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Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-5-1905 Roswell Daily Record, 10-05-1905 H. E. M. Bear

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Recommended Citation Bear, H. E. M.. "Roswell Daily Record, 10-05-1905." (1905).

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Roswell Daily Record, 1903-1910 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The KOSWEl Daily ECORD. VOLUMK 3 ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5,1905. NUMBER 186 First Showing of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skitxs aPPRICE & COMPANY RAILROAD CONSOLIDATION. banquet be given In his honor and INSURANCE INVESTIGATION. switchmen employed by the Grand that he be presented with the free- Trunk railway between Chicago and Offices of the Various iVanderbilt dom of the city was rejected and a Real Estate Manager Testifies as to the Canadian border mar be callfH Lines in San Francisco to Be resolution was adopted declaring that Bab Management. out in a strike within 24 hours, ac- Combined November 1st. he is not worthy of any special honor New York, Oct. 5. Edward Devlin, cording to Grand Master Hawley of San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 5. The because his services at Portsmouth real estate manager of the New York the Switchmen's union of America, announcement is made that the local "were only a redeeming sacrifice for Life Insurance Co., today resumed who came to Chicago yesterday in offices of the various Vanderbilt lines political mistakes in which he - had his testimony, which was interrupted the hope of negotiating with the (8 will be consolidated November 1st, acquiesced and which . were respon- last night at the adjournment of the heads of the Grand Trunk system for and after that date Charles C. Crane sible for the war." legislative committee investigating a settlement of the strike at the local Mr. Wilson ol will handle all the passenger business the life insurance business. Devlin yards. of the lines, and ' John Gill who has WORK ON OVERLAND ROAD. testified that an apartment house at o Sixty-secon- i just returned from the East will as- Park avenue and d street Don't forget the carnival of spe- sume the responsibilities of the Will Be Started Between Oakland and which cost the New York Life over cialties next week. 86tf freight department. The consolidation Oroville Within Ten Days. a million dollars, is carried on the O follows the appoinment several San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 5. The company's books at $450,000. The New Mexico Synod to Meet. months ago of Capt. G. J. Grammar Western Pacific officials have an- loss, he said, was due to the admin I The New Mexico Svnod of the -- " . to the position of traffic manager of nounced that work on the new Over- istration preceding McCall. Presbyterian church will meet, begin- nnr n v the Vanderbilt lines. He had been, it land railroad will be started between He said the Kansas City office ning Friday evening, at Las Vegas, " is said, long considering the plan of Oakland and Oroville within the next building cost $1,901,781. and is car- and continue several days. C. E. Lu-ken- s, consolidation. ten days. The construction firms are ried on the books at $1,200,000, and D. D., of Roswell, is Stated UU moving their outfits into Feather Ri- its net income is 3.06 per cent on the Clerk and Treasurer, the only execu- TO EXPLAIN PERSONALLY. ver canyon, where they will soon be- investment. The Omaha building cost tive officer of the Synod, but will be gin boring the Spring Garden tunnel, $1,246,641, is carried on the books unable to attend. II American Consul at Nicaraugua on which is to be 7,400 feet long. They at $650,000, and pays a little under His Way Home. are also preparing to bore a six thou- 3 per cent. The Minneapolis building Get your money's worth and assist San-- Cal., 5. Ches- sand loot tunnel at Lieckwith Pass. cost $1,028,752 and pays 2 per cent. the ladies of Cemetery Associa- Francisco, Oct. lo- the ter Donaldson, U. S. consul at Man-aguaagu- a, It is stated that the company has The St. Paul building cost $922,440, tion by attending the carnival of spe- I Nicaraugua, arrived here cated the entire line between Oak- and pays less than one per cent. cialties next week. S6tf today en route to Washington to ex- land and Salt Lake, and the work of The Montreal building cost $818.-32- plain personally to the department of securing rights of way is proceeding and pays about l4 per cent. Goings to the carnival of specialties state the case of two Americans nam- rapidly. Devlin testified that the company next week? sctf ed Alters, now held in prison by the lost $129,035 on the Plaza Hotel in o president of that republic. The consul SITUATION IS ENCOURAGING. this city, which it constructed after MISSOURI MUST BE SHOWN. has with him all the documentary ev- taking it over from the contractors, who failed. Devlin said the real es Insurance Company idence in the matter. The evidence and Towns of Louisiana to Must Restore Donaldson says shows that the two Parishes tate of the company returned four Campaign Money or Be Prohib- Raise Quarantines Soon. per cent in 1903, and in 1904 the re- men are wrongly Imprisoned by the x ited From Doing Business. Nicarauguan government and tends New Orleans, La., Oct. 4. To busi turns fell to 3.7 Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 5. State to justify the means he took to gain ness men the most encouraging fea- Cornelius G. White, auditor of the Insurance Superintendent Vaadiver mm New York Life Insurance Co., presented has announced their liberty. ture of the . yellow fever situation is that unless President m the records of an account with McCall and Vice President Perkins, the disposition manifested by the Andrew Hamilton, showing two en- of the New York Life Insurance Co., EVADED QUARANTINE. parishes and towns of Louisiana to tries of $75,000, which were charged resign their positions and repay the raise their quarantine against New to taxes New York insurance account, money which he thinks has been im- Man From Louisiana Has Reached and later on these were transferred properly diverted from the trust fund Colorado and is Dying of Fever. Orleans about October 13, in harmo to "contingent expenses" account. for political purposes, medi- he will take Denver, Colo., Oct. 5. A dispatch ny with the suggestion of the White said that the latter account steps to stop the company doing bu- to the Republican from Trinidad, Col., cal authorities. contfsted of items thb were paid siness in the state of Missouri. o says: "Frank Garza, who arrived o the president to reimburse him for o Monday having what paid