Chapter 20

Route Window C8: Station 248 Crossrail

20 Route Window C8:

Location plan of Whitechapel station

20.1 Summary Of Residual Impacts

20.1.1 The following significant residual adverse impacts will occur temporarily during the utilities works, in addition to those reported in the main ES.

• Visual Amenity: residents and workers at 18–28 Heath Road will experience significant temporary visual impacts due to the stage 3 utility works.

20.2 The Utility Works

20.2.1 An overview of the utility works is included in the introductory text in Section 1.3. In this route window the utilities works will be undertaken in three stages. The timings of each of these stages are shown in Figure 20.1 and the stages are represented graphically in the maps in the SES2 mapping volume (S2a). There are no utilities diversions within the Hanbury Street worksite.

Key Assumptions

20.2.2 The specific assumptions adopted for the assessment of these works (in addition to those listed in paragraph 2.1.3) are detailed below:

• diversion works will take place in the footway/s where practicable, and • this section of the SES is based on the proposals for Whitechapel as detailed in the main ES. Any changes to the utility diversions required as a result of the revised Whitechapel proposals will be assessed in the AP ES for Whitechapel. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 249

Aerial view of Whitechapel station looking south

Scheme Description

Stage 1a (Duration 9–12 Months) Enabling Works

20.2.3 Stage 1 comprises the tunnelled diversion of the 3.5 m diameter North Eastern Storm Relief sewer (already assessed and reported within the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8 (paragraph 8.10.24), the relocation of an electricity substation (and associated cabling) and the temporary pumped diversion of a small diameter sewer severed by the Essex Wharf box (all within Swanlea School grounds and Essex Wharf). Continued segregated vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained throughout construction.

Stage 1b (Duration 4 Months) Enabling Works

20.2.4 Stage 1b comprises the diversionary works (telecoms, electricity and gas) and temporary pumped diversionary works (small diameter sewer above) in Durward Street due to the encroachment of the Essex Wharf proposals onto the public highway.

Stage 1c (Duration 4 Months) Concurrent With the Main Works

20.2.5 Stage 1c comprises the reinstatement of the small diameter sewer across the Essex Wharf site and Durward Street. 250 Crossrail

Stage 2a (Duration 1 Month) Separate to Main Civil Works

20.2.6 Stage 2a comprises the diversion of electric cables that will be affected by piling works for the District line boxes. Works will take place on both public highway and private land.

Aerial view looking west over Sainsburys car park

Stage 2b (Duration 6–7 Months) Separate to Main Civil Works

20.2.7 Stage 2b comprises the temporary diversion of existing utilities (gas, water and sewer) in Durward Street and Winthrop Street that will be affected by the proposals for the District line boxes. On completion the main civil contractor can commence works in Durward Street and Winthrop Street. Vehicular access into Winthrop Street will need to be suspended from this point till after stage 2c.

Stage 2c (Duration 6–7 Months) Concurrent With the Main Surface Works and internal fit-out

20.2.8 Stage 2c comprises the reinstatement of utilities (sewer, water and electricity) affected by the piling works for the District line in Durward Street and Winthrop Street. All the works will happen during surface works and internal fit-out. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 251

Stage 3 (Duration 6 Months) Concurrent With the Main Civil Works

20.2.9 Stage 3 comprises the diversion of utilities (telecoms, water and electricity) affected by construction of foundations in the western footway of Cambridge Heath Road to the northbound carriageway of Cambridge Heath Road (between Darling Row and Road). On completion of this stage the main civil contractor can commence excavating foundations on the western footway of Cambridge Heath Road. It is assumed that utility connections that cross the Cambridge Heath Road will occur overnight.

20.2.10 The three main worksites requiring utility diversions are situated in the following areas and are described in detail in the main ES:

• Durward Street worksite; • District Line worksite; and • Sainsbury’s Car Park worksite.

Aerial view looking east along Whitechapel Road 252

Figure 20.1 Programme for Whitechapel station Crossrail Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 253

20.3 Impacts on Townscape And Built Heritage


20.3.1 The utility worksites are generally located in a townscape of moderate sensitivity and moderate quality. Whitechapel Road, Cambridge Heath Road and Durward Street abut the Whitechapel Market Conservation Area, which contains several listed buildings. The full baseline assessment of the sensitivity of the townscape within the Whitechapel station route window can be found in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8.

Direct Impacts on Listed Buildings

20.3.2 There will be no direct impacts on listed buildings resulting from the additional utilities works. The new sewer diversion proposed in Stage 2 may be up to 4 m deep but this is unlikely to have any significant impact on any listed buildings as there are none in the near vicinity of these works.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Townscape Impacts

20.3.3 Stage 1 and stage 2 works are located in or around the main Durward Street and District line link construction worksites. Where the works are outside the boundary of these worksites they are of a short duration. There will be a minor increase in the overall duration of the impact in this area (up to approximately 16 months) and the worksites will cover a larger area for certain periods. The stage 3 works at Cambridge Heath Road occur concurrently with the main construction works at the Sainsbury’s car park worksite, but will cover a larger area for a period of around six months. Overall, the additional utility works will not result in any increase in the level of significance of the impacts on townscape or conservation areas identified in the main ES.

