prince, a president—why did she marry this Ah Beng (Derogatery Hokkien term for a Lower-class young man who lacks education or taste) from Toa Payoh?” Kevin Kwan (2013:464)

In the quotation above, it is clearly illustrated how frustrated Michael is to be the husband of Astrid who is super-duper rich. The self-esteem of a man was questioned by many people who looked down on Michael. He is accused of marrying

Astrid to gain control of her inheritance. He is always considered useless by Astrid's family and friends, even he is only considered as Astrid's husband who works as a computer repairman.

“Eleanor was seething inside,but she tried to speak in a measured voice. "I'm sure Rachel is a nice girl, but she can never be your wife." "And why is that?" Nick leaned back in his chair, amused by the absurdity of his mother's words. "She is just not suitable for you, Nicky. She does not come from the right background." "Nobody is ever going to come from 'the right background in your eyes," Nick scoffed. "I'm only telling you what everyone is already thinking, Nick. You haven't heard the horrible things I've heard. Do you know her family comes from Mainland China?" "Stop it, Mum. I'm so fed up with this ridiculous snobbery you and your friends have toward the Mainland Chinese. We are all Chinese. Just because some people actually work for their money doesn't mean they are beneath you." Kevin Kwan (2013:436)

In the quotation above, it is explained that Nicky's mother, Eleanor, considered

Rachel unworthy of her son because she came from a Mainland Chinese family

38 background whose origins were unclear. Even though Rachel is a nice and smart woman, she is considered unfit to be part of Young's family.

“So you’ll have to understand that, as much as I love you, Nick, I don’t want to be your wife. I never want to be part of family like yours. I can’t marry into a clan that thinks it’s too good to have me. And I don’t want my children ever be connected to such people. I want them to grow up in a loving, nurturing home, surrounded by grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins who consider them equals. Because that’s ultimately what I have, Nick. You’ve seen it yourself, when you came home with with me last Thanksgiving. You see what it’s like with my cousins. We’re competitive, we tease each other mercilessly, but at the end of the day we support each other. That’s what I want for my kids. I want them to love their family, but to feel a deeper sense of pride in who they are individuals, Nick, not in how much money they have, what their last name is, or how money generations they go back to whatever dynasty. I’m sorry, but I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of being around all these crazy rich Asians, all these people whose lives revolve around making money, spending money, flaunting money, comparing money,hiding money, controlling others with money, and running their lives over money. And if I marry you, there will be no escaping it, even if we live on the other side of the world.”Rachel eyes were brimming with tears, and ass much as Nick wanted to insist she was wrong, he knew nothing he could say now would convince her otherwise. In any part of the world, whether New York, Paris, or Shanghai, she was lost to him.” Kevin Kwan (2013: 480-481)

Rachel claimed that no matter how hard they tried to disregard their family inheritance, they knew they might not be able to. She told Nick that she wanted his children to grow to be valued and loved by their families as Rachel's own family did, not to be raised with families whose primary concern was their own wealth, family

39 inheritance, and the kind of rich people they knew. As a result Rachel broke up with him and Nick realized that he lost her.

4.3 Similarities and Differences of Materialism in The Winner StandsAloneand

Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians is a funny fiction novel written by Kevin Kwan that highlights and ridicules the lifestyle of upper-class Asian families and society. The book is about three wealthy, upper-class Chinese families, and how they undermine those who are not as rich and influential as them. It shows the scheming, gossip, and backbiting that occurs when Nicholas Young, the heir to one of the richest families in

Asia, brings his girlfriend, Rachel Chu, home to one of the greatest weddings of the season. Rachel is an American-born Chinese girl who doesn’t come from a rich family. Her presence causes jitters among the guests. Kevin Kwan himself comes from a wealthy and established family in Singapore, which is why he knows so much about these things. Many readers have described Crazy Rich Asians as a “delightful read,” and have given it a four-star rating on Amazon.

While The Winner Stands Alone is a novel by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, which published in 2008. The novel tells about Igor, a Russian millionaire who is a successful businessman, but his perception of good and evil has become skewed. He believes that if committed for a good reason, murder is acceptable. He is obsessed with Ewa, his former wife. Ewa left him for Hamid, the fashion designer. Igor wanted

Ewa to get back to him and he used his wealth and money to get what he wants. He killed people in randomly as the message that he wants sent to Ewa.

