7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 1 2 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 7TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Environmental Science, Green Technology, and Society: Pushing the Boundaries Toward Sustainability

PROGRAM 13-15 June 2018 University of Eastern University Town, Northern Samar, Philippines

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 1 CONFERENCE PROGRAM

DAY 1 13 JUNE 2018

TIME ACTIVITIES RESOURCE PERSON 8:00-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:15 Opening Ceremony Prayer and National Anthem University Chorale Opening Remarks Dr. Lemnuel V. Aragones President, Philippine Environmental Science Association (PESA) Director and Professor, Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines Diliman (IESM-UPD) 9:15-9:30 Welcome Remarks Dr. Rolando A. Delorino Conference Chair President, University of Eastern Philippines 9:30-9:40 Conference Overview Dr. Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava Conference Co-chair Dean, School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM-UPLB) 9:40-10:30 Keynote Address and Open Forum MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS TO COPE WITH FOOD AND HEALTH SECURITY IN ASIA Dr. Ryohei Kada Professor, Shijonawate Gakuen University, Osaka, Japan Moderator Dr. Tito M. Cabili Dean, College of Education University of Eastern Philippines 10:30-11:00 Group Photo and Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 Plenary Talk and Open Forum CONDUCTING POLYMER COMPOSITES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS Dr. Christina A. Binag Professor, University of Santo Tomas Moderator Dr. Abel Alejandro U. Flores, Jr. Professor, College of Science University of Eastern Philippines 11:30-12:00 Plenary Talk and Open Forum JOURNEY TO THE DEPTHS OF BENHAM BANK Dr. Hildie Maria E. Nacorda Assistant Professor, SESAM-UPLB Moderator Dr. Ronelie C. Salvador Professor, College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources, University of Eastern Philippines 12:00-1:00 Networking Lunch 1:00-1:30 Keynote Address and Open Forum THE JOURNEY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE(S) IN THE PHILIPPINE CONTEXT Dr. Percy E. Sajise Honorary Research Fellow, Biodiversity International Senior Fellow, Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture Moderator Dr. Rolando A. Delorino Conference Chair President, University of Eastern Philippines

2 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 1:30-2:00 Speed Talks: Selected Papers Dr. Loucel E. Cui University Researcher, SESAM-UPLB 2:00-3:00 Parallel Sessions 1. Climate Change, Variability, and Air Quality 2. Environmental Impact Assessment 3. Biodiversity and Conservation (Terrestrial) 4. Biodiversity and Conservation (Aquatic) 3:00-3:30 Poster Session and Coffee Break Sponsor Exhibits 3:30-4:30 Parallel Sessions 1. Climate Change, Variability, and Air Quality 2. Environmental Impact Assessment 3. Biodiversity and Conservation (Terrestrial) 4. Biodiversity and Conservation (Aquatic) 4:30-5:30 Poster Presentation Session 6:00-9:00 Cultural Night and Dinner

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 3 DAY 2 14 JUNE 2018

TIME ACTIVITIES RESOURCE PERSON 7:30-8:30 Registration 8:30-9:00 Plenary Talk and Open Forum THE 3GS AS THE FOUNDATION FOR PUSHING ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE BEYOND BOUNDARIES Dr. Perry S. Ong Dean, College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman Moderator Dr. Lemnuel V. Aragones President, PESA Director and Professor, IESM-UPD 9:00-9:30 Plenary Talk and Open Forum CONSERVING NATURAL RESOURCES BY PRODUCING MORE Atty. Asis G. Perez Executive Director, Tanggol Kalikasan, Inc. Moderator Dr. Lemnuel V. Aragones President, PESA Director and Professor, IESM-UPD 9:30-10:00 Group Photo and Coffee Break 10:00-10:30 Plenary Talk REHABILITATION EFFORTS IN BORACAY ISLAND Mr. Livino B. Duran OIC, Assistant Regional Director for Management Services Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Region VI Moderator Prof. Romula A. Obleopas Professor, College of Science University of Eastern Philippines 10:30-12:30 Parallel Sessions 1. Environment, Resources, and Population Dynamics 2. Integrated Water Resource Systems 3. Environmental Education and Integration of Information Database and Networks 4. and Wetlands 12:30-1:30 Networking Lunch 1:30-2:30 Keynote Address and Open Forum Senator Cynthia A. Villar Senate Chair on Food and Agriculture Senator, Republic of the Philippines Moderator Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez Associate Professor, SESAM-UPLB 2:30-3:00 Speed Talks: Selected Papers Dr. Loucel E. Cui University Researcher, SESAM-UPLB 3:00-5:00 Parallel Sessions 1. Land use and Land Cover Change 2. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 3. Human Health and Environmental Hazards 4. Best Practices and Green Solutions for Sustainable Development 5:00-5:30 Discussions: The Future of Environmental Dr. Lemnuel V. Aragones Science in the Philippines President, PESA Director and Professor, IESM-UPD 5:30-5:45 Closing Remarks Dr. Maria Victoria O. Espaldon Chair, Scientific Session Professor, SESAM-UPLB 6:00-8:00 Dinner at the University of Eastern Philippines, White Beach Resort

4 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science DAY 3 15 JUNE 2018

TIME ACTIVITIES RESOURCE PERSON 6:00-8:00 Travel to Biri Island 8:00-12:00 Field Exposure and Lectures TECTONICS OF CENTRAL PHILIPPINES AND THE PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF BIRI ISLAND Dr. Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava Conference Co-chair Dean, SESAM-UPLB

THE BIOGEOGRAPHY OF BIRI AND NORTHERN SAMAR Dr. Myrna N. Ogoc Professor, College of Science University of Eastern Philippines 12:00-1:00 Lunch Break 1:00-3:00 Travel back to UEP

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 5 ABSTRACT KEYNOTE ADDRESS


Ryohei Kada Professor, Shijonawate Gakuen University, Japan

1. Introduction: Expanding Ecological Risk and Food Insecurity

Increasing ecological risks and greater impacts of climate change are among the most serious threats to many Asian countries. High economic growth, population increase, industrialization and rapid urbanization have not only affected the sustainability of natural resources and socioeconomic systems, but also endangered food and health security of the people.

In our Philippines-Indonesia-Japan joint research project, entitled as “Managing Environmental Risks to Food and Health Security in Asian Watersheds,” we have tried to seek for practical solutions for food and health securities of the people in Asian watersheds. Drastic changes in water system and land use patterns in many watersheds have caused serious damages and expanded natural disasters such as flooding and soil erosion.

The damages not only result in huge economic loss but also affect serious public health issues in the urban areas located downstream, and pose a threat to the food security of the people, as typically shown in the region, Philippines and Sekampung watershed in west Sumatra, Indonesia. We tried to build up partnership with local governments, community leaders, yraders and other private sector people and other stakeholders to put in place community-based resource management system to ensure sustainable resource-base and food-health securities of the people.

2. Transdisciplinary Approach in Laguna Lake Regions, Philippines

Our research project is a social action research that showcased the comprehensive process of integrated trans-sectoral analysis of impact of urbanization in the Laguna Lake region. It is a kind of social action research that demonstrates the process of establishing and adoption of common multi-stakeholder resource management.

