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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, IM I ATcragre D«fly Net Preae Ron The Weather PAOl TWEM'n For Um Week Boded r<(reeMt of U. S. Weather Haurlffatw lEoftttes H^ralh Novetnher 16, U6S lig h t m ow mixed with rata, sleet tonight, ending early Friday. Mlaa Patricia Morlarty, evening with a carol aing. At 13,891 11 ;45, there will be a procession lianrljTatTr lEuTtiittg BTral!) Thirty to 86. Friday cloudy, high daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Masses Set Two to Get Member of tlie Audit in 20s. Snow accumulation 1 to About Town Mortimer E. Morlarty, 145 and the bleaslng of the manger at which time the choir and con­ Bureau of OIroalation 3 inches likely. Park St., will participate in a Manch«$ter^A City o f ViUago Charm champagne tea and reception gregation, will sing "O Come All Papal Honor Mr. and Mn. David J. Heat- Midnight Ya FalUjful." lay and family o f Beaumont, Sunday in the Clinton Suite erf At midnight, the Misaa Adeste Teat., arrt^ plane yester­ the Neiw York Hilton honoring VOL. LXXXin, NO. 73 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (Classified Advertising ea Page 33) day to spend CStristmas week a aenlor of Georgian Court Col­ The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Fidelis will be celebrated, with Next Sunday MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PRICE SEVEN C15NTS with Ms slater and brother-in- lege, Lakewood, N.J., that will J. Reardon, pastor of St. James' the senior choir singing the re­ sponses. The children's choir law, Mr. and Mrs. D&vid R. have Just been elected Queen Church, will celebrate the Matthew M. Morlarty o f 76 for the April in Rome Gala. will sing the reaponsea- to the Bpemser of 116 Forest gt. They solemn high Mass at midnight Forest St. and Cheeter W, Obu- This Js Oie major fund-raising Missa Salve Regina tomorrow wUl return to Beaumont on tonight in the upper church. The Dee. SO. event of the college from which at 9 a.m. chowski of 36 Pailc St. will be Mlaa Morlarty graduated In Rev. John D. Regan will be invested as Knights of St. Oreg- 1963. deacon and the Rev. Joseph H. ory Civil------Class, Sunday- ■ at 2:30 Snstgn WlUlam !•. Oonlon McCann will be subdeacon. The Jr. of the United Statee Navy, Mrs. Vince Head p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jo­ Cypriot Fighting Eases; I Re\. Eugene F. Torpey will son of Dr. and Mrs. William L. Ro/bert McKinney, eon of Mr. seph, Hartford. and Mrs. Herbert McKinney of celebrate Mass in the lower Henry J. O’Brien, archbishop Oonlon, 102 Lakerwopd Circle. ! church. Of AJV Auxiliary receoitUy received hie wlnj^ 6A Adelaide Rd., la spending the of the Diocese of Hartford, an­ Christmas holidays with his A program of sacred music, nounced early this month the designating him as a Naval under the direction of Ralph Aviation Observer in cere­ family. He is a student at Cush­ Mrs. John Vince of 227 Mc­ names of 27 m «i to receive one ing Academy, Ashbumham, Macearone, will precede the Kee St. was elected to a aec- of the highest honors of the Ro­ monies at the Naval Air Maas at 11:30. During the serv- man Catholic Church. This is Btatlon, Corpus Christie, Tex. Mass. ond term as president o f the : ice portions of the “ Mlssa the first time Manchester lay­ British Unit Ordereii In James B. Mendltto. son of Ade.ste Fidelis," composed by Army Navy Auxiliary at a men have been awarded this Richard Li. Oetzewlch. son of Carlo Rossini, will be sung by Mr. and Mrs. Mendltto, 88 S5atf'rnl.'» photo meeting and Christmas party papal honor. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Oet- thie choir. The Credo will be at the clubhouse. aewich. 871 Hartford Rd., has School St., is serving with Mo­ bile Construction Battalion from a Maas by Pietro Yon; the Other officers are Mrs. oompleted basic training at the En framed Four which recently returned I recessional will be "Glory To Oharlee Pickett, vice president; Troop Heads Naval Training Center, Great The engagement of Mi.as God,” by Riley. Mrs. Richard Brower, secre­ to the Construction Battalion Vonne-Marie DeBortoli of Elling­ Lakea, m. Oenteir, Davisvllle, R.I., after The congregation will partici­ tary; Mrs. Donald Maynard, I XMAS SHOP ton to Lt. (J.g.) John Buxton pate In singing "Silent Night’ ’ Confer About six months duty at the Naval Edgar. U.S. Navy, of Highland treasurer, and Mrs. William Station, Argentla Newfound­ at the Offertory and Come Shields, chaplain. ARTHUR DRUG Park, N.J., has been announced All Ye Faithful" after the last 1 land. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. n ie auxiliary meets the I FREE O U T gaspel. The Proper of the Mass Unified Rule Mario A. DeBortoli of Ellington. iHrst Wednesday of each Notice will be sung by Ralph Mac- [ WRAPPINO staff SgL Dale F. UkmaJ of | Her fiance is the .son of Mrs. month. - and sponsors a card carone with his wife, Mrs. Jane Garden City, Mich., l» s arrived j Jo.seph_^ H. Edgar of Highland party each Monday night. WE HAVE DAILY Macearone, at the organ. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) at Clark AFB, Philippines, for ' Park, and the late Mr. Edgar. — Britain ordered more duty with a unit of the Paclficv Mi.s.s DeBortoli is a graduate At St. Francis of Assisi Church 2 In South Windsor, organ pre^ DELIVERY TO THE Air Forces. His wife, the former of Putman Catholic Academy troops to Cyprus today but Florence Rivard, is formerly of and St. Jo.seph's Medical Tech­ ludes will begin at 11:30 this clashes died down between Manchester. nician School. She is employed SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE Greek and Turkisn Cypri-! BOLTON at Klock Co.. Manchester. ots, easing a threat that j Lance Cpl. Donald E. Reid, Lt. Edgar is a graduate of SAVINGS UP TO 1963 M l of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Highland Park School and Mary­ Greece and Turkey might AREA Reid of 346 Hilliard St., was pro­ ville College, Tenn. He is pre­ be embroiled in open con­ moted ^ his present rank In sently an as.sistant operations special flict. the U.S. 'M ^ ^ e Corps while officer at Little Creek, Va. WEDNESDAY ONLY Commanders of the Brtti.sh. serving with the Second Engin­ A May 1964 wedding is plan­ LARKS Greek and Turkish troops sta­ LENOX eer Battahon, S a t^ d Marine ned. J tioned by treaty on Cyprus con- j Division, Camp Lejetwe, N.C. ferred in the 'Turkl.sh embas.sy. 6 PHARMACY PUMPKIN Arrow shows where Paul Schulz, caught in barbed wire, was shot yesterday on Berlin wall. (AP Photofax.) The movement of Turkish and BOLAND MOTORS - - — ------Greek troops Into Nicosia from 299 E. CENTER ST. NOTICE 869 CENTER STREET— 648-4679 their ba.ses Christmas Day had ESTO W II Yule Traffic raised the peril of a more seri­ TEL. 449^896 PHARMACYp u A P U A r v n Events ous conflict. W will b« eles«d Yuletide Murder The meeting came after lead­ iSa Hartford Rd.—649-9946 j ers in separate apjieals had ALL DAY Kills 302 in asked for outside help to head OPEN WED. \¥ed. tXmos Day) In State off a conflict, either by th e; Prescrlptloiis, of Coarse North Atlantic Treaty Orgarriz- ' Read Herald Ads.' and Thursday. On Berlin Wall 48-Hour Span atlon Allies or by the United at all Nations. Manchester Firm By THE The meeting of military lead­ ers followed an earlier accep­ F. E. BRAY nnayron*# BERLIN (A P )— About 60,000 West Berliners cross­ Christmas holiday traffic Sets Face Lifting killed more than 300 persons. tance by the Cypru.s government | JEWELER ed into East Berlin by noon today despite the Christ­ of an offer by the three powers i bake sh ops The toll was 302 for the 48- 787 MAIN 8T. mas Day killing of a young East German who tried to to unify their forces under Brit-' For Savin Rock hour period from midnight Mon­ l.sh command to assist in efforts ' escape over the Berlin wall.^ — day to midnight Christmas Day, "The Christmas murder on er on duty at a crossing point local time. to maintain a cease-fire agree­ HARTFORD (AP) — The the Berlin wall overshadows our said. "Here they smile and ment and restore peace. Savin Rock section of Wesi More than two - thirds of the joy at the Christmas meeting in there they shoot." deaths were counted on Christ­ The commander in chief of Haven will undergo a $12 mil­ the city,” said West Germany's Les.s than a mile from the the British Near East command, lion face-lifting. mas Day. minister for all-German affairs, ; Oberbaum Bridge control point Adverse driving condiUons In Air Marshall Sir Dennis Bar­ Si MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ‘The once fashdonable reaort Drich Mende. 1 an East German guard shot many localities apparently con­ nett; the commander of the which of late has deteriorated dot with the day after Christ­ Paul Schulz, 18, in the back British army in Cyprus, Brig. J. into a honky-tonk amusement tributed to the high number of mas also- a holiday, the flow of Wednesday as he perched en­ deaths. Young; and the British high PICCOLO’S PIZZA PALACE I area, wiW become the site for visitors to relatives in the Oim- tangled In barbed wire atop the commissioner in Cyprus, Sir The number of fatalities on K467'/j m a i n —J ust North From Post Office— Tel. 649-8009^ a unique watMfront apartment munlst sector continued at flood concrete Wall. Arthur Clark, attended the community to be constructed by Ude. When the gates opened at Christmas Day was far above meeting. As loudspeakers blared C3irist- the average of traffic deaths « PIZZA. GRINDERS and SPAGHEHI • the First Hartford Realty Cor- 6 a.m., the line was two blocks tnas music from the East Ger­ The meeting, lasting over two |K>raition of Manchester. along at one crossing point. during the first 10 months , this hours, is believed to have dealt e TO GO OR TO EAT HERE i man radio, the wounded youth year and during last year’s, rec­ Find Hartford, headed by There was no change In the toppled from the 9-foot wall Into with practical steps to be taken OPEN TILL 3 A.M. | Neil H. FlUa, is a puibliolyJield the arms of a West Berlin po- ord toll of 40,9(10. Tile 10-month for toe restoration of peace 3 friendly attitude of East German total was 36,170, an aveage of .._J S CHRISTMAS EVE and NEW YEAR'S DAY t real estate development and guards, reported under orders to j hcemsm. A companion, also 18, when toe unified command is Investment company. about 116 deaths dally compared established. 2 CLOSED CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S DAY j "keep smiling" when the 16-day t*t6de It safely, to the West, but to last year’s dally average of First Christmas Baby Planned for the 42.2-acre visiting period began last week Schulz died six hours later in a While the meeting was going 112, tract which fronts on Ixng Is­ by a^eem ent between the West West Berlin hospital. on, (Kcaaimal firing still could Mrs. Frank Claffey of Hayes Rd., East Hampton, admires David, the 6 pound, land Sound are 600 apartments, The holiday deatfaa compared be TieajRI', Irat in general the Berlbi city government and "These shots struck u.s all," with a total of 170 highway fatal­ fCFoH^n ounce Christmas gift delivered at Manchester Memorial Hospital yes­ an 80,000-square foot neighbor­ cease-fire appeared to be oper­ East Germany’s Red regime. said West Berlin’s deputy may- ities counted by The Associated terday at 6:06 a.m. The Mario Dianas o f 120 S. Main St. were the only others hood shopping center and a res- ative on all sectors. "But now you see their real | or, Heinrich Albertz. “ These Press during a 48?hour nonholi­ so gifted yesterday. Their son, Leonard Michael, arrived at 1:20 p.m. (Herald dential area 'with swimming face,” a young Red Cross worii-1 shots are at the same time a At the United Nations, toe Cy­ day period from 12:01 a.m. priot delegation announced toe photo by Pinto.) pool. ------blow to that which the good will Thur.sday, Dec. 12. According to plana by I^ ltp ■g-g g-, f g j of theme omerother siaeside nashas maaemade pos- U.N. Security Council had been The National Safety (Council asked to meet to consider char­ E J. D1 Corcia, architect, the hous­ Heater li(XplOdeS. «*We in recent days. The small did not make a preholiday es­ r ing will consist of garden ^ ’ path that humanity opened in ges that Turkey was using ( S e a s o n ’s Greetings! timate of the number of persons “force or toe threat of force” HARRIETTS' apartment houses arranged in a L h lin r © !! D ie S^^Un has become narrower.” that could be killed on the high­ Crisis and Strife M a r U.S.Carrier "saw tooth” pattern so that in toe dispute. In allowing visits by West Ber­ ways during the 48-hour period. Turkey insists that It haa tak- tenants wl-U have water views, liners to their relatives in the But it estimated that between BEAUTY SALON a row of town houses and a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bast, the Communists made no 200 and 260 persona might lose (See Page Ten) section of high-rise apartment Fire killed 12 children in the relaxation In their ban on East their lives in traffic mishaps in Ideal of Christmasl;‘^}'“l'‘^,\ 129 CENTER STREET buildings. The architect said Walter Johnson family In Berliners going the other way. a 30-hour period from 6 p.m. that all parking wlU be below Charleston, S.C.—the worst of This had been underlined by two Tuesday to midnight Christmas. •' Soviet r ailout ground. the nation’s Christmas fires. previous shooting incidents since The last time Christmas oc­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A First Hartford spokesman A family of six died in a house the agreement to open the wall curred on a Wedne.sday, in 1957, LBJ Kept Up WASHINGTON (AP) - Radio- said today the project probably fire in Spring Lake, Mich. was announced last week. there were 225 traffic deaths In Christians observed their 19th Christmas since World C active fallout from the Soviet A Christmas tree caught fire East German guards shot at will be started next fall, with a 30-hour period, from 6 p.m. War II with prayers and rejoicing despite fresh signs Union’s 1961 nuclear tc.sts in the completion anticipated in about in a Muncle, Ind., home, killing a man trying to swim the River (Christmas Eve to midnight On Problems that universal peace remaihs an elusive goal.f atmosphere contaminated the ^ '4 " * 4 ; three years. two sisters, Michelle Johnson, 6, Spree to the west bank. And (Jhrlstmas. Commimiflt border guards shoU,------The City Council of West and Joretta, 3. about dawn Monday West Ber- Last year's Chri.stmas holiday JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (API— and killed an East Germ an' giant U.S. aircraft carrier En­ Two relatives attending a lln police on the southern out- Ing North and South Korea, U.S. Haven had unanimously ap­ was a four-day weekend and President Johnson is keeping youth trying to escape over toe terprise, it was disclo.sed today. proved a land disposition con­ Berlin wall while Red loud­ toe gift of a lamb. Itself an offer­ The radiation persisted for (See Page Two) tab on national and international tract naming First Hartford as (See Page Four) (See Page Twelve) speakers played Christmas mu­ ing of peace. about a month but did not en­ the developer. problems while vacationing at sic for more than 68,(XK) West More than 10,(XX) pllg^rims danger the health of those on the The First Hartford spokes­ his ranch here. . Berliners pouring through toe flocked to Bethlehem to wor­ 86,000-ton nuclear-powered car­ man said apartment rentals will The President’s gUMt today barrier into East Berlin. ship in the Judean hillside town rier. vary from $32 to $40 per room. was former Gov. Buford EUing- Greeks and Turks threatened where Christ was born. The disclosure was made in a ton of Tennessee. Johnson said He added that units vdll range LBJ Holiday: He Extends Raneh, to renew their civil war on the Along toe ley truce line divid- current publication of the prom efficiencies to one-, two- he wanted to "get his counsel Mediterranean Island of Cyprus. on a number of national prob­ and three bedroom suites. Fa­ Two Turkish jet fighters buzzed (See Page Nine) (See Page Twenty-Three) lems.” These were not specified, toe island providing additional THIS PAIR OF PLIERS LAUNCHED cades of buildings will have and there was speculation that maintenance-free materials Gives Poinsettias, Rides Boat fuel for what appeared to be an toe Democratic politician may International crisis in the mak­ MARLOWS— 52 CHRISTMASES AGO! which withstand .stilt spray. be in line for a federal post. The $12 million community ing. B.v FRANCES LEWINE Johnson also was keeping in In Cairo,' toe Egyptian press Rocky Drops Jibes at Barry Associated Pretss Writer touchgWlto toe explosive situa­ ’Thoma-i Maxwell of 71 Linnmore Dr., who was our FIRST (See Page Ten) and radio reported toe Arab JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (API— tion in (Cyprus, where fighting world had warmly received CUSTOMER, bought these pliers for 35c on our opening day President Johnson’s T e x a s has erupted between Turks and President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s In Altered Election Picture Chri.stmas was a gay and busy Greeks. Developments on toe plans for an Arab summit meet­ Nov. 11, 1911. Through the years, your faith in Marlow's to day that included Inspecting his Island prompted two or three ing to consider ways of prevent­ By JACK BELL would not be much profit in con­ U.S. Ponders cattle, delivering poinsettias to telephone conferences Wednes­ ing Israel from diverting waters bring you almost^everything, has been most gratifying to the day with Secretary of State AP Political Writer tinuing to single out one man as his neighbors, entertaining kin­ of the Jordan River. a target among many who may folk, eating a big turkey dinner Dean Rusk. WASHINGTON (AP) Gov. Marlow family, who still own and operate the store. Thus, on In South Viet Nam, fighting be contenders (or the nomina­ Filinino Bid and taking a speedboat spin on The pressure.«i of official busi­ continued despite (Jommuni.st Nelson A. Rockefeller is aban­ our 52nd Christmas, we would like to take this opportunity a nearby lake. ness during the holiday stay at tion. proclamation of a 24-hour Christ­ doning attacks on Sen. Barry This could change, of course, the LBJ ranch was evidenced, mas cease-fire. to wish all out- friends and customers a most happy and joy­ He did It all In relaxed fashi­ Goldwater, R-Ariz., in his GOP if the March 10 New Hamp.shire To Settle Rift too, by a new directive in which In an act symbolic of Christ's on, dressed in khaki range pants presidential nomination drive. primary narrows to a Rockefel- Johnson ordered a cutback in concern, for the humble. Pope ous season! green and brown checked sports The" New York governor, only ler-Goldwatcr conte.st. But even 2 federal jobs within toe next 18 WASHINGTON (AP) — The jacket and orange cowboy boots. Paul VI of the Roman Catholic is studying a Phil­ months. Church celebrated Mass in a announced candidate for the He even had time to lease an­ nomination, resumes campaign­ (See Page Nineteen) ippine offer to mediate the dis­ In discussing Cyprus with ppor workers’ section of Rome, other 40 acres to add to the ing with a Jan. 3 Portsmouth, pute that has brought U.S.- Johnson holdings of 400 acres newsmen Wednesday, Johnson heavily populated by Commun- said: N.H., speech after a month's po­ Cambodian relations to the .adjoining the Pedernales River. i.sts, and prayed at the bedside of a paralyzed woman. Thou­ litical moratorium following the brink of a diplomatio break. Johnson kept the family's tur­ assassination of President John The mediation proposal was (See Page Sixteen) sands cheered when he accepted key dinner waiting while he con­ F. Kennedy. low PINE PHARMACY received from President Diosda- ducted the crowd of some 80 re­ Bulletins ‘‘FOR EVERYTHINO!" ! The sweeping political chang­ 664 CENTER STREET do Macapagal. State Depart­ porters and photographers on a ment officials said today that po es brought about by the probabil­ Culled from AP Wires OUR 62nd CHKIS'TMAS ON MAIN STREET tour of the 12-room stone and ity that President Johnson will decision has been reached. frame ranch house where the Prince Norodom Sihanouk of 96 Perished^ 36 Were Tost head toe 1964 Democratic ticket Johnsons’ Christmas presents are expected to be reflected in Cambodia has accepted the offer COOL TO 6IED1AT10N 6 waited under an eight-foot tree. altered campaign tactlc.s by conditionally. The weather here was in the Rockefeller. WASHINGTON (AP) — The - The official Cambodian bulle­ In Burning of Greek Liner balmy 70s. In the period preceding Ken- ; State Department appeared tin said Sihanouk would accept Twenty-seven Johnson kinfolk nedy's death, Rockefeller | e-uol today to a Philippine offer a continuation of U.S.-financ^ gave about equal time to attack- i to mediate a dispute between repair work on an American- LONDON (AP) — The Greek'^unlons Wednesday with rela- C h r i s t m a s (See Page Twelve) ing Goldwater for his conserva- the United States ami Cam­ bi^t highway if a reconciliation Line said today revised figures lives and friends in London. j live views and to lambasting | bodia. Press officer Richard could be achieved between the showed 96 persons known dead Today 125 passengers dnd 140 "MANCHESTER'S crew members .sailed from Ma­ Kennedy for what the governor L. Phillips' would sa.v only U.S. Euid Cambodian govern­ and 36 unaccounted for in toe said was the President’s failurq that the department Is aware ments. No Animal Gifts, deira for London aboard the OLDEST Lakonla disaster. Greek liner Arkadia. Other sur­ to live up to his 1960 promises of re|H>rts of the Philippine It said that such a reconcilia­ A spokesman lor toe line, mediation move. “ I ha\ e noth­ tion was dependent upon U.S. vivors were awaiting transpor­ on civil rights, action to end White House Asks formally named the General tation from Madeira, Casa­ unemployment and to get the ing further to say on this at NNANCIAL acceptance of two conditions. Steam Navigation Oo., Ltd., of present." Phillips said. HOUSE One condition calls for a U.S. blanca and the Canary, Islands. country moving faster econohi- At iM i Holy Season, let os refflombor WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ Greece, said 896 were known to apology for what Cambodia The Norwegian salvage tug ically. INSTITUTION" dent Johnson, a dog lover but have been saved In toe rescue Herkules, which is towing the REGRET FIGHTING calls, a ‘‘barbarous statement" Rockefeller was said by asso­ Mm Wiiom « • soik, and moy M s still a man of prudence, has operations launched shortly aft­ burned hulk toward Gibraltar, ciates to be planning in the WASHINGTON , (.VP) — made to Cambodian Ambassa­ done toe sensible thing again. er toe 20,314-ton liner caught H ie U.S. government formally dor Nong Klmny by U.S. Diplo­ radioed that a ri.sing southwest­ Portsmouth speech to lay down He has asked that Americans lire Sunday night in the At- erly gale was making the sal­ expressed “deep regret” t«Mlay mat Charles Yost at the United in broad terms the reasons why ' t t 'C t -ft sp M bo Mth you in oil the days of not flood the White House with lanUc 180 miles north of Ma­ vage operation difficult. Two he is running for the nomination at toe righting In Cyprus and Nations. State Department offi­ gifts of dogs and other animals. deira. voiced hope that order will be cials said Yost had requested an Portuguese tugs stood by to and what he would hope to do Speciflcany, toe President ac­ The figures added up to 1,028, help if neces.sary. If he were elected president. restored with the help from the year to COON. explanation of a Cambodian .SAVINGS cepted toe ^ t of a white colli* in contrast to previous reports The decision to abandon at­ the Joint British, Greek and brMdcast expressing pleasure from a 9-year-old Illinois girl, that said 1,036 were aboard. tacks on Goldwater apparently Turkiah mUltary ooininand. at the assassination of President By LAWRENCE MALKIN ,/ < 1 A I I O N n i w i others who want to send ani­ konia carried 661 passengers partment press officer, aald 7 The second condition called bundled up against a cold snap Rockefeller camp that toe Ari­ mal gifts to give them Instead and a crew of 377. The dis­ as the 20,314-ton Greek liner zona senator has become a less that preparatory measure* for a withdrawaL of a U.S. re­ HALE to children or Institutions in crepancy was explained by toe Lakonla slipped out of South­ attractive candidate against are under way for possible quest for an investigation of the their own communities. failure of some crewmen to hampton, headed for Madeira, Johnson than he would have evacuation of U.S. citl/.i-ns on broadcast. e The first family already had show up for toe sailing Dec. 19 been against Kennedy. the island. About 1,600 Amer- 1007 MAIN ST— NEAR MAPL^ STREET The Philippine Interest is in toe Canary Islands—and sun­ r M A IN ST., M AN CH ESTER two Beagles and two Beagles from Southampton. shine—on a ChristmeB cruise. The Rockefeller people are loan* are ta Cyprus and ao the Welfare of Filipinos emp- President Johnson shows reporters the pouch pock­ Just by themselves are a lot of Return of toe survivors was An atmoopher* of calm gentil­ making no clalma that toe gov­ fais FhllUpa aald. none haa v tn phwed by the U.S. air mission dogsA / under way by land and sea. ity and folkey cheer perVaded ernor has beeitt Injurki or IdUed. Ainar- BRANCH OFFICE:— m Oambodla who will lose their et oif tile Marimekko drees he bought for daugh­ paased Goldwater in Every |lrst family kaa bean Two Moroccan airliners fer­ toe ship as the 668 passengers— apular support among Repub- ktana have been advised bgr tha jobs when American assistance ter Lynda Bird while on recent Finland tour. (AP Tel. 649-8406^ ried 168 passengers from Oasa- oans. But tluy th lqj^ ^ e field State Department not to vtatt ROUTE 81— COVENTRY Mda on Jan. U. E P h o to fa x.) (Sea Itaga Two) blanoa, Moroooo, to tearful re­ ((See Fag* Tweii4| Itaree) la BOW wide and there tbcee at Oils tline. ■7 MANCHESTER feVENlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 PACTS r m PAGE THREE

a friend were brightening the sMewalk ki fro n t of $0 OoShy Heater Explodes, frame house tor the holiday with No Animal Gifts, Town Defendant Dr„ and that she sustained a new linoleum floor and appar­ Skating teuises, contusions snl laoeni- "Dine in Authentic Golonie^ Atmosphere' 12 Children Die ently spilled oil from the heater Wltite H ou^ Asks In Damage Suit by accidentally tipping It. The tions of the face, injury to her explosion followed. Report nose, knees, chest, left (rtwulder, (OMMaaei from Ps«« Om ) (Cionttnned from Page One) A Brtdgeport woman Is suing left eRx>vr and ribs, as well as PYQUAUC INN An eicplodlng oil heater was the town for $10,000 for Injuries a sevete shock to her nervous fcmiiy raunlon in Oonneaut, blamed for the fire in Oonneaut deluged with gifts, some of allegedly sustained tai a fall on system. COMPLETBLTwrv««r tr AJR-CONDmONKD A TO-r'nTjnTTTONKD Sid tows are now operating Otxlo. dM in a houM fire. that killed Wilbur Flnlaw, 63. them probably to the point of a defective sldewaUc. She is asking tor flmda to pay and his nephew, Ralph, 33. Eight at Mt. Nebo and the following 161 MAINr^.-WETHERSFIELD, CONN. An expkxUnc oil heater waa embarrassment. No one likes to Mary Bteinhardt claims Mie for medical :care and attention Mamed for the deatha of the 12 persons were injured. hours win be observed. fell, last January, on "a broken, already eoepended, and expected TOL. 529-9468 • AMPLE PARKING ki Charieston. eight boye and A Christmas Eve fire that return a gift, or to refuse one Lower trail, 1:80 to 4;30 cracked, uneven and decayed" to be spent in the flituie. tour glrle, aged 8 months to 20 levelled the 2-story, rural home that is well-meant, even if it is dally; Upper trail, 6 pm. to 10 SMORGASBORD p.m. fe a n and all Negroes. at Spring Lake killed Donald not particularly wanted and has ' The victims were all in one Dennison, 43; his wife, Alma. 36, Skiing conditions have been A Feature bedroom at the top of the stairs. and her four children by a pre­ to be fed. describe as "very good." HI EVERYONE! Johnson, 01, was critically vious marriage, aged 6 through ! The John F. Kennedy!, having Ice skating hours at both ^ Mike Stanko, Your Qeedal Boat bvH ea Tea To ' i WEDNESDAY burned trying to save them. 10. « two small children, were partic­ Charter Oak Park and Center SATURDAY, 6 to 9 PJt The body of Dennison, one of ularly showered with pets, but Springs Annex will be from 10 D A N C E lliis Tliim., PrI. end Serf. Mrs. Johnson, 47, and a son, THB HOME OF SUNDAY, 8 to 8 P.H. Nathaniel, 16, escaped. the boys in his arms, was found they always seemed to have to noon and 1:30 to 10 p.m. Ve Ike Very likeable Mnsle of Am di Barrett’s Authoritlea said Johnson and on a stairway. room for one more. dally. g o o d f o o d In addition to three ponies, Coasting, under supervision, "MELODY NOTES" LUNCHEONS served 11:80 a.m. to $ p.m. SLSS 1 9 will be allowed daily in Center the Kennedys were honor^ with — Uxo^eat Food and Legal Beveragee » DINNERS . . . served 8 P.M. to $ P J t dog.s galore, the most famous Springs Park from 8:30 a.m. to being Pu.shlnka, thi offspring of dark. DELICIOUS SUNDAY DINNERS a Soviet space dog. She was a Center Springs Pend re­ 12 NOON TO 8 P-M. _____ mains dosed to skaters. OAK Restaurant gift from Premier Khrushchev. SPBCIAL FRIDAY NIGHT—WHARFSIDB DINMMt Manchester Other Kennedy dogs Included e Dovnetowa Manebeater At $0 Oak Street s Charlie, a Welsh terrier; an Ample Free Parking Front aad Rear... Banquet and party room avallabla Cor Irish wolfhoiuid, various cock­ Weather Fair Closed w^inga, banqueU and holiday partlao. ers, a German shepherd and Parkade Pot reaervationa, call B29-946Se l ^sh' .some pups bom to Pushinka and Mondays Charlie. In Most of U. S. The great interest Americans Semi-Annual show tat White House pets can By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS flow both ways, it was demon- Cold air nipped areas in the ; strated last summer when 6,000 Southeast today but generally Enjoy New Year's Eve A f I letters came in asking tor the seasonal temperatures and . Pushinka-Charlie pupa. mostly fair weather prevailed in Out of those who asked, two the major part of the nation. ^ t o d e R t t e were chosen to get the pups—a Freezing weather was report­ BOLTON LAKE HOTEL gta-l in Illinois and a boy in ed in aecUons of Florida, south­ I Missouri. — ROUTE 44A — BOLTON, CONN.— SHO€ ern Georgia and .<(outhea8t Ala­ I Dogs have always been the bama. In Florida, the mercury moat jtopular presidential pets, dropped to 26 above in Cross 2 beginning srith George Washing­ City, with a reading of 28 in Delicious Steak Dinner, Noise* - Per Couple ton. An exception to the dog- Tallahassee, 30 In Gainesville makers and Floor Show For Onlj loving line was President Harry and 86 in Daytona Beach. Mia­ •10 8. Truman, but his friends were mi’s low was 46. always quick to point out that he But Weather Bureau officials had nothing against dogs. forecast warmer w-eather in the Him M u sk by A White House dog that fig­ Southeast region and a little ured in politics was Faia, a live­ cooler in the North Central re­ ly Scottie belonging to Presi­ gion. Little change was indicat­ dent Franklin D. Roosevelt. In ed In other area.s. the 1944 presidential campaign, Temperatures dropped to near and his "Threesoma' zero In parts of Maine and Idaho 6 some critics of FDR charged -END OF ng. to 10.98 that a destroyer was sent to the but no severe cold or heavy MSCONTINUEO Aleutian Islands at heavy ax- snow was reported across the pense to the taxpayers after country. Light snow or flurries For Reservariens FOOD PAHERNS Fala allegedly had been left be­ fell across the northern tier of hind tn one of the President’s states while llg^t rain dampened Pken# Coll DEUCIOUS COCKTAILS •CHILD'S trips. areas in Oregon and western Washington. 643-9731 • IMS5ES* L^ostfy Roosevelt turned the tablea In A warming trend In the cen­ a radio broadcast, still remem­ tral and southern Plains • YO U TH S' G iris^ bered as a campaign master­ Wednesday sent temperatures Bolton Lake Hotel StylM piece, which poked ridicule at far above normal in many politicians who stooped to attack areas. The 68 mark in Norfolk, "m y little dog, FaU.’’ Neb., waa a record high tor During the first world war the Dec. 36. White Houae grounds were pas­ ture for a flock of sheep. Presi­ COMPANION SALE dent Woodrow Wilson had a dou­ Visit Grave FREE ble purpose; to help keep the grass trimmed and to provide DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Thou­ Favors, Hats and wool that could be sold for the sands of spectators paid silent tbe benefit of the Red Cross. homage to President Kennedy Noisomakars! CHILD’S BOOTS President William McKinley Wednesday. had a pauTot which, so It has Two traffic policemen stood at been chronicled, could whistle the com er of Houston and Elm Olff Thmy Go "Yankee Doodle Dandy.” streets guiding three and four i0 m^ And President William How­ lanes of traffic peutt the site ard Taft owned a Jersey eow where the President waa assas­ named Pauline. sinated on Nov. 22. Limited ALIBI’S CHECK THESE VAUIES Scores of wreaths and floral decorations, many reflecting the Reservations! RESTAURANT PHILCO 5-SPEAKER HARDWOOD P o p « Given Lamb Christmas season, rest Inside a avilllon near the spot where 840 M A IN ST. ^ M A N CH ESTER 2 6 9 Reg. to 1 VATICAN cn r (AP) — The I)e Call S:ennedy waa shot. Flowers have FORMERLY GARDEN RESTAURANT CONSOLE STEREO Reg. 4.95 little white lamb Pope Paul VI been placed there by representa­ 648-4628 received as a Christmas present tives of severed foreign countries 7 WALNUT ST. Complete with AM-FM Radio $229.95 •148 TEL 649-8213 will find a home at the papal and from nearly every state In summer residence at Castel the union since the asaeuslna- I Gandolfo, IS miles south of tion. PH ILC O 23" ato'S--AlMTMm'4 t o 10 ' Rome. i An unidentified girl presented DO N M O O R E Reg. the animal to the pontiff when Music By STEREO THEATER $599.95 he celebrated Christmas Mass and Ms Versafiles All Hardwood Early American Maple at the Church of St. Michael of ‘‘DICK LEWIS TRIO” AM-FM Radio with FM Stereo. •488 The Archangel, in a work­ ARE BACK IN TOWN ers’ quarter on the outaklrts at plus othor E Rome. MATINEE DAILY COME ONE AND ALL TO THE AUBPS REHrAURANT LIMIT R C A 19" ALL C H A N N EL The Pope, visibly moved, lift­ THIS WEEK ENTERTAINMENT! ed the Iamb over his head to Broadway’s No. 1 Comedy FOR AN EVENING OF FINE ENTERTAINMENT RIGHTS show it to the crowd outside the Now A Great Screen Hit DELUXE TV i^ cm araf^^h church. Then he handed it to an Choose from our com­ RESERVED Debbie Beynolds In Dancing Every Thursday, Fridoy, Saturday Complete with Roll Around Stand •147 aide. ♦TMtABY, M ARY" MANCHESTER PARKADE . Pope Paul’s predecessor, Po]“ op* plete menu plus choice John X X in , also received gifts tn color Be A Part of animals from time to time $•,80 and 0:1S legal beverages! MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR’S R C A SOLID M APLE O W N WKDl, THDMS. aad FKI. NIGHTS TO 9 O f This and also sent them to a farm List at Castel Gandolfo. Gala “ W A IX or NOISE” A ffa ir! RESERVATION EARLY COLOR TV $779.95 C 1:80 and 7:15 • DINNER—CHICKEN IN THE BASKET All Channel 21" •498 o FAVORS o ORCHESTRA $ 5 Q Q Per COUPLE 23" MAHOGANY 691 MAIN STREET STANLEY WARNER Reg. MANCHESTER CONSOLE TV $319.95 SERVING DAILY SPECIAL HOME LAUNDRY VALUES All Channel •238 FREE PARKING TATE MATINEES DAILY BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS A T $ P M . PH ILC O 17" JUii^AlUoJd IN THE REAR . During School Vacation PHILCO 220 VOLT $ PHILCO 2 SPEED 11 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Reg. DINNERS S P.M, to 8 P.M. PORTABLE TV $189.98 ELECTRIC DRYER WASHER All Channel— With Stand •128 A. W.^1 CORP. Rag. $169.95 Reg. $249.95 VOICE OF MUSIC— WOOD CONSOLE STEREO Reg. WESTIN8H0USE $' WESTINGHOUSE $149.98 With DECi'S Complete I Pamper your femllyli - 4 Speeds— Tone Control •98 appetite for dellcloue, nourishing hot food wtlh g PHILCO 23" o pleasure stop at Burger DELUXE DRYER LAUNDROMAT "CHICKEN DINNER!" Chef. The whole family Rag. $189.95 Reg. $259.95 OF CHILDREN'S will enjoy this apeelal ALL CHANNEL TV Shown adJ/broniy All Front Controls— Bonded Gloss Tube •198 , A t 8:85, Place Your Order N ow — *^6 and 9:15 EASY 3 CYCLE 220 VOLT $ ' EASY 14-lbs 3 CYCLE Free Delivery MANY MORE FLOOR SAMPLE VALUES— 2 OUTERWEAR Oo-HIt Shown At 2 and 7:45 delleloM, 100X PRICED FOR QUICK SALE BEFORE JAN. 1. pure beef open On 10 Orders Or More flame broiled DRYER Automatic WASHER Reg. $179.95 BOYS' and GIRLS' ellefburgert PMONE M3-26M NOW!


