November 4, 2018 In the YIBE Social Hall


Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 3

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 4 FROM THE DINNER CHAIR On the 13 day of Kislev, 5750, December 10, 1989, I attended my first annual dinner at Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park. It was a month since my arrival in the US and it just happened to be the first dinner since the merger between Young Israel and Beth El. Twenty-nine years later I was appointed as the Dinner Chairman. It is truly an honor and a privilege, but also a responsibility to make the event successful. It has been a few years since our last Shul Dinner. For years, Mr. Martin Fruchter A”H and Mr. Karl Weisstuch A"H organized the annual dinners very successfully. I am humbled to follow in their footsteps. I hope that the renewal of the dinner campaign will restart this important and essential function as it is a main fundraiser for our Shul. It will help us continue our beautiful services and inspired Torah classes, provided by tonight’s guests of Honor, Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Snow, and Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller. Ours is a true Bait Mikdash Kattan, one that will celebrate 100 years in 2020. I hope that by that time we and our Shul will all be transplanted in Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach, In the meantime, let’s turn Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park into the Great במהרה בימנו Synagogue of . Finally, I would like to thank the members of the Dinner Committee for their efforts in our campaign, including our honoree Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein. They deserve an enormous Hakarat Hatov. -Ilan Rubin

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 5 THE HONOREES: RABBI MOSHE & REBBETZIN SYMA SNOW

בס"ד לעולם Fifty years sounds like a long time. In fact the Torah word means forever and also refers to the Yovel which is fifty years. In Shemos 21;6, when talking about the length of time a servant is which literally means ‘he shall serveועבדו לעולם :indentured it says forever’ but actually refers to the fact that he only has to work at that I could never have foreseen I did indeed become one. And the maximum fifty years until the Yovel, jubilee year. just as my vocation was hidden from me, so were all the myriad blessings that have come my way because of this wonderful In Shemos 3;15, when Hashem is talking to Moshe at the burning which here means not only that “this position. The outstanding people I have had the privilege to ,”זה שמי לעולם”,bush, He says .means meet, work with and learn from have enriched my life עלם is my name forever,” but as Rashi points out the word hidden. Hashem’s name is hidden from us. We spell it one way but pronounce it another because the full name of Hashem is Yasher Koach to the leadership and members of the Young hidden from us and was only pronounced in the Bais Hamikdash. Israel Beth El of Borough Park for all their confidence and support over these many years. Thank you for this Honor. The Kavod you .Combining two of the have given me is yours ”.עולם“ The Torah word for “world” is also meanings of this very enigmatic word gives us the idea that our world is hidden from us. None of us really knows what is in store I have strong feelings of Hakoras Hatov to the Ribono Shel Olam for us. Even when we are quite young, and planning a career, for guiding me in the path that has enabled me to share and we do not know what kinds of twists and turns that chosen career path will take us on. In fact, at times we may find that a teach His Torah. In truth, all my efforts on behalf of the Klal, both totally different career than the one we planned on is where we in my service as a Mesivta Rebbe at the Jewish Educational end up. Hashem has chosen that path for us, and had it hidden. Center of Elizabeth, and my tenure as the Youth Director and later Menahel Ruchani and then Rav of Young Israel Beth El of If someone would have said to me when I was still seeking my Borough Park, are attributed to my devoted Rebbetzin. To echo path in life, “you’re going to be a Rabbi,” I would have seriously the words of Rabbi Akiva , “All my Torah, and all my students questioned that person’s sanity. But through a series of events Torah, is hers.” May we be Zocheh to gather together at the greatest celebration of all time, when we dance to greet the Moshiach, speedily and in our time. Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 6

FROM THE HONOREES: CHAZZAN & MRS. BENZION MILLER Dear Congregants and Guests, It is with the greatest gratitude to Hashem the Almighty and to you all that this 30th anniversary dinner is taking place today. We would like to thank the entire dinner committee for having chosen us to share this great honor with Rabbi and Rebbitzen Moshe Snow, with whom we have closely shared the shul functions since the year 2000. We look forward to many more years of productive service to the community at large together. I will sing to) אשירה לד' בחיי,אזמרה לאלקי בעודי, As is written in the book of Psalms 104 Hashem while I live, I will sing praises to my G-D while I endure). For as long as Hashem A shul מקדש מעט. will grant me the ability, I plan to continue serving this magnificent that has no equal, both in beauty and service. We thank you all for your support and attendance. Best wishes, Chazzan Benzion and Blimi Miller

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From the beginning of my Jewish education at Yeshiva Etz Chaim through Mirrer Yeshiva, I never dreamt that I would be bestowed with such an honor as this year’s Hakoros Hatov Award. My Torah learning today, and hopefully through the days of the Meshiach שליט"א is from our esteemed Rabbi, Rav Moshe Snow ,במהרה בימנו whom I have had the privilege of knowing since the days of the old Young Israel of Borough Park on 50th Street. Together with our world renowned Chazzan Ben Zion Miller we will be enhancing this soon- to-be-centennial shul for many years to come. .to the Dinner Honorees יישר כוחכם - Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 WHO WE ARE8

Current Officers & Board Dinner Committee President Judd Odzer Alex Friedman David Beck Linda Friedman Chairman of the Board David Beck Linda Friedman Yokhai Givon Felicia Hershkowitz Vice President Mark Rottenstein Corinne Greenberg Judd Odzer Financial Secretary Neil Feinstein Kalman Greenberg Mark Rottenstein Ruth Stillman Recording Secretary Heshy Friedman Julius Mazurek Sarky Metzger Ilan Rubin (Chair) Meyer Roth Steven Roth