The “Yaman ng Lawa (YNL, blessings of lake in Tagalog) Project” has been conducted since April 2012. A trans-disciplinary watershed research, a participatory, community-based social action research based on local knowledge and wisdom, has been challenged so as to combat lake degradation and for restoring local fish habitat and population and livelihood of fisherfolks. This project has inspired the renewal of the practice of traditional “Bayanihan Spirit (Collective Volunteerism)” This trans-sectoral social action research is basically a revival of the traditional culture called “Bayanihan” (Volunteerism or Self-help) between and among local fishermen with various scientists from UP-Los Banos and those from Kyoto, Japan.

This indicates the transformation of traditional practices into science-based knowledge by showcasing the adoption of local fishermen’s bio-signals and other forms of traditional communication of locally observed ecological changes for combatting fish kills and other forms of environmental risks in the lake. It has established a one year daily actual fish harvest by open lake fishermen which now become the benchmark for future studies of lake productivity by students and professors of school of environmental science, economics, fisheries and rural development at the University of the Philippines and various colleges in and around the Laguna Lake Watershed areas.

3. Sustainable Community-Based Resource Management

The project has inspired the renewal of the practice of traditional “Bayanihan Spirit (Collective Volunteerism)” which now serves in harmonizing partnership of lakeshore communities in restoring lake productivity. The project has created academic interests among Development Communication students at the UPLB who have started studying the YNL Yankaw Project for their MS research/thesis programs. As a result instead of current practice of providing “small eco-dot” in open lake provided by single Yankaw, the Yaman ng Lawa Fish Garden Sanctuary cover a total surface area of 12 hectares of ecologically restored lake sanctuary, where community of fishes took shelter, refuge and is able to breed and repopulate. As a critical part of the Community-based approach, a set of requirements and limitations of the Yaman ng Lawa Fish Garden Sanctuary Approach, at its very inception and implementation, are fully recognized among stakeholders in the project. 6 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science It highlighted the experience in adopting the transdisciplinary approach to understand the major environmental issues facing the Santa Rosa-Silang subwatershed areas. These issues specifically refer to the relationships among economic and demographic changes, the nature of ecosystems services, and the role of these services in the interlinked urban/rural livelihood systems, particularly those of the poor who are very dependent on the natural environment for livelihood and the measures or strategies taken to address them.

It also highlighted the importance of going beyond the traditional environmental management approach of predicting, mitigating, implementing and possibly monitoring that is a one-time event and a result of intensive research and modeling as well as opinions of experts. The reason is that unanticipated changes in the environmental conditions that are borne by subsequent information would render predictions inaccurate and outcomes uncertain. The adaptive management approach, which adds two additional steps of “monitoring and adapting,” was seen to provide a significant improvement.

4. Roles of Agroforestry and Coffee Certification in Upper Sekampung Watersheds, Indonesia

In Indonesia, we have examined the economic significance of coffee agroforestry system in Upper Sekampung watersheds, west Sumatra. We conducted a thorough household survey by interviewing 408 coffee farmers in two sub-districts in the Upper Sekampung watershed. This watershed not only serves as major food baskets such as rice, maize, cassava, and fishery products, but also produces major export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, palm oil, and coconut.

However, the current land use system especially in the catchment area has led to serious soil degradation in the watershed, where 49 percent of land area is degraded, 34 percent potential to degrade and 17 percent non-degraded. The average rate of soil erosion is 67.5 ton per hectare per year, which is much higher than the tolerable soil loss of 25 ton per hectare.

By conducting farm-economic analysis, we have compared the economic performance of coffee agroforestry in different land- use systems in the study sites. Farmers in the study sites have adopted coffee agroforestry system for a while using shaded fruit trees and multi-strata coffee system to secure household income and to contribute to conservation practices in the catchment area of the watershed. Average coffee production in Upper Sekampung is 394 kg/ha, which is far away below the national average of 645 kg/ha, mostly due to traditional farming practices and simple processing techniques. Coffee crops remain profitable in the watershed, but ample opportunities could be explored to improve the coffee yield and quality to fulfill increasing demand for coffee.

Agroforestry system has provided additional income sources, mostly from tree species, shown by significant higher B/C ratio than the coffee farm only. Supply chain certification programs have attempted to create price premiums at the farm level, where Rainforest Alliance and 4C certificates have been around in the study sites for about 5 and 2 years respectively. Farm gate price of coffee closer to the premium market price has more short-term attention from coffee farmers in the study sites, although environmental risks are higher. The study calls for more empowerment programs for coffee farmers to improve coffee yield and coffee quality, for example by adopting selected red-cherry picking, green-washing and dry processing of the post-harvest handling.

5. Key Elements of Sustainable Water Resource Management

We have also examined the nature and impacts of land use changes in Way Betung Watershed on the capacity of water resources supplier of Bandar Lampung City, and estimated the economic value of Way Betung water resources. Way Betung watershed serves as one important network of Sekampung Watershed and the most potential water resources supplier for the City of Bandar Lampung, particularly for potable regional water company (PDAM) in the Provincial Capital.

An integrated bio-physical and economic model was employed to examine the impact of land-use changes. A demand function of willingness to pay (WTP) was adapted to estimate the annual economic value of water resources in the watershed. The results shows that the drivers of land use changes in the Way Betung watershed include: (1) increasing annual run off coefficient, (2) the maximum daily discharge (Q max), and (3) decreasing daily minimum discharge (Q min), as (4) increasing fluctuation of river discharge. Total annual economic value of water resources of Way Betung watershed was Rp 101.1 billion per year and the total WTP value for the rehabilitation of Way Betung watershed was Rp 1.5 billion per year.

These estimates were derived from public clean water sector, tourism, water mineral companies, households and paddy field farmers in the upstream portion of the watershed. The study recommends some scenarios of water resources development, by simulating the erosion level and run-off and potential economic consequences for the future. The best scenario for sustainable water resources of Way Betung watershed includes forest cover as much as 30 percent of the watershed and alley cropping on mixed farming system. This development will reduce the erosion to lower than the tolerable soil loss (TSL) and decrease the fluctuation of monthly run off from 64.7 to 30.9. Finally, association of water users is willing to pay the rehabilitation costs in the catchment area of watershed.

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 7 6. Concluding Remarks on Community-based Resource Management

In the Philippines Lake Laguna case, the trans-sectoral social action research addresses key game changers for the effective risk management resulting from poor urban waste management for reducing the impacts of declining lake ecological and economic productivity on human health and livelihood. Of great significance is the participation of community volunteers in all phases of the researches that respond fully well to the growing recognition that the sustainable local governance of water resources requires building social-ecological resilience against future surprises. It provided researchers the opportunity to recognizing the concept of adaptive co-management, a distinct institutional mechanism that combines the learning focus of multilevel linkages of co-management with appropriate mechanisms for building social-ecological resilience.