40 From both of these novels we can take some differences and similarities that are related to one another, especially with the similarities in materialism. Here are some of the similarities and differences in the novel Crazy Rich Asian and The

Winner Stands Alone. a) Similarities and Differences in Intrinsic Elements

 Similarities

Similarities No Intrinsic Elements The Winner Stands Crazy Rich Asian Alone 1 Materialism Materialism Theme - Social Classes - Social Classes

2 Plot - Chronological plot - Chronological plot

3 Point of View - Omniscient point of view - Omniscient point of view

 Differences

Differences No Intrinsic Elements The Winner Stands Crazy Rich Asian Alone - Igor - Rachel Chu 1 Character - Hamid Hussein - Nick Young - Gabriela Sherry - Astrid Leong - Jasmine Tiger - Michael Teo - Ewa Hussein - Shang Su Yi - Savoy - Eleanor Sung-Young - Gibson - Kerry Chu - Morris Javits Wild - Goh Peik Lin - Maureen - Goh Wye Mun - Olivia - Araminta Lee - Colin Khoo - Edie Cheng - Alistair Cheng - Oliver T'sien - Bernard Tai - Fiona Tung-Cheng - Felicity Young - Jacqueline Ling

41 - Alix' Young-Cheng - Oliver T'sien - Princess Intan 2 Setting - Cannes Film Festival - New York France - Singapore

Table 4.3.1 Intrinsic elements in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asians

From table 4.3.1 we could see that from the intrinsic elements, there are some similarities in theme, plot, and point of view. From the theme of the story, both of novels described about materialism, especially in social classes. The difference in social status is depicted in the novel Crazy Rich Asians. Due to differences in social class, Rachel Chu and Nick Young's love is opposed by Nick's family who come from respected families in Asia. Besides that, Astrid's marriage is also one of the main conflicts besides the story between Rachel and Nick. Astrid, who married a man from an unpopular background, is often the subject of gossip among the Asian upper class.

Astrid's husband also often received discrimination in Astrid's family because he was deemed unfit to be Astrid's spouse. Beside that, The Winner Stands Alone Novel explained about an ex-husband named Igor who tries to get his ex-wife, Ewa, to come back to him. Igor, a wealthy billionaire, justifies any means to get his ex-wife back, including killing innocent people.

For the plot, both of these novels use the same plot which is the chronological plot, because the stories started from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action until resolution. Same with the point of view, both of these novels also use the omniscient point of view, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story.

For setting and character, both of these novels using the different number of characters, setting, and also the culture. Crazy Rich Asian using lots of characters than The Winner Stands Alone, even at the first page of the novel we could see the

42 family tree of some of upper class family in Asia, where all of them were Chinese.

The setting of this novel mostly use New York and Singapore as the place, while The

Winner Stands Alone using Cannes Festival as the main place of the story.

b) Similarities and Differences in Social Classes

 Similarities

Similarities No Social Classes The Winner Stands Alone Crazy Rich Asian 1 “He will only know for sure “She was born into the Upper Class tomorrow morning. His plan is uppermost echelon of Asian to allow the Furies, those wealth – a secretive, rarefied ancient figures from Greek circle of families virtually mythology, to descend on their black wings to that blue-and- unknown to outsiders who white landscape full of possessed immeasurably vast diamonds, Botox, and high- fortunes. For starters, her speed cars of no use to anyone father hailed from the Penang because they carry only two Leongs, a venerable Straits passengers. With the little Chinese family that held a artifacts he has brought with monopoly over the palm oil him, all those dreams of power, success, fame, and money could industry. But adding even be punctured in an instant” more oomph, her mother was (2008 : 17) the eldest daugther of Sir James Young and Shang Su Yi.” (2013:47)

All the girls there believed that “Everyone in Singapore thinks 2 Lower Class their dream was possible, that I married you for your money, one day their talent would be Astrid.” - recognized, until the penny “No, you just don’t see it! But dropped: there is only one I can’t face another dinner at magic word—“contacts.” They Nassim Road or Tyersall Park had all distributed their books with some minister of finance, as soon as they arrived in some genius artist I don’t get, Cannes, and now keep a or some tycoon who has a constant eye on their mobile whole bloody museum named phone, getting invited to after him, feeling like I’m just whatever launches and events a piece of meat. To them, I’m they can and trying their best to always “Astrid’s husband.” get into those they can’t, always And those people—your dreaming that someone will ask family, your friends—they

43 them to one of the evening stare at me with such parties or, dream of dreams, judgment. They’re all award them that greatest of thinking, ‘Aiyah she could prizes, an invitation to walk have married a prince, a down the red carpet at the Palais president—why did she marry des Congrès. That, however, this Ah Beng (Derogatery was probably the most difficult Hokkien term for a Lower- dream to realize, so difficult class young man who lacks that they didn’t really allow education or taste) from Toa themselves to think about it, in Payoh?” (2013:464) case the feelings of rejection and frustration destroyed their ability to wear the happy face they must wear at all times, even when they’re not happy at all. (2008 :110)

