The following are Minutes of a meeting of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Park District Administration Building, 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Ken Blackburn, Dave Macek, Brian Mulheran, and Joe Vlosak.

Also present were: Denis Moore, Consolidated Election Electee Jack Zinsky, Scholarship Recipient

Absent was: Anthony Granata, Jim Kohlbacher, and Craig Maksymiak

IV. Public Input

Jack Zinsky and his family were invited to attend the Board Meeting for the purpose of recognizing Jack as a 2017 College Scholarship. Jack, a student at Benet Academy and Park District resident, was of ten graduating seniors chosen by a panel of judges to receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Mr. Randall greeted the Zinsky family, noting the Park District is honored to participate in the College Scholarship Program, and has provided $94,000 in scholarships to 94 students in the past 10 years.

Jack Zinsky represents the quality of student deserving of a scholarship award, with his high level of academics, combined with participation in athletics, Park District activities/programming, and volunteer efforts.

V. Correspondence A. Appreciation 1. Letter received from St. Paul Lutheran Church, expressing appreciation for the donation of a golf pass in support of their mission trip fundraising efforts.

2. Letter received from the Lincoln-Way West Girls’ Soccer Program for the District’s donation of a golf pass in support of their “Kick for the Cure” fundraiser.

B. Congratulatory 1. Email received from Paul Slade, President of Old Plank Trail Community Bank, acknowledging the Park District’s fiscal discipline, a direct reflection of Park Board and staff efforts.

Park District Board Meeting May 18, 2017 Page 2

VI. Presentation of the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1275 to accept the April 20, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Brian Mulheran, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Abstained: Joe Vlosak. Nays: none. Motion passed.

VII. Oath of Office Ken Blackburn, Dave Macek, Denis Moore, and Brian Mulheran, candidates that were elected to the Office of Park Commissioner at the Consolidated Election held on April 4, 2017, were sworn in to serve four year terms of office as Park Board Commissioners.

VIII. Election of Officers

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1276 to open the floor for the nomination of officers. Brian Mulheran seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1277 to nominate Ken Blackburn as President. Dave Macek seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1278 to nominate Dave Macek as Vice President. Joe Vlosak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1279 to close the floor for the nomination of officers. Denis Moore seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

IX. Board Appointments

President Ken Blackburn appointed Jim Randall to serve as Secretary of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Randall accepted said appointment.

President Ken Blackburn appointed Craig Maksymiak to serve as Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Maksymiak, not present during this meeting, will be notified of said appointment.

President Ken Blackburn appointed the law firm of Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, DiCianni & Krafthefer, P.C. to serve as legal representation. Rob Bush will be notified of said appointment.

President Ken Blackburn appointed Jim Randall and Dave Macek to serve as FOIA Officers. Mr. Randall and Mr. Macek accepted said appointments.

President Ken Blackburn appointed Jim Randall and Dave Macek to serve as OMA Designees. Mr. Randall and Mr. Macek accepted said appointments.

President Ken Blackburn appointed Dave Macek to serve as Risk Management/Personnel Liaison. Dave Macek accepted said appointment.

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It was decided that the Park District Board Meetings shall be conducted on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m., and the December Tax Levy Hearing and regular December Board Meeting will be held on Monday, December 4, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. respectively. Said meetings and hearing will be conducted at the Frankfort Square Park District Administration Building, located at 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

It was decided that the Park District’s regular August Board Meeting and the regular November Board Meeting will be held at the Square Links Golf Course clubhouse, located at 7861 W. St. Francis Road, Frankfort, Illinois at 7:30 p.m.

Check signing authority was granted to the following individuals: Jim Randall, Audrey Marcquenski, John Keenan, Ken Blackburn, Dave Macek, Craig Maksymiak, and Ed Reidy.

It was further noted that the Board will remove check signing authority from Audrey Marcquenski prior to the time she assumes the District’s bookkeeping responsibilities.

The Board named the Frankfort Station and/or Daily Southtown as newspapers of choice for legal ad publications.

Anthony Granata was appointed to serve on the Frankfort Township Planning Commission. Anthony Granata, not present during this meeting, will be notified of said appointment. Mr. Randall noted that due to lack of Frankfort Township Planning Commission meetings, this committee was removed from the District’s Park Board Meeting monthly agenda.

President Ken Blackburn appointed John Keenan to the SSSRA Board, and Audrey Marcquenski and Jim Randall to serve as alternates. Mr. Keenan and Ms. Marcquenski, not present during this meeting, will be notified of said appointments.

The Board named Old Plank Trail Community Bank as the primary financial institution to house Park District bank accounts.

X. Legal Report

Jim Randall presented a revised Personnel Handbook that was updated by Park District Counsel from the law firm of Ancel Glink, to ensure the document is current with all state and federal legislation. Consideration of said document will be deferred one month, due to late clarifications of certain items.

Jim Randall presented the Second Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Summit Hill School District and Frankfort Square Park District providing the use of Summit Hill School facilities, a copy of which was provided to each Board Member in advance of said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1280 to adopt the Second Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Summit Hill School District and Frankfort Square Park District, as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Park District Board Meeting May 18, 2017 Page 5 (Sect. XII, Executive Director’s Report, continued)

Jim Randall and Dave Macek met with Barb Rains, Superintendent of SHSD 161 and Rich Marron, President of the SHSD 161 School Board. The addition of a $30,000 payment made to the School District by the Park District for use of facilities was discussed. This payment will offset costs the School District will incur through hiring a snow removal service, as the Park District is unable to provide staffing and equipment required to provide this service at the current level. The Park District will assist with snow removal and salt applications during daytime hours.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Jim Randall presented an amendment to the 2017/2018 Operating Budget, revised to reflect the end of year balance and fund adjustments, a copy of which was provided to each Board Member in advance of said meeting.

Joe Vlosak made Motion 17-1281 to adopt the amended 2017/2018 Operating Budget as presented. Denis Moore seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

XI. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President Ken Blackburn accepted the April Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1282 to accept the Accounts Payable Listing. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

XII. Executive Director’s Report

Robin Hall of the University of Illinois, will again assist with the development of an attitude and interest survey. A draft copy will be available for Board review in June, and the document will be mailed to residents in June or early July.

Jim Randall reported that a permit will be required for the installation of the 1,500 gallon water tower, a Community Park grant project amenity.

Jim Randall requested authorization to accept a proposal for materials and installation of a changeable letter sign to replace the existing Community Park sign that is in disrepair for an amount not to exceed $7,000, and to publicly bid an electronic message sign to replace the existing aerial sign at Union Creek Park on 80th Avenue for an amount not to exceed $28,000.

Park District Board Meeting May 18, 2017 Page 6 (Sect. XII, Executive Director’s Report, continued)

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1283, authorizing Jim Randall to accept a proposal replacing the worn changeable letter sign at Community Park for an amount not to exceed $7,000, and to publicly bid an electronic message sign to replace the aerial sign at Union Creek for an amount not to exceed $28,000, as presented.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Fieldwork for the annual independent audit, conducted by Hearne & Associates, is scheduled to begin on June 19.