out. here from Louisiana, ROOSEVELT IN DEAD EARNEST he Extra fine ones. Send your friends evaded the quarantine officers of that W. F. Thummell. legal counsel of a box. Roswell Produce & Seed Co. state, escaping thence to Texas, was the Mutual Life Insurance Company, o stricken with yellow fever shortly Just as Determined as Ever That Reg testified that he received $2,500 from ,- - BIG EXCURSION WEDNESDAY. after arrival here and is not expect ulations Shall Be Enacted for Vice President Robert A. Gran diss in ed to live. The patient will be rigidly 1904 and paid it personally to the quarantined. Governing Railroad Rates. chairman of the Republican national Southwestern Land Co. Brings in the Washington, D. C, Oct. 4. "Presi- committee. Thummell said the con- Largest Crowd Ever, Handled by lie Roosevelt is dead on tribution had been suggested by "dan- Any Except Tallmadge. SIMPSON REFRESHED. dent in earnest Two special coaches were required question legisla- ger that a Democratic house would the of railroad rate and leg- to bring the excursion' of the South- Prospects are Very Good for His ev- result in tariff revision other tion and is just as determined as islation of such character as would western Land Company to Roswell, Temporary Recovery. ' enacte-- which arrive on regular Ex-Con- er that regulations shall be upset business and affect the policy- the train Wichita, Kan.. Oct. 5. night. ressman Jerry Simpson spent a very looking to Federal supervision of the holders." Other companies, Thum- last The train pulled by two mell S3 id, had been asked to contrib- engines, came in at 6:10, There were good night at St. Francis Hospital. freight rate situation," said Represen- 65 people party ute, but he did not know whether in the Southwestern's E-PR- Dr. W. A. Minick issued the following tative Townsend, of Michigan, today. this time, and thia is declared to be GO. on condition morn- they did or not. bulletin his this Townsend called on the President to No Jury for the largest crowd ever brought to ing: "Mr. Simpson is feelingrrefresh-e- d Grand Present. day to over Che general subject New York, Oct. 5. District Attor- the Va'ley in one party, except by 1 this mcraing after a good Dight's talk ney Jerome has decided- - that he Will the Tallmadge Company. Many of rest. There is a good chance that he and the President requested him to ' them have been here before and this may get up again. not have an extraordinary jury te ' and out of bed call again tomorrow to discuss the investigate insurance matters at pre- time they come to buy. The Tall- prospects are very good for his - The subject further. sent. At the conclusion of the legis- madge people- will bring in a lars temporary recovery." crowd on regular excursion, o lative investigation, he told Justice the tra'n Inter-Ocea- n tonight. Today to 10:30 P. M: POWDER WORKS EXPLOSION. Mr. Anderson, the Chicago Davy in the criminal branch of the 6:30 representative, who is here to superior court today, "he might pre- write up the country, received instruc sent the matter to a grand jury. You'll be sorry if yen miss the car- One Mill Demolished and Houses in paper night to o nival of speciatje next week, S6tf Damaged. tkns from his last the Vicinity proceed at once toward getting out FOR SALE. Good business lot on Wilmington, Oct.- - Del.. 5. The a series of articles on the Pecos Val Second street, close to Main. Make Comes Highly Recommended. explosion Dupoht n. force of an at the ley and Texas. He drove to the an offer. P. O. Box 545. 8it3 Checotah. I, T Sept. 17, 1905. powder works just outside .of, Wil- ranch today, having been out Te the Roswell Record : mington this morning was. felt for 12 to the Hondo reservoir yesterday, .and BANK SAFE BLOWN. Deap Sir: I wish to say a few miles around. No one was Injured, as some-o- to .J) will later visit f . the big cat- things the peop'e of Roswell in - the workmen had not reachad the tle ranches as well- as the smaller The Robbers Escaped With Over Five commendation of Dr. G. R. , Rucker, works. One mill was demolished and farm- - In. addition to the free general Thousand Dollars. who has lately made your city his many houses in the vicinity, damagej. - post-gradua- te writerup of the, country,- he will take - Springfield, SV.. Oct. 5. The 3afe home. Dr. Rucker is known by his president of the Indian Territory Med from .several of our best a limited amount-to- C pay advertising cf the" Bank of SpringfieM was --blown works in every nook and corner of ical Association. He was local sur- schools. SENTIMENT AGAINST WITTE. fill out" page prairies. He graduated in med- to the devoted to the last night. The robbers escaped with these geon M. K. & T. railway for Dr. had a large practic Southwestern r country. Last year Mr $5,200. icine about twenty-tw- o years. jgo for the Jtueker Developed at Caucus Held to Pjfacuss Anderson worked in Canada on a and located in this community. During eighteen years, and served as a mem- her for a long time, but this ellmatefe Civic Action in Recognition cf similar mission for his paper, and The richest thing o the 3eason these twenty odd years he ' has been ber of the Creek Medical Examining and hard work proved destructive td His Distinguished Services through his efforts and those of other will be the carnival of specialties a very active practitioner, contend- Board for thirteen years. He repreesn-te- d his health, and on that account he St. Petersburg, Oct. S.A strong special correspondents the Manitoba next week. - 86tf ing with nearly every variety of hu- the Indian Territory Medical As- was compelled to change his locav sentiment against Count Witte devel wheat belt became widely known to man ills. He was a prominent mem- sociation at the meeting of the Amer- tion. I unhesitatingly recommend hlnn oped at a caucus of the St. Petersburg the world. Mr. Anderson represents STRIKE THREATENED. ber and supporter of the Baptist ican Medical Association in Philadel- to the people of Roswell as an abl ' municipality yesterday . evening, call a syndicate of four newspapers of church here for many years. He has phia in 1897. He was examiner here physician, without fear of his falling ed to discuss civic action in1 recogni which the Inter-Ocea- n Is the greatest All Switchmen on the Grand Trunk the respect and good will of every for all the old line life insurance com- short of what I have said of him. tion of his distinguished services at all of them publishing the same mat May Be Called Out. one who knows him. panies. Yours very respectfully, Portsmouth. The suggestion that a ter "on special pages. Chicago, Oct. 5. Two . hundred He is a member of and has been He holds certificates of graduation j. h. Mcculloch, m. d.

