List of Student Honours Projects (older)

Reference No. Major Topic 9503 BA The Relationship Between Particle Size Parameters and Slope Factors For Granitic Terrains in . (A Case Study in Tsok Pok Hang, Tai Fung Au and Nam Hang Pei) 9505 BA Soil Erosion in Tai Lam Country Park 9515 BA A study of cultural diffusion from Hong Kong to Shenzhen By The Means of Hong Kong Television Broadcasting 9519 CS 中國鐵路能源消耗結構之轉變及其涵義 9520 CS 中國婦女在地理區域差異下的初婚與生育行為關係分析 9523 CS 影響中國1989年總和生育率的因素分析 9527 CS 中國鄉鎮企業的區域差異 9528 CS 中國自改革開放以來各地區社會發展水平的比較與評價 9529 CS 一九九四年六月廣東清遠水災分析 9534 CS The Development of Forestry in China 1977-1993 9535 CS 中國省會城市綠化研究 9601 BA The Survival of Flower Cultivation and Production in the 9603 BA Soil Properties Analysis within respect to slope, aspect and vegetation cover in Ngai Tau and Yim Tin Tsai 9611 BA Factors Influencing the Intensity of Erosion in and 9617 BA The provision of Medical and Health Services in Shatin 9626 BA Sustainable Development in and Its Surrounding Areas : The Perspective of Green Groups Members and Real Estate Developers 9628 BA A Study on Spatial Pattern of off-course Betting Centres and the Culture of Legal Gambling in Hong Kong 9629 BA A Study of Hill Fire Problem in Hong Kong Country Parks 9637 CS 珠江三角洲公路網絡與經濟發展關係 9638 CS Cross Border Freight Movement by Road 9640 CS 探討中國雲南省少數民族空間分佈與其人口增長關係及原因 9642 CS 試分析廣東省的經濟發展對其人口結構的影響 9644 CS 西藏人口文化素質與經濟發展之關係 9704 BA The Spatial and Structural Analysis of Crime Patterns in Hong Kong 9708 BA Open Space in 9712 BA The Distribution of McDonald's Restaurants and the Adult Consumer's Behaviour in Hong Kong 9721 BA Adopt the Centre of Gravity to Trace the Locational Shifting of Employment in Hong Kong, 1981-95 9722 BA The Female Fertility and Labour Force Participation 9723 CS 郵電通訊工具擁有量與經濟發展的關係 9725 CS 影響1987-1993年中外合資經營企業投資的因素 9726 CS 上海浦東新區城市發展 9728 CS 不同香港企業投資國內房地產的比較 9732 CS 經改及房改下,中國大都市內的人口遷移情況 - 以廣州市為例 9737 CS 從廣西區域發展的差異探討區域開發佈局策略及貧窮問題 9803 CS Factors Affecting Housing Consumption in China, the Case of Beijing 9804 BA An Example of Wise Use of Wetland: Case Study on Traditional Gei Wai in Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong 9805 CS 北京舊城改造中危房改造 9806 CS 跨國公司在中國投資的情況及對經濟影響 9809 BA A Study of the Multiple-sites and Single-sites Visitors in Hong Kong 9811 CS 從港人於深圳置業的情況,探討香港後城市發展跨越邊境的可能性 9813 BA A Factorial Ecology Study of Hong Kong: 1986 and 1996 9817 CS The ISO14000 Development and Implementation in China, in Relation to the China's Environmental Management in the 21st Century 9901 BA Assessment on the Property Development to Potential Along Airport Railway 9902 BA 香港旅遊業的發展潛力與出路 9903 CS 區域發展和中央與地方關係研究 9904 CS Transport, Accessibility, And Development: A Study of The National Truck Highway System in China 9905 BA The Hydrological and Biological Impacts of Inshore-dredging and Reclamation in Victoria Harbour 9906 BA 一九八七至一九九七年間中國海洋石油的發展情況及遇到的問題與困難 9914 CS 中國城鎮住房體制改革:發展緩慢的原因 9920 CS 中國工業總產值與「三廢」排放量的關係 -- 區域分析 9927 BA Outchopping Behavior of Tseung Kwan O Residents 9928 BA 中西區的都市發展與文化保存之研究 9929 BA Catering Industry Under the Economic Recession: A Case Study of Sai Kung Town 2001 BA Residential Segregation of Socio-economic Groups in Hong Kong 2002 BA Activity & Travel Patterns of Hong Kong Residents 2003 CS 中國人口老齡化的區域差異---原因及政策建議 2004 CS 雲南民族住屋之文化與自然環境 2005 BA Commuting Pattern in Hong Kong 2006 CS Cross-border Shopping Behavior of Hong Kong Residents 2008 BA 香港廢紙回收工業所面對的困難 2009 BA Sedimentological Modeling of Fan-Deltas and Valley-Deltas, Three Fathoms Cove 2010 BA Human Activities & Dust-Fall in Tseung Kwan O 2011 BA The Central-Wanchai Reclamation Debate, 1995-98 : An Actor-Network Approach 2012 BA Hong Kong's Intra-metropolitan Accessibility 2013 BA A Perspective of the 'Front Shop, Back Factory' Economy 2014 BA Human Response and Perceptions of Flooding in Urban Areas : A Case Study of Shops Located in Mongkok, Hong Kong 2015 BA Sheung Kwai Chung Village : A Study of Social and Geographical Changes 2016 CS The Study of Floating Population in Guangzhou 2018 BA Waste Recycling Campaign in Housing Estates (Phase III) in Hong Kong : Public Perceptions and Implications 2019 BA 廣東省能源消費與經濟增長的關係分析 2021 CS 九十年代中國煤炭出口情況及展望 2022 CS The Housing Rehabilitatin in Beijing's Old City:The Case of Ju'er Hutong Rehabilitation Experiment 2023 BA The Reasons for Late 90's and Future Weak Outlook of Nuclear Energy Development in Developed Countries 2024 BA The Role of Land Development Corporation in Urban Redevelopment : A Case Study of 'Queen Street Area' 2025 BA A Study of Hong Kong Consumers' Behavior and Attitude towards On-line Shopping 0101 BA The Relationship between Land Use Change and Water Quality Degradation and Impacts on Wetland Ecosystem. A Case study of Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve 0102 BA Cultural Landscape : A Case Study of 0103 BA Assessing Hill Fire Condition in Hong Kong Country Park Using GIS and Quantitative Method 0104 BA The Perception