Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidac)

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Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidac) Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidac) THOMAS E. BOWMAN £ SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY • NUMBER 136 SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION The emphasis upon publications as a means of diffusing knowledge was expressed by the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. In his formal plan for the Insti- tution, Joseph Henry articulated a program that included the following statement: "It is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge." This keynote of basic research has been adhered to over the years in the issuance of thousands of titles in serial publications under the Smithsonian imprint, com- mencing with Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge in 1848 and continuing with the following active series: Smithsonian Annals of Flight Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics Smithsonian Contributions to Botany Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology In these series, the Institution publishes original articles and monographs dealing with the research and collections of its several museums and offices and of professional colleagues at other institutions of learning. These papers report newly acquired facts, synoptic interpretations of data, or original theory in specialized fields. These pub- lications are distributed by mailing lists to libraries, laboratories, and other interested institutions and specialists throughout the world. Individual copies may be obtained from the Smithsonian Institution Press as long as stocks are available. S. DILLON RIPLEY Secretary Smithsonian Institution SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY • NUMBER 136 Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae) Thomas E. Bowman SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS City of Washington 1973 ABSTRACT Bowman, Thomas E. Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, number 136, 76 pages, 1973.—The genus Hyperia is restricted to large species with no fusion of pereonites, mandibular palp present in both sexes, and coxae not fused with pereonites. Eight species are recognized, of which two are new, and one, Hyperia macronyx, is transferred to Hyperiella. The small species of Hyperia, with some pereonites fused, mandibular palp absent in female, and coxae fused to pereonites, are assigned to Hyperioides (1 species); Lestrigonus Milne Edwards, restored from synonymy (6 species, 1 new); Hyperietta, new genus (5 species, 3 new); Themistella (1 species); and Hyperionyx, new genus (1 species). Keys are given to the species of each genus. Available information on distribution is summarized for each species. Official publication date is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Bowman, Thomas E. Pelagic amphipods of the genus Hyperia and closely related genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae) (Smithsonian contributions to zoology, no. 136) Bibliography: p. 1. Hyperia. 2. Hyperiidae. I. Title. II. Series: Smithsonian Institution. (Smithsonian contri- butions to zoology, no. 136) QL1.S54 no. 136 [QL444.A5] 591.08s [595'.371] 72-8907 For tale by the Superintendent of Document*, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2 (paper cover) Pelagic Amphipods of the Genus Hyperia and Closely Related Genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae) Thomas E. Bowman Introduction Hyperionyx); all these genera are reviewed in this paper. The other genera of Hyperiidae include A comprehensive taxonomic treatment of the three monotypic genera (Bougisia, Pegohyperia, amphipod family Hyperiidae has not appeared Phronimopsis), Iulopis with two species, and since the 1889 monograph of Bovallius. Important Hyperoche. Of these only Hyperoche presents contributions to the taxonomy of this family have obvious taxonomic problems, and a monographic been made by Vosseler (1901), Stephensen (1924), treatment of it will be offered later. Barnard (1930, 1932), and Yang (I960), but the MATERIAL.