20.4 Impacts on Visual Amenity


20.4.1 Visibility of the utility worksites is restricted by the buildings that line the frontages of the streets where the works will take place. The zone of visual influence for the utility works extends along Durward Street, Cambridge Heath Road and within the grounds of Swanlea School. A mixture of high and medium sensitivity visual receptors are located in or around these streets.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

20.4.2 When considered in addition to the main construction works, some visual receptors in the vicinity of the works will experience a minor increase in either the duration or the intensity of impacts but this will not result in any increase in the level of significance of those impacts.

20.4.3 The stage 3 utility works will result in additional significant temporary adverse visual impacts on residents and workers in buildings at 18–28 Cambridge Heath Road. 254 Crossrail

20.5 Impacts on Archaeology


20.5.1 The baseline resources that might be affected by utilities diversions at Whitechapel are the same as those in the area of the main works, as described in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8, potentially including a 17th century plague burial ground thought to be located near Cambridge Heath Road. There is also a low potential for remains of the 16th century Red Lion Theatre (the first purpose-built Tudor theatre), although documentary research has concluded that it is far more likely to have been located outside of the Crossrail works, on the south side of Whitechapel Road. Any remains of the theatre (if present) will be of high importance.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

20.5.2 The diversion of electricity, telecoms, gas, water and sewer services has potential to partially or completely remove archaeological remains. Utilities in part of Cambridge Heath Road have some potential to remove burials from the 17th century burial ground. If burials are encountered, then the incorporated mitigation measures, as set out in the main ES, Volume 1, Chapter 3 will be applied to produce preservation by record; this is likely to require localised archaeological excavation.

20.5.3 The mitigation measures will also be applied to the works affecting other resources, to produce preservation by record, probably an archaeological watching brief. With this mitigation, no significant residual impacts are predicted.

20.6 Traffic And Transport Impacts


20.6.1 Bus routes in the area are shown in Figure 20.2 and parking bays are noted below where they are provided. The affected streets are:

20.6.2 Durward Street: This is a two-way street divided into two sections by bollards to the east of the Whitechapel Sports Centre preventing through traffic. In the western section, Durward Street is narrow at the junction with Vallance Road, but widens eastwards where parking, bus standing and turn back facilities are located. Traffic volume is generally low but it is regularly used by buses on route 106 and late running buses on route 254. The eastern section of Durward Street is narrow for the entire length, with properties requiring servicing including Swanlea School. There are parking bays on the north side of the street. Traffic volume is very low in this section.

20.6.3 Cambridge Heath Road (Whitechapel Road to Darling Row): This is a two-way street carrying a high volume of traffic. There are no frontage properties on the west side that require servicing, but the Sainsbury’s car park is accessed via Cambridge Heath Road.

20.6.4 Whitechapel Road (outside the Blind Beggar public house to the junction with Cambridge Heath Road): This road carries a high volume of traffic and is part of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). The eastbound lane is wide at the junction. There are frontage properties that require servicing. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 255

Figure 20.2 Route Window C8 bus routes

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

Stage 1a

20.6.5 The works will not affect Durward Street as they will be carried out off-street. However, the utilities works take in part of Swanlea School where school servicing takes place. As the main works also require part of the school grounds, the main ES, Volume 8b (paragraph 9.51) has identified the possibility of relocating the school servicing access further east on Durward Street and the student entrance on Brady Street, so similar measures can be introduced for the utility works. This is not expected to be a significant impact, subject to final arrangements to be agreed with the school.

Stage 1b

20.6.6 This stage will run concurrently with the final four months of stage 1a. The works to be undertaken will be the diversion of two telecoms, electricity and gas utilities, and a temporary diversion of a sewer in Durward Street. The works will be undertaken in sections to allow single alternate lane working for traffic. Traffic volume in this street is low, so it is not expected that this arrangement will require signal control. While work is undertaken on the north side of 6 Durward Street and across the sports centre access opposite, it will be necessary to ensure that access to these properties is maintained. Parking spaces on the north side of Durward Street will need to be suspended when works affect that section. If necessary they will be locally relocated in consultation with the local authority. While work is undertaken close to the junction with Brady Street, it is likely that turning into and out of Durward Street will be difficult. During this time it may be necessary to close the junction with Brady Street, and allow all vehicles to access Durward Street from the west. This will require the removal of the bollards which prevent through traffic on Durward Street. This is not expected to cause any significant impacts and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. 256 Crossrail

20.6.7 If the school servicing access uses the same alternative arrangement as stage 1a, it will be necessary to carry out the works in two stages at this relocated junction to ensure access is maintained. It will also be necessary to ensure that the mouth of the junction is made sufficiently wide to accommodate this. No significant impacts are predicted.

