Klim eommerolsl, r>dJ*s bankers’ marks, OK-H Pants. Hept. IN.—Hentes, H|f He. fruits all descriptions were active, poaches, but.what imn wn nulntlhito for corn, hay, iiml ninry, with mile*of T.VMirM nl iriyAXCtAL. Paris, U p. in.—French rentes, PIT iK)e. selling slightly below potatoes? With no more wheat ami min limn seller.lnnimrr.and leu.'si -oilerKriinisrr,m,*"r. IH4»; nmleommjrelal.Wifli'.Ti. Hept. which were very plenty, »” ?,(!,•. BUSINESS. out.cans. would Ito actually nivdoi] If wo hail plenty nf rlo.cil eovr’r. at #IM.‘V«IMTS f..r I ‘Jl Chicago bank •eteurtugs wuro $7,100,000. Loam New Wednesday's prices. Hides are moving very t.'U.:?."* f*»r November. mil'y.'l.M:, f.,r every other kind of food, whnro shall wo look , f.ip.lumtiM ? & Nr.w Oiu.rANS, Hept. -i.—Sight exchange on slowly. Humors sparingly anticipation #l J,a*r.itJ.1 If.di lor .March, and New York, SI.IW per (I,(W0 premium: sterling, tlrm r DAY Strong, Active, end was good dcTtumd from the country. New of another decline, iimisonud tallow are country? soles were inaileof il„*.V-I'AI-I- ilmdstnllj (I rholcu. dr [innsiiil for All Dcsrrintlona of Irregular,but board the speculation Alpha I Martin While and Detroit were bta.oiw lm. Tho eorros|iondmg PROVISIONS. I’mimiTf. Huirx* fnirlosuod -jin-. nt tho llrst Aim M( Crenm ,y. r«lrH»K«‘Hiil .. ,^ Jieuvy, (ho leadership shipments were bu. Tho shipments from 1100 less busi- Dairy, iWliiß -look. ••fl —Prices Sow mul e Yen.' Ago—Tho became mid under of IlculUUl M 113,003 PltomiCTM-Wuro slronuer, with t-holeo OTfrtMlUn'iiao !.!! *,! Belcher Noimilny Mi New wuro es* doing. Thoro was no material changeIn tho tons Cincinnati A Indianapolis, oh York, Philadelphia, and lialtlmoro CIIBKHK—TIio loclmtt wm aiuuironlly * *,, (lulloot levelamt, C’oiambiu. foreign ndvlces, n* Vtrm Gar Stock on Porn. Uwiu X llulvhor VBh Northern Iloilo IVJij ir, r or fromiho local hoi market.Imi n* Pullman Palace a tm. thodi'imiml. huroioforp «, largo blooaa of which were sold by leading llmile.. sH ophlr. ..s.Vj tlm nnyprpvlmiM'orloil. UKU Ore The followlngnroreportedasonocoanpassage: mmeml upward truduney Involved provisions, i;podi»a Die supply. Then* wit* h frou movement .! broker, the ciitdre market declined per lliilllim lU-iti handsof niuro thuramio of pneu» following: •> RIGHT!?! Hnlwnr. 'i‘« Nrjif. Se/)L flrjif. itrunnihcnliiK tlio holders. however. cent. Catindn Houtliorn was also con- 17. IV, K Full cninm p nn jumuut nv FINANCIAL. PuKhl . »y**. buyers. wns only n do* rnUfurnlii... l.Vl>> .. I*'l. Ml. than those of Tliaro Belli 'iirtntitin Chuddar, rliuliu mu ,}} spicuous in the downward movement, Eiltillur 2!i 5avage...... sjt Wheat and t.Ci.VM) Ijn.VUO iiiiinit, except for the purpose of stmklnu clianpos 1 & (.’on. Sierra Nevada...... llour.nrn l.’iVi.ein L'arlckliii.tliM, vnuiur.. n/' * BAKER CO., cent. Vtrutnin... 2'i *UJA Corn, from nnothor. 'l'ho reported of - * Oommorci), opened showed do apodal and fell Git S?» per before (Town stiver WM.OJ fxXMWJ one month in miUro Tart rbliii.common la uooil WRfl. T. No. 1 of Ktockfl steady, and I’ultn I* King... I'i| ,\l.xml H1nb10...... U cipal Western points, as follows, for spot: Han- lor spot, nr seller Ontohei-. retail pricesi|..iivn„.i TRUST CO., rising With some natural halls chases of Wab.u h Piioillo and Heading tho mar- 1 luloA .Nurctuis roporx* ranulnitn*Amtiniciu.’, THE UWSON ket a look. ses City iMHo, St. Louis mul fM.itXfC.uidM, seHitr.lnimnry. Polos wont m:iu(‘#i.-VX'(7.T.»iI'loiimont Heading was put up to 70*. and Wabash pre- ket took mi upv/urd turn. During tho after- DOW>«P»e. Peoria utKift oil of l.roi hrls seller October iilfrJX'M.iKOl7Pjt hrls AnUnai-lia, nut.. 7..Vl«M.iJllloi>*lmr»r .Vrllna»t Onur S!m!iwa nml DfirWa-^k, at occasional slight ItEAIi ESTATE. Ollie, nillnimpnllsn,'»^'.We,Toledo (J,oi)So,Uliielu- seller .Vivomber nt #IU.(VWHMJIi XHI lirls seller the AllUlincUO, OKJA. T.'.'.VU .VI; Indiana block ... « j,| ferred from to tHJf, dosing IMI*. Tho noon there was. as usual, an I ycitrnlslti.XM willhrls seller .Inmmrr nl fX'/AVi'-SUUi Krln lltlni.l-1 l •nrlntf* nnrt allows Intorpst nati (lOu; against no&OTo hero. Those range 1 ««v»i 5 rccelTPi* «Ic*|mhUa on samo prices reached under ttiostimulus of this leader- reaction, but In itho main prices tended upward, prices imd tI.UM brls seller Kehrimrv ot WI.IW. Total, U.T.VI llaitliminuViilila. lUilt.Mlnank i"i lubjccltollio rules of llio bank. ' tho an was Tho following woro fllod for well up as compared with Chicago, showing that hrls. The followlmx ulves the ruiik'o of the day, In* cmn’iiUADK—WciiHrm m #|,|.> fur uork han-S wn.SON. ship woro Inviting to bulls mid hoars nllkc, and and In late transactions advance .Instruments clmlliitf theColl Board: mid fl.A' fur lunl Horens. I,artel ' bulls do feel recorded, ranging from »i to I?., per tho record Thursday,Sept. tho pontile of other places holiovo In thourtlelo. ’Clmt't rtiinvs firm mid 1 rastilur. there was free selling. Tho not cent, Chord. KUOS-Wure wcnrco at IWo iiordot 10fn. ponding only however, which were very promi- ettvraot'Kittr. Tho wag of tho Hoard of Trade’aays that tho McJipor/c. llrOorrilnt/ihid, Infm/np. no, hid. Blrli-11/ fresh. * like engaging In any now movement slocks, f.VftxlU) (net September *lP.:r.'4 Fl! -II-l.nko descriptions roimiln & CO., Milton nr,2ft ft n of Klin si. w ft, ilnietl trouble with wheat Is iho that tho millers tli'.Xl niroiur. tho i,u A. BIiTKUS uncertainty of tho policy to bo nent therein being Wabash I’aeillc preform! Hepl. (Anton October \ hum (lu.xt Ge'JUd »Ui steady market lorotliorliMi. Wonum.;: ehiso to put. prices to was East Tennessee, Sept. tK.J. %VJ. of ycatonluy 63ft 1m February sm,:u (aJP.uO VI I.KHES ut rates. of tighter money down. tho general llriDiiess “ ” tU.Vi VU.