Simon & Schuster Freshman Year Reading Catalog 2017–2018 Dear FYE Committee Member, We are delighted to present the 2017 – 2018 Freshman Year Reading catalog from Simon & Schuster. Simon & Schuster publishes a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles that align with the core purpose of college and university programs across the country—to support students in transition, promote engaging conversations, explore diverse perspectives, and foster community during the college experience. If you don’t see a title that fits your program’s needs, we are ready to work with you to find the perfect book for your campus or community program. Visit for author videos, reading group guides, and to request review copies. For questions about discounts on large orders, or if you’re interested in having an author speak on campus, please email
[email protected]. We’d love to hear from you! For a full roster of authors available for speaking engagements, visit the Simon & Schuster Speakers Bureau at You can also contact the Speakers Bureau directly by calling (866) 248-3049 or by emailing
[email protected]. If the author you are interested in is not represented by the Speakers Bureau, please send us an email at
[email protected]. Best, The Simon & Schuster Education & Library Group ORDERING INFO Simon & Schuster offers generous discounts on bulk purchases of books for FYE programs, one-reads, and educational use where the books are given away. The breakdown