

Large- delta-front as natural ‘‘recorders’’ of global environmental change

Thomas S. Bianchia,1 and Mead A. Allisonb aDepartment of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3146; and bInstitute for Geophysics, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78758-4445

Edited by David M. Karl, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, and approved March 27, 2009 (received for review January 22, 2009)

Large--front estuaries (LDE) are important interfaces between and the for material fluxes that have a global impact on marine biogeochemistry. In this article, we propose that more emphasis should be placed on LDE in future global climate change research. We will use some of the most anthropogenically altered LDE systems in the world, the Mississippi/Atchafa- laya River and the Chinese that enter the Yellow (e.g., Huanghe and Changjiang) as case-studies, to posit that these sys- tems are both ‘‘drivers’’ and ‘‘recorders’’ of natural and anthropogenic environmental change. Specifically, the processes in the LDE can influence (‘‘drive’’) the flux of particulate and dissolved materials from the continents to the global that can have pro- found impact on issues such as coastal and the development of hypoxic zones. LDE also record in their rapidly accu- mulating subaerial and subaqueous deltaic deposits environmental changes such as continental-scale trends in climate and land-use in watersheds, frequency and magnitude of cyclonic storms, and sea-level change. The processes that control the transport and transformation of carbon in the active LDE and in the deltaic sediment deposit are also essential to our understanding of carbon sequestration and exchange with the world ocean—an important objective in global change research. U.S. efforts in global change science including the vital role of deltaic systems are emphasized in the North American Carbon Plan (www.carboncyclescience.gov).

carbon cycling ͉ large-river-delta-front ͉ land-margin interactions ͉ paleoreconstruction

pproximately 87% of Earth’s flux of materials from rivers to the ocean that they have undergone over the ‘‘An- land surface is connected to the have been altered, including global commu- thropocene’’ (16, 17) as a result of land- ocean by rivers (1). Over the nity programs such as the International - use changes (agriculture and ) past 50 years increases in the sphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) and its and river basin alterations, and the result- Ahuman population have had severe global major project, Land Ocean Interaction in ant impact of these changes on the land- effects on rivers and deltaic systems the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) (3, 10). ocean material transfer term, both quanti- through enhanced fertilizer usage, - tatively and qualitatively. For example, the ming, , and many other land- Human Linkage ‘‘quality’’ of C being exported from rivers use changes (2, 3). Many countries in the It has been estimated that Ϸ61% of the that have been impacted by will in- world are experiencing potable and agri- world population lives along the coastal crease because there is likely to be more cultural shortages (4). For example, boundary (11). By 2025, an estimated compared with terrestrial- although 30% (13,500 ϫ 109 m3⅐yearϪ1)of 75% of world’s population is expected to ly-derived vascular plant exported the world’s (42,700 ϫ 109 m3⅐yearϪ1) re- live in the coastal zone, with many of the to the LDE, which is more biologically newable water resources are concentrated remaining 25% living near major rivers available to coastal food webs (12, and in Asia (5), countries like are still (12). The coastal ocean is a dynamic re- reference therein)—further details on experiencing water shortages in certain gion where rivers, estuaries, ocean, land, this later. regions. Consequently, some of China’s and the atmosphere interact (13, 14). Al- major river systems (e.g., Huanghe and though relatively small in area, this region Deltaic ‘‘System’’ Changjiag Rivers) have been dramatically (30% of the total net oceanic productiv- A delta (typically, but not always showing altered by human activities in an attempt ity) supports as much as 90% of the a shoreline protuberance) forms because to remedy these water limitations (3). Re- global catch (15). More specifically, river-derived accumulate faster cent work has documented global de- LDE are typically some of the most pro- in a coastal/river water body than they can creases in water and/or sediment dis- ductive regions in the coastal ocean so it disperse from marine redistribution pro- charge to the coastal ocean in numerous is important to note that despite the - cesses (18) (Fig. 1). More specifically, large-river deltaic estuaries (LDE) such as ited areal extent, their role in commer- Wright (18) has defined a delta as the Mississippi, , Indus, Changjiang cially important fisheries cannot be over ‘‘coastal accumulations, both subaqueous and Huanghe systems (6–8). Although emphasized. Because of their ability to and subaerial, of river-derived sediments humans have increased riverine sediment support large human populations, due to adjacent to, or in close proximity to, the transport within the continents through their enormously fertile agricultural - source , including the deposits that soil by an estimated 2.3 Ϯ 0.6 tential and fisheries, LDE have historically have been secondarily molded by various Ϫ Pg⅐year 1, the actual amount reaching the played an important role in the advance marine agents, such as waves, currents, or ocean has decreased by 1.4 Ϯ 0.3 of human (via trade and .’’ LDE include a subset of the sub- Ϫ Pg⅐year 1, mainly due to dams and reser- transportation) (ref. 12 and references aerial and subaqueous delta systems of voirs (3, 9). These reductions play an im- therein). Demands of hydraulic power large rivers (Fig. 2). The subaerial LDE portant role in deltaic coastal retreat, began some 5,000 years ago with the de- where a large fraction of the human pop- velopment of some of the first cities in ulation lives, at a time when climate- human history in Mesopotamia, and the Author contributions: T.S.B. and M.A.A. wrote the paper. driven acceleration in the rate of sea level Nile, Huanghe, and Indus valleys (16). The authors declare no conflict of interest. rise threatens these low-elevation land- One of the most challenging issues con- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. scapes. Consequently, there has been in- cerning large river fluxes is to better un- 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: creased interest in understanding how the derstand the presumably major changes [email protected].

