Eleven  Summary and conclusions


11.1 This LIR has identified the likely impacts of Esso’s proposed aviation fuel pipeline along the length of its route across Spelthorne in .

11.2 Chapters 1 and 2 of the LIR introduce Spelthorne and identify its salient characteristics. Chapter 3 of this LIR considers the national need for the project and identifies what the Council considers to be the relevant national and local policy against which the DCO application should be considered.

11.3 SBC does not object in principle to the proposed pipeline. The Council’s objective is to ensure that adequate protection is provided for the communities and physical and environmental assets affected by the proposals. In respect of the national need for the proposals, the Council considers that it would assist the DCO examination if the relationship between the proposed pipeline and the expansion of London Heathrow Airport was clarified.

11.4 Based upon the evidence presented in this LIR, the Council is concerned that inadequate attention has been given to the specific impacts of pipeline construction in individual locations. This is a recurrent theme in chapters 4-10 of this LIR.

11.5 Chapter 4 of this LIR identifies matters of generic concern in respect of the local impacts of the pipeline. These concerns are shared with neighbouring local authority areas in north-west Surrey affected by the proposed pipeline - namely and Runnymede – and are explained under the general headings of tree protection, ecology and biodiversity, transport and residential amenity. Chapter 4 identifies potential remedies that the DCO could usefully afford for the communities and environments affected.

11.6 Chapters 5-10 of the LIR demonstrate how these generic concerns arise in specific locations in Spelthorne. Subject to the provision of requested safeguards in the DCO and associated documents including the Construction Environmental Management Plan and the Code of Construction Practice as finalised, the Council considers that sections of the proposed pipeline between the River Thames and the Queen Mary Reservoir intake channel (LIR chapter 5), on Woodthorpe Road (LIR chapter 8) and between the railway at Ashford and Esso’s oil terminal south of Heathrow Airport (LIR chapter 10), can be rendered acceptable in terms of their local impacts.

11.7 For the reasons given in the respective chapters, the Council is concerned at the adverse impacts of the proposed pipeline on Ashford Road (LIR chapter 6), in ESSO PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED: TO LONDON PIPELINE PROJECT LOCAL IMPACT REPORT SPELTHORNE BOROUGH COUNCIL

Fordbridge Park and Celia Crescent (LIR chapter 7) and in central Ashford (LIR chapter 9). If planning applications were submitted for these sections of the pipeline in the form currently presented by the Applicant, Spelthorne BC would be minded to refuse planning permission in view of considerations including tree loss, highway congestion, the adverse effects on local amenity and the disruption to existing land uses including a school.

11.8 Planning policy objections to these sections of the pipeline are highlighted in the respective chapters of the LIR. Where possible the Council has also identified potential remedies and safeguards for consideration during the DCO examination.


11.9 Having identified the local impacts, Spelthorne BC will engage in further dialogue with Esso in pursuit of reinforced mitigation to address the adverse local impacts identified. Points of agreement will be set out in a Statement of Common Ground between the parties.

2 October 2019