Gustavus Return on Education Gymnastics raises the bar Page 4 Page 16 THE USTAVIAN WEEKLY Established 1891 G December 6, 2013 Issue 12 Christmas in Christ Chapel 2013: Senate Holy Wisdom, Holy Word discusses financial budget

Sophie Panetti Staff Writer

n order to keep students and faculty fully aware of the I the Gustavus Student Senate sponsored a Financial Transpar- ency Forum on Nov. 21 hosted by Vice President of Finance Ken Westphal. Student Senate Co-Presidents, Matt Timmons and Danielle Cabrera, invited Westphal to speak after the successful turnout at last year’s event. Key points of the meeting in- cluded how Gustavus generates revenue, where that revenue is spent, and why. “Gustavus generates revenue from tuition, donations, gifts from alumni, things like that,” Timmons said. “We strongly rely on donors and alumni.” Westphal explained how the budget was managed, and sum- Vinny Bartella from the May 31, 2013 audit. Gates of Eden Are Open.” Westphal stated that the endow- ment had risen to $121 million, an increase of several million Holy Word: The Gates of Eden dollars from last year, and the Libby Larson Are Open.” College had $55 million in debt. Staff Writer According to Erickson, the These figures gave Gustavus chaplains are integral in shap- a stable A3 rating in the latest ing the theme and in focusing financial rating by Moody’s winkling lights adorn the liturgical elements for the Investors Service. the trees around campus, service, working in close com- The formation of the Gusta- Tthe Evelyn Young Dining munication with the musical vus budget was also a topic of Room glimmers with holiday directors. conversation. decorations, and the risers ap- The initial inspiration of wis- “The Internal Budget Com- pear in the chapel–all sure signs dom for the theme of the service mittee creates an internal bud- of the rapid approach of a favor- was presented by former Chap- get, then sends it to the Presi- ite event on campus. lain Rachel Larson in the early dent’s Cabinet for approval. A highly anticipated event stages of planning, and the pro- Once it’s approved, it’s sent to for alumni, current students gram is also incorporating ele- the budget committee, then on and their families, Christmas in ments of feminist theology. One to the Institutional Resources Christ Chapel returns to usher of former Chaplain Larson’s in the holiday season with per- favorite theologians, Hildegard formances on Dec. 6, 7, and 8. of Bingen, was a central point of Cabrera said. This year, the event will fea- inspiration. Additional topics included ture two new faces, as Chaplains “In a general sense, I’d say the operating revenues, operating Siri Erickson and Brian Konkol umbrella theme for this year has expenses, and investments. - some aspects of feminist theol- Around half of all College rev- mas in Christ Chapel. enue is generated from tuition, Planning for the event be- as her vision, and the word for 25 percent from housing, 14 gins months in advance, and a wisdom in Greek is Sofia, so percent from gifts, and 5 percent committee composed of Choir that’s how the feminist theology from endowment returns. The Directors Dr. Greg Aune and sort of comes up,” Aune said. majority of this revenue—60 Dr. Brandon Dean, Symphony Upon joining the campus staff percent—is directed to workers’ Orchestra Director Ruth Lin, in August, Chaplain Erickson compensation for faculty, staff, College Organist Dr. Chad embraced this concept, and and administrators. Winterfeldt, and the Chaplain’s enhanced the program’s focus Gustavus employs around program and select a unique ‘Christmas’ continued ‘Financial’ continued theme. This year, the theme of the service is “Holy Wisdom, on Page 3 the Year of the Lord’s Favor. on Page 2 Page 2 news The GusTavian Weekly

Campus Safety Report

Monday, November 18 were cited for drug/narcotic violations Tip of the Week: and drug equipment violations by Cam- check for a missing student in Sohre Hall. pus Safety. Winter Driving Safety Tips: that occurred in Norelius Hall the previ- individual smoking an illegal substance ous week. from the bike rack on the west side of in Linnaeus Aboretum. When your car has been outside during Beck Hall. a snowfall, brush all the snow off before Thursday, November 21 Thursday, November 28 setting out. Snow left on the front hood Sunday, November 24 will blow into the front vent and cause defrosting problems, and can also melt a medical assist at Pittman Hall. previously reported stolen bicycle. and re-freeze on the windshield. Snow was cited by Campus Safety for under- on the roof will cover the rear window report of vandalism in Rundstrom Hall. age consumption of alcohol. The student Sunday, December 1 and snow on the rear deck will blow was transported the St. Peter Emergency onto tail lights. Pay particular attention to cleaning off headlights and tail lights Friday, November 22 Room. indoor smoking complaint in Uhler Hall. so that other motorists can see you. underage consumption and possession - in North Hall. ism containing bias language at the Folke Bernadotte Library. for underage consumption of alcohol by Campus Safety. damage at College View. drug/narcotics and drug equipment possible drug/narcotic violation on Col- violations and one student with an of- lege grounds. age/non-drinking area liquor violation in Sorensen Hall. Saturday, November 23 Monday, November 25 - pus Safety for an underage consumption liquor violation while in the Johnson a medical assist in Southwest Hall. Student Union. violation in Norelius Hall involving four underage consumption in Norelius Hall. students. non-drinking area alcohol violation, six students were cited for underage con- Tuesday, November 26 sumption, and one student was cited for underage possession by Campus Safety in Norelius Hall. dispensed in Sorensen Hall.

‘Financial’ continued tions. One student inquired about the possibility of moving invest- from Page 1 ments in mutual funds to exchange traded funds (ETFs), which are 100 individual managers to invest sector-based investments. Another its endowment in approximately student expressed interest in add- 30 different mutual funds. Last ing a position for a student repre- year, the return on investment was sentative on the Internal Budget about 16 percent. Westphal broke Committee. down the College’s investments to Many questions were also posed 26 percent domestic equity (stock on fossil fuel divestment by mem- in the United States), 22 percent bers of environmental justice or- international equity, 17 percent ganizations on campus, including private equity, 10 percent long/ Gustavus Greens, Divest Gustavus, short equity (high risk-high gain and Power Shift. These students - have been collaborating to divest come, and 10 percent real assets. Gustavus from fossil fuel invest- Westphal opened the forum to ments and educate the student body an extended question-and-answer on the issue. session at the end, answering students’ economic-related ques- news