of Hong Kong Students on Environmental Protection and Environmental Education 0105 CS 北京城市綠化之情況 0106 CS Consumption Behaviour and Travel Pattern of of Mainland Vacation Visitors in Hong Kong 0107 BA Environmental Controls on Sedimentary Facies and Erosional Landforms - D' Aguilar Peninsula 0108 BA 美國迪士尼樂園的文化景觀 0109 BA The Impacts of Spatial Factors on Individual' Activity and Travel Behaviour 0110 BA Facies Contrasts between Fluvial and Marine Environments - A Case Study from the Lung Hung River to Tsam Chuk Wan, Sai Kung 0111 CS 中國傳統民居與中國傳統文─北京四合院的研究 0112 CS The Foreign Direct Investment in Office Sector in Shanghai:An Institutional Approach 0113 CS 客家文化與居民關係:深圳"鶴湖新居"個案研究 0114 CS 開發西部石油與西部大開發的關係 0115 BA Pattern, Spatial Behavior, General Park Valuation and Perception of Kowloon Park Users 0116 BA Taxi Drivers' Behavior of Searching for Passengers 0117 BA The Causes of Flooding in the Northern District in Hong Kong 0118 BA Attitudes towards Urban Redevelopment :A Study of Sitting Residents and Shopkeepers 0119 BA Residential Mobility of Hong Kong Residents 0120 CS 新疆土地利用與開發對地表覆蓋的影響 - 以阜康縣為例 0121 BA The Impact of Hong Kong's Textile Industry after China's Accession to WTO 0122 BA The Changing Patterns of Taiwan's External Energy Trade 0123 BA Attitudes and Perception Survey on Green Consumerism of Public Housing Residents in Yiu On Estate 0124 BA Housing Process and Residential Mobility in Hong Kong 0125 CS 探討中國能源基建項目 ─ 西氣東輸輸氣管道工程 0126 CS Cross-border Consumption Behavior of Hong Kong Residents 0127 BA Suburbanization in Tsuen Wan: Power, Rationality and Space 0128 BA The Revitalisation of : An Examination of Planning Modalities 0201 CS 中國電力體制改革 0202 CS Revelopment of Guangzhou's Inner city Areas 0203 CS 廣州城市發展的未來趨勢:信息城市 0204 CS Sandstorm in Northern China: Today and Tomorrow 0205 CS 從廣州市與花都區的聯繫看中國城市擴展的模式 0206 CS 探討中國從建國到現在天然氣使用量偏低的各種原因 0207 CS 探討西氣東輸工程的涵義及其下游市場的前景分析 0208 BA Deregulation of the U.S. Natural Gas Industry: The Case Study of California 0209 BA 探討英國天然氣工業之私營化發展及市場開放的影響 0210 BA The California Energy Crisis 0211 BA The Park N Shop Network : A Study of Supermarket's Location Pattern and Hierarchy 0212 BA Diatom Preservation : Experiments and Observations on Dissolution and Breakage in Diatomaceous Deposits in Lake Malawi 0213 BA The Study of Sedimentation and Preservation of Geochemistry in Different Facies in Northeast New Territories of HKSAR 0214 BA The Synoptic Study of Air Pollution in Hong Kong from 1991-2000 0215 BA Environmental Stress on Roadside Tree in Hong Kong : A Case Study of Aleurities Moluccana 0216 BA Spatial Pattern Changes of Employment Centers in Hong Kong 0217 BA Sense of Security of Public Housing Estate Residents of Hong Kong 0218 BA Travel Behavior and Vacation Destination Choice of Hong Kong Outbound Leisure Travelers 0219 BA Flooding Perception of the Residents in Villages in North District 0220 BA Place Promotion in Hong Kong - Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo as a Case Study 0221 BA Environmental Awareness & Behaviour : To Take a Further Step 0222 BA The Impacts of Sand Dredging on the Fishery of Hong Kong: Case Study at the East Lamma Channel 0223 BA 族群聚集區與移民適應 ─ 小福建的同生共化 0224 BA Forecasting the Effectiveness of the West Rail Using Modal Split Model 0301 CS 從清華大學生對沙漠化的認知程度看中國環境教育的成效 0302 CS 1986至2000年中國對外石油貿易情況 0303 CS Local Initiative of China’s Land Tenure System: A Case Study of Shunde City 0304 CS Place Promotion in Shunde – with Special Reference to “Hong Kong-Style” Real Estate Promotion 0305 CS Housing Affordability in Beijing from 1992 to 2001: Application of the Price-To-Income Ratio 0306 CS Coastal Sedimentation in Micro-Level --- Deep Bay and Mirs Bay 0307 CS Air Cargo Industry in South China – Competition and Coordination 0308 BA Geomorphic Controls of Sedimentology from Shui Hau Wan to Beach 0309 BA Elderly Singletons Housing and Social Justice in Hong Kong : A Case of Tsuen Wan 0310 BA Wetland Management in Hong Kong 0311 BA Evaluation on the Possibilities of Introducing GIS into Secondary School Geographical Teaching 0312 BA The Factors Affecting the Popularity of the Beaches in Different Districts in Hong Kong 0313 BA Hedonic Study on House Market in Hong Kong 0314 BA The Perception of Global Warming among the Secondary School Students 0315 BA The Location Pattern and Implications of Pawnshops in Hong Kong 0316 BA Geological and Geomorphological Controls of Footpath Erosion, Pak Tam Chung 0317 BA 中國近二十年能源發展與經濟增長之關係 0318 BA Relationship between Factors Affecting Energy Consumption Per Capita 0319 BA Outbound Travel Behavior of Hong Kong People 0320 BA Green Urban Transport : Cycling Study in Tai Po 0321 BA GIS-Based Analysis of Route Choice in Transit Network 0322 BA Scientific Model for Predicting Hill Fires in Hong Kong Country Parks 0323 BA Social Services Agency in Tseung Kwan O 0324 BA Urban Redevelopment and Population Displacement in Tsuen Wan 0401 CS 外國電子廢物入口中國的問題 0402 