Baltic Country Holidays WILDLIFE TOURS

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Baltic Country Holidays WILDLIFE TOURS Baltic Country Holidays WILDLIFE TOURS Introduction BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN LATVIA. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, Latvia has become a member of the EU, but its history and environment are still very different than those in “accustomed” and “old” Europe. There are places such as the Ķemeri National Park, the Slītere National Park, the Lake Engurs Nature Park, the Pape 6 Nature Park and others which are of European and global importance in terms of environmental values, as indi- catedby Natura 2000 territories and the Ramsar Convention. Untouched and natural territories, par- Latvia has four distinctive seasons with small areas of flowers such as the gar- ticularly along Latvia’s shoreline, which den cornflower and the flax plants that their respective characteristics. was a closed border area during Soviet are so uncommon in Europe. Autumn is Winter is a good season to study diffe times, are fantastic islands of biological a season of gifts from nature. In the for- ent lichens and mosses which live on diversity. Species of plants and animals est, there are whortleberries and hazel- tree stumps, branches, rocks and other which are uncommon and endangered nuts, and there are cranberries out in the natural or manmade surfaces. Differ- in Europe can be found here quite of- swamps. Latvians just love to go mush- ent species of tree-fungi will be found ten. room picking. There are between 20 and on trees in deciduous forests. A certain Like White Storks, Common Cranes and 30 popular types of edible mushrooms surprise may be the velvet foot (Flamu- Beevors are very common in every part which people cut and put into their bas- lina velutipes), which you can put in your of Latvia. Latvia is small but there are kets. Many different types of tree-fungi basket. In the swamps, you will still find lots of territories free of human activ- can be found on fallen and living trees. cranberries as an important source of vi- ity. Wild meadows are full of colourful One definite destination for travellers is tamins. Spring. The first blooming plants and fragnant wild flowers, particularly the town of Sigulda, where people go to of the spring will pop up – fumewort, in June. enjoy the “golden autumn.” hepatica, coltsfoot, kingcup. The forest Forests cover about 44% of the terri- will decorate itself with rainbows of yel- Baltic Country Holidays will be pleased to tory of Latvia, seacost is almost 500 km low and blue blossoms, and this is one assist you with any further information, lo- long from which mostly consists of wild of the most beautiful seasons in Latvia’s cal contacts, answer your questions and beaches – sandy, rocky or covered by forests. Latvian folklore contains many plan your itinerary. Welcome to Latvia! rare seaside meadows. Bogs are interest- folksongs in which it is said that when ing with their diverse biotops and char- the bird-cherry blooms, it is time to go acteristic landscape. Symbols down to the Gauja, Abava, Venta or other river, because the white blossoms of the Natura 2000 tree will resemble snowdrifts. Summer. Natura 2000 is a network of nature pro- Latvia’s meadows include nearly ½ of all tected areas of European importance. It local flowering plants, including some walking mushroom birdwatching has been established to protect rare and that are rare and endangered at the Eu- endangered plant and animal species ropean level. For instance, Latvia has no and their habitats (biotopes) in Europe. fewer than 32 different kinds of orchids. In Latvia the network was based upon Edible mushrooms, including chanter- botanic insects scenic view the existing nature protected areas, add- elles, appear in the forest, as do barriers ing 122 new sites. All our suggested tours – bilberries, wild strawberries and wild pass several Natura 2000 territories. raspberries, as well as cloudberries and heritage blueberries in the swamps. There are also With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community. Project “Proposals for environmental policy and governance based on demonstration of environmental, social and economic benefits from tourism in the Slītere National Park - a NATURA 2000 territory” (LIFE07 ENV/LV/000981) Mushroom Tour at Vidzeme region Tallinn This is for people who enjoy forests, wildlife and has an interest in mushrooms- different species as well as their various ways of preparation. The tour is lead by the professional mycologist and combines the misterious world of mushrooms with local culinary traditions. The group is introduced with mushrooms growing at the various biotops – natural as well as man made. The tour goes in different Rīga forests, pass some historic sites and small villages on the way. Everyone could try their hand at mushrooming and by the end of the day together with guide sort them out and cook in delicous meal. Vilnius (7 days) General Route: Rīga - Lielstraupe Day 3 - Cēsis - Zilais kalns - Strenči - Valka - Gauja National Park: Zvārte Cliff – Cēsis Āraiši - Sigulda - Mālpils - Rīga – Ungurmuiža Breakfast. We walk nature trail along the Day 1 Amata river which gurantees spectacular Arrival in Riga views, including impressive sandstone Departure to the hotel in the city centre. Zvartes Cliff as well as mushrooms typi- Introductory meeting with the guide at cal for river banks. Also Chaga (Inonotys the Latvian Nature Museum which can obliquus) which is used in medicine as be followed by the excursion to the Cen- well as Alder Bracket (Inonotus radiatus) tral Market. Free time in Riga. Accomo- which changes its colour depending of dation at Islande Hotel. the light. We’ll make a stop at Cēsis to look at its mighty medieval castle ruines and Day 2 charming Old town. Ungurmuiža Manor Transfer Rīga – Silciems-Ragana-Inci- is