20.6.8 Durward Street is also used for access to Kempton Court, a residential development located to the south. The access road is narrow and while works are undertaken in this section, it is proposed that vehicular access to Kempton Court will be via Winthrop Street to the west. This will require the bollards outside Kempton Court entrance in Winthrop Street to be temporarily removed. This is not expected to cause any significant impacts and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Stage 1c

20.6.9 To allow access to 6 Durward Street and the sports centre, it will be necessary to undertake the works in two stages so that one lane will remain open to allow single alternate lane working: as traffic volume is low, it is not expected that signal control will be necessary. As the works will take in part of the Swanlea School ground, the servicing and student access arrangements described above will continue to apply. The utilities diversion extends south to the eastern end of Winthrop Street. Layouts of the private off-street parking bays in Kempton Court will be adjusted so that significant impacts on parking can be avoided. Alternative arrangements for servicing and access to Kempton Court, utilitsing the main entrance in Durward Street, will be made in consultation with the owners and occupiers. With these arrangements it is likely that there will be no significant impacts.

Stages 2a and 2b

20.6.10 Stage 2a will run concurrently with the final month of stage 2b. As a result, any traffic impacts identified in stage 2b will also apply in stage 2a.

20.6.11 In stage 2b, the works will result in the loss of parking spaces, a bus stand and turning area. As the main works will also cause the same loss, mitigation has been identified in the main ES including relocating parking spaces locally and the use of alternative stands for buses on routes 106 and 254 in consultation with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets and . Winthrop Street will be closed to vehicular traffic and, as discussed in the main ES, alternative arrangements for servicing and access to 6 Durward Street and Kempton Court will be made in consultation with the owners and occupiers. The Durward Street worksite will be active by the time this stage begins. As discussed in the main ES, this means the bollards in Durward Street will be temporarily removed and Durward Street will be made one-way westbound between Vallance Road and Brady Street to enable servicing and access to be maintained. There is not expected to be any significant impacts associated with these works.

20.6.12 In stage 2a, it will be necessary to undertake the utilities works in stages to allow one lane for westbound traffic in Durward Street. The lane will have to be sufficiently wide to allow construction vehicles to access the worksite. A through route for pedestrians will be maintained at all times. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 257

Stage 2c

20.6.13 This stage runs concurrently with the main surface works and the Durward Street worksite will also be active. The same temporary measures described in stage 2b will be applied. With these mitigation measures in place there will be no significant impact.

Stage 3

20.6.14 Cambridge Heath Road carries a high volume of traffic, but this road is wide, and the use of one lane for utilities works is not expected to cause any significant traffic impact. While work is undertaken near the junction of Cambridge Heath Road and Whitechapel Road, depending on the location of utilities, the central island separating left turning traffic on the west arm of Whitechapel Road may need to be temporarily removed. However, provided that the location of the trench can be confined to the northwestern side of the junction, it is likely that with adjustments to the junction layout, all permitted movements can be maintained without causing any significant impacts. If the works extend to the western arm of Whitechapel Road as shown in the staging diagrams, it will affect stop E, the bus stop immediately outside the Blind Beggar public house on the north side of Whitechapel Road. However, Stop D, a short distance to the west is unlikely to be affected by the utilities works and services can be transferred as a temporary measure. This will not be a significant impact. Kerbside access will be maintained for vehicles servicing properties on the north side of Whitechapel Road that are close to the junction with Cambridge Heath Road, although they may not be able to park directly in front of their properties. Again this will not be a significant impact.

20.6.15 As this stage is concurrent with the main civil works at the Sainsbury’s car park worksite, with careful planning, full worksite access for construction traffic will be maintained. Full access to the Sainsbury’s car park will also be necessary and this can be accommodated by undertaking the work in stages across the junction. The access road to the car park is wide, but if necessary the central island near the junction with Cambridge Heath Road can be removed. No significant impact is expected.

20.6.16 The utilities works extend to the junction of Cambridge Heath Road and Darling Row. Provided works can be confined to the south of the junction, access will be maintained without any significant impact.

20.6.17 There may be utility connections that need to cross Cambridge Heath Road. The exact locations are not known but if they are required works will be undertaken in sections and overnight when traffic volumes are reduced so that two-way traffic can be maintained.

20.6.18 The works will also require trenches along the western footway of Cambridge Heath Road. Pedestrian access will be maintained, albeit with reduced width. No significant impact is expected. 258 Crossrail


20.6.19 Based on the above, the following mitigating measures will be required:

20.6.20 During stage 1a, servicing access for Swanlea School will be relocated further east on Durward Street, and the student entrance relocated on Brady Street, subject to agreement with the school.

20.6.21 During stage 1b, the following mitigation measures will be required:

• works to be undertaken in sections to allow single alternate lane working. Traffic volume is low and as such it is not expected that signal control will be necessary; • temporary suspension of parking spaces on the north side of Durward Street, while work affects that section of the road. Local relocation of spaces will be sought if necessary; • vehicle access to Kempton Court via Winthrop Street while work affects the access road in Durward Street. Bollards blocking through traffic in Winthrop Street to be temporarily removed; • alternative arrangements for Swanlea School as stage 1a; and • works undertaken across the junction of the relocated school access in two stages, and the mouth of this junction to be made sufficiently wide to maintain access for servicing.

