The London Gazette, August 28, 1857
2960 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 28, 1857. time carrying on business in Black Horse-street, Bolton- Thomas Bond, formerly of No. 152, Park-lane, afterwards le-Moors aforesaid, and afterwards in Derby-street afore- of No. 21, Whitechapel, then of Lowther-street, and said, in copartnership with the said George Hiton, as carrying on business at No. 19, Whitechapel, all in Machinists and Iron Founders, under the firm of Hit on Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, Hatter and Cap and Barnes, Bolton-moor Iron Works, afterwards re- Maker, and late in lodgings No. 14, Williamson-street, siding on the Mosses, Bury, in the said county, then in Liverpool aforesaid, out of business. Pilkington-street, Bolton-le-Moors aforesaid, afterwards Joseph Taylor, formerly in lodgings, Saint John's-place, in Victoria-street, Wallgate, Wigan, in the said county, Broughton-lane, and carrying on business at No. 8, King- and late in Houghton-street, Fletcher-street, Bolton-le- street, both in Manchester, in 'the county of Lancaster, Moors aforesaid, Journeyman Mechanic. Tailor and Draper, and late in lodgings at Seymour- John Tunaley, formerly of Morledge, Derby, in the county terrace, Old Trafford, near Manchester, aforesaid, out of of Derby, Dyer, then in lodgings in Hull-street, Derby business. aforesaid, out of business, afterwards of Tib-lane, Cross- John Wildman, formerly of Balshaw, in the parish of street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Rating- Latham, in the county of Lancaster, Farmer and Cattle house Keeper, then of Cheetwood-street, Strangeways, Dealer, and late of the same place, Farm Bal'iff. Manchester aforesaid, and whilst at the latter places, carrying on business in copartnership with William Saw- Joshua Cleminson, formerly of No.
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