
Pest Notes, Publication 7438 Revised December 2018

Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners and Landscape Professionals Ground

round (Figure 1) are troublesome Grodent pests for many home gardeners. The California ground squirrels, beecheyi and Otospermophilus douglasii, are the most common in and around homes and gardens. The two are usually not referred to as separate species, so in this publication they are referred to as “California ” or Figure 1. California ground squirrel, Otospermophilus sp. simply “ground squirrel.”

The California ground squirrel is found Although California ground squirrel throughout most of California and populations generally thrive where the extends south into the northwestern winters are mild, there are known pop- part of the Baja peninsula (Figure 2). ulations in the central Sierra Nevada It is also found in western Nevada and Mountains at altitudes of over 7,000 can be found north of the Columbia feet. River in south central Washington and throughout western Oregon. IDENTIFICATION The California ground squirrel can It is easy to identify ground squirrels invade and colonize residential areas since they forage above ground near that have open grassy areas, sometimes their burrows. Their body measures 14 causing considerable damage. to 20 inches, which includes their tail. Adult squirrels weigh between 21 and 30 ounces. The males are somewhat larger than the females. Ground squirrel is mottled brown, Authors: with some white and gray markings on Niamh M. Quinn, UC Cooperative the back (Figure 1). Their belly and un- Extension, San Diego, Orange, and derside have a combination of lighter Figure 2. Range of the California Los Angeles Counties and South Coast browns, grays, and white. California ground squirrel. Research & Extension Center. ground squirrels have a white ring Monica J. Dimson, UC Cooperative around each eye. Their tails are some- Extension, Orange County. what bushy (but less so than those of retreat to a burrow, whereas tree squir- tree squirrels) and their ears are erect rels will climb a tree or tall structure Roger A. Baldwin, Dept. of Wildlife, and conspicuous. and never use a burrow. For informa- Fish, and Conservation Biology, UC tion about tree squirrels, see the UC Davis. Although ground squirrels look similar to tree squirrels and can climb trees, IPM Pest Notes: Tree Squirrels. when frightened they generally will Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 2 of 7

BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR California ground squirrels live in colonial burrow systems where they sleep, rest, rear young, store food, and avoid danger. Their burrows are about 4 inches in diameter, although older burrow entrances can occasionally be quite a bit larger (Figure 3). The length of burrow systems usually ranges between 5 and 30 feet. Most burrow systems are within two to three feet of the surface of the ground, but they may occasionally be up to 6 feet or more in depth. Burrows can be single tunnels or complex branching systems. They may be occupied by a single squirrel or occupied by many. Figure 3. California ground squirrel Figure 4. Ground squirrel damage to burrow opening under structure. avocado. California ground squirrels are active during the day, mainly from midmorn- ing through late afternoon, especially Ground squirrels are primarily herbiv- Burrows and mounds make it difficult on warm, sunny days. They have two orous, and their diet changes with the to mow lawns and other grassy areas, periods of dormancy during the year. season. After emerging from hiberna- and they present hazards to machinery, During winter months, most ground tion, they feed almost exclusively on pedestrians, and livestock. Burrows squirrels hibernate, but some young green grasses and herbaceous plants. around trees and shrubs can damage can be active at this time, particularly in When annual plants begin to dry and and dry out roots; this can sometimes areas where winters aren’t severe. produce , squirrels switch to , topple trees. Burrowing beneath build- During the hottest times of the year, grains, and nuts, and begin to store ings and other structures sometimes most adults go into a period of inactiv- food. produces damage that necessitates ity, called estivation, that can last a few costly repair. Ground squirrels usually forage close days to a week or more. During these to their burrows. Their home range Ground squirrels can harbor diseas- periods, the burrow appears open at typically is within a 75-yard radius of es harmful to humans, particularly the entrance, but the squirrel plugs it their burrow. when squirrel populations are high. with soil near the . A major concern is bubonic plague, The onset of breeding in California DAMAGE caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis ground squirrel populations can vary and transmitted to humans, pets, depending on weather, elevation, and Ground squirrels damage many and other by fleas associated latitude. Generally, populations at food-bearing and ornamental plants. with the squirrels. Ground squirrels higher altitudes and in colder climates Particularly vulnerable are grains, as are susceptible to plague, which has hibernate for longer periods and well as and trees such as al- wiped out entire colonies. If you find therefore breed later. Mating can start mond, apple, apricot, avocado, orange, unusual numbers of squirrels or other as early as January in warmer locations peach, pistachio, prune, and walnut dead for no apparent reason, and continues until July. Peak mating (Figure 4). notify public health officials.Do not occurs from March through June. In gardens, ground squirrels will eat handle dead squirrels under these circumstances. California ground squirrels only pro- vegetables in the seedling stage. They duce a single litter per year. The average can damage young shrubs, vines, and litter has 5 to 8 young, but litters as trees by gnawing bark, girdling trunks LEGAL STATUS small as 1 and as large as 15 have been (completely removing a strip of bark The California Fish and Code observed. The young are born in the from a tree’s outer circumference), classifies ground squirrels as nongame burrow and grow rapidly, emerging eating twigs and leaves, and burrowing . An owner or tenant can from the burrow when they are about around roots. Ground squirrels will control (“take”), in any legal manner, 6 weeks old. At 6 months of age, they gnaw on plastic sprinkler heads and nongame mammals that are injuring resemble adults. irrigation boxes and lines. growing crops or other property. Some Burrowing can be quite destructive. species of tree squirrels, on the other Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 3 of 7 hand, are classified as game animals S. mohavensis, and the San Joaquin rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani ripari- (with a season) that cannot , Ammospermophilus us), the riparian wood (Neotoma be taken without a permit. See the nelsoni, as threatened species. fuscipes riparia), and some endan- Pest Notes: Tree Squirrels for more Therefore, both are protected animals. gered amphibians and reptiles also are information. Although you are unlikely to mistake within the California ground squirrels’ either of these relatively small squirrels range, so some squirrel management No license is required for the manage- for the much larger California ground techniques could impact them as well. ment of California ground squirrels if squirrel, their ranges could overlap in If the kit fox is found in your county, it is the owner or tenant who is taking some areas, so ensure proper iden- contact your county agricultural com- damaging ground squirrels. A trapping tification before instituting control missioner for additional information. license from the California Department measures. For a range map, see the California of Fish and Wildlife is required for Department of Pesticide Regulation’s those who are trapping squirrels for The endangered San Joaquin kit fox website (listed in References). hire or profit. (Vulpes macrotis mutica), several endangered species of kangaroo Before using pesticides for ground The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Dipodomys spp.), the riparian brush squirrel management, read the product classifies the ,

Table 1. Seasonal activity, diet, and optimum timing for management of California ground squirrels. Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 4 of 7

Figure 5. A pair of box-type Figure 6. The tunnel-type trap kills Figure 7. A Conibear trap at the base traps modified and set in the runway animals that pass through it. of a structure. To use a Conibear of ground squirrels. trap, dig a slice of soil from the entrance so the trap will fit flush to label to determine if any restrictions California ground squirrels generally the edges of the burrow entrance. exist on control within the rang- dislike dense vegetation, as it prevents es of these and other endangered and their easy detection of potential pred- method of euthanasia and is illegal in protected animals. ators. Therefore, avoiding mowing and California (See References). grazing can discourage ground squirrel MANAGEMENT incidence. Keep in mind, however, that There are several types of traps that kill increasing the amount of vegetation ground squirrels, including box traps, Effective management depends heavily in an area may encourage other pest tunnel traps, and Conibear traps. For upon understanding the unique life species, like California field voles. box traps (Figure 5) and tunnel traps cycle and behavior of the California (Figure 6), place them on the ground ground squirrel. For example, bait- Ground squirrels can reinvade a site by near squirrel burrows or runways, and ing with treated grain is effective in moving into vacant burrows. Although bait them with walnuts, almonds, oats, summer and fall, because squirrels not usually possible in urban areas, barley, melon rinds or any other food primarily feed on seeds during this destroying old burrows by deep ripping source that the ground squirrels are period. Burrow fumigation is most them to a depth of at least 20 inches, eating. Place the bait well behind the effective in spring, when moist soil using a tractor and ripping bars, can trigger or tied to it. After you bait traps, helps seal gasses in the burrow system. slow reinvasion. Simply filling in the place them out with triggers unset Fumigating at this time is also more burrows with soil does not prevent re- for several days so the squirrels can effective in reducing ground squirrel invasion, as ground squirrels easily find become accustomed to them. After the numbers since squirrels die before they and reopen old burrows. squirrels are used to taking the bait, can reproduce. rebait and set the traps. Trapping Table 1 shows the yearly activities of To reduce hazards to children, pets, the California ground squirrel and Traps are practical for management poultry, and nontarget wildlife, place times when baiting, trapping, fumiga- when squirrel numbers are low to mod- box-type traps inside a covered box tion, and other management practices erate. Live-catch traps are not often with a 3-inch-diameter entrance. Put are generally most effective. recommended, because they present the box near active burrows with signs the problem of disposal. It is of recent diggings. Inactive burrows illegal to relocate wildlife in the State Modification will be filled with leaves or old straw, or of California without a permit. Live- have cobwebs across the entrance. You’ll generally find ground squirrels captured ground squirrels must be in open areas, although they some- released immediately on the property The Conibear trap No. 110 with a 41/2-by times use brush and other vegetation where they were caught, or they must 41/2-inch jaw spread also is an effective as cover during retreat. Remove brush be euthanized by legal and humane kill trap (Figure 7). You can bait the piles and debris to make an area less measures. Methods of euthanasia wire trigger, but usually you’ll want to desirable in this way. Brush removal considered humane by the American leave it unbaited. Place the trap directly also aids in detecting squirrels and Veterinary Medical Association include in the burrow opening, so the squir- their burrows and improving access gassing with carbon dioxide and rel must pass through it, tripping the during management operations. shooting. Drowning is not an approved trigger. Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 5 of 7

