05-20-2019 Inaugural/Reconvened Meeting Agenda
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CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL Agenda (For the Meeting of the City Council of the City of Chicago, to be held May 20, 2019 at 10:30 A.M. at Wintrust Arena, 200 East Cermak Road, and Reconvened on May 29, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chamber in City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street) 1. Introduction of Guests, Officiants, City Council and City Officers 2. Call to order by the Mayor 3. Posting of Colors 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. National Anthem 6. Invocation 7. Notation of filing of County statements of election 8. Oath of office administered to City Clerk-Elect 9. Oath of office administered to Aldermen-Elect 10. Determination of quorum 11. Approval of bonds for Mayor, City Clerk and Treasurer 12. Oath of office administered to Treasurer-Elect 13. Oath of office administered to Mayor-Elect 14. Inaugural Address 15. Motion to Recess and Reconvene on May 29, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street (Upon reconvening on May 29, 2019 at 10:00 A.M.): 16. Call to order by the Mayor 17. Call of the roll 18. Determination of Quorum 19. Pledge of Allegiance Page 1 of 2 20. Invocation 21. Public Comment 22. Reports and Communications from the Mayor 23. Communications from the City Clerk 24. Reports of Standing Committees 25. Reports of Special Committees 26. Agreed Calendar 27. Presentation of petitions, communications, resolutions, orders and ordinances introduced by Aldermen 28. Correction and approval of the Journal of the Proceedings of the last preceding meeting or meetings 29. Unfinished Business 30. Miscellaneous Business, including procedural matters pertaining to the organization and conduct of the City Council and its committees for the 2019 – 2023 term 31. Ordinance setting the next regular meeting 32. Roll call on omnibus 33. Adjournment The committee agendas/reports posted on the Chicago City Council Calendar list the items that may be called for a vote at the City Council meeting and are considered to be part of the City Council meeting agenda. Page 2 of 2 Committee on Economic, Capital & Technology Development City of Chicago Chairman Proco Joe Moreno Committee on Economic, Capital & Technology Committee on Economic, Development Capital & Technology 2740 W Norlh Avenue Development Chicago"lIlinois 60647 Telephone: (773) 278-0101 Corrected Meeting Notice/Agenda Wednesday, May 15, 2019 12:00 PM City Hall - Room 201A 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602 You are hereby notified that the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May IS, 2019 at 12:00 PM in Room 20lA -- City Hall -- Chicago, Illinois to discuss the following: ~ -- l -- 1. R2019-235 Support of Class 6(b) tax incentive for property at 1000 E 111 In St --. Introduced Date : 4/10/2019 Sponsor: Alderman Beale -- '" 2. R2019-236 Support of Class 6(b) tax incentive for property at 1556 W 43,d St 1 ' Introduced Date: 4/10/2019 Sponsor: Alderman Thompsolil 3. R2019-233 Support of Class 6(b) tax incentive for property at 4250 W 36 111 St Introduced Date: 4/10/2019 Sponsor: Alderman Munoz 4. R2019-234 Support of Class 6(b) tax incentive for property at 4150 W Knox Ave Introduced Date: 4/10/2019 Sponsor: Alderman Arena Copies of these items are available online at www.chicityclerk.com Committee on Health & Environmental Protection SUMMARY OF REPORTS COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL - May 29,20L9 Committee Meeting Held: April 24, 2Ot9 The following was recommended for referral to the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards: o2019-320 Amendment of Municipal Code Title 13 by adding new Chapter 13-150 entitled "Bird Friendly Design" Ordinance I ntroduct¡on Datez L/ 23 / 20L9 Sponsor: Alderman Brian Hopkins (2) Fït! -\ 6Ð \í !;,,1_- .,..t dü , r!l¡+ i* #þ, lh l;* .._ @* t,- l"l.*l '" "-: t' ",'l .-.'i ttÉJÞ ,L,) :l:¡ÌH: ço , : *l {\J .,:.1 -*-. ,..rì Þ* ;:;,j i*_ .4q l-r", ffi [.uL)--., 4¡;e+ 'qÐ m (q{ Committee on License & Consumer Protection CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS LICENSE & CONSUMER PROTECTION CITY OF C HICAGO (CI4AIRMAN) AVIAOON COUNCIL CHAMBER BlJDO'£T /\.NO G OvE.f-l;NMe:N I' O PERATtONS erN HALL-R ooM 300, S lIrrE 45 ~ 21 NOFl111 LASALL.IJ STAE COMMITIEE: CoMMI ~e-s . R ULES AND E lHICS CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 80602 =CONOM IC. G.A.P1TOL. ANI;} T ~CMNOLOnV 0 l PMENT T EI.. ,,-P'·IONF : (312) 744-3 180 F Ax : 3 12 -744- 1509 Ht:,4,L1H AN O - NVIRONMENTAL P RQ'TE" cnON EMMA M. MITTS P eoeS1'AI AN AND T R ..... FFI~ SAFI:TV ALDERMAN, 37Tl-1 WARD 4924 vV e-ST CI11CA A V I:N U CHICAGO. ILLIN OIS 60651 WOl t:o ~ D ~"'[ LOPM.:N AN'O AUOIT T E - PHONE : (77 3) 379 - 09"'0 F;.x: (773) :"9- 0 966 ~ [""'MA ll. : e mlu!:>,.