www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0812878106 PNAS ͉ May 19, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 20 ͉ 8085–8092 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 allochthonous (e.g., soil organic matter, algal inputs from , and from aquatic emergent and submergent wet- land vegetation) and autochthonous ma- terial. Interestingly, recent estimates indicate that inland receive an annual loading of 1.9 Pg of C per year from anthropogenically altered sources of the terrestrial system, of which 0.2 is buried in aquatic systems, with Ϸ0.8 Pg C possibly returned to the atmosphere through gas exchange and the remaining 0.9 Pg C being delivered to oceans (33). One point of interest here is that Ϸ1to 3 Pg C (as POC) has been trapped in over the past 50 years (3). One of the most challenging issues con- cerning large river organic carbon (OC) and organic matter (OM) fluxes is to better understand the presumably major changes that they have undergone over the as a result of land use changes (agriculture and urbaniza- tion) and river basin alterations, and the resultant impact of these changes on the land-ocean-atmosphere C transfer terms, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Fig. 1. Some other major deltas of the world. (A) Nile. (B) Amazon. (C) –Brahmaputra. (D) Lena. In modern marine environments, river- ine delivery of OC to LDE is the domi- nant means by which terrigenous produc- extends inland along the deltaic plain and the low plume (24). The defined tion is preserved, thereby influencing lowland (inland of the delta) to upper margin of the large Chinese and global biogeochemical cycles and the the limit of the tidal and/or saline intru- Mississippi–Atchafalaya River LDEs are ocean’s ability to sequester atmospheric sion in the adjacent river , and shown in Fig. 3. CO . Yet, there remains considerable un- includes large river mouths without a 2 Fluxes and Cycling of Materials to LDE certainty in our ability to adequately shoreline protuberance (12, 19). In the quantify carbon exchange from land to subaqueous, the LDE extends onto the The coastal ocean and in particular the coastal ocean and in our understand- where the initial fallout LDE represent active interfaces between ing of the processes influencing the fate of of river particulates takes place, and the terrestrial and oceanic environments terrigenous carbon in coastal sediments bulk of long-term sediment accumulation (the 2 largest global sinks for atmo- (20, 29). Recent work has shown that ar- is found. This deltaic subzone is where spheric CO2) where CO2 fluxes as either eas of low pCO2 in the increased , organic matter source or sink have been estimated to plume were associated with high phyto- , burial, transformation and be 1 Pg of C per year (25). The world’s —driven by high occur—the primary reasons LDE are im- 25 largest rivers drain approximately river nutrient loading (34). More recently, portant in the context of global C cycling. half of the continental surface and estimates of air-to-sea fluxes in the Missis- Ϸ It has been estimated that 80% of the to- transport 50% of the and sippi (2–4.2 mmol of C per tal organic carbon preserved in marine 40% of the particulate materials enter- square meter per day) were made using sediments occurs in ‘‘terrigenous-deltaic’’ ing the ocean (2, 25–27); once again it is satellite ocean color assessment (MODIS- regions near river mouths (20, 21), which important to remember that this is a Aqua L1B) (35), are consistent with pre- we have referred to as the subaqueous considerable amount given the relatively vious field measurements. Air-to-sea ex- LDE. We have included the lowland small areal extent of the LDE—as men- changes near the Changjiang River delta floodplain in the LDE because studies in tioned earlier ( 1). Rivers trans- Ϫ also reflect carbon sequestration from systems like the Amazon (22) and port an estimated 20 Pg⅐year 1of fluvial enhanced phytoplankton production due Ganges–Brahmaputra (23) have shown sediments to the coastal zone (3, 27, to nutrient loading (36). Similarly, the flux that as much as 30% of some river’s sedi- 28); associated with this sediment load- of other important greenhouse gases like ment load is trapped here above the delta ing is an estimated 0.21 Pg of particulate CH4 and N2O have been shown to be im- plain and land-sea interface. Finally, it organic carbon (POC) per year (ref. 24; portant in these dynamic regions, particu- should be noted that the aforementioned see also ref. 29 and references therein). larly where hypoxic zones have developed boundaries of an LDE (as defined here) They are also the major contributers of (ref. 12 and reference therein). are different from what has