It might be necessary to use soil to par- factors. Fumigants have restrictions identify these entrances. Larger burrow tially fill in the burrow entrance around that require products to be applied systems, however, may require two or the outer edges of the trap to prevent only within burrows that are greater more cartridges. After 24 hours, check the squirrel from slipping around the than a certain distance from structures for reopened burrows, and re-treat as outside of the trap. Closing all other that may be occupied. Read the prod- needed. burrows with soil might hasten success uct label to determine the application by directing the squirrel to the remain- distance requirements pertaining to Aluminum phosphide is another ing open burrow, which contains the your site. burrow fumigant that is very effective trap. as a ground squirrel management Be aware of the signs of nontarget tool. However, its use is restricted to Attach the Conibear trap to a stake to species inhabiting inactive ground licensed pest management profes- prevent a scavenger from carrying off squirrel burrows. Kit foxes will use an sionals. Additionally, it cannot be used both it and the squirrel. With this type old burrow, enlarging the opening, within 100 feet of any structure that is, of trap, leaving the trap baited but un- and often creating a keyhole-shaped or may potentially be, occupied by hu- set has little effect on trapping success. entrance. Active pupping dens might mans, pets, or livestock. This eliminates contain prey remains, droppings, and its use from most residential areas. Inspect traps at least once a day and matted vegetation, and show signs of remove dead squirrels. Don’t handle fresh paw prints. The Pressurized exhaust systems that inject the carcasses without protective gear. (Athene cunicularia) is another poten- concentrated carbon monoxide into You can use a plastic bag slipped over tial occupant of abandoned ground burrow systems are also legal for use each hand and arm as a glove. Once squirrel burrows. in California. Of these devices, the you have removed the squirrel from the Pressurized Exhaust Rodent Controller trap, hold the animal with one hand Do not treat a burrow if you suspect a (PERC) machine has been extensively and turn the bag inside out while slip- nontarget animal is present. Fumigate tested and has proven to be effective for ping it off your arm and hand. only active ground squirrel burrows. the management of California ground County agricultural commissioners squirrels. Devices that produce carbon Keep small children and pets out of the (cdfa.ca.gov/exec/county/countymap/) dioxide for burrow fumigation are cur- area while traps are in use. In kit fox can provide additional information on rently seeking registration in California areas, spring all Conibear traps before how to recognize nontarget burrows. and may be available soon. As with all nightfall and reset them the following burrow fumigation applications, these morning. Also, be mindful of nontarget The most readily available fumigant devices will be most effective under species in the area (e.g., cats, wildlife) for most residential users is the gas moist soil conditions. to avoid their inadvertent capture or cartridge. Some county agricultural harm when trapping. commissioners’ offices sell United States Department of Agriculture gas Toxic Baits Fumigation cartridges, which are designed for Anticoagulant rodenticide options for fumigating burrowing rodents. Other residential use are limited to first-gen- Burrow fumigation can be a safe types of fumigation cartridges are also eration active ingredients such as method for managing ground squirrels. available at retail outlets. diphacinone. These products must Fumigation is most effective in spring, be applied in tamper-resistant bait Instructions for the use of gas car- or at other times when soil moisture is stations, usually within a specified tridges are product-specific, so it is high. Moist soil helps contain the gas distance from a manmade structure. very important to consult the product within the burrow system or may be Check product labels for specific dis- label before use. Generally, to use a required to properly activate certain tances and application rates. fumigants (e.g. aluminum phosphide). gas cartridge, puncture the cartridge Do not fumigate in summer or when cap and insert a fuse into the puncture Diphacinone and other first-gen- the soil is dry, because the gas more hole. Place the cartridge into an active eration anticoagulant rodenticides readily diffuses into small cracks pres- burrow entrance with the fuse point- (FGARs) are considered multiple ent in dry soil, making it less effective. ing towards the interior of the burrow. feeding toxins, meaning that a ground Do not fumigate during , Light the fuse and push the cartridge squirrel must feed on the bait multi- because the ground squirrel plugs its into the burrow with a shovel handle. ple times over several days to ingest a burrow with soil, preventing fumes Immediately seal and tightly pack the toxic dose. FGARs have low primary from reaching the nest chamber. You burrow opening with soil, but don’t toxicity concerns (that is, mortality of cannot see this plug by examining the cover the cartridge itself with soil. nontarget wildlife that directly con- burrow entrance. Multiple entrances to the same burrow sume the toxicant), partly because they system do not necessarily need to be require multiple feedings to acquire As with any pesticide, read and fol- treated separately, but it is important a toxic dose and also because FGARs low label instructions, with particular to seal any additional openings. Use can be applied in bait stations that are regard for nontarget species and safety the smoke escaping from the burrow to Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 6 of 7 not generally accessible to nontarget Other Management Biological control. Many predators, species. Techniques including , eagles, , and , eat ground squirrels. In If bait is accessible to nontarget Shooting. Shooting squirrels with most cases, predators are not able species, then alternative manage- small caliber rifles can provide some to keep ground squirrel populations ment options must be considered. ground squirrel control, but it is very below the level at which they become Anticoagulants are the only rodenticide time-consuming. Additionally, dis- pests for the home gardener. Dogs type registered in the United States charging a firearm is not legal in most might prevent squirrels from entering which has an antidote available to municipalities. small areas, but they cannot manage reverse the effects. The California Department of Fish and established squirrel populations. FGAR baits generally require two to Wildlife (CDFW) has prohibited the four weeks or more to control popula- use of lead projectiles in some fire- Follow-up tions. Continue baiting until all feeding arms within the range of the California For those who live next to wildlands or ceases and you no longer see any condor. Likewise, leaving lead projec- other areas where squirrels are com- squirrels. Although few ground squir- tiles behind (within animal carcasses) mon, an ongoing management pro- rels will die above ground, you should can be hazardous since it may result gram will be necessary, since squirrels pick up and dispose of those that do, in their ingestion by scavengers. will reinvade over time. Once you have as described above in the Trapping Currently, the use of lead ammunition controlled a ground squirrel problem, section and in accordance with label is permitted for take of small nongame periodically monitor the area for rein- directions. Also, be sure to pick up and animals such as ground squirrels. festation. Check for new burrows and dispose of unused bait upon com- However, effective July 1, 2019, nonlead start management actions as soon as pletion of the management program, ammunition will be required when you notice new arrivals. It is easier and according to label instructions. taking any wildlife with a firearm any- less expensive to manage a small popu- where in California. Toxic grain baits containing the active lation rather than to allow it to build up ingredient zinc phosphide can only be Frightening devices. There are no to larger numbers. applied by licensed pest management effective squirrel-frightening devices More detailed information about professionals and are not available or repellents that will cause ground identification, management, and other for use by residential users for ground squirrels to leave their burrows or avoid resources is available at the UC Ground squirrel management. Rodenticide an area or crop. Squirrel Best Management Practices products labeled for use against rats website, groundsquirrelBMPs.com. and house mice should never be used Burrow exploders. Devices that inject ignitable gasses into ground squirrel for the management of ground squir- ••• rels unless ground squirrels are spe- burrow systems are not generally rec- cifically listed on the label as a target ommended for urban use and have not species. proven to be effective.

