3-31-2017 Friday; Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity - Immunity at Yale and Harvard failed to make America Great so Yale Key West Medical School has to work 24/7 at iApple-Starbucks iPostOffice @ Star Wars Star Trek, Kerry was passed when he really failed. Now Trump has to clean up immunity from Malaria and Syphilis, MS Bill and Melinda Gates spread world wide since the 1980 Ford ElectricWindmillExodus! Jewish Aliens will help Trump Make America Great Again! 3-31-2017 Friday; Michael Flynn and his inner circle at Yale or Harvard never wanted total immunity from vaccines in the drinking water... 3-31-2017 Friday; Yale + Harvard President arrested and taken to jail, no immunity, Hahaha They never wanted total immunity from vaccines in the drinking water... They build a trillion dollar campus were prostitutes are legal (Singapore) for the Elite $$$ Rich Kerry's at Yale Today. They never wanted total immunity from vaccines in the drinking water... They wanted total immunity like Flynn wants from the Senate! 3-31-2017 Friday; Sears, Yale, Harvard in rapid decline into gravity of immunity and failure to wipe out Bill and Melinda Gates Malaria and mosquitoes world wide. Send cash or check to..... Greg Buell PO Box 214 Key West FL 33041
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[email protected] 3-31-2017 Friday; 1980 - 2017 Ford ElectricWindmillTijuiana article by the Times in Manhattan also censored out 1,001 Noble's in Medicine a Year and the "Invention Development Corporation located in Key West..