Recent advances in active noise and control

Thilo Bein, Sven Herold, Dirk Mayer Fraunhofer LBF, Division Adaptronics, Darmstadt, Germany.

Summary Noise is a serious form of environmental pollution believed to affect the lives of some 100 million European citizens. The cost of the associated damage is estimated at more than ten billion euros per year. Noise leads to serious health problems, limits the capability to learn, and effects the oc- cupants’ comfort and performance in buildings, in vehicles or at work. For instance, the automo- tive industry is more and more facing the problem of reducing the weight of the vehicle but guar- anteeing an equivalent level of comfort in terms of noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH). Im- provement of vehicle noise and vibration without affecting other performances is proving to be ex- tremely difficult if not impossible with state-of-the-art technology. Thus, active or smart concepts are being increasingly considered for the NVH optimization of vehicles besides advanced passive material systems. Within the LOEWE-Center AdRIA (Adaptronics – Research, Innovation, Application), a large in- terdisciplinary research project funded by the German federal state Hessen, and at the Fraunhofer LBF advanced noise and vibration abatement concepts were being developed and demonstrated. Among others, NVH abatement in vehicles and noise abatement in buildings is being considered. As underlying principle for noise reduction concepts, active structural acoustic control (ASAC) is primarily being considered for controlling the structural vibration of the sound radiating structure or by controlling the structure borne sound path. This paper will present an overview of the most recent concepts and results of the LOEWE-Center AdRIA such as active vibration control at en- gine mounts and smart windows. Examples presented will include active mounts, inertial ac- tuators, shunt technologies with piezoelectric ceramics and smart Helmholtz resonators.

PACS no. 43.40.+s

1. Introduction abatement in buildings developed within the Ger- man LOEWE-Center AdRIA will be presented. Since the 1990s, there has been an enormous The research on noise and vibration control for growth in smart structures technology. Several vehicles addressed by the LOEWE-Center AdRIA fields of study benefit from this development, such was motivated by the challenge to reduce the vehi- as space vehicles, aircrafts, railway and automo- cle weight but guaranteeing an equivalent level of tive systems, robots, heavy machinery, medical comfort in terms of noise, vibration, and harshness equipment, etc. A wide range of applications in- (NVH). Improvement of vehicle noise and vibra- clude noise and vibration suppression, tion without affecting other performances is prov- increase, structural health monitoring, energy har- ing to be extremely difficult if not impossible with vesting, etc. A smart structure typically consists of state-of-the-art technology. Besides advanced pas- a host structure, actuators and sensors, a micropro- sive material systems, active or smart concepts are cessor that analyzes the signals, a control law to being increasingly considered for the NVH optimi- change the characteristics of the structure and in- zation of vehicles. However, to overcome contra- tegrated power electronics. More importantly, a dicting requirements traditional design and materi- smart structure has the ability to adapt its proper- al choices must be revisited. In this context new ties according to external stimuli in a controlled technologies in the fields of smart materials and manner. Several types of structures, actuators, active control provide potential solutions although sensors and control laws have been studied and they have mainly been proved in the laboratory. published in the past. In this paper recent concepts for NVH abatement in vehicles and for noise

Copyright© (2015) by EAA-NAG-ABAV, ISSN 2226-5147 2195 All rights reserved T. Bein et al.: Recent advances... EuroNoise 2015 31 May - 3 June, Maastricht

Figure 1. Project structure and timeline of the LOEWE-Center AdRIA

Besides, the acoustic shielding of ambient noise for of a balanced mixture of basic research, applied large public buildings such as hotels, hospitals, research, and industrial applications within the airports, or conference centers, which are often three so-called application scenarios “adaptive situated near airports, major roads, and railway car”, “quiet office”, and “adaptive tuned vibration lines, is very important and in many cases difficult absorber” (see Figure 1). This is achieved by sim- to handle with classic passive methods as well. plifying and standardizing the design and imple- Double-glazed or triple-glazed windows and sound mentation process of smart structures, by tailoring proofing materials are able to reduce sound immis- innovative transducer materials and novel elec- sion effectively above 1000 Hz. In the low frequen- tronics and control concepts, and by incorporating cy domain passive sound proving methods are often robustness, reliability, and recycling aspects. inapplicable because they lead to a significant in- This variety of topics requires a rather interdisci- crease in weight and cost exceeding the physical plinary approach with many different areas of and financial limitations of the construction in research cooperating within the project. These many cases. In this context, advanced noise abate- different areas of research are organized in nine ment concepts were developed using Active Struc- so-called technology areas (see Figure 1) with the tural Acoustic Control (ASAC) concepts. following topics and titles: “materials”, “simula- tion”, “sensors & actuators”, “embedded systems”, 1.1. The LOEWE-Center AdRIA “control strategies”, “adaptronic systems”, “struc- The “LOEWE-Zentrum AdRIA” (Adaptronics – ture health monitoring”, “rapid prototyping/rapid Research, Innovation, Application) [1] was a large manufacturing methods” and “manufacturing”. interdisciplinary research project located in Darm- stadt, Germany, that was funded by the govern- ment of the German federal state Hessen. This 2. Noise and vibration abatement project aimed at creating and sustainably imple- in vehicles menting an internationally leading research center The potential for active noise and vibration control for adaptronics (i.e., smart structure technology) in in automotive applications has been demonstrated Darmstadt. Within this center, the Fraunhofer LBF already some time ago. Extensive research was cooperated with 22 research groups from six dif- committed to active noise control (ANC) with ferent departments of the TU Darmstadt, and with loudspeakers [2], and those systems have been one department of the Hochschule Darmstadt from industrialized in the last years also in the automo- 2008 to 2014. tive industry. Also the principles of active vibra- The scientific objective of the LOEWE-Center tion control (AVC) and active structure acoustic AdRIA was to increase the marketability of devic- control (ASAC), which utilize dynamic active es for active noise and vibration control by means

