Adams's Chester Courant, 198 Bagot, Jon. L., elected, 174 " Adrift," meaning of the word, 184 Bagot, Thomas, 44 n Agmund, slain, 140 Baiues, Mr. E., his opinion oil ancient pottery, Agricola, conqueror of the Brigantes, 132; his 63; his history, account written for, 60 attempts to civilize, 132 Baines, Thomas, paper by, 131; donor, 1; pub­ Aiken, Dr., his life of Enfleld, 19; his chair, 197 lisher, 143 n Airth, salt pans at, 104 Bakehouse, Lane, 55 Aitken, Peter, minister, 26; biographical sketch Bakehouse, Wient, 55 of, 27 Baker, Benjamin, 5 Aix, like Chester, 87 BakewelPs travels, quoted, 105 Akerman, J. y. Sec., S.A., on pottery, 62, 63 Ball, striated, of stone, 98 Alcock, Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Chaloner, 90; Bamhorough built, 133 ; allusion to, 141 transfers his poetry to her second husband, "" Banfleet, battle at, 138 Alexander, William Lindsay, D.D., 6 Banner, a prize in Chester games, 92 Alleghany mountains, salt found at, 102 Bannister, Rev. Mr., exhibitor, 86 Alien, John, lessee of Rossall, 162 ; pedigree of Kanister, Mr., 35 his family, 162,163 ; birth-place of the Cardinal, Baptist Chapel, Byrom street, 23 163 Baptist Chapel, Great Crosshall street, 49 Alien, Mr., referred to, 123, 125 Barlow, T. Worthiugton, donor, 97; periodical by, Allin, Thomas, minister, 50 175 Amphora?, handles of, 63 Barries, Dr., 10 Ammianus Marcellinus, 211, 212 n Basnett, Christopher, minister, 17 Amusements at Chester, 92 Barr, Rev. James, 22 Anderson, Hugh, minister, 3 ; 16 n Barritt, Mr., 217 Anderson, R. W., elected, 97 Barton-upon-Irwell, report concerning, 2 Anecdote of 1715,166 Bateman, Henry, 126 Anglesey captured, 132 Bateinan, John, 118 ; letters to, 120, 122 Anglo Saxon knife, 62 Batemau, Katren, 118; letter to, 127; references Animal residuum, 62 to, 119, 124,125 Apostle spoon, 130 Bateman, Thomas, 118; letters to, 118, 122, 124 ; Arehseologia, presented_, 1 letter by, 121 Archasologia Cambrensis, presented, 1,69, 97,157 Bateman, Kev. Wm., 118 ; letter to, 121 ; letters Archer, T. C., 143 n by, 118, 120,123, ib., 124, 120, 127; his marriage, Arrow head of iron, 62 118 ; ordination, ISO; value of living, 120 ; kind­ Arrow head, from Mexico, 198 ness, 126; good advice, 127 Arthur, British King, 133 BATEMAN LETTERS, eight in number, relating Ashburton, Mr., 79 to Cheshire; temp. Elizabeth and James I. Ashlars at Mote Hill, 60 n (Contributed by T. D. Hibbert, Esq.,) 118. They Aston, Sir Willoughby, 79 date from 1587 to 1609, 118; some account of Aspinwall, Samuel, 172 n the Bateman family, 118; Rev. W. Bateraan, Athenaeum, open, 143 n 118; the letters, 118, 127 Atherton, Miss, exhibitor, 129 Battel a Savoyard, mode of manufacturing salt, Austin's sketch of the house in which Eoscoe was 105 born,130 Bay Salt, 104 Austin, Mr., 151 Beads from a Merovingian grave, 99; from AUTHORS OF PAPERS: Mexico, 198 Baines, Thomas, 131 Beda, his testimony, 67. 134 Boarrlman, James, 170 Bedford Street, Toxteth Park, chapel in, 50 Oust, Sir Edward, 74 Beefeaters, 53 n Heywood, Thomas, F.S.A., 87 Beeston, 190 Hibbert, Thomas D., 118 Beltsama, 200 Howson, Bev., J. 8., M.A., 176 Bell, Dr., donor, 85 Hume, Dr., 186, 217 Bell, a prize in Chester games, 92 Kendrick, Dr., 59 _, Bonn's Garden Chapel, 51 Mayer, Joseph, F.S.A., 142 Benn, Edward, exhibitor, 98 ; elected, 69 Eobson, John, 199 Bennett, William, donor, 129 Bushton, William, M.A., 83 Benson, Dr. George, 16 Stouehouse, James, 100, 192 Bethesda Ohapel, Hotham Street, 50, 44 < Thorn, Dr., 3 Bevan, Wm., minister, 6; his character, 7 Thornber, Key. Wm., B.A., 159 Binns' MSS., selection from, 175 Autographs, various, 158 -~- ' Binnacle," varieties of word, 181 Avison, Thomas, F.S.A., donor, 70, exhibitor, 70 Birkenhead, is it Parathalassus, 84 Axe head, bronze, 98 Birley, T. L., exhibitor, 198 Axes of stone, 129 Birrell, C. M., minister, 25; his removals, 25 226

Blackburne. 189 Primitive Episcopal Prayer Book, as used in Blackburne, John Ireland, exhibitor, 175 Liverpool, - 98 Blagge, John, 125; letter to 126 ; presents to his Turner's Descriptive Index of Contenta of wile, 120 MS. vols., illustrative of the History of " Blue back," (volunteer) 70. Great Britain, 174 Ittundell, Henry, his collection, 148 LichenographiaBritannica, privately Boardman, James, 143 n; donor, 98; exhibitor, printed, 175 98; paper by, 171; notes on the site of the Kirkpatrick's History of the Religi­ Loggerheads, 87; letters from, 80,159 ous Orders of Norwich, 175 Bolland-banks, 189 Muscologiae Hibernicae Spicilegium, 175 Botton, 189 Proceedings, Journals, Transactions, Sfc, Bolton, Colonel, 73 Abbeville, Memoires de la Societe, d'Emula- Bones, at Mote Hill, 00 n, 0;1 tiou, 1849-52 157 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS (Donations during the Antiquaires de TOuest Memoires de la Session ) Soeiete, 1850-51 128 Act of Parliament, to amend the Acts rela­ Antiquaries, Society of, London, Archteo- ting to the Harbour of Liverpool, and to logia, vols. xxxiii. aud xxxiv., 1 make two Wet Docks, 1799 158 Proceedings, vol. i, and vol. ii, Adams's Chester Courant lor 1748 198 (parts 18 32.) 1 Akennan's Kemarks on the Weapons of the Archseologia Cambrensis, 1, 69, 97,157 Celtic and Teutonic ttaces, 1 Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Annual - Directions for the Preservation Report for 1852, and Minor Communica­ of English Antiquities, 128 tions, 69 Baines's History of Liverpool, Part viii, 1 Graceo Egyptian Fragment on Barclay's Theological Works, edited by Dr. Magic, 8vo. publications, No. 2 69 Thorn, 7J . Ancient Cambridgeshire, by Barlow's Account of Holmes Chapel, Ches­ C.C. Babington, M.A., F.R.S.. 8vo. publica­ hire, 2 copies, 97 tions, No. 3 197 Bell's Account of Shakspeare's Puck and his Chester Architectural, Arch Geological, and Folk-lore, vol. i, 85 Historic Society, Transactions, vol. ii, 97 Cutaloyues. (1.) Of the Free Public Library, Dublin University Philosophical Society, Liverpool, 69 Transactions, vol. v, 69 (2.) Of the Libraries of the late Rev. G. Liverpool Architectural and Archteological B. Sandford, and John Just, Esq , 128 Society,-Transactions, vol. i, 1 (3.) Of the Kerrich collection of Coins, Literary & Philosophical Society, 97 Transactions of, vol. x, 2nd series, 85 (4.) Of the Plants in the Liverpool Bo­ Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, tanic Garden, 1808 128 publications for 1852, 97 (5.) Of the temporary Antiquarian Mu­ Numismatic Society, Proceedings for 1851-52, seum at Belfast, during the meeting of the British Association in 1852 70 Sussex Archesological Collections, vol. v, 1 De Pertlies. M., Chants Amoricains, 1 vol , Rawlinson's Reports, to Board of Health, on 174 Preliminary Inquiries respecting De la Creation, Essai sur 1'origine et la pro­ Barton-upon-lrwell, 2 gression des Etres, 5 vols., 174 Charley (2 copies), 98 Einraa, ou Quelques Lettres de Femme, 1 Keswick, 2 vol., 174 Mueh~Woolton,2 Homines et Choses, 4 vols., 174 Newton Heath, 2 Nouvelles, 1 vol., 174 Minutes of Information respect­ - Opinions de M. Christophe, I vol., 174 ing Sewerage, Manure, &c., 2 Petit Glossaire, a vols., 174 Sandford's attempt to illustrate the Chrono^ Romances, Ballades, et Legendes, 1 vol., 174 logy of the Old Testament, 1 Satires, Contes et Chansonettes, 1 vol., 174 Slave Trade, Tracts on, 197 Sujets Dramatiqut-Q, 2 vols., 175 Short Treatise on, 198 Done's Ancient History of the Septuagint, 86 Smith's Collectanea Antiqua, vol. iii., part 1 Dugdalw's Monasticon, first English edition, « and Elliott's Report on the Exca­ folio, 3 vols. in one, 7^ vations at Lyme, 1. English Liberties, or the Freeborn Subject's Squib Book of the Election of 17«1, with Inheritance, 85 list of the Burgesses from 1760,198. Gawthorp's Excursionists' Guide to the Statutes in Force, (1709) relating to High Mersey, 197 Treason, 86. Gore's Liverpool Directory for 1777 98 Thorn's Memoir of Mary Martha Sherwood, 70 G rims-haw's Sermons, in manuscript, preach­ , Samuel M'Culloch, Esq., ed in Warburton Church, 158 157. Hincks, OQ the Assyro-Babylonian Phonetic Booth, Mr., 75 Characters, 128 Booth, Benjamin Witham, elected, 174 Hincks's List of Assyro-Babylonian Charac­ Boulder stones at Mote Hill, 67 ters, 128 Boundary place, Jewish burial place in, 56 Medley's Memoirs, writ ten by his Son, 70 Bourne, Lincolnshire, 141 Millin's Description dea Tombeaux de Cano&a * Bow." meaning of the word, 184 129 "Braces" 183 Ode on the institution of a Society for the Brackstone, It. H., exhibitor, 9S encouragement of Painting, 138 Bradbury, Charles, 217 Parqupt's Plenty following Scarcity, 198 Bremetonax, 203 'PrJiiiitive Episcopal Magazine, 3 parts, 86 Brent, Miss, singer, 194 227

Bridgenorth fortified against the Danes, 140 tricts, 89; description of the Chaloner MS., 89 ; . Brigantes, history of, 130; limits of, 131; lost account of Thomas Chalouer from Ormerod, part of their territories, 212 89; Chaloner's epitaph, 89; his verses charac­ Brine, ceremony of blessing, 109, 110 terized, DO; character of early English poetry, Briscoe, Michael, minister, 15 90 ; titles of some of Chaloner's writings, Bristow, Mr.,T.S.,41 90, 91; specimens, 91, 96; his epitaph ou the British Association, memorial to, 159; letterfrom Earl of Essex, 94 the assist-gen. sec. 199 Chapel Buildings, 38 Broad Barrow, hill, 59 Charles street, 50 -Bromborough, called Brunenburh, 141 Charrier, Peter Samuel, 45,45 n Bronze cullender found, 204 Chess men, models of, 2 Bronze fibula at Mote Hill, 60 n, 63 Chess men, Warringtou, of British manufacture, Brooch at Mote Hill, GO n 66; pawn, when found, 64; kuight, when Brooke, Richard F.S.A., 53, 54, 56; exhibitor found, 64 86 ; remarks on Magna Charta, 87 Chess knights found at Lewis, 65 Brooks, Mr., monument to, 14 Cheshire, salt found at, 102 Broser, Mr., referred to, 123 Chester Architectural Archacelogical and His­ Brown, Mather, 151 toric Society, donor, 97 Brown, Hugh Stowell, minister, 30 ; elected, 85 Chester, Bishop of, 143 n ; elected, 197 Browne, F. D., [Mrs. Hemaus] letters from 98, Chester, causes of excitement in, 88; condition 100, 129,159; paper box by, 130 of in the 16th century, 87 ; lines in praise .of, Brownsword, Mr., 119 88; restored, 140 Brace, David, minister, 4 Chester Castle, chaplain in, 48 Bruce, John, minister, 4 Chesterfield, rubbing from, 198 Brunenburh, battle of, 141 Chesterton, fibula from, 9y Buckley, R. J., exhibitor, 198 Chetham Society, president, 143 n Banbury, in Oxfordshire, 141 Chimneys, tax upon, 82 Bargey coal, used in manufacturing salt, 112 Christian Society, Methodists, 42 ; 43. Burgos, salt found at, 102 Chronology of Old Testament, 1 Bury, Edward, F.R.S., elected, 69 Chubbard, Thomas, painter, 173 Byerley, Mr., 143 n Church Miushull, registers from, 70 Byrkenhead, 190 CnuitcHES AND CHAPELS IN LIVERPOOL. (By Byrom Street Chapel, 52 the Rev. Dr. Thom, V.P.,) 3. Byrth, Rev. Dr., life of, 14 Newington Chapel its origin, ministers, 3; Rev. Thomas Mpencer, his character and death, 4, 5 ; origin of Great George Street Chapel, 4 ; history of Newington Chapel to the present time, 5, 7; Great George Street Chapel under Caffield, vicarage of, 124 Dr. Raffles, 7, 9; Dr. Raffles' works, &c., 8; Cambrian Archaeological Association, donor, 1, notices of celebrated men who preached in this 69, 97,157 Chapel, 8 n Cambridge Antiquarian Society, donor, 69,195 Unitarian Chapel, Hope Street, 9; origin in Campbell, Rev. Augustus, 143 n Key Street, its various ministers, removal to Campion, Father, hid at Mains, 165 Paradise Street, 9; Mr. Yates, 9; Dr. Shepherd, Cant, described, 177 9. 9 n ; some account of Peudlebory Jioughton, Canute, in his reign chess introduced. 65 10. 11, 11 u; of his sermons, II, 12; Mr. Cardinal Alien, at Mains, 159 Grundy, his sermons, 12, 13; Mr. Martineau, Cardona, salt found at, 102 some account of, his writings, and removal of Carrickfergus, salt found at, 102 the Chapel to Hope Street, 13, 14 Cartmel, 189 Unitarian Chapel, Renshaw Street, 14; origin Carving on chess-men, 65 of this congregation, and history, 14, 15; its Castle Field, pottery from, 217 ministers, 15, 16; Dr. Henderson, 18; Dr. Caaty, Mr., 143 n Enfield, some account of, 18, 19; removal to Cearus. Edward, jun., 29 Renshaw Street, 19; Dr. Clayton, 20; history Celtic names rare in Lancashire and Cheshire, to the present time, 20, 23 209 Baptist Chapel, Byrom Street; origin, posi­ Centenary held 8th March, 143 n tion, &c., 2.'i, 24 ; All1. Saunders, his works, 2-1; CHAIRMEN AT MEETINGS: Rev. C. M. Birrell, 25; William Giles, tutor of Thorn, Dr., 1, 69, 85,128,157,174,197 Charles Dickens, 25, 26 Whitehead, J. W., 97 Baptist Chapel, Hope Streetj 26; position, Chalklin, Mr. Thomas, 37 description of, 26; Peter Aitkeu. 27; Mr. Lis- Chaloner, Thomas, citizen of Chester, 87; book ter,27 ; competition with Campbell for a poetical belonging to, 89 ; pedigree of, 89; offices which prize, 28 : Lime Street Chapel, 28; Mr. Lister's he held, 89, 90 ; his marriage, 9;); imitates Lord ministry to, 29 ; H. S. Brough, 30 Vaux, 91, 92; his lament at losing a young lady, Rwnart Catholic Chapel of St. Mary's, 30; 95 position, account of, 31; Rev. Thomas Fisher, CHALONER, THOMAS, of Chester. Notice of his 31 writings, as contained in the MS. Harl. (By St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Chapel, 32; Thomas Heywood, Esq., F S.A.,) 87; Chester the original and present building, 32; Girardot, in the 16th century, addicted to poetry, 87; 32 reasons for this, viz., the privileges conferred, Salem Chapel, Russell Street, 33; its many the miracle plays, and Chester being the changes, 33; Mr. Ralph, 33; Thomas Stretton, highway to Ireland in those days, 87, 88; Ches­ his career, &c., 34, 35; changes owners fre­ ter's poetical pretensions noticed in verse, 88 ; quently, 36, 37; becomes Swt'denborgiaiV 37 her superiority over the neighbouring dis- Cockspur 8t)tet Chapel, 38 , its history, 38, 43 228