CS 僑郷建築文化: 開平碉樓個案研究 0403 CS 香港米埔與深圳福田自然保護區的管理比較與展望 0404 CS 廣東省工業廢水趨勢與防治 0405 CS Globalization and a Competition for a “World City” Status between Hong Kong and Shanghai in China 0406 CS 雲南麗江旅遊業與東巴文化的關係 0407 BA The Failure of Planning Legitimatization the Case Study of Wanchai Development Phase II an Actor-Network Approach 0408 BA The Status of Chinese Peasant under Rural Transformation: A Case Study of International Bioisland Project in Guangzhou City 0409 BA The Future of Frontier Closed Area 0410 BA The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sedimentation and the Problem Associated with Marine Waste Accumulation in Hebe Haven 0411 BA Intention to Return: Hong Kong's Mainland Visitors 0412 BA A Neglected Area: An Evaluation of Beach Visitor and Service Management in Hong Kong 0413 BA Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Waste Recycling Campaign in Housing Estate in Hong Kong 0414 BA Spaces of Exclusion and Resistance: A Case of Mongkok 0415 BA The Development of West Kowloon Cultural District: A Culture-and-Government Approach 0416 BA The Relationship between Landslide and Rainfall: Hong Kong 1984-2002 0417 BA Flooding Perception between Villagers and Town Residents in Northwestern New Territories 0418 BA The Environmental Variability and Pollution along the Lower Course of the Lam Tsuen River 0419 BA Geological and Geomorphological Controls of Footpath Erosion: Compare and Contrast in Sha Tin and Violet Hill 0420 BA The Impact of Transport Infrastructure on Commuters’ Travel Behaviour: The Case of West Rail in Hong Kong 0501 CS The Role of Space in the Production of Modern Workers in FDI Factories in China 0502 CS 中國煤炭對外貿易分析研究 0503 CS 民工荒對經濟特區的啓示:深圳的個案研究 0504 CS 探討中國近年缺電的原因 0505 CS Behavior Characteristics of (Female) Workers in Shenzhen – Case Study in an Electronic Factory in Quanlan Industry District 0506 CS 北京市居民對城市綠化觀感 0507 CS 「西電東送」 計劃對於平均中國電力東西部不均的有效性 0508 CS 從清華大學生的認知看北京的空氣污染問題 0509 CS Spatial Mismatch or Automobile Mismatch: A Study of Commuting Patterns in Guangzhou, China 0510 BA The Interaction between the Space of Domination and the Space of Negotiation – Two Case Studies of Street Sleepers in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre 0511 BA Power in Urban Renewal: A Case Study of Shanghai Street/Argyle Street Redevelopment Scheme, Mong Kok 0512 BA A Study of Citizen Participation in Urban Renewal Projects in Sham Shui Po 0513 BA The Tertiary Students' Perception of Global Warming 0514 BA Freshwater Diatoms and Environmental Setting in Hong Kong 0515 BA The Resettlement of the Elderly under the Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme: Case Study in Lam Tin Estate and Sau Mau Ping Estate 0516 BA Measures to Mitigate Traffic Congestion in Central: Will Electronic Road Pricing Work? 0517 BA A Study on the “Individual Visit Scheme” and the Sustainability of Attracting Mainland Tourists to Hong Kong 0518 BA Geological Control on Sedimentary Facies and Soil Development. Case Study : Southeast Coastline of 0519 BA The Impact of Ecotourism on the Environment in Hong Kong – Marine Park and Marine Park Case Studies 0520 BA The Development of Liquefied Natural Gas in China 0521 BA An Effective ISO 14001 Environmental Management System: An Empirical Study of ISO 14001 Certified Companies in Hong Kong 0522 BA The Impact of to Hong Kong Tourism Industry 0523 BA Human Perception and Response of Tropical Cyclone - Case Studies of Hong Kong and the Philippines 0524 BA The Role of Government and Non-Government Organizations in Disseminating Green Ideas to Secondary School Students in Hong Kong 0525 BA 1993至2003年中國鐵路煤炭外運的情況及展望 0526 BA Evolving Outward Investment and WTO Accession of China: The Changing Competitiveness of the Hong Kong-Financed SMEs in Pearl River Delta 0527 BA Is Hong Kong's Tourism Management Heading Towards Sustainability? A Study of Disneyland 0528 BA Compare the Soil Characteristics of Esturay, River Bank and Floodplain Case Study: Nam Chung 0529 BA The Education Problems of Migrant Workers in China 0601 CS 廣州私人轎車擁有量的發展趨勢與分析 0602 CS The Travel Behavior and Attitude of Mainland Chinese Visitors towards Hong Kong 0603 CS How Does Female Differ from Male in Commuting? Why? 0604 CS Oil Trade in China 1990-2005 0605 CS 探討中國煤礦工業傷亡事故特高的原因 0606 CS The Spatial Importance to Become Modern: The Individual Change of Migrant Workers in a Local Enterprise-LIDE Feng Fashion and Toys Factory in Dongguan 0607 CS 中國環境意識、綠色學校的發展,以深圳市兩所學校作個案研究 0608 CS Shopping Behaviour of Individual Mainland Visitors 0609 CS 香港與內地大學生對愛滋病知識和態度行為之比較 0610 CS 探討中國制定風能發展目標的原因及達標的可能性 0611 BA Class and Power Dynamics---A Case in Tsuen Wan 0612 BA The Feasibility of Using Ecological Connectors to Increase Ecological Integrity and Improve Habitat Fragmentation: The Deep Bay Area Case 0613 BA 中國發電能源結構調整分析 0614 BA Sedimentation and Depositional Contrils in a Delta-Marine Tranition Zone at Yung Shue O 0615 BA Exploring