Richard Chinn Environmental Training, Inc

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Richard Chinn Environmental Training, Inc Scientific Name Common Name Region 0 Habit Scientific Name Common Name Region 0 Habit Abies amabilis FIR,PACIFIC SILVER FACU NT Amblyopappus pusillus AMBLYOPAPPUS,DWARF FACW- ANF Abies lasiocarpa FIR,SUBALPINE FAC NT Ambrosia artemisiifolia RAGWEED,ANNUAL FACU ANF Abies magnifica FIR,CALIFORNIA RED FACU NT Ambrosia psilostachya RAGWEED,NAKED-SPIKE FAC PNF Abutilon theophrasti VELVET-LEAF NI AIF Ambrosia trifida RAGWEED,GREAT FAC ANF Acacia greggii ACACIA,CATCLAW FACU NST Amelanchier alnifolia SERVICE-BERRY,SASKATOON FACU NS Acacia smallii HUISACHE NI* NTS Ammannia auriculata AMMANNIA,RED-STEM OBL ANF Acer circinatum MAPLE,VINE FAC NT Ammannia coccinea AMMANNIA,PURPLE OBL ANF Acer glabrum MAPLE,ROCKY MOUNTAIN FAC NT Ammophila arenaria BEACHGRASS,EUROPEAN FACU PIG Acer macrophyllum MAPLE,BIG-LEAF FAC NT Amorpha californica INDIGO-BUSH,CALIFORNIA FACU NS Acer negundo BOX-ELDER FACW NT Amorpha fruticosa INDIGO-BUSH,FALSE FAC* NS Achillea millefolium YARROW,COMMON FACU PNF Amsinckia spectabilis FIDDLE-NECK,SEASIDE FACU ANF Achyrachaena mollis BLOWWIVES FAC* ANF Anagallis arvensis PIMPERNEL,SCARLET FAC AIF Aconitum columbianum MONKSHOOD,COLUMBIA FACW PNF Andropogon glomeratus BLUESTEM,BUSHY FACW PNG Acorus calamus SWEETFLAG OBL PIEF Andropogon virginicus BROOM-SEDGE FAC PNG Adiantum capillus-veneris FERN,SOUTHERN MAIDEN-HAIR FACW PNF3 Androsace occidentalis ROCK-JASMINE,WESTERN FACU ANF Adiantum pedatum FERN,NORTHERN MAIDEN-HAIR FAC PNF3 Androsace septentrionalis ROCK-JASMINE,PYGMY-FLOWER FACU ANF Agoseris aurantiaca FALSE-DANDELION,ORANGE-FLOWER FAC PNF Anemone oregana THIMBLE-WEED,OREGON OBL PNF Agoseris elata FALSE-DANDELION,TALL FAC PNF Anemopsis californica YERBA MANSA OBL PNF Agoseris glauca FALSE-DANDELION,PALE FAC PNF Angelica arguta ANGELICA,LYALL'S FACW PNF Agrimonia gryposepala GROOVEBUR,TALL HAIRY NI* PNF Angelica genuflexa ANGELICA,KNEELING FACW PNF Agrohordeum x macounii WILDRYE,MACOUN NI* PNG Angelica lucida ANGELICA,SEAWATCH FAC PNF Agropyron caninum WHEATGRASS,CUTTING NI PIG Anoda cristata ANODA,CRESTED FAC* ANF Agropyron dasystachyum WHEATGRASS,THICK-SPIKE NI* PNG Antennaria corymbosa PUSSY-TOES,FLAT-TOP FAC PNF Agropyron repens QUACKGRASS NI* PIG Antennaria umbrinella PUSSY-TOES,BROWN FACU* PNF Agropyron smithii WHEATGRASS,WESTERN FAC- PNG Anthemis cotula MAYWEED FACU AIF Agropyron spicatum WHEATGRASS,BLUE-BUNCHRichard ChinnFACU* EnvironmentalPNG Anthoxanthum odoratum Training,GRASS,SWEET Inc. VERNAL FACU PIG Agropyron trachycaulum WHEATGRASS,SLENDER NI* PNG Apargidium boreale APARGIDIUM,COMMON OBL PIF Agrostis alba REDTOP FACW PIG Apium graveolens CELERY FACW* PIF Agrostis avenacea BENTGRASS,HAIRY-FLOWER FACW* PIG Apocynum cannabinum DOGBANE,CLASPING-LEAF FAC PNF Agrostis clavata BENTGRASS NI PNG Apocynum sibiricum DOGBANE,PRAIRIE FAC* PNF Agrostis exarata BENTGRASS,SPIKE FACW PNG Aponogeton distachyus CAPE-PONDWEED NI PI/F Agrostis gigantea BENTGRASS,BLACK NI PNG Aquilegia eximia COLUMBINE,VAN HOUTTE'S OBL PNF Agrostis idahoensis BENTGRASS,IDAHO FACW PNG Aquilegia formosa COLUMBINE,CRIMSON FAC PNF Agrostis longiligula BENTGRASS,PACIFIC www.richardchinn.comOBL PNG