Magmre Street Ohaptl, 43; at first Sweden borgian, 43 ; then Methodist, 43 Crescent Chapel, Everton -history of the Dale, Rev. P. S., donor, 158,197 congegation, 44, 45; removal to Everton, 45 Dale, R, N., exhibitor, 86 notice of Mr. Kelly, by George Giliillan, 46 n Dale street, Quaker's meeting house off, 53 Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Pitt Street ori Dallison, William, minister, 6 ginal Chapel, 46; Mr. Wesley preached in, 46 Dalrymple, William, death of, 158 Whitflekl, 48 Dalton, Rev. William, A.M., 6 Wesleycm Chapel, Leecla Street position Danes in the north of England, 136; rebellion of, history, removal, &c., 47, 48 138 ; introduced the game of chess, 65 Chapel, Sir Thomas' Buildings position, 48 Daulby, Daniel, painter, 144,144 n, 152, 153 originally Itoman Casholic, 48; its history, 48 Davies, Benjamin, 10 49; now the German Church, 49 Davies, Robert, minister, 24, 26 Edmund Street Chapel some account of, 49 Dawson, Pudsey, his house, 148 Baptist Chapel, Great Crosshall Street, 49 Dawson, Pudaey. Jun., elected, 97 Dead languages, 207 Zion Chapd, 50 Deane street, Jewish burial place in, 56 Meeting House, Prussia Street, 50 Deane, Mr., sent to Rome, 152 Meeting House, Bedford Street, 50, 51 Delamere, Henry Lord, 74, 75, 78, 80 Benn's Garden Chapel, Redcross Street, 51, Delhi, elastic sandstone from, 158 Mr. Thomas Edwards, notice of, 51 De Perthes, M., donor, 174 Chapel, in Stanley Street, 51, 53 Derby Place, chapel, near, 51, 53. Quaker Meeting Home, Hunter Street, 53 Derby Museum, opened, 143 n Jewish Synagogue, Seel Street, 53; variety oJ Description of a salt mine, 115 Deva (Chester) a city of the Brigantes, 131 Dialects, described, 177 nun ]>ir. .nrouKts s ojj Dickinson, Dr., 143 n by Dr. Thorn, 54, 55 Dilworth, what, 169 Claymore, Highland, 129 Diploma for Historic Society, 100 Clayton,Dr.,20,87 Dissenting Chapels, drawings of, 3 Clergy Orphan Institution, Warrington, 59, 60 Dodd, Thomas, 151 Clock, curious, with ornamented dials, 98 DONATIONS CLASSIFIED: Coal, tax upon, 82 Antiquities, 3,157 Coccium, 203 Books, 2,3, 69,70, 85,86,97,98,128,129, 157 Cockersand, is it Parathalassus, 84 174,175,197, 198 Cockpit in Liverpool, 38 Cuttings, 3 Cockspur Street Chapel, 38 ; 38 n ; 39 Documents, 89,129,158 Coffer of iron, 129 Miscellaneous, 3, 98 Coin of gold, Vespasian, 198 Pamphlets, vide Books Coins presented, gold and silver, 2 Prints, 3, 70,18, 197 Coins exhibited, gold, silver, and copper, 2 DONORS. Akerman, J. Y., 1; Avison, Thos., Coins, silver, 129 70; Bailies, Thomas, 1; Barlow, T. Worthington, Coins Sicilian, volume respecting, 2 97; Beunett, William, 129; Boardman, James, Collier, on Miracle Plays, 87 98; Cambrian Archffiological Association,!, *i9, Collingwood William, elected, 197 97, 157 ; Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 69.197 ; Combermere, Lady, exhibitor, 70 Chester Architectural, Areheelogical, and Historic Combustion, materials used in, 61 Society, 97 ; Crabtree, Abraham, 197; Dale, Rev. Concert bills, exhibited, 175 P. S., 158, 197; De Perthes, M., 174; Dublin Condate, 20:1 University Philosophical Society, 69; Eckei-sley, Conishead, is it Parathalassua, 84 Mr., 2; Elliott, James, jun., 1; Gawthrop Hugh, Conny, 189 197; Grindlay, Mr., 98, 158; Haiiand, Joliu, 2; Conor, Rev. J. R., 49 Hincks, Rev. Dr., 128; Hume, Rev. Dr., 70, 128; Conquests by the Romans, 211 Jacob, J. G., 157; Kendrick, Dr., 2, 70, 98,128, Contests between and Danes, 137 197; Liverpool Architectural and Archffilogical Copper coin, curious, from Sweden, 99 ; various, Society, 1 ; Liverpool Tt>\vn Council, Library 99 Committee, 69; Mather, John, 2; McCulloch, Copper dross at Mote Hill, 60 n Samuel, LL.D., 157 ; Medlb\, William and Guy, Cornavii, territory of, 130 70; Mortimer, W. W., 198; Numismatic Society, Cotton, Sir Robert, 75,78,79,80; document res­ I; Norfolk and Norwich Arenas logical Society, pecting, 70 97; Rawlinson, Robert, 98; Sandford, Rev. G. B., Crabtree, Abraham, donor, 197 I ; Smith, Charles Roach, 1, 97, 175; Societe d' Crescent Chapel, Everton, 44 Emulation d'Abbeville, 157; Societe des Anti- Crewe, Lord, MS. book from, 98 quaires de 1'Ouest, 128; Society of Antiquaries, Crigan, Claudius, anecdote of, 172 _,ondon, 1; Stonehouse, James, 129, 158, 197; Crompton, Thomas, minister, 15 Sussex Archffilogical Society, 1 ; Thorn, Dr., 70; Crouchley, 151; drawings by, 130 Turner, Dawson, 174 ; Turner, Rev. ti. T., 98. Crookenden, Rev. William Henry, 35 ; 35 n ; 41 3ort, salt works near, 105 Cropper Street, entrance to Newington Chapel, 3 )oubleday, Mr., models by, 2 Croslie, visits Stoke, 120 )own and Antrim, map of, 86 Cull, Mr. John, 37 Drama, origin of in Liverpool, 192 Cumberland Street, 55 DRAMATIC PLACES OF AMUSEMENT TN LIVERPOOL Gust, Hon. Sir Edward, author of paper, 74; A CENTURY AGO, (by James Stonehonse.) exhibitor, 98 Earliest notice of the drama in Liverpool, 192 ; Cuttings, antiquarian, presented, 2 proofs of occasional performances, 192; patro­ nised by the leading families, 192, at the Castle, 229

193 ; first theatre, description of, 193; allusion Exports of salt, tables respecting, 116, 117 to Shakespeare's Hamlet, 193 ; second theatre, Eyes, John and Charles, maps by, 53, 54. ~~ 193; former name of Drury Lane, 193; notic" Eyres's Wariington Advertiser, wood block of, 70 of Mr. Entwistle, 193, 196; description of thi_ theatre, 194; play-bill of this theatre, 194; bill of a musical performance, 194; Dr. Ame's music, 194; theatre taken down, 195; concert bill for the Banelagh Gardens, 195; description Farnham, battle at, 138 of the gardens, 195 ; accoount of the neighbour­ Fernihough, Mr., 143 n hood, 195, 196; bill of a performance at the Fibula from Chesterton, 99 " Golden Lion," 198. Fibula at Mote Hill, 60 n, 63 Drawings by Liverpool artists, 130 Figures in Stone, 99 Draw-well, ancient, 62 Fine Arts, Boseoe's connexion with, 142 Drury Lane, 193 FINE ARTS, THE INFLUENCE OF BOSCOE'S Wttl- Dublin University Philosophical Society, donor, TINGS ON. (Joseph Mayer, Esq.., F.S.A.) 69- Boscoe's motto, 142; sonnet in allusion to, Dudley, Edward, 160 by his son, 142 n; how the centenary was Dumfries, claymore left at. 129 celebrated in Liverpool, 143 n; painting and Duncan street chapel, 44 sculpture at the end of 18th century, 144; Bos­ Dutch tobacco box, 73 coe's lines of Loreuzo and Leo gives a stimulus, Dutton, Mr. Henry, 123 144 ; a small society formed previously, 144 ; an academy established, 144 and n ; letters of Mr. E Taylor, Sec., on the subject. 144,147; Boscoe Earth, representation of, 221,222,223 proposes an exhibition, 147; place of exhibition, Earle street, 49 148; Boscoe, a contributor, 148; H. Blundell, (York), a city of the Brigantes, 131 president, 148; bequeathes £1600 to a gallery of Ebenezer chapel, 50 art, 148; his statue of Theseus : 148; Boscoe's Eckersley, Thomas, donor, 2; elected, 69 early instructions in art, 148 ; his notice of his Eddesbury fortified against the Danes, 140 instructor, 148,151; artists of Roscoe's acquain­ Eddisbury, Joshua, 74. 