‘Christmas’ continued mas “concert.” While the focus of the program always has the from Page 1 nativity as its’ core element, this philosophy has enabled us to explore and present programs by adding the element of “The that may center on theological, Gates of Eden Are Open.” social, or cultural themes, which “The overall theme for this in turn allows our students the year’s Christmas in Christ opportunity to perform a wide Chapel–Holy Wisdom, Holy variety of music that reflects Word: the Gates of Eden are that particular year’s focus,” Open–reflects in part the fall Aune said. and redemption of humankind According to Aune, this ap- through the perspective of proach allows students partici- feminist theology. This thread or pating in the choir and orchestra theme took shape in our initial to encounter a wide variety of planning as we explored and music, as they perform pieces connected the idea of the term which provide a greater educa- “Sophia–literally, Wisdom in the tional experience. Greek translation of the bible– and how feminist theology and theologians have impacted the “I think this is a huge Christian tradition,” Erickson said. Pieces of music are carefully selected to reflect the theme, the story of the Nativity. “In a way, my job with picking the music is easier than what Dr. A and Dr. D have to do, because they have to deal with text–so mine’s a little bit more abstract. I go and I listen to a lot of things orchestra, but during “Oh Come The Gustavus Physical Plant is “It really is an event that and I think about what does all Ye Faithful” I always go over additionally responsible for a touches so many different parts wisdom mean musically, and to the percussion and play the large portion of the effort to pre- how that applies, and part of it Though Aune said that one cymbals–that’s my favorite pare the interior of the Chapel. and lots of students,” Erickson is also what I think would be a of the greatest challenges in the part,” Lin said. Dr. Lin also credits the efforts said. “This will be my first good selection to play,”Director preparations for Christmas in Beyond the music and lit- of the students in the produc- Christmas in Christ Chapel to of Symphony Orchestra Dr. Christ Chapel each year is the urgy of the service, a great deal tion of Christmas in Christ even see, and it’s fun to be able Ruth Lin said. selection of a creative theme, of visual planning goes into Chapel, noting that the majority to be a part of shaping it.” Those attending the concert both the printed programs and of participants are non-music To reserve a free student ticket can expect more than just tradi- fixture. The choral rendition the interior decoration of the majors. or to purchase tickets for the tional Christmas carols. of “Oh Come All Ye Faithful,” Chapel space. The art for the “I think this is a huge effort performances, visit gustavus- “Christmas in Christ Chapel commissioned by the college programs is a selection of pieces on the parts of our students and is a unique event on several in 1876 is a favorite of many from artist Trudi Doyle. Gusta- this really is a wonderful repre- levels. First, it functions as a Gusties according to Aune. vus Alumnus John Young and sentation of the great diversity communal worship experience “This is my own personal Heroic Productions are integral that we have on campus,” Lin rather than a Advent or Christ- inside joke between me and the in crafting the lighting displays. said. Technical error affects college applications nationwide

Haley Bell problems pretty much since the Gustavus is at an advantage Staff Writer software change,” Crady said. during the enrollment process With only weeks before dead- in comparison to some other lines for early applicants, the colleges. olleges throughout the site has been down at various “We were in much better nation are busy reviewing points, and students are unsure shape than a lot of schools, Capplications of poten- of whether or not their applica- because we aren’t Common tial candidates for next year’s tions are being received. App exclusive,” Admission enrollment. More than 500 “It is really surprising for Counselor and Coordinator of institutions, including Gusta- an organization that has been Marketing and Technology in vus Adolphus College, use the around as long as this one has Admission JJ Akin said. Common Application and have to not test drive this before the With so many problems with been making an effort to tend new software went out. It has the new software, students to the needs of panicking high been a huge nightmare for a that wanted to hear back from school seniors while the system lot of people,” Associate Vice the college before Jan. 1 were President and Dean of Admis- strongly encouraged to apply “For us, it is an issue because sion Rich Aune said. using the application specifi- we are about 35 percent com- cally for Gustavus. mon app and we get about - “It hasn’t caused us a great 5000 applications a year. Stu- amount of problems because dents will think their file is not all of our applications are complete and will contact us Common App,” Aune said. saying they’re waiting when The staff at Gustavus, along we haven’t received anything. - Submitted We have had to manually go ing ways to meet the needs of through applications,” Vice students that have struggled system and retired paper applications. President for Enrollment and with the Common Application. Dean of Admission Thomas According to Gustavus Admis- Gustavus has rolling, early have been dealt with. Crady said. sions, student’s applications admissions, and students don’t “One thing that was a frus- The Common Application Many students feared missing have been looked at individu- need to commit to attending tration was that Common App allows students to apply to mul- deadlines, but as a result of the ally so that those people can be until May. didn’t communicate to the stu- tiple colleges with one form. The issues, many application dead- contacted about any informa- The company has posted dents that there were problems. website changed its software lines are being extended. tion that may be missing from updates through social media It was frustrating for colleges on Aug. 1, and has had many “It screwed up colleges’ dead- their applications. Students are saying that they are currently because we felt like Common problems since then. lines and many were just get- not being denied because of investigating the glitches. The App should have been com- “When the software came ting applications when their these issues and admission staff website has improved on certain municating these things with up, no one could get their ap- deadlines were approaching,” has been working to accommo- issues, but people are still frus- people,” Akin said. plications in. We have had these Crady said. date the applicants. trated with the way these issues Page 4 news The GusTavian Weekly Gustavus seeks to measure return on education

Chelsea Johnson used are return on investment. on how we get the story out people a broad range of infor- institutions on a national level. Editor-in-Chief We are choosing to frame it as about the value of an education mation to show them that we do “This project is aimed at al- return on education (ROE), be- at Gustavus. How do we mea- feel that for 150 years, Gustavus lowing people to see that liberal cause we think it is much bigger sure the return on education, has been doing this—but now arts is about the bigger picture- than just money,” Kennedy said. or what is the lifelong value more than ever, we’re being -it sets you up for life after col- ith college costs and “The term ‘return on invest- of a student’s education over a lege,” Simons said. student debt rising ment’ is the use of corporate continuum? Every college and same time, being innovative in To visit the Return on a Gus- Wsteadily each year, a language and business market- university cannot be judged in explaining it,” Kennedy said. tavus Education website, visit national conversation has begun ing language—it’s a corporate Long term, the goal is to invite to develop about evaluating the mentality, to see students as common ways to discuss the re- other colleges into these discus- return on investment (ROI) for consumers. You see ‘return on turn on investment,” Ohle said. sions, and ultimately develop a schools of higher education. investment’ and you start see- Although prospective stu- model that can be used at other Additionally, websites like ing salaries and numbers, and dents and families are looking have gained pub- that’s not the whole picture,” for an easy assessment tool, licity for their lists that rank Assistant Film Studies Professor many believe that the idea of colleges by their perceived ROI, and Committee Member Sean an algorithm may be too limit- without taking into account Cobb said. ing. According to Kennedy, is the immeasurable factors that For Brian Simons, who cur- it a delicate balance between contribute to the value of higher rently serves as the student rep- satisfying the public and using education such as experiences, resentative on the committee, additional resources to outline skills, and opportunities. it is important for prospective the values that cannot be fac- During a time of financial students to have access to this tored from an algorithm. instability, more and more pro- information. “We are going to purpose a spective students and their “Nothing like this has ever way that we could potentially families are looking for answers been done—this is pretty cut- measure return on education— about exactly what they will ting edge. If we are able to get and although we are not exactly get out of their chosen college other schools involved, it would sure how we are going to do that in return for a seemingly large change the way people see lib- yet, there is talk of an algorithm monetary investment. In Gusta- eral arts colleges in the future. that would be based on the 9 vus’ case, it is more than just a In some ways, when you pay dimensions of the Gustavus one-word answer. more, there’s a lot more that wellbeing model. We want to “Colleges feel strongly that can be gained. It’s about happi- give people the tools to get the ratings cannot tell the whole ness,” Simons said. information they want, so we story. A number of schools are One of the ways in which have to try to be innovative,” searching for ways to measure Gustavus will attempt to inform Kennedy said. the value of education, and prospective students and fami- According to Cobb, the ROE some are basing it solely on lies on the potential ROE will be at Gustavus is largely based two things: job placement and through a new part of the Gusta- on things you can’t measure— salary. The idea we have been vus website titled, ‘Return on a such as the close relationships discussing at Gustavus is how Gustavus Education.’ Although professors have with stu- we can develop a system of the website was launched this dents. measurement for Gustavus week, Kennedy and others are “The accessibility, working that talks about the value of a still in the early stages of pursu- together, developing writing, Gustavus education,” President ing a more complete answer to critical thinking and one on one Ohle said. Gustavus’ return on education. class situation work better for Within recent years, The Gus- “The website will incorporate tavus Adolphus College Board many different pages that im- of a smaller school. For me as a of Trustees Marketing and Com- plicitly outline a holistic Gusta- teacher, those are the most im- munication Committee, in col- vus education—from showing portant returns on education,” laboration with Vice President the retention and graduation Cobb said. for Marketing and Communi- rates to supplying supplemental “What I have tried to focus on cation Tim Kennedy and the videos and stories for site visi- is trying to get varying opinions President’s cabinet, have begun tors to watch,” Kennedy said. so that we can tell our story from 374, which is a response rate of approximately 69 percent. to discuss how Gustavus will A large part of the national authentically and genuinely, portray its return on invest- conversation revolves around and while it may not be what ment. For Kennedy, this means how to actually measure this everyone believes, we have lis- changing the conversation. return. tened to a lot of voices in order “The way it’s framed on a “The discussion at our Cabi- to come to a consistent message. national level, the words often net meetings has been centered Ultimately we are trying to give

salary information. Editor | Renee Hoppe arts & entertainment Friday, December 6, 2013 • Page 5 GUSTIE of the WEEK

