Lianrljtattr Leuttiittg Btral!) Thirty to 86
■ f • fe [■ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, IM I ATcragre D«fly Net Preae Ron The Weather PAOl TWEM'n For Um Week Boded r<(reeMt of U. S. Weather Haurlffatw lEoftttes H^ralh Novetnher 16, U6S lig h t m ow mixed with rata, sleet tonight, ending early Friday. Mlaa Patricia Morlarty, evening with a carol aing. At 13,891 11 ;45, there will be a procession lianrljTatTr lEuTtiittg BTral!) Thirty to 86. Friday cloudy, high daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Masses Set Two to Get Member of tlie Audit in 20s. Snow accumulation 1 to About Town Mortimer E. Morlarty, 145 and the bleaslng of the manger at which time the choir and con Bureau of OIroalation 3 inches likely. Park St., will participate in a Manch«$ter^A City o f ViUago Charm champagne tea and reception gregation, will sing "O Come All Papal Honor Mr. and Mn. David J. Heat- Midnight Ya FalUjful." lay and family o f Beaumont, Sunday in the Clinton Suite erf At midnight, the Misaa Adeste Teat., arrt^ plane yester the Neiw York Hilton honoring VOL. LXXXin, NO. 73 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (Classified Advertising ea Page 33) day to spend CStristmas week a aenlor of Georgian Court Col The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Fidelis will be celebrated, with Next Sunday MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PRICE SEVEN C15NTS with Ms slater and brother-in- lege, Lakewood, N.J., that will J. Reardon, pastor of St. James' the senior choir singing the re sponses. The children's choir law, Mr. and Mrs.
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