20.6.22 During stage 1b, it is likely that temporary closure of the Durward Street junction with Brady Street will be required while work undertaken in Durward Street is near this junction. Bollards in Durward Street will be temporarily removed to allow vehicle access from the west.

20.6.23 During stage 1c, it will be necessary to undertake the following mitigation measures:

• sewer works across Durward Street to be undertaken in two stages to allow single alternate lane working; • alternative arrangements for Swanlea School as stage 1a; and • the access for refuse and emergency vehicles will be maintained to Kempton Court via the main entrance in Durward Street.

20.6.24 During stage 2a, the following measures will be required:

• works undertaken in stages to allow one lane of through traffic in Durward Street at all times wide enough for construction traffic; and • all measures identified for stages 2b and 2c (below).

20.6.25 During stages 2b and 2c, the following measures, which are also identified in the main ES for the main works, will be required:

• temporary removal of bollards in Durward Street and section to become one-way westbound; Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 259

• consultation with the owners and occupiers of 6 Durward Street and Kempton Court on alternative arrangements for servicing and access; • local relocation of parking facilities in Durward Street in consultation with the local authority; and • alternative bus standing facilities for buses on route 106, and late running buses on route 254 in consultation with London Buses.

20.6.26 During stage 3, it will be necessary to undertake the following mitigation measures:

• maintenance of access to worksite for construction traffic; and • works undertaken in two stages to maintain access while works affect the junction with the access road to Sainsbury’s car park. Removal of the central island in the access road if necessary.

20.6.27 Also during stage 3, it is likely that the following measures will be required:

• temporary removal of the central island separating left turning traffic in the west arm of Whitechapel Road junction with Cambridge Heath Road; • modification of junction layout to maintain all permitted movements while work is undertaken to the northwestern side of the junction; • suspension of bus stop E in Whitechapel Road and transfer of services to stop D; and • overnight working for any utilities that may need to cross Cambridge Heath Road. Works undertaken in sections to maintain two-way traffic.

20.7 Noise And Vibration Impacts


20.7.1 The noise-sensitive receptors that will potentially be affected by the utility works in this location are limited to the following:

• Swanlea School; • 1–10 Kempton Court; • 6 Durward Street; and • 335, 337 (public house) Mile End Road.

20.7.2 These are noise-sensitive properties that directly overlook and are in close proximity to the proposed utility works.

20.7.3 Short-term baseline noise levels have been measured at two locations in the vicinity of the Whitechapel utility works, Swanlea School (TH06) and 1 Cambridge Heath Road (TH10), and were reported in the main ES (Volume 2, Chapter 8, paragraph 8.10.119 and Table 8.25). Two further 3 hour measurements were undertaken specifically for assessment of the utility works, at 1 - 4 Kempton Court, Durward Street (TH 37) and the Blind Beggar public house, 337 Whitechapel Road (TH38). The baseline noise levels are presented in Table 20.1. 260 Crossrail

Table 20.1 Baseline Noise Levels at Representative Noise-Sensitive Receptors

Receptor Daytime Baseline Evening/Weekend Night-time Baseline Noise Level Baseline Noise Level Noise Level

LAeq, 12 hour dB LAeq, 4, 10 or 16 hour dB LAeq, 8 hour dB

Swanlea School (TH06) 1 68 1 Cambridge Heath Road (TH10)1 76 1–4 Kempton Court, Durward Street (TH37) 1 57 Blind Beggar public house, 337 Whitechapel Road (TH38) 1 78

1 Short-term monitoring location (LAeq, 3 hr)

20.7.4 Ambient noise levels are moderate to high at these locations. This is due to the degree of road traffic noise.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

20.7.5 The relevant mitigation measures set out in the main ES, (Volume 6a, Appendix B1) will be employed to reduce construction noise impacts. The potential noise impact at each receptor from the various stages of the utilities works is considered below.

20.7.6 Swanlea School: Stages 1a, 1b and 1c works will all occur in close proximity to Swanlea School and are all likely to give rise to significant residual noise impacts. The main ES already identifies that the school is subject to a significant residual noise impact from the main construction works. Therefore, the effects for this facility will to be to extend the total duration of noise impacts. Thus the impacts at Swanlea School from the utilities works fall into category 3. As noted in the main ES, Volume 1, Chapter 3, it is recognised that there are some schools such as Swanlea, which are predicted to experience construction noise impacts that may potentially affect their use. When further details of the construction methods, timing and duration of the works are available (during and after the detailed design), any nominated undertaker will take the necessary steps to ensure that any residual impacts are minimised. It is recognised that the school will be significantly impacted during both the main and utilities works and as a consequence discussions with the school are being undertaken in an attempt to reduce those impacts. In addition serious consideration will be given to application of Crossrail’s hardship policy in this case. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 261

20.7.7 1–10 Kempton Court: Stage 1b will occur along Durward Street, adjacent to the north facade of Kempton Court. Stages 1c and 2a both occur adjacent to the west facade. It is considered likely that these properties will be subject to a significant residual noise impact from these stages of the utilities works. However, it is also likely that the levels and duration of the noise from the utilities works will be such that the properties will qualify for noise insulation. Consequently, with noise insulation in place, the noise impact at these properties will not be significant. The main ES already identifies that the dwellings in these properties with facades affected by these utility works are likely to qualify for noise insulation or temporary rehousing due to noise from the main works. Thus any impacts at Kempton Court from the utilities works fall into category 3.