Questions of Hybrid National Identity Among Young Hong Kong Residents 0616 BA Hong Kong Transport Energy Use 1984-2004: Transport Activity, Modal Efficiency & Fuel Structure 0617 BA Users' Perception on Park, Hong Kong: Visiting Patterns, User needs and User Conflicts 0618 BA Geological and Geomorphological Controls of Footpath Erosion, Yung Shue O 0619 BA Geography of Religion: A Study of the Spatial Variation of the Religious Meeting Places in Hong Kong 0620 BA Strategy for Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management in Hong Kong: Learning from Taipei City 0621 BA Diamond, the New Favorite of Mainland China Visitors in Hong Kong's Jewelry Shops 0622 BA Searching People's Place Identity – A Case Study of Kwun Tong 0623 BA The Development of Hubin Retailing and Tourist District: Spatial Concept of Power Approach 0624 BA A Small Scale Sedimentological Variability on a Fan-Delta, Three Fathoms Cove 0625 BA Colour of the City – Finding Children's Places in the Concrete Jungle (Case Study of Tseung Kwan O) 0626 BA The Meteorological Sensitivity of Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality Events during 1995-2003 in Hong Kong – A Synoptic Climatological Approach 0627 BA An Investigation on the Suitability of Beach to Develop Spa and Resort Facilities 0628 BA Evaluate the Imbalance Traffic Flows of the Cross-Harbour Tunnels: How Do the Drivers Make their Route Choice for Cross-Harbour Trips? 0629 BA Spatial and Temporal Geomorphologic Changes and the Anthropogenic Impacts on Environmental Variation in Silver Mine Bay, Mui Wo, Lantua Island 0701 CS Urban Greening in Hong Kong : Its Development and Constraints 0702 CS Tourism and Ethnic Cultural Conversation in Guilin : Issues and Strategies 0703 CS 中國媒炭工業安全生產探析 0704 CS Mainland Pregnant Women Giving Birth in Hong Kong 0705 CS 08年後北京水資源可持續發展的問題 0706 CS Creation of the "green" Olympics in Beijing 0707 CS 中國近代時間觀的轉變與權力機制 0708 CS Interpreted Spatial Concepts from the Organization of the People's Communes (Rural) 0709 CS 中國民間環保組織的政治空間及倡導政策作用 0710 CS One-way Exit Permit Scheme and Immigrants from Mainland China to Hong Kong 0711 CS Social Inclusion in Villages-in-the-City in Guangzhou 0712 CS People Spaces : How Regular people Create Their Own Spaces and Identities in Zhejiangcun and Tianhecun 0713 CS 中國 《八七扶貧攻堅計劃》後甘肅省農村貧困的情況分析 0714 CS Climate Change in China 0715 BA Land Transport Modal Choices for Hong Kong-To-Mainland Travel: Pattern and Reasons 0716 BA Changes of the Chinese Thought and The Environment in China: A Historical Review 0717 BA The Economic Cooperation Change between Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta –Past, Current and Future 0718 BA 探討中國的計劃生育 - 以深圳經濟特區為個案研究 0719 BA Spatial Variation of Respiratory Disease Mortality Events in Hong Kong (1997-2002) 0720 BA Alternative Possible Worlds: Dialectical Utopianism in Wan Chai 0721 BA : Assessment of Visitor Impact 0722 BA The Macro-Determinants of E-shopping 0723 BA Impacts of Human Activities to River Sediments in Hong Kong in Physical and Chemical Aspects Study Area: Nam Chung and Luk Keng 0724 BA The Dispute of Lok Loop Power or Rationality Based 0725 BA The Endangered Cultural Spirit: Challenges of the Government Practice on Heritage Conservation in Hong Kong 0726 BA Comparison of the Competitiveness as a Financial City between Hong Kong and Shanghai 0727 BA Chinese Offshore Oil Production and Development From 1990 to 2005 0728 BA 客家村落與風水林:個案分析---荔枝窩村之與文化 0729 BA Examination of Environmental Variations by Studies of the Sediment in Selected Sites in Inner Port Shelter 0730 BA Study of Inbound Tourism Markets in Hong Kong and their Factors of Demand 0731 BA A Study of Commercial Sectoral Energy Consumption in Hong Kong between 1984 and 2004 0732 BA Tackling Air Pollution : Effectiveness of Hong Kong Government's Efforts to Control Vehicle Emissions since 1991 0733 BA Associations between Daily Mortalities from Selected Lung Disease and Environmental Factors in Hong Kong, China 1995-2005 0734 BA The Spatial and Temporal Relationship between the Environment and Red Tide Occurrences in Hong Kong 0735 BA Creation of ‘Tuen Mun People’ by the Spatial and Temporal Regulations 0801 BA The Production of Private Property Space : A Case Study of Vista Paradiso 0802 BA A Comparative Analysis of Heritage Conservation in Hong Kong and Singapore 0803 BA Study the Emergence and Spatiality of Credit Card Direct Sales Activity in Hong Kong Public Space 0804 BA The Influx of Chinese Immigrants and Its Impacts on Cha Kwo Ling Village 0805 BA West Island Line : Rationality and Landed Power 0806 BA Marking Scheme as a “Technology” : A Spatial Review on Public Housing Management in Pak Tin Estate 0807 BA Residential Segregation in Hong Kong – Tai Kok Tsui as a Case Study 0808 BA The Transformative Public Housing in the 1960s : A Colonial Governmentality Planning Practice Review – The Case of Wah Fu 0809 BA Geological