-W •old on mamln. STOCK Pltl tho threat to A. 11. McChosneyi 450 of (darn. Whllflliidl.horW-brl lloit.-o: .1. MH-HEI.m-Afo.. is Hroml-st. & Georgia, 51 cent of, iU.» of nut tfrailed wheat tnheu out That tun lb«, nnd docrd Uh Family whiteltsh. pur W-Url ... N.'w York Against this, It Is to ho noted that money Is now Virginia which declined per North Itranuh at. aiv cor of Halatud. n AilvAia-ed*J4ftloo pflr ( brl preferred It to dated July I (William U Urey el Is supposed to have been takou by loams, nlmvo tliu luteal price* of Wednumlay,tit 913.1 i Traill, por!v ms London. Heportsof for both common ami stocks. In tho river, tboiiidi spot .Mackerel—No. shore*. W*hrl- wm V MKItCUA becoming visibly easier In al. to Urey, Clark, and K.imle) 10,000 It Is about:! oar Ibads. Folks day Unit llm wheat for nmnd lots or seller October and (U.tiThfto I Wfi CU.UMISHI<> coming trniik-Uiio truce wore a,gain putat dual sales tho general market reacted a frnc- ILatstod si, h w cor of Harrison, utnll- n.lOnullur Jammry. Hnloswnro reported of4,sdJtc* Miickarel-No.tbnr. hHirl S;S a .> (lucsllon to roller collar Novum* .Mitckorol—No.ashore. believers, tlon ■vlded fa or ail ft lo Hooker at. daied Atm. In is takou tho oloaulutf mills ami October ntfii.lA'/vli.'Alt t'.OXJ tea Is-hrl 6ji| work. They seem to llml but tho tunl dosed barely sternly. (William L. Urey to John M.Clark) .l SCW her nl l.iwi In* culler Deeumtior at .Mackerel—i.iir»ru family ■i.rm & money ki, va) t cooled oir, aflor which It Is run out Into tho jn.rtu (imilly, Jv-1tr1..., a;.) (?i'ui 6., clfoet on tho stocks Is narrow. New York Cen- in tho market a fair degree of activity Oanal ft a of Kiidueentli. w f. undivided 'j IJ.iXit tea cellor January m Mackerel-Fat Jb * cTulver 0 of •Jina-ia datcil Atm. countrya few miles, and Ihon buck hero miller lea Halibut, smoked. per Id*, at MX supply of capital nlfcrhur wan >4 n. trlaimalur to alloy. , brmutht •4,J.Vilcs lohraary nv i V..V.U tral sold down from U:tU fo closing prevailed but tbo a (Hamn aamu) "cdliir .Mart'll anils,UAl cullur April Codiish-iieurku's, porimi lit? am CHICAGO, to J.SCO ns No. 2. Wo do not doubt that this would bo nt tea 4.;a Lake Shore advanced from lap* to 15M?4. Mich- fully equal to tho requirements of borrowers. V/lnehusteniv. I'll it s of West .Monroe, e f.fl l ilil.uowlXlWi, Total. JiV-Wl ten. Tho following Codllsh—hiimniur-cured AND ranged collateral ranged *l?ft‘( fl. (luted Sepk.VU (F. (1. Cobb to h. I-.. done If (boro was any prolit In tbo operation—- hows Urn ratiHo ol thoany, liioludlnu the Coll Hoard Codtlt.h—Dressed -w igan Central between I'lft and l»3?4, Call loans on pledge of mock Ilrutt) llorrlmi—l.nbrnilor.split,brls a? 3.000 nut. raiißaelluiis: key, 7.00 ‘'i 1. was forced between 4 amt flpur cent, and closed at tlio low* J’orth llahiodHt, Vftxl.’ll which thorn is Thodllforonco In prices Is I’lo.tnl llorrliitt—llullund, per new. i j. closing at lW‘i. C., C., C. St l.MfiHiit f, Jhtnne ClwiU per ;j) GO., to of buvlmr It, Improved, dated Hnpt. VI (11. Hint s. Undo not largo enough to pay for tha trouble, espe- Lnnl. Md. |/4opoi’ Uu stor- «WJA Calllunilnridmun.AND NUTS—Trade fairly closing at Transactions wore boon done at tbo Intermediate rate. TheOov* Mohawk al. VI ft n of tr t. VIxTO ft. Im- chuiitfo I October ia.Hi ir.M.'i (.trj.a.) ia.1,1 FUUITS wits nctlvoimd s r. louih, !W‘i, BT4. Ktmchlo. age. ia.:«) were firm. ho linen, eminent accommoda- proved. dated Hoot. VI HI. nml M. Kivu to W. N0vember...... ia,a7ss ia,37HMia.:t‘t prices uonerally 'I exceptions weri «* " f —■« Kill Eastern orders not heavy in any of the trunk and tbo bond denleis found ready Schmitt) I.UjO wjm u*.tl> m.u.50 I'.M.'i prunes and currants. thu tendency lit wuich atmcan i iin-rr 't A receiver yostcnluy stilted tho Bltuntioa In ■lmitmrr runjiu Olscntcb. Ilav and -ell Grain tunl Provisions Mr expectation that tbo war between the tion nt sX?>l percent. Time Junes and prime dls* Wftn of at. tv f.fix February H'.rj'iJ to bu to a lower of prices. Nuts rumslu nra «Oh nmmtriy margin*. common '.Emerald av. Thlrir-nluhth bought l2.77J*sHi.*.ai!< UAV.-i ami ciuTruisn on 12( ;-ln H.Kovlllo corn ns It infected him. Tho corn was Mi:.\TK-Ailvime('il quale? luturc eultvurv. I has evidently counts are unchanged. Thu sterling ex- H. dntod AprilVUKslntoof _ about 6c per ton Initclorod Wo i’ohbjcjn. . roads will be settled about Oct. to N. lb TOO lbs. many buy. pres- mnr'Kct contluucs dull nud stead)*, Wllmotti bust winter nt about !Wc laid down hero, sold In easy. Hales were ruporieilof ;t.w«l pcs union shoal* l.itos not yet Induced pomdo to The change Weal Ohloat, n o cor of Itohuy. a f, V4xlVlts ft, to (lon* nt blkei 11,1(11 pu« union hums lln Ihsj nt .f a a i dated 11. to . , the neighborhoodof We bo delivered heroin ■lus, layers 31 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. effort* to settle tbo dlllleulUes nro being tbo nominal asking <|Uotntlons being Hept. vu (Henry Maaaey Johnami 15. VJ tea sweet plekleil do (Hi lbs) nt llhiu tor October I’mkMtprunes, old ■ W'4'» ent Elba lajiiL') . 