Jaurdyn Gilliss as a Gustavus Ambassador and best kept secrets at member of the speech team,” Gustavus.” Staff Writer Associate Professor Voice Area Coordinator in Music Patricia free time, Kelsey s a fourth generation Snapp said. “She has tremen- loves to knit, read, Gustie, Senior Kelsey dous focus and drive and a very sleep and spend AAbele knew she would strong work ethic.” time with friends. be attending Gustavus since the Kelsey believes that while ev- “Her person- minute her family told her she erything she has been involved ality is a fiction wouldn’t be allowed at Thanks- in has helped her grow, her writer’s dream,” giving if she broke the string of involvement in speech has had Sophomore Emily family that had wandered the the biggest impact in her life Meyer said. “She’s college throughout the ages. because of the sheer time com- funny, enthusias- “I applied to other schools but mitment and passion it requires. tic, energetic and I always knew I’d come here,” “I spend a lot of time with sarcastic. But she’s Kelsey said. “And I love it here. speech, so I’ve been inundated also caring, gener- People toss around the word with the amount of information ous, hardworking community a lot for Gustavus, I’ve acquired,” Kelsey said. and kind.” but you literally walk on cam- “In doing speech almost every With a semester pus and you feel it.” weekend, from before school left, Kelsey wants Touring the campus as a starts until April, a lot of time to make the most first-year, Kelsey appreciated is put in so I’ve learned how of her time by ap- the sense of community right to best interact with people on preciating those away; noting the willingness of a daily basis outside of simply around her more. learning how to public speak or “I want to enjoy of friendliness in a wave, some- control a room.” my classmates and thing that didn’t happen often at appreciate both other campuses she had toured. “I can say Kelsey is a their input as stu- Now as a senior, she emulates dents of academia that same sense of community true leader. She priori- in the classroom and what they say “As one of Kelsey’s speech tizes the success of oth- after class more coaches, I can say Kelsey is a lightheartedly,” true leader. She prioritizes the ers before her own.” Kelsey said. “I success of others before her have a semester own. She is dedicated to lifelong —Cadi Kadlecek left, I’m taking a learning and has truly commit- lighter course load, Last year at state, she won Ally Hosman ted herself to gathering as much so I want to spend Kelsey’s energy shines through on her KGSM radio station. knowledge as possible while Public Oral Interpretation, re- my time I have left at Gustavus,” Associate Direc- ceived second in drama, fourth appreciating the tor of Forensics Cadi Kadlecek in Communication Analysis and people around me and the at- said. “If every person was even mosphere.” a fraction as passionate and enough points throughout the After Gustavus, Kelsey would committed to community as entire tournament to win the like to attend graduate school to Kelsey is, we would all make a sweepstakes trophy as well. pursue communications studies bigger, more positive impact on While she worked hard and was where she will be able to help the world around us.” proud of her success, Kelsey coach a speech team. As an art history and English “Wherever she ends up, I’m double major, member of the in the success of the team as a sure she will have already speech team, G-Choir, Gustavus whole. changed numerous lives,” Mey- Ambassadors and KGSM, in “Gustavus Adolphus College er said. “She will most likely which she co-hosts a radio show is grounded in the liberal arts every Thursday with Senior Jon tradition and Kelsey epitomizes she always seems to. I know one Warling, Kelsey has learned the the College’s commitment to thing for sure, she will be ex- value of prioritization through- this paradigm,” Director of actly where she wants to be and out her four years of college. Forensics Kristofer Kracht said. she will have worked for it.” “Kelsey has been a leader “Because she is so humble and within the Gustavus community

Ally Hosman Ally Hosman One of Kelsey’s goals next semester is to devote more time to her Gustavus friends. Kelsey plans to use her speech experience to coach a high school team. Page 6 • Friday, December 6, 2013 arts & entertainment T!" G#$%&'(&) W""*+, Classic Christmas films supply warmth during the cold