The Dance Showcase, an end of year performance for the District’s dance program, was a phenomenal success. The event was held at the Lincoln-Way East auditorium, and consisted of two shows performed by 500 dancers and attended by 3,000+ guests.

A 10’ fence with locking gate will be installed at the mulch bins at Kiwanis Park. The area, providing free mulch for Frankfort Township residents, will have posted hours of operation, and will close on weekdays at 5:00 p.m., and on weekends and holidays.

XIII. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

B. Recreation

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

C. Information Technology

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

D. Special Recreation

No report

E. Finance and Planning

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

F. Golf Course

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report. Park District Board Meeting May 18, 2017 Page 7

G. Office

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

H. Risk Management

Sufficient information was provided in the Executive Director’s monthly report.

I. Wellness Committee

No report

XIV. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XV. New Business

No new business was discussed.

XVI. Executive Session

There was no business brought before the Board that required an Executive Session.

XVI. Adjournment

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1284 to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Brian Mulheran seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell


The following are Minutes of a meeting of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Frankfort Square Park District Administration Building, Room 204, 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Ken Blackburn, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Craig Maksymiak, and Joe Vlosak. Dave Macek arrived at 7:34 p.m.

Absent was: Anthony Granata

IV. Public Input

No members of the public were present for input.

V. Correspondence

A. Appreciation Thank you notes received from college scholarship recipients.

Letters received from The Cancer Support Center and Lincoln-Way East Music Department, expressing appreciation for gift of golf certificates in support of their fundraisers.

Thank you note received from Pam Kohlbacher, recently retired from her position as ELC Director, expressing appreciation for luncheon and opportunity to work at the FSPD.

B. Complimentary Email received from FSPD staff member, Bonnie Roach, commenting on the high quality of the ELC graduation ceremonies.

VI. Presentation of the May 18, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1285 to accept the May 18, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn, Abstained: Craig Maksymiak. Motion passed.

VII. Legal Report

Secretary, Jim Randall, read by title, Ordinance No. 17-06-304, Determination of Prevailing Wages, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same. Park District Board Meeting June 15, 2017 Page 2 (Sect. VII. Legal Report, continued)

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1286 to accept Ordinance No. 17-06-304, the Determination of Prevailing Wages, as presented. Craig Maksymiak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

The Park District will file with the Illinois Department of Labor, and post the legal notice in the newspaper of record within 30 days of the filing, as required.

Secretary, Jim Randall presented and read into the record, Ordinance No. 17-06-305, an Ordinance authorizing and providing for a Loan Agreement for the purpose of refunding the cost of debt service on a preceding loan used for the purpose of purchasing real property in and for the Frankfort Square Park District, Will County, Illinois, and authorizing and providing for the issue of a $119,187.53 Promissory Note, of said Park District evidencing the rights to payment under such Agreement, prescribing the details of the Agreement and Note, and providing for the security for and means of payment under the Agreement of the Note, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Joe Vlosak made Motion 17-1287 authorizing Ordinance No. 17-06-305, providing for the Loan Agreement for the purpose of refunding the cost of debt service on a preceding loan as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded. Motion carried.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Secretary, Jim Randall presented and read into the record Disposal Ordinance No. 17-06- 306, an Ordinance authorizing the sale of certain maintenance vehicles and equipment to Kankakee Truck Equipment, Inc. of Kankakee, Illinois for the amount of $44,000, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1288 approved Disposal Ordinance No. 17-06-306, authorizing the sale of certain maintenance vehicles and equipment to Kankakee Truck Equipment, Inc. of Kankakee, Illinois for the amount of $44,000, as presented. Dave Macek seconded.

Mr. Randall noted that the Park District will receive wholesale pricing on all vehicles and equipment included in said sale.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Park District Board Meeting June 15, 2017 Page 3 (Sect. VII., Legal Report, continued)

Jim Randall discussed a proposed separation from SSSRA membership, and new membership in LWSRA. The purpose behind this action is in response to the many issues the District has experienced over the last two years that, although communicated with the SSSRA’s executive director and the agency’s board, all concerns have gone unaddressed. Additionally, as one of SSSRA’s eleven member agencies, the FSPD has had the lowest numbers of resident participation in their programming for the past seven years. LWSRA will provide a new, vibrant opportunity that our residents are currently enjoying, thanks to a cooperative agreement between LWSRA and SSSRA.

Per the Articles of Agreement, a Member District may voluntarily withdraw from the joint agreement, however, the withdrawal would not be effective until the ensuing June 1 of the SSSRA’s fiscal year, but Mr. Randall is confident this matter could be negotiated. Due to the fact that the FSPD owns the property and building, purchased with FSPD bonding authority, in order to move forward, a new lease agreement will be necessary.

Jim Randall requested Board consideration to separate from SSSRA membership and accept new membership in LWSRA due to reasons cited above, and as was communicated with the members of the Park Board over the past two years, for the benefit of FSPD residents that participate in adaptive and special recreation services.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1289 approving the separation from SSSRA membership and new membership in LWSRA as presented. Dave Macek seconded.

Commissioner, Denis Moore, asked if the FSPD would have any exposure related to the proposed separation. Mr. Randall responded that although it is a possibility, residents can elect to participate in either agency at resident rates.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Secretary Jim Randall presented and read into the record a copy of the revised Personnel Handbook, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Park Board of Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Denis Moore made Motion 17-1290 approving the revised Personnel Handbook as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President, Ken Blackburn accepted the May Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1291 to accept the May Accounts Payable Listing. Dave Macek seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

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IX. Executive Director’s Report

A first draft of the community-wide survey was provided to members of the Park Board for the purpose of review and input. Said document will be provided to all residents in mid-July, and will include information regarding a no-tax increase mini-referendum. The survey instrument will be mailed to residents and also be available for online completion.

The Park District is currently pursuing use of the tower at Hilda Walker that would enable internet access to security cameras through the District server.

The Nature Center and arbor were painted, and contractors will complete this improvement project with painting the Community Center soffit and fascia.

Jim Randall requested approval to purchase Ford F550 at a cost not to exceed $48,000, utilizing funds received through the sale of vehicles and equipment to Kankakee Truck Equipment, as approved during this meeting, via Motion 17-1288.

Joe Vlosak made Motion 17-1292 authorizing the purchase of a Ford F550 at a cost not to exceed $48,000, utilizing the funds received through the sale of vehicles and equipment as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: none. Motion passed.

Jim Randall distributed a flyer for the proposed apartment building on 191st Street that was received from the Village of Tinley Park, noting the Park District has no position on the matter, nor is any action required.