OFF N o waning, no tipping, trtr t i Today and Friday—^8 ^00 and $:$0 • niNMWSiOraaMf TROCeUM 23S MAIN ST. •SHOWTIME* ^ hsflOimflNm— BUY FOR NOW OR NEXT YEAR Baturdaya $K>0-4t$»-7H)0-ede B U R N S t D E BnaAiya $H)0-4M-7tfS ‘.HC>iiri til KUl^NSinr iiJM *v i n r AVI I rA^T[ AST HAinrf.mH AlMK/rif N «it Weak—Moa. Taee. Mat. $ Honic of tfv Worirls Grcatr>-;f »•

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26.' 1968 PAGE r r v i PA O i Form EANCmSTR*. EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 that it traps people into making Opera Company will present with Art O m e y . Now h* ■ out hatt exchanged vows with gratified 1^ the warmth with annoimced Monday It would foo's of them.selves. Fiuil at Donizetti’s famous "Lucia di of the show completely. spend $8.7 million to give the FunfsShow Pay Taxes Now, Pearly Cline, 38, who has visit­ Students Bring which we have been greeted," •treamars, Oonfettl, Erhard Gains letust proves in this show that Lammermoor,” and finds itself e p e c l a J ed him regularly since he was said Joel Fredericson, 19, Cleve­ coalfields’ people vocational people don’t have to be imared stuck with an Italian title for a Recommended tonight; Paper Plates, Napidns TV-Radio Tonight Yuletide Murder Cervini Urges picked up by FBI agents in San Gifts to Miners land, a Columbia College stu­ training. Fails to Win thev volunteer fot the as.rign- musical tale whic’h 1* English in Name of The Game, Francisco last Nov. 6. He had dent. Prestige for ment. all respects. (Eastern Standard Time) rRIDAY ONI.Y been living as a house painter in Fredericson said some stu­ The. original title of the "Star 10-11 If you arc one of the for­ HAZARD, Ky. (AP) — "They San Francisco since his escaiM. dents planned to visit Washing­ Spangled Banner,” the National ARTHUR IRUQ NBC’a operatic specialty to the Producer Otto Preminger was Jook Kelly and Pat Mingle star tunate few who sUU has qome don’t have Christmas in Ken- ton and seek federal help tor the Anthem, was '"nie Defense of Large Laugh .originally announced as host of in a suspense tale about gam- On Berlin Wall Everhart said he had always ! tucky. Coming Talks uae of an English-language money left over from Christmas, area. The federal government Fort McHenry.” Television the Jan. 4 CBS special honoring bling at i-as Vegas; "As Caesar BUnERED why not uae it to pay the second told Pearly he would marry her ' There’s no holly on a West libretto. It help* that large part 1:00 ( 3) Bis t Thsaur (to erot-# ( I) Paaaword of the television audience whl’ch Jackie Gleason’s 38 years in. Sees It.’ ABC, 10-10:30 comedy t - in a minute ever since they met VirgMa door BONN, Germany (API—Chan­ real) ( 1-30-40) Fllntetonea NEW YORK (AP) — A peren­ (OoatiaiiMl from Paifo One) grand.son. 1 must now go back installment of your 1963 town is unfamiliar with the story. show busine.as. Then It was an- and satire co-starring Glsele taxes before the end o f the two years ago. Fof^ the trees don’t ’twinkle cellor Ludwig Erhard heada tor (10) Early Show (in progreti) (12) Movi» nial jourriRllgtic device particu­ and tell him not to do anything ( &) News (241 Bcnnumlc Higniighta On Jan. 18, however, the NBC nounced he would be co-host "MacKenzie. year? "She sure took me up on it when you’re hungry larly loved by televiaion ia the, BOBKA ekirU of the city heard a fusil­ rash and to be patient. 'Things hli meeUng with President (10) Eye-DenUfy .00 ( S-2O401 Donna Reed "miin on the street interview.” It will enalble you to declare this time,” he said, grinning at And the jingle bells don't jin­ (18) [ti the Public Imereit . ( 3) Rawhide lade of Shota, followed by must get better some day.” his bride through a glass parti-, gle when you’re poor.” Johnson bolstered by a stronger (22) Skllns (24) Land of Ulrac ea Allen Funt. the indefatigulble screams. “ This is my first Chri.stmas in the payment on your federal voice in world affairs, thanks to (24) OlMovery :3U 110-23-30) Dr Kildare practical joker of “Candid Cam-, tion at the jail. "She came up' Some heard that carol on the 140) Checkmate (24) By-Unr Christmas Day traffic through a penitentiary,” the man said. income tax form, and thus save era” has now attempted to turn • a few dollars. with the preacher and my at­ sidewalks of New York, and if its M fmhiom its si a aolutton of the Common Mar­ (.10 ( 3) New* Sport* sod Weath­ (■ S-20-40) My Three 8op« 72c the wall was a record. Officials ” 1 spent the holidays over there torney and I just couldnT wait other cities and it brought them er :0S ( 3-12) Perry Maaon ■ the device into a comedy pro­ Collector of Revenue Paul ket crisis. This was his first big estimated more than 88,000 West with my brother and now I to say, 'I do.’ to the snowy mountains of east- (15 (22) Club Roil** (18) Subacrlptiop TV gram. know what it is like to be in a Cervini Issued a reminded this test as West Germany's new (:3U I 3) Hong Kong ( 8 20-40) Jimmv Dean Berliners crossed over. Many V n Kentucky bearing gifts. leader. (241 Wh«t ■ New to (10-23-30) Hazel "Tell It to The Camera” aa prison. morning that the payment is "This was some Christmas the show is called, made its carried geese, the Germans’ present.” The gifts went to Impover­ Erhard la flying from Bonn ( 2) Walter CronklU .(34) Converaatlohs ■ la M “ Don’t forget to write this so due by Jan. 1, and will be con­ (20) Film 10:00 ( .3-12) The Nurse* debut as a niidseason replace­ traditional nreat for Chri.stmas ished families of miners. The Friday for a weekend at the dinner. all the world will- know what is sidered delinl^uent after Edb. 3. After the ceremony the bride (10-22-80) Huntlev-Brlnktoy (10-23-30) Ruenenee Theater ment on CBS Wednesday night m a y r o n ' a expressed confidence that her decline of the coal business has Johnson ranch in Texas and the (18) UKe of Rilev (24) Ed and Frank Before dawn today, unidenti­ going on in Berlin.” Taxes not paid after the latter » 46 ( 201 Ron Cochran 1 S-20-40) Sid Oaeaar and proved something less than husband's fight to stay in Calif­ made this area one of the most first fnll-scsle talks since the b a k e s h o p a fied West Berliner.s placed a date will be subject to a penalty economically depressed in the 7.00 ( SI Wvatt Earn 10;30 ( a40) Lawbreaker a barrel of laugb,*. of one-half of one per cent in­ ornia would be successful. Chancellor and the President (2S-.SO40) New,. Sport* and l2Ci( TBA Funt crews in .such .spots a.s crude wooden cro.ss—two rough Surviven Transplant united States. SM IUNa SERVICE took office. Weather (24) U N P.cv)e« PRICE SALE boards nailed together and dec­ terest per month, commencing "They just needed help des­ (10) Have Gun,. Will TraTel :P0 ) 3-*-10-12-20-22-3‘)-40) News, New York and Washington invit­ 'A with Jan. 1. Long famous as the author of (12) Newabeat Sport* and Weather ed the public to fsce their cam­ orated with pine branches—at DENVER, Colo. (AP) — One Admires Enemies perately,” said Diane Glasser, MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER West German's post-war econo­ the spot where Schuls fell into (IS) SubecHptlon TV 11:16 (10) Tonlghl (C) eras and tell the world about week after he received the kid­ 17, of Jamaica, N.Y., a student mic boom. Erhard. 88. succeed­ (20) Film .( 3) Movie at the policeman’s arms. ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — Ben at Hunter College in New York (24) At Issue (40) Steve A'len their pet peeves, favorite fixid. Numerou.s West Berliners neys of a baboon in a transplant ed former CJhancellor Konrad 7:16 (22) Kinse of GoK .30 (12) Movie theli own opinion of their looks operation, a 40-year-old man was W. Fortson, Georgia’s secretary a ty . crossing to the East refused to Former Convict Adenauer Oct. t8 under a cloud i (30) Sports Camera :30 ( 22-30) TorlshI (C) and other concerns. listed in satisfactory condition Forty students distributed 7:Si( (lO-22-30> Temple Houstos ( Z) M ovie comment on the shooting to of State, who has been conduct­ of doubt. Adenauer called his Mo.st of the respondents were today. food, clothing, money and toys. ONCE-A-YEAR SALE former economic minister naive SEE SATURUA1T8 TV t^TEEK FOR COMPLETE USTING questioning reporters for fear of Married in Jail ing an all-out war on thousands The students collected funds self-con.scious. smirking and 964 MAIN STREET Red reprisals. The man, whom hospital offi­ of starlings which infest the politically. thoroughly unimaginative. But at their campuses. They ' But Erhard made a strong But a middle-aged man and cials declined to identify, un­ SAN FRANCTSCO (AP)—John state capltol grounds, admits to came from New York, Wiscon­ there were a few surprise spiits 111' derwent the first such operation Now—because Hdena Rubinstein believes that Ultra Feminine* start in foreign affairs by stand­ an elderly woman responded B. Everhart, 41, an escaped con­ a reluctant admiration for the sin and Pennsylvania. Radio hei-e and there, FREE MAIN ST. PARKIN^^ readily. in medical history. The trans­ vict who was for five yesrs on pesky creatures. is her greatest cosmetic achiev«nent—sh^ makes this special offer ing up to the formidable French (•)ne woman announced that I With them was Phil Ochs, 23, president, Charles de Gaulle, on (This Hating Inoindea only thoae new* brosdesata (*f 10 nr 18 *‘At first I thought it was my plant of a chimpanzee’s kidneys the FBI’s ll.st of 10 most wanted In fact, he says the birds, im­ a folkslnger from New York’s her pet gripe was "coat hang­ ro N iA I K ' grandson because when I visit­ to a man was recently a suc­ criminals, got married Christ­ ported from England during the to introduce k to more women. Your first jar will convince you the eve of the West German minute lengtti S^ome atsMnna curry ofhc> aho-l n- n “e«Bia). ers. because they tangled up or in lot odjaeant to building... ' Greenwich Village and composer leader's trip to the United ed him over there on Christmas cess in New Orleans. mas Day—in Ck)unty Jail. last century to chase the spar­ Spoi-ta Final like a neat of .snakes. ” O M l of the carol which Inspired the that you can look youngerl Use Ultra Feminine evny n i^ tl Btatek. WDBt—IMS Eve and yesterday he always A team of .surgeons from the Everhart is fighting extradi­ rows from Central Park in New 8:00 Long John Wada X Starlight Serenade Asked what food they would mi.ssion of mercy. D* Gaulle’s stand Imperiled ’ewa^ and Sign Off talked about doing something U.S. Veterans Hospital here and tion to Georgia, where in 1988 York City, remind him of Brit­ “Most of Us never had come 8 00 Raj-nor Shines ' choose to eat exclusively for the MEANS 2 the Common Market experiment 1:06 Newe Sign Off WPOP—1*1* C like that," tte woman said. Colorado Medical Center per­ he escaped from a work camp ain’s daimtless spirit. rest of their lives, selections into contact with a situation like for West (Sermany and the tour WHAT-SIS d.UUJ'-ei (_'aih "I was not relieved when I formed the baboon kidney trans­ after serving two years of a life "They’re stubborn and cour­ this before,” said Alma Moy, 19, (:IA) Eaav Ed Show 7.00 Bill Hughe* ranged through ham and egg.s. Boxed Hallmark Cords # Gift Wrap heard that the dead boy was not plant. They have successfully sentence (or killing another man ageous and they don’t know other member nations—Italy, (:30 New* Weather and Sports '2 oo O'rand tuna fish sandwiche.s, spaghetti of , a Barnard Belgium. Luxembourg and the WINF—t2S( from Berlin because I felt just switched humem kidneys a num­ in an argument over a woman. when they’re licked," Fortscm College student 7:00 Edarard P Monran and .meat ball and gin. But jA lMBRXIAN O o A Z s Netherlands. 7;J5 -felt Sprung fi.tiu .New*. Weather. Sporta as bCMl as If it had been my ber of times. Over a pri.son telephone, Ever- says. "We have been amased and 10:3(1 Toniglit At Kv Plaea ),-(*, Showcaae ore smiling voung lady picked Erhard stubbornly refused to 1-30 Sfan Off 8:46 Lowell Tbomas "pomegrajiates. because I Ilk* • Bows # Roll Wrap # Plus accept a unified agricultural pol­ WTic—isas •* 60 Sport* Time color and if the Juice drips on for fuel oHt* eervfoe, | jfwy i.i!l »»siMpi' I' III) icy b e Gaulle wants until the 8:00 .New* Sports and Weather i :(X •N(w* Showcase Capitol C oakronn) a book I’m reading. I like to TYench president made conces­ (;35 Old, Borrowed and Blue 7:,'i6 think the next person who reads heating equipment ij-1..-. fitfrogcnlc Hormdne’CVelh *:46 Three Star Extra 8 00 The World Tonight sions. Erhard pressured De 7 ()f) t'!onver»aMon Pier# 8:16 (,l(e Line it will think it is blood. . Many More Christmos Items Progattarone > Gaulle into supporting a U.S.- 7:.h) New* 8:3y Showcaae Flint's other CBS show, “ Can­ phone 522-8151 ^ .. S' 7 46 CoDgreaaional Report 0:06 Beal of Bieadwar no PFARL STREET V .’A r ; 1,I; ;t..w .. . favored Hberal approach on the 8 no Pop* Cdnrert 10:06 Sliowcaae and New# did Camera " has sornetiine.s coming international tariff nego­ New* and Sporta HARTFORD. CONN. 6 9:U6 Ntghtbeat 12 been criticized on the ground tiations in Genova. 11:00 New* 12 26 Sign Off Although De Gaulle warned that the Common Market might break up. Erhard remained un­ If its m fmhkm its dt ruffled. Puffing slowly on s big. black cigar, his trademark. Er­ Gaaranteed to make yoa look younger hard predicted a solution w u ld be found. j in 30 days~or money back! It was Monday, after a pro-' longed foreign ministers’ confer­ Large Size 60-Dny Snpply ence in Brussels. De Gaulle i^ e e d to the joint tariff stand. Erhard made concessions in SM ILING SERVICE ANNUAL Reg. 6.00 (arm policy. The result, enthusiastically re­ if it's m fashion its ai MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER ceived in Bonn, boosted Er­ NOW ONLY 3.75 hard's chances for re-election in IMS. and strengthened his hand SAVE 2.25 In dealing with Johnson. aiid lor youogerkxddng hands, save oo Yomig Ibuch* At home, Erhard got off to a good start as chancellor. Now ■ r Hand Lotion with estrogens... domestic problems are making trouble. 0’ . 2.75 Value—Now Only 1.50 Groups with special Interests SMILING SERVICE CORSET SALE have taken to attacking Erhard Print aha Mr UmHriUmtOfir for his determination to hold MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER .V. down Germany’s budget. He fears inflation otherwise ' OPEN TUESDAY and THURSDAY NIQHTS TILL 9 For the first time in five TOP BUYS ON TOP BRANDS years, protest marches were held in Bonn Dec. 10. More than 30,000 disabled veterans, serv­ icemen’s widows and orphans moved silently through the streets in an effort to force high­ er pensions. Two dajni earlier At Great Reductions! about 18,000 former prisoners of war marched foi- a new bonus. This is expected to be only the BRAS bigtoing. Erhard’s cyitics say he is try­ ing too hard to be tough and be­ cause of this is ignoring political common sense. E "WARKER’S ZIPPER GIRDLES Erhard is handicapped by the WINTER COATS coalition government he inherit­ ed from Adenauer, His Cniristian Democrats and the conservative i.% Free Democrats have shown a Luxurious Mink-Trimmed tendency to internal dissensions Lovely Fur-Trimmed PULL-ON PANTIES and GIRDLES that undercut government lead- Gosi •rshlp. I f You Dennison Quits COATS COATS C Holiday Group Received 't BRAS Webs C. Dennison, prealdeint m mi- CtoM Bros.. Inc., has reeigTi- •d hto post on bhe Manchestei- Warner MONEY fo r Permanent Memorial Day Oom- Fermfit mittee, after many years of >88 membershdip. Peter Pan In his letter of resigpation, Regularly to ^100 Regularly to ^149 Christmas... ■ent to (Committee Chairman R eg. B Otto Heller, Dennison wrote, $2„50 | l ‘T am unable to devote enough FOR MISSES’, JUNIORS, PETITES FOR MISSES’ JUNIORS, PETITES time lately to do justice to my re-sponatbilltioB on the oommlt- li Do y/hai hundreds of smart people are doing .. tee. and it is with regret thai S.W E I T TO $.11— Worsted fkille.s and ftir S-W E I T TO $22 — Included are petit GODDESS under wire bras $ 3 .9 5 I submit my resignation at this blends with rayon satin milium linings and point, diagonal worsteds and fur fillers. Regularly $5.00 point, but I feel that 1 must do Colors are black, browri, blue, tieige. red • A z-V x-r * . so.” wool interlinings. Colors are black, brown, VENUS zipper girdles $10.99 The oommtttee, in existence red, blue and bamboo with collars of ranch, and taupe with mink collars of ranch, tor many years, but without of- autumn haze and cenilian. lutetia, cerulian and autumn haze. V c n v i s Regularly $ I 3.95 ftcial status, successfully peti­ FORMFIT Hi Life girdles $12.95 PUT YOUR CHRISTMAS tioned .the board of directors early in the fall to become an Regularly $16.50 official adjAmot to the towii' FORMHT Rgurine dacron government. GIFT MONEY in your Tike board voted to instruct contour bra $2.99 Om town oouinael to prepare aii i 9 0 C 3 /c / i Regularly $3.95 ORMnance giving the Memorial I Day Committee powers to plan . Wonderful Bargains—Big Savings Exceptional Values Make > Big Savings In This PETER PAN Honeycomb programa and to spend appro- j 2 bro $2.99 •SAVINGS ACCOUNT priated funds. The ordinance to Regularly $3.95 »ow being drafted. Long and Short 13th Month Last Days O f The Year YOUTHCRAFT Hi Dive girdle $9.99 Deatjis Yesterday Regularly $ 12.95 Your Savings Take good care of your . ^ .DISON. N.J. (AP) - Mar- YOUTHCRAFT Hi Dive Earn Christmas gift money by e*llus) Hartley Dodge, S3, hon- Untrimmed COATS erary' chairman(A irm an of the boardboa of long leg pm ty $11.95 dlrectoifa of the Remington Sale of DRESSES putting it in your SBM Sav­ Regularly $ 15.00/ % Arms Co. and a trustee of Oo- hiupbia University since 1907, GOSSARD girdle $5.95 ings,Account or by opening died Wednesday after a long Ill­ -r.-' Regularly $7.95 a new account if you d6 not ness. GOSSARD long leg ponty $8.95 Currant PirfSBURGH (AP) — Har-*^ already hava one. Your gift ry B. Higgins, 81, retired board zA ' Regularly $ 10.95 Annual chairman of Pittsburgh Plate GOSSARD long leg ponty Dividand money will EARN more GlaM Co., died Wednesday. and extra large $9.95 Values to *35.99 money for you — watch it SCHENECTADY, NY, (AP) .a Regularly $ I 1.95 —Dr. Myron M. Weaver, 82, j dean of Union University’s grad-1 s '-f' WARNER Delilah tong leg GROW with SBM'i big 4% uate school, died Wednesday FOR MISSES' and JUNIORS* Regularly to $2.'),99 of a heart attack. Weaver had ponty $8.95 on all Savings Accounts annual dividend. taught at the universities of Regularly $10.95 Chicago. West Virginia, and SA V E ALMOST l l .’i— A fine grouping of four styles includ­ SIZES FOR MISSES', JUNIORS. JUNIOR PETITE Mlnneaota, Loyola of Chicago FORMFIT Skippie with ing Vg corduroy coat with cardigan neck, double breasted, end Carleton College In Min- warm plaid lining and wool fringed ascot; % cashmere and nosota. TERRIFIC SAVINGS HERE— All from our regular stocks— A zipptr $6.$9 wool with pile lined hood and cuffg; cashmere and wool and MMibw a r>.dw.) Maat... C««. wonderful e

Nb W YORK (AP)-- John Hoi-j OF IVlANCHESTER brook, 66, radio announcer and ‘ lorm w radio actor, dl*d Wedne*- j — MS Eak Cantor SL ManchattorParlMd* y a a w e w itoy Cor. l^nox,3t. WatlMliidtoTumpIlw «bigr dftar arffartag a aUol»-laat| arvmwM • • mom wawwm owa mmArt m • jmb. •BtundsT.

' -T/l

4 ^ PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTFR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 MANCHRSTFR e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1968 PACT f ix ernment Urban .AssUtance Pro­ supposed to assure the independ­ father'.ng of Democratic sla-te town remained "the same with politics, was named state cen­ ence of Southeast Asian states. Columbia incumbent Clair Robinson and tral comndtteewoman for the gram. Tile sum of $2,750 was Events WINDOW SHADES isatisra at Noxid whiph haa now appropriated at one of those been subdivided into the home his entire slate being re-elect­ S5Ut district. She is presently ^ Events POLICY: Directors of the numerous special meetings to W A SH A BLE lots of Lakeview Park. ed in October. employed by Mrs. Helen Loy. From Your Neighbor's Kitchen (Chamber of Commerce have af­ former candidate for the office pav the town’s share. Another fire occured in April No newt in this town or, that The canoe club, which in the In Nation firmed that chamber policy INTERSTATE matter, in any other in the of secretary of state. In World against collective bargaining be­ Town Met and Met and burned 75 acres tetween Rt. Mrs. Marita Merrick re­ span of a few years has caught 87 and Rt. 6. Only a "miracu­ country, could transcend the tween unions and government AQUA SHADES signed from the board of edu­ on like a fire in an oU well, held By DORIS BKI-DING <*>jor the .spread. If desired, cut WASHINGTON (A P ),— In the lous shift of wind” taved homes story of President Kennedy’s R regatta In June which attract­ •AIOON, Vlrt Nam (API The 'notches around the bread loaf. agencies extends to teachers or- assassination in November. cation, after a tenure o f 10 Make - ahead snacks are a news from Washington; . . I ganlsatlons and public school' 9C Made to Order In the thickly populated Thomp­ ysara, because of a conflict ed peddlers from five states. At foraifn mlnleteni of Cambodia Transfer the chee.se spread ^sw w With Your Rollers As Year Unfolded son HIU Rvemor ed two years ago with seven Mr. and Mrs. Philip Isham day heading a diplomatic team. cheese, crumbled then voted not to appropriate Tlieir daughter and her hu.s- The Vietnamese foreign minister nutrition. She served a dietetic neutrality declaration on Cam­ Notice spring town meeting. It had to the money to build it. In Sep­ Dempsey who ’ said — "parks members, is shooting along at were honored in JanuaT fj: band, Mr. and Mrs. Hervey V. 1 teaspoon dry nr.iktard their long service to the (jongi t- Pham Dang Lam, is expected to internship at St. Agnes Hos­ bodia. be be postponed liecause a re­ and recreation areas are dedi­ a great rate this year. It now Blake, celebrated their 45lh 2 tablespoons soft butter tember, Dr. George Sanborn of gatlonal Church; he for 23 go to Cambodia later. pital, Baltimore, Md.. for one This would be an alternative EVERYTHING valuation had not been complet­ cated to the uae of all the people boasts 130 members and is one wedding anniversary today. 1 tea.spoon Worce.stershire WE Hii^E DAILY the State Department of EJdu- years as clerk and she for 4n Relations, between Cambodia year, and worked as a hospital t the proposed Cambodian neu­ TO CELEBRATE ed in time fo r the aosessors to cation began a study of the of the state." of the largest of 22 clube in No special party has been .sauce the state. The club has leased years in the choir. Isham was and Viet Nam always have been dietiti.an for one year. trality conference favored by the prepare the grand llet. town's needs at the town’s re This didn't sit right because planned for the double event. '/» teaspoon tabasco .sauce .She is marri:d to Dr. Thoma.s Cambodian head of state. Prince THE NEW YEAR DELIVERY TO THE The special meetings all hat the town had bought Columbia 30 acres on Hunt Rd. and has succeeded b>' Merton W.ilff who strained, and basic dlfferen^s 2 teaspoons grated onion or quest. Gray is a patient at a conval­ countries remain M. Healy, .suigeon. The couple Norodom Sihanouk. to do with recreation land and Lake from the American TTiread its own clubhouse. All the clubs has been on the board of direc­ between the chopped chives If at First escent hO)re here, recuperating despite the Nov. 1 coup that has five children, Mary, 15, a Stale Department authorities ARTHUR DRUG a school addition. (Co. in 1933 for $25,000. A spec­ in the state participate in tors for several years. In February, 303 voters of f om an atUck of pneumonia. overthrew the Diem govern­ 1 12-ounce bottle or can of .sophomore at Ea-st Catholic .say the danger'in a conference BOLTON In January, t h e William ial act of the General Assembly charity shoots. In February, Mrs. Roy Fergu­ Make SAVING an affair I6r the new year the 524 who elected to vote on He will be 90 in May. ment. beer High School; Tommy, 12, in is that it would lead to bitter Brand Foundation offered to In 1950 allowed the town to Names in The News son was re-elected president of Sihanouk has charged the Vi­ 1 large roiuid lokf rye bread Grade 7 at Tiling Junior High recriminations and name-calling pre.sent to the town, the 80-ocre the llqunr question, said, "stay lease the lake to the recreation IvOcal people in the news in­ the Women’s Republican Cl\ih during House & Hale's Famous Name New etnamese government and the I about .'i-pounrt loaft SchiMil, and Ellen. 10. Joh,.i. 9, over conditions in the Southeast AREA Tashlllc property on Rt. 6, dry.” The instigators of the council and to operate a private clude Mrs. Ruth Soracchl who. and in May. Mrs. Frank Knight United SUtes with harboring and Place all ingredients except and .Meg. 7. all at Bow-ers School. Aslan kingdom. (worth 820,000) with the stipu­ special election, Roger and Mau­ community beach. Safety or­ In April, was named perman­ was namrt presideht of the Year’s Shoe Sale. Ladies’ , . . Misses’ . . . The Hcalys are communicant.s rice Gamache. indicated they CASH FUEL \ encouraging a rebel Cambodian beer and bread in the bowl of- The declaration wovdd cover PENTLAND lation that the town develop the dinances were passed at town ent postmaster for the town. PTA. movement. The prince also has electric mixer. Let stand at at St. Bridget's Church. mainly two points; land within a designated lime would try again next year. meetings and made stronger as She hsd been acting postmas­ Mrs. Ward Rosebrook wife of Teens’ . . . Children’s Shoes by America’s TTHE FI.ORIST demanded guarantees against vi­ room temperature about 30 Mrs. Healy i.« a member of 1. It would formally assert the LENOX period. Details were heard at in­ There were a couple of dam­ the passing years warranted It. ter since April 1961, but her the volunteer fire chief, retired SERVICE 2 olations of Cambodia's land and mimites to soften cheese. Mix the Women's Auxiliary of Man- Intention of the major powers "Everything In powers" formal meetings attended by a aging fires in town this year as Another special meeting was position was not confirmed by in June after teaching fD.' 34 most prominent names in footwear can be air space by Vietnamese forces. slowly, adding beer gradually, clu'sler Memonai Hospital and the United States, the Soviet Centrally I.ocnted At PHARMACY repreaentaeive group of civic witness the one which gutted called in July and voters. aKoelt the Senate until this year. years at the North Windham .<8ave 88.00 On 200 Gallons the League of Women Voters, The Vietnamese government until spread Is smooth and Union, Communist China, Brit­ 24 BIRCH STREET leaders and town officials who (he former liome of the late confused by the state’s stand, Herb Englert Jr. was award­ elementary school. 24-Hour Burner Serrics yours at new, low . . . low prices! in turn has accused the Cambo­ fluffy. .Manchester. ain and France to respect and i 643-4444 — 64.2-6247 279 E. CENTER ST. later voted to recommend ac­ I'annie Dixon Welch in Feb- said. In effect, "Go soak your ed the local school bus con­ Tw'O members of the zoning dian government of allowing To make b’ ead bowl, cut a guarantee Cambodia's neutral-! Open 8:.20-5:S0 ceptance of the gift to the town. ruiuy. Mrs. Welch had been a head" and re-enacted town or- tract supplanting Fred Tatro, and planning commission, O r l Gosline and Alfred Brand, re­ Viet Cong Communist guerrillas .slice from top of bread loaf. Ity, Open Thursday Nights till 9 TEL. 649-0896 However, at the March to.vn Tta tional Democratic committee dlnancea which hsd to be sent the operator for 25 years, who McKinney to operate from Cambodia. l»osen bread center from s.his DISCOUNT SAVINGS AT KING’S choices in September. A basic OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 ' plan, another to include an all MANCHESTER CIRCLE purpose room; a third to In- PARKADE

II- 1 ■■ ■ / . L'