original holiday classic. This Favorite Christmas Musical: television special focuses on the White Christmas angry Grinch, a green creature isolated from the town of Who- Even though a white Christ- ville who hates Christmas. He mas is the last thing a lot of attempts to ruin the Whoville’s Minnesotans want, it’s always favorite holiday by stealing all welcome on television. It’s the decorations and gifts grant- no surprise that with all the ed to every Who, including Christmas music we hear, that Cindy Lou Who, Betty Lou Who they would eventually be made and Doctor Who! However, he into a holiday musical. It stars realizes the material things are the legendary Bing Crosby as not what makes the holiday and a former World War II soldier decides to change for the better. named Bob who teams up with Not only is this well animated another veteran named Phil Brady Lass for the 1960s, but it is also well to become musical superstars. voice acted. Who better to voice Staff Writer With Phil worried about Bob’s romantic life, he teams up with man who has experience por- his girlfriend Judy to set up Bob he holidays are here! traying big, green monsters? It with Judy’s sister, Betty. Christmas is undoubt- also contains the classic “You’re The two pairs travel to a ski Tedly the holiday with a mean one, Mr. Grinch,” which resort in Vermont where un- the most movies centered on I hear on the radio every year fortunately, there is no snow. it, (looking at you Die Hard). and never get sick of. It has Bob and Phil discover that the Christmas movies allow direc- all the elements of a classic resort is owned by their former tors to get away with portraying Christmas special in 30 minutes, beloved general and that it’s happiness and presenting deep which is more than I can say for Submitted morals that public service an- the live action Seuss movies. of snow. They decide to help nouncements wish they could their former friend by having teach, and every family usually - a show in the resort featuring has a traditional holiday classic ing can beat the cuteness of Max just cannot get enough of this can break the sound barrier many talented men and women, they watch every year. and the Grinch’s heart growing movie during the holidays. As are some of the many memo- while Phil and Judy continue to three sizes too big. part of National Lampoon’s rable features of this charming try and set Bob and Betty up. Vacation series, the plot of comedy. The acting is charming, the Favorite Animated Movie: this film follows Clark Gris- The slapstick lines and char- characters are memorable, and How the Grinch Stole Favorite Comedy: National wold attempting to have the acters are all very memorable, it contains great music, whether Christmas Lampoon’s Christmas best Christmas ever with his and this special proves that it’s Christmas themed or not. wife, children, and parents. even though a lot can go wrong, It’s an overall great movie to get Vacation However, the Griswolds never being with your family for the you into the Christmas mood, Despite Hollywood’s many seem to have luck on their side, holidays is never a bad choice. and a great treat for musical attempts to bring Dr. Seuss’ While there are many great espeically when it comes to the Just make sure not to invite fans. classic children stories to life holiday comedies, nothing can holiday season. Broken Christ- anyone from this family to your Merry Christmas readers, with live action or CGI anima- beat a classic such as National house unless you want to pay and may all your Christmases tion, none can compete with the Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I exploding cats, and sleds that thousands in property damage. be white. Catching Fire sparks excitement in audiences Panem of their love and calm- (Willow Shields), her stylist ing them, the two only seem Cinna (Lenny Kravutz), Gale to inspire rebellion against the Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth) Capitol. In an attempt to assure and Caesar Flickerman (Stanely his power and to smother rebel- Tucci). New characters that stole lion, President Snow announces the spotlight include the cocky a reminder to the districts that and swoon-worthy Finnick not even the strongest among them can stand against the hearted Johanna Mason (Jena Capitol. The tributes for the Malone), the new Gamemaker 75th Hunger Games, a Quarter Plutarch Heavensbee (Philip Quell, will not be reaped from Seymour Hoffman), and of the usual 12 to 18 year-old chil- course, the loveable and self- dren but rather from the existing less Mags (Lynn Cohen). With pool of victors. This means one all their talent, these actors did of the worst possible fates for a wonderful job of portray- Kim Krulish Katniss: as the only female vic- ing their characters. However, Staff Writer tor from District 12, she has no some may have gone a little choice but to play the Capitol’s overboard. Submitted veryone’s favorite victors sick game once again, only this President Snow is a cold- have returned to the big time she intends to save Peeta hearted man who revels in his Escreen in love in The Hun- instead of herself. absolute power, but Sutherland, ger Games: Catching Fire. Katniss Guided by a rarely sober although a good actor, certainly With all the colors and strange certainly has it’s positives. The Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) Haymitch Abernathy (Woody does not instil the type of fear movie does a pretty good job of and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutch- Harrelson) and mostly-clueless and unease in viewers as the and make-up designer’s dream sticking to the book, which is erson) outsmarted the devious character in the book does. come true. The set designer for almost always a plus. The action and tyrannical President Snow Katniss sometimes seemed a bit Catching Fire likely had an in- scenes are intense and have a (Donald Sutherland) and his their way to the top of the list of too “girly” than her character way of holding the audience’s cabinet of men and women in tributes—both a good and a bad generally calls for; Hemsworth - attention, although there are charge of the 74th annual Hun- thing. The star-crossed lovers and Lawrence shared a few ences between the districts, the dull moments throughout the ger Games, which serves as the too many on-screen kisses and Capitol, and the arena. Thank- movie. The acting, costumes, twisted reminder to the districts losses they never imagined pos- moments than necessary or that fully, the infamous “shaky cam- make-up, and sets were won- of Panem that the Capitol com- sible. With half of the tributes as were originally dictated by the - derful and did a great job of pletely controls their lives. But well as the government against book. Harrelson’s character moved—even though some felt capturing the feel of Suzanne that it may have helped capture Collins’ books. All-in-all, The two young people aren’t over than ever to survive, or even there for comic relief, which the intense, shaky mood of the Hunger Games: Catching Fire yet. Forced to re-enact their star- to keep Peeta safe. In the end, they do very well. Jennifer movie—however, the videog- isn’t perfect, but it’s good and crossed lovers routine, Katniss is there a victor, or is it time for Lawrence proves that she is the raphy is still rather choppy and and Peeta must travel through all-out war? Queen of Facial Expressions, cuts between shots suddenly the other 11 districts afore the Returning characters includ- especially during a certain and usually without much Victor’s Tour. However, instead ed Katniss’ mother (Paula Mal- awkward-but-hilarious scene transition. of convincing the people of colmson)and sister Primrose in an elevator. Catching Fire Editor | Renee Hoppe arts & entertainment Friday, December 6, 2013 • Page 7 Indie artists take over holiday music Revamp your Christmas playlist with these fresh takes on Christmas classics.

o matter how hard you may try, the perils of overplayed holiday music are nearly impossible to avoid. Although the nostalgic Nfrom the sky, it’s inevitable that by the time Christmas actually comes around, you’ll be frantically changing the radio station every time that “Christmas Shoes” song begins to play. Luckily there’s hope for those of you who wish to avoid the dreaded fate of falling out of love with “Feliz Navidad” and “Jingle Bell Rock” (and for those of you who wish just avoid them altogether). In recent years several refreshing Christmas albums have been Mackenzie McCann released that capture the holiday spirit without making you want to rip your ear drums out after the fourth time hearing them in a day. Staff Writer

Sufjan Stevens’ Silver & Gold

Silver & Gold Christmas songs written over the span of several years. This three-hour long album released in TSongs For Christmas (2006). Combining the two is the perfect solution to unbearably long car rides to your aunt’s house for Christmas dinner. Silver & Gold holiday hymns and original songs that range from cute and quirky to deep and reverent. Each disc takes you on a journey. Rather than focusing simply on holiday cheer and tradition, Sufjan explores the complexities of emotions felt during the holiday season. One especially memorable song on the album is Sufjan’s electronic rendition of “Do You Hear What I Hear?” The nine-minute song eventually spirals into a surprisingly wonderful mess of an overly-autotuned repetition of the lyrics “do you feel what I feel?” It’s immediately followed up by “Christmas In The Room,” a slow and beautiful original about spending Christmas with a special someone. Although Silver & Gold an epic mash-up cover of Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart” is at least worth a listen, right? Submitted

She & Him’s A Very She & Him Christmas

he next breath of fresh air is She & Him’s A Very She & Him Christmas (2011). Although it’s not quite as awe-inspiring as Sufjan’s holiday epic, this album’s low-key hipster vibe is the perfect Tbackground noise for cookie decorating and present wrapping. A Very She & Him Christmas has a wonderfully calm and melancholy mood without absolutely ruin- ing the Christmas spirit. The complimentary voices of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward combine to create The standout song on this album is the gender-swapped version of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” Zooey sounds far less like a sexual predator with her charmingly innocent voice. “Mind if I move in closer” is much less creepy coming from her instead of a male voice. Rather than straying down the path of “too quirky,” She & Him played it safe with A Very She & Him Christmas. However, one can’t help but crave more of that “adorkable” appeal that Zooey is so well known for.


Indie Artists Collaborate in Holidays Rule

inally, if you’re yearning for something a little more current, Holidays Rule is the album for you. Released in the fall of 2012 by Hear Music/Concord Music Group, this record features a col- Flection of traditional holiday music covers by bands and artists like The Shins, The Head And The Heart, The Civil Wars, and Andrew Bird. The beauty of Holidays Rule lies in the simplistic diversity of the songs. None are overdone and cheesy, yet they all encompass the style and uniqueness of each band or artist covering them. The album opens with Fun.’s rendition of “Sleigh Ride,” which adds just enough techno pop to traditional jingle bells and string instruments. The best song on the album is Punch Brothers’ cover of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” The bluegrass band holds back on the instrumentals for most of the song, letting their vocalist shine, until The thought of repetitive holiday music in general might leave you feeling like you’ve drank too there is indeed a plethora of seasonal music out there that’s actually worth repeating.