The bid process for the proposed LED sign at 80th Avenue in Union Creek Park as a replacement to the changeable letter sign has not yet been awarded due to issues with licensing and permitting by the low bidder.

The Park District is in receipt of the fully executed second amendment to the Summit Hill School District/Frankfort Square Park District intergovernmental agreement.

X. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

The maintenance department is currently under a period of transition, with the hiring of a new Assistant Superintendent of Parks. The new employee is scheduled to begin employment with the District on June 26.

Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks has been doing a commendable job, managing new contracts and making progress within his department.

The contracted services of Bills Lawn & Maintenance and Cardno are doing well. Mr. Randall is impressed with the Cardno staff, and weekly natural areas reports provided by Cardno, are posted to the Park District website for public access.

Park District Board Meeting June 15, 2017 Page 5 (Sect. X. Committee Reports, continued)

B. Recreation

Summer concerts in the Island Prairie bandshell will begin with a Local Showcase Community Concert, the Dixie Bandits on June 22.

C. Information Technology

No report

D. Special Recreation

Staff will no longer attend SSSRA monthly meetings.

E. Finance and Planning

The District received its June tax distribution from Will County.

The TAW will be repaid, and two additional installment loans will be paid off at the end of the month.

F. Golf Course

The June 10, Free Day of Golf event was well received, and $1,500 in free-will donations will benefit the College Scholarship Program.

Hot dogs and nachos are now being sold through the golf course restaurant.

Beer sales over the past month reached $600, and 1,700 rounds of golf were sold.

The new range ball system is working well.

Jim Randall and Ed Reidy are meeting monthly with the golf course contractor, Reliable, and the level of maintenance has been improving as concerns have been corrected. Reliable has been living up to the agreement, and the contracted service will provide a sustainable approach to golf course maintenance.

Rules will be adjusted, and rangers will be instructed to use greater discretion when monitoring play.

There will be a change to cart prices in mid-July. Double riders will still pay $8.00 per person, but the rental fee for an individual will be $12.00.

G. Office

No report.

Park District Board Meeting June 15, 2017 Page 6 (Sect. X. Committee Reports, continued)

H. Risk Management

Former PDRMA Risk Manager, Dane Mall, is now a private contractor, and is assisting the District with the completion of its OSHA manual.

I. Wellness Committee

No report

XI. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XII. New Business

Jim Randall reported that the Park District will no longer maintain soccer fields at Rogus School due to the availability of Lincoln-Way North athletic fields.

XIII. Adjournment

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1293 to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell


The following are Minutes of a meeting and public hearing of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Frankfort Square Park District Administration Building, Room 204, 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Anthony Granata, Dave Macek, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Craig Maksymiak, and Joe Vlosak.

Absent was: Ken Blackburn

Also present were: Megann Horstead, 22nd Century Media Reporter Nancy Merk, and Len and Lisa Chudzik

IV. Public Hearing/Public Input

Anthony Granata made Motion 17-1294 to open the floor for the Public Hearing of the Budget and Appropriation, Fiscal Year May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

A copy of the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 17-07-307 for Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2017, and ending April 30, 2018, was posted for public inspection at the Park District office beginning June 20, 2017.

A legal ad, noting the date, time, and place of the public hearing was published in the Thursday, July 13, 2017 edition of the Frankfort Station.

Members of the public were present to provide input and gain information regarding the Board’s decision, (ref. June 15, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes, Motion 17-1289), to separate from SSSRA and accept membership in LWSRA.

Nancy Merk asked why the decision was made, citing inconvenience to travel to the LWSRA’s location in New Lenox, and that her daughter, a current SSSRA participant, would be playing basketball against her current teammates.

Jim Randall addressed the four attendees, noting that due to issues of personnel and/or litigation, he would be unable to review matters that were discussed in SSSRA closed sessions. Mr. Randall’s address is hereto attached, and made part of these Minutes.

Mr. Randall further noted that the FSPD will do all it can to accommodate families, and is highly supportive of the special needs population.

Ms. Chudzik, a parent of a special needs child stated that she is thrilled that the FSPD will become a member district of LWSRA. Her son is a current participant, and transportation to programming will now be provided. Park District Board Meeting July 20, 2017 Page 2 (Sect. IV., Public Hearing/Public Input, continued)

Ms. Merk noted that transportation for the Special Olympics program would be difficult.

Mr. Randall stated that he would discuss transportation concerns with LWSRA’s Executive Director, Keith Wallace, and closed by thanking all for their attendance, noting the Park Board appreciates the opportunity to openly discuss and address concerns.

The floor for the public hearing remained open for thirty minutes while other business, not pertinent to the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 17-07-307, was duly transacted at said meeting.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1295 to close the floor and adjourn the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Denis Moore seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

V. Correspondence

No correspondence was presented.

VI. Presentation of the June 15, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1296 to accept the June 15, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

VII. Legal Report

Secretary, Jim Randall, read by title and requested consideration of Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 17-07-307, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting.

Anthony Granata made Motion 17-1297 to adopt the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance No. 17-07-307 as presented. Denis Moore seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, Vice President, Dave Macek accepted the June Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1298 to accept the June Accounts Payable Listing. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Park District Board Meeting July 20, 2017 Page 3

IX. Executive Director’s Report

Jim Randall reported that it was necessary to correct deficiencies with the contracted lawn maintenance service at Lincoln-Way North. Some were due to contractor error, and some, i.e. the obscure playground not in immediate line-of-sight, was corrected.

Jim Randall requested consideration to discontinue the lease of property owned by the Joliet Diocese, located at 88th Avenue, adjacent to Rogus School. Use of this site by the Park District was for the purpose of providing additional soccer field space, but with access to LWN fields, it was no longer needed. Mr. Randall further noted that the Diocese stated another youth program has expressed interest in the site, and the cost of the lease would be increased.

Anthony Granata made Motion 17-1299, approving discontinuation of the lease of property owned by the Joliet Diocese, located at 88th Avenue, as presented. Denis Moore seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Jim Randall reported delays regarding the permit process for the OSLAD grant Community Park Redevelopment project. The Will County Land Use Department is requesting wetland delineation, based on a 1958 survey, and the site must be reviewed and approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Park District will also need to provide engineered drawings to replace the old sign at this park location.

Jim Randall informed the Board that the District will not move forward on the replacement of the changeable letter sign to an LED sign at Union Creek Park. The Village of Tinley Park wanted the current sign’s brick structure lowered, which would increase the cost from $22,000 to $44,000.

The Community-Wide Survey will be mailed to all Park District households shortly.

The annual independent audit process is nearing completion.

Jim Randall reviewed the current project list, highlighting those that were completed, and those that are currently underway or soon to be addressed, i.e. co-generation for the server room, Community Park redevelopment, Odyssey Park improvements, directional boring for water line at Kiwanis Park.

Golf patrons are happy with the re-design of the new tee on Hole #7.