on the night table between twin aquaree, etc.,' are filled in with French, Moscow’s only Roman ^anrl|pHtpr want but to pretend to be after some­ Connecticut Youth Sent beds and either eccupant can the tuggezted colors. Colored Catholic Church. thing else entirely, and always, above simply give It a twist and tuna pencila will do the Job eaally Crisis and Strife Mar And. In Britain the ranking P.A.C. Etiptiitig ^rralb everything else, to keep >-our strategy Yankee in during sleaplan nights. — and the knitting will go faster Anglican prelate, the archbishop PTTBU8HBD BT THE rival off balance by refusing to let any To Qieishire MRS. R. W. and cause less tension.—MRS. of Canterbury, Dr. Arthur Mich­ BiaiALD PRINTING CO . INC. OIRUS—This idea might in­ D. B. ael Ramsey, hoped Pope Paul’s IS BIUMII 8tr*»l logic except the logic of the illogical. Bv A.H.O. spire Bom* clever husbands jto Ideal of Christmas M«nchrit*r. Conn govern your own behavior all this is Janies L. IMetriohsm 18, of pilgrimage to the Holy Land THOMAS r rERGUSON make a Lazy Busan that Is would lead to more unity among traditional Communist operation, which J04 Oak St., thia momirig before sturdy enough to hold a portable Gardner Top Author WaLTER R rERGUSON There has never been. In the (Continued from Page One) four officers dined with Prince Christians. Publliheri we of the West have learned rather well Cirwiit Court Judge John Alex- television set. —POLX.T rn«nd*d Octeb^ 1. IWI ■Ute political *cene as w# have a,t^ar, received a revocation of NEW YORK -Among Amer­ Rainier III and Princess Grace through otir coexistence with Soviet soldiers hoisted a huge electric at the palace in Monaco. They To Insure pocket* on chil­ BINGO probation and was sentenced to P. A. C. BALLROOM surveyed It quite such a pom- DEAR POLLT—When using a ican authors the champion is came from Navy ships anchored dren’* clothing staying put. rvbtUhsd Brary Branlnc Excapt Sunday* Russia. btnation of open admiration, ssrve an indeterminate term at chart tor knitting pattemad mit­ Erls Stanley Gardner, 74, with sign toward the CommuniaU and HoHd*** Ent*r»d at th* Po«t Offtc* at the State Reformatory a4 saying "Merry Christmas.” The at Monte Carlo. stitch them around twice and EVERY MONDAY — 8 P.M. }|j^)i«*t»r. Conn . aa 8»cond Cl*»* Man While we have been learning about vistful speculation, and all but tens or Argyle socks, it Is often his 118 books and sales of then on the wrong side of gar­ Cheahire. confusing to follow the maze of about 150,000,000 copies. He Reds replied with Christmas In an unusual gesture of Chris­ , Communism from Russia, however, wa direct imploring as that eur- carols and propaganda over tian unity. Metropolitan Niko­ ment, press on a 1*4 inch 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE The youth early yesterday doll, blank equarez, croasez and invented detective Perry Mason square of press-on tape over the SUBSCRIPTION RATES have frequently suffered the torments renUy being circled aroimd the morning was chuged with ao on that denote a change of 30 years ago and is atill under thalr loudspeakers. dim of the Russian Orthodox PayabI* tn Adyanc* and the embarrassments of the naive Enjoying Chri.stmas in more Church attended midnight Mass stitching at top sides of each 0** Taar ...... U2.W) perhaps uniuapectlng head of breaking and entering, breach color. Thia confusion and eye contract to deliver four Maaon pocket. SU Moatli* ...... 11.00 character who finds himself taken In or Newman Marsilius of Trumbull. of the peace and violation of strain can be avoided if the mysteries every year. regal style, five U.8. sailors and at the Church of St. Louis of th# Thre* Month* ...... S.50 Ona Month ...... l.SK whipsawed in ' front of a world wide As iU te legislator, he waa an ' probation, aJtar ha turned him- Intelligent, helpful and princi­ arif hi at police headquartara MEMBER OP audience. pled specialist in state finance. concerning hi* actions on THE ASSOCIATED PRESS That is the background which lends a Oirietmas Eve in which he »)35 MAIN STREET - TEL. 643-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P M. r ^^^OSED M ^ ^ Til* Aaaoclttod Pr«** I* #xc1u*1t*1v «ntltl*d As an ex-leglalator. he still to th* u** of r»pub Icatinn of all n*w« dia- certain perhaps Irresponsible pleasure to maintained an interest and tried threaitaned to kill hts 14-year- MTNir STORE- 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD (522-7201) - 17 OAK ST„ M ANCHEST^ aatchca cr*dlt*d to it or not otherwfa* orrdit- to plav some role toward swing­ okl girl friend’s father and then WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER STREET - TEL. 649-7196 •d tn thl* pap*r »nd *l*o th* looal n*w» pnh- the business of watching Peiping whip­ saw and confuse Moscow, which is try­ ing his own party, at least, commit suicide. U*h*dAll h«r* r»pubhcatioi^of *p*ci*l rtt»- toward what he believed to be Today's sentencing was a patohaa n*ratn ar* alao rea*r»»d ing for its own part, to he elusive about real fiscal responsibility. A* climax to numerous charges the business of its wanting Peiping In brought against the youth by Pull aarvic* clitnt ol N B A. S«vlc»^ Inr one of the field of candidate* Publiahor* R»pr»a«ntati»*a — ^ * JuHua the United .Vations, for the gubernatorial nomina­ Mancheeter police during the Math*w* Spaclal Agency — New Tork Chi The last audit we took, it seemed tion In 1962. he drew oatractsm last two mosMha. cnffo Drlroit and Boalon . from hi* rivals for hts blunt im­ On Monday, Dletricheen was * member AUDIT BUREAU OP (TRCULA- that Russia was still clinging to Us owrf suspended sentence# at TIONP __ patience, perhapa the impetu­ pretense that It wanted Communist ous violence of hi* criticism of th* reformatory and State Jail ~Th* Herald Printing Company. Inc aa at Hartford on charges of ■umet n<- financial reaponrlWlUy for Jypen China in the United Nations, but that some parts of his own party s record. Having lost the nomina­ lMoalcii« and entering with andgraphical other error* rending ■PP««'''nK,»" matter in The Mancheafer Communist China Itself was pulling at criminal Intent (3 oounU), lar- least part of the rug from under Mos­ tion for the election his party Evening Herald _____ also lost, he nevertheless played ceny (3 counts) and breach of cow by a strange exhibition of pro.spcc- the peace, the letter charge \s /c :3^ Dtsplav adyertleing doaing hour*: an off-stage role in the sound TODAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, TUESDAY For Monday i1 p.mp m’ rrm«». tive softness toward the Afro-A.sian and responsible fiscal position stemming from an earlier inci­ OF MANCHESTER For Tuendav — 1 p.m Monday plan for enlarging the Recurity Council. the Republican party dtd take dent at the home of Ma girl For Wednesday — 1 p.m Tueaday. friend’s parents. He was than For Thuraday — 1 p.m Wedneaday As we get it. while Moscow was insisting In the 1983 session. For Friday - 1 p.m. Thur^aday. Anl. the other day. in his ca­ given a two-year probation. 2 For Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday no such enlargement could come until The break charges stemmed Claialfied deadline- 10;30 a.m eadt day «< pacity as chairman of th* state gubltcatlon oxcept Saturday — » » m. Peiping itself was admitted. Peiping Republican Finance Committee feom breaks, during tha last six was .volunteering the possibility It might Newman Marailiua of Trumbull montlto, mto the Army A Navy CUih, Manchester Country ClUb, not mind at all if the plan suggested by distinguished himself again. Thtirnday. D«c*mb«r 38 and Cook’s Service Station hi its good friends in Asia and Africa were To a meeUng of this commit­ V V-w. c ' f ; ' tee. Marsilius was able to re­ which Dletriclvien took some put into effect without waiting for the .d r .. . ,.y i; ■ port that, thank* to its efforts *80 in cash and liquor. admission of Communist China. This and to the response and support Tuesday night’s actions start ed when Dletrichaen received a would seem to be something of a dou­ of Republican* and Republican Two OsiMlidsdes V,. V*'‘ ‘ organizations throughout the phone call from his girl friend ble-cross of the double-erosser, and w# wm , .'V state, the rather horrible legacy who wanted him to take her k'a a away from her parents, police 6 find shadow in it only when we remem­ of the 1962 state campaign a ^ 3 Over the holiday eeaaon there were ber that, to some people, to some na­ deficit which once stood at the said. monstrous high of some polks# reported that the MONTH two egpeclaUy Intereetlng and sigrnificant tion.*. to some ststesmen. wai- itself ia youth had oall^ the girl’s fa­ merely an extension of such diplomacy. *196,000 had noW been re- developmenta in the buaines* of candi- drtred to *46.000 \rith addition­ ther, who was visiting hi* datea for the 1984 preeidential election. al pledges of *12.000 also on eon’s horn# in Vernon, several One of them wa« perhape of major hand times, threatenltig the father r and his wifa proportiona. yet almoat to be expected. Although the credit for this rather unbelievable record of Returning to Manchester, rgio/iyr Thia waa the appearance of a concen­ Trafredies That Can’t Happ«n, Do financial recoup after a losing the parents found DIetrichsen trated kind of boom for Governor Wll- campaign, which many Repub­ hidden Mi their second floor Mam W. Scranton of Pennaylvanta as an licans probably felt to be ex­ apartment akwet with a 14- j - Ineh French carving knife In entrant into the Republican presidential One of the saddest aftermaths of a travagant for what It accom­ plished. obviously has to be split his possession. The youth had nomination aweepatakea. tragedy like that which came to the many ways, there is little hesi­ broken into the apartment by CLOSED MONDAYS ' This may be a thing of major impor­ liner I>akonia and its cruise holiday pas­ tancy anwhere in the party in breakilng a Chain catch on the CLEARANCE sengers is the appearance of criticism volunteering the opinion that back door. Ho took the knife tance. It was not. however, unexpected. from a kitchen draiyer. He al­ which alleges that human neglects or Marsilius in person, with hi* Former President Blsenhower ia busy­ work and his character, had an legedly threatened the father RlgM-After-Christmas-We-Know-You're-Broke Furniture Clearance of odd* and LAMPS ing himself getting people to get into deficiencies in heroism may have made Irreplaceable role In it all. again but than ran out the SOFAS ends remaining after Watkin* biggest year since 1874! But don't let money de­ the arena. Sooner or later that group the disa-ster worse than need be. So much for the admiration besok door as poltce arrived $3.5.00 37” Table Lamp, simulated So. among the survninng pa.ssengers, swirling around the Marsilius Miortly after ia;30 pm., re $229.00 Contemporary 90-inch; gold prive you of these greatest savings of 1962. Take your time paying, for every­ wood base, patchwork print which one news ator>’ described as "fi­ ^xtndlng to the father’s phone nancially potent Eastern Republicans” there are more stories of lifeboats head, with ita sometime* puck­ textured cover, walnut base, three foam thing you choose . . from 3 months to two year* if you wish. Pieces and group* sh ad e...... 17..50 ered seriousneaa. Its sometimes eall. cushions ...... 1 6 9 . had to begin to form itself behind some which didn't launch propertly, or of crew shy little boy smile, and the While running down the are limited to one-of-a-kind unless otherwise noted, so are subject to prior sale. $25.00 37’’ Table Uamp, Modern green particular candidate. And that group in­ members who created more confusion legend those who have known back stairs, with police in pur $199.00 Contemporary 90-inch button There are so many, many worthwhile savings (not all listed here) you're sure to charcoal china, fabric shade . . . 1 2 .5 0 variably ranges itself behind some rela­ than they resolved, than there are and observed him have read into suit, the youth stopped and back; turquoise textured cover, walnut' $33.50 (2) 29” Table Lamps, marble, turned and said he was going fnd the very things you want for your homo even though someone beats you to tively liberal or moderate candidate, not stories dwelling upon the fact that near­ Nature Study by Sylrlan Oflarm it a legend of honorableneaa in legs, two foam cushions...... 1 S 9 . brass, cranberry font, print sh ^ e, which even the mistake# have to stab himself if they came your first choice. Best to come early, of course, for biggest selection*. Immedi­ only because s good deal of its own ly 900 people were saved. SUBURBAN HOLIDAY: Families Gathered. Exchanged Greetings, Separated Again been honest. near him, police aaid. He then $229.00 Slim Arm Contemporary, two membership has intelligent and moder­ Later, there will be official investiga­ Then there is the wistful diaappeared In a wooded area foam cushions, walnut legs, sage green ate delivery only. $35.00 Brass Junior Lamp, blue font, ate vlewa, but even more importantly tions, perhaps some condemnation, and speculation, the all but direct at the rear of the building. chimney, blue print shade ••••47^50 With police still in the apart textured cover...... 1 6 9 . because it wants the Republican party some resolve, everywhere, for improved Imploring which has been whirl­ $28.00 Table Lamp, China Staffer^ A Thought for Today Today in History ing toward'Mar.slllus ever since ment, the youth phoned more $229.00 Contemporary 80-inch two to play its own beat chances to win. preparation, on all ships, for stich emer­ shire dog, fabric sh ade...... 1 4 .8 5 Sponsored by the Maachee- it began to be reported that he threats, police said. foam cushions, walnut legs, tangerine DINETTES Governor Scranton, aa the New Tork gency tests. James would be. sooner or later, step­ He later appeared at poUoe TABLES $27.50 31” Table Lamp, Cigar store The World t«r Council of Chnrchea Toda.v M Thuraday, Dec. 26. textured cover...... 1 5 9 . Herald Tribune observed when, in a But our emergencies still continue to ping outside the main party pic­ headquarters with a relative $87.30 5 Pc. White Wrought Iron, SO x Indian base, homespun shade . - 1 3 .7 5 be emergencies because they present the 380th day of 1983. There are ture to become the formal iMd- and ivas booked. In lieu of $179.00 Wing style, 90-inch, two foam $39.95 Cigarette Table, solid Salem $46.50 34” Lantern Table Lamp, light special endorsement editorial the other Today 8 day* leift in the yeai. 32,500 bond, DIetrichsen was 40” Glass top, floral plastic upholstered patterns of events never really antici­ er of the GOldwater forces in cushions, box pleats, green, brown and maple, S turned stretcher legs . - 2 2 .9 5 day, it made him its choice to enter the Today’s Highlight in History Connecticut. taken to the State Jail at seats ...... 4 9 .5 0 in base, print sh a d e...... 2 2 . 7 5 pated. Our disasters love fire-proofed Marlow WbMi Will There Be Peaeei On thia date in I'fTO, the gold print co v er...... 1 3 9 . $.59.00 Solid Maple Wash Stand, turn­ $59.75 311/2” Table Lamp, globe m field, if not tte final choice for the nom­ Whatever sense there might Hartford until thia morning, ed legs, drawer with brass pull, nutmeg $107.30 (2) 5 Pc. Daystrom Bronze ination itself, has had a short but suc­ buildings. unsinkable ship.s. safety- Battle of Trenton was fought ‘.n have seemed in It once ha* when he was returned to Clr $179.00 Lawson Love Seat, round mahogany stand, fabric shade . - 2 9 . 5 0 guaranteed landings, collision - proof WASHINGTON (API — Pres­ for a tax rut and a strong civ­ ”On earth p«ac«. good wih the American revolutionary war. seemed even less after the cult Court and was sentenced arms, two foam cushions, box pleats, fin ish ...... 4 5 . with 35 x 50 X 60” white Stardust tops, $22.50 29” Table Lamp, Pistol in brass cessful career which has exposed some ident Johnson was elated, but il rights bill. toward men" (St. Laike 8:20). After crosaing the Delaware. He pleaded guilty to all counts. $89.00 Solid Cherry Butlers Ti-ay wire-back ch a irs...... E trains, and explosion-proof mine.*, all of he knew bettor than to crow, A filibuster by Southern Dem­ catastrophic national events of green, brown and white print .... 1 3 9 . 66. stand, soldier print shade...... 1 1 .2 5 auccees and no apparent -vulnerabilities. Oan. George Washington'* force November altered the presiden­ Probation Officer Paul Mc- Cocktail Table, Chippendale stretcher $89.50 (3) 5 Pc. Daystrom Bronze, 30 TJnqueationably, with the routine pub­ them usually manned and operated by when this week he signed bills ocrats against civil rights might The multitude of the heav«i- of 2,000 men defeated 1,600 Hes­ Oeary, who has attempted to $329.00 Wing style, 84-inch semi-at­ approving federal aid to educa­ take weeks in an election year tial picture for both parties; b a se ...... 59. X 40 X 50” woodgrain top, white stardust licity build-up, he might begin to seem ordinary' people who, thanks to all such ly host Bang a song of glory to sian mercenaries who were aui - the particular special cause in­ help the youth, concurred with tached pillow backs, three foam cush­ BEDROOMS guarantees, have never before experi­ tion. His troubles in this field when Congre.ss wants to quit God and peace on the earth to priaed while carou.sing in Christ­ volved has begun to draw those the revocation of probation and ions, box pleats; bro-wn, gold and pump­ $67.00 Cocktail Table, 38” round wal­ upholstery ...... 66 quite a figure. are just beginning. early Thi.s would gum up the men of good wlU. All too (Ntan mas revelry. sentencing by Judge Alexan­ nut, do'Yetail design, round tapered . enced the realities of the unexpected. Senate schedule, ' perhaps adherents who, without regard kin print cover...... 2 7 9 . $119.75 (4) 5 Pc. Maple Groups with $239.45 (2) 8 Pc. Bedrooms; White As for Governor Scranton himself, he It took Congress all year to we forget that the glory be- On This Date to the party or even to Gold- der. legs ...... 3 9 .9 5 French Provincial, gray trim, dresser seems to be following the same game ha After each dramatic \'isitation of the un­ pass three pieces, far-reaching squeezing out any action on aid lotiga to God, and not to u«. Too ‘Hia actions are aflagrant dis­ $447.00 Three-piece Wing Sectional plastic table to p s...... 8 8 . to education' which, if it did In 1799, the first eulogy of a water himself, have their own $109.00 CJonsole-Picture Window-or- has always irfayed—that of not seeking expected, we try to increase our future but piece.s. of President John F. frequently, we forget that man preaident of the United States weird visions to pursue: to the regard foe orders of probation,’’ Group; right and left ends and curved $129.50 (3) 5 Pc. Maple Groups with and mirror, chest, full size bed, Kennedy's broad aid to educa­ come up. might al.so consume can make a mockery ot hi* Sofa 'foble, drawer with brass pull, but of being eventually willing to con­ safeguards in order to diminish the was delivered for George Wash­ good, clean, friendly, honest. MoGeary told the court- round, plastic top tab les...... 9 9 . each ...... -.179. tion program. Johnson inherited more weeks in argument. life and that the way to hell ia judge Alexander, in passing center, foam cushions, box pleats, red 14 X 50 X 28% in ch es...... 7 9 . sider accepting. But he Is now playing amount of future risk But the only way These were the three pieces ington before both houses of Newman Marsilius. who may $303.45 4 Pc. Bedroom; triple dresser the sorest, moat sensitive piece, often paved with gfood inten­ Oongreas by Henry “Light Horse sometimes have been naive and sentence, remarked that, at and green print cover...... 3 7 9 . $85.00 Masle Cigarette Table, pedes­ $122.00 (2) 4 Pc. Maple Groups with and twin mirrors, chest, full size bed, C M. one wmild say. vyith a little more to eliminate all degrees of risk ia to which Congress left luipa.ssed. of federal aid to education to tions. Harry" Lee of 'Virginia. Bometimea impetuous but never some future date, the boy oan dropleaf Harvest table, deacon’s bench pass this year: $379.00 90-inch High Back Wing m ikj alertness, in the new atmosphere created eliminate living. This part has been a religious In 1860 Maj. Robert Anderson a fanatic, the imploring call appeal tto the sentencet review tal basd * t *...... 2 4 .9 5 bedside table. Modern walnut .... 1 8 9 . issue since Kennedy first offered 1, One to give loans and We may even mock the Style, three loose pillow back cushions of $46X)Q Maple Cocktail Table, stretcher and 2 spindle-back ch a ir s...... 8 8 . $318.45 3 Pc. Baumritter Roomates by tragedy in Dallas. grants to public and private, in­ aibandoned Ft. Moultrie and oc­ swells up; “Say, Newman Mar- board of the Superior Court. his program in I96i; Federal aid Song of the Angels and ask cupied Ft. Sumter, but later silius. it doesn’t have to be sol ' "Whiio at the reformatory, foam and Dacron and three seat cush­ Base ...... 3 4 .5 0 bedroom, solid birch, plastic tops. Dou­ Such developments on the Republican cluding Catholic, colleges and how there can be pea^e upon to public elementary and secon- univer.sitie.s to help huikl cla.s.s- was driven out by Confederate ■ Well. It goes up from this col­ there will be psychiatric help ions, shirred flounce, red textured $34.95 S^em Maple Commode Table, DINING ROOM ble dresser and mirror, chest and cane- day schools biit not to Catholic the earth when we are con­ umn at least. available for the boy,” the Judge side, and even the possibility that Gov­ rooms, libraries and laborator- tinually threatened by evii? ta'oops during the Civil War. cover...... 2 5 9 . turned legs, drawer with brass pull paneled full size b ed ...... 4 9 8 . ernor Scranton would become some­ Baccarat The Computer Can Have schools. ie.s. This bill forbids usAof gov­ said. The last statement oon- $165.00 Dropleaf Table, heavy knotty Kennedy excluded Catholic oemed a report from police that $379.00 Stretcher Base Chippendale 2 1 .5 0 $159.95 2 Pc. Modern birch, plastic body’s favorite were quite predictable. schools on the constJtuional ernment money to build^ivinity However, we can never deny Reproduction, Poly-Dacron cushion, solid $34.95 Salem Maple Step Table, turned pine plank t o p ...... 9 5 . .schools. the basic truth It oontains and Dietriohsen' claimed "he gets top double dresser and mirror, full or Many of us. on the other hand, must grounds of keeping state and severe headaches and at such mahogany base, red damask . .. .2 6 9 . legs ...... 2 4 .5 0 $231.30 48-in9h Round Knotty Pine In some things, being a creature of church separate. Catholic 2. One to help finance the that It expreasea man's anoient twin size bed ...... have been surprised when, on a televi­ building of medical schools and hope for a better world. God’s times he goes haywire.” Mad- $169.00 Maple Framed Love Seat, $79.00 Solid Cherry Lamp Table, star Table and 4 mates ch airs...... 1 8 9 . $411.00 2 Pc. Cherry Henry Ford Mu­ flesh and blood and sometimes embar­ spokesmen opposed the measure leal attmtion In the case has sion program the other night, Adlai Ste­ unle.s.* Catholic schools were in­ give loans to medical students. truth always prevails and each Sheinwold on Bridge separate foam seat and back cushions, top, tapered leg base in blue. Henry Ford $154.25 4 Pc. Danish Walnut, table, seum Reproductions, 7-drawer dres.ser venson, ambassador to the United Na­ rassing. sorhetimes pleasurable imper­ .1. One to support vocational year it returns to haunt us with also been advised by law au* cluded. Non-Catholics opposed it East dealer short lx)x pleats, red, gold and blue small Museum copy ...... - - 4 9 . 1 ai-m chair, 2 side ch airs...... 9 9 . and mirror, full size panel bed . - 2 49 . tions, former Governor of Illlnoie, and fections. we would resent the intrusion if Catholic schools were inchid- education, help school districts the promise of that time when NEVER-NEVER HAND thoriUes. jammed because of nearby fed­ mankind can learn to live to­ PUZZLES PIJ4YER8 Both sides volnetabla patterened p rin t...... 1 2 9 . $49.00 Nutmeg Maple Cocktail Table, $119.50 (2) Danish Walnut Buffets, twice Democratic candidate for the of a computer. ed. NORTH gallery top, turned legs, distressed In other things we would vacate the Kennedy, a Roman Catholic, eral base.s. and provide student gether in brotherhood and in Bv ALFRED SHEINH'OLD $329.00 82-inch Wing with solid maple 54-inch size ...... 6 9 . BEDROOM PIECES Presidency itself, disclosed that, yes. in never got to first base with, it. loan fund.''. righteousneas and in peace. Let fin ish ...... 3 9 . the remote possibility President Lyndon field, tx-illingly, to the officious efficiency It's that No. 1 measure Uiat Thi.s i.s tile lime of year to K 9 7 3 wings and arms, box pleats, gold tex­ $132.50 48-inch Round Maple Table John.son. a Piotesianl. is US never surrender the vision con ider the Never - Never 6 Polly’s Pointers $55.00 Nutmeg Maple Dropleaf Table, $369.00 Pennsvlvania House Solid of the computer. pledged to support the Kennedy ma'. encourage advocate.s of fed­ of a world redeemed. tured cover...... - ...... 2 2 9 . with Formica top and one leaf; Johnson asked him to do so. he would eral aid to education to think Hand. It contains the kind of Q 9 5 4 turned leg and stretcher base, distressed Cherry Apothecary Chest, 13 drawers sonsent to run for vice president on the So to that computer over in England programs. The outlook for this play that no human being is WENT EAST imperfect to p ...... 7 9 . which has come up with the guaranteed one In 1964 looks dismal tha'. Congres.s now might give There will be peace upon the A 9 8 ( A K 7 DOUBLE-DUTY CHEST h n ish ...... 4 5 . $24.95 (2) Solid Maple Mates Chair^, 18 9 . party ticket for 1964. .similar help to both public and earth when there is enough likely to make at the table un­ 10 J CHAIRS $79.00 Maple Cocktail Table, spoon- assurance that the game of baccarat Nevertheless, the Johnson ad­ less he is told in advance that V Q J S 2 By POIXY CRAMER e a ch ...... I 4.9.S $189.00 Pennsylvania House Solid At first glance, at least, this willing­ ministration is expected to pu.sh Catholic elementary and secon­ mutual faith and good will 0 7 3 0 A Q 5 2 Newspaper Enterprise Assn, foot design, drawer...... 4 - 5 9 .9 5 Is one gambling game in which anybody dary schools. he Is playing a problem hand. A 10 8 $139.00 Queen Anne Wing, maple legs, $’209.70 Set of 6 Solid Cherry Fiddle- Cherry Queen Anne Lowboy ..... -9 8 . ness would seem to_ present President for it. This i.sn't the only Kenne­ among reeponaible men. The East dealer 6 ^2 ♦ K J 3 DEAR POLLY—A hope chest $45.50 Maple Lamp Tabli, turned ‘■-$129.45 French Provincial Kneehole has "almost" an equal chance, we sa.v. dy program that Johnson sup­ peace of God always ia with Both sides vulnerable SOUTH for a teenage daughter can foam cushion, blue print cover-----8 9 . back Side Chairs, gold print seat covers, Johnson with an unusual opportunity to ports whose chances look dis­ men of good will. Are we wil­ A A Q J K> 3 3 serve 'a double purpose as legs, magazine shelf ...... j/ . - 3 4 .5 0 Desk and matching chair; white wUli Go ahead computer, put your own money Opening lead -seven of Dia­ V 8 $98.00 Chippendale Wing, foam set ...... 9 9 . back himself up with a vice presidential on the line, and gamble to your elec­ mal. There's another: Medical On Vacation ling to let our intentions and monds a .seat. Cover foam rubber with $75.00 Maple Dough Box, extra large $79.00 38-inch Round Walnut Dining grav trim, 7 drawers ...... 8 9 .* s0 candidate who would seem, in public ex­ . car for the aged. motives be tested fay such a O J 10 9 • 4 material to match room drs' T-cushion, maple legs, pumpkin floral tronic impulse’s content. West leads the seven of dia­ A 7 28 X 20 X 25-inch size with tray inside Table, plastic top, 10-inch leaf . . . -3 9 . „ $119.15 French Provincial Powder Ta­ perience and stature, to outrank any Time will work against feder­ Jimmy Breslin. whoae coJ- standard ? monds, and East takes the first perles as a pad for the top. outline quilted on white co v er-----7 9 . We couldn’t care less who played al aid to education in the ele­ uirin normally appear* on this A W«4 Nrnm Make a gathered or pleated box; nutmeg finish ...... 4 9 .9 5 $179.50 Silver Chest, antiqued cherry ble and Bench, white with gold trirn 88. vice presidential candidate ever named two tricks with the queen and A Pass 3 ^ $79.00 Wing, foam cushion’, box pleats, baccarat. mentary and secondary schools page, is on * brief holiday Bav. John D. Hughea. skirt and tack tape across the on tapered-leg base; 3 drawers, remov­ $79.50 (2) Full Size French Provincial 9t. Marj’’# Church. ace. East then leads another A Pas* 3 NT green textured cover...... 5 9 . after Oje procedure of nomination by Baccarat, we are told - bur own first in 1964.'John.son is plugging first seAson vacation. diamond, and South follows suit. tarn A An Pass top just Inside the box to hold able tray, completely lined with protec­ Beds,' gooseneck foot posts, white with political parties took over. But one also In the ordinary human game. the skirt. Make two pillows to $119.00 Square Ann Lawson Lounge, MISCELLANEOUS LIVING 2 hand acquaintance with playing cards West would ruff with the s4x of match’ to stand up actxws the tive f e lt ...... 9 9 . gold trim, each ...... 4 9 .9 5 wonders if, while the Stevenson wllling- having remained strictly according to spades, pleased with himself for back of the seat. I enjoy my foam cushion, kick pleats, brown tweed $49..50 Bedside Table, walnut step nees in the event of such a ‘‘remote’* the Piiritiins, from youth on- is a sim­ getting this trick. No matter hope chest that Is fixed like this cover ...... ,...... 7 9 . ROOM PIECES m odel...... 2 9 .9 .S possibility provides President Johnson what West then returned, de­ very much and so do my $159.00 Lawson Lounge, team seat RUGS - CARPETS $110.00 Lane Cherry Cedar Chest 5 9 . ple game in* which a banker tosses out clarer could get to dummy for friends. —A 15-YEAR-OLD. $64.50 Knotty Pine Apothecary Chest, with a choice which might easily re­ cards to tho.se plavdiig against him, their Fischetti a trump finesse. One fines.*e and back, box pleats, spice textured $49.00 (5) Accent Rugs by Lees, 3 x 5 $89.50 Modern Birch Student Desk, solve so many questions for him, it does GIRLS—If your hopes have cover ...... 9 9 . 5 drawers, porcelain p u lls...... 4 4 . object being to take as many cards as FaHub€n"ffrwwimp9r would be enough to bring In the already come true, this would $79.00 Knotty Pine Apothecary chest, ft. wool; 1 each Birch Bark, Desert Coj)- plastic top, 4 drawers...... 5 5 . not also force itself upon him. they caji without exceeding a total rest of the trumps without loss, be a good Idea for getting dou­ $159.00 Round Arm Lawson Lounge, per, Auroa Red, Spiced Pepper, Gold, $104.00 Modern Birch Chest with 3 What does President Johnson say, and South would draw trumps ble use of an old cedar cheat foam cushion seat and back, box pleats, 6 drawers, brass p u lls...... 4 9 .9 5 drawers, bookcase t o p ...... 5 9 .5 0 count of nine, witli face cards and.tens and run the diamonds. that could hold ‘bedding, toys or $39.95 Solid Pine Apothecary Chest, e a ch ...... 2 4 .8 8 now, if he does not proceed to re a ^ counting nothing. The banker in bacca­ A very almple hand, and no­ lalue textured cover . .. 99. $79.00 to $99.00 (2) x 6 ft. Accent for such a running mate? oiit - of - season clothing: — $109.00 Early American Wing, foftm 8 drawers ...... 2 9 ,9 5 6 rat usually plays one chemin-de-fer hand body would give it a second POLLY Rugs by Lees. 1 each Green Bean, Gre­ Itoi’t the situation really one in w hi^ thought. seat and back, box pleats, brown tex­ $59.00 Knotty Pine Record Cabinet, BEDDING against two opponents, and this seems cian Coin, each...... 3 9 . Ambassador Stevenson has oome close Par Contest DEAR POLLY—Yesterday tn tured cover...... 7 9 . louvered doors, drawer ...... 45. to lie the circumstance which restricts When this hand was played $129.00 (6) 9 X 12 Oval Heavy Rag $09.50 (2) Full Size Mattresses; to draf^ng himself? ■the supermarket I saw a lady $89.00 Tufted-Back Tub, foam T-cush­ $49.00 (tentemporai’y Walnut Record Stearns & Foster Lady Diana, with 837 his maneuvers and diminishes his odds in the Global Par Contest a few with two school - age children Cabinet, two sliding d oors...... 3 5 . Braided Rugs, beigetone ...... 5451. Well, if President Johnson wants him, and thus pleases the computer. weeks ago, West wa* required and a baby too young to be ion, kick pleats, red antique satin $109.00 (4) 8 X 10 Oval Heavy Rag individual muslin pocketed coils, to ruff the third diamond with $109.00 Maple Record Cabinet, two the President is then a iucky man. If he There are other games of chance with propped up In the shopping cover ...... 6 9 . Braided Rugs, (3) Browntone, (1) e a ch ...... 37.541 doesn't want him, it will be interesting the deuc eof spades. cart yet awkward to carry $89.00 Tufted-Back Swivel Rockers, door model, brass p u lls...... 7 9 . which, over the yeara, we have achieved This is a very < unning and Beigetone ...... 8 4 . $79.50 Twin Size Mattress; Sealy to see how he escapes being an embar- Around while she shopped. She foam cushions. Choice of sage greeii or $39.95 Knotty Pine Record Cabinet, Posturepedic floor sample ------4 9 .5 0 a certain ainateurish spectator faqilllar- logical play. East can have had put a blanket on the mat­ Ogee base, two doors with brass $184.50 8 X 10 Heavy Rustic Canyon taased party leader. Ity. We would hate, for instance, to have only X3 points in hlgli cards' Kelly green antique satin s...... 6 9 . $119.50 (2) Queen Size Bedding Out­ outside of spades. Surely, East tress from the car bed and pulls...... 2 9 .9 5 Oval Braided Rag Rug; earthtone with a computer try to muscle in on any laid It In a shopping cart. One $183.00 Wing, semi-attached pillow accents of red, green, gold. Sample, fits including 5’ x 6’8” box springs and has at least K-x of spades to of tha other children pushed the back» foam cushion, box pleats, beige- $139.00 Maple Desk, wall-bookcase mattresses by Holman-Baker, each honest game of poker or gin rummy. Justify hi* opening bid of one baby while she pushed another model, 4-drawer compartment, inside as is ...... I 4 9 . But baccarat is all right. It even sounds notrump. homespun cover ...... 9 8 . $184.50 8 X 10 Heavy Rustic Canyon o u tfit...... -9 8 . If declarer over - ruff* with cart with their groceries. — $159.00 Lawson Lounge, semi-attach­ back finished antique r e d ...... 9 9 . Oonfosini? The Confuser hke a computer, warming up to decide MRS. J. C. $109.00 Maple Kneehole Desk, 7 draw­ Oval Braided Rag Rug;'russet brown. $l 19.00 (6) Twm Size Outfits; Eclipse dummy’s four of spadejs, he ed pillow back, foam cushion, box pleats, Contract quality box springs and mat­ whether to stand with six or take one cannot take a finesse through ers including 2 file s ...... 7 9 . Sample, as i s ...... I 49. more card. DEAR POLLY—When feather red textured co v er...... 8 9 . tresses, each outfit . . . i ...... 7 7 . East, Therefore East will get a pillows need new ticking, sprin­ $59.00 Knotty Pine Bean Box Repro­ $229.00 All Wool Braided Oval, brown, V ofie aould separate the buelneea of trick with the kin gof spades, $89.00 Traditional Lounge, foam gold, pumpkin. Store sample, like * $139.50 (4) Extra Length Holman- and he can then lead a diamond kle tha Inside of the bauitub T-cushion,- • kick pleats, gold damask’ duction, compartment with hinged door, armed foroea moving about ^ e vast ex- with water and change the n ew ...... • 1 9 9 . Baker Bedding Outfits, 80” long. (2) paasea of oentral Asia from the diplo- lor West to ruff. This defense cover ...... 6 9 . drawer...... 4 4 . A Conception Of The Papacy will defeat the contract. feathers In the tub. There will $75.00 Bookcase Cabinet on dropleaf $44.50 9 x12 Oval Budget Braid Rugs. TwdP Sets, (2) Full Sets; each out­ auitlc and propaganda strategy* with Very clever, but. not clever be .no loss of feathers and $89.00 Wing, foam T-cushion, shji'i’ed fit ...... - 8 9 .5 0 a minimuin of flying ones. They table. Blue and gold fin ish ...... 5 9 . See colors below ...... 3 9 .8 8 which Peiping has apparently begun to "Both the Church and the world hav« ■ enough. South also must count flounce, green and red p rin t...... 6 9 . $39.00 8 x 10 Oval'Budget Braid Rugs. $349.00 Eclipse’’Inneidjed sleep sofa points and must see exactly will settle In the damp tub. — $229.00 Lounge Chair, T-cushion, $98.00 Corner Nitch Cabinet, solid torment Moscow, one could enjoy the everything to gain from a conpeption of MRS. W. G. T. See colors below ....,■...... 3 4 .8 8 with innersprlng mattress, modern style the Papacy ibhich. while centered in what is going on. Wlien West tufted back, oxblood top grain leather maple, 3 shelves, drawer with brass spectacle of one Communist master of ruffs thp third diamond with GIRLS—Be sure the dfaln Is $29.50 6 x 9 Oval Budget Braid Rugs. in blue covering, sample ...... 1 9 8 . Rome, does not auggest it is ■ limited closed so the leftover feathers •>4 coMpring...... 1 5 9 . pull ...... 7 9 . the process of deliberate coiifu.sion being' to Romt;: which is not iiinUd to see the the deuce of spades, declarer* See colors below ...... 2 1 .8 8 $399.00 Simmons Hide-A-Bed with must refuse to over-ruff in the can be removed from the tub $178.00 BarcaLounger, contemporary $32.50 Maple I^adderback Side Chair vicUmized by anothei- Conimynlat prac- Pope sit down with other Church lead­ before they are washed down ' Budget Braid colors : Redtone, Brown, innerspring mattress, wing design in tlUcmer of the same oceiilt art, ’ ers; \<'hich is not afraid to see the Pope dummy! . style, white leather-like plastic cover, with rysh s e a t ...... 1 9 .9 5 South gets to dummy to take the drain. —POLLY $37.^5 Desk Chair, black and gold, Sandalwood and Multi-colored . beige tweed floor sample ...... 2 9 8 * Not to make sense, where sense is travel—to see him move about,' both as separate pillow ...... 119* $229.50 Simmons Hide-A-Bed in cut­ pontiff and human being, among those his normal trump flneaae and $64.50 f6) 9 X 12 100% Wool Faca sspected, not to say yes when yes seems ♦— m/HA/ toss OFnem FRoto ulrricht for^ aan draw trumps, makiiif th* DEAR POIxi'—H th« iahlA $179.00 Martha Washington, aolid ma­ gold textuired seat . . . 2 4 .9 5 back Lawson d«ign, red and blu» Go- whom it la his duty to serve;'—COM- to a Lazy Susan have been bro­ $0.95 Knotty Kne Spice Chest, 8 Oval Braid Rugs. (3) Greentone, (2) .■BisaMttle, wot ts seek what you must gam* contract. hogany frame, red homespun cover­ .... MONWEAI* HHBRSreFRLtRFRTlFFmRi ytOfTVIFSTBORMi* ken, the base makes a fine drawers with brass p u lls...... 39* Beige, (1) Redtone...... 4 4 .5 0 lonjal print, floor sample 189.50 holder for a small radio. Place ing ...... 9 9 .


