Council-Manager Memo #11 Wednesday, February 10, 2016 WHAT’S INSIDE: Page Agenda Notes: February 15 Zoning Meeting to Continue February 29 ............................................. 2 Information: Today’s Council Packet Distribution (Including Zoning Notebook) To Occur Tomorrow February 11 ............................................................................................ 2 Semi-Annual Report on Disposal of Surplus Personal property Valued at Less Than $30,000 ............................................................................................................ 2 Safe Home (Housing Rehabilitation) Program Revisions ........................................... 3 ShotSpotter Contract ................................................................................................. 3-4 Attachment: January 21 Economic Development & Global Competitiveness Committee Summary .................................................................................................................. 4 AGENDA NOTES: February 15 Zoning Meeting To Continue on February 29 Staff Resources: Ed McKinney, Planning, 704-336-8307,
[email protected] Due to the number of Zoning decisions and hearings, staff estimates that the February 15 Zoning Meeting would extend beyond midnight. At this past Monday’s Council Business Meeting, the City Manager discussed options for recessing the Zoning meeting and continuing at a later date. Upon conferring with Council about availability, the best date and time for resuming the Zoning meeting is Monday, February