REFERENCES American Veterinary Medical Association euthanasia guidelines. Online at avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf. Baldwin RA, Meinerz R. 2016. Assessing the efficacy of carbon monoxide producing machines at controlling burrowing rodents. University of California, Davis. Final Report to CDFA. California Department of Fish and Wildlife licensing website. wildlife.ca.gov/Licensing. California Department of Pesticide Regulation. 1995. Protecting Endangered Species: Interim Measures for San Joaquin Kit Fox. Sacramento: Pesticide Registration Branch, Pesticides and Toxic Substances H-7506. 13 pp. Online at cdpr.ca.gov/docs/es/es- pdfs/sjkfall.pdf and cdpr.ca.gov/docs/es/espdfs/sjkfden.pdf. (Accessed October 15, 2018.) Marsh RE. 1994. Belding’s, California, and Rock Ground Squirrels. In Hygnstrom SE, Timm RM, Larson GE (eds.). Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. Vol. 1. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. Salmon TP, Whisson DA, Marsh RE. 2006. Wildlife Pest Control around Gardens and Homes, 2nd ed. UC ANR Publication 21385. Oakland, CA. Smith JE, Long DJ, Russell ID, Newcomb KL, Muñoz VD. 2016. Otospermophilus beecheyi (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Mammalian Species 48(939):91–108. Yensen E, Sherman PW. 2003. Ground squirrels. Feldhamer GA, Thompson BC, Chapman JA (eds.). Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and conservation, 2nd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland. Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel Page 7 of 7