20.7.8 6 Durward Street: Stages 1b, 2a, 2b and 2c of the utility works will occur in close proximity to 6 Durward Street. Stage 1b to the north facade, stage 2a to the northwest corner, stages 2b and 2c to the west and south facade. Given that all these stages include excavation, it is considered likely that the cumulative noise impacts will represent a significant residual noise impact at this property. However, it is considered likely that the noise levels and duration of the works will be such that the property will be likely to qualify for noise insulation thereby mitigating the impact. The main ES already identifies that this property is likely to qualify for noise insulation along all of its facades due to the main works. Thus, any impacts at 6 Durward Street from the utilities works fall into category 3 and are not likely to be significant.

20.7.9 335, 337 (public house) Mile End Road: Stage 3 utility works will pass in close proximity to the south facades of 335 and 337 Mile End Road. With the combination of high ambient noise levels and the short duration for which the works will be close to these properties, significant noise impacts are unlikely to occur. The properties are therefore classed as category 1.

20.7.10 Some night-time works may be necessary for utility connection across the Cambridge Heath Road. It is considered that such evening or night work at any particular location will occur on less than 10 days in a 15 day period and for less than 40 days in any 6 month period. Therefore, no significant residual impacts are likely.

20.7.11 The results of the utilities noise assessment for the various categories of impact by stage are summarised in Table 20.2. 262 Crossrail

Table 20.2 Summary of Noise Impacts by Stage

Stage Assessment

1a This activity is likely to result in a significant residual noise impact at Swanlea School. As the school is already predicted to be subject to a significant residual noise impact from the main construction works, these utility works are considered to be category 3, an extension of impact.

1b Work is predicted to result in significant residual noise impacts at Swanlea School, 1–10 Kempton Court and 6 Durward Street, ie the total duration of significant residual impacts from the main works will be extended by the utilities works. This work is therefore category 3.

1c Work is predicted to result in significant residual noise impacts at Swanlea School and 1–10 Kempton Court, ie the total duration of significant residual impacts from the main works will be extended by the utilities works. This work is therefore category 3.

2a Work is predicted to result in an impact at 1–10 Kempton Court and 6 Durward Street, ie the total duration of significant residual impacts from the main works will be extended by the utilities works. This work is therefore category 3.

2b Work is predicted to result in a significant residual noise impact at 6 Durward Street, ie the total duration of significant residual impacts from the main works will be extended by the utilities works. This work is therefore category 3.

2c As for stage 2b. This work is category 3.

20.7.12 The results of the utilities noise assessment by receptor are summarised in Table 20.3. Only properties qualifying for noise insulation, temporary rehousing or predicted to experience a significant residual noise impact are included. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 263

Table 20.3 Summary of Noise Impacts by Receptor

Property Noise Temporary Significant Stages Impact Category Insulation Rehousing Residual from Main Impact Works Swanlea School ✓ 1a, 1b Significant 3 and 1c residual impact 1–10 Kempton ✓ 1b, 2b Noise 3 Court and 2a insulation/ temporary rehousing

6 Durward Street: ✓ Stages Noise 3 1b, 2a, insulation 2b and 2c

20.7.13 Numbers 1–10 Kempton Court and 6 Durward Street are likely to qualify for noise insulation to mitigate the noise from the utilities works, prior to the qualification already identified in association with the main works mitigation. With the noise insulation in place these properties will not experience a significant residual noise impact.

Chapter 21

Route Window C9: Green 266 Crossrail

21 Route Window C9: Stepney Green Shaft

Location plan of Stepney Green

21.1 Summary of Residual Impacts

21.1.1 No significant residual impacts will occur in addition to those reported in the main ES.

21.2 The Utility Works


21.2.2 An overview of the utility works is included in the introductory text in Section 1.3. In this route window the utilities will be undertaken in three stages. The timings for each section of the scheme are shown in Figure 21.1 and represented graphically in the SES2 mapping volume (S2a).

Key Assumptions

21.2.3 The specific assumptions adopted for the assessment of these works (in addition to those listed in paragraph 2.1.3) are detailed below:

• The preparatory works will result in the main impacts whilst the commissioning works will require utility companies to return at a later date to undertake these activities at specific and local nodes; and • pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 267

Scheme Description

Stage 1 (Duration 1 Month) Enabling Works

21.2.3 Stage 1 comprises the diversion of high voltage electricity cables from Garden Street into Stepney Green, White House Lane, Stepney High Street and Stepney Way.

Stage 2 (Duration 4 Months) Site Establishment for Main Civil Works

21.2.4 Stage 2 comprises the minor water and sewer diversions. It is assumed that the diverted sewer will be reconnected to the existing Garden Street sewer. This may however not be possible and Stepney Green (junction with Garden Street) may only be able to carry unidirectional traffic for the duration of the connection to the diverted sewer.

