At the age of thirteen, in a ‘Missionary Call Service’, when the Preacher asked the youth; “You have only one life in this world. Will you spend it for Jesus?”, David responded by standing up and accepted Jesus as his personal saviour. Further he committed himself to be a missionary at that tender age.

After completion of his high school studies, he got admission at Thirunelveli Government Medical College, Tamilnadu, India. Before joining the college, at a Youth retreat on 7th August 1999, David dedicated himself to go as a missionary doctor to Bihar, one of the medically backward states in India, after completing his medical course. He gave his testimony to four hundred youth, adults and Pastors present for his dedication ceremony. There was no backsliding from his promise to serve the Lord and often told his friends in his medical college that he would go to Bihar to serve in a mission hospital after completing his course. But our Lord and saviour called him to be with Him on 7th October, 2003. When I was terribly depressed after his going home, Jesus gave me the following promises about David.

26th October, 2003 : David is my son. I will send him around the world as a ministering angel with a HEALING TOUCH.

1st January, 2004 : David is the ambassador for Jesus to convey Heaven’s messages to the earth.

24th January 2004 : David was my missionary, he is my missionary and he will be my missionary. I give special privileges to my missionaries. 18th April 2004 : “This privilege of communication I have given to you, is according to the perfect will of My Father. Do you think that it is not possible for Me and My Father, who created the Heaven, the earth and the Universe to give such a privilege? We want to reveal glimpses of the glorious Heaven, its grandeur and the happiness of the souls, to the people on the earth and we selected my son David for that mission. So you go on writing books, as long as it is the will of My Father and until then David shall give messages to you.” I feel that Jesus is fulfilling some of His promises through this book when it goes around, the world with a ‘Healing touch’.


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Dear Reader, Before reading this book, I want you to know the circumstance in which this book is written. My name is Kamazh Solomon. I retired in April, 2003 from Teaching Chemistry in three colleges for 36 years. My husband Rev. Kenaz Solomon is the Missionary and President of London Mission (congregational) Churches for 33 years. We both accepted Jesus Christ as our personal saviour and are doing His ministry. God gave us 2 sons. Our elder son Samuel Ben Solomon was born after nine years. He completed medicine (M.B.B.S.) and is now working in a hospital in Nagercoil. Our younger son Bensam David Solomon was a final year student at Thirunelveli Medical College. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal saviour at the young age of 13 and committed himself to missionary work. He was planning to go to Bihar as Missionary Doctor after completion of his course. But our Lord’s will is different! On 7th October, 2003, evening after participating in a weekly prayer meeting conducted by Christian Medical students, he died instantly in a bike accident and had gone to be with our Lord. He was a lover of music and used to play keyboard and guitar. My family was terribly shaken and beyond consolation.

On the 19th day after the loss of my beloved son David, my loving Lord gave me a promise about his ministry. From the 21st day, the Lord gave a “special privilege” to my beloved son David to talk to me from above. Now David is giving me glimpses of heaven little by little. I could hear his voice inside me calling me Amma (mother) distinctly and he continues to talk. This book contains the messages conveyed by David to me. A humble request to my readers first. As mentioned above this experience is a ‘Special Privilege’ given to me by my precious saviour and I believe it completely. I fully believe this message is given with a great purpose – to console me, my family and those who grieve over the loss of their loved ones. It is also my fervent prayer that all those who profess the name of Christ may know the glories of heaven and be ready to meet the saviour when called to eternity. As Paul says death is a GAIN to God’s people (Phil. 1:21). Now, my request is, if a reader has any reservation or if you do not believe this book please don’t write to me your comments- just ignore it since I am giving my son’s messages as I get them. I cannot explain them further. If you are blessed by reading this book, I will be happy to have your comments which may be a source of consolation to me and my family. Thank you. Please pray for us.

D.L. Moody, a great Evangelist of the 19th century writes thus: “Perhaps, if we listen, we too might hear – in this storm tossed world of ours – some whisper borne from loved ones afar”. In Christ, Mrs. Kamazh. K. Solomon 3, Henry Road, Nagercoil – 629 001 Tamil Nadu, India.

Note : I have included many Bible quotations and Verses from Hymns in many of these chapters apart from the Heavenly messages conveyed by David. - Author


First of all, I thank my Holy, Mighty Father, His Son, my beloved Jesus for giving me the great privilege of receiving glorious Heavenly messages through my son David. I can’t find words to thank the Triune God for this great and special privilege and also for their wonderful promises given for David. I also thank ‘the great Comforter’ the Holy Spirit who has been with me constantly throughout the most difficult and sorrowful months of my life. I could constantly feel His presence with me, who also directed and comforted me with His still small voice. I must thank profusely the HOLY TRINITY who according to Their perfect will, helped me to write this book. I must thank my dear first cousin Mrs. Angel Johnson, M.A., B.T., (Retired Lecturer, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil) who was the first one to suggest that I should write a book on David even before David started revealing the Heavenly messages. She said, “David’s life story would be a great example to the youth of the present age.” I also thank our dear friend Mrs. Kamala Justus, M.A., (Retired Head of the Department of English, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil) for her love and concern for us. Her constant prayer and her comforting words, always consoled me. She also helped me in the first phase of reviewing our manuscripts. She is a child of God and involved in His wonderful ministry. Next, I must thank our dear friend and relative Mrs. Indra Alexander, M.A., M.Phil., (Retired Principal and Head of the Department of English, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil) David was a great admirer of Indra Aunty and they were very close to each other. One day David went to her house to see her new keyboard, in which she played beautiful piano ‘studies’ and ‘pieces’, which she, had played in her youth for her ‘Trinity college of Music’, London examinations. When he returned home David said, “Amma, I wish I could play like Indra Aunty.” She helped us in the final phase of reviewing our manuscripts. She is tirelessly involved in many projects for Jesus. Next my thanks go to my dear only sister Mrs. Pugal Sampson, M.Sc. (Rtd. Lecturer in Mathematics, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil) I must say, without her help, I would have found it very difficult to complete this book. Both David and my sister inherited many common genes – great lovers of music, very hard working in their studies, very sincere in doing any project assigned to them, trying their level best to complete it with God’s help. My job is to receive the Heavenly messages and note them down in a paper. I hand them over to my sister, who writes them down neatly in her beautiful hand writing. Also in consolidating the messages into chapters she has helped me in consolidating the difficult chapters. Also I found in her a great friend to share my grief, which has equally affected her, who loves David very dearly. David also had great affection and admiration for his dear Periamma (aunt). Because of her great love for Jesus, she did spend more time on this book, than me. I also thank my husband Rev. Kenaz Solomon, M.A., B.T., B.D., Missionary and President of the London Mission (Congregational) Churches, South India for his constant help and encouragement in writing this book. He guided me in many ways to prepare many of the manuscripts for this book. I must also thank the printers ‘Peniel Printers’ especially its proprietor Mr. T. Fredrick for his personal interest in printing this book and also I thank his staff for their full co-operation. Finally I thank all my friends and relatives who sincerely prayed for my comfort during this difficult and sorrowful period, which enabled me to get comfort from my beloved Jesus, so that I was able to write this book. May God bless all those who were involved in writing this book. Thank you.

Kamazh. K. Solomon Author


My name is Kamazh K. Solomon. I am aged 58. My husband is Rev. Kenaz Solomon, aged 64. We got married on 21st May 1969. We were living in a rented house after marriage in Nagercoil. Then I was teaching Chemistry at Vivekananda College, Agesteeswaram. I was very much worried about not having children. I felt that I didn’t want to live without a baby. I read a book ‘Salvation of God’ and accepted Christ as my personal Saviour. Then I prayed, “Lord, if it is your will, give me a child.” In my leisure time, I was involved in ministry among the women of our Churches. In 1976, seven years after our marriage, in answer, to my prayer, our Lord helped me to conceive. But that male child died in my womb in the 8th month. It was a real shock. As soon as I got home from hospital, I closed my room, and cried like a child lying on the floor asking God why this happened. Suddenly there shone a very bright light around me and I heard the voice of Jesus in my heart – “Next year by this time, you will have a baby in your arms”. I was so happy that the marvellous peace of God filled my heart. My doctor’s verdict was that it was almost impossible for me to conceive again, since my ovaries were really inactive. But my unfailing God, as He had promised, gave me a boy on 30th September 1977. ( I got His promise on 19th October, 1976). Praise be to God. We named him Samuel Ben Solomon. After 3 years I got my second son BENSAM DAVID SOLOMON. Even in his cradle, he was always smiling. At the age of 3, he was quite happy to go to school. After getting home from school, the first thing he used to do was to open his bag, throw down all his books on the floor and do his home work. Only after doing all his home work, will he go to play or watch T.V. He was quite studious. During his 11th and 12th grade in school, he made up his mind to study medicine like his brother. He studied at Scott Christian Higher Secondary School and stood first in his final examinations at 12th grade in 1998. In Science subjects he scored 198 (Maths), 199 (Physics), 197 (Chemistry) and 189 (Biology) out of 200. His marks in Biology (189) was not enough to get admission in medical college that year and hence decided to improve the score in Biology – writing Biology test again hoping he would get medical admission the next year.

My husband did his B.D. in the United States of America for three years. So, he has many friends there. One American couple, close friends of my family wanted David to study medicine in U.S.A. They promised to get him admission with full scholarship, and agreed to be his sponsor and guardian while in the States. He was to do four years B.S. Course (Pre-medicine) before joining Medicine. Before going to the United States he had to write two tests – TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). As for my son David, he needed no push to study! He was never tired of studying and reading as many books as possible before going for these two tests to Bangalore. Even sleep eluded him. As usual, he scored, more marks than prescribed by the College where he got admission in the United States. He became eligible for full scholarship too. Finally when he went to the American Embassy in Chennai for his Visa, embassy refused him Visa saying ‘you are to study medicine in America for ten years. After such a prolonged study, we are highly doubtful whether you will return to India’. On one side I felt sad for him because it was a great disappointment. On the other side as an affectionate mother, I had a great sense of relief because the worry of my son having to be away from me for such a long time was removed from my heart. May be I was too possessive! But the Lord whom I serve did not allow him to be discouraged. After getting back from Chennai, the first thing he did was to take his Biology book in his hand and started studying for his improvement test. Without anybody’s help, he worked hard and wrote his improvement test. As a human being, I had a lingering doubt whether he would manage to get admission for medicine. I was a bit confused. One day early morning when I was praying, I heard the voice of God talking to me. I knew without any doubt that it was my Lord speaking because I had heard that voice twice before. He said ‘If David dedicates himself as a medical missionary, I will give him medical admission’. Immediately my thought went back to the incident that happened in 1993.

It was summer vacation in 1993. We had two day retreat at Puthalam beach. In the last session Brother Stanly Prince from Friends Missionary Prayer Band, who was the speaker at the retreat, gave a missionary call. David was only thirteen years old then. With David by my side, I too was on my Knees in prayer. Suddenly David stood up. My immediate reaction was ‘shock’. I feared that David, without realizing the real implication, was standing up. I felt it was a child’s innocent prank. Even after getting home, I didn’t feel like asking my beloved young son about that. Gradually the whole episode was forgotten. After 6 years, when I heard the voice of my Lord, I remembered his dedication for missionary work at the age of 13.

Then I told David about the Lord speaking to me and asked him whether he really meant to be a missionary when he committed himself at the age of 13. He immediately said, he had no second thought about it. When Brother Stanly Prince said, ‘you have only one life to live on this earth. Will you spend it for Jesus?’, David was very much touched. David assured me that his dedication was not a thoughtless childish act. I was very much moved and thanked my saviour profusely. Our Lord helped David to score high marks in Biology and in the entrance test. He had no problem in getting admission for medicine (free seat). He chose Thirunelveli Medical College so that he could take part in Church and Youth Ministry among our Churches during the week ends. A few days before joining College, on 7th August, 1999, we, arranged to have his ‘missionary dedication’ in a youth retreat at the Y.M.C.A. Campus in Kanyakumari (Cape Comrin). In that meeting, he shared his personal testimony among the youth and vowed that he would go as a missionary doctor wherever the Lord calls him, after the completion of his medical studies. Finally he played guitar and sang a beautiful dedication song in Tamil. In Tamil rh;nt!;tuh ck; re;epjpapy; te;jpLk; ,r;rkak; rh;tKk; ckf;fha; rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ck; rpj;jk; epiwntwnt 1. rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; iffs; rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; fhy;fs; 2. rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; fz;fs; rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; brtpfs; 3. rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; tHpfs; rkh;g;gpf;fpnwd; ve;jd; thH;it

Translated in English (Not according to tune) Almighty God in Thy Presence I come before Thee, this instant I surrender all to Thee Let Thy will be done 1. I surrender my hands to Thee I surrender my feet to Thee 2. I surrender my eyes to Thee I surrender my ears to Thee 3. I surrender my ways to Thee I surrender my whole life to Thee. Then David started his life in the Medical College. He kept on telling his friends and College mates that after completing his studies (M.B.B.S.), he would go as a medical Missionary to Bihar State and work in a Mission Hospital. After working for a few years, he would go for higher studies. Again after completion of his studies, he would continue to work at the same place, helping the sick, the poor and the needy. Even as a student, he started his ministry. In his medical College hospital, he was supporting many poor patients. A group of committed Christian boys and girls in his medical College met regularly every Tuesday evening for prayer and worship. He was in charge of singing. Mostly he played keyboard, and at times guitar. During Summer Vacations, he attended Vacation Bible School sessions in our Churches. He was never tired of carrying his keyboard to Churches. He was a member of the “Christian Youth Welfare Association Gospel Band” of our Churches which visited and still visits all our Churches. Being a great lover of music, he made sure to go with the gospel band to all our Churches. So, all our congregations knew him. When Churches have special meetings (Conventions) for two or three days, they ask David to play the keyboard. He never said ‘No’. After College, he got back to Nagercoil (45 miles) in his motor bike, ate something from home and went straight to the meeting. He had to drive 25 to 40 kilometres to the meeting and got back home around 10.30 p.m. Again he left for College at 5.30 in the morning. If there were special meetings during the week-ends, he did the same. Members of our Youth Association used to visit a Church once a month in the afternoon. David was always part of that group. Youth divided themselves into small groups and visited houses of the congregation. At 6 p.m., they used to meet the youth group of that Church and close the meeting with a sing song service where the whole congregation took part. David enjoyed this very much. He never got tired of walking while making house calls. As usual he used to be back home after 10.30 p.m. and left for College at 5.30 the next morning.

Our Youth Association used to conduct a one-day retreat once in 3 or 4 months. It is conducted in tourist or scenic spots, and sometimes in one of our Churches. There was not even one retreat where David did not participate and sing. He was very particular that singing should be good. In the same way he took part in all Free Medical Camps organized by the Youth. Often he brought doctors from his College to help. If there were too many patients, he himself checked blood pressure and dispensed medicines. The important thing was he was very, very happy to get involved in all these ministries.

During week ends we used to spend our time at our beach house in Puthalam. On Saturday evenings he gathered the village children and taught them songs with his keyboard. In the Sunday morning worship service they used to sing those Songs. Sometimes he got back from his College after 7 p.m. on Saturdays. Still he wasn’t tired to teach them new songs. He sang tenor. His brother Dr. Samuel Ben Solomon and David were very close to each other. Since Samuel had completed medicine already, almost every day David contacted him through the phone to clear some of his doubts. When David got home during the week ends, they used to lie down in the same bed and discuss many things till late night. Samuel also said, David had a better knowledge about the patients because he had the opportunity to examine various types of patients in his Medical College Hospital and his knowledge helped him (Samuel)much. David’s death was a terrible shock for Samuel. Samuel said, ‘Amma, I feel very lonely and left alone now’. His grief was too much. Our Lord alone should console him. Likewise David and his cousin (my sister’s son) who is 12 years older than David were close. In his college also, all his fellow students had very good relationship with him. In our beach village also all the boys, young or old, were close to him. In short, on the earth, every one was his friend which meant he led a real Christian life during his short span of life in this world. His life in the College is another story. His friends said he was always well- dressed. It was hard to find him without books in his hands. His aim was to stand first in his class. He stayed with a group of boys in a rented house. He avoided staying at College hostel because he felt, students, from other rooms would disturb his studies. As his friends said, he used to study up to 2 or 3 a.m. Everyday when his fellow students went to bed earlier, he stayed at the varandha and studied. He never went to bed without reading his Bible as well as Daily Bread- portion for that day. It is more important that he shared what he read with his fellow students whether they were Christians or not. Finally it became a habit for his friends to ask him for the Bible portion and the message for the day and he shared it with them. Of course, it was not just all study and no play. He very much enjoyed playing cricket. He was an important member of the team. Strange thing is, even when going to play, he took a text book along because when he had some leisure in between games, he could study. For David not a minute was to be wasted. May I say he was a typical example for perseverance and hard work !! Please don’t think he was concerned about his studies only. For two years during summer vacation I was giving some free special coaching in Chemistry to final year (12th) high school students. David was good in Physics. He used to accompany me to Palliyadi and taught them Physics both in English and in Tamil. Even though he studied in English medium and not quite familiar with technical terms in Tamil, he studied Tamil text carefully and taught Tamil medium students. Likewise when he was in Medical College, he was Coaching 11th, 12th grade students Mathematics and Physics in Tamil at the beach village. For any favour for anybody, it is hard to get a ‘No’ answer. May be the word ‘No’ was not in his dictionary. To us he was a perfect son, never got angry for anything with his parents, the same with others. Do you wonder, how can you find a young boy like this? Yes, David was an exception. May be our Lord loved him more than I did and called him to be with Him for ever. When some poor friends or relatives went to his medical College hospital to take scan, X-ray or for special checkup, he took them to the concerned departments and doctors personally. If it means waiting for a while, he stayed with them. Always he made sure to carry one of his College text books with him so that he could study during the waiting. At times, he took blood pressure monitor from home to check pressure for some old aunties living close to his College. If blood pressure was high, he took them to his College hospital in his motor bike, got medicines and took them back to their homes. Finally, let me share with you the happenings that took place during the last few days, before our Lord called him to His eternal home. All those things, I was and am convinced, happened with a definite purpose. October 2, 3 were government holidays. So, we arranged a fasting prayer at Puthalam beach on those days. Previous week David phoned me from College these days being holidays, (Oct. 2, 3) he was planning to go to Ooty (a hill station) for a change. I told him about the fasting prayer meeting and asked him whether he could play keyboard and help us with singing. He immediately cancelled his plan to visit Ooty and agreed to participate in the fasting prayer. His friends were a bit sad, but he didn’t mind. He gave priority to Jesus in his life. He took part in the meeting till the end and he too did not take any food till the meeting was over. The fasting prayer was from 6 p.m. to 3 p.m. next day. The meeting came to a close with holy communion. He helped his father in preparing for the holy communion. He only filled cups with grape juice and set the table. He finally took part with the others. He was sitting on the floor only. He played the closing hymn in his keyboard. At the close of the meeting, he with some other boys served meals to the participants. Then he took a group of ladies in his father’s car to the bus stop two miles away, saw them off and got home. Next day was Saturday (October 4, 2003). A short tour was planned for the beach village Sunday School, and choir members. We had our car and with 5 motor bikes of his friends, we visited Thengapattinam beach, Colachel harbour, Muttom beach, Chothavillai beach and finally got home. While going, David’s father was his pillion rider. On the way back I (mother) was his pillion rider. He enjoyed this tour very much. This was his last pleasure trip with Sunday School Children, Choir and especially his childhood village friends. He very much enjoyed having me and his father riding with him. “Honour thy father and mother” – David was a good example to that commandment. On Sunday (Next day) he played the keyboard, as usual in our worship service, gave sweets to Sunday School Children (which he did every Sunday) and taught in the Sunday School. At noon we got back to Nagercoil to our home. In the afternoon, he had a long sleep, (to compensate for a whole week’s loss of sleep). As usual he had a long night studying. On Monday morning he left for College 45 miles away at 5.30 in the morning in his bike. My husband and I prayed with him and said good bye. I knew well that he was fond of Owning a Cellular phone. Two weeks before his end, I had a strong urge that I should buy him one. I shared my feeling with my husband and Samuel, our elder son. They gladly agreed. So, I bought him a cell phone and how happy he was! He used to call me and his brother often. We were specially glad because contact with him became easier, and I, as his mother enjoyed hearing his voice. As usual, on 6th October (Monday), 2003. I talked to him a few times. 7th October, 2003 was his last day on this, as Paul puts it “Earthly Tent”. It was also the last day to complete his ministry in the College. A group of medical College students were meeting regularly for prayer and worship in a Chapel “Bethel” every Tuesday. David, too attended this fellowship often and played the keyboard. This particular Tuesday, he only chose the Hymms and Choruses. He practised singing for two days, got those songs typed and then took Photostat copies for distribution to the participants. That fateful afternoon, he called me twice to pass on some information about his brother’s (Samuel) higher education. Finally he said he would look in the internet and give me more details after his chapel service. That was the very last piece of conversation my son had with me in this world. His friends told me he sat on the College varandah and studied from 2 to 4.30 p.m. Then he took his keyboard and another junior student to the Chapel. Le me give you the song and some Choruses which he selected and sang in that Chapel service. They all sound as if he prepared himself to meet his beloved saviour after completing his earthly course.

First song in Tamil ck;nkhL ,Ug;gJjhd; cs;sj;jpd th";iriaah ck; rpj;jk; bra;tJjhd; ,jaj;jpd; Vf;fikah ,nairah ck;ikj;jhnd vd; Kd;nd epWj;jpa[s;nsd; - (2) 1. vdf;fhf ahita[k; bra;gtnu bra;J Kog;gtnu vd; ghu';fs; vd; Rikfs; - (2) ck; ghjj;jpy; ,wf;fp itj;njd; - (2) 2. ,uf;fKk; cUf;fKk; ePoa rhe;jKk; fpUiga[k; cs;stnu vd; $Ptid mHptpy; epd;W kPl;ltnu vd; nka;g;gnu 3. kd;dpg;gjpy; ts;sy; ePnu Rfk; jUk; bja;tk; ePnu ck; md;iga[k; ,uf;fj;ija[k; kzp Koaha; Nl;Lfpd;wPh;.

English Translation (Not according to tune) To live with you my Lord, is my heart’s desire To do Thy will is the longing of my heart Lord Jesus I always keep Thee Alone just before me (2) 1. Thou art doing everything for me And completed my tasks I unloaded my burden and my cares at Thy feet 2. Thou art the God of compassion, Grace and tender Mercy My Shepherd who saved my Soul From eternal death. 3. Thou art the God of abundant forgiveness Thou art the God of healing Thou art crowning me with Thy love and Thy compassion

A Chorus at the middle of the service “I will enter His gates with thanks giving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad”. The following chorus was the last song he sang in this world. Since it was a new chorus, he taught it to the students before the beginning of the service, and at the close of the service, he sang the chorus loudly Thrice, playing at his keyboard. Lord I lift your Name on high, Lord I love to sing Your praises I’m so glad you are in my life, I’m so glad you came to save us You came from heaven to earth to show the Way From the earth to the Cross, my debts to pay From the Cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky Lord, I lift your Name on high.

Don’t you agree that all the gospel message he was supposed to preach for a long time (if he was alive) is contained in this particular chorus? I must say this was my beloved son David’s personal testimony. On the way back after the worship service, he died in a bike accident. This happened within 10 minutes after the service. A lady in a vision heard angels saying that David died in an instant without any fear of death and was taken to his heavenly home surrounded by a host of angels clad in bright, white robes. When my sister cried in agony at the feet of Jesus, regarding David’s death, Jesus in His tender mercy revealed to her, that David was carried by the angels before he dashed, by giving her Ps: 91:12 He is safe in the arms of his beloved Master and Saviour Jesus Christ. As Paul says, David fought a good fight, kept his faith and finished his race.

Just imagine the agony we, his parents, brother, relatives and friends must have gone through. His friends, classmates, the whole student body, his professors and Dean showed their love and respect for David – a well behaved, a very studious and a real Christian, in every possible way which was indeed touching. The whole medical college student body was present at his funeral. The weeping and wailing of students, especially boys showed us how much he was loved. Samuel, David’s father and me were terribly shocked and all our dreams for our missionary son stood completely shattered.

Of course we have no right to ask our Lord “ why Lord why” you took him away from us at this tender age who had dedicated his life for the Lord’s ministry. Still what is God’s will? At this agonizing moment, my dear, precious saviour started revealing His purpose for David. Let me share with you what my Lord said to me.

It was a Sunday (26-10-2003). At 5 A.M. when I woke up, my heart was aching for my beloved son. My heart was too heavy and I kept on telling, “Lord you took away my precious son”. Suddenly I heard the voice of my saviour Jesus speaking clearly in my heart. Previously in my life, when I was very much frustrated, I had the experience of hearing His voice. So, I knew for sure it was Jesus. He said: David? - He is my son. Immediately I folded my hands and said, ‘Lord, I do agree’ but you chose him to be a missionary and even helped him to get admission in a medical college. That purpose was not fulfilled, Lord”. Immediately Jesus said; “So, you wanted him to work in only one place? No. I will send him (David) around the world as a ministering Angel with a healing touch”. Suddenly, the peace that passeth all understanding filled my heart.


Still, I terribly missed my son David. I couldn’t get over the unbearable loss. Two days later on Tuesday (28th Oct., 2003) I woke up at 3 ’O clock in the morning. I was praying to remove the pain in my heart. I prayed ‘LORD I cannot live with this agonizing pain in my heart for long”. AT 5.30 in the morning, I dozed off. Suddenly I heard somebody calling Amma, amma! It was a soft sweet voice.

David : Amma ! please don’t grieve for me. I am so happy in heaven. I cannot possibly express my happiness and the beauty of this place. Ammamma (my mother, David’s grandma) is with me.

Amma : Oh! my darling son! How are you? What are you doing there?

David : I am in ammamma’s house. Young people are gathering for a choir practice. Uncle Titus’ Son is with me. You don’t know others. But they sing beautifully with perfect voices. Ammamma is also singing with me. I met Grandpa (my father). But now, he is not here at home. My two grandpas are very very busy. I don’t know what they are doing. Amma : Darling son! Did you have any premonition about your death while singing in the last chapel service near your college? David : No amma. But I was extremely happy while singing those songs. Amma : Tell me about the accident. David : I don’t remember anything about it. I could only see a host of angles surrounding me to take me HOME to JESUS who warmly enfolded me within HIS ARMS. Then I was embraced by ammamma and all my grand parents and relatives. Amma : Are you missing your studies? David : Definitely NO. It is a great burden off my mind. Though I worked hard, it was a great burden. But I remember everything I studied. That is a great surprise. After a few days David told me that Jesus asked him to talk to me and console me. Since then once in 2 or 3 days when I read, lie down or am busy, doing some thing I could hear my David’s voice inside me distinctly calling me Amma (mother). Knowing immediately that my son is going to talk, I sit quiet and ask him to speak. His way of talking is the same as when he was in the world–same words and same expression. I was fully convinced that I should put down his messages in the form of a book. The Holy spirit once told me “David is an ambassador for Jesus to convey Heaven’s messages to earth”. I too had the strong conviction that David’s talking is the beginning of his ministry. The following incident convinced me that ‘David’s calling to be with the Lord; was not accidental, but was His will. There is a girl (23) who has the anointment of, the Holy Spirit. 24 hours before my son’s death, she had a vision. On 6th October, 2003 while she was having some rest around 6 p.m. she had the vision that she was sitting in side


I have known David from the time he was just seven years old. My acquaintance with him has mainly been in the Puthalam beach, where I too have a cottage, our holiday resort. The charm of his face, with its ever-radiant smile, is the attraction that any acquaintance of his would find irresistible in him. Humility, modesty and sincerity are the gems that adorn his character. So intelligent and brilliant in his studies and so talented, yet so humble and modest – so cultured and refined, yet so accessible to and one with the unlettered and the unrefined – beloved of all, from the rustic uneducated villager to the scholarly Dean of the Medical College, where he studied – it is almost impossible to find another child of his caliber on this earth. He could never refuse any help to anyone anytime. He was a veritable angel on this earth. On Saturday evenings, one could see him hurrying to the Church in the Puthalam village beach, carrying his keyboard for the choir practice for the Sunday morning service there. I too have helped him with soprano once or twice in these practices. The pains he takes to train the rural church choir – members, mostly very young girls with absolutely no ear or sense for music is indeed remarkable. He never failed in any of his missions for Christ because of his dedication, commitment and indefatigable industry. His commitment to his Lord and saviour was cent percent. There was never a moment of wavering. David was indeed a very warm sunbeam that radiated many a human heart. The free medical camp that he had arranged for the poor rustic villagers of the Puthalam beach, with the help of his senior doctors and friends which the villagers attended en masse and benefitted, only showed his kind concern for the very poor villagers there. The care and concern he evinced to get each poor villager tested freely, was just typical of his nature and character. He persuaded even me to get myself tested for sugar and pressure, even when I told him that I was sure I had neither of these complaints. His burden that not a single person should miss the benefits of this free medical camp was ever so obvious. On Saturday David could be seen playing cricket in an open ground next to my cottage, with the teenagers of that village, most of whom were drop-outs from school and with no regular employment. I always used to wonder how David could level himself with these boys. He was their friend, hero and idol of worship. He knew them from his childhood days, when he had played with them, without any inhibition and so even when he grew up and had earned his seat in the medical college in the right royal way, he never alienated himself from them. Like water on a lotus leaf, he could keep himself unsullied, and incorruptible, what ever the company he may keep. During the Sunday service in the choir, he used to play so spontaneously and effortlessly on the keyboard and sing tenor in the mike. It is no exaggeration at all when I say that his singing and accompaniment on his keyboard added to the richness and meaningfulness of the Sunday Service in that village. Occasionally when I attend the service in that church now, tears automatically trickle down my cheeks and I feel unable to sing, choked with grief at the void he has left there. With his charming face, very sweet smile, willingness and readiness to help any one any time, darling David has left us all for his heavenly abode, leaving behind him just fragrant memories that can never be dimmed or erased by time. Like the sweet child Lucy Gray of William Wordsworth’s poem, David was veritably “the sweetest child that ever grew beside a human door.”

Mrs. Indra Alexander (Rtd. Principal and Head of the Dept. of English), Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil.











Once I had a caring neighbour Along the side of a beautiful seashore His name was BENSAM DAVID SOLOMON – God fearing and so dear He was a pleasing and lovable character He appeared on the earth with mighty talents Suddenly he vanished like a bubble in yonder Like a crimson sun drown on the deep sea, I muse over the memories of the departed soul A gifted son to his parents – the star of the family Obedient son to his father Ever loving son to his mother Always jovial with his brother His smiles were sunbeams and voice melodious In church he was the best singer and Sunday class teacher In choir he was a strong tenor He played rhythmically on the keyboard and guitar He had an ambition to join a great choir He strained every nerve to achieve that aim. At studies he was very clever He desired to become a missionary doctor When time permits he was a player and reader Played cricket and volleyball with pleasure. On the stage he was a best actor To his friends he was a well wisher With all noble qualities like a leader For the weak students he was a guide and guardian More concerned and generous to the poor With pure and sacrificial manner For the sick and needy he was a timely doctor


OUR NEPHEW DAVID, A COMPASSIONATE CHRISTIAN When I think abut our Lord Jesus, the picture that comes into my mind is that of the compassionate Saviour. We read again and again about His compassion to the poor, the sorrowful, the persecuted and the sick and suffering. A compassionate Christian is a real follower of Christ and His teachings. The last time my husband and I lived in India was between 1997 and 2000. In 1997, David was 17 years. The first thing you noticed about him was his quick smile that lighted up his whole face. He was such an intelligent boy, and at the same time very industrious. This combination resulted in very high marks throughout his school years, and made it possible for him to continue this high academic success in the medical college too. Apart from the time spent on studies, he devoted his time to music. He was in- charge of music when we attended services on Sundays. He used this talent that God had given him in many positive ways. In August of this year, my cousin Kamazh had sent me snaps from a free medical camp held in a village. Samuel and another doctor along with David and other volunteers examined and gave free medicine to the poor villagers. We gathered from the snaps how much time and care these doctors including David were willing to give the sick and poor. This was one example of David, the compassionate. A relative from Nagercoil sent this account of David – A poor man, who had been in an accident, was suffering from an open sore. He was told that nothing could be done about it. But David had urged him to come to the Tirunelveli Hospital, and had helped him in every way and cured him. How much compassion he had shown this poor man! Although David has been taken away from us at such a young age, he will always be remembered as a caring and compassionate Christian. Shakuntala and Erik Carlquist, Nov. 2003 Åkersberga, Sweden


As a roommate and friend, there are lots of things to tell about Benz. (as we used to call him). During our first year M.B.B.S., he was not my room-mate. He stayed in his Aunty’s home. At that time he was very much afraid of the seniors because of ragging. He used to go home by Auto rickshaw. For that he had to walk some distance to catch an Auto. I was having a bicycle that time. I used to drop him at the auto stand. Thus our friendship started. Then he bought a motor bike. Then it was his turn. He used to drop me at my room. During the first study holidays, he used to come to my room to study. That time he impressed everybody in and around our room including seniors and even our cook. From the second year, he became my room-mate. We used to go to the hospital by bike. He was very adjustable. I learned many things from him. He was an encyclopedia. He was having answers for anything about our subjects. I am interested in General medicine. Actually that interest came from Benz only. He was also my unit mate in hospital. While we were discussing about our subjects, he used to clear all my doubts. He was having great memory power and learning ability. He could answer the questions asked by our roommates, who were preparing for post graduate studies. I was very much impressed by his ability. He used to talk to the patients very softly and politely. He never used harsh words. There was never any misunderstanding between Benz and me. He was a good Musician. He was having a keyboard. It was in our room for awhile. He used to play pop music and Christian songs very beautifully. He also taught us to play some songs. He used to play keyboard in our College functions. Always his performance used to be the best event in those functions. Everybody in our College was impressed by his music. During examination times (including class tests) he would have some tension. He wanted to do the tests very well, even if it was only a class test. Always he used to score the first mark. Still he never had any head weight. He was simple and not talkative, but sincere in his works. He was loved by all. During nights before going to sleep, he used to read the book Daily bread. He used to give some information from that, daily to us. He was the pet of all our roommates.

Finally, his last day on earth was unforgettable. I can never forget that day – 7th October 2003. I want to talk about that day. That day we completed our surgery posting. For that we decided to give a treat to our Chief Professor and Assistants, in our unit. In the morning, while we were inviting the Chief, Benz came there a little late. We planned to go for the treat in the evening. I told Benz, “Bye, see you in the evening.” That was the last thing I talked to Benz. In the evening I only saw him. He was not able to see me. His death affected me, my friends and my roommates terribly. It was a great loss for us. I couldn’t accept his death. He was a good roll model to me. I am trying to reach that height. But I can never ever become a Benz.

With the lovely memories of my dear Friend Benz Dr. Basupathi, M.B.B.S. (Roommate of Benz)


Our perfect sweet son David is now the ‘Beloved son’ of Jesus, revealing the marvellous splendour and grandeur of Heaven to his loving Mom (Amma) on earth, so that the world will know about it, according to the perfect will of our Mighty Father and our loving Jesus. David was chosen for this task because of his resplendent life on earth, which was overflowing with the love of Jesus. He had been an angel from his birth to the day when he was carried by the angels to our lovely permanent eternal Home above. In our short temporary abode on earth.- David had been a perfect sweet infant, an angel in his cradle, with a radiant smile on his lovely face, diffusing happiness around him, without giving any trouble to his adoring Mother. He had been a perfect child obeying his parents in every way and doing his duty exceedingly well, to the full satisfaction of his teachers in school, securing laurels and getting the first rank, to the delight of all his loved ones. He had been a perfect teenager dedicating his entire life to Jesus at the tender age of thirteen. He had been a perfect and understanding son, a sun beam to his adoring parents, making them happy in every way possible, by implicit obedience and love, filling the house with his beautiful music. He had been a perfect loving brother, full of affection and adoration for his elder brother and he had been a friend to him. He had been a perfect sweet son to all his adoring loved ones including his loving Periamma, Aunts and Uncles, always thoughtful of their needs and doing his maximum to alleviate their sufferings and making them happy. He had been a perfect and sincere friend to all his classmates, roommates, cousins and others who had come into contact with him. He had been a perfect student to all his teachers in college, and who had been a delight to them in class and outside, securing the first rank even in the most difficult subject ‘medicine’. He had been a perfect choir-Master in Puthalam, teaching music to those children with all his might, energy and enthusiasm, even if the out come was not to his expectation. He had been a perfect lover of children, understanding their needs perfectly and making them happy in every way possible. He had been a perfect Missionary in the Medical College leading many to Jesus by his spotlessly pure, radiant life and sacrificially giving a lot to the poor. He had been a perfect angel in helping any one at any time at the expense of his leisure time, study time and his health. He had been a perfect follower of Jesus in loving and helping the poor, the needy, the sick, the old and the lonely and forgiving all those who had hurt him. He had been a perfect disciple of Jesus, showing in his radiant life all the fruits of the Holy spirit - love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance in abundance. He had been a great lover of Jesus and music, making all religious meetings, services, conventions, retreats and religious plays lively, glorious, grand and splendid with his wonderful magnificent and excellent performance on keyboard. He is loved and adored by every one who knows him on earth as well as in heaven. He had been doing every task assigned to him on earth perfectly using all his God-given talents to the entire satisfaction and joy of Jesus and he is continuing that in heaven including his studies with his talents increased and with ease. He is crowned with privileges enjoyed by only a few redeemed in Heaven, since Jesus loves David as his own son and Jesus knows that David will do any task assigned to him with perfectness. His mission on earth had been to make others happy and comfortable. Now also my sweet son David, whom we all love and adore, is sending his love and consolation to his family and friends through his adoring Mom and he has never forgotten his Periamma, for whom he had been an affectionate and sweet son on earth, he is my son of consolation at present and he will be my son of radiant glory in my Home for ever.

Mrs. Pugal Sampson David’s Periamma (Aunty), Rtd. Lecturer, Women’s Christian College, Nagercoil.


“He speaks and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their singing, And the melody that He gave to me, Within my heart is ringing”.

Ch. : And He walks with me and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry, there, None other has ever known. The above song always gives me a sense of joy – Jesus my Saviour and Friend walking and talking with me! I have heard His voice many times, even though in this world of woe, I haven’t seen His face. When I meet Him face to face and when He talks to me, what great joy will be mine to worship Him, falling at His feet! Following is a short account of David meeting Jesus. David is living with Him forever. What a joy! Are you ready to meet Him, dear friends?

28th October, 2003 and 30th November, 2003 : David : Amma, after Jesus gave you the promise, about my world mission (26th October, 2003), He asked me to talk to you. He told me that you were very unhappy and gave me permission to call you and console you.

Amma on 7th October, 2003 (the day David went HOME) I was surrounded by a host of angels who took me with them. First I thought, it was a pleasant dream. But when I saw Jesus standing there with a radiant smile to welcome me, I realized that I had left the world and entered heaven. Jesus embraced me in His arms with such love and tenderness, that my heart was filled with rapture. Then I saw ammamma (my mother) grandma, my two grandpas and other relatives. They embraced me with so much love and happiness. Though I realised that I had left you all amma, yet I was happy only, because in heaven there is only happiness, joy, peace, love . . . . . There is no sorrow, no anxiety, no pain . . . . . Then I was busy telling ammamma and others about me, about you all and the other news of the earth. Amma, Jesus has been so very merciful to give me permission to commune with you! So don’t feel sad Amma! Also I was not allowed to see the scenes of the earth, when you were in agony and intense pain. (That is upto 28th October, 2003). Now that I have talked to you, be happy Amma! Bye! “Carried by the angels to the land of rest Music sweetly sounding thro’ the skies Welcomed by the Saviour to the heav’nly feast Gathered with the loved in paradise” - Et. Nathan 5th November, 2003 : David : Amma, Jesus feels very sad for your heart-broken condition. He said, “My poor child wants to do so much for Me, but she is now in a pitiable condition. My heart aches for her, seeing her in such pain and sorrow. But I had to fulfil My Father’s will. So David, My son, whenever you are free, you talk to her so that she will be able to get some consolation”. So be happy Amma! I’ll talk to you often. Amma, today we sang the song, “Jesus Lover of my soul.” Also I told stories to a group of youngsters. Bye Amma!

25th November, 2003 : 5.30 A.M. When I was praying for a long time, I heard a voice (Holy spirit) saying “David has gone for a walk” and the following song came into my mind. “I come to the garden alone, While the dew is still on the roses, And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The son of God discloses. Ch : And He walks with me and He talks with me . . . ” Then I realized that David must be talking to Jesus. Within a short time, I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, three of us boys started on a tour over the mountains. One boy is an Indian and the other an Italian. On our way, we met Jesus. We were thrilled to meet Him! Jesus enfolded all the three of us within His arms !! He told me that He was planning for my mission on the earth. In the meantime, He said, that I had to learn more and become a ‘perfect boy’. He walked with us for some distance and then left us. Amma, you just can’t understand the rapture, we felt in His divine presence! Then we glided along in a horizontal direction as though we were flying with a parachute. It was a wonderful experience and the sensation was most delightful! We have the power of passing through the air and we ascended until we were just above the mountains and we glided onwards and passed over the exquisite panorama of beautiful valleys, rivers and flowering trees. We saw colourful lovely birds, animals etc (I am talking to you amma, as I am drifting on my tour over the mountains.) I feel so excited and relaxed! Amma, you just can’t understand its splendour! You may be able to get a trace of this beauty, if you imagine climbing up the Kodai hills in a bus. Bye Amma! “My saviour comes and walks with me, And sweet communion here have we; He gently leads me by His hand, For this is heaven’s border land.” - E. Page

30th November, 2003 : David : Amma Jesus told me to talk to you regularly for two reasons. One reason is to console you and make you happy. Another is that you have to write your experiences and the heavenly messages in the form of a book. Jesus says that it is very important since my mission is going to be on the earth. Amma I am talking to you from my room. Bye!

