■ f • fe [■ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, IM I ATcragre D«fly Net Preae Ron The Weather PAOl TWEM'n For Um Week Boded r<(reeMt of U. S. Weather Haurlffatw lEoftttes H^ralh Novetnher 16, U6S lig h t m ow mixed with rata, sleet tonight, ending early Friday. Mlaa Patricia Morlarty, evening with a carol aing. At 13,891 11 ;45, there will be a procession lianrljTatTr lEuTtiittg BTral!) Thirty to 86. Friday cloudy, high daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Masses Set Two to Get Member of tlie Audit in 20s. Snow accumulation 1 to About Town Mortimer E. Morlarty, 145 and the bleaslng of the manger at which time the choir and con­ Bureau of OIroalation 3 inches likely. Park St., will participate in a Manch«$ter^A City o f ViUago Charm champagne tea and reception gregation, will sing "O Come All Papal Honor Mr. and Mn. David J. Heat- Midnight Ya FalUjful." lay and family o f Beaumont, Sunday in the Clinton Suite erf At midnight, the Misaa Adeste Teat., arrt^ plane yester­ the Neiw York Hilton honoring VOL. LXXXin, NO. 73 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (Classified Advertising ea Page 33) day to spend CStristmas week a aenlor of Georgian Court Col­ The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Fidelis will be celebrated, with Next Sunday MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PRICE SEVEN C15NTS with Ms slater and brother-in- lege, Lakewood, N.J., that will J. Reardon, pastor of St. James' the senior choir singing the re­ sponses. The children's choir law, Mr. and Mrs. D&vid R. have Just been elected Queen Church, will celebrate the Matthew M. Morlarty o f 76 for the April in Rome Gala. will sing the reaponsea- to the Bpemser of 116 Forest gt. They solemn high Mass at midnight Forest St. and Cheeter W, Obu- This Js Oie major fund-raising Missa Salve Regina tomorrow wUl return to Beaumont on tonight in the upper church. The Dee. SO. event of the college from which at 9 a.m. chowski of 36 Pailc St. will be Mlaa Morlarty graduated In Rev. John D. Regan will be invested as Knights of St. Oreg- 1963. deacon and the Rev. Joseph H. ory Civil------ Class, Sunday- ■ at 2:30 Snstgn WlUlam !•. Oonlon McCann will be subdeacon. The Jr. of the United Statee Navy, Mrs. Vince Head p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Jo­ Cypriot Fighting Eases; I Re\. Eugene F. Torpey will son of Dr. and Mrs. William L. Ro/bert McKinney, eon of Mr. seph, Hartford. and Mrs. Herbert McKinney of celebrate Mass in the lower Henry J. O’Brien, archbishop Oonlon, 102 Lakerwopd Circle. ! church. Of AJV Auxiliary receoitUy received hie wlnj^ 6A Adelaide Rd., la spending the of the Diocese of Hartford, an­ Christmas holidays with his A program of sacred music, nounced early this month the designating him as a Naval under the direction of Ralph Aviation Observer in cere­ family. He is a student at Cush­ Mrs. John Vince of 227 Mc­ names of 27 m «i to receive one ing Academy, Ashbumham, Macearone, will precede the Kee St. was elected to a aec- of the highest honors of the Ro­ monies at the Naval Air Maas at 11:30. During the serv- man Catholic Church. This is Btatlon, Corpus Christie, Tex. Mass. ond term as president o f the : ice portions of the “ Mlssa the first time Manchester lay­ British Unit Ordereii In James B. Mendltto. son of Ade.ste Fidelis," composed by Army Navy Auxiliary at a men have been awarded this Richard Li. Oetzewlch. son of Carlo Rossini, will be sung by Mr. and Mrs. Mendltto, 88 S5atf'rnl.'» photo meeting and Christmas party papal honor. Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Oet- thie choir. The Credo will be at the clubhouse. aewich. 871 Hartford Rd., has School St., is serving with Mo­ bile Construction Battalion from a Maas by Pietro Yon; the Other officers are Mrs. oompleted basic training at the En framed Four which recently returned I recessional will be "Glory To Oharlee Pickett, vice president; Troop Heads Naval Training Center, Great The engagement of Mi.as God,” by Riley. Mrs. Richard Brower, secre­ to the Construction Battalion Vonne-Marie DeBortoli of Elling­ Lakea, m. Oenteir, Davisvllle, R.I., after The congregation will partici­ tary; Mrs. Donald Maynard, I XMAS SHOP ton to Lt. (J.g.) John Buxton pate In singing "Silent Night’ ’ Confer About six months duty at the Naval Edgar. U.S. Navy, of Highland treasurer, and Mrs. William Station, Argentla Newfound­ at the Offertory and Come Shields, chaplain. ARTHUR DRUG Park, N.J., has been announced All Ye Faithful" after the last 1 land. