Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe in 1800-2000

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Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe in 1800-2000 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe in 1800-2000 Ed. Karla Vymětalová Jiří Knapík Tato publikace je výstupem projektu „Historizace střední Evropy jako téma pro rozvoj lidského potenciálu v oblasti výzkumu, inovací, vzdělávání a zapojení současných a budoucích vědecko-výzkumných pracovníků do mezinárodních VaV aktivit“ (č. CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0031), který byl financován z Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu ČR v rámci Operačního programu Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost. Webové stránky projektu: Odborní recenzenti: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kocián, CSc. Prof. PhDr. Ivo Barteček © Autors, 2014 © Slezská univerzita, 2014 ISBN 978-80-7510-100-6 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 Content Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe in 1800-2000 Zdeněk Jirásek ............................................................................................................ 7 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Czech Countries in the 20th Century (Procesy kulturní výměny v českých zemích ve 20. století) Jana Burešová ............................................................................................................ 21 The Culture under the Conditions of Exile in the 20th Century (based on the Example of an Insight into the Culture of the Czechoslovak Exiles in Australia) (Kultura v podmínkách exilu ve 20. století (na příkladu sondy provedené do kultury československých exulantů v Austrálii)) Martin Franc .............................................................................................................. 43 Borscht, Chinese or Pizza? Cultural Transfer in the Area of Cuisine in Czech Countries 1948-1989 (Na boršč, na „čínu“ nebo na pizzu? Kulturní transfer v oblasti gastronomie v českých zemích 1948–1989) Marie Gawrecká ........................................................................................................ 69 Cisleithanian Universities as Centres of Forming an Educated Elite in the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century (Předlitavské univerzity jako centra formování vzdělanostních elit ve druhé polovině 19. a na počátku 20. století) 3 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 Marian Hochel .......................................................................................................... 89 Slavkov Myth and Iconography of the Revived Rome: Battle at Austerlitz in the Year 1805 as a Part of Napoleon’s victory over the Dacians Contemporary on the Vendôme Square in Paris (Slavkovský mýtus a ikonografie vzkříšeného Říma: bitva u Slavkova v roce 1805 jako součást Napoleonova vítězství nad novodobými Dáky na pařížském náměstí Vendôme) Jiří Knapík ................................................................................................................129 The Cultural Exchange Processes in Czechoslovakia after 1945 (Procesy kulturní výměny v Československu po roce 1945) Jaromíra Knapíková ...............................................................................................149 School Excursions from the Hlučín Region to Bohemia as the Tool of the Czech National Propaganda (Školní zájezdy z Hlučínska do Čech jako nástroj české národní propagandy) Zdeněk Kravar .........................................................................................................161 Austrian Silesia as a Space of ​​Multicultural Encounters - Example of Contemporary Opava District (Rakouské Slezsko jako prostor multikulturálního střetávání – příklad dnešního okresu Opava) Jaromír Olšovský ....................................................................................................177 Art and Borders. Regarding the Issue of the Works of Painters, Sculptors and Carvers on both Sides of the Prussian-Austrian Border from the Middle of the 18th Century to the End of the 19th Century (Umění a hranice. K otázce působení malířů, sochařů a řezbářů po obou stranách prusko-rakouské hranice od poloviny 18. století po konec 19. století) Martin Pelc ...............................................................................................................209 Topography of Humour. Several Issues Concerning the Organisational and Social Structure of the Schlaraffia Clubs 1914 (Topografie humoru. Několik otázek k organizační a sociální struktuře spolků Schlaraffia do roku 1914) 4 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 Pavel Šopák ..............................................................................................................223 Czech Silesia – Cultural Identity and Museum Work (České Slezsko – kulturní identita a muzejní práce) Štefan Šutaj ...............................................................................................................255 The Czechoslovak – Hungarian Disputes over the Cultural Heritage and the Article 11 of the Peace Treaty with Hungary from 1947 (Československo-maďarské spory o kulturní dědictví a 11. článek mírové smlouvy s Maďarskem z roku 1947) Stefan Zwicker .........................................................................................................285 Allerlei Pioniere: Wie der Fußball um und nach 1890 nach Prag kam (Průkopníci: Jak kopaná kolem a po roce 1890 přišla do Prahy) 5 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 6 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Czech Countries in the 20th Century Zdeněk Jirásek Abstract: The article analyzes the past history of the 20th century as the century of mobility, examining all aspects that have shaped it from its beginnings to the recent past and closer focuses on cultural exchange in the Czech Lands in the 20th century from the two planes: how the culture of the Czech lands was influenced in various stages of development in these hundred years from abroad and vice versa: how the culture of the Czech lands affected the culture of foreign countries. Keywords: Culture, 20th Century, Changes, Stalinism, Komunism, Nazi occupation The 20th century is now a closed chapter and is gradually becoming, even in its final stage, the property of historical researchers. The people who entered it as small children are practically all dead today. The people who entered their productive age in its second half are reaching into their senior years today. Those who made up its image in the last quarter are gradually and irreversibly getting closer to a senior age. After the so-called “long 19th century”, the 20th century was much “shorter”. In many ways it only began in 1914; i.e., at the outbreak of the Great War, which we now call the First World War or World War One. It ended ten years before its “chronological end”, connected with a completely new re-formatting of the power and political situations around the world.1 1 This study originated within the framework of fulfilling the tasks of the project Historisa- tion of Central Europe, which has been introduced at the Institute of Historical Sciences of the Arts & Humanities Faculty of the Silesian University in Opava. The program is be- ing implemented thanks to financial support provided by European social funds and the 7 Processes of Cultural Exchange in Central Europe 1800 - 2000 It is thus by and large logical that even at present the 20th century receives various attributes and generalising characteristics. Very often it is described as the age of totalitarianism and dictatorships. If we consider this issue, then, in light of the creation and existence of totalitarian regimes, we should regard such a proposition as true. That is to say, the development of all social structures, even if seemingly paradoxically, threw the doors wide open for the entry of totalitarian regimes. It was a completely new quality of interconnecting all parts of the indi- vidual and social being into one all-controlling unit represented by one all power- ful political component or organisation. A classical example was the Communist political system originating in Russia and spreading into a number of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa as well as America. At the same time, it is not possible to ignore the fact that it exhibited a number of differences in various geographical conditions and that, even if it was represented by the Soviet Union, it internally developed here as well as in other countries. Another totalitarian regime was Nazism and, to a certain extent, related fas- cism. The core of this system was unquestionably formed by Hitler’s “Third Reich”. However, it existed for a far shorter period than the Communist system, but even so, it threw the world into deep decline. Besides this, there were also other totalitarian regimes, which, however, were related only to restricted territories. We will mention as an example Cambodia under the government of the Khmer Rouge. If we consider that all totalitarian regimes resulted in deep crises or even catastrophes, than the attribute of the century of totalitarianism and catastrophes could be quite appropriate. And if we add the fact that most countries around the world were controlled for a part of this time period or even for the whole period by dictatorships, semi-dictatorships or authoritarian regimes, then this characteristic will be even strengthened. Another possible and fully legitimate attribute characterising the 20th cen- tury could be the “age of dynamic development”. In spite of the facts mentioned in the previous paragraphs, mankind as a whole had never before experienced such dynamic developmental progress as in
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