Submitted Page 8 Page 9 Editor | Brianna Furey t'SJEBZ %FDFNCFS  features T!" G#$%&'(&) W""*+, Gustavian Weekly Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

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Left to right: Matt Timmons, Eric Alex Gunderson and Caleb Likely Vinny Bartella and Chloe Everson Pothen, Jack Healy, and Nate Jenson Top to bottom: Ashley Perish, Left to right: Amanda Wood, Anna Helen Wauck, Susan Crane, and Nelson (top), Emily Hamberg (bot- Rebecca Thompson tom), and Mary Patterson

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Gustavian Weekly Fall 2013 Staff Left to right: Allie Coen, Kory Kolis, Dan Campus Activities Board 2013-2014 Ly, and Rebecca Hare Editor | Kristina Ericksen and David Roland opinion 'SJEBZ %FDFNCFS t Page 10 The masonater So dark the con of shopping to become so deeply ingrained into our nation’s culture? Some our never feeling as if we have enough, or because we believe we deserve the best before others and will do whatever is necessary to obtain it, regardless of the consequences. Personally, I believe the problem is far more simple than that. The problem is apathy. Apa- thy towards others, apathy in our own desire and greed as consumers, apathy when it comes to remembering to be Mason Kruize thankful only to immediately Opinion Columnist forget when the occasion is passed. We simply do not care about lack Friday: a day follow- how we present ourselves when ing the time of thanks, in it comes to getting what we Bwhich we trample over complete strangers for cheap others to change without taking material goods. the time to point into the mirror This tradition is rooted in like we should. We expect some- the unspoken forbiddance of one in power or others to do Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. True to our na- while we won’t hold ourselves ture, we’ve pushed the big accountable. shopping day up as far as pos- I’m sure plenty of you have sible. This year, some stores had never trampled over a poor the gall to open on Thanksgiv- Wal-Mart employee on the way Creative Commons ing Day. to all that fancy merchandise, Target’s new Black Friday slogan: You won’t get stabbed, probably. With violence and chaos now but let it be asked: have you expected, Black Friday has put material desires before the level. Whether it is someone and buy only what you need are buying something you ac- earned its morbid monicker. needs or requests of others? not caring about the injury plus a few occasional splurges tually need, but make sure you We’ve all doubtlessly heard of Have you spent a majority of given to that stranger roughly when you feel you have earned don’t go overboard. the injuries and even deaths your time on yourself, doing shoved aside or not taking the it. Greed and desire are a part Black Friday is an occasion that have occurred because of things in which you gain im- initiative to spend less, a prob- of being human; only by con- where you should be perfectly this dark day, and we should - lem is a problem and will only trolling that desire and actually able to go shopping, just so feel sorrow for those who’ve tempted to possess more, rather grow unless we take it upon caring about our decisions are long as you don’t let yourself than take the time to appreciate ourselves to stop it head on. we able to overcome them. be overpowered by the mania Stabbings, concealed hand- what you already possess? Has Forgive the winter pun, but it We’re all guilty of having not of greed or desire. There are guns, pepper spray, trampling, there been a time when you’ve will snowball into an avalanche cared about how our actions enough depressing things in threats, and stampeding mobs gotten something that you “ab- which will consume and control will impact us in the long run, this world without having to have all occurred on this kick-off solutely needed,” only to realize you. Control your impulses, especially if we let those actions hear about an employee be- to the “Merry” Christmas shop- later that it was a spur of the or your impulses shall control become habits. Yes, there is the ing trampled to death because ping season. How is it that we moment purchase? you. Actually spend the effort time when you deserve a little people couldn’t take their eyes have allowed this abomination Apathy is dangerous at any to meaningfully give thanks fun amidst the stress of life or off some lavish junk.

Wait, What? The Good, the Bad, and Late-night Imgur by Dan Ly the Meh

Christmas in Christ Chapel: Because who doesn’t love attending the Gustie tradition while decked out in a scratchy Christmas sweater? Thanks

Reading Day(s): The happiest you’ll be while pretending to studying for

No streakers at Midnight Express: How am I supposed to learn about human anatamy, Ohle!? Page 11 Friday, December 6, 2013 opinion T!" G#$%&'(&) W""*+, Witt and spice and everything nice want to write a book, you need characters and their actions to to make sure you have those your audience in a way that things. If you think you have they can understand, and add what it takes, here’s a start-up minor details that will enhance manual. your story. Slowly, your book First, I’m going to clear up one of the biggest myths of the comes alive. whole book writing process: you need to have inspiration down a set of questions that to write a book. False. In the you will address at another words of the best-selling author point. Writers need an audi- Malinda Lo, “If you wait for in- ence. To bait readers, lead with spiration to strike before you sit an applicable poem or share a down to write, you’ll probably purpose, but it doesn’t need to The only thing that determines be perfect. that is your own sense of dis- To make a masterpiece, the Cory Witt cipline.” devil’s in the details. It’s the Opinion Columnist Inspiration helps a lot, but a difference between the men and good writer can produce their the boys, girls and women, and umans have always own inspiration if they have a book from a story. No writer is been interested in story what it takes. What a writer perfect. Think of it as the meat Htelling. Everyone has a really needs, however, is dedi- story to tell. Sure, not all stories cation that they can really use muscles and rigid muscles. You are page turners or epics that to drive themselves forward. need both to live. As you slowly burst with excitement (Charles To be successful, develop the Dickens’ Great Expectations, for discipline you need to move are going to run into a lot of example), but they are still sto- problems. These are distractions your book. Come up with an because it will keep you from all stories to be worthwhile, reaching the end of your book. you are willing to spend count- You are going to get distracted still a story. Whether you know less hours working with and whether you like it or not. That Creative Commons it or not, you too have a story molding it into a concrete story. to tell. My love for stories has The next step: make a plan. It it. But during that break, think grown from readership to au- doesn’t need to be bulletproof about your story and devise a thorship. Two books later, here I because it is going to change. way to get through the distrac- Whatever you do, don’t stop selling author James Patterson am at Gustavus, ready to further Don’t focus too hard on com- tions and the chewy parts of writing. Try not to take day suggests, the best thing you can enrich my craft. ing up with complex ideas or your story. Never deviate too far long breaks and always have do is turn your writing from an When it comes to writing a planning out every little de- from that story or dare to come your story in your head. If you act to a habit. book, anyone can do it. It takes up with something new. If you are bored, think through your - discipline, commitment, a lot of with more and more ideas, do, you hinder your progress on plot or devise stratagems to get ishing a book is one of the most creativity, and ingenuity. If you add content to it, explain your your project. through your story. As best- satisfying things you’ll ever do.