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 9 FROM THE PRESIDENT – JUDD ODZER

We have come together to celebrate two great milestones - Fifty years of service for Rabbi Moshe Snow and thirty six years for Chazzan Benzion Miller. Of course, both backed by equally dedicated spouses. We all come to Shul and expect both Klei Kodesh to be like the lights or the heat, always available at the flick of a switch, without any idea of how much work goes into making sure the Shul continues to function. For over fifty years Rabbi Snow has seen to it that all the minyanim continue to function, that halachic shailos get answered, that mispallilim get along, that there are a multitude of shiurim available, that weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, funerals and other religious ceremonies are done k'daas uk'din. He has worked to make the Shul a place for all to feel comfortable attending, so they can get closer to Hashem. All of this with an overarching goal of bringing achdus to Klal Yisroel while trying to make the world a better place and maintaining the Kedusha of our Mikdash Me'at. For over thirty six years at Young Israel Beth-El, Chazzan Miller has managed to inspire thousands of people as a world renowned leader of tefilos - incorporating a deep understanding of not only the literal meaning of the words but the subtle nuances, encapsulated in his heartfelt expression. His mastery of nusach and dikduk has added an immeasurable dimension to the Shul's davening. His knowledge of chazzanus, music and nigunim have transformed piyutim into extraordinary tefillos that reach the inner depths of the soul. Human nature is to take for granted that which becomes routine, that which becomes expected. I want to take this time to recognize the great dedication that Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow have shown to our Shul and community for over fifty years and to Chazzan and Mrs. Miller for over thirty six years of service. On behalf of the board of directors and the entire congregation I would like to give a huge Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach. We appreciate all that you do. May you continue to serve the Shul and Klal Yisroel in good health for many more years to come. I would also like to recognize the dedication and devotion of Mark Rottenstein, who has been an anchor of the Shul for many decades. Behind the scenes he continues to support the day to day operations of the Shul as well as the many events, shiurim and projects offered to the community. We truly have tremendous hakaras hatov for everything you do.

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 10 FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD

Dear fellow members and friends of Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park, that has חסדי ה' Our 30th anniversary dinner gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the graced our magnificent Shul and that gives us the fortitude to continue the important functions that our Shul provides to our community. Yes, the need for a community Shul is as evident as ever. All are welcome – no one is turned away. We play a vital role that, with the help of Hashem, will continue into the next century of our Shul’s existence - in just two short years we will celebrate our building’s centennial anniversary. Consider our timeline and you will notice that our Rav and Chazzan have been a big part of our Shul’s history. Along with our Hakoras Hatov awardee, Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein, they have followed in the footsteps of their predecessors and have kept our treasured traditions vibrant and alive. We had big shoes to fill in making this dinner – those of Karl Weisstuch, a”h, and Marty Fruchter, a”h, giants of community service whose tireless efforts made all the difference to our Shul. We can only hope that we are successful in making this night enjoyable and meaningful to all. May your support for our Shul be a bracha for you and your families for many years to come. David Beck

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Our group of women have sponsored Chanukah get togethers, a Holocaust Remembrance Day activity with survivor testimony and other activities in the past few years. This year we invite members of our community to share in creating new experiences as the role of the woman in our shul is recognized. We hope to develop a study group to explore questions and issues that concern us. For example, on Yom Kippur we read about the 10 martyrs, but did you know they were from different periods of history? Why are they mentioned together? Also, many of us are concerned about proper nutrition and issues of women’s health. Perhaps a seminar on this topic? Our first activity will focus on the joyous holiday of Chanukah. We are looking to expand our membership and invite all women to join us. We are planning to meet in the Shul office one evening in November and hope you will join us. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and take an active role in our shul. Each one of us brings a different skill set to the table. We really can accomplish great things if we come together as a group. Please contact the office and leave your name and phone number and I’ll contact you. My mother was an active member of the YIBE sisterhood and I hope to continue the wonderful work and history of our Shul women. We need your support and participation to make this a success. Please join us. -Renée Minkowitz, Chair

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 12 KUDOS Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park Has a tremendous amount of gratitude to Our youngest devoted member

Yossi Lerner

Your eagerness to help coupled with your humble and jovial manner warms and nourishes us every week. Like your family at home, your Shul family derives much nachas from you. May you continue to give us all continued nachas!

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 13 IN GRATITUDE The 30th anniversary dinner is a tribute to our Shul and the significance it plays in our lives. Our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated volunteers and all those who devoted so much of their time - most especially, Rochel Teitelbaum Miguel and Lourdes Your efforts helped ensure the success of this evening!

