TURKEYS Save Ahead For' N Ext* Christmas
MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, IM I PACnS EIGHnEtlM ilanrh^Btfr ^OBuing llwalii Today^s Edition Is the Herald*s Annual Gift to Its Newsboys iMaf nwffw:; John Johansaa, Second U . Dale W. Carpenter organizations. Oh each floor chief akkmtan; AOiert Haavl- o< the United States Army, hus Talcottville there Is a large room. The ons Tall Cedars slden, RMisloian; Robert Mc Avtrsgo Dally Net Press Rmr The Weather About Town is on the upper floor has been Cormick, sentinel; Louis Kllnk- band of M . Dale Carpenter. 56 Skating planned as a chapel, while on LECLERC Per Um Week B a M Foreoast ef U. S. Weather Bopeao Cambridge St., recently com hanuivsr, steward; Frank Kal- FUNERAL HOME November 1$, 186$ I Walker, eon of Mr. and pleted a nine-week ordnance of- the lower fk>or iU oounterpart Install Gray as, band manager; Dayton Mrt. deorge Walker. 17 Harv Report Church Sets has riielvea along two walls to , fleer basic course at the Army Palmar, band leader. Partly cloudy and cold tonight, ard Rd., waa recently elected V>rdnance Center. Aberdeen serve as a Hbrary. Two of the Also, Max Kabrtck, assUtant FUNERAL reeldent of Delta Oil fraternity rooms on the upper floor are a Donald R. Gray of 20 West- 13,891 low in teens. Wednesday fair, Proving Ground. Md. Dedication of land St. was Installed In ab band leader; William Hoyt, at the University of Michigan, Public Ice skating will be un secretary’s office and minister’s Member of Uw AndH high SO to 85. Aim Arbor, where he Is major sentia as grand .tall cedar of publicity; Gustave Anderson, SERVICE BnreM e< O toonlatioB Pvt.
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