11r si BUY SELL OR EXCHANGE FURNITURE OR OTHER HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SECOND-HAN- l l Wp have a ready market for all your D GOODS and will pay you more money for them, or we will take them in exchange for New Goods. QUICK SALES AND SMALL ?? Sale, Many happy buyers are testifying ASK THEM? . ? PROFITS FOR CASH, is the basis on which we are conducting our Special Cash to this fact. 4C

These Prices if Everything Cat Knock

Daring This ------J Oat Price Only $2.40. ' All I . Special PICTURES. Price Only $4.06 Cash Sale. ALL JUST LIKE THE Competition. Price Only $2.50. J I J m COMPANY. r - - -;- ULLERY FURNITURE - . .". i.v THE LEADERS.

Wwr V V w ' T

conducted along the lines of the old A NEW ENTERPRISE In the District Court of the Fifth Dis- ROSWELL DAILY RECORD y fashioned spelling bee. Mr J. T. Kir-b- trict of the Territory of New Mexi- Democratic In Politics. and Mr. C. D. Dilley have one Of Great - Importance to the Entire co, Sitting as a. Court of Bank-- side, and Mrs. S. L. Neatherlin and . Pecos Valley. , ruptcy. ISxttered May 19. 1903, at Roswell, Pecos Valley Lumber Co I Miss Floy Torlan have the other. The Contributed. In the Matter of William Clark and - Now Mexico, under the act of;Con- questions answered Will be marked Among many other good - things James A, Clark, Bankrupts ; Peti- 1 - i - gross ot Ifarch S. 1879. by a committee composed of Rev. S. coming to the Pecos Valley, It seems tion for Discharge.- .v HEADQUARTERS FOR R. Twltty, J. A.Cottingham and Miss Comes now William Clark and certain that i an enterprise of . high Lou Gee, and the side scoring the James A. Clark, . bankrupts in the I TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. order is - easily available, and that Wall Paper, all 1505 Stock, F - most marks wins. above entitled cause, and petitions Dal'y por week, ...... $..15 No special invitations are sent out, almost immediately. The enterprise the court to give them their discharge Buggy Paints, any color, Dally, per' month, ..60 but all present or past members of is an Industrial and Domestic Insti- And they further petition the court Paid In Advance, .50 present. " - the class are expected to be tute. ' to set the : hearing of this petition, Glass, cut to any size, Dally, 8lx Months, SJJO o For two years one of our citizens and that all parties at interest be no- Dally, One Year, ...... 5.00 The Deals In Realty. tified to. appear at .the hearing hereof. Floorlac, a Perfect Floor Finish, (Dally Except Sunday.) filed, has been carefully incubating the The following deeds were for (Signed) William Clark. ; jv .' MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. record Tuesday in the office of Pro- plans, . and finally the foundation is (Signed) Lacqueret. makes your old furniture look like new, Paint Brushes, James A. Clark. Root Dry Sherwin-William- s Gayle: about to be laid. As a part of the Brushes, Colors, Oil, Load and Turpentine, bate Clerk and Recorder F. P. ORDER OF NOTICE. -- Ready Mixed Paints, Varni-- b foundation may be mentioned the of all kind, SpeciU Iuberior Colors'; RECORD IS OFFICIAL John W. Vail to Anna C. Vail, for In the Matter of Proceedings in Bank a wall finish, Varnish, Stain, , Muresco, for wall finish; a full lino of THE THE of-la- cam- $2,000 of her private estate, blocks donation of 40 acres for ruptcy of William Clark Floor Paints, inside and out, also Hickory, Oak, Poplar and Cypress. PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF pus, building etc., contri- and James 11 and 12 of Sunset Heights addition sites, and a H. Clark. of- 1,000 acres in CHAVES AND THE CITY OF to Roswell. bution of fine land In the United States District Court a neighboring state. philan- " .. ROSWELL. Sam Jones and wife to C. H. Brown Another thropic spirit now considering for . the Fifth Judicial District of for $1, lot 24, block 1, of Valley View is the Territory of New Mexico. $5,000, to the addition to Roswell. donation of the institution On the second day of September, All advertisements to Insurs Inser- bear the donor's name in the event Lake Arthur Townsite Company to 1905, on reading the foregoing peti- tion In the same day's Issue of The $60, "4, 5 and that sum is given. Old Roxie E. Clark, for lots The Reliable tion, by Record should be In the printer's of is it is ordered the court, that THF OLDEST 6 of block. 16 of Lake Arthur. The location this institution hearing be upon on FURNITURE hands j before eleven o'clock In the not in Roswell, but nearby, and will a had the same HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. J. N. Poteet and wife to Jeremiah the 16th day of October, 1905, before morning. Orders for taking out any sec- materially affect this city. Brown, for $5,000. the ne of said court, at Roswell, in said district standing ad. should also be In the of- range 23 The school is to be founded for the tion 27, township 11 south, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ; and fice by eleven o'clock to prevent Its east. education of (first) young people who being run that day. must have supplemental means or that notice thereof be published in FURNITURE AND HARDWARE, J. N. Poteet and wife to Jeremiah the Roswell Record, a newspaper Brown, for $600, forty acres in sec fail to complete their education; sec- WINDOW GLASS young people cannot com printed in said district, and that all - FIRST APPLES ON THE MARKET. tlon 35, township 11 south, range 23 ond, of who AND WALL PAPER plete deucation in other clim- known creditors and other persons in east. their may ates of asthma, hay fever, interest appear at the said time in Pecos Valley . Thompson and wife to E because They are Grown the Charles and place and show . cause, if any S. & W. W. and People Here Should Get on B. Thompson, for $1,500, lots 3 and bronchitis and kindred diseases for L OGLE our me- they have, why the prayer of the said , the Early Market With Them. 4 of block 1 of Sparks' addition to which climate is better than dicine. petitioner should not be granted. While in another part of the Terri- Roswell. And it is further ordered by the At the Land Office Tuesday. Every student, male or female, will tory a few days ago, Presidnet G. A. court, that the clerk shall send.