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In honor of Yochai and Frieda Givon Your efforts, concern, advice on behalf of our Shul are truly a "labor " of love. We are so thankful for all that you have done to maintain the beauty and elegance of our Shul. In your humble manner you have set the standard for us to emulate. Although we miss you as you spend more time in Eretz Yisroel, we are strengthened by your conviction to settle in our homeland. We wish you good health and hatzlacha and only brochot as you embark on this new journey. Your fellow board members

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In honor of our Rav, Rabbi Moshe Snow We are grateful to you for giving the daf yomi shiur in our shul. We are thankful for your commitment and diligence to us every day. Learning the daf with you as our Rav has become the best way to start our day. May you continue to go from strength to strength. The Daf Yomi Shiur

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עשה לכה רב Mazel Tov to Rabbi Moshe Snow. Every week we are honored to have you as our teacher, mentor, and Rav. No matter what walks of life we come from we eagerly look forward to our weekly Parshah- Pirkei Avos shiur on Shabbos in the Shul. Your sense of humor, insight, intelligence, and Ahavas Yisroel contribute to the talmid chochom that you are. May you and the Rebbetzin be blessed with good health and continued nachas from your family and may you continue to have the fortitude to consistently come to the shiur and inspire us. The Weekly Shabbos Shiur

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Chaim Deutsch Member, New York City Council

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Simcha Felder New York State Senator

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Kalman Yeger New York City Council

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1902. Congregation Beth El of Borough Park founded. Oldest Orthodox Jewish congregation in Borough Park. 1906. moved to new building at 4050 12th ave. (Now, Congregation Anshe Lubawitz of Borough Park) 1906 -1920. Rabbi Avrohom Ever Hirshkowitz 1920’s. Cantor 1920 -1923 built a new building in current location 4802 15th Ave. It’s the oldest synagogue building in Borough Park. 1927 – 1930. Rabbi Simon Glazer 1938 – 2000. Rabbi Israel Shorr. 1935. Young Israel of Boro Park founded by some of the original founders of the YI movement, at 1349 50th St. where it eventually shared space with Shulamith School for Girls, the first Orthodox Jewish elementary school for girls in the US. 1940s – 1950s. Cantor Berele Chagy 1942 -1967. Rabbi Samuel Kalman Mirsky, Spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Boro Park 1952 – 1966. Cantor

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 OUR HISTORY: A TIMELINE [2/2]

1966 – 1968 Cantor Paul Zimm 1968 – 1977. Cantor Moshe Stern 1968 Rabbi Snow begins as Youth Director at the Young Israel of Boro Park. Later, Associate Rabbi. 1969 – 1987. Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz serves as Rabbi of the Young Israel of Boro Park. 1973 YIBP had 400 officially registered non-adult members - one of the largest shul youth groups 1976, May 11. Rabbi Schorr offered the opening benediction in the US House of Representatives. 1981 - present. Cantor Benzion Miller 1988 Merger creates the YIBE. Rabbi Shorr is Rabbi of the newly merged congregation. Rabbi Snow is Menahel Ruchani. Benzion Miller continues as Chazzan. 2000 – Rabbi Snow becomes Rabbi of YIBE 2010 - the YIBE building is listed in the National Registry of Historic Places.

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 23 IN MEMORIAM: WE MISS YOU

In Memory of Sponsored By Fay Friedman Heshy & Linda Friedman Mrs. Winnie Jacobowitz (Michla bas Eliyahu) Eliot & Vicki Jacobowitz Aaron Katz Olga Katz Max Koenigson Anne Koenigson Nili Rychik (A”H) Zvi & Chana Rychik Leo Weiner Maurine Weiner & family anonymous לע"נ גרשון בן חיים דוד ע"ה anonymous לע"נ הענטשא רויזא בת ר' אליעזר ע"ה My parents R. Yitzchak and Batsheva Gersh Hillel Gersh Pinkas Emer A"H Frieda Emer Rosa Emer A"H

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 24 IN MEMORIAM: WE MISS YOU

In Memory of Sponsored By Moshe Swaine & ע"ה My dear parents Avroham ע"ה Rose Naomi Swaine ע"ה and my broher Yehuda Swaine Marty Fruchter Ruth Stillman Aaron Katz Marty Fruchter Mimi Galler Dr. Roberta Kahn Nechemia Oberstein Samuel Dayan Nechemia Oberstein Karl & Naomi Weisstuch Joseph & Rochelle Weisstuch David & Shaindee Dubin

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Esther Zitwer David & Leah Beck Sarah Beck Jane & Morris Mayer Simon & Chani Zitwer Sholom Wolofsky Dr. Lauren & Richard Simon Zoe Wolofsky Dr. Adam & Doni Mayer Ephraim, Moshe Aron, Yechiel, Chaya Sara, Yitzchok, Rivka & Chaim Zitwer

Great Grandson: Akiva Yosef Simon

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Congratulations to our guests of honor, Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Snow Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller

Mordechai Rottenstein

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ויהי נעם ה' אלוקינו עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננה עלינו ומעשה ידינו כוננהו Mazel Tov and best wishes to all the honorees. Rabbi and Rebbitzen Snow, may Hashem bless you with much nachas from your lovely mishpaha. Rabbi Snow is the hardest working Rabbi in Borough Park! May you and the Rebbitzen have arichas yomim veshonim. To our esteemed Chazzan and his dear wife – you do everything you can for the benefit of our Shul. May you also be blessed with much nachas and arichas yomim. Finally, to my good friend Mordechai Rottenstein, you are always ready and willing to do everything for our Shul. May Hashem help you continue your chessed and maasim tovim for many years to come.

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Congratulations to the Honorees: Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller

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GOLD SPONSOR: Chavie Locker

Yasher Koach to all our honorees Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Miller Mark Rottenstein For their dedicated service to our kehillah.

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GOLD SPONSOR: ruth stillman

MAZEL TOV To The Guests of Honor Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Syma Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller for their many years of dedication, devotion and service. A Well-Deserved Honor * * * * * MAZEL TOV to Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein upon receiving the Hakaras Hatov Award for his selfless dedication and service to the shul.

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GOLD SPONSOR: Daniel zucker

Mazel Tov to the honorees and thank so much for everything that you do for our Shul.