Stage 3 (Duration 1 Month) Post Main Civil Works

21.2.5 Stage 3 comprises the reconfiguration of the electricity network.

Aerial view looking west over Stepney Green shaft location 268

Figure 21.1 Programme for Stepney Green Crossrail Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 269

21.3 Impacts on Townscape And Built Heritage


21.3.1 The utility worksites are generally located in a townscape of high sensitivity and moderate quality. The worksites are in the vicinity of the Stepney Green Conservation Area and York Square Conservation Area and a number of listed buildings. The full baseline assessment of the sensitivity of the townscape within the Stepney Green shaft route window can be found in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8.

Direct Impacts on Listed Buildings

21.3.2 The stage 2 works are fairly close to the remains of the Baptist Chapel walls (above ground archaeological remains) and if necessary mitigation proposals will be put in place.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

21.3.3 Stage 1 and 3 are of short duration and will not result in any impacts on the townscape of conservation areas. Stage 2 works will be concurrent with the main civil works and will result in a minor increase in intensity but will not result in any increase in the level of significance of the impacts on townscape or conservation areas identified in the main ES.

21.4 Impacts on Visual Amenity


21.4.1 Visibility of the utility worksites is restricted by the buildings and viaduct structure on two sides of the worksite. The zone of visual influence for the utility works extends along sections of White Horse Lane, Stepney Green, Green Street, Stepney Way, Bromley Street, Belgrave Street, Stepney High Street and Ben Jonson Road. A mixture of high and medium sensitivity visual receptors is located in or around these streets.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

21.4.2 The stage 1, 2 and 3 works will be of short duration and the impacts on visual amenity will not be significant.

21.5 Impacts on Archaeology


21.5.1 The baseline resources that might be affected by utilities diversions at Stepney Green are the same as those in the area of the main works, as described in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8. The routes of the proposed utility diversions in Garden Street may extend within the limits of the known remains of 16th century Worcester House, a later non-conformist chapel and church, and related structures including a non-conformist meeting house. These lie east of Garden Street and are of high importance. Utility diversions also lie adjacent to the burial ground of St. Dunstan’s church in Stepney High Street, also of high importance. 270 Crossrail

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

21.5.2 The diversions of electricity, sewer, and water services have potential to partially or completely remove archaeological remains.

21.5.3 Utility diversions in the area of Garden Street could be located east of that road (in Stepping Stones Farm), and therefore have potential to remove remains of Worcester House and the non-conformist institutions. The preferred mitigation is that the routes of these service trenches are designed to avoid the known above and below-ground remains, and to reduce the risk of encountering potential remains. This will require that they run to the west of the vent shaft with the objective of producing preservation in situ for the high importance remains east of Garden Street.

21.5.4 Utility diversions in Stepney High Street have potential to remove burials, if the works are located at the entrance to St Dunstan’s churchyard, or possibly in the eastern edge of the road or pavement. The preferred mitigation is that the routes and depths of these service trenches are designed to reduce the risk of encountering such burials, with the objective of producing preservation in situ. If burials are encountered, then the incorporated mitigation measures, as set out in the main ES, Volume 1, Chapter 3 (will be applied to produce preservation by record; this is likely to require localised archaeological excavation).

21.5.5 The incorporated mitigation measures will also be applied to the works affecting other resources, to produce preservation by record, probably as an archaeological watching brief. With this mitigation, no significant residual impacts are predicted.

21.6 Traffic and Transport Impacts


21.6.1 The main construction works at Stepney Green is bounded by B140 Stepney Green to the north, King John Street to the east and by Stepney Green itself to the south and west. The effects of traffic diversions as a result of the main construction works have been assessed in the main ES. The utilities enabling works though, will require works in all streets to which utilities will be diverted either temporarily or permanently. The affected streets are described below. Parking bays, where they are provided, are noted below. Bus routes are shown in Figure 21.2. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 271

Figure 21.2 Route Window C9 bus routes

21.6.2 Garden Street. Although open for general traffic, this cobbled two-way street is narrow and is used predominantly by pedestrians, especially during weekday mornings and afternoons when it is popular for school trips.

21.6.3 Stepney Way (between Garden Street and Stepney High Street). This is a two-way road mainly used by local traffic. It is part of a 20 mph zone and is traffic calmed. Further west this road provides vehicular access to the .

21.6.4 Stepney High Street, Stepney Green (between Stepney High Street and Garden Street), and White Horse Lane (between Rectory Square and Stepney Green). These are two-way local distributor roads from A11 Mile End Road in the north and A13 Commercial Road in the south. These roads carry heavy traffic during AM and PM peaks. They are part of separate 20 mph zones with traffic calming measures in place.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

Stage 1

21.6.5 This stage is the diversion of electricity cables from Garden Street into Stepney Green, White Horse Lane, Stepney High Street and Stepney Way. Garden Street will be closed to traffic as is proposed for the main construction works. Traffic volumes are very low and the impact will not be significant. This street is, however, well used by pedestrians and a route will be maintained for them as well as cyclists.