Mr. Randall discussed a resident’s concern regarding errant golf balls along Hole #1B. PDRMA, the District’s liability carrier completed an assessment of the site, and signage regarding the Errant Golf Ball Policy will be posted, golfers will be reminded about the policy, and additional recommendations may be provided by PDRMA. The resident appreciated the response, and PDRMA’s summary will be provided to the homeowner upon receipt.

Park District Board Meeting July 20, 2017 Page 4 (Sect. IX., Executive Director’s Report, continued)

In accordance with Ordinance No. 16-12-301, Travel Reimbursement Policy, Jim Randall presented Travel Reimbursement forms for attendance at the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) annual conference in September, 2017, for himself and Audrey Marcquenski, Director, and requested approval of same.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1300, approving the Travel Reimbursement forms for Jim Randall and Audrey Marcquenski to attend the NRPA annual conference in September, as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Motion carried.

X. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

Bill O’Shea, Assistant Superintendent of Parks, began employment with the District on June 26, and Mr. Randall noted he is a great addition to the maintenance staff. Luke Deuser was hired for a Lead Park Maintenance position, and will begin employment on July 31. Both Bill and Luke come with great experience and backgrounds.

Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks, has done an exceptional job managing the maintenance department with a smaller, better directed staff.

B. Recreation

John Keenan, Superintendent of Recreation, completed his first brochure process.

The full-time recreation staff of Nicolette Jerik and Carter Patton are doing well.

Audrey Marcquenski, Director, transferred to her new administrative role, managing payroll and accounts payable.

C. Information Technology

The co-generation system to back-up the District’s servers in the event of power failure, is underway.

Jim Randall continues to be pleased with the support provided by the contracted IT services of B Practical Solutions.

Mr. Randall reported that there are no planned hardware purchases.

D. Special Recreation

Jim Randall reported that there has been no response from SSSRA regarding last month’s request to separate from their agency. SSSRA has hired new legal counsel, and it is hoped a response will be forthcoming.

Park District Board Meeting July 20, 2017 Page 5 (Sect. X. Committee Reports-D. SSSRA, continued)

Mr. Randall further noted that the FSPD would like to move as quickly as possible, and that the Park District sought membership with LWSRA and was not approached by this agency, although since first communication, they have been very accommodating to our District’s needs.

E. Finance and Planning

Audited financial statements for fiscal year ended 4/30/17, should be received in three to six weeks.

The Budget & Appropriation Ordinance, approved during this meeting, will be filed with the Will and Cook County Clerk’s offices.

F. Golf Course

The golf course is having a great season. Contracted maintenance has been doing an exceptional job, and Mr. Randall’s opinion is that it is a sustainable approach for the future.

G. Office

No report

H. Risk Management

The OSHA manual, provided for the Board’s initial review prior to consideration, was downsized by 35%, ensuring the information is presented in a usable document, specific to the Park District’s operation.

Staff are preparing for Loss Control Reviews (LCR) for the Recreation department on July 25, and the Maintenance (Parks) department on August 10.

I. Wellness Committee

Wellness screenings will be made available to all interested FSPD staff, and will be conducted by Ingalls Occupational Health Program at the Community Center on July 27.

There has been a change to the health insurance rates, but the new rates meet the budgeted expense.

XI. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XII. New Business

Commissioner, Brian Mulheran reported that the Wildcats Wrestling group requested space for practice time at Lincoln-Way North High School. Jim Randall was aware of the request, and the Park District will welcome the group, but mats may not be available.

Park District Board Meeting July 20, 2017 Page 6 (Sect. XII. New Business, continued)

Mr. Mulheran further noted that Wildcats Football will begin their season within two weeks. Mr. Randall stated that ruts were filled at their practice field, and that the organization is also able to use unlighted fields at LWN, then move to Champions under the lights in the fall, allowing additional time for the turf to heal in.

Commissioner, Anthony Granata, reported that there are concerns regarding cars parking along Frankfort Square Road instead of the parking lot while utilizing the fields at Indian Boundary South Park, adjacent to Frankfort Square School. Mr. Randall is aware of the issue, but noted that the Park District has no authority to enforce parking restrictions.

XIII. Executive Session

No business came before the Board that would require an Executive Session.

XIV. Adjournment

Anthony Granata made Motion 17-1301 to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell


The following are Minutes of a meeting of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Frankfort Square Park District’s Square Links Golf Course Clubhouse, 7861 W. St. Francis Road, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Ken Blackburn, Anthony Granata, Dave Macek, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Craig Maksymiak, and Joe Vlosak.

Also present were: FSPD staff, Nicolette Jerik, Recreation Supervisor, John Keenan, Superintendent of Recreation, Audrey Marcquenski, Director, Bill O’Shea, Assistant Superintendent of Parks, and Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks.

Community Groups: Earl Bonovich, Boy Scout Troop 237, Greg Kordas, Wildcats Football, Brian Sarkan, Frankfort Square Baseball League, Shannon Visser, FSPD resident

IV. Public Hearing

Shannon Visser, Park District resident addressed the Park Board on the matter of the Board’s decision to discontinue its membership with SSSRA and enter into membership with LWSRA. Ms. Visser noted it was the best decision ever made. Her son attends school in Lincoln-Way, and he has been an active participant of LWSRA where all his friends also participate.

Mr. Randall stated that he has been involved with both associations, and is very impressed with the professionalism and commitment of the LWSRA staff and administration. Residents have been misinformed regarding availability of opportunities with the change of agencies, but Keith Wallace, Executive Director of LWSRA, has noted that programming and transportation will be available to FSPD residents.

Ms. Visser commented that she has never had concerns about her son’s safety, and extended her appreciation to the Park District for making this positive change.

Jim Randall welcomed the community group leaders and their members. These groups were invited to attend the August meeting of the Park Board to recognize their contributions to the community, and to present them with revenues collected through beverage sales at Square Links Golf Course clubhouse this season.

Greg Kordas, President of Wildcats Football, commended the FSPD for its ongoing support of the Wildcats since the organization’s inception.

Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 2 (Sect. IV., Public Hearing, continued)

Brian Sarkan, represented the FSBL. The organization is currently in between its summer and fall ball season, and he expressed appreciation to the Park District for its continued support.

Earl Bonovich, Scoutmaster, stated that the Scouts could not do what it does without the support of the Park District.

Mr. Randall thanked the group leaders for their attendance and noted that the Park District is very appreciative of the Wildcats, FSBL, and Boy Scouts Troop 237 that collectively represent and service thousands of our local youth. Mr. Randall further noted that the Park District could not replicate the commitment of these organizations as it does not have the staff to provide all the opportunities made available through their combined efforts in serving the needs of our community.

V. Correspondence

A. Appreciation

Letter received from the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation thanking the Park District’s for supporting their fundraising efforts.

Letter received from The Cancer Support Center, thanking the FSPD for supporting its 26th Annual Cancer Support Center Golf Outing through providing a golf gift certificate as a raffle prize.