1st December, 2003 : 2 P.M. David : Amma, when we were all walking and singing (practising) the Christmas carol, “Joy to the world! the Lord is come!”, we saw Jesus passing by. What a surprise Amma! We couldn’t control our immense joy! We all shouted in ecstasy and sang loudly. Jesus smiled at us with so much love and encouragement and waved His hands !! At once our happiness knew no bounds and we all raised our hands and jumped with joy!! Amma please go to sleep. I’ll talk to your later. (I was about to sleep.)

6th December, 2003 : 1 P.M. I was thinking about David and felt very sad. Suddenly I heard His voice. David : (Pleadingly) Amma, please don’t think about me in the world. I am wonderfully happy here! Ask Jesus to heal you from this depression and sadness. Amma, I also pleaded with Jesus for you. I said “Abba Jesus, please comfort Amma”. Then Jesus said, “I will never despise a broken and a contrite heart. I will comfort her soon”. So please Amma, don’t feel sad. Always think of my happiness here. That will comfort you. Bye Amma! “Though my path be dark and dreary, And my steps be faint and weary- With His loving voice to cheer me, I’ll go with Him all the way.” - F. J. Crosby

9th December 2003 : 5.30 A.M. While I was praying, the Holy spirit talked to me saying “David’s mission has started by talking to you.” At 8.15 A.M., David talked to me. David : Amma, I met Jesus. He told me that my mission has already started. The gift of communication between us is part of the mission. I am in heaven only, but Jesus said that I must console my immediate family first. Here I am enjoying the music, which I love, and at the same time I am learning with a super brain. So please be happy Amma, for my sake. Bye Amma!

13th December 2003 : 1 P.M. David : Amma, one glad news! Today, on my way to meet doctors, I met Jesus. He embraced me and told me, “David, you may have to start your earth-mission soon.” I am feeling infinitely happy Amma, but I don’t know any details at present. Just now I am watching from my room, the different choirs singing Christmas carols so beautifully and I know most of the songs. Bye Amma! I am going to listen for some more time.

3rd February, 2004 : 2 P.M. Amma, I am on my way back home after attending a “Worship service of meeting Jesus” in a chapel at a distant place. Aunty Janet told us that Jesus would be present in a Chapel at a place, far away from the palm grove Island (picnic spot) which we visited once. She gave us the direction to reach this place and promised to meet us there. We (our group) sailed by a boat along the river in front of our houses. We followed her instruction. After we passed the island to our right, we found the big bridge across the river, as she had told us, and next to the bridge was a wide beautiful road leading to the town. We went into that beautiful chapel, which was round in shape and had many seats. In front, there was a huge stage in the shape of a semicircle with a high throne. After we went inside, Jesus entered from the side of the chapel with a host of angels. It was a glorious sight! Then we all sang together. This town has a wonderful choir of about sixty members and they have a choir conductor too. They sang well. After the worship service, “meeting Jesus” had started. First small children went in groups with flowers to meet Jesus. He was smiling at them with great love and affection. Then older children went and Jesus embraced everyone. Then all the youth and adult went and met Him in groups. Some talked to Him for a short time. I guess they must be having some specific missions. Then we all went. As soon as we climbed up the steps, aunt Janet stood near Jesus and she introduced us to Him. Jesus smiled at us saying, “I know them all. They are My beloved children.” Then she introduced me. Jesus smiled at me saying, “I know David, My beloved son.” Amma, I was touched by this endearing word from Jesus and I have no language to express my happiness! We all knelt at His feet and worshipped Jesus. Then He talked a few words to us and said “Be happy and make others happy.” Then He called us one by one, embraced us with a smile. When He hugged me, I took His one hand into both my hands, kissed it and pressed it on my eyes. Amma, it was so wonderful to be near Jesus and touch Him. We all love our Jesus so much Amma. There in the world, I don’t think that human beings love Jesus as much we love Him here. There Satan depresses them and drags them away from Him. Then we said goodbye to aunt Janet and visited the town. There was a big pond at the centre around which there were a number of mansions. Near the pond, there were beautiful seats where meetings could be conducted. They use the chapel only when Jesus visits them. The river passed along the town and there were many houses facing the river. When we looked up, we saw a beautiful mountain in which there was a spiral pathway, going up, leading to a group of mansions belonging to that town. They gave us a basket full of different kinds of fruits and then we started back home happily. Just now I reached home. Amma, I am talking now from my room. I am extremely happy that Jesus called me “beloved son”. Amma, since I was dedicated to be a missionary, I get all the privileges of a missionary. So be happy Amma, that we already had my missionary dedication service. Missionaries have a special status in heaven, since they sacrifice their lives for the work of Jesus. As for me, I got this status, since I was taken away from the world, before I became an actual missionary. But I had no backsliding even in my heart. Jesus knows it. Bye Amma! “Only a look from my saviour, Only a clasp of His hand, Only to watch for His coming, Only to wait His command.” - F. J. Crosby


DAVID TALKS TO COMFORT THE FAMILY My beloved JESUS SAYS : “I will not leave you comfortless I will come to you.” John : 14 : 18 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John : 14 : 27 These are the comforting words of our beloved Jesus. I always thank my JESUS for this great privilege and comfort and will be grateful to Him till I meet HIM face to face to fall prostrate at His feet to acknowledge my gratitude. I am consolidating all the messages of comfort, Jesus provided me through my son David and also through the comforter – the Holy spirit, during the last six months of agony. Whenever I am sad, sick in mind and body and need comfort, either I hear, David’s voice or the precious, loving voice of the Holy Spirit. - One day I asked David, “How do you know that I am sad or sick.” He replied, “Amma, when you are sad and need comfort, I get a signal from Jesus to talk to you, Because of the great privilege Jesus has given me, I can read your thought and know the problem and that is how I start talking to you. Even when I sit with my friends, if I get the signal, I walk away from them and talk to you alone. Amma please thank our beloved Jesus profusely for this greatest privilege. Bye amma”

12th November, 2003 : That particular after-noon. I was very sad and my darling son David started talking. David : Amma, don’t feel sad. Suppose I don’t get a seat for my higher studies in India, I may go outside India for higher studies. I get fame and money and suppose I settle down there permanently, I may forget my promise to Jesus to become a medical missionary and sever my connection with the family too. In that case, I would have lost my Heavenly happiness and also you would have lost your son. Now I’ll be your son for ever. Amma, my room in ammamma’s (maternal grandma) is very large with three beautiful windows on the three sides with beautiful curtains. There is a wonderful music system in my room and I can always hear thrilling sweet music as soon as I enter my room and the sound system is perfect. Also I can see and hear various choirs singing. I cannot even dream of these privileges on the earth. Also I can see birds, animals and worship services just as in a T.V. on the earth. But here the screen is so large, that we can see life-size pictures. “A land of peace without alloy; Of joy beyond earthly joy; And naught its calm can e’er destroy, Glory Land, bright glory land : There songs of praise glad hearts shall sing; The radiant air with music ring ! Each voice proclaim our Saviour King, Glory land, bright glory Land ! - Unknown 13th November, 2003 : That morning, one lady came to me to enquire about my son’s death. I told her about the promises that Jesus gave me and my son’s talk. Immediately, she bluntly said “Jesus never talks like this to any one.” I was so shocked, that I couldn’t talk with her anymore. After she left, I cried the whole day in my Saviour’s feet saying “Lord many, people may not believe me, but let them not say it to me at my face and drag me to the deep depth of agony, while I am getting a little bit of consolation.” I had a feeling of bitterness towards that lady. While my heart was burning with pain and agony, I heard the sweet voice of my darling son David. David : Amma, please forgive her. Jesus forgave all those who nailed Him on the cross, while He was suffering and was in agony on the cross. Only if you forgive her, you’ll get peace of mind. Amma at the same time, my conversation (talking) with you is true. Jesus has given us a special privilege with a definite purpose. If it is the truth, that I am your son, then my conversation is also true. Bye amma ! Immediately I forgave her and a peace beyond all comprehension prevailed in my soul. “Show me Thy face – the heaviest cross Will then seem light to bear, There will be gain in every loss, And peace with every care. With such light feet the years will flee, Life seem as brief as blest, Till I have laid my burden down, And entered into rest.” - J.P. Barnett

19th November, 2003 : - “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. Resist him firm in your faith . . . the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, establish and strengthen you.” - 1 Peter : 5 : 8, 9, 10 I experienced the fact of the above Bible verses, many times in the past several months. On this particular day, the devil brought to my mind repeatedly the tragic scene of my son David’s last journey from his medical college to our home – a 45 miles drive. His body was brought in an ambulance while, our family members drove in a car behind it. You could imagine the agony we felt at that time. I was lamenting “Son ! how many hundreds of times you travelled through this road in the last four years either by bus or in your motor bike ! But is this your last journey, my darling son !” As days went by, I was trying to forget the scene with God’s help. But devil wanted to depress me by bringing back that memory vividly. I was in agony. Suddenly I heard my son David’s voice. David: Amma, how can you think of that as my last journey ? It was not at all my last journey. When Jesus sends me for my earth-mission according to His promise, perfect will and Time, I’ll visit my friends in my college and then come home, through the same road and so don’t ever think that it was my last journey. (“And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform.” Rom. 4 : 21) Amma, satan will try to depress you more and more, since you are going to write the book. Rebuke satan in the powerful name of our beloved Jesus, who trampled satan under His feet on the cross. Amma, please pray as follows. Imagine, you are sitting at the feet of Jesus and you are holding His feet with your two hands. Satan can never never come near Jesus. Also I (David) underlined one verse in my Bible (James : 5 : 16) “The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effect.” Amma, so pray to Jesus fervently. Only Jesus can heal and comfort you. - [Then I started praying like this “Lord I am not righteous, but I pray fervently to Thee, to comfort me with your great power and rebuke the prowling satan.”] Amma: My darling son ! how considerate you are ! David: Amma, it is my responsibility to make you happy. Please thank Periamma (My sister) for her love and concern and her prayer for you. When you become normal and happy only, you can save souls for Jesus ! Be closer to Jesus and be within his shadow. I am near my beloved Jesus always. Bye amma ! “Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow ! How the heart yearningly turns to its rest ! Often when earth has no balm for my healing There I find comfort and there I am blest” - Rev. W.O. Cusming 23rd November, 2003 : I woke up at 3.30 early morning from my sleep. I was extremely sad and depressed. After David’s going Home, I was suffering from acidity and so I used to take every night before going to bed a pill as per the doctor’s prescription. The previous night also I had taken a tablet and still I had a pain in my chest. Actually I couldn’t differentiate whether it was due to acidity or due to my severe heart-ache for my son. I didn’t want to wake up others in my home. I was praying and suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, please don’t feel sad. Please take two antacid tablets and drink water. Then give some massage to your chest from top to bottom and then go to sleep. Amma, whenever you are very sad or sick, I get a signal from JESUS and that is how I am talking to you. Bye amma ! I took antacid tablets suggested by David and massaged my chest from top to bottom, prayed and went to sleep. Thanks to Jesus, who healed me. “What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear ! What a privilege to carry, - Everything to God in prayer ! Oh , what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear ! All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer ! - J. Scrives

24th November, 2003 : At 5.30 in the morning after praying I was lying down. I was thinking about David and his life on the earth – his commitment to be a missionary at the tender age of 13. I was wondering whether his longing to be a medical professional was wrong. Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, everything happened according to God’s will. Even the one year waiting period before I got admission for medicine, the promise of Jesus to give me a seat in the medical college, and also the missionary dedication service, everything took place only according to the will of Jesus. Jesus wanted me to remember always that I had to do God’s work. The dedication service always made me remember my promise to Jesus and it helped me not to go astray during my college days. Everything I studied on the earth is of help to me in my Heavenly life. Since I almost finished my medical education and studied all the branches of medicine, here, in Heaven I can understand what expert doctors teach me in the different branches of medicine. Amma, you please take a look at my books. I completed all the branches of medicine (David always underlined the important points in his books) Also my studying TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign language) helped me to gain more English knowledge which is very useful to converse with doctors of different nations and also with my English-speaking friends. My studying keyboard and guitar is very very useful in teaching music to my friends and also in our worship services. So, amma nothing, of what I studied on the earth is a waste. Bye amma ! “All the way my saviour leads me, Oh, the fullness of His love ! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father’s house above. When my spirit, clothed immortal, Wings its Flight to realms of day, This my song through endless ages – Jesus led me all the way.” - F. J. Crosby 3rd December, 2003 : In the morning when I read the Tamil news paper, I read an advertisement inviting alumini and friends for a get together and meeting at the Anatomy hall at Tirunelveli Medical College (where David studied). I was depressed thinking that if my son was on the earth, he would be the one to organize the music and I felt very sad. I remembered that David’s college mates named him “King of music”. On one occasion, when his class won the first prize in a music competition, where David played a musical piece in his key board, all his friends (class mates) actually carried him on their shoulders from the stage as a mark of great appreciation. I was thinking of all these things with a heavy heart. Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, please don’t remember all the appreciations, I got on the earth. If you think of me in the materialistic world you will only feel sad. Do you know how much appreciation I am getting here in Heaven? After we sang songs in our houses here, they all gave a big congratulation to me and to our group. They say that our voices blend so wonderfully! In the same way, as soon as we finished singing in the auditorium, in the presence of Jesus, the other day, people shouted and showed their appreciation. My grand parents hugged and kissed me and said our singing was wonderful. So did all our friends. So, amma please don’t ever think of the appreciations I got in my earthly life, while I am getting so much more appreciations for my singing in heaven, and that too in the presence of JESUS. What a great privilege to sing before our Saviour who gave His life for us ! – the greatest privilege ever !! At the age of thirteen, when I dedicated myself as a missionary, I was touched by the love of Jesus for us at the cross and also when uncle Stanley Prince (the preacher) said “You have only one life in this world. Can you spend that life for Jesus?” I was touched by that missionary call and dedicated my life for Jesus. Amma, I am so happy here and so please don’t feel sad at all. Bye amma. “Hark ! hark ! the songs the ransomed sing, A new made song of praise; The Lord, the Lamb they glorify, And these the strains they raise, “Glory to Him who loved us, And washed us in His blood; Who cleansed our souls from guilt and sin By that pure living flood!” - G.F. Root

7th December, 2003 : It was a Sunday morning. We had to go to Puthalam beach worship service, to arrange for Christmas programmes. But Sundays have become days of sorrow for me now after my son David’s going HOME. David always used to be with us on Sundays. Even if he had classes or even examinations on Saturday evening up to 5.30, he would come to our Puthalam beach cottage and immediately start practising songs with the village children to sing during the next morning’s worship service. On Sunday morning, without taking any breakfast, he used to carry his Keyboard to the place of worship and start singing and playing his key board. On my way to Church a little later, I would hear his voice and the music of his keyboard through the music system. Now how can I bear those haunting memories of my beloved son David ! So, on that particular Sunday, when I started combing my hair, tears poured down from my eyes. I prayed “Lord how am I to go to Puthalam beach today and attend the service ?” Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, you must go to the worship service at Puthalam today. I will listen and talk with you from Heaven and even sing along with you. (At the service the first song “saviour like a shepherd lead us” was announced) Amma, I’ll sing tenor to this song along with you. Because you’ll be also singing, you cannot hear my voice. (So also when the pastor announced the closing hymn” Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power !” I again heard David’s voice.) Amma, as you know I like this song very much. So again I’ll sing tenor from here, along with you. Be happy amma, bye. Then we attended the Church committee and arranged all Christmas programmes and came home peacefully. I very much thank my precious Saviour who gave me this greatest privilege. “Under HIS wings I am safely abiding; Tho’ the night deepens and tempests are wild, Still I can trust Him – I know He will keep me He has redeem’d me and I am His child.” - Rev. W.O. Cusming 10th December, 2003 : That night at 8.45, I wanted to see my beloved son David, so badly – atleast in my dream, alive sitting near me, talking to me. I was looking at his picture on my table near my bed. I prayed to Jesus “Lord please give me a dream in which I could see my son David alive.” Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, please don’t ask Jesus for a dream in which you could see me alive. In your dream, you would be extremely happy thinking ‘oh my son is alive in this world”. But when you wake up and realize that it was only a dream, you would be all the more unhappy. But if others see me alive in their dreams and realize that it is only a dream when they wake up, they may not feel as sad and unhappy as you would be. Amma Jesus has given us the greatest privilege of communicating with each other, when you are awake. That is the best thing that can happen to you. What a glorious privilege amma ! bye. I realized what my son David told me was perfectly true and I thanked my loving Saviour who gave the wonderful privilege of talking to my son. “Precious thought – my Father knoweth ! In His love I rest; For what e’er my Father doeth Must be always best; Well I know the heart that planeth, Nought but good for me; Joy and sorrow interwoven, Love in all I see.” - J. H. Burke 8th January, 2004 : That day, the Young man, Anand Raj, who plays the key board now, at the worship service at Puthalam beach on Sundays, sent word that since he has an examination on that coming Sunday, he won’t be able to play the keyboard. Usually, when there was nobody to play keyboard, (when David went out to other Churches) I used to play the music for the service. Now after such a long weary months, I almost forgot how to operate the key board. I asked my eldest son Samuel standing near me if he could help me in operating the key board, if he was free that Sunday morning. But he was not sure whether he would be free or not, since he is working in a hospital. I was rather worried. Immediately I heard my beloved son David’s urgent voice. David : Amma, amma, please don’t worry, I’ll help you amma. I’ll tell you how to operate the key board when you get any doubt. Please pray to Jesus. Even if I am busy and not available to help you. Jesus will guide you and give you the wisdom to operate it. So please don’t worry at all. Amma, I feel that I am closer to you now than before. Also remember that I am doubly blessed, since Jesus called me Home while I am young. I don’t have to pass through earth’s trials and ills of life. Think of the families you know and tell me how many of them are having a perfect life on the earth? None. What hardships they have to face, at least sometime in their life-time on the earth ? At the same time, since I came to Heaven as a youth, I am enjoying life most in Heaven ! what a wonderful life in Heaven amma ! When somebody speaks in an unknown language, it is automatically translated into a known language (English or Tamil) in our brain. So also, when somebody reads the lines of a song just once, we remember them for ever. No need to carry books and refer to them while singing. What a great privilege ! This is one of the many wonders of Heavenly life. So please be happy. Amma, I am really talking to you. Satan brings doubts. Please don’t listen to him. How can you imagine all these things without me telling you ! As I told you, it is a special privilege given by Jesus. Bye, amma ! “Nearer my God Thee, nearer to Thee, E’en though it be a cross, that raiseth me, Still all my songs shall be Nearer my God to Thee ! Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! - Sarah F. Adams

11th February, 2004 and 23rd February, 2004 : David : Amma, just compare the worldly life to a difficult painful surgery. Only for a few days, one would suffer from the pain and discomfort. Then we will be free from all our pain and the ailment for which the surgery is performed. So also you will be in heaven after a little bit of suffering on the earth. Amma, be happy. If I had not come here to Heaven, who could have given you all these beautiful pictures of heaven? Also you are writing a book and so thousands will read it and what a great service you do for Jesus ? Amma, I think that I’ll talk to you till you come HOME to HEAVEN and you may write books till then. 28th February, 2003 : 1.30 P.M. After describing a worship service, David attended, he said the following : David : Amma, think of the happiness and glory we enjoy at our beloved Jesus’ feet. The comforter, the spirit of the same Jesus is with you all the time to comfort you. Whenever, you feel depressed, say the name of Jesus repeatedly. Remember always the comforter is with you and you will be comforted all the time. Amma, please remember to write the following in your book. “Jesus said there are many mansions in my Fathers house” Jesus spoke in simple language ‘many mansions’. Can you understand the very rich meaning of those two words? How many thousands of beautiful, magnificent mansions are here in Heaven, prepared for us? Like that, every word of Jesus has great significance. Usually we don’t realize them on the earth. Only after we see them personally we realize every word of Jesus is true – marvellously true. Be happy. Bye amma “We speak of the land of the blest That country so bright and so fair, And oft are its glories confessed; But what must it be to be there!” - Mrs. E. Mills ]

Comforted by the Holy Spirit Jesus Says : “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you for ever . . . but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you”. – John : 14 : 16, 17

30th November 2003 : It was a Sunday, morning. As usual I was very sad and I missed my son David very much, with an unbearable pain in my heart. I missed my Son David with a deep sense of loss. I was reading the life story of a saint ‘Sadhu Sundar Singh – a Sikh Christian convert who had a burning zeal for JESUS, and to preach the gospel among the tribal villagers of the Himalayan mountains and Tibet – many times at a grave risk to his life. He had suffered untold miseries for the sake of the gospel. Suddenly I heard the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking within me. “See how much my children suffered for me ! can’t you give your son David without agony for my great mission ? For David, it is a perfect life in Heaven – free from all worries and dangers of this world. Think of the Australian Missionary Stains family who lost three lives for my sake in the most gruesome manner ! Also David is continuing his studies he loved so much with a super brain to remember everything. He learns from great expert Doctors. You don’t realize the marvels of the mission in which I intend to use him in the world ! You will understand later !” Immediately I asked forgiveness of the Lord and pleaded for strength to bear my loss. Also I thanked Him for the greatest privilege, He hath given me in allowing my son to talk with me. “Holy Spirit, faithful guide, Ever near the Christian’s side; Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land; Weary souls for e’er rejoice, While they hear that sweetest voice. - M.M. Wells (1858)

1st January, 2004 : While I started writing this book I heard a voice saying “David is an ambassador for Jesus to convey Heavenly messages to the earth.”

24th January, 2004 : At 8.30 P.M., David told me that he was attending a ‘sing song service.’ I thanked Jesus for the great privilege of my son, talking to me. Immediately a voice within me said “David was my missionary, he is my missionary and he will be my missionary. I give special privileges to my missionaries.”

I told this to David when he talked to me next. He was very very happy and said

David : Amma, do you know the importance of this promise ? I am so happy that Jesus said this about me. Amma you must be consoled by this great wonderful promise!

27th January, 2004: 9.30 P.M. While I was praying, I heard a voice saying “David loves me very much and I love him. That is why I took him from the world to be with ME forever and to do My work, before he is entangled in the tragedies and evil of the world.” “There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds music in mine ear, The sweetest name of earth. Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Oh, how I love Jesus, Because He first loved me!” - Unknown

David Expressing His Wishes 12th November, 2003 : On the 1st of November, 2003 we had a memorial service for David at an auditorium near his medical college, specially meant for the staff and students of his college, who showed their great love for David, during the funeral service. Almost the whole student community of the college, attended his funeral. The emotional scene was very touching. So we wanted to arrange a separate memorial service of David for the students of the college. The college Dean Dr. Pratab Gnanamuthu, presided over the function. Most of the students gathered for the meeting. The Dean, a great surgeon talked very well about his student David. He said “while teaching his class, I often look at him since David used to nod his head to express that he understands what I teach to the class. Such kind of indication is very important for the teachers who take the class. Also I loved him as a well behaved student. Some of his class mates spoke about him as a diligent student and one who was loved by all. When a responsibility was given to him, he would work hard and earnestly to finish the task perfectly. He was a great lover of music. He had a compassionate heart for the poor and the sick. When he changed a 100 rupee note and went to the hospital visit, he would have nothing left, when he returned to his room. He would have given all the money to the needy poor patients. On the 12th November, when David talked to me, I told him gladly what his Dean told about him. David : Amma, Jesus gave me the great privilege of listening to everybody talking on that day. So I heard what my Dean spoke about me. Amma I was so happy to listen to what he said. I always loved him. Please tell him that I love him still and that Jesus will bless him. Please convey my love to all my friends and college mates and my loving regards to all my Lecturers. “Fading away like the stars of the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun – Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling, Only remembered by what we have done.” - H. Bonar D.D. 5th December, 2003 : At 7.30 in the morning when I was brushing my teeth, I heard David’s voice. I got my pension orders the previous day. I was sad that my dear son David was not with me, when I got my pension benefits. I told about my pension to David and asked him whether he wanted to give some money to any one. Prior to his going HOME, David had told me that when I got my pension benefits; he wanted me to give some money to his cook (who is a poor man with a large family and he cooks for a group of medical college students who stayed in a house) we were wondering how to give the money to the cook and I asked David about it. David : Amma, don’t send the money to the cook by post or through any messenger. Convey a message to him by phone or letter and ask him to come to our house in Nagercoil. Give it to him personally. Also please give him travelling expenses also. Amma, can you give some money to our “Congregational Christian Hospital” for free medical aid to the poor, the old, the sick destitute women and the old people? Amma : My darling son, we’ll give the money to your cook according to your instruction. Also, when we raise a fund in your name, we’ll definitely give money to our mission hospital to help the poor sick persons. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. Bye my dear son ! A few weeks later, we contacted the cook and he promised to come on Christmas day. He came, wearing a T-Shirt which David had given him and told us about David’s great affection for him with tears flowing down. Before he came, David had told me “Amma, when my cook comes, tell him that I love him and that I want to meet him in Heaven one day” In the same way, we gave the money as David’s present and conveyed to him David’s message, also. “I love to tell the story. Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory Of Jesus and His love ! I love to tell the story ! Because I know it’s true; It satisfies my longings, As nothing else can do. - Miss. Kate Hankey

13th February, 2004: 8.45 P.M. After telling about his experience at the ‘Medical Study Centre’, David told me the following. David : Amma, I heard you praying just now, for my friends also. Please keep on praying for them. They loved me so much and I don’t want them to go to the eternal agony. They must come to this beautiful place and meet me amma. I am very particular about that. Try to collect their home addresses through the girls who are coming to see you (I had told David that two of his class mates - girls would visit us) Then send some books about me to each and every one of my friends, whom I love dearly and they also loved me so much amma. I want to meet them in Heaven one day. Please go to sleep. Bye amma. As David had asked us, we got all the addresses of his friends from the girls who visited us and arranged to give the books about him to all his friends. The girls told us that their teacher in ‘medicine’ gave the marks of three test papers which David had also written and David had got the first rank in all the three papers. One day after their visit, I told David that he had got the first rank in all the three test papers in ‘medicine’ (David used to be very particular to get first rank during his college days) David : Amma, I am happy for you that I got first ranks in all the three test papers because you are in the world and you would be happy to hear the news. Nothing matters to me now amma, since I am in Heaven. This wonderful happiness cannot be compared with any happiness and success of the life on the earth any more. “Beckoning hands at the gateway tonight, Faces a shining with radiant light; Eyes looking down from yon heavenly home, Beautiful hands they are beckoning “come”. Beautiful hands, beckoning hands, Calling the dear ones to heavenly lands; Beautiful hands, beckoning hands Beautiful, beautiful beckoning hands.” - C. C. Luther

David Telling About Himself

13th February, 2004 : 8.45 P.M.

David : Amma, now I am at home resting. We have balconies all around our mansion. From my room I can reach the front balcony through the central hall and into the back, through a small corridor in between Ammamma’s room and that of Mamu. So I have balconies on three sides of my room. Some time my grand parents and I sit at the balcony facing the river and talk for a long time. I used to tell them about my study centre and about other places we visited. They listen with keen interest. Both of them are familiar with common medical terms. Amma, when you come here, I’ll take all of you to my medical study centre. Sometime, I used to sit at the balcony at the side of my room, watching the beautiful garden, the flowing river and the singing birds. The garden is really big which is extended up to the next house, quite far away. Sometime Mamu and his friends would be there calling me “ ‘David’, David! Come here to help us pluck fruits from the garden.” Amma, it would be very pleasant to sit there, watching the garden, children and birds. Sometime I used to read some books or just relax. Amma, Heaven is a wonderful place! “In the land where the bright ones are gather’d, In the far away home where they dwell, Do they know how our sad hearts are breaking, Do they know that we love them so well ? Yes, they know; for our spirit’s are blending, In the mansion of peace where they dwell, And they watch and they wait for our coming, For they know that we love them so well.” - Rev. W.O. Cushing 10th March, 2004 : 10. P.M. As David was sailing along a river, he talked to me. David : Amma, If I had been in the world, I would have worked as a missionary say for 40 years. By that time I would have become extremely tired. Then I would have longed to take rest in heaven, as you all would be doing after coming to heaven. But now I am bubbling with energy and enthusiasm. I feel like doing anything for my beloved Jesus and I will go to the end of the world as a missionary if He sends me ! That’s why God’s ‘will’ had been to take me to His home at this age. So don’t feel sad amma. Amma : David, please explain about your heavenly body. David : (Laughingly) I studied only the anatomy of the human body on the earth and not the anatomy of our heavenly body. Amma, I look just like your David on the earth. My face which was haggard and bony is now chubby and radiant. My hands also have become more plumpy. They used to be bony on the earth. Also my teeth have become perfect without any cavity. How I used to suffer with tooth ache while on the earth. Here our body is of light – weight and my bones are not hard and heavy. That is why we can glide along and walking too is a pleasure here. But we can play musical instruments with a light touch. We can hold or shake hands. We raise our hands to praise God and also show our appreciation. We eat regularly to get energy. Many fruits here taste like ice cream of different flavours. We just bite the outer layer to make a hole and then eat it with a spoon, at home. If we are outside, we use leaves, which are hard as spoons. Our taste is slightly different here. But amma, I used to like ice cream on the earth and here many the fruits are like ice cream which I do relish. All, we eat is completely absorbed in our body and there is no question of any excretion. In heaven we just can’t see any decayed object – fruit or flower, dry leaves or dust or debris of any kind. This place is spotlessly pure and clean. In heaven, there is no strong breeze but it is quite pleasant with a delicate perfume everywhere. There is neither misty cold nor dusty heat as on the earth. We don’t sweat at all. Amma, as far as I know, Jesus has given us a perfect super brain like a computer, which can retain everything we study, hear, read and even remember what we studied in our earth life. In the same way, Jesus gives everyone perfect voice to sing and praise the Lord. Bye amma. Kamazh : In this context, I would like to quote a few lines from the book “safe in the arms of God” by the great American Pastor – Teacher John Mac Arthur. That book has been great consolation for me for Kamazh : In this context, I would like to quote a few lines from the book “safe in the arms of God” by the great American Pastor – Teacher John Mac Arthur. That book has been great consolation for me for the last few months of my bereavement. In his book page 113 and 114 of the First Indian Edition - 2003 by Grace to India, Pune, Maharashtra, he has written as follows : “For our loved ones in heaven including our little ones, that day of perfection has already come. They live as whole persons – whole in body and soul completely new and flawless.” (Ref. : 1 John 3 : 2) “The Lord has lovingly and graciously bestowed on your child –heart, soul, mind and flesh, the standard befitting the lofty position He has elevated, your child to occupy. He has given your child the standard of perfection so that he might stand before His throne and see God face to face”. These are wonderful words of consolation for me and give direct proof for my son David’s explanation of his body and activity in Heaven. I thank my beloved Jesus for giving us such wonderful people of God to console thousands of parents who lost their children. I take this opportunity to thank Dr. John Mac Arthur for his great book called “Safe in the arms of God”. May God bless all his ministries.


Our Lord Jesus gave me a happy peaceful family life. My life’s path of sunshine suddenly became pitch dark. The promise of my God whom I trusted all along seemed to fail and my heart was in agony. All my dreams were shattered. When I was groping in darkness, a heavenly light flashed on my path. I heard the voice of my loving Saviour and saw His promise in all its glory and splendour and His peace filled my weary heart. At the same time all of a sudden my broken and longing heart, was thrilled with joy as I heard the sweet voice of my darling son, who is partaking in ‘Heaven’s Glory’. I praise and thank my beloved Saviour Jesus for His grace and tender mercy in giving me a special privilege of communication between me and my son, at the same time bestowing on me, the sacred duty of writing a book on the marvellous glories of heaven as revealed to me by my son, David. I pray to God with a humble heart that this book must bring consolation to many who have lost their children and loved ones and lead many to our Saviour.

“They tell me of a land so fair Where all is light and song Where angel choirs their anthem join With Yonder blood washed throng Eye hath not seen ear hath not heard Neither hath it enter’d into the heart of man The things which God hath prepared for them Prepared for them that love Him” - F. J. Crosby

18th November, 2003 : In the morning David talked to me. Amma : David, we saw a poem in one of your note books. Did you compose that? Poem Little deeds of kindness Little words of love Help to make earth happy Like the heaven above. David : I don’t remember anything about that poem amma. Amma : David, we are going to write a book about you, my dear. David : Amma, I indeed feel happy about it. Amma, when Jesus talked to you how happy you have been listening to Him! Then imagine how happy we must be in heaven, who are living in His presence forever! I’ll talk to you later. Bye Amma! “Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God.” - R. Kelso Carter

30th November, 2003 : 3.15 P.M. David : Amma, Jesus told me to talk to you regularly for two reasons. One reason is to console you and make you happy. Another is that you have to write your experiences and the heavenly messages in the form of a book. Jesus says that it is very important, since my mission is going to be on the earth. Amma : I’ll surely write about you, my darling son and the beautiful pictures of heaven which my sweet son communicates to me. We feel very happy to do it. Some of these wonderful divine scenes of heaven are beyond our human comprehension. Yet I’ll try to explain them with God’s help. David : Amma, I am extremely glad to hear that. I am sure the book will be very useful for our Lord’s ministry. Also it will console thousands of people, especially those who lost their children and loved ones. Bye, Amma!

10th December, 2003 : 8.45 P.M. David : Amma, are you going to write a book with all our conversations? Amma : Son, I don’t know how to write such a book. Anyway I’ll do it. I don’t have any idea about it yet. David : Amma, please pray to Jesus. He will guide you perfectly.

12th December, 2003 : Morning David : Amma, when you write the book in Tamil, for daily reading first give the Bible portion and the important Bible verse. Then you give the heavenly vision revealed by me and write a message. In the end, give a proper quotation.

13th December, 2003 : 7 A.M. From 6.45 A.M. onwards, I was praying and thinking about the book, my Saviour has asked me to write. Immediately I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, I am very happy that you are going to write a book in Tamil with Periamma’s (mother’s sister) help. Pray to Jesus. He will guide you perfectly. Jesus says, “There won’t be any shortage of material for the writing, similar to the promise given to the widow of zarephath. “The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail” (1 Kings 17 : 14)”. Like that as you go on writing, materials and ideas will be supplied by Jesus. Amma, the Holy Spirit is speaking through me. When the message comes through me, it will touch the people, who know me and many others, who will come to know about me, and come to know Jesus through the book. Amma, I love Jesus so much that I’ll do anything for Him. You also try to love Jesus as much as I love Him. Be happy Amma! Bye!

15th December, 2003 : 4 P.M. After a short nap in the afternoon I woke up and suddenly I talked loudly to myself. “What a big blow to us! That is, the death of our sweet son David, who had been a sunbeam to us”. At once I heard the Holy Spirit speaking within me. Holy Spirit : “When Moses gave the big blow to the rock, water gushed out and thousands drank the water to quench their thirst. Similarly thousands will be consoled by this big blow.” I thought that the book which will reveal, the marvellous beauty of heaven and the boundless joy of its inhabitants in the presence of Jesus, our Redeemer, will console thousands who have lost their children. “Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flow’d, Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and pow’r.” – A.M. Toplady

16th December, 2003 : After lunch, I was reading a book. Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, I have some suggestions to give you, regarding writing of the book. Holy Spirit is speaking through me. First of all you pray fervently and sincerely for the guidance of Jesus. Then you take devotional books and start reading at random or from the beginning. Have some diary to note down the pages. When you find something appropriate you note down the book and the page number. You can take them under different headings. It will be very helpful to refer when you write the message for the book in Tamil. Please tell this to Periamma also. I had been to Steve’s house to day to practise guitar. Just now I came home and I am going to take rest. Bye, Amma!

29th December, 2003 : 8.30 P.M. When I was writing the Tamil Daily Reading Book David talked to me. David : Amma, my friends know my privilege of talking to you. But they are not at all jealous. (It is not a heavenly character) I told them about you Amma and how you used to prepare some medical notes for my brother and for me. So they say that you can easily write a book about heaven using the information, which I provide you. The book will be very useful to save and console many.

16th January, 2004 : David : Amma, just now I returned from visiting the ‘Joint Family Complex’, to which Aunt Maria had invited us. John, Joe and I (John is English and Joe is Malaysian) went there. After seeing all their mansions and their beautiful surroundings we had a meeting in their lovely huge front lawn. Many from the complex came with great enthusiasm. We three spoke and gave our witness. Like that, many from different countries gave their witnesses. One North Indian also spoke. He said, “Millions of Indians have not heard about Jesus yet.” John told them about me and said, “David’s Mom is going to write a book about heaven.” The Indian was very much pleased and said, “The book will touch many people in India.” Bye, amma!

1. “He leadeth me! Oh blessed thought! Oh! words with heav’nly comfort fraught! What e’er I do, where’er I be, Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me. 2. Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur, nor repine; Content, what ever lot I see, Since ’tis my God that leadeth me. Ch: He leadeth me! He leadeth me! By His own hand He leadeth me; His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. - J.H. Gilmore

22nd March, 2004 : 10.30 P.M. “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them and they shall be His people and God Himself will be with them….. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes”. (Rev. 21 : 3, 4 ) When I was lying down in my bed, I was thinking about David and all that happened to us. Suddenly I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, my friends and I are going in a boat. I’ll give you the details later on. Whatever happened to us, is the perfect will of God. Jesus’ purpose and longing is to save souls in this world through various means. Amma, Jesus has called me to heaven to reveal, its marvellous splendours and our perfect eternal happiness here. Hence by writing a book about heaven, many souls can be saved from entering that horrible eternal hell. For writing a book one should have time, talent, matter and funds. Now you are retired and so you have ample time. Jesus has given you, Appa and Periamma some talent to write in simple language. Jesus will provide funds. I was dedicated to be a missionary. Jesus has called me home to give you messages from here, about heaven’s beauty, the happy, joyous domestic life of the redeemed souls and also about the glorious worship services in the presence of Jesus and our awesome God, the Trinity and other wonderful glimpses of the grandeur of heaven. So you have the matter to write. Through these messages, the Holy Spirit will touch many and they will understand the reality of heaven. So these messages not only console many, but also save many souls, who would want to attain this glorious heavenly life after their death. So my coming home is the ‘perfect will of God’. Amma, just think about those missionaries, who lost their lives at the hands of cannibals and died as martyrs, and thus suffered for Jesus. At the age of 23, I am here to enjoy a full life of happiness and joy in heaven and at the same time fulfilling the missionary work assigned to me. Jesus hasn’t revealed to me yet, all the missionary work, He has planned for me. I am ready to do any work for my beloved Jesus who gave His life for me Amma. I am safe and happy here – no more pain or sorrow, which is part of missionary work and also our life on the earth. Amma, Jesus loves me very much and that is why He spared me from all the agony and unhappiness of the world. Bye amma! 1. “Where my saviour’s hand is guiding, And for all my wants providing - In His precious love confiding, I’ll go with Him all the way. 2. Tho’ my path be dark and dreary, And my steps be faint and weary - With His loving voice to cheer me, I’ll go with Him all the way. Ch : Where my saviour leads I’ll follow, (3) I will follow all the way.” - F. J. Crosby

One day, I asked David, why he is giving only the first name of his Friends and others and not their family name too. He replied as follows : David : Amma, may be it is the will of my Jesus not to reveal the real identity of persons here. Even I don’t know the family names of my friends and others. We always use their first name only.

CHAPTER - 4 CHRISTMAS IN HEAVEN “Joy to the world, the Lord is come” is a familiar hymn sung all over the world during Christmas season. Indeed the birth of Christ is something for us to rejoice because through Him we find joy, peace

and especially eternal life. Young and old, poor and rich celebrate Christmas on the earth. After my son’s going HOME, I was thinking one day during Christmas season whether they celebrate Christmas in heaven, David provided me the answer to that question. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness on them has light shined. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace”. (Isa. 9 : 2, 6.)

28th November, 2003 : At 11 A.M., while I was resting, I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, you wonder how Christmas in heaven is like. It is a very grand affair. Just imagine people on the earth celebrating the birth of their beloved king. Do know that we are going to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Saviour and King of the whole universe. Soon we will start going around singing carols. I, with my group of boys and girls am in the process of selecting carols for this Christmas. You can not imagine the number of music books heaven’s library has on Christmas carols alone. We are in the music room of my mansion where there is a big piano. Amma, just compare this happy carefree life with my earthly life with all my medical studies and restless life. Amma, don’t go into depression missing me; just look above and let Jesus console you.

29th November, 2003 : 8.50 P.M. David : My music group is meeting at the outskirts of our homes to practise the carols. We don’t want our neighbours to hear them before we sing for them in their homes. As usual, we are sitting in a circle. Girls start treble and others join singing parts (Alto, tenor and bass). Possibly only three of the carols may be familiar to you. Around us all His glory shall display Saved by His love, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to Heaven’s Almighty King (These 2 verses I copied from my song book)

- J. Byrom

17th December, 2003 : 2.50 P.M. I had a nap and just got up when I heard David voice.

David : Amma, we have started our carol rounds. We started from one end of our colony and visited the mansions of strangers also. We spent a lot of time in each mansion. Time is not a problem in heaven. Out side it looks like dusk or dawn. The dazzling golden light softens a little at this time. I cannot explain the beauty and decorations of each mansion. All the trees are like Christmas trees. Have you ever heard music from trees? Here from trees near the houses, we can hear melodious Christmas music in chimes. I think it is a technique devised by human artists with divine wisdom. There is a special group for that. As soon as we enter a mansion, either we sit in the central hall or we would be invited into the music hall. If the hosts are interested in music, some play piano and even teach us some new Christmas songs or choruses. We sing some songs with four parts (treble, alto, tenor & bass). Some, we sing with our musical instruments. The hosts also join us in singing. Thus we spend a lot of time in a home. Sometime they request us to sing a particular Christmas song. Some time they enjoy explaining the many Christmas they spent on the earth. On the way to the next house, we sing, shout with joy and laugh loudly. At the sky, we can see groups of angels singing or hear their musical chimes and bells sounding Christmas music. Heaven is really a wonderful place filled with glory, grace and music.