The Zucker Family

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 34 GOLD SPONSORs: weisstuch & dubiin

In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow Chazan & Mrs. Miller Mordechai Rottenstein

In loving memory of our dear parents Karl & Naomi Weisstuch A"H long-time members of Young Israel Beth-El ofBorough Park

Joseph & Rochelle Weisstuch David & Shaindee Dubin

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Congratulations to

Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein

on being awarded the Hakoras Hatov Award for Outstanding Service

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In honor of Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow and in appreciation for all that you have done for klal Yisroel.

-Richard & Sue Kelin

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Your friends Raphael D. Weiss, Shoshana Weiss

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Congratulations to all the honorees at tonight’s gala dinner celebration!

Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Syma Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller

and Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein, recipient of the Hakoras Hatov Award

All well deserved. Thank you for all you do!

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Bobby Freida Fruchter and the rest of the Fruchter family, and of course wishes warm congratulations to Rabbi Moshe ז"ל representing our Zaidy Marty & Mrs. Snow and Chazzan Benzion & Mrs. Miller on decades of outstanding service to the Young Israel of Beth El of Boro Park. So many cherished memories, years of friendship , and one lesson : Professionalism and Goodness in Avodas Hashem. In a word, menschlichkeit תפארת שבמלכות and in two words and may we merit to celebrate soon again מחיל אל חיל Always go בירושלים הבנויה אמן

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Congratulations to the staff for keeping Young Israel Beth-El running.

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SILVER SPONSOR: ROSALYN LEVIN & FAMILY Congratulations to all the honorees. May they continue to inspire us and .חיל to חיל go from

The Levin Family

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Dr. Nathan (Nisan) Hershkowitz, mother, Mrs. Felicia Hershkowitz and my brother, David Hershkowitz and family.

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OUR SUPPORTERS Full-page ads 45 JEWISH EDUCATIONAL CENTER par excellence מחנך Having benefited for half a century from his outstanding talents as a Having witnessed first-hand his dedication and caring for all Having profited from his wise counsel Having enjoyed the warmth of his personality to מזל טוב It gives us great pleasure to wish a heartfelt

RABBI MOSHE SNOW for this so richly-deserved honor

JEWISH EDUCATIONAL CENTER Yeshiva and Mesivta Rabbi Elazar M. Teitz, Dean

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In Honor of Our esteemed Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Shlita, Your Chashivus Hatorah and Ahava for the Klal, Are the diamonds in the crown of our Majestic Bais Knesses.

With much appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Moses

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In Honor of Rabbi Cantor Benzion Miller Your world renowned talent inspires Us to look forward to the restoration of the Bais Hamikdosh! B'mihaira B'yamainu B'karov

With much appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Moses

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VIVIAN SINGER In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow - a Talmid Chacham and a sweet, caring Rebbetzin.

In honor of Cantor and Mrs. Miller - a golden voice that inspires us to daven with our hearts and his wonderful Aishes Chayil.

They are the reason Beth El is Beth El. Mazel Tov!

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It is an HONOR TO HONOR our dear family friend MORDECHAI (Mark) ROTTENSTEIN Mordechai exemplifies what it means to be an Outstanding MENSCH. Thank you Mordechai for allowing us to be a part of this very special occasion! MAZEL TOV Tzvi and Gitty Shafer & Family Your SUCCOS FANS

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ELI & PESSY MILLER כי מרדכי היהודי... דורש טוב לעמו

ויתן לך האלקים מטל השמים ומשמני הארץ Man for all occasions large or small Offers assistance with a smile to one and all May Hashem shine his Rarely misses shul (though maybe for football) countenance upon you, Daf and other shiurim he attends without fail and may you merit all wonderful blessings Ever keen and paying attention to every detail health, happiness and prosperity Contributing to good causes is elementary וישמע מרדכי יעקב אל אביו ואל אמו His parents to honor and their blessed memory You are a true blessing to your Although he will blush at all that is stated parents ob”m It’s absolutely true and not a bit exaggerated! Wishing everlasting success.

Eli & Pessy Miller

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow. Their connection to Torah has inspired generations.

With love and appreciation, The Hoffer Family

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Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein

Randy Lieberman

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Congratulations to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow And Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller. Our deep appreciation for all you have done for our family.

Aliza Piontnica Uri & Ada Weingarten & Family Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Shraga & Esther Malka Piontnica & Family Esq. Avi & Sandy Piontnica & Family Rabbi Benzion & Hinda Krumbein & Family

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MAZEL TOV MARK ROTTENSTEIN on this well deserved honor!

ה׳ We admire your devotion to the shul and community. May grant you many years of strength and health to continue your עבודת קודש. We are so proud of you!!!

Uncle Benny Tzippy and Oded Rookie and Melly

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Mazel Tov to the Honorees Rabbi & Rebbitzen Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Miller Mordechai Rottenstein Thanks for everything that you contribute to our beautiful Shul David, Leah, & Sara Beck

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Congratulations to the Honorees And in memory of my parents Morris and Lottie Greenstein A”H

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An Honor to Support this Auspicious Occasion

With great reverence and appreciation, it is our pleasure to congratulate the honorees, Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow and Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller. Your positive influence reaches far and wide, a respected and uplifting example to people of all walks.

Yasher Koach to Mordechai Rottenstein, recipient of the Hakaras Hatov Award for Outstanding Service. Mordechai, our hearty congratulations for recognition of your everlasting, tireless enthusiasm and dedication to the Young Israel Beth-El of Borough Park congregation.