commonly dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the The importance of LDE to global OC been referred to as river-dominated mar- oceans: Global estimates of riverine flux burial (29) is evidenced by the tremen- gins (RiOMars), because RiOMars gener- of DOC generally range from Ϸ0.25 to dous magnitude of material fluxes to ally do not include the lowland floodplain 0.36 Pg⅐yearϪ1 (28, 30, 31); more recent these regions. Yet, despite the importance and extend much farther across the con- estimates by Richey (32) suggest that of these environments, there remains a tinental margin (including submarine total global river POCϩDOC export fundamental lack of understanding about constructed by the river) and may need to be revised upward, closer OC dynamics operating within these re- alongshore for hundreds to thousands of to Ϸ0.8 Pg of C per year. Much of the gions. This lack of understanding largely kilometers, as defined by the limits of POC in rivers is derived from both results from the high degree of spatial and

8086 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0812878106 Bianchi and Allison Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 mated factor of 2 to 3 (47). Conversely, the flux of has approximately tri- pled in the last 40 years with most of the increase occurring between 1970 and 1983 due to chemical fertilizer loss from agricul- tural lands of the upper (48). As total suspended solid (TSS) loads have fallen in the MAR, increases in light availability appear to have stimulated phytoplankton production, particularly in regions of the river within the upper drainage basin, where nutrients remain high (49, 50, 51). For example, many re- gions in the upper drainage basin of the MAR that have been dammed contain reservoirs where sediment particles have settled out of the water (under lower flow regimes), allowing for greater light levels and phytoplankton production. Thus, phy- toplankton inputs from reservoirs (and navigation locks), and in some cases Fig. 2. Regional geomorphogical boundaries and associated sedimentary deposits within an LDE. from oxbow and adjacent wet- lands—primarily within the Missouri and upper Mississippi River (52, 53), may be temporal variability in the sources of OC: the is divided because of the pres- important in ‘‘seeding’’ phytoplankton (i) primary production by phytoplankton ence of a major of the Mis- populations in the mainstem Mississippi and (ii) of terrestrially-derived sissippi, the Atchafalaya River, which River (54). In fact, high chlorophyll con- organic carbon by rivers and from deltaic contains Ϸ30% of the total system flow. centrations have been observed in both sediments reworked by marine processes. On average, Mississippi–Atchafalaya the Upper Mississippi River (up to 190 Additional variability on OC dynamics is River (MAR) discharge is strongest dur- ␮g⅐LϪ1) and the Missouri River (4.5–107 induced by the OC diagenetic effects of ing the (January-June); low ␮g⅐LϪ1) (55), compared with relatively mobility of recently deposited riverine discharge is only Ϸ30% of this spring- lower chlorophyll-a concentrations - on the inner shelf. Successive resus- time high. The hydrographic structure served in the deeper Ohio River (1.1–17.7 pension and deposition episodes of these and dynamics of the plumes emitted ␮g⅐LϪ1) (56). High phytoplankton ‘‘mobile muds’’ may also act to enhance from these 2 river mouths differ because in some oxbow lakes in the upper river the of terrestrially-derived the Mississippi discharges into deep wa- (e.g., in the Missouri Basin) (55) is likely OC, which is generally assumed to be very ter near the continental shelf edge, an important source of phytoplankton to decay-resistant. The pioneering work of whereas the Atchafalaya discharges into the lower river. Finally, in addition to re- Aller and his associates (e.g., refs. 37–39) shallow water onto a 150-km-wide shelf. ductions in TSS load in the MAR, there has shown the importance of mobile muds Both rivers generate physical and bio- has actually been an increase in river dis- as an ‘‘incinerator’’ of terrestrially-derived geochemical impacts in the coastal and charge over the past few decades (56). OC in other deltaic systems that have mo- deep water ocean far beyond the region This has resulted in the enhancement of bile belts, such as the Amazon and of the easily identifiable turbid water carbonate alkalinity export and has been Fly rivers. Thus, although it can be estab- plume that defines the LDE seaward linked with land-use changes. Thus, the lished that LDE are globally important boundary. spatial and temporal complexity of sepa- zones of organic carbon input with en- Suspended sediment concentrations rating natural and anthropogenic