“Never shone a light so fair, Never fell so sweet a song, As the chorus in the air Chanted by the angel’s throng” – F.J. Crosby

The small children form a separate choir. It is thrilling to hear the baby voices singing Christmas songs. Sometimes, we join the children outside and sing together. But we go separately into the mansions for singing. Outside we sing jolly good songs like “jingle bells”. What a joy! Just compare this Christmas with a Christmas on the earth. I believe children, teens and youth are the ones who enjoy heaven the most. So, my Jesus called me at the right time. At the same time I cannot expect every body to go to heaven like me. There is a lot of work to do for Jesus on the earth too.

I feel that some of those who are loved best by Jesus are taken up in heaven when they are young.

Amma, please go to Puthalam beach and celebrate Christmas there as usual. Think of nothing else except Jesus. Without Jesus, how can we come to heaven and enjoy a life like this? no worry, no tears, no pain and no trace of satan who brings pain and depression in the world! So think of Jesus and do everything for Him and with Him. Bye amma !

“I sing because I am happy I sing because I am free For His eye is on the sparrow And I know He watches me”.

19th December, 2003 : 6.50 A.M. while I was praying I heard David’s voice David : Amma, Christmas is wonderful in heaven. I can’t explain its wonders. Just now I returned from Carol rounds. It was a very long programme. I was thrilled. In our group of mansions, the people are from different nations. There are whites, blacks, Indians and several others. In the third house, there lives an American middle aged lady. She is a spinster and we call her Aunt Margaret. She has travelled all over the world, including India. She had been a great Choir conductor. She actually conducted our choir when we visited her mansion to sing carols. You can imagine my happiness. Though I teach music to my group, I didn’t know how to do it correctly. I know only Puthalam choir and our youth choir. Actually we had a wonderful choir practice. First she asked us to stand in 2/3rd of a circle, in the following order – Treble – Tenor – alto and bass. We sang almost all Christmas songs. All her life, she was a music instructor and choir director. First she gave us starting notes, played a prelude in the piano, and then she directed our singing. She taught us different ways to sing (soft and loud), humming parts, treble solo, only male voices for one stanza etc. She taught us different variations. We all were very happy and she asked us to go often. Amma, see how I am getting trained to conduct a choir, apart from singing. Now I have an idea about different variations by which we can sing. We stayed there for a long time. In several houses, they gave us different types of tasty fruit juices.

The small children are becoming naughtier. When we walk on the road, they often dash against us or rush in between, tickle us and run away. We also pinch them playfully. They giggle and run away. They are very cute. Oh, I just love them. Bye amma!

“Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation, O sing all ye citizens of heav’n above Glory to God, all glory in the highest O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord”

20th December, 2003 : At 9.30 P.M., as I was lying down to sleep, I heard Davids voice. David : Amma here, in Heaven the difference in singing is that we feel as though we are, on the spot mentioned in the words of the song. For example, when we sing ‘O little town of Bethlehem’ we feel as though we are looking over Bethlehem 2000 years ago, from above. You also try to imagine that and it will be a wonderful experience. In the world we just sing for the tune of a song for its beauty, but do not realize the meaning of every word. Amma, please try to read the Christmas songs as I say. In the song “while Shepherds watched their flocks by night”, we feel as though we have joined the host of angels who gave the message and sing the first carols to the Shepherds. For ‘silent night’, imagine a world, 2000 years ago – no light; such a calm and serene early morning hours, while the world was asleep !

Amma, visiting people, in their homes, is a wonderful experience in heaven. Here ALL are redeemed and they are under the very presence of Jesus. So they receive us with great joy and affection which we cannot expect on the earth. When we go for carol rounds in the world, people may receive us happily. Still they have their worries and burdens. Here in Heaven, every one is bubbling with joy.

Amma, once, after attending an “Angels’ worship service” I and my friends came home singing Christmas carols. On the way, many people, who were complete strangers invited us to their homes. What love and affection, they showered on us!! Some ladies hugged and kissed each one of us, when we left their homes. Amma we cannot expect such sincere and whole hearted affection from strangers on the earth. Heaven is a wonderful place with love, love everywhere, pure love !

Amma, be happy and try to do everything for Jesus. Always use the name of Jesus. It is the only powerful name. Bye amma!

“Hail, the heav’n born Prince of Peace! Hail, the sun of righteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings; Mild, He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth, Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the new - born King.” - Charles Wesley


The Bible says, when Jesus told his disciples that He was going to leave them soon, they were troubled. Then Jesus told the most heartening news, “In my father’s house are many mansions, . . . . . I go to prepare a place for you . . . . . and I will take you to myself, that where I am, you may be also” (John 14 : 2, 3). Yes, there are beautiful, spacious mansions already prepared for His people as promised. David’s description of those mansions has created a longing for me to go there soon. What about you? I am giving below a consolidated account of different sites for mansions on both sides of a huge lake, a brook, a river, near a ravine and sea as narrated by David. There are mansions on mountain slope and top too. All mansions have huge, beautiful gardens surrounded by woods. Pet lovers’ mansions are near the woods, and pets live together in these woods.

i. Mansions on both sides of a lake

23rd December, 2003 : David : Amma, once Aunt Janet, whom we met on our way back home from a worship service took our choir members to her friends across a big lake – a long way from our place. When our group reached the lake, we went by boats, crossed the lake and reached the other side. It is impossible to describe the beauty. At the other side of the lake, there was a mountain and the mansions were at three different levels. There were beautiful gardens and lawn near the lake. All of us sat down on the lawn. We watched the lake for sometime. It was just wonderful. Several people were going by boats – old, young and children. They all sang Christmas carols in different languages and some songs were unfamiliar. Groups of young people travelled by one or more boats together so that they could sing together the different parts with musical instruments, mostly guitar. They were standing on the boats and singing so joyously that we could hear their melodious voices and the sound of their instruments so distinctly. When they saw us, they waved to us. Immediately my friends jumped from their seats and waved back with joy. Older people were just singing and floating in their boats with merry laughter and smile. Children!! – I can’t say whether they were singing or shouting or both. Just wonderful amma. I wish you were with me to see the wonderful sight!. I don’t know whether this is a regular feature or something special since it is Christmas time. Finally we all visited the mansions. They have their own beautiful gardens. From almost every mansion, people came out to welcome us. Usually we sat in their spacious central hall or in their music room. When we sing we stand in half circle, I become a small director amma. When a chord is given in the guitar, we hum our notes. I give instruction to start the song and then join the Tenor. Sometimes the hosts also joined us or they made special requests. All of them were so affectionate, loving and appreciative. Once we come out of one house, my fellow singers run to the lake side to see those who are going by boats. From the different levels, we had the same view of the lake, sparkling like diamonds, reflecting the heavenly golden radiance.

10th January, 2004 : David : Another time, when we came to this mountain to attend a “Missionary get together”, we went on a boat ride and saw many mansions on either side of the lake. At that time we climbed down the steps leading to the lake and went by two boats, along the left side of the lake, close to the mountain. Amma! how beautiful these mansions are! You can not possibly imagine their beauty! The gold of the mansions, glittered in the heavenly light. There were numerous natural swimming pools, made by the streams flowing from the mountain, with children shouting with joy. When they saw us waving our hands, they jumped and came nearer to the lake to greet us. After we sailed a long way, the mountain range ended. Then we turned back and came along the other side of the lake, where there were so many mansions, with various water sources like, streams, pools, fountains etc. We were nearer to the land this side and so people waved and asked us to get down and sing for them. They heard us singing while sailing. In some places we got down and in some places we sang, sitting in our boats. There were beautiful gardens around each mansion. We saw people sitting there or doing something in the garden.

16th January, 2004 : David : Amma another time three of us boys visited a cosmopolitan complex. It was near the lake side. The mansions were situated in U shape facing the road and the lake. They were huge with separate garden for each mansion. The road inside the complex was wonderful. It connected all the mansions. There was a big common lawn and garden with seating arrangements for conducting a meeting at the front. There were about 75 mansions. At the back of the mansions, there was a huge forest with water falls, streams and swimming pools. There was an auditorium and also a very big lawn with seating arrangements and a stage to conduct open - air meetings. Around a big pool, there were seats arranged in circles, so that people could sit and talk.

19th January, 2004 : David : Amma our youth and children, after visiting the cosmopolitan complex, went in three boats along the right edge of the lake and landed in an African colony. There we met people from the small villages of Africa. We could see many such colonies along the lake. As soon as our boats touched the shore, the members of the colony came out and received us. A beautiful road was leading to the colony with beautiful big mansions in three concentric circles, connected by roads and gardens. In the centre, there was a lovely round lawn, with exquisite gardens around. There were seats, where one could conduct meetings. Behind these, mansions, were mountains. There were several groups of mansions, over the mountains also. We could not see anys thorny bushes or sharp rocks as on the earth. We could see beautiful roads with flower gardens and flowering trees on both sides of the road, with streams running down. Amma, those mansions over looking the lake were just wonderful. When you and Appa (father) come here, our family could ask Jesus to give us a mansion near the lake. “I’ve reached the land of corn and wine And all the riches freely mine Here shines undimm’d one blissful day For all my night has passed away O Beulah land, sweet Beulah land As on thy highest mount I stand I look away across the sea Where mansions are prepared for me And view the shining glory shore My Heaven my Home for evermore” - E. Page

ii. Mansions on both sides of a brook

30th December, 2003 : David : Once, my friends and I walked along the left side of our houses along the road and reached a beautiful brook, with small rocks and pebbles. The sky was colourful and the colours were reflected on the brook. We sat there and talked for a long time. 8th January, 2004 : David : Another day five of us boys started walking inside the brook. On both sides, there were beautiful mansions with lovely gardens full of flowers and flowering trees. The steps from the garden touched the brook. Everywhere we saw children playing in the brook and laughing. Adults and young people were seen sitting in small groups in the garden singing with their musical instruments waving and smiling at us. They formed a panorama which the eye can never get tired of beholding. “By and by we shall be standing By and By, oh, by and by At fair heaven’s shining landing While the river murmurs by” - E.E. Rexford

iii. Mansions on mountain top

28th December, 2003 : David : Once Aunt Janet took us all to a beautiful spot on top of a mountain. On the way up, we enjoyed the sight of falls and streams running. The whole mountain echoed our laughter and singing. At the top of the mountain, there were about 20-25 mansions built in a cluster, surrounded by gardens with lawns, flowers and flowering trees. A road was running around those mansions. Between the road and the mountain edge, there were many gardens, with beautiful lawns, flowers and seats. I wished I was a poet, to capture the beauty in words!. The view of the heaven from this place was just wonderful, marvellous and I just can not possibly express its beauty and splendour in words. The sea could be seen at a distance. There were several lakes, mountains, valleys, falls, clusters of mansions here and there, ah! What a sight ! On the slope of the mountain, I could see flowers everywhere. Each section contained flowers or flowering trees of the same colour. Like that there were different sections with different colours. The glory of our Lord could be seen everywhere. We sang as usual holding hands and looking down from the edge of the mountain. In the world we would be terribly frightened to look down from a steep mountain top. What a beautiful sight from the mansions on the mountain top !! I think that there is no language known to mortals to describe this marvellous beauty of heaven. “Bright and fair the hills of the Home land, Clad in all the bloom of the spring; There to Him who loved and redeemed us, Our joyful joyful praise we will sing”. - F. J. Crosby iv. Mansions for pet-lovers near a wood

12th January, 2004 : David : Amma, five of us have just returned after seeing mansions and pets. In front of the complex, there were just beautiful huge gardens. Fountains inside the gardens looked like spray of liquid gold because of the golden heavenly light reflecting on them. After passing these gardens, we came to a row of very big beautiful mansions. They had individual gardens in front. We went into the first house. There was a lady and children. She received us affectionately and took us to the backyard. There was no partition in between mansions. All the mansions had common woods at the back. There was a big pond full of white swans. If we go near, they all come closer to us, as though we are friends. We were amazed to find many dogs, cats, rabbits and smaller animals behind the first house. There was a small falls with colourful fishes jumping in the golden spray. All the animals were in groups and they played together. Then we walked along the row of mansions. We saw bigger animals like deer, sheep and many others which were different from ours on the earth. That lady told us, “If you go deeper into the woods, you can see horses and horse-riding. Horse riding is also taught there. AT times, lots and lots of children from the other areas, come to see and play with these animals.” There were many bird watchers, sitting inside the wood to watch birds. That lady told us that all people in those mansions were pet lovers. Then we promised her that we would come again with our friends and returned home. “Thou hast no shore, fair ocean; Thou hast no time bright day; Dear fountain of refreshment To pilgrims far away”. - J. M. Neale

v. Mansions on the river side David : Amma, our own mansions are near a river. Since a road is on one side, we always refer, our mansions as facing the road. We enter our mansions from the road. But in Heaven, there is no difference between front and back of our mansions, because on both sides we have sit-outs with beautiful gardens. So if we come home by boats, we enter the mansions through the river side. To sit and watch the children playing in the river is a wonderful sight.

26th January, 2004 : David : Amma, Aunt Janet, took us all to a picnic spot near a ravine. On the way she took us to the mansions near a broad river. The mansions were just beautiful with gardens around them. The steps from each garden led to the river. The children were in very small boats ( 2 – 4 Seater ) sailing on the river. There was a broad bridge over the river. Along the two edges of the bridge, there were beautiful flowering plants, planted in in-built pots with small sparkling fountains. We were standing over the bridge for sometime and enjoyed the sight of the flowing river, the sailing children and the beauty of the surrounding. We were able to hear the happy shouts and laughter of the children. Heaven is the only place of security, joy and peace for them.

“When the mists have rolled in splendour From the beauty of the hills And the sunlight falls in gladness On the river and the rills We recall our Father’s promise In the rainbow of the spray”. - Annie Herbert

vi. Children’s mansions near the sea

4th January, 2004 : o

vii. Mansions near a ravine

26th January 2004 : David : Amma, aunt Janet took us to the mansions near a ravine. We crossed a river through a beautiful bridge and there on the other side were many small streams, over which were small small bridges. Finally we reached a beautiful awe - inspiring ravine. There was a big bridge over it. We stood there and looked down. A small stream was flowing. The ravine was very deep and very wide with full of flowers on the slopes of the two sides. Amma, I cannot explain the beauty with words. This is Heaven, the abode of Jesus and God who created the whole universe. We didn’t want to move from that place. Finally we moved and reached the other side. A road was leading us to the left along the ravine. First we came to a cluster of beautiful tall flowering trees. There was a wonderful music performance by hundreds of beautiful birds. It was a bird sanctuary. There were lots of seats here and there. Some people were sitting there taking down some notes. They were bird watchers. We stood there and listened to the birds praising our and their Lord. Then we moved on, along the road and finally reached a group of about 20 to 25 mansions. They were built almost in a huge circle, with a very big beautiful garden at the centre. The ravine then turned right, so that it almost ran parallel to the circle of mansions. We were able to see very young and older children climbing up and down the long steps which led to the ravine from the mansions. Then aunty Janet took us directly to the top of the second floor of one mansion through the steps near the road, and we saw almost all the residents on the top. The most wonderful thing is, though each mansion was separated by their individual gardens, there were connecting bridges on top, so that we could walk from one mansion to the next through the bridges. There were seats on the terrace of all mansions. The view from the top was just marvellous. There were no tall trees in the front to block the view. There were only short flowering bushes. Just imagine the beauty from the top! The ravine was bathed in heavenly golden light. We were able to see the slopes, the stream, the children going up and down and the beautiful curve of the ravine. The same view was available from all the house tops, which were common to every mansion. When we walked along the house tops and came to the middle, there was one terrace which was very wide and long. Someone explained that it was the top of a large, conference hall, which could seat almost all the residents. We went there and were seated. By that time, children brought baskets full of roses, lilies of the valley and other varieties of flowers, unknown to me. They gave each one of us, a big beautiful rose. We put them in our button hole. They served us different varieties of fruits (Amma we can get fruits, nuts and roots with all the taste of the food on the earth and more). Then we started our programme. All of us with the residents held our hands and sang together loudly- “He’s the Lily of the valley” the “Bright and Morning Star He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul” We sang with great vigour and enthusiasm. It echoed through out the ravine. With a guitar some one gave us, we sang some songs. Their adults, Youth and children sang some songs too. Then one speaker spoke on the subject “Jesus - the lover of nature” with great enthusiasm. That person had visited the Holy land, while he was on the earth. He visited the sea of Galilee, surrounding mountains and the valleys. He said that Jesus loved to be near the sea and preached from the mountain even while, He was on the earth. So if Jesus had loved the beauty of nature while on the earth, how much more, would He love the beauty of nature in Heaven? That is why Heaven is so beautiful. The message was so wonderful and touching. He referred to Jesus as “Rose of Sharon” and ‘Lily of the valley” – beautiful as a Rose and with a sweet perfume like the Lily of the valley. Somebody told the residents that I talk to my mother on the earth. Then one mother told me, “Poor mother, I know the agony of a mother’s heart when she loses her precious child. But see, now. I am very happy with my child who is already here. My other children are with their families on the earth. So your mother will be very very happy here with you, when she gets to heaven. You know now earth life is nothing when compared to this eternal life.” Finally we said goodbye and started back home. “Just beyond the silent river, over on the further shore Many loved ones there shall greet us, Where the many mansions are.” - I.D. Sankey

viii. Mansions near falls

30th January, 2004 : David : Amma, I and my friends started our trip in a big open boat. There were 15 seats on one side and 15 on the other side with a lot of space in between. While passing the lake, we saw colonies of Africans, Indians, Red Indians, etc; Then we came to a river. On the right side there was a mountain range, and on the left, there were plains, woods, flowering trees etc. Suddenly in front of us, we saw some kind of golden mist blocking our way. Then we heard the sound of falling water on the right and the sight we saw was just glorious. We came close to a water falls. There was a very huge water falls at one place. Water was gushing out of a rock from the mountain and fell on a big rock underneath, which caused the spray. The effect was just like a number of huge golden fountains in a line. The spray fell on the river as well as on the other side of the river, where there were many huge mansions with beautiful gardens in front. When our boat crossed the spray, we all shouted with joy. The falling of the misty water over us gave a tremendous feeling of joy. When we looked down, there were many children inside the water, where the spray was falling. Even we couldn’t see them. Only their heads were visible over the water. In the gardens, in front of the mansions, some were sitting under the spray and enjoying it. At one place we saw a big garden with many seats and people sitting on them. When they heard our voices, they invited us. We got down and went there. They asked us to sing. As usual, we stood in a half circle. We had a guitar. I became a small music conductor as usual and we sang a few songs. Amma, usually people say that we have a beautiful harmony. These people also said the same. They were so affectionate. Finally we said good bye and started sailing towards the sea. “Will you meet me at the fountain When I reach the glory land Will you meet me at the fountain Shall I clasp your friendly hand? Other friends will give me welcome Other loving voices cheer; There ‘ll be music at the fountain Will you, will you meet me there?” - P. P. Bliss

ix. Mansions with a huge area around them

14th January, 2004 : David : Amma, three of us are going to visit a cosmopolitan complex near a lake. We are walking along the road, which leads to the brook. But we passed the brook and are going straight to the complex. At our left is the brook and the mansions on both sides. To our right, we can see beautiful mansions. Each mansion has a huge space around. In the front we see beautiful gardens and at the back, we can see woods having tall flowering trees. My friend John says that those people who like to have big area around their mansions, live here. “A sweet perfume upon the breeze Is borne from ever-vernal trees And flowers that never-fading grow Where streams of life for ever flow” - E. Page

x. Mansions near the sea and back-waters

1st February, 2004 : David : Amma, after passing the mansions, near the falls, we came into an area full of beautiful parks with many roads in between. There were lots of people and the children were sitting and playing. It seemed to be a place for picnics. We didn’t stop there but proceeded along the river in our boat. Then we entered a thick forest and we saw animals like deer. The trees were so huge and they were like arches overhead. Those areas were darker and our teen agers made different sounds like animals of the world. It was a glorious experience. We sang all the way. Finally the river joined the sea. We enjoyed ourselves, when our boat entered the ocean from the speedy river. Then we slowly sailed along the ocean singing together. “Over and over like a mighty sea Comes the love of Jesus rolling over me Over the sea (girls) Over the sea (boys) Jesus Saviour pilot me Over the sea (2) over the jasper sea” Singing this chorus was just wonderful at the sea. We sailed parallel to the land. After a long travel, we saw a group of mansions near the shore. Also we saw many ships deep inside the sea. There were lots of boats sailing here and there. Just before the mansions, the sea entered into the land as back waters which surrounded the mansions at the sides and at the back, so that the mansions were inside an island-sea in the front and the back waters on the other three sides. We got down from the sea and entered the island through the front. There were small sand dunes near the shore. Then some people came out and received us cordially and took us from one end to the other end of the island. There were lots of pools near the sand dunes and they were connected to the back waters at the back by small streams. We could see about 10 such pools. Each pool had one variety of water lily (one colour). In the other pools the lilies were of different colours. They were not familiar to me. But they looked very beautiful. Each pool had one variety of fish – beautiful coloured ones – red, golden, orange, green, spotted, etc. Their shapes and sizes were also different. They looked just gorgeous. At the middle of the mansions there was a big garden in between 2 pools and 2 streams. We all went to meet the residents of that area. We could call them sailors. Some of them were fishermen and others were great sailors, who went to the north and south pole expeditions. We had a wonderful meeting there. First of all we sang together, holding our hands “over and over like a mighty sea, comes the love of Jesus rolling over me” again.

Then some great sailors talked about their adventures at sea and at the poles. They said that like doctors, sailors could not be non-believers, since at every turn, they had to depend on divine guidance and protection by the Lord, who made the ocean, earth and sky. They explained their adventurous and dangerous expeditions and how Jesus saved them from sharks, storms and winds. We all enjoyed listening since it was like a story. We spent a lot of time there. They further told us, “Inside the deep sea there are boat houses and ship mansions. Some people live there for some period and then come back to their mansions here. It would be a wonderful experience to watch deep sea fishes and beautiful gardens under the sea, since water is transparent. Fishes would play together and one can dive into the sea.” We all were much excited. We told them that we would come sometime with our families and children, so that we could spend longer time with them and could stay in the ship mansions for a while. Finally we said goodbye and entered the back waters in our boat. It was a, wonderful sight and experience. Behind the back waters, there was a huge forest, with many falls and streams. We saw water running down and dashing against the rocks at the shore of the back waters. This was a very beautiful scene. There were mansions deep inside the forest and children were going in small boats around the rocks, where there were very many sea birds and water birds, small and big with long legs like Pelicans. They made different sounds. Amma, heaven is such a wonderful place ! Finally we again reached the sea from the back waters, sailed on and on and entered the lake through a channel. The lake was familiar to us since we went there once to sing Christmas carols, in the mansions. From the lake we entered the river which took us home. “We shall sing on the beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more Not a sigh for the blessing of rest” - S. F. Bennett

xi. Ship mansions inside the sea

10th February, 2004 :

I just woke up from my sleep and suddenly heard David calling Amma. He said he was on his way back from a trip and that he would talk about it after reaching home. After some moments of anxious waiting, he started talking.

David : Amma, I went to the medical study centre and spent a lot of time there. When I got back, you were fast asleep and didn’t want to disturb you. Just then my friends came. They wanted to go on a tour to the ship mansions and we did.

We all went in a big boat through the river near my home, reached the lake and again went through another river. On the right side we could see the beautiful falls. Through this river we reached the sea. At the sea, we turned our boat to the left which led us to the mansions on the sea shore and back waters. Once before when we visited those mansions for a short while, folks there promised to take us to ship mansions inside the sea when we visited them the next time. As promised, adults and children accompanied us in two huge boats. The sea before us was like a beautiful shining glass, golden in colour. What a sight! Far away we could see those beautiful floating ship-mansions in a circle. Each mansion was rectangular or oval in shape on a very huge ship which tapered at two sides. It had 4 rooms at the ground level in each ship. In every room there were two large windows with glass shutters facing the sea. Out side those rooms was the deck with railings all around. At the two ends of the deck there were

As promised, adults and children accompanied us in two huge boats. The sea before us was like a beautiful shining glass, golden in colour. What a sight! Far away we could see those beautiful floating ship-mansions in a circle. Each mansion was rectangular or oval in shape on a very huge ship which tapered at two sides. It had 4 rooms at the ground level in each ship. In every room there were two large windows with glass shutters facing the sea. Out side those rooms was the deck with railings all around. At the two ends of the deck there were many seats and beautiful flowers in flower pots. We sat there and looked for a long time at the glorious glassy sea. We could sea lots and lots of colourful fishes, big and small jumping and playing. It must be hard for you to believe if I tell you that children lie on the back of huge fishes, holding tight the head of the fishes. When these fishes jumped and dived, children too came up and went down with them. Children were just thrilled. Their joyful shouting filled the air. It was just fantastic and fascinating. There was only a slight rocking motion in the ship, say like a gentle motion of a cradle. Rooms were furnished with tables, chairs, beds, etc. Likewise there were four rooms on the first floor. In some mansions there was second floor too. In between mansions, we could see many rocky islands with flowering trees, bushes with flowers, fountains and small tents with chairs inside. We saw some people sitting inside those tents and some working in the garden. From each mansion, a bridge with railings led to the nearby island. The bridge was permanently attached to the island on one side and the other side just touched the mansion so that the ship mansion could be shifted from one place to another. Each island had flowers of one colour and the view of the sea from the second floor of the mansion was marvellous. Amma. This must be the superb work of the Heavenly artists who had given each island a different colour. People from different races were there. Some lived there permanently and some others used them as holiday homes. There were many empty mansions, fully furnished. So we decided to go there the next time with our families and children to stay there for a longer time. Amma, I felt like staying there permanently. Such a wonderful place! But all my friends are staying near the river side. But we can go and stay there for quite sometime, like how we used to go from Nagercoil and stay at Puthalam beach for a few weeks once a year. Now we are returning, home. I can hear voices shouting ‘David David’. Bye amma ! “Oh, the music rolling onward Like a mighty ocean tide Oft I seem to hear its echoes While to earth they softly glide! And there comes to me a vision That my soul with rapture thrills For I stand by faith uplifted On the everlasting hills. - F. J. Crosby

xii. Mansions over a plateau

21st February, 2004 : 9 P.M. David : Amma, myself and my group of friends went for a long tour in one boat. As usual we took the route of river lake river with falls and forest and then reached the sea. From there, we turned right and sailed a long way in our boat and came to a plateau near the shore. There we could see, four rows of mansions at four different levels. We got out of our boat and went along a very broad road in between the four rows of beautiful mansions. As soon as we reached the first row, people started gathering to welcome us. We found that it was a Chinese colony. Immediately, some children with sticks in their hands welcomed us performing some kind of traditional dance. It was very beautiful. They led us along the road to the middle of their colony at the top. The adults followed us. There was a very high beautiful lawn with soft grass and lots of seats. There was an elevated place which was a stage. The road was going up beyond that lawn and they said that there were four more rows of mansions on top. Then we were all seated in the front row, facing the stage. A missionary belonging to the ‘Hudson Taylor Foundation’ talked with us in English. He said that his mansion was away from this place. But he used to be here most of the time. Sometime the great English missionary Hudson Taylor himself would come here to conduct a meeting, which the inhabitants of all the mansions would attend. A side road (instead of going up) led to the other side of the plateau, where there were a lot of Chinese mansions, and also a beautiful auditorium, which was visited by Jesus occasionally and His presence would give them so much joy and happiness. Then the missionary spoke about their work in and how they were persecuted for the sake of Jesus. Then he called many from the audience to talk about their experiences. Before they started talking, he would give some sort of introduction about them. It was surprising to see even young girls approaching the stage boldly and giving their testimony. Most of them talked in Chinese language, but we understood them in English. Then their children did their traditional dance, which was beautiful. Then youth groups entertained us with their songs, accompanied by their instruments. Their string instrument was different, from our guitar. It had a small round flat head with a long neck of strings. They played this, with a strummer. Later, we gave our programme. We always used to take one guitar, with us whenever we go on such tours. So we played the guitar and sang many choruses and rounds and they appreciated them profoundly. They served us some sweet roots. They were very soft and tasted like honey. Finally, dancing children along with the adults came upto the sea shore and bid us farewell with great affection. “With His strong and mighty hand will the saviour lead us on To that good and pleasant land Over Jordan? Yes, where vine and olive grow And the brooks and fountains flow Thirst nor hunger shall we know” - Mrs. M. B. C. Slade

Seeing the arrival of the saved souls from the earth

21st February, 2004 :

David : Amma before going to the Chinese mansions, we had a great experience at the sea shore, farther away from the plateau. From home, when we reached the sea, we turned right and went a long way in our boat. We passed the plateau colony, but we didn’t go into it then. We sailed on and on and finally came into a big bay. There was a huge crowd of angels and they were coming to the shore by very beautiful boats. It was an unusual sight. Then only we realized that they were bringing the saved souls from the earth. There was a huge crowd of their relatives and friends eagerly waiting to receive their loved ones. Then they took them along very wide steps which looked like beautiful white shinning marbles and the top of which was glowing with a very bright radiance. My friends told me that Jesus would receive these redeemed people there. Amma it was a wonderful sight – the re union with their loved ones. But, when I came, I don’t remember anything like this. I met Jesus first. Then my friends told me “David, you’ll go to the earth to bring your mother, father, periamma and other loved ones. In that case, we all will come here with some of our musical instruments to receive our dear friend David along with his loved ones.” Amma, wouldn’t that be wonderful !! We watched from our boat, the glad reunion of loved ones and my heart thrilled with joy when I think of the day when I’ll be meeting my beloved amma, appa, periamma and other loved ones and bring them to this beautiful shore. Then we turned back and went to the colony near the shore and found that to be a Chinese colony. “Soft the winds that blow from the Home land, Sweet the morn that breaks on the shore; Soon we’ll meet again our beloved ones, Where sorrow, pain and death come no more.” - F.J. Crosby

xiii. Mansions around a chain of ponds

23rd February 2004 : 7.30 P.M. David : Amma we had a wonderful trip and just now I came home. Now I am talking from my room. Some adults mostly those who live alone – who came first from a family and some children came with our group. Padma acca took mamu and his friends to another picnic spot. Mamu is a small leader for his group. Ammamma had another programme. We all went by two boats along the river towards the right of our houses (If we go left, we’ll go to the lake). We sailed a long way and came to a spot, where we saw a lovely panorama encompassing beautiful hills and thick wooded forests. From there, we entered a big beautiful pond, on the left side of the river through a small channel with a broad beautiful bridge over head (the river goes on and on). Amma we can call this place as “Mansions around a chain of ponds.” There were just beautiful mansions around each pond. The next pond was connected by a channel over which there was a broad beautiful bridge. Like that we went along five ponds. The chain of ponds was going on and on. Mostly Europeans live in these enchanting mansions. Around one pond, the mansions belonged to one European country and the buildings were all alike, revealing the architecture typical of that country. At the right side of the ponds there were beautiful hills from where, small streams of crystal-clear water were flowing into the pond. At the left, behind the mansions we could see dense forests. These ponds are famous for their water birds. Amma, what a wonderful and fascinating sight! Flocks and flocks of different kinds of birds with various beautiful colours flew over from the far off hills and forests flapping their wings in unison, and plunged into the water. Some of them swam and some drifted gracefully on the soft glassy surface. Some dived and some took a bath. We saw a group of very small gorgeous pure white birds (in the size of seven sisters) with red beaks. They looked very sweet and beautiful and we call them ‘Baby angel birds’. There were many different kinds of birds small and big in pure white. Also there were beautiful birds in different colours. Some were blue, like King Fisher, but there is no fishing in heaven. They all eat different types of fruits. Amma, we were so excited to see so many species of birds, swarming in and around the lovely ponds. Amma, we all were singing as we were sailing. The two boats sailed together and our group occupied the side seats on the two boats, near each other, so that we could sing together. Our older friends and children sat on the extreme outer sides of the boats. This trip was arranged mainly to entertain our adult friends. They enjoyed our musical treat too. We had two guitars and we sang mostly choruses and rounds. I taught my friends some Tamil choruses, which they know in English, for example “I have decided to follow Jesus” – “naRtpd; gpd;nd nghfj; Jzpe;njd;.” and “He is Lord” – “,naRnt Mz;lth;”. Of course they kill Tamil language. Palliyadi Grandfather (Tamil Scholar) would get the shock of his life, if he hears these kids killing the Tamil language!! But they enjoy learning Tamil from me. They call the “Baby angel birds” as “Fl;o (small) angel birds”. I also studied some French from them. When we sailed along the channels under the bridges, the light was a bit dimmer than out side. Amma, you must hear the noise they produced! Everybody laughed! Teenagers enjoy heaven to their utmost! Usually we sail along the edge of the pond, so that we can see the inhabitants also. When they hear our songs, they come out and wave to us. Most of their children were playing in the water and we saw adults in the garden. Many of them were enjoying watching the lovely birds. When some groups of large birds plunged into the pond, water was splashed all over us and we used to shout in our excitement. But the wonderful part of this experience was that the birds were not at all frightened even when we shouted. Amma we are completely free from fear, in heaven and even the animals and birds enjoy this. Then in another pond, we saw a group of people sitting on the bank of the pond, watching the birds. We went near them and talked to them. Amma many of them were Environmentalists (naturalists). They said that they were familiar with only some species of birds. Most of them were different from the birds on the earth. They took these birds in their hands and were studying their legs, beaks, feathers etc and were trying to classify them into different groups. The birds perched on their arms without any fear. Some of our adults listened to them with much interest. We also listened but we couldn’t understand all the technical terms, since I don’t know much about birds, so also my friends. These people used to draw pictures of these birds and give them different names. They go inside the forest to study about their eating habits etc. They said that each kind of birds, ate a particular variety of fruit. Then we passed on to the next pond and after going to the fifth pond we turned back, along the other bank of the ponds, where shining streams from the hills joined the ponds with such beauty and splendour. At one place, we got down and sat on the rocks near a stream. On the trees there were multicoloured birds of different species and they all sang together and we were thrilled to hear their delightful orchestra. Then a most wonderful thing happened Amma. As soon as we started singing, they stopped atonce. Then, when we stopped they started their wonderful melody. It looked as though, human beings and birds understand each other and are friends. This is a revelation of one of the new delights of heaven. On our way back, we saw children bringing in baskets and baskets of different kinds of fruits and they fed these birds near the edge of the ponds. Finally we started back home. At the right side of our colony of houses there are beautiful wide steps (made of exquisite white marble) leading from the river to the land. Usually we get down there and then walk home. On the way we, left many members of our group. Amma, it takes a long time to say goodbye at every place. At every house, they would hug and kiss each and everyone of us and profusely thank us for this trip. So it takes a long time to reach home.

In front of my home, my friends shook hands and hugged me. Teenagers, patted me on the back and that is the way, they say goodbye to me.

Inside our home, I heard mamu’s excited voice talking with ammamma. I told her that I would come down after going to my room.

Ammamma will be waiting for me and I hear mamu’s voice calling David, David.

Bye Amma!

“The birds upon the tree top sing their song; The angels chant the chorus all day long! The flowers in the garden Blend the hue So, why shouldn’t I, why shouldn’t you praise Him too?”

xiv. Mansions touching the sea

5th March 2004 : 5.45 P.M.

David : Amma, as usual, we went along the river on the left side of our houses. Then we followed our usual route of river lake river sea. Then we turned left and sailed on. We passed the backwater colony, children’s mansions, the beautiful mountain resort and we travelled a long distance listening to the symphony of the water lapping against our boat and enjoying the mild and pleasant cradle-like motion of the boat. Then we had a glimpse of a group of beautiful mansions situated at the fringes of the golden sea. When we went nearer, we saw the sea water entering the mansions in their ground floor. In front of each mansion, a compound wall was built in exquisite white marble and water came in through an open space, so that their boat could enter into their house, just like a car entering the garage. There was a common entrance for all boats in the middle of the houses and our boat sailed into that space.

Then people from all the mansions warmly welcomed us. All of them belonged to the same family of different generations.

Like that there were many groups of mansions along the sea shore, belonging to people of the different nations of the earth. They had been sailors or simple fisher folk in the world. The distance between two groups was about the distance between our house in Puthalam and Manakkudi (about 3 miles). If the sea was in a straight line near the beach, the mansions were also in a straight line. If the sea formed a bay, the shape of the mansions also was a curve like that, so that water could enter into the mansions. If the sea was V-shaped, the mansions were also of the same shape.