21.6.6 In Stepney Green, White Horse Lane, Stepney High Street and Stepney Way the excavation work will be undertaken in sections, with single alternate lane working under signal control where required. In some locations central islands and traffic calming measures will need to be temporarily removed. These modifications will be discussed with London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The following junctions will temporarily operate under signal control while works affect relevant sections: 272 Crossrail

a) Stepney Green, White Horse Lane, Ben Jonson Road; and b) Stepney High Street, Stepney Way and Belgrave Street.

21.6.7 Due to its proximity to junction b), Bromley Street will be incorporated and operate as a single junction. These junctions can, however, be congested during peak hours and the works are likely to cause significant impacts in delays to road users. This could be mitigated if the works were undertaken during off-peak periods during the daytime and at weekends. In this case impacts are not expected to be significant. Pedestrian movements will be maintained.

Stage 2

21.6.8 This stage is concurrent with site establishment of the main civil works. The current proposal is that the diverted sewer will be temporarily connected to the existing Garden Street sewer. It is unlikely that traffic in Stepney Green will be affected and no impacts are expected. If this option is not possible, the enabling works will encroach on Stepney Green either side of its junction with Garden Street. It is likely to be necessary to introduce single alternate lane working under traffic signal control and for the central islands and central reserve to be modified. It is not expected that traffic impacts will be significant. Garden Street will be closed to all users at the start of the main works and the impact was assessed in the main ES.

Stage 3

21.6.9 This stage of work consists of minor reconfiguration of the electricity network. As the works are minor no significant impacts are expected.


21.6.10 Based on the above, the following mitigating measures will be required, generally avoiding significant impacts except where noted:

• during stage 1, works to be undertaken in sections along Stepney Green, White Horse Lane, Stepney High Street and Stepney Way, with single alternate working under signal control. Central islands and traffic calming measures to be temporarily removed as necessary in consultation with London Borough of Tower Hamlets. • during stage 1, works at these junctions to be undertaken during daytime off-peak/weekends: a) Stepney Green, White Horse Lane, Ben Jonson Road; and b) Stepney High Street, Stepney Way, Belgrave Road and Bromley Street, Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 273

• during stage 1 maintain a through route for pedestrians and cyclists in Garden Street; and • during stage 2, single alternate lane working under signal control may be necessary in the short sections of Stepney Green either side of its junction with Garden Street.

With the mitigating measures described above it is likely that significant impacts will be avoided.

21.7 Noise and Vibration Impacts


21.7.1 The noise-sensitive receptors that will potentially be affected by the utility works in this location are limited to the following:

• 49–78 Stepney Green (community housing); • Stepney Green School; • Sir John Cass’s Secondary School; and • bungalow, Stepney Way.

21.7.2 These are noise-sensitive properties that directly overlook and are in close proximity to the proposed utility works.

21.7.3 Baseline noise levels were measured at two positions that are representative of the above receptor locations and were reported in the construction noise assessment reported in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8, (paragraph 8.12.61). The baseline noise levels are presented in Table 21.1.

Table 21.1 Baseline Noise Levels at Representative Noise-Sensitive Receptors

Receptor Daytime Baseline Evening/Weekend Night-time Baseline Noise Level Baseline Noise Level Noise Level

LAeq, 12 hour dB LAeq, 4, 10 or 16 hour dB LAeq, 8 hour dB

58 Stepney Green (TH14) 1 69 66 60 Sir John Cass’s Secondary School 1 (TH15) 73

1 Short-term monitoring location (LAeq, 3 hr) 274 Crossrail

21.7.4 Ambient noise levels are high at these locations due to the high road traffic flows.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

21.7.5 The relevant mitigation measures set out in the main ES, (Volume 6a, Appendix B1) will be employed to reduce construction noise impacts. The potential noise impacts at each receptor from the various stages of the utilities works are considered below.

21.7.6 49–78 Stepney Green and Bungalow, Stepney Way: Stage 1 works associated with the excavation, duct laying and chamber construction will occur near to these properties. However, the duration of stage 1 works at any single location is expected to be such that a significant noise impact will not occur. This finding also applies if daytime working is necessary at weekends. The stage 2 works are to be carried out during the site establishment of the main civil works and will not be expected to result in any significant changes to the assessment reported in the main ES. Therefore, no additional assessment has been carried out for these works. Stage 3 works are similar in nature to stage 1 works and the effects will be the same. Therefore, no significant impacts are likely and these properties are classed as category 1.

21.7.7 Stepney Green School: Stage 1 works associated with the excavation, duct laying and chamber construction will occur near to the school. However, the duration of stage 1 works at any single location is expected to be such that a significant noise impact will not occur. This finding also applies if daytime working is necessary at weekends. The stage 2 works are to be carried out during the site establishment of the main civil works and will not be expected to result in any significant changes to the assessment reported in the main ES. Therefore, no additional assessment has been carried out for these works. Stage 3 works are similar in nature to stage 1 works and the effects will be the same. Therefore, no significant impacts are likely at Stepney Green School, which is classed as category 1.