79 ; letters to, 76, 77,80,81 tance, 151; taste for art increases and dies away Edwin, King, 13i through the war, 152 ; Boscoe's writings on art, Edwards, Dr., J. B., 143 n 152 ; friendship for Gibson, 153 ; letter of Gib- Edmund street chapel, 49 sou, 153; letter of Boscoe to Earl of Bnchan, Edward, Thomas, minister, 51; his character, 154; Alexander depositing the works of Homer death, and burial, 51 by Gibson, 154; busts and paintings of Roscoe, Egyptian Museum, open, 143 n 154; memoir of, Uy his sou, 154. Elastic sandstone, 158 Fire of London, 1666, details of, 82, 83 Elfvin, 67 Fireplace, ancient, G2 Elliott, James, juu., donor, 1 Fires of London, documents respecting, 86 Ellis, Arthur, elected, 157 Fish Hall, formerly a chapel, 45, 60 Ellis, William, elected, 128 Fisher, Moses, minister, 24; 42, his character, 24 Ellison, Mr. Seacome, 52 n Fisher, Rev. Thomas, 31 Enfield, Dr. William, his learning 18, his life 19 Fitzherbert, Mrs., at Mains, 167 his chair, 197. Flag yard, site of chapel, 47 English copper coins, 89. Flodden, battle of, 186 Eutwistle Street [Drury Lane], 193 Flower, Mr., exhibitor, 130 ; mentioned 143 n Erasmus, colloquies of, 83; words from, commu­ Foard, James T., elected, 197 nicated, 87 Ford of the Mersey, at Warrington, 67 Erddigg, papers found at, 74 Forrest Street, 46 Esks or Danish ships, 139, opposed by Alfred, 139 Forrester, Sir William, Knight, 80, 81 Essex, character of, 93, poem respecting, 94 Fosbroke on articles of jet, 64 Ethelfrith, leads an army to Chester, 133 Foscolo, Ugo, 87 Ettrick Forest, desolation of, 190 " Frap," meaning of the word, 185 Evans Katren (formerly Bateman), 127 Frederick street, Jewish meeting house near, 5C Exhibition, opening of, 147 French, Gilbert James, elected, 85 EXHIBITORS. Atherton, Miss, 129 ; Avison, Furness, 189; is at Parathalassus, 84 Fuseli, Henry, B.A., 154

Gadsby, "William, minister, 49 Gage, his map of Liverpool, 54 Flower, r., ; uyton, osep, ; amp- Gallicia, salt found at, 102 son, Bev. P. A., 175; Herdman, W. G.,3; Hib- Game of Chess, when introduced, 65 bert, Thomas D.,86, 158; Hume, Bev. Dr., 73, 86, Garston, salt works at, 116 98, 158, 175, 199; Jacob, J. G., 129; Kendrick, Garsye James, 190 Dr., 398, 130, 158, 175; Lambert, D.H., 198; Gath, Samuel, 158; donor, 197 Mawdsley, John, 2 ; Mayer, Joseph, 3, 9, 8, 130, Gawswoi th paintings, lithographs of, 197; etch­ ings of, 218 Gawthrop, Hugh, 197 ; rr, , ,; , , ; German service, 49 Robinson, C. B. 73, 98, 198; Robson, John, 73 ; Gibson, John, 153 ; some of his works, 154 Sandford, Rev, G. B., 70 ; Stonehouee, James, 86, Gibson's Folly, 195 98, 158, 175; Whitehead. J. W., 86, 98, 129; Giles, Henry, minister, 16 n ; 25 n Woodhouse, J.G.,3; York, Simon, 70. Giles, William, minister, 25, 28 230

GHflllan, George, 46; critique on Key. Jolin Kelly, HISTORY or THE TWO COUNTIES, MATERIALS FOR 40 n ANDTHE MODE OF USING THEM. (ByJolmKob- GilJ Street Chapel, 53 son, Esq. )-Object of the paper, 199; of what the Gillibrand, Mr., minister, 16 n mateiials consist, 199; sources of the geography, Girardot,J. H. A.,32 200; Ptolemy's work and his names of places Glas, John, S3 n in Lancashire, &c., 200: Brigantes, Cornabii, Glassites, who, 53 n Deuna, &c., 200 ; Itinerarinm of Autoninus,200; Glegg, Betty, 77 various opinions of itinera,2QQ; Mr. Rohson's Godfrey, Sir E., cards respecting, 86 opinion of Antoninus Augustus' posts, accord­ Gold coin, from Kirkham, 198 ing to Suetonius, 201; allusions to these posts, Graves, Samnel Rohert, elected, 69 201; anecdota of Procopius on posts, 201; ob­ Great Crosshall Street, Baptist Chapel, 49 jects of the posts, 201; officers who controlled Great George Street Chapel, 7; destroyed by fire, 8 the post, 202: analysis of the various routes of Greetham Street, 46 the posts, 202; itinera of Lancashire and Che­ Green, painter, 144 shire, 203; towns of that period in the two Green, Robert Molyneux, donor, 2 counties, 203 ; traces of Roman occupation, 203; Gregson, painter, 144 Mr. Kemble's opinion of agriculture under the Griffies, Betty, 172 n Heptarchy, 203 ; towns had no existence before Griffiths, miniature painter, 154 the Romans,203; ditches not traceable in Roman Grindley, John, donor, 98.158 times, 206; use to be made of Romain remains, Grundy, John, minister, 12 ; his character, 13 walls, pottery; 204; few tombs, 204; remarks on Guyton, Mr., minister, 52 n Roman roads, 205, 206; amount of our know­ Guyton, Joseph, exhibitor, 129 ledge of the topography of Roman Lancashire, 20G; ethnology, difficulties of, 206; various opinions as to the origin of the natives, 207; H fanciful etymologies, 207 n ; changes in Greek, , and English languages, 207; periods of Haberdasffte^Uetter from, 170 change of the English, 207; families of the Hackins1 Hey, Quaker Meeting house in, 53 Western languages, 207, 208; earliest inhabi­ Haigh, Barton, 44 n tants of Britain, 208 ; names in Cheshire, &c., Halfdane, conquers Northumberland, 136 show the race of the people, 208; no Celtic Halifax, the Marquis of, 80 names in Lancashire or Cheshire, 209 ; proofs Hallein, salt found at, 102 of the error of the common opinion of the Bri­ Hallelujah battle, 210 tons, 209 ; permanence of language in Cornwall, Halley and others account for saltnesa of sea, 103 209 andn ; Nennius' account of the extirpation Hampson, Rev. P. A., exhibitor, 17-5 of a language, 209, 210; how only a language can Hargreaves, Thos., painted miniature of Roscoe, become extinct, 211; remains not Roman and 154 probably Teutonic, and the best way of treating Harland, John, donor, 2 them, 211; historical facts of the period, 211, Harrison, Henry Walter, elected, 69 213 ; actual state of society deduced from them, Harrison, William, elected, 174 213,214; state of Britain on the departure of Hartley, Jesse, elected 97 the Romans, 210 ; desiderata in our comity his­ Hartley, John B., elected 07 tories, 216; what remains to be doue in such Hasten, military talents ofv 138 researches, 216; curious relic of Sauiiau ware, Haven of the Setantii, 200 found at Manchester, and its inscription, 217. Havvkins, Edward, opinion of chess-men, 66 Hole, Henry, 151 Heads in terra cotta. Mexico, 198 Holme, Dr., 217. Health of towns, information respecting, 2 Holmes, Randle, book belonging to, 89 Heaven, representations of, 221, 232, 223 Holt, Mr., 123 Hell, representations of, 221, 222, 223 Holt, Richard, minister. 16 Hellath-clu, Northwich, 106 Holt, Mrs., 123 Etellath-wen, Nantwich, 106 Halyards, 183 Hemans, Mrs., 87; v. Browne, F.D. Hood Street, 50 Henderson, Joljn, D.D., 18 Hope's Dale, 190 Henderson, Dri, probably baptized Roscoe, 172 Horner, H. P., 143 n Henderson, Rev. John, elected, 69 Horse shoe, vandyked, 62 Henry VIII in France, 187 Horton, 189 Herdmah, W. G., exhibitor, 3 ; mentioned, 44 Hotham Street Chapel, 44, 50 Hartfo-d, fortified against the Danes, 160 Houghton} John, minister, father of Pendlebury, Heskeths, possess Mains, 161 11 Heskeths of Mains, descended from those of Houghton, Moses, drawings by, 130 Ruffprd, 162 Houghton, Peudlebury, minister, 9; personal Heveringham, Mr., 79 ; history of, 11 HeywoocLThomas, paper by, 87 Houghton, Richard, elected, 157 Hibbert,mos.D.. exhibitor, 8(3, 153; paper by, Housekeeper at Mains, description of, 165 118 ' ' Howson, Rev. J. S., paper by, 176 Highland Claymore 129 Hughes, William, 151 Hill, Rev. Rowland, 8 n Huguenots, descendant of, 45 Hincks, John, minister, 23 ; memoir of, 23; per­ " Hull," meaning of the word, 184 sonal appearance, 23 n Humberston, Philip S., enrolled, 85 Hincks-, Hev; Dr., donor, 128 Hume,Kev. A., LL.D., papers by, 186, 217 ; donor, Hincks, William, minister, 22 70, U'8; exhibitor, 73, 8(i, 99,158,175,199 ; men­ Hindley, Captain, 217 tioned, 143 n HiE&eft, Rev. Mr., 49 Hungary, salt found at, 102 Hurl ton, poem written at request of, 93 ,'tO lOiiJ'Vi',. '"" "« '-*.' ' 231