In a group, though they had separate entrances for each mansion, backyard was a huge one, common to all mansions. It was full of beautiful flowering trees of the kind, which they love. In some mansions, there were palm groves with dark green, fan-like broad leaves and they looked extremely beautiful. In front of all their mansions, there were different varieties of water plants of exquisite beauty in many vivid colours. These gardens within the transparent crystal clear water of the sea, unfolded a new type of beauty in heavenly mansions, Amma. We have visited only six such group of mansions. In all these, there were beautiful open-air places for the gathering of the residents, at the back. We had with us all our musical instruments except drums, (Steve didn’t come with us) and we entertained them with songs, choruses and rounds of their liking, with our instruments. Amma, our talented teenagers used to visit elders in our colony, make them happy and also learn many new things from them, like music of different countries etc. Even in heaven our talents are increasing as in the case of the “Parable of talents” in Mathew Chapter 25. Look at me Amma. By God’s grace, I have started conducting a choir in heaven, which is a new talent for me. Our beloved Saviour gives us opportunities in heaven to increase our talents. Those residents also sang some of their songs. In some places they joined with us and we all sang together holding hands. We all felt very happy, since music is a bond, which unites all the citizens of heaven inspite of their different nationalities, races and colours. Of course the love of Jesus overflows from all of us. In heaven there is only love and purity. In each group of mansions, the residents gave us presents like beautiful bunches of flowers and articles made of marbles like paper weights. Then we bid them farewell and came back home in our usual route. “Wide, wide as the ocean High as the heaven above, Deep deep as the deepest sea Is my Saviours love. I though so unworthy Still I am a child of His care For His word teaches me That His love reaches me, Everywhere” - Unknown

xv. Mansions under completion

17th March 2004 : 8.30 P.M. David : Amma, we went by boat to the left side of our mansions along the river touching our rear gardens. We sailed along our usual route river lake river sea. Then we turned left and we saw children’s homes and the hill resort. Then we turned diagonally deep into the sea. After travelling some distance we saw a small white marble island without any trees or flowers. When we got there we saw piles and piles of white marble tiles, gold plates and many other packets. Around the marble island there were many boats with flat tops and in some of them, were cabins on top. We left our boat and entered a boat with a cabin. Inside the cabin, we found many packets and some men. They directed us to go down through some steps. Amma, what we saw there was just enchanting. It was a cabin under water, completely made of transparent material. Single seats were arranged along the sides of the cabin and we heard soft melodious music. On both sides of the cabin, we could see tall pretty underwater plants with very beautiful, colourful fishes of all sorts, bouncing and playing around. We felt as though we belonged to their world since only a transparent partition separated us. The boat moved along a white marble road garnished with gold, laid within the transparent depth of the sea, without disturbing the plants on both sides. We felt as though we were going in a frictionless car in an enchanting and beautiful garden, strewn with precious stones like diamonds, rubies etc. After a long time we reached a huge oval shaped (elliptical) island. Our boat sailed into the narrow side of the ellipse, where landing was just perfect and unloading of materials was very easy. Amma all materials were light in weight and those men carried them by strapping those packets on their backs. I tried to lift one packet. I couldn’t believe that such a huge packet could be so light. Mansions were under construction along the edge of the island almost touching the sea at the back, with gardens having tender flowering trees (no tall trees) and other flowering plants in front of the mansions. There were many people working in teams. Some were laying a road with marble tiles along the mansions, in an oval shape, almost touching their gardens. We were surprised to see the team- work performed with no bossing or shouting since it is heaven, Amma. We could hear their laughter and singing. They must be experts in laying the marble and fixing golden strips in between marble tiles. A huge auditorium was under construction between the two parallel roads. Only the bare structure was completed. A team of people were discussing planting of trees, flowering shrubs etc in the garden in front of the auditorium, with the help of a plan in their hands. Likewise we saw groups of men and women working inside the mansions. They were doing artistic work of exquisite beauty on the marble floors and beautiful polished walls. Ladies were working on hanging draperies, spreading soft rugs etc. All of them were great experts in interior decorations. Amma eventhough, some might not have been such experts on the earth, here they learn the work very easily, if interested. Some mansions were completed and we went into one of them. I couldn’t say which side was the front. Both sides had long wide lovely porticos with gorgeous flowers in pots. We entered the back side (sea side). From the portico we got down into very wide (about 15 feet wide) beautiful marble steps, which went down and down into the deep shining sea. First we sat on a dry step with our feet dangling in the water and we were thrilled to splash water everywhere with our feet. We sang songs like “Wide, wide as the ocean, High as the heavens above.” In front, the shimmering sea stretched as far as the eye could see. Then we went into the sea, floating, walking and swimming without any effort. Even for those who do not know swimming, it is not a problem at all. We all enjoyed, drifting in its cool clear waters for a long time. Amma, we were fascinated to see the enchanting marvellous sight of colourful dainty fishes, dancing among the beautiful plants of many colours and glittering precious stones of all hues within its transparent waters. After a long time, we walked along the road and reached the other narrow edge of the island where there was a beautiful garden with young flowering trees and plants. We walked along the road looking at the mansions on the other longer side of the island and took a boat from where we landed and reached the island of marbles. From there, we entered our boat and sailed back home joyfully singing. I’ll talk to you later. Bye amma! “There is a home, a glorious home A heavenly mansion fair And those we loved so fondly here Will bid us welcome there” - W. A. Ogden

xvi. Mansions of hill tribes (once Cannibals)

21st March 2004 : 9.45 P.M. “For the love of Christ constraineth us.” (II Cor. 5 : 14) David : Amma, We had a thrilling experience. We went along the river flowing through our garden, on the right side of our mansions. We passed on and on through beautiful scenery. On our way, we saw mansions around ponds, marble rock island and the lake with precious stones, all on our left. Then the river branched towards the right. We went through this river and reached a place where the lake ended. From there a road was leading into a very dense forest surrounded by mountains. Amma, I think this area is in between the river and the sea. I have not seen such a thick dark forest in heaven, which was free from thorns and poisonous plants and creatures. The road was going around the foot of the mountain range. When we walked along the road towards the left, we saw steps leading upwards the mountain. There was another road parallel to this on the mountain slope. We went along that road. All we could see, were huge trees close to each other, and beautiful water falls streaming down the mountain slopes. At a distance we saw a group of small beautiful mansions. When we got closer to that place, a group of tall well built dark men came to receive us. They bent down in such a way that their heads almost touched the ground, as a mark of respect for white people. We felt so embarrassed to see such old people falling down at our feet. The scene was quite emotional that we took their hands, raised them up and hugged them. In the meantime children and women from all the houses (about 15 houses) joined us. The village headman talked in his language which we could understand in English. He said that they were all hill tribes from Africa. Then he called a few men from the group and introduced him and others as real cannibals who lived during the 19th century. He explained how they killed two groups of white missionaries and ate them. He continued saying: “Then a third group of white missionaries came to our village. Immediately we got ready with our war drums, poisoned arrows and spears to kill them. When we advanced menacingly, we saw them holding large pictures of Jesus on the cross and some other pictures of Jesus (We came to know about Jesus only later). When we saw those pictures, we stood still and our hands got just paralysed and all our drums and weapons fell down from our hands. We started to cry and so also the missionaries. This miracle happened because of the fervent prayer of people in the homeland of those missionaries, for the safety of their loved ones and also for our salvation. Then those missionaries started talking to us in sign language telling about Jesus with the help of pictures. Afterwards they asked our men to put up small tents for them. They carried their things in bags strapped to their backs. They gave us some match boxes and demonstrated how to use them. Till then, we used stones to make fire. Afterwards we supplied water, food etc. Slowly they learned our language and told us about Jesus. We were almost naked then. They got us bundles of clothes, medicines and many other things from their country. We used to carry them to our village from far off towns. The saving power and love of Jesus transformed us into normal human beings. Because of those missionaries who had sacrificed their lives for us, we and our families are here in heaven now. We are always grateful to those white missionaries and we adore them.” David : Amma, just see the power of the name of Jesus. We were just thrilled to hear their story. Then they led us to their mansions, playing their native drums. We sat down before their houses inside the forest. They said they wanted to live here as they had lived on the earth. Since they loved mountains and forests God had provided them such a place. We started singing choruses with guitar. They too sang choruses in their language with some small wooden and metal instruments. They sang well. Some of their tunes were familiar to us. Then they took us to a hall where they kept drums made from wooden barks and weapons similar to those they had used on the earth. Some of them demonstrated how they used to attack their enemies on the earth. The very sound of their drums was eerie and others going forward to attack their enemies looked like animals pouncing on their prey. The sight was terrible amma, and even the demonstration struck terror in our hearts. We were able to imagine the awful life they must have led on the earth before accepting Jesus. Amma, just think of those daring missionaries who carried the gospel to them. As Apostle Paul says, the love of Christ really constrained them to go to these people. Praise the Lord! Then they took us to other such tribes – black, brown, yellow, etc residing in that mountain range. Al last all of us including those tribes started climbing down. We came to a beautiful lake almost at the centre of the forest. Jesus used to visit them, with a host of angels, in that place only. The lake was surrounded by many rocks, flowering plants and beautiful meadows. They showed us the lovely marble rock on which Jesus used to sit. They said that Jesus never forgot them since He died for them. Hosts and hosts of shining angels used to descend into the forest before the arrival of Jesus and even the dark forest would be lighted up by the radiance of these angels. Missionaries also visited them often teaching them songs and scripture. They requested us to inform them earlier about our next visit, so that they could invite some missionaries at that time and that would give them more joy. Then we bid them a fond farewell and started back home. In the boat we sang the beautiful, triumphant song “All hail the power of Jesus’ name!” in three different tunes, realizing the full and real meaning of the song. Also we sang similar songs with great enthusiasm. As we were sailing, I told my friends like this : Because of you all (whites) I also got such great respect, adoration and reverence. While your fore-fathers were such great missionaries, my fore-fathers (before 6 generations) were also not much different from these people except that they were not cannibals. Otherwise they also used the same kind of drums, weapons and worshipped evil spirits with animal and even human sacrifices. So I also, almost belong to that race. Immediately my, friends felt very sad. They hugged and kissed me telling, “David you are one among us and there is no difference. But you have to keep up your identity with your beautiful black hair and black eyes, so that your parents will recognize you, when they meet you in heaven.” We all had a good laugh. We reached home, singing all along the way. “It is no secret, what God can do What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you It is no secret, what God can do.”

xvii. Mansions of Martyrs

23rd March, 2004 : 10.30 P.M. The abode of Martyrs The Holy City of Light “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Rom. 8 : 18) “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Mat. 13 : 43) David : Amma, the experience, I had last, is something I cannot possibly explain in words. Even after getting home, I am still dazed. Now I am lying down and talking with you. I am going to rest for a while before going down to talk with others. We went along the river touching our gardens, on the left side of our mansions. We took our usual route, river lake river sea. At sea, we turned left and passed children’s homes, hill resort and sea side mansions. From there we sailed into deep waters and we had to cross a vast distance of sea before we saw a huge island glittering with radiant dazzling white light (Not the usual golden light).

When we got nearer, the view that unfolded itself was marvellous Amma. The whole island was surrounded by radiant white wall. I think that the wall was made up of some luminous material like diamond which sparkled brilliantly. I am not very sure Amma, because of its blinding light.

Then we entered through a huge gate which glistened with beauty. At the front, we saw many rows of tall trees laden with fruits of different varieties. After that we went along a road to the interior. At a distance we saw huge mansions, radiating dazzling white light. Each mansion was surrounded by walls and beautiful garden. We were amazed to see angels moving within the garden. Then we saw them gliding away gracefully and another group of angels descending there. First we thought we were inside an abode of angels. But when we got nearer to the complex of mansions, we were told that those were the abode of martyrs, who were tortured, persecuted in every possible way and cruelly killed – speared, burned alive, thrown to wild animals and by many other terrible means. There were many women and children too.

We then went into one mansion. At the top floor we saw a group of martyrs sitting in half circle, and we saw a radiant white light emanating from them. Each one of them was wearing a dazzling diamond crown and the light radiating from those crowns were blinding. They asked us to sit down. There were angels too. Sometime we could not distinguish between human beings and angels.

One of them said that their hearts were filled with rapture and radiant joy, since they were privileged to suffer and die for Jesus in such gruesome way. They explained vividly how they were persecuted and killed. The way, they explained, showed their deep love, devotion and adoration they had and have for Jesus. He said, “We are ready to go again to the earth, if necessary to suffer and die for Him.” Amma, what a wonderful witness! In comparison to this what have we done for Jesus? How much have we suffered? Nothing Amma, nothing at all. We could feel their deep and intense love for Jesus. They were martyrs of earlier centuries. While leaving, we bent down, kissed their hands reverently and came down. From there, we walked along the road, looking at those huge beautiful mansions glittering in dazzling white light. We also saw a huge chapel, where martyrs were singing and praising Jesus on their knees. We took off our foot wear and entered the chapel. The brightness inside was more dazzling. The most surprising fact was ANGELS were playing harps and singing along with them. We couldn’t comprehend their close fellowship with the angels. We came out dazed and walked along the road. All flowers in the garden looked pure white because of this dazzling white light. We couldn’t see any colours. The delicate and enchanting perfume from these gardens filled the air. The streams flowing through the garden looked like brilliant molten silver. We saw two more places of worship. Finally we came out of the island dazed and speechless. We went around the island in our boat once again to see its brilliant beauty. Such brilliant light will certainly blind the human beings on the earth. We were so perplexed that we couldn’t talk or sing on the way. We reached home silently. Amma, we say that we love Jesus. But compared to their love, ours is nothing. They found intense joy in suffering for Jesus. Amma, I am sorry I am not able to explain fully what I saw. I have no language to describe its divine beauty and splendour. You and Appa seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to put it down in words, Amma, now I am going to rest before I go down. Bye Amma! Faith prevailing, hope unfailing, Jesus loved with single heart – Thus they glorious and victorious Bravely bore the Martyr’s part. Rack’d with torture, haled to slaughter, Fire, and axe, and murderous sword, Chains and prison, foes’ derision They endured for Christ the Lord. So they pass’d through pain and sorrow, Till they sank in death to rest; Earth’s rejected, God’s elected, Gain’d a portion with the blest. By contempt of worldly pleasures, And by deeds of valour done, They have reached the land of Angels, And with them are Knit in one, - Redhead. R. (Festivals of Martyrs)

27th March, 2004 : 9.30 P.M. Amma : David, did you tell your experiences at the mansions of Martyrs in the city of dazzling light and the mountain residences of hill tribes and Cannibals to both your grandparents? David : Yes Amma! As soon as I told them, immediately both Grandpas quoted the verse in the gospel, where Jesus Himself says, “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Math. 13 : 43)”. They said that they had not seen the residences of the Martyrs as well as the hill tribes. Bensam Grandpa and others were much thrilled to hear the story of Cannibals, so also all the adults of our mansions. We have decided to visit them again as a big group with all adults and carry some presents to them. Our group members have decided to collect a number of small crystal bottles, fill them with precious stones and give a few to each hill tribe village on the mountain. Bye Amma ! Be happy ! xviii. Mansions around a lake surrounded by mountains (American Mansions)

29th March, 2004 : 9.45 P.M.

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.” (I John 4 : 11) David : Amma, we just returned from a trip to a town with beautiful mansions, where mostly Americans live. We saw a real cosmopolitan group with all the races of the world living in great harmony and love. We all went by boats through the river near our mansions towards the right of our mansions. We passed mansions around ponds, marble island, lake with precious stones. Then we saw the river branching at the right which led us to the hill tribes. We sailed along the river further amidst varying scenes of beauty for a long time, before we entered into its branch on the left. On both sides of this river we saw beautiful mountains with flowering trees, streams of crystal clear water and finally reached a place where the river entered into a gap between the mountains. As we went in,the view that unfolded was breath- taking, Amma. There was a very huge round lake, shimmering in the golden light, surrounded by beautiful mountains on all sides, except for the two gaps for the entry and exit for the river. There was a layer of beautiful mansions around the lake with lovely gardens filled with flowers of exquisite beauty. A road went along the front touching all the mansions. Between the road and the lake there were very beautiful gardens with seats and also steps which led into the golden lake. We got down from our boats, when we saw a road leading to the mountain from the lake. We walked on the road and climbed up and up through broad steps on the mountain slope looking at the fascinating sights every where. The whole mountain range was filled with beautiful different types of elegant mansions at different levels and at random. Some of them were constructed with a transparent material like glass. These mansions were surrounded by splendid gardens, sparkling streams, frothing water falls, and green meadows. Then we saw a very broad beautiful main road along the mountain, going straight. We climbed still further and almost at the top we saw a very beautiful round shaped chapel made up of glazed white marble lined with gold, standing with imposing grandeur, surrounded by a well-arranged garden of exquisite beauty. There was a beautiful broad veranda and there were balconies around the three storied structure. Broad, winding steps were going up along the outside wall of the building, reaching the balconies. At the ground level, was a lovely chapel with seats arranged in semicircles. There was perfect silence inside and we saw some people sitting here and there and meditating deeply. Afterwards we came to know that they were talking with Jesus. Without making any noise we went to the first floor climbing up the steps. That looked like a huge library with lots of books on shelves along the walls. There were very huge round tables with seats around them. We saw some people sitting there and reading. But we heard the sound of music coming from the top and so we went upstairs. We saw a huge crowd of people and a choir singing songs very beautifully. It looked like a worship service. Afterwards we learnt that it was a sing song service. The choir director was a dark skinned handsome man. Among the members of the choir, we were surprised to see all the races of the world, whites, blacks, yellow, brown, and red. They sang English songs in an excellent manner with an American accent. Then many small groups – adults and children gave items like solos, duets, group songs, male voices group songs etc. The choir director gave a solo with some one accompanying him in the piano. Amma, I never heard such a rich, powerful baritone voice. He sang “Amazing grace” with such intense meaning and power that we felt like listening to him endlessly. Then a white man spoke on the Bible verse “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Math. 5 : 48) He spoke wonderfully quoting several verses from the Sermon on the mount (Math. 5). He talked humorously as well. He said, “Most of us just got the ticket of salvation to enter into heaven and so there has to be spiritual growth in heaven. It is impossible to attain the perfectness of the Father. But we must strive to grow spiritually. ” Again the whole congregation sang a song of praise to Jesus. They asked us to sing a song, introducing us as a “group from river side mansions.” Amma we went to the front and I gave just notes in the piano and we sang our famous “Praise the Lord” anthem, which we were always prepared to sing. Amma, as usual I directed the choir and they sang well. I felt so happy. It is a very beautiful piece. You must hear the shout of appreciation at the end. Then we went and sat in our places. The white man first told us about the inhabitants of their town. He said, “We are mostly Americans, with a few of our relatives from other countries.” Then he introduced some great sports men. They stood up. Amma what a sight! They were more than 6 ½ feet tall and well built and there were blacks and whites in that group. Then John introduced each and every one of us. They were surprised to know that I was not a professional musician but a medical student. They said that they came to the music concert and took part in it and we were able to recognise them as a group with people from different races and they played well. Some of them recognised us, saying that our item was very beautiful. They appreciated persons playing both flute and pipe instruments alternately. Also they congratulated me on my performance on drums, saying that it was very grand. Then we went down. They said that they used to have Bible study in the library. Then some of them took us along a road to show us their huge gymnasium, with many indoor games and also huge playgrounds. They said that they used to play different types of sports and games, and not the ones, they played on the earth. They took us then to their huge music complex, where instrumental music was being taught. There was a big hall, within which there were sections separated by glass partitions. In each unit, piano lessons were being taught. Amma, you must see small children playing such wonderful pieces of music. Even older people were also learning. We saw other sections where other instruments were being taught. From there we could see the broad main road leading into another town just like this around another circular lake far away. Then when we walked on the road we saw gushing streams flowing below this road and also below the main road and beautiful bridges over them. When we stood on one such bridge, we were thrilled to feel the golden spray of the crystal clear water on us. Finally we returned home. On the way we had half a mind to collect some more precious stones. Then we decided to go over there with children and collect them before visiting the hill tribes. Now I am at home. Amma, all our programmes are arranged by Jesus through the information centre, which really does a wonderful job of informing to all people in heaven the messages of Jesus. I think that they do this to people on the earth as well, according to the instruction given by Jesus. Bye amma!

“There’s a home in that land At the Father’s right hand; There are mansions whose joys are untold, And perennial spring Where dear ones ever sing And nothing shall ever grow old.” - F.A.F. White xix. Mansions of Portuguese people

2nd April, 2004 : 9.45 P.M. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin : And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Math. 6 : 28, 29)

David : Amma, we had a long pleasant journey along the sea shore in our beautiful boat, reclining on its comfortable seats, singing and enjoying the lovely scenery. After crossing the mansions touching the sea, we saw a broad river entering into the sea, with marvellous splendour and we entered in to that river with great joy. Along the river, rather back waters, we saw palm trees on both sides and it was a wonderful sight. After some distance, there was a branch of this river on the right side and we went into it. John had a map and we always followed it. Amma, all our programmes are planned by Jesus as I often tell you. Tucked away on these backwaters, was an elegant little town, almost floating in these waters. As we sailed along further, we saw two rows of lovely slope roofed cottages like mansions with a single storey, each one glittering in a different colour and surrounded by water on all sides. The first row was touching the sea on one side and backwaters on all other sides (front row) the second row was surrounded on all sides by two parallel branches of back waters. We didn’t go to these mansions, first. We saw people sitting in a very beautiful palm grove with shining white sand and sand dunes surrounded by backwaters, stretching as far as the eye could see, just behind the second row of cottages. Many people sat on lovely cane chairs and were making beautiful delicate flower pots using the green palm leaves and canes of different colours. Also they had a roll of thin gold plate ribbon, which was also used in between different layers of cane. Some were like baskets with handles and sparkling with more gold and some pots had no handles which could be used as permanent flower pots around the mansions. The climate was extremely pleasant Amma, and we could feel a very mild breeze as well. It was cooler than the other places. Some women were sitting here in groups, arranging flowers in those baskets. Also we got a glimpse of a forest through the palm trees and backwaters. We saw children emerging from the wood, and crossing the back waters in small beautiful boats, laden with flowers of many colours. The scene was so breath-taking Amma, that we were overwhelmed by a desire to click a picture of the lovely view. The wild flowers were of such exquisite beauty and the varieties were so numerous, that we just couldn’t believe our eyes. In the Bible Jesus describes the beauty of lilies on earth in Mathew chapter 6. Then how can I describe the loveliness of such flowers in heaven Amma! After arranging these flowers in pots, they used to take them to different parts of heaven. We also saw a big crowd of children-black, brown, white, yellow-playing in the pure white fine sand and water. There were beautiful marble stones of various shades on the banks of the backwaters. Some adults were sitting with groups of children, telling them stories of Jesus. We were welcomed by a group of adults and they invited us and offered cane chairs to sit on. John introduced all of us. Then one person introduced himself as an early Portuguese missionary. He said as follows : “This is a small town (village) occupied by Portuguese people. As you know, in early centuries Portuguese were involved in trade and the people travelled by boats and small ships to different countries like Africa, India, Malasia, China etc. Along with them, many missionaries went to spread the gospel and first they started their work among children. David, (I was introduced by John, as a medical student) you know that child mortality was very high during those early centuries. When a contagious disease broke out in a village hundreds of children died. In Heaven, these children are more attached to the missionary families, than with their own parents. We don’t know whether their parents are here or not. Jesus in His tender mercy directed them to us and they live with us. Each home has 10-15 children from different countries living with us. We’ll show our cottages soon. Also if you go straight in the river there is another group of cottages. There is an auditorium, where Jesus used to come with angels. At that time, we all go there to worship Jesus. Usually all of us don’t attend the worship services which take place in the ‘worship-complex’ auditoriums. Only a few of us used to go over there.” Amma, it was really fascinating and wonderful to see such a huge crowd of children of different races from different countries, playing together with such joy and happiness. Then we saw large number of children sitting around us. They gave us a small round coconut like nut. A small opening at one corner was made and they put a hollow stalk of a grass as straw and we all drank that sweet liquid within and it had a pleasant smell too. We enjoyed that delicious juice Amma. Then we took our guitar from the boat and started singing choruses and rounds. Our girls entertained the children with their humorous skits and mimicries. The children enjoyed those items and were laughing and laughing. Then the missionary called his children to do their respective native dances. It was wonderful to see all the children with dark skins coming out from the huge crowd and gathering to perform their native dance with their drums. They did it well – so also the browns, whites and yellow children. Otherwise all of them were completely mixed up. Then, they took us to the nearest row of cottages in their boats. These were built in their traditional attractive architecture of their country. They were elegant and beautiful. Each cottage was round-shaped with a broad veranda with gold railings, surrounding the whole structure. The roof and floor of each cottage were laid with glazed marble tiles of the same colour edged with gold. Marble steps of the same colour were around the whole veranda. Different cottages were constructed with beautiful marbles of different colours. Only a few steps were dry and the rest were immersed in crystal clear water. There were about 6-8 rooms in each cottage. Two rooms were used by the Portuguese family. Middle ones were dining hall and nursery for the children. The other end rooms were for the children with many small beds. People were sitting on the veranda, reading or watching the beautiful birds. Along the veranda, flower pots with lovely flowers were kept in position by a few beautiful coloured marble stones inside. They said that the flowers never fade. Though, they can’t have the usual gardens, the cottages looked as though they were surrounded by gardens, filled with flowers of exquisite beauty. Then we crossed the next channel by their small boats and went to the first row of cottages, surrounded by water, On one side, they had the vast ocean. We saw many people sitting on the veranda facing the sea, watching the boats and also the beautiful birds of many colours. Amma, we saw all sorts of sea-birds swarming around the place. Some were drifting out to sea and some groups were plunging into the water and then crossing these mansions to go into the forest. The sight was fascinating. From one cottage to another, we can either walk in knee deep water or sail by a small boat. Each cottage had a few small boats. There were more than hundred cottages. Finally, we came back to the palm grove. Amma we were stunned to see the sight there. They kept hundreds of beautiful baskets with handles holding lovely varieties of flowers. Each basket was different either in its shape or in its flowers. They wanted to give all those baskets as presents to us. We couldn’t keep all in our boat. Anyway they brought inside the boat atleast hundred baskets. Finally, with a fond farewell, we started back home, singing with joy. We decided to keep one or two baskets for each one of us and give others to our friends and also to keep as flower – show in our common garden near the marble steps of the river, where we used to land by boat. As soon as we arrived , I took two baskets, said goodbye and quickly rushed home. When I was talking with Ammamma and Mamu, girls brought more baskets specially for me. Such affectionate friends Amma! They said, “David, you need more for Palliyadi Patty (Grandma) and Mamu.” (My friends have started calling Palliyadi Grandma as ‘Palliyadi Patti.”) I just took two more and asked them to distribute the rest to the other friends. Finally I said goodbye and sent them. Here at home, Mamu wanted to take one to Palliyadi grandma immediately. Ammamma told him, “Let David go to his room first and he will come down soon. Then you two can go.” He was not very happy. Amma now I hear him calling and I am going down. Kamazh :David, please convey our love to Palliyadi Grandma and Grandpa and also to Ammamma and Grandpa. Convey our special love to Mamu too from his two sisters. David : (Laughed). Amma if I say sisters, Mamu may possibly imagine two of his two year old friends! Anyway I’ll convey your love to every one including Mamu. Bye Amma ! “Flowers are ever springing, In that Home so fair; Little children singing Praises to Jesus there. How they swell the glad anthem, Ever around the bright throne; When, oh, when shall I see thee, Beautiful, beautiful Home? - H.R. PALMER

xx. Mansions under the spray of a huge falls

8th April, 2004: 10.30 P.M. “O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God ! …...... or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid ? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory for ever Amen.” (Rom. 11 : 33, 35, 36) David : Amma, we had a wonderful experience. Just now we came home and I am talking to you. We, our group, a few adults and children from our area went in two boats. We went along our river on the right side of our mansions, crossed the American colony and went further. We saw the river green and all the 72 colours blended into a marvellous combination of colours of a magnificent spectrum of exquisite beauty. While going down, we enjoyed this wonderful sight of dancing colours in the spray. It was not at all difficult to go down. We could have even glided, but we went down the steps. Suddenly came to our view a beautiful single storied cottage like mansion with a sloping roof and a very wide veranda (about 20 feet wide). Amma, the surprising fact is that we never saw rain in Heaven. But here, the spray from the falls made everlasting rain over all the mansions, situated at random, at different levels amidst the thick green forest. Water was dripping from all the trees like after a heavy rain, sparkling with the same spectrum of light, with beautiful delicate colours. A man (we learnt his name as Joshua, later) came out of that cottage and invited us in. We went in and sat on the wide veranda, where seats were arranged in half circle, so that we could watch the beautiful drops of rain falling from the roof. The drops were of different delicate colours – colours of the heavenly spectrum. What a marvellous sight Amma! We all felt that we could sit there for ever watching its beauty. Joshua said, “Most of the inmates of the cottages, under the spray had come from rain forests in the different parts of the world. We like to have here our familiar surroundings on the earth and our loving God has provided that. My family is from South America.” There were many people inside the cottage – men, women, old, youth, teenagers and children. All came out and sat with us. They gave us small cherry like fruits and its taste was delicious. We ate a lot. Then Joshua said that their job was to make cute baskets of different types with some kind of coloured reeds, growing in that forest. They showed us how they were making them in different sizes and patterns with beautiful artistic work by inserting golden ribbons in between the reeds. Our girls never forgot to tell them about our museum. So they promised to give samples of different baskets with name tags which they would keep ready to give us, when we leave after visiting other cottages. They invited us to go inside their cottage. There was a huge central hall. To our great surprise, we saw a fire place, with bricks that looked like red hot coal (no actual fire). It gave a soothing warmth around. Joshua said that all people in that area were either from rain forest or from extremely cold countries like Iceland, Greenland, Norway, North Sweden and North Pole. They were used to this fire place and so here also they had one. There were several huge bed rooms, opening into the central hall. We just had a glimpse of their rooms. They had beautiful thick window curtains hanging from top to bottom and rich rugs. Then Joshua took us to the other cottages, going down through the winding steps. Many of the cottages were under the spray and we also enjoyed walking through them. We went to another cottage belonging to a Russian family where they were making beautiful carpets, big and small with gold ribbon threaded inside. They said that from all these cottages, they used to take their hand-made products to the shopping complex, dump them there and take whatever they wanted from there – no transactions in currency like on the earth. Then we saw several cottages amidst the lovely forest and rocks. Sparkling streams of crystal clear water were flowing here and there between beautiful marble rocks of different colours. Some of the cottages were vacant. Joshua said that visitors would go and stay there for short or for longer periods in those cottages. He invited us also to go over there and stay with our families. We promised to do that. In that area, we met people from different nations of the earth and they were involved in doing different kinds of hand work. They promised to keep samples with name tags for our museum. Some did wonderful things in glassy, coloured marbles, embedding golden flowers etc into them. They looked beautiful. In another cottage they were doing ‘fur’ like garments. They said that they took that fur from a cotton like plant growing at the top of the mountain. They also promised to give samples to our museum. Then we walked down and down and finally reached a beautiful pool of glassy water around which were many cottages here and there. When we went near the pool, we couldn’t believe our eyes. Amma, a great surprise awaited us there. On the slope of that pool, many streams were flowing down and at the edges, there were gold deposits – layers and layers of gold in between marble rocks. We saw, several people working there. They removed the gold layers from the marble, using very light instruments. Then they took them to their cottages nearby and cut them into thin plates of gold with smooth, straight edges. It was easy to take one layer of gold from the other. All of a sudden, we were very much excited by a great discovery. We saw something glittering inside the crystal-clear water of the pool, among the marble stones of many colours. To our great surprise we found them to be gold nuggets. With a cry of joy we all started collecting them. As usual half of my four pockets were filled by my dear teenage friends. I also collected, since it was very very interesting to collect them from here and there. All our pockets were filled with these gold pieces of various shapes and sizes. Joshua told us that if we went down further, there were people cutting and making different coloured marble tiles and bricks. From the nearby cottages we got a basket full of gold plates and on the way back we collected fur coats, carpets, marble items, flower pots etc. Finally we thanked Joshua immensely for his love and hospitality. Then we sailed back home joyfully. I came home and others went to the museum, to sort out things – to exhibit all the best samples in the museum and take the remaining smaller ones for themselves. They do not forget my share either. Amma, I am going down to empty my four pockets and give them to Ammamma and Mamu for sorting them out. Then I’ll rush to the Museum, since my friends will be waiting for me. Bye Amma !

10th April, 2004 : 10.15 P.M. I asked David about the gold nuggets, he brought home that day after he explained about his recent trip. David : Amma, you will be surprised to know that Mamu (3 - year old boy) had been playing with the round small gold balls I brought, with two of his friends, at the portico facing the river. They were rolling the balls over a big smooth table and enjoying the game. After coming from our museum, that day, I told Mamu, “I am going to my study centre now and I will be back soon. As soon as I come back, we both could go to Palliyadi Grandma’s house. O.K.?” After I went, Mamu told Ammamma, “Amma, Palliyadi Grandma may be waiting, for me and terribly miss me if I do not go now. (ghl;o fhj;Jf; bfhz;nl ,Ug;gh';f.) So, I’ll take the gold nuggets now. It will take a long time for David to come home.” So he got a bottle with a lid from Ammamma, filled that with different varieties of gold pieces and ran away to her house with his two friends. Amma, I know that he would do that, since he was so very anxious to go to her. I met Grandpa Bensam also and I told him about our trip to the grand falls, collecting gold nuggets from the pool there. Grandpa said that he had heard about it, but never visited that place. He said that he would like to take his scripture class children for a picnic to that place. He asked for directions. He may take them or he would come with our group sometime. Amma, usually as soon as Grandpa comes home, Ammamma used to call me and tell me about his presence, so that I could explain my trips to him. Amma, I must go to the museum now, otherwise my friends will come and drag me out of my bed. So Bye Amma, my dear! “Follower of Jesus, scanty though thy store, Treasures, precious treasures, wait on High; Count the trials joyful, soon they’ll all be o’er; Oh, the change that’s coming by and by! - Et. Nathan

xxi. Mansions of French speaking people

10th April, 2004 : 10.15 P.M. “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work”. (2 Cor. 9: 8) David : Amma, we had a wonderful trip along our usual route to sea. From there we turned left and passed the Portuguese village and sailed further along the shore. Then we saw a beautiful river, which seemed to branch out from the sea, but the water, for sometime flows from the sea to the river and then water comes from the river to the sea, so as to keep up a constant level and that sight was very exciting Amma. Then we sailed into the river. On both sides there were beautiful fruit trees and flowering trees, filled with all sorts of lovely birds, singing melodiously, darting from one tree to another. We enjoyed their music. Water from the river entered into these fruit gardens on either side, as small streams. The river, then joined a beautiful round lake. From the lake about ten channels at equal intervals entered into the land surrounding the lake and at the end of each channel there was a small pool of crystal-clear water. The sight was wonderful Amma. The lake was just like a big sun with ten lovely rays. Around each pool, there were two or three, two storied mansions and there was a broad road connecting all the mansions, running over the channels. So there were beautiful bridges along the road, wherever it crossed a channel. From that road there were beautiful pathways, leading to the mansions which were made of white or coloured glazed marble tiles edged with gold. Between the road and the lake was a huge meadow. Some part of the meadow was bright green in colour. Some other parts were blooming with different coloured small flowers. So it looked, as though the entire space was filled with beautiful carpets of different delicate colours with lovely path ways in between to reach the lake from the main road. We all went into the first mansion. The inmates in all the mansions were French – speaking people from different nations, like white people, brown, black, yellow, etc. Their work was to grow beautiful flowering plants around their mansions, arrange those blossoms in lovely baskets and take them to chapels, mansions and shopping complex. Also they were growing saplings of fruit trees in beautiful marble pots and took them to different places. Around each mansion flowering plants or fruit saplings were grown in concentric circles and water from the pool flowed in very small channels and also a foot path went around these channels. In one mansion they cultivated one variety of flower of different shades – one shade in one circle, another shade in the next concentric circle. In between two flower beds, they had different kinds of ferns, palm like green plants, for cutting leaves for flower arrangement. They were bringing in boats loaded with baskets of different sizes and beautiful varieties from places like Portuguese village. We could see the boats on the lake coming with lovely baskets and going out laden with beautiful blossoms of various colours intermingled with green ferns, arranged with exquisite beauty. Amma, that sight was so colourful and fascinating. Then we went to their terrace. I just cannot describe the beauty of the view from there. Everywhere we looked, we could see only beautiful colours – flowers, meadows, lake – glittering fragments of the rainbow. At the back of these mansions, we could see tall flowering trees and fruit trees far away. Everywhere we could see God’s glorious verdure. They asked as to take whatever, flower baskets we liked. We took some which were not in our museum. The flowers were huge and beautiful with long stems and the arrangement was wonderful Amma. They were great experts in flower – arrangement. As we came out of those mansions, we decided to put those baskets in our boat, instead of carrying them along the road connecting the different mansions. May be some of us could sail in the boat along the shore and others could visit the mansions. I wanted to go in the boat. But my younger friends wanted me to go with them. So John and other bigger boys and girls accompanied us in the boat sailing along the shore. From the boat also, the view was colourful and wonderful. Next we visited a mansion with a fruit garden, where they kept fruit saplings. For some the leaves were of different colours and they had some rare varieties. They gave us those fruits to taste. If it was a big fruit, we all had a bite. By that time our boat arrived there, and so we kept some fruit saplings in the boat. Finally we reached the last pool. There were about ten channels and about thirty mansions around that golden lake. There were neither mountains nor mountain streams. For this colony of mansions water was supplied from the sea only. We met a family from Ceylon also. Then we bid them farewell and started back home, singing, watching the lovely scenery and hearing the melodious songs of the birds swarming within the fruit gardens. Only just now we reached home Amma. I carried two flower baskets – one with beautiful flowers like roses and another with flowers having a wonderful and delicate perfume. I kept the first one on the table in the portico and I took the second one to my room. My whole room is filled with its sweet smell. I am lying down on my wonderful bed with this lovely fragrance all around and talking to you Amma. Sometime, while travelling in the boat, I used to close my eyes, relax, and listen to the beautiful songs of birds. Amma, I can do that only for a short time. Immediately my younger friends would come saying “vd;d> (What?) David?” “David vGk;g[ (get-up)” They have learnt these Tamil words. Amma most of my friends speak French fluently. Though I understand them, I cannot speak fluently as they do. But I have learnt many words from them. Amma I must go to the museum now. So Bye Amma ! Be happy Amma ! “Beyond the stars that brightly gleam, Beyond life’s short and shadow’d stream, There is a land of fadeless bloom, And flow’rs of rich and rare perfume: Perfect peace we there shall know, Like the river’s endless flow.” - J. P. Tompkins


I hope you are familiar with the Hymn: Oh worship the king, all glorious above Oh, gratefully sing His power and His love. (S. S. 11) Don’t you agree, attending a real worship service in this world is a meaningful experience? Just imagine meeting our King of Kings in heaven in person and worshipping Him with saved souls and angels ! What a tremendous joy it must be !! My son David tells me what worship services are like in which he participated. Hope, someday we will also join in that heavenly worship and adoration.

i. David’s first worship service

27th November, 2003 : 5.45 A.M. While I was praying I heard David’s voice. “Sing to the Lord with thanks giving; make melody to our God upon the lyre!” (Ps. 147 : 7) David :Amma, just now I came from an auditorium, in which we had a beautiful worship service. (David talked to me from his room after getting back from the service) . The auditorium was very large, may be ten times larger than a normal size auditorium on earth and there was a soft glow of the heavenly golden light. It was surrounded by angels on all sides along the walls, within its portals. The auditorium was full of people (souls). The stage in the front, was a semi- circle, with a beautiful high throne for Jesus, at one side of the stage. As soon as Jesus entered the auditorium from the back entrance, we all stood up and sang “stand up! Stand up for Jesus!” (S.S. 680) with the full orchestra, in which I played the guitar. The sound of all people singing in different languages with the orchestra, was just magnificent and wonderful and beyond description. As soon as Jesus sat on the throne gracefully, we all sang “Praise my soul, the king of heaven;” (S.S. 1) with the orchestra. Amma, I never heard such volume and such beautiful harmony on the earth. It was superb and indeed heavenly. Afterwards, different choirs went up the stage and sang many types of songs. Small children also danced with beautiful, colourful flowers. Our choir of thirty youngsters sang “Praise the king of Glory, He is God alone;” (S.S. 209) with four parts. Here no one reads the programme. We automatically know, when to give our item. At the end of every item, the audience showed their appreciation by shouting with joy and raising their hands. The radiant smile of Jesus made everyone extremely happy. After the service, Grandfather, Ammamma, Palliadi grandmother and my friends hugged me and said that our item was very beautiful. (I practised that song for my group Amma and so I am very happy). The whole programme was just glorious, wonderful and beyond comparison. Amma! you just can’t understand its glory and our happiness in the presence of Jesus! Bye Amma!. [This programme of service lasted for about 5 – 6 hours of earth time according to my calculation]. “Praise, my soul, the king of heaven; To His feet thy tribute bring; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who like thee His praise shall sing? Praise Him! Praise Him! (2) Praise the everlasting King!”

14th December, 2003 : 10.45 A.M. This morning I was sad and missed my darling boy very much. As I was reading the news paper, I saw the death news of a boy of age 32. At once Holy spirit spoke to me. Holy spirit : How many souls pass on to eternity without knowing Me and heaven’s bliss! Your son is fully involved in Heaven’s Glory. How many parents have lost their sons, eventhough they are alive in this world! Your son is with Me and I am going to send him soon for earth-mission. He’ll be saving thousands of souls for Me. He is talking with you and it is a very great privilege, which I have bestowed on you. I will bless your elder son with long life, wisdom and higher education. He will be a steward for me in this world, a leader to the churches, which I will preserve, and I will be with him. Kamazh : Will you take me quickly, as soon as I complete your work here Lord! Holy Spirit : The day of your coming home is known only to the Father. But you will be with Me one day and your son will be yours forever.

ii. Praising and blessing service

14th December, 2003 : 12.00 Noon “Praise the Lord from the Heavens, Praise Him in the heights.” (PS. 148 : 1) As I was sitting in my dining room and packing some embroidery items, I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, please don’t feel sad! I am so happy here!! Just now we came out of the (same) auditorium, in which we had a “Praising and Blessing Service” (David talked to me as soon as he got out of the auditorium). In this service, Jesus sat in the front on the stage, in a beautiful throne. There was a huge crowd of jubilant children in front, praising Him raising their hands with joy. First we, the vast gathering sitting behind the children, rose to our feet and sang the great hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty.” It was so grand and wonderful. Then Jesus spoke, for a longtime, about the various projects in heaven. He enthralled the audience with His magnetic personality and we sat spell bound hearing His wonderful Divine speech which was full of grace and love. Then the saviour blessed the families (in the world) of all the redeemed in heaven. He then blessed all the missionaries and others who are doing His ministry on the earth. Finally He blessed all those in heaven, who are going often to the world below to perform some earthly mission. (Amma, I think there are people like me, who are chosen for earth – mission in other fields also). Finally, all the children praised our Lord by raising their hands and singing a beautiful song. We also joined them in singing, That song starts like this “Glory and honour”. Amma you refer to our song books and find out. Amma, I am talking to you as all my friends are walking along the road and singing Christmas Carols. I am walking just behind them. Now they are disturbing me by shouting and calling me. So I will not be able to talk to you now. So bye amma! Then I searched the ‘Songs and Solos’ for the song “Glory and honour”. At that time my husband, Kenaz came in and I told him the title of the hymn. Immediately he sang the song “All glory, laud and honour” Then I found the song in the “Methodist Hymnal’ and its number is 128. “All glory, laud and honour, To Thee Redeemer, King, To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring”.

iii. Angels Service

22nd December, 2003 : 8.45 A.M. “Praise Him all His angels, Praise Him all His hosts!” (Ps : 148 : 2) David : Amma, just now I came home after attending the “Angels Service”, in our huge auditorium (David talked to me from his room). The whole auditorium was filled with the Glory of God, which I cannot explain Amma. You will not be able to understand its incredible splendour, unless you are personally present here. There was great silence as well. The four sides of the auditorium were filled with angels. When I looked above, there was a luminous cloud of angels. Then hosts and hosts of angels flew over singing songs, which were unfamiliar to us. They sang softly and melodiously in unison. I thought, “how their song would have thrilled the shepherds in Bethlehem on that first Christmas morn!” and my heart was filled with joy. As the Glory of God was withdrawn from the auditorium, the voices of angels slowly and softly died away, and the service came to a close. The theme of the angel’s song was, “Glory be to God on High”. I don’t know whether we have a song like that. Anyway you look through the Hymn books amma. [ I searched and found out one in May Flower Hymnal. Song No. 58. The verses are beautiful.] After the service, I and our choir members came home joyfully, singing carols as usual. Amma, I am so happy . . . . . happy! Heaven is such a wonderful place! So amma, be happy and try to do everything for Jesus. Always use the name of Jesus. It is a powerful Name. I don’t know whether I sleep in heaven or just rest. Anyway love this time of quiet repose too. Bye Amma! “Glory be to God on high and on earth Peace, good will towards men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, We worship Thee, we glorify Thee We give thanks to Thee for Thy Great Glory O Lord, God, Heavenly King : God, the Father Almighty O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.”

iv. A huge worship service of – The Almighty, Blessed, Holy, Trinity

Between 25th December, 2003 and 26th December 2003

25th December 2003 : 12.30 P.M.

David : Amma, we had been to carol rounds and just now I got home. We are going to have a huge worship service. My friends are saying that the Trinity (our Triune God) may be present in the ser vice. I can’t understand. After I attend the service, I’ll tell you. Bye Amma!

“Holy Holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory And the foundations of the thresh holds Shook at the voice of him who called and the house was filled with smoke” (Isa. 6 : 3,4 )

26th December, 2003 : 8.45 A.M.

Amma, I am not able to get over the awe, I felt at the place of worship. I am still quivering with emotion. I am not able to explain everything properly (David talked to me from his room. First his words were not coherent and his voice was very feeble). The place of worship must have been a very huge auditorium, but I don’t know the structure, since, wherever I looked, I saw the ever biggest crowd of angels. I have never seen such large hosts of angels before. The huge multitude of audience (people) sat down almost in the kneeling posture. There was a huge choir of humans and also that of the angels. On the stage, the angels were not above, but they were along the sides in a semicircle. The human choir was singing some kind of “Halleluyah chorus” (It is not the one we used to sing on the earth). There was no director for the choir. At the same time the choir of angels was singing some kind of praises. They were slowly and gradually increasing the volume of their singing. As the volume increased we saw a glowing light (beyond our comprehension) slowly entering the stage. It became brighter and brighter, as the volume of singing gradually increased. When the volume reached its peak (crescendo) the light was so bright, that its radiance and dazzling glory surpassed the splendour of the sun at noon. I felt as though I was sitting inside the sun (without heat) and we couldn’t behold the brightness and its glory. We were awe struck. In the centre of the light all we could see was our glorious Jesus with a radiant face and nothing else. I thought Amma, “Is it the same Jesus, we used to meet and talk? Is it the same Jesus, who was crucified on the cross for us?” It was beyond my comprehension. We all fell down prostrate and worshipped Him. Time stood still. I don’t know how long we were like that. I felt that I didn’t have any feelings left inside me. Then gradually the light became dimmer and dimmer and the visible glory of Jesus was withdrawn. Then gradually the singing became softer and softer and finally and slowly the music stopped. Then a perfect silence and awe enveloped us, which is impossible to explain Amma. I was just stunned. Then we left one by one in absolute silence (not as usual) and reached our homes. As soon as I reached my room, I am talking to you. I haven’t got over that glorious sight (Then David was not talking for a while). Even I was stunned. After sometime David gave me details of that worship service again.

“Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee Holy Holy Holy, Merciful and Mighy God in Three Persons BLESSED TRINITY.” v. Angels Worship Service

3rd January 2004 : “Praise the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord, give praise, Servants of the Lord you that stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.” (PS : 135:12) This morning as I was praying, I was singing in my heart automatically the hymn “shall we gather at the river, where bright angel-feet have trod;” I was thinking that there may be some gathering in heaven near a river with angels. So I didn’t expect David to talk to me in the morning. At 12.15 P.M., I heard David’s voice, slightly disturbed first. After sometime, he started talking clearly. David : Amma, I am attending an “Angel’s Worship Service” near a river (David talked to me from the venue of the worship service). We all came to this place of worship walking along a river. Some of us had floated over the water of the river and reached this place. First I was not able to find out whether it was an auditorium or an open air meeting place, since the whole place was surrounded by thousands and thousands of angels. They were as numerous as the sand on the sea-shore. As thousands were floating above, the structure at the top was not quite visible. Then when we sat, there was no grass underneath and hence we knew that this place was a huge auditorium. The service began with our (the redeemed in heaven) song “Angels, from the realms of glory,” (S.S. 29). Then all the angels sang together “Halleluyah Praise ye the Lord.” (The tune was not familiar to me). When the volume of their song increased, we saw a bright light in the front and Jesus, sitting on a high beautiful throne with a divine radiance surrounding Him. We all bowed our heads with great reverence and worshipped Him. It was a glorious sight! An unspeakable joy and rapture filled our hearts. Then something spectacular happened. Hosts and hosts of angels glided over gracefully and worshipped our glorious king. Each group was different in its size, voice and way of singing. Also each group had a different type of musical instrument. Some groups had different kinds of string instruments. Some carried golden bells in their hands. I don’t know most of their instruments. A group of tiny angels came singing with their sweet infant – voices and worshipped Jesus. They looked very cute and lovely. It is a long time since the service started. We are inside watching and worshipping Jesus. The worshipping sound of the vast multitude of human voices is like the mighty sound of flowing river. But this does not disturb the angels in any way. We can hear the songs of angels distinctly. By seeing the hosts of angels, we feel whether heaven is an abode of angels alone!! Such a huge crowd Amma!! Even now they are gliding in from one side, worshipping Jesus, and going out at the other end. I wish that you all were here to see the marvellous glory of this service! I have no language to convey its beauty and splendour !! Bye Amma! “On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever All the happy, golden day. Yes, we’ll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river; Gather with the saints at the river, That flows by the throne of God.” - Rev. R. Lowry vi. Worship Service of Jesus - A Divine Speech by our Redeemer God 21st January, 2004 : Subject of His Speech : Father’s Love Perfect Will of the Father, Perfect Love of the Father, Perfect happiness in Heaven “My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, Thy will be done.” (Mat. 26 : 42) David : Amma, I came home just now after attending a wonderful worship service of Jesus (David talked to me from his room). We all (adults, youth and children), went to the place of worship in groups. We had to go along the river (in the front) on the right side of our houses. While we were going, we saw groups and groups of angels gliding in a particular direction and descending in the midst of the thick woods. It was like showing us the direction of the place of worship. You can compare the descending of angels with a swarm of white swans coming down over fields or woods. When we approached the place within the woods, we saw lots and lots of people coming from different directions to the place of worship. They came by boats also. Our group went along singing “The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want” (Methodist Hymnal No : 70) on our way to the place of worship. At last we reached a very large open space amidst the woods, with tall elegant trees surrounding it. We couldn’t see anything, but hosts and hosts of angels and so we couldn’t make out the shape and structure of the worship place. It looked like a huge circle and there were many entrances to get in. When we entered, we found out, our seats were in the form of a gallery in a semi circle. In front, on the left there was the large heavenly choir of the redeemed and on the right, the big orchestra. The whole place along the walls, was full of angels. When I looked up, I saw only the angelic forms in the midst of the soft golden light and I couldn’t see the roof. Children were seated in the front facing the immense stage, which was also covered with angels at the back and the top. Suddenly, we saw a very brilliant light coming from above and Jesus descended along with a host of angels, on the stage. Amma, you must have seen Jesus in His dazzling glory! It was a wonderful, heart-throbbing sight! We all stood up, raised our hands and shouted “Praise Him” including the children. The shouting had a rhythm in different languages (like Praise Him, thH;f etc.). The volume was tremendous and the sound was wonderful!

When Jesus sat on the beautiful high throne, we all sang “Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus our Blessed Redeemer!” (S.S. 208). Then the heavenly choir with the orchestra sang a few songs, so also the angels.

Then Jesus stood up and gave a very touching message on “Father’s Love”. When Jesus started talking, there was perfect silence, even among the children. We could feel His wonderful magnetic presence and we all sat enchanted.

His theme was “Father’s Love – The Perfect Will of the Father, according to the Perfect Love of the Father, for our Perfect HAPPINESS IN HEAVEN.” HE QUOTED Himself as an example. He said, “Can you imagine any Father giving His only Son willingly for such an agonizing death on the cross? If My Father had accepted My plea on the previous day of crucifixion to change His will, will you all be here with such tremendous and glorious joy? I accepted the Perfect Will of My Father and His Perfect Love for the whole human race, which means Perfect Happiness in Heaven for Me and for the saved souls. I, Myself experience Perfect Happiness, seeing the huge multitude of humans, Praising Me with such love and joy !! Have you experienced this ‘Perfect Will and Perfect Love of the Father’ in your life and in the lives of your loved ones? Many of you may say ‘yes’ now and some will know it later on only.”

Amma, all seemed lost in contemplation of the theme so tenderly presented by our Redeemer king. Then when Jesus began to ascend with His angels, the vast audience stood again and praised our crucified Redeemer. Then we sat spell-bound and the angels above started leaving that place. Then only we were able to see the beautiful opening on the top and when all the angels left we found out that it was an open-air worship place.

Amma, for me the theme is true. But for you all, you may not fully know the happiness, the will and the Love of the Father now, but eventually, you will know it.

After the service, adults sat in groups and discussed among themselves what Jesus told us. Our group is back home. Now I am in my room. Bye Amma !

“Praise Him! Praise Him ! Jesus our Blessed Redeemer ! Heavenly portals, loud with hosannas ring ! Jesus, saviour reigneth for ever and ever : Crown Him ! Crown Him ! Prophet, and Priest and King! Christ is coming, over the world victorious, Power and glory unto the Lord belong; Praise Him ! Praise Him ! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him ever in joyful Song !”

Vii. Angel’s Worship Service

11th February, 2004 : 9 P.M. “Your eyes will see the king in His beauty; they will view the far – distant land.” (Isiah. 33:17) David : Amma, just now, I reached home after attending an Angel’s worship service”, in a very big auditorium. Here the stage was very huge. When we entered, we saw a huge crowd (thousands and thousands) of angels, floating above, within the auditorium, along the walls and also outside. Even in the passage between the two sides of seats (where we were seated) there were angels. On the stage, there were angels with golden harps at the right side and on the left, angels had long and short golden trumpets and at the back a huge choir of angels were singing with the orchestra. The blending was superb and it was very sweet to hear. There was a beautiful, magnificent white throne at the centre of the stage. When the volume of the music reached a maximum, we saw Jesus descending with a host of angels in marvellous splendour. At once, we all stood up, raised our hands and praised Him and Jesus sat on the throne. He was in full radiant white garment with a very beautiful crown. He is the king of kings with immense power, glory and majesty and He is infinitely holy. The angel choir and orchestra played and sang praising songs. Then suddenly, angels with folded hands started pouring in from the backside of the stage on either side of the throne. It was like a white milky river flowing from above on the two sides of the white throne. They landed at the back of the throne. Then they came to the front, worshipped Jesus with full adoration and left the place through the two sides below the stage. The sight was wonderful and of incredible splendour amma. It is difficult for me to explain the intrinsic holiness, that was pervading the whole place, the wonderful beauty of our beloved Jesus, that of the angels and that of the place. All the time, we, humans stood and praised Him, raising our hands. But the tremendous sound of our praising did not in any way disturb, the praising ceremony of the angels. Amma, I can’t say how many thousands of angels flowed in and out of the place of worship. Jesus did not talk. It was a magnificent solemn service of worship alone. Finally, as the angel choir was singing with their orchestra, Jesus ascended with a host of angels. Amma, it was such a wonderful sight of heaven’s glory, beauty and grandeur !! Then the other angels started moving out slowly from the place and we also left the auditorium in perfect silence. When we were strolling back leisurely, we started discussing the abode of the angels – whether they have mansions like ours with rooms ? Will they rest like us? What are their duties? etc. We couldn’t get answers to our questions. Then my friends requested me to take them to my “medical study centre” and I agreed with pleasure. John also told us that he would take us to his “Information complex” sometime to show us the way, they work there. Finally I reached home and I talked with ammamma. She has also attended this worship service. Mamu didn’t come. Children in heaven usually do not take part in such services. “The zephyrs seem to float to me Sweet sounds of heaven’s melody As angels with the white-robed throng Join in the sweet redemption song.” - E. Page Amma, I know that you have to pray to Jesus now (9.30 P.M.). Please don’t miss these precious times. Jesus is everything for us. I am also going to rest for sometime and then we’ll have our usual conference near the stream. So bye amma!

viii. A Service of Praising and Worshipping Jesus with Songs

19th February, 2004 :

“Praise the Lord. For it is good to sing praises to our God, For He is gracious and a song of praise is seemly.” (PS. 147 : 1)

At 8 P.M. while I was working in the kitchen, I heard David’s voice. He told me that after completing my work ( I told him that I was working) and after dinner, he would talk. At about 8.45 P.M., he started talking.

David : Amma, we had been to a wonderful worship service. You may call it as “Praising and worshipping Jesus with songs.” Our group had to give one item. So we practised for a long time before the service (More than 12 hrs. I calculated). We practised one anthem with a heading “Praise the Lord”. I don’t know whether you have notes for that in any of your song books. Amma, I became the director and we practised thoroughly in my music room. Even before knowing about this programme, I selected this song while going through my music books and I played it in the piano and studied the tune, so that it was easy for me to teach my choir members, the different parts. Amma, in heaven it is easy to teach music since members easily pick up their parts. Steve introduced some interlude music in between using guitars, violins and flutes. It was just wonderful. Finally, all the members of our choir, the adults and the children of our families went to the place of worship. The service took place in the same open-air stadium, which was full of galleries. There was a huge crowd of children in the front and they also participated in the praise and worship service. As usual, there was a huge crowd of angels around, at the top and also around the stage, which was a huge semicircle with low steps on both sides. On the left side of the stage, there was a huge human-orchestra with very many pieces of instruments. The whole gallery was filled with audience of several races from the nearby places. Then finally, when the orchestra was playing, Jesus descended with thousands of angels, with a dazzling light and glory and sat on the white throne. The whole place was filled with His radiant robe, as Prophet Isaiah says in the Bible. We all stood up, raising our hands, praising Jesus with great joy and the sound was tremendous. (Mh;g;ghpj;njhk;) Amma, the joy we felt in the presence of our Beloved Jesus cannot be explained, in words. One has to experience it personally. Then the whole audience sang a praising song led by the orchestra (You don’t know the song). Then our programme started. While one group stood at the right (below the stage) and sang another group was standing at the left, ready for the next song. Only small children went up to the stage. When one group, finished the song, Jesus raised His hand to them and the whole audience stood up and shouted “Praise Him, praise Him” by raising both their hands. The voice of children shouting was really exciting. The babies climbed up the stage with flowers in their hands and stood at one side of the stage and sang. We can’t say whether they were singing or just shouting with joy. It was wonderful, to hear the baby voices praising Jesus. While one group was singing, another group of children would be ready at the other side of the stage. After singing, they put the flowers at the feet of Jesus and raised their hands along with the whole audience who burst into applause as Jesus raised His hand over them. Then our turn came. Steve and John sang along with the bass. Our teenagers sang treble and bigger girls sang alto. Since I had to conduct the anthem, I couldn’t join the tenor. Amma, your ordinary son, the music Instructor of Puthalam choir, conducted the choir in Heaven for the first time in the presence of Jesus. Is there anything greater than this? Amma, when we sing in the presence of Jesus nothing goes wrong. The effect also was very grand, superb and marvellous and our choir sang very well with interludes by instrumental music. Amma, I am over whelmed with abundant joy and happiness! As soon as we completed our performance, Jesus raised His hands towards us and we all raised our hands along with the audience and shouted with jubilant joy. Then we backed up slowly, came out and sat in the gallery. Aunty Margaret conducted her choir beautifully. Another choir sang our usual “Halleluyah chorus” and many choirs sang very beautiful anthems. Different groups sang different types of songs with their own instruments. Every thing was so good to hear. Finally the whole audience sang another song of praise with the orchestra and then Jesus ascended. Amma, that was a wonderful and magnificent sight - His going up with such overwhelming glory with the host of angels from the stage! Then the angels from the stadium followed Him. We used to watch the whole ascension and then only come out of the place of worship. Amma, now I am in my room, talking to you. I am so happy amma. I don’t know what the next programme is. As we say in our ‘Lord’s Prayer’, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, so when even, a small event on the earth takes place according to His will for His children, how much more will it be true in Heaven! So, every programme of ours is designed and decided by Jesus and conveyed to us by different means. John will tell us our programme. Sometime, John sends word through our teenagers. Sometime, I feel within me to go somewhere, mostly for my medical education. Amma, next I’ll go into our back open portico. It is really long and broad, a lovely place with lots of flower pots, tables and chairs. There only we sit and eat. Often myself ammamma and sometime Grandpa sit and discuss. Today we’ll discuss the worship service. Sometimes our friends also join us there. As I told you earlier, Heaven is an open place. So anyone will come and go. This portico, with a beautiful view of our garden and shining transparent river is a wonderful place to sit and chat. Amma, I’ll go now. You go to sleep. Bye amma!

ix. Service of worshipping Jesus by angels and the redeemed souls together

28th February, 2004 : 1.30 P.M. “The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble; He sitteth between the Cherubims; let the earth be moved.” (Psalm 99:1) David was telling me from 12 noon onwards, that he was coming home from a worship service and then he started talking. Amma, we had been to a wonderful worship service at an auditorium near a river. I think that there are a number of auditoriums in that area and we call them as ‘Worship Complex’ and the service can be called as “Worship of Jesus by angels and redeemed souls together”. We all (Youth and adults) went along the river and reached the place of worship. This auditorium looked different from the one, to which we went before for worship services. This was a very huge one with galleries at the back filling half of the entire space, with a very high beautiful stage with no steps and a very high throne of gold, glowing in the golden light. When we went in, the front half and the sides of the walls were filled with angels who were singing some songs. Suddenly we heard the sound of trumpets. The volume was increasing tremendously and all of a sudden a huge host of angels descended on the stage with golden trumpets. The mighty strains of the trumpets was so great that it cannot be explained by words Amma. I thought how the sound would be during the second coming of Jesus. The whole world would be seeing the power and overwhelming glory of His coming and all those who had not accepted Him would be mourning. (Mathew 24 : 30, 31). The angels with the trumpets descended from the stage and occupied the extreme front of the place and they continued to play the trumpets. When the volume reached the maximum, Jesus in His full dazzling, glory followed by a huge host of angels descended over the stage and we were overwhelmed by the magnificent glorious sight. Immediately we all stood up and praised Him with adoration. This human sound was suppressed by the mighty sound of the trumpets. Jesus had a radiant golden diadem of immense beauty. We can describe His majesty as the King of Kings of great power and glory and Lord of Lords of incredible splendour. The angels’ music from the trumpets filled the auditorium, as Jesus sat on the throne. Then Jesus stood up and raised both His hands towards us and first we, the human redeemed souls, from the gallery, moved along in two rows, went to the front with trembling adoration and worshipped Jesus, passed on to the two sides and got back to our seats. We could see the red marks of the crucifixion on His extended palms and it is a sign of great victory, over Satan, triumph over grave and salvation for us. We, the humans worship Jesus as our Beloved Saviour, while the angels worship Him as the son of God, the Almighty. As soon as the worship of the human throng was over, while we were still standing and murmuring words of praise, thanksgiving and adoration, the angels (without trumpets) started going in the same way as we went, worshipped Jesus and returned to their place. It was a glorious sight Amma!. As king David says in Psalm , we actually felt an awe and we trembled at His feet. On earth we don’t tremble as we tremble at His feet in heaven. But we don’t realize the actual glory of Jesus and Father while worshipping Him on the earth. I want people to think about the overwhelming glory and the inexhaustible power of our Triune God and worship Him with full reverence, and with holy adoration since our God is infinitely Holy. It took a long time for all to worship our mighty king of boundless love and immense majesty. Then again, amidst the tremendous sound of the trumpets, Jesus and the angels together ascended from the stage, followed by the angels with trumpets and then the whole host of angels from the auditorium. We heard the fading sound of the trumpets. All the time we had been praising our king with awe and trembling, beholding the magnificent sight. Then a perfect silence followed. Afterwards we got up slowly and came out of the auditorium. Nobody spoke to each other for a long time on our return journey. The glory was so great. Before going to the worship service, I had been to my medical study centre and I spent a lot of time in the Paediatrics department with Dr. Ruth. I had been to different sections which explained different functions of a child’s body. There is no need to go into details about my indepth studies. I just want to say that I am continuing my studies. Now I am going down to discuss the worship service with Ammamma and then I am going to take some rest. Be happy amma! Bye! “Praise Him shining angels Strike your harps of gold All His hosts adore Him Who His face behold, Through His great dominion while the ages roll, All His works shall prais Him All His works shall praise Him (2) Bless the Lord my soul!” - E. E. Hewitt

x. Worship Service on the Palm grove island

7th March, 2004 :

“I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all Thy marvellous works.

I will be glad and rejoice in Thee; I will sing praise to Thy name, O Thou most High.” (Psalm 9 : 1, 2)

David : Amma, just now, we came home, after attending a worship service in the Palm grove island, which we visited long back. Our group (including some adults and children, who used to accompany us) had a pleasant walk along the river, in front of our houses, towards the right. After walking a long distance and sailing, this island came into view. It was shining silver white in the golden light. When we went nearer, we saw thousands and thousands of angels, floating above descending into that island from all sides. Amma, I just can’t describe the splendour of this scene. Also thousands of white-robed throng (redeemed Souls) with us reached the island from all sides by boats, which automatically went back to pick up more people. Amma, I don’t know what power propelled these boats.

The island was full of angels. When we glanced above, we saw hosts and hosts of angels gliding over us with beautiful golden harps and singing. We were just gazing at that scene with awe. Amma, I just can’t express the beauty and splendour of a radiant host of tiny angels floating above with their tiny tinkling golden bells and singing sweetly with their infant voices.

Then we reached the place of worship. It was a very huge auditorium. The human choir of about 400 members with the orchestra was on the left side and the angel choir on the right, just below the stage. On the stage, there was a spectacular difference this time. All the tiny angels, with their sweet infant-faces were standing before the other angels surrounding the stage, with their tiny golden bells. They were looking so lovely with shining slender bands of glittering gold, around their heads. Then the two choirs started singing songs of praises. The angels chanting seemed to be a background music. When the volume increased, we saw a bright radiant light and Jesus, with all His glory descended on the stage with a host of angels and He was seated on the throne. We all stood up, worshipped Him, with adoration and we all sang a hymn of praise with the two choirs. Then Jesus stood up and gave us a very short and sweet message. His theme was “Be happy and make others happy”. He said, “If you are happy, it will give you one fold happiness. But if you make 10 of your neighbours happy, you will get 10 fold happiness. If you make 100 people happy, your happiness will be 100 fold, since 100 people will make you happy in return. So be happy and make others happy”. Then as the choirs started singing He ascended with the host of angels and all the other angels followed Him, including the little ones with their tinkling sound. Then we all went outside quickly and the sight was marvellous Amma. We saw hosts and hosts of angels gliding sweetly over a mountain just like a shining silver comet with a long tail, moving beautifully upwards. John said that Jesus may be visiting worship places in other areas also. “Then let us adore And give Him His right; All glory and power, All wisdom and might; All honour and blessing, With angels above; And thanks never ceasing, And infinite love.” - Charles Wesley

XI. WORSHIP SERVICE OF OUR AWESOME GOD, revelation of His Love for His Son Jesus

13th March, 2004 : 9.00 P.M.

“And the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of Words; which voice they that heard in treated that the word should not be spoken to them any more:”

“And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:”

“For our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb.12 : 19, 21, 29)

“The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave His voice.” (Psalm 18 : 13)

David : Amma, just now I reached home after attending a worship service in the vast open-air auditorium with galleries in the glade.

We walked along our beautiful broad road towards the right from our houses for quite sometime. Then another road branched out from this, towards the left. When we entered this road and walked some distance, we saw hosts and hosts of angels including tiny ones, standing in groups, along this road and singing. The whole area of an immense circle of atleast one mile radius, around the place of worship was glowing with shining angels. Also we saw radiant clouds of angels descending near the place of worship and then they were filling the whole area. We saw them gliding above us and singing melodious songs with various instruments. We walked amidst these innumerable angels gazing at the marvellous splendour of the scene.

When we reached the place, the auditorium was full of angels as usual and they had occupied the galleries as well. We all sat in the beautiful lawn in kneeling posture in front of the galleries. There was a human orchestra with a large number of violins and pipe instruments on the left and the angelic one on the right. They were playing softly the beautiful grand hymn “Holy ! Holy ! Holy ! Lord God Almighty !” The soft strains of violins, with the background music of other instruments and that of the angels, was magnificent and enchanting, amma. All of a sudden, we heard a mighty sound of tremendous volume like many thunders roaring above and we saw a dazzling light, like the flash of lightning coming down from above. At once we all fell down prostrate and I couldn’t bear the glory and the mighty sound, which was like the thundering sound of a large number of jet planes landing at the same time. Amma, I couldn’t behold the glorious Jesus, from whom, dazzling glory was radiating in all directions. I felt a tremor in my heart. Then I heard a thunderous voice speaking and I couldn’t comprehend what HE said. John said (afterwards) that the Father God was saying, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. My Son will be glorified by the saved souls”. Again we heard the noise of thunder shooting upwards amidst the mighty sound of angel’s triumphant shouts of joy (J}jhpd; Mh;g;ghpg;g[) Then the voice of thunder was fading in the distance and the dazzling glory was withdrawn from the stage. When I got up I didn’t see any member of the human orchestra and I don’t know what happened to them. They must have fallen down. First, the angels from the stage glided away and then the others in the auditorium followed them. They were followed by other angels surrounding the auditorium and those in the forest. They all floated gracefully in a beautiful order and that scene itself was of overwhelming glory. Only after all the angels in the auditorium glided away, we came out. Amma, the human eyes cannot withstand this light, just like Apostle Paul, who became blind, when he saw the light. Also the human ear-drums will crack hearing this tremendous sound according to my medical studies. But our heavenly eyes and ears can withstand this bright light and enormous sound. Afterwards, we all went and sat, in our usual place near the stream and discussed with awe and wonder, the grandeur of the Father God and the manifestation of His immense power, glory, majesty and His love for His Son Jesus. Amma, before I went to the worship service, I had been to the “Medical Study Centre”. Now, after spending sometime with Grandfather, who is sitting in the portico of my house, I will be going to the Department of Neurology (Study of human brain). There are many great experts in this department. They say that in the world, we studied the different functions of brain by the use of different instruments and by other means. But here we are getting the first hand information from the creator of the brain Himself. So what a privilege and what knowledge I am getting here, when compared to the knowledge I got in my earthly life.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord! Sing O Ye people gladly adore Him Let the mountains tremble at His word Let the hills by joyful before Him Mighty in wisdom, boundless in mercy? Great is Jehovah, King over all, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, Let the hills be joyful before Him! - F. J. Crosby

xii. Worship service with the message of Jesus on ‘Peace”

19th March, 2004 : 9.00 P.M.

“Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His holy hill; for the Lord our God is holy.” (Psalm 99 : 9) David : Amma, Aunt Janet sent word that Jesus would be present in an auditorium on a mountain top and also she gave us the direction of reaching that site. We reached the Palm grove island through the river flowing in front of our houses. Then we sailed on along the left side and saw the beautiful bridge. The town, where we met Jesus in a chapel, is situated on the left side of this river. But we crossed the river at that point and came to the opposite edge. There was a beautiful mountain and we saw lovely mansions of huge dimensions, on four different levels on the mountain slope. Each mansion had an exquisitely beautiful garden with a fountain of sparkling spray. Amma we were delighted to note that all mansions had different varieties of fountains of excellent beauty. Shining waterfalls were streaming down the mountain slope and were flowing along the roads glistening in the golden light. Beautiful roads were passing infront of each row of houses. All the roads were curved and stretched along the mountain to the other side where there were many such mansions. There were broad marble steps, edged with gold, leading from one level to another. We climbed those steps and reached the fifth layer. There we saw a very huge auditorium, built parallel to the road, standing in magnificent splendour and imposing grandeur. We entered through a side door. It was filled with people and angels. Children were in the front holding colourful flowers in their hands. Hosts of angels were descending into the auditorium. Seating arrangement was spectacular in that place. There was no gallery. But height of seats gradually increased from the front to the back. There was a huge human choir of about 100 members at the left side of the stage. They were standing in a gallery, with a grand uniform with beautiful golden scarfs around their necks. When we entered, they were singing some English songs. Their singing was very beautiful and harmonious. Each note of bass and tenor was flowing on a wave of vitality. Amma I have never heard the singing of bass and tenor with such majesty and grandeur, and I was simply captivated by their singing. Then we all stood up and joined the choir in singing the song “Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;” When we sang the chorus, “Praise Him ! Praise Him !” we all raised our hands and sang with great gusto. At that instant Jesus descended with a radiant glory and splendour with a host of angels. His descent increased our joy many fold. His presence increased the tempo of our singing. Especially baby voices could be heard distinctly. When Jesus stood up, our joy knew no bounds and the audience burst into shouts of joy. Then He extended His nail printed hands and said, “Peace be unto you.” His voice was so majestic that our hearts were filled with unspeakable rapture. Jesus spoke about “Peace in the world.” He said, “There is no peace in the world. My children, missionaries and peace makers are persecuted in the world. I may have to send missionaries and peace makers from heaven. Are you ready to go?” At once we all stood up, raised our hands and shouted, “Amen ! Amen !” Jesus then said that it would be performed according to the will of the Father. Finally, the vast gathering rose to their feet and burst forth into that grand hymn “All, hail the power of Jesus’ name !” [other tune – where bass and tenor repeats.] While we were singing, “Crown Him, Crown Him” with full parts loudly, Jesus ascended with glory and majesty with the host of angels. Amma, the repeating of “Crown Him !” by bass and tenor of the choir was extremely grand and the volume was quite sufficient for the whole congregation. Aunt Janet introduced me first to the choir master, who was a middle aged man. I congratulated him and his choir for their wonderful performance, and he was very happy. Then he introduced all the members of his choir who sang different parts. I was very much pleased to meet the members of such an excellent choir. The volume as well as blending of voices was distinctly audible even when the whole congregation was singing. Then we thanked aunt Janet and sailed along the river slowly, singing “All, hail the power of Jesus name” in the same tune with all parts, with great enthusiasm. The speeding boats passing us, waved and cheered us telling, “beautiful ! excellent ! etc.” What a joyous, carefree life in heaven amma! I was just enthralled by this beautiful service and I am extremely happy in heaven. So, for my sake, be happy Amma ! Bye ! “Praise Him ! Praise Him ! Jesus our blessed redeemer, Sing O earth His wonderful love proclaim!, Hail Him ! Hail Him ! highest arch angels in glory; Strength and honour give to His holy name ! Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children In His arms He carries them all day long; Praise Him ! Praise Him, tell of His excellent greatness Praise Him ! Praise Him ever in joyful song ! - F. J. Crosby

xiii. Another worship service with Jesus

25th March 2004 : 9.30 P.M. “I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. Above it stood the Seraphims . . . And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory. And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried. . . .” Isaiah 6 : 1 - 4 David : Amma, after attending a long worship, service, I just got home. As usual it was a huge auditorium near a river. We went by boat to get there. This particular auditorium was different from the ones we had visited so far. It was very huge and seats were arranged in galleries. In the front, the stage occupied one third of the area. The right 1/3 area was full of galleries, occupied by the angels’ orchestra and the left one third gallery by a huge human choir. Smaller angels occupied the front rows with beautiful golden bells in their hands. Angels behind them had golden harps of different sizes. At the extreme back, angels had trumpets of different sizes. Baby angels at the front were ringing their bells uniformly like doing a mass drill, moving their hands uniformly like a group of people playing tambourine. The sight of the shining tiny angels with their glittering golden bells, swaying in the golden light was enchanting Amma and the ringing sound was also very sweet. It was like ringing a single bell though there were so many. The different notes of the harps also blended beautifully and we were entranced by the lovely melody of their orchestra. Amma, I think the angelic orchestra is superior to our human orchestra. As for as singing is concerned, we prefer to listen to the human choir, because most of the songs they sing are familiar to us and also they sing in four parts, which is an added attraction to us. The uniform of this particular human choir was also beautiful. Over the uniform, each had a golden scarf around their neck that was hanging all the way down to their feet. They were singing songs of praise. The human choir and the angelic orchestra were giving items alternately. While the angelic orchestra was playing, suddenly an intense bright light shone on the stage and Jesus, with a host of angels descended gloriously on the stage. His garment was immaculately radiant and His face was shining with the divine beauty. Instantly we saw all the angels on the stage bowing low at the feet of Jesus, who was sitting on a high throne. The whole redeemed souls present stood up, raised their hands and shouted praises in full adoration. Amma, then we all sang a song of praise – “Praise Him, praise him, praise Him”. You may not know this song. We sang along with the angel’s orchestra and human choir. Amma, the singing was so loud, cheerful and with such tremendous joy, that the whole auditorium was vibrating. Then Jesus stood up with His extended hand. A pure white bright light radiated from, His holy face and His dress. We couldn’t take off our eyes from His loving beaming divine face. Just then I remembered the vision of Isaiah (Chap.6) Amma, we are always thrilled to see His face and hear His voice. Then Jesus gave the message as follows: “The deepest affliction my children face in the world is according to the will of the Father for saving innumerable souls for Him. My agonizing experience on the cross was according to the perfect will of the Father to save the whole human race”. Again we sang songs of praises. While singing, Jesus started ascending. It was altogether a different sight this time Amma. The whole angelic host present in the auditorium except those in the orchestra followed Jesus just like iron filings getting attracted to a big magnet. Thus the whole group of angels left the auditorium with Jesus. It is hard to explain the magnificent beauty of that ascension in words, Amma. Then the members of the orchestra left the auditorium, group by group – First the small angels glided away with bells, then those with harps and finally the ones with trumpets. Amma, my group and many others stayed back listening to the singing of the choir. Since the walls of the auditorium were transparent, we could see the children rushing out of the auditorium shouting. They all ran and just jumped into the river. We couldn’t help laughing. After listening to the choir for a while, we strolled along the road by the side of the river. We saw the huge crowd of children carried away by the river. Their shout and joyful scream filled the air. When we went closer to them on the road, they splashed water on us. We collected wild flowers and threw at them joyfully. We enjoyed their fun. Amma, you must see their sparkling smile and twinkling eyes. How children enjoy themselves in heaven! We went along singing as usual. Then we sat on our strip of land at the middle of the stream and discussed our next programme. Steve told us that we may have to take part in another concert soon. Amma, now I am in my room. Soon I may go down to Steve’s room for music practice. Amma, how is your hand now? (I had a dislocation of my right shoulder two weeks back.) I am glad, Appa is helping you to write down these messages. Please thank Periamma also. I know she is doing this book work most of the time. How are Jeba Annan and Thuthie Annan? Well, I told you my last experience. I will be in touch with you. Bye Amma!

xiv. Worship service of our king of kings Jesus surrounded by a dazzling powerful golden light – A sing song service

31st March 2004 : 10.45 P.M. “I will praise Thee with the harp For thy faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praises to Thee with the lyre.” (Ps. 71 : 22) David : Amma I just got home after attending a wonderful and glorious “Worship Service of our King of Kings surrounded by a dazzling golden light.” It was a sing song service. In my ‘Medical study centre”, I was sent from the Neurology department to the department of medicine. Also I attended a doctors conference. So I was a bit late. My friends were waiting for me at home, since we had to sing a song in the worship service. We already practised an anthem called “Jesus our Saviour”. So we had our final practice as we were sailing along the river. During our pleasant journey, we saw luminous clouds of hosts and hosts of angels gliding high over the river. Some groups descended on the left side of the river and drifted across the river, flying low. Amma, every where this charming view of shining angels was visible. Finally we reached the worship complex. This particular auditorium was not near the bank of the river. It was situated a little farther among lovely gardens. We walked through the beautiful pathway in between enchanting gardens filled with different varieties of flowers of exquisite beauty intermingled with glossy green leaves. We reached an auditorium where we saw angels descending. Amma, we gasped in wonder at the beautiful and glorious gardens, surrounding the worship place, filled with lovely lustrous white lilies. The flowers were hanging with exquisite beauty on long smooth stems. They were not like the usual tube lilies, but they resembled our big jasmine flowers with many layers of petals, with almost the same sweet fragrance. I can’t explain in words, the wonderful delicate perfume pervading the whole place. Then we entered the auditorium, which was almost full. The angel orchestra occupied the left wing and the big human choir the right. They were singing, praising songs. The front was filled with children, with a glittering golden band around their heads and holding the same white flowers with long stalks. The whole auditorium was filled with that particular lovely fragrance. Suddenly we heard lovely music far away and slowly, the music came nearer and nearer. All of a sudden an intense golden light streamed down on the stage from above and a host of angels with golden harps alighted on the stage. Because of the golden light, the angels appeared golden from head to foot, instead of the usual gleaming silver white. The sight was marvellous Amma. Then we all started to sing “Praise Him, Praise Him (2) Praise the everlasting king.” The whole auditorium was vibrating with the tremendous sound of the Angel orchestra, human choir and the whole multitude of the redeemed and the children. We were thrilled to hear the grand and loud music of the harps. When the volume reached the maximum, we saw another flash of golden light and our Beloved Jesus with a host of angels with harps, descended on the stage. The dress of Jesus looked pure gold in that blazing light. Our king of kings of overwhelming glory and splendour sat on the high golden throne of enchanting beauty. Our happiness knew no bounds and we raised our voices and continued to sing the song. What rapture and unspeakable joy filled our hearts Amma ! Praising continued for a long time. Then the programme started. When the angels played their harps softly as a background music, the children in the front gave the first item. They sang a “Halleluyah chorus” in which when the bigger children were singing the song, the younger ones shouted “halleluyah” uniformly raising their hands, holding the white flowers which looked golden in the golden light streaming down on them from the stage. All the groups who gave items shone in that bright golden light. We went outside through the back door and then entered the front, below the stage to give our items. There were choirs from the mansions around the ponds mostly Europeans. Also the American choir from the town near the lake surrounded by mountains and many others participated. Amma, our anthem was very beautiful. I stood at one corner and directed. We all faced Jesus, I sang tenor, wherever tenor had to be sung. Steve was with us to sing bass. After the end of each item, Jesus raised His beautiful hands. At once the audience stood up, raised their hands and shouted with great joy. About 10-12 groups sang and last of all the heavenly choir sang with the accompaniment of angel orchestra. Finally, when we were all singing a praising song, Jesus ascended with the hosts of angels with harps. First the volume of music was very high. As they ascended, the sound became softer and softer and finally stopped. Also the dazzling golden light faded gradually and then disappeared completely. The angel orchestra then glided away gracefully and all the children left with a great shout of joy. Then the redeemed souls left with shouts of praises. We then went to the front to meet our friends there. I saw Margaret Aunty. Her choir also gave an item. We shook hands and congratulated each other. Then I met the director of the American choir. I shook hands and told him that I had never heard such a powerful baritone voice like his, when he sang “Amazing grace” on the day when we visited their chapel. He was very happy and we both chatted for sometime. I looked so small, when I stood by his side, since he is a very tall and hefty person. All my friends also had a happy time chatting with everyone. Finally, we left and went through the beautiful gardens of white lilies emanating a sweet perfume. We saw children playing in the other gardens and we reached home.

My friends were sitting in our usual place surrounded by the stream and they were waiting for me. There is nobody at home Amma. Hope you are all right and happy. Bye Amma ! “Wake thou, my harp, O Mighty love, That fills the boundless realm above ! Sweep thou, my strings, for I would sing, Redeeming grace thro’ Christ my King.” - F.J. Crosby xv. Worship service in the American chapel

6th April, 2004 : 9.45 P.M.

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Math. 22 : 37 – 39) David : Amma, just now we returned from a worship service at the chapel in the American town. We – youth, adults and children went in three boats. More people from our area came by many other boats behind us. You know that this town is around a big round lake, surrounded by mountains. When we entered this town, we were delighted to see the glistening golden lake filled with different types of beautiful boats. It was a wonderful sight Amma! We got down and walked through the broad road leading to the chapel on top of the mountain. Children, from our area and from other areas walked with flowers in their hands shouting with joy. Our youth group, held our hands and walked, singing songs. Adults (including all my grand parents) came at the back. All along the way, people were standing to welcome us and finally we reached the top. This service was arranged at the top floor of the beautiful chapel. Amma, don’t imagine a small round chapel. It is a huge one (almost the area of the whole Puthalam house compound) and can accommodate more then 2000 people. People from places around that area including the inhabitants of mansions around the ponds were present. We went in through the door at the extreme left of the chapel. Seats were arranged in different rows, with enough space in between. Our group sat in the first row on the left. The American choir with their big director (named Bob) was at the extreme right, so also the other European choirs. While we entered, the native choir was singing beautifully. The whole place was decorated with flowers in lovely multi-coloured-transparent vases made of fine marble. The whole place looked like a garden. At the exact time, the whole audience started singing the grand song “Holy ! Holy ! Holy !” We all sang with different variations given in the music uniformly and the harmony was just superb. The bass, tenor and alto of the American choir were sufficient for the whole congregation. As usual, when the volume was maximum, we saw a very bright white light coming from above and Jesus, with a vast host of angels descended on the stage. The stage was filled with angels. They also occupied the space along the walls, the balcony and the garden surrounding the building – the whole place. We continued singing, raising our hands. Children were shouting “Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord.” As soon as we finished singing, we all shouted “Praise the Lord” with much joy and adoration for a long time. Jesus sat on a huge beautiful chair at the centre of the stage and the programme started. First children sang a ‘Praising Song’. While singing, children in an orderly fashion, went near Jesus and gave their flowers to Him and came back. Finally the whole stage looked like a beautiful garden of flowers. Amma, we sang an anthem ‘Love of Father and Jesus’. We stood up near our seats in a semicircle and I gave the starting note in our guitar and we sang. I stood at one end, directing, at the same time singing tenor. Steve couldn’t come, but our other boys sang bass beautifully. At the end of every song, Jesus raised His hands with a smile. At once the whole audience stood up and burst forth shouting with joy praising Jesus and also in appreciation of those who sang. Our anthem was really good. Aunt Margaret gave an item with her adult choir, so also the local American choir. Some choirs of the European colonies also sang. Every item was indeed great. Finally Jesus stood up to give His sweet short sermon. At once the whole audience stood up, and the whole chapel was filled with their joyful praises. Jesus then started His sermon with ‘Peace be unto you.’ He talked on the Bible verses in Math. 22 : 37 – 39. We all sat spell- bound, as He spoke wonderfully. Jesus : You love your God. At the same time, you must love your neighbour, not only your immediate neighbour but all around you. The loving bond should be very strong. On earth, people worship me with love, but Satan breaks the bond of love with their neighbours. But in heaven, there is no Satan to break that bond of love. Any way you must extend your bond of love to other sections of heaven too. David : He spoke with such love, grace, vigour and power, that there was perfect silence. We were enthralled by His magnificent voice and loving thoughts. Then when we all sang a praising song with great enthusiasm and high volume, Jesus ascended along with the hosts of angels. Amma, the sight of ascension of Jesus with angels was just marvellous. The angels also had no problem in crossing the roof. Immediately the whole host of angels all around us went behind Him. We were all singing with greatest joy, gazing at the wonderful glory of our Lord’s ascension. Then we all met our friends. First I went to meet my great friend Bob, who enfolded me within his arms. I just went inside his arms – he is such a huge handsome man. We both became great friends. He gave his name as Bob and asked me to call him Bob or Big Brother Bob (BBB) and he called me ‘my sweet little David’. Amma it was wonderful to hear his baritone voice. He sang a chorus just for me at my request. Then he told me about himself. Now he is alone here in his mansion, waiting for his wife to join him. She must be old now. Bob is in his early forties. His children and their families are now on the earth. Bob invited me to visit him in his mansion. I also invited him to our mansion. We told our American friends about our museum project. All our adults were talking about this to their friends there enthusiastically. The local Americans promised to collect beautiful vases, even jewels with precious stones and make some typical American articles. We introduced Marie as the co-ordinator of the committee and also other members. Marie and others promised to come again after completing our museum arrangements, to collect the articles. So also, friends from other European groups promised to collect things of their own culture. Every body was excited. After completion, when Jesus comes for the inauguration, we are going to invite all the residents around us and to conduct a huge worship service also at the lawn near by. Bye amma. “Blest be the tie that binds, Our hearts in Christian love, The Fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above.” - Rev. J.Fawcett


Jesus had a special place for children in His heart while on earth. “He took them in His arms and blessed them”. (Mark 10 : 16). Then just imagine how much children must be enjoying their life in heaven with Jesus; David’s account of children in heaven just thrilled me. Following is what David had to tell me about children. 11th December, 2003 : 9. A.M. 7th January, 2004 : 9 A.M. David : Amma, we had a long music practice at my friend Steve’s music room. I played drums. They are made up of silver and edged with gold. What a wonderful sight ! The sound is fascinating and Steve taught me to play drums and I picked it up quickly. Then all our members-both boys and girls came with their guitars, violins, pipe instruments and Steve conducted the band wonderfully. We all played many marching and dancing tunes. It was just great. I was very very happy. Then we all started to go to the ‘children’s mansions near the sea. Even from a distance, we saw the procession of children coming to receive us. It was like a glittering silver white cloud and when they came nearer, we could hear the baby voices of children shouting with joy. No wonder, Jesus loves children. They were marching in a long procession with mothers accompanying them. Those mothers invited their friends also and so there were many adults. As soon as they reached us, they shouted and jumped with joy and were jubilant. Then they turned back and led the procession and we followed them. The mothers hugged us and received us with great joy. Finally we all, passed their mansions and reached a very beautiful lawn. There was an elevated place at one end of the lawn and it was our stage. The steps were made up of grass and the children decorated those steps, all around with pots of different varieties of beautiful flowers. It seems that the children gathered flowers from the gardens and woods. Those mothers who were great experts in arranging the flowers, arranged them in pots. Amma, it was indeed beautiful to behold! The whole stage looked like a beautiful garden. We can call heaven as “a place of flowers”. We had a special uniform- white suit, with golden belts, cross belts, shoes and caps edged with gold. Girls had short skirts edged with gold, white stockings, shoes and hats edged with gold. The children in large groups dressed in white frilled dress with golden edges and white shoes, stood in rows. Our band played and Steve directed our band wonderfully. The very look of our glittering instruments was a wonderful sight ! when our band played marching tunes, the children did drill uniformly and it was very beautiful, as they glistened in the golden light. The mothers directed them. Five of our teen aged girls danced beautifully to our dancing music. Our girls are very good in telling stories, doing mono acts to make the children laugh and they enjoyed the programme. All the mothers sang together with the accompaniment of our musical instruments. Their friends invited us to go to their places also. The whole area was bathed in the golden light of heaven and that of Jesus. Finally we finished our programme and left them. They all gave us a fond farewell and asked us to go there often and we promised to do that. Some of the friends came with us, since their mansions were on our way back home. We took a different route along a road, with streams running on both sides. All along the way, we sang and shouted with joy. What a carefree life amma !! Beckoning hands of a little one, see ! Baby-voice calling, O mother for thee Rosy cheeked darling, the light of the home Taken so early, is beckoning “come”.