- - by The following business of interest be given so many hours of manual I Ml DISTRIBUTOR Of THAT LOCKED UP SUHSE CALLED Richardson, of the Roswell Commer labor "daily, for which services the mail to all known creditors copies of was transacted at the Government said petition and this order addressed cial Club received some information institution will allow so much credit Land Office Tuesday. to them at ,their places of residence Filed. on board, etc.. Truck farming, fruit GREEN RIVER, THE WHISKEY on. the matter of marketing apples Homestead Claims as stated. 4tW. C. Addison, of Portales, the growing, poultry raising, an apiary that may be of great benefit to tne Barney This 2nd day of. September, 1905 27, township 2 south, and a cannery will be conducted by apples growers of the valley. The in se of section (Signed) Wm. H. POPE, Judge. WITHOUT A HEADACHE formation came from an extensive ap- range 35 east. . the students under skilled directors. 160 There will be no large and expen- ple buyer and should be authorita- John H. Fanning, of Lakewood, Full of Tragis Meaning. Now and for eight years continuously, the official whiskey of the U. 8. t buildings, as customary, tive. The buyer said that the fii-s- acres in section 23, township 20 south sive is but Navy Hospitals. I also oarry a full liua of California Wines and a building sto Are these lines from J. H. Simmons, Fruit apples on the market 'were those range 25 east. rather central three Casey, Brandies. I guarantee you the purest and best that money can buy. ries high, and of the old mission of la. Think what might have from the Pecos Valley. He said that Deserts Claims Filed. resulted from his terrible cough if he (TO style of architecture,: surrounded by days before Colorado's product Charles G. Eckles, of Artesia, 79.23 had not taken the medicine about was ready for the market, the peo- acres in section 5, township 17 south, a system of dormitory units. These B. units will consist of two four which he writes: "I had a fearful John Kipling, Proprietor ple of the central states could be range 26 east. anl cough, that disturbed my night's rest. Lakewood, 160 rooms and will accommodate . four HORSE SHOE SALOON. eating New Mexico's delicious Ark- John H. Fanning, of I .tried everything, but nothing would ansas Blacks and other, varieties. acres in section 23, township 20 south and eight students. The students themselves will do relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Thirty days before apples can be range 25 east. Discovery Consumption, Coughs the building of these dormitory units for Inquiry. picked in Kansas, Missouri and Ark- Commuted Homestead Proof. and Colds, which completely A Judicious on and other buildings, of course under cured traveling man who ansas- the New Mexico product 5s James H. Clark, of Artesia, the me." Instantly relieves and perman- A well known U. S. Batcman 18, township 17 south, skilled superintendents. drug trade says he has of- ready for the market. It is this na nw ofjsectlon ently cures all throat and lung dis- visits the By securing from $50 to $75, owing druggists inquire of cus- LAWYER tural advantage that the growers hre range 26 east. eases; prevents grip and pneumonia. ten heard Richard-sob- . to advancement, each student' will be cough medi- Offices with Roswell should profit by, says Judge Final Desert Proof. At Roswell Drug and Jewelry Co. tomers who asked for a , able to spend a scholastic year in Bank. The growers here should has- Elizabeth Meyer, assignee of Eda Trial bottle free. cine, whether it wa wanted for a B. Chambers, of Aretsia, the south this school, earning the rest of his child or for an adult, and if for a ROSWELL., - N. M. ten their' work during the last of expenses. August and September and get their half of section 30, township 17 south. Territory of New Mexico, District child they almost invariably recom- any : cap range 26 east. The plan is not by means an Court, Chaves County. mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. goods on the early market and untried one, but has bee demonstra good prices found o Joyce-Pru- it Company, The reason for this is that they know ture the to be an unqualified success by ira- - apples Elder Hill to Give Address. ted the Plaintiff. there is no danger from it and that there. The habit of packing nagers of Park College, Parkville, Dr. Geo. R. Rucker keeping for market Sunday vs. , No. 641 it always cures. There is not the least and them a later At the Christian church Mol. for the past thirty years. The is a bad move, declared the buyer. A. Sims, Defendant. danger in giving it, and for coughs, Office Oklahoma Block. night Elder C. C. Hill, the pastor, founder of the proposed school has croup is unsurpassed. The whole Peeos Valley output could Notice of Attachment, colds and it For Residenc 208 N. Missouri Avenue, will deliver a special sermon that recently ... visited Park College, and be sold In Texas before the other The defendant A. Sims, is hereby sale by all dealers. Phono No. 7. Office Phone 87 also Winona Lake, Ind., Industrial 1 states had begun to think of pack- will be in the form of an address to notified that suit by attachment has o Hours 9 to 12 and to 4. subject will be College, and is basing his hope of Learn Telegraphy and R. R. Ac- ing apples, people here the Odd Fellows. His - been commenced against her in the their if the success upon well tried principles salary would only make the effort. And they "Pure and Undefiled Religion," and District Court 'for Chaves County by counting. $50 to $100 a month and practices. plaintiff sum assured our graduates under bond. would realize the big profits, too. he will show the part that Odd Fel young to recover the of $388.80 Since there are thousands of for goods, wares and merchandise had Our six school the largest in Ameri- The buyer was not talking with the lowship plays and that the work