21.7.8 Sir John Cass’s Secondary School: Stage 1 works associated with the excavation, duct laying and chamber construction will occur near to the school. However, the duration of stage 1 works at any single location is expected to be such that a significant noise impact will not occur. This finding also applies if daytime working is necessary at weekends. The stage 2 works are to be carried out during the site establishment of the main civil works and are not expected to result in any significant changes to the assessment reported in the main ES. Therefore, no additional assessment has been carried out for these works. Stage 3 works are similar in nature to stage 1 works and the effects will be the same. Therefore, no significant impacts are likely at Sir John Cass’s Secondary School, which is classed as category 1.

21.7.9 The results of the construction noise assessment for the various stages of work are summarised in Table 21.2. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 275

Table 21.2 Summary of Noise Impacts by Stage

Stage Assessment

1 This falls into category 1, ie no significant residual impact

2 Part of main civil works 3 This falls into category 1, ie no significant residual impact

21.7.11 The results of the construction noise assessment by receptor are summarised in Table 21.3. Only properties qualifying for noise insulation or temporary re-housing or predicted to experience a significant residual impact are included.

Table 21.3 Summary of Noise Impacts by Receptor

Property Noise Temporary Significant Stages Impact Category Insulation Rehousing Residual from Main Impact Works No properties are predicted to experience a significant impact due to utility works at or around Stepney Green shaft

21.7.12 No properties are predicted to experience a significant residual impact due to utility works at or around Stepney Green shaft.

Chapter 22

Route Window C12: and Eleanor Street Shafts 278 Crossrail

22 Route Window C12: Mile End Park and Eleanor Street Shafts

Location plan of Mile End Park and Eleanor Street shafts

22.1 Summary of Residual Impacts

22.1.1 No significant residual impacts will occur in addition to those reported in the main ES.

22.2 The Utility Works


22.2.1 An overview of the utility works is included in the introductory text in Section 1.3. In this route window the utilities works will be undertaken in one stage. The timings of these stages are shown in Figure 22.1 and are represented graphically in the maps in the SES2 mapping volume (S2a).

Key Assumptions

22.2.2 The specific assumptions adopted for the assessment of these works (in addition to those listed in paragraph 2.1.3) are detailed below:

• the preparatory works will result in the main impacts whilst the commissioning works will require utility companies to return at a later date to undertake these activities at specific and local nodes; and • pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 279

Scheme Description

Stage 1 (Duration 1–3 Months) During Site Establishment of Main Civil Works

22.2.3 The primary reason for the utilities works at Eleanor Street shaft is to prevent impacts to utilities by construction activities. The scheme involves the disconnection, termination and protection (mostly against construction traffic) of utilities.

Aerial view of Eleanor Street looking northeast 280

Figure 22.1 Programme for Eleanor Street shaft Crossrail Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 SES2 281

22.3 Impacts on Landscape, Townscape and Built Heritage


22.3.4 The utility worksite is located in a townscape of low sensitivity and low quality. The utility worksite does not lie within any conservation areas and do not abut any listed buildings. The full baseline assessment of the sensitivity of the townscape within the Eleanor Street shaft can be found in Mile End Park and Eleanor Street shafts route window can be found in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8.

Direct Impacts on Listed Buildings

22.3.5 There will be no direct impacts on listed buildings resulting from the additional utility works.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Townscape Impacts

22.3.6 The stage 1 utility works will be of short duration, and the impacts on the townscape will not be significant.

22.4 Impacts on Visual Amenity


22.4.1 Visibility of the utility worksite is restricted by the buildings fronting the streets worksite and railway viaducts. The zone of visual influence for the utility works extends along sections of Eleanor Street and within the triangular space formed by the three railway lines. Low and high sensitivity visual receptors are located in or around these streets.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

22.4.2 Stage 1 works will be of short duration and the impacts on visual amenity will not be significant.

22.5 Impacts on Archaeology


22.5.1 The baseline resources that might be affected by utilities diversions at Eleanor Street shaft are the same as those in the area of the main works, as described in the main ES, Volume 2, Chapter 8.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

22.5.2 Disconnection of water, gas, telecoms and electricity utilities, and protective works for a sewer, has the potential to partially remove archaeological remains. 282

22.5.3 To mitigate such impacts, the incorporated mitigation measures will be implemented as set out in the main ES, Volume 1, Chapter 3 to produce preservation by record, probably as an archaeological watching brief. There will be no significant residual impacts.

22.6 Traffic and Transport


22.6.1 The baseline conditions for the utilities diversion are the same as for the main works described in the main ES, Volume 8b, Chapter 14.

Assessment, Mitigation and Residual Impacts

The impacts on traffic and transport will not be significant.

22.7 Noise and Vibration Impacts

22.7.1 The utility works are to be carried out during the site establishment of the main civil works. They will not be expected to result in any significant changes to the construction noise assessment reported in the main ES for the Eleanor Street shaft. Therefore, no additional assessment was carried out.