Relief and Reconstruction Assistance to Indo-China by United Nations Organs and Special Agencies
UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Pa9e 1 3 Date 26/06/2006 Time 2:45:16 PM S-0901-0001-07-00001 Expanded Number S-0901 -0001-07-00001 items-in-fVietnam] - general - relief and reconstruction assistance to Indo-China by United Nations Organs and Special Agencies Date Created 08/01/1973 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0901 -0001 : Vietnam and Indo-China 1 972-1 981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit rv 17 August 1973 ' -, '••' • . ?:' Dear Mr. Beaumont, •"-•"''"• ""'. «. '.-: .•• . - -''.'•"' - .' '• ; In the Secretajry-General's absence I wish to acloiowledge receipt of your letter of 23 July 1973* tinder cover of which you forward the text of a letter from Mr. Labouisse to the Vice President of the t)RV Red Cross. ' •v -.-.," , • . ; , . -.- -••."••...••• •. •*« \ '••• • '"•••-. '•;' ' " / : " "- •" - ... • r,' . .; .. • '_ .f. • '.. .'"'''. ' ', * •" ' ' ' " :', ' :~ - •.: ',.'•/. •"'.." • - -.'. ' ••; Yours sincerely, '.-..".- ; -Brian E, Urquhart Assistant Secretary-General Mr . Jacques Beaumont . ":'/,'• •"-,".••. Indochin' a Peninsula Liaiso' n Group United Nations • Hew York, N.Y. TELEPHONE PLAZA 4-1234 UNICEF UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND • FONDS DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ENFANCE UNITED NATIONS. NEW YORK IPLG-38/73 23 July 1973 Dear Mr. Secretary General, Please, find attached herewith the text of the letter addressed by Mr. Henry R. Labouisse, Executive Director of UNICEF, on 23 July, to Doctor Nguyen Van Tin, Vice-President of the DRV Red Cross, who is also Vice- Minister of Health, and whom the delegation of UNICEF, comprised of Mr. M. Sandberg and myself, met twice in Hanoi. Following the two meetings held by the UNICEF delegation in Hanoi with the Special Representative of the PRG, Mr.
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