of people who can "never finish their ed Dr. E. H. Skip with ques- and received by defendant from plain ca and endorsed by all Railroads. idea of getting this side of the Odd Fellowship is pure and undefiled ucation in Missouri or Indiana, or tiff at defendant's special instance Write for catalogue. Morse School of Gaullier Block, Room 1 2 tion before the people either. He religion. All branches of the order, any other Mississippi Valley state. Telegraphy, Cincinnatti, O.; Buffalo, another apple man were discuss- Canton, and request. You are further notified and including Rebekahs, the the Such a school should be established N. Y.; "Atlanta, Ga.; La Crosse, Wis.: Office Phone No. 265. Residence ing question with the idea of get- Encampment Subordinate Lodge, that one cow and two yearlings neat the and in the Pecos Valley, where health you Texarkana, Texas; San Francisco, Phone No. 149, ting the best ideas on apples buying will attend in a body." ' cattle belonging to have been at abounds. tached in said cause, and unless Cal. and selling getting the most moaey A prominent of that number of citizens you appear and answer com o for the crop. New Cure for Cancer. Roswell interviewed with said have been plaint on or before the 26th day of Some Seasonable Advice. ' The apple men were a unit on thej All surface cancers are now known reference to such an institution, and November, 1905, judgment will be ren may be piece of superflous ad- opinion that New Mexico fruit grow- to be curable by Bucklen's Arnica single voice of It a there is but a that against you cause for vice to urge people at season of Tuning ers should spray their trees before Salve healed it, and now it Is per commendation. Indeed more us dered in said this Piano than sum, and your property year to lay supply of Cham- they are attacked by worms, not fectly well." Guaranteed cure for cuts ual enthusiasm has been evinced by said said the in a ANDREW AXELSON Waiting1 until the worms come, as the and burns. 25c at Roswell Drug and usually phlegmatic type will be sold to satisfy the same. berlain's Cough Remedy. It is almost certain of the & Hervey, is Permanently at eastern farmers have done. New .Me: Jewelry Co. proposed in Richardson, Reld Attor sure to be needed before winter located Roswell The founders of the neys over, prompt sat- Drug & Jewelry Oo. Phone 59. Ico farmers should spray as a pre- stitution pledge themselves to raise for Plaintiff, Roswell, N. M. and much more and Mortgage is. Only a Lien. - (SEAL) M. BIRD, isfactory results are obtained when ventative : ajid . save trouble had by $10,000 of the Valley, if C Judge W. H. Pope has rendered an outside the Sept. 28t4. soon as cold is contracted eastern growers. In other words they Valley will raise a sum, to Clerk of the Dis taken as a opinion in the case of B. F. Chisum like and Court, and become settled in should profit' the experience of the secure 100 pupils for the opening next trict before it has against Harry Presley and others the system, which can only be done eastern hortlculturalist. September. Don't Borrow Trouble. ' holds a mortgage by keeping remedy at hand. This o in which he that The promoters of the enterprise the Is a mere lien and conveys no title It is a bad habit to borrow any remedy Is so widely known and so FOR RENT! prefer . - . e. that their names should not thing, you property involved to laor-teaee- but the worst thing can good no one should IN . THE 'SOCIAL WORLD." to the the altogether that Nice Clean Furnished and Unfurn- be published now, but refer to the possibly borrow, is When perfer-enc-e The case came up on a de trouble. hesitate about buying it in ished Rooms For Rent at Mrs. O. Citizens and National . Banks murrer filed by the defendants, Geo. First sick .sore, heavy - weary and worn to any other. It is for sale by N. Ringo, 708 North Main Street. by permission. . out by pains poisons dys .... Mr. R. M. Parsons' Sunday school M. Slaughter and Dr. G. T. Veal. the and of all dealers. pepsia, biliousness, Bright's Disease, class will, meet at the home of. Jas. This question is an important one in MORE CASES DECIDED. Sutherland, No. 416 North Richard- this Territory, and has been the sub and similar internal disorders, don't American Royal Live Stock Show. sit down and brood over your symp 4, son, avenue Friday evening, Oct. 6th, ject of many disputes among the le District Court Decisions in Four Cases At Kansas City, Mo., October MISS ADELIA 1NMAN MORGAN toms, fly to Bit- for the purpose of holding its quar- gal fraternity of New Mexico, having of to t'-j-s Public. but for relief Electric 1905. Tickets will be sold October 7 Interest ters. you TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE terly review. These reviews al- once supreme court and 7 "Wm.T Here will find sure and to 11 rate of one fare plus $2.00 have reached the Judge H. Pope fas rendered at Method-- ) permanent; forgetfulness of all . your Octo- (Leschetlzky ways 'been looked forward to by the even there found a difference of opin decisions in ; the fjU wl?:g cases . in for the round trip. Final limit troubles; and your body will not be ' Pupil of William H Sherwood, "class with a great deal of pleasure, ion. In this case Judge Pope held disnict court: ber 17th. Tickets can be extended to Chicago. Rosborski, Vienna, burdened by a load of debt disease, by with as they are not only Instructive, but that while. at the common law of Eng No. 688. Pecos Valley Liquor & Ci November 1st depositing NORTH RICHARDSON AVENUE. -- 702 At the Roswell Drug and Jewelry . 