GIPE-002999-Contents.Pdf (488.2Kb)
• VICTOR HUGO B $Jtetcb "f bie 1tfe anb 'WlorIt OhananjayllJ'lll) Gadgil Libllll'} I 111m 111111111111111111111111111111111 GIPE-PUNE-002999 BY J. PRINGLE NICHOL JDllbDlt AN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. NEW Yon: MACMILLAN & CO. 1898 , 'ttbe ]Dilettante :JLibrar)]. 1. DANTE AND HIS IDEAL. By HBBBERT B ..Y1IB., M.R.A..S. With a Portrait. 2. BROWNING'S MESSAGE TO HIS TIMES. By Dr. EDWABD BJUtDOB. With &. Portrait and Facsimile Letters. 3, '" THE DOCTOR, AND OTHER POEMS. By T. E. BBOW1IR, M A., of Clifton College, Author of II Fote'a'le Yarns." 2 vols. G. GOETHE. By OSCAB BROWlfl"' .. , M.A.., Tutor of King'. College, Cambridge. With a Portrait. 6. DANTE. By OSC .. B BBow1I11I .., M.A. With a Frontispiece. Nos. 6 atld 6 are ...la1"gedfrom the ArIi<:leB in the "lmcycIoJ)(!'dia Brit,.ml1ica." J 7. BROWNING'S CRITICISM OF LIFE. B,v W. F. REVBLL. Member of the Loll don Browning Society. With a Poru'ait. 8. HENRIK IBSEN. By the Rev. PHILIP H. ,WICISTllED, M.A. With a Portrait. 9. THE ART OF ACTING. By PEECY FITz GEBUD. With a Portrait. 10. WALT WHITMAN. ByWILLIAH CLUBB,M.A., . Cambridge. With a Portrzit. n. VICTOR HUGO. By J.PSllfGLB N,CHOL. With a Portrzit. INTRODUCTORY. "I HAVE seen Heidelberg. I seemed to see the works of Victor Hugo, when posterity bas passed over them, when the words have grown rusty, when the superb frontage of the literary temple has clad itself with the solemnity of old ruins, when ti,me, like hoary ivy, has spread itself over the beauty of the verse.
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