@ cltyofchic8QO.O(9 = AGENDA OF MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED ....0 t_ .I BY THE '):'Po COMMITTEE ON LICENSE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION -I .-...< I , . , I I WEDNESDAY MAY 15,2019 La . 11 :00 A.M. -0 ROOM 201A, CITY HALL -~ 02019-2672 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsections 4-60~022 (1 .91) and 4-60-023 (1 .101) to allow additional alcoholic liquor licenses and package goods licenses on portion of West Armitage Avenue. (Alderman Moreno, 1&t Ward) 02019-2745 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-022 (1.68) to allow the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of Western Avenue. (Alderman Moreno, 18t Ward) 02019~2690 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-022 (32.31) to allow the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of North Avenue. (Aldermen Hopkins and Burnett) 02019-2706 An ordinance to amend Sections 4-60-022 and 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago to correct numbering inaccuracies concerning liquor sales and package goods restrictions. (Aldermen Dowell and Reboyras) 02019-2675 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (10.259) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of Commercial Aven ue. (Alderman Sadlowski-Garza, 10th Ward) 02019-2673 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsections 4-60-022 (25.28) and 4-60-023 (25.28) to allow additional alcoholic liquor licenses and package 1 th goods licenses on portion of 18 1'1 Street. (Alderman Solis, 25 Ward) 02019-2670 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-022 (27.211) to allow the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of Washington Boulevard. (Aldermen Burnett, 27th Ward) 02019-2671 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-022 (27.189) to allow the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of Walnut Street. (Aldermen Burnett, 27th Ward) 1 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection .24) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion ot 1h Road. (Alderman Sposatol 38 Ward) An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 103) to allow the issuance of additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of (AJdermen Reilly, 420d Ward) 0201 An ordinance to amend """"" -"" ""-'-JV-~JL.U of the Municipal Code of Chicago disallow additional package goods on portion of Huron Street. (AJderman Reilly, 42nd Ward) 6 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago regarding hours for outdoor patios in the central district. (Alderman Reilly, 420d Ward) 458 A substitute ordinance to amend Municipal Code of Chicago lifting (47.31) to allow additional alcoholic liquor on portion of Irving Park Pawar, 47th Ward) 0201 460 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Gode of Chicago lifting su[)sectl(m 4-60-023 (47.61) to allow additional packaged goods licenses on portion of Western (Alderman Pawar, 47th Ward) 02019-2740 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection to allow additional alcoholic liquor licenses on portion of Irving Park Road. (Alderman Pawar, 47th Ward) ordinance to of Chicago lifting subsection to allow on of Devon (AJderman J. Moore, 49th Ward) The sponsoring Alderman or a staff member must be present to speak to 2 Committee on Pedestrian & Traffic Safety SUMMARY REPORT FOR THE COMMITTEE ON PEDESTRIAN & TRAFFIC SAFETY WHICH MET ON May 9,2019 12:00PM I The following items were RECOMMENDED by the city department(s) and PASSED: WARD PARKING PROHIBITED,AT ALL TIMES - DISABLED: 30 2945 North Lawndale Avenue, Disabled Permit 115635 [02019-2679] 30 2714 North Monitor Avenue, Disabled Permit 114220 [02019-2680] 33 4607 North Drake Avenue, Disabled Permit 115442 [02019-2791) 33 4415 North Troy Street, Disabled Permit 115455 [02019-2792] r--;I= '>.Cl ~, . 36 2102 North Leamington Avenue, Disabled Permit 117637 [02019-279_5f': ';D" . ,-i ~ --J': f',.) 37 718 North Harding Avenue, Disabled Permit 117143 [02019-2797J W 37 1620 North Linder Avenue, Disabled Permit 116235 [02019-2798J "~ ~l r , Y? 40 5917 North Artesian Avenue, Disabled Permit 116507 (02019-2805) N co 'i 40 1920 West Norwood Street, Disabled Permit 120291 [02019-2810] ~ 40 5114 North Oakley Avenue, Disabled Permit 103181 (02019-2811J 40 2213 West Winnemac Avenue. Disabled Permit 116792 [02019-2812] 48 5435 North Winthrop Avenue. Disabled Permit 118920 [02019-2823J 50 6253 North Talman Avenue, Disabled Permit 117245 [02018-7201] 50 6450 North Mozart Street, Disabled Permit 117253 [02019-2824J 50 6415 North Washtenaw Avenue, Disabled Permit 117226 [02019-2825] 50 7445 North Washtenaw Avenue, Disabled Permit 117236 [02019-2828] 50 6090 North Whipple Street, Disabled Permit 119921 [02019-2829J 1 WARD REPEAL PARKING PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES - DISABLED: 30 Repeal Disabled Permit 3652 George Street 30 Permit 981 West Wrightwood Avenue [0201 33 Repeal Disabled Permit 18207.