Mazel Tov from Marcie, Marion and Erik Palmer of Livingston New Jersey.

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In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller

Bella Goldman

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 60 CORINNE GREENBERG Mazel Tov!

I wish to join in paying tribute to our wonderful Honorees:

Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Syma Snow

Chazan and Mrs. Benzion Miller

Mordechai Rottenstein

Wishing you all a future of good health and much happiness

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Congratulations to Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow. and to the Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller and Mark Rottenstein

From Harold Abramson ע"ה and the family of my brother, Franklin David Abramson

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Zul zein mit mazel Zul zein mit glick May you and your loved ones always have flowers from the tree of joy to pick With gezunt, nachas, simchas shalom With highest respect & appreciation To Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Syma Snow & Chazzan and Mrs. Bension Miller

Prayerfully, Mr. Ernest Daniel & Mrs. Alisa Ziff

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 63 AVNER GELB

The Shining Star

Of Brooklyn With appreciation

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Congratulations to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller

on this well deserved recognition for many years of dedication and service to Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park, the Boro Park community and Klal Yisroel.

May Hashem grant many more years of health, success and Nachas to both of you and your entire families.

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In honor of

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein

Neil Feinstein

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Shulamis Sputz and her dancing family would like to express their Hakoras Hatov to Beth El of Boro Park which is their home away from home -- A place where they can have Menuchas Hanefesh and Menuchas Haguf and enjoy!

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Mazel Tov to

Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Syma Snow and Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller upon receiving these wonderful honors.

Oscar & Adelaide Heller

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Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor

Lisa & Josh Gottlieb

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Mazel Tov to all the Honorees

Dr. & Mrs. Simeon J. Krumbein & Family

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In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow It’s been many years since you were the collegiate director at the Young Israel of Boro Park yet my family and I are still under your influence. Your Gemara class – which started out in Rabbi Schwartz’s study, graduated to one of the classrooms and blossomed in the main Shul – was the kesher to Torah that sustained me through my collegiate years. Your warmth tied a knot that I know we maintain to this day. It is a well-deserved honor you receive from Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park. You’ve touched many lives and inspired them to grow in many ways in Yiddishkeit! Best wishes for many long years of health and happiness, inspiration and leadership. May your name be a blessing to all Klal Yisroel!

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Congratulations to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein

on your well deserved honor

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein May you continue your good work.

Eugene (Yani) Halpert

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In honor of our Rebbe and his Rebbetzin. We would like to thank you for convincing our parents to send us to JEC just to enjoy the privilege of having you as our Rebbe. Mazel Tov on receiving this honor.

Mordechai & Chana Laya David & Malky & Family Josh & Lisa & Family Gadi & Roni Ophira & Heshy Gottlieb

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In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow, Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller, and Mordechai Rottenstein

Joseph Hirsch

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow on this well deserved honor. May Hashem grant you many more years of bracha, hatzlacha, good health and Nachas from your children. You are and will always be our Rebbe.

Etty and Zalman Zimmerman Malky and David Gottlieb

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In honor of Rabbi Snow, Chazzan Benzion Miller, Rav Eli Miller, and the entire Beth-El family. Thank you for enriching our Shabbos week after week, and for the continuous Chizuk we derive from your Tefillos and inspiration.

Beth-El remains a best kept treasure in Borough Park!

Sincerely, Rivky & Moishy Eisenstein & Family

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 77 HESHY & LINDA FRIEDMAN

Congratulations to all the honorees and especially to our good friend, Mark Rottenstein.

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Mazel Tov to my Rebbe, Rabbi Snow, and his Rebbetzin

and to my Chavrusa, Mordechai

on this well deserved honor.

I miss you very much!

Berki & Chaya Gross

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to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe הכרת הטוב Lots of .השפעות טובות and שעורים Snow for his beautiful To our wonderful Chazzan Benzion Miller, may you enjoy many more years of .תפילות enhancing our

-Judy Friedman a generous contributor and long-time participant in Shulamis's dance class

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 80 וכל מי שעוסקים בצורכי צבור באמונה

לזכר נשמת ר' שמואל ב"ר חיים ע"ה Samuel Dyen נפ' י' סיון תשע"ז תנצב"ה

מרת בת ר' משה חיים הכהן ע"ה Dr. Roberta Kahn נפי כ"ג טבת תשע"ז תנצב"ה

by Nechemia Aaron Oberstein Honorary President

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Congratulations to all the Honorees.

-Larry Fleck

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To the Honorees Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller We enjoy the beautiful spiritual words and Tefillos.

Best Wishes to Mordechai Rottenstein. We greatly appreciate his support and generosity.

Joseph (Yossi) Stern

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Mazel Tov to the guests of honor, Rabbi Moshe & Syma Snow and Chazzan Ben Zion & Mrs. Miller. May you continue BE"H to inspire, enlighten and strengthen our shul with Tefillah, words of Torah and wisdom and Shira for many years to come.

Sincere Mazel Tov to Mordechai Rothenstein, a true Ohev Yisrael with sterling midos.

-with gratitude and Shefa Brachot to you, Frieda and Yokhai Givon and Family

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi Moshe and Mrs. Syma Snow on this well- deserved honor. The impact you have had on the lives of others is immeasurable. May you continue in your Avodas HaKodesh for many years to come. We are anxiously looking forward to your next stay in Highland Park.