—For this investigation I have had need for an up-to-date revisionary study remains available the amphipod collections of the Division unsatisfied. In my studies of the Hyperiidae of Crustacea, Smithsonian Institution, obtained collected during the California Cooperative Ocean- from many sources. Their careful curation and ar- ographic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), I rangement for maximum convenience by the late encountered several undescribed species as well as Clarence R. Shoemaker has facilitated my work taxonomic problems that I felt unable to resolve considerably. Several recent major collections of without making comparative studies of hyperiids hyperiids used extensively in this study and now from other parts of the world. I therefore published deposited in the Division of Crustacea are from the only the results of my investigations of the genus following: Parathemisto (Bowman, 1960) and have delayed CalCOFI Cruises 1, 5, 9, 20, off the Pacific coast until now the presentation of a revision of Hyperia of the United States from the latitude of the and closely related genera. Columbia River to that of Punta Eugenia in middle The present work considers the genus Hyperia Baja California, made available to me by Dr. and the species now assigned to it. Some of these Martin W. Johnson, Scripps Institution of Ocean- species are transferred herein to currently recog- ography. nized genera (Hyperiella, Hyperioides), to genera Cruises of the University of Washington R/V now considered synonyms of Hyperia (Lestrigonus, Brown Bear in the northeastern Pacific, sent to me Themistella), and to new genera {Hyperietta, by Dr. William I. Aron. Cruises 12, 13, 14 of R/V Ombango in the Gulf Thomas E. Boxvman, Department of Invertebrate Zoology, of Guinea, sent to me by Dr. Alain Crosnier, Office National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institu- de le Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre tion, Washington, D. C. 20560. Mer (ORSTOM) Republique du Congo. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY Collections of Hyperiidae by ships participating number of species and to give some idea of the in the International Indian Ocean Expedition, overall pattern of distribution of other species. The 1962-65 (HOE), sorted from plankton samples and principal aim of this study, however, has been to sent to me by Mr. Chandrasekharan Nair, Indian improve our understanding of the taxonomy of Ocean Biological Centre. the Hyperiidae, and the comments on species I am most grateful to the persons listed above, as distribution will perhaps be of most service in well as to the following, who have made it possible indicating the gross inadequacy of our current for me to examine specimens from their museums: knowledge of the distribution of pelagic amphipods. Drs. R. W. Ingle and Roger Lincoln, British For some of the species occurring in the CalCOFI Museum (Natural History); Dr. H.-E. Gruner, area, I have tentatively extrapolated from distribu- Zoologisches Museum, Berlin; Dr. Charlotte tions there to overall Pacific distribution patterns Holmquist, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm; found by Brinton (1962) to be characteristic of Dr. Torben Wolff, Universitets Zoologiske Museum, species of euphausiids. Copenhagen. TAXONOMICALLY USEFUL CHARACTERS.—TO assist ZOOGEOGRAPHY.—The above collections have en- the reader, a diagram of a typical <? hyperiid, with abled me to extend the known distribution of a the parts labeled, is given in Figure 1. -PEREON elson FIGURE 1.—Diagram of a $ hyperiid am phi pod. NUMBER 1S6 The following abbreviations are used throughout basically valid and is used herein. Bovallius be- this paper: lieved that the amount of pereonite fusion in a species did not vary with sex or age. He reached Al, A2 = antenna 1 and 2 this conclusion after examining young specimens of Md = mandible Hyperia faberi (=Hyperietta vosseleri in this Mxl, Mx2 = maxilla 1 and 2 paper), one of several species comprising the new Mxp — maxilliped genus Hyperietta, in which pereonites 1-2 are P1-P7 = pereopods 1-7 sl-s7 = segments 1 (coxa) to 7 (dactyl) of pereopods fused in both sexes and in all growth stages. As Upl-Up3 = uropods 1-3 shown by Yang (1960) and Laval (1968), the amount of fusion varies with age and sex in certain other In arranging the species of Hyperia, Bovallius species (those included here in Lestrigonus). This (1889) separated them initially according to the variation will be discussed in the accounts of the degree of fusion of the pereonites. His scheme, individual species, but the following summary may which was followed by subsequent workers, remains be helpful: TABLE I.—Fusion of Pereonites in the Family Hyperiidae None 1-2 9 $ 1-3 9 $ 1-5 9 1-3, $ 1-2 9 1-4, $ 1-2 9 1-5, $ 1-4 Hyperia Bougisia Hyperionyx Themistella Lestrigonus crucipes L. latissima L. bengalensis Hyperiella Hyperietta L. schizogeneios L. macrophthalma Hyperoche Hyperioides L. shoemaker! Iulopis Phronimopsis Parathemisto Pegohyperia Other characters emphasized by previous workers The size and shape of the gland cone are helpful are the form of the head, the armature of the taxonomic characters, especially in the genus pereopods and uropods, the
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