changes hanced burial and carbon remineraliza- have been decreasing in the in a large drainage basin of this size (3rd tion, further work is needed to better of the MAR since the 1950s as the largest largest in the world), can be very challeng- understand the relative role of these pro- natural sources of sediment in the drain- ing. However, the delta has the potential cesses in the context of the global carbon age basin were cut off from the MAR to act as a recorder of many of these di- cycle. As we will show in the case studies main stem by the construction of large verse and extant events. below, this understanding is further com- reservoirs on the Missouri and Arkansas Approximately 60% of the total sus- plicated by human-induced changes in Rivers (41, 42). Before creation of dams pended matter and 66% of the total dis- material fluxes now being carried by these and reservoirs beginning in the 19th cen- solved materials transported from the systems to the oceans. tury, the average annual sediment dis- to the GOM are carried by the charge to the of Mexico (GOM) by MAR alone (57). It was recently esti- Case Studies in the Impact of Watershed the MAR is estimated to have been Ϸ0.4 mated that the annual input of DOC and Land Use Change on Global Fluxes Pg (40). These factors, combined with the POC delivered to the GOM from the Mississippi-Atchafalya River System. The implementation of soil conservation prac- MAR was of 3.1 ϫ 10Ϫ3 Pg and 9.3 ϫ Mississippi River flows 3,780 km from tices since the 1930s in the drainage basin 10Ϫ4 Pg, respectively (58, 59). However, its source to the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and cutoffs and there are likely significant alterations oc- and has the largest of all North Ameri- (41, 43), have reduced the present MAR curring through the tidal zone and, further can watersheds (3.3 ϫ 106 km2) (40), sediment load to Ϸ0.2 Pg⅐yearϪ1 (26, 44) downstream, in the salt wedge (e.g., floc- draining 40% of the continental United since the 1950s and to 0.1 Pg⅐yearϪ1 dur- culation and low discharge channel bed States and parts of 2 Canadian prov- ing the last 2 decades (1987–2006) (45, storage) that may affect the composition inces (Fig. 4A). The Mississippi has a 46). This reduction in loading has reduced and magnitude of DOC and POC fluxes mean annual water discharge of Ϸ18,400 sediment and organic carbon accumula- (60–62). Understanding these changes m3⅐sϪ1. The distribution of this water at tion on the subaqueous LDE by an esti- within the lower river as it enters the

Bianchi and Allison PNAS ͉ May 19, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 20 ͉ 8087 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 will be trapped for the first 2 decades (in the upper reaches), and that Ϸ44% of the river’s sediment will be stored behind the dam after 100 years (8, 68, 69). Such changes in sediment loading are likely to be recorded in the sediments of Changjiang LDE, where invaluable histor- ical information (e.g., contaminants and natural organic carbon inputs) linked with land-use change can be reconstructed and compared with ongoing changes. The Huanghe (Yellow) River was, until recently, the second largest river in the world in terms of sediment discharge with an annual average of 1.1 Pg (Ϸ6% of the total global sediment discharge of all riv- ers) (26). The Huanghe was very different from the Changjiang in that it had twice the sediment discharge carried by only 5% of the Changjiang’s water discharge (26). Some of the reasons for such high sedi- ment loading are the high erodability of the heavily cultivated soils of the Loess through which it passes, and mas- sive flooding events in the past—before dam construction. In fact, many thousands of lives have been lost from catastrophic flooding events in this drainage basin re- Fig. 3. The Huanghe, Changjiang and Mississippi–Atchafalaya River deltas from NASA MODIS imagery corded over the past millennia (70). As a from the Terra satellite. The upper reaches of the LDE are defined by the limit of tides in the river channel result of dam construction in the 1950s, (white ). The limits of the turbid surface plume approximate the outer limits of the LDE zone of rapidly and enhanced water consumption in the accumulating sediments on the underlying seafloor. 