1.000 October, uml has since been margined up nnd 11 Uo fur Noveinberi li.s shortritual . gw ii by Erie, which Is moving heaven and 48155 ‘ for sixty-day bills and 485 I’nalhm AlolleynohK to I.uWDO Do. now made the North at. u tvenrol o f. nearly per delivery,. ilU.iJX’'V snot, seller October, (111.941 llulMns, layers Tho lileetorul Cotunilsaloil. peace. As far ns our goes, for demand, mm (ho rates for actual business VlxlWfl.dniod Sent. Vft (CarlKraek to I’elor 70c bn to secure Its There H).WW> seller fliUMlllX’!*mid tiu.aufur.lnmmry. Prices earth for infommtlon Allies) I.TtM is good profit in tho deal notwithstanding tho November. Kalitas, l.omlon layers.. . J Ij fa S. poisons: .fu.-llees of tho 53ft Thon) bly. Hy tho by, It reported yesterday that Apples, Southern I was Hasten, to 1.500 was closed for October mill JVA rolled stales—Nathan t'Word,Samuel.I. Miller. ferred. Mr. aould's Missouri I'nclho Hartford A* .tirlo firsts foil off from VO Joseph at, las n a of Hickory, e f.VJxlixi ft, Hhnrtrlhs ut Ponchos. unparod, halves., certain prominent railroad men have nlrcady lor November. I.niiu clears minted nt Ilnspburrlua a « .1. Helds, Strong, ami .Insoph I*. changed from 10d!» to 1U754. I’nclllo Mall ad- ol>>/3 and returned to TO. title consolidated dated Held. W (|., and K. Dornnucker to T. A. lIU.VOiOO/.'.’H (jitmborluiuls xi Stephen W. concerted n plan of action tie adopted (tiUMooso mnl #1(1.1J boxmi: fU!l will soon bo from toblli, England trudlmt, mtluni! TV Vlilchqo NOIITU OKCITV lUIHI'S OfSCVC.V prospects In are better than was re- witha small volumeof cbleiljron uccounl of 7b f/if Editor o/ TrlMmr. for culling off this convenience. llrokors to New Jersey Central firsts front H7VS V» MMITrt XVITIIIX A ofTorlnui, Salon Ihultud -XXI lirla city wliltn 105ft. 311 LBS UP TUB tUUHT-IIOUSK. cently thought. tone litfhl were to winters, Imiwn CiiiCAUn, Sept. S3.—l tints been suggested with ou business will SI. Paul firsts (La Crosse Division) from 1351*5 The of tho trade is strong, City estimate that tho effect 117, 212 ft a of l.olaiidnv,c pnrtlynt I7.jU27.UUs 575 brls and IUO sucks spring at Cliy y0110w... " North Paulina at, f.ftOx though subdued, with n widespread •• «J'<6 that tbo name of tho South revenues to 138, & Pittsburg 1(0 belief that wlilto A su>y eminent propriety bo to greatly lesson tbo of and llochcstor Incomes from fU dated Hupl.IV (C. 11. Mono to Marin tho of Cmiiiiry to that of Garfield Park. Collier) I 500 world’s supply wheat Is Uellclont by some Country white "J»” j' Park should ho changed telegraph company. Tho knowledge that 45 to 44. Cleveland, Columbus. Clnchmn.H A 50x1111 sacks rye flour, partly nt IdOUj amt i*« sucks now buck* tho memory tho Edson at. 28* flItof l.hteoln nv, tr f, ft. 0,000,000 qrs, or .*>0.000,000 bu. 1 brls. Country yollow 4W«rt Such a tribute of respect to of the Chicago almost Instantane- Indianapolis consuls rose from 135 to 13515, Den- (Auintata I’aulsoo Heal- wheat nt 17.63. Total equal to I,OXI Winter Country brown 4 stock brokers have dated SopU VI to Jane _ wll h fls lllfi Tho following table shows tbo (average) cash flours were quoted nt slilt>pli>R springs, (tUUKN KUUITH—Wor In active demand,pcachor Ipte President would beyond question meet with Now York encourages a ver A Ulo Grande oonstructlon from 11055 1.210 potltmi i ous connection ICdnun st, adjoining the nliove, 2ftxllo fl, dated prices of several lending articles of produce yes- K.UUiftiUiUt llio low grade siirlngs, ft.UH2S.UU. Uyo « littlelower limn m Wednesday. Uificrsun the approbation of evory citizen. It be merchants, and capitalists 111, Dover, South Park A Pacific llrsts from VI (Anton aaine <7O Wetjunto: great many bankers, to Supu Wclsroek to parlv) terday* compared year ago. ntabout fLOO&O.lO. clianuod. pur dune. The name of Lincoln Is linked with tbo other- to 105*4, thirds from 105 to 105V5, M obllo BBVBN as with one Tho tlnur A|iu!"i‘. lair. brl. tJ.Ma 3.4 In tbo West to dual In stocks wbo would 105 tide SOUTH Of CITV t.I.ttlTS WITHIN A ItAIItUHOF Otiiku Mii.r.HTim'a-Wero In fair demand, but IVaclioi*. per boa.. UW i beautiful park on the North Side, and It would do orders, und Inquiries, A Ohio llrsts debentures from IKJSS to Mljino- MILKS OI’TIIE CUUUT-IIUUHK. comparison shows n tremendous advance In n wise not so. Tbolr 07, 2(x iißutn lower. S*alos wore reportedof 36 cars of bran ilUftlOll IrtMUf.. to* bo but lit thatthe name of one equally noble (lowaextension) ainrshdolil uv. 124 a ofForyt-ilxlh al. tv f. most articles! •nmburrlec. mw , M at- nmt#onespondonco by wire yield u largo aggre- npolls St St. Louis Units 11114 to dated W (Vmnaulmim to U. Dearsmiddling:)ntrAMJU vV.>.ur gr: but our receipts i uliijtluchmitfir. eujmr<, J. tisAixs Wauuk.v. contracts with Now York bankers and generally steady. ii ft, 'i HiirliiK 1.00 Ul (ho exception of the several linos wen (same to 200 (ir« were very small, and the weather In Northwest special wires a reduction of »J)5 Hallroad bonds were moderately active and'. Ir- No. a corn 40 llrmlyhold. Theru wasa Inreu niovemonlat tho ful* for at Wallace at, eornf Foriv-Urat, tv r, ;iT4xl2l No. 0 null* 41 ;«.*( was nmlurstood to Imvu hocn wotenough to keep no (C. lowlinr quotations: Tin* Pus Cavity. per cent on the prices charged by regular. ft,dated Sopt. 10 J. llnmblutonu; al. lo No. 3 ryu l.Ui K» { down farmers' deliveries for some Unto to cmnu. kick. tong Ann Dally) I.WJO No. V barley 1.11 7)1 Now York was tinner for the same reason, and thuru 7b the Editor Tribune. Western Union, and It will not Ue be- Stuto securities wero dull and nominal. at, of f, choice TM '.'l few orders here till idmrtH account Carolina... of The Oiteim the Hickory n wcor Thirty-sixth, o 50x12.) llnttor, dairy. werea ttuud to on prove Louisiana. Sept.33.