Letter received from CASA of Will County, thanking the District for providing an auction item, a golf gift certificate, in support of their “Golf for the Child” Classic fundraiser.

VI. Presentation of the July 20, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1302 to accept the July 20, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Anthony Granata seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Dave Macek. Nays: None. Ken Blackburn abstained. Motion carried.

VII. Legal Report

Secretary, Jim Randall, read by title and requested consideration of the IDOL/OSHA Compliance Manual, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1303 to adopt the IDOL/OSHA Compliance Manual as presented. Dave Macek seconded. Motion carried.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried. Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 3

VIII. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President, Ken Blackburn accepted the July Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1304 to accept the July Accounts Payable Listing. Craig Maksymiak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

IX. Executive Director’s Report

Jim Randall reported on the fire at Union Creek that destroyed the FSBL storage container and its contents. The Park District’s surveillance cameras assisted in the identification of at least one individual allegedly responsible, and some form of restitution should be forthcoming.

Plans for the Community Park Redevelopment OSLAD grant project are in the engineering phase and have been sent out for structural review. Trees were planted, the tennis court was removed, and preliminary work was completed for the path. The initial bid opening was conducted, however, all came in at nearly double the estimated cost. A rebid is necessary and will be completed in one month. Mr. Randall anticipates that the gardens and path will be completed this year, weather dependent.

To date, over two hundred community-wide surveys have been received by the U. of I.

X. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks, addressed the Board, providing an annual report that focused on changes within the Maintenance Department over the past year.

Following the resignation of the Golf Course Superintendent, and downsizing of the Beautification and Natural Areas Department, the District contracted services for both areas. Reliable Golf Services manages Square Links grounds, and Cardno maintains natural areas throughout the District.

There have also been additional changes to contracted services. Reinders, the regular mechanic utilized by the District, no longer offers this service, and is now outsourced to local businesses, Russo and Burris, or through Bill Staton, an on call mechanic.

Mowing service that has been outsourced to Bills Lawn Maintenance & Landscaping, was increased this season to include slope mowing at various sites. Outsourcing these responsibilities has been helpful, but must be monitored on a regular basis to ensure all are meeting their contractual obligations, providing the level of service that residents have come to expect from the Park District.

Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 4 (Sect. IX., Executive Director’s Report, continued)

Mr. Reidy introduced two new maintenance staff members, Bill O’Shea, Assistant Superintendent of Parks, and Luke Deuser, Lead Park Maintenance. Bill and Luke come to the FSPD with previous park district experience, and Ed further noted that Bill is well-organized and keeps everyone on task, and Luke is hard working and conscientious, and takes pride in all the tasks he is given.

Mr. Reidy provided detail on the following projects: . Ice rink maintenance at Union Creek and Champions Park . Improvements to Hole #7 at Square Links Golf Course . New golf course range ball system, providing safer management . Ball field improvements at Summit Hill Junior High, Hunter Prairie, Union Creek #5, and relocation of soccer field from Rogus to LWN . Installation of back-up generator at the Community Center . Remodeled Board Room that included carpeting, electrical, painting and a new table . Increased maintenance responsibilities at the LWN campus . Fencing at UC ball field #4, mulch bins at Kiwanis Park, and entry gate repairs at the Community Center maintenance yard and Square Links

In addition to projects, staff complete routine maintenance to all parks and facilities, with 700+ acres comprised of park sites and facilities, the Maintenance Department manages challenges and changes to ensure the safety and satisfaction of FSPD residents.

B. Recreation

John Keenan, Superintendent of Recreation, began his presentation by introducing Nicolette Jerik, newly hired Recreation Supervisor. Nicolette came to the FSPD with experience, working at Westmont Park District. In her short time at the Park District, Nicolette has taken on many responsibilities that include Day Camp, Before and After School Program, Splash Park, Dog Obedience program, Tiny Tot programs, special events, and the dance program.

Improvements that Nicolette instituted include: . Day Camp – Parents were kept informed through weekly newsletters, and each week had a theme, i.e. beach week, holiday week, carnival week, etc.

. Social Media/Facebook – Nicolette encouraged her staff to be more active in providing photos, enabling the Social Media Coordinator to daily post information that could be enjoyed by families of participants.

. Fall Brochure – Twenty-seven new programs were developed by Nicolette, an incredible amount of new opportunities that will be available to Park District patrons.

The Park District takes safety of its residents and staff seriously, and conducts CPR/AED/First Aid classes, certifying all staff that are in contact with the program participants and park patrons.

Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 5 (Sect. X. Committee Reports-B. Recreation, continued)

The District recently purchased ten new adult/child mannequins and four infant mannequins that are utilized in the CPR/AED/First Aid classes. These new mannequins are easy to clean and when practicing compressions, the mannequins light up, enabling the trainees to understand the proper depth and rate necessary to provide effective CPR. This also allows instructors to see at a glance whether or not the trainees are correctly performing this life saving technique.

These improvements in staff and equipment keep the Park District on the cutting edge of programming and safety to meet the needs of its residents.

C. Information Technology

Jim Randall reported that B Practical Solutions, IT contractor, continues to evaluate the District’s software to provide more affordable options.

D. Special Recreation

Mr. Randall noted that SSSRA has not responded to the District’s June 16, 2017 letter, notifying the agency of its intent to resign membership as it transitions to LWSRA.

E. Finance and Planning

Jim Randall reported that the District will receive tax distributions from Will County in the next thirty to forty-five days.

The annual audited financial statements for FYE 4/30/17 should be received shortly.

F. Golf Course

Jim Randall reported that golf course operations are going well, and that Carter Patton, Athletic Supervisor, is doing a great job with staff management.

G. Office

Bonnie Roach began her new responsibility as Office Manager on August 1, and has been doing a great job overseeing fall registration that began on August 7.

Mr. Randall reported that 90% of program registration is completed online, and to date, over $375,000 in fall program revenue has been received.

H. Risk Management

Audrey Marcquenski, Director, presented her annual report beginning with her new responsibility of payroll and accounts payable, following the retirement of Diane Meister, Office Manager/Bookkeeper. Diane prepared Audrey well for her transition, and Duane Meyers, Senior Bookkeeper, continues her training and is extremely helpful.

Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 6 (Sect. X. Committee Reports-H. Risk Management, continued)

The remaining focus of Audrey’s report consisted of the Loss Control Review (LCR) that is conducted by the District’s intergovernmental risk pool for Property/ insurance, PDRMA. The LCR is a way PDRMA ensures the FSPD utilizes its vast amount of information on park district best practices.

In 2016, the District’s first official LCR, resulted in a score of 97. The FSPD requested a review again in 2017 for the purpose of reaching accreditation status.