Controls on Stream Profile Tsing Tat Stream and Chung Mei Stream 0810 BA 中國鄉村城市化的反思:以江門市群星村為例 0811 BA The Prospects of Low Cost Airlines in Hong Kong 0812 BA Geological Control on Coastal Onshore Sedimentology Case Study: North and Southern Part of 0813 BA Study of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition and Factors Affecting Exhibitors' Choice of Exhibition Destination 0814 BA A Study of Hong Kong Railway Coverage and Its Future Trend Using GIS 0815 BA The Effectiveness and Constraints on Source Separation Programme of Household Wastes and Its Future Development 0816 BA Evolution of the Household Registration System in China and the Usefulness and Limitation of Its Reform 0901 BA Perception of Flooding Projects in Sheung Wan: Differences between Residents and Shopowners 0902 BA Discursive Formation in Cyberspace: FM Theatre Power Incident as a Case Study 0903 BA Culture Diffusion from Korea to Hong Kong by the Means of Television Drama Series 0904 BA Sustainable Development in Local Context 0905 BA New Governing Method: Random Conceptual Perception, West Kowloon Cultural District as a Case Study 0906 BA Controls on the Variation of Superficial Sediment Components in Sai Keng, Three Fathoms Cove 0907 BA The Importance of Transport Convenience in Hong Kong 0908 BA Energy Research on Residential Consumption of Gaseous Fuels in China, 1997 to 2006 0909 BA Reason for Urban Redevelopment: A Genealogy of the Emergence of Land Development Corporation and Urban Renewal Authority 0910 BA Travelers' Behaviour in Using the Internet Travel Information in Hong Kong 0911 BA Residents Perception on Park Facilities in South Tai Wai and Improvement According to Demographic Change 0912 BA The Dark Side of Public Participation in Kai Tak Planning 0913 BA A Study of Wind Power Development in China 0914 BA The Redevelopment in Lee Tung Street (Wedding Card Street) – The Implication for the Future Redevelopment in Hong Kong 0915 BA The People That Current Urban Areas Are Renewed for in Hong Kong – The Case Study of Peel/Graham Street Redevelopment Project 0916 BA The Prospects of Cruising in Hong Kong 0917 BA Prevalence and Public Perception of Rhinitis in Hong Kong 0918 BA Marine Sediment Analysis: A Study of Depositional Environment of Tai O 0919 BA The Impact of the Current Urban Renewal Policies and Practices on the Livelihood of the Old District Residents-Sham Shui Po 1001 BA Public Space in Hong Kong 1002 BA The New Development Areas: A Lefebvrian Spatial Approach 1003 BA The Feasibility of Developing Green Roofs in HKBU Campus 1004 BA Impacts of the High Speed Rail on the Accessibility of China's Major Cities 1005 BA Ecotourism: Challenges to Popularize in Hong Kong 1006 BA Underperformances of Transport Infrastructures in Hong Kong: A Case Study of West Rail 1007 BA A Study on the Feasibility of Introducing A Charging Scheme on Household Solid Waste in Hong Kong 1008 BA New Town Planning and Youth Gangs: A Case Study of in Spatiotemporal Perspective 1101 BA Comparative Study on Green Living Practices of the HK and US University Students 1102 BA Food Waste Separation and Collection of Catering Industry in Hong Kong: Lesson From Guangzhou City and Taiwan 1103 BA The Strategic Importance of the Strait of Malacca on World's Oil Trade 1104 DD Mainlander's Cross-border Shopping in Hong Kong: Choice of Confidence 1105 BA Investigating the Trends, Seasonality of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD) Mortality and Public Cognition of COPD in Hong Kong 1106 BA Spatial Injustice of Urban Redevelopment in Hong Kong: A Case of Shun Ning Road Project 1107 BA Relative Location Advantage Review of Premium Evaluate Mechanism – A Case of Yoho Town Phase 3 1108 BA The Art and Community in Fo Tan 1109 BA How Culture Affect Economic Development of India: From the Aspect of Religion 1110 BA The Cognition and Perception of Green Diet of Teenagers in Hong Kong 1111 DD Housing Preference of Young Professionals in Hong Kong 1112 BA The Perception of Green Cars in Hong Kong 1113 DD Green Community in Hong Kong 1114 BA Power Relations Among the Interest Parties: Using Pai Tau Tsuen Issue as a Case Study 1115 BA Exploration and the Comparison of Two Chinese Global Cities: Hong Kong and Shanghai 1201 BA Intergenerational Poverty in Sham Shui Po: An Analysis of the Underprivileged Children's Everyday Life with Henri Lefebvre's Theories 1202 DD Exploration of the Second West-East Gas Pipeline Project: Benefit to China 1203 DD Survey of Public Opinions on Situation of Property Market and Re-launch of "Home Ownership Scheme" 1204 BA The Changes of Governmentality by Public Housing Redevelopment: A Case Study of Shek Kip Mei Estate 1205 BA Seeking Urban Alternative with Utopia Vision: A Case Study of Occupy Central 1206 BA The Feasibility of Introducing Per Bag Charging Scheme to Household Solid Waste in Hong Kong 1207 BA Evaluation on Current Development of Ecotourism