The Norwegian Government's Action Plan Against Racism And

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The Norwegian Government's Action Plan Against Racism And Action Plan The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan against Racism and Discrimination on the Grounds of Ethnicity and Religion 2020–2023 Extracted Version The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan against Racism and Discrimination on the Grounds of Ethnicity and Religion 2020–2023 Extracted Version Preface Norway is a society of small differences, with The Government wants a society based on trust between people and a high degree of freedom and justice in which everyone enjoys security. This is important to protect. At the equal opportunities, regardless of background same time, racism and discrimination are demo­ and origin. In the Government’s political plat­ cratic challenges that hinder opportunities for form, the Government has reaffirmed our many people to participate in and offer their commitment to combatting racism, religious skills to society. discrimination, anti­Semitism, social control and prejudice based on ethnicity. The Government Racism and discrimination can also be an obsta­ will also implement initiatives to combat dis­ cle to freedom of religion and belief. We see crimination in employment, the housing market racist statements, and negative stereotypes, and hospitality venues (restaurants/pubs/clubs). attitudes and prejudice. Racism and discrimina­ These are some of the topics that will be tion based on ethnicity and religion affect many addressed in the action plan. different groups in Norwegian society. While the challenges they face differ, they also have some A unified Parliament has supported the proposal common features. for an action plan to combat racism and discrim­ ination on the grounds of ethnicity and religion. Racism and discrimination create fear and are This action plan will contribute to renewed and detrimental to the trust needed to safeguard strengthened efforts in the fight against racism and develop positive, inclusive communities. It and discrimination. is important for us to be aware of prejudice and how it affects our actions. Social conditions and policy development, nationally and internation­ ally, can influence our understanding of racism and discrimination. We must have a robust and inclusive democracy that promotes dialogue, freedom of speech and diversity. 4 Erna Solberg Prime Minister Trine Skei Grande Jan Tore Sanner Minister of Culture and Equality Minister of Education and Integration Kjell Ingolf Ropstad Jøran Kallmyr Minister of Children and Families Minister of Justice and Immigration Monica Mæland Bent Høie Minister of Local Government and Modernisation Minister of Health and Care Services Ine Eriksen Søreide Anniken Hauglie Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Oslo, 11 December 2019 5 Contents Preface 4 Introduction 9 Knowledge and research 19 Overall list of measures 24 Bibliography 36 Photo: Gettyimages Photo: Introduction Introduction The Government’s political platform reaffirms Anti­Semitism constantly takes new forms and that the Government will combat racism, reli­ is expressed in different contexts and in very gious discrimination, anti­Semitism, social different environments. There are still strong control and prejudice based on ethnicity. prejudices against Jews in Norway. The Govern­ ment’s Action Plan against Anti­Semitism (2016­ This action plan has a broad approach and 2020) will be continued and renewed after 2020. contains both new initiatives and builds on measures and efforts in action plans and strat­ In the Strategy against Hate Speech, the Gov­ egies that have already been initiated. ernment prioritises knowledge development, the justice system and the police, meeting The action plan outlines concepts and legal venues, children and young people, the media bases and presents extracts of existing knowl­ sector and employment. The aim of the strategy edge. The chapters in the plan reflect those is to facilitate a positive public exchange of areas where the Government is particularly views, and to help prevent and combat hate concerned about strengthening efforts during speech. the plan period. The measures in the action plan will be subject to revision as new knowl­ The Government’s Action Plan against Radical­ edge becomes available. The action plan is isation and Violent Extremism is directed at all sector­wide, and the measures will be followed forms of extremism. For several years, ISIS and up by the responsible sector ministries. foreign fighters have received particular atten­ Expenditures the measures entail are covered tion in this field. More recently, there has been in the relevant ministries’ budget plans. The a growing concern related to right­wing extrem­ Sami Parliament was consulted during the ist environments and individuals with right­wing preparation of the plan. extremist attitudes. We have seen several examples of attacks by persons with right­wing Other efforts of significance to this action plan extremist and anti­immigrant attitudes, both in include the Government’s integration strategy Norway and in other countries. Efforts are Integration through Knowledge, the Action Plan underway to further develop the Action Plan against Anti-Semitism (2016-2020), Strategy against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism. against Hate Speech (2016-2020), the Action Plan against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism, and There is cause for concern about the extent of the upcoming Action Plan against Discrimination hate speech and harassment towards the Sami. and Hatred towards Muslims. The Government In 2017, the Sami Parliament and the Equality wants these various efforts to be coordinated and Anti­Discrimination Ombud signed an effectively. From 2020, several of these will be agreement on cooperation that aims to support