Hutchmga, Rev.W. J.,51 accounted for 187 j' Hutchison, Robert, elected, 69 in Marmion, 188; ballads on the subject of H, Hunter Street, Quaker meeting-house in, 53 Weber, 188, 188 n ; various weapons with which. they were armed, 188; Scotch King slain ,a& Flodden, 189; the great slaughter alluded ta.i» the " Flowers of the Forest," 190; false m Ida, reign of, 133 ligence of the fight brought to France, Imperial Post, 201 to the English King, 190; Lord Derby's Importance of understanding words, 180 190 ; present state of Lancashire and India, scarcity of salt in, 108 191; descendants of the Molyneuxes a' liiman, Dr., 143 n . :,iB Inues, Robert, 44 n Lancaster, 190 -.' t-O tusiO Intelligence false, to France, 190 Languages survive with the females, .210... , ,, rf »:s Iron arrow head, 62 Lathom, 190; screen for great hall of,yl; verse^ Ituna, SOU on, 91 -: ; \ J Laurel adopted as an emblem, 142 Leather, tax upon, 82 Jacob, J. G., donor, 157; exhibitor, 129 Leatherbarrow, Corporal, medal to, 73 Jackson, Mr., referred to, 119 Leckie, James, 44 n ]rj Javelin heads, obsidian, 198 Leeds Street, Chapel in, 47 > -sO Jeffreys, Lord Chancellor, his conduct, 77, 78 Lees, Mr., referred to, 121 j,{.;> Jewish burial places, Boundary Lane, 56; Deane Legaceaster, (Chester) seige of, 139 icfSvui) Street, 56 Legh, Peter, Rubbing from his tomb, 86' Jewish meeting houses, 5G; Pilgrim Street, 56 Leigh's Natural History exhibited, 3 Jewish synagogue, Matthew Street, 53; Seel Leigh, Rev. Mr., 124 Street, 53 Leo X., medallion of, 130 Johnson, Sir Thomas, 48 Letters, temp. Elizabeth andJames I., 8fc>«ivfsef.fiH Johnson, Mr. 52 Letters, relating to Liverpool, 175 r^ill Jones, Rev. John, 22 Lewin, Mr , 4U , , £1 Joseph, Rev. H. S., 48 Lewin, Robert, minister, 19; 19 n; 20 . j;js Judgment scene, representations of. 199 Lewis, Chess Knights found at, 65 ;,;H JUDGMENT SCENE, (by Dr. Hiune.) Mediaeval Library and Museum Committee, donors, 69 . ;J;H and modern illustrations differ, 217; instance " Licks " in America, 102 . : (! ^r of a mediaeval painting in the Royal Institution Lifts, 183 <: ;H and in the Vulgate of 1519, 219; the Gawsworth Lilford, Lord, documents in his possession, 67 : ^ f mural paintings and their compartments, 218;. ^ime Street, (Lime Kiln Lane) 19& ; . , ; i); the Judgment Scene, from Mr. Mayer's Muse­ Lister, James, minister, 27 ; particulars of, 29 «-. j um, description of it, 221; lithograph of the Literary and Philosophic Society, Gawsworth Judgment Scene, minutely des­ donor, 25 cribed, 222; painting of the Judgment Scene Littledale, Thomas, enrolled, 85 taken from St. John's, Winchester, 223; des­ " Little" and * Great," origin in names of cription of it, 223; comparison of the three ships, 160 <».<:\i paintings, 223. Liverpool Chronicle, newspaper of 1769, 70 i -r,FC Liverpool Directory, history prefixed to, 42 r; ; j.j[ Just, John, the late, resolution respecting, 73 Livei-pool, Histoiy of,, 1 .;; ]j Liverpool, a few years since, 2 /-,-, [ £ K Liverpool, Mayor of, 143 n : i>nH Karamania, salt found at, 102 Liverpool volunteers, muster roll of, 73 . i.^jf Kelly, John, minister, 45, 46 Liverpool, salt works at, 116 ': ,vj Keudrick, Dr., donor, 2,70, 98,138,197; exhibitor, Liverpool, importance of salt to, 108 i >., |.jf 3, 98, 130 I5S, 175; papev by, 59 Lodge Lane, the last residence of Mr. Koscoe, 17% Kennion, John, minister, 16 n I_iOngt,on,_, John, elected, 85 Kent-Sand-side, 189 Lonsdalo, 188 . " ' -,d',ji7 a'osi&faaa Kent Street, Jewish meeting-house near, 56 Ludicrous alterations of words, |79( f[ .rro^T^lins Keswick. Report concerning, '2 " Luff," meaning' .of the word, 185 . -/ ' -; ..:, .>h:to Key Street, Chapel, 37 n Luther, his autograph, 175 . .r-i Kilham, Alexander, 43 Lyme in Kent, report of excavations at, 1 ; '-^ Kilharaite Methodists, 40, 50 Lyon, Henry, elected, 157. . c^ Kirkham, gold coin from, 198 Lysons, notices the miracle .plays, 87 . ;:,-? Kirkpatrick, Mr., 38 Lythani, is it Paratkalassus, 84 r:- i .;) " Kistvaens, Teutonic, 210 Knife blade, Anglo Saxon, 62 Knight, John, relerred to, 119 MacAdam,,Egbert, electecL&oh^ mem.,^ . vHHi Knowsley, poem written from, 95 Mac Intyre, Peter, M.D., elected, 128 .-.(| Knowesley, 1UO Macplierson, Mr. James, 39 . 'uiH Macpherson, Mr., 4;>, 44, 45 ., ;; » \i ./^n ,li;H Macpliereoti, Mi'., 34 u ^n'l.mfoT. ejliaiH Lambert, D. H., exhibitor, 198 Mac Kae, John W., elected, 174 . ;;->!>'>n'!J> l-P.noe Lancashire and Cheshire, population of, 191 Madden, Sir Frederick, description of CKessfeafiH LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE MEN OF THE 16m 66 .^T5 CEKTUHY. (By Dr. Huine,) 186. Reason of MaenMrs, Teutonic, 210 - iiH this paper being written, 186; Sefton Church MAINS HALL, Poulton, the hi(Ung'place;of',Gar£S and Molyneaux brasses, 186, 187; the peculiar dinal Alien, (by tlie Rev. William Tuomber.) armour of Sir William Molyneux, at Flodden, Singleton, Little, short history of the Manor of, 232

159; origin of such terms as ' Little ".tons, 69; Humberston, Philip 8., 85; Hutchinson, " Little Poulton," &c,, 16U; meaning of tti Robert. 69; Littledale, Thomas, 85 ; Longton, term " .Mains," ISO; Little Singleton not attacl John, 85; Lyon, Thomas Henry, 157; Mac ed to the priory of Lancaster, 160, 101; He* Intyre, Peter, M B., 128; Mao Rae, John keths proprietors in Elizabeth's reign, 161 Wrigley, 17J; Platt, Robert, 97; Potter, Sir intimacy with the Aliens, 161: their pedigree John, 85 : Robinson, John, 128; Ryder, Tho­ 162; suggested correction of Wood and Dodc mas Bromfield, 157; Sharp, William, 197; in this pedigree, 162; the Aliens of Stafford Sherson, John Herdman, 85 ; Smith, George, and of Kossal, distinct; pedigree of the Aliens 69; Smith, William Perm, 85 ; Turner, Charles, of Rossal, 102, 163; birthplace of the Cardinal 157; Vose, James, M.D., 157; Whitley, George, 163; traditions of, 163; Latin MS. Concertatio 197; Wood, Thomas, 97; Wylie, Alex. H., 174. 