The LCR involves four scheduled visits of different departments, where PDRMA risk managers review the following: . Documents – In 2016, 1,000+ documents that included policies, manuals, training records, agreements, and inspection records were provided. . Facilities – Program supply storage, safety amenities, along with every single bolt on playgrounds and surfacing are inspected. . Staff – FSPD employees explain their tasks, responsibilities, review scenarios and procedures with the visiting risk managers.

Ms. Marcquenski noted that over the past few years, staff have worked hard to prepare documentation and facilities to improve all areas of operation, and with the number of facilities throughout the District, the “to do” list is lengthy.

Arliss Bouton, Assistant Safety Coordinator, keeps all staff organized, focused and moving forward by maintaining training records for 150+ staff members, monthly inspections of AEDs, and completing improvements to manuals.

Audrey reported that the District is halfway through the 2017 LCR, and with the Board’s approval of the OSHA manual, staff will move forward with necessary assessments, training, and implementation.

The LCR has made the FSPD a stronger agency through documented policies and procedures, stronger/more consistent staff training, safer and more efficient job tasks, high levels of accountability, and focus on making health, wellness, and safety priorities professionally and personally.

I. Wellness Committee

Jim Randall reported that staff appreciated the opportunity to participate in the Ingalls Health Assessment.

XI. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XII. New Business

No new business was discussed.

Park District Board Meeting August 17, 2017 Page 7

XIII. Executive Session

No business came before the Board that would require an Executive Session.

XIII. Adjournment

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1305 to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Brian Mulheran seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell


The following are Minutes of a meeting and public hearing of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Frankfort Square Park District Administration Building, Room 204, 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Ken Blackburn, Anthony Granata, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Craig Maksymiak, and Joe Vlosak.

Absent was: Dave Macek

Also present were: Residents, Julie Arvia and Rik Mitchell

IV. Public Hearing

Jim Randall was pleased to personally thank and recognize Rik Mitchell for volunteering his labor and craftsmanship in the design and construction of the new Board Room table. The table, made of white oak and walnut inlays, measures 13 feet in length, weighs 575 pounds, and is equipped with phone/data/electric access, enabling audio attendance by Board Members, and computer/server/monitor access. Initially, Park District staff were prepared to assist with the project, but it was immediately obvious that Mr. Mitchell was capable of managing without assistance. In addition, he lent his expertise by aiding staff in choosing the new carpet, paint, lighting, and ceiling tile choices for the Board Room. Rik would not accept compensation, but simply requested that a donation be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. The Park Board complied with his wishes, and all thanked him for his time, talent, and efforts.

V. Correspondence

A. Appreciation

Emails received from Earl Bonovich, Boy Scout Troop 237, Greg Kordas, Wildcats Football, and James Zawilinski, FSBL, expressing appreciation for the support and distribution of funds raised through beverage sales at Square Links during the 2017 golf season.

Email exchange between Jim Randall and Shannon Visser following her public input at the August meeting of the Park Board.

Email Carter Patton, Athletic Supervisor, received from Victor Andrew High School Coach, expressing appreciation for the accommodations made at Square Links in support of their team’s usage.

Park District Board Meeting September 21, 2017 Page 2 (Sect. V., Correspondence, continued)

Thank you card Jim Randall received from Frankfort Square School Principal, Jason Isdonas, the teachers, and students for the repairs made to the school’s playground.

B. Informative Jim Randall reviewed the Village of Frankfort sewer rate increase that will be introduced incrementally, with a $1.59 per 1,000 gallons increase effective September 1, 2017, and an additional $1.59 per 1,000 gallons increase effective September 1, 2018. Said increase may impact the District’s irrigation system use, and Mr. Randall will check with the Village regarding the possibility of incorporating separate meters for sewer usage.

Jim Randall presented information about the new recreation offering, the Polar Express Metra Train ride from the 80th Avenue Station in Tinley Park to Joliet on December 8. Nicolette Jerik, Recreation Supervisor, worked with Metra staff to enable this holiday experience.

Jim Randall presented the Week #23 Cardno Report, detailing work performed by this contracted service provider at various natural areas within the District. Said reports are posted to the Park District’s website, enabling residents to review progress throughout the season.

VI. Presentation of the August 17, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1306 to accept the August 17, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

VII. Legal Report

President, Ken Blackburn read by title and Jim Randall requested consideration of the AIA Contract Agreement, designating Graefen Development, Inc., to provide construction management services in connection with the Community Park Redevelopment OSLAD Grant Project Compliance Manual, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting.

Brian Mulheran made Motion 17-1307 to adopt the AIA Contract Agreement as presented. Anthony Granata seconded. Motion carried.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Jim Randall presented LWSRA Articles of Agreement, providing membership to the Frankfort Square Park District, and requested consideration of same.

Park District Board Meeting September 21, 2017 Page 3 (Sect. VII., Legal, continued)

Denis Moore made Motion 17-1308 to accept the LWSRA Articles Agreement as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Randall reported there has been no response from SSSRA, following the District’s request in June to cancel its membership. The Park Board will be kept apprised regarding any changes to the current status. If no action is taken by SSSRA, the Park District’s membership cancellation will become effective with SSSRA’s new fiscal year, June, 2018.

Park District staff met with LWSRA to discuss inclusion. In addition, the agency was made aware that if FSPD residents incur extra expense for programming, should SSSRA make changes to their existing intergovernmental agreement, the FSPD has funding to offset residents’ costs.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Jim Randall presented the Community Park Redevelopment Bid Tabulation results and requested Board approval to hire the low bidders for the various contracts.

Mr. Randall noted this was a rebid, as the previous bid resulted in a combined amount for Phase 1 of the project at $307,000, exceeding the available grant and matching funds dollars. The rebid totaled $206,000, resulting in a net savings of $101,000.

Mr. Randall also discussed the use of Graefen Development to manage the Community Park construction project, herein approved via Motion 17-1307. The net cost for this service is $12,000, and with the $101,000 savings, it will be money well spent.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1309 to hire the low bidders for the various contracts included in the Community Park Redevelopment project, per the Bid Tabulation as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President, Ken Blackburn accepted the August Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1310 to accept the August Accounts Payable Listing. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Treasurer, Craig Maksymiak noted that health insurance spending increased significantly, but liability insurance savings have counteracted the increase. Mr. Randall noted numbers are higher, but will equal out over the winter months, and further stated that the District is in the best financial position since 2002, when the budget was artificially inflated due to receipt of the 2002 referendum proceeds.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Anthony Granata, Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Brian Mulheran, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried. Park District Board Meeting September 21, 2017 Page 4

IX. Executive Director’s Report

The newly installed generator, enabling the District to operate in the event of power outages worked well, but some adjustments will be made to include power for an additional office space and Board Room.

Two grant applications were submitted to PDRMA, the District’s insurance pool, for the 2017 grant cycle.

Jarrod Scheunemann, from the University of Illinois, will present results from the community-wide survey at the October meeting. Jarrod noted that our survey received the strongest return, in terms of population, than he has previously recorded.