-David and Lisa Goldberg and Family

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi Snow for being the moral compass of the Shul. Mazel Tov to the Chazzan for his years of uplifting chazzanus. Mazel Tov to Mordechai Rottenstein for his years of selfless hard work for the shul.

-Kalman, Suri, Yaffa, Shoshana and Dassy Greenberg

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi Moshe Snow & Rebbitzen Syma Snow upon the occasion of being honored. I would like to thank Rabbi Snow for his informative lectures on-line as well as in the Shul. May he be zoche to continue inspiring us with his Torah wisdom for many years to come.

Mazel Tov to Bentzion Miller & Blimie Miller for his excellent cantorial voice. May he continue for many healthy years to come.

Best Wishes, Chavy Charach

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 87 VOLVI & CHAVI GREENBERGER

Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein May you keep up the good work until 120

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Mazel tov and best wishes to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow, Chazzan and Mrs. Miller on the occasion of this well-deserved honor

May you continue your dedicated involvement on behalf תורה, עבודה, וגמילת חסדים of Klal Yisroel. You are an inspiration to all, by your

בברכת הצלחה!

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Congratulations to the Honorees!

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In Honor of

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Miller Mr. Rottenstein

Thank you for your dedication to the Shul. May you be granted many more years to continue serving the community and inspiring others.

Hadassa Nussbaum

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Mazel Tov to our Honorees We very much appreciate the pearls of Torah from Rabbi Snow and the music of Chazzan Miller

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Congratulations to our Honorees You all are truly special

Judd and Tzila Odzer & Family

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A hearty Mazel Tov & thank you to the honoree - our wonderful, dedicated chazzan - Benzion Miller, who gives the davening a new meaning by putting his whole heart into it and davening with such kavana. May he and his wife have arichas yomim v'shonim till 120 and be able to continue wowing this shul together with his amazing sons Eli and Shimmie and the choir. Also wishing a hearty mazel tov to the honorees Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe Snow for his dynamic and informative lectures and pearls of wisdom.May he be able to continue inspiring us all for many years to come. Wishing him and his wife Syma arihas yomim v'shonim till 120.

-Best wishes, Mrs. Suri Hartman and Esther Hartman

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 94 ELIOT & VICKI JACOBOWITZ

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow, true leaders and Ohavei Yisroel. The warmth of the mispallelim at YIBE is a testimony to and a direct reflection of the varemkeit of the Rav and the Rebbetzin. I was greatly comforted in my recent year of aveilus for my mother a”h as I had the special privilege of davening in this wonderful shul, a shul with a long and cherished history in my father’s family, the Greenfields. We were especially moved by the beautiful Divrei Torah that Rabbi Snow delivered at the Siyum Mishnayos at my mother’s Yahrtzeit Seudah. Mazel Tov to Chazzan & Mrs. Miller. Listening to Chazzan Miller daven is extremely inspirational. Mazel Tov to Mark Rottenstein upon receiving this wonderful, well-deserved honor. May you go from strength to strength as you continue to build YIBE for many years to come with your Torah scholarship and your support of learning. With fond appreciation, Eliot & Vicki Jacobowitz

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 95 JAMES KRANITZ

In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow Chazzan and Mrs. Miller Mordechai Rottenstein Thank you

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Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein and also to the President and his Aishes Chayil Mr. Judd and Dr. Tzila Odzer

Best Wishes From Rabbi Zvi And Rebbetzin Chaya Lehrer Rabbi Emeritus Young Israel Mapleton Park

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We know what it is like to cater to the community. We salute the Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park for all it does for all members of our beautiful community. Mazel Tov to the honorees: Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller And Mordehai (Mark) Rottenstein

Meisner Gourmet Catering 5410 New Utrecht Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219 (718) 436-5592

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 98


For 37 years we were downstairs and now it was time to move on up. Same address, upstairs on the 2nd floor Same Good Service and one-of-a- kind pieces 14 kt, 18 kt, and platinum

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 99


Mazel Tov to the Honorees Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mordechai Rottenstein "May you go from strength to strength."

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 100

An Honor to Support this Auspicious Occasion With great reverence and appreciation, it is our pleasure to congratulate honorees, Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow, and Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller. Your positive influence reaches far and wide, a respected and uplifting example to people of all walks. Yasher koach to Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein, recipient of the Hakoras Hatov Award for Outstanding Service. Mordechai, our hearty congratulations for recognition of your everlasting, tireless enthusiasm and dedication to the Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park congregation.

Mazel tov from Marcie, Marion and Erik Palmer of Livingston New Jersey

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Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow. We enjoy your weekly sermons.

Mazel Tov to Chazzan and Mrs. Miller. You inspire us with your davening and we enjoy Eli and Shimmy greatly.

Rita & David Silverman

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Congratulations to Rabbi Snow and Cantor Benzion Miller for making Young Israel Beth El such an important part of our community for so many years.

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In honor of our Shul and in honor of our honorees. We miss you all. Our best wishes for continued success.

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 104 ZVI AND CHANA RYCHIK

Mazel-Tov to the Honorees Rabbi Moshe & Syma Snow and Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller. May you continue to honor our Shul & community for many years to come.

Zvi & Chana Rychik & family. Also, In Memory of Nili Rychik who loved and was so much a part of YI Beth-El.

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Mazel tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Syma Snow and to the Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller as guests of honor for our 30th anniversary dinner and to all our honorees who deserve to be our honorees – may you continue your good work.

-Shirley Sanders who attends Rabbi Snow’s class

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In honor of and with much appreciation to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe Snow and Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller upon an honor well deserved.