Following the ideas promoted by E. Ostrom on the role of community organization as the deterrent to Hardy’s Tragedy of the Commons, we have developed community-friendly methods of enhancing with science the local adaptation option for reducing the impacts of fishkills and lake pollution on livelihood of open water fisherfolks. This was accomplished by the implementing community-based pilot demonstration of “Yankaw Floating Fish Garden Sanctuary,” which now serves as the living model for downscaling Trans-disciplinary Watershed Research to Participatory, Community-oriented social action research on local knowledge in combatting lake degradation and for restoring local fish habitat and population and livelihood of fishermen.

One significant observation is that stakeholders’ participation is an important factor to achieve sustainable ecosystem services in regional communities. Our study has revealed an important role of major stakeholders and involvement of local authorities. Furthermore, policy changes are needed to provide alternatives for farmers’ decision on land-use systems and crop rotations to manage ecological risks and to ensure the level of profitability of agroforestry systems in the watersheds.

Such integrated approach could also contribute to better farming practices that would ensure sustainable resource management, agricultural production and livelihood consequence at the landscape and regional levels. Involvement of local community and other key stakeholders could also contribute to the improvement of social capital and effective networking for co-design of integrated natural resource management.

Keywords: Trans-disciplinary approach, Community-based resource management, , Co-adaptive management


1. Ryohei Kada, Valuation of Non-Marketed Agricultural Ecosystem Services, and Food Security in Southeast Asia.(Mar. 2014) In Kaneko, N. et al. (eds.) Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks, (Chap. 10, pp 111-121). Springer, Tokyo, New York and London, ISBN: 978-4- 431-54803-4, DOI 10.1007 (Online: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-4-431-54804-1)

2. Roberto F. Rañola Jr., Fe M. Rañola, Maria Francesca O. Tan, Ma. Cynthia S. Casin (Mar. 2014). Emerging Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues Affecting Food Security: A Case Study of Silang-Santa Rosa Subwatershed. in Kaneko, N. et al.(eds.) Sustainable Living with Environmental Risks, Springer, (Chap. 11,pp 123-135). ISBN: 978-4-431-54803-4

3. B.H.N. Razafindrabe, M.A. Cuesta, B. He, R.F. Rañola Jr., K. Yaota, S.Inoue, S. Saito, T. Masuda, R.N. Concepcion, A. Santos-Borja & R. Kada (2015) , Flood risk and resilience assessment for Santa Rosa-Silang subwatershed in the Laguna Lake region, Philippines, Environmental Hazards, 14:1, 16-35, DOI: 10.1080/17477891.2014.981497

8 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science ORAL PRESENTATIONS DAY 1 SESSION A: CLIMATE CHANGE, VARIABILITY, AND AIR QUALITY Moderator: Dr. Merle N. Tonog | Venue: UEP Gymnatorium

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:00-2:12 Assessment of the adaptation strategies by farmers at Mt. Isarog A.R. Pesimo, E. M. Basilla, R.A. Tabardillo, watershed area to the impacts of extreme weather conditions & J.D. Tabardillo Sr. 2:12-2:24 Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment of the Agri-fisheries Sector in B. Peñaflor & M.R. Romero the Province of Isabela, Philippines 2:24-2:36 Perceptions toward Climate Change: The Case of Batad Community R.J.C. Ducusin, M.VO. Espaldon, of Banaue, Ifugao C.M. Rebancos, & L.E.P. De Guzman 2:36-2:48 Trends in Local Climate Change And Agriculture And Fisheries F.E. Cortez Productivity In The Province Of Northern Samar 2:48-3:00 Open Forum POSTER SESSION AND COFFEE BREAK 3:30-3:42 Mainstreaming Climate Change and Disaster Risks in Planning Y.A. Sucol, E.G. Rozul, C.C. Francia, for Development and Capacity Building for Resilience: The Case in R. Revilla, M. Juangco, C.S. Padilla, Region IV-A & H. Ramos 3:42-3:54 Climate Change and the Academe: Insights and Initiatives MP. De Asis & M.N. Ogoc 3:54-4:06 Carbon Sequestration Potential of a Dedicated Carbon Forest Site in J. A.G. Palomar, H.B. Centeno, F.B. Pulhin, Sicogon Island, Iloilo J.F.B. Porras, A.M.M. Gonzales, A.K.V. Monzon, D.G. Tablazon, O.G. Coroza, E.L.B. Rico, & N.A.D. Mallari 4:06-4:18 Human Health Problems Associated with Climate Change in R.M. Bontia & A.M. Obrar Poblacion, Catarman Northern Samar 418-4:30 Open Forum

SESSION B: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Moderator: Dr. Ma. Lourdes C. Alvarez | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Plenary Hall

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:00-2:12 Sediment Quality Assessment near a Tailings Pond of a Large-Scale D.F. Palma, K.A.C. Catalan, Mining Project in Northern , Philippines M.J.B. Nucum, & B.A.L. Santillan 2:12-2:24 Detection of Heavy Metals In Batissa Angulate (Clams) Obtained M.L.C. Alvarez & C.C. Paradero From Two Selected Barangays Of Mondragon, Northern Samar, Philippines 2:24-2:36 Environmental Impact Assessment of Catarman Oil Mills, Inc., San M.N. Ogoc Jose N. Samar 2:36-2:48 The Impact of Mining activities in alteration of as levels in the J.Garcia, K-H. Kim, M.C. Jung, surrounding ecosystems: An encompassing risk assessment and & A.C.V. Siababa evaluation of remediation strategies 2:48-3:00 Open Forum POSTER SESSION AND COFFEE BREAK 3:30-3:42 Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals In Cultured Scylla Serrata (Mud J.L. Erivera & K.M.R. Cui-Lim Crab) Collected From Northern Samar 3:42-3:54 Biosorption of Heavy Metals in La Trinidad, Benguet using Banana J.R.E. Espinas, J.R. Unson, & M.A.L. Guzman Peels 3:54-4:06 Lead Phytoremediation Potential of Water Hyacinth [Eichhornia J.A. Arriesgado, M.A.P. Medina, Crassipes (Mart.) Solms.] and Water Mimosa (Neptunia Oleracea A.G. Toledo-Bruno, & J.H.P. Patricio Lour.) in Pulangi Lake, Maramag, 4:06-4:18 Bioremediation of Bacillus subtilis in Diesel-Contaminated Loamy A.P. Cadiz, J.D. Dacasin, & M.M. Fontanar Soil 4:18-4:30 Open Forum 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 9 SESSION C1: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION (TERRESTRIAL) Moderator: For. Sofia A. Alaira | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 1