—Was that longtrack, long our stock brokers will bo able lo Tbo stock market was weak at tbo opening, ft,dated Hop!. 1 (Nathan Corwlth to D. At. Cheoao, mu cream.. U of people who feared that the situation Kill KH Chicago, near- before GOO is« too strong for thorn. There not through company tho uso of prices generally >5<&U5 nor cent lower than ilamhatm iV ili^ was vurr •1nra...... 'Si 051 ly u foot In length, caused by pus? Wo never recover this rival and Arnold at. VTUfI nof Fifty-ninth, u f, 2ftxll.» It. I'mntiioi*, by car-10l in 4'.* inueli now baying, and Ihu market weakened clinlco Mumlullmx. Ht. 3.U) In the part of session, Java. autopsy special to Now York. Groat Ingenuity bus the close yesterday, the latter Hanutbnl A datedSept, (K. N. ’i’lllolaon to J. H. Ala- Apples l.w latter the whunltbo early or* .Municalliu, . aonrd of It as such until since tbo of wires nt V 0 2,200 dors hadbeen ill continued smallness of re- not physical by Western Union to keen preferred. early dealings stwoulatJon Itulro) hiiKui\,Kr(!uii sunumru Ill)* 11114 led. The it utii.-nmcy HW :hoPresident's body. Was It a lin-. to bo exorcised tho Joe In South Dearhorn at. 215 ft hof l-orUeth, tr f. V.» llujr.No. I timothy IV/i ceipts caused mutch comment, hut Is noteworthy Itlo, cliolco such? xID) that of and flour tintlirstof iirline to i:w possibility that It could bo In short, was Its service as slovenly, tedious, and unsatisfac- was irregular, but at tbo Urst board a weak ft. Improved,anted Hcpt. W (M. mid J. H. J.nnihur. A stork hoards 40.1U onr receipts wheat since Itlo, inlr to cuoU .. itflaioi tone and a decline took plauc, rang- Iliißlmuilto VolrutliUahn) 1.125 Coal, rnmto mul mil 7,75 the yearare about S per cunt creator tlmn for the common.. n to not that track made by tho surgeon's probe? tory usIt Is nt present. prevailed, al, ItVl a Hum In though the wheat movement alone Itlo, Cornell It of Flftr-llilrd, tr f.ftOximft, WhltulUli 5.W shewssame lam. llto, roiißtlnif uta»t« lo a longlime, they tried lo Tbo following nro tbo official llguros of tbo ing from !is£l7a. Cleveland, Columlms, Cln- daied Sent. I (Lyman llalrd to flarton A. Ill- average a malerlat decrease. There was a fair Ingnlry from day day, tor rich) Tiio mlvmico on grain and provisions for cash lots: frcuh receipts of No. U closed at 41.3), tho After operations of tbo New York, Lake Erie Sc West- olunntl Indianapolis. Canada Southern, ami C.TOO higher. I’ntunt cut-loaf reach tho bull In right lilac fossa. Washington uv,(M ft n of I- Ifty-auvonlhat, tr f, was JJ7 pur cunt, uml on tho other articles ;||»J and No. 3 was lu H|H»t sales word reportedof (.‘malUHl .10!v«IUH that finally—Dr. ern llallroad Company: CbICRKO, Burlingtonfc Quincy tbo deal. dated Sept. 1 (W. H. to 15,UU)buand (3 do at weeks of effort, we wero told leadln/f liaixl.'aVft. Stoddard pur coot. Avurage advance on nil per cent. tumid arrive):4UcamNo.Uatll.UK4l.lKiUTears No. 3 cars‘SI bv I’owilnrcd.. MONTI! OK JULY. iiDoii 11 good buying movement was de- WilliamAldrich) 4,000 UP4 to at fl.'.'U. and cars Oramilnlud. standard liwmw l Bliss, I think It was—"with anew Instrument Towtmi av, n o cor Flftyauvcnth al. w The most ronmrkublu (turns arc potatoes lid pur sampleat UkwII.'AJ. Total, about ■is.nii bit. Also ,iuU«i'A is-n. /.«/, Inertme, Wasldimion f. Uramilatud. not standard. itieunedcd In pushing tho Instrument. In tho veloped, and during tbo afternoon Ibo umrkut fax 15(1 ft. dated SopU 1 (W. It. Stoddard to apples 100 per A cars No. U Minnesotaat andf.iuilm No.haid A standard «m (Jroi«s earnings.....fl.Wi.aTs.S4 Aldrich) cunt, cent, corn 4JHJ4 per cunt, at tl.iCI. Dejected sprlmf was noiulnalat .m track of tho bull some tenor twelve Inches. was quite strong, prices advancing stciiUily al- Lulu S. 11,000 WcOifl.iW.41.31, A No.It., . w*»im Working expenses 1.01 I.IU.ImJ.*! JWMtll.'U Innl lW).i per cunt, wheat 110 per cent, outs 30 per Suiter Novemberopened at fl.lUtKdl.'.tiiv, sold nt . y Was not this truck made thru, by idis/ifit'/, and 6kl,lil7.iii t»«,4U7.i0 elosc, Kttrn C . tw» Netearnings Uir.lMI.V-! most up to too when tbo Improvement fell back>*.then advanced to . V treating channel, and not by ihomu? cent, and hogs !K) per cunt. •I.iHH. detuned No. 1 ft w ibis probe OCTOUKit TO JUIA INCMfSIVB. latter In Wabash Pa- to IUXVM. and eloscd at ll.ltvjiWt.ltlU: October ranged Vc110vr,.... . pus to pinh ranged from tbo coMatEnciA: sharp at ll.lifjiftl.itlW: Docemhor at the W»C Tho would have nmemilnt least ivtf. i.SM)«instra|) «a tho fnelo between tho prominent of i to have Increased 7,000 It Isso much ('limKxi ifiinpe N. O, IIKIIftMCB. ,w jmWurti their probe Into The gross earningsof tho Uurllngton, Cedar ilonal reaction took place. Past Tennessee, tho twenty-four hours ending at 7 o'clock brls.whercas Vu.Jforlrm. * ll'rdarsduu. urslrnmv. do, hid. transversals and tho Internal oblique muscles, tho decrease. Ob correction of the error tho Fresh receipts fI.W (I.UI MUtiU |l.:«l Itunlds & Northern Hallroad Company for & Georgia was weak, and declined it for Thursday morning and for tho corresponding t£o Allspice.. and duallyreached tbo boastful point of twelvo Virginia Heller Heptumhor ii'sM* 1.31 Cloven * Sept. olllelullyreported but lift}!