Editorial in the media aimed to produce slut shaming in its innumerable insecurity and negative self-im- guises throughout history sim- age. Our attitudes towards the ply because they desired free- body are shaped, standardized, dom from repressive cultural and controlled by the media. expectations. We forget, or maybe we don’t While today some may feel realize that the human form is that women have more free- naturally diverse and imperfect. dom to dress as they choose, Bold displays of nudity remind laws regulating chest exposure us that abnormal is normal and illuminate further aspects of should not be a source of shame. inequality. Breasts are not sexual Clothing is repressive, pro- organs, yet women are widely motes materialism, and rein- prohibited from chest exposure forces social status, position, in the U.S., reinforcing female and roles in society. Clothing inequality before the law and centers around the idea of “dis- cultural repression. play,” compelling the wearer to There are serious consequenc- make some statement in their es of breast sexualization, and Rebecca Hare clothing choice because they common misconceptions result will be judged regardless. Some from mandating female chest Managing Editor argue that nudity is a sexual coverage. Breast enhancement display when in fact, it is an at- is an unfortunate symptom of ollege campuses are noto- tempt to move away from sexu- our unique, cultural fixation riously rife with expres- alization. Fashion, on the other on breasts and our unrealistic sions of nudity, and Gus- hand, seeks to enhance sexual perception of breast size and C desirability through a delicate symmetry. The most common tavus is no different. Streaking is common across our campus; balance between clothing and surgical cosmetic procedure, whether a public display at exposure, and this business of breast enhancement reflects Creative Commons Midnight Express or a private sexual display has greatly im- - run through the Arb, streaking pacted women. security. is a tradition at our school, and Nudity empowers women. Shamefulness surrounding in their nakedness. are considered shameful, sexual we should not seek to shame, Women have been historically nudity is not innate but learned Relativistic ideas of body objects to be covered. Nudity repress, or condemn it. and reinforced by American so- shame differ wildly throughout appreciates the body as a whole Nudity encourages confi- clothing as a regulator and ciety. Contrary to national laws the world according to culture and discourages sexual shame. dence, self-love, comfort in conduit of expression. Cloth- and county ordinances against and custom. In a nutshell, there I disagree with the stigmati- one’s own skin, celebration of ing has traditionally restricted “indecent exposure,” nudity are numerous cultures where zation of streaking because it is the body, and appreciation of women in movement through is not inherently “indecent,” nudity is perfectly acceptable, repressive and antifeminist, and the diversity of the human form. corsets, bras, foot binding, and merely a repressive cultural at- where breasts are not sexual it promotes insecurity, and false Nudity is important to counter high heels as well as expression, titude we have cultivated in our objects, and where necks, feet, perceptions of normalcy and unrealistic images portrayed as women have been subject to country. Children feel no shame heads, and other body parts standardizes of beauty. Editor | Kristina Ericksen and David Roland opinion 'SJEBZ %FDFNCFS t Page 12 Colin it like I see it Today, tomorrow, and everything in between what comes next? Finals. Tests. side of class who happens to be Coffee. No sleep. More coffee. having a bad day? Excessively focusing on what This time of year poses an ob- lies ahead and not being pres- stacle that we encounter every ent separates you from current day of our lives. We all do it, reality. It can make you self- and we will always do it: obsess centered and egocentric with- about the future. This can be out even realizing it. problematic, particularly dur- When you think about the ing this time when stress and future in your mind, you con- anxiety levels are highest. template your deadlines, think Thinking about the future about what you will be doing, can pressure us to do well, and how you are going handle a it adds stress that becomes ex- situation, how you are going to ceedingly overbearing. Getting react, and how others are go- ahead of ourselves builds anxi- ing to think about you. When ety related to upcoming events, was the last time you imagined Colin Rieke classes, tests, and assignments. yourself taking that big test next Opinion Columnist Furthermore, focusing on week and then immediately the future makes us do exactly pictured what your friends are that: focus on tomorrow and the going to be doing at that time? ou just got back from a days afterward. Consequently, That is something that we relaxing Thanksgiving this means not thinking about don’t think about. Instead, we YBreak, and for the most the present. Not being present, tend to associate anything relat- part, it’s been a decent week or in-the-moment, has several ed to the future with ourselves. back. However, yesterday your consequences. It is not necessarily a bad thing, professors reminded you that For starters, tunnel vision to but a part of human nature. It you can count the days until the future leaves the present only becomes a “bad thing” if neglected. We do things we you are consistently shifting care about by using the best of your attention to tomorrow cumulative. If you were looking our abilities. We put effort into rather than today. for an excuse to freak out, now things that are important to us. Being present and forgetting you have one. So if your mind gets caught about upcoming events is dif- Your weekend goes by faster up in what lies too far ahead David Roland than you can blink because the and you become less present, we ought to at least attempt. only thing on your mind is the whatever you are trying to do at - upcoming stress. You dread the that moment becomes an after- nals, switch your attention to amount of work and studying thought. This happens whether the task right in front of you, that you know is needed to we want it to or not, because we whether that be studying, prac- be able to control the future, but something by not focusing on can only effectively focus on ticing, helping a friend, or even it. In reality, the only thing that having less fun because you are one thing at time. Would you be relaxing. Being present can be as only do this by being present creates the tomorrow is today. constantly thinking about the able to give 100 percent of your simple as taking a couple sec- in today. Today is your opportunity to upcoming workload. So you sit effort for something that was an onds to take note of your breath. We all strive to do things be present, experience, accom- down and start studying, but after-thought? By keeping your frame of perfectly. A large part of this plish, and make a difference. We also become less aware of mind within the present, you involves being organized and Today is a result of the past. piece of paper in front of you our surroundings when we are can focus your attention on focused on the type of person Tomorrow is a result of today. because all you can think of is not paying attention to the pres- what you are currently doing. we will be and the things we set Today is real. Today is your day. the future and the stress that ent. We become less attuned to Focus on what lies within your out to accomplish in the future. comes with it. those around us. If your mind is control. Do you control what We are concerned about the fu- Let’s be honest, the one thing racing about the content of that happens in a week from now? ture, but the only way to truly on everyone’s mind lately is final exam you have coming You may be saying “Umm, of be concerned with it is to forget time, and how little we have left up, how likely are you to notice course I do!” I agree with you before the semester ends. Guess your friend sitting on the other to a certain extent. You may not a whole lot of sense to focus on

IN NEXT Letter to the WEEK’S Editor ISSUE...

To the Gustavus Adol- Obama to Amazon phus College Community, CEO: Will Trade We had a very enjoyable Drones for Working evening at the Gustavus Website Adolphus Library Associ- ates Royal Affair the eve- ning of Nov. 16. As in pre- Attendance at vious years, the event was Christmas in Christ well organized and highly Chapel sags after successful. Both of us were naked Santa Claus extremely impressed by incident how gracious, curteous, and helpful the student workers were to the guests. They are an excellent example of the Record amount of outstanding quality of stu- foreign greenery dent that attends Gustavus. found in Nobel greenhouse, Gus Keep up the great work. the Lion arrested Ken and Patsy Rossow St. Peter, MN calendar * The Calendar Page is considered editorial. Christmas in Refuge in No Delusions: The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of THE GUSTAVIAN WEEKLY, but rather Christ Chapel The Identity Politics of Feit-sty Not Really the Easter Bunny’s plans to overthrow Santa Christ Chapel School Reform Horoscopes Claus. It seems like he got sidetracked. 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. Linner Lounge Aries I don’t think the old people are going to 4 p.m. Christmas in Christ Chapel: REMIX’s be ready for Christmas in Christ Chapel: Getting rid of Moodle is the real reform REMIX. best song is going to be “Not So Friday, Dec. 6 we need. Silent Night.” Faculty Shop Talk Taurus Interpretive Center 4:30 p.m. Of course, that song is closely followed in hype by “Twerkin’ Around Just a quick recap of the professors’ Black Sunday, Dec. 8 Wednesday, Dec. 11 the Christmas Tree.” Friday deals. Christmas in Prepare Bible Study Gemini Christmas in Christ Chapel Norelius Hall Pit Christ Chapel 7:30 p.m. And of course we can’t forget about Christ Chapel everyone’s favorite “The Little 808 3:30 & 7:30 p.m. Trying to avoid more “Bible study in The Drummer Boy.” Christ Chapel At some point we should probably tell Dive?” jokes? YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU 7:30 p.m. the new faculty what C in CC stands for. CAN’T HIDE. Has anyone told them that it isn’t Cancer Christmas yet? Kids this year have been sending Santa Claus what they want for Christmas via Snapchat.