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:00-2:12 Avifaunal Biodiversity and Population at the Bird Sanctuary of A.A. Yusop Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology 2:12-2:24 Avifaunal Diversity within Different Habitat Types in Malbato, Coron D.P. Lovina, S.C. Ling, A.D. Talaña, and Calauit Island, Palawan K.M.E. Pitogo, & L.E. Afuang 2:24-2:36 Assessment of Avian Fauna in Selected Barangays of Pambujan, J.L. Lucban & A.A.U. Flores, Jr Northern Samar 2:36-2:48 Found and Lost Again: The Philippine Eagle in Leyte Island and J. Fuentes & P.S. Ong Potential Prey Items Found Therein 2:48-3:00 Open Forum POSTER SESSION AND COFFEE BREAK 3:30-3:42 Ecology of Philippine tarsiers (Tarsius syrichta Linnaeus, 1758): S.G.F. Bejar, D.M.P. Purificacion, M.R.M. Duya, Ranging behavior of a population in an isolated forest patch in M.V. Duya, & P.S. Ong Mindanao 3:42-3:54 Local Ecological Knowledge on Land Snail Diversity in Mt. Banahaw, K.M.G. Perez, V.C. Cuevas, E.R.C. de Chavez, Luzon Island, Philippines C.M. Rebancos and J.C.T. Gonzalez 3:54-4:06 Environmental conservation mechanisms of small-island in Northern T.M. Cabili & Z. Cabili Samar 4:06-4:18 Species Richness of Lichens in Center For Ecological Development R. Simbajon, I. Ontoy, R. Alcuizar, & M.Z.Gatela And Recreation (Cedar), Impalutao, Impasug-Ong, Bukidnon 4:18-4:30 Open Forum

SESSION C2: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION (AQUATIC) Moderator: Dr. Perry S. Ong | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 2

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:00-2:12 First report on the fishery and ecology of thresher sharks in R.N Muallil & M.G.N. Hapid Tawi-Tawi, Philippines 2:12-2:24 Identifying Potential Upper Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems Using P.C.M. Flores, F.P. Siringan, K.T. Go, R.L. Low-Cost Side Scan Sonar in Masinloc, Zambales, Philippines Albelda, & P.C. Cabaitan 2:24-2:36 Profiling of antibiotic sensitivity, virulence, and resistance of human J.A.A. Caras, L.S.L. Lumang, M.C.M. Obusan, & pathogenic microorganisms isolated from stranded cetaceans in the L.V. Aragones Philippines 2:36-2:48 Assessment of the Status of Blue Swimmer Crab, Portunus pelagicus, F.G. Romero, A. Inkani, & S.Paalan Wild Stock in Panglima Sugala, Tawi-Tawi 2:48-3:00 Open Forum POSTER SESSION AND COFFEE BREAK 3:30-3:42 Biodiversity of Freshwater Mollusks in Molawin Creek, Los Baños A.M. Obrar, C.J. Factor, R.A. Evora, R.E. Guia, Laguna, Philippines R.M. Alemania, & R. de Chavez 3:42-3:54 Water Quality Assessment of Natigbasan Stream and Benthic I.I. Ontoy, R.K. Alcuizar, R. B. Simbajon, & Macrovertebrates as Bioindicators in an Ecopark, Impasugong, M.Z.P. Gatela Bukidnon, Southern Philippines 3:54-4:06 Importance of Enhalus acoroides and Identification of its Associated K.J. D. Caimbre, M.V.D. Naboya, S.M.A. Lianza, Invertebrate Fauna & M.G. Udtujan 4:06-4:18 Habitat Preference of the Mud Clam Polymesoda expansa A.G. Antong, A.G.G. Balatayo, C.J.B. Mousson, 1849 (Bivalvia: Corbiculacea) in the Pagbilao Mangrove Constantino, K.T. Santos, J.B.M. Zuñiga, & Experimental Forest, Province, Philippines H.M.E. Nacorda 4:18-4:30 Open Forum

10 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science ORAL PRESENTATIONS DAY 2


TIME TITLE AUTHORS 10:30-10:42 Women on the Ground at Ground Zero: Addressing Gender-Based R.L. Ty Violence in the Aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan 10:42-10:54 Changing Techno-Politics in Indigenous People’s Agroecosystem: E.F. Roquino The Disappearance of Pingkol in Kiangan, Ifugao, Philippines 10:54-11:06 The Mansaka People, Their Belief-system on Nature, and their N.F. Marquez & G. Eviota-Rivera Environmental Participation an Investigation based on Spinoza’s Pantheism and Nietzsche’s Dual Forces 11:06-11:18 The Vigan Burnay Industry and its Sustainability: A Challenge to the M. Javier Millennials 11:18-11:30 Open Forum 11:30-11:42 Analysis of Profitability and Poverty of Small-Scale Fishers from T.M.F. Perez, M.M. Fabella, R.F. Subade Romblon 11:42-11:54 Conservation Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Contribution of R.N. Pareja Tenured Migrants in Mts. Palaypalay Mataas na Gulod Protected Landscape, Maragondon, 11:54-12:06 Household perception and remote sensing determination of D.A. Luna, M.L.O. Espaldon, & I.A.F. Lambio mangrove cover trend of Island, Mauban, Quezon

12:06-12:18 To Irrigate or Not?: Case stories of ATs on Monitoring for Crop Water R.L.D. Areglado, D.V. Faustino-Eslava, L.E. Cui, Stress M.R.V. Regalado, M.V.O. Espaldon, & Y.A. Sucol 12:18-12:30 Open Forum

SESSION E: INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS Moderator: Dr. Abel Alejandro U. Flores,Jr. | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Plenary Hall

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 10:30-10:42 Philippine Water Security: A Review of Government Policies and P.A.J. Sanchez, M.J. Sobremisana, J.O. Aquino Initiatives on Water & C.B. Gigantone 10:42-10:54 Assessment of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System Potential for U.F. Roa & P.A.J Sanchez Improved Water Source in Sitio Pulot-Bay San Antonio, Kalayaan, Laguna Philippines 10:54-11:06 Potential Drinking Water for Brgy. San Juan, Kalayaan, Laguna using J. Magdalera & P.A.J Sanchez Biosand Filter with Granular Activated Carbon from Locally Available Coconut Shell 11:06-11:18 Distribution Pattern and Multi-statistical Analyses for Anthropogenic J.R.P. Encarguez, M.J.B. Felisilda, S.J.C. Apportionment of Coastal Water Characteristics along Macajalar bay, Asequia, & V.R.K.R. Galarpe Philippines 11:18-11:30 Open Forum 11:30-11:42 Water Quality in an Isolated Community: Ecological Profiling in Sitio J.I.E.F. Castaneda, C.B. Cuevas, M.L.F. Del Pulot-Bae, Barangay San Antonio, Kalayaan, Laguna, Philippines Mundo, A.J.S. Dolores, A.M.I. Inson, L.V. Vista, & P.A.J. Sanchez 11:42-11:54 Effect of Water Quality on the Distribution and Abundance of “Bebe” E.A. Galo, S.F. Gabona, J. Lora, & A. Cerbito Batissa violacea (Bivalvia: Cyrenidae) in Catubig River 11:54-12:06 Water Quality of Drinking Water Pump Sources In Selected M.N. Tonog, M.L.C. Alvarez, & C.V. Mollejon Municipalities Of Northern Samar 12:06-12:18 Performance Efficiency of a Modified Laboratory-scale Model for D.P. Baclayon Rubber Wastewater Treatment Using Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor 12:18-12:30 Open Forum 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 11 SESSION F: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION & INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION DATABASES AND NETWORKS Moderator: Prof. Romula A. Obleopas | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 1