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. n ie auxiliary meets the I FREE O U T gaspel. The Proper of the Mass Unified Rule Mario A. DeBortoli of Ellington. iHrst Wednesday of each Notice will be sung by Ralph Mac- [ WRAPPINO staff SgL Dale F. UkmaJ of | Her fiance is the .son of Mrs. month. - and sponsors a card carone with his wife, Mrs. Jane Garden City, Mich., l» s arrived j Jo.seph_^ H. Edgar of Highland party each Monday night. WE HAVE DAILY Macearone, at the organ. NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) at Clark AFB, Philippines, for ' Park, and the late Mr. Edgar. — Britain ordered more duty with a unit of the Paclficv Mi.s.s DeBortoli is a graduate At St. Francis of Assisi Church 2 In South Windsor, organ pre^ DELIVERY TO THE Air Forces. His wife, the former of Putman Catholic Academy troops to Cyprus today but Florence Rivard, is formerly of and St. Jo.seph's Medical Tech­ ludes will begin at 11:30 this clashes died down between Manchester. nician School. She is employed SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE Greek and Turkisn Cypri-! BOLTON at Klock Co.. Manchester. ots, easing a threat that j Lance Cpl. Donald E. Reid, Lt. Edgar is a graduate of SAVINGS UP TO 1963 M l of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Highland Park School and Mary­ Greece and Turkey might AREA Reid of 346 Hilliard St., was pro­ ville College, Tenn. He is pre­ be embroiled in open con­ moted ^ his present rank In sently an as.sistant operations special flict. the U.S. 'M ^ ^ e Corps while officer at Little Creek, Va. WEDNESDAY ONLY Commanders of the Brtti.sh. serving with the Second Engin­ A May 1964 wedding is plan­ LARKS Greek and Turkish troops sta­ LENOX eer Battahon, S a t^ d Marine ned. J tioned by treaty on Cyprus con- j Division, Camp Lejetwe, N.C. ferred in the 'Turkl.sh embas.sy. 6 PHARMACY PUMPKIN Arrow shows where Paul Schulz, caught in barbed wire, was shot yesterday on Berlin wall. (AP Photofax.) The movement of Turkish and BOLAND MOTORS -<?• __________ «> - — ------------------- Greek troops Into Nicosia from 299 E. CENTER ST. 869 CENTER STREET— 648-4679 their ba.ses Christmas Day had ESTO W II NOTICE raised the peril of a more seri­ Yule Traffic TEL. 449^896 PHARMACYp u A P U A r v n Events ous conflict. W will b« eles«d Yuletide Murder The meeting came after lead­ iSa Hartford Rd.—649-9946 j ers in separate apjieals had ALL DAY Kills 302 in asked for outside help to head OPEN WED. \¥ed. tXmos Day) In State off a conflict, either by th e; Prescrlptloiis, of Coarse North Atlantic Treaty Orgarriz- ' Read Herald Ads.' and Thursday. On Berlin Wall 48-Hour Span atlon Allies or by the United at all Nations. Manchester Firm By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The meeting of military lead­ ers followed an earlier accep­ F. E. BRAY nnayron*# BERLIN (A P )— About 60,000 West Berliners cross­ Christmas holiday traffic Sets Face Lifting killed more than 300 persons. tance by the Cypru.s government | JEWELER ed into East Berlin by noon today despite the Christ­ of an offer by the three powers i bake sh ops The toll was 302 for the 48- 787 MAIN 8T. mas Day killing of a young East German who tried to to unify their forces under Brit-' For Savin Rock hour period from midnight Mon­ l.sh command to assist in efforts ' escape over the Berlin wall.^ — day to midnight Christmas Day, "The Christmas murder on er on duty at a crossing point local time. to maintain a cease-fire agree­ HARTFORD (AP) — The the Berlin wall overshadows our said. "Here they smile and ment and restore peace. Savin Rock section of Wesi More than two - thirds of the joy at the Christmas meeting in there they shoot." deaths were counted on Christ­ The commander in chief of Haven will undergo a $12 mil­ the city,” said West Germany's Les.s than a mile from the the British Near East command, lion face-lifting. mas Day. minister for all-German affairs, ; Oberbaum Bridge control point Adverse driving condiUons In Air Marshall Sir Dennis Bar­ Si MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ‘The once fashdonable reaort Drich Mende. 1 an East German guard shot many localities apparently con­ nett; the commander of the which of late has deteriorated dot with the day after Christ­ Paul Schulz, 18, in the back British army in Cyprus, Brig. J. into a honky-tonk amusement tributed to the high number of mas also- a holiday, the flow of Wednesday as he perched en­ deaths. Young; and the British high PICCOLO’S PIZZA PALACE I area, wiW become the site for visitors to relatives in the Oim- tangled In barbed wire atop the commissioner in Cyprus, Sir The number of fatalities on K467'/j m a i n —J ust North From Post Office— Tel.
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