}* market reacted to 070. HellerOctober inches, inhumed mid treated from day to day, week ending Haro as common and preferred, recovered at time tt year ago: iatuvS UXWmUIW 1.H1V6 Pepper. It dually seereiod pus; but there was no pus follows: nwi,s. 1880. s».VII'B.:U: Increase, tbo oloso. ' Holler Noveinher l.:o>j l.Kl}ji>«l,iltU J.iliu Nutiuevs v. U-e ut ioiivr r AMO.HIS Transactions, £11,000: WHAT ABTJOUT CORN CROP MEANS. HultorDocoinher. 1.3114 l.itt Mhittta JIAV—The nmrknt was active for choice imidoi. cavity lu Us truck except Its ebd. Tho estimated ournmgs of tho Hnn- quoted strong E. G. Cook. Bn,«W.W. Onnadn Houttiurn 0.111) Northern Pasltlc. .T.IXW AKTICI.K9. Mr. O. K. whoso letters WI.v'TKU Wiikat—'Was and scarce. while the poorerkinds null slowly. Wo mi'iiei Company for tho second ('ontrul Mnrston, over tho Halos wore limited to 1 car No.3at 11.37, and 6 cars by No. I timothy, per nllml ft Bt. .100 Hallroad I’itcliio Ohio A Mlifltnlppl.... ttiui ” tot nsMi Flour. brl» ii.e/i 11,747 signature of ••Iroquois were widely road In sampleat tUMciLW. .No. 'i tlniotliy, jior too on truck n.UK* September, 1881. wore fUVT.iI, and for l.« \V lUUU Ontario AWinuern... S.UM »i,fSCI and stronger. How to linlorifc tlio Illinois A Ullchl- week In X UllllKdll Ohio Central Jl.hai Wheat. t>u.. KI.W3 yours ago, COHN—Was active The market for Mixed Uilktliug week of ibHU, ?r»|,!CJI; )01. I.UM Ora. ini 4lit, .Via 2.11.551 Tim TimtUNu a few sends tho follow- next immthadvanced KilKc, and closed prairie txuii ('until. llio corresponding decrease, JuiiTorA i’uultle .Mali Il.5t») Upland ®.d) UhuinuiauliMHW Oulu, bu IIIWVI 70A77 ing In response to a request for his viows with thelatest price of Wednesday. Timllrltlsh markets prairie 71) Tribune. Tho curnlugs of tho Dos Moines & Fort I*.. D. A K I.AU cargoes arrive, N*». 1 the Editor of 77i r. Chlctigo f 1,013. ,t Texas fUKW Itoaillaa Ityo. bu. in.triTi lI.IM were dullon to and our receipts were INDUS—I’Iio market Is quiet mid slow at quuu< for tho first week of vna>»» 7ft,(Ul Harley, bu regard to tho situation: larger, hut there was a pood on(side demand hero, CniOAOO, Sept. Suppose tho canal wore Uedgo Hallrond Compimy .nkuSliuru '.i.fki) at, Paul. 1,441) lbs... l«,frill ‘■EW.OIO 2V«I 1K.M112Aao muchof It being to till shorts, wnlcli put ‘.‘.HI) Si. Paul AORiahii....2a,iuJ Ilrnai* rood, aio.un; While reading crop reports In your issue of October op (IriMMi-curort, lluhl, per lb ?'( enlarged from Bridgeport to Loekport to tho September were: 1881, 1880, 40,178; lu- .UiilsvilloX NnMt.... Flux suotl, 1b*..,,. 1,K>7,7«7 3.I.HHK) 11iV.770 to-day itho llltli)I more other futures lu sympathy. There was also a lair heavy * (Ojj .nku Krlo X Wesl’u. S..’4U Texas Paclllc. ft.KI) llrcHim-corn, »MU) became Impressed with demand, pay (dull- n*curud, Clark H,S4kl Mm.. IHMWI 4,1.211 12.UV1 crop shipping shippers hohurenabled to width mm depth of the Chicago lllvcr at crease, 1,851. Mlcliluiui Central tho seriousness of our conditions over fnrlhorducllim (returns. I'urt-curcd KU»J WuimsiiUalim PiiclthiPiuaiie :e*,u«j Cured meats, lbs. 1M.7U1 ui.iio 1.V.11,711 thau er prices because ofa in lake hides £( excavated therefrom worn Tho approximate earnings of tho Bt.Louts, Missouri Pncltlc. 4.UW, tcs.,.. before. How few there are who understand Corn lu per coal tlmn Dummied itreot.imd tho earth Northwestern JW iin.'.iK I,* I ii.ii.> worth. Cush No. 3 closed at (Rife, and rejected at i1ry...... * todeposlt Jun. Sept, 10 tho gross earnings experience at Ist) ItuumKVil. -jj «•« than it would cost It thoro. This would, From 1 last to i.lvo Hogs, 0... ap.ttl sonal and observation I arrived H|>ot sales were reportedor ri.uii hn and In Sterling oxehaiiße, sixty days, steady at 181 No N following to iß>4c.N0.3and high mixed bears white hhcuii-iipUtt. woolonllmntotl —. of course, solve the water and sownvo tpicsilons wero fJl.Titl.lWl, which was fWW.MI loss than Cattle. turn tho conclusions us where ourcorn cars nt ■i'ho Wt»um ahof IMIII leather Ittvlfw jrlvi'ithe lol; demand, -Wl}*. Sheep, No 1. goes: T'.'c: bu and 431 cars rejociod at H'fHiWVlDioi lit Tlio tomi unit alil|>muauol enlarging & Hoad grossenrnmgs wero 1,787,- by (HviTDDuon lowlntt ttKureat ruvuliiU and tho onestlon of tho Illinois 1880. Tho Brio f OOVKII.NMKNTH. maes, lbs 171,707 *4U7*ufs For (ho ordinary rcqulromtnts of tho farm ears sample at track: and UA cars do Jan. 1 to Kept. U, brls,. hides from urv: JSSU Michigan Canal. For If such a volume of water 000 during tho month of July, os against 81,581,- ,io7H.;Novr 4s. mu Illuhwlnes, 120 and family at least 40 per centof tho nttvl'/ict'dVic free on board. Total about .VIU.iKU ho. IM'. . Wuul, UV) crop Is con- opened (Ho,sold Now i5.,.. .1111 Paclllc Os of Itwi lUJ lb 47. 141, an l to Heller October nt at t»7«fc, advanced Uucolpta, Ilia . were running Into tho Desphdnos Ittvor tuLoek- (XX) last year. Now,4)t» Potatoes, bu...... 2, C.MJ sumed. mean feed work stock, cows, pigs,, to (VHlic. and declined to (Ho old at the close. Heller llm fXriK'a, regard to .mWI chickens, etc,, fur own use. November at December nt (Rkc# aiiiimients. tbo nluo* |w>rt or Joliet, It would ipako that stream, and It Is thought lu Now Vork with tho IIONDS. Coal, tuns l.lJTfi tho farmer's Wo ranked (RVftuJTMiv ’l'lio slock of lilclua on bund, ns reportedby canal enlarged tuns 12 have exported about 10per cent of tho crop for (H' (c. and May at 73‘>(&7:tno. nil'closing with the In- •lonlortt of thin la follows: as It would ho gettingtho with* bonds Mr. Windum will duoldo to buy that tho 114T4 11. P. nmspfd mhf IMember,bar. a,77w sidebid. Keller themonth closing city, na nut cent cost toIt, liy simply giving ControlKris Pnclilc U. I*, landuniat Hun...... the past six years. 