1970s because of rising populations in the basin, overlapped with climate change that has reduced precipitation, the sediment LDE is critical if we are to better under- of terrestrial material from the Chinese load has been decreasing (7, 67, 71). stand the fluxes of materials from large mainland to the western Pacific (ref. 63 Global climate change is believed to have rivers into the global ocean and the poten- and references therein). Recent work has reduced precipitation in northern China, tial role of greenhouse gas fluxes (e.g., shown the Changjiang River has accumu- Ϸ which has resulted in significant decreases N2O, CH4,CO2) in LDE, because the lated 1,200 Pg of sediment in the deltaic in river water discharge from the Hu- amount and quality of DOC and POC are plain and subaqueous estuary of this LDE naghe drainage basin (7, 72). The annual critical in controlling microbial pathways (64, 65). Much of this sediment accumula- sediment discharge of the Huanghe to the linked with these greenhouse gas fluxes tion along the shoreline of the Changjiang (Fig. 3B) was measured from Ϸ (ref. 25 and references therein). LDE began 2,000 yB.P., when increased 2000 to 2005 and was shown to have de- human activities enhanced catchment ero- creased to only 0.15 Pg⅐yearϪ1 values close China-Yellow Sea River System. Asian riv- sion from farming and deforestation in- to that in the pre-Anthropocene (71). ers discharge an estimated 70% of total creased the river’s sediment load. These These changes in rainfall and land-use sediments delivered to ocean by all riv- sediments and POC have remained practices with farming in upper basin have ers in the world because of the prepon- trapped on the inner shelf of this LDE dramatically altered the morphology, ecol- derance of high elevation and geologi- because of the net effects of shear forces ogy, and biogeochemical dynamics on the cally young watersheds (3). The Chinese from coastal currents (e.g., China Coastal, lower estuarine deltaic plain of this LDE (western) side of the shallow Yellow Sea Taiwan Warm, and Kuroshio Currents) (71). These dramatic alterations in the receives the discharge from 2 of the 25 (65). However, over the past 5 decades Huanghe River basin represent perhaps largest river systems: the Changjiang there has been a significant (Ϸ40%) de- one of the best cases of how stored sedi- () and Huanghe (Yellow). In crease in the sediment discharge because ments in the LDE can be used as record- contrast to the MAR, these systems are of dam construction (8). The drainage ers of climate and human changes (71). marked by increasing sediment loads basin (1.8 ϫ 106 km2) of the river is popu- to the LDE until very recently in the lated by 400 million people (8) and con- Coastal Eutrophication and Anthropocene. tains 45,628 reservoirs (as of 1995) (66, Hypoxic Zones The Changjiang (Yangtze) River is 67), which are estimated to retain 90% of Recent work has shown that the number ranked globally as the 4th and 5th largest the sediment load. The situation has re- of hypoxic zones globally in the coastal river in water and sediment discharge, 944 cently been exacerbated by the construc- margin is doubling every decade, primarily km3⅐yearϪ1 and 0.5 Pg⅐yearϪ1, respectively tion of the 175-m-high Three Gorges because of land-use changes that result in (Table 1), and the longest river (6,300 Dam, which is not anticipated to be fully enhanced nutrient loading (eutrophica- km) in Asia (40). The river originates in operational until 2009 (8), but which be- tion) (73), which is particularly widespread the Tibetan Plateau at an elevation of gan to retain water and sediment in June in LDE. For example, summer hypoxic 6,600 m and flows to the east where it is 2003 as the dam rose to 135 m (8). Pro- (defined as oxygen concentrations Ͻ2 discharged in the East China Sea (Fig. jected estimates indicate that 70% of the mg⅐LϪ1) events in the northern GOM on 4B). This river has a major role in the flux sediment (and associated POC) discharge the Louisiana/Texas inner shelf have been

8088 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0812878106 Bianchi and Allison Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 Table 1. Basin area, discharge, runoff and basin latitude for the 25 world’s largest rivers ble to that off Louisiana (USA). Although [modified from Cai (28)] nutrient inputs from the Changjiang River Basin area, Discharge, Runoff, Basin have doubled in the past 2 decades and No. River name 103 km2 km3⅐yearϪ1 mm⅐yearϪ1 latitude do, in part, contribute to the low oxygen conditions in this LDE, maintenance of 1 Amazon 5,854 6,642 1,135 2 is believed to be largely con- 2 Congo 3,699 1,308 354 4 trolled by density stratification caused by 3 1,039 1,129 1,087 7.5 the salinity differences between the fresh- 4 Changjiang 1,794 944 526 30 water plume and the more saline waters 5 Brahmaputra 583 628 1,077 25 of the Taiwan Straight (89). The occur- 6 Mississippi 3,203 610 190 36 rence of typhoons in this region can range 7 Yenisei 2,528 599 232 60 between 3 to 6 per summer, which results 8 Parana 2,661 568 213 23 in significant mixing and oxidizing of the 9 Lena 2,418 531 220 63 hypoxic waters. To better understand 10 Mekong 774 525 678 20 when hypoxia first began off the 11 Ob 2,570 412 160 60 Changjiang, sediment coring in the LDE 12 Ganges 956 404 423 26 is needed, as previously described off the 13 St Lawrence 1,267 363 287 47 Louisiana coast (82–86). 