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 10:30-10:42 Adoption of SARAI-Enhanced Agricultural monitoring system M.R.V. Regalado, D.V. Faustino-Eslava, L.E. Cui, (SEAMS) among Agricultural Technicians and Researchers R.L.D. Areglado, H.D. Mendoza, M.V.O. Espaldon, & Y.A. Sucol 10:42-10:54 Collaborative and Near Real-time Agricultural Monitoring through H.D. Mendoza, M.V.O. Espaldon, M.A. Dorado, SARAI-Enhanced Agricultural monitoring system (SEAMS) V.G. Ballaran, L.N.T. Viado, J.M. Suarez, & R.P.M. Cabangbang 10:54-11:06 Re-examing Environmental Valuation R. Subade 11:06-11:18 Communication, Education, Public Awareness (CEPA) towards J.R. Constantino, M.T. Manglicmot, M.Y.Y. Sta Improving Coastal Erosion Management in the Philippines Maria, C.M.B. Jaraula, C.L. Ringor, & F.P. Siringan 11:18-11:30 Open Forum 11:30-11:42 Center for Environmental Studies and Advocacy: Its Turning Point R.A. Delorino & M.N. Ogoc From Vision To Action 11:42-11:54 Social Acceptability of Pollution Abatement Technologies to Improve R.P.M. Cabangbang, M.V.O. Espaldon, the Quality of Laguna de Bay C.M. Rebancos, H.D. Mendoza, J.A.M. Lacson, C.M. Tatlonghari, & G.L.B. Dimasuay 11:54-12:06 Valuing Coastal Areas Loss Towards Transformation of Coastal J.C.C. Bañas, C.T. Posa, R.F. Subade, & Communities of Fishers: A Case in Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines D.N. Salaum 12:06-12:18 Environmental literacy and Network Reinforcement of Secondary V.R.K.R. Galarpe Science Teachers: Basis for Developing Environmental Science Enriched Extension Program 12:18-12:30 Open Forum SESSION G: LAKES AND WETLANDS Moderator: Dr. Yusuf A. Sucol | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 2

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 10:30-10:42 Diversity of Aquatic Macrophytes in , Valencia City as M.Z.P. Gatela & R.B. Simbajon Limnological Health Indicator 10:42-10:54 Problem Coding in a Resilience Assessment Instrument and G.M. Salas Preliminary Findings on the Socio-Ecological Resilience of the Candaba Wetlands 10:54-11:06 Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Fish-Cage Operators on M.V. Elvira, M.L. Magistrado, J.M. Santos, R.V. Environmental Protection and Conservation of Protected Domasian, J.A. Parcon, & M.D. Arboleda Landscape 11:06-11:18 Knowledge System and Transmission Among the Youth About J.E. Razo & C. Tolention-Evangelio Laguna De Bay 11:18-11:30 Open Forum 11:30-11:42 Analysis of Spatial and Historical Trends in Water Quality: A Case of J.T. Macuroy, D.F. Eslava, A.C.SV. Siababa, Laguna de Bay M.V.O. Espaldon & L.E. Cui 11:42-11:54 Screening for Biosurfactant Producing Bacteria from Lakewater and A.C.SV. Siababa, D.V. Faustino-Eslava, J.T. Sediment of Laguna de Bay, Philippines Macuroy, L.E. Cui, B.D. Payot, M.V.O. Espaldon, C.B. Dimalanta, & N.T. Ramos 11:54-12:06 Local Community Perception: A Key to a Healthy Socioecological M.V.O. Espaldon, J.A.M. Lacson, System of the Laguna De Bay D.V. Faustino-Eslava, C.M. Rebancos, S.A. Alaira, C.M. Tatlonghari, G.L.B. Dimasuay, J.M.L. Tapia, A.C.SV. Siababa, J.T. Macuroy, C.B. Dimalanta, H.D. Mendoza, & L.E. Cui 12:06-12:18 Open Forum 12 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science SESSION H: LAND USE AND LAND COVER CHANGE Moderator: Ms. Cherry S. Padilla | Venue: UEP Gymnatorium

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:30-2:42 Iloilo City Throughout the Years: Determining Key Changes to the M.M. Fabella, J.C.C. Bañas, E.J.G. Celis, & Comprehensive Land Use Program from 1998–2020 T.M.F. Perez 2:42-2:54 Enhancing Integrated Management for Ecologically Sustainable S.A. Pasicolan, W.P. Hintural, & J.B. Labita Green Spaces in Selected Highly Urbanized Areas in the Philippines 2:54-3:06 Evaluation of the Vegetative and Structural Measures in Upper M.J. Sobremisana, M.V.O Espaldon, S.A. Alaira, Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape T.P. Lawas, S.Q. Veluz, E.L. Alcantara, C.S. Padilla, J.M. Lacson, L.A. Pangan, & M.L.G. Mendoza 3:06-3:18 Strengthening the easement policy to address coastal erosion in the M.Y. Sta. Maria, C.M.B. Jaraula, C.L. Ringor, J. Philippines Constantino, M. Manglicmot, & F.P. Siringan 3:18-3:30 Open Forum 3:30-3:42 Applying the Concept of Optimum Beach Width in Sustainable C.L. Ringor Landuse Plan of Tourist Areas: A Case Study of Nacpan Beach, El Nido, Palawan 3:42-3:54 Land Cover Change Analysis on the Molawin-Dampalit Watershed of M.G. Vallena Forest Reserve, Philippines 3:54-4:06 Open Forum

SESSION I1: DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Moderator: Dr. Hildie Maria N. Nacorda | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Plenary Hall

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:30-2:42 Understanding Landslide Factors: Meta-analysis of Causative Factors J.L. Arizapa, W.Z. Mañibo, B.Z.Ugat, J.P.Torres, L.E. Cui, C.L. Tiburan, Jr., N.C. Bantayan,J.T. Padrones, C.B. Dimalanta, & D.Faustino-Eslava 2:42-2:54 Generation of Rainfall Intensity-Duration (I-D) Threshold Formula in W. Mañibo, D.V. Faustino-Eslava, B.Z. Ugat, J. CALABARZON Region: A Tool for Early Warning Landslides P. Torres, N. Bantayan, C. Tiburan Jr., L.E. Cui, & J.L. Arizapa 2:54-3:06 Landslides in Southern Leyte, Philippines: A Natural Phenomenon or B.C. Jadina Man-induced Disaster 3:06-3:18 Addressing Climate Risk Vulnerability and Institutional Barriers to M.J.T. Gabule Urban Flood-Prone Community in Protecting School Children in Cagayan de Oro 3:18-3:30 Open Forum 3:30-3:42 Establishment of A Community-Based Local Flood Early Warning J.A.O. Evardone & M.E. Rubenecia System on The Palapag River Basin 3:42-3:54 Mount Making Forest Reserve Flood Susceptibility Mapping: An B.Z. Ugat, W. Mañibo, D.V. Faustino-Eslava, J. Integrated Approach using AHP and GIS P. Torres, N. Bantayan, C. Tiburan Jr., L.E. Cui & J.L. Arizapa 3:54-4:06 Disaster-resilient Academic Community: A HIT-Plan Colloquium G.A. Camer 4:06-4:18 Near-Realtime Watershed Streamflow Forecasting Using Soil and N.H. Tejara & C.L. Khan Water Assessment Tool 4:18-4:30 Open Forum