164; description of Mains Hall, 165; hiding Mercer, Jonathan, 3 place, chapel, &c., 165; alterations, 165; as the Mercians, idolatry of, 134 Hall appeared in 1846,167 ; relics, 167; the Car Mere, position unknown, 76 dinal s staff, 167; its motto explained, 168 Merovingian grave, beads from, 99 butler's pantry, &e., 168, 169; old bills, 170. Merryman, William, 44 n Makertield, battle at, 130 Mersey, an island on the east coast, 139 Malleus of stone, 98 Mersey river, historical notes on the valley of, Maltese figures, 99 131 Mamucium, 203 ^_ MERSEY, HISTORICAL NOTES ON THE VALLEY OF Magna Charter, notes on, 87 THE, PREVIOUS TO THE . Magna Charter, fac simile of, 86 (Thomas Baines, Esq.) Number of British Maguire Street Chapel, 43, 60 n tribes mentioned by Eoman writers, 130; posi­ tytaguire, Father Thomas, 33 tion of the Brigantes and Comavii, 131; boun­ Mains Hall, 15!) daries of the Brigantes, 131; first invaded, 132; Mainwaring, Mrs., 76 ; letter by, 76 Julius Agricola, their conqueror, 132: his con­ Manchester, centre of Saxons, 137; fortified, 140 quests, first of North Wales^ next of the Bri­ Mancunium, 203 gantes, 132; introduces civilization; great Manufacture of salt, 109 works of the period in tha valley of the Mersey, Market Street, 50 132; King Arthur, 133 ; fights a battle at Wigan, Markland, on miracle plays, 87 133; progress of Saxon authority southward, Marler, Thomas, 123,124 133; Brigantes overrun by the Saxons, 133; Martineau, James, minister, 13; particulars of checked by the Mercians, 133 ; Mercian idola­ life and writings, 13; his scruples, 13 n; present ters, 134; battles between the Northumbriam position, 14 and Mercians, 134; Oswald and Aidan, 134; Mather, Dr. Cotton, 15 death of Oswald, 135; Mercians become Chris­ Mather, Dr. Increase, 15 tians, 136 ; Mersey becomes the boundary be­ Mather, John, donor, 2,14 tween Danes and Saxons iii^67,p. 136; progress Mather, Bev. Richard, 45 of the Danes, and their conquest of Northum­ Matthews, " Bishop " 48 berland, 136; Danish names aboxind in West Matthew Street, chapel near, SI, 53 Derby, not in Salford, 137 ; Wars of the Danes Mattocks, Mrs., 194 and Alfred, 137, 139; position of the Danes at Mawdsley, John, exhibitor, 2 the death of Alfred, 140; subsequent battles Mayer, Joseph, exhibitor, 3, 98,130, 199 ; author with the Saxons, 140; great battle at Brom- . of paper. 14^!; alluded to, 142 n borough, 141; South Lancashire separated from Mayers, Mr., 43 Northumbria and joined to Mercia, 141; be­ Mayence, head of Minerva from, 99 longed to the bishopric of Liclifield, 141. M'Creery, printer, 144 Mesnes, Wigan, gold coin found at. 2 M'Culloch, Samuel, donor, 157 Methodist Chapel, Leeds Street, 47 McKenzie, John, minister, 26 Mexican antiquities, 198 IM^Lean, Robert, minister, 0 Milita-iy spur at Mote Hill. 61 McMorland, painter, 144 Milk of Virgin, 84 M'Qnie, Peter R., exhibitor, 3, 73 Minerva, herd of, 99 Medallion portrait exhibited, 3 Minories, sarcophagus at, 199 Medallion, terracotta, 130; silver, 130 Miracle plays, noticed by several, 87; character Medieeval illustrations, 217 ; of, 88 Mediolanum. 203 Missal of 14th century, 99 Medley, Mr., minister, 24 Model of salt factory, 99 Medley, Guy and William, donors, 70 Moidore found at Mote Hill, 61 Melandra Castle, S03 VTolynenx, Sir William, 186; armour of, 187 Melbourne Argus, report of proceedings in, ,73 VIonmouth, Duke of, letter from, 175 MEMBERS ENROLLED: VIonmouth's rebellion, 74 1. Honorary. Mac Adam Robert, 69 Vloutgomery, James, 47 2. Ordinary. Anderson, Robert W., 97; VIoor Street, a barn in, used as a theatre, 193 Bagot, John Lawler, 174; Beun, Edward, 69; Moore, Thomas, Esq., volunteer, 73; letter from, Booth, Benjamin Witham, 174; Brown, Rev. 100 Moore, Eev. Thos., M.D., exhibitor. 175 Vloot Hill, Warrington, v. Mote Hill VlOTE HILL, Warrington. (by Dr. Kendrick.) Clergy Orphan Institution, built on part of it, ruttru, iittiuws A .» lot , i'zmiuu. viiiuerij titimes, 59 ; description of the Mote Hill, 59; account 85; Graves, Samuel Robert, 69; Houghton, of the first inroad into, 60 ; description of the Richard, 157; Harrison, Henry Walter, 09; excavations in 1841, 60 ; top of the mound arti­ Harrison, William, 174; Hartly, Jesse, 97; ficial, and probably made in 1643, Gl; probable Hartley, John B., 97; Hendersou, Bev. John, connexion of a Puritan tract with this mound, 288

61; antiquities discovered, 61; appearances Offices at Mains, 168 presented by the mound, 62 ; Roman remains Offley, Mr. Crewe, 78,79, 80 found, 63 ; discovery of jet chess-men, 63; the Old Bowling-green House, 171 ; birthplace of larger piece found in 1851, 64 ; not Danish, 65; Roscoe, 171; then out of town, 171 similar chess piece, 65; opinions of Sir F. Old Ropery, 193 Madden, Roach Smith, &c., on the chess-men, Old Stager, work by, 2 66; opinions on the mound, probably Saxon, Dnondaga, salt found at, 102 67; Mote Hill at the Conquest, 67; stiver penny Ormerod, Dr., on Mote Hill, 67; notices miracle of Henry VIII., 67. plays, 87 Morecambe, 200 Ormus, salt found at, 102 Mortimer, W. W., donor, 198 Orr, John, exhibitor, 166,175 Moss, Eev. John James, exhibitor, 130 Oswald, King, 134 Moss, Mrs., 130 Oswestry, supposed site of battle, 135 Mosses, Alexander, painted portrait of Boscoe, Overborough, 203 154; drawings by, 130 Mote Hill, Warringtou, 59; lithograph of exca­ vations, 2; models of chessmen, found at, 2; coloured drawings of excavations at, 3 Mouldes Dale, 190 Pack of cards, political, 88 Mulligan, Hugh, 148 Paganus de Villars, 67 Murray Street, 50 Paice, Henry, minister, 52 Muster, roll of Liverpool volunteers, 73 Pall Mall Chapel, 50 PAKATHALASSUS, mentioned in one of the collo­ N quies of Eraamus.^William Bushton, Esq.) Pilgrimage to various shrines, mentioned by Nails at Mote Hill, 63 Erasmus, 83 ; Erasmus' description of Parathar Names, evidence from, 207, 208 lassus, 83; history of the Virgin's milk, 84; Nantwich, early salt manufacture, 106 writer's opinion of Parathalassus and the place Napier, suggestion by, 110 n meant, 84; another opinion, 84 n. Naval terms, reach us from very various points, Park, Mungo, on salt, 1U3 178 Parker design, a screen, for Lord Derby, 91 NAVAI, TEEMS, the history of. (The Rev. J. S. Patera, handle of, 63 Howson, M.A.) Importance of the study o± Pearson, Thomas, minister, 34; his previous words, 176; quotation from American periodical occupation, 34 ; subsequent history, 34; 39 on the subject, 176 ; position of patois in refer­ Pedder, Richard, exhibitor, 158 ence to language, 177; slang, cant, &c., 177; Pemberton, 189 historical origin of the English sailor's phrase­ Penda, 135; probably slain near Winwick, 136; ology, 177,178 ; its universality, 178; no special Petilius Cerialis, Roman general, 132 treatise on sea terms, 178 ; quotations from Mr. Castle, researches at, 199 Halliwell, 179; not specially treated in Dic­ Philip, Robert, minister, 5, 22; his works, 5 tionaries, 179 ; Burke's description of the Eng­ Phillips, John, Leigh, 144 n lish language, 180; importance of comparing Hie Phillips, Professor, letter from, 199 naval terms of various countries, 180; binnacle Picton, James A., 143 n discussed, 181, 182; philological and historical Picture in Limoges enamel, 221 divisions of this subject, 182; illustrations oJ Pile of Foudrey, lines respecting, 163 the philological by several nautical terms, 18£ Pilgrim Street, near Hardman Street, chapel