13th January, 2004 : 7 P.M. David : Amma, myself and my friends had our usual get together over an elevated place with lots of flowers and flowering trees, surrounded by a beautiful stream. While we were discussing our plans and programmes, we saw a radiant cloud of tiny baby angels in the air, singing softly with golden bells in their hands. Those angels were followed by a group of babies below 5 year old. They were coming along the road, accompanied by some adults. We didn’t know whether they were singing or just shouting with joy. We heard only very sweet baby voices – so sweet and wonderful to listen. All of them had flowers, either one flower with a long stem or one flower with a beautiful leaf. It was not a very huge crowd. But we could see that they belonged to different communities. We just watched the wonderful sight and followed them, to see where they were going. They went inside an auditorium. We also entered after them and stood near the doors. The sight we saw there was just fascinating! Jesus was sitting in the front. Those babies were going to Him with their flowers. Some of them were slowly climbing the small steps in front and adults helped them to climb over. They went near Jesus whose face was radiant with a tender smile. He was smiling at them with great love and affection. The babies gave the flowers to Jesus and spoke to Him. Jesus also spoke to them and we couldn’t hear their actual conversation. Amma, you ought to have seen it-just amazing! - These are babies for Jesus ! “Flowers are ever springing In that Home so fair Little children singing Praises to Jesus there How they swell the glad anthem Ever around the bright throne When oh when shall I see thee Beautiful, Beautiful Home.” - H.R.P.


“Young men in Christ the son In Him we all are one For this He prayed Then let us join the heavenly throng To sound His praise in endless song For all we have and are, Belong To Christ, our Lord Divine” - Robert Weidensall David often says Children and youth are the ones who enjoy heaven the most. After reading this Chapter, I am sure, you will agree. “Praise Him with trumpet sound Praise Him with lute and harp ! Praise Him with timbrel and dance; Praise Him with strings and pipe ! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; Praise Him with loud clashing cymbals !” - PS : 150 : 3- 5

David and his friends

20th NOVEMBER, 2003 : 5.30 A.M. David : Amma, I have a lot of friends here, both boys and girls. There is no difference between boys and girls in heaven and we enjoy their company equally. We all walk along the road holding hands, collecting our friends on the way, singing choruses with seconds or with full parts. When the girls start treble, we all join them with the other three parts. (alto tenor and bass). You may be surprised to know how young boys sing bass with such powerful baritone voices. Then we sit somewhere on a lawn or near a stream and share our earthly experiences. They all like me very much, and ask me to tell stories. I tell them about Puthalam beach and even the ghost stories, which people of Puthalam beach had told me. We used to laugh together. My friends are from different nations, but we all look almost the same. Most of them live with their grand-parents like me. Some of them live with their parents and some with their aunts and uncles. They used to invite us to their houses with great affection and love. Sometime we visit them and sing for them. “Boundless love and adoration Boundless glories none have dream’d Boundless joy of free salvation Is the song of the redeemed” - F.A. Brecy

Visiting a beautiful garden

1st December 2003 : 6.30 A.M. David : Amma, my friends and I went to see a beautiful garden. I had seen the garden in Ooty (a hill station in India). Then I thought that it was very very beautiful. But now I know that we can never compare a heavenly garden with any on the earth. What a beautiful garden ! the garden was full of flowers, flowering trees, singing birds and playing children. Each section of the garden had one variety of flower – like all shades and varieties of roses in one section and so on. I couldn’t recognize many of them. Most of them were completely new to me but they were very beautiful. Amma, what a pleasant perfume filled the garden ! Even, otherwise heaven has a wonderful perfume and after coming from the garden, we ourselves are all fragrant with that sweet perfume on us. “Beyond the stars that brightly gleam Beyond life’s short and shadowed stream There is a land of fadeless bloom And flow’rs of rich and rare perfume”

- J.P. Tompkins

David and his friends visiting houses – Singing

2nd December, 2003 : 2.30 P.M. David : Amma, my friends and I visited many of our houses. Girls gathered flowers and made them into beautiful bouquets – each one for a house. They know, what kind of flowers, the inmates like best. They gave roses to my two grandmothers. Then we started visiting the houses to sing. We are about 30 in number. In ammamma’s (my mother) house, we sang “Jesus loves me this I know” (songs & solos : 1155). “Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me so, Little ones to Him belong They are weak, but He is strong Yes Jesus loves me (3) The Bible tells me so.” Then in my other grand mother’s house, we sang the following song. “I am so glad that our Father in heav’n Tells of His love, in the book He has giv’n; Wonderful things in the Bible I see This is the dearest that Jesus loves me Chorus : I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me Jesus loves me (2) Even me. (S.S. : 38) (David tells me only the heading of the song and I copy the verses from my Hymn book). In all the houses, they received us with great warmth and affection, and after we sang they congratulated us saying our voices blend wonderfully. 9th December, 2003 : 8.15 A.M. David : Amma, I feel that the best time to come to Heaven is about my age, since now only I can enjoy to the maximum by singing, roaming, laughing with my friends. Even now two of my friends are with me. We are going to collect others to visit the different choirs singing or practising at different places.

10th December 2003 : 6.30 A.M. David : Amma, we visited a very big choir with hundreds of members in an auditorium practising songs and Christmas carols. It was just wonderful to listen. There were other groups such as ours who came to listen. On our way back home singing, we met different groups singing like us in different languages and different types of music. We can always hear angel groups singing over head and going off. The whole space was filled with music. What rapture and unspeakable joy filled my heart hearing the harmonious and melodious songs of heaven praising our Redeemer King by human choirs below and angel choirs floating above ! “Sometimes I hear strange music Like none e’er heard before, Come floating softly earthward As thro’ heav’n open door, It seems like angel voices In strain of joy and love That swell the mighty chorus Around the throne above. O sweet, un-earthly music, Heard from a land afar The song of Heav’n and Homeland Thro’ doors God leaves ajar.” - E.E. Rexford

Starting a musical Band

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises !. Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody !. With trumpets and the sound of the horn, make a joyful noise before the king the Lord.” – PS : 98 : 4-6

16th December 2003 : 2 P.M. David : Amma we have started organizing a musical band. I have a friend called Steve. He is an Italian, who had worked in the music section of an art gallery. He has a brother and a sister on earth. He is the youngest in the family. In his mansion in Heaven, he has a music room with a collection of several musical instruments. So the boys in our group gather in his mansion and practise guitar with strumming, runnings and different parts of a musical piece. He plays a music in his musical system in his room and we practise to play the guitars as an accompaniment to that particular music. Next we are going to call other boys and girls from our group to play other musical instruments, so that we will have a complete musical band.

4th January, 2004: David : Amma, I am just coming from our get-together, where all my friends sat in the lawn and discussed the various programmes to be given, when we visit the children’s home near the sea. We gave most of the responsibilities to the girls. Now I am going to Steve’s room for the instrumental music practice. Since a lot of my friends are willing to play guitars, I thought of practising to play drums. Steve will teach me. Now I am going there only.

13th January, 2004 : David : Amma, I am going to Steve’s room to learn drums. There is a drum set with eight pieces similar to an octave. Like that there are three octaves, one above the other, attached in the same frame which can be folded and carried when we go around to play our band music. There on earth, when we play drums, it gives one definite sound. Here by playing the different units of the drum sets, we can play different notes of a music tune. Since I know black notes it is easy for me to play. The sound coming out of this drum set is just melodious, marvellous and superb. When I play along with the other instruments like violin, guitar and pipe instruments the harmony is just grand Amma. Steve is a great music director. Usually Steve is very busy. He goes to the music complex regularly for giving regular music training. So he can’t accompany us to every place we go. Whenever we play our full band, he comes and conducts the music. “Onward bark ! the cape I’m rounding See the blessed wave their hands; Hear the harps of God resounding From the bright immortal bands.” - Rev. E. Adams

Visiting a forest with friends I talked about the sick and the poor of my Medical College Hospital

“Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer Him ‘Lord, when did we see Thee hungry and feed Thee, or thirsty and give Thee drink? And when did we see Thee a stranger and welcome Thee, or naked and clothe Thee? And when did we see Thee sick or in prison and visit Thee? And the king will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, You did it to me.” – Mat : 25 : 34 - 40

29th December, 2003 : At 2 P.M., while I was lying down to rest, I heard Davids’ voice.

David : Amma, I just came in after a long walk with my friends – four boys and two girls in the age group of 16-21, and they are all younger to me. We crossed a beautiful river and entered a wonderful forest. There were very tall trees with a characteristic smell of the forest. The heavenly light was slightly dimmer due to the tall trees; but a golden light entered from the side of the forest horizontally, which gave a heavenly appearance. The ground was so clean – there was no grass, but the ground was not wet or marshy either. We walked along, holding hands, singing choruses. There were small hills from where small shining streams flowed down into a very big pool of crystal clear water with beautiful coloured fishes. Just watching them was a great treat for us. My friends are very much attached to me. They are from very very rich families. Most of them learnt about Jesus and His love in Sunday schools or from their God- fearing parents, aunts or friends. They accepted Jesus for His perfect love and peace of mind. I told them about my medical college, about the very very poor patients, who had no money to buy extra medicines or food, even though our Government gave free medicines and food inside the hospital. Also I explained to them about several diseases like Anaemia and Tuberculosis (caused mainly by malnutrition.) I don’t know why I told my friends all these things. Then we came back home. After coming home from the forest, all our friends went out holding hands and singing as usual. The friends who came with me to the forest informed the others what I told them about the sick and the poor patients of my medical college hospital. So others also wanted to know about these people and I explained everything to them also. Then the boys and girls whose parents are rich decided to ask Jesus to speak to their parents through the Holy Spirit to help the sick and the poor in their countries and in other countries too. They said that by helping such people, they could win souls, for Jesus.

10th January, 2004 : David : After attending a ‘missionaries get together’ over a mountain beyond the lake, on our way back home, my friends told me that they met Jesus and asked Him to tell their rich parents to help the poor who are sick on the earth. Some said that their parents were good Christians and some said, that they did not know whether they had accepted Jesus as their Saviour or not. Any way, they said that Jesus had promised to convey their requests to their parents and that it was left to them to do what they liked. “There is a land of pure delight Where saints of immortal reign Eternal day excludes the night And pleasures banish pain There ever lasting springs abides, And never with’ring flowers.” - Issac Watts

Get together near a brook

30th December, 2003 : 9.30 P.M. David : Amma, my friends told me, that if we went left of my mansion along the road, we could reach a brook at a distance. So we walked and walked and finally reached the brook. We found a very beautiful brook, with small small rocks and pebbles here and there. The sky was so colourful and the colours were reflected on the brook. The sight was marvellous in the Heavenly light. We all sat on the rocks and started talking. They asked me to tell ghost stories. I told them about the shepherd who died of Cholera at Puthalam beach 50 years ago. I told them that I heard the story from the villagers near the beach. When the shepherd died, since his home was far away, the sheep got scattered and people must have stolen them. So during the particular month (November, December) every year, the villagers used to hear a voice calling the sheep at the beach Thou-Thou as though a shepherd was calling his sheep at dusk, at dawn or in the nights. My friends listened very attentively. Then one of my friends asked me to convey the following message to you to be included in the book you are writing. “When the shepherd died, there was no security for the sheep and they were lost. So also when we go astray from our shepherd Jesus, we have no security in the world and we would be lost for ever. We would have nobody to lead us to our Heavenly Home.” Amma, what a wonderful message from my ghost story ! Then we all started for home, singing all the way. “I love to think of the heavenly land The greetings there we’ll meet The harps – the songs for ever ours – the walks – the golden streets” - W.B. Bradbury

A picnic to a palm grove island surrounded by a river 5th January, 2004 : 11.30 P.M. I woke up from sleep by the calling of David David: Amma, just now, we came from a picnic to a palm grove island, surrounded by a river. Some adults also accompanied our group. We walked along the river. When we came to the spot, we crossed the river by a boat and reached an island. There were very many palm trees with long leaves. But I don’t think I saw any coconut palm which is common in our area. They were unfamiliar to me. The soil was sandy up to the bank of the river. Inside we saw a few mansions. They were very beautiful but people were not living there permanently. Only, those who came for a picnic, stayed there. Then our group sang songs as usual and went around the island. From there we were able to see the beautiful mountains and lots of trees on the other sides of the river around the island. Then some of our group sat on the sand at the edge of the river and Our music group sailed abreast in three boats so that we could sing together. We sang all sorts of songs – songs with four parts, choruses and rounds. Amma, what a splendid sight ! I am so happy ! Be happy amma.! “I love to think of the heavenly land The saints’ eternal home Where palms and robes and crowns ne’er fade And all our joys are one”. - W.B. Bradbury

Music programme at a cosmopolitan complex 17th January, 2004 : 10.30 P.M. - David :Amma, as soon as I and my two friends John and Joe came from the cosmopolitan complex, I went to Steve’s music room for my drum practice. I told Steve about the programme which we had to give at the complex. When we met our friends at our usual place, we all discussed the various items which we wished to give at the programme at the complex. The whole gang was jubilant about the trip. We planned to go by boats through the river at the back of our mansions. That river led to the lake, through which we could reach the complex. We had a practice at Steve’s music room. For collecting the children I contacted Padma acca (I call her acca – sister), who was very happy and promised to bring about twenty children in the age group of 2 – 12. Finally, we all went in two boats with all our musical instruments. Padma acca and the children came in one boat. We had a long and a very happy boat trip. We all sang together as we sailed in the boats. The children shouted with joy and sang choruses. Our Mamu (David’s mother’s brother who died when he was just three years old) was also there. (I used to tease him calling ‘Mamu’. I would tell him humorously that whereas he called his mother ‘amma’ just once, I called her ‘ammamma’ which is twice amma ! He could not grasp why I called her so. Ammamma used to laugh and tried to explain to him that she was David’s mother’s, mother and that is why David was calling her so) Mamu is very cute. He loves to hold my shoulders from the back and ride like that. Finally, we reached the complex. All the members of the complex - adults, youth and children came out to the lake side to receive us with great joy. Children and youth brought bunches of flowers to greet us. We all shouted with joy. They welcomed us by giving the flowers and then led us into the complex. The sight we saw inside the complex was just great. Amma, it is difficult for me to explain with words. On both sides of the road, there were fountains, falling inside the garden. Inside the gardens, there were different types of fountains reflecting the golden light of heaven and looked as though they were spraying molten gold. They led us along the road, which touched all their houses. All houses were decorated very grandly with flowers. Then we went into the woods at the back of their houses. It was so beautiful. There was a brook. All the children jumped into the brook. We went further and kept our instruments on the stage, in front of the open space, where we had the meeting. Then they took us deep into the wood. On the way we saw beautiful water falls and finally we came to a big pond, around which many seats were arranged in small circles, so that we could sit in small groups and talk. Our members sat at different places, so that we could sit and talk with the members of the complex. We introduced ourselves and they told us about their life on earth and how they accepted Jesus as their personal saviour and found peace. Most of them were converts from other religions. There were some from name-sake Christian families. Some were from first generation Christians and they were waiting for their family members to join them. Many of them accepted Jesus to get peace of mind and to get forgiveness of sin which was burdening their minds. Some, others accepted Jesus because He gave miraculous cure to the members of their families from grave diseases. Then we all went to the meeting place. It was so beautifully decorated with flowers, and flower pots. Our musical band, consisted of a drum set, guitars, violins, pipe instruments. We played and also we sang for them. Amma, it was so wonderful. We divided our children into two groups, one consisting of children at age group 2 – 5 and the rest (6 – 12) into another group. Our children performed drills, dances and action songs, by standing in circles or half circles, holding their hands. Our bigger girls gave other interesting programmes like mono-acts and dialogues which made every one laugh. After completing our items we sat at the back to watch the items given by their children and youth.They gave varieties of items typical and traditional of their country in the world. It was wonderful to watch and listen. Finally their band with several instruments which are unfamiliar to us played some music on the stage and they climbed down the stage, still playing and leading us out of the place. The music band went first and then their and our children walked, followed by our youth. The adults of the complex came last. Like that we all went near the lake where they gave us a fond farewell. We invited them to come to our place sometime. We all shouted with joy, waved to them and got into our boats and sailed on. On the way we visited several colonies of Africans, Indians, Red Indians and others. - Finally we started back to our homes. At the end of the lake, there was another river and we did not enter for want of time. We turned back along the lake. Amma don’t imagine a small boat which we use for travel in the world. These are huge ones with beautiful cushioned seats with a very big open space at the centre. If we want to conduct a programme, while sailing, we can turn the seats around, so that we can watch the programme. At the back of the boat 1/3rd of the space has a top cover over it and long cushioned seats, so that one can lie down and watch the beautiful scenery or watch the bed of the lake. The water is crystal clear and at the bed, there are beautiful coloured stones and different coloured fishes swimming here and there, in between beautiful coloured plants. Amma, just now I came to the back of the boat so that I can talk to you. Even sitting here and watching the lake is a wonderful experience. Amma, our friends mostly teenagers, give a pet name to each one us. Do you know what name they have given me ? They call me ‘sweet smiling boy David.’ They call others as ‘Blue eyed boy or girl’, ‘blonde’, ‘brown eyed boy or girl’ and so on. We planned to play our full band, when we reach the river which leads us home, so that our family people can listen and watch us going home. We are nearing home. I can hear voices from the front “where is David ?” where is my ‘sweet smiling boy David ?’ where is sweetie-pie David? They are searching for me. I have ducked my head, so that they cannot see me. Anyway they’ll be here soon and I have to go and start playing our band. Mamu (my 3 year old uncle) is shouting “David David” from the next boat and all the children have joined him shouting “David, David” Amma, the love in Heaven is pure, deep and wonderful. We often talk about our families on earth, but with joyful memories. Nobody is gloomy here. (Then after a longtime, I heard David’s voice again) - David : Amma, finally we reached home and now I am resting. I’ll finish telling about our boat trip. I told you that I was sitting at the back of the boat and my friends were calling me. So I slowly rose from my seat and went to the front. You must see their happiness, hugging me, shaking my hands, shouting “here comes our David, where have you been hiding so far?” Then we got ready for playing our band. As soon as we reached the river, we allowed, the children’s boat to go first. By hearing their shouting, all our people, came out near the river on both sides. In my home, grandpa and grandma were outside, waving their hands. We continued to play our band and reached home. Everybody said that our band was beautiful. “Bright and fair the hills of the Homeland Clad in all the bloom of the spring There to Him who loved and redeemed us Our joyful joyful praise we will sing.” - F. J. Crosby

Participating in a music concert

5th February, 2004 : 10 P.M. David : Amma, I went to Steve’s home for a music practice. John told us that a ‘music concert’ is going to be held in a music complex and that we have to give an item with musical instruments and another choir item in two different auditoriums nearby. Different groups like us will take part. Steve is very particular about the instrumental item. So we had a long practice (5 violins, 5 guitars, about 10 pipe instruments, flutes, etc) I am playing drums. We have not selected our choir item. Anyway I’ll tell you everything after we come from the concert. Bye amma. 7th February, 2004 : - David : Amma, we attended the music concert. That was a very big complex. There were many buildings like auditoriums facing the centre of a very large beautiful garden round in shape. First we went into a huge auditorium, where we gave our instrumental item. Amma, I played drums which has the following components. 3 octaves of drums in 3 rows. All are fixed in one frame which can be folded while on transit. Then there are 6 individual drums 3 on either side. I used to stand and play, Amma, I am very very happy to play this set. I have to play them very fast to keep up the timings. Steve selected an item which has a marching tune first. Then suddenly, it turns into a very slow music with violins and flutes alone. Then pipe instruments alone. Finally we play all the instruments together. The effect was very grand and wonderful. Steve conducted excellently. He has to do it, since he is a master in his profession. We listened to some other instrumental items – a whole bunch of violins only; then pipe instruments alone; some with combined instruments like ours. Then we took all our instruments and went into the next huge auditorium, where singing was in progress. We kept our instruments outside and went in. There were galleries facing the stage and balconies on three sides. The stage was just beautiful with bright golden Heavenly light and we could feel the presence of Jesus everywhere. We sang “sweet hour of prayer” (I was surprised about the selection, I asked David about it). David said “Amma don’t feel surprised, we all are human beings. We liked many such songs while on earth. There are no songs exclusively for Heaven. We can sing any song we like. People may remember those songs, which they sang during their life on the earth and how they were comforted by them then. Now they would praise Jesus who comforted them through those songs while on earth. In heaven we would love Jesus more and more by singing those songs.” I used to conduct my choir this way. First I give the key in my guitar and all hum their notes. Then I start the song and join the tenor. The song was very good and I remembered the tune in which we sang in Tamil at Puthalam beach service.

Then we sat in the balcony at the back of the auditorium. Aunty Margaret and her very big choir consisting of about 60 members both young and adults sang very very beautifully, while she conducted it.

As soon as we came out, I met aunty Margaret and shook her hand saying “congratulations aunty”. That was the first time, I heard her own choir singing, directed by her. Do you know what she did ? She hugged and kissed me saying “Oh David my boy ! thank you, thank you. Your choir was just marvellous and charming. Your voices blended so well. My dear boy ! you have become a great choir conductor ! and your choir is perfect.” Amma, I am so happy, since aunty Margaret appreciated our choir and she is such a great choir conductor.

Amma, do you know what happened when we were sitting in the balcony ? There was a playful fight among our teenage sisters “who sits near David?” Then they took turns and sat near me. Such affectionate sisters I have here in Heaven. I did not have my own sisters in the world. Even if I had, it is difficult to bring them up and you cannot have many children in the world. Now you see, I have so many affectionate sisters here in Heaven !!

A lot of other groups played Tambourine and sang. Some sang with wooden hand pieces. They operated these musical pieces uniformly and it was wonderful to watch them and they sang well. Then Steve took us to the music gallery and showed us hundreds of musical instruments which were really beautiful. He said that he works in this complex. There were many other buildings where music and playing of musical instruments were being taught.

“Hark ! hark ! the songs the ransomed sing, A new-made song of praise; The Lord the Lamb they glorify, And these the strains they raise”. “Glory to Him who loved us, And washed us in His blood; Who cleansed our souls from guilt and sin By that pure living flood.” - G.F. Root

Musical drums – Exhibition and demonstration - “Praise the Lord with the lyre make melody to Him with the harp of ten strings ! sing to Him a new song play skillfully on the string with loud shouts.” - PS : 33 : 2, 3 17th February 2004: At 7.45 P.M. I heard David’s voice telling me that he was on his way home and as soon as he got home he would talk to me. At 8. P.M., he started talking. David : Amma, I and our music group had taken part in a “Musical drums exhibition and demonstration.” It took place in a huge complex, just behind the circle of music complex buildings that I told you before. Here, there were many small auditoriums, each with a broad semicircle low stage and a gallery of seats for the audience. About 21 different groups took part in 21 auditoriums in a line. No.8 was allotted to us. Among the instruments, drums had more significance in this exhibition. Steve was telling me about this programme long back. So whenever I got leisure time, I used to go to Steve’s room for practice, whether Steve was there or not. Finally the time for the programme was fixed and we had a final practice and went to our auditorium with all our instruments. Though it was a display of drums, we needed other instruments to play together. Since this drum set is devised by Steve, we call our set as “Italian drums.’ The arrangement was as follows : Different groups were in different auditoriums with names like “English drums”, “African drums”, ‘Indian drums” and so on. Each one was assigned a number also. People would come in groups, enter the auditorium and first they would come to the stage. In our auditorium Steve explained and played the different units in his drums. Then he introduced me as, “David, a medical student, learned playing drums for a short period after getting here only. He is an Indian. So our music group is really a cosmopolitan one.” Then he introduced all the others with their instruments. For quite sometime, groups of people came to the stage, inspected the drums and then sat in the gallery. Then we started playing. I stood with the drums at one end and others next to me. Steve conducted our band. We played different types of music. But in everything more importance was given to the drums, for (eg.), After violinists play a part, I had to play my drums with a quick beat. (ie. An interlude). Then all the instruments took part including the drums. Like that there were different variations. Amma, it is difficult to explain the music part. I had a good practice. But my playing the drums was very very important. All the time I was praying “Jesus, Jesus help me so that I don’t make any mistake.” Amma, it was really wonderful. I had to play very very fast keeping up the time with the different units. I think that I did well and I didn’t make any mistake. After each piece, audience showed their appreciation by raising up their hands and shouting with joy. Roughly, one session went on for 2 hours (earth time). Then the next batch would come. In between we had 5 times interval-free time. In the front of the auditorium, it would be displayed as (free time). During that time we went to other auditoriums to see their drums. The Africans and Indians sat on the floor and played different units of their drums. It was very nice to hear the sound. Japanese drums were very small in size, but they were wonderful to listen. In some auditoriums they played different types of drums only, without other instruments. When we went inside one auditorium, in our ‘free time’, we stayed at the back, if they were playing. If the inspection was going on, we too used to go to the stage, introduced ourselves and heard their explanation about their drums. We could not stay there throughout the full session. Then we went to the next auditorium. For your information amma, the whole programme would have lasted for 30 hours – 20 hours in demonstration and 10 hours of free time. We have no time in heaven as on earth. Then we went into a very huge hall where all the different types of drums were displayed with explanations. In some stalls people explained them. Finally we all strapped our instruments at the back and returned home. My drums has 3 octaves as a single unit and 6 other individual drums. Steve, myself and another American boy carried the big unit in turns. The American is tall and well built. Amma, don’t think that I am thin and puny. With my shoes on I am also 6 feet tall and well built – not your thin son of the world! Now you must see me amma ! I am also tall and well built. Just now I came into my room and talking to you. After coming from visiting the golden city of kings and queens I gave one golden basket with flowers to ammamma and told her about our trip. She knows History and she was very happy to listen. Then I gave one basket to Palliyadi grandma who was very very happy that I thought of her and brought her one.

Bensam Grandpa was very much excited to learn about the kings of 4th – 16th century. He said that he didn’t know about their palaces so far. May be Jesus gives all these informations to me since you are writing a book. We met Aunt Margaret in the music complex. She thanked us for the golden basket which one of our group gave her. “Upward then and onward ! – onward for the Lord ! Time and talent all in His employ; Small may seem the service – Sure the great reward; Here the cross – but there the crown of joy !” - Et. Nathan

Visiting a beautiful mountain resort “O mighty mountain, mountain of Bashan; O many peaked mountain, mountain of Bashan ! Why look you with envy, O many peaked mountain, at the mount which God desired for His abode, Yea, where the Lord will dwell for ever ? PS : 68 : 15, 16 26th February, 2004 : 10.30 A.M. David was telling me that he was coming home and it was a long way and so it would take sometime before he got home. Then after he came to his room, he started talking. David : Amma, we had a wonderful trip to a tourist spot – a beautiful mountain resort! It was a mountain like Kodai hills on the earth, but far bigger and exceeding far in beauty and splendour. We started from our river lake river sea and then turned left and sailed along the sea and after a long time reached the foot of a huge, high mountain. There was a beautiful spiral road going round and round along the mountain. At one side, we could see the sea and on the other side there were beautiful valleys and a mountain range. Finally we reached the top and from there the view that unfolded was breath-taking and fabulous. We saw the beautiful valley, mountain with clusters of mansions, shining water falls here and there bathed in heavenly glory and light all along the way. At the top, there were hundreds of mansions along the edge of the mountain with beautiful gardens around them. At the centre there was a very big beautiful lake around which there were lovely mansions at three different levels. We went inside the town, lake, etc and finally came to the mansions along the edge of the mountain. The road led to the back of the mansions. Most of these mansions were unoccupied and were used by tourists who wanted to visit this mountain resort. We rested for sometime in a few mansions. Some adults and children also accompanied us. We went to the upper terrace of one mansion. A group of ten mansions were connected by bridges at the top and so we were able to go from one mansion to the next. Then there was a path way with broad steps leading to the spiral road around the mountain. There were very beautiful gardens with flowers of exquisite beauty and fragrance wafting in the air. But the flowers were quite new to us. Then we all gathered on the top of the second floor of one mansion and started singing. People going along the road looked up and waved to us. Our teenagers were busy identifying their nationality from their looks. They were able to recognize them as from different countries of Europe. For me everybody appeared to be just whites. I was able to distinguish only the Asians and Blacks from the others. Some adults in our group tenderly rebuked the teenagers for their futile effort, asserting that every one of them was a citizen of Heaven. Immediately they came and hugged me and said, “Oh ! we want our David boy to be a typical Indian boy ! We like him that way only, even though all of us are citizens of Heaven”. We had a good laugh together. I think that they like dark skinned people more than their own white people. Then we came down and walked along the road. Half way, we came to a beautiful chapel with low roof and a very beautiful, enchanting and colourful garden around it. It had two wings and it looked like a four petal flower. We went inside and there was a choir practice going on in one of the wings. It was a gallery. We sat on the opposite wing and watched them singing and a director was conducting the choir. There were more than 150 members and we were delighted to hear their beautiful singing. They had a special uniform. After their practice was over we introduced ourselves. They asked us to sing a song. We sang the anthem “Praise the Lord” which we sang in the last worship service. I conducted the choir and I felt so happy amma, to do that and our members sang well. The conductor of that big choir came near and congratulated us. Then I told him that I didn’t have any experience of conducting a choir and also I never sang in a big choir on the earth. At once he turned my experience into a wonderful message. He said, : “I was a great conductor of music while on the earth. Now I am continuing my profession here, more happily and more perfectly. On the other hand, even for someone who had no experience on earth-life, but had a longing to do something for which he didn’t get a chance on the earth, Jesus was sure to offer him, perfect chances and talents in the Heavenly life, to do it perfectly as our David here.” Amma, it is really true and I am very happy. Most of the members of the big choir, belonged to the mansions there. Some were from a floating population, who come here to stay for sometime and then go back to their own mansions at different places of Heaven. Any way we were very happy to meet them. Then we went around the other half of the mansions which were overlooking the sea. Amma we were thrilled to see the gorgeous spectacle of the glittering sea and the beautiful landscape. The mountain was steeper on this side except the winding pathway. Amma, climbing was not at all a problem to us. We could easily glide, which is similar to going by a car – the same speed, except that it is more pleasant, because we are travelling in the soft, balmy air of heaven instead of sitting inside a closed car. The same way, gliding down was also just wonderful. Finally we reached the golden glassy sea and came home by a boat. Amma, I am having such a wonderful life and so try to be happy. I am going to rest now. Bye amma! “Far away beyond the shadows Let us lift our longing eyes Where the shining hills of glory In their strength and beauty rise.” Sailing along a river, winding through a forest with birds and animals “I will liken you to a ceder in Lebanon, with fair branches and forest shade, and of great height, its top among the clouds. The waters nourished it, th deep made it grow tall, making its rivers flow round the place of its planting, sending forth its streams to all the trees of the forest; So it towered high above all the trees of the forest; its boughs grew large and its branches long from abundant water in its shoots. All the birds of the air made their nests in its boughs; under its branches all the beasts of the field brought forth their young; and under its shadow dwell all nations It was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; for its roots went down to abundant waters.” (EZe. 32 : 3 – 7) 3rd March, 2004 : 10 P.M. David : Amma, we went by a boat to our usual lake through the river behind our mansions. On the right side of the lake there were the colonies (African, Indian, etc) and we went to the opposite shore of the lake. There we could see only mountains from a distance. But when we travelled along the shore, we found a gap in the mountain range. The lake went into the gap as a river. We turned into this river and crossed the mountain range and there came into view a very beautiful panorama encompassing a very thick forest and the towering mountain range. The river ran parallel to the mountain, from where beautiful shining streams were flowing into the river. On the other side, there was a very thick forest with very tall elegant flowering trees very close to each other. At the foot of the mountain also, there were a lot of such green flowering trees as on the other side of the river. Light could not penetrate from the top, but the heavenly light was streaming through the trees from the sides of the forest. Any way it was darker than the area outside the forest. The trees from both the sides covered the top like a net work roof of green leaves and beautiful flowers. There were thousands of colourful birds inside the forest. As we sailed along the river we entered different sections. At each section, on both sides there were the same kind of flowering trees, same kind of birds, darting here and there and we listened to their delightful songs and inhaled the same perfume of flowers. When we passed on to the next section, there were different flowering trees, different kinds of birds, different songs and different smell of flowers. Amma, it was just wonderful to travel by boat watching all these birds. There were birds like parrots, but they were slightly different from the ones on the earth. My friends said that there were robin-like birds also. Their songs were very melodious and sweet. As we travelled along, we came into a section where all the different kinds of birds sang together like a big beautiful orchestra. We never sang on our way. If we sang, they would stop their symphonies and so we moved on quietly. Then we entered the sections of animals. First we heard the screeching of the beetles. Then we saw many small animals like squirrels, playing together in large groups. Also we saw rabbits, monkeys, sheep, etc and wild animals as well. But all of them were slightly different from the ones on the earth. They all were herbivorous. Big animals also were lying down in groups. Like human beings, they also seemed to sit in a circle. On both banks of the river there were meadows with flowers of exquisite beauty. There are no such flowers in our gardens. We used to stop at different places and girls collected a lot of flowers of different varieties to be made into bouquets, to be distributed to all the houses in our colony. There was a network of branches of this river leading into the forest. We could have gone into them to have more beautiful sights of animals and birds. But we didn’t go. We came straight by the river, which finally joined the lake from which we reached home. The perfume of the forest still lingers on and it is so wonderful. Actually we should have started this trip earlier. Since you were sick, Amma, I told my friends that I was not going with them. Immediately they refused to go without me. They said that they would wait for me. So, after you became all right amma, I went with them and had this wonderful trip. Ammamma and my other grand-parents enquired about you. I told them that you had a dislocation of shoulder and you’ll be all right soon. Bye amma ! “There is a beautiful land that no mortal hath seen For it lieth afar from our sight; But we know that its hills are eternally green, And its rivers are rivers of light . . . O beautiful, beautiful land ! O land where all sorrows shall cease ! Where the soul, satisfied Ever more shall abide By the fair shining river of peace. - Lilla M. Alexander

Visiting a stream with a bed of precious stones St. Paul says : “My God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen” Phil : 4 : 19, 20 11th March, 2004 : 10 P.M. David : Amma, just now I reached home after going on a long trip. Amma, our group started going along the river, touching our gardens at the back, on the right side of our houses. We sailed on and on, saw the chain of ponds and also the rocky island. After a long distance, this beautiful river joined a lake through a channel of fascinating beauty. At the middle of the lake we saw an array of beautiful flowers almost in a straight line and there was a long distance between two units. When we went nearer, we couldn’t believe our eyes amma. There was a huge beautiful marble rock of one colour from which, a bunch of gorgeous flowers of a delicate hue, matching the colour of the marble, peeped out. On them, a swarm of butterflies (not the ones on the earth) of lovely colours, matching the colours of the marble and flowers was fluttering around the beautiful blossoms.

Then we sailed to the left shore of the lake. We saw many streams, of shining water gushing down from the nearby mountains, and joining the lake. We went near one such stream flowing into the lake.

We were stunned Amma, to hear a melodious music coming from the stream, with the accompaniment of drums. Then we sailed to the middle of the lake to see another bunch of flowers. In that bunch, the flowers were of another hue, coming out from a matching colour of shining marble rock and a set of dainty butterflies of matching shades, dancing around that bunch. Then again, when we went to the shore, we heard a different kind of music of the flowing stream, accompanied by flutes. Like that there were so many rows of beautiful blossoms of different shades and also many musical streams, accompanied by different musical instruments. Heaven is a wonderful place amma, as we discover new delights and new revelations of beauty.