 Differences

Differences No Social Classes The Winner Stands Alone Crazy Rich Asian “He was a complete unknown, 2 Middle Class the son of schoolteachers from the middle class neighborhood of Toa Payoh. At first her parents were aghast and mystified by how she could have come into contact with ______someone from “that kind of background,” but in the end they realized that Astrid had made something of a catch— she had chosen a fiercely handsome Armed Force Elite Commando who was a National Merit Scholar and a Caltech—trained computer systems specialist. It could have been much worse.” (2013:75

Table 4.3.2 Similarities and Differences of Materialism in The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy Rich Asians

44 If we looked at their social class, both of the novels tell a lot about the upper class who have wealth, power, and are also respected by many people, such as Astrid, who was born from a wealthy family, married a man who came from the middle class, this triggered conflict in their family. , where in the end, her husband asked to divorce because he could not afford to be underestimated by the entire of Astrid's family. Meanwhile, The Winner

Stands Alone novel, tells about a millionaire who justifies any means to get his ex-wife back, Russian millionaire Igor is highly targeted by women and men who want to take advantage by making connections with himself. But unfortunately, Igor understands all the seductions and tricks they made, so it is not easy for him to trust other people including his ex-wife whom he still loves.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis of this thesis in previous chapter, the writer comes to the conclusion and suggestion that related to the result of this thesis. In this chapter the writer presents the conclusion from the novel entitled The Winner Stands Alone and

Crazy Rich Asian. The differences and similarities that deal with materialism have been explained from both of these novels. a) Similarities

Both of these novels have got the similarities that deal with materialism that portrayed in society. The motive of these novels basically talks about materialism which described about social classes that showed by most of the main character and their relatives. In the novel The Winner Stands Alone, the main character Igor was a millionaire who can do anything including killing people to get his ex-wife back. This novel tells the story of super high-class people where these people are willing to do various ways so that their existence can increase and their prestige can also increase so that someone becomes someone who is famous in the wider community.

The novel, set at the annual International Cannes Film Festival in southern

France, tells of the increasing tensions among the characters during a span of twenty- four hours. Coelho talks about the roles of morals, dreams, and power in the overly materialistic world before setting into action the goings on at the festival and exploring the lives of the “super class.”

46 While the theme of Crazy Rich Asian is actually simple, the love story of the rich and the poor, about how your spouse will determined with how much money they had. This book opens with a prologue echoing the wealth of the Chinese people, about the racist issue that has been experienced by the Chinese, that no matter how rich you are, if the Chinese are still underestimated by westerners.

This book has so many characters, even at the beginning, we will be presented with the family tree of the Young, T'sien, and Shang clans. Indeed, the main focus of the story is about the love story between Nick and Rachel, but many subplots discuss other things, for example when the story frame moves to Nick's mother, Eleanor

Young, asserting that marriage is determined from who and where you come from, material and background. family is very important, love is not the first thing that becomes the foundation of a marriage, and how the lifestyle of socialite mothers.

There is also a story about Astrid and her husband, who is poorer than his wife, how feeling depressed and disrespected when the wife can do anything without needing her help, the ego of a man is well described here.

Both of these novels also use the same plot which is the chronological plot, because the stories started from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action until resolution. Same with the point of view, both of these novels also use the omniscient point of view, where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. b) Differences

There are also some differences between The Winner Stands Alone and Crazy

Rich Asian. For setting and character, both of these novels using the different number of characters, setting, and also the culture. Crazy Rich Asian using lots of characters

47 than The Winner Stands Alone, even at the first page of the novel we could see the family tree of some of upper class family in Asia. The setting of this novel mostly use

New York and Singapore as the place, while The Winner Stands Alone using Cannes

Festival as the main place of the story and 24 hours to to described what happen on that festival.

Both of this novel also had different ending, The Winner Stands Alone has a sad ending, Igor as the main character decided to kill his ex-wife, because Ewa doesn’t want to life with him anymore. According to Igor, It’s better to kill Ewa rather than watch her to live with another man. While the Crazy Rich Asian has a happy ending. At the end of the story get the blessing of Nick's mother and also Nick's extended family.

5.2 Suggestion

Finally the writer comes to the final point completing this thesis. Following the essentials and purpose of the novel itself, the writer hope the reader can take the moral values based on the story above. Materialism has been a social problem for many years and it also has been a part of history. Based on both of the novels above, we can learn about the effect of materialism. The writer hope, people do not judge others by class and social status. Because basically everything is the same in God's eyes, so why should we classify people according to how much money they have. The education about materialism is also important, the writer hope that materialism can be learned as one of the topic in the school or university, especially in English literature.


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