1 don’t bellevo tho otllelal tainted uto pc"com fur u.x- a -oq (•xeept when solidly Irozeu, as a channel on likely to ho tho “chosen few." At tho present Hi. I'.\H. Cl tirsts,‘l Tox. AP. land .Vo. 3 corn UVdnrideu. prsfrrdop. do, hht Dry klpund calf... annua TilsS . port and consumption In producing have Spot. either side of tho present onuemiId beexcavated nut aboutU percent to TunaiMmioila U> . To*. I’ac.lllloU.Dlv.) wo rAi by dry digging without any Inierferonuo what* price of 117 tbosu bonds nl OlJu Tho following grain was Inspected Into store n't per cent to sell in various forms. Probably Heller Heptomlior bTh* 117 Mißjh ‘ (R 4 Total !**jj bolder. Tbo (inußtion Is atiskcd, Why should TuaacKMUU new IV4 20 percent more thecrop Helloi’dctoher (Hie hist week w*"l over to navigation, and curried on ears and tbo stocks. In this city yesterday morning: 1 cur No. 3 red of Iscxportod from tho (RMUiM Total to places of deposit. remainingpor- Secretary buy Uioso bond!Is a( u premium farm to other localities In our own country In Heller November ...03$ ii'fft MLTAI.S AND TINNKUS’ WAUH-Donler* rciwrt scows Tho tbo Admin UT Northern Pacltlo. Jew winter wheat, 2 cars lower grades winter, ft) Is, Holler .May ViH WJfIiTW 73}0 active irmlu.price* remaining llrm. \S o quote: out Now, oxtot pur & 72 Its natural statu—that corn shipped to nn tion can be taken with scows. It thoro can cull tbo uuled JP,J wmtV Alum Torn) Jlnuiu, 41 to |iret other OATH-Woro native and ftftlo cash mil. box * ,‘-.H any suggestions, great wlion liu to ears No. 11 spring, 17 curs No. 11 do, 8 ears re- localities fur homo consumption—and tho other fairly hluhar on IC., pur is value In these thoro Is answer tbo ) by aver- Do pref N'ortlmoNiurn .I'.'T and the early futures,whllo the later deliveriesIm- Tin-plates! IX,. fj* Parties Inloroslcd uuestlon ... (

  • tho years declined to 4'iu.and oiusud nt 43M(3 We. Heller 14 and An lliißliHliinnu siictspHtH tliirntnff ut from (Jovenunont's poti bank at piloo I'JI.AK 4114 No. I) 21) No. cat No. (57 ourcorn crojifor past six is about to 4.*Wc. SinmUiliiu. coppor-tliinml. j'l ox, Ho pri’f fm. PliubuM 1.J.1J curs do, ears 4 do, 1 Sdo per mmtim, December opened ut and at Planished, copper-tinned, lu ox will only yield it per eonnts, they will with* 11. A Mumllng 7i)l{ 1,400,202,200 bu aod all wo have of 43J*o closed 4:ie. Heller 14 uml the NtiiUn for <«ulteiiu« wblcb IJ.i i) lum barley). Total (1,002 cars), 585,000 bn. Inspected surplus from those six big cro|»s Is 25,000,000 In the year ranged from4d}|j! to 4Die, closing at the hit- Plunlshed, cut lu *lxu 7b Mi» Editor oj The Chicago Tribuiif. draw tbulr circulation. C. U. A.NO u Muck Ihluikl ....127 terfigure, Heller .May sold Jit 4 c,and was quotable Bhuut-xlnv. lb. Cln., Fan. A i;i0r0.... *l. .VHim F 4A)4 out: 111,IDS bn wheat, 2.10,385 bn corn, 80,224 bu sight, ond a few million In orlbs In lowa. It the close market autlvo no r Bopt. yi.—Amidst general following shows (bo 11 luotuatlonsof tbo Col 47, 71 at nt47?4c. The sample was Hu.’«t-lron.Xo.S4. OAiAtsmtun, 111., thn The Clove. A tdk Hu prof oats, 470 bu rye, 1,020 bu barley. would seem from this that our average annual and strong. Cash sales wore made of 4 cars and ii,tnu Phoot-lrun, Nos.wloaJ Pel. A ItUtUiMI.. llA'k on ini pref ill? consumption Is 1,200,000,000 annum, Plieeldron, griefat tho mid futo of our tnurdonid President, active stocks A q. Paul Tho loading produce markets were gen- per or IDO.- bu aI4IMHUe for No. 3 In store: Wears by sample at No. T1..., 2-,*, Dei.. Wu» btfK INK 2.1,000,u00 mixed: .... not Impure what sboultl be jo oou.oou per month or per week, about 4l6i4‘.'u for roJvclud for rejected Common bar-iron rttlu* ~ would It be lluluir to D. Alt. H prol 141 erally stronger yesterday, but with less business • 600,000 per day—and this Immenso amount, while: -t.'HGUhdo for No. 3 and 41w(>(4Ae for No. 3 Ituonln Iron, No*, rt to 111 1-W* ‘;if act HlftChi, *i\ •l. M. A U. " dune with tho wretch whoso accursed has Krlo Paul. M PCK doing. There was good demand for 25,000,000 in sight uio white on track: 40 cars al4lut43ufor rejuclcd mixed: American planished (run. II". ,;j Do pr0f...., •t. A UmnhH Mm u corn, but mid few millions In 41«I‘kj “ Paul - ibis great Nation Into furrejected white: 431*0 for No. 3 and 4(1*4.1'10 Ainmleun i’u»U Uiituii Tut. Co St 11. AtitJou Pnclttu frit* strong own country. If Tmt estimate bu. Tin) shows the closing prices of Fence wire,pur lb . nil wore, very W.OUJ fullowhiK „ It, Do prol DM4 Union Pacino mw ot however, In their views, correct, huvoiK) per I Wednesday, galvanised cent Junt~’u prolonged sufferings C.. 4 Ml iw)« 'ls that wo cent of a crop, wlih the mime yesterday, Including the J» per on offense and tho of his Ulus* Cuimiln aoathtmi.....4 11l llarlpiu, 'AD llnltud riitticn and prices wont up, though with no encourage- 1 Discount on Iron it , ... , Imvu barely enough ordinary wants calltransactions: ntu . rathor, hit A Texan W U. X Paclllu... fin? we for with- nnaAlto4Uoncimrooul. by Ih trluus vlutliu, whllo 1 would thrmnrh Uock Island...... llouitoii W.. til. Liverpool,wheat being heavy feeding single (Ucutil /tonne NAll.B—Were ut W.15rate*, and HUB IllinoisCoairal lid DiniplaCuiiiml ...... UIH po prof m!i ment from there mid out a animal for market, or bare- No.'JotUt. Mil. firm your nblo Journal, draw* attonllon to the Inade- {.. 