14 477 343 719 23 15 Xijiang 409 270 660 23 Sea-Level Change 16 Mackenzie 1,713 290 169 64 The majority of global climate models for 17 Columbia 724 252 348 42 the next century forecast planetary warm- 18 Ubangi 356 228 640 2.5 ing in response to anthropogenic and nat- 19 Yukon 852 212 249 64 forcing (90). Although eustatic 20 788 202 256 48 (global) sea level rose Ϸ15 to 20 cm in 21 Niger 2,240 193 86 10 the last century (91), projections for the 22 Kolyma 666 118 177 67 21st century range from 20 to 60 cm 23 Indus 1,143 104 91 29 (multiple climate model means) (90) to as 24 Godavari 312 97 311 21 much as 1 m (92). Coastal (both 25 Huanghe 894 47 53 36 saline and and freshwa- ter marsh and ), which make up most of the subaerial portion of deltas, observed every year since the 1990s, ow- The long-term history of hypoxia in the maintain their viability and stave off con- ing to water stratification and decay of MAR has been established by examining version to open water in these conditions by having combined organic and mineral accumulated organic matter during phyto- changes in the benthic foraminiferal com- accumulation rates minus local plankton blooms (74). Temporal variabil- munity in dated sediment cores (82–84), rates (compaction or tectonic-induced) ity of the distribution of these hypoxic once again proving the utility of LDE sed- iments as recorders of anthropogenically- (93) that meet or exceed the rate of eu- events is, at least partially, related to the static (94–96). In the coastal driven change in both terrestrial and amplitude and phasing of the Mississippi zone, 3 of the most important impacts of aquatic/coastal systems . The and Atchafalaya River water discharge this predicted warming are (i) accelerated relative abundance of 3 low-oxygen toler- and nutrient loading (54, 75, 76). The rates of eustatic sea level rise, (ii) a poten- ant benthic foraminifers (Pseudononion maximal water discharge generally occurs tial increase in cyclonic storm frequency atlanticum, Epistominella vitrea, and Bu- in April, but the peaks in nutrient (e.g., and/or intensity, and (iii) a shift in the nitrate) concentration and fluxes are liminella morgani) has recently been used latitudinal ranges of flora and fauna. somewhat delayed with respect to the as a proxy (PEB index) for the past and Coastal saline wetlands, defined here as peak in runoff (76, 77). The areal extent present hypoxic conditions on the Louisi- coastal wetlands exposed to brackish-to- of the summer hypoxic zone on the shelf ana shelf (84). The PEB index (82) and marine and vegetated by salt- the A/P ratio—the ratio of agglutinated to has been found to be coupled to riverine tolerant flora ( grasses and porcellaneous foraminifera orders (85)— nitrate input in May (and June) linked ), are generally those immedi- indicate that increases in the intensity of with stratification (limited ately adjacent to the terrestrial-marine hypoxic events began during the past 50 vertical mixing by waves and currents) interface, and hence, are extensive in years. Osterman et al. (83) also showed during the low-energy summer season, LDE and most vulnerable to these 3 fac- that several probable low oxygen events tors. Mangroves, which are confined to and this flux has been used to estimate occurred in the past 180 years that were the magnitude and size of the hypoxic lower-latitude coastal saline wetlands in likely associated with high Mississippi LDE and elsewhere by freeze-effects, zone in the GOM in the last few decades River discharge rates and changes in land- might be expected to increase in latitudi- (76, 77). Although it is clear primary pro- use patterns (e.g., deforestation) in the nal importance with climate amelioration. ductivity in the Gulf hypoxic zone is cou- upper basin. Most recently it was estab- The MAR LDE is one of the most pled with riverine nutrient inputs (74) and lished, using the PEB index that hypoxia modified aquatic coastal ecosystems in the water column stratification in the near events may have occurred as far back as world, and experiences as much as 80% of field reaches of the plume, the role of or- 1000 yB.P. (86). the loss in the USA (peak rates ganic carbon from eroding wetlands in Over the past 2 decades China has also of 60–90 km2⅐yearϪ1) (97). These wetland fueling hypoxia outside the plume become the largest global consumer of losses in the deltaic plain between the regions are still poorly understood (78– fertilizers, which has resulted in eutrophi- 1930s and 1990 exceeded 2,972 km2 (98). 81), as is the reason for the apparently cation in the Changjiang estuary (87, 88). Extensive studies of the causes of this loss negligible effects of hypoxia on local fish- The area of this hypoxic zone in the East have determined that it is a combination eries (79) in the area. China Sea is 2 ϫ 104 km2 (89), compara- of anthropogenic (e.g., artificial cut-