in Hong Kong: If it is Real Ecotourism 1208 BA The Effectiveness of Adopting Renewable Energy and Large-scale Greening in Hong Kong Public Housing Estate: A Case Study of Sau Mau Ping South Estate 1209 BA Social Issues of Indigenous Australians in the 21st Century 1210 BA Hong Kong Youth Travel and Impact of Social Media 1211 DD An Experimental Investigation of the Effectiveness on the Pictographic Point Symbols in Hong Kong's Web-based Maps 1212 BA Perception on Vertical Greening Development in Hong Kong 1213 BA Research on the Development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Conurbation 1214 BA A Study of World Coal Trade between 1990 and 2009 1215 BA Environmental Attitude and Behaviour on Hong Kong Baptist University Student 1216 DD Hong Kong People Attitude and Perception Towards Electronic Waste and Recycling in Hong Kong 1217 BA Is Environmental Impact Assessment Effective in Hong Kong? A Case Study of West Rail 1218 BA Incumbent Residents and the Production of Gentrified Neighbourhoods in Hong Kong: Case of Private Sector-led Redevelopment in Kennedy Town 1219 BA The effect of Authoritarianism on the Economic Development in the Third World: The Case of Chile 1220 DD Problems on Environmental Education Implementation in Hong Kong: Students' and teachers' Perspective 1221 BA Adolescents' Habit and Perception Towards Social Networking Websites 1222 BA The Role of Mangrove in Sedimentation of Chek Keng 1223 BA HK Environmental NGOs: Observation and Discussion 1301 BA An Investigation on the Suitability and Sustainability of Building an Artificial Beach at Lung Mei, Tai Po 1302 BA The Use of Nuclear Energy in Hong Kong after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Perspectives of Young Adults 1303 BA Comparing Fung Shui Woods in Terms of Floristic Characteristics 1304 DD An Implementation Level of GIS in Hong Kong Senior Secondary School Geography Curriculum: A Case Study 1305 DD Urbanizing Hong Kong: The role of Representation of Space in Secondary School Geography Curriculum 1306 BA Spatial Mismatch by New Town Planning? A Case Study of Tin Shui Wan 1307 BA The Changing Livelihood of "Boat People" in Hong Kong ---Sai Kung as a Case Study 1308 BA The Spatial Distributions and Living Experiences of Ethic Minorities in Hong Kong 1309 BA Revitalization of the Kai Tak River (Nullah): Learning from the Experience of the Cheonggye Stream 1310 BA Pursuing the Ideal Urban Life by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of To Kwa Wan 1311 BA Investigating Local Identity Through "Sheung Shui Retrocession" 1312 BA The Development and Transformation of Zhoushan City in the Yangtze River Delta 1401 BA The Destiny of Northeast New Territories New Development Area: A Story of Strangling Consultative Inwardness 1402 BA Influencing Factors of Participation in Household Food Waste Recycling in Hong Kong 1403 DD Striving for Survival Rights – African Asylum Seekers in Hong Kong 1404 BA The Changing Geography of Hong Kong FDI Garment Industry in the Pearl River Delta after the Implementation of the New Labour Law of China in 2008 1405 DD Rethinking Multiple- intensive Land Use in Hong Kong - A Case Study of Olympic Station Development 1406 DD The Impact of Construction of West Island Line on Local Residential Property Market 1407 BA The Implementation of Management Agreement Scheme in Long Valley: An Evaluation of Ecological Values and Collaboration of Stakeholders 1408 BA Geographical Constitution of the 1967 Riots : A Case Study of North Point 1409 BA Placemaking in Kowloon East: A Critical Review 1410 BA A Critique about Hong Kong's Town Planning: Alienated Space and Spatial Practices of Residents in Sha Tin 1411 DD University Student Mobility in the Greater China: Evidence from Student Flows from Mainland China to Hong Kong and from Hong Kong to Taiwan 1501 BA Geopolitical relations between Russia and Central Asia: an aspect of energy issue 1502 BA Application of an integrated evaluative framework to green building policy: a case study of the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance in Hong Kong 1503 BA Regional energy collaboration for sustainability: A case study of a proposed Hong Kong- Guangdong renewable energy certificate system 1504 DD Examine the effectiveness of the constructing and purposed rail lines in relieving the crowdedness of the North-South-Corridor (East Rail Line) 1505 BA Umbrella Movement: place and struggle for localism 1506 BA Factors influencing attitudes and behaviors of household food waste recycling practices: a case study of Hong Kong 1507 BA Re-thinking man-environment relationships: revelation from the Holy Bible 1508 BA The effects of light pollution: case study: Sai Yeung Choi Street South 1509 BA Public engagement as a tool of hegemony: the case of designing the Kwun Tong town centre project in Hong Kong 1510 BA A comparative analysis of urban greening in Hong Kong and