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forces for disturbance compensation, have been In case of actuator failure the passive isolation investigated. Mainly, the transmission of vibra- effect remains. This allows for both, minimizing tions from the engine has been tackled by active the actuator loads and transferring the dynamic systems, in some cases also in combination to counterforces to the vehicle body efficaciously. ANC systems [3]. There are some main principles Since piezoelectric actuators feature the capability for the implementation of the actuation, like active to introduce high forces but only little strokes, the absorbers or inertial mass actuators for inducing use of a stroke amplification mechanism is envis- point forces [4] or active mounts for enhancing aged. The active mount is designed to compensate isolation between two subsystems [5]. the dynamic forces in the vertical direction only, Within the LOEWE-Center AdRIA a NVH abate- since the excitation in this direction dominates. ment system for a middle-class vehicle with a four However, the extension to other directions is basi- cyclinder engine was developed and implemented. cally feasible. The system is combining an active engine mount with four inertial mass actuators (IMA) based on electrodynamic principles. The active engine mount is installed at the passenger engine side and replaces the conventional hydro mount. The IMAs are located at the left engine mount, the two swiv- el supports and at the trunk lit.

Figure 3. The implemented active engine mount

2.2 The control concept An adaptive control concept is used to generate an appropriate signal for the actuator. In order to Figure 2. Actuator and sensor placement reduce or synthesize harmonic signals the use of feed forward control concepts is common. The Filtered Reference Least Mean Squares Algorithm 2.1 The active engine mount (FxLMS) is well known [6] and implemented in Existing active mounting systems often utilize a the present case. In order to compute the control serial arrangement of an actuator and a passive signal the actual rotational speed is measured. elastic coupling element. However, such a serial Based on this information a synthetic and harmon- arrangement of the actuator with the suspension ic reference signal is generated by an oscillator. spring carries the disadvantage that the actuator is Knowledge of the rotating system’s angular posi- fully exposed to the static loads. This usually re- tion is not required. The filter weights are adapted sults in both, an unnecessarily large actuator and according to the gradient based FxLMS method, high power requirement. A smart arrangement of which requires information about the dynamic the suspension components that divides the loads behavior of the system to be controlled. This sys- into two separate paths enables the decoupling of tem identification can be easily realized by means the actuator from the static load. In the case of the of adaptive FIR-filters [7]. For experimental test- presented engine mount (Figure 3), the decoupling ing the control algorithm was implemented on a is realized by means of a serial arrangement of the rapid control prototyping system. However, the actuator and a viscous damper. The counteracting algorithm has been successfully tested on embed- force is introduced to the structure through the ded control platforms in previous studies, too [8]. viscous damper whose dynamic stiffness increases 2.3 Results as the frequency rises. The majority of the static and quasi-static loads are carried by a second elas- For comparison of the different configurations, tic coupling element that keeps the engine in its measurements were taken for the original configu- position. This ensures that almost no static and ration with the serial mount, for the implemented quasistatic forces are transmitted to the actuator. NVH abatement system in the uncontrolled and

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controlled state. were measured at this particular order. Thus, the second order in the the chassis side of the engine mount whilst the signal is significantly reduced in the sound pressure was measured in the passenger active condition. In the experiments only one ac- cabin at driver’s ear position. The acceleration and tive mount is implemented. However, the engine is sound pressure signals were collected by a LMS attached by several mounts. Therefore the vibra- data acquisition system. In Figure 4 and 5 the tions are transmitted into the passenger compart- sound pressure data measured during an engine ment by a variety of transfer paths where they are run-up is shown for the uncontrolled and con- emitted as airborne sound. On this account it is trolled configuration. comprehensible that better results are achieved at the car body than at the interior sound pressure. Nevertheless using the sound pressure as error signal significant reductions can be obtained.

