E124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 12, 2013 American Memorial Park on the neighboring would like to share with you the perspective of JAMIE STRONG island of . U.S. Marine Corps Chaplain Lt. David Jeltema American Memorial Park was established to who was on Tinian last September. He ac- HON. ED PERLMUTTER honor the 5,204 U.S. military personnel and companied a Marine expeditionary unit training OF COLORADO Northern Mariana Islanders, whose lives were there. Lt. Jeltema said the visiting Marines IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lost during the Marianas Campaign, one of the were in awe to be in such a historically signifi- Tuesday, February 12, 2013 most strategically significant events of World cant location and viewed Tinian as ‘‘hallowed War II. The Park houses a museum that af- ground.’’ Tinian’s North Field is one of those Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise fords residents and visitors alike an oppor- places he said he wished more people could today to recognize and honor Jamie Strong for tunity to learn about the vital role of the North- see, ‘‘so that we can remember the tremen- receiving the Greater Golden Chamber of ern Mariana Islands in the ’ suc- dous power the military has and realize what Commerce Young Professional of the Year cessful effort to bring World War II to a close. an incredible responsibility it also has.’’ Award. The Marianas Campaign was so important That is certainly one of the many important Jamie, the Event Designer at Three Toma- because capture of the islands placed U.S. lessons that could be drawn by any visitor to toes Steakhouse and Club at Fossil Trace, bombers within range of the Japanese home- the Tinian Annex of the American Memorial was elected as Chair of the 2012 Golden land. B–29s were deployed from both Saipan Park, which the bill I introduce today would Young Professionals and did a superb job in and Tinian; and, eventually, the atomic bombs authorize. overseeing the development of the organiza- that ended the War in the Pacific were I want to thank the House Natural Re- tion, particularly focusing on professional de- launched from the airfield on Tinian, which sources Committee, which favorably reported velopment and community service for mem- was at the time the largest facility in the world. this same legislation in the 112th Congress. I bers. Her dedication and ability to work with Despite the critical role of Tinian and its air- thank all those Members who are original co- Chamber staff was fantastic. fields, today there is no repository on the is- sponsors of the measure today. And I ask the When not at work, you will find Jaime in- land for artifacts recovered from the vast mili- House to move quickly to approve the Amer- volved with the Golden Chamber, at the Gold- tary sites that were quickly abandoned at the ican Memorial Park Tinian Annex Act for the en Community Center, or enjoying all the local end of the conflict. Nor is there any location at benefit of the future and in honor of the past. hiking trails. which residents and visitors to Tinian can ob- I extend my deepest congratulations to f tain adequate information about the historically Jamie Strong for her well deserved recognition significant events that occurred there. HONORING THE LONG ISLAND RE- from the Greater Golden Chamber of Com- The proposed Tinian Annex would fill this GIONAL SCIENCE BOWL WINNERS merce. I have no doubt she will exhibit the gap. The Annex would have both a curatorial FROM HUNTINGTON HIGH same dedication and character in all her future and an interpretive function. And, as con- SCHOOL accomplishments. ceived, the Annex would accomplish these f purposes by building on resources and infrastructure already estab- HON. STEVE ISRAEL HONORING MRS. ERMA MABRY lished to manage the American Memorial Park OF NEW YORK and largely supported by a trust fund. Al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. though the Department of Defense has said Tuesday, February 12, 2013 OF GEORGIA that it will seek additional funding to support a Mr. ISRAEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES historical center on Tinian, the proposed Act honor a team of talented and dedicated stu- Tuesday, February 12, 2013 also respects the limitations on federal finan- dents from Huntington High School in my Con- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I cial resources by encouraging the use of pub- gressional District that recently won the Long lic lands, provided by the local government, as submit the following Proclamation. Island Regional Science Bowl held at Whereas, eighty years ago a virtuous the site of the Annex. Brookhaven National Laboratory. These stu- The need for the Tinian Annex is pressing. woman of God was born in Gwinnett County, dents are the future of our nation’s excellence For decades after World War II the historically Georgia on October 29, 1932; and in the sciences and I am so proud to recog- significant areas of the island remained rel- Whereas, Mrs. Erma Mabry was born Erma atively undisturbed. The U.S. military leased nize them today. Lyons to Mr. Willie Golden and Mrs. Bessie Captain Brian Gilbert and teammates Aron two–thirds of Tinian and there were only occa- Ragsdale Lyons, she was educated in the sional training exercises on these lands. But Coraor, Marc Feldman, and Jacob Roday at- local school system in Georgia, married Mr. more recently, as U.S. forces have begun to tend Huntington High School in Huntington, German William Mabry and through their be reconfigured and realigned in the Pacific NY and on Saturday January 26, 2013 were union was blessed with three children, one region, the tempo of activity on Tinian has in- named the Long Island Regional Science Bowl daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, and one creased. Lands are being developed for firing winners. The young men competed against great grandchild; and ranges, encampments sites are being en- twenty other teams from high schools around Whereas, this Phenomenal Proverbs 31 larged, and the airfields of the 1940s are the region in a Jeopardy style contest. These woman has shared her time and talents as a being reconstructed as part of the military’s students will compete in the National Finals for Wife, Mother and Motivator, giving the citizens on-going readiness exercises. the Science Bowl in Washington, DC in April of Georgia a person of great worth, a fearless Although the people of the Northern Mar- 2013. leader and a servant to all who wants to ad- iana Islands certainly support this increased This success reflects the hard work of these vance the lives of others; and activity and are proud to have a role in our students, but also of their mentors, Huntington Whereas, Mrs. Mabry has been blessed Nation’s defense, we are also concerned that High School teachers, Ms. Dame Forbes and with a long, happy life, devoted to God and historically important artifacts that may be un- Ms. Lori Kenny. Ms. Forbes and Ms. Kenny credits it all to the Will of God; and earthed over the coming decades of stepped- coached the team and helped make this suc- Whereas, Mrs. Mabry along with her family up training will be discarded and lost without cess possible. It is dedicated teachers like and friends are celebrating this day a remark- a nearby repository for their preservation. We them that make a difference in lives of stu- able milestone, her 80th birthday, we pause to are concerned, too, that because this military dents and the well being of this country. I am acknowledge a woman who is a cornerstone activity will at times necessarily limit physical sure there were many long days and hours of in our community in DeKalb County, Georgia; access to large parts of the island Tinian resi- practice that made this all possible so both of and dents and visitors will need some alternative, these women deserve credit for their contribu- Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the virtual means of learning about the role of tion to the team as well. Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this Tinian North Field, where the atomic bomb The National Science Bowl is one of the day to honor and recognize Mrs. Mabry on her carrying B–29s, Enola Gay and Bock’s Car, largest science competitions in the country birthday and to wish her well and recognize lifted off and about other sites of historic sig- and being recognized as a finalist is an ex- her for an exemplary life which is an inspira- nificance. We are concerned that we may be traordinary honor. I know that Brian, Aron, tion to all; losing a little bit of our Nation’s and our is- Marc, and Jacob have a bright future ahead of Now therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHN- lands’ history, day by day. The purpose of my them and I wish them nothing but success in SON, JR. do hereby proclaim October 29th, bill is to remedy this. the National Finals this spring. They should be 2012 as Mrs. Erma Mabry Day in the 4th Con- This is not solely the concern of those of us proud of all they have achieved so far and I gressional District of Georgia. who live in the . I know they will continue to excel. Proclaimed, this 29th day of October, 2012.

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