Then the lake turned into another direction. We didn’t proceed to that side, but sailed to the opposite shore of the lake. Amma, the view that unfolded itself was breath- taking. Crystal-clear water from a distant lake came rippling over the beautiful shining marble pebbles of different hues, over a large area and fell into this lake and there were many, unoccupied beautiful mansions in this area too. We entered into one such mansion which was fully furnished. Each mansion was connected to the next by a swaying suspension bridge. As we crossed one bridge we looked down. Amma, I have no language to describe the marvellous beauty of the colours seen below. An infinite number of delicate colours of the spectrum (Not only the seven colours, but different shades of each colour) blended in a remarkable rare beauty glistening in the crystal-clear water beneath us, as our bridge swayed and we sang together,

“Swing low sweet chariot Coming for to carry me home” Then we saw something shimmering in different places within the water. When we went down, we couldn’t believe our eyes amma. There were glittering gems (diamonds, rubies, etc) of various colours hiding among the marble pebbles in the bed, beneath the water. We all started collecting them with joy. My senior friends told me, “Now the ‘David’ chorus will start.” Just as they predicted, my teenage friends started calling David ! David ! They started bringing precious stones to me as presents, filling my pockets. Amma, we all have four large pockets in our over-coats, which we wear during such trips. Soon my four pockets were filled with them. There were gems of all colours, all sizes and all shapes and they all glistened in the golden light. Girls had some net like bags also. So all our pockets and bags were filled with these beautiful costly gems of heaven and we returned home joyfully. Ammamma and mamu were sitting in our portico, when I got home and I put these gems on the table and mamu was over-joyed to see them. When I came up to talk to you, they were sorting them out, according to different colours. (Then David stopped speaking for sometime and then again started talking to me.) Amma, I am also sitting with them on our portico. Ammamma had brought ten lovely transparent crystal jars with lids and we are distributing the gems in these jars. I am keeping one, containing gems of various colours, to show you amma, when you come over here. Mamu wants to take one to Palliyadi grandmother. He is very fond of her and also he wants two jars to give to his friends. If only we had known about this wonderful and delightful place, we would have taken our children group too with us. I promised mamu, that I would take him and his friends to this place sometime. I know that children will enjoy the most, collecting gems and playing in that pleasant water, just like our enjoyment of collecting sea-shells at Puthalam beach, when we were small children. Ammamma asked about your health and also about Thuthie Annan and Periamma. She is happy that Periamma helps you in writing the book. She says that it will be a diversion for Periamma also. Bye Amma ! “My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full, He has riches untold. I’m the child of a king! The child of a king ! With Jesus my saviour, I’m the child of a king !” - Hattie E. Buell

Visiting a huge rock of fountain and a tower “Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turns the rock into a pool of water the flint into a spring of water.” PS : 114 : 7, 8

15th March, 2004 : 9.30 P.M. David : Amma new revelations of the glorious beauty and wonders of heaven are unfolding with such marvellous splendour with every trip we take. Now our trips look like expeditions. We walked along the broad beautiful road towards the left from our houses. We passed the shining brook on our left and mansions standing in splendid isolation on our right. We strolled along this road for sometime before we entered a road on our right which passed through a beautiful forest full of tall flowering trees. After a long time we reached a river. We got into a boat and sailed along the left side for a long time. From a distance we saw a very huge, rock of enormous height with a beautiful tower at the top. When we got closer, the view that unfolded was fabulous, amma. The huge steep rock, whose base, I could say almost 5 acres, stood with such imposing grandeur. We saw glittering golden spray coming from the top of this gigantic rock in the form of a tent and that sight looked glorious amma. Then we saw beautiful steps leading to the top of the rock, through this tent of spray. We were thrilled to climb through this spray which was like a transparent golden cloud and our shrill shouting pierced the air. When we reached almost the top of the rock, we were surprised to see the origin of this spray. There was an opening like a door in the solid rock, through which water was gushing out like molten gold. Because of the great height it became a tent of spray when it came down. Amma we just stood there for a long time, gazing with awe, the marvellous splendour of this scene. This magnificent sight reminded us of the mighty power and infinite wisdom of our God, who loves beauty. Amma, then we climbed more steps to reach the top of the rock. From there, a beautiful winding road was going up like a spiral, along a mild slope of the rock and it reached the tower. This road was laid with white marbles of exquisite beauty edged with gold. Both sides of the road were lined up with huge white marble flower pots with golden edges, shining in the heavenly light. All pots were filled with gorgeous, fragrant flowers of umpteen varieties. It was amazing to note that in no two pots the flowers were alike. What varieties!! Amma, I just can’t describe the splendid beauty of these flowers. Also on both sides of the road, there were beautiful fountains, springing from the solid rock, going up straight and then coming down as very fine spray. It fell on the road and the flower pots. On the road, fountain spray from both sides formed a beautiful shining golden arch through which we walked with so much exhilaration and excitement. As we were walking, we didn’t know, amma whether to look down at the beautiful landscape or the lovely blossoms. Finally we spent more time watching those infinite varieties of exquisite flowers. Then we reached the gleaming white tower. There was a winding staircase going around the tower. The entire walls and floors were made up of shining white marble edged with gold. Railings and sides of the steps were made of pure gold. From the steps we could see the beautiful flowers on the slope, the glittering golden tent of spray and also the beautiful landscape of heaven below. The ground floor of the tower was very large. I think it could accommodate atleast 500 people. After seeing the other floors, we reached the third floor, where at least 200 people could sit. From this floor, there were no steps leading to the top of the tower. From there the view of heaven was fantastic. Rivers looked like zig zag lines of gold. Our lake looked like a strip of glittering gold. Also mountains, valleys and streams shimmered in the distance. Mansions at the top of mountains looked like a bunch of boxes. The heavenly glow of golden light surrounded the entire landscape. We also started singing from there. Usually when we sing standing on mountain tops, we could hear our voice echo. But at this height amma, our songs were floating in the air with a vibration and we were fascinated by this new experience and delight of heaven. I’ll talk to you again after I come home from our next programme. Be happy amma ! Bye ! “Rejoicing now in earnest hope, I stand, and from the mountain top, See all the land below Rivers of milk and honey rise, And all the fruits of paradise In endless plenty grow.” - C. Wesley

Participating in a music concert

27th March 2004 : 9.30 P.M. “Sing unto Him a new song; play skillfully with a loud noise.” Psalm 33 : 3 David : As I told you amma, I went to Steve’s house for a music practice, since he told us that we had to participate in an instrumental music concert. After I went there only, I came to know that this programme was going to be the next in our schedule. So I didn’t go for my studies in Medical study centre and started practising. All our members came and we practised several times. The problem was that our teenage members didn’t want to stay back for a long time, whereas Steve always wanted perfection. They always wanted to be on the move. Finally I coaxed them into staying back for the practice by promising to tell them a story immediately after the practice. Then they gladly stayed back. So after finishing, the practice to Steve’s satisfaction, we all sat around in Steve’s garden and I told them some stories of our village people’s superstitions, of worshiping evil spirits, the dance they used to perform when they were possessed by the evil spirit etc. I always need only some small incident, which I could elaborate into a story. Otherwise where can I go for stories all the time Amma? you ought to see their enthusiasm in listening. They sit as close as possible around me with their hands below their chin and listen. Also they have learnt the Tamil word for story. So now they often ask me “David Kathai, kathai (story).” After that we went home. Ammamma and Grandpa also promised to come for the concert. When the time came for the programme, we collected our instruments and went to the music complex. This concert took place in a very huge auditorium with galleries and there were balconies too at the back. There was a huge crowd of people from different areas. The stage was very large and a special light arrangement, was made, in which light from the sides of the stage was focused at the middle. It gave a magnificent and super effect to the programme. We were surprised to see the angel orchestra on the right side of the stage and there was the human orchestra on the left with their director. Amma, let me point out some differences between the two orchestras. There is no director for the Angel orchestra. The faces of all angels look alike that we cannot distinguish one from the other. But we can distinguish easily one person from the other in the human orchestra. The faces of baby angels too are exactly the same. We can distinguish the angels only by their sizes (heights etc ) and also the instruments they carry like golden bells, harps, trumpets, etc. We can’t see the legs of the angels since their radiant dress flows around them all the way down and covers them completely. They glide too. Groups of people with various instruments came from different places (eg.) from colonies near the lake, near the palm grove island etc. Those who gave items, occupied the front seats with their instruments in the front below the stage. Our item was at the beginning itself, (4th or 5th ) so that we were able to sit at the balcony afterwards and watch and listen to all the other items joyfully. Steve had selected a very beautiful piece of music with many variations. First it started with the sweet and melodious music of flutes alone played by boys and then it was joined by the soft strains of violins played by our teenagers – that part was very beautiful and wonderful to listen Amma. As soon as that part was over, suddenly all the other instruments (drums, guitar and pipe instruments) burst forth into a grand music with tremendous volume and grandeur. You must listen to know the exact effect of the second part just after the sweet flute and violin music Amma. I just can’t explain its marvellous beauty, and we got a great shout of appreciation from the audience. Our bigger boys had their flutes and pipe instruments hanging from their neck and so after playing the flutes, they quickly took their pipe instruments to play. Amma, as you know drums had an important role. Steve taught me thoroughly and I also practised it several times. (My son David likes perfection in every task assigned to him, just like Steve.) Amma our drum set is unique with several pieces and I had to play them very very fast. When we finish one part, I had to touch all the drums of 2 octaves with 2 sticks in both my hands, with a sweeping movement and finally touch the end drum which gives an extremely rich sound of several bells ringing together beautifully. We will be thrilled to hear that wonderful sound. Amma, I was fully satisfied with my performance and our item was very attractive. Even when we were walking by the side of the people in the gallery, to reach the balcony, appreciation was showered on us from the audience. They gave us compliments like “congratulations, wonderful, marvellous, etc., etc.” Several groups played music with their native drums and many other types of instruments. The effect was really good Amma. From the African colony, their spiritual leader (a white man) conducted their orchestra. Like that Indians, Red Indians played their various types of instruments beautifully. We were thrilled to see and hear the melodious music played by a group of small children (8 – 10 years) with violins and guitars- several groups played only one type of instrument. (violin, and guitars- several groups played only one type of instrument. (violin, guitar, mouth organ.) Many gave items with several instruments like us. We enjoyed all sorts of music and especially the music played by mouth organ alone. The human orchestra gave a few items and they were nice. Finally the Angel orchestra gave their items. First small angels with golden bells glided on the stage and started ringing their bells uniformly. They were joined by the angels with harps. I don’t know how they came on the stage. Suddenly we saw them there, so also the angels with pipe instruments, similarly other such groups appeared on the stage. Finally they all played together. We sat spell bound listening to their wonderful music Amma. I just can’t explain the richness of their melody in words. There was a great shout of joy and appreciation from the audience. With the angel item, the concert came to a close. Then we went to the front to pick up our instruments. Aunt Margaret and Aunt Janet were there. Aunt Margaret said that she was extremely happy and elated to have such a wonderful group in our area. Aunt Janet introduced us to the director of the big human orchestra. He appreciated Steve very much and he told me that my performance on the drums was excellent. He appreciated others in our group as well. Then he asked me whether I was a professional in music. I replied, ‘No. I am a medical student, attending classes in the medical study centre regularly. I learnt to play drums from Steve, only after coming to heaven.” He was very much surprised and congratulated me, Amma. We met most of the other groups too. The African and Indian groups recognized our group and we had a cordial chat with them. We appreciated their music also and we congratulated them. The children’s orchestra was lovely. It would have been wonderful if their parents had watched them playing. We don’t know how many of them are in heaven and how many are still on the earth. Finally, we all got home, after keeping our instruments in Steve’s music room. Ammamma and Grandpa have not arrived yet. Bye amma. “This music haunts me ever Like something heard in dreams It seems to catch the cadence Of Heavenly winds and streams. Then grander than the voices, Of wind, and wave and sea- It fills the dome of Heaven With glorious harmony O sweet un-earthly music, heard from a land afar The song of Heaven and Home land thro’ doors God leaves a jar.” - E. E. Rexford 29th March 2004 : 9.45 P.M. Amma : David, did Grandpa and Ammamma attend your music concert ? David : Yes Amma ! Both were very happy to hear, our item and especially thrilled to hear my performance. Grandpa hugged me, congratulated me and called me, “ My sweet little drummer boy.” Amma, if my friends come to know this, they’ll call me by this name. Already they call me “Drummer boy David.” Bye amma.

Creating a museum 5th April, 2004 : 7 P.M. While I was lying down and was thinking about writing a chapter “Comforting the family” in the English book, I was thinking about how David talked and naturally I had to think about his life on the earth and I felt unhappy and immediately I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, just now I returned from my medical study centre and I thought of telling you about some important decision taken by the inmates of our mansions. After we returned from King Solomon’s palace, I gave one golden cup to Ammamma and Mamu was very happy and now he always drinks from that cup only. Then I and Mamu took one cup to Palliyadi Grandma and told Grandma and Grandpa our experiences in King Solomon’s golden city. They were immensely our experiences in King Solomon’s golden city. They were immensely surprised and very happy to hear the news. The golden cup given to Grandma has a beautiful handle with artistic work with different beautiful precious stones on it. Amma, I am just waiting for Grandpa Bensam to arrive to tell him about this. Usually, after taking Bible classes to non – Christian children, he goes to visit his father whom he loves dearly. Amma, another great development here! Our teenagers went around to all the houses to give one golden cup to each, and told them about our latest trip and our decision to create a museum to keep all the gifts. All the inmates of our mansions were greatly excited and they offered their full co-operation. Already they have started bringing articles with delicate and great artistic work, from their mansions to keep them in the museum. Aunt Margaret has a very big music hall near her mansion and she uses it for the gathering of different choirs. She gladly volunteered to give that hall for our museum and she said that she could use a huge hall in the second floor of her mansion as the music hall. She had already shifted her things to her mansion. When I went there, to my great surprise and wonder, there were many adults, both men and women from our mansions. They had already brought different articles which were special to their country and culture. There is a great French Painter (a middle aged man) in our place and he offered to paint the beautiful scenery of the places from where we bring articles, in beautiful artistic wooden planks. The planks will be made by another artist who is a specialist in doing such carvings. Aunt Margaret promised to supply many music books. Steve promised to bring some special miniature musical instruments from his collection. There is a beautiful lawn near the hall and our group gathered there and selected a group of girls to be in charge of this project. For this committee Marie, an 18 year old American girl was chosen as the co- ordinator. Our adults are great experts in arranging things in our museum. Some of our teenagers can paint. So the expert painter asked them to give him a rough sketch of the different scenery of places, persons etc., (e.g.) rough sketch of King Solomon sitting on his throne, a sketch of the glorious temple in their golden city etc. He will paint these beautifully on the wooden planks. These planks will be kept on appropriate places on tables in front of the articles collected in that place or got as presents from that place or person. Amma, everybody is excited. Ladies promised to stitch special embroidery or make articles of their respective countries from where they had come or according to their particular culture. Now I must find something special from India like our national bird, peacock, tiger, elephant and some pictures or models from our Indian families around our mansions and from other places. After arranging everything in order, like separate place for “gifts from palaces”, books, flowers, “musical articles”, “presents from African, villages” etc we will invite our great friend and saviour JESUS to open the museum when the time comes!! What a great privilege!! Our people have great appreciation for our group and also for me. They say, “David, you are a wonderful boy. Only after you came here, you have organized a regular choir, and musical orchestra with the help of Steve. Also your group visits different places regularly, makes those people happy and also collects many things from those places in Heaven.” Amma, what a great joy!! Amma I am jubilant about the museum. I’ll talk to you later. I am going to visit our museum now. Bye Amma!

6th April, 2004 : David : Amma, I met Grandpa Bensam and told him the whole episode of meeting King Solomon, the riches and glory of his palaces and also about the great Temple, similar in structure to the one, King Solomon built at Jerusalem, but infinitely grander than that. Grandpa was much surprised, hugged me and told me, “Jesus has a special purpose in revealing all these places to you David. At the age of twenty three you have greater privileges than any one of us here. I had done God’s work for more than forty years facing various hardships and now I am resting here. God has given me the great privilege of teaching scripture to children coming from non – Christian families and others. So Jesus has called you as a real missionary to fulfill His missions.” Amma, I am so happy to know that Jesus loves me very much and assigned a great mission for me. How happy I am amma! Be happy! Amma, we have decided to construct galleries inside the hall, so that we can arrange and keep a lot of things. The hall is about 200’ x 100’, so that we can have roughly sixteen sections each on the two longer sides and eight sections each on the two shorter sides, so that we can go up in the gallery, watching the articles and come down around the backside of the gallery. The whole arrangement is given to an expert engineer residing in one of our mansions. He is very much excited. We have great architects and experts in interior decorations too in our area. Each section will be made with one colour glazed marble tiles (stones) edged with gold. Our teenagers are the most excited group. Amma, now I have to collect something Indian. Both Grandpas have promised to collect Indian things and also to arrange with Indian artists to make elephants, tigers, peacocks etc. in a beautiful wood with a pleasant perfume like the sandalwood on the earth. Also they will request the Indian families to make beautiful carpets. They visit these families often to take Bible classes. Amma, my friends will be waiting for me near the museum, so I am going there. Bye Amma! “Give of your best to the Master, Give of your strength of your youth; Throw your soul’s fresh glowing ardor In to the battle for truth. Jesus has set the example; Dauntless was He, young and brave; Give Him your loyal devotion, Give Him the best that you have.” - Howard B. Grose


1. “Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod With the crystal tide for ever Flowing by the Throne of God 2. At the shining of the river, Mirror of the Saviour’s face, Saints whom death will never sever Raise their songs of saving grace Ch : Yes we’ll gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God.” - Rev. R. Lower

Discussion on “God’s perfect will”

28th December, 2003 : 6 A.M.

“Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Mat.: 6 : 10) David : Amma, we had a wonderful experience on a very high mountain top. Aunty Janet took us there. (David talked to me from his room) From the top of the mountain, the view of heaven was very lovely. Then we went around the edge of the mountain where there, were many mansions with beautiful gardens. We went from one garden to another entertaining its residents with our singing. Finally we entered an enormous lovely garden which had beautiful arrangements for conducting meetings. The inhabitants of all the houses came there for the meeting. A person who seemed to be a great Evangelist gave us a talk on “Divine Perfect Will.” It was rather a discussion. He asked us, “Is there any imperfection in God’s creation?. Come on tell us. Come on David.” (I went near him.) He asked me, “David, you are a medical student. Tell me, whether there is any imperfection in our human body, in anatomy or physiology?” I said, “Not at all. Everything is perfect in its structure and function.” Then he said, “Yes. God created us perfectly. But due to sin, human race lost its perfectness and the body became sick and death came in.” He spoke about flowers, plants, universe, stars, their creation, their movements etc. God created everything perfectly, but due to man’s sin, decay and destruction entered into our world and universe. Then he asked several people to share their testimony. They introduced themselves and talked about “God’s perfect will.” Amma, there were several big executives, business men, missionaries, taken up during the prime of their life, while they were doing God’s work or during the peak time of their job. He asked me to say something about my life. I gave a brief account of my missionary dedication, youth work, purpose of my life etc. Then he said, “there is perfect plan for everyone and God’s will is perfect in each one’s life. Imagine a King or Prime Minister in the world. They select the best brain from their country for their administration. A King or Prime Minister appoints ministers who are of his mind and spirit. Similarly only those who are imbued with the spirit of Jesus and live accordingly, can dwell and rule with Jesus, the King of Kings in His city. He will choose for His millennium reign over the earth only these perfect persons of His liking. How perfect will be His executives and administrative staff ! He will give them perfect training. But he wants excellent qualities like sincerity, hard work etc etc in His chosen ones. Also He needs people from all walks of life to serve Him.” While I spoke, I said that my mother and family were heart broken. Immediately one mother told me, “I know David, how a mother will feel because I too lost a child, when I was on the earth. I felt like committing suicide. But, since, I was a real Christian, God consoled me and now I am happy with my child here. Similarly God will console your mother and family.” The speaker said, “God has a purpose for each and everyone of us and as David told us that God has a special mission for David and that must be much more effective than a missionary doctor in the world.” It was a long programme Amma, but it was very interesting. Then we came down. There was a broad pathway to come down. On both sides of this path, we could see beautiful gardens and flowering trees. More than that I was amazed to see beautiful birds and hear their melodious songs. Gliding down was wonderful and we felt very happy. Then on the way, Aunt Janet went to her house. We thanked her and came home. Knowing it was mid night on the earth and you were all sleeping, I waited till dawn in earth to speak to you. Amma, I could give you some more facts of heaven. But it will be difficult for you to write down every thing now. So bye Amma ! I would call you again. “Bright and fair the hills of the Homeland Clad in all the bloom of the spring There to Him who loved and redeemed us Our joyful, joyful praises we will sing.” - F.J. Crosby

Witness for Jesus “… You will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.” (Acts : 22 : 15) 2nd January 2004 : 6 A.M. David : Amma, we all (whole families) went on a trip along a lake. At the origin of the lake, there was a huge falls of exquisite beauty. Near that falls, there was a vast, lovely garden with flowering shrubs, velvety green lawn and a large number of comfortable seats so that an open-air conference could be conducted there.

We all went there in groups including adults and children. You may wonder, why we have such meetings in heaven.? These meetings help us to grow spiritually, thus help us to love Jesus more and more.

Many shared their testimony. They explained, how they accepted Jesus and how they were wonderfully guided by Him on the earth. Aunt Margaret’s testimony really inspired us all.

Aunt Margaret : I was brought up in a broken home, but my mother used to take me to Sunday school, when I was a small child. I still remember my Sunday school teacher, a young lady who loved Jesus dearly. She used to present Jesus as a very lovable person, who cares for us, loves us more than our father or mother, He embraces us within His arms, to whom we can rush, when we feel sad or want to be loved. In our Sunday school classes there were many huge pictures of Jesus with children and a lot of books about Jesus. Even at home, I had beautiful books of Jesus, in which children sat on His lap, or stood near Him, listening to His stories with earnest eyes and leaning upon the saviour’s knees etc. Whenever I felt lonely or sad or needed some company, I used to take these books and talk with Jesus as though I was talking with my Mom. I used to ask Him to give me things I needed. Like that I was very close to Jesus even when I was very young (3 – 10 years). Then at the age of 11, I accepted Jesus as my personal saviour. Then only I was able to understand the meaning and the need for salvation. I loved music, even from my childhood. So I studied music, graduated in it and conducted a big choir. I also taught music and singing. David :Amma, see how important child evangelism and Sunday school are. Try to get some pictures or picture books. Try to contact Jayanth annan. Jayanth (David’s cousin in Madras) told, us once about the possibility of getting Biblical pictures from America. Pray ! Let Jesus guide you. There were also missionaries in that group. They mainly worked in African villages. They explained their work and the untold sufferings they endured for Jesus. Many more people also talked. I told my missionary commitment. After the meeting my grandfather (my father) hugged me and said that I talked well. He was very much pleased to know that I had such a commitment for Jesus. I’ll tell more later on. Bye Amma ! “When we stand by the beautiful river, ‘Neath the shade of the life giving tree’ Gazing over the fair land of promise What a wonderful sight that will be ! - F.A. Blackmer 8th December, 2003 : 6.45 A.M. David : Amma, I am very happy that you attended Puthalam service and did everything as usual. Do you know. I too sang tenor with you? Amma : My darling son; I am so happy that you could watch us and sang with us. It was a great boost to our low spirits and depression. Thanks to Jesus ! David: Amma, talking to you is a very great privilege given only to a chosen few by Jesus. Jesus loves you very much, wants you to be happy. It also means that you still have to do a great ministry for Jesus. This kind of privilege to communicate is given to a very few good Christian doctors on the earth. They have this communication with great doctors in heaven for guidance. So also, it is given to some saintly preachers on the earth with preachers in heaven and also to some others like me. Amma : Do you know Valarmathy’s vision? David : Vision is another phenomenon like our conversation. It is arranged by the Holy spirit according to the need.

Missionaries get together

“. . . . . He is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name” Acts: 9 : 15, 16 10th January, 2004 : 6 A.M. David : Amma, we had a long programme on the mountain across the lake. You may call it as “Missionaries get-together”. All the members of our group went together. Others from our area came there in separate groups. I saw no children there, because they have a lot of other things to do !! As usual, we crossed the lake by boats and reached the other side. We went to the fourth layer on the mountain. There were no houses but only gardens, wherever we looked. First our group went to the left along a beautiful road. On the right side of the road there were many fruit gardens. In each garden, the trees were laden with one type of fruit. Then we returned the same way. Small narrow streams with crystal-clear water were coming down from the top of the mountain and flowing beautifully across the road at some places. Next to the fruit gardens, there were gardens full of flowering trees. In each garden the trees burst forth into exquisite blossoms of the same colour. Like that there were gardens of flowers with different colours like red, flaming orange, yellow, pink, white, etc. Then we passed flowering shrubs of different varieties and hues. Next we came across gardens of beautiful roses of different varieties and colours. Then we passed on to gardens with many varieties of beautiful clusters of flowers having all colours of First, a missionary from ‘David Livingston’s Foundation’ talked. His speech was so wonderful and thrilling. He talked about their different projects in African villages amidst dense forests. Like that many missionaries spoke. One foreign missionary talked about his work in villages near Himalayan mountains. Though I am an Indian I felt that I never had the chance to see the beauty of the Himalayas while on the earth. In between talks, there was a group singing or the speaker himself started a chorus. After each speech and singing, we all raised our hands and shouted our appreciation. We could feel the presence of Jesus everywhere. Amma, it was a joyful, peaceful and wonderful experience. How the missionaries have suffered for Jesus ! Though it was a long programme we never felt tired. We all sat spell bound as we heard their eloquent speeches with their zealous love and adoration for our Jesus, and their thirst for souls. Then we had a wonderful trip along the lake. The beautiful scenery was indeed a feast to our eyes and finally I reached home, amma. What a perfect rest ! My dainty bed is just wonderful. I am using a soft, beautiful sheet to cover me and it has a very sweet smell. A delicate perfume prevails in all our lovely, neat and spotlessly clean rooms. The whole atmosphere of heaven is filled with this perfume which is very pleasant, amma ! Amma, my friends always want me to tell them stories. They are thrilled to hear ghost stories like those we talk at the beach. When I tell stories to my friends they make facial expressions, as though they are in fear. It is a lot of fun. Can you tell me more stories amma ? Amma: (Suddenly I remembered my father) Grandfather knows many stories. Why not ask him my dear ? David: (laughed). Yes. Grandfather is a master story teller. I’ll ask him amma. Bye ! 1. “Am I a soldier of the cross A follower of the Lamb And shall I fear to own His cause Or Blush to speak His name? 2. Must I be carried to the skies On flow’ry beds of ease While others fought to win the prize And sailed thro’ bloody seas? Ch.: In the name, the precious name Of Him who died for me Thro’ grace I’ll win the promised crown What e’er my cross may be! - Issac Watts

Teens and Youth for Jesus “Remember your creator in the days of your youth.” (Eccl: 12:1)

11th January, 2004 : 12.20 P.M. David : Amma, I am attending a meeting called “Teens and Youth for Jesus” (David was talking from the venue of the meeting.) Only Teens and Youth are participating in this meeting. It is taking place near a big falls, inside a forest with tall flowering trees. We can hear the sound of the falling water and the running of the stream softly and this is like a melodious background music for our programme. There are flowering plants all over the place, where there are no trees. Under the trees, seats are arranged in ¾ths of a large circular space and are occupied by the audience. The remaining ¼th of the area is for the groups, giving the item. There is a very smart young man, who is the co-ordinator for this programme. Amma, how powerfully he speaks about his experiences on the earth for Jesus ! Some speeches are quite interesting with a lot of jokes in between. We all laugh loudly. I do not know about sound system but it is just perfect. Even in the open-air, the effect is so grand and superb, while one talks or sings. There is a different special perfume of wood in this area. It is so pleasant to sit here amma – no extreme cold or heat in heaven. Imagine how I used to sweat on the earth especially in Tirunelveli ! (where David studied) We divided our group into two ‘Teens’ and ‘Youth’. In the group of ‘Teens’ there are more girls and a few boys. In our ‘youth’ group, we have more boys and a few girls. We gave one item together and then we ‘youth’ sang one song-all ‘male voice’ only, with 3 parts (Treble, Alto and Tenor). There are many different groups, from different parts of heaven. They sing varieties of songs in different languages with different small instruments. (Which are not familiar to me). Their songs are very good and they sing melodiously. Amma, you mustn’t feel unhappy at all, since the time will fly soon and you’ are going to meet me. Jesus will give special work for you in heaven. Here people do embroidery work and all other sorts of artistic work, which we do on the earth. Now our teens are going to give an item. I will contact you later. Bye ! Amma. “These these are they, who, in their youthful days Found Jesus early, and in wisdom’s ways Proved the fullness of His grace Washed in the blood of the Lamb”. - T.C. O’ Kane

Sing-Song service near our mansions

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that who ever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life.” John : 3 : 16 Message : “Love of the Father, Love of the Son, Love of the Holy Spirit”.

24th January, 2004 : 9.30 P.M. David : Amma, we are on our way home after attending a sing-song service. I’ll talk to you after I reach home . . . (then after a while, he started talking) Amma, I am walking a little behind our group so that I could talk. We had a wonderful sing-song service in our area and the people from our area hosted it. When we walk along the right side of the road, from our houses, for quite some distance, there is a huge, lovely, green lawn (Imagine our whole beach from our Puthalam house) with full of beautiful seats, surrounded by shrubs and elegant trees with fragrant flowers of all colours. In front, is a beautiful stage, an elevated lawn with exquisitely beautiful marble steps, in the front (facing the audience) and grassy steps, all around the rest of the stage. That stage itself is really big. We spent a long time decorating the stage and lawn steps with lovely flower pots. Children and youth collected pretty flowers from the wood nearby and from houses, where they have separate gardens for cutting flowers. Our families keep many extra beautiful flower vases, shining bowls and other pots. Ladies filled them with flowers of delicate perfume and children and adults brought them to the stage, since they are not heavy to carry. Many of our ladies and girls are great experts in flower arrangement and decoration. We had a music practice at Steve’s place. After practice they wanted to go to the stage for the decoration. But I wanted to practise my drums. Steve told me that he would teach me some new different ‘timings’ in the drums. But the teenagers were so adamant that I should go with them. I promised to join them soon,. But they were adamant. My final, trump card was that I would not tell them stories if they behaved this way. Finally they all went and I practised drums. Steve said, “Teenagers are teen-agers in heaven too. Now you are a new comer and an Indian, darker than them and they some how like you very much. So, they are pestering you. Aren’t you happy?” Then we all joined our friends at the stage to complete the decoration. After that we came home, got dressed in our beautiful uniform, went to Steve’s mansion to fetch our golden and silver musical instruments. Again they made a big fuss to carry their instruments. Actually they are not heavy at all (Steve says that they enjoy fussing.) They are very affectionate kids amma. Again, I gave them the same warning of no stories and we all went happily with our musical instruments to the place of service. People and choirs from different areas assembled there. Our families had invited all their relatives and friends from places around our area. Adults of our mansions stood at the entrance, received them and found seats for them. Amma, do you know one thing ? There were no small children in the meeting. Our children and the children, who came with our guests, were all inside the river, splashing water and shouting with joy. (That sounds practical, don’t you think.) What are these small children going to do here? That is why, amma, I used to feel sad for the small children who attend the Sunday service in Puthalam. They can’t understand a word of the sermon. That is why I used to be very particular, that we should give sweets to them to make them happy. But in heaven, there is no such problem. Finally, the service started and our band had a permanent place on the stage. We sang songs which you don’t know, with many variations. Our band was there to fill, in-betweens. Many preachers talked on the theme “Love of the Father, Love of the Son and Love of the Holy Spirit.” They talked of “Love of the Father” in creating man in His own image, the world and everything for him, then by sending Jesus, His only son, to save mankind. By the way, in heaven too we have spiritual growth, Amma. After every speech, there would be a musical item. Amma, you must see each group coming on the stage, in different different gorgeous apparels (uniforms) to give items. Some girls came with glittering golden wreaths around their head. Some groups came with frilled short dress and some in long graceful flowing uniforms. There was some sort of difference in their uniforms. Some girls played only violin. Some boys played only pipe instruments; Amma, the programme was just wonderful with so many varieties of items. There were choir items, solos, with strong soprano voices and others-duets etc etc. You know, Amma, heaven’s music is just perfect. Then some great preachers talked about “Love of the Son”. They explained the compassion and Love of Jesus when He was on the earth, especially His final sacrifice on the cross. Then some spoke on the topic “Love of the Holy Spirit”. Usually we don’t speak on this subject, though He is the spirit of Jesus. He has a definite love in His action and guidance. Amma, you used to tell a lot of true stories in Puthalam services regarding the wonderful divine guidance. They are done by the Holy spirit with Love. They told us many incidents in their lives and in others. It was a long service, but we never got tired. We enjoyed the whole programme very much. Now we are nearing home. (Then there was a gap. Then again David spoke.) Amma, just now I got into my room. At our door step again, they made a fuss to carry my drums to Steve’s room. (Not anything serious amma. They enjoy making fuss. It is a game for them.) Anyway they are taking my drums to Steve’s house, getting a promise from me, that I would tell them more ghost stories. They tickled me and said ‘bye’. I used to tell them about devil possession and animal sacrifices, villagers give to the evil spirit etc. These are quite new to them and they enjoy listening to them. David told me earlier that he was attending a “sing-song service” at about 8 P.M. At once I thanked Jesus for the great privilege that He has given me in allowing my son to be in touch with me often. Immediately a voice within me (Holy spirit) said : Holy Spirit : David was my missionary, he is my missionary and he will be my missionary. I give special privileges to my missionaries. I felt very happy and told this to David. He was extremely happy and said : David : Amma, do you know the importance of this promise ? I am wonderfully happy that Jesus said this about me. So Amma, now you must be consoled by this great glorious promise. Bye amma ! “Songs of gladness – never sadness Sing the ransomed ones of Heaven Anthems swelling ever telling Of the joy of souls forgiven Sweetest music ever swelling Thro’ the courts of Heav’n above Ever singing ever saying “God is life and God is love” - Dr. H. Bonar


In this chapter, I am giving a consolidated account of David’s talk about continuation of his medical studies in heaven under expert doctors in different branches of medicine. In this context I like to quote Dr. Billy Graham’s Radio message on ‘Heaven’ : “John wrote in Revelation 22 : 3, “His servants shall serve him.” Each one will be given exactly the task that suits his powers, his tastes and his abilities”. God has promised to send my son David around the world as a missionary with a healing touch. For that He must be giving this education. Each one is pursuing one’s task according to his taste and ability. So, it is a continuation of this life on earth minus the woes and worries of this earth.

3rd November, 2003 : Eventhough David has the privilege of talking to me, often my heart ached for him and at times I cried. Today he said, “Amma, please don’t cry. You know I am very, very happy here and you must be surprised to know that I met many famous doctors and discussed many things about medicine. I feel Jesus through these doctors is giving me thorough training before I start my mission on the earth. I couldn’t dream of meeting such world famous doctors, on the earth.”

8th November, 2003 : David : Amma, on the earth I had one doctor teaching one hundred students. Here world famous doctors are coaching only one student – me alone. They discuss in detail many serious patients they treated or complicated surgeries they performed on the earth. They always stressed how in such situations when they were at a loss to know how to proceed, God helped them. It is exciting to listen to their narration. Be happy for me, Amma Bye. 13th November, 2003 : David : Just now I got back to my room to have some rest. Today I visited a missionary doctor who worked in South America. He was a Bacteriologist. He went with a team of doctors to jungles to study the various diseases and to find out that particular Bacteria that caused the disease and the medicines for their remedy. See, I studied Bacteriology with an expert in that field and his narration of the many things from his experience was very exciting. Amma, do you know Jesus has given me super brain here ? Do you know what I mean ? On the earth I had to study my subjects repeatedly, still I couldn’t remember everything. Here whatever is taught, gets in to my brain just like a computer – no question of forgetting ANY fact taught to me. All my teachers here are experts in different fields of medicine. Amma, they teach me according to God’s instruction. What a privilege ! Can this be compared to anything on the earth? Bye, Amma. Our master has taken His journey, To a country that’s far away And has left us the care of the vineyard, To work for Him day by day. There’s only one thing that should concern us, To find just the task that is ours, And then having found it, to do it, with all our God given pow’rs. - A. A. A. 21st November, 2003: 5.30 A.M. Today when I was praying early in the morning, I felt as if some one (Holy spirit) was telling me that David was talking to a gynecologist. At 8 A.M. when I was reading the Newspaper, I was looking at an advertisement about cellular phone and music being recorded in it, Immediately I thought of David’s cell phone and his love for music. My heart was heavy. Immediately I heard my beloved son’s voice. David : Amma I feel like an elite here and then why do you still think of me on the earth ? Till now I was talking to an expert lady gynecologist from North America. She was a middle aged lady (around 45 years) who died of breast cancer. She made some introductory remarks which I knew mostly. (In the medical college this subject was taught during the final year (4th year), so he had studied most of it). The most interesting fact was that she told me about many difficult and rare patients she had to treat on the earth. Her emphasis was how Jesus helped her to succeed in difficult situations. Amma, every word she said was implanted in my brain perfectly in this heavenly kingdom. Aren’t you proud of your son in heaven ? (He was laughing). Bye, Amma.

22nd November, 2003 : 11.20 A.M. David : Amma, do you know where I just come from ? (I said No.) I attended a doctor’s conference. I am very much excited. There were nearly one hundred doctors. I had no idea how many were students like me. Nearly twenty doctors, rather specialists in various field’s of medicine gave lectures. Many doctors asked questions. How nicely and clearly they were answered. Amma : Did you ask any question, son? David : How can I, amma ! I am only a student and still a learner. It is amazing that I understand everything and remember them too. They dealt with different topics. Imagine my chances of attending such a conference on the earth. There may be specialists speaking in one or two subjects. Here there are specialists in all subjects and that too the best brains getting together and giving lectures in their respective speciality is indeed great. What a privilege, Jesus has given me ! They all talked about difficult cases, they dealt with on the earth and the emphasis was always on how God helped them. Amma : How long the conference lasted? David : Amma, here in heaven, there is no time factor. For your information, may I say it lasted possibly five to six hours ? The interesting fact is eventhough those doctors dealt with difficult, complicated topics, I didn’t get tired. Rather I was very much excited. You know how I used to study without break at our home ? Well ! it was quite an experience. By the way, you remember that great Bacteriologist I told you about ? He too spoke on microbiology. As I said, before, every detail gets implanted in my brain like a computer. That is heaven. Amma !

24th November 2003 : 5.30 A.M. After praying, I heard a voice (Holy Spirit) telling, “David is in the library reading a book called ‘Divine healing’ ” After sometime I heard his voice. Amma : Tell me about the library. David : It was really huge. I can not explain its size. It had lots and lots of books. I was reading a book on ‘Divine Healing”. It is amazing that I can read a page very quickly, rather at a glance. Amma, just compare this with my studies on the earth. Now my friends are breaking their heads preparing for their examinations. I am having a happy life here-free from all burdens, at the same time enjoying my studies as I am getting prepared for my world-Mission. Amma, do you remember I told you about attending a doctor’s conference, the other day. You must be surprised to know that Dr. Davidson the world famous doctor and author of a book on Medicine known as “Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine” which medical students, possibly all over the world study, gave a fine lecture in that conference. (Dr. Davidson’s life time 1894 – 1981. I got this from David’s book) Just imagine listening to him personally. What a great privilege !

27th November, 2003: 10 A.M. David : Amma, how are you ? you wonder what I am doing. Some time back, I met a peadiatrician – a lady doctor from England. She introduced herself as Ruth. She took me to her house and explained in detail many of the cases she treated on the earth. She showed me a movie of various instruments she used in treating children and how they were treated. Since I completed peadiatrics in my college, (see my book) I was able to understand all that she said very easily and those pictures were of great help. The instruments they use in western countries are more advanced than ours. Anyway it was very exciting. 29th November, 2003 : 5.45 A.M. David : Amma, do you know that I am coming from the office of a pathologist with doctorate in pathology. He was an Australian who did research in various diseases prevalent in various parts of the world. He had a computer brain to remember even minute details. He explained to me the kind of research he did. It was very, very interesting and all details were recorded in my brain- really amazing. I feel Jesus gives super brain to His children in heaven, since we have a great mission of saving souls on the earth.

Before our Lord’s second coming, gospel has to be preached to all nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.” (Mat. 24 : 14) Due to political, natural barriers, and lack of gospel workers, men cannot reach all the corners of the world. So Jesus is going to use people like me. We can go to all places on the earth. We can heal their physical ailments and also present the gospel message and win those souls for Jesus. Bye Amma !

“From green land’s icy mountain, From India’s coral strand, Where Afric’s sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand, From many ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver, Theirs land from errors chain. - R. Herber A few days later, I was reading a book ‘ Sadhu (Saint) Sundar Singh’ by Joshua Daniel. Sundar Singh was a Sikh convert to Christianity. There the author narrated the following incident “As Sundar Singh ventured deeper into Tibet and explored new routes which were not customarily used by travelers, more of desperate need of Tibet was unveiled before his eyes. In one place, the people were so roused with fanatical hatred, that they beat him, bound him and dragged him out of the village and left him to die, having put blood sucking leeches on his body. When he returned to consciousness again, he found two men gently bathing his wounds. They claimed to be the members of a society called, ‘Secret Sanyasi (hermit) Mission.’ In the course of their earnest seeking for the Universal God – to their profound shock or surprise–the Lord Jesus revealed Himself to them. In the conversion of some of these men, there was hardly any Human agency !” (Page 93, 95, 97) Then I realized, what David told me was correct. Jesus may send Heavenly agencies to preach the gospel to such people in such places where normal human beings cannot possibly venture. 9th December, 2003 : David : Amma, as I often told you, I am still a learner. I meet with small groups of doctors (specialist) in a particular subject. I meet with such groups often and I think Jesus wants me to become a perfect boy before he sends me for His ministry. Whenever I join these group of doctors, I introduce myself and they welcome me as if they are expecting me. That always makes me feel very happy. Amma, doctors have a special place in heaven. May I say, like there are different ministries in a government, Medicine (doctors) is an important ministry in heaven. I think that they help doctors in the world. It is a separate ministry about which I don’t know the details. But their discussion gives me better understanding of that topic. 30th December, 2003 : David : Amma don’t be surprised I am talking to you again today because I talked to you only last night (world time). Just now I came from a gynecologist and thought of telling you about it. Sometimes I will be very busy and won’t find the time to talk to you as usual. I met the gynecologist in her house for the second time. I had to go straight in front of our house and walked a long way to reach her home. She came out and received me with real warmth. I was taken to her study. She said women could accept Jesus easily during their, difficult labour (delivery) time. That was her experience. As before, she explained some of the difficult cases she handled with the help of a movie, just like we watch a movie on T.V. She used to tell her patients to call the name of Jesus during that difficult time to get mental as well as physical strength to bear pain and relax. (Relaxation is important during labour). She used to do that irrespective of the women’s religion. Jesus of course gave them strength and mental stamina- they needed. She said she wanted to tell me this. I had a long talk with her and felt very happy. Then I was jogging back to my home singing alone. Amma, here in heaven I am a free bird and even a lonely walk is a pleasure however long the distance is. ‘I want to be a beacon light, To cheer way – farers in the night And help them on their way a right I want my life to tell for JESUS.’ - Mrs. Frank A. Breek 31st December, 2003 : 4 P.M. While I was taking a bath David started talking. I was very sad that day, since it was the last day of the year. In the beginning of this year my son was with me. David : Amma, please don’t be unhappy, If I am in the world, think about my condition. Exams would have started on 2nd January. I would have had sleepless nights – nothing but agony. I am not as intelligent as you and Periamma (my sister) think. If others study a portion thrice, I had to study atleast 5 times to remember my lessons. I didn’t want to study Engineering as I found Mathematics a tough subject. So amma, whenever you feel unhappy, remember your son is extremely happy, free from the burden of studies and all earthly burdens. I am always happy here with Jesus, loved ones and with my dear friends. Here, there is always happiness ands perfect joy. At the same time I am studying my subjects with super-brain. Compare this with my poor memory power on the earth. Think about the privilege of talking with you. How much Jesus loves us ! The gynecologist Dr. Hannah was a doctor in a hospital attached to a medical college. Such a great person is my lecturer. She is teaching me individually, explaining everything, sincerely with great affection. I ask her all my doubts and she explains and clears them. David repeated this conversation and made me to give him a promise that I would try not to be unhappy any more. He said that Jesus would be very sad and that he (David ) also would be sad. I prayed to Jesus to give me strength, because after all I am human and it is very difficult to get over this terrible loss. “When my way groweth drear, Precious Lord linger near, When my life is almost gone; Hear my cry, hear my call, Hold my hand lest I fall; Take my hand, precious Lord, Lead me HOME.” - Thomas A. Dorsey David tells me about the huge medical centre, rather medical complex where he is given regular training by expert doctors with live pictures – a detailed training, which, David says, he can not dream of getting in this world. Now I am fully convinced that our Lord had a definite purpose in this medical studies. This chapter deals with his continuation of medical studies in heaven. “They shall see the glory of the Lord and the excellency of our God” (Isa. 35:2)

23rd January, 2004 : 3 P.M. I was sleeping and suddenly I woke up, by the calling of David. David :Today’s experience is just wonderful amma and I was captured by the thrill of great discoveries. I had been to a medical study centre. The Gynecologist (Dr. Hannah) took me and five more (3 boys and 2 girls) to this place. First we all met in her house. It was a very very big beautiful campus with gardens and flowering trees. Inside the campus there were several complexes, each one for each department, like biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, microbiology etc etc. Dr. Hannah took us to each department. Every department itself was a huge complex with different sections. For example in the Department of physiology, for each section there were one or two big expert doctors. We are six students. Some of them are like me and some are P.G. students. Inside each room there was a life size human body with various systems in action, a live movie action. In the life size movie, we could see all the actions inside the body which was transparent to our naked eyes. Then the functioning of a heart (enlarged size.) was shown – how it pumps out blood, how an electric impulse starts and how it spreads and how heart contracts and how the blood flows in and out of the heart, how the valve works and how a blood clot blocks the vessel etc. Like that, the functioning of lungs (enlarged size) was shown – how air enters into it, how it enlarges and how it contracts and the expert doctors explained the functions of each organ in each room. Similarly the functioning of the kidney was shown. There are millions of nephrons and how each nephron functions, then the filtration – how each constituent is filtered and re-absorbed, the flow of blood into each organ. The simple whole physiological functions were shown in enlarged sizes as though in a movie picture. Can you imagine such a detailed study as this in the world ? We studied all these in the earth. But now we see the actual action in enlarged sizes and they are clearly explained. Other topics are digestive system, brain etc etc.