Aquilegia shockleyi COLUMBINE,SODA SPRINGS OBL PNF Agrostis microphylla BENTGRASS,SMALL-LEAF FACW ANG Arabis divaricarpa ROCKCRESS,LIMESTONE FACU BNF Agrostis oregonensis BENTGRASS,OREGON OBL PNG Arabis drummondii ROCKCRESS,DRUMMOND'S FACU BNF Agrostis scabra BENTGRASS,ROUGH FAC PNG Arabis hirsuta ROCKCRESS,HAIRY NI* PNF Agrostis semiverticillata BENTGRASS,WATER OBL PIG Arabis holboellii ROCKCRESS,HOLBOELL'S FACU* BNF Agrostis stolonifera BENTGRASS,SPREADING FACW PNG Arabis lemmonii ROCKCRESS,LEMMON'S UPL PNF Agrostis tandilensis BENTGRASS,KENNEDY'S OBL* ANG Aralia californica SPIKENARD,CALIFORNIA FACW PNF Ailanthus altissima TREE-OF-HEAVEN [email protected] IT Arctostaphylos uva-ursi BEARBERRY FACU- NS Alhagi camelorum CAMEL-THORN FAC IS Arenaria lanuginosa SANDWORT,SPREADING NI PNF Alisma gramineum WATER-PLANTAIN,NARROW-LEAF OBL PNEF Arenaria paludicola SANDWORT,SWAMP OBL PNF Alisma lanceolatum WATER-PLANTAIN,AMERICAN OBL PNEF Arenaria serpyllifolia SANDWORT,THYME-LEAF FACU AIF Alisma plantago-aquatica WATER-PLANTAIN,BROAD-LEAF OBL PNEF Arethusa bulbosa SWAMP-PINK NI PNF Alisma subcordatum WATER-PLANTAIN,SUBCORDATE OBL PNEF Armeria maritima THRIFT,WESTERN FACU PNF Allenrolfea occidentalis BUSH,IODINE FACW+ N$HS Armoracia rusticana HORSERADISH NI PIEF Allium bisceptrum ONION,ASPEN FAC PNF Arnica amplexicaulis ARNICA,STREAMBANK FACW PNF Allium hickmanii ONION,HICKMAN'S 1.800.427.0307NI PNF Arnica chamissonis ARNICA,LEAFY FACW PNF Allium hyalinum ONION,GLASSY NI* PNF Arnica diversifolia ARNICA,STICKY-LEAF FACW PNF Allium validum ONION,TALL SWAMP OBL PNF Arnica latifolia ARNICA,MOUNTAIN FAC PNF Allophyllum gilioides FALSE-GILIA,BLUE FACU* ANF Arnica longifolia ARNICA,SEEP SPRING FACW- PNF Alnus crispa ALDER,GREEN FACW* NS Arnica mollis ARNICA,HAIRY FAC+ PNF Alnus incana ALDER,SPECKLED NI NS Arrhenatherum elatius OATGRASS,TALL FACU* PIG Alnus rhombifolia ALDER,WHITE FACW NT Artemisia biennis WORMWOOD,BIENNIAL FAC AIF Alnus rubra ALDER,RED FACW NT Artemisia cana SAGEBRUSH,SILVER FACW NS Alnus rugosa ALDER,SPECKLED OBL* NT Artemisia douglasiana WORMWOOD,DOUGLAS' FACW PNF Alnus sinuata ALDER,SITKA FACW NT Artemisia ludoviciana SAGEBRUSH,WHITE FACU- PNFH Alopecurus aequalis FOXTAIL,SHORT-AWN OBL PNG Aruncus dioicus GOATSBEARD,HAIRY FACW* PNF Alopecurus carolinianus FOXTAIL,TUFTED FACW ANG Arundo donax REED,GIANT FACW PIG Alopecurus geniculatus FOXTAIL,MEADOW OBL PNG Asarum lemmonii WILDGINGER,LEMMON'S OBL PNF Alopecurus howellii FOXTAIL,HOWELL'S FACW+ ANG Asclepias curassavica MILKWEED,SCARLET FAC PIF Alopecurus myosuroides FOXTAIL,MOUSE NI* AIG Asclepias fascicularis MILKWEED,NARROW-LEAF FAC PNF Alopecurus pratensis FOXTAIL,MEADOW FACW PIG Asclepias speciosa MILKWEED,SHOWY FAC PNF Alopecurus saccatus FOXTAIL,PACIFIC OBL ANG Asparagus officinalis ASPARAGUS-FERN,GARDEN FACU PIF Alternanthera philoxeroides WEED,ALLIGATOR OBL PIEF Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum SPLEENWORT,GREEN NI PNF3 Amaranthus albus AMARANTH,WHITE FACU ANF Aster alpigenus ASTER,ANDERSON'S OBL PNF Amaranthus arenicola AMARANTH,SANDHILLS NI* ANF Aster bernardinus ASTER,SAN BERNARDINO OBL PNF Amaranthus blitoides AMARANTH,PROSTRATE FACW AIF Aster chilensis ASTER,COMMON CALIFORNIA FAC PNF Amaranthus californicus AMARANTH,CALIFORNIA FACW