0 are. conducted in an original manner. land mortgage vests title in the gar Co vs. M. C. O'Brien a-i- d J. V. joint agent and paying fee of the Co. For "instance, for this occasion four mortgagee, under the statutes of New Hobbie, judgment for $387.20 Price 50c. Guaranteed. cents. of . the .prominent - members - of the Mexico this is not true. This decis- No. 799. Jaffa, Prager & Co., vs. A. M. D. BURNS, Agent. Doctor. class have formed sides and divided ion is in accord with decisions in M. King, judgment for $118.25 .c ... very severe at members, and the review will be No. 812. T. A. McManus, against Tou can buy. a nice office and two ."Last year I had a the practically all the states. a Roswell Hotel Ed Gross, cause dismissed on plain- valuable corner business lots .with tack of indigestion. I could not sleep Near Depot Under New Management. practice in good new town and rich at night and suffered most excruciat- $i.oo a Day House. tiff's motion. part D. vs. A. Cot- - country in New Mexico for $800, ing pains for three hours after each A Good Meal 25c. A Clean Bed 25c. Spe- No. 736. J. Render J. KateH bv week. Heilglous Atmos- time if desired. Also a fine location way , cial the tingham, defendat's demurrer sus- meal. I was troubled this for phere. A J.'CKAWFORD. Owner Prop plaintiff given ten days for a drug store. Address Doctor, about three months -- when I tried Known as Salvation Army Crawford. tained and care Roswell Record, Roswell New file new complaint. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver to Mexico. 81tf Way Our ! o Tablets, and received immediate re Ywr lief," says John Dixon, Tullamore, Plans to Get Rich. How to Cure Corns and Bunions. Are often frustrated by sudden break First soak the corn or bunion in Ontario, Canada. For sale by all deal- Dr. T. E. Presley ers. V '. down due to dyspepsia or constipa- warm water ; to soften it; then pare SPECIALIST. : up Dr. King's closely possible Way tion. Brace and take it down as as with Baaswood for py- - EYE EAR, NOSE & THROAT. Ladies desiring New Life Pills. They take out the ma out drawing blood and apply Chamber rographlc ,work, can . obtain It at our Office Hours: 9 to 12 m. 2 4 what-yo- terials which, are clogging your ener: Iain's Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing a. to p. Yoti get just for here. yard. KEMP LUMBER CO, East m. . Office: Oklahoma Block ak gies; and give you a new start. Cure vigorously for five minutes at each , i We never talk back. If you don't know what you Fourth St. 41tf headache and dizziness too. At Ros- application. A com plaster should be - we will help you decide.' want,, to well Drug and Jewelry Co. 25 cents, worn, a few days to, protect it from But if you come in our store fully decided as to what guaranteed. - the shoe. As a general liniment for you want, we will make no effort to dissuade you. sprains,, bruises, lameness and rheu- D. D. TEMPLE, Dr Frank N. BroWn " Dr. and Mrs. W. W. ""Phillips are matism, Pain Balm Is unequaled. For ATTORNEY-AT-LA- . DENTIST. V; ' . by. hunting a new name for a boy who sale all dealers. Twenty years experience In land Office Over Rosw.ell National Bank PECOS VALLEY DRUG CO. arrived at home last 'night. The ' o Special attention paid Pyorrhea (loan their Dractlce at Garden City. Kan., and teeth) and Orthodontia (frrexular teeth) doctor thinks the young manl the FOR RENT Nice t furnished , rooms. all the land offices of Oklahoma. Of case. Phone 146. BeelUence Phone 853 finest la town. - r Inquire 100 N. Richardson. - 76tf fice at Artesia and Roaweu. r. V


; - COMPANYt- - - , m iil iii Announce their Semi-Annu- al Opening and General Display of Fine il J l i l 0 n.r? i 0 5 ilt i t7 h ikr i f 0 v AN D ii " fc

l h High Class Wearing Apparel Vi WM'' rw - iti to wW " U F EVERY DESCRIPTION l ti 1 1 il Trunin rn 11 l il II I Lr 1 , il J .0 inJliULni) DM 9 il) l vi (IV r li 1 From 6:30 to 10:30. Everybody Invited. ) We have never entered upon season with so great st ock goods, our immense building is crowded full of good things not one of departments but has its share of novel and vi a a of the (1 useful articles and every thing carries with it all the popular styles of the season. vi Ever alert, as our buyers are for new ideas, striving: each successive season to improve on any efforts of the one just past this time have succeeded, even beyond our most sanguine l expectations, in gathering together an assortment of goods that is sure to please our many friends and patrons. We are more enthusiastic in our work than ever, and in bidding for ft l your patronage this season will do so with a confidence that is sure to win. We know "more of your wants and are in a position to supply them at correct prices, as our entire l purchases have been made before the big general advance of prices in eastern markets. vi m ii ti ii ii Ladies' l ManTailored Suits ii Our Millinery Dept. and coats will surely interest you, these are real works of ii art, perfect fitting and so made as to retain their shape ii and style. The decided favorite . for fall will be the long ii Will be the center of attraction on this occasion. Full as Paddock, although, we are showing a few of the choice ii styles in 27 inch Box Coats and Eton suits,with widegirdle -- i it is of dainty conceptions and exquisite styles in head- attached to skirt projecting well up under the Short Jack- ii gear for Ladies, Misses and Children. Among the fav- ets. These are especially neat and dressy. Our ii ii orites this season will be beautiful hand-mad- e , Turbons, , Silk and Woolen Novelty Dress Goods ii made with draped crown of Paon Silk Velvet, brim, of With appropriate trimming, the new things gathered ii chenille or narrow folds of Taffeta Silk or of black and. from all the eastern markets will be "on display all lead- ii ing shades, in --pretty combinations, offering many good white patent leather and finished , with some handsome ii suggestions to shoppers and dressmakers. We have added ii) ornament andthe Model Tam-Crow- n Pattern Hat, hand to this department this season, the Broadhead Worsted. 0 made, draped with Silk Peon Velvet and trimmed with all Tho.-- e who are familiar with these, know their true worth 0 and we do not hesitate to recommend them as the most ii Silk Ribbon, wings and ovnamen ts, each in all the leading satisfactory fabrics to be had; they retain their lustre bet- colors of the season. ter and wear longer than any on the market and are i shown in all new weaves. vi ii m ii s ii m ii H Ai MSTEIN-BLOG- ( ii Men's Furnishings m ii ii) ft ii) This is now any in of country ii) department far superior to this section The stock has been greatly enlarg- ft STE1N-BLO0- ft ii) ed and is constantly improving many new lines have been added this season, and with our H ft ii) Smart Clothes, Manhattan and Gold Shirts, Carter and Holmes Neckwear, Stacy -- Adams Shoes, Stetson and ft i well-know- Lion ypecial Dents Gloves and many n will ft il) Hats, brands, this department command more than ft ii) usual attention. ft li But we are not after trade on this particular occasion, in fact nothing will Le sold; simply want to meet ft ii) ft ii) you and get better acquainted. Let us forget our troubles for a little while; lis ten to good music and enjoy ft ii) the dainty refreshments served in our grocery department- - ft ii ft i) ft ii) ft ii) The Famous Bell Coffee Will ft: ii) Breakfast fj ii ft ii) Be Served. ft iir fti ft il) fti ii) ftk ii) ro p ftk 0) fti ii)