I, ...... nrft'lJJ—^fStollE 111.iillin*il(llljl(.| j lUNCHERTEB g VENINC HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN rAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 Ho9 at Kain add Biaaon Sto. Mamorlol Hoapltal where be posted 896 bond wMto awaiting daaoJ. No rSmtlTM oftar a drWifBg tn wbSoh w«M tiuotad and dlochorged. api>earanca In court Jon. 16. Tlve. Police Arrests ttwy oonsumod ataoct a plot of BuK Baafcarviila, 32, of 77 N. Bobbitt, a notivo of Kentucky, Exchange Day Fighting on Cyprus Eases, vodka. Tha third youth, not served oa a deputy U.S. marshal Police Probe School St., ’niaeday night woa Dies with Boots On In tha Cherokee Strip ot Okla­ Events Cambodia Accepts Obituary Oeiy Jofticko, 17, of 166 Inr drunk, wna tunwd ovur to hia char ged with toUniication. Po- Oirtotmaii Day has ootns and porento. Janioka and Cola miOi Uca sold that BookerviUe, after homa before the land rush. He gona British Troops Ordered In ^ 8L, oikd Stayen Colo, 16, of DENVER, CMo. (AP) — Al later woa a rodeo performer. Rinaldi Death pootad 896 bonds wblla amraitkig a drinking apree, fell Into, and Bobbitt, who rode horses until "He was wearing his favorite diaries Sohoea But merchants still are busy 4g S. ARon St., late (YirUrtmaa appaoranoa tn GIroait Court 13, broke, a huge window In the In State Offer of Mediation Charles P. Schoen, 4S, of 109 Changing presents, sizes, colors. (Oontlniied ftrem Paga One) forces In Cyprus under a uni­ eve ware cborgud with intoxi­ Manohaotar, Jon. 16. jMioka, he was 96, died with hla boots blue Western outfit when he Driving salesgirls dizzy. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — fied command headed by a Bri­ AAP Food Store on N. Main on Christmas Day os he sat died," said Frances lent, oper­ Norman St., died Tuesday at cation. Hw two youtha and a who hod a awoHan and Meodtog St. The window la vohied at (OmiMira«d from On«) Police Chief William D. Blake en certain mlllUry measures ton, a communique announced. rocking on a porch. He woa 101. ator of a guest home where MEATOWN tlrird boy wars pWeed up by po- Up, was tokan to UonChaatar PHNOM PENH, Cambodia * Much of the current Impasse Manchester Memorial Hospital Susie's skirt was blue, not yel­ said today that ”a lot of loose There Are about 10,000 British 8100, poiioe aokl. BookerviUe A stroke was tha causa of Bobbitt Uved. 1215V2 SILVER LANE. EAST HARTFORD low. only to protect the Turkish Cy­ adjoin an extensive nva- (AP) - - Prince Norodom SIhan- in U.S.-Cambodian relations after a long illness. ends need to b# put together In servicemen on Cyprus, T lina, oourae and awimming' ouk said today he has accepted | stems from Sihanouk's belief the Mr. Sohoen was bom In Junior's cap was smallish. priot minority from a massaers But moat of the British are pool area to be developed b y an offer by Filipino President; United States Is backing the Manchester, a son of Mrs. Eva Daddy got a tie, poor fellow, the Investig^atlon” Into the death at the hands of Greek Cypriots. air force personnel scattered in That was simply hellish. of Mrs. Frank Joseph Rinaldi. OPEN THIS MONDAY 9 to 9! Ibe city.. o- t------West-- Haven------Dlosdado Macapagal to^mediate! "Free Khmer' ’ movement of Kellner Schoen of Manchester Greece asked for an extraor­ bases In Nicosia and In south­ antl-Sihanouk rebels. Despite Mrs. Rinaldi, 82-year-old preg­ Wrat Hartford la currently between Cambodia and the Unit and the late Peter K. Schoen. Mother’s g(ift was just too dull. nant wife of a University of dinary session In Paris of the ern Cyprus. engaged in urban renewal proj­ ed State.s. official U.S. denials of any such He was employed In the New Sir Alec, meeting with his sale sfarfs complicity, the prince a month Trimmed with something duller. North Carolina graduate stu­ North AUantic Treaty Organiza­ NOTE OUR HOLIDAY HOURS: ects In Buffalo. N. Y., New Ha­ But Sihanouk, the Cambodian Haven District of the Southern What she wanted was a dress dent, was found dead Tuesday In cabinet ministers In London, de­ ven, Briatol and New Brit­ chief of state, said the U.S. gov­ ago canceled all American aid New England Telephone Co. for tion’s permanent council to dis­ cided to send 160-250 men of the to d a y... to hla government and told the With sparkling, radiant color. the couple’s Chapel Hill apart­ OPEN MON., THURS., FRI. 9 to 9 ain. ernment must flrst- 32 years. He was a member of ment. Rinaldi, 84, was held cuss the crisis. Informed 1st Battalion of Foresters. TTiey CI.OSED WED. 1. Apologize for what Sihan­ United States to get most of Its the Wacoma Yacht Club, New Uncle Pete was not too happy sources In Paris said the coun­ will be flown from Britain. save on ouk called a "barbarous" .state­ per.sonnel out of his country. Haven, and a former instructor without privilege of bond on a cil met secretly Wednesday. OPEN TUES, SAT. 9 to 6 NEW YEARS 4 Deaths When he viewed his lot, charge ot murder. The Greek National Defense ment to the Cambodian ambas­ Sihanouk .said he accepted the with the power squadron. And Auntie Marne gave out a The Rlnaldla, frwn Water- The Cyprus govermnent already I Council met In urgent session famous brand Four persons were killed In sador to the Untied States, Nong Filipino offer for mediation "In Other survivors include a holler has sent a complaint to the In Athens. aympath.v toe the Philippines a bury. Conn., were married laat Otfletmaa Eve and CSu’isrtmas Klmmy, by American U.N. Dele­ brother, Joseph J. Schoen, and "Just look at what I’ve got!” July 81, United Nations. An Informed source said the Day traffic accidents in Con- gate Charles Yost concerning an brotherly and friendly country.” a niece, both of Manchester. The Turkish government or­ Greek government was In con­ apparel! ARMOUR'S WESTERN STEER BEEF necUout ae the state'a highway alleged Cambodian broadcast ex­ He added Filipino Ambassa­ Funeral services will be held So down they trooped with Blake said among the loose dor Modesto Farolan told him boxes b\ilging. ends still to be tied together are dered two Jet fighters to make stant touch with the “Turkish death toll for the year edged pressing pleasure over the death tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Wal­ warning flights over Cyprus on and British governments In or­ SHORT and RIB ■Ibove the total for all of 1962. of President Kennedy. that several hundred Filipinos With instructions to the letter, such things ”as the motive, time ter N. Leclerc Funeral Home, of death and cause of death.” Christmas Day after accusing der to avert any full-scale fight­ Two persons died tn a Oirist- 2. Officially withdraw U.S. employed by the American aid 23 Main St. Tlie Rev. Elarle TTiey got some others In return. Greek Cypriots of killing Turk­ tnaa Bh’e crash on Rt. 91 in Ambassador Philip Sprouse's re­ missions here will lose their That suited them no better. He said he hopes the results of ing on the Islfuid.” Custer, pastor of North Meth­ an autopsy performed yesterday ish Cypriots In communal fight­ The Turkish Cypriots warmly Hartford. State PoHoe said a quest for Investigation of the jobs when the.se agencies are odist Church, will officiate. ing that has been raging since ear driven b>’ Mrs. Helen Car­ broadcast. withdrawn from Cambodia on on Mra. Rinaldi’s body will an­ defended the decision to send Burial will be in Elasl' Ceme­ dell D. Mullen of Hartford will swer some of the questions. last Saturday. Turk regulars Into their section MANCHESTER penter, 39, of Gla-stonbur>- Sihanouk made no mention of Jan. 15. tery. officiate. Cremation will follow. Then as the fighting died shop tonight and crossed the center dliider and previous demand that the Sihanouk said the Philippinea Mrs. Rinaldi’s body was sent of Nicosia, an action apparent­ PARKADE FVlends may call at the fu­ Friends may call at the fu­ last night to Waterbury for down to sporadic firing, Uie of­ ly ordered by the Turkish gov­ smashed Into an oncoming car United States silence a rebel would like to see U.S. aid con­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. fice of President Makarios, driven by Stanlslaw I>ira. 42, Cambodian radio station which. tinue. He .said this will depend funeral and burial. ernment In Ankara. Friday till 9 P.M. The family requests that me­ The body of the blonde brid# leader of the Greek Crorlot of Windsor Locks. Bot.h drivers, he claimed la backed by the | on the will of the Cambodian morial conlriibutions may be community, asserted six ’Turk­ The Turks claim they have w*ho were alone In their cars, U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- | people and officials to achieve was found with a scarf tied suffered at least 60 fatalities and cy. economic reforms on their own. made to the North Methodist Funerals around her neck and a gag In ish navy vessels had taken up STEAKS were killed. Church bviilding fund. positions off Cyprus. 300 Injuries In the five days of Nelson Joseph Machie. 46, of her mouth. She also had been battles. Greek sources say the !!:!;: •Struck on the head, but officers Five are off the northern port North Branford was killed on John Arkerman ' Arthur J. Thomas figures are exaggerated and Kt 17 In Northford Christmas 'The funeral of Arthur J. said they could not tell if the of Kyrenala and the sixth Is sta­ their own losses are much less. sms Day when a car plowed into his John Ackerman. 80, of J6 ’Thomas of Lowell, Mass., broth­ blow caused the death. tioned off the southeast port of 2 Johnson told newsmen at ms pickup truck. The driver of the State Realty Law Foley St., died yesterday at his er of Miss Helen A. TTiomas of Rinaldi was quoted by police Lamaca, a presidential spokes­ home after a long Illness. as saying he found the body of man said. Texas ranch he had conferred car, Ijawrence E. Wyman, 30, 25 Cooper St. was held Tuesday by telephone with Secretary of of 'Woodinont, was arrested and Bom in Hungary on Feb. 26, from his home with a high Mass hla wife, Lucille, when he re­ President Cemal Gurael of 1883, he had been a Manches­ turned from a shopipkig trip to Turkey also expressed grave State Dean Rusk two or three changed mrlth negligent homl- of requiem at St. Peter’s times on the situation. i< ■ #de and reckless driving. Bars Blockbusting ’ ter resident for many years. CJhurch, Lowell. Burial was In Durham, 12 miles away. concern, accused the Greek He had been employed as a Blake said Rinaldi w u Cypriote of a massacre, and ap­ "We have a situation develop­ In another Christmaa Day ac­ St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Lowell ing there and we are watching It cident., Kathleen McDonnell, 10, carpenter by the Alexander Bearers were friends of the charged with murder following pealed to U.S. President John­ HARTFORD (AP) — Oon-,^ The 196S Legislature broad- Jarvis Co. until his retirement extensive questioning. Rinaldi son and other world leaders to very carefully,” Johnson said. of KiUdngworth, was fatally in- family. “We have 1,700 citizens on that Jared when a oar Mddded out nooticut'a first specific law ened his power to include "the in 1948. He was a communl- Mr. Thomas, 64, died sudden­ told officers hts wife came to Intervene. barring real estate brokers and manner in which licensed brok- I cant of the Church of the As- Chapel Hill last Friday to spend Greece and Turkey, long at Island.” o< oontrol on Rt. 61 In Old Lyme ly Sunday at his home. State Department sources said and struck two trees. salesmen from "blockbusting" ers or salesmen shall conduct' sumption. Hs Is survived by two other the Christmas vacation. He said odds over Cyprus, guard the far Miss MoDonniell died about is pa.rt of an 18-point set of the real estate business." It He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ross sisters. he saw her about 9 a.m. Tues­ eastern flank of the AtlanUc al- In Washington no evacuation or- rules and regulations being made breach of such regula- gtreng Ackerman; two sons, day when he left to go shopping liance. ders have been ls.sued to U.S. 6 flrve hours later at a New Lon­ citizens, but Americans In out­ don hospital. promulgated by In.surance tions grounds for suspension or Edward J. Ackerman and John with a friend, John F. S^ip, a What prompi prompted Makarios to Commissioner Alfred N. Pre- revocation of licenses. ' Ackerman, both of Manchester; Chapel Hill insurance agent. send a complaintcompla to the U.N lying areas have been advised Tbree other persona in the Child Abuse Toll to move to more centrally locat­ sar were injured, and two had The regulations must be held three daughters. Mm. Pasquale Rinaldi told poHoe that when Security Council was the flight In abeyance until Jan. 23, dur­ he returned and unlocked the of the Turkish Jets and the ed points in case evacuation is to be hospitalized. Tlhe regulation bars agents Deyorio ot Manchester, Mra 178 Last Year deemed advisable. The ffeLd aoddents over the from soliciting listings "on Jie ing which time interested per­ Frederick Skripol of Windsor only door to his two-bedroom movement of some of Turkey’s holktay brought Ooimecticut’e ground of loss of value due to sons may present their views. Locks and Mra. Donald Ehu> of apartment about 1:36 pm. he 660-man garrison on Cyprus into "They can become effective any West Hollywood, Fla,; four DENVER—A total of 622 saw his wife’s body lying on Ui* the Turkish Cypriot quarter of SHIP IN TROUBLE 1063 highway death total to an present or prospective entry In­ TUNIS, Tunisia (AP)—The wofiticlal count of 326, five to the neighborhood of a per­ time after that. sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Steiner cases of child sibuse, resulting llring room 'floor, face down, this capital. son or persons of anottier race, Gerard Wholey, usistant and Mra. Mary Kunicki, both in 178 deaths, were reiported In still dressed In her night ckifhee. The Greeks promptly moved Greek freighter Amazon was more than all of 196C and the reported In serious trouble to­ most In one year since 1041. religious, or ethnic origin." chief of licenses and’ claims, of Manchester, Mrs. Anna the United States last year, The rug beneath her was disar­ part of their 860 soldiers sta­ In an out-of-state aoddent, It aLso prohibits agents from says the regulations were culled Fladd of Glastonbury and Mrs. the American Humane As­ ranged, her pocketbook open, tioned on Cyprus Into the Greek day, wedged on a sand bar off from similar rules in all states Julia Reinhardt of Newington; sociation says. and emptied on the floor, and a Cypriot section. the coast and battered by Wilhelm Petterman, 62, of Chesh- di.stributing material or mak­ waves. Reports from two res­ Ira, was killed early Christmaa ing statements "designed to in­ and provinces of the U.S. and 22 g^randchildren and 3 great- Parents were responsible for lamp knocked over. In an attempt to head off Day when hla oar collided with duce a residential property Canada. and were designed to grandchildren, the injuries in 75 per cent of The Rinaldis came to Chapel trouble, diplomats of Britain, cue ships that responded to an a truck near Hancock, N. Y. owner to sell or lease his prop­ meet “problems which have -phe funeral will be held Sat- the cases. In 50 per cent of the HUl Sept. 1, but Mrs. Rinaldi Greece and Turkey met with SOS reported that the 27-man erty due to such change in cropped up from time to time." urday at 8:30 a.m. from the fatal incidents the mother was had returned to Waterbury to Makarios and decided to put crew was safe. The Amazon Is ' teach school. British, Greek and Turkish a 7,281-ton ship. Hard Luck Saga neighborhood." The regulations spell out that John F, 'nemey, Funeral to blame. MACHINE SUCED Although there have been no all listing contracts must be In Home, 219 W. Center St., with !!!!! inrSTTC (AJ») — The hard proven cases of such "block­ writing, including exclusive a solemn Mass of requiem at ::::: hick saga of Marion C. Lucy busting" activity in this state, agreements, and all offers to I the (Thurch of the Assumption i i and his boats came to another there have been cases in New buy or lease must include, in at 9. Burial will be in St. milestone Saturday when his York where agents persuaded writing, conditional financing [ James' Cemetery, BOILED gaC.OOO motor saiier Galllards white owners to "panic sell" terms. The rules also bar agents Friends may call at the fu- i i seas caught In the -ce and sank their homes to the agents at from breaking exclusive con- neral home tonight from 7 to iiiiii in the Elk River near Chesa­ low prices after Negroes moved tracts, from breaking contracts, 9 and tomorrow from 2 to 4 peake City, Md. in. TTie agents then sold the to sell to other parties, from and 7 to 9 p.m. Mir. and Mra Lucy were ree- homes to Negroes at several misrepresenting sales prices, sued by Coast Guard. thousand dollars’ profit. and from misrepresenting their Karlo C. JaJUzrdo The GslUarde went down TTiere have been some al­ listings as private sales. ANDOVER Karlo C. JajM- bboot 960 feet from the main legations of similar activity in They may not take a commis­ ardo, 56, of Rooky Hill, father Cmnecticut, but no evidence sion out of buyers’ deposits If HAM ehannsl. The hulk Is not con- of Mrs, Arthur Couch of An­ muClEARANCEiili iidered a menooe to navigation. to prove sLdi charges. owners fail to complete a sale; dover, died Tuesday at Hart­ Ih e Cbaat Guard could not say In several instances, home- may not put up signs without ford Hospital. whether Lucy Intends to sal' ownera In a block where a written permission, may not FRESH CUT share commissions with unli­ He al.so leaves his wife, two Tags Iter. Negrp family moved In report­ .sons, another daughter, three Axui Saturday's .sinking culminated ed they were'' all solicited by censed persons, and must com­ ^ O O D ^ ^ E A R HHi ply with the final decision of brothers, a half brother, a sis­ a run of misfortune that has real estate salesmen inquiring ter and three grandchildren. I plagued the Staonford man since whether they were considering any hearing tribunal of the selling their homes. Commission on Civil Rights Funeral services will be held Chicken k s t May. tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Rose Lucy, formerly a worker at The new regulations are the pertaining to the housing dis­ first issued by Commissioner crimination section of the State HUl Funeral Home, Elm St., luders, Stamford boat buhdeni, Rocky HIU. The Rw. Wayne and owner of hla own Custom Premo on conduct of real es­ Public Accommodations Stat­ tate agents. Since his office ute. Dougherty, chaplain of Hart­ Boat Fitting Co. at Stamford, ford Ho-spital, will officiate. E wnas given supervision of real That statute bars discrimina­ had been building a 36-foot Burial will be in Center Ceme­ 3 DAYS ONLY omiser In his back yard. estate 10 years ago, he has tion In the sale or rental of any had power only to regulate li­ private housing except w'here a tery, Rocky Hill. AND He had her 99 per cent com­ Friends may call at the fu­ Here’s your opportunity to pick up plete, ebocording to Mystic censes, suspensions and sim­ homeowner rents rooms or an ilar details. apartment In his own home. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. a big tire bargain! We’re cleaning souroeB, when she caught fire iii; and was destroyed. Albert HI out all types and sitea of auto tires, With the insurance prooeede yard heard. Hia GaiUailde's en­ ROCKVILLE—^Albert HI, 83, including both winter and regular B reasts liucy and his wife oesne to gines quit somewhere off At­ ii:: Mystic where they bought the Ruth Millett of 1 Windsor Ave. died this treads. Election in tome aiaea is lantic City, the Coast Guard morning at Hartford Ho^ltal. limited, so get here early! GslHarde last June and lived oame to her rescue and in tow­ Mr. ni was bom In Rockville aboard her at Mystic ahlpyiud. ing her, the bowsprit was BEWARE OF WOMEN WITH March 11, 1880, a son of Her­ Combo C They are members of the Mystic yanked off. ROLLERS IN THEIR HAIR man and Ada Rider BI. and (Quartered) Seaport Marine Historical As­ Apparently the damage was A bewildered male, trying to lived here all his life. He was sociation. repaired and the Lucys contin­ account for the reason so many a retired weaver. The Lucys set out early In u e on down the inland water­ sweet young things today run He was a member of the \ Korentber, headed for southern way, only to meet disaster In around with rollers In their hair, Sons of Henman and the CUDAHY'S PURITAN sltanes. the Elk River. came up with the bright idea Knights of Pythias. NO MONEY Trouble struck off the Jersey "He is no novice, he’s had that parading and lounging He is survived by his widow. •osflt, people at Mystic ahip- experience with )x>ats all his around during the day in hair Grace Brownell m, and several life,” Donald Truas, president curlers is a status symbol. nephews and coualns. CANNED of Mystic shipyard, said of He figures those curlers say Funeral services will be held Top Favorite Lucy today. plainly, "I’m all dated up for Saturday at 1 pjn. at the Ladd DOWN! He described the GalUarde as tonight.” Funeral Home, 19 ElUington a i^>ack>us, well-equipped vessel, He may be right! Ave. The Rev. Paul Bowman, ibuilt In the early 30s. She was But the young men need to be pastor of Union Congregation­ white with maroon trim and warned. Choose a girl who al Church, will officiate. Burial worth about 835,000, he said. lounges around a club swim­ will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. EASY PAY TERMS ming pool or drives around in Friends may call at the fu­ HAM 5 your convertible with her hair neral home tomorrow from 7 Aa Low As 11.25 Weekly You Save at Least $1.00! up in rollers, and you are go­ to 9 p.m. Young Fashion! ing to have to look at that sight FOR A FULL SET! for the rest of your life. Walter B. Palmer iiili If you like the girl- -but hate Walter B. Palmer, 76, of 8 EXTRA LEAN, FRESH the hair rollers—you had better Tanner St., died suddenly at •mil straighten things out before you his home yesterday. are married. Forbid her ever He was born in Plainfield, sale! Gardner and to wear them in your sight. N.J., Sept. 22, 1888. He has 11 from oar rMular snock! You think It can’t be done? been a resident here since his Well, I once heard a woman retirement from the New York MOUNTING sale! men's and boys' Tidykins children's GROUND who has been happily married City Fire Department 30 years for 26 years say that her hus­ ago. band had never once^ln his life snowsuits Sale of Better seen her hair In pljj curls or He is survived by his wife, FREE! Mighty Macs and ii! rollers. Mrs. Kathryn L. O’Ckjnnell I!! When asked why, she rueful­ Palmer; a daughter, Miss Joan 2 C. Palmer of Manchester; a other outerwear ’ ly .said that her husband (when sister, Mrs. Eleanor Alpers of Untrimmed Coats he was only her husband-to-be) Massapequa, L.I., N.Y.; and 1 3 - « » CHUCK saw a woman whose hair glit­ tered with those metal clips several nieces and nepheJvs. that held pin curls which was, Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the W. j^very new tire has OFF 14.90 back in the days before rollers. reg. to $70 LO O K W HAT n W ILL BUY! With a shudder he told his fi­ P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 ancee, "Don’t ever do that to Main St. Burial will be in St. Goodyear’s new Bridget's Cemetery. 20% 16.90 me. If you put those awful-look CHICKEN GIZZARDS 5 lbs. ing things in your hair, don't Friends may call at the Save 20% on nati()nally aiivertised Ladies . . . now play Santa to yourself and ever let me see them.” And she funeral home tonight from 7 Our entire stock of snowsuits for choose a superb fashion coat at our budget­ 6 to 9. NATION-WIDE prices of famous Mighty Mac, Lake­ CHICKEN LIVERS 2lbs. never has to this good day. toddlers, 1-4 and boys’'and girls’, saving after-Christmas prices! Choose from So the hair-roller or pin-curl land, Great Western . . . winter problem can be solved before Aime DeMars NO LIMIT jackets, surcoats, car coats, ski 3-6x. Top name labels and original the season’s newest and smartest silhouettes MEATY LAMB STEW 5lbs. marriage if a man is brave Alme DeMars, 71, of 39 jackets. For men, a great assort­ price tags in every garment! Wash­ . . . fitted, demi-fit and double-breasted coats enough to take a .stand. Haynes St., died Tuesday at ment of suedes, nylons, meltons, able nylons, sturdy fabric^, solid . . . finest woolens, boucles, Wyandotte mel­ LEAN PLATE BEEF 4lbs. Yet, a young man can be E)a.st Hartford Hospital. GUARANTEE color quilts, Norwegian insets, tons, imported and domestic tweeds . . . all pretty sure that if he doesn’t Mr. DeMars was born In St. corduroys, size 36-46. Four boys, «ii!! AMERICAN SLICED CHEESE 2 lbs. 1371 take a stand before marriage, Llboire, Canada, Aug. 9, 1892. No fine print. CompIeU, simple to our entire stock of corduroys, wools, many styles and colors. Buy for from regular stock and all tremendous value ONC SIS he might as- well resign him He came to Manchester about understand Guarantee has no limit on dacrons, nylons; sizes 3-7 and 8-20. next year, tool finds! Juniors’, misses’ and misses’ petites. ASSORTED COLD CUTS 2 lbs. ■elf to rollers on the pillow be­ one year ago after living In the months, no limit on miles, no limit m D-M) side him; rollers at the break­ Hartford area for 22 years. to roads, no limit as to speed, for the lioro^iDi fast table; and maybe even Since 1920 he was a custom entire life of the tread. il;i No other frock is as veraatile worse, a wife who wears hair home builder in the Hartford ALL NEW GOODYEAR AUTO and obanning as the w^l fitting rollers to the supermarket. area. He was a member of the TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against boys' goal coots Warner girdle girls' 7-14 w inter coats Airtwasst dnsss. Shown here lit All rights resm'ed. Burnside Methodist Church. defects in workmanship and materials Compare Our Low Everyday a half-size version that is so Newspaper Enterprlsb’’ Assn Survivors Include his wife, and normal road hazards, except re­ rtknmlng. 2857-H Mrs. Laurenza Daoust DelMars; pairable punctures. 14.90 5.99 1s !90 to 29.90 No. 1371 with Patt-O-Rama four sons, Sinai DeMars of Discount Prices! fa in alzoB 14i(,, 16>A, Pattern No. 2857-H has tis­ Granby, Joffre DeMars of Pana­ IF A GOdDYEAR TIRE FAILS regular 19.98 ^ reg. 7.95 value reg. |25'to 840 values 90H-, 24>4- Bust 33 to 45. sue—sizes 1-2-3, inc; full di­ About Town ma City, Fla., Laurier DeMars UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any Sm the biggest and freshest display of Western Steer Beef, Pork, Poul­ aUe 14^, 86 bust, short slseves, rections for sewing and smock­ of Coventry and Edmond De­ of more than 80.000 Goodyoor doolon A spedal group of boys’ coytM Famous Warner first quality “De­ All famous maker girls’ coats from our regu­ 4K y a i^ pf 35-inch. ing on gingham, "ro order, sent The VFW Post wlU oponsoc Mars of Simsbury; two daugh­ in tha United States and Canada wiU lilah^’ pull-on girdle made with lar stock! Wools, suedes, orlon piles, fur trims try and Provisions in this part of Connecticut! WE GUARANTEE TO To Odder, aend 60c In coins to: 36c ki coins to: Anne Oibot, seafood night tomorrow from ters, Mrs. Choiies Miller of Bol­ make allowance on a new tire baaed of sturdy corduroy, superbly tai­ iliil flua Bumerbt, The ManicheeFter Mjaitcheetor Evening Herald, 6 to 12:30 am . for members ton and Mrs. Walter E. Ditmars on original tread depUi remoininc and lored and warmly lined with deep lightweight Lycra and nylon lastex and untrims, dressy and casud styles. Sizes SAVE YOU MONEY and GIVE YOU FINE QUALITY IN DOING SO! Evening Herald, 1160 AVE. OF NEW Y


- r-i'■'JYaT’*igtirrfrHiTi*a7Vaa^ irT'i~ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 Pages 13 to 24^ PAGE TWELVE Section Two THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 United Stotes of supporting Lat- High School Boy in-American dictators. "Y ou suppress progreaslve, ALUMINUM Holiday: Leases Land, Yule Traffic Four Town Police Badges Wapplng; Brlch KuschSt 79 LBJ Goes to Source left-wing organlxatlons,’^ the an­ Public Records MostTotvnWorkersFavor nouncer said, "and encourage COMB. DOORS f Hospital Notes Bridge SL; Patricia Sacchl, Ice Factor East Hartford; Robert Somog- Poinsettias, Rides Boat Kills 302 in Sent to German Collector The John Brlch Society, the Ku AND Per Pupil Expense Wairanieo Deeds Giees ATHOL, Mass. (AP) — Law­ Klux man and the Minutemen.” visitin g hours ere 2 to 8 p.m. yi, 40 S. Alton SL; Richard Expanded Insurance Plan I------rence Martoski’s high school He praised this country for In all areas excepting maternity Behrmann, Hebron RA, Bolton; Sherw ood Circle Inc., to In Crashes Among the Christmas interssts and asking for ek- DOOR CANOPIES Mrs. Bbiscllla Martocchto, 32 Katherina E. WeKi, property I tn m O M ) 48-Hour Span amplss of town police government class will study So­ Its highly developed chemical where they are 2 to 4 p.m. and Students Conduct mall on the way to Ger­ Industry, and conceded that So­ ALSO •:S0 to 8 p.m., and private Spruce SL; Mrs. Jean Sills, on Ttmrod Rd. baches, and noting that viet propagranda techniques first Up $17 for Nation Twelve auto accidents oc­ A majority of the tow n. « n - ^ w o ^ ^ js a r ig n e d cn ttto South Windsor; Sandra Grimes, Btheleen Lewis, to Hartford MllMred lor th« Oiristmas dln- many last week was a viet roads "aren’t as good as rooms where they are 10 a.m. curred in Manchester during lowing baeis: (Continued from Page One) ’’Connecticut is rich in his­ hand courtesy of Radio Moscow TUB ENCLOSURES 54 Valley SL; Lloyd Braman, Electric Light Oo.. property off ployes polled during December more ot Mta. Johnson s Sunday Service package from the Manohee- tory, and I have much Inter­ American superhighways and to 8 p.m. Visitors are requested the holiday period fW>m Tues­ Elmployes making lees than raUtlVee due in time New and a $3.50 shortwave ket. turnpikes.” ^were In debt $ for each not to smoke In patients’ rooms. East Hartford: Charles Arm­ Burnham St. have expreaaed approval of a tor there were 646 traffic fatalities, ter Police Department, con­ est In this ok) American ORDER NOW By O. K. HODENFIELD 1,000 day afternoon until late last $4,000 yearly wbnld contribute Tear’s. An added guest was Lawrence, 19, bought the sec­ Friends of Lawrence taped N o more than two visitors at strong, Coventry; Mrs. Patricia Quitclaim Deed Annual College Stmday will the second highest on record for taining four police badges, state.” A Wonderful Use For A P Education Writer ^pupil enrolled. night. None waa aeiTous, and group life insurance plan Mg- 60 cents per month for $2,000 L«nda Bird Johnson’s fiance, ond hand radio recently and aft­ the broadcast. It will be replay­ White and son. Coventry: Mrs. Clifford E. Heritage and Lor­ be observed at Center Congre­ a four-day CTiristmas holiday bound for a collector of ’The letter went to Police WASHINGTON (AP) — The The magazine said New York, one time per patient. only in one waa anyone hoe- gested by the town’e Insurance in ineuranoe; Bernard Roeenbach of Comfort er listening to a few Radio Mos­ ed in his government class. Your Christinas Bonus and Pennsylvania Irene Vllleneuve aAd soh, 26 raine A. Heritage, to Henry E. gational Church this week. V a­ period. Americana In Hannover. Chief James Reardon, who average cost of educating a pi talized. advisory oamonittee. Those making $4,000 or naore Tex., newly elevated to the rank cow broadcasts, he sent 10 are spending the top per-pupli A D M U T H D T U E S D A Y : Country La., Vernon; Mrs. Bar­ cationing students will conduct Weather generally was fair In The badges span the his­ sent along the four badges Ideal Present for child in the public schools this Agostinelli and Nathan Agoe- S lip ^ ry roads and pooK driv­ The plan would provide from but leee tharf $6,000 would con­ of N ary lieutenant. Junior grade. questions to the station’s .’’mail- JUST DROPPED IN figure, $482. This is about 43 i^ r Gregory Geiger. W applng; bara Gagnon and daughter, tlnelli, property at 242 School the services at 8, 9;'l6 and 11 most of the nstlon but snow tory of the town’s police — including examples of The Whole Family 1 school year Is $362, an increase ing conditions were the major $2,000 to $5,000 In life insurance, tribute $1.20 per ■ month for He’s soon to be sent to Guan­ bag” program. He got his an­ Pamela Carpenter, 34 Engle­ Vernon Ave., Rockville; Mrs. a.m. storms earlier this week made force, from the large silver those which 8rst saw serv­ DENVER, (3olo. (AP) — While of $17 or 6 per cent over last cent above the national aver­ St. and between School and factors in nearly every ea.se. $3,000 in insurance; tanamo Bay, Cuba, Johnson re- swers Wednesday night. Alice Reinhardt and son, W ap­ depending on the employee an- Worship leaders are Mi.ss driving conditions hazardous in shield worn by the first ice in 1903, 1920. 1949 and Mr. and Mrs. John Albi were out year, the magazine School Man­ age. wood Dr.; Charles Armstrong, Charter Oak Sts. As a result, none o f the driv­ Thoae making $6,000 or more The Moscow announcer, re­ plng: Mrs. Strelsa Hllnlcan, nu^ earnings, for any town Kathy Ryan. Miss Judy Rhodes. full-time officers In 1903 to 19.69 -along with greetings Wednesday, a man walked Into HOME agement reported today. The second-highest spending Echo Rd., Vernon; Lynn Nors- Federal Tax Lien ers was arreeted. In tWo cases, hut less than $8,000 would con­ The President Introduced all many areas. sponding to a question on wheth­ employe who elects to partici­ Phil Rider and Mike Morasco. the gold-filled badge pres­ for the New Year. their first-floor apartment car­ The magazine said only $7 of region was California, Oregop, man, M ^ison, Wls.; Shirley Broad Brook. U.S. Treasury Dept, against however, they were issued writ­ tribute $1.80 per month for of his family as they gathered er the training of American or Washington, Hawaii and Alaska DISCHARGED TO D A Y: pate—^Including teachers, who Miss Beth Gartslde and A r­ INMATE HANGS SEIJF ently in use. rying a sultcsM. A few minutes SPECIALTIES the increase wtll be spent for Demo, Glastonbury: Mrs. Jean John J. Mullin Jr., property at ten warnings. $4,000 In insurance; to be photographed and singled Soviet soldiers Is superior, said: with a per-pupll expenditure of John Zaviskas, 411 N. Main St. are exchided from the town’# thur House will give the ser­ H AR TFO R D (API Richard They are going to Man­ 819 TO 828 later, a neighbor saw him leave. better education, with the other Sills, South Windsor. 176 Tolland Tpke., $503,69. Those making $8,000 or more out hie elderly cousin. Oriole " It would make more sense to 64S-2M6 $890, 11 per cent above the na­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Charlie M. Todd Jr., 18, of present plan. mon, "Tlte Identity of Youth.” Roy, a 28-year-old state jail In­ fred" S. Bordasch,. 3161 H AR TFO R D (AP) — The Gone, apparently in his satch­ $10 being used simply to offset would con trib u te $2.40 per Bailey, who lives down the road do away with big armies and the 30 PURNELL FLAOB tional average. Elmer Hatfield, Durant St.; Release of Attachment East Hartford, waa warned for The town now provide# a Many Students w ill sing with mate. hanged himself with his Gretenberg uber Lehrte, State Motor Vehicle Depart­ el, were the folded-up limbs and the effects of teflatlon. 68 naonth fo r $5,000 In ineurance. money spent on armament to Only one of the nine list­ Rubjr Todd. Blast Hartford; M ori arty Brothers Inc., speeding and for driving after basic $1,000 policy paid in its a bit. the choir. belt in his cell yesterday. Roy. Hannover. West Germany, ment's daily record of .iidomo- main stem of the Albls’ two-foot The magazine’s annual survey Coventry "We visit her every night,” he be put to use elsewhere. Let’s ed geographical areas surveyed against Clifford Heritage, prop­ drinking and two members of entirety by the town. Under the The remainder of the cost of A reception for the students, o f Ra.'t Hartford, was arwaiting a 28-year-old amateur his­ bile fatalities as of last mid­ metal (Jhrlstmas tree. Is directed by Dr. Orlando F. Charles Todd, Blast Hartford; said, "and we get a nice little come to an agreement on gen­ showed a decline In spending erty at 242 School SL. $200. his fam ily were hospitalized as new plan, the employe would the insurance, which amounts members of the Armed Forces trial on a charge of robbery torian of American laiw. night and the total on the same Fumo, director of research for M m . George Ober, Coventry; walk. It keeps us j*y.slcally fit eral disarmament and work for The unidentified visitor also from the i>revious school year. Leilla Gauvin, Wlndsorville; Woman Charged Release of Judgment Lien the result of a one-car crash pay 60 cents per month for the to 25 cents p w 60 cenLs of em­ and ftiends will be held in the with violence In connection with Bordasch wrote Mayor date last year: Baltimore city schools. and when we visit her we must pence.” took 35 Christmas tree orna­ School Management said expen­ M o r I a r t y Brothers Inc. early Christmas morning at first $2,rted. These mcluned Rcciaer\t?i He waa a brother and business him stopped quickly, and be­ South Windsor. G iro’s office announced today a signal and making an im­ at Buckland St. north of Tol­ JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)— partner of Lee Shubert, also a INNSBR-UCK, Austria — Foe cause of an icy road he skidded DISiCitABGElID T O D A Y : Mrs. At Beth Sholom that Chancellor Ludwig Erhard proper left turn, after he col- land Tpke. at 2 p.m.; on Weth- _ President Johnson proved he’ theatrical business figure, who the 1964 W in te r (Mymplcs, into the pole. Sandra Lebktion; Susan ESUottt. and Foreign Minister Gerhard lld ^ w it h a car d riy n by John ' 4.35 Hilliard w ell up on college fashions. died on Christmas Day, 1963. whlich will be held here from 29 Vernon Certtor Heights, Ver­ Schroeder of West Germany will Tuesday just before noon a J. Cronin, 37, ot 59 E. Middle Woodland Sts. at 6:30 p.m.; He Ixjught his daughter, Lyn^ The federal government only January 29 to February 9, an Dr. EYederick W. Lowe Jr., third driver, Lucrezia PeraJIl of da Bird, 19, as Texas University non; Sandra BTatoher, 141 Orest visit Rome in January. Tpke. about 8:30 p.m. at Main Oakland St. and Tolland two days ago had brought suit entirely new ski terrain has dean of Manohester Community Amston Lake, lost control of and Hollister Sts. Helin told po-, rppjjg g .45 p .^ ; and nn sophomore, a gay red Marlmek' Dr., Vernon; Mrs. I)dna OdeH, Moro’a office said the West for $16,705,387 In estate taxes been tniUt on "the white roof of her oar and collided with a tele­ ko dress from Finland for 54 Birch SL; Elleandse Frac- CoUege, will speak tomorrow at German officials will make the lice he did not see Cronin’s car Hartford Rd. near Palm St. at against the estate of Lee Shu­ Innsbruck.” phone pole at Highland and approaching from the south as g p f,i. , Christmas. ’The style is a popu­ chia, Hebron; Austin Almon, 8:16 p.m. at a (College Home­ visit Jan. 27 and 28 on the Invi­ .45 bert. The government placed the Austria’s Federal Govern­ lar Item on American cam 49 V4 Union St., Rockville> Ed tation of the new Italian pre­ Spring Sts., shearing it in half he attempted to turn Into Hol­ value of the estate at $25 mil­ ment, Tyrol Province, and Inns­ coming Service at Temple Beth and damaging the vehicle be­ puses. win Klatt, 56 Brookfield SL; mier. lister SL VISIT CONFIRMED lion, the bulk of It a half-interest bruck have spent between 20 Sholom. yond repair. She was given a A leisure time, casual dress, In the partnership. Sylvester Glacomlnd, 17 Wood' All vacationing college stu­ Official Italian sources said A t 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Louise' RABAT. Morocco (AP) — The H is like aloose shift type with and so million dollars on *X>lym- land St., RockvUie; Mrs. Esther the visit was part of continuing verbal warning for traveling Johnson o f 9 Chestnut St. Moroccan government con- Jacob Shubert was the sole pic Village,” a c


WASHmOTON (AP) — Dsfl- Bltely not Eric the dachshund, •am the dachahund la e o m iu home Friday to M axwell C. RAYON CUT RR.1 YOUR CHOKBI CLOSIOUT RURCNASII Moulton. CANNON TIRRY W ASHABLE TOLL WE’LL GLADLY Sam wound up in Africa when A R B A R U U S ANNIVERSARY b i d B I L L O W S CNSNH.LB BBDSPRBADS ■lien Loeb, wife of James Loeb DISH TOWBLS SIZE COMPORTBIIS Jr., U.S. ambassador to Guinea, BLANKET was given Sam instead of Erie 2 .9 9 ... 3 .9 9 , 1 .2 9 jr* x 3 4 * * at a pet hospital in Washington 4 ^ 8 9 < 5 .9 9 Comporo at 1.49 EXCHANGE OR REFUND Compor* Qt 4.98 Comporo dt 4.99 ond 5.99 Friday. The Loebs then left for 2.49 ™ * ’V , Cem par. at 394 .o . Guinea with Sam in tow. A. Faam Rnbbar fillad Chonlllo sproods of cotton ” Suro C rip " non skid oroe corn- Wednesday Moulton said Sam 100% Cotton Colorful scroon print pottorns Woshoblo, lightwoight Rayan Ohallis Oavarad •r rayon tufting. 3 booutiful rugs in 10 brilliant doeorotor We'

PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 MANCHES'fER EVENING HERALD, M/’ .....covm THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 PAOB FOUBTEBN g r a n d GRAND WAY CONN. WEEK ~ apace and imdar. water . AM three countries nailed it aa a The TopTen Coventry JFK Assassination breakthrough In eaalng OoM War tensions. The U.S. Senate 1. Assaarinatlon of Presld«nt| SALE FRICES E F F ia iV I approved the treaty SepC 24. Kennody. by an 80 to 19 vote. 2. Civil Rights crisis shakes | Calinat Says Obvious Top Story 8. The Supreme Court. ruUng nation. PBC.26 thru BEC.31 » caaea from Maryiand_ and 3. Profumo-Ward-Keeler-Ivan- ?eimsvbrania, on June 17 de­ ov scandal almost topples BiiU | Loyzim Items Bt MART OAMFRiaX 'fbrother. Nguyen Ngot Tho. vice clared unconstitutional Bible Ish government. A P WrHW president under Diem, beesme readtog and recital of the (jc ^ . Diem's death, Buddhist I piw iler. All Resolved Tn>ia* 36Ui r r o^dont oT til* faatest and deepest diving sub. Henri- Throne, 28. trapped In a John, reconvenes Vatican Cbun- [ week had lapeed before a let­ IMtwl BUtw. John FtUreraW disappeared April 10 after a Hazleton, Pa., mine for 14 days, cU. WHk PtrabM Dl e « Mod ter received by the board had K«nMdy, hnd be*n esaenelnatwl steep test dive, with 129 men were reacued Aug. 27. Flret 7. Teat ban treaty signed. Coupon good Deo. X thru Dee, been published, the whole mat­ whU* ridiiic thiourh DmllM. on board. Search for the contacted after they had been 8. Supreme O u rt mitlaws | •J8, 1983. Um lt one ooapoa to a ter concerning minority repre­ T « . , in » motoronde. H* w m Thresher was abandoned Sept. trapped six days and given up school prayers. family. Adulta Only. 8J^ sentation oh the Advisory In­ M and had boon PrMtd«nt two 5. after the recovery of a sln- by many for dead, rescuers be­ Law: Clgarattea, Beer and surance Committee would have 9. Three men trai^ied in Penn- I been resolved. M an, 10 montha and two days. bit of copper tubing from gan drilling and finally pulled sylvanla mine 14 days, two rea- | Traded Item* excluded Galinat referred to a letter Bdttora of A P mwnbw nawa- the Thresher's hull in the A t- the twra men to the surface In cued. from offer. pa|)ara and radio and T*V ata- Isntlc 200 miles east of Boston. safety harnesses, through an sent the board by Stephen 10. Russia and Red China near | HAMS Lioyzlm, chairman of the Dem­ acToad tiiat tiie awift tra* 8. Pope Paul VI. the flntt 18-tnch shaft more than 300 breaking point. M d r o f FMday, Nov 22, and Ma cardinal created by Pope John feet deep. Rescuers were not ocratic Town Committee, criti­ aftannath obviously waa tfa* X X m and head o f Italy's larg- able to locate a third miner, cizing the board for not having TO RECEIV'E DEGREES minority repre.sentatlon on the No. 1 atory of l»M , dkteese. was elected Pope Louis Bova. who was separat­ WASHINGTON (A P )—A fore-1 SHANK Gkrr. John B. Oonnally Jr. of June 21. He announced he ed from Fellln and Throne by advisory insurance committee, cast that 894.3(X) men and wom­ as required by law. IVocaa ridin f tai tho Praatdent'a would follow the policies of his fallen debris. en will receive college degrees I PORTION ear, waa shot and injured by Uberal predecessor and work 10. In a sharp excliange of Gallnat’s reply cited the or­ Swf^s PremiumProten — TendefPeef next June and nearly s million dinance establishing the AIC the aaaaiwin, Kennody, hit twice fo r peace; and kem open the letters last spring, the Soviet ten years from now was made In the head, waa pronounced pathways of friendly dealings Union and Red (^ n a exposed today by the U.S. Office of Ed­ which provides that the boards lean — TAiTY nrns. with all Christian denomina­ deep policy disagreement and i ucation. of selectmen, education and dead at Parkland Hospital. A t finance "shaH each appoint one 3:30 p n . L^yndon BainM John­ tion*. On Sept. 29 Pope Paul competition for leadership of Degrees earned during the I opened the second eession of world Communism. Mao Tze academic year 1961 - 62. the la-1 of their members to serve on SIRLOIN STEAK iSl son a «s sworn in aa President, this committee." Each of the on tlM pretddenUai jet at Love the Bcumenical Council, con­ tung called for violence and test for which an actual count ^ IC T — FLAVORFUL A P Is * vened and recessed In 1M2 by subi-ersive penetration of non- has been completed. ' to-1 members appointed last was a FMd. Dallas, llta laU Presi­ Republican. dent's boct' and hia widow were Pope John. Communist countries while taled 316.996. Khrushchev favored peaceful The Office of Education sur­ BUTT Galinat said he had person­ PORTERHOUSE s,..k05l aboard fbr ttaa trip baick bo 7. After year* of negotiation, ally advised Loyzim that a let­ BONE IN ■ a * — —a—I_—’ teat ban treaty waa initialed coexistence and drew the line veyed some 1.800 colleges and I I- ' >•■-.. ob'aln It.s esti-1 ter had been written to the Munned Ameiioana, strtiien July X by the United States, at nuclear war. U.S. analysts board of education chairman. an at a death in their own Cam Britain and the Soviet Union, consider that a de facto split mates. Its projected estimate PORTION CHUCK ROAST 2 Mrs. Alrtia Heckler, and he had IHen, waiJt, flHed the ohurrhas, pledging aa end to nuclear teat- exists between Russia and Red lu. iiie 1973-74 academic year is FOR BRAISING 999,500. been Informed that the board saad' neavspapera, marveUed at tag in Ih* atmoaphere, outer China. of eflucation will take the mat­ tha oomposw a o f JacqueUna ter up at Its next regpilar meet­ Kannaty and wwtehad TV aa ing. "The same day aa your FLANKEN RIBS %/ouitA letter appeared In the news­ i BONELESS P 7 A wd Aram papers." Galinat's letter to oHom of tba Whiba House Extra Loyzim said, "we were inform­ CHUCK FILLET 79 to ha In stats In tha Oa|)ibol, ed by the board of education BONELESS ' A Age tram theta to Bt. Ifatthew'a 100 PlaM^ STAMPS chairman that Mrs. Eleanor Oathedral for Requiem h WITH THIS COUPON AND YOUR Macneil would replace Wln- flnMI^ for burtal to ArMncton throp Merriam." CROSS RIB ROAST 89°IIK 6 Kaftanal Oemstety. THIS VALUABLE $5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE Before Mrs. Macnell's ap­ T * s la k m waibcfaen on Bun- Coupon good thrn Toes., Dec. 81, 1983 pointment. the AIC had Includ­ ed Republicans Donald S. Da­ B^r alao amr Lae Harray Os­ Unit.an* esupon per cuatemer. Not good for GROUND ROUND 89L wald, M . anousad kUtar o f the vis. second selectman; Malcolm tebews preducM end Nemi prohibited by lew E. C. Devine of the • board of BONELESS BOTTOM A A « e Pre^iheit and o f a poHoeman (SPtDI finance and Merriam of the who had oonAranbad bim, fatally board of education. Bertram A. I SCOTTIES shot by a Dahas nlftibduh own- Hunt, (R) former second se­ ROUND ROAST 89° m . Jack RUby. lectman, and Bupt. of Schools LEAN A TENDER Amaatoana, jotoed fagr oM Wilson L. Tilley, not yet a vot­ o f anany ottwr oountriea, ob- er In Cjoventry, had been named CUBE STEAKS 99t sarrad Monday, Nor. X , as to the board also. ta n of moumlnc tor jn c . FACIAL TISSUES 2 REOULAR — LEAN Galinat further wrote that GRAND UNION Ths sdltora TOted the ChrU "as first selectman, I feel that W chts crisis tbs second b iffest Lionel Jean has been extended GROUND BEEF 49' stoiy of tha year. U. S. OOV'T ORADE A every possible courtesy that I, BONELESS Thara waa vlolenca. Med(ar aa first selectman, or the board n m Krara, Mlsataalppi field aecre- of selectmen could have shown BRISKET >"c...95 . COT tary for tba NAACP, waa abot I l i A A J i C him. If Mr. Jean has given the PORK - BEANS 791 in tha back and killed outside Democratic Town CJornmittee GRAND UNION CHUCK hia home. Four Negro girls died SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY POT ROAST the impression that he had and 33 wera injured when Bir- been denied the courtesy due CALIF. ROAST 5 9 '. aodngbam’a 18th Street Baptist him as third selectman, it came STEAK CUT Cbiffch waa dynamited on a a* a shock to the board as well Sunday morning. Befcxs tba day TURKEYS as to Mr. Jean as he so stated SLICES was over, more violence erupted Boneless Chuck u55* CUCUMBER at our selectmen’s meeting.” KEBai.Bg ’— TENDERLOIN P8rt8llMfiH 951 and two mora persons wera dead In conclusion, Galinat’s let­ and three Injured. Six white per- HENS TOMS LEAN A TENDER PORTMHOUM LB 19 te 14 Lbs. 18 to n Lbe. ter said the board of select­ aoos ware abot and several STEAKS men also unanimously requests whUa-operatad stores burned in FLANK STEAK 951 nlglits of disorder in Cambridge, GRADEV7K/M.TC esA . . . U. •t. . OOVERNMENTWVyVEKI'VI INSPECTED lb. lb. in the future, whenever It or ROAST Md. any other appointing authority 8T0 asks a town committee for a CLUB CRACKERS 3 And nonviolance. Negroas reconunendation to fill any va­ NABISCO — COOKIES staged Bt-ina, wade-lna and 14 LIS LB 22 LBS LB EYE ROUND p ii^ t Unas, North and South, to Turkeys cancy occurring on a board, BONELESS dram all la thalr demand for commission or committee, that equal treatment More than 380,• tiiree or more nam8B ‘be sub­ 000, Negro and white, joined the O v e n Roast mitted. The request is being CHUCK ROAST 591 orderly Aug. 28 March cm Waah- Now Ymars Evm TreatsI made because “ it is the feel­ • SOCIABLES LEAN •ONILUS U ir Zestful Holiday Appetizer! togton. ing of the board of selectmen NANCY LYNN fHOUlOM .7 9 = ^ J U ____ POMtU'SKIIDI 'li^it'sAVEiiai that tJve appointing agency And the achooU. James Mere- Canned Hams whou-^io lu u 69 CHUCK GROUND 651 dUh waa graduated from tha Is being denied the right to CHOCK FULL OF . ^ 8" LEAN Daivarai^ of Mlaeissippi; Cleve choose or appoint when only Ham *“ ‘**2.59 *“***3.75 one name Is submitted." JPRUITS AND NUTS # .* > « McDowell beoune the first London Broil M. Negro in tha Ola Miss law Bologna a/rts-iiKirT nictp rvt 25' 'ri; 49' Reservations for the New STEWING BEEF 6 9 l E •ONiUU Tsar’s Ehre party to be given MINCE PIE school, without the federal •NOUlOIISTtAK U 8 9 = BONE IN markiala who had accompanied Hood ChOOSO ««iric(29' by Oreen-Ghobot-Richardson MeredUh’a arrival a year be- ABP Post. American Legion and its PRESHFAK FAVORITEf PROM THE HOSFITAUTY BAR PickU nrfin Loaf ‘n? 2r Auxiliary should be made to­ CHUCKSTEAK 4 9 l day with Mr. and Mrs. Law­ MARASCHINO CHERRIES WHEATOBBCUItf tC 29e SHORT CUT - OoT. Gaorge Wallaca of Alar Cornod Boof surn-KWNTiLiHej*.iiEB rst 33 i TOMATO JUICE hama twloa raslstad school In- rence Perry or Mrs. Eugene MARASCHINO CHERRIES aSSU FRENCH PATE OE FOIE ^ 29c, tergratlan, then gave In when Link Sousogo wrts-siiirr pcmicss IS 4 9 * Rychlltig. NAHEAHULA STUFFED OLIVES SMOKED OYSTERS . 29e, RIB STEAKS 691 President Kennec^ nationalised ■OUM T' the state National Guard, and Cookod Horn Manchester Evening Herald PLAIN OLIVES 59e MACADAMIANUTS 89c BONELESS ttia Univenity of Alabama and Coventry coixespondefrt, F. alamentary schoola In four Ala­ Fifh Cokos wits-stATABSinvi u39* Pauline Uttie, telephone 743- CLUB STEAKS C bama cities enrolled their first H a lf G a l. 6281. ROUND Negro students. Parochial Shrimp Cocktail a*«*«*89‘ CALIFORNIA — SUNKIST FRESH — SNOW WHITE aclkwls completed tntergration NO TAPS AT CURFEW throughout Georgia; 800 Negro Shrimp aistisisnf-woefs U 7 5 * SALIDA, Colo. (AP) — No LONDON BROIL children, in Prince Edward RIVIERA Flavors longer must Salida police offi­ BONELESS County Va., without any school­ Froth O yitors so«*fueio«»fnw iNUNjg* cers who sound curfew "ring a ing Bnca 3i68, began classes fire bell five times or blow in lour privately financed taps” In order to comply with a LEHOKS MUSHROOMS RUMP ROAST 891 acbods; UK) aouthem school city ordinance. BONELESS WAIHIO 10OZ O Q C 'The City Council abolished the districts announced desegrega- Spinach READY TO U « CEllO tlon this fall, compared with |8 iAYE PLAID STAMPS ICE CREAM ordinance this week. ROAST in 1882. FOR FINE GIFTS' 4 9 « Also removed; Another old law TOP ROUND 951 No. S atocy of IMS ia a aoan M ufhroom s D8UCtOU8WiTHfTIAKS IB which said citizens who refuse TASTY — REGULAR dal which rocked Brttaln and lUNIHINf CRACXIW CAPE COO UB O Q C to pay a |2 poll tax (no longer aaaaty topilled the govemmsnt. Frofh Cranberries 8MAU CEllO collected) must labor on city RIBROAST W ar lOnitker John Prafumo, streets for one day. 12-49a Holiday favorite 6 9 l VMY 'miN Delicious with that Holiday steak BONELESS m n M MInjater Hiarold klacmfl- Over Nat’l No Deposit Bottles lan by his aide, denied before P rttnk »if««29‘ ORANM CHIPEON JANE PARKER 18c Brand ROAST tha Bourn of Oommona on C ake MVt 10c SPECIAL 49= TOP SIRLOIN March 22 eB rumoca that be KtAn WHEEI WATER’S BONELESS had had an improper relation' FcrtySttocks *•***• 25' PUMPMNKXIL OR SOUR RYI 2 49= MT ! § ' wMh 23-y«ar-old Cfariatine Bread BAVI Be SPECIAL HOT-HOTJIND VICTORY SHOP-RITE SHOULDER S t e a k 9 9 l Kaeler. However, on June S, JANE PARKER PLAIN OR 12 0Z 28-01. f t of iano rralcnefl and admitted Crtoffl Om m « *<*«»29' Potato Chips RIPfUOlAVI 10* SPECIAL BOX THERE’S A LOT! KMATT WHIPPCD BONELESS M at ha bad Ued. Inveatlgation 3ANC PARKER T YUKON GINGER ALE ^ 3 3 ^ Bott. CHEF-BOY-ARpDEE revealed that Chriatine aim had Ireod SANDWICH 1 LB 4 OZ LF 29' Beverages AND MIXID FLAVORS CONTS. TOP SIRLOIN S t e a k w99f Ik. been ahsiing her flavors with a GINGER ALE Now! For only 9'/2c* a Cream Cheese ^ 2 49* Boviet naval attache and aus- MARASCHINO P l L L n U R T pectod spy, Bvgeny Ivanov. In M a rg a rin e NVyiiY QUARTERI ^ PKGS' “ 85= day for fuel... hot water PIZZA wn. CHEESE • ateem of p u ^ diaapproval, O icn riM ‘ 10 OZ OR CLUB SODA for all—all the time! ROUND STEAK 99° a k o p p o a lt lo n and YUKON BINGH AU A&P Instant Coffee JAR 1.09 BISCUITS 'Z' ^ A c ALUMIlfUM DlfR—JVMEAD ___ OVEN READY o f hia own Oon- AND MIXED RAVORS ‘ PACKOE 13 O e C mOMDUI't U you live In a typical — eatli>s Pasty aoouasd him of Evap. Milk El. OZ CANS 85 iiegh tisifa and hwiatied that be Btytroges MpNte 6 um 49' house, you could easily run RIBROAST Rdfulax lb. 2 rsigp at onoe. Maonllan i kilTANA MEDIUM IIZE 7 0Z out of hot water several CreamCheese ZisSS* •WIM KMISHTAU'T aiabed tbeaa presurfa. Shrimp i«iAN41‘ Tuna Fish aipwhite souo pack 2 cansCANS 63 times a week. FAMCT — NEDICM aKAND UNION m . But the biggeat acandal hi 120Z A y e D A17TAII m eat or u-ax. Iha party’a 11 •years in power 9UITANA AAANZANILIA SUPERaiCHT CAN Now you can have all the SHRIMP .6 9 ' Corned Beef hot water you need at one K ilV lU I lI CHEESE . Gruyere Portions pk«- 45 Cold 99' waa not over. Boolety oabeopath Striftd OllvM'»’^'»*** 55* B I K M K T X QUAUTT MAID .BAIfDinnON--W|r , . n . H T O R A D E . Or. Stephen Ward was tried in time for only 9%c* a day. Sweet Mixed Pickles P.p LABEL QTS 45= Think of it—only 9He* a With Jhna on ofaprgea o f hving on the tllCED KOSHR r. LABIl Saosage T 4 5 ' te45' COCKTAIL Fmnks !i^59' basnoral earnings of Chriatine MiboaiT d) 4 o; M r c day! MEIIIOOIIS a K A N D V m O N DillPickiM •” 29' ■4. PKGS PEAS BabyGouda ’^ 45* AKM OUKITAK—CANNED a-k. C am e A AMERICAN XM U l liaete and Maodiy RIoe-Daviea Cheese Slices Tes, thanks to Mobllheat WAKUW A K U1 mUD i w urailtt CROCK Da. Whad avraUowad an over^ SUPER-RIGHT XURUT —and an oil-fired hot water 6h>k. FRANKS .5 9 ' SPARE RIBS '-*2^* doaa «f *uga on the bust day Luncheon Mont "■*•"45* A&P Frozen Peas —auL 469=PKGS heater of correct capacity— aKAND UNION OCOBIA — BONELEM g^ g^ 6 of the tslal and died without 36S=R Mlijr I. vkHiKir. your fam ily can take care of CRAB MEAT AClEDDARorBLUE sr85* laaaafBg he had been oonvlctad PrMl lllM. I. Wl •* nuWIH* Mru SM-, S«. M * HIkIIh H All AAt SuMr tUrklU I. lAU « 81 to X Count R O O i m TiAmm pnAwu ... Him mkikiii* hr Im tnnrt Pm PtfW *w. all their washing needs at RJCEDBACON .59^ TDRKEYROAST d^99' Keeler reoeived one time. aentenne in Decem­ ber for perjury in another court Mom can do the family :R0UNDEdM Si 79* eaaa bnralvtog another of her 587 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST wash, Sis can do the dishes Dsiilsh Postrifs Fob Dottrgont at the same time Junior REDEEM YOUR COUPONS THAT Wat Nam rialmad the editonf tam-MUNK Near tha Groon, Monchostor takes his bath, and you en­ votaa for atory No. A The Unit­ joy a shower. YOU RECEIVED IN THE MAIL FOR ed S tates with a Mg troop and JOtORTID FROZm LMOE «C C OPEN NIGHTS Don't delay—phone us to­ M Unm OfSTAMT momy oommittment in South M(c mo M i V iet xfam, remained vitally In- Of 4 w ' THURS.. FRI. and SAT. TIU 9 day. Find out how easy it is to switch to a Mobilheat- teseabed hi the progreaa o f the We Reaerve Right to Limit QuanUtle* COFFEE i s t »!•* war against the Communist Viet fired water heater. Kingin UIUIUR 4 Oong- Vietnamese Buddhists de- *Average family of four. mandad religious and social fraadon ftom the country's Dynomo Ajax MUSHROOMS > r:2 9 * All Condensed P l L L U i n t T €‘iTAMPS CaMiolhi meeidant, N go Dlhn WE GIVE tk 475 Diaas. Deem declared martial Liquid Dettrgent Liquid Cloonor 125 extra Triple-S Hut Stamps with purchost of $5.00 or more law a M afctamntsd to break SAMSONITE ^ GREEN STAMPS 100 extra Triple-S Hut Stamps with purchosf of 3-lb. (olomol FollmoR Cowwd Hon la i SitohS cggicialtinn. a move a t COOKIES ”*4 5 * WOZ a AC r '4 0 ' NtwYear) CAFTAIH KITT 100 extro Tripit-S Hut Stomps with purchase of i 26oz. bottles ef Poifwi Sedis »tss on the highly question­ mother when a small crowd and | rise In plant- equipment outlays Post, N. Y. Her paternal grondparents Are Mr. and Mre. able foreign aid bill during the economic aid and the under­ Fred M. Curtla. New Smyrna Reach. Fla. She haa two or i**re at Stop I Siiep writing* of the wheat ssler, sn news photographers gathered at i„ o,e first half of the coming 1 to beffer serve your laundry needs,,, and end with compliments for you! holidays." Goldwater said in a the Joseph P. Kennedy homo. | year," the report said. ■ hrothera, Thomas Bdward, S, and Donald LeRoy, 1%: and telegram Thursday to Senate action which filed (sicl directly a slater, Shirley Lynnia. 9. Prewiit this coupon at In the face of afl practical expe­ Mrs. Kennedy, dressed Ini On a seasonally adjusted bas- * • • • • You’ll be toasted as the Hoitess-of-the-Year when you Republican officials here. black and white, nodded to the j^on and steel production In- Ike citockoNt bootk through Goldwater, wno may try for rience In dealing with Commu­ ______NO WAITING! serve these “celebrating” foods to welcome 1964! Take time nists." : crowd. smUed and waved a j greased for the first time in Plourde, Robert Gary, aon of Gary A. and Johanna Han* Saturiley, Dereniher 78. 1963. the Republican presidential VOUR OWN. SOME POCTORS while gloved hand. After Mass, several months. Stocks in the Hln Plourde, Talcottvllle. He ■w'Sa bom Dec. 16 at Manehea- to enjoy your own party with foods that save you time and trouble; nomination next year, Is reru- Goldwater said he was cer­ NOW COLLECT A PATIENT'S • Lowost Prices In Conn.! tain most Americans were op- Mrs. Kennedy was driven back hands of steel users decreased. ter Memorial Honpltal. Hia maternal grandparents are Mr. and enjoy top quality foods at Stop & Shop’s O w i ' r O R # kK9p’* peratlng In Phoenix, Ari*., from po.se<| to the J3-bllllon plus in OWN BLOOP I OR 2 WEEKS to her holiday retreat and Mra. Robert H. Hanifln. 'Ware, Mass. Hit paternal •oupon D# an operation to remove a cal­ BEFORE SURGERV TO GIVE The children exchanged gifts A II.5-billion gain in personal the foreign aid bill and "to the In Vh. .nH income during November was grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Albert Plourde. Chicopee, ____ low prices. family cium deposit, or spur, from his use of their tax dollars to gxiar- HIM IF NEEPEP. C # ie LB. DOUBLE LOAD! Maas. Hla paternal great-grandparenta ara Mr. and Mra. right heel. HmHK OpuiUi ftvwt Kwlplul mlonwBtiwn. eveningivinini^.T after .r pn family gathering attributed to Incceasod employ­ BIzear Plourde, Chicopee Falla, Maaa. He has a slater, Sus- antee the sale of wheat to the , ft if mt *9 b« of • diovnottte notur*. ment, and gains In property In His criticism of Johnson was Soviet Union.” at their grandfather’s home. come and transfer payments. anne Marie, 19 monthi. in reference to maneuvers 28 BENDIX WASHERS O O • 0 9 which held Senate and House this ha.s happened In the last There are Indications that members In an all-night session decade. I am still unconvinced personal Income will gain about and 16 DRYERS Church. Correy August Jr., aon of Correy August and la.st week In a dispute over the that we are getting the maxi­ Tra^*(* Steps Up 17 billion during the final three Kathleen Lemlre Church, Crystal Lake. Ellington. He was Holiday Special! t3-biIIlon foreign aid bill and an LBJ Kept Up mum pos.sible output per em­ months of the year. bom Dec. IS at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hla ma­ attached rider to ban govern­ ploye. I believe we can do bet­ After Brief Lag The Commerce Department ternal grandparenta are Howard Lemlre. Windsor, and Mra. ment guarantees of any credit ter." estimated that construction ex-1 These ore the ONLY washers OPEN 24 HOURS Oalre Brentman, Coventry. Hla paternal grandparents are SW ISS CHEESE sales of wheat to the So%’let Un­ On Problems pendltures for the year would, H r, and Mra. Clinton Chiirch. Crystal Lake, FJllngton. He .said every department and WASHINGTON (AP) Busl- increase 12 billion over 1962, a moniifcKtiired for cemmereiol • O • • 9 ■/ ion and Communist bloc. agency would get personnel ceil­ ness activity has regained iU g p*r cent. About one- DAILY, INCLUDING In convonient eiaa The House finally approved (Continued from Page One) ings which "Are not to be ex­ use, with o pre-soak 6 minute Burnett, Elizabeth Ann. daughter of Frank Adam Jr chunks. Nut-swoet 2 momentum aftCT a brief lag In' fourth of this rise reflects high­ and Agnes Ratalc Burnett, 8 West 81.. Andover. She was 1R9-15A Tuesday a version of the ceeded without my explicit ap­ er construction costs. SUNDAYS! Ravor! Rog. 79«. 59; bill without_____ the ban. - Many "We have a situation develop­ proval." November • and it now seems cycle! bom Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma- Payrolls are to be cut, If only toraal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rataic. Hart­ members had been called back ing there and we are watching likely to produce a sizable gain MARCHERS IN JAIL from Christmas holiday trips for; ^ ^^ry carefully.' slightly. In two stages—by next the final three months of the ford. Her paternal grandparents are Mr- rnd Mrs. Frank the voting. June 30 and by June 30. 1906. year. ALBANY, Ga. (AP> — Two Burnett Sr.. New Britain. She ha.s two brothers, John. 4H. ■N Senators have been asked to Recalling his own vl.stt to the Johnson demanded progress This assessment of the nation­ ■Voluntown, Conn., residents are and Michael, 2; and a slater, Marv' Jane. 8. return hare Monday to com- Mediterranean island last year, reports from each agency chief al economy was made by- the among 15 Canada-to-Cub« peace Manchester Parkade 9 9 9 0 9 , he expressed concern for the 1,- every three months and prom­ Commerce Department Wed- marchers being held today ir Bsrbero, Christine Maria, daughter of James Noble and Sensational 59* saving! 700 Americans on Cyprus. ised these would get a personal .nesday In its monthly publica­ the Albany Jail. They are Mrs. Diane Karpuska Barbero. 140 Famratead Dr., South Wind­ Aides reported that Johnson review. . tion, Survey of Current Busi­ Braford Lyttle and Fred Moore. sor. She was bom Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ NEW YEAR'S strongly supported efforts by the When a reporter asked how ness. All but Moore were arrested on tal. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Mitchell WINES, LIQUORS, British, Greek and Turkish gov­ big a job cut to expect, John.son ' ^ e department described the dl.sorderlj’ conduct charges after A. Karpuska. 61 Crestwood Dr. Her paternal grandparents 6 CORDIALS ernments to stablllie the situa­ retorted: pause In November as a tempo­ allegedly failing to follow an are Mr. and Mra. Robert C. Barbero, 14 Carol Dr. She has a LOWEST PRICES tion. "Isn't cutting It enough? You rary Interruption In the business as.signed route through Albany, sister, Gina Anne, 1. In ordering a cut in the fed- don't know how hard that was." tempo, attributed to the period Moore wras held for Investi- LAUNDERCENTER 9 0 9 0 0 Morton’s He noted that the number of of mourning for President John gallon after making several ARTHUR DRUB era' pay roll, Johnson told agen­ ||||n |# |a|p IllONT AND Findlay, Craig Stuart, son of Frank 8. and ly>ralne cy heads: federal emptbyes had grown by I F. Kennedy. Retail sales picked j visits to police headquarters to rAnILIRU r e a r o f s t o r e . .. "Even though nothing like 133,000 since 1961. I up sharply in early December, [inquire about his colleagues. WEST MIDDLE TPKE. Crawshaw Findlay. 372 Woodbridge St He was bom Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hia maternal grand­ parenta are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawshaw. 16 Chestnut St. Chicken, Beef or Hla paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Walter Tim­ mins. 69 Bretton Rd. He has two brothers, Mark and Jay­ son; and a sister, Melony. * • • • • Turkey Pies • M cm Dropped mi A I | gnedeker, Richard Gene, aon of Gene and Joan Konop- Christmos Slocks ka Snedeker. RFD 2. Rockville. He was bom Dec. 17 at • Pre-invonlery Savings Manchester Memorial Hospital. ‘ His maternal grandpar- on 1*2-3 of a Kind ] ants are Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph L. Konopka. Worcester. Mass. Homal Hli paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Snedeker, Manchester, N. H. He hss s brother. Mlrhsel Alsn. 2. - mOHEV • Special Frico* mi Loto I O O O O • SKipmont Morchon* Desmond, Nell Edward, son of JoMph C. and Constance SRUER!’ diso Fitzgerald Desmond. Skinner Rd.. Rockville. He w'as born • All Yours on fasy Dec. 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal Budget Terms grandmother is Mra. Gladys Fitzgerald, Falmouth, • Just say, "CiMirge It, Hla paternal grandmother la Mra. Mary L. Desmond. Wey­ PleoM r mouth. Mass He has two brothers, Chris. 6. and Peter, 1; and three slstera. Jeanne. S. Eileen, 4. and Sara, 8. • • • • • SpMlding William ChrUtopher, son of Dr. Frederick Wllllgm and M. Ellen Gray Spaulding, 12 Myrtle St He G-E 12 LB. "FILTER-FLO* was bom Dec, 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His If you didn’t get one of maternal i^andparenta are Dr. and Mrs. Henry D. Gray, these G-E portable TV Hartford. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Get Top Value Stamps, too: Frederick Henry Spaulding. Glastonbury. sets for Christmas, don’t LADIES’ COATS • 009* WASHER be disappointed, we still Donlm, Kellv Ann. daughter of Constantine Joseph Md gtatie Halladay'Dimko, East Hartford. She was bom Dec. have some le ft!...... 19 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her, maternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mra. B. C. Halladay. Wllliamaville, Vt. * 3 Cyek REG. 32.95-37.95 Her paternal grandmother ia Mrs. Julia Hleking. 115 Faulk­ ner Dr. 3 Diamonds •2SpMd • • * * • WTiippIe. Debhie Elizabeth, daughter of EmMt Emin * 3 Wosh T*mp. G-E PORTABLE TV REDUCED TO and Mary McGrath Whipple. 4 Sam Green Rd.. Coventry. She was bom Dec. 15 at Manchester Memorial Hospit^. E * 2 RIbm T«mp. Her maternal grandparents are Clayon R. McGrath, Gard­ OTHER G-E ner Mass., and Mrs. Marcia Orlow'Ski, Rockville. Her pa­ White Tuna ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ervin G. Whipple, * Wat*r SovM’ 95 TELEVISION SETS Hackmatack St. She has two sisters, Maryanne Ernestine, PRICED TO $285 214, and Bette Anne. 13 months. • • s - • Granato. Cynthia Ann. daughter of Joaeph Francis and v: • FRK DIRECT FACTORY SERVICE MISSES, JUNIOR, HALF-SIZES Anna Lassiter Granato, 111 Delmont St. She was bom Dec. • LIGHTWEIGHT— ONLY 11 LBS. 15 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ ON ALL PARTS and LABOR' FOR 1 YEARI J mother is Mra. Marv Ln.ssiter. Plant City, Fla. Her pater­ Ntpeo Bologna • BLUE DAYLIGHT SCREEN * many furtrimi. ..raccoon, * storm coali, claiilci, nal grandmother ia Mrs Frank Granato. Hartford She has tw 'O brothers, Francis 8. snd Michael, 6 ; end a sister, Mary c dyod moulon lamb collarsl drossy and casual styUsI X 29‘ • COMPLETELY UHF and VHF Rae. 10. 0 0 0 * 0 * many pilo llnod... many with * wool mtitons, broadcloths, OTHER G .L O’Neil, Maureen Ruth, daughter of Paul William and Barbecued • TELESCOPING ANTENNA puro Wool intorliningsl twoods, toxturod woolsl Barbara Paquln O’Neil. 36 S. Alton St. She was bom Dec. WASHERS START 16 at Manchestef Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Spare Ribs AT $174 • CARRY IT WHEREVER YOU GO mother la Mrs. Edna Paquin. Wrentham. Mass, Her pater­ Armau nal grandfather la T, E. O’Neil. North Attleboro, Mass. She ZVi * ran1%2.A9 has two brothers. Timothy. 12, and Kenneth, 5; and two sts- 214 ENTIRE STOCK O A . A r r tan, Paula, 9, and Kathy Ann. 8. G-E PORTABLE ' * * * */!* Dlttneen, Donald Austin, aon CT David Allan and Judith Clicquot Club No Money CAR COATS AND £ \J"o U f t Poat Dlnneen. 466 W. Middle Tpke. He was bom Dec. 18 Cooked at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His m ater^l grand- Ginger Ale, Sparkling Soda and G-E Fully Automatic Down parenU are Mr. and Mrs. Robert W Po.sl, Walhngfort. His SUBURBAN COATS SIZES 8 TO 18 paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bdwi^d C. Dln­ Shrimp other beverages ■ ■ • DISHWASHER neen. Edgewood, R. I. O O O 0 0 Half Q Q < in non-returnable quart Vendettl, Lynn Ann. daughter of Charles J. and Joan pound M bottles! bottles I No OaUo Vendettl. 182 Oak St., Wapping. She was bom Sept. •New 1964 Models 26 at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are DRYER Payments Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallo, Old Saybrook. Her paternal Fully Cooked Hamsr39 yrindparentJi are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wndetti, Hertford. Faes Portion 49e FhM Shank Half >*49o Full Faao Half in59o A' trnlY automatic dryer Till • Two-Way Washer O LADIES' She haa a ai.ster, Lesley Marie, 21 months. Cocktail tluit takes the guess Work LADIES' 2 5 Extra vV i!. Stamps out of drying clothes! February • Flush-Awoy Drain Franks BLOUSES with ovr tmI hem* ttyl* • 12 Lb. Capacity Nopco A Q t Turkeys's-"-' 43'. '“-Sff • Eosy-Roll Castors reg. 1.77 and 1.97 8 oz pkg jR • Inside Light StopiShop Brownies Up To REG. 7.97 • iPorcelain Drum, Top 2 ' “' * 3 4-Pound Rath Honey Glazed Ham --*3.99 Choc. Walnut Brownies 49r dot. 3$ months 1 2 1 Choc. Frosted Brownijes .S9c dot. To Pay reg. 2.7f and 2.97 J * 5 Save 17c to 23c Extra Top Value Stamps with Melanson's Canned l,nhs1er Meat OTHER G.E. a ^ 1 3 3 BiltstS/ junior, palltt, half-flias 2 * 5 Stats Use Potats Chips for Gala Holiday Parties Frozen HH) Extra Top Value Stamps with a 3~lb Colonial Canned Ham DRYERS START 90 Days At $119 (3H«at) Hove identy on hood tor ■ Oriop, deheioof Stole Line Lemonade SO Extra Stamps with Armour Star or Swift Premium Franks It Cash •eeuel holfdoy vitStors or /M B L Pototo Chipe go great with Never Lewer Priced!! Ikrlll i n a u $1 R em em ber, yOu gel stamps, too! 163 fgocy. feomol bait. ^ K L evorythmg. Twhik at|. I V <**• I r O ri^ a d e DelMonte Catsup 4. ’-’k . *1 GIRLS’ Just right for slicing! la a r U il O I w S| LADIES' ■rwil Q Mill I Cleaned Shrimp ‘> V Z : 4 9 ‘ COATS, JACKETS, SWEATERS SNOWSUITS AND Hawaiian Punch Large, red, ripe Mixed Nuts r.~.~ 69* 3 SPEED PORTABLE TV G.E.2r G.L PORTABLE GeEe Transistor reg. 3.99 to 6.97 fMI 111 A ' - COAT-SLACK SETS , tM! Q MM I Keehier -.‘S'-. 2 ,i.f. 6 9 ' BLENDER Including SHmd CONSOLE DISHWASHER RADIO Tomatoes. ^20.88 •89.00 ^ 1 y y UHF and VHF •119 •14.50 2 .9 9 i 20^0FF Save 17* Hawaiian Punch CHRISTMAS 6.E. 3 SPEED STEAM A Special Group G«t 50 EXTRA TOP VALUE STAMPS S TUBE RADIO GAS DRYERf Homemaker Ymi tava He 5 IVilrt $1 with a IM poim4 hag •! Main* (Mtaton atg. Ha •** AutamaHc Pilat’ ALBUM 2 Cycle WASHER IRON U trio ao Beans Dented •7.99 OMM •6.96 •129 • 1.00 ' lY M Y liag Oicar NorwoiiM SorUloti •*, m m . Me NiOHT I FLEISCHMANN'S SANKA INSTANT COFFEE CUltliiii at Soa Solid Whita Teea ? « ’> • 40e T il «;30 m Margarine . M«k« 'rt by tiio potful! Now blond Ckickin el Su Chuok li|hl Tuna 3 SI Get Top Value of the world'i fino coffoot. |i i Seett Fawily Pagat Cupt *** Stamps, too! p.und JO , ♦7V. ooHoin froo. S ot jor * •' loa«t Pager Ptm oMU e u lOe g o o d / ^ e a r s e r v ic e s t o r e Route 5 — South Windsor, Conn. — Plenty of Froo Parking ^ooioft