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 13 SESSION I2: HUMAN HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Moderator: Dr. Blenah O. Perez | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 1

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:30-2:42 Health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in urban road- K.P.A. Espejo & I.A. Navarrete deposited sediments along EDSA, Metro Manila 2:42-2:54 Environmental Elemental Toxin Assay in Wild Birds using Particle- G.A. Camer, S. Ejaz, & M. Ashraf induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Histopathology Analyses 2:54-3:06 Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment of settled I.C.V. Coronel, & I.A. Navarrete dust in selected Metro Rail Transit (MRT-3) stations in Metro Manila 3:06-3:18 Heavy metal contamination in fluvial sediments and agricultural D.C. Bajaro, I. A. Navarrete, & J.R. Unson soils along the Pampanga River 3:18-3:30 Open Forum 3:30-3:42 Wound Healing Effect of Milk Bush (Euphorbia Tirucalli Linn) On C.T. Gorda & A.A.U. Flores, Jr. Albino Mice 3:42-3:54 Environmental Sanitation Practices: Its Implications to The R.A. Obleopas & BJ.L. Dadia Prevalence Of Schistosomiasis In Barangay Old , Catarman, Northern Samar 3:54-4:06 Wound Healing Activity of Ligustrum Sp. (Polipog) Root Decoction M.B. Lucban & M.N. Tonog 4:06-4:18 Impacts of Dumpsite to The Surrounding Environment In Lao-Ang, R.A. Obleopas & R. G. Delim Northern Samar 4:18-4:30 Open Forum

SESSION J: BEST PRACTICES AND GREEN SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Moderator: Dr. Marisa J. Sobremisana | Venue: Center for Advance Studies, Session Hall 2

TIME TITLE AUTHORS 2:30-2:42 Bantay Dugong: An innovative conservation program developed by L.V. Aragones, G.J.A. Gacasan, & R. Ramilo C3 Philippines in Busuanga, Palawan 2:42-2:54 Actinomycete inoculation of NSIC Rc 348 (Oryza sativa L.): A M.J.B. Besmonte, W.R. Morta, J.A. Cruz, & sustainable rainfed lowland rice production solution J.R. Chavez 2:54-3:06 Development and Optimal Usage of an Absorption Refrigeration P.A.J. Sanchez, K.K. Seroje, M.V.O.Espaldon, System Cold Storage Facility for Upland Farmers in La Trinidad, J.F. Calora, Jr., B.T. Seng, C. Espaldon, & Benguet Philippines M.L. Cruz 3:06-3:18 Development of High-Value Materials and Products from C.L. Ringor & C. Pascua Marginalized and Sustainable Resources 3:18-3:30 Open Forum 3:30-3:42 Perception-based Social Acceptability of Subsurface Flow D.R.D. Camus, P.A.J. Sanchez, D.F. Eslava, & Constructed Wetland Treated Dairy Farm Wastewater Reuse for R.B. Demafelis Irrigation 3:42-3:54 A Comprehensive Study of Nutrients/ Nutraceutical Characterization M.J.M. Somoray, K. Milagros R. Cui-Lim, of The Different Species of Seaweeds in Northern Samar, Philippines P.K.P. Ambida, & M.L.C. Alvarez 3:54-4:06 Production and Evaluation of Paper from Snake Plant E.K.V. Elumba (Sansevieriatrifasciata) 4:06-4:18 Bantay Lakay’s Trail of Thrill: An Ecotourism Haven in Quirino L.S. Aspiras, E.G. Antonio, & B.G. Damance Province 4:18-4:30 Open Forum

14 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science SPEED TALKS: SELECTED PAPERS DAY 1

TITLE AUTHORS 1 Rapid Assessment On Riparian Vegetation Lotic Ecosystem In Mabuhay, R.K. Alcuizar & I.I. Ontoy San Jose, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 2 Phytochemical Screening of the Ethanol extracts of Gliricidia sepium M.G.M. Cruz & K.M.R. Cui-Lim (Jacq.) Steud. (Kakawate) 3 The Bat Species In Beto Cave Of Barangay Sawang, Capul Northern M.D. Castillo & R.A. Obleopas Samar 4 Marine Biofouling Communities of Port, , Philippines R.T. Verona, G.M. Salas, E.L. Bergonio, J.G.M. Jansalin, D.V. Marapao, A.M. De Guzman, L.C. Navarro, & H.M.E. Nacorda, 5 Assessment Of Coral Reefs In Bongao, Tawi-Tawi A. Bara, A. Sakilan, D. Burias, N. Jumaide, & S.Z.B. Halun 6 Status Of Sea Cucumber Fisheries In Tawi-Tawi N.M.A. Maratas, J. P. Alingas, D.P. Burias, N.T. Jumaide, A.S. Bara, A. Sakilan, F. Jumawan, & S.Z. B. Halun 7 Textile Application And Antimicrobial Activity Of Biosynthesized Zinc S.C.C. Pamintuan & K.M.R. Cui-Lim Oxide Nanoparticles From Nypa Frutican Seeds’ Starch 8 Species Composition And Abundance Of Seaweed Resources In The D.M. Galenzoga Island Town Of Biri, Northern Samar, Philippines 9 Case Study on Ecotourism in Southeast Asia 2002-2017 N.M. Apolinario, R.B. Bicomong , J. Maniscan, J.F. Rebugio & J.E. Santos 10 Consumers’ Attitudes and Preferences Towards Eco-friendly Bags: Basis R.V. Valenzuela for the Crafting of Promotional Strategies 11 Carbon Stock Assessment Of Seagrass Beds In Tondon, Panglima Sugala D.P. Burias, N.T. Jumaide, F.L. Jumawan, M.A. Tingob, And Sibutu, Tawi-Tawi W.I. Lunga, N.T. Jumaide, R. Tarajul, J. Muharram, A.S. Bara, A. Sakilan, & S.Z.B. Halun 12 Research-Based Information Dissemination Plan for Wildlife M.T.P.M. Iglopas, C. Sta. Ana, & S. Reyes Conservation in Los Baños, Laguna 13 Biocomposite Films From Kappa-Carrageenan (Kc) Filled With Nanorod- F.M.S. Dagalea & K.M.R. Cui-Lim Rich Zinc Oxide (Zno-N): Its Physicochemical And Antimicrobial Properties 14 An Equation To Estimate The Missing Rainfall Data For Catarman, C.A. De Asis Northern Samar, Philippines 15 Implementation of the Solid Waste Management Program J.L. De La Cruz in Santiago, Ilocos Sur

