Characterization of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pirh2

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Characterization of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pirh2 Characterization of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pirh2 by Elizabeth Tai A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Medical Biophysics University of Toronto © Copyright by Elizabeth Tai (2010) Characterization of the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Pirh2 Elizabeth Tai Doctor of Philosophy Department of Medical Biophysics University of Toronto 2010 Abstract The p53 tumour suppressor gene is inactivated by mutation in over 50% of all human cancers. The p53 protein is activated and stabilized through several post-translational modifications in response to various stresses and promotes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Thus, regulation of p53 is critical for normal cellular function. Pirh2 is a p53-regulated gene recently identified in our laboratory which encodes an E3 RING-finger ubiquitin ligase that binds to p53 and negatively regulates p53 by targeting it for ubiquitin- mediated proteolysis. Pirh2 is similar to another well-characterized E3 RING finger ubiquitin ligase, Mdm2, which also participates in a similar negative feedback loop with p53. At least seven E3 ubiquitin ligases are known to target p53 for degradation and the reason for this functional redundancy is unclear. The purpose of this study is to characterize Pirh2 activity. This study has two aims the first is to identify additional interacting proteins for Pirh2, and the second is to delineate Pirh2 regulation of p53. Using several tandem affinity purification strategies and a GST-pull down approach, we have identified PKC as a candidate interacting protein. II The second aim is to further characterize Pirh2 regulation of p53. Splenocytes and thymocytes from Pirh2-/- mice demonstrate a subtle increase in total p53 levels after irradiation when compared to wild-type controls. Phosphoserine 15 p53 levels are significantly higher in splenocytes and thymocytes from Pirh2 -/- mice relative to wild- type counterparts. Cells stably transfected with Pirh2 have decreased levels of phosphoserine 15 p53 and decreased induction of p21 relative to vector control and Mdm2 expressing cells. The stability of the p53 protein is primarily regulated through ubiquitin mediated proteolysis, and there are multiple ubiquitin ligases targeting p53 for degradation. Here we are able to address the question of functional redundancy by indicating that Pirh2 can target serine 15 phosphorylated p53 which is reported to not be regulated by Mdm2. III Acknowledgements This thesis arose from many years of work previously completed in the Benchimol lab. During my time working on the project, I was fortunate to receive several contributions from many individuals; without their assistance, I would not have been able to complete this thesis. I would now like to take the time to humbly acknowledge those individuals. I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Sam Benchimol for his advice, guidance and patience in helping me to develop scientific skills; it has been a fantastic learning experience. Above all, he has instilled in me a strong sense of integrity, and enthusiasm in the pursuit of science. I would also like to acknowledge my committee members Dr. Cheryl Arrowsmith, Dr. Razqallah Hakem, and Dr. Linda Penn. Their advice and support have been instrumental in the development of my project and in my development as a researcher. I would also like to thank the past and present members of the Benchimol lab for useful and critical discussion. I would like to thank Weili Ma for her unwavering support and for sharing her extensive technical expertise. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Keith Wheaton, Dr. Wissam Assaily, Dr. Christina Berube and Dr. Jenny Ho for encouragement and scientific discussion. They are my scientific role models, and set a high standard for which I strived to achieve. I would also like to thank Dr. Yi Sheng, Shili Duan, and Dr. Anne Hakem for sharing their technical expertise. I would like to thank my mother, father, brother and friends for their steadfast support. Their encouragement has been instrumental to the completion of my thesis. IV Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: Introduction...............................................................................................1 The p53 Network .................................................................................................................2 p53 as a tumour suppressor......................................................................................2 p53-dependent cell cycle arrest................................................................................3 p53-dependent apoptosis..........................................................................................5 Choice of response...................................................................................................7 Mouse models of p53 tumour suppression ..............................................................8 Regulation of p53 function ....................................................................................11 Phosphorylation of p53 at serine 15.......................................................................16 Ubiquitination ....................................................................................................................17 Ubiquitin ................................................................................................................17 The ubiquitination mechanism...............................................................................18 Ubiquitination and signalling.................................................................................24 Ubiquitination and protein degradation .................................................................26 Deubiquitination ....................................................................................................28 Ubiquitination and regulation of p53.................................................................................30 Pirh2.......................................................................................................................35 Thesis Hypothesis ..............................................................................................................37 CHAPTER 2: Identification of Pirh2 Interacting Proteins .........................................38 Abstract..................................................................................................................39 Introduction............................................................................................................39 Experimental Procedures .......................................................................................41 Cell Culture................................................................................................41 Plasmids .....................................................................................................41 Generation of Clones Expressing pCMV TAP hPirh2 ..............................42 Generation of Clones Expressing pBabe neo Pirh2-SPA ..........................42 Generation of Clones Expressing pBabe puro Pirh2-HF...........................42 Ubiquitination Assay .................................................................................43 Coimmunoprecipitation .............................................................................43 Western blots .............................................................................................44 TAP Purification ........................................................................................44 SPA Purification ........................................................................................45 His-Flag Purification..................................................................................46 GST-pull down...........................................................................................47 Results....................................................................................................................47 Generation and characterization of TAP-hPirh2 clones ............................47 Purification of TAP and TAP-hPirh2 ........................................................51 Generation of clones and purification of Pirh2-SPA .................................51 Generation of clones and purification of Pirh2-HF ...................................54 Identification of Pirh2 interactors using GST-pull down ..........................56 Discussion..............................................................................................................57 V CHAPTER 3: Pirh2 targets phosphoserine 15 p53 for ubiquitination......................61 Abstract..................................................................................................................62 Introduction............................................................................................................62 Experimental Procedure.........................................................................................64 Cell Culture................................................................................................64 Splenocyte and Thymocyte Culture Preparation .......................................65 Preparation of MCF-7 p53shRNA Cells....................................................65 Western Blotting ........................................................................................66 Immunohistochemistry ..............................................................................66 Coimmunoprecipitation .............................................................................66
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