unique example of the 18th century ems- Lielstraupe wooden baroque architecture. The inte- Breakfast. One of the most popular mush- rior paintings on the walls and ceilings room pickers routes at Riga suburb. Here have still survived. The manor has the we might find popular in Latvia eadible park with impresive old oaks. There we mushroom like cchanterelles, russulas look for (Hapalopilus croceus) and other and various boletus. Also Chestnut Bo- typical mushrooms growing by oaks. lete (Gyroporus castaneus), Lurid Bolete Walking along the Lake Vaidava we might (Boletus luridus), eadible tree-fungus – find summer boletus (Boletus reticula- Sheep polypore (popular in Scandina- tus). We end the mushrooming by stop- vian cooking) (Albatrellus ovinus), Gold- ping at the shitaki mushroom growers at en corall (Ramaria aurea) and others. Dulbeņi. Accomodation at the hotel Wol- Short stop at Krimulda Church in Ragana mar in Valmiera to look for rare mushroom in European level - pretty saffron yelllow coloured Day 4 (Hapalopilus croceus). At Inciems we Zilaiskalns – Strenči – Zīle Forest look for Chestnut Bolete (Gyroporus cas- Breakfast. Zilaiskalns is a very distinct taneus), European bolete (Boletus edulis), hillock covered by forest, and from where as well as golden Coral Tooth (Hericium there is a “narrow” landscape featuring the northern part of the highlands, as coralloides). At Lielstraupe forest there well as the Lake Burtnieks flatlands. It is is a chance to find the largest boletus also a good place for different types of mushroom in Latvia which can be eat- boletus. en uncooked – The Parasol Mushroom Zīle Forest, Pirtslīča brach of the river is (Macrolepiota procera). Accomodation at a rare biotp in Europe with ancient oak the SPA Ezeri hotel in Sigulda. forest and park type meadows. Chance Mushroom Tour at Vidzeme region ...getting to know at least 100 different mushroom species to find (Hapalopilus croceus), Ceramic Parchment (Xylobolus frustulatus) as well as other mushrooms growing by oaks. Accomodation at the hotel Wolmar in Valmiera Day 5 Valka - Mežole Breakfast. Mushrooming near Valka at the typical pine-tree forests with Cla- donias on white lichen. Chanterelles, Suillus, Boletus, Leccinum and others. Natural coniferous forest at Mežole -one of the richest from biological diversity point of view. Here one can find mush- rooms which is indicators of natural for- est, like Wood-rotting fungus (Phellinus nigrolimitatus), (Junghuhnia collabens), needled covered Asterodon ferrugino- sus. Stop at Jaunannužēni – growers of oyster mushrooms. Accomodation at the hotel Wolmar in Valmiera. Return- ing to Riga. Accomodation at the hotel Islande in Riga. Day 6 Āraiši – Sigulda – Mālpils – Suntaži – Lielie Kangari – Rīga Breakfast. Āraiši reconstructed ancient settlement from Bronze Age built on lake. Here is a good example how mush- rooms can damage and destroy the man made objects. We will see Gloeophyllum sepiarium, which growth on wooden constructions not only here but often also on fences, wooden roofs and wood- en parts of railway tracks. Lielie Kangari is unusual geological object. Mush- rooming along the slopes and edge of the bog. Possible to find bolete (Suillus flavidus) and Suillus piperatus (can use as a spice), Earthstars (Geastrum sp). Returning to Rīga. Accomodation at Is- 6 lande Hotel. Day 7 Breakfast. Free time. Transfer to the air- port. For further information contact: Baltic Country Holidays / Lauku ceļotājs Kalnciema Str. 40, Riga, LV-1046, Latvia, T: +(371) 67617600, [email protected] Mushroom Tour at Kurzeme Region Tallinn This is for people who enjoy forests, wildlife, local traditions and has an interest in mushrooms - different species as well as their various ways of preparation. The tour passes several national parks, stops at charming provincial towns and historic sites. During the tour you will learn not only about various species of mushrooms, dif- Rīga ferent forests with their typical habitat but also find out how locals prepare and preserve wild mushrooms. We will visit also one of shitake mushroom growers for comparison reasons.
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    ENG ARCHITECTURE AND ART IN VALMIERA GUIDEBOOK INTRODUCTION Valmiera is one of the oldest cities in Latvia. From 14th to 16th century it was a member of the Hanseatic League, from 18th to 20th century – a regional centre; and during the second half of the 20th century – a district centre. In 1702 the city was completely destroyed by the Russian army. During 1770s it was severely damaged by several res. At the dusk of the World War II, in September 1944, almost whole historical centre of Valmiera completely burnt down. Only few buildings remained intact – the Valmiera St. Simon’s Church, the medieval castle ruins and the building complex of the Valmiera Museum. Within the last 20 years a lot has been done to preserve the remaining historical heritage. The peculiar image of the city is also shaped by sculptures and environmental objects, particularly ones connected with the works of the famous sculptor and initiator of the stone sculpture symposium Andris Vārpa. This guidebook hopes to make the reader stop and have a look at the testimonies of their time, appreciate and evaluate ideas and opportunities, taste and aspirations of representation of the time, when all this was made. Source: Marburga photo archive SCULPTURES, MONUMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTS 1. “A Gift to the New Millenium“ In 2001 in the Unity square the sculpture by Ginters Krūmholcs, resident of Valmiera and back then a student at the Art Academy of Latvia, was put up. For many years it served as the symbol of Valmiera, until a new logo was elaborated. In June 2015 it was moved next to the Vidzeme Olympic Centre, symbolizing gates to Valmiera and welcoming all arriving guests.
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