Figure 4. Spectrograms of the sound pressure at the driver‘s ear- uncontrolled configuration Figure 6. Reductions of the second engine order – sound pressure in the cabin

These results could be enhanced by the use of more than one active mount. To illustrate the in- fluence on the second order the order cuts for the car body vibration and the sound pressure meas- ured during the engine run-up are shown in Figure 6. With respect to the serial mount, a significant reduction of the acceleration of the second order amplitude up to 20 dB is achieved by the active mount. Referring to the sound pressure, noise re- ductions up to 10 dB are achieved. The improve- ment is highlighted by a green colored back- ground. Figure 5. Spectrograms of the sound pressure at the driver‘s ear- controlled configuration 3. Noise abatement in office buildings The active mount was designed to have a compa- rable dynamic stiffness to the serial mount. By Within the LOEWE-Center AdRIA a special comparison of the serial engine mount with the acoustic test bench was build-up to investigate the uncontrolled active engine mount the difference of noise transmission through simple metal panels as the amplitude is mostly between -5 and 5 dB. This well as double-glazed windows (see Figure 9). indicates that the passive behavior of the serial Among others, shunt damping, active Helmholtz mount in the vertical direction is comparable to resonators and fully active systems were consid- the behavior of the developed active mount in ered. passive condition (see Figure 6). Because of the fact that the second engine order represents the dominating harmonic distortion, the controller is adjusted to reduce the disturbance of

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3.1 Shunt Damping ing environmental conditions adaptable systems A reduction of the mechanical vibrations is possi- are required for an optimal reduction of sound ble by means of shunt damping technology. By energy. Designing the HR as a semi-passive sys- applying transducers such as piezoceramics a con- tem it is possible to adapt the effective frequency version of mechanical to electrical power can be band of the HR to the changing environmental achieved. This energy can either be dissipated by a conditions. As a semi-passive system the adapta- resistance or buffered in an electronic resonant ble HR benefits of lower energy consumption for circuit. The first increases the damping of only the dissipation of sound energy compared to active lightly damped structures whereas the latter be- systems. In this manner it is only necessary to haves like a mechanical tuned vibration absorber. spend energy for changing the tuning frequency. Advantages of vibration reduction with an elec- This tuning process can be accomplished by tronic resonant circuit (RL-shunt) are that no elec- changing either the geometry of the neck or the trical energy is used to drive an actuator, the small volume of the body. complexity and costs, an easy adaptability as well as the good integration potential. Depending on the application and the value of the inductor either a passive component or a synthetic inductance, realized with an operational amplifier circuit, can be used. The latter gives the possibility to easily adapt the inductance and thus the tuning frequency during operation. This concept was applied to a flat panel represent- ing, e.g., facades or window elements. The exper- imental measurements confirmed the high poten- tial of shunt damping for slightly damped struc- tures (Figure 7). In this test case a reduction of the

frequency response function of 5 dB can be ob- served at the tuning frequency (1650 Hz) without Figure 8. Impact of one and four HRs on the radiated any overspill when applying an electrical re- sound power with a volume displacement excitation sistance of 1 k. In this case the shunt damping

acts like a highly damped mechanical absorber. The impact of adaptable HRs on the sound trans- When applying only a small resistance of 1  the mission of the double-glazed window was investi- behavior is more like a slightly damped absorber gated using FE-simulation of the acoustic test with much higher vibration reductions (12 dB) but bench. The system simulation was complemented with its typical secondary resonance frequencies. with one to four HRs placed in the corners of the air gap between the two glass plates. The resona- tors were considered adaptive and are controlled using the phase difference of the sound pressure governing in the interspace of the two glass plates and inside the HR’s body. For the excitation of the system model it is possible using force in analogy to the real test-rig or volume displacement excita- tion on 1 m3 inside the acoustic cavity inside the acoustics demonstrator. The calculated effect is shown in Figure 8 for the latter. It can clearly be seen, that resonators have a positive effect on the sound transmission through the double-glazed Figure 7. Shunt damping of a flat panel window above the first eigenfrequency.

3.2 Active Helmholtz resonators 3.3 Fully active system Helmholtz resonators (HR) are well-known Furthermore, a double-glazed window has been measures for narrow band passive reduction of set-up again to improve the performance of the airborne sound [9]. However, due to, e.g., chang- ASAC approach. The experimental set-up is

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shown in Figure 9. The double-glazed window is velopment tools like hardware-in-the-loop in order mounted on the acoustic demonstrator and can be to align the development of the active vibration excited either by a loudspeaker or by an electro- control systems with widely established develop- dynamic shaker. A microphone outside the box is ment processes for mechatronic systems. used as error signal for the control algorithm. As More individual aspects and detailed results of the actuator for the ASAC approach just one single presented research can be found, for example, in piezoelectric patch was bonded to the outer pane. the papers [10-12]. For test purposes the window was excited with a rotary noise using the loudspeaker inside Acknowledgement the box. As shown in Figure 10, the vibrations at The LOEWE-Zentrum AdRIA is funded by the two critical frequencies were reduced by more government of the German federal state Hessen than 20 dB. However, this set-up needs to be ex- (grant no. IIIL-518/14.004). The financial support tended to multiple actuators and error sensors is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, the au- based on accelerometers (e.g., piezoelectret foils) thors would like to thank our colleagues R. Kraus, in view of practical implementation and to cope O. Heuss, T. Klaus and J. Militzer for providing with arbitrary noise sources (white/pink noise). text passages and figures for this overview paper.

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