Monday, Dec. 9 Thursday, Dec. 12 Leo Saturday, Dec. 7 Student Senate Meeting Festival of St. Lucia I feel bad for Rudolph. He’s had that Christ Chapel and Alumni Hall cold, and consequently that red Board Room nose, for like !fty years now. Composting with 7 p.m. 10 a.m. Redworms Beware the ides of March, Matthew People only show up to this event to see if Interpretive Center Timmons CAESAR. the candles on their heads will start their Virgo 10 a.m. hair on !re. When you think about it, aren’t all Christmas sweaters ugly? It’s great that they are doing things for the environment, but redworms are the most English Department resistent worms to “greening our culture.” Christmas Party Libra Tuesday, Dec. 10 Humanities Resource Center Being happy when you get socks Shared Governance 5:30 p.m. from Grandma is the true sign of a The Winds of Christmas childhood lost. Discussion Because it’s an English party, they will be Beck Hall 101 Christ Chapel leaving biscuits and milk for Santa. 11 a.m. 10 a.m. Scorpio The more I think about it, I should be It’s windy enough on this damn campus Nothing screams guilt like the bells doing more Ohle jokes. You never know already! of a Salvation Army bellringer. what you’ve got till it’s gone . . . Sagittarius Santa’s blood sugar must be out of control on Christmas morning.

Capricorn I don’t want to be a whistleblower, but I don’t think OSHA has been to the North Pole workshop in a long time.

Aquarius Finding out Santa isn’t real is like a real life M. Night Shyamalan plot twist. SantaSpider is in the spirit of giving this Pisces holiday season. I bet Jesus didn’t have stupid myrrh on his Christmas list. Page 14 t Friday, December 6, 2013 sports & fitness T!" G#$%&'(&) W""*+, Aren’t Intramurals supposed to be fun?

Forget the teams that are being annihilated. What do the victors gain by slaughtering a team past the point of humor and into the realm of disheartenment? What happened to good sportsmanship? It’s common courtesy to ease up once a lead has been safely secured. I’m not the only one who feels this way either. Teammates, friends, and even opponents from other Jordan Gette teams have expressed agitation with the teams who take intra- Staff Writer murals too seriously because it takes away from the light- ver 60 percent of Gusta- hearted environment. vus students participate Intramurals should be about Oin intramural sports. It’s those moments when a soccer a way for peers to form teams, player who has never played create friendly competition, and just have a good time playing a goal and his teammates go cra- sport they aren’t necessarily the Cameron Jarvis zy. Or moments like when my best at. Or at least that’s what I roommate successfully serves thought. in the buzzer that signaled an teams who take intramurals to that run up the score just be- the volleyball over the net for I play on an intramural vol- end to their 47-3 loss. a whole other level, acting as cause they can. It’s not a certain leyball team. To put it generous- Now, I’m not saying that my though they’re competing for a gender either. Hockey is coed, enthusiasm and cheering that ly, we aren’t the best. Currently, friends are horrible athletes, gold medal. These are the teams but volleyball and basketball are we forget to pay attention to the we’ve posted three wins on the nor Olympic bound. They’re a that discourage students from split into men’s and women’s. other team returning the ball. season, two as a result of forfeit. group of soccer players, cross forming new teams or from try- Intramurals are athletic Intramurals should be about I guarantee if you watched us country runners, skiiers, rugby ing a new sport. events, and I agree that those the moments of improvement, play, you would swear you’ve players, and football players Gustavus offers opportunities who sign up should plan to excitement, and memories that never seen six girls more excited who decided to get together and for varsity, club, and intramural actually try, but no one wants we’re sure to joke about later. to lose a volleyball game. learn how to play hockey from athletics, with intramurals be- to play against or watch a team So, fellow intramural athletes, There are two girls on my two of their teammates. ing the least competitive. That that isn’t the least bit invested let’s return some of the pure team who haven’t touched a They knew from their first implies that intramurals were in the outcome. There becomes fun back to our games. Let’s be volleyball in their entire life, game that they weren’t destined designed to be a low-key way to a point when enough is enough. competitive, regardless of how watching them learn to play to win the league, but they were I have no complaint against awful or talented we are. Let’s and improve weekly is cause for still competitors. Many of the includes words such as “recre- the teams that are good and win laugh at our silly mistakes and celebration amongst our team. I other teams in the league were ation,” it drives home the idea by a pretty hefty margin as long get pumped up when a great thought that was the intention on the same page—they weren’t that intramurals are supposed as they do it graciously. As long play is made. Let’s encourage of offering intramurals, to have experienced hockey players, but to be fun. I don’t see anything as they are able to joke around each other to try something new fun and to learn. But then I went they signed up to play because fun about losing by 44 goals. and at least attempt to help the without the threat of embarrass- to cheer on a few friends at their it sounded like a good way to I don’t blame that one in- other teams or even just ease ment or frustration. Let’s make intramural hockey game. spend a few Sunday afternoons. tramural hockey team. I see it up when the score seems to be intramurals one of the most How badly does a team have Some teams seemed to have in every intramural sport I’ve reaching obscenity. enjoyable parts about being a to be losing before they give up? a mutual understanding that watched on campus. There’s a For the teams that like to con- Gustie. How many goals does a team they’re all in this together. Op- few volleyball teams who play tinue to show off once they’ve need to score until they decide posing teams were willing to with stone-cold expressions and already secured a victory, my to show a little sympathy? The help each other out for the sake are out to spike the ball as hard natural inclination is to ask: only relief my friends found was of a good game. There are other as possible. Basketball teams How is this even fun for you? Women’s club hockey team a first for Gustavus Tommy Dahl “We have practice every has helped out with some orga- Thursday and Friday morning nizational aspects of assembling Staff Writer by 6:30 a.m. It’s really early, but the team, but credits Lindquist it’s nice because nobody has with starting the club. anything else going on,” Cole “Casey is really a hard work- year history, Gustavus has said. ing girl. She put this whole thing Fa women’s club hockey The sun has not even risen together on her own. Jessica team. over the Gustavus campus at Gold and I have really just been Last spring, Sophomore Casey 6:30 a.m. in the winter, but ac- helping her with budgeting, Lindquist began the daunting cording to Casey Lindquist, communication and moral sup- process of assembling the pro- it was the only time available port,” Buelow said. gram. It was no easy task for the when she looked into booking According to Cole, one of the ice for practices. the most enjoyable parts of the “It was a lot of work putting “The men’s and women’s program is the league’s orga- the team together. I talked to varsity teams gets priority in the nization. a lot of people, wrote a lot of afternoon and at night. We can’t “We play real games with real emails, and made a lot of phone do it during the day because refs, so it’s competitive, which is calls—but it was definitely people have class. It’s actually really fun. A lot of schools have worth it,” Lindquist said. pretty easy to get up and go to club teams now, so we have According to Lindquist, once the practices, we have a pretty the opportunity to play a good the program was established, it Submitted consistent turnout at each one,” number of games,” Cole said. The women’s club hockey team is a new program on campus designed for Lindquist said. With the season just begin- twenty-plus women listed on women who want to play hockey competitively without the time commitment With no paid coach running ning, the club has a lot of re- the team’s roster. of a varsity sport. the drills, the motivation to maining games to look forward “I think a lot of girls were practice lies solely in the play- to. Lindquist says she looks looking for an opportunity like ers’ enjoyment of lacing up their forward to continuing with the this. I remember when I was of other girls were in the same ence,” Junior Kayte Cole said. skates and getting out on the ice team throughout her Gustavus accepted to Gustavus and how situation,” Lindquist said. As a member of both the with their friends. career as team captain. disappointed I was that there In fact, one of the things that Cross Country and Track & “We are all out there just to “I hope we’ve started a pro- wasn’t a club hockey team. I makes the women’s club hockey Field teams, Cole is busy with put our skates back on and to gram that continues for a long played hockey in high school, team unique is the experience varsity athletics for the majority have some fun in a physical time,” Lindquist said. and I wanted to continue to play level of their players. of the year, but still manages to game,” Senior Lexi Buelow said. without the time commitment of “Every single girl on the team Buelow, who played high a varsity sport. It turns out a lot has high school hockey experi- practices and games. school hockey with Lindquist, Editor | Linnea Moat sports & fitness 'SJEBZ %FDFNCFS t Page 15 Gustie Nordic skiing team welcomes !rst snow