coordinated in a separate State Secretary’s each other’s efforts on equality and anti­dis­ Committee. crimination. One of the areas concerns efforts against hate speech and racism against the Sami. 10 The Equality and Anti­discrimination Ombud Exclusion, lower social mobility and psycholog­ would like to reach even more people who may ical problems can be consequences of racism have experienced discrimination, so that more and discrimination for the individual. NOU 2017: people are aware of their rights. In 2019, the 2 Integration and Trust. Long-term Consequences Ombud focused in particular on discrimination of High Immigration points out that discrimina­ based on ethnicity and religion, with the goal of tion is an obstacle to successful integration. more people with an immigrant background Discrimination can be a structural barrier to contacting the Ombud for guidance and help. good living conditions, entry into the workforce They assume that those who contact the and educational benefit. It may also affect the Ombud in such cases reflect less than the total trust between different population groups extent of discrimination. The Ombud has spo­ (NOU 2017: 2, p. 132). This also applies to ken to minority organisations to try to reach minority groups other than the immigrant more people. This work will continue in 2020. population in their relationship to the majority population and to other groups. Racism and Norway was reviewed by the UN Committee on discrimination can take place between minority the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) groups, as well as between the majority and the in December 2018. Prior to the review, shadow minorities. reports from civil society and the Equality and Anti­discrimination Ombud were prepared. The Both conditions that influence racist and dis­ recommendations of the committee have been criminatory acts and the consequences of being assessed by the various sector ministries in the subject to these acts can be understood from preparation of this action plan. a public health perspective. Several interna­ tional studies in recent years show a correlation The Government has noted that a number of between self­reported ethnic discrimination States are closely watching Norway’s work in and health consequences. On behalf of the combatting racism. In connection with the UN Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Institute Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic of Public Health has prepared a report based Review (UPR) of Norway in May 2019, Norway on figures from Statistics Norway’s survey of received 61 recommendations related to this living conditions amongst immigrants in 2016. topic1) from other countries. Norway approved The survey shows that having experienced in whole or in part 53 of these recommenda­ discrimination was associated with psycholog­ tions. ical problems in most immigrant groups. Seven per cent of those who have been in contact with Racism and discrimination have negative con­ the Norwegian Health services had experienced sequences for individuals, groups and society discrimination in connection with this. The as a whole. proportion who reported psychological 1 Recommendations classified as measures against discrimination, hate speech, hate crime, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia and anti­Semitism. 11 Introduction The more mundane forms of racism are also detrimental to society and to the health, participation and sense of belonging of individuals. problems was twice as high among those who “All people are equal under the law. No human had experienced discrimination as amongst being must be subject to unfair or dispropor­ those who had not (Kjøllesdal et al 2019). Stud­ tionate differential treatment.“ ies in the Sami population show that ethnic discrimination has a negative impact on health The purpose of the Equality and Anti­Discrimi­
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  • To, Her Excellency Erna Solberg Prime Minister of Norway Glacisgata 1, Oslo
    To, Her Excellency Erna Solberg Prime Minister of Norway Glacisgata 1, Oslo Copy to: Honourable Monica Mæland Minister of Justice and Public Security Honourable Dag Inge Ulstein Minister of International Development Honourable Iselin Nybø Minister of Trade and Industry Honourable Bent Høie Minister of Health and Care Services 15 February 2021 Subject: Civil Society from Global South Calls for Support on COVID-19 TRIPS Waiver Honourable Prime Minister Erna Solberg, The undersigned represent more than 200 non-governmental organizations and trade unions from developing countries struggling to secure COVID-19 vaccines as the pandemic devastates our communities and economies. We are writing to urge your government to withdraw its opposition and to support the proposal currently on the table at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to waive certain TRIPS1 obligations for the prevention, treatment, and containment of COVID-19. The proposal was presented by India and South Africa on October 2, 2020. This proposal has gained the support and co-sponsorship of developing countries from around the world. The vast majority of developing countries as well as international organizations including the World Health Organization, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UNITAID, and representatives of civil society, trade unions, human rights experts and academia have expressed their support for the proposed waiver.2 Since the start of the pandemic, Norway has expressed support for equitable and affordable access to all effective and safe vaccines, diagnostics, treatments, and other health technologies. And yet Norway continues to obstruct and oppose the waiver proposal, which seeks to remove relevant intellectual property monopolies so that production of COVID-19 medical products may be expanded and diversified globally.
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