Bianchi and Allison PNAS ͉ May 19, 2009 ͉ vol. 106 ͉ no. 20 ͉ 8089 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 and surge-induced currents. As such, large reservoirs of soft sediments are available for mobilization in these areas, and organic-rich wetland sediments are sub- jected to the surge and wave attack, which may have significant implications for con- trolling the geometry and location of the shelf sediment depocenter and carbon sequestration/export/diagenesis. Much of the limited research on these processes to date that has been conducted on the MAR margin (107–110) following several recent hurricanes (e.g., Lili, Katrina, Rita) has shown that these storms scour the seabed to water depths of up to 40 m and then deposit event layers (on the shelf/ slope) of cm to decimeter thickness that reflect multiple sediment and OM sources (e.g., shelf and riverine deposits and coastal wetlands). Interannual preserva- tion of event layers re- corded in LDE could be used for studies of paleo-hurricane frequency and intensity. Future Studies Documenting Climate Change Because long-term preservation of high- resolution sedimentary records on eroding continental platforms is rare, and where present, often integrates conditions from only a limited region (e.g., lakes), we must rely on coastal marine sediments (particu- larly in LDE) to better supplement our understanding of continental climatic his- tory. Projections of anthropogenic (green- Fig. 4. Map showing the drainage basin of the Mississippi River (USA) (A) (from ref. 119) and the house gas emission) global warming by Huanghe (Yellow) and Changjiang (Yangtze) Rivers (China) (B) (from ref. 71). 2100 suggest the largest increases (3–6 °C) will take place in the highest latitudes, particularly in the Arctic (111–113). This ting and subsequent expansion, imentary basin package are contributing warming will be coupled with global creation, etc.), and natural mechanisms factors (103–106). Thus, understanding changes in precipitation patterns and river involving relative sea level rise (RSLR) the dynamics of wetland loss in relation to runoff: Again the Arctic is predicted to and wave attack of open-water fronting RSLR in LDE, where major population see among the largest increase in precipi- (ref. 98 and reference therein). centers are situated [e.g., Bangkok, Cal- tation, evaporation, and runoff (114, 115). However, the overriding factor in ‘‘natu- cutta (Kolkata), Karachi, New Orleans, Beginning in the later half of the 20th ral’’ wetland loss are thought to be the , etc.] that are shielded from century (approximately the time span of effects of compaction-induced sediment storm surges by wetlands, is important for the instrumented record), widespread and subsidence exacerbated by a starvation of future strategies. rapid climate change effects have been new sediment to wetland surfaces that observed in the Arctic, including increased resulted from construction along the Effects of Cyclonic Storms melting of permafrost and glacial ice, in- lower Mississippi River (ref. 99 and refer- Tropical cyclones, because of the enor- creased shoreline erosion of permafrosted ences therein). Given the consensus by mous wave orbital velocities and strong coastal tundra due to lengthening of the the community of the importance of mean flows they create that impact sedi- open water season and potentially in- subsidence-induced RSLR to coastal zone ment erodibility, have a disproportionate creased ‘‘storminess,’’ decreasing summer management worldwide, it has been sug- impact on the erosion and transport, dep- sea ice, increasing surface air tempera- gested that the timing of the peak wetland osition and burial of sediments in the tures, and changing ocean circulation. Ap- loss rates in the 1950s to 1970s (present LDE where they are active. Of the 25 proximately 90% of the total organic C in rates are estimated to be 26–30 LDE shown in Table 1, 11 low-to-mid the Arctic tundra resides in the organic km2⅐yearϪ1) (100) coincides with the max- latitude systems have been impacted by horizons and permafrost (116). In fact, imum rates of oil and gas extraction from tropical cyclones in historical times, in- the North American tundra has been esti- the lower deltaic plain. More recent strati- cluding the MAR and Chinese Yellow mated