Zac Isaak the season. “Staying healthy between Asst. Sports & Fitness now and February will be cru- Editor cial to our success. We will also need to continue to train. Get- ting on snow will help us a lot t’s been a long two months as well. We may have a natural for the Gustavus Nordic Ski boost from snow,” Head Coach Iteam, but both the men and Jed Friedrich said. women squads are ready to “It’s important to keep a begin what they hope will be positive attitude, especially for a great season. The skiiers will a season where snow fall may be Saturday, Dec. 7, when they travel to St. Paul to take on their your race. Everything from be- conference rival, St Olaf. The ing rested to staying dedicated meet starts at 9 a.m. to work outs will be essential to The season opened on Oct. our success,” Lund said. busy completing workouts in Submitted order to prepare for competi- The women’s Nordic ski team has great team chemistry, which they hope will help them achieve their goals this season. tion. Their workouts are a mix between roller skiing, strength and cardiovascular training, and interval training. “It’s been really positive. The group of girls we have meshed real well together. We’ve been doing really well. We’ve had two different time trials and both went well for the girls. —Marian Lund Everyone improved from last waiting for snow,” Senior Cap- tain Marian Lund said. “The keys to success will “The training atmosphere definitely include being very has been mostly positive, but focused in our training and we are really itching to get on preparation, staying healthy, snow and off the roller skis. and having solid race plans,” We had a good workout with Squillace said. St. Olaf a week ago, and have “Our goal is to race our best been spending a little more time at the end in February. We are running at Seven Mile park, so building momentum for the regional at the end,” Friedrich it’s been fun mixing things up Submitted a little more,” Senior Captain The men’s Nordic ski team believes the keys to their success are focus, preparation, and staying healthy. said. Tony Squillace said. Follow the Gustavus Nordic Skiing team throughout the lace believes that while he was While both the men and wom- that success, they will rely on season as they strive to achieve “The keys to success a tremendous part of their team en had great successes last year, past experience, as well as the goals they have set for them- during his time at Gustavus, they are still eager to achieve maintaining a good focus and selves this season in preparation they can still make some huge more this season. To achieve good health over the course of for the Regional races at the end. strides—especially in the clas- sic races. The women also have high November Athletes of the Month: Jeffrey Dubose expectations for themselves this year. They are a young team and didn’t lose many members off and Allison Eder-Zdechlik last year’s squad. “The women’s side of things —Tony Squillace should go really well. Our team goal is to move up in the confer- The Gustie men and women of St. Olaf. We race with DI and have high expectations this DII competition. We have done season for their team. On the very well in competing against men’s side, everyone from last other big programs. That’s a year’s squad is returning except result of good coaching,” Lund for one graduated senior. Squil- said. Open M-F 9:30am-5:30pm Sat. 10:00am-1:00pm

219 W Park Row Embroidery Gustavus Sports Information St. Peter Gustavus Sports Information , MN 56082 Senior Running Back Jeffrey Dubose broke Gustavus Sophomore Forward Allison Eder-Zdechlik is the Engraving football records for most rushing yards in a single second-ranked scorer in the MIAC after scoring in season, most career rushing touchdowns, most rush- - Screen printing 507.931.5966 ing yards in a single game, most rushing touchdowns ber, earning her the distinction of Gustavus Athlete in a single season, and most career rushing yards, of the Month for November. Sublimation earning him the distimction of Gustavus Athlete of the Month for November. Gymnastics raises the bar this season SPORTS SCHEDULE Megan Tuttle Staff Writer Friday, Dec. 6

he gymnastics team com- Men’s Hockey @ St. Olaf TSaturday, Nov. 23 in the College Alumni Meet held at Gustavus. The team used this competition 7:30 p.m. to practice and evaluate where they currently stand after train- Women’s Hockey hosts St. ing since the season began in early October. Olaf College “I was really impressed with 7:00 p.m. how the meet went, because it’s really early in our season. We have well over a month before Swimming & Diving @ Dieleman said. Jean Freeman Invitational - will continue to train and prac- tice the routines to get them as close to perfect as possible. Saturday, Dec. 7

Swimming & Diving @ Jean Freeman Invitational Gustavus Sports Information Nordic Skiing vs. St. Olaf Senior Paige Dieleman, shown here at a meet last season, is excited to see what the gymnastics team can do this year College —Charlie Aydt 9:00 a.m.

heavily than the program has in past years. to kind of have a team; they “People are getting their rou- the past and believes it is going “My philosophy is that we wanted to be one instead of hav- Women’s Basketball hosts tines together, and that’s just well. get those routines down, and ing the seniors being the rulers Concordia College so important because in gym- “I hope we can keep it run- then as time goes on we can in the gym. You don’t need to 1:00 p.m. nastics you have to have a lot ning, we’re doing all we can add something to them, so that’s have a C on your arm to be a of repetition of what you’re to build for years to come. The what we’re looking to do. And captain,” Aydt said. actually going to do; because recruiting is going fairly well, that should help them along in Men’s Basketball hosts you want to be so good at it that we’ve got quite a few people the season, as well as for the end it’s just second nature to you,” that are interested,” Aydt said. of it,” Aydt said. Concordia College Dieleman said. With Aydt’s coaching, the Junior Kacie Kohler is anxious 3:00 p.m. New Head Coach Charlie team is focused on getting to see the outcome from Aydt’s Aydt is committed not only to routines put together early on emphasis of routines in order keeping the Gustavus gym- and adding more substance to to remain solid throughout the Men’s Hockey hosts St. nastics program alive, but also them later in the season. Ac- season. Olaf College helping the program thrive. cording to Aydt, the team is “He is really emphasizing Aydt has begun recruiting more ahead of schedule compared to routines this year. We’re doing 7:05 p.m. a lot more pre-season routines than we do normally because he wants us to be really con- Women’s Hockey @ St. sistent throughout the year. In Olaf College past years we haven’t been very consistent,” Kohler said. 7:30 p.m. The team is also committed to becoming a tight-knit group, —Kacie Kohler which Dieleman and Kohler both believe is critical to per- Monday, Dec. 9 forming well as a team. In combination with early “When you’re having a hard preparation and strong team day or at a meet, it’s really im- dynamics, the team will focus Men’s Basketball hosts portant to have your teammates on having fun as well. The Augsburg College behind you. They know your team does not have specific strengths and your weaknesses, team goals set, but they hope 7:30 p.m. and they know what to say to that with proper preparation as you. You know if you’re bet- well as enjoyment in the sport, tering one other person you’re the results will take care of bettering everyone,” Dieleman themselves. Wednesday, Dec. 11 said. “We have fun. Our basic goal After losing a substantial is to go to the meet and perform part of the team as graduating well and they’ll get a good score Men’s Basketball @ St. seniors, the younger gymnasts if they do that. We’re going to John’s University Gustavus Sports Information have been forced to step up and go out and have fun, and show perform in the gym, as well them what Gustavus Gymnas- 7:30 p.m. Gusties are excited about the changes this new season brings, including a as in leadership roles. Adyt is tics is like,” Aydt said. new coach. happy with the willingness of The team will compete in the Women’s Basketball hosts last year’s seniors. at University of Wisconsin, La College of Saint Benedict “They didn’t want to have Crosse. captains. They just wanted 7:30 p.m.