Jim Randall discussed recent requests for use of the Community Center from groups that are not easily defined in residency or affiliation. Mr. Randall is developing revised usage forms, consistent with the forms used for Lincoln-Way North facility/field usage that require users to provide information regarding their group’s residency status.

Craig Maksymiak stated that if the District has facilities available, they should be used, however, Mr. Randall cautioned that if users are political groups, they can be assumed to be affiliated with the Park District.

Commissioner, Denis Moore asked how other districts manage usage. Mr. Randall replied that the FSPD is more open than other districts, therefore we continue to receive requests from peripheral groups that may take up space normally provided to community groups.

No action is currently required, but a policy will be developed, reviewed by Park District counsel, and submitted for Board consideration.

Mr. Randall noted the existing scholarship program application will also be amended. Applicants will be required to submit proof of need in the form of written documentation from a government entity that states they are provided with a subsidy. Both the usage and scholarship policies will be presented at the October meeting.

LED lights were installed outside the Community Center, replacing the previous fixtures with a more energy efficient option. Mr. Randall also noted that he was contacted by Will County regarding the potential to apply for a lighting grant that would replace interior lighting with energy efficient fixtures.

Mr. Randall reported that to date, a total of $9,450 has been raised for the College Scholarship Program. The Free Day of Golf, scheduled for Saturday, September 30, should also generate funds, enabling the District to provide ten $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the spring of 2018.

The mini bond sale and annual abatement is set for the October meeting.

The FSPD will host a Guinness World Record Frisbee golf event at Indian Boundary South Park on Saturday, September 23. A representative from Guinness World Book of Records will travel with the individuals attempting to break a record by golfing multiple Frisbee courses in the south suburbs on one day. Park District Board Meeting September 21, 2017 Page 5

X. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

Jim Randall distributed the monthly Resident Input Summary, and noted it was also posted to the web-based September Board Meeting agenda.

Mr. Randall provided updates to projects that were completed over the summer.

Brian Mulheran asked if the District is filling tree bags, affixed to newly planted trees, with water. Mr. Randall responded that the District is only filling the bags attached to the Community Park trees. These trees, planted by Arbor Care, are guaranteed, and if necessary, would replace them at no cost, per contract.

B. Recreation

Recreation staff are doing exceptionally well, and Mr. Randall noted that fall program numbers are strong.

F.A.N. numbers are down slightly, but the college student summer passes and group usage has resulted in increased use of LWN.

The District is adding mulch to the LWN beds, and will bring in new infield mix.

C. Information Technology

The District’s IT contractor has ensured smooth operation of all existing technology, and is working through several issues.

D. Special Recreation

As noted in this meeting’s Legal Report, there has been no advancement regarding change of membership.

The FSPD is managing inclusion on its own, with assistance from another organization.

E. Finance and Planning

The Audited Financial Report, FYE 4/30/17, will be distributed electronically to Board Members.

F. Golf Course

The high school season concluded today, September 21, and teams will use the facility for practice only over the next two weeks.

Revenue for the 2017 has been strong.

Counter staff are certified food handlers, and can now manage the clubhouse food service. Park District Board Meeting September 21, 2017 Page 6 (Sect. X. Committee Reports, continued)

G. Office

As noted in this meeting’s Legal Report, a revised building usage form will be developed over the coming month.

H. Risk Management

An OSHA Day event was held on Tuesday, September 19, that included safety training for maintenance staff. In addition, a mobile auditory lab visited the District, setting up baseline auditory tests for all maintenance employees, and will be followed up in one year with a second assessment.

Ed Reidy, Superintendent of Parks, led OSHA training sessions for all Maintenance staff.

I. Wellness Committee

The health assessments, provided to all staff, was well-received by those that participated, and a second opportunity will be made available in the coming year.

XI. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XII. New Business

No new business was discussed.

XIII. Executive Session

No business came before the Board that would require an Executive Session.

XIII. Adjournment

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1311 to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Brian Mulheran seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell


The following are Minutes of a meeting of the Frankfort Square Park District Board of Commissioners held at the Frankfort Square Park District Administration Building, Room 204, 7540 W. Braemar Lane, Frankfort, Illinois.

I. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

Present were: Ken Blackburn, Dave Macek, Denis Moore, Craig Maksymiak, and Joe Vlosak.

Absent were: Anthony Granata and Brian Mulheran

Also present was: Director, Audrey Marcquenski and resident, Julie Arvia

IV. Public Input

Ms. Arvia addressed the Board with a concern that when accessing monthly agenda hyperlinks through her mobile device, only one third or one half of the page is visible, and that the information should be shared with the District’s IT contractor.

V. Correspondence

A. Appreciation

Letter received from Tommy Schuman Foundation, a foundation to advance research and promote awareness in sudden death of youths, expressing appreciation for the Park District’s donation of golf passes for its annual golf outing fundraiser.

Letter received from the Kick in 4 Kathy committee, notifying the District that although the individual for whom a golf pass donation was provided had passed prior to their fundraiser, all donations would be used towards payment of outstanding medical bills with any remaining funds to be donated to a 501(c) 3 cancer charity.

B. Recognition 2017 NRPA Congress Opening Session booklet, recognizing the Frankfort Square Park District as a 2016 Gold Medal Award recipient.

C. Informative Letter received from the Illinois Department of Revenue regarding an accounting error resulting in overpayment of personal property replacement tax. The letter served as notification that the Department of Revenue will not seek to recoup overpaid amounts from local taxing districts. Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 2

VI. Presentation of the September 21, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1312 to accept the September 21, 2017, Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Joe Vlosak seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Abstained: Dave Macek. Motion carried.

VII. Legal Report

Jim Randall, presented Ordinance No. 17-10-308 an Ordinance providing for the issue of $106,000 General Obligation Limited Tax Park Bonds, Series 2017, for the purpose of providing the revenue source for the payment of certain outstanding alternate bonds of the District, providing for the levy of a District annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to Old Plank Trail Community Bank, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Denis Moore made Motion 17-1313 to adopt Ordinance No. 17-10-308 as presented. Dave Macek seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

Jim Randall presented Ordinance No. 17-10-309, an Ordinance abating the tax hereto levied for the year 2017 to pay principal and interest on the District’s General Obligation Refunding Park Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2013, General Obligation Park Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2010, and General Obligation Park Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2009, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1314 to adopt Ordinance No. 17-10-309 as presented. Denis Moore seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

Jim Randall presented Resolution No. 17-10-18, a Truth in Tax Resolution a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1315 to adopt Resolution No. 17-10-18 as presented, Dave Macek seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 3 (Sect. VII., Legal, continued)

Jim Randall requested Board consideration to renew the Square Links Class D liquor license, at County and State levels.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1316 approving renewal of the Square Links Class D liquor license through Will County and the State of Illinois, as requested. Joe Vlosak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

Jim Randall presented the revised Building Usage Request form, a copy of which was provided to each member of the Board of Park Commissioners prior to said meeting, and requested consideration of same.