Leonard and Frieda Schwartz

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Mazel Tov Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow On this Well Deserved Honor For your Selfless Dedication to the Congregants and to YIBE

Yona Krieser

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In Honor of: Rabbi Moshe Snow Chazan Ben Zion Miller Chazan Eli Miller and the entire Beth-El family.

Congratulations upon 30 years "בן שלשים לכח" to many more years of continuous זוכה With Hashem's help, we should be inspiration and the entire Beth-El experience.

Esther Schon

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Congrats to all the Honorees!

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Mazel Tov and Best Wishes to our dear friend, Mark Rottenstein, for the honor he truly deserves from our Shul. We wish him continued success at whatever he does in life. He truly is a big asset to our Shul - Kol HaKovod!

Mazel Tov to our esteemed Cantor, Benzion Miller, a long time friend. It is a true honor to be led in davening by him and to hear his most wonderful and melodious voice. All the best to you and your wonderful family; may you have continued success in life.

Fondly, Steve & Eileen Rosenkranz

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Thank you Rabbi Snow for your thought provoking sermons

Thank you Chazzan Miller for your beautiful rendition of the Tefilos

Thank you Mr. Rottenstein for your caring generosity to our Shul and thank you Rebbetzin Snow and Mrs. Miller for so graciously sharing your husbands with our community

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To: Rabbi Snow Eli Miller Mordechai Rottenstein Heshy Friedman Thank you!


Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 113

In Appreciation to Rabbi Moshe Snow who spiritually elevates every Shabbos and Yom Tov with his words of wisdom, inspiring Divrei Torah (which I repeat to my family), sensitivity and warmth. In appreciation to Chazzon Benzion Miller who transforms every tefillah to a soul inspiring experience through which I can communicate with the Ribono Shel Olam. Congratulations to Mark Rottenstein on a well-deserved honor.

Sarky Metzger

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Congratulations to the Honorees --- ע"ה Rose Naomi Swaine & ע"ה In memory of my dear parents Avroham ע"ה and my broher Yehuda Swaine

-Moshe Swaine

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Mazel Tov and Congratulations, Mark! And thank you for always saving me a seat.

David Taub

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NAOMI GERSHMAN Mazel Tov, Mark Rottenstein, on this fabulous and well deserved honor. You are a very generous soul who happens to be my brother! Love always, Your favorite sister Joy

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Mazel Tov to

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller

on this wonderful occasion. Have nachas from your beautiful families.

Fondly, Frieda Fruchter

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In honor of our esteemed Chazan Benzion Miller who inspires us with his beautiful davening. May Hashem grant you many more years to enable you to continue your Avodas HaKodesh.

In loving memory of Mrs. Helen Korn, Hena Mindel bas Chaim Zalman A"H

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SHARIR & SHAYNA YABLONSKY Mazel tov to our wonderful Daddy and Mommy/ Saba and Bobby on this very well deserved honor. May Hashem give you the strength to continue all of the work that you do for Klal Yisroel. May you only see much nachat from your Talmidim, Mispallilim, children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren. We love you very much and are so proud of you! Love, Chaim and Hindy and family Sharir and Shayna and family Sam and Henny and family

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In honor of our brother and sister-in-law, the Rav and Rebetzin of our family. We admire your selfless devotion to the Shuel and to the K'lal.

From your proud siblings with love, Raiselle, Nachamie, Chaim, Aaron and Debbie.

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HALF-PAGE ADS Thank you for your support! 122 The Wasserman Family would like to express their appreciation and gratitude on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary Dinner for theYoung Israel Beth El of Boro Park. To Rabbi and Rebbetzin Snow for their 50 years of devotion and wisdom they have bestowed upon us. Mazel Tov To Chazzan Benzion Miller for his 36 years of soul- Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzen Syma Snow stirring and heartfelt tefillos. To Chazzan Eli Miller for his inspiring davening and In Recognition of Your Many Decades of superb leining. To Mr. Mordechai Rottenstein for his devotion and Service tireless efforts, looking after every facet of the shul, To the Young Israel Beth El of Borough ensuring that it runs smoothly. To Mr. David Beck and Mr. Judd Odzer for giving Park so much of themselves and making the shul the spiritually enriching place that it is. May Hashem bless them all with health and long Yossi Strum life so they can continue their Meleches Hakodesh. לע"נ לאה בת מנוכה ע"ה

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CONGRATULATIONS In Honor of Rabbi Snow whose Shabbos lectures are fantastic. TO ALL THE HONOREES AND Best wishes to all the Honorees. AWARDEES Eva Fogel

Jack Weinstein

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Mazel Tov to our Chazzan Miller and Rabbi Snow, Rav and Rebbetzin a marvelous combination, we all know. and to 30 years of inspiring "chizuk" the Chazan and his wife. Davening and Divrei Torah, in one gorgeous .to continue your nook זוכה May you be .for many years to come עבודת הקודש

We celebrate the joy this merger has brought, Sara Banda The result of one simple thought.

May we continue YIBethEl to enjoy, As new ideas and participation we employ.

-Judith Markowitz

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 125

In Honor of In Honor of Rabbi Cantor Eli Miller Mordechai Rottenstein For your dedication to the Bais Knesses For your devotion in maintaining the splendor of And for enhancing our tefilos with your beautiful the the Bais Knesses Davening and Leining. And selfless caring for the Klal

With much Appreciation, With much Appreciation, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Moses Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Moses

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In Honor of In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow. Chazzan & Mrs. Benzion Miller And May you continue to go from strength to strength. Mordechai Rottenstein

-Bina Lipschutz Esther Ingber

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Congratulations to Rabbi Snow upon receiving this honor for all his years of dedicated service to Young Israel Beth El. Rabbi Snow is one of the greatest Mazel Tov and Best Scholars I am privileged to know.