ST.-- OPEM t o n ig h t till d - - ‘ .0 Read Herald Advertigemente

V-' , / ■ t ' • • ^ I 1

PAGE NINETSanf KANCHBSTEB EVENING HER.ALD. BIANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 MANCHESI ER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE EIGHTEEN !he is committed to the end. ! tlefield park like the one of 1 chief engineer for the Weetlng- I Thus far, however, decisions Johnson Signs Gettysburg, Pa. The $1.5 million house Air Brake Co., died Tues­ Rocky Drops Jibes at Barry ' have. been made on only two Hockville-V ertton 1^11 H I V « 1 W J |L L*n r T* B I A *1 * J J authorized would pay for the day at his home. He was 84. primaries. These are in Oregon, The Memorial Bill U.8. share of the memorial. The Dudley was a member of the where Rockefeller's name will In Memoriam EDEEM PO Philippine* would put up a simi­ Yale faculty from 1921 until In Altered Election*Picture be put on the May 15 ballot In lOTlng memory of Edward lar amount and pay for the cost hia retirement In 1948. Sur­ ■111. who passed away December Doctor Says WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ alonj with all of the other GOP Holiday Rash of maintaining the battlefield. vivors include two son* and hopefuls, and the crucial June S?' IS«3. (CoatlBaed from Pag* <>••) mileage in attacking Johnson at dent Johnson signed a bill Mon­ Originally plans were made to two daughters. 2 California primary. A preclou.s one from us is (OBa, a r u f i c i a l j o in t s w i u :. day authorizing $1.6 million to build a copy of the Statue of this point. That can come later, A voice wre loved Is stilled. Of Accidents MORE STAMPS NEEDED in auch circumstance* the After the new president haa be A place l.'< vacant in our llvss NOT HELP VICmMS turn Onrregidor Island Into a Liberty on tjie island. But this REPORTER DIES Which never can be filled. would have cost the United NAMPA, Idaho (AP) - How enor's aupporter* will move | jfun to make his own record. But Be the Hostess with the Most-est! OF ARTORITIH World Wat II memorials many books of trading stamps NORWICH (AP) — Funeral SUtes $7.6 million, and the plans with cauUon. there would be J * * Wife, son. dsuihters, Bv Wa.vne O. Brandstadt, M.D. j services «'ill be held tomorrow Follows Snow The island, lying in Manila were changed. do you need to buy a $18,000 rtskahler-Irv-law. and ALL SP EC IA LS G O O D Thru DEC. 31 Newspaper Enterpriee Aaen. If uoiawaier is noi goin* , pumDalaninr for Jo*eph S. Boyle, 51. court eonslln-lawr. Bay, was the last American school bus? be the nominee and they now caitipaigmng Q—I am 60 years old and have DUDIJT.Y RITES SET Answer: More than 6,000. reporter for the Norwich Bul- PtoOr driving condition* *nd stronghold in the Philippines to think he won't get the prize-- There Is continued emphasis ,letin. He collapsed and died In Memoriam had arthritis In my left hip for That's how many of the peo­ they don't want to alienate the in the Rockefeller camp that the prc-hoUdity .actM tie* • com- fail to the Japanese. Gen. Jon­ HAMDEN (AP) Private fu­ ple of Idaho contributed to buy i outside citv hail on Christmas In Invln* memor>' of our son, ! aeveh montha. Could a surgeon senator's supporters completely governor >* go*"* i“ ,***T j" ‘ Douglse Jsrkson, who passed away Wned Tu«*d*y to product * neral eervlces will be held to­ I Eve. Deatli was attributed to a give me * metal joint so I athan M. Wainwrlght surrend­ a new bus for the Nampa State either at the San Francisco con-' race, despite his failure to re- December J<, 1959. number o t auto accidtnU, ac- could walk without pain? ered the island on May 6, 1942, morrow for Samuel William School as a ChrLstmas gift. ' heart attack. Boyle, ivho joined The school—for retarded chil­ vention or in the November, coup his position as top con- I the newspaper eight years ago, Uod took him home. It was hto will. oM'dinf to poHct. with the Best A Because arthritis sooner almost five months to day after Dudley, former dean of the election. tender after his remarriage. But In our hearts he Ilveth sUU. or later Involve* several joints, Pearl Harbor Yale 'School of Engineering. dren has been without a bus I is survlveil by his widow, a son, A car operated by Ruaeell S. RocKefeller’i associates don’t ; Whatever happens In the New Mom. Dad, and brother Bob an artificial joint is not the an- Under the new law, the island Dudley, who helped develop the since its old World War II mod­ believe there is much political Hampshire balloting, they say four sisters and two brother*. Peteraon. 16, 16 Dailey Cir., *wer. Attempts at reconstruction would be developed into a bat­ air brake and was at one time el broke down earlls*- this year. wa* atruck in the rear by a DO YOUR NEW YEAR'S PARTY SHOPPING AT POPULAR of these painful jolrtts has been vehid* operated by Richard A. tried but the condition has been St. Oarmaln, 30 o< 8 Minler- made worse by this procedure and is no longer advised. Some­ btim C t Peteraon waa pullin*: times an operation is performed FIRST NATIONALS OPEN MONDAY, DEC. 30 until 9 P.M. out o i a driveway at 2 p.m. Tipuhfi to make a Joint completely im­ SUPERMARKETS ^ CLOSED AT 6 P. M. - NEV^ YEAR'S EYE.. DEC. 31st near the intersection of W. mobile. This relieves the pain Main and Weal SU. when the SUPER but present* other problem*. accident occurred. St. Germain If the pain la due to bony wa* given a written warning MARKETS spurs, these can sometimes be for driving after drinking by removed but with no guarantee Lt. SmUlo Pellegrini who in- they will not retunv Why not veatlgated. No injuries were have your doctor determine the reported. type and cauae of your arthri­ Lit. Pellegrini alao iaaued a 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST tis, then map out a course of warning for driving after treatment to fit your own spe­ drinking to Richard F. Plasl- IN MANCHESTER cial needs? ridge, 43, Cryatal Lake, after PORK ROAST Q—What la meperidine used an aooidertt on Union at Or­ Sirloin - Short - Porterhouse lor? Would m doctor give It chard St*. Plaatridge‘8 car In a pMTSon who had fainted? 5-RIB CUT *truck a \-e*ilcle operated by Would » large doae cause sui­ Charles Ataniiafi, 36, 15 EH- cide? llngtflii Ave.. a* Atamian waa A—Meperidine is a pain kill­ pulling out of Union St. at 3:56 er. Like morphine, it causes So Tender - So Flavorful p.m. No Injuriea were report­ true addiction, but unlike mor­ ed. phine it does not Induce .sleep. All Cut from Tender, A oolllalon between car* op­ It might be given to a per,son erated by Bela Birtha. .52. West Delicious who had fainted becnu.se of ag­ Wllllngton and Orln A. Coville, onizing pain. A large enough Young Porkers LB 40, 6* Vernon Ave., remilted in Euphrates dose of any drug might rau.se a written warning to Coville death. for failure to grant the right 6 Q Are penicillin pills as o< way. Patrolman Jack Reich- good as the shots? 7 -RIB CUT LB enbach investigated the ac­ A-PenlcUlln-G may be given cident which occurred at 5 p.m. by mouth but, because it is I at the intersection of W. Main Pizza slowly neutralized by stomach and Orchard Sts. arids and by bacteria in the LOIN gND A one-car accident at 5:10 colon, much larger amounts are p.m. oocurred when Nancy A. 14 oz. frozen necessarj’ than when it Is giv­ Snow, 30, 102 Proqiect St., en by injection. If It is gLv- LB akldded off Vernon Ave. and en by mouth it should be taken RIB H ALF hit a fence. No injuriea or ar- between meals and buffered 6H£/V reet were reported by Patrol­ with an antacid of the type LB man John Bundy who biveeti- used to treat peptic ulcer or STAMPS LOIN H ALF gated. heartburn. Whether It Is given Ten minutea later, a rear md by injection into the muscle, oolllalon occurred on Blast St ONE PRICE AS ADVERTISED by mouth or by Inhalation r between cara driven by Alfred should be decided by your doc- J. Judge of 52 Reed St. ana Delicatessen SAVE 14« tor based on the specific pur­ Clinton W. Bailey, of 62 East BRISKET pose to be achieved and other W E GIVE Pork Chops ^^65'’ St. Judge's car waa parked, factors. aocordlng to police, and the IMPORTED SLICED THICK END Lb. Q _ I Just saw the movie, vehicle operated Bailey '/> Lb. Corned Beef “ Caine Mutiny,” In which the akidded into it. Patixriman Bun­ ^ Boiled Ham captain was paranoid and had Canned Hams 9Ttu>' ^>79< dy inveetigated. No arreat waa migraine headache*. My hus­ AU U. $. MVEkNMENT MSPtnEO made. CAPITOL FARMS SLICED CHOICE band has migraine. Dora that Swift's Promiuiii Cannod Hams can 2 ’ * mean he Is a mental case? Police are looking for a oar Lb. BONELESS which left the parking lot ot ^ Veal Loaf A—No. Migraine usually at­ G R A D E " A " R ath's g?aud Canned Hams ^ » ^an 449 Chuck Roast tacks persons of above aver­ the Connecticut Bank and Trust Oo. on Elm St. Monday night SLICED COOKED age intelligence. Some mental Colonial Turkey Breasts 2^’ after damaging a car. William 8 fo 17 lbs. diseases also attack such per- L. Doneie Jr., of Dighton, Mass., Roast Beef C OVER aons. A person with migraine STAR WAYBEST may. of course, develop any Barbecued Sparerlbs ^"ataiT * ca*n 2 * * reportad that he parked in the other disease you might men­ SWIFTS lot to do some shopping and SLICED AMERICAN GRADE A Lb. TURKEYS SLlCtO Turkeys tion. Pork & Turkey Loaf upon hie rettim found the left Q For what disease l.s Fura- SWIFTS ■ide of the vehicle badly dam­ ^ Loaf Cheese dantoln used? Is it of any value Corned Beef Loaf JIUIED - SLICED aged. Patrolman Jack Reichen- in the treatment of nephritis? READY-TO- bach is investigating. A Nitrofurantoin i I'ura- COOK |[g c Skinless Franks FINAST Y outlis, Warned dantoin) Is used to combat in­ George T. Foster III, 17, of fection with streptococcus, sta- - SLICED Lake St., waa warned yesterday I FINAST 4602 16 »o 22 LBS Large Bologna Ideal for Cocktails phylococcusjand other bacteria. by Vernon Constable John Fully Cooked Hams It is of great value in the treat­ Full Bodied Flavor C A N SPIRRY'S MarahaU for failure to drive In Tomato Juice Liverwurst Sticks ment of one type of nephritis 8 to 14 LBS LB 4 3 < the proper lane. (pyelonephritis or inflammation Green Shrimp lARGI Foater loat control of hia car of the kidney pelvi.s) if the Pineapple-Grapefruit 46-02 E Cod Pillet on Lake St. at about 4 p.m. and Large Cooked cause is a susceptible organism FINAST CAN artruck a tree. The vehicle had Pull and if no complications requir­ Juice Drink to be towed away, niere were ing an operation exist. no injuries. Shank 3002 Eldward R. Leonard, 19. of FINAST Wapplng, was warned by Ver- Fruit Cocktail CAN nt , France's FLORIDA - JUMRO St. resisted in a written warn­ West Point, in 1912. He was FINAST 8-02 Pascal Celery ing for a Hartford truck driv­ gravely wounded on the West­ SAVE 22< JARS er and Injuries to two Rock­ ern Front in 1916, losing the use French Dressing Regular 6rCreamy GOLDIN LBS ville residents. Ehler’s Grade A Coffee ■ of his right arm almost com­ Sweet Potatoes Roger J. Vlens, 22, of Tariff- pletely. vUle. operating a truck for Despite his wound, he contin­ FINAST 10-02 Smith and Fazsina of Hartford, 2 Pak ued his military career and Stuffed Olives JUMBLE-PAC JAR waa warned for failure to fought in World War II. In De­ grant the right of way after SAVE 5< Roll, 20c cember 1943, Juin was picked his truck wa* hit by a car op Softweve Tissue Roll by now President Charles de CHEF BOY-AR-DII 15'/> 0 2 PKG erated by John Drost, 34, of 62 Gaulle to head the F’reneh expe­ With Cheese Grand Ave. Drost and a pas­ ditionary corps which joined the P in a Mix Fon, NejuiYecud ■iTTY CROCKIR 23-OZ senger, Barbara Diebert, 36, of Allied forces in Italy. He landed PKG 4 3 c at Naplir'hnd led hl.s troops to Brownie Mix 6c Deal Pick 24 Grand Ave. were taken to FINAST M ixed N uts FINAST CAN 3 V C Rockville City Hospital and re ins Rome. 7 0 2 C A N 8-OZ A 4 I 7 leased after treatment for SAVE 16< In 1963 he received his highest Tuna Fish Solid White in Brine FINAST 7i,OZ Sanka Instant Coffee JAR I bruiaee. Starkist White Tuna 3 honor when the French govern­ Large - Pitted CAN 3 9 c Police said the truck operat­ ment made him marshal. Ripe Olives ed by.Viens pulled out in'front c^^ 2 9 c Deer ^danism” Cookies p’ kg 9 9 c o f Droet’a car, which could not Yellow Popcorn stop In time to avoid the col- Pkgs. PKGS Scott Place Mats 3 9 c 'lisimi. The accident was inves­ B e l l v i e w NAPKINS 2 OF 160 J V C tigated by Patrolmen John Weddings PKG 1-LB Bundy and Robert Ahnert. EEB19 Appi . ^ I HOMESTYLte 9-OZ OF 8 2 7 i 2 80X Scott Paper Cups Hospital Notes Joon Carol chocolatss BIZET MANZANILLA 10 OZ. JAK Dlacharged Tuesday: James BIZET MANZANILLA 10 OZ. JAR Bernstein - Brown Randall, 11 Farmstead Lane Ml.ss Carolyn Brown of Man­ Wise Potato Chips 59< Mrs. Marjorie Bourrett, Taylor chester and David Bernstein of h/cozpHy Food S>pcda& ! STUFFED OLIVES 49 Brookline, Mass., were united h lofu icu f St.. Talcottville; Mar-y O. De W TEMPLE In marriage at a religious cere­ 16-02 Pellegrini, 74 Union St.; Mrs. J SUGAR & SPICE MARASCHINO lOoi. Alice Arnold, 52 Market St mony on Dec. 15 at the home Shrimp Cocktail M e PKGS 39< PKGS W French Fries J"rcMu‘" 2 Ih ------— ------Bucket of the bride. Strawberries ^“siic®."***"^ Mr*. Alberta PaggioH, Bolton; 16-02 $ l7 f Mrs. Alloc Trowbndge, Vernon The bride Is the daughter of 16-02 Wak«fi*ld CHERRIES Jar 29 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Brown Alaskan King PKG I Haven Oonvaleacent Home; Mrs Garden PKGS A Crabmeat Claudia Mather. Southgate of 15 Coburn Rd. The bride­ Kubuki Crabmeut ’^^ 80 Cooked Squash 2 Apartments; Mrs. Lillian Kell­ EAGLE BRAND MAINE _ - groom Is the son of Prof, and ner and daughter, Stafford Mrs. Saul B, Bernstein of Springs; Mra. Gloria Rocha and lORANGES Brookline and Dennis, Mass. w heal Thins, Tang O Chips, Sociable REG Bakery Specials! SARDINES 10* Rabbi Samuel Perlman of Lo^ P r i c 0 S son, ToUand. Crackers, Triangle Thins, French Onion Thins PKG ^ l a r g e , H Boston University performed fiabisco FINAST - Plain, PKG Admitted Wendesdav: Stan­ 40 OZ in 50c ley Stodolaki, 117 Union St.; the ceremony. Sunsweet Prune Juice BPOIBBB u D Sugar, Cinnamon OF 12 M l m Theodore Mitchell, 43 Hale St 25 EXTRA STAMPS WITH PURCHASE Attending the ceremony be­ 7 '/i 0 2 J SWEET. W l^ sides the parents of the bride SNOW'S u OZ in 29c Ext.; Melinda Humphrey. 3 Ol CAN Karo Red Label Syrup Angal Cakg »»;T; Mra. Anna Rablnovltz, grand­ Flavors • contents only BTLS laxginbuhl and daughter, Elling FARM-FReSH FLAVOR l^ a r to n t VALUABLE ppUPON . Ginger Ale PKG OF 10 21c F ra il B r e a d ” lo'i 2 9 < plus deposit mothers of the bride. Brillo Soap Pads m ^ s IP COUPON ton; Mrs. Shirley Blinn and 2 Mra. Bernstein is attending daughter, 126 Grand Ave.; Me- Irlnf In tkit Caiipoa Coed far Emerson College, Boston. Mr. V-8 Vegetable Cocktail ‘Ja°J 3 5 c Hnda Humphrey, 3 Olson Dr Bernstein is attending Bo.ston ONION SOUR MIX 2 ENV PKG University. The couple will live Lipton Standard Tomatoet 2 1:‘aSJ 2 7 c 1 ^ Vernon news is handled by Scoff Family Cups rk,. 49* 100 FREE r STAMPS at 32 Beals St., Brookline the Herald's Rocln-llle Bureau, With Am PurchsM ef $5 6r Mara Maaa Clam Chowder mowaid iOHNjoN 2 'c‘a°m; 4 5 c 5 W. Main St., telephone TOMATOES 29 At Yaur Frlandlv Faaular 876-8136 or 648-6797. Strongheart Dog Food 2 i*ASi 1 7 c ALL-PURPOSE CORTLAND Scoff Family PbeOfMofs n,. 39* VALID Instant Coffee I V W GREEN STAMPS HOPE IN GREECE -Kraft Macaroni Dinner 2 3 7 c with th« purchaie of $5.00 or moro IRAKLEION AIR STATION, Igirailti or Biar—State PKG L Tetley Tea Bogs ‘ 69* WHITI • 9 Inch AND THIS COUPON . Crete (AP) — Comedian Bob FLOWERS OF 80 Swonson Boned Turkey 2 S', 59c — aioiiMAiii At YOU* Hast n a t io n a i SU c M A ia r Hope arrived on‘*this Mediter­ For Every Occasion! Dixie Plates I B _ _ ^ACIA tISSUI RKOOf 400 31c V o M Thru Tuesday, D ecem ber 31, 1963, ranean island from Turkey to­ Jocks Cheese Twists ‘fC 39* Park K ill- Kleenex e< diai sack LIMII OHI TO AN AOUIT CU5TOMII day on his Christmas tour to RIFILLS PKGS ctOAiitm. lu i a io c a c c o i x i m w »i o m t a m t o -n a entertain American servicemen Joyc* Flowar Shop 2 as5 49c' APPLES 4 9-OZ OF 40 Cut-Rite Wax Paper overseas. It M l Main St., Manchester Dixie Cold Cups He is scheduled to fly on to Next to Hartford W a x Paper wmaw 2 SiS 4Sc Athena tonight. National Bank M.II r.cduc. a Fo»d Tkn. i«l...4.Y, t>«. « , lN3 C.oc.iy 4 I.Urr fnc.i Hli A3-mttnb*r troupe will CiitaSu, M.r ana Tabacca riadueli laanat fia« Ha»a OHa* Wa Rauna Tha U|M la Uaul QaaaMiat perforin at the U.8. Air Force rom all of us at Popular, to all of you, “HAPPY NEW YEAR” «49-0791—649-1448 PtKU IffKlivt III rus NU)«n«i SUMI MBfUli Only faitallatlon at Athena.

- a y MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ THLTISDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1966 MANCHPJSTEK EVENING HERALD. A^ANCHEfciTER, CONN. THLTISDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 PAGE TWENTY DAILY CRO^WORD PUZZLE BY ROlSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE IJTTLE SPORTS C A tiN O src.*8^ CASINO Chance of Lifetime for Staubach 6 m u t u p / s o •tHsiy’R E so iu a "(c Troval Talk .. S E E (F t h e TA-KI (] HEAR ANOPSRA OPERA HA« COM6 SET.'-^VJaH A LOT OF ACROM ISa B o r // USTCHTO Wtf (RSWTtMS ANC IStrtplioc M i d cl f e Ace s t a r t c (?a c K-\ n 5 l u n & \n rr. 1 Capital tf 4UDdoaea TN \ A .. 44Townali{pa Mb.) ?fH i"as a.s‘ ''"ib 'o d at 'he site o ' ALLY OOP 4i Cretan the Cotton Bo"’i game to start mountain irsT I6»/T THAr A ^ YEH, AN' THEY'RE ^ ------^ MAYBE NOT, BUT I'P the ' oat sta"c o’ t'-ci- training. / ^ .THEY better / YEAH, AN' 4S Sloping waya "\Vc arc lool i",.- f.c-ward to TYRANNCJSAURT; TERRIBLE THINSS, 48 Knock BUT WEU. BE ALL PRACTICALLY \ OUT ON HARP / 1 THINK OL his ga v-i’ii "• rat antlcipa- RIOHT OUT HERE, NEVER G O I SROUNP WITH V PNNY , CARNIV.YL BY DICK TURNER 48 Seat anew 2 81 Penetntea lion." -Id S tau b -rh . "I am I THINK... Jfno PEEP y PLENI^ OF VwOULP TOO'/. WWER> /V RUNNINis ROOM) . r v 83 Audadty lalangl '■urc Taxes o'avc’s 'c-' the V. 64Telegramf ■a oc way th.”t it l.s an oppor- y IS Paramial plant tr tu ” i '” ti'.ai coo’c ooly once ir 18 Top ef Oie baad a 'ifetime." % DOWN Royer v.,os a trifle giim as he 1 later ot aMe c.xnrcs.scd confidence In Navy's rOIM*AZZIN! RECOVERS PUCK—Jerry Toppaz- er at Huston Garden. .Also in on the i' lay is l/PO acid ilTTLE HAS A LITTLE I-TIN—Giant star quarterback Y. A. T.tlle has a abilitv to beat Texas and lay an ' zini of the Bruins recovers puck when Tim Hor­ Boivin of the Bruins and .Man Stanley ( 2(i) of the J little fun as he fires a snowball pass to teammate Frank Gifford at New York’s unofficial claim to the national Yankee Stadium. GiaiUs are preppinpr for National F'oothall League champion­ rhamoion.ship. ] ton of Toronto failed to rotr eve the caroming Maple Ix'afs. (AP Photofax.) ship game against Beans in Chicago Sunday. (AP Photofax.) "Tlicre is no question but that puck on a save by Maple Leafs goalie Johnny Bow- BY J. R. WILLIAMS Texas is No. 1, " he said. "My | c'VT'n“ *^' OUT OUR WAY opinion Isn't necessary. The t x - t ^ 6 s-^orts writers nicked Texas as Bruins I’lav Bad Choice of Footwear Up to Players No. 1 and they did it with care­ -C IMIkrNCA.ta. TM I JUST ful .sidoration " MI55FP TM* Ho .said he saw T exas against And Tans Act I p KEY WHEN I Oklahoma, watched Texa.s on' Major Hoop Events BY AL VERMEER GCTR16HT tclevi.sjon when it beat Texas Bv Tossintj Cups PRISCILLA’S POP HCRe--! DON’T KVK^ M'HFRC 1 •\&M to wind up a pcrlect se a ­ TRY SKjr TO BE IS S H E DKOPPED rr... son and al.so studied the I^ong- BOSTO N (Art .Milt T m DISCOURAGED.' KIDDING SAV, INHAT’RE Field May Be Factor hoi ns in g a ”ie films. Y 30 DDINiS WITH "It is a great football team Schmidt probably wan'ed a few rr HAPPENED AfiAlM. MOOR SHOES Launch Heavy Slate .scorers and defensemen in hi.a md i; h,os a vcr.^atilc attack. HOLLYHOCK! 1 DIONT T M E R E S • wear sneakers may do it." the Ea.stern Divi.sion champions P L E N T Y O F OPPt 'lOU'LL Nh:w YORK (AP) — Texas is known as a team that ^ __ j stocking. But he got a rag- OET A HOf?SE POP CATCH TH ' The condition of the field, of hard today and .'riday before CHCISTMAS* *------TIME FOR A Coach Allie Sherman is goes on the ground bu’. it can , (AP) __ IfY.Y., and th« Gator Bowl at*Classics and fiillv Intends to do Rt'Uy Aim doll m the form f l u .' course, could help determine ending the sc.ssions. pas.s. too. It passes when it NEW YORK HORSE! leaving the fashion foot­ “The men have had a good It again. The Reavers go into it ‘>f Boston Bniins Chrisl- the outcom e of the G iants cla.sh needs it and the wav it did it didn't make a real b ig J«nk.sonvllle, Fla. PRISOLLA wear for Sunday’s National with the Bears. One expert re.st,” Sherman said. “We took with a 7-1 record, the No. 9 night. against Texas A*M showed It splash hack in the earlv 30s a former champion The Bniins were mis...mg Football League title game , sized it up this way: care of the ba.sics on oficnsc ran go through the air as well ando..... sporting ...... »a 6-2 record. is ranking in the country and 7-fix)t “If it snows or rains, the odds and defense the first part of the as anv tea-u the first holiday col- 7op-..^ccded‘in the old AM-Diliege, Counts, Their higge.st threat more passes than you or they L£ to the individual choice of undoubtedly will switch in favor week. We will be as r.'ady as could shake a stick at in la_st his New York Giants. " itXL haslinn rva good pa.ss \ivz”n»“si.defense. IcgC ^ o basketball ^ tournament with Wyoming, Oklahoma Oty • ‘'’‘’"'t''' " o '’f " '''n . of the Bears. 11 It is cold and we'll ever be for the Bears." too. .,u..^^t look at It.s record of was organized, but the idea Texas A&M the top challen night s -h-l tos.s to the T oronto II Wrlgley Field In Chicago Is the field is frozen, it will bo in That includes the Giants’ in­ gers. Opening night pairings have M aple I-,eafs. frozen, the choice of shoe.s could favor of the team wdth the best jured linebacker Sam Huff, intcrception.s when somebody fjjf] catch on. Iowa V.. Colorado State and starts threatening." Catch on? Man, but didn't It First round pairings have Oregon Stale against LSU. Seat­ They looked about as organ- be vital. passing attack and that gives end Del Shofnci and fullback izeil a.s holiday shoppers F,ven A number of Giants have said Staubach said Texas was the just catch on. Washington vs. Texas A&.M, tle takes on Brigham Young and ...... , the Giants and Y. A. Tittle the Alex Webster. All said Wednes- Wyoming vs. Houston, Okla- they would wear sneaker.s in­ bc.st team Navy would m eet and Oregon plavs VVa.shinglon Stale , >' edge. The passing team has the da.v ti.ey will be able to play, It caught on so well. In fact, home city vs. Idaho and Wichi­ ^ ^ )311 I « «T ae K a t»H T^V«a\' airatA/’l stead of the conventional cleats 'The team goes to Chicago Fri­ Ilia’ it was a rare privilege to in the first round completion hitting as hard. They skated advantage because the receiver gel to play the I>onghorns. that the grand-daddy of them ta vs. Montana Slate. Last tA-M If frozen eonditlons prevail. The knows wliere he’s goi'ig to go day evening by charlered plane. Friday. a« if their skate piards were Coming in with Staubach were all. the All-College in Oklahoma year's champion. Chic,ago I.a>yo- .still on, team will take along several and can get that vital step on The players till take it easy City, Is now over-.shadowed by The Big Eight al.so sp read s it.s dozen pairs of sneaker.s. fro liien m ti' Sunday »f'.C'- Tom Lynch, center and captain, la. the NCAA, cham pion and rur- fii.st round activilv over two -Schmidt w as t4)U5Ay 1 WASN’T AFRAID OF HIS lem. “Anyone wlio wants to 1 mas. Sherman planned to work in the playoff 47-7. lost .32 28 to .soutne.n Mcinoai.st. , . , and Michigan, touted xs the homa .State, long-time kingpin. than capat-itv. ST * nead paniclllin!" If we Vvcie 0-in and I had to /P^e. —-rlh : All-College ; ------O' ■■ is one of | riass^jass oiof uiethe olgBig Ten.ten. are methe co- of the MissouriMi.ssouri Valiev ami' c- » .i. « MHEM HE 6AIP HEP ) SAID. that IDLE THREATS/ watch the bowl games •' oi.rh, iho, -..or, ^ fOfZ PAW MOTwaR* * g r — M/ mies on telcvi- eight major tourneys that open favorites in the Ixis Angeles shooting for Us first Big Eight i PUNCH 'itoU IN THE JL HUM / ? A li sioii, I'd still say we plaved as play today a.s the vast tourna- Faeh ts an- Miehienn ^ , I, , ,‘rate near the end, when Frank EYE.' well a.s we could; that ...»we „i„„„aplayed ment ^schedule -h /d .,1. hit=hits 0.11full .iHd. stride A N ^S^n Vhe‘country and'liSiA “ado Roesp°at^ Iowa Kansas State Friday and Colo- viahoK-iehMaholvich scored his second r. n a KnicEs Defeated O 1 X W T * everv gome well." seid Lynch, handful was completed last a ' ^ , A goal of the night and made the Donnelly said he thought the week. At least 13 others open _ ' y, t i t ^ count 4-1, that they -showered BEN CASEY As \lest Features team that most resemb'ed Tc.x- Friday and another Saturday. .sporting such talent as be.ttcn and eai h bucking for a paper cups and other debris on IValStOIl W lIlS a.s was Pittshuigh, especially on Still others don't begin play un- All-Amenca Barry Kramer and national ranking, but tough Min TH*r BM T TROT. 1 FOR A WILD-V defense. Navy beat Pittsburgh til next week. equally dangerous Happy Hairs- ne.sota, 5-2, may be the team to I 4 UAt»J VOU VwAUC / UFE LOVER ^ NEW' YORjC (AP) Tlie ton, is ranked 10th in the I'otin- beat in the Holiday Festival in ' - n n e delay. but the N e w York Kqickerbocker* 24-12. Probably the biggest one of must be considered a New York. Utah is 8-0, Dayton! .sliower cam# down again when O U T O FH B tE / l ik e W)0,THAT I Billy Harris scored lean than a you MW 8C BHOUIO BE mlgrlit have Ih o u ^ t they were definite threat. The Vlolet.s, how- 7-0. Villanova, 6-1. lops the five i T A KIN S THE FtRei 1 « 0 0 D N E W S - on the w*y 'to tnelt^lOth Na­ Angeles Classic, which includes ever, have had their trotiblc.s In ea.stern representalive.s. minute later. This time. Refere# E tional Baaketbali , Asaociation To Gain Split three of the nation's top-ranked ^ the last three games, Iheiv rec- The first round, all today, has Art Skov let action continue trtumph, but Jetry West had teams - Michigan, UCLA and ord slipping to 4-2. St. John's, N.Y., vs. Utah; Villa-1 without bothering to order the a different (de&.. New York University — in its Tlie luck of the draw, how- nova vs. Dayton; Cornell vs. [ •sweepers back, classy field of eight. ever, has Michigan matched Minne.sota and St. Joseph s. Pa., ! Bo.ston's lone goal was scored «-» . Blanket) ,ln the 'first quarter ADELAIDE, Australia (AP)—Unpredictable Dennis In New York Wednesday night, The otlier big ones include the with NYU in a fir.st round game vs. Providence. 1by defen.seman Tom Johnson, Ralston of Bakersfield, Calif., won but American lenni.s Far West Classic at Portland, and the winner going against' The first round in the WCAC; "'ho batted in his own reboiuid the Los Angeles ace‘poured in ace Chuck McKinley of San Antonio, Tex., lost today as fHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL 20 point.s In the final period Ore , where defending champ UC1-.A, providing the Bruins are has Santa Clara vs. Pepperdine; j midway through the opening and helped catapult the Lakers the United States’ and Australia’s defenders tied 1-1 in and ninth-ranked Oregon State .successful in their opener St. Mary's, Calif, vs. Pacific; | peru>d vul tied the score 1-1, fiC12^*(UC UPiiT EVERV'rtKtFRICMI’ MEUP WW1HEVSAV W a A C E to a eome-from-behind 134-126 I the opening ainglea of the Davis ; is the team to beat; the Big against Yale, 4-1. Semifinals are San Jose vs. Isis Angeles I>oyola ' However, Tim Horton pul th# 15 ALWAYS full OF HcrT AIR. victory. Ctip Challenge Round. Eight at Kansas City, with scheduled Friday, the finals Sal- and California Santa Barbara I-s^afs in front before the period waff Off IN MU 6UllCT^^6 AqAIN BElNe A UtTuS FNViCXJS OF crowd of 7.000 in the Memorial tough Oklalioma Stale possibly urclay. vs. S.an Francisco, j ended and things never Improv- The triumph, coupled wdth Ralston, slender, 21-year-old Drive Stadium. C 6CNSIM 1U£ PeoPASAMDA KEVDLIKIl S-AFKl'Y , the class; and the Holiday Fes- in addition to Michigan-NYU Tlie Queen City and Gator ed for Bo.ston. MNC TOO. ftt. IjouI.s' 11,3-107 lo.s.s to Cin- University of Southern Cali­ Ek)IUDIN(5 The outcome probably will be Dowv, you ..... like..... to keep ...... a hand- lival in New Y'ork's Madison and UCI.A-Yale, the other first Bowl both are four-team affairs i 3'he Bniins play the same c'ruinU, boosted the Lakers’ fornia junior, pulled out of a decided by the double.s match taikspin to overcome 19-year- aim”h'andv‘?"BiVt i's"\he" .sa't'etv Garden, featuring Min- round games have West Vir The Queen .City offers Depaul Maple f.«afs at Toronto Satur- We.slern Division lead over the Friday in which Emer.son and nesnta, Utah, Dayton and Villa- ginia. 5-3, vs. Illinois, 3-2 and vs. Canisius and Xavier, Ohio day night, >1 ks to two games, old John Newcombe. a sni p- i-se faxTor with children around al- 30-year-old Ne.ile Fraser will way.s a nagging worry ? Sure. nova in a field of eight. Pittsburgh, 3-2, vs. Southern vs. Miami, 01iio,x.^’hilc the I’.'est .scored 47 points 'n all, sta rte r. 6=4. 6-1, 3-6, 4-6, 7-,5 in talte on Rakston and McKinley. I the opening match of the best- I you give your own kids infltnic- The others opening today in- California, 3-3. Gator has Air Force against f.i- ,n ove hl.s 29.1 average. On Saturday, Rakston, who elude the WCAC at San Francis- Oregon Stale has won all of Florida Slate and Manhattan A:. Cincinnati. .leray Lucas of-flve series for the storied I tioivs, show them the why, how has been playing superbly in and wherefore of shooting. And CO, th* Queen City at Buffalo, . the previous seven Far West against Florida. MORTY MEEKT.E BY DICK CAVALLl c,Tiie alive in the fourth quar­ oup, symbol of world tennis su­ Au-M-ralia, will meet Em erson you feci okay with th,;m . . but Sports Schedule ter ,3nd helped ctnoh It for the prem acy, and McKinley will oppose New­ how about their friends? nic . c HO U6 e .,.IM I< 2t-rr I JUST DONTHAVB Royals. The rookie, held to six Roy fcmerson, the 27-year- combe. old Australian champion, kid.s Uiat haven't 'bee.t trained? 4'rlday. Dec. 27 /J-26 iM3 weu.-fTAcgfr... THE eiLLaZ INSTINCn points in the fir.st three periods, AM it takes is one bit of horse tallied nine points as Cincinnati downed McKinley, the 22-year- Before the opening singles, Manchester at Eastern 8 p.m. old Wim'bledon king from Trin­ the Americans, makin# their pJay . . . you never feel alto­ Rockville at Newington, 8:16 BY ROY (RAXE 0 0 oiit-xxirod the- Hawks 33-32 in gether right. Hei-e's how to end Seek Cow Pasture p.m. BUZZ SAWYER tlic last quarter. ity U niversity of Texas, 6-3, first appearance in the Chal­ ■? lenge Round since losing to the worries on any double ac­ BUT DID ANYTHING O.scar RoberLson faced the 3-6, 7-,5, 7-6, to even the com ­ F 'S c l l R E S .Saturday. Dec. 28 petition before a capacity Au-stralia 3-2 at F'orcsl Hills, tion i-e3’olver but .still keep lh4 Manchester vs. Alumni. 7:46 SnCKVOU'’ THOSE RoyaJs with 37 points while gun aoces-sible, i^dy for use. F1X>RAL Hazel Ija.ski 469. ROUND THIMfaS DOWN N.Y., in 19,lO. were favored to p.m. end the Aussies' four-year hold Just lock a padlock in the trig­ For New A’s Home St Bernard s at Ea.st, 8; 16 there « e the dread on the cup. ger guard behind the trigger. tXIMMERCIAL Fred p ni. TUR8AH SEA URCHINS. 4 * Trigger caji't be pulled back Scluieider 153-388, Jack Cofiell THEIR SPINES ARE TO Ralston blew three match Rham at Lyman. points when he was leading far enough for double action KANSAS CTTY (AP) __ " Mayor Ilu.s Davis and the < ity 139-372, Buddy W eir 136, Ed VERT POISONOUS. i<4i- NOW — THROUGH DECEMBER 31 firing, or to be cocked. Key on n F in lo i.’o m a n “Ouncil have lesptm ded le.ss S cott 164-3.54, Monday. Dec. 80 ,'5-3 and 40-0 in the fifth set. Chat les 0. rinle,\ S rna .spectacularly than Finley but. . . _ Manche.ster at Conard 8 p.m. X Newcombe pulled up to 5-5 but your key chain imlocka the gun in a.n inislant. F r i d a y .say.8 h e is g o in g they .say It is only practical, if j e a s t e r n (ilRI.S - Carol - Thursday, Jan. 2 Ilia inexperience proved costly. PROTFXrr DOG'S PADS , llUJiling toflay for a cow a new lea.se is not negotiated. ju)u nds 350, Lori Smicrope 341, Emerson made a tremendous Rockville at E. O. Smith. A simple way to keep ice cuts (j, convert into a "" th's ; ^-nn Daum 133-353, Kitty Si- Ocv DOUBLE comeback in the third set after Friday,. Jan. ..3 dividing the first two with your dog's piuis at a mini- Knc.Kall field fm- tho>*Kan- ‘'“7 P'^°r>^ny at, the present , hrinsz 127-341, Phyllis Toma Ion- Contrail at Manchester 8 p.m. • >H1 by MU laa TM tif. \ CNJiLU mum is to .-oat Ills feet with ! baseball fieM for the'^an rate a lui u eu iM Tu ui H> ee /7 -2 4 McKinley. The rangy Queen- is 125-337. Norma Courtney 131- Cheney at East \5Mndsor. 8:16 roofing tar before the hunt. And sas City Athletic.S. The move out of the stadium, 128-347, Vic'ide Bun-hards .3.51. p.m. lander seemed to be on the way the way to get troublesome out after losing the second set And said Pat Friday, general ■said Finley from hLs Cliicago Mary Fontana 367, Edna Gallo- burrs out of hlS coat Is to pry Manager for A’s owner Finley, home, is to keep the city from way 127-146-376, Marie Gallo- and trailing 1-4 and 3-5 in the ’em out with an old table fork. third set. But he steadied his movers' vans will be moving getting him into a negotiating way 141-144-390. Elsie Pound U n-A Plays Yale 'CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER the tangible assets of the base­ co^-ner. m'-,360, Man’ McCarthy 3.31, 2 nerves and his service, and then broke McKinley's service ball chib out of Municipal Sta­ "I have been advised, " said , Flo Kluter 16]-;i63, Edie Cor- GREEN STAMPS dium and into a bank building. IjOS A.NGEIjES I API High­ n arAOE DUH-H-.1 PONT IME VMS in the lOtli and 12th games to Canke Out Cookie Finley, "that if we are in the renti 133-369, Mavis Small .331, ly foiited ItCl.A, the fourth- BY LANK LEONARD 2 IH M SPER* SBC NOBOpy TOLD HE'S win. ■'■The.se startling developments. stadium on Jan. 1 we will have Elvira Trinks 129-3,5,5, Mary MICKEY FINN THE KAUIKAN4 FOLLIRIN'i VET., ranked team in the countn’. ASLICK'UN! In the fourth set, Emerson, BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP) — If they occur. ourselves to maybe .Simmons ,346, Sylvia Picano 351. | 'aunuRl“uis PROP HIWT5 BUT PPY* STILL HE'$ UMITIIJ' of an impasse o\er rent oe-/ another four-vear lease or at' ' sensing victory, raced off to a "My mother called me Cupcake, Angeles Ba -kethall Classic to­ AAAXE IT FAST, BILL! PeSlflNtO TO fVEiKT US our TILL WE IS my father called me Donut, ajul | tween the conlrover.sial but ney DAMNPBR! 4-1 lead. He could do no wrong. least a one-year lease. " HOOKEY RE.SI l/r s day against 5’ale as (he three- 7HEVHC QUESTIONING LURE A 5Py OFFSOARDl the family sellled on Cookie," er dull Finley and the city ad- THAT OLD FELLChV AND INTO FOUOW' Then his game faltered and I The principal bone of conten­ .Anicrlcjin Ijeagu'e says Coqkie Gllchri.st of the, ministration. The A 'l lease ex- day holiday shosv got under way r yWbNTTOHEAR M G THEM... McKinley came storming back tion in the proposed lease is an B altim ore 3. Cleveland 2. in the Sports Arena. Game tune Buffalo Bills. pires Dec. 31. K VWlAT ME — to tie the set at 6-5. But that escape clause that Finley Insists H ershev 3, Springfield 1. was set for 1:15 p.m. t4:16 was the stocky collegian's last on that th'e A s could get the Quebec 3, Pittsburgh 2. ea.stern time). 6 I gasp. Eknerson once again set­ stadium for $1 a year after the tled down, held service and first four years if the atten­ made the key service break for AFL Playoff Set There Tomorrow dance d o esn 't go over 900,000. victory. He says the city gave the Kan- Hawhs WITH ALL .sas City Chiefs American Foot­ Secret to Success: ball League club a comparable deal when they ' moved here Ability " GAS ‘Back Massage’ Slated from Dallas this season. to Beat Pursuers Me An Awards Other less controversial points To Lewis Duo Involve repaying som e 4300,000 SrA.NDINGS two games have ended in ties. PURCHASES For Buffalo Gridiron Finley says he has spent Im­ W. L. T. Pts. In other games Wedno.sdey proving the city's stadium, con­ Chicago ...... 19 7 7 46 nig’ht, the Toronto Maple Leafs . Belated Christmas gifts cession Income etc. They are in Monttieal ...... 17 10 5 39 trimmed the Boston Bnuns 6-1 DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWTLLIAMS will be presented to two BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP)—War Memorial Stadium, agreement or near it on these 3'oronto ...... 16 9 6 38 and the Detroit Red Wings BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK IlIDtJEWAY members of the Manchester which today lies under a protective coating of chemical points, city officials say. D etroit ...... 11 16 6 27 edged the New York Rangers MR. ABERNATHY THeV'RE WATCHING Drive In— Fill 'er Up! High football team—Thom crystals and 50 tons of straw, will have its back mas The m ayor .said W ednesday Bo.ston ...... 7 17 7 21 4-3. —L I'LL HAVE TO PUT EVERY MOVE WE MAKE. McAn bronzed show awards “there l.s’ sUll a week loft . . . New York .... 7 19 6 20 Goals by Bobby Hull, his 21sf, WHO CARES? WE ACTORS OH/ N WHO ON MV FISHERMAN HOW IN BLAZES CAN for outstanding |>erform- .saged'^Saturday. and that's plenty of lime to ne­ and Stan Mikita, his 2t>th, give D i s g u i s e a g a i m ... we DIVE FOB THOSE S'.ill. you ean't convince Bos­ Holovak worked his Patriots ^ ^ _____ WEAR WHAfT WE WANTl HELLO/, WAS H TAILOR! ances during the past season. gotiate a lease. We invited Mr. N EW YORK (AP) T he C hi­ Chicago a 2-0 lead at tlie end MARCO, t a k e a lo o k . DOCUMENTS, I* . K6RT» Double Greerj Stamps with your gas purchases ton's Mike Holovak or Buf­ •ADS/PRORLei A^R. THAT? AT THAT CLIFF ROAD, WhuLers of the annual ou*t on snowy practice field in | Finley^ eight F lonths ago to cago Black Hawks' success for- of two periods. BooiVi Boom AeHecioB> I for the balapce of December is our bonus to you as an trophies, announced today, falo's Lou Saban that modem Bo.ston Wedne.sday and em- come in with his lawver and ne-i nuila this season has been to Geoffrion cut the deficit to 2-1 science will prevent a frozen pha-sized, "It will give a pre­ jACKrr, inducement to help us reach our goal ori,250,000 gal­ are half|>ack R>* G. Lewis gotiate a lease. We never yet beat their closest put suers and early in the final" stanza before rrwpiopANTi^ « ((^)) J and tackle Dick Lewis. The field for Saturday's Eastern view of coming attractions. It have seen him and his lawyer build up a lead in the National R'eggie Fleming produced the a n d A P O L K A ' lons in gas sales for the year. boys, no relatioii, were re­ Division tiU e playoff in Uie might surprise us and turn ouV to g eth er." Hockey League. clincher into an empty net with . D O T P a C O T f cently named permanent cx>- Jjnerican Football League. that the weather ii less thidi Finley, who was here to meet The pursuers, in this oa.so, 28 second.s left. ' , you SUMS esptalns of the 1963 eleven. , The chemical cryst^.s have froze, but we're going on the with city officials last week, have been the Montreal Cana- Frank Mahovlioh triggered PPK99 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Selection for the hlcAn been spreEul on the ground to assumption that we’ll be play­ said he has been Informed the diens, and the Black Hawka Toronto's victory over B^ton S T R A M O P L Y f 1 awards Is based on several promote melting. The straw ing on a frozen field. city has mailed him three pro­ have done an efficient job in with a pair of goals as the third factors including overall val­ provide.s heat to melt snow. "A passing attack is often posed leases and a.tked him to tunting them back when the oc place Leaf.s advanced to within ue to the team, cooperation And a tractor armed with high mo.st effective on a frozen field sign whichever one he wants. oxsion warranted. one point of the Canadiens. ' with the coaches, team spirit brushes will give the turf its since the receiver knows where Finley made it plain he wants C hicago-w hipped M ontreal 3-1 Gordie Howe clicked fo^ two s MORIARD BROTHERS and sportsmanship in add!-' m assage. he's going and the defense none of them. Wednesday night for the fUth goals including the tie-break­ tlon to playing ability. ^ Holovak and Sabap, how­ doesn’t," said Holovak. “Buf­ That'S when, he said, he time this season and openei tin er midi^’ay in the third period— 301 CENTER S T . — 643-5135 The presentation will be ever, are making their plana falo has had a lot more suc-' made up his mind to move and a SIX-point lead over the runner- as th# Wings bolstered their mnde hi the near future. on the assumption that the oAss pa,8slng tf)ls season than start looking for a sits tor a up Canadiens. Montreal has de- ho)(( on fourth place at th e ex- field will be frozen. w d .h a w ." “ temporary held. feated the Ha'wks only once and pens# of the Rangera A