40 Fargo.... ly. nine months’ supply If wo our usual UVdnridiiu. tifsttnUiu. dut Ol>l. Manhattan 11. A W hiI quoted lower. Tho later fooling here was easier. feed H)hil.... 4UU 41 4I!( potati JHS-Were tlrmatIWCKBc for Bound new. quacy of tho punishuumt tho law has provided. Now Vork Central., its urns ATuxu 4IH Wcaturn union Silj amount of stock. Now, how shall wo pfcco out? HollurHoptcinnor w41!4 (lAMU—Tinno chicken* 11 I* A M 2 Mess |Kirk closed ftftlOo higher, at .....40W 41 ‘4 ilurrU A Hs>ex 11l 22)4 ftlJllli for October and fl.UtUftl.Bl?; for No- cheapest when Us value Is estimated by the true bid. October Milling nlll.Uhlftal.lßH, und Novomlierut Carbon, lift tost 14 Whalu. wlutur.. st. Paul Hiumlarit standard—labor. It requires less nays'work to i.ukli aulea mirutimduof !tenraulft.Ul Carbon, Ito 105t...,. • II hponn. '-i It only could by tho forfeit of his worthless 1110 0am1m.,.. Nunli A CiiHttiinuotfn.. HAHj i KnmTuim 14 vember. Corn closed IftlUe higher, at flfiKft No. y by aamplo (nr pure.... IT 'New Jersey Central... ID llu pref... producecorn for food than other kinds ot stock In Blnrut tcur nl tl,u\ re/ouiud. Carbon, lIU leal Id Noatsfoot, by means of u bailor ut tho hands of a hang- Do ureierred... Norlolk A ‘*!4 for October, and MKftiWU lor on triieki 4cur* nlti.Ui forrujuetodt und II.UMorNo, Carbon, snow whllu Nuaufoat. uxtra... ~ man? I.uku Krlo A >V W OMJio November. food, but (hero Is llttlo wasted. Now, when corn y fruo board, Totaloqual to about bu. W, lilt teat Id NouUfoot.No. I- V! I'lmtUnuuga. Outs closed lower, at seller tho un w. sir, POSTON. Xftlo 41ftlUaU Is plenty ami other food source, corn is fed lav- HAHliKV—\Vua atromt und higher. with salou Carbon, VV. WM Hank 1am sure, 1 am but giving uUonuico to St. A I No. no of Wlb. W..W. 2 tho many yum* WobiisU. I*. PuclUe.. month*.4l?»ft4lKo for October, and 42?;ft|2Ko ishly. When corn Is scarce mid other feed y»|iol reported, Heptunibur aclUnuat #l.l’/, Octo* Carbon, Wlb. I*. Ill« S sentiments of thousands of Du preturrod ...... HpuUll .DDfMICh ta T ht Chicago Trtfiun*. Uyu higher, plenty, larger cent bur at amt ul >1,134*. No. Carbon, lilU Turpentine readers in wishing that bo should, previous ami Nashville.... Huston, for November. closed lo at f 1.02ft n tier of corn Is saved for 41.1144. November ileanh Mlcl».W.W. i.oulsvlllo A tiopt. JS.’.—'Thostock market hus been market. Mere rough food is used, lint wlmt ■old nIH7(iW7Ho, with h‘o bid (nr HvptumlKir and No* Carbon! Mlclt.I*. W. 11*2 Miners’...... vnA^lOdeg litaddition nmduto suffer any tort* Iluudluu very dull and little Interest was LOOK for October, nod fl.lßftl.lUK for Novem- vombor. 4 waaatrong at KyWtrtlo. The nruient 1 .ard.current make. W Naphtba.deo..'A . mo can bo Union of developed. ennbo substituted this year lo supplement the No.due topreaauro by U that devised. Justice In this case 1’ac111c,..., The following changes comparing ber. Uurloy closed nominally cash, with advance la eauaud thu cornur ex* Kurd, No.I W ClßßO»nu.doo..ildv« •» It, Ohio A Mississippi aro noted, ut f1.1 l shortage* lallng uvury grade of bnrlojr. Hamplua wry id «aßolluo.doo..i:dcg scums lo demand and thy civilized world would IliiimlbolAHu doe. the closing sales; llnsum A Albany Hogs In wero J.urd.No.'4 - surely approve. Thu prof. advanced f1.12 hid for November. wore active and lii yean*of plenty tlio stalks of com supply a autlvu and llrm. Caah aulea were made of I ciirntsJo HADT—There wa* a steady trudoat (imitation** nroofsuroso undeniable, Nortnorn to (or it 0r1....* 3 (and PavUt0,...... ji, to Uutlaud preferred 14, sh>4; Eastern strung ff1.40ft0.75 for tight, and ffl.'isft7.ft) largo amount of food for cattle, but Ibis year No. Inatorot Id car* by aumuloat Hii&tUWn for Fine luU.Paulnaw and Now Vork. pur tho crime*, ua it is, against u wholu people Du preferred !4, tobit A Maine I. to jr»l; Bandusky y, at at No. 4. and e&r.Cu (nr it 13 Coarse •alt, por Huston No. on imcki car*at fcVdSdo ” iu.l4 which woaro told tho wreudi yet glories in), so Kan. fur heavy. Cuttle wore steady, selling tlm fodder Is about worthless. Pastures are so (or A'i'uxM.... lolttli; Alchlsun to UWJ4. Wisconsin Con* at f2.20 help for No. 4. utidiUowll.W No. it (rue on board. Total Dairy, with bug5...... ivd great, that wo might surely and properly for Delaware. laick. A West.. 14, to (.'oimo* dead tbut not much can .bo obtained from equal to aboutliuiUbu. Dairy, without ,\u4 A trul declined Flint tilt ftfl.7s. Unit source, and tbo bay crop is as abort as tbo Wudnoaday’a dairy, suck* coco set mldo tho ordinary laws so powerless Dul. ton Valley 1. to Sl**; Chioago. linrllngton Sc There was continued activity in HKKDH— I Timothy waa aluudr at nbont Ashton t»«r sack,... j.i? perhaps Uls by Now Jurttir Central...... to dry-goods euriicrop. price*, wltlia fairlyactive trade. Hlaxanud waa com* llround alum, In bags... I*9 and end wrotohud existence a I’ncllio Mini...... Quincy 1, 1004; New Vork A New England numerous may feed loss stock, iwrullvely qulot and atuudy pur bu. l.lrur|M>ollino, brown sacks publto burning at tho stake. to circles. Tbcrowus a attendauco of Farmers but that will cut alll.Ki t'loror vf-’..n*!, '*and St. 1.. A Frau. pfd.... to 70s Koston A X*rovldencn I, nil. Uu* f . Sim 14, otr our waa uaalor.wltblight offering*, aulua averaging TADI.OW—Was Mnu f‘y *■ by food supply In tbut direction. View it lower. riitolud • l a J close suggesting that tbo strictest care fl|>tombor. and j Me., willof tho lato I’uurlu. K 'io fhs H'rstrm AnotlaUd I'rtu, and shoes were In largo demand, ly worthless, crop ditto, closed il.afil.aiU hlnu unwashed fleece...., ivl Buprgmo Missouri I'ucldo lUiIZ and a vegetable is it not bare- for October, JI.UIUmI.IUK fur Nuvembur, Course and unwashedfleece.... lief Justice Clifford, of the Court, I’actUu..., Huston, Bepl. Uu*.