Wishes to all the Congratulations to Honorees. Chazzan Benzion Miller for 36 years of dedicated service as the greatest Chazzan ever. Betya Kanevskaya Your honors are well deserved!

Alfred Perl

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In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Shlita on this well-deserved honor. ELEGANT May you continue in your Avodas HaKodesh in serving Klal Yisrael. LINEN May you have gezunt and much BY nachas from your entire family. BEN BARBER With much admiration and respect, Dovid Weinstein

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In honor of a great individual, Mr. David Beck It is truly a privilege to work with you. You are a breath of fresh air. Mazel Tov to all the Honorees May you continue your Klal work for many years to come. Saul N. Friedman, CPA, Simeon Friedman, Shulamis Hawtof CPA, Mutty Lebovits, CPA Moshe Horowitz Saul N. Friedman & Company Certified Public Accountants & Consultants 1333 60th Street Brooklyn, NY 11219

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 130 Mazel Tov and Best KORN'S BAKERY Wishes to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow and all 5004 16th Avenue the other Honorees on Brooklyn NY 11204 this well deserved honor. may you all continue in (718) 854-4440 your good deeds.

Judge & Mrs. Leon Ruchelsman

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 131

We salute our dear nephew and cousin, Mordechai (Mark) Rottenstein on this special honor for all his tireless devotion and loyalty to Cong. Young Israel Beth El May all his efforts be rewarded generously. Wishing you and all the honorees Brocha V'hatzlacha

Aunt Sarah and the entire Herbst family

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 132 lezecher nishmas chana bas malka and Yehoshua Moshe Mordechai, and yakov akiva ben elka and aharon and aharon ben chana and yakov akiva

Agent Edith c/o Owen Realty LLC Investor/Broker real estate, rental, sales, condos, house, apartments 718.851.1546 718.258.8973 office

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 133

QUARTER-PAGE ADS Thank you for your support! 134

In loving memory of my parents, Mazel tov to Mark Rottenstein on a well- Jacob and Marion Minkowitz, deserved honor. devoted members of Congregation Beth El since 1948. Best wishes to YIBE and the Snows -Robin & Stuart Kahan and the Millers.

-Renee Minkowitz

Mazel Tov and thank you for all you do, In recognition of two outstanding individuals Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow, David and Leah Beck Chazzan and Mrs. Benzion Miller, who have worked so diligently to make this Mordechai Rottenstein. evening such a tremendous success. We are all so proud of your commitment to this true makom tefilah. -June Yarmush Chaya Chafetz Faigie and Yossie Green Rochel and Shaya Chafetz

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Our sincere compliments to Cantor Benzion Miller & Choir Member Berel Tondowski for the many years of heartfelt Tefilos!!

Mendy Werdyger, family & staff- Mostly Music

5326 New Utrecht Ave 718-633-3337

Mazel Tov to the Honorees Best Wishes to Honorees

In memory of Marty Fruchter A”H Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Mimi Galler Mordechai Rottenstein

Maurine Weiner & Family

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 136

Mazel Tov Congratulations to the Honorees to our Best wishes Guests of Honor

-Marcia and Israel Saleh -Gail & Mendy Saidlower

מזל טוב Thank you to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow for all that you have done for our family and the to the honorees. Boro Park community. Hoping for many more years of inspiring May you continue to have health and sermons and enjoying the musical tefilot of the strength to lead and guide us for many years chazzan and the choir. to come. Thank you & Mazel Tov! -Mindu Waltman Anne Koenigson Arnie & Rosanne Koenigson Chavy & Stephen Stern

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 Mazel Tov Wishes to 137 Congratulations from Rabbi & Rebbetzin Moshe Snow

And Weiss Bakery Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller on 13th Avenue Esther Schwartz

Congratulations to the Honorees from Kosher Discount Our Neighborhood Grocery (718) 854-4949

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 138

EIGHTH-PAGE ADS Thank you for your support! 139

In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow.

-Pauline Weingrow

It is our privilege to offer our Best Wishes for continued Hatzlocha in Mazel-Tov and your monumental Klal work. You Congratulations on have always been a pleasure to work with. this special evening

Print Mall to all. 4122 16th Avenue 718.437.7700 -Anita Weichman-Band

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 140

In honor of Rabbi & Thank you to my dear friend, Rebbetzin Moshe Snow Mr. Shmuel Koenig. I so appreciate your enhancing May your Torah wisdom the choir as an amazing soloist. עד מאה ועשרים continue Mr. Landau Baila Guez Landau’s Health Tree 5120 13th Ave 718-436-4830

In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Snow Mark Rottenstein Rabbi & Rebbetzin Thank you for being there Thanks for being a good Moshe Snow when I need you. friend. Chazan & Mrs. Benzion Miller Berl & Tamara Kleinberger Berl & Tamara Kleinberger Mazel Tov to All!

Sarah Fishman

Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018 141 COME VISIT AGAIN!!

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Contact Info: Follow us on social media: 4802 15th Avenue twitter @yibethelBP Brooklyn NY 11219 instagram @yibethel (718)435-9020

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Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park 30th Anniversary Dinner November 4, 2018