ID, 186; historical to be considered in a separate 37 paper, 186. Pilgrim Street, Jewish meeting house in, 56 Navy of England, commencement of, 139 Pilkingtoii, lines by, 88 Necropolis, p_oem on, 4 Pilling Dikes, 189 Nelson, fac similie of order by, 2 Pilling Moss, sacrificial knife from, 86 Nelson, Rod., lines by, 95 Pitscottie, quoted, 188 Nevin, John, minister, 49 Pitt Street, Jewish meeting houso near, 56 Newington Chapel, Renshaw Street, 3 ; changes Platt. Robert, elected, 97 ',,' in, 5 Play bill, exhibited, 175 -'I New Jerusalem Church, 37 Poplar Lane, 55 Newlands, James, 143 n Poplar Wient, 55 Newton Heath, report concerning, 2 Porter, John, minister, 16 11 Newton, Dr., 47 Pot of bronze, 98 .', Newton, Rev. John, 46 n ; 47 Potter, Sir John, enrolled, 85 , " Nicholson, Matthew, 87 Pottery found at Stockton Heath, 204 V''J1 Nicholson, Matthew, letters to 159 Pottery. Roman, 63 Nisbet, William, exhibitor, 175 Potts, Mr., referred to, 119 Noble, Mr., London, 37 Poulton, 189 Norberie, Mr., 124 Prescot, silver coins found at, 2 Norfolk and Norwich Arehteologieal Society, do Presidents and Secretaries of local learned sof­ nor, 97 ties, privileges to, 73 . ;, Numismatic Society, donor 1 Preston, 189: is it Parathalassus, 84 '' Nuns' Walk, 164 Preston, sword captured at, 73 Nuremberg, like Chester, 87 Preston Brook, statuette from, 73 Priest's Hole, 165 Promontory of the Cangani, 200 .* Prussia Street, chapel in, 50 '.;' Oaken staves at ancient Well, 62 Ptolemy's geography, 200 t Oaken posts at ancient Well,ti2 Public breakfast, 143, n '" 234

Roscoe's letters, two vods, of, 130 ROSCOE, THE REGISTERS OF HIsBlRTH, BAPTISM, . Quaker's Alley, Dale Slreet, 53 MARRIAGE, AND DEATH. (James Boardman, Quaker meeting house, 53 Esq.} Place of birth, 171; place of baptism, Quern, portion of, 63 171; copies of register, 171 n; married by Clau­ dius Crigan, afterwards Bishop of Sodor and Man, 172; copy of the register, 172 n ; descrip­ tion of the Bishop, 172; portrait of the Bishop, Baffles, Thomas, D.D., LL.D., succeeds Mi 173; law of reistering deaths defective till the Spencer at Newington, 5; hiB connection wit Act of William IV., 173 ; funeral of Roscoe, 173"; Great George Street Chapel, 7, his ability, 8 serviceperformed by Dr. Shepherd, 173. works. 8; alluded to, 51,143 a Roscoe, W. Caldwell, 142 n Rainford Gardens, 53 Rose Place, New Jerusalem Church in, 40 n Ralph, Hugh, LL.D., 33 Rossal Point, antiquities and remains at, 163 Ralph, John, minister, 23, 45 Royal Institution, open, 143 n; meeting held at, Ranelagh Gardens, concert at, 195 174; painting in, 218 Ratchdale, 189 Rubbings from Sefton, 175 Rathbone, William, 143 n Rubbings, various, 198 Ravenscrofts, 77 Runcorn fortified against the Danes, 140 Rawlinson, Rohert, donor, 2, 98 Rnsbton, William, jun., 29; .author of paper, 83 Redcross Street, chapel in, 51; Tarleton's New Russian copper coin, 99 Street, 193 Buthwell, salt works at, 104 Reflections at Mains, 169 Butter, Dr., 53 Registers from Church Minshull, 70 Ryder, Thomas B., elected, 157 Registers, non-parochial, 171 Rylands, Mrs. medallion in possession of, 130 Relics at Mains Hall, 167 Relics from Mote Hill, 61 8 Remains of animals not buried entire, 62 Residuum, animal, 6:1 Sacrificial knife, flint, 198 Revolution of 1688, 74 Sacrificial knife from Pilling Moss, 86 REVOLUTION of 1988, Documents illustrative of. Saddler's account, 170 (Sir E. Gust, K.C.H., &c.} The letters found Salem Chapel, Russell Street, 33 near Wrexham, 74; Burnet's account of Lore Salford hundred, few Danish names in, 137 *"* Delamere's trial, 74, 75; some account of, anc Salt, amount of, 100 treatment by James LT., 75; petitions the Salt, specimens of, 99 House of Peers from the Tower, 75 ; account o: Salt woi'ks in the kingdom, 110 Lord Delamere's journey to London, by Mrs Salt factory, model of, 99 'Mainwaring, 76 ; Lord Jeffrey's statement in SALT AND ITS MANUFACTURE IN CHESHIRE. the House of Lords of the proceedings against ** (by James Stonehouse.) Importance of salt, him, 77; date of the trial fixed by a letter o: 100; early mention of in the Bible, 100 ; Greek, Sir R, Cotton, 77 ; their Majesties present, 77, Roman? and Arabian uses of salt, 101; not point of law raised on the trial, 78; Saxon's found in the oldest formations of rocks, and evidence, 78, 79 ; Saxon's character, 79 ; Attor­ reason, 101; found in many situations, Europe, ney General's statement of his evidence, 79, America, &c., 102; rare in Africa, 103; salt of occasion of the correspondence, 79; Saxon in­ the ocean, 103 ; saltness of the sea explained by dicted for per.jury,80; Lord Delamere appointed Halley and others, 103; salt made from sea to tell James II. to quit Whitehall, 80; letter of water, 103; abbeys endowed with salt works in Sir William Forrester, 81; letter of P. Shakerley, 12th century, 103 ; Holyrood, 104; salt works in ' M.P. for Chester^ 81; Queen's death, the mojrn- Scotland and their decline, 104: origin of the ing for whom raises the price of broad cloth, 81; manufacture in Cheshire, 104 n; bay salt from detailed account of the fire of London, 82, 83. Portugal, 104; mode of manufacturing salt from Rhudlan, is it Parathalassus, 84 sea water, 104,105 ; early date of salt works in Ribchester, 189 Cheshire, 105; mode in which the Britons, Richardson, Christopher, minister, 15 Gauls, &c.j made salt, 105; proved by remains Ring, ancient silver, 158 . at Nantwieh, 106; improved method of the Road across Little Singleton, 1G1 Romans, 106; Nantwieh, Northwich, 106; " Roadstead,1* meaning of the word, 185 " Rulers of Walling," their privileges, 106; Robberds, Mr, J. G.. biographer of Houghton, meaning of the word " wich," 106; state of the 11; 11 n manufacture during the Heptarchy, 107; duties Robberds, John, B.A., minister, 16 n on salt heavy at all times, 107; in India, 107, Robinson, C. B., exhibitor, 73, 99, 198 108; mentions three salt Robinson, John, elected, 128 works in Cheshire, 108; ancient authorities Robinson, Peter, 44 n quoted, 108, 109; customs and religious cere­ - Robson, John, exhibitor, 73; paper by, 199 monies connected with salt, 109,110 ; salt works Roe Street, 50 over the kingdom, 110; salt trade not profi­ Roman Itinera, 200 table, 111; present Cheshire works long in ex­ Roman roads, principal, 202 istence, 11.1; a salt work described, 111, 112; Roman roads, principal HPes, 132,133 ; they were best brine at Northwich, 112; whence the sup­ the lines of historical fact and of civilization,133 ply of coals, 112 ; prices of salt, 113 ; the Weaver, Roman pot of bronze, 98 its importance to the salt trade, 113,114; rook Roman sarcophagus, London, 199 salt in Cheshire, 114,115; Salthouse Dock, 116; Roman stations in Lancashire and Cheshire, 203 works at Garston, 116; statistics of salt, 116, Roscoe, small bronze bust of, 130 117 ; works on the subject, 117. Roscoe, Centenary, suggested, 86 ; celebrated, andenmn, Bobert, 53 n 143n «y- - = andemaniaa Baptists, 53,53 n 235