. ii) ii a. r; ii) 5 ii) ?T? i) o o oQjJ. I il) QYCE PRU1T COMPANY... to 0

ii4 WANTED- - A man who understands - Ri ST."- Maddox is here from Texico something about gardening. Ala- on business.' meda Greenhouse. 83tf FOR . RENT. Two fine sunny rooms. Mrs." Clappr - Sdtt FOR SALE. Horse, double harness 86tf. and three-seate-d hack. Cheap. In- H. Elrick came up from ' Dexter quire 708 Penn.. ave. 5tf this morning. I Rochester WareJ your bug- Buy wall paper, glass, A. Flood was here from Dexter to- gy paint and floor finish at the Pe- day on business. cos Valley Lumber Co. 73tf Hugh Gage, one of the leading mer- FOR SALE. Cheap, a nice gentle chants of Hope, came via last night horse, with buggy and harness. on a business visit. - "n H. Brilliant, 105 S. Lea. S6t2 i G. L. True went to Elida:this mor- W. G. Hamilton- - came in last night ning on a short trip. 5?, rom the north with; the- - Southeastern : H. P. Hobson went tor Portales this Land Company's excursion. morning on business. wife Charles DeFreest returned this H. Jchnson and came in last morning, from Lakewood. night from Pawhuska, O. T., and will invest in business In "Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Groves, of Carlsbad, were shopping here today. Building material of all kinds. We S. E. Waskom, Jr., came up from ili strive to please the builder. KEMP Hagerman this morning to spend the U LUMBER CO., East Fourth St. 40tf day. , A V Mrs. W. W. Elliott jand her gue-.t- Guy Wheeler and Theodore Burr, fine line of this beautiful ware a moderate price. of Dexter, were here yesterday and at t Mrs. M. E. Fenton, of Cleveland, O., today. were here from Dexter yesterday. H. C. Booth left this morning for Chafing Dishes, Trays, etc. Mrs. Mary Palmer arrived last Amarillo. Kettles, Pithers, night from Paola, Kan., to spend the Dick Stanley was here from Dexter all in durable, nickle-nlAtP- Charming m winter.. She was here last winter. today after repairs, for his drilling the yet nice appearintr fl mn 0 machine. perware-- Examine WANTED. Sewing to ddT Nicest r our stock. ito work done at reasonable prices. Call Don A. Sweet, one of the directors or address 204 West El Paso.86t2 of the P. V. road, left this morning il for Amarilloi. Array of Phone No. 9, Stockard & Deen, if ifc Suits Rev. R. W.. Lewis morning you want one of nicest livery left this the for Gainesville, Tex., to conduct a re- 0 turnouts in Roswell. Regular prices, ligious meeting. 85tf. I Roswell Hardware Co m Jerry Robinson left this morning and Hats. Buttermilk 12 cents per gallon, for Fort Worth, taking with him two "Reliable Goods at Reasonable 0 delivered at your residence. Send us carloads of horses. Prices." il There is a genuine surprise in store for women who visit your address. Roswell Creamery Co. A. Newell, of the firm of Newell nr..(Oil. & Son, of Dayton, was a business vis- tti out Suit and Millinery Department. It is really wonder-fu- l itor in Roswell today. B. F. Herring nignt for tt) Dr. left last J. G. Osburn was here from Arte- what style and character have been put into the Suits his home in Hagerman. He came the i sia today visiting with friends and F. H. BaFfield came up from Carls- Col. and Mrs. G. W. Littlefield on auto looking vi and Hats at these popular prices. The Hats especially day before the Tucumcari after business. bad this morning. He expects to re- came in last night from Austin, Tex., mobile. main here three or four weeks. vi ? T. F. Covington arrived this morn- for a month's visit with relatives and are as piquant and. daubing as the late models from ing, Austin, Tex., will lo- Rev. Wm. Reace left this morning from and F. W. Flato, of Kansas City, one friends. Col. Littlefield is head M ? cate if he finds things suitable. of the owners of the Riverside Irriga- the which they are copied. All are perfect in style, and all for Silver City to attend the New of the L .F. D. ranching outfit. i (! Mexico of the M. E. Miss Marcla Waskom came up tion Company and owner of a big conference town, came materials are excellent in quality and -- though less ex- church. from Dexter this morning to visit ranch north of in last W. N. Brown was here from Dexter 0 Misses for a couple of night for a visit with his manager, FOR RENT. A six room house, with the Winston Mr. Ringo yesterday and will return tomorrow. 0 pensive carry most effectively the original design. We weeks. He is undergoing medical treatment baths. Close In, nicely furnished. Chicken Volauvent and Oyster pat- ill S. N. Forrest and wife arrived last here and will spend much of his are showing New Hats at or unfurnished. 'Inquire at.. Record ty supper will at new 0 night fromy Mexia. Tex., for a visit be served the time in Roswell during the coming office. S. Price & Company building on Tues- m with Mrs. Forrest's aunt, Mrs. P. month. Ho is one of the leading mer- 0 Denning.