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 15 SPEED TALKS: SELECTED PAPERS DAY 2

TITLE AUTHORS 1 Tropical River Discharge and Coastal Air/Sea Processes in the Philippines O. Cabrera. & J. Pullen 2 Disaster Risk Reduction Management In Selected Coastal Barangays In R.A. Obleopas & S. O. Demeterio The Municipality Of Palapag, Northern Samar 3 Beliefs Underlying Household Waste Recycling In Barangay Galutan, M.D. Alvarez Catarman, Northern Samar 4 Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) as Black Mosquito Repellent Coil J.A. Marticion, M.J.S. Ozaraga, C.C.G. Almazan, J.C.A. Dellaba, E.C. Mente, K.L.A. Pabes, T.M.G. Tagab, & J.D.E. Valdehueza 5 Biosynthesis Of Silver Nanoparticles From Betel Nut Palm (Areca R.J.M. Valenciano Catechu) Seed Starch 6 Optimal Premium Price of a Weather Index-Based Rice Insurance P.D.M. Samson & D.C.N. Cuaresma Product in Laguna 7 The Level Of Sustainability, Environmental And Life Cycle Assessment Of R.A. Salmingo Industrial Technology Research Projects In Carlos Hilado Memorial State College 8 Assessment For The Adoption Of Sustainable Agricultural Practices R.D. Gallardo Through Integrated Farming System By The Farmers Of Imelda, Zamboanga Sibugay 9 Vulnerability of Small-Scale Fisherfolks in Selected Barangays near A.P. Cadiz, B.G. Sanchez, E.V. Evangelista Laguna Northern West Bay 10 Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Electricity from a Theoretically M.B. Cadalin Assessed Renewable Resource 11 Estimated plastic marine debris contribution of Badian, Cebu to Tañon M.K.O. Paler, A. Bruce, R.C. Ancog, N.D. Roble, & V.P. Strait Migo 12 Impacts Of And Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events: A Household F.J.T. Macalam, J.M.A. Del Vega, K.J.R. Lino, M.J.I. Perspective of Bay, Laguna Ilagan, & J.G. Jomao-as 13 Golden Apple Snail Shell (Pomacea maculata and Pomacea canaliculata) C.S. Saldon, J. Marticion, C.B. Saguin, C. Mercadera As Chalk Material 14 Compliance to the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA F.K.M. Leopoldo & R.F. Bornales Jr. 9003) in Barangay Sto. Niño, Pagadian City

16 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science POSTER PRESENTATIONS

TITLE AUTHORS P1 Impact Of Environmental Factors To Rice Production In Selected Rice Farms In R.A. Oblepas & A.N. Yabao Catarman, Northern Samar P2 Pteridophytes Of San Jose, Northern Samar L.P.E. Balasolla P3 Phytochemical Screening of Sphagneticola trilobata (Wedelia) Plant extract H.L.G. Pulga & F.L. Sanico P4 Community Structure Of Seaweeds In Selected Coastal Areas Of Mondragon J.P.E. Guasis, F. P. Mahinay, & R.O. Belga Northern Samar P5 Inventory of Dioscorea in Selected Barangays of Mondragon, Northern Samar S.P. Marino & B.O. Perez P6 Inventory of Pteridophytes in Selected Barangays of Mondragon, Northern D.T. Caranzo & B.O. Perez Samar P7 The Fresh Water Fauna In Gamay River, Gamay, Northern Samar, Philippines N.E. Pugnit & M.L.D. Santos P8 Inventory Assessment Of Orchids In Selected Barangays Of Palapag, Northern K.M.P. Militar, M.C.G. Vicencio & R.O. Belga Samar, Philippines P9 Pteridophytes Of Biri, Northern Samar P.K.P. Ambida P10 Histochemistry And Phytochemical Profile Of The Leaves, Stem And Roots Of L.E. Narca & M.L.D. Santos Salacia Korthalsiana Miq.(Polipog) P11 Fishes In Seagrass Beds In Three Selected Island Barangays Of Lavezares, F.R.U. Sorio & M.L.D. Santos Northern Samar P12 Community Structure Of Forest Trees In Barangay Santander, Bobon, Northern R.A. Obleopas & C.B. Castillo Samar P13 A Preliminary Survey Of The Intertidal Seagrass Meadows And Its Associated M. L.D. Santos, P.F.D. Santos & F.R.U. Sorio Fauna In The Birilarosa Protected Landscape And Seascape, Northern Samar P14 Inventory Of Macrofauna In Bugko River K.P.A. Mungcal & P.F.D. Santos Mondragon Northern Samar P15 Species Composition of Seaweeds in Palapag, Northern Samar T.J.L. Abobo & B.O. Perez P16 Assessment Of Avian Fauna In Selected Barangays Of Pambujan, Northern Samar J.L. Lucban, Jr. & A.A.U. Flores, Jr. P17 Beetles In Selected Barangays Of Catarman, Northern Samar, Philippines J.C. Jazmin & A.A.U. Flores, Jr. P18 Phytochemical Screening Of Melastoma Malabathricum L.Sp. Flower And Leaf J.R.P. Nordan & L.N. Jonson Extract, Uep Catarman Northern Samar P19 Tree Diversity of Catubig Watershed E.A. Galo P20 Spatially-resolved benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams at an M.E. Jolejole & M.Cayetano industrial site in Laguna P21 Stock Analysis of Fish Catch in Irong-Irong Bay R.O. Abarcar, A.C. Cabib, J.M.C. Cabubas, M.A.I. Gruta, & J.L. Mahinay P22 Carbon Stock Assessment Of Seagrass Beds In Tondon, Panglima Sugala And D.P. Burias, N.T. Jumaide, F.L. Jumawan, Sibutu, Tawi-Tawi M.A. Tingob, W. I. Lunga, N.T. Jumaide, R. Tarajul, J. Muharram, A.S. Bara, A. Sakilan, & S.Z.B. Halun P23 Hydrobiological Study of Catarman Coastal Zone M.N. Ogoc P24 Beliefs Underlying Household Waste Recycling In Barangay Galutan, Catarman, M.D. Alvarez Northern Samar P25 Sociodemographic of Two Municipalities towards Coastal Waters and Solid Waste M.J.B. Felisilda, S.J.C. Asequia, J.R.P. Management: The Case of Macajalar bay, Philippines Encarguez, & V.R.K.R. Galarpe