./ if ■ . , t IIANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CXJNN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 p a g e ’TWENTY THREE PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVEMNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1968 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Hoosca For Sale 72 Painting—Papering 21 THERE OITGHTA BE A LAW By PAGALY and SHORTEN Loto For Sale 78 BOLTQN — $10,800. $1,600 aa- OOVBNTRY-BOLTON line — LAKEWOOD d R C L B — Free- TWO BUILDINO lots. ims I*, Johnson Good 96 Perished^ 36 Were Ijost Seizure Decreed INSIDE AND OUTSIDE paint­ I Giving $5,000 equity away with minea the mortgage. $79 tige 7 room Oolonlal Ranch, ing. You name your own price. monthly pays all. 4V4 room catioo, city atilltiM. illbrlck K l* i= l ^ATK3M HIRES MUHDREDS So WHERE DO ALL THESE BEAUTIFUL 1 this Immaculate large 4 room 100x900 wooded lot This desir­ Agency,, •46-8464. Polluted by CLASSIFIED 649-7868, 876-8401. OF RADIO ENGINEERS TO IMPROVE THEIR SOUND WAVES WIND UPT­ •Ne P! ranch, encloeed breezeway and ranch, garage, baeement, high able home offers 9 twin sised In Guide Role In Burning of Greek Liner EOUlFMtNT AND MAHE •WElR''Fr REALLY "Ml“- garage, large built-in kitchen, lot, nice residential area. bedrooms, 2H baths, 39 foot WOODHSD LOT, centrally lo­ For Diem Property EXTERIOR AND Interior paint­ ON TINY, NOISY TOYS Lawrence F. Fiano, Realtor, living room with fireplace, 2 living room, forinal dining cated, for two famUy, bus, tsw- (Contlnned frem Page One) Prepara evacuation on Alp. It ing. WAllpap^r books. Paper- 643-2766, Charles Nicholson, JOHNSON O T T , Tex. (A P )— was 11:80 p.m. Soviet Fallout hanging. Ceilings. Floors. Frilly I’LLTAHE.A| tION’T FORGET «QW** k JJ <"<5*?a Wc R good sized bedrooms. Immacu­ room, modem kitchen w lth^ •rs, sidswalks. Pasek Realty, 742-6884. the buUt-lns, laundry room, Praaident Johnaon turned tour At 39 minutes after midnight By MALCOLM W. BROWNE <9r«glme. The revolufionary Junto ADVERTISING Insured workmanship guaran GI2M0 READ! THE PRE-AMP b r - r . r - t ^ late full, dry basement, oil hot 289-7476. most of them British—and 289 ACK-ACK- water heat, draperies, TV, large family room with fire­ manager to take a couple of crew members set out. There Ralogrldls sent out the final, (Oonttnned from Page One) SAIGON, South Viet Nam ; has demanded payment for tna teed Leo Pelletier. 649-6826. U AND CHECK TRANSMISSION CONCORD RD — Beautiful anguished call: “ SOS from La- (AP)—South Viet Nam’S mill- land. Church officials have pro- no answer, call 643-9043. atrs G.K. washer and dryer, re­ place, 3-car garage, 994,000, busloads of press corps people were 84 children, going home CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS WITH THE, OH OUR TRIPLE'X ranch, iiuge living room, form­ Philbrick Agency, 949-8494. Wanted— Rod Estate 77 konia last time. 1 cannot stay Navy’s Bur«(au of Medicine and tary government has formally tested. HOUL ives frigerator, lawn furniture, all kitchen, through his house and around from school for Christmas or 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. F.C.C. OOROOHrOLA! al dining room, cabinet! any more In the wireless station. Surgery. | decreed seizure of all properties Investigation of garden tools, electric hedge 2 bedroome, recreation room, the grounds Christmas. traveling with their families. RATING clippers, hand rotary lawn- VERNON — 6 room Cape, front We are leaving the ship. Please Written by Lt. Cmdr. Lewis H. of the former ruling family of property iF continuing, and stiff Electrical Services 22 landscaped yard. Marlon E. screened porch, formal dining WANTED — B-io m lo t OaU ’The President turned a switch Half the passengers had CHART' mower, riding rotary lawn- signed for the full 6-week voy­ immediate assistance. Please Seaton, the article deals with President Ngo Dlnh Diem and fines and prison terms have COPY C1.0SING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Robertaon, Realtor. 846-0868. room, garage, amesite drive, •49-439L In a tree and gay music blared radiation control aboard the agents. beep ordered for persons con- FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt mower. $1,660 kennel house from a loudspeaker In the age, paying up to $1,086. The help.” MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 10:80 A.M.— SATURDAY 9 A.M. service on all types of elec­ convenient. Early occupancy. ’Dien he dashed to the lifeboat Enterprise. Seizure of the property began coaling evidence concerning with heat, lights, and fenced BUCKLEY SCHOOL Area — An Tongren Agency, 848-8821. branches. I rest were going to the islands. trical wlritig. Licensed and In­ runs, grape arbor, large field- older home Just restored. Huge He climbed cn a stone waJl i Harry Knight sold his house deck, already crowded with pas­ Seaton, a medical officer for- Nov. 2, but the formal decree transfer of Ngo property to PLEASE READ YOIH AD sured. Wll.son Electrical Co., stoae outside fireplace. $3,000 bright family room, modem VERNON — Excellent 3 famUy and pointed to his acres of w in-' In Stockport last year and at 70 sengers and crew milling about merly stationed on the Enter- was not made public until this other persons, Manche.ster. 049-4817. Glaston­ worth, o< aluminum anchor 12 th Circuit In pajamas and anything they prise, did not say Just where or week. A government spokesman OlMstfled or “ Waot Ado” are taken over the phone a* a kitchen, dining and living room 4-3, new heating system, 2-car ter-brown range land. became a wanderer. He had bury. 643-1388. chain fencing surrounds the down and four large bedroome garage, preferred location, bus He noted strutting peacocks been to Switserland, Scotland had thrown on. Some women when the contamination oc- ■ The decree also orders seizure all funds realized from the convenlenrr. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST curred. of the financial holdings of the seizures will be placed In the beautifully landscaped, high up. Big lot, plenty of trees. line. Only $16,000. Hayes Agen­ and brought out the story of and the Island of Jersey. still wore their jewels and eve- DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the Court Cases political pacties controlled by national treasury, 8/4 acre lot, with a large se­ Worth looking at. Isn’t it? Ask­ cy, 643-4803. how the first Johnson peacock Mr. and Mrs. Fred Calvert, nlng gowns. ’The Na\’V did not say Imme . . .. next biserUon. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor- Floor Finishing 21! Whether the confusion merited le former ruling family. It la believed here that Mrs. lection of young trees and ing price le only $17,600. T. J. as klllM by a puppy. frpm the grimy northern town dlately whether other ships were toe former ruling family, root or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only the name of panic—as some ’There 1s no accurate estimate Nhu and other members of the shAibs. Many other extras. In­ Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. MANCHESTER Vicinity — Mod­ MANCHESTER SESSION Texas gentleman farmer of Nelson, were cruising for affected similarly. ’There Is no accurate ei to the extent of a “ make Kood” Insertion. Errors rvhloh do not FLOOR SANDING and re- cluding underground wiring, em, Immaculate 8 bedroom passengers claimed—was a mat­ . _ , » I ______of the value of the Ngo family s Ngo family maintained large Im m the value of the advertisement Will not be corrected by finishlng (specializing in old Johnson deUghts In conducting their health. Calvert Is a dia­ amesite driveway and walks, ranch, 19x20 Uvlng room, fire­ Laaalo Kiss, 96, CUaatooltury, ter of dispute. ’There were con­ from estate. Just after the coup, a financial Interests abroad, es­ “ make good” Insertloii. er floors). Waxing floors. BEAUTIFUL SEMI-RANCH — tours. betic. His wife, 46, injured her w a^ed fallout from the sky to coastal ships and re- etc. Quick occupancy. Asking 8 rooms, 2 bath;, beautiful place, tiled bath, fuU basement this monUng was fined $160 trasting reports of heroism and pecially accounts In Swiss Painting. Ceilings. Paperhang- He discussed his 12 - room hand in a weaving mill accident contamlnate toe carr^^^ _____ factories______were____ banks. $16,900. Lawrence F. Fiano, heated rec room, flreplaced Bel Air Real Estate, 848-9882. after he pleaded guitty to a bouse from office to bedroom. After 16 operations. It was stlU hectic scrambling. Ing. No job too amall. John The swimming pool attendant side area.s on the order of 10 , . ^ Nmiven Van Buu TOUR COOPERATION WILL |\|AI A il? Verfaille, 649-8760. Realtor, 643-2766, Charles living room, new wall-to-wall otaaige of opera^ig a motor When he got outside a bedroom In a ca st Mrs. Calvert’s acci­ to 20 times that allowable fo r , „ ^ financial agent of toe BE APPRECIATED MIMU I I Nicholson, 742-6364. carpeting Including hallways, VERNON — LO'VELT older vehlOle whUe under tiw Influ­ tied a rope to his feet, had him­ room Dutch Colonial, 2-car ga­ door. It wouldn’t open. dent compensation paid for their the nuclear plant area. family HARDWOOD FLOORS .sanded dishwasher, new aluminum ence of liquor or drugs. Kiss “ Mrs. Johnson locked the bed- j trip, self lowered head downward and Court Record* Soaked rage, 2 baths, near acre lot. pulled several children from This, he said, set in motion and finished. Get the best for, -Manchester k Vicinity awnlhgs, 2 blocks from Main was srrested by Olsetonbury room on me,” he Joked m he | Gertrude Moore, who runs a . J « . ♦ Ngo Dlnh Nhu’s party, toe St. Just move In—no remod­ Fine neighborhood. Hayes smoke-filled cabins. The 'Chil­ Per^nallst Workers party,_and WILLIMANTIC (AP) — A hot less. Call 644-0601 or 649-0726. ! Agency, 643-4808. polios In that tovm yesterday. knocked and the First Lady London pub, was back fo r- a fallout from entering the ship fRMH. POUdHtH HOLIDAY SPECIALS eling necessary. $19,900. Call James Daley, 44, no certain opened the way for the bedroom dren’s nurse took off her life­ Diem’s party, toe National Rev water radiator pipe burst In Cir­ I third voyage aboard the Lakon- jacket and .slipped It around 3 through the ventilation .system cuit Court today, soaking most Troible Reaching Our Advertiser? S tS TH/AP sr owner, 649-6661. $0 ELRO ST. — Modem Cape, siddreaB, arrested ’Tuesday night Inspection by the guests. oliitionary Movement, are said Bonds— Stock54-« ] PUNMOAB, PA. Oozy carefree cape, treae la, this time with her daughter, Jrear^ld Freddy 'Poo'ke. He and|Or on the feet of the men. to have had huge treasuries. I of the court records. convenient for schools, bus, for Intoxication, was gtven 30 Johnson stepped over the ce­ Pauline, a model. Mortgages 31 I $14,900 NEW 8 R(X)M Colonial-Ranch, ment squares that lead to his his parents spent toe night In a | "There was no real danger to Most major Vietnamese indus­ The break was discovered In shopping. Drastically reduced days at the State Jail at Hart- And there were the usual hon- swamped lifeboat, up to their health, as levels of rontamlna- I toe records vault of the court in 24-Hour Answering Service located on French Rd.. top of bord. swimming pool. The squares trialists and Importers allegedly Stunning almost new ranch ‘ for Immediate sale. Bel Air eymooners—three sets of them. necks In water. | tion were still within tolerable Town Hall about 6:30 a.m. There SECOND MORTGAGES - Un­ Tower Rd., near Parkade, fire­ Real Estate, 648-9882. Terry MoSw«en«(y, 16, of 16 have the signatures of famous had to make large contributions limited funds available for sec­ $15,700 Anthony Pitcher and his bride, Buchanan and his wife g o t; levels, averaged over a period I was about three Inches of water Garden— Farm— Dai ry Apartments— Flats— place, kitchen built-lns, hot Auburn Rd., arrested early to­ guests. married ’Thursday morning, the to both. ond mortgages, payments to BOLTON — ROUTE 86. Tre­ water heat, wooded lot on dead Into a boat: another was alm ost' of time,” he said, Seizure also was ordered of 1 In toe record vault and from one Free to Herald Readers Tenements 63 Work free ranch, built-lns MANCHESTER—Large 7 room day for breach of the peace, Nearby was his waiting fleet day the liner sailed, had kept suit your budget. Expedient Products 50 mendous buy, five room ex­ end street. Owner, Robert lowered on top of IL 1 Seaton al?p told of fallout dlf- the as.seLs of the Vietnamese ' to two Inches In toe Judges Cape, oversized garage, built was fined $36. MbBweeney was of aircraft, including a newly their destination a secret. service. J. D. Realty. 643-8129. pandable ranch with breeze­ $16,500 Samuelson, 649-0498. In Ool. Stead’s boat, they had ; ficultles experienoed by toe En- Women’s Solidarity Movement, chamber, jury room and In tha Want Mornifttlon on one of our claMlfled odvertieemeeteT No APPLES — Macs, Cortlands, FOUR ROOM tenement to rent. In kitchen, formal dlnhig room, charged after poUoe offered to purchased family passenger way and garage, basement, lot fireplace, family room, fall-out It was to be a lazy, sunny to hack away at a rusted cable . terprise's jet planes in January iieaded by Mrs. Nhu. who now court offices. The courtroom it­ MMiffer At tlie tolephono llatodf SHtnply o&D tto A BETTER ARRANGEMENT Baldwins. Greenings. Delicious, All improvement.s. Inquire 98 100x250, trees. Only 315,900. T, Executive split, famllyroom h«lp him free Ms oar from plane and a U.S. military heli­ 2 Christma.s. Breakfast In bed, tea Foster Street. Phone 643-7340. shelter with half bath, outside copter. to get free of toe ship. 1962. 1 i!i an exile In France. self was not flooded. of your finances will make Winesaps, Romes, Starks. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. $19,500 snow bank and ha hi tum used In a tapestry-hung lounge. In the MANCHESTER - ROCKVILLE Bunce Farm, 629 W. Center. enclosed patio with fireplace The President handed out ash Communication between pas-, f,cw at such alUtudes ' The decree also ordered con- Many of to* court records hap- more of your income available FOUR ROOM tenement, one uUIlties, minimum down Vila and abualva language. The evening, they dressed for din­ aengers and the Greek and Ger­ of the property of pened to be on the floor of the for personal use. Lump debt 643-8116. STARKWEATHER Street — Rambling beauty, built-in ranch LEGAL city trays—some with a map of the I that toe engines. leading edges flscation ANSWERING SERVICE block from Main Street. Call financing. Asking $17,900. Law­ youth was alao lasuad a writ­ ranch, made in Austin; and ner. man crew brok^ down ^cause of j control .surfaces be Roman Catholic Archbi.shop vault at the time. Into one monthly payment of Completely renovated six room $17,900 ten warning for driving wtdla I TTiere was dancing for the Court ptersonnel used Superior 649-0500 — 875-2519 742-6169 or 742-8180. single. Large rooms. 1'4 baths, NOTICE rence F. Fiano, Realtor, 648- some with the presidential seal, language difficulties. To M. R. | contaminated with fallout Ngo Dlnh ’Thuc, another of $22.28 for each thousand dollars 2766. Charles Nicholson, 742- drinking. , young. Swimming, shuffleboard Diem's brolhefs. who Is In Court facilities until repairs including repayment over five Household Goods 51 new heating System. Three en­ Family room colonial 7 rooms made In Norway. Lovat of London the babbling; lingering In the heights, he 4*4 ROOM GARDEN apart­ ADMISSION 6364. They only cost ” a few cents,” I and deck tennis during the day. was disgraceful—‘ the crew | » » Rome. Archbishop Thuc Is un­ were made. No court session and leave your message. YoaH hear from our advertiser In Jig years. Frank Burke, 246-8897, ment. central location, heat, closed porches, combinatiok $21,500 I On Friday. Dec. 20, the first was scheduled for today. thne withont spending all evening at the telephone. EVERYTHING IN sterilized re­ windows. This Is an excellent OP’ ELECTORS ROCKVILLE SESSIONS he commented. screamed their head off for five 1 ^ result, Seaton wrote, It derstood to have had extensive Connecticut Mortgage Ex­ conditioned used furniture and hot water, stove, refrigerator; SOUTH MANCHESTER — I day out. there was a boat drill. change, 16 Lewis St., Hartford, value at only $16,900. Desirable Traditional Eng. tudor Colonial Notice Is hereby given that Johnson made the remark solid houM. ' C. Charles FTtton 1 necessary to survey the properties In his own name, but appliances, high quality - low and parking Included. Avail- j Charming 6'i room ranch Three local youths received 1 about coat In assuring reporters i No ...to remember promised himself never again to contamlnstlon before much of toe property he ad- F\ilback Pat Donnelly ot Conn, Bowers School district. T. J $21,.500 the Board of Admission of Elec­ prices. LeBlanc Furniture, 196 able January 1. Rental $120 plastered walls, cast Iron radia­ 60-day jail sentences, suspend- that his gifts “ come under toe sail on a foreign ship: “ When starting maintenance work on ministered belongs to Navy was the top ground gain­ 6 Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. tors, of the Town of Manches­ Lost and Found 1 Business Services South Street, Rockville, 876- month. Call Mr. Goodchild, 643- tors, porch, garage, plctur TTie crew Had been through you are in a disaster situation, er In the classic Army-Na\’y SECOND MORTGAGES—Funds Spanking white col. 4 bedrooms ter, will be in session In the Mu­ ed, and one year probation in Paul Douglas rule,” he referred them. 'church. . Offered 13 2174. Open 9-8. 4000. esque setting on high wooded boat drill before sailing. Capt. you want to know what peoplare He carried 17 times and LOST — AT Grand Way. lady’s available for second mort­ OAK STREET — 4-4 duplex, $23,500 nicipal Building, Town Clerk’s Circuit Court 12, ’Tuesday, on to Sen. Paul H. Douglas, D-III., "Fallout level.1 subsequently ’The church has been ordered game. _ __ , gages. For Individual attention good condition. Good invest­ lot. Priced to sell. Hayes charges of using a motor vehicle who says public officials should Daniel Jones of the British Sea talking about,” he said. decreased to the point where to stop building a church on WS y i ^ . He « o ^ red leather French purse. Call LAWN MOWERS, sharpened SOUD MAHOGANY piecrust Office, on THURSDAY, JANU­ Agency. 843-4803. Transport Depiu'tment was told Smoke prevented toe lowering they are no longer a problem,” ] land toe government Mys_wM ^ the Middles three touchdowns 649-3696. and repaired, sales and serv­ call B 4 N Agency, Roger M. FOUR BIG rooms In new ment pos.sibillties. A low price. Wow — what value, these ARY 2. 1964 from 5:00 P.M. to without the owner’s permission. not accept anything that costs Negro, 643-8727. table;,, solid mahogany coffee j by his Inspectors that It was of four boats. Others swamped I Illegally donated by toe Diem 1 In a 21-16 victory. ice, rental equipment. L A M table. 2 solid mahogany end duplex. 649-5928. Inquire for all the excellent homes were selected as the 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of NO. COVENTRY — 120 acre Roger W. Estell, 16, of 33 more than $2.60. he said. LOST — BEAGLE terrier, features. Warren E. Howland Windermere Ave.; FTed J. Par- When papers In which the I "very satisfactory.” TTiey did In the swells. When the last boat Equipment Ckirp., Route 83. tables. Ix>unge chair and otto­ be.st buys In their price admitting all persons who are farm, 9 room home, bams not conduct a formal Inspection black, tan markings, light FIVE ROOM apartment, heat, Realtor, 643-1108. saln, 17, of 6 Cherry S t, and gifts were wrapped fell to toe was away, about 80 passengers Vernon, 876-7609, Manchester man. Call 643-8728 after 6 p.m. range. Buy now, save. Call found to be qualified to be Elec­ etc., lots of road frontage of the ship. It carried a Greek brown harness. Vicinity No. Help Wanted— Female 35 hot water, garage, storm win­ Gerald Rogowski, 17, o f 1 West grass and were left behind, the and 40 crew members were still exchange. Enterprise 1948. 649-5308, 289-8258, 2T8-1800. tors of the Town of Manches­ I>awrence F. Fiano, Realtor certificate of seaworUiiness. Main Street, Manchester, Fri­ dows, centrally located. 643- MANCHESTER — 6 room Split St, pleaded guilty to the. President stooped to pick them aboard. ’They huddled on to* NURSE LICENSED In Con­ Level, deep landscaped lot, ga­ ter. 643-2766, Charles Nicholson, The Lakonia plowed along at after deck all night, but as day Welcome information. ’TREE REMOVAL, pruning, and 7363. BARROWS AND 742-6364. charge. The car which was up to be thrown out. necticut for small Rockville Wanted—To Buy 58 rage, utility room, rec room The Qualifications are as fol­ He said the Pedemales River , Saturday, to flames spread aft, they were 643-9970. lot clearing. Frank C. Noble, convalescent home. Free room WALLACE CO. lows: Applicant must be twen­ owned by Thomas P. Orlcrwskl, 649-6063. FOUR ROOM apartment, first 2 baths, fireplace. Close to COVENTRY — 8 room house, once rose to the steps of the ! ordered over the side. Oerd and board and TV. Tel. 878- WE BUY, SELL or tndc an­ ty-one (21) years of age, must 19, of 152 W. Main St, was left FOUND — BROWN male puppy, floor, central location, attic schools, churches, and shop­ basement, $6,600. Owner will fi­ ranch house at a time when cold. Sunday the sun began to Punkrope, a purser, was in this 9121. tique and uaed furniture, china, MANCHESTER — Executive 8 be a resident of the State of in front of a Vernon Ave. bowl­ white spot on che.st. Call Lee SHARPENING Service — Saws, and ba.sement storage. 643-4347 ping. $18,900. Wolverton Agen­ nance. 742-0006. Mrs. Johnson lost a baby by pink British backs. group. He said most of those glass, silver, picture frames bedroom ranch, 8 fireplaces. 2 Connecticut for one (1) year, ing alley. Fracchla, Dog Warden. 643- knives, axes, shears, skates, and old coins, old dolls and after 6 p.m. cy, Realtor, 649-2813. miscarriage. She had to be In one l(Ainge the ship’s social who perished probably were in n baths, recreation room, heated and a resident of the Town of In other action, Herbert H. ^ ’RE^OPEI 8694. rotary blades. Quick service. RN or LPN, full or part-time. VERNON STREET—4 bedroom taken out a back way because director had orgw*toed a party it, too. guns, hobby collections, attic FIVE ROOM duplex, convenient TALCOTTVILLE — Large f patio, acre lot. Bel Air Real Manchester for six (6 ) months. Dougfan, 21, of 46 Riverside Dr., Capitol Equipment Co., 38 Vernon Haven, 876-2077. contents or whole estates. Fur­ ranch. Immediate occupancy. of toe flood. The President said for young people—they came Last to leave waa the captain. LOST — LADY’S chrome cigar­ Main St., Mamchester. Hours location. Available Jan. 1. Call room ranch, 1*4 baths, fire Estate, 843-9332. Any applicant who Is a natu­ The tocts will interest you. Manchester, was fined $26 on a dressed as hobos. There was One passenger said she saw him THURS. FRI. niture Repair Service Talcott- place, storms. Just like new. that was when it was decided ette lighter, monogrammed. daily 7-8. Thursday 7-9. Satur­ COUNTER AND GRILL worker, 649-8071. ralized citizen of the United Please call Warren E. How­ charge of breach of peace; Al­ to build an airplane landing carol singing In another lounge, wandering around with tears F ^ R W A X sentimental value, vicinity vllle, Conn. TeL 643-7449. Near bus and shopping. Ton SEVEN ROOM spacious home day 7-4. 643-7958. full-time days, experienced. States shall present the certifi­ land, Realtor, 648-1108. vin R Slrois, 23, Hartford, |25, strip close to the ranch. a movie in a third. Most older streaming down his face. The Haynes Street and Center. Call Apply in person. Patio Drive FOUR ROOMS available Janu­ gren Agency, 643-6321. In Manchester on quiet street, cate of his naturalization or a Illegal parking. ary 15, central location, adults All this time toe dinner was passengers had retired; Monday master of a Belgian freighter 643-8798 or 648-9700 after 6 p.m. SNOWPLOWING — Now ac­ In, 240 W. Middle Tpke. 4 bedroome, enclos^ porch, 2- copy thereof Issued by the Unit­ WEST SIDE — 6 rooms plus en­ Harold G. Dimmock, 23, West saw the captain pacing alone on N IT E S till Rooms Without Board 59 only, $80. 649-8642. BOLTON •— > bedroom ranch, car garage, asking $19,500. Out cooking and Mrs. Johnson ven-1 was to be a big day of sight' cepting contracts, seasonal or ed States Immigration and cloeed porch. Newly remodeled. WllUngton, heard charges of tured that “ the turkey and \ seeing In Madeira, the tilting deck and sent a boat hourly rates. 649-6680. POSmON OPEN for female fireplace, garage, 160x160 lot, of state owner wants offers. Aluminum storms and screens. ROOM FOR lady or gentleman, CENTER STREET — 6 room Naturalization Service. breach of the peace and Intoxi­ drewlng is not getting any bet- [ just before 11 p.m. a steward to pick him up. Announcements clerk, high .school graduate, assumable mortgage, $116 Phllbrlck Agency. 849-8464. Immediate occupancy. Bel Air cation dismissed by Judge John quiet. Inquire 224 Charter Oak duplex, Timken oil heat, auto­ monthly. Quiet, lovely neigh Any applicant who acquired ier-” spotted smoke seeping under the The flames that klUed the AVOID HEART attacks and loss good with math, general office Real Estate, 643-9332. M. Alexander during a court W e Give ELECTROLUX sales and serv­ of pay. Snow plowing at your Street, 64S-8368, 246-4738. matic hot water, convenient lo­ borhood. Bel Air Real Estate, United States citizenship by But the turkey and the dress-; doors of toe ship’s barber shop. Lakonia saved her passengers. experience helpful. Apply Per- $12,200 — MANCHESTER. At trial. EVERYTHING ice, bonded repre.sentatlve. Al­ own price. 649-7863, 878-8401. cation, available now. $100 643-9332. tractive 5 room Cape, large birth abroad to a United States Ing and the kinfolk waited until I He flung open the doors and fell Said Capt. Jose Batiwre of the fred Amell, 206 Henry St., Man­ .sonne! Office, Iona Mfg., FURNISHED ROOMS for gen­ citizen parent or derived clti- The case of Mrs. Effle E. Es­ the tour manager was ready to I back before flames, Argentine freighter Salta: “We Regent St., Manchester. . tleman, heated, free parking. monthly. Phone 643-5068, 649- kitchen, plenty of cabinets, chester, 643-0460. 6336. SPRING STREET — 6 room zenahip through the naturaliza­ Lefifal Notice tell, 46. 38 Windermere Ave., see the tourists back on their, The fire raced through pas- got the wrong position and could Two room cottage for light ceramic bath, garage. 128x166. charged with a second offense Household Services MERRY CHRISTMAS — We ranch, 2-car garage, hfullt-ins, Carlton W. Hutchins, Realtor, tion of a parent or spouse, shall two Mg buses and off to Aus­ sageways toward the state- have missed the Lakonia. But fgr YOUR NEW Green INCOME TAX Returns prepared housekeeping. Call Scranton FIVE ROOMS, second floor, wall-to-wall carpetings. Call present a certificate of citizen­ of driving while her license was tin, 65 miles away. the Are guided us in like a light­ by auditor. Business and In­ Offered ' 13-A are happy Avon Representa­ Motel and Cabins, 649-0828 be­ 849-6132. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held rooms. newly decorated, garage, oi* owner, 643-9172, 6 to 8, week ship issued to said applicant by at (So'oventry, within and for the EtU- suspended was continued for “ Merry Cauistmas,” the Pres­ Capt. Mathlos Zarbis, a veter­ house.” dividual. Raymond Girard. Call tives have been able to meet tween 8-7. Stamps! REW'EAVING of bums, moth the enormous demand for our furnace, 649-3175, 643-9037. ends anytime. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom ranch, the United States Immigration trlot of Ooventry, on the 38rd day of ons week. ident said. an of 16 years with the Greek The Salta waa the heroine of YEAR'S PARTY! collect, 876-7362. and Naturalization Service, a December, 1963. the sea drama. First on the holes. Zippeis repaired. Win­ Christmas Gifts. We now know ROOMS FOR gentlemen, one dining L. attached garage, PreMot. Hon. Elmore ’Turklnfloa, line, was sitting in the main __s l o c a t i o n s — GLASTONBURY—Tenement for VERNON — LARGE custom passport issued by the Stale scene, she picked up 476 sur­ INCOME TAXES prepared In dow Shades made to measure; that all the care and effort thab block from Main Street, kitch­ room Ranch, huge recreation kitchen bullt-lns, full basement. Judse. PIKE REVENUE UP saloon near Edward Stead, 68, 975 MAIN S roEET all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys rent, six rooms, bath, furnace, Department of the United Estate of Oeorge J. Rector, late qt vivors. your home or by appointment, has gone Into the manufacture en privileges, parking. 643-8127, on bus line, adults or small room, cast iron radiation. 2- Real value, $16,900. Warren E. a retired British army colonel. Downtown Mancheetec made while you wait Tape Re­ States on or after January 1, Coventry, In said Dietrlct deceased. As dawn broke Monday, the experienced tax work, 24 hour and packaging of our products 643-9828. family preferred, available car garage, hillside setting. Howland, Realtor, 643-1108. The Administratrix having cxhlblt- WETTHBIRBFTEJLD (APO— Legfal Notices Stead saw toe captain race to­ corders for rent Marlow’s 867 1948 or a written statement Atlantic waters were crowded U n i- c a n i j service. Call 643-4723. will bring gp'eat joy to thous­ Jan. 1. Call Glastonbury 633- Hayes Agency, 643-4803. •d her administration account with An increase of more than five ward the door. He smelled t u r n p i k e p l a z a Main, 649-0221. ands. Why not join us -so you THOMPSON HOUSE — Cottage signed by a Town Clerk or Reg­ aald estate to this Court for allow­ Th,Aueave lent workmanship. 049-8496. chester. Open dally 7-6, Thurs­ cated, $106 monthly. J. D, Notice Is hereby given that 1957 CHEVROLET half ton pan­ day 7-9, Saturday 7-4. Realty, 643-6129. storage, B-1 zone, Buckland Group Insurance Read Herald Ads. el truck, 6 cylinder, standard section. 649-8468. the Selectmen and Town Clerk Plus Major Medical. will be in session In the Town shift, excellent condition Roofing and Chlmnevs 16-A LOAM SALE — Regular $14 throughout, very good tires. stone-free loam, $12.50. Al.so, MAIN STREET — Close to the Office Building, Andover, on Applicants must be at BUSINESS Call 228-3639 after 6 p.m,, all ROOFING — Specializing re­ .sand, gravel, .stone, fill. Call Turnpike, four room apartment STORE, 460 Main Street. 649- Tuesday, December 31, 1963 least 6'9’’ tall and in SAME DAY day Sunday, cim i-m o Lane, pairing roofs of all kinds, new 643-8603. on the fir.st floor. Separate oil 5229, 9-5. from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. for the good condition. purpose of examining the quali­ Columbia I.Ake, Columbia, off roofs, gutter work, chimneys heating .sy.stem. Nice bright Interviews At TV SERVICE Route 87. cleaned, repaired. Aluminum SNOV' 'niROWER, 38 h.p. rooms. Vacant. No facilities for fications of electors and admin­ siding. 30 years’ experience. mounted on an International Children. T. J. Crockett, Re/il- Houses For Rent 65 istrating the elector’s oath to AND ^JwksL&t Wjupdibu 9) l JoivJtL Free estimates. Call Howley, Cub tractor, ideal unit for park­ tor, 643-1577. those found qualified. Natu­ Rogers Gorp, III EVERYTHING Auto Driving School 7-A m m . ing lots and atdewalk.s. South MANCHESTER GREEN — 692 ralized citizens must bring doc­ On the com er of Mill 643-6361, 643-0763. E., Center St., elgjht room ANTENNA LARSON’S — Connecticut’s first Wind.sor Equipment Co., 289- umentary proof of citizenship. and Oakland Streets 3406. FOUR ROOMS, garage, nice house, $150 monthly. Call 649- Signed: 2 licensed driving school, train­ promptly at 10 sJn. INSTALLATION neighborhood, heat and hot 6201, 649-0643. Percy P. Cook, NO EXCEPTIONS—NO RESTRICTIONS ed, eertlfled and approved, now Radio-TV Repair TRAIN TABLE, 6 feet wide, 10 Friday, Dec. 27. offering classroom smd behind Services 18 water, adults preferred, $110 SIX ROOM house, 2-car garage, Peter Maneggia, feet long, two sections, folding per month. 649-2083. An equal opportuhlty wheel Instructions for teen­ legs, linoleum top. 649-0098, large yard, $120 monthly. Eugene C. Schwanke, TURNPIKE TV agers. 849-6075. (XJNNIE’S TV and Radio Serv­ Available immediately. 643- Board of Selectmen employer. Tel. 649-3406 ice, available all hours. Satis­ FOUR ROOM apartments near bated this 26th day o f De­ SALE — YOUR Gift Gallery and Golf Land, convenient to every­ 4719. SALE faction guaranteed. Call 649- cember 1963. Noel Shop. All Chri.stmas items thing. large rooms, children U. S. CHOICE!! E-Z LERN 1316. drastically reduced Thursday, OK, stove and ho); water. 643* Suburban For Rent 66 Friday and Saturday. Buy now 8778, 643-2463. Driving School and save. Millinery, Dressmaking 19 MARLBOROUGH — 6 room THIRD FLOOR apartment, 9 6 single with garage, $110 month­ • PORTERHOUSE Oonnecticut’a largest, auto­ SKIS, 6’ 6” : girl’s figure skates, rooms, heat, stove and refrig­ MW LADIES’ and gentlemen's cus­ matic and standard shift, size 7*4; 21” Silvertone TV; re­ erator, close to school, church ly. AX 5-9047. ...FOR PENNIES A MONTH I T free pick-up service, teen­ tom tailoring and alterations. frigerator; Caloric gas range. age classroom, plder and 648-2264. and shoQping. Call between 7-8 643-9044. p.m., 643-0082. • SIRLOIN nervous students* our spe- Wanted To Rent 68 DEPENDABLE! Vbvr ftmnieB can afford tiie oervioea of m PRICE eialty.• 116------Centers • r\f St., -Man­ - K0ffXTm**"*tok eg )’flia1>PdgBtinbdance.B ig Moving—Trucking— Diamond.s— Watche.s— SIX ROOM duplex, central lo­ WANTED TO RENT — 4 or 5 chester. Call for free book­ cation, oil furnace, one-year DEPENDABLE is the word for Dad in this family! le t 848-8662. Storage 20 Jewelry 48 room unfurnished apartment, 2 wifh a Hartford National dbadking aooou^ lease. 649-5048 after 6 p.m. bedrooms, $90-$100. Call 649- That’s because he looks ahead, plans ahead and saves • SHORT MANCHESTER Delivery. Ught wbo needs one? You haw a leoort Hoods. dining area, suburban. Owner MEN'S and BOYS' QUALITY SUITS. oourse. State certified. 649-7398. Carpet staircase. 2 large bed­ anxious. Carlton W. Hutchins, fa ■ervioo." Qp«n y o « » SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS l ^ 49c SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES — rooms, and many, many ex­ Realtor, '649-6182. LEARN TO DRIVE — Special F'uel and Feed 49-A SAVINGS attention to nervous and elder- Painting, paper-hanging, ceil­ tras. Must be seen. Agent on PANOV, r n U L BIPB TOPCOATS, SPORT COATS, SLACKS ings whitened, floors reflnish- BOLTON CENTER — 8 room W. Classroom for teen-agers, DRY OAK WOOD, cut fireplace premises every day. C^ll eve­ .ijtf/ L - O A T M ed. Call 644-0601 or 649-0726. nings owner, 648-4362, Mr. Gill. rambling ranch with 2-car ga­ \ S S O t I V I I O M 1 b. IH la IWb nckup service. Day or eve­ and stove length, $10 per load rage plus small . bam. Base­ SLICING TOMATOES and RIRNISHINGS ning lessons. Reasonable rates. delivered. Tel, 742-7886. Rent very reasonable. Live PAlNTTNO, EXTERIOR and In­ better for less. ment, two fireplaces, porch, /AfMttMMMrMA VtA/mS______Manchester Driving Academy, terior, paperhanging., wall­ FOR SALE — Stai etc. Vacant. A steal at $25,000. 742-7249. taking wood, T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- ‘■ABewTsf^e nuaaeiai. iwsTivTiea NABISCO PREBOUje 8ALT1NES ...... tofi poond boa »lo paper removedr dry wall work. mostly oak, 8-: ROCKVILLE — 8% room apart­ Reasonable rates.' Fully In­ 18®3 approKl- Current Annual Dividend mately four acres. 648-7880. ment, appliances and heat, $90. 1677, Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 sured. 849-9668, Joseph P, Lew­ Also, 8 '^ room furnished apart­ On Insured Savings b a j t k 946 M AIN ST., MANCHESTER COVENTRY — LARGE execu­ M'A.TIOM'AX. is. ment, $110. Adults. 849-4824, Jk*D OOPCFAWT USED BICYCLES, a large as- Qarden— Farm— Dairy 876-1166. tive ranch, 9 rooms, 2 fire­ eortmepL new English and Co­ PAIN’nNG, PAPERHANGING Products 50 places, 7 acres, river running i f —>.i.ft HIGHLAND PARK MARKET lumbia. We have the exerciser Good work, reasonable rates. FOUR ROCiMS and sunporch, through the property. Guest MON.-TUES.-FRI. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 PM. cycle on display. Qfien until 8 I S4S-4STB Over SO years In Manchester. COOKING AND EA’HNG ap- first floor, hot water, heat, home, small bam. Ideal for P3L—WedL Closed A t Noon SIT Hlghlaiid Bfc, BlooaafieU. Om w throi^h Christmas. Manches- Your neighbor my recommen­ pies,iles, most popular varieties, $1 modem kitchen and bath, horses, etc. Maximum of Extra Hours 006 MAIN STREET—(AIANCHBSTBR tar Q 'cle Shop, 149 W. Mid- dation. Raymond Flake, MS- for 18 qt. basket. Botti's Fruit aduHs, eonvantant loentton, 196. C vaey. T. J. Crockett, Real- tfU Tutnplke, 849-2098. 3237. Farm, Iw Bush HlU R m 4. 996-Tm. .MMfiTT. / ■I') .*■-.