-- - day and Wednesday, m The contract has been let for the 10th, and chants of Dexter. new jail at Portales, to be built by Yee Que,; who has made his home 11th. 84tf. to $2.5o, $3.00, $3.50 m in Roswell-- past year, left Lester Simpson returned last night Roosevelt county. It is a long needed for ihe Mr. H7 ili this morning for Albuquerque, where and Mrs. P. Short arrived from Wichita, Kan., where he w?nt improvement. she will locate. yesterday from Comanche county, with his father, Hon. Jerry Simpson, il Texas, go and $5.00. FOR RENT. Nice place in the coun- B; visiting and will into business here. and left him with Mrs. Simpson at m E. Priest, who has been not il try. 2 miles from towii. Just the here with his daughter, left this morn They do expect to locate for tiie St.. hospital. son present, Francis The left the ili m place to handle cows and poultry. Ing for his old home in Sedalia. Mo. however. elder Simpson feeling better and full j78tf His daughter is still visiting the fam- to Page & Co. , ily of W. H. Beaty. The W. H. M. Society of the M. E. of hope for, entire recovery. If Your Purchase Church, regu- The Right Place go South, will hold their il Does Not Please For a good time to the Carnival E. C. Phelpst of Hill county, Texas, lar meeting on Friday, Gth, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Miller returned Fot The Correct in Every Way we Oct. at ili Styles at the of specialties next week and help out came up today from Artesia, where 3:00 p. m. An interesting Bible study last night from an all summer's trip Bras. will Return Your the ladies "of the Cemetery Associa- he has been seeing the country. He led by Mrs. Thorne. will be one of i Proper Price . Money. go re- west and north. They spent two - tion, ap well.. 35tl. will home from here and will the features. Everyone is welcome to Hi- iff turn with a party of relatives and these meetings, which in months at Pomona, California, and are held 0 313-31- 5 Main Street. John J, Stockton feft this morning friends with the expectation of locat- the church. then sailed from San Francisco to on his return to his home at Stock- ing here. Mrs. O. H. Lewis, who has spent Portland, where they took in the fair. ton, N. M.; after a business visit of a several months here for her health, Since then they have visited in Mon- ?5 v5 5'5 "5 15 3 "5 S few days here. left this morning for her old home tana, Wyoming, Colorado and in Arkansas City, Kan., where she -- Woman, -- WANTED: Competent for will spend a few weeks with her hus- general housework. $20 per month band, and from where and her The Booth can oysters is . guaran- she No washing and ironing. 426 N. husband will go to California to teed to be full. Handled by U. S. the Richardson. S4t2. spend the winter. U. S. WEATHER BUREAU. Market. 85tf ft W. I. Larash, an editor from Rush-vllle- , (Local Report.) LOCAL NEWS. Trees, ornamental, on hand, six 10 111., who visited here last Feb- FOR RENT. Furnished rooms at eight feet. White elm sycamore, box-elde- r, ruary, came in last night on the Roswell, N. M., Oct. 5. Tempera- 308 Penn. ave, opposite Baptist catalpa, mountain ' cottonwood Southwestein Land Company's excur- ture. Max., 82; min., 55; mean 08. S3t6 and willow. Wyatt Johnson. S6tt2 sion, bringing with him following Precipitation a trace; wind N. W., church. i the 2 miles; weather cloudy. Wood Clothing. 80t5 County Commissioner N. ' J. Fritz party fiom his home county: John, W. P. Dr. Rucker has just put in a new Thomas, Horace, Charles and Edwin Forecast, Roswell and Vicinity: patent of- to 'Hagerman last nijht r.f-te- r Ashv,-o-i- , Fair tonight and Friday, Stationa- Trees--Wyat- t Johnson, Agt. Stark pendant telephone in his returned W. H. Kettering, Ernest fice. No. 87. spending days attend- He:lz, Dr. H. O. O. ry temperature. Bros. S6tl2 three here Munson and J. M. Gould. Mr. Munson has ! WRIGHT, aC WANTED: Cook L. F. D. Stock farm ing the sessions Of the' board. visited here . Fine drivers for sale or rent before, and Mr. Gould is an agent. Official In Charge. Stockard & Deen's. 85tf three miles east of Roswell, male night preferred. 84tf. W. K. Saunders arrived last . Jap'a-Iac-W- e from Childress, Tex., to join his wife, have it. Pecos - J. T. Carlton, the real estate man. who is here visiting her parents, Mr. HALF: THE CHILDREN Valley Lumber Co. 13tf is reported sick, and is unable to be and Mrs. Faison, of Alameda street. in town can be gotten to perform any in office. G. R Trotter went to Lake Arthur his Chicken Volauvent and Oyster pat task or take the most nasty madigine last night on business. LOST. A Columbia bicycle with blue ty supper will be served at the new if they are assured of some of our Val- I D. Fort left last night for Lake-woo- d frame. Please return to Pecos Price & Company building on Tues- DELICIOUS CANDY. ley Drug Co. day and Wednesday 10th,: and on a business visit. the as a And parents of 11th. 84tf. reward. the the A. O. Milice, Edgar. Calfee went to Artesia last WANTED. Gentle horse, buggy and other half should take this hint by try night on a iMisiness trip. harness. C. C. Hill, 502 S. Ken- Come and see the cheap fuel burn- ing it on their offspring. It works tucky avenue. 84t3 er. It fits any stove and reduces your every even of livery rigs in town time. We have heard The swellest fuel bill half. Ladies especially invit- a boy who asked for castor oil so he are at Stockard & Deen's. 85tf. Autumn driving is more pleasant Real Estate than ever with one of Stockard ed. Rufe Walker, 119 North Main could have some candy afterward, Booth's fine can oysters are hand- Deen's fine outfits. 85tf street. 83tf but he stipulated that it must be from exclusively by U. S. Market. pur led the Sich headache is caused by a dis Chicken Volauvent an dQyster pat- shop. Wise boy, that. NOTARY PUBLIC. J. Clifton, wife and son arrived last ordered condition of the stomach and ty supper will be served at the new night from Lakeland, Fla., to locate. is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Price & Company building on Tues- A. K. Mott The Booth oyster does not come Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale day and Wednesday, the. 10th, and PHONE 375. TEXAS BLOCK. ROOM 8 from the fever infected country. 85tf by all dealers. 11th. 84tf. 309 Man Street. " f i I ' CO - Sri fiir' t o n" P e F it 4 i 3 o J ' - (T 1- - , i I"5- - (j(v: c I It af --i