Singapore 1511 BA A study of Hong Kong Slope 1512 BA Tai Ho Road Footbridge Extension: a humanistic study of multilevel walking environments in Tsuen Wan from geographies of encounter perspective 1513 BA Investigation of China-North Korean economic relationship in the era of Kim Jong Un (2011-2013) 1514 DD Biodiesel industry in Hong Kong : opportunities and challenges 1515 DD The facing challenges of rooftop farming, a kind of urban agriculture, in urban Hong Kong from an urban planning perspective 1516 BA The role of space in intergenerational poverty: a case study of Tin Shui Wai 1517 BA Transiting to ecotourism from tourism in Nam Sang Wai: perspectives of tourists and local residents 1518 DD Community risk perception and knowledge related to Ebola in Hong Kong 1519 BA Comparison and evaluation on the municipal solid waste management of Hong Kong and Taipei City 1520 DD The relationship between public space and the allocation and behavior or adolescents at night 1521 BA A new understanding of Hong Kong agriculture by analyzing youngsters' perception towards farming 1522 BA Production of silence: public engagement as a tool of hegemony in the case of urban renewal strategy review 1523 BA The role of residential users of electricity in Hong Kong: the potential, barriers and policy implication of demand-side management 1601 DD Population Migration from Hong Kong to Taiwan 1602 BA Review on Street Music Culture in Hong Kong: Should Busking be Legalized? 1603 BA Spatializing Social Cohesion of Tin Shui Wai through the Lefebvrian Lens 1604 BA The Perception of Low Carbon Lifestyle of Hong Kong Youth 1605 BA Building Sense of Belonging of New Town Residents - Case Study of Tuen Mun 1606 BA Water Quality of : A Statistical and Evaluative Study of Water Quality Parameters, Future Projections and Island Developmental Projects 1607 BA The Production of Open Space: A case Study of Times Square 1608 DD Analysis of the Influence of Climate Change on Waterbirds Migration in Wintering Pattern: A Local Study of Mai Po Inner Deep Bay 1609 BA An Evaluation and Explanation of Public Engagement for Nuclear Power Policy-Making: A Political Perspective on Post-Fukushima Japan 1610 BA Organic Farming in Hong Kong: the Implications of Economic Diversification 1611 CS Is the Emergence of Villages-In-The-City A Demonstration of Desakota in Chinese Context? 1612 BA Compare and Contrast the Leading OBM in South Korea and Taiwan: Why Samsung is more successful but not HTC? 1613 BA Impact of Redevelopment on Place Image: A Case Study in Sham Shui Po 1614 BA The Role of Organic Certification in Hong Kong Agriculture 1615 CS 探討中國高速鐵發展政策為國內軌道交通裝備業帶來的機遇及展望 1616 CS De-normalization of 'Cycling' in Beijing: Analysis from Changing Perceptions on Cycling Culture Across Three Generations 1617 BA Critical Determinants Influencing Communities' Perception and Participation in Household Food Waste Recycling Practices: A Case Study of Food Waste Management in Hong Kong's Private Residential Estates 1618 BA Governmentality and Country Park Enclaves 1619 BA Urban (Re)development, Religious Organizations, and Urban Communities: A Spatial Story of our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Wan Chai 1620 BA Sacred Space and Religious Beliefs in 'Place': A Comparative Study of Attitude towards Gods and Spirits in Chinese Temple and Church 1621 BA Measuring the Utility of Public Space in Hong Kong Young Group – A Case Study of Public Parks and GYMS 1701 BA The Relationship between Tropical Cyclone, Different Climatic Variables and Marine Waste Problem in Hong Kong 1702 BA Organic certification and consumption of organic products in Hong Kong 1703 BA How the climate extreme events related to El Niño in 2016 affect Hong Kong' s socioeconomic development: A case study in Hong Kong 1704 BA Cultural tourism in community- The case of walking tours offered by Sai Wan Cultural Village 1705 CS Capitalist Urban Development with skyscrapers in Chinese cities, a case study to skyscrapers boom in Shenzhen 1706 CS Impacts of global city's urban planning on human perspective - a case study of Xinyi district, Taipei 1707 BA Improving the landslide susceptibility mapping of Lantau Island, Hong Kong with in-situ rainfall data 1708 CS Rural migrants' sense of place in Guangzhou, China 1709 BA Is bicycle sharing systems (BSS) feasible in new towns of Hong Kong? A demand-side analysis. 1710 BA Desalination versus water reclamation: the acceptance of using in Hong Kong 1711 BA Local Planning Proposals on Yen Chow Street Hawker Bazaar: a successful bottom-up transformation by lived space users? 