Biochemistry : There were different rooms in this Department. In each room, one part of biochemistry was explained by one or two doctors with similar, enlarged movie pictures. We saw the movement of harmones in bodies, their action, in different colours, the constituents of blood moving in different colours etc. The whole body function was seen in the enlarged form so that it was very clear to us. Anatomy : Though we have studied dead human bodies, here we studied the live body in action, how the various muscles move etc etc.

Microbiology : Important micro organisms enlarged-their life cycle-and how they enter into the body etc (eg.) T.B. bacteria entering into the body, how they move, how they reproduce, how they settle in each part of the body and what they do there and how they cause damage in lungs and other organs. Also aids virus-how they damage the immune system etc. In the same way they showed us several micro organisms.

Pharmacology : How each drug was administered, how it goes into different parts of the body and how they act, shown in different colours, how they kill micro organism etc etc.

Cancer : It was terrific. It was a quick movie. How the cancer cell spreads, how the secondaries spread out and it was shown in yellow colour in quick motion.

Amma, I couldn’t believe my own eyes. The whole campus was so active. In each department there was a conference hall, in which several doctors talked and discussed by using such devices.

We couldn’t cover all the departments. In the departments we visited, we studied mainly the normal function. We haven’t studied the diseased functioning of each organ. So by this method we can study each subject thoroughly. The whole picture is in my mind clearly and I remember everything, the doctors explained. What a privilege amma! Amma, I am in my room, taking off my coat and lying down, after our long trip. On one side of my room, soft music is going on. On the other side, I can see the beautiful sceneries and visions of heaven like a ‘discovery channel’ on the earth. But in heaven, it is infinitely more wonderful.

Amma what a happy life ! Please don’t think of me ever in the earthly life, though I’ll come gladly to my earth – mission, when I am sent by Jesus. Amma, I am always happy that you have loved me so much, when I was there and still love me with all your heart. I am so happy and proud to know that I have a wonderful mother. Bye amma !

27th January, 2004 : 9.30 P.M. While I was praying I heard a voice (Holy Spirit) saying. David loves Me very much and I love him. That is why I took him from the world to be with Me for ever and, to do my work, before he is entangled in the tragedies and evil of the world. “Strengthen Ye the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees” “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped” “Then Shall the lame man leap as an hart and the tongue of the dumb sing” (Isa. 35 : 3, 5, 6)

29th January, 2004 : 3 P.M. While I was almost asleep, I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, to day’s experience is just wonderful and marvellous. I am happy that I am a medical student. Only a medical man can understand fully the power of God in the creation of man and the wonderful power of the Healing touch of Jesus. Two doctor messengers came and picked me up and on the way, they collected the other 3 boys and 2 girls of my team and we all went to the medical centre to visit the other departments. In the Pathology department, there were many sections dealing with the diseased organs. They explained it in the same way as before. Then we went to the ENT and eye departments. Then we went to the Gynecology and Obstetrics departments. Dr. Hannah was in the Gynecology department. They showed us how an ovulation takes place, (all live pictures), fertilization, implantation and stages at different weeks of pregnancy - through a quick motion picture. Then they showed the problems in labour and by the power of the healing touch of Jesus, how a breech baby turned into the correct position for normal delivery. Likewise, a lot of gynecological problems and the treatment of them were discussed with live pictures. Finally, we went into the department of medicine. There was a big conference hall and lots of doctors and students were seated (around fifty) with individual computer like screen. When the expert doctor explained, we could hear his voice in our earphone and his explanation coincided with the picture displayed in the big screen before us. When he explained a particular disease, all the symptoms and other data (lab etc) were displayed at the side of the picture. (eg.) When one explains high B.P., the causes are explained with pictures like deposits of cholesterol inside the vessels and the shooting up of B.P. is shown at B.P. indicator at the side. Finally the capillaries of brain are shown – one in particular and when the B.P. reaches the maximum, picture shows the bursting of a capillary and hemorrhage. Different areas of hemorrhages were shown and how they affected a man’s different organs etc etc. All possible medical treatments were explained upto the last stage. When it reached a point of no return suddenly the Hand of Jesus with nail print was stretched and placed on the patient and the process of cure was shown by the power of Jesus like electrical sparks passing into the affected area and the whole damaged organ was restored to normal health. The speaker slowly and powerfully said “Jesus healed”. Immediately all the doctors raised their hands shouting praises to Jesus with such joy, that the whole hall filled with their voices and we could feel a thrill of joy passing through us. On the earth we study almost every thing explained above and with scans and X- rays we could determine the possible causes for a disease. Just imagine, in heaven redeemed expert doctors with the help of live pictures explained everything vividly coupled with the healing power of Jesus. We could feel the mighty, loving presence of our saviour flooding the whole place. Unspeakable joy filled my heart. Many diseases were explained like this and finally our Lord’s healing touch with His nail pierced hand was the climax. Every time Jesus’ hand appeared there were shouts of joy. Amma, I hope, to some extent, you understand why heaven is a wonderful place for doctors ! Another example is cancer. They showed and explained different types of cancer with yellow markings and the last stage of cancer. We were shocked to see the extent of damage done and we ourselves would know that it was the end. Suddenly we could see the powerful hand of Jesus touching and the power surging down into the affected parts, thus clearing the whole body. The speaker himself talked with so much force that we all shouted with joy, and praised Jesus. Amma, it was a wonderful and a very fascinating experience. Similarly several diseases in several parts of our body were explained by different, different expert doctors. Sometime somebody would ask a question. There was provision for that and the presiding doctor would explain. Above all I was thrilled by the healing touch by our beloved Jesus. Though the duration of this session was long, we all enjoyed and then we came back home. After coming home, my friends (younger group) came to see me calling, “David, David where have you been? We were searching for you, for a long time.” I tried to explain to them, the wonderful experiences. Though they couldn’t understand the medical side, they were thrilled by the process of healing by Jesus. My friends asked me to take them to the medical centre sometime and I promised to do so. “Praise our creator and saviour eternal Him who redeem’d us from death and the grave Sing of His greatness, oh hail and adore Him Strong to deliver and mighty to save” - F.J. Crosby 5th February, 2004 : 10.00 P.M. While I was lying down to sleep, I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, I had a wonderful experience at the medical study centre. I was informed to meet Dr. Ruth, the Paediatrician, whose house is beyond Dr. Hannah’s house. I realized that almost all great expert doctors’ mansions were around the Medical study centre which is a complex in a very big area (almost like Nagercoil town). Around this sprawling magnificent medical study centre complex, the mansions of doctors were stretching away among beautiful rivers, lovely lakes, grand mountain tops, etc in a very large area of variegated surroundings of immense beauty. (Imagine the mansions of doctors around Nagercoil town, along the outskirts). When I entered Dr. Ruth’s residence, I saw a beautiful mansion inside a very big area. In the front on one side (left) was a big swimming pool watered by a stream from the mountain and there were lots of children inside. On the other side of the pathway there was a beautiful garden bursting with flowers of various colours and flowering trees. As soon as I went in, she came out and took me to the Medical study centre and to the Paediatric’s block where there were many sections. First she took me to a general section, where they showed us the growth of the child from birth, month by month – a transparent alive development and growth of organs. Then she took me to different sections – each dealing with different units just as I saw in other departments. Finally she took me to a conference hall (similar to what I saw in medicine department). We had the same arrangement. About fifteen specialists talked about different units of Paediatrics. First their name and bio-data would be furnished on the individual screen in front of us. What experts they are !! Then they explained everything both normal and diseased organs and finally the healing power of Jesus. Either Jesus’ hand touched the organ or the two nail printed hands of Jesus carried the baby. For example, a wasted limb of a child (affected by polio ) by His touch developed into a normal limb. Amma what a wonderful sight ! I felt so proud of my Jesus when all the big doctors shouted with joy and praised Jesus, like how we feel proud when somebody praises the mem bers of our family. (David has become so close to Jesus). It was a very great thrilling experience for me and I spent a lot of time there. There were about fifty to sixty doctors and students like me. Finally, Dr. Ruth and I came home. I left her in her residence study centre. We were taken to the Paediatrics centre, and she introduced my friends to the doctors there as ‘David’s friends’, since they know me. Dr. Ruth left us there saying that she had to attend a doctor’s conference. When we went inside, the doctors told me, “David you know everything and so you explain to your friends. They will be more free with you to ask questions”. So we all went in. As I told you before, there were several movies showing the development of a child in a mother’s womb and there was another big system which gave quick moving pictures’ of the development of a baby from the time of conception to a full grown baby inside the uterus. There was nobody inside the hall and I became a ‘teacher’ to my friends. Amma, my friends are highly intelligent and also they love God the Father and Jesus intensely that they marvelled at God’s Creation. When I explained to them, I used to say “see the wonders of our Father’s creation”. At once they used to raise their hands and shout “Praise the Lord”. Then I showed them the different stages of the growth of the child week after week and there was another system which gives the “quick movie” of the development of a child week by week, month by month and year by year. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Always they were shouting ‘Praise the Father’, the great creator. They asked me, “David, how can a doctor be an unbeliever after knowing the wonder of God’s creation ?” I didn’t take them to the other sections of this department, which gives the development of each organ of a child which comes under deep medical study. Next, I took them to the ‘Physiology’ department, since it is the one which may be more interesting to them. There also the doctors asked me to explain everything. There was a big human body, with all the organs functioning (transparent). They stood there for a long time praising ‘God the Father and Creator’. Then again, every organ enlarged, and in action could be seen. Then we saw an enlarged heart – how an electric impulse starts and spreads to different sections of the heart and how it contracts and all the functions of the four chambers of the heart. Blood was shown as red – all the minute details could be seen. There was a lung in action – one single alveolus enlarged, surrounded with blood vessels, oxygen was shown as green bubbles and carbon-di-oxide as yellow bubbles and how O2 enters into the blood stream from the alveolus and how CO2 enters into it from the blood. Amma it is really wonderful to see the marvellous creation of God. Like that we saw the digestive system – the different juices entering into stomach and other parts. The bile was shown as a ‘bright green liquid’, from the liver and insulin (more familiar to my friends) entering from pancreas as a pale yellow liquid and also the absorption of food in the intestine. The same way they saw the function of the ‘kidney’ the “wonderful organ” each unit (nephron) in an enlarged form. How the blood entered and how the filtration, reabsorption and final delivery of urine were shown. I then took them to the departments of eye and ENT (ear, nose, throat) (I didn’t take them to Biochemistry and Anatomy departments, because, they may not be able to understand much.) In departments of eye and ENT, they saw a big eye, its different main parts and how they work and also the ear. Then we went to the next section - a very big hall, where a conference was going on. We didn’t go in. There were glass windows from top to bottom. From outside, I explained to them. We also went to a huge library with different different sections in each subject like Biochemistry, Physiology etc. We went inside, and there were thousands of books and wonderful arrangements for selection of books. At the other side, there were reading halls and balconies facing the beautiful garden. People were sitting in comfortable chairs over looking the gardens and were reading. There was, perfect silence and we also didn’t make any noise. We saw a ‘discussion’ centre where doctors in small groups, were sitting and discussing with ear phones, which conveyed the conversations in their own languages. (I know this by experience). We didn’t go inside. I explained every thing from outside. Finally, we left the complex and went along the broad road along a beautiful river on the right and beautiful mountain range on the left. There were a lot of houses here and there and on the mountain at different levels (mansions of doctors) with flowing streams and beautiful gardens, flowering and fruit trees with birds singing. At some places, water was flowing over the road from the mountain and falling into the river and we walked in knee deep water. Then we crossed the river through a bridge and went near the bank of a big beautiful lake where there were many boats. We got into a boat with many seats along the sides of the boat. We all sat and started singing many songs and choruses. Amma, you may know only two songs. “How great Thou art” and another one “Praise Him, Praise Him” which is a chorus. Then we reached the other side of the lake. There were beautiful gardens, children parks, fruit gardens – each section had one variety of fruit or flower. So when we pass one section we get one particular perfume of the flower or flavour of that kind of fruit. Even that was wonderful. We saw children playing inside the parks and a lot of birds enjoying a sumptuous meal in the fruit gardens. Finally we passed the outskirts of the medical complex. On our way back home, we met Dr. Hannah and I introduced my friends to her and then came home singing loudly and holding hands as usual. “All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty Who has made all things well. After these narrations about the ‘medical study centre’ in Heaven in detail, David often tells me that he is regularly attending the ‘study centre’ in between two of his different programmes. David : Amma, I am regularly attending different sections of my study centre where I get in-depth studies of different branches in medical education. Even if I give the details, you won’t be able to understand and write them down. Only doctors and medical students can understand them and so I am not giving you all the details. Amma, in the department of Neurology (study of the brain etc), the great doctors often say the following. “In the world we had to depend on many instruments to study the functions of the brain. But here in Heaven, the great creator Himself explains its functions. What a great privilege !”

Bye amma !


i. Palaces of European Kings “And the nations of them which are saved walk in the light of it; and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.” (Rev. 21 : 24)

15th February, 2004 :

At 9.30 P.M., I heard David’s voice. David : Amma, as I told you, we went to visit an island inside the sea. We sailed in a large boat, along the lake, passed on to the river with falls and forests on the way, entered the sea and then travelled diagonally across the sea at the back of the ship mansions. After a long way, we saw the island. We had a very great surprise awaiting us there. We got a glimpse of the magnificent golden palaces with gigantic towers in blazing gold. There were a number of beautiful boats around the island. First we went around the island looking at the overwhelming glory of the beautiful palaces. Finally we came to a huge gate, of exquisite beauty. Amma, we were given a very grand welcome by a full band in uniform and a large number of lovely children with beautiful golden baskets with golden handles, full of fresh flowers in both their hands, standing in front of the band. The orchestra belonged to the early century, with bands, pipe instruments etc. We could see more gold on their dresses. The children were in white dress, but they had a lot of golden ornaments on them and so they looked golden, which was a very beautiful sight. Also they had small golden crowns. The band played some music, which we could not recognize. Then a few persons guided us through winding beautiful pathways in between very beautiful gardens. The path way was slowly climbing and leading us to an elevated place where stood a very grand majestic palace with four to six, very high golden towers, which were glittering in the heavenly light. The sight was just magnificent, Amma. Then they led us into that imposing palace belonging to the royal family of England. The front hall was round in shape and enormous in size with lots of high seats, luxurious carpets and trimmings fit for kings. Everything looked golden and reflected the splendour of its royal heritage. From there we started ascending a golden winding staircase with beautiful carvings and we saw rooms of incredible splendour on one side. We could not count the rooms. There may be hundreds of rooms in one palace. Finally we reached the top. There was a very beautiful open space with flowering plants in golden pots. The seats were very attractive and grand. Each one looked like a golden throne. Some people were sitting there with beautiful crowns and their fine dresses were made of golden brocades. We were told that they were English Kings and Queens of the fourth to sixteenth century. A few of my friends (both boys and girls) are graduates in History and architecture and they said that they could recognize the English architecture in the palace. We were cordially welcomed and invited to sit in those magnificent seats. They introduced themselves as the English Kings. Amma I am not able to remember all their names. ( I am not a History student) But from what I had studied in my Sunday school church history, I was able to recognise the names of Henry, Charles, George etc. All the Kings and Queens live in that palace as a joint family, but in different sections. One of the Kings spoke to us. His very appearance was majestic and kingly. He spoke in a commanding baritone voice. He explained how he fought with the heathen kings for establishing Christianity and how many missionaries, he had sent abroad to spread the gospel and how in his wars, Jesus helped him. When he said Jesus, we could feel his great love for Jesus. Sometimes, he said ‘Praise the Lord’ and we all joined him with great joy. Our history graduates asked him some questions and he gave them, apt answers. Amma, we all sat enchanted listening to his wonderful talk. My teenage friends were jubilant since his speech was like a wonderful story. Amma, I am proud that my Jesus is King of Kings over all these kings and these kings just adore Jesus. They served us fruit juice in golden cups. We sang a few choruses with our guitars. They were good. But I don’t know their tastes in music. Anyway they appreciated us and we said goodbye and left. Like that we visited almost ten palaces. (There may be more than twenty palaces in that golden city) We visited French, Roman, German, Polish palaces. Though they talked in different (their own) languages, we were able to understand them in English. Most of my friends knew French. Each palace was built according to the traditional architecture of that age. Amma, they belong to a different age. So they can be happy only in their own traditional palaces. Our girls told them that we belonged to the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first century. Then the guides took us to a huge Cathedral enormous in size having a very old architecture. It looked like an ancient Cathedral in Rome ( I saw one like that in slides, which Appa showed us when we were children.) But here the whole structure was wrapped in gold and the artistic work also was in gold and it shone in the heavenly light with much splendour. They said that sometime they used to have worship services here, with Jesus, and all the inmates would take part. Though, there were many ordinary people in the palaces, they were living together – no difference though they had great respect for their kings and queens. Finally after spending a longtime there, we returned. They showed us many ships (looked golden) in the sea. They said that those belonged to the kings. While returning also, the same band and children with golden baskets of flowers, went before us and at the shore, they gave us those golden baskets with flowers, as gifts. Each one of us got two or more baskets. We thanked them profusely and returned from that golden, enchanting city. We have decided to keep one basket for each one of us and give the rest to our neighbours who have no children to come with us. I’ll give one to Palliyadi grandma. We took the longer way to come home, since our friends always want to go through the river with forests and falls. Now I am at home amma. Before seeing ammamma, I am talking to you. Otherwise you’ll go to sleep and I’ll miss narrating this beautiful story. Bye amma. After David gave this message of meeting with kings, I read a book called ‘Miracles and Angels’ Vol : 4 by Dr. E.K. Victor Pearce. There he told how Jesus helped the British army during the First and second world wars. During the first world war, British army was helped by a huge army of angels in white uniform on white horses. “In front of them rode their leader, a fine figure of a man, whose hair like spun gold, shone in aura around his head” (Page : 132) Also, during world war II, the king George VI called for seven National days of prayers during 6 years of war and after each day of national prayer, Jesus helped the British army in miraculous ways. Then I remembered, how David told me about a British king of earlier century, narrated the incidents of help he got from Jesus during time of wars. Praise to Jesus! Thou hast no shore, fair ocean, Thou hast no time bright day; Dear fountains of refreshment To pilgrims far away Upon the Rock of ages, They raise the holy tower There is the victor’s laurel, And thine the golden dower - Bernard of Morla IX

ii. Palaces of Jewish Kings

9th March, 2004 : 9 P.M. David : Just now I returned from a long trip to a distant island amma. Our group sailed along our usual route at the left of our mansions of river lake river sea. At the sea, we turned to the left and passed on children’s mansions and then we went into deep waters diagonally, across the ocean. We had to travel a vast distance before we saw a very huge island, which seemed to soar out of the sea. When we went nearer, we couldn’t believe our eyes. It was surrounded by gold – tinged rocks of marbles of exquisite beauty in various colours, shining in the ethereal light. When we entered the island it seemed to be a forest of elegant flowering trees. Then we saw a beautiful golden gate and a road of marble decorated and embedded with gold and precious stones. When we strolled on that lovely road for some distance, we saw steps of the same kind and when we climbed up, the view, that unfolded was fabulous amma. Through the bright green of the overhanging trees laden with flowers, we saw a magnificent golden palace of such imposing grandeur with a number of domes in blazing gold glittering in the heavenly light. I have no words to describe its regal beauty and splendour. The palace stood in splendid isolation of atleast 50 acres of land of beautiful forest. We were cordially received by two guides and they took us to one section of the palace. That section itself looked like a hanging garden, since every floor was surrounded by gardens of exquisite beauty. There were vines covered with leaves of shining green, intermingled with flowers of beautiful colours and delicate perfume. Amma, the palace belonged to a Jewish king of the old testament period. The guide took us to the second floor and there, a Jewish king, in a robe of fine gold with a golden crown, embedded with diamonds and precious stones, welcomed us warmly saying, “In the name of Jehovah and Jesus, I welcome each one of you.” There were other people also in that wonderful place of gold. The king talked in Jewish language, but we were able to understand in English. He explained the miraculous deliverances of Jehovah during times of wars and troubles and also how they had waited for the Promised Messiah, and when He (JESUS) actually came to the world (not in his period) his people couldn’t recognize Him and the king felt extremely sad over that event. We all introduced ourselves. When I introduced myself, the king smiled and said, “I am happy that you have taken the name of our beloved king David.” Similarly he felt happy, when Joe (Joseph) introduced himself. He shook hands with each one of us and we bid him farewell, after singing a few choruses, which he appreciated. Then our guide took us to the museum, adjoining the palace. There we saw, the Jewish weapons of the king’s time, in shining gold embedded with precious stones, a music room with their traditional musical instruments. We also saw a lot of people in the palace and also in the gardens. Then each one of us was given a present – a beautiful golden flower, in laid with costly precious stones, shining with exquisite beauty. We thanked them profusely and came away. We heard that there were about 10 oriental palaces in this island. Many roads, branched out from this central one. When we took one such road, we came to a beautiful golden palace of Egyptian royalty. There we saw a Queen of exquisite beauty sitting in a garden near a swimming pool with many other ladies. Her long beautiful hair was sparkling with golden and diamond brooches and other ornaments. She wore fine golden brocaded dress glittering with gems. Our girls said that she was wearing beautiful delicate jewels of gold, diamond and precious stones. She welcomed us warmly and we all sat with her in her lovely garden. She is a fine Christian Queen. She said that she sent a number of missionaries to other countries. Also she did a lot of work for Jesus in her own country. She was willing to take us to her palace, but we were quite satisfied, sitting in that lovely garden of flowers with very sweet and wonderful perfume. Then we took leave of her. We then went along another road and just had a glimpse of a golden palace of Greek monarchs. One of our girls is a graduate in architecture and so, she was able to recognize and differentiate the architecture of various countries. Then we went in our boat around the island and we couldn’t get any glimpse of those palaces from there, since the island was surrounded by beautiful forests and also it was much elevated from the sea level. We got home just now, amma! Then David enquired about all of us, my family, Periamma’s family and his classmates. When I told him that many failed in their final year examination, he asked me to tell them not to bother about the short earth-life and its failures. The most important thing is that all must come to heaven and enjoy its happiness and glory one day. “We speak of the land of blest A country so bright and so fair And oft are its glories contest But what must it be to be there? We speak of its pathways of gold Its walls deck’d with jewels so rare Its wonders and pleasures untold But what must it be to be there? - Mrs. Elizebeth Mills

iii. Palaces of King Solomon

4th April, 2004 :10.30 P.M. “Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.” I Kings 3:12. “Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.” II Chronides 1:12 David : Amma, it is extremely difficult to explain the wonder, glory and riches of today’s experience. Would you believe if I tell you that I visited the palace of King Solomon and also talked to King Solomon? Now listen. Amma, we had a pleasant trip along the sea and after crossing the Portugese village, we sailed into deep waters. The sea spread out far before us, shimmering in the golden light. We drifted along its waters for a long time, watching its beauty. Suddenly, we were amazed to see something huge, glittering far, on the surface of the ocean. When we went nearer the sight was fabulous and breath-taking Amma. We saw a huge beautiful enchanting island, surrounded by a wall of sparkling gold embedded with blazing precious stones like diamonds rubies etc, along its edges. These precious stones including the gold flashed brilliant light around the island. Amma human eyes just cannot perceive this dazzling light. Never before, we saw such a sparkling golden wall. We thought that this island must be the magnificent dwelling place of some very great and very rich king. Several golden boats of exquisite beauty and luxurious golden ships were floating in front of the island. Then we saw a very huge golden gate garnished with sparkling precious stones. As we went nearer, it opened automatically and then closed behind us. The beautiful broad road within, was made of shining golden tiles, edged with different varieties of glittering precious stones. The whole area shone with a golden radiance. On one side of the road, there were extremely beautiful gardens with flowers of very rare varieties and of exquisite beauty, kept in huge golden pots decorated with precious stones. We saw a golden main pathway and a net work of golden sub pathways within each garden. We saw many people working inside the garden with beautiful golden dresses. Amma I don’t know whether the dresses looked golden due to the strong golden radiance reflected from the wall and roads. There were many such wonderful gardens on the left side of this broad road. On the right side, we saw gardens with fruit trees of many varieties laden with fruits and also a net work of golden pathways as in other gardens. Water was sprinkled in these gardens by beautiful fountains. First we thought that the fountains were spraying molten gold. After touching the spray, we realized that it was water. We walked along this golden path a long distance gazing at the golden radiance intermingled with the bright green of the leaves and colourful lovely blossoms. Then we got a glimpse of an immense magnificent golden complex of palaces, to our left. In the front there was a beautiful huge golden gate. Amma, I have no words to express its grandeur. It shone with fine artistic work done with gold as well as different sparkling precious stones. As we entered within the gate we found that the gardens were magnificent golden complex of palaces, to our left. In the front there was a beautiful huge golden gate. Amma, I have no words to express its grandeur. It shone with fine artistic work done with gold as well as different sparkling precious stones. As we entered within the gate we found that the gardens were more beautiful. Many people, both men and women were relaxing in those gardens and some were working. We slowly walked along the pure golden pathway edged with precious stones. Then we stood spell-bound and gazed with awe at the imposing grandeur of an beautiful palace of gold with a vast dome like structure of blazing gold. Amma, I just cannot explain the dazzling glory of the structure. You have to imagine according to your imaginative power. Amma we couldn’t keep our eyes open for a long time and we blinked, because of the sparkling radiations from the palace. At the front of the palace, a guide told us, “This palace belongs to the great Jewish king Solomon.” Amma, we were all just stunned and then we realized that only king Solomon could have a palace of such grandeur and richness, since God gave him wisdom and riches as a gift on the earth. The guide led us into a very huge round central hall. The walls and floors were made of brilliant gold embedded with fine precious stones of exquisite beauty. Amma I have no language to explain the magnificent beauty of the hall and the decorative and artistic work done there. It reflected the splendour of the royal heritage. There were many winding golden staircases with golden railings and the artistic work on those was marvellous. First, the guide took us into the backside of this hall. Facing an enormously huge, beautiful round garden were several palaces of the same grandeur and splendour. In that immense garden, we could see beautiful swimming pools, made of gold, where we saw very sweet and lovely children of different age groups playing. In front of those palaces, we saw Queens of exquisite beauty, with shining grand crowns sitting on great thrones in a very luxurious attire. There were other beautiful ladies reclining on lovely seats near these queens and they were having pleasant conversations, with one another. Also we saw a huge music hall with different kinds of musical instruments. We heard their singing as well. Though it was different from ours, it was wonderfully melodious. Then we came back to the central hall of the main palace. From there, the guide took us to the first floor. There we entered a huge hall. We were just fascinated by the sparkling splendour of that hall. The beauty was beyond our comprehension. The hall was lavishly furnished with elaborately carved luxurious seats of shining gold with precious stones and golden carpets. The floor, walls and windows were made of gold with very fine artistic work, which I had never seen before. The beautiful dainty curtains were made of fine golden thread interwoven with sparkling precious stones. Amma, you just imagine how they must be glittering ! The luxurious seats with soft cushions draped with golden brocade were arranged in a semicircle and in the front, we saw a very beautiful, magnificent throne made of sparkling gold and precious stones, decorated with delicate artistic work and trimmings fit for the richest king on the earth. Amma, on that throne sat a king, with all the riches of the world in his crown, glittering with dazzling glory and his enchanting garment, glistening with beauty and splendour. He looked so majestic and handsome. His bright eyes were just sparkling with wisdom, which our Almighty Father gave him as a special gift. As we went nearer, John introduced us as a group of youth of the nineteenth to twenty first century, from the ‘river side mansions’. The king with a broad smile asked us to sit in the front row. Several great men sat there and it seemed to be a session of discussion. John said, “we used to love and appreciate your book ‘The Proverbs’ in the Bible and when we were children we memorized many of those verses. It is a great book.” The king smiled at that complement and then he spoke as follows: King Solomon : My beloved Jehovah gave me the wisdom and riches on the earth as well as in heaven. Can you see a father like our Jehovah? Can any Father give His only son to such a cruel death on the cross to save the human souls? Such a great LOVE! Can any one question the wisdom and the will of our Father who made the earth, the universe and Heaven ? Our forefather Abraham was great since he was willing to sacrifice his son for God. But God spared his life. But the same God willingly gave His beloved son Jesus to save the human race. I was a sinner. But the great Jehovah graciously pardoned me and gave me this beautiful place in Heaven. It is prepared for me by my beloved Jehovah, whom I worshipped while on the earth and now also. You all must go and see a very grand temple at the centre of our place. It resembles the one I built for my Lord on the earth. But this is heavenly temple !, where Father and son descend sometime with great glory and we all worship Them with full adoration and love. When you all go back, please visit our golden temple. David : Then John introduced each one of us and he introduced me as David Solomon. Then the King smiled at me saying, “Oh! There is a very junior Solomon. Did the Lord give you wisdom too?” John replied and said, “He was a medical student on the earth and here also he is studying medicine and so our Lord must have given him wisdom for such a study if not like yours !” They gave us delicious fruit juice in golden cups embedded with gems. Finally he shook hands with each and every one of us and waved his hands and said goodbye. Amma, he was not at all proud ! But while he spoke, words just came out quite freely in poetical language. How wonderfully he spoke ! we were very much fascinated by his speech and we felt like listening to him for ever. When we came down, they gave us ten very big golden baskets full of golden cups embedded with precious stones. They look like wine cups and they are of different size, shape, artistic work, precious stones etc. Each basket contained atleast 20 lovely cups. We thanked them and kept them near their gate and promised to collect them, while going home. Then we saw, many huge golden mansions along the main broad road, deep inside beautiful gardens. We didn’t go there. Finally the road reached a large area where stood the magnificent temple with great splendour and grandeur with huge golden domes. Our bigger girls, who had studied archaeology said, “This temple is similar to the temple, built by King Solomon on the earth. But this is enormously big and it looks very grand.” We went inside. The walls and floor were made of very fine gold embedded with very huge precious stones. There were no seats except a beautiful altar in the front made of very fine gold with delicate artistic work, decorated with brilliant gems. There were enormous golden pillars. It was so awe-inspiring and also there was absolute silence. So we couldn’t go deep inside. Then we came out. On the other side of the golden road also, there were huge golden palaces deep inside with beautiful gardens and golden pathways. All the riches of the world and more, we could see in that island. Then we collected our presents and came out. Along the way, we sang for sometime, then we discussed and decided to create a museum in our area and keep samples of every present, we receive, with names of the giver, or the country. Each one of us took 2 or 3 cups and we decided to give one cup to each house in that area and keep all the 10 golden baskets and the rest of the cups in our new museum. I just took 3 golden cups and came home. Others are going to John’s house for distributing the presents we got. Amma, I am going down to say everything to Ammamma. Bye amma! Oh, the palace of the King! Royal palace of the King ! Where our Father in His mercy All the ransom’d ones will bring, o F.J. Crosby



12th April, 2004 : 9.45 P.M. Easter Worship Service in the presence of our awesome God, the Father Almighty and Jesus in His full glory. “And, behold, there was a great earth quake; For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow; And for fear of him, the keepers did shake and became as dead men.” (Math. 28 : 2 - 4) “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven : and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” (Math. 24 : 30, 31) “For whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and My words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.” (Luke. 9 : 26) David : Amma I have just got back after attending an awe-inspiring, thrilling, extraordinary Easter Service where God, the Father and Jesus were present. This service surpassed in grandeur all other worship services. Amma I am terribly stunned and find it difficult to talk. I really don’t know how to explain in words the whole picture which even I could not comprehend fully. As usual we all walked along the road in front towards the right of our mansions. After walking some distance, we turned to another broad road towards the left. All along the way we were very much surprised to see thousands and thousands of luminous host of angels floating above singing joyfully with different types of musical instruments. It was just like their singing during Christmas time. But this time, the number of angels were innumerable, could not be numbered even in thousands. When we looked up, first we could see a white glittering cloud and then it turned out to be angels in thousands-coming in groups one after another continuously and gliding among the beautiful trees far away. When we walked along the road, everywhere, we could see nothing but angels and angels alone descending, standing and singing with great jubilation. Finally, we reached the place of worship. Because of the huge host of angels running into lakhs, we could see only a very huge green lawn at the middle, surrounded by thousands and thousands of angels. There was no gallery. In the front, there was a stage of brilliant light surrounded by angels. No human choir or orchestra was seen anywhere. On the right of the stage, there was a huge angel orchestra with trumpets and at the left we saw many thousands of angels with harps. May I say there were more than one hundred thousand human redeemed souls sitting in the central lawn! Suddenly we saw terrible lightning, flashing down and heard the enormous sound of mighty thunder. Amma, we would be so frightened if one thunder along with lightning struck near our house. Then, just imagine hundreds of continuous lightning and thunder in that open lawn! You cannot possibly imagine the tremendous effect. Amma, I know you cannot comprehend this, with human brain. At the same time all angels were singing loudly with trumpets and harps. When the volume of singing reached the maximum, we all, redeemed souls fell down one over the other. We couldn’t bear to see such a blinding light and almost deafening noise. Amma, I couldn’t raise my face when the mighty Father and Son descended with their magnificent dazzling glory, among the intense lightning and thunder. I was almost semiconscious, but I managed to just open my eyes once to see our beloved Saviour. I wanted to see Him somehow. The sight was magnificent Amma. I could see my Saviour’s whole figure in that dazzling light brighter than the sun. By His glorious radiance, we couldn’t see the angels around Him, just like the disappearance of stars, when the glorious sun appears on earth. Then one angel (John told me later on, that it was the arch angel Gabriel ) shouted like the sound of a loud trumpet, “Glory to the crucified Jesus” and “Glory to the risen Saviour.” (John only told me later on, of these words.) I was stunned to realize anything. When Angel Gabriel said one sentence, the whole multitude of angels repeated that in such high volume that it was like thunder and the noise was deafening. I never dreamt that such dainty sweet angels could shout with such thunderous voice like the roar of rushing waters. This worship was going on for a long time. Then again amidst lightning and thunder, the Divine Father and Son with immense glory ascended along with the millions of angels, shouting praises and singing with a loud voice. Then the sound faded gradually and stopped completely. Afterwards there was a perfect silence. Amma, I don’t know, when other human beings started going. I woke up from my semi consciousness, when John, who sat next to me held my hand and raised me up. That time I saw crowds leaving the lawn in complete silence. I walked holding John’s hand and he only told me all the details about angel Gabriel and the verses, he shouted. Amma, just think how our great, beloved mighty Jesus gave Himself to be crucified on the cross to save sinners like us and also the whole human race !! If one hundredth of this power was shown at the cross, no human being could have been alive around the cross !! What a Love Amma !! Are you able to realize the glorious might and power of Father and our beloved Jesus ? The vast crowd that shouted “Crucify Him” and those who crucified Him might have fallen dead ! Such was His mighty power !! But Jesus, so meek and mild gave Himself to be crucified for you and me and also for the whole human race !! This is understandable for us in Heaven after witnessing His immense power and glory !! Amma, only after coming to heaven, we can fully realize the boundless love and the overwhelming glory and power of our awesome God, the Father and His beloved Son. The worship service on Good Friday and the celebration of Easter on earth look like only a formality, without comprehending the real meaning, compared to what we feel and realize in heaven. All these experiences help us to grow spiritually in heaven. Now only we are able to realize the depth of the love of our mighty Father and our beloved Jesus. Amma, in the worship service, not even one child was present. After the ascension of the Divine Group, the stage in the front also disappeared. This is my first such great awe inspiring experience. Amma, our Jesus, when He arose, the soldiers fell down like dead men. Just imagine the scene when our mighty Jesus comes to the earth with His glory, Father’s glory and that of the angels, during His second coming ! How could it be possible for human race, I mean non believers to see Him in this blinding light and thunderous noise of blowing trumpets by thousands of angels ? They would scream and fall down like dead men. But all His children (we and those on the earth) will be given a new body and in that body we’ll be able to behold the king in His beauty, glory and majesty. Amma, you please go to sleep and I am lying down on my bed. I am going to close my eyes and rest for a while – I haven’t yet got over the great awe I felt at the worship place. Bye Amma ! “The Lord of glory ! who is He ? Who is the King of glory ! Only the Son of God can be The Christ the King of glory ! Above all heav’ns at God’s right hand, Now sits the King of glory? The angels by His favour stand, Before the throne of glory !” - R. C. Chapman 14th April, 2004 : 10.30 P.M. David : Amma, I told you about the glorious, awesome experience of the Easter worship service. After coming home, I was lying down, resting for a long time and I didn’t even go to my study centre as usual. After a very long time my friends came and woke me up. When I went down I met grandpa Bensam and we discussed the glorious ‘Easter Worship Service’. Amma, grandpa, gave a wonderful thought from that experience. He said “David, on the earth, the redeemed people enjoy the fruits of God’s great love in sending Jesus to the earth. The fruits are salvation from sin, peace of mind, loving divine guidance and many more special blessings for His children. But only in Heaven, we can fully realise the depth of the love of our mighty Father and that of our beloved Jesus. You saw the mighty power and their glory in Heaven. Now you can realize from which great glory, Jesus descended to the lowest level of earth and submitted Himself meekly to be crucified and bear its agony without a word of murmur. There was not even an atom of contempt in Him for the frenzied mob who cried for His death. The people of the earth, since they don’t know the real might and glory of our Father and Son, can never comprehend the real depth of their love for us. What an unlimited LOVE !! Amma, Bye. ….. “And that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3 : 17-19) “Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy king of Crown, When Thou camest to earth for me; But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room For Thy holy nativity : Heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang. Proclaiming Thy royal degree : But of lowly birth can’st Thou Lord on earth But of lowly birth can’st Thou Lord on earth And in great humility : - E. S. Elliott


I have written the glorious glimpses of Heaven, as it had been conveyed to me by my son, David from 28th October 2003 to 14th April, 2004, in the first volume. David continues to give me Heavenly messages and I hope to write them in my next book, if God willing. When you complete reading this book, I am sure, you would like to go to this wonderful place, when the call comes to leave this world. But do you know the way?

Our God, Almighty is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. Everyone in this world is a sinner by birth. How will you get forgiveness from your debts of sin? David, in his last chorus in this world, sang about it in the fifth and sixth lines as follows:

“You (Jesus) came from Heaven to earth to show the way

From the earth to the CROSS MY DEBTS TO PAY”

Do you believe this? Let me give you a small true story as an illustration.

King Alexander the great used to pay surprise visits to his soldiers’ camps. One night, on such a visit, he saw, a cabin door slightly ajar and light was burning within. The King went inside softly and found the following scene : One soldier was sitting on a chair and was lying over the table in front, sleeping with a revolver in his right hand. On the table, there was a paper with a long list of debts, he incurred by gambling. The added debt was so huge that the soldier would never be able to repay. At the end he wrote “WHO WILL PAY MY DEBTS?” His intention of shooting himself was clear by the revolver in his hand, King Alexander took the pen, wrote “Alexander the great” below the last line and gently turned back. At midnight, the soldier suddenly woke up and wanted to commit suicide. But suddenly he saw the signature of his beloved king below the line. ‘Who will pay my debt?’. What a joy! What a peace ! What a great relief ! There was no need for him to die now ! Just like that our Holy Father sent His Only Son Jesus to bear our DEBTS OF SIN ON THE CROSS. When we accept that wonderful truth, that Jesus died on the cross to pay our debts of sin, we too can go to that wonderful and glorious Heaven, the abode of our Heavenly Father. This is the only way. As I started writing this book, tears were pouring down like a stream, especially when I wrote about the last days of my beloved son David on this earth. Now I pray to my Jesus “Father, please convert every drop of my tears into atleast one soul for Thee.” With this prayer, I close this Book. Kamazh K. Solomon

“Tell the whole wide world of JESUS, Bear the news from shore to shore; Telling sinners of the SAVIOUR, Let the light spread more and more. - E. E. Hewitt First Edition - 2004

David with his Medical College Friends at Puthalam Beach (2003)