to have 98.2 Pg C, which can then graphic comparisons in the Terrebonne Sea systems. LDE are generally the only be extrapolated to 160 Pg C for the entire area show the timing of subsidence ‘‘hot- shelf type where modern fine-grained sed- Arctic tundra (117)—which is equivalent spots’’ is closely related to the local pro- iment deposition is taking place on the to 2.5% of the annual increase in atmo- duction history (101, 102). There is also inner to mid-shelf region (24). The trans- spheric C. Moreover, because the north- controversy to what extent crustal (deep) port of sediments in these regions is ern permafrost region extends 3 to 4 subsidence and growth-faulting of the sed- strongly impacted by storm-induced waves times beyond the tundra it has

8090 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0812878106 Bianchi and Allison Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 been estimated that the organic C in per- Understanding LDE sediment records impact of LDE on the global carbon bud- mafrost soils to a depth of3misasmuch of continental and climate is get in the context of them being sources as 1,204 Pg C (118). So, as these systems vital because of its primacy in receiving, and/or sinks of greenhouse gases (e.g., warm and permafrosted soils thaw, much processing and burying a significant por- CO2,CH4,N2O), (ii) sediment fluxes of the fluvial transport of organic C in tion of the global carbon record. River through LDE and their effects on global carbon budgets, (iii) the resilience of LDE soils will drain through the LDE into the systems play an important role (via the ) in the natural self-regula- wetlands in the face of accelerating RSLR . This, and increasing coastal and its linkage to the changing riverine tion of Earth’s surface conditions by erosion will likely increase sediment and sediment input; (iv) wetland-river-shelf OC burial as well in the LDE. serving as a major sink for anthropo- OM and nutrient inputs to LDE and their As we have shown, the LDE sediment genic CO2. Changes in climate and hu- role in producing hypoxic zones; (v) vege- record, because of its rapid burial rates man changes in the watersheds may lead tational species migration and implications and sensitivity to both source and ma- to LDE changes in factors that change for deltaic sustainability (e.g., mangroves, rine basin fluctuations, contains an the net production to burial ratio on marshes, and exotic marine species); (vi) under-exploited record of cli- these margins, such as nutrient input, impact of the lower (tidal/saline) river on plume , and greater storm in- mate on a par with well-studied and the flux, timing, and transformation of tensity, which may result in greater OM in the LDE); (vii) impact of climate important records in ice cores, lakes, remineralization rates of OC with less and land-use changes in the drainage ba- tree rings and deep marine sediments. burial and OC being dispersed over a sin (e.g., precipitation, soil/agriculture Although all LDE records potentially broader area—more research is clearly practices) on the stability of deltas); and have value in documenting continental- needed to address these issues. LDEs (viii) the importance of human-induced scale climate change, we suggest the are dynamic regions that can be used as changes in LDE evolution in higher lati- Arctic should be a particular focus. Spe- a ‘‘litmus test’’ for global climate tudes, which are among the most poorly studied systems and predicted to be most cifically, new high-resolution Arctic pa- change. leoclimate sediment records near LDE severely impacted by climate change. like the Colville and Mackenzie Rivers Conclusions ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank all our col- on the North American Arctic margin In summary, we propose that if we are to leagues that are actively working on large-river would serve (i) to extend the limited use LDE as natural recorders of environ- delta-front estuaries around the world, in partic- instrument record of high Arctic climate ular Drs. Piers Chapman, Ping Chang, and Steven mental change in 21st century, and want F. Di Marco for their helpful comments on earlier change on the adjacent continent and to better understand the changes being drafts of the article. Much of our own work cited terrestrial-marine linkages and (ii) induced by the dense human populations in this review was supported by the National Aeronautics Space Administration, Department would serve as baseline localities for inhabiting these dynamic systems, we need of Energy, Office of Naval Research, and the Na- monitoring future change. a greater understanding of: (i) the net tional Science Foundation.

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