1712 BA How different climate variables and human perception are linked with the marine waste volume to Hong Kong's shorelines 1713 BA How to mainstream electric vehicles in Hong Kong: The Importance of Early Adopters 1714 BA An analysis of High-Tech Industry Development in Shenzhen, an Implication for Hong Kong in High-Tech Development 1715 BA Diatom ecology and habitats in coastal marine to freshwater settings 1716 BA A Sustainable Approach of Minimization in Construction & Demolition Waste of Buildings in Hong Kong: from Stakeholder Perpective 1717 BA Geography of Social Movement: A Case study of Mongkok Protest Site in Umbrella Movement 1718 CS Understanding Perception of Walking Environment and Walkability in Shenzhen Futian CBD 1719 BA Regional and local climate influences -- cases in HK & India: a statistical and evaluative study on heatwave impacts and future projection 1720 BA Environmental awareness on everyday-use chemicals of the general public in Hong Kong 1721 DD Impacts of the One-Child Policy and its recent release in Mainland China 1722 BA The perceptions of importance on to place-identity as an example of intangible cultural heritage among young people in Hong Kong 1723 BA "Tong Fong" in industrial buildings: an analysis through lefebvrian lens 1724 BA Translocal imagination and the sense of place - A tale of a translocal migrant in Guangdong Province 1725 BA Sedimentology Study in Yim Tin Tsai and Archaeology Sites 1726 CS Networking Urban Open Space: A case study of Futian, Shenzhen 1801 BA Assessing the Effectiveness of River Rehabilitation Program on Water Quality and Stream Habitat: A Case Study of the Kai Tak River 1802 BA Climatic Influences on Water Quality - a Statistical and Evaluative Study of Water Quality Parameters, and Future Projections in River 1803 CS The Limit of Rural-Urban Dualism: A Case Study of Donglang Village in GZ 1804 BA The impacts of mass-transit-oriented development on residents' spatial practice: A case study of Tseung Kwan O town centre 1805 BA Residents attitude towards the development of green belt to build housing in Tseung Kwan O 1806 BA Multilingualism in shop signs and commodification of space: A case study of the linguistic landscape in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 1807 BA The ongoing process of social structure transformation in Tin Shui Wai North – Whether the quality of life of residents improve or not? 1808 BA Evaluating the small-scale public open spaces planning in Tuen Mun from a humanistic perspective 1809 BA The Temporal and Spatial Water Quality Changes of Kai Tak Nullah and the Effect of the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Work's Effluent 1810 CS 由深圳、香港城市規劃,看兩地共享單車發展方向和發展空間 1811 BA Sports Facilities and Social Sustainability in Hong Kong: Case of the Urban Redevelopment in Tsuen Wan 1812 BA How the Arctic Climate variation influence the North Atlantic Oscillation' s climatic effect in different latitudes: Churchill, Fengqqiu and Hong Kong? 1813 BA Waste-to-energy as a transformative energy options for urban sustainability 1814 CS How climate and topography controls on streamflow in low latitutde: the upper course of the Yangtze River as a case study 1815 CS Top-down governance of creative industrial cluster in Shenzhen: The case of the OCT-Loft Industrial Park 1816 BA Impacts of gated communities on neighbourhood cohesion: A case study of Hong Kong 1817 BA Marine Water Quality of Southwest of Victoria Harbour: A Statistical and Evaluative Study of Water Quality Parameters and Future Projections 1818 CS Place image and sanitization of history: A case study of Shamian Island 1819 BA Legal Geographics of state-led urban redevelopment: case study of Urban Renewal Authority's Development Project in Sham Shui Po 1820 CS Landscape, Youth and Social Media: A case study of Urban Exploration in China 1821 BA Tracing the Green Footprints of Local Eco-eaters: Environmental Vegetarianism in Hong Kong 1822 BA Investigation of On-Street Parking Needs In Hong Kong: Parking App as a Smart Parking Solution 1823 BA Active or Passive Walking? What is the role of built environment in walking in Hong Kong community? 1824 DD A Preliminary Study of Urban Roof Farming in Hong Kong 1825 BA Hong Kong's planning mechanism as a case of the difference between commitment and reality in redevelopment project: a case study of Lee Tung Street 1826 BA Attitude of new generation towards sharing mobility and private car 1827 BA Implications of Electricity Market Reforms and Political, Environmental, Economic, and Social and Cultural Factors on Nuclear Phase-out Policies in Taiwan 1828 CS Town-Village relationship in China: An anti-dualistic interpretation 1829 CS What drives China's rural-to-rural migration? A case study in Zhongshan 1830 BA Conceptualization of energy poverty in Hong Kong through a multi-dimensional energy vulnerability framework 1831 CS Analysis of precipitation pattern and trends from 1981-2010 in Greater Pearl River Delta: A case study of Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen 1832 BA Why are there no “lofts” in Hong Kong? Policy intransigence in an era of policy emulation 1833 BA Vernacular Heritage of Traditional Shops in Central and Western district