^ i I..,. ,1.;. t A '1 I I * * y ' ■ K *'•' • Y "x.* THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1981 Average Dafly Net Preaa Ran The Weather iianirli^ater lEo^nlng Dimlh For the Week Ended dtfit t ♦ ^1‘f 1 \ . Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau Novouber 16, IMS T T Vw M l Trill T r l ■ > 1 1 ¥ Cloudy tonight, low 10 to 15, light snow aerumulatlnns under 13,891 X inches. Saturday partly cloudy, Member of the Audit zlWaurnPSiFr IwUJpui Zflriaui high In 20*. Bureau of Ctrculattoa MancheUer— A CUy of Village Charin

VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 74 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1963 (CUMlfled Adverthtaig on Png* lA) PRICE SEVEN CENTS (7.S. Issues Events Licensesior Sofia Legation In State British Patrol Cyprus Wheat Sales ^ y WASHINGTON (AP)— Stoned by Mob State Man Held The Commerce Department In Threat Case For Citizen Protection h^B issued conditional li­ censes for the sale of $40.6- WASHINGTON (AP)—The United States announced HARTFORD (AP) — A Engaged million worth of wheat to today it is making a strong protest and demanding com­ Oec* • Durable for long wear Hartford man was taken to Iba Mgacrcment of MIm the Soviet Union ;— but pensation for the damage a mob of 3,000 Bulgarians the federal building today ‘ iMetta A. DanleU of Middle- whether there will be a caused today at the U.S. legation in Sofia during an Allowed Past town to Oeorg'e El Landia of • Smooth for easy sleeping for a preliminary hearing | Mteidhoator haa been announced deal remains V) be seen. hour-long attack on a charge that he threat­ by her parents, Mr. and Mm. The two licences—for $20,320,- At the same time State De- j ernment are not usual In Com­ 000 eech—were lemied Thureday partment press officer Richard ' munist lands. Such upheavals ened President Johnson. Greek, Turk O n te S . Dan^eOs o f M iddletown. Her fiance la the son of Mr. SPRINGMAID MUSLIN to two unnamed American I. Phillips scornfully labeled as 1 are ordinarily government-in- The manner of the threat Save On Famous Springmaid firms. •’show trial” the Sofia govern- j .spired there. was not disclosed. and Mra. Robert P. Landia of TTic demonstration was bro- j Road Bloeks ao Jean Rd. The permits allow the sale of menfs acUon against a Bulgar­ He was Identified as .Tames Miaa Daniela, a grraduate of the U.S. grain provided various ian ex • diplomat accused of ken up by mounted Bulgarian F. Burns, 36. who was taken Woodrow WUaon Hlfrh School, conditions are met. These con­ spying for the United States. police about an hour after it be­ into custody by Hartford pol'ce I NICOSIA. Cyprits (AP) Middleitown, la attending: the ditions, under announced U.S. ’The demonstration which re­ gan. The police went into action 'Thursday afternoon In the offi­ — Briti.'?!) patrol.') moved after the legation had asked for' 2 School of EVlucation at the Sheets and Cases — 63 X 99 ...... M .54 government policy, Include stip­ sulted In many broken windows cers’ club at the state armory. ithrotiirh .N'ico.-^ia today to ulations on financial and ship­ and overturned automobiles at protection. j A charge of intoxication Und/veraity of Hartford. ping terms. I keep the peace on explo.sive Mr. landta, a graduate of tha U.S. legation ostensibly was against Burns was dropped in If the Soviet Union ag^rees to a kind of public protest against VIENNA. Austria (AP) Anti- • Cyprn.5, hut di.sagrecnient Manchester High School, ia American demonstrators using Circuit Court 14 this morning majoring: in economics in Ihe these terms, then the two U.S. the alleged U.S. use of a Bulgar­ by Prosecutor George A. Silves­ delayed plan.-) for Creek and Size Sale companies have permission to ian cltlxen as a spy. But offici­ Icicles and ice chunks from the ter because of the projected fed­ School of Arta and Sciences at go through with the sale, a street sma.shed all windoss on TurkisI) soldier.s to join the University of Hartford. Quality Muslins Or Percales als here said they were not cer­ eral hearing. 72 X 99 ...... 1 . 6 4 Commierce Department spokes­ tain what the real purpose of the first three floors of the U.S. them. No daite hM been set for the Assistant U.S. Ally. John D. a ; the .-iouthoast port of I-ar- man said. the demonstration was; they legation In Sofia. Bulgaria, to- Adams said the warrtinl against w edding. 72 X 108 ...... 1 . 7 4 Nearly three months ago, the only said that truly spontaneous day. The demonstrators over­ nai a a British soldier was .shot Burns would charge him with a and slightly wounded in the late President John F. Kennedy outbursts of public indigna­ violation of a federal statute 81 X 9 9 ...... 1 . 7 4 gave the green light to proposed tion against some foreign gov- (8ee Page Seven) shoulder whtle on patrol. Tire 7 pertaining to threats to kill or patrols are destgned primarily private sales of U.S. wheat to cause bodily harm to the presi­ 81 X 108 ...... l . » 4 the Soviet Union. Soviet negotia­ for the protection of British tors, however, have been balk­ dent or any others in line of riviluuvs succession to the presidency. Twin Bottom Fitted ...... 1 . 7 4 ing at the American terms. In This Solar System In Nii'osta. however, the Brit- They have objected particu­ Conviction carries ' a maxi­ i.sh were wa\ed through road- Fabulous Martex Towel mum penally of five years im- Double Bottom Fitted ...... 1 . 9 4 larly to the U.S. requirement blocks of both Cr eek and Turk­ that part of the grain be shipped pri.sonmcnl and a $1,000 fine. ish arm ed Cypriot.- whose 90 X 108 ...... 2 . » 4 Ensembles on U.S. vessels, whose rates are The midday hearing was to fighting in frve bloody day.s higher than the world market Mars Smog Indicates be before U.S. Commi-ssioncr cau.sed grave tnlern.'Un'nal con­ 42 X 36 C ases...... 4 0 ^ price. George C. Hastings. Burns was cern The U.S. traders who applied in the custody of Deputy Mar­ Com manders of the Biatish, Regular for the licenses were said to Earth Alone Has Life shal Richard M. Maynard while Greek and Turkish garrisons Bafh $1.98 have indicated that the Soviets awaiting the hearing. stationed on this eastern .Meih- n .6 9 were proposing to pay cash. terannean tsiand met in the • Fine Quality For Luxury Sleeping ’This would appear to rule out By JOHN BARBOUR Ronds Authorized ' morning hut w ere unable to agree on the composition of the Regular complications over extending Associated Press Science Writer HARTFORD (AP) I .suance $1.39 credit to them although the 11- ■ mixed patrols Hand ’ 1.09 WASHINGTON (AP)—There is new evidence that of over $11 million worth of "We have British patrols out, bond.s was authorized by the (See Page ’Two) whose primary purpose is to SPRINGMAID PERCALES the planet Mars is crossed by great yellow clouds of State Bond Commission yester­ protect British families,'' l,l. Regular toxic smog day for projects ranging from Gen. P. G. Young. British army W ash . 5»c .49 If so. It could mean that like earth, they are neither too housing to beach improvements British .soldiers of the first battalion. Foresters Regiment, gave “thumbs up" com m ander on Cyprus.' told re­ earth's last chance of finding a close to the sun, nor too far to airport aprons. porters after the meeting. U.S. Accepts from It. Some $4.6 million In borrow­ sign as they boarded Royal Air Force plane at Lyneham, Wiltshire, last night, 72 X 108 or life-supporting planet In this so­ Young said theie were no lar system to gone. But a U.S. space probe that ing was authorized for moderate headed for Cyprus. (AP Photofax.) Greek and Turkish army pa­ Engaged Twin Bottom Fitted . . . •2.49 Some astronomers have con­ flew past Venus indicated sur­ rental housing and houMng for trols out and it would take long­ Filipino Help jectured that the yellowish face temperature.s there were the elderly In Norwich, Willi- er to organize them because of th e engagement of Miaa Dona clouds seen on Mars are mostly too high to .support any known mantic, Elnfield, Torrington and Lae Kauffman of South Glaa- Tippit Fund $ 100,000 language difficulties. dust, and the planet’s whites and kind of life. Milford. The small Ttirkish and Greek tohbury to Richard George Wal­ On Cambodia blues have been associated with ’The United States hopes to Aid Study, Cyprus lace of Mancheater has been an­ 81 X 108 DALLAS, TEX. (AP) ■ army garrisons remained at op­ snow and water. learn more about the mysteries Autopsy Report Asked posite ends of this capital. Their nounced by her mother, Mrs. MANILA (AP) — ’The United But Drs. Sebastian Karrer of Mara by directing two Mari­ Contributions in 1,.’S00 let­ Dorothy Ruth Kauffman of Double Bottom Fitted ters processed Thursday i movement from their treaty States and neutralist Cambodia ahd Carl C. Kless reported to­ ner space probes at it next No­ OHAPEi^ HILU N. C. (AP) 1 bases into Nicosia on CTiristmas South Glastonhury. She is also vember. The probes are —PoUce Chief WUUam D. Blake On Johnson Agenda raised-the J. D. Tippit fund the daughter of the late Mr. 90 X 108 have agreed to try to settle day evidence that the clouds led to fears of a showdown that are mostly g^ases of compounds planned to fly by the planet In said today he may obtain a to beyond $400,000. The to ­ might embroil Greece and Tur­ WilUam Blake Kauffman. their dispute with the help of the March of 1*66. court order ao officers can dee tal stood a t $408,301,81 when Her fiance is the son of Mr. 42 X 38 Csses of oxygen and nitrogen—the key, both members of the North Phillppinee. same eye-bumlng, choking, tox­ A Soviet probe launched In a private autopsy report on the JOHNSON CITY, Tex. day Erhard meeting that begins counters quit for the day. Atlantic Treaty Organization. and Mrs. George W. Wallace of November 1962 was W have pro­ myaterloua death of the wife of Saturday. PoUce LI. V. K. Hipskind "Initial contacts have been ic gases of earth-bound smog. (A^) — President Johnson said the tabulation crew still Greek and Turkish Cypriot* 80 Ardmore Rd. They split the light from the vided a close-up view of the a University of North O aiolina Erhard is the first major Eur­ generally have observed tha Miaa Kaufftnan attanded made and will continue,” For­ was briefed on the Cyprus opean leader to hold a full-scale has 7'4 mall sacks to pro­ eign Becretan Salvadoe-d^-atP planet’s telescopic Image by planet this past summer, but.iU graduate atudent. Christma.s cease- fire, ending a Glastonbury High School and powerful spectroacoplc tech­ radios fell bllent millions of The student, Frank Joseph crisis today and began in­ conference with the new Ameri­ cess. At an average of Mr. Wallace attended Manchea- pez .of the Philippines said to­ ’’ hOO letters to a sack, that conflict that began Saturday day. "So far the situation seems niques and found the pattern miles out In space. Rinaldi, 34, a native of Water- tensive preparations for can president. He flies into w’ith an exchange of gunfire be­ Oer H igh Bebool. COnON PLAID bury. Conn., Is charged with Houston late this afternoon and eans roughly 22..500 letters. A faU wedding M planned. encouraging.” that is yielded by the gas ni­ talks with Chancellor Lud­ 1 e fund is being raised for tween a Greek Cypriot polica U.S.-(Mmlxx]ian relations de trogen dioxide. murder in the death of his goes to the LBJ Ranch Satur­ patrol and Turkish Cypriots. wig Erhard of West Ger­ day. u.e family of the Dallas po­ White Sale Savings On Curtains SHEET BLANKETS teriorated rapidly after the r(ltrogen dioxide - a partner­ Briton Considers pregnant wife. Rinaldi has liceman who was slain as he A few shots still could ba Cambodian chief of state. Prince ship of'one nitrogen atom and maintained his kmocence. many. ! Half-a-dozen Washington offi­ heard at times from the north­ E An intelligence briefing on Cy- j cials were gathering at the holi­ questioned a suspect in the About Town Norodom Sihanouk, annoimced two of oxygen—appears yellow A di.spute over the cause and assassination of President east sector of the border divid­ Nov. IS he would accept no —and In dense concentrations Lakonia Inquiry time of Mrs. Rinaldi's death pru.s and other arca.s over.seas! day White House in the Texas ing the Greek and Turkish Cyp­ Regular was given the President by Di- - ranch country for the meeting. John F. Kennedy. DaMck lianetl, 9, aon of Mr. more American aid and ordered 1(X>ks brownish yellow, changing arose yesterday after Rinaldi’s riot .sectors of Nicasia as tha 1.19 U.S. military and economic per­ to blue and white In frozen LONDON (AP)—Prime Minis attorney, Barry Winston, re­ rector John A. McCone of the \ The'se included Secretary of l^rsl British column entered the and Mrs. James Farrell, 96 Central Intelligence Agency. State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Dartmouth Rd., has been noti­ For Every Room sonnel to leave his Southeast forms. ter Sir Alec Douglas-Home is leased a private autopsy. He ^irkish sector. McCone flew to the Johnson Agriculture Orville L. Freeman, fied that be won third prise ki Asian nation. ’There have been Karrer is a chemical consul- studying demands for a full has not shown the full report LBJ Planning In the column were eight Roy­ fears In the West that Cambodia tant, a pioneer In the early | BriU.sh inquiry into the Lakonia to police. ranch shortly after midnight and Undersecretary of Stale George al Air Force personnel carriers, the national Kellogg’s C o m processes that enabled U.S. in-, ship disaster. was up early to join John.son at. W. Ball, and presidential assis­ escorted by armored cars. Contest by inserting the last Is drifting toward Communist ”1 will provide the police with China. dustry to reap nitrogen from Latest figures Issued by the the report as soon as we can breakfa.st. | tant Christian A. Herter. ! They were checking to maka line of a Jingle. The contest Solid Color Pinch Pleated Drapes the atmosphere where it Is ship’s Greek owners put the John.son set up a 3erie.s of con- | Barbecue for sure British civilians in the sec­ was Umlted to children, and Ix>pez said he conferred twice resolve an Impasse we seem to Even Freeman's trip was with U.S.,. Ambassador William some 78 per cent of the earth's number of known .survivors at ferences to go over key points keyed to affairs overseas. The tor were all right. All vehicle.* Patrick won a scale model FV>rd have reached In communica­ that will be involved in the two- C gases. Kless Is an astronomer 901, the dead at 96 and the miss­ carried large British flags. hardtop car. E. Stevenson, and the-Philippine tions,” Winston aaW today. "I agriculture chief was assigned Erhard Visit Ambassador in South 'Viet Nam at Georgetown College Observa­ ing at 31. cannot gel any lnform€ition to help John.son discuss farm i The first reinforcements or­ 54", S3' Regular tory. The Greek Line said no offi­ dered from Britain on Thursday The degree staff of Daugh- has been In contact with the from police about this case ex­ trade problems with the Ger-1 72" $4.98 Philippine consulate general In Before a meeting of the cial list of the dead and missing Stassen Reports man chancellor. | JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP)— by Prime Minister Sir Alec /tens of liberty, No. 126, American Astronomical Society, would be issued before Wednes cept the fact that my client to President Johnson is planning to ‘ Douglas - Home landed at tha will rebeane tomorrow at 7 Phnom Penh, the Cambodian charged with murder.” Foreign affairs have held a *3.97 capital. they presented a paper discuss­ day morning to permit double priority po.sition in Johnson's of­ blend music and menu to help British Akrotiri base. Their pm. at Oi)|pige HUI. Chief Blake said Winston Prodding by Ike to Washington, U.S. sources ing the properties of a number checking ficial routine since Thursday West German Chancellor Lud- number wa.s not given. A head- Save $1.01 per pair—a truly remarkable buy for genuine drip-dry, no-iron of nitrogen-oxygen compounds The prime minister agreed "asked me for all the evidence wig Erhard (eel at home on the : quarters spokesman said they St. John’s Pohflb NaUonal said Filipino President Dlosdado afternoon. ^ Fiberglas drapes, 16 pinch pleats across. Three popular lengths, 42” wide Macapagal offered the use of his and their changing relatlon.shlps Thursday night to consider the against his client and I told him For a Wide Race LBJ range this weekend. j win replace troops in the ba.sa Catholic church will observe I didn't see fit to give it to him He created then a nine-man i each half. Choice of yellow, green, aqua, rose, pink and blue. good offices last Friday. But In­ and colors as they warm and demand of Patrick Gordon governmental committee to | The President has asked plan-,I areas' ordered to duty in Nico- St. John’s Day tomorrow with Lady Almy Walker, Labor party spoke.sman now. If he to innocent, he ought PHILADELPHIA (AP) — For­ ! sia and elsewhere. Mass at 8:30 am. Blessing of dications are the United States make a hurry-up study of the; 1st Van Cliburn. a pride of Tex­ to approaching the matter cau­ M ars and Venus are earth's on foreig:n affairs, for a British to be willing to provide the po­ as. to play music of German Life gradually was returning the wine and distribution to 4 OZ.-4 ply lice with help.” mer Gov. Harold E. Stassen of foreign aid program and recoqi-1 tiously since it also Involves closest neighbors. And scientists Inquiry. mend basic structural changes, j composers at an indoor barbe- to normal in the Greek sector of the faithful wiU also take place in search of life on other planets I ------Minnesota says he plans to an­ , Nicosia. Almost deserted sine* at this time. cue. (See Page Nine) have concentrated on them for, (See Page Three) VI Slashes Rate nounce next month whether he Domestic concerns were not j The piece de resistance of a the fighting began, streets be­ KNiniNG YARN will seek the 1964 Republican entirely forgotten. however.' gan to fill with people. A #ew Members of the teen-age NEW HAVEN (AP) — The luncheon after Erhard's arrival presidential nomination. Johnson also took time to nomi­ Saturday will be a Texas-Ger- shops - mostly grocers — re­ group of the Children’s Wing of United Illuminating Co. said Stas.sen, a Philadelphia law­ nate the father of 3-year-old T J 11 I ... 'rnan chocolate cake cooked up opened after nearly a week. the Little ’Theater of Manches­ 36" Emboidered today a general rate reduction yer, said Thursday night that Lyndon Abell to be an assistant | ^ brought to Texas ter are reminded of readings for Scolloped or Hemmed - . , iwuiii « ivv.i-r ...... The majority of offices and which will save its 220,00b former Pre.sident Dwight D. Tvier ^y German pioneers in the early other shops are still shuttered. one-act plays tonight at 7 at customers $2 million annually Elsenhower has urged him. Young Abell s father, Tyler ^ Road blocks manned by Greek the Little ’Theater’s clubrooms, Dacron Flocked Tiers With In electric bills w'ill become ef­ along with sevei'al others, to run ALcll, is the husb&nd of Beth _ » . Havp bf*pn iin a.t 45 School St. ' fective Feb. 1. for the nomination so the Repub­ Clements Abell, social secretary "Die Presidents intetwals lican party could have the wid- to Lady Bird Johnson. He has Jilne-Paneled ranch office, where frequent intenais. UI president W illiam J. Christmas tree Sandbagged gun emplace­ Curtains Valances the family ments were manned at stra­ (See Page Seven) (See Page Seven) (See Page Seven) .stands, is being turned over to Erhard and his staff. The gath­ tegic intersections. SKATES ering U.S. staff will be housed In the beleaguered Turkish SH A R PE N E D /9C in guest houses. 3.98 The two ranch living rooms, (See Page Seven) — A lso — 42x72 Regular M V Nixon Coming Up Fast; Lodge Passes Rocky Yaluos $ one with a huge hooded fire­ • Rubbers Repaired 2.99 ^ 2 . 4 7 1.87 place. will serve aa conference rooms. e loe Creepers Attached The State Department In Washington Was sending along 2 Poll Shows Barry Lead Halved Bulletins ) Wash like a breeze. Require no iron­ Crisp white broadcloths pret­ German flags to fly at the ranch SAM YULYES ing. Miracle dacrons now with all-over tily embroidered. Use in kitch­ and along the route to surround­ Culled from AP Wires SHOE REPADUNG OF flocked patterns and scalloped or hem­ en, bedroom or den. Less EDITOR’S NOTE—An Octo- ‘S' Nixon, vice presiderft under *handful of votes on both ques­ ing towns E rhard will see. tions in the first survey. In the Mrs. Johnson was busy work­ THE BE’TTER KIND! med borders. Choose from border de­ than usual price because of ber poll of the Republican coun­ President Dwight D, Eisenhow­ signs, Irish point patterns and floral a special purchase. ty leaders showed B arry Gold- er, showed the greatest gains second, he was named by 44 re­ ing with a Ft. Worth caterer, SHIP CATCHES FIRE 28 OAK STREET ZIPPER-SANFORIZED w ater was th e ir' overwhelming and ran second to Goldwater. spondents a.s the strongest can­ who will put on the barbecue YOKOH.AM.A. Ja|>an (AP) designs. 42 x 72 each half to hang in choice for next year’s presiden­ Henry Cabot Lodge, ambas.sa- didate and 39 a.s most likely to Sunday In the gymnasium of —Fire broke out on the full folds. Don’t miss this once-a-year tial nomination. Now a second dor to South Viet Nam—barely be nominated. Stonewall School, in the com­ American freighter President savings I MAHRESS COVERS poll by The Associated Press mentioned in the October poll— Milton Elsenhower, brother of munity near John.son s birth­ .Madison shortly after it 7 show.s these Republicans have was third, fini.shing ahead of the former president, and Mich­ place. stoained out of this port for sharply revised their thinking New York's Gov. Nelson A. igan's Gov. George Romney got The menu (or 400 guests was San Francisco at midnight Twin Regular O a few votes in both polls. Nww S««m tMp M msI 2 .9 9 since Pre.sident Kennedy’s Rockefeller, only announced Friday, the Japaiieee Mari- FuU 2.99 death. Goldwater still Is In candidate for the nomination. The poll reflected a drastic (See Page Seven) time Safety .Agency said. 2.48 front, but lus lead has dropped Those quer',d Included some revision of Republican opinion The agtsicy said the 7,9‘!4-ton almost In half. (Jomlng up fast: members of the national com­ as a result of the as.sa.s.sination .\ineirican Presideflt Line's Richard M. Nixon. mittee and city and town lead­ of Kennedy. A number of those Talk Hints Barry vemiei radioed the outbreak ers.' who replied said they were of Are In the No. 4 hold and By RBLMAN MORIN Two questions were present­ “confused,” "undecided," ob asked for assistance oil the AP Special Correspondent ed: " too early to .say.” Re-entering Fight iMjst of Boso Peninsula'about Sale • • Richard M. Nixon'A 1964 presi­ 1. "On the basis of present Goldwater's strength, as be­ 26 milee outside Tokyo Bay. dential stock has skyrocketed condiUons, In light of the death fore, came mainly ' *i*J» «*f«* fcr ymt-i again,” Pierr* Salinger, White ■ Jl.VR.ACAS, Venezuela (.\P ) But Goldwater again led all -Results of the two surveys But in Texas and South (Caro­ —Eight terrorists were sur­ potential nominees. w ere: " lina—where those participating House press secretary, re­ CONTOUR FIHED marked to newsmen at Austin, prised by police while they •Sisw*,„ww. The poll, taken by Associated Number participating: IJe- voted unanimously for Goldwa­ were trying to set fire to the KAPOK FILLED Press correspondent^, in all 60 cem ber 1,361, October 1,404. ter in October—he lost votes. Tex. 8e||f «r IWy JbM tM a Johnson, vacationing at his British consulate 'Cat Valen­ 21 X 27 D A C R O N MATTRESS PADS states, brought replies from Strongest Candidate The Oklahoma tally In October cia and all were capured in a 1,381 GOP leaders, a majority DEC. "OCT. wa.s 60-1 for him; In the new poll ranch near Johnson (jity, Tex,, i •“Helsnoa is the registered TOSS PILLOWS PLASTIC It was 26.6. Nixon got the five had no comment on Goldwater's gun fight. One was wounded. 100% Virgin Acrilan Acrylic of whom also participated in a Goldwater 601 1,194 Police said tmlay the gang n i of the Heberlela rateot BED PILLOWS poll in October. Nixon 279 44 votes. charge that the President had' Oorp." /Twin In the senator's home state, unfairly put pressure on Con­ lirokc into the consulate in FLANNEL BACK Although aUll In front, (3old- Lodge ■ 113 — the early morning hours. A Values to 3.59...... 3.15 - BLANKETS water’a vote waa only about half Rockefeller 101 66 14 Arizonans answered the ques- gress In his fight over the for­ Uonnaire and aU stuck with eign aid money bill. polke patrol surprised them TABLE CLOTHS the apectacular total he rolled Most Likely Nominated Just aa they were splashing 1.19 up in the AP’a October poll? - r DEC. OCT. cioldwater—but privately, some Observers noted that Goldwa­ Regular expressed doubts about the out­ ter, figured by the polls as the jellied gasoline around the Value FuU Regular ’riien, 86.1 per cent of those par­ Goldwater 446 901 consulate office. The terror- 8.99 2.97 5.98 Mrs, Marina Oswald Attends Mass ticipating named the Arizona Nixon 286 72 look for his nomination. front runner among possible OJiddo/L ' Values to 4.59...... tota recently, added Britlah in* 4.15 Lodge 88 — ’The response In New York GOP presidential contenders be­ aenator aa the party's “strong- atallatians to their targeta la DRUG COMPANY *4.87 This picture of Mrs. Marina Oswald, wjdow of accus^ assassin Lee Harvey Os­ eat candidate” against Kennedy. Rockefeller 81 66 waa Inconclusive. "Of 19 who an- fore the Nov. 22 aesasslnatlon of Om campaign to overthrow M i Mala St.—«48-6S2I wald, was taken as she attended a Christmas Eve Mass in Grand Prairie, Hla figure In me eecond poU Gtov. WUUam W. gerantoa e l She spept a quiet Christmas day with her children. (AP Photofax.) waa M.2 per cent Pennaytvanla rectlvad only a (fee Pag* Thraa) (•a* Paga Thraa) tiM V enesaetaa govenuiMBt. , 4^ - . . ' '0

, vnA