Sandford, Bev. G. B., donor, 70 ; ithe tete.- Stafford family, remarks, respecting, 99 tion respecting, 86 Stager, old, quoted, 10 u Sandstone, elastic, 158 Stanhope Street, chapel at, 50 Sarcophagus, London, 199 Stanley Street, chapel near, 51 -> Saunders, Mr., his works and death, 26 Statuette, curious, 73 > Saxon, hi3 evidence, 78, 79 Stephenson, Mr., minister, 52 n Saxons, progress of, 133, 134 Steppleton, Mr., 121 Scandinavia, no objects of jet from, 65 Stewart, Dr., 52 School Lane, meeting in, 52 ; chapel in, 39 Stone axes, from Copenhagen, 129 ' ;] Scott, Sir Walter, his authority, 188 Stone hammer, double pointed, 98 -; Seel Street, Jewish synagogue in, 53, 56 Stonehouse, James, donor, 129,15S, 198; exhibi­ Sefton, the Earl of, 143 n tor, 86, 99,158, 175 ; papers by, 100, 192 Sefton Church, brasses in, 186 Street, how derived, 206 :,;? Seteia, 200 Stretton, Key. Thomas, MA., 34, 85 ,,- Sexna,216 Strutt's Dictionary of Engravers, the preface wriil Sharp, William, elected, 197 ten by Roscoe, 152 . ^ Sheldon, R. G., minister, 40, 40 n Stuart, Dr. Washington, 36 ..' I Shepherd, Dr., 10, 173 Stubbs, George, 151 : , ;;.>[ Sherson, John H., enrolled, 85 Stubbs, drawings by, 130 : ;[ " Ship," varieties of word, 183 Subsidences of l&od, 115 ;i£ Shirt, Mr., 126 Sunderland, order from Robert, Earl of, 75 ; ,;f Shoveller, Mr., 48 Superstitions connected with salt, 110 Shuter, Ned, 194 Superstratum of earth, Mote Hill, 60, 61 .<>! " Shrouds,'' meaning of the word, 185 Surrey, Earl of, 187 ,;| Shrewsbury, the Earl of, 80 Sussex Archaeological Society, donor, 1 , ^ Sibson, Bev. Edmund, 60 " Swab," meaning of the word, 18t oi; Sibson, Mr., ou Mote Hill, 67 " Swain," meaning of word, 184 .,jj; Sidney Place, EdgeHill, chapel at, 48 Swedenborgian Chapel. 37 -f Silverdale, 189 '-." : Swedenborgians in Maguire Street, 40 11 .->. j£ Silver coins of Edward III., and Alexander of Swedish coin of copper, 99 ;i;jR'T^il Scotland, 129 3wqrd, captured in 1745, 73 n.rjo73il Silver penny at Mote Hill, 67 Syria, salt found at, 102 T v.fsV Singleton, Parva, passes to the Banisters, to Edmund Dudley, to the Earl of Derby, 160 Singleton, 159 ; surname of, 159 Sir Thomas' Buildings, chapel in, 48 Tables respecting exports of salt, 116, 117 Slang, described, 177 Tamworth, fortified against the Danes, 140 Slave ship, plan and section of, 70 Tasmania^ Colonist, report of proeedings in, 73, Slogan of Stanley, 189 158 Smith, Cdarles Roach, F.S.A., donor, 1, 97, 175 ; Tathan, 189 ; his remarks on chess men, 66 ; researches by, " Taut," meaning of the word, 184 199 Taylor, Thomas, painter, 144 Smith, Mrs. Egerton, her house, 148 Terra cotta medallion, heads, 130, 198 Smith, George F., elected, 69 Teutones in Britain, not easily christianised, 214 Smith, Joseph, minister, 21 Theatre, earliest in Liverpool, 193 Smith, W. Penn, elected, 85 Thelwall, fortified against the Danes, 140 Smithson, Mr., of Manchester, 37 Thorn, David, D.D., chairman, 1, 09, 85, 128, 157, Societe d'Emulation d'Abbeville, donor, 157 174, 197 ; donor, 70, 88 ; paper by, 3 Societe des Antiquaires de 1' Quest, donor, 128 Thorn, John Hamilton, minister, 14, 1C n; his Society of Antiquaries, donor, 1 early education and works, 23 Soho Street Chapel, 42 Thomas, James H., minister, 25 , Spence, Robert, minister, 7 Thomson, Patrick, A.M., 6 ., ;;t Spence, drawings by, 130 ; bust of Roscoe by, 130 1'hornber, Rev. William, paper by, 159 ; ; :iil Spencer, Thomas, minister, 4 ; his character and rhornely, Samuel, 173 n , 'oH Spurzheim, Dr., 37 n Tobacco box^ curious Dutch, 73 , -^ehfioii " St. Aidan. 134 Tobacco pipe, curious, 168 . >. ,-, ,ni9(:[((off St. Andrews, Cockspur Street, 34 Toisobis, 200 u u . jj St. Anthony's, Boman Catholic, 32 *- 4TTokestaffe, 190 .iflol .afiisdJo-B St. Asaph, is it Parathalassus, 84 Colls charged on stilt, 107 a ,0 .noenfdoH St. Bees, is it Parathalassus, 84 ' Tow," meaning oi the word, 184 f,[[0T, nfmniifoff St. Clements, Bussell Street, 3.3, 34; consecration Trade in salt, 111, 112 ' ' v.ji of 36 Transylvania, salt found at, 102 >i' 51 St. lago de Compostella, shrine of, 83 fribes of Britain numerous, in Roman tnne, 13jjj St. John, 221, 222 Cumulus, origin of Mote Hill, 67 - B,^i Cj ii namoH St. Mary's Roman Catholic Chapel, 30 Turner, Charles, elected, 157 . ,q ;ebam tuSmoff St. Nicholas's Church, pews in, 100 Turner, Dr., 147 ,

Underbill, Mr., 41,49, 52 Wharemore, 189 Underbill, Mr. John Green, 41; 41 n Wheeler, William, 173 n Itnitarian Chapel, Renshaw Street, 14; its origin, Whitaker, Mr., on Mote Hill, 67; satisfied with slight evidence, 205 Unitarian Chapel, Hope street, 9; removed from White, Eev. Joseph Blanco, 21 Key Street to Paradise Street, 9 Whitebead, J. W., chairman, 97; donor, 85; ex­ Upper Harringtou Street, chapel at, 60 hibitor, 86, 99,129 White house [Adelphi], 195 White Ropery, 196 Whitfleld, George, 46 u; 47 Wbitfield, life and times of, 47 Vallum, remains of, 59,60 Whittey, George, elected, 197 Vandyked horse shoe, 62 Whitnash, rubbing from, 198 Vespasian, gold coin of, 198 Whittington, 189 Virgin the, 221 222 Wickstead, Charles, minister, 16 n Vose, James, M.D., elected, 157 Widdows, James, minister, 36,36 n Vulgate Bible, curious woodcuts in, 199 Wielitska, salt found at, 102 Wigan, 189, site of certain battles, 133 W Wilkinson, John, 44 n William, a Parisian, 84 Waddington, 189 Wilh'amson, John, 151; drawings by, 130 Wakefield, Key. Gilbert, 18,147 ; pupil of, 158 Williamson, Samuel, 151; drawings by, 130 "Walling, in salt manufacture, 106 Wilson, Hill, 44 n Walrus teeth, chessmen made from, 66 Winder, Dr. Henry, 16; hia life and character, Walsingham, the real Parathalassus, 84 16,1" Walsmgham way, 84 Winsford, connected with salt manufacture, 113 Walter, Mr. Samuel, 40,41 Winwick, battle of, 67 Warburton, fortified against tbe Danes, 140 Winwick Church, brasa from, 86 Warreuite Methodists, 37 Woodcuts, double, 318 Warrington, 189 Woodhouse, J. G., exhibitor, 2 Warrington volunteer, 70 Words, pedigree of traceable, 176 Warton, 189 Woolton (Much) report concerning, 3 Warwick, fortified against the Danes, 140 Worsaae's testimony respecting objects of jet, 65 Way, Albert, bis opinion of tlie Warringtoii chess­ Wood, Thomas, elected, 97 men, 65, 66 Wright, Thomas, on miracle plays, 87 - Weallas, a descriptive term, 215 _. Wyen, 816 Weaver river, importance of, 113 Wylie, Alexander Henry, elected, 174 Weber's poem, 188 Wylie, David 8., minister, 53 Webster, Abram, minister, 52 Wyresdale, 189 Wedicar, 189 Wedgwood, Josiah, 148 Well at Mote Hill, 60 n, 62 "Wellington, Duke of, letter from, 73 Yatea, John, minister, 9; his character and la­ Welsh Arminiane, 51 bours, 9; sermons by. 10 n; his death, 10 ; Wenning, 189 particulars of birth ana education, 10 n; 37 n Wesley, Rev. John, 46; preaches hi Liverpool Yates, Joseph B., 16,143 n 46 Yorke, Simon, 74; exhibitor, 70 Wesleyan Chapel, Ktt Street, 46 Young, Mr., H3n West, " Bishop," 36,48 West Derby Hundred, names Danish, 137 Westchester, 190 West Harden, 190 Zion chapel, 45,50 West Kirliy, sketch of a door from, 73 Zosimus, record by, 213