ANF Aster eatonii ASTER,EATON FAC PNF Amaranthus palmeri AMARANTH,PALMER'S FACU ANF Aster elatus ASTER,PLUMAS ALPINE FACW PNF Amaranthus retroflexus AMARANTH,RED-ROOT FACU ANF Aster foliaceus ASTER,LEAFY-BRACTED FACW* PNF Amaranthus rudis AMARANTH,TALL NI ANF Aster frondosus ASTER,LEAFY OBL ANF Amaranthus spinosus AMARANTH,SPINY FACU ANF Aster hesperius ASTER,SISKIYOU OBL PNF Scientific Name Common Name Region 0 Habit Scientific Name Common Name Region 0 Habit Aster intricatus ASTER,SHRUBBY ALKALI FACW NHS Boisduvalia cleistogama SPIKE-PRIMROSE,CLEISTOGAMOUS OBL ANF Aster occidentalis ASTER,WESTERN MOUNTAIN FAC PNF Boisduvalia densiflora SPIKE-PRIMROSE,DENSE-FLOWER OBL ANF Aster pauciflorus ASTER,ALKALI MARSH FACW PNF Boisduvalia glabella SPIKE-PRIMROSE,SMOOTH OBL ANF Aster spinosus ASTER,SPINY FACW PNF Boisduvalia macrantha SPIKE-PRIMROSE,LARGE-FLOWER FACW ANF Aster subspicatus ASTER,DOUGLAS' FAC PNF Boisduvalia stricta SPIKE-PRIMROSE,BROOK FACW ANF Aster subulatus ASTER,ANNUAL SALTMARSH FACW ANF Bolandra californica BOLANDRA,SIERRA FACW PNF Astragalus agrestis MILKVETCH,FIELD FAC* PNF Botrychium lunaria MOONWORT FAC PNF3 Astragalus canadensis MILKVETCH,CANADA FAC PNF Botrychium multifidum GRAPEFERN,LEATHERY FAC PNF3 Astragalus lemmonii MILKVETCH,LEMMON'S FACW PNF Botrychium simplex GRAPEFERN,LEAST FACU PNF3 Astragalus lentiginosus MILKVETCH,SPECKLEPOD LOCO NI PNF Botrychium virginianum FERN,RATTLESNAKE NI PNF3 Astragalus pycnostachyus MILKVETCH,MARSH OBL PNF Bowlesia incana BOWLESIA,HOARY FACU* ANF Astragalus tener MILKVETCH,ALKALI FACW PNF Boykinia elata BROOKFOAM,SANTA LUCIA FACW PNF Athyrium distentifolium FERN,ALPINE LADY FAC PNF3 Boykinia major BROOKFOAM,MOUNTAIN FACW PNF Athyrium filix-femina FERN,SUBARCTIC LADY FAC PNF3 Boykinia rotundifolia BROOKFOAM,ROUND-LEAF FACW PNF Atriplex argentea SALTBUSH,SILVER-SCALE FAC ANF Brasenia schreberi WATERSHIELD OBL PNZF Atriplex californica SALTBUSH,CALIFORNIA FAC PNF Brickellia californica BRICKELL-BUSH,CALIFORNIA FACU NS Atriplex canescens SALTBUSH,FOUR-WING FACU NS Brickellia greenei BRICKELL-BUSH,MOUNTAIN FAC PNF Atriplex cordulata SALTBUSH,HEART-LEAF FAC ANF Briza media GRASS,PERENNIAL QUAKING FAC PIG Atriplex coronata SALTBUSH,CROWN FACW ANF Briza minor GRASS,LITTLE QUAKING FACW- AIG Atriplex coulteri SALTBUSH,COULTER'S FACU PNF Brodiaea elegans BRODIAEA,HARVEST FACU PNF Atriplex falcata SALTBUSH,SICKLE FAC* NH Brodiaea orcuttii BRODIAEA,ORCUTT'S OBL PNF Atriplex fruiticulosa SALTBUSH,BALL FACW NHS Brodiaea peduncularis BRODIAEA,LONG-STALK FACW PNF Atriplex gmelinii SALTBUSH,GMELIN'S NI ANF Bromus ciliatus BROME,FRINGED FAC PNG Atriplex hortensis ORACHE,GARDEN FACW- AIF Bromus japonicus BROME,JAPANESE FACU AIG Atriplex lentiformis SALTBUSH,LENS-FRUIT FAC NS Bromus mollis BROME,SOFT FACU- AIG Atriplex leucophylla SALTBUSH,BEACHRichard ChinnFAC* EnvironmentalNH Bromus rubens Training,BROME,RIPGUT Inc. NI AIG Atriplex pacifica SALTBUSH,DAVIDSON'S FAC ANF Bromus vulgaris BROME,COLUMBIA FACU* PNG Atriplex parishii SALTBUSH,PARISH'S FAC ANF Bulbostylis capillaris HAIRSEDGE,DENSE-TUFT FAC* APNGL Atriplex parryi SALTBUSH,PARRY'S FACW NS Cakile edentula SEAROCKET,AMERICAN FACU AN$F Atriplex patula SALTBUSH,HALBERD-LEAF
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