WARNING ON THE USE OF PESTICIDES Pesticides are poisonous. Some pesticides are more toxic than others and present higher risks to people, nontarget organisms, and the environment. A pesticide is any material (natural, organic, or synthetic) used to control, prevent, kill, suppress, or repel pests. “Pesticide” is a broad term that includes insecticides, herbicides (weed or plant killers), fungicides, rodenticides, miticides (mite control), molluscicides (for snails and slugs), and other materials like growth regulators or antimicrobial products such as bleach and sanitary wipes that kill bacteria. Always read and carefully follow all precautions and directions provided on the container label. The label is the law and failure to follow label instructions is an illegal use of the pesticide. Store all chemicals in the original labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed, away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of children, unauthorized persons, and animals. Never place pesticides in food or drink containers. Consult the pesticide label to determine active ingredients, correct locations for use, signal words, and personal protective equipment you should wear to protect yourself from exposure when applying the material. Pesticides applied in your garden and landscape can move through water or with soil away from where they were applied, resulting in contamination of creeks, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. Confine pesticides to the property being treated and never allow them to get into drains or creeks. Avoid getting pesticide onto neighboring properties (called drift), especially onto gardens containing or vegetables ready to be picked. Do not place containers with pesticide in the trash or pour pesticides down the sink, toilet, or outside drains. Either use all the pesticide according to the label until the container is empty or take unwanted pesticides to your local Household Hazardous Waste Collection site. Contact your county agricultural commissioner for additional information on safe container disposal and for the location of the Hazardous Waste Collection site nearest you. Follow label directions for disposal of empty containers. Never reuse or burn the containers or dispose of them in such a manner that they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways.

Produced by the Statewide Integrated Pest Management For more information, contact the University of California Cooperative Program, University of California, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA Extension office in your county. See your telephone directory for ad- 95618-7774. dresses and phone numbers, or visit: ucanr.edu/County_Offices. Technical Editor: K Windbiel-Rojas University of California scientists and other qualified professionals have anonymously peer reviewed this publication for technical accuracy. ANR Associate Editor: AM Sutherland The ANR Associate Editor for Urban Pest Management managed this process. Editor and Designer: B Messenger-Sikes To simplify information, trade names of products have been used. No ILLUSTRATIONS: Figure 1 and 3: MJ Dimson; Figure 2: UCCE endorsement of named products is intended, nor is criticism implied of Orange Co., range data source ICUN 2016; Figure 4 and 7: NM similar products that are not mentioned. Quinn; Figure 5: Jack Kelly Clark; Figure 6: RE Marsh. This material is partially based upon work supported by the Extension This and other Pest Notes are available at ipm.ucanr.edu. Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under special project Section 3(d), Integrated Pest Management.

Suggested citation: Quinn NM, Dimson MJ, Baldwin RA. 2018. UC IPM Pest Notes: Ground Squirrel. UC ANR Publication 7438. Oakland, CA.

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