—Slocks closed ns follows: possible wo uro of to l.:i#4»l.£>H fur and fur the and Ohio'lVxu* Water Power..... dan. A C10ve..... free movement In clothing and mininory ly Uml short food ‘-go pules December.rondo of Medium unwashed fives his law library In uiptul shares to bis throe Cuiural m Pin., the produced ? rear, wore I.W.UW bu utll.aik fur Medium und washed fleece property to OIUUUII s)i It. goods was also reported, prices ruling llrm. around" till now urojiis eullor lens, and tho residue of bis bis wife. lluu lloaumi.end.~... Kastorn U ...4i>i2 With un annual crop of l/M) mlltlou bu ■‘lHtstvd.” lUUHiM.IHU October, Il.sili'iil.iioi Fine washed fleecu .Mol. Kluvulcd heads...... Aleh. A Topeka In Ts.lU 1lint AP. M.... Si” Dairy products wore as Arm as The J,!MJ to •ullur November, mid seller December, Course washed fleece..... ■I >«..., Smith.... before. corn—bears two Cord AK. It. A Kurt of claiming that we bavo had cl«»ud forbejucniber. Munltoba iui A Ituatun, 11. ill 1 H Til goods Ho bluber, at OiJeo IBM Wonderful I'ovver. Ihuierii It. U. UI4 N. V. A N.h til supply of line continues to fall fur short years’ supply on hand—it bus been found tbut <*ibMo fur October, lUIuMHUu fur November, iM'i.s "bon a mctllcinuperforms such cure* tu Kid- (lovernment bonds wero fairly not!' Ivc. without N. V. AN. K Its o. A I aike Chaui..vum. il of current requirements, and sales slightly every year, by tbo tlmo tho new crop begun to iWiofor December, und WweTiiHo fur May. Hull* IviyK STOCK. Atch- A Topeka It. U. old practically were made of 1,44Nu0 bu at «i}so seller ney-tVort I* cousinuUy doing, It muy truly bo change in price, District or Columbli lu lUUaworu A £*4 dolourpreferred....list übovu tbo quotations are not infrequent. In move, tbo old was exhausted, until iWOulnUu seller seller beulemlier.November, cmcAflo. •aid to power. carpenter Huston Albany,,....Hi Uatlaml. art< lust full there was probably lw),000,U00ofold corn October. UTH'il &e /Nc«(PH— have wundurCul A hi 107 bid and 11W asked; United Mtulcs I llfta, Ipl bid A Maine HI .Vl*. Ceuu common... !to>i dried and canned fruits tboro was continued In belt tViuc seller December, und TUViiUHo seller Uiuyeur. Cattle, MW ‘ Montgomery. Vt.. had sintered for eight yearn C., 11. A IUJ,(. the corn when tbe new crop became lit Oats closed unchanged, ut lUAUHu tor Boiitombor, Momlajr a.Utt [V|d 153 mid asked; Is, 117 bid and ami Q. aetlvltyut generally steady prices. Fish yet October, '' from the wont of kidney diseases, and bud been 101 X 1171 s uakodt youmnN. were far use, and ibis was the surplus of six of 41HW1140 fur tiWfict'Uofur November, 4ii|«v* Tuesday 4,»iJ ••■l!,I iHd M liis, lliijf, bid and asked, llrm. Dealers In oils busy, tbo largest crops ever produeed—u surplus i>Ha (or December, 4ld4lMpfur thu year, bales Wednesday...... &.BUI IV;J{ j>l) wholly incapacitated tor work. Ito says: iin*i UlU* woro and prices of nod ! I.ONiuiK.Hept.ty.—lllinois made of »W.unobual4l«4l|4o seller 'Thursday .. box made n new man of me. and I sincerely be* foreign exchange, on accountof all,lightly faster Central, hWli; I'ouu- again wore llrm, with So higher. about unu month’s supply. Already tho now were Heiitciulicr. JzZ sylvunla tentrul, U7H: NewVorkUonlrul, IKHi; lard-oil .Coal crop being upon, 41|i(ik4U«e sollur October,Dko-i;l*c seller Nuveuiiter, liuvo It will restore to health all Unit are simi- money In London, was lowur dotjinuud Is drawu and before the usual seller December, amf •j.'hj seller May. llyu [id lor ater- line, i; doavconds, „ and pig-iron were Arm. 41140 Total larly allllcted." it la now sold In bulb liquid 471 KWH! Heading, IU. tlmo for commencing to feed their com, there clusodlobtsher,atil.Ul(it.U>U fur dame limelust week * tU.*u and Hug. Hankers’ sterling was iUij sterling Tbo amount of bullion from Droom-coru 11steady at the quotations OeluberandU.litf NAlli»Ull(<-> ..... IhUiftibl withdrawn tbo of the will have been more actually consumed than all . dry form.—lMwburu JVctra. Hunk of on 1.13J4 for November, with sales of st,uu bu ~v actual rates were comm ater- Howland halanco today la i!IS,UUU. past week. New stock has begun to come In, tbo savings of these six full crops, thus actually at iI.UO suitor October and lUiUiel.ia seller Monday 2.3 M ’ kl mofclal Tbu bullion in tbo Hunk of lucrcaacd November. Harley tlnn ut iiuuil* 1.h.7 ling was nominally Dun ukira* francs 4£Wi.U»X). Howland and proves to bo of very Auo quality. reducing tbe supply for tho coming year to that cloved Tuesday,.... J.£f Why do Hop Hitters euro ao touch? Hormuo 47tfftl7bH> The buy extent. Daily ll.u (or seller November. Mess Wednesday.. iV-Ul givegoon digestion, rich blood, and beullby wereU-7 (or sixty days and Ml'4 firut demand: HomxVv. Bopt. market continues Arm for choice goods, other closeda shadeeasier, at llu.!UV4lJ,:ti (or Ociu* they ffl— 11OW a. w.—Consuls, U9&-15 It is easy to substitute some other food when er. lllidi#lU.dS(or fur Dei-eui* Total 8.U13 wvuooof all tbo unruua. fc'ruucU commercial bills wero P* IM* tuvuvy, W7*W account, klud* uot showing ay much activity,. iugrgvu quo abundant, Kurk November,IUt4.VsiU.NI huiul iil klud is ittuftv mid that other is L tyffi VA'ATLIS-AUUvUili ft '-nm voHuug w»