Mr. Randall further noted that the Recreation Program Scholarship Application, included on the October agenda, shall be tabled for consideration at an upcoming meeting.

Denis Moore made Motion 17-1317 authorizing the revisions to the Building Usage Request form as presented, Joe Vlosak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Jim Randall informed the Board that revision of the Building Usage Request form will ensure that assigned use of facilities is fair and equitable, based on FSPD residency, as is the Lincoln-Way North usage form. Said form was reviewed by Park Counsel, and will allow for better documentation of building usage, and will also enable booking of rooms to more appropriately fit groups’ needs, based on occupancy.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report

On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, President, Ken Blackburn accepted the September Treasurer’s Report, pending audit.

Craig Maksymiak made Motion 17-1318 to accept the September Accounts Payable Listing. Dave Macek seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Motion carried.

IX. Executive Director’s Report

Denis Moore made Motion 17-1319 authorizing Mr. Randall to enter into a contract with Reliable Golf Services to complete listed services that include drainage improvements, tee leveling and tee expansion at various holes, at a cost not to exceed $17,000, as presented. Brian Mulheran seconded.

Vote on Motion: Ayes: Craig Maksymiak, Denis Moore, Joe Vlosak, Dave Macek, and Ken Blackburn. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 4 (Sect. IX.., Executive Director’s Report, continued)

The University of Illinois is working on the final draft of the community-wide survey, and will be presented to the Board at the December 4, 2017 meeting.

B Practical Solutions is proposing a social media program, designed to improve awareness of programs and opportunities, such as F.A.N. and the golf course. Said proposal has a six month term at an amount of $1,500, and can be evaluated at four months to determine impact. Previous marketing efforts that included newspaper and billboard ads could not be easily tracked. If acceptable, the District will move forward with the proposal and promote F.A.N. beginning in December, then change the focus to the golf course promotions in the spring.

Jim Randall and Audrey Marcquenski enjoyed the annual NRPA Conference, and Audrey provided a report, detailing the experience.

Jim Randall will be out of town during the November Board Meeting, and Audrey will conduct the meeting during his absence.

The Community Park Redevelopment project is underway. The path has been cut in, a 10 ton outcropping stone is in place, underground electric was roughed in, the community gardens concrete pad was poured, and the water tower foundation will be installed in the next two weeks. Residents living in close proximity to the park are excited about this long awaited amenity, made possible through the IDNR’s OSLAD grant program.

Jim Randall reported that funds raised by the annual golf outing exceed $11,000. The District donated $1,000 toward the LWSRA’s annual fundraiser. Mr. Randall also noted that the District’s dance program will hold a fundraiser to help the family of a former resident and long-time FSPD program participant, whose youngest child was recently diagnosed with a serious medical issue. The District may donate $1,000 towards this cause, but will ensure appropriate protocols have been established prior to making a donation. The District will have $9,000 remaining to fund nine $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the spring of 2018.

Jim Randall reported that golf course numbers are good, and that he is pleased with the level of maintenance, noting the transition to contracted services has been positive.

Jim Randall informed the Board that the District received a phone call from a resident at Odyssey Park regarding the conditions of the park site in this subdivision. The resident was informed that contractors had already been scheduled to begin improvements at this park, and that their concerns would be instantly addressed.

Staff are in the final stages of completing the PDRMA Loss Control Review, LCR, due by November 1. The LCR culminates two to three years of effort by all departments, under the management of Audrey Marcquenski and Arliss Bouton. If the District scores well, these efforts will be rewarded by lower general liability insurance rates, and we will not need to be reviewed for another three years.

Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 5

X. Committee Reports

A. Maintenance

The maintenance department is well-staffed and all continue to work diligently on capital improvement projects, while also completing a myriad of tasks required at the end of the summer/fall season.

B. Recreation

The winter/spring brochure will go to print in early December, and will be delivered to residents’ homes in mid-December.

Jim Randall reported strong participation numbers in the Dog Obedience program, and that the newly offered Polar Express was sold out.

C. Information Technology

All is going well with Park District IT systems, and there are no major issues to report.

D. Special Recreation

No report

E. Finance and Planning

The Park District remains in good financial stead, and key bond payments will be completed by December 30.

F. Golf Course

Sufficient information was provided in this month’s Executive Director’s Report.

G. Office

Bonnie Roach, Office Manager, continues to do a great job in her new position.

H. Risk Management

Staff will attend PDRMA’s Risk Management Institute on November 17, at the Tinley Park Convention Center. This annual event has proven to be a valuable experience, with staff attending morning and afternoon safety sessions.

I. Wellness Committee

No report.

Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 6

XI. Old Business

No old business was discussed.

XII. New Business

Jim Randall provided the following community updates, and moving forward, will add a Community Update section to the Committee Reports: St. Francis Road improvements will be completed in March or April, 2018. The developer of the Walnut Creek subdivision, initially responsible for this improvement, went bankrupt. In addition, no park land was provided to the Park District due to the bankruptcy.

The District was notified that plans for an apartment complex in Brookside Glen have been resubmitted, and a public hearing will be scheduled.

Construction for the new supermarket on 191st and Harlem Avenue will begin in the spring. Preliminary infrastructure is currently underway.

Vice President, Dave Macek, asked if there were any updates on the 80th Avenue bridge improvements. Mr. Randall noted this cooperative project between Will County and Tinley Park is in phase one of engineering.

Wildcats Football enjoyed another successful year, and home games are done for this season.

Dr. Gardner, retired Lincoln-Way North principal, thanked the Park District for maintaining the condition of the high school campus.

Illinois Representative, Margot McDermed received a call from a resident reporting that lights were on at Lincoln-Way North, but fields were not in use. Jim Randall informed her that the fields had been in use earlier, and a call must be placed to a site in Iowa, resulting in a slow transition to switching off.

The Park District will assist Boy Scout Troop 237, providing use of Lincoln-Way North for their annual food drive in November. The food drive is the Frankfort Township Food Pantry’s largest source of donations.

XIII. Executive Session

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1320 to go into Executive Session. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

An Executive Session was called for the purpose of discussing a potential litigation issue.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1321 to go out of Executive Session. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Park District Board Meeting October 19, 2017 Page 7

The Board returned to the open meeting and the following action was considered.

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1322 directing the Executive Director, Jim Randall, to respond to a resident’s request for program scholarship assistance, providing “one time” free programming. The Park Board further directed Executive Director, Jim Randall, to work with Park District Counsel in the preparation of a scholarship application that offers a bridge for residents in need, but not a permanent expectation. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

XIV. Adjournment

Dave Macek made Motion 17-1323 to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Craig Maksymiak seconded. Motion carried in a vote by voice.

Respectfully submitted: Linda Mitchell