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 17 P26 Local-scale Latitudinal Variations in Trace and Major Element Concentrations of C. L. Ringor Manganese Nodules in the Korea Deep Ocean Study Site (99-2), Central Part of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, NE Equatorial Pacific P27 Demographics and Environmental Behavior of LGU Employees C.C. Favor P28 Drinking Water Quality Assessment Of Jetmatic Pump Sources In Selected R.R. De La Torre & M.N. Tonog Barangay In San Jose Northern Samar P29 Drinking Water Quality In Barangay Daganas, Catarman, Northern Samar R.A. Obleopas & J. S. Lapizar P30 Geophysical mapping of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in Mabini, M.R.P. Gabuyo & F.P. Siringan, P.C.M. Batangas, South Luzon, Philippines Flores, K.J.S. Sarmiento, C.M.B. Jaraula, R.S. Rodolfo & M.R. Lapus P31 Extent Of Implementation Of Environmental Related Aspects In The University Of M.N. Ogoc Eastern Philippines P32 Extent and Character of the Offshore Extension of the East Zambales Fault, P.C.M. Flores, F.P. Siringan, Y. Maac-Aguilar, Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines A. Daag, M. I. Abigania, B. Marfito, K.J.S. Sarmiento, & M.R.P. Gabuyo P33 Determination of Nutritional Content and Bioavailability of Cr, Co, I, Ni, Fe, Se, M.R.B. Castillo & K.M. Cui-Lim Zn, Ca and Pb in Ulva reticulata Forsskal (Green Alga) P34 Secondary Metabolites Of Hibiscus cannabinus Linn (Sugabang) Leaf M.L. Doncillo Extract In Northern Samar P35 Nutritional And Nutraceutical Content Of Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don J.E. Tibe & C.V. Mollejon (TALYAN) P36 Extent of compliance of the Local Government of Rosario to Republic Act R.T. Florano & M.N. Ogoc No. 10121 P37 Mount Mayon 2018 eruptions and its effect on indoor air quality in J.R. Chavez & M.G. Cayetano Guinobatan, Albay, Philippines P38 Effect of Gigaspora margarita and Entrophospora sp. Inoculation on Growth R.C. Ferre, K.L.O. Untalan, N.S. Aggangan, Response and Cadmium Accumulation of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. & L.V. Alvarez P39 Molluscicidal Effect Of Tuba-Tuba (Jatropha curcas Linn) Extracts On J.L. De Pedro & A.A.U. Flores, Jr. Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) P40 Shortest Route Of Solid Waste Collection At The Poblacion Of Catarman, A.S. Balero, C.J.Dr. Hill, C.E. Lopez, Northern Samar, Philippines J.A.D. Marino, F.B. Ronato, D.C. Basista, & O.Dg. Unay P41 Orange Oil and Neem Leaves Powder as Hair Treatment Against Head Lice, R.E. Gloria Dandruff and Frizz P42 Utilization Of Natural Made Compost As Potential Source Of Electricity M.E.E. Diongco & C. Del Rosario P43 Sound Absorption and Thermal Insulation Potential of Selected Agricultural R.M. Ureta, R.J.D. Templo, & R.D.T. Mercado Wastes Based on their Surface Morphology P44 Agricultural Biomass as Biomaterial Resources for Sustainable Development L.E. Malaluan, J.J.E. Sescar, & W.J.E. Sescar of Green Construction Materials: An Innovation Response to the Twenty-first Century’s Endeavor for Environmental Challenges P45 Preliminary Characterization of Water Filtered Using Peels from Three Species of N.A.A. Pinarok & A.V.G. Nibalvos Banana P46 Sanitation Facilities Of Public Secondary Schools In Cebu City C.M. Martinez P47 Nypa fruticans (NIPA) Starch Filled With Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles As J.H. Agresor & K.M.R. Cui-Lim Corrosion Inhibitor In Steel P48 Shoreline response and recovery to single-storm events along the A.K.S. Gabo & C.L. Ringor siliciclastic coast of Nasugbu Bay, Batangas

18 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science CONFERENCE SPONSORS


7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 19 BP INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture

20 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science hon. jose l. ong governor

hon. edwin c. ong congressman, 2nd district engr. lope dorado jr. norsam builders and construction supply

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 21 7TH ACES CONFERENCE COMMITTEE


Dr. Rolando A. Delorino, Chair Dr. Karina Milagros R. Cui-Lim, Co-Chair (UEP) Dr. Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava, Co-Chair (SESAM-UPLB) Dr. Maria Victoria O. Espaldon, Scientific Committee Chair


PROGRAM AND INVITATION/WELCOME NIGHT CULTURAL ​MODERATORS FOR PARALLEL SESSIONS PRESENTATION Chair: Abel Alejandro U. Flores, Jr. Chair: Dr. Ronato S. Ballado Members: Geraldine P. Muncada, Dr. Marlo Alvarez, Rogelio Members: Dr. Mary Lynn E. Verano, Melisa Celeste C. Bonsol, Benesisto, Christy Entico, Jenny L. Resuello, Rhea V. Cerbito, ​Dr. Blenah O. Perez, Regina O. Belga Danny Gem T. Entico

BUSINESS PROMOTION SOUVENIR PROGRAMS/KITS Chair: Dr. Cherry Ultra Chair: Maria Judy M. Somoray Member: Ma. Leovilla D. Santos Members: Marivic L. Doncillo, Christine V. Mollejon

​REGISTRATION AND FOOD ​​STAGE AND HALL PREPARATION Chair: Mary Jane B. Calpa Chair: Dr. Allan R. Orejudos Members: Riva A. Gatongay, Ida E. Esquierdo, Luz B. Pajenado Members: Herminigildo Arteche, Ashuero Ursua

​PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT AND EXHIBITS ​RESTORATION AND CLEANLINESS Chair: Franklin E. Cortez Chair: Prof. Edward Lagrimas Members: Fel Muncada Members: GSU Staff

ACCOMMODATIONS ​LIGHT AND SOUND Chair: Olga DG. Unay Chair: Danilo Entico Members: Nancy M. Bangco, Perth Kennesa P. Ambida Members: Jonathan Camacho

​​PUBLICITY AND PHOTO DOCUMENTATION FIELD LECTURE/TOUR Chair: Romula Obleopas Chair: Dr. Divina M. Galenzoga Members: UPMAO, Jose P. Ching, Jr., Maximo Resuello III, Members: Franklin E. Cortez, Florencio P. Mahinay, Junmark Docdoc Peter Francis D. Santos

22 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science UPLB-SESAM CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM LOGISTICS Chair: Dr. Maria Victoria O. Espaldon Chair: Maria Luisa G. Mendoza Members: Dr. Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava, Dr. Loucel E. Cui, Members: Joseph M. Vicente, Jeran J. Bunzo, Ruel P. Lameyra, Dr. Hildie Maria E. Nacorda, Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez, Rosemarie Laila D. Areglado, Maria Regina V. Regalado, Dr. Carmelita M. Rebancos Ann Clarisse S.V. Siababa

SCIENTIFIC PAPERS COMMITTEE DOCUMENTATION Chair: Dr. Janice S. Garcia Chair: Simplicio Q. Veluz Members: Dante Gideon K. Vergara, Dr. Marisa J. Sobremisana, Members: Thaddeus P. Lawas, Henry E. Ramos Cherry S. Padilla, Thaddeus S. Lawas, Rosemarie Laila D. Areglado, Maria Regina V. Regalado, Ann Clarisse S.V. Siababa, ​SOUVENIR PROGRAM Jayson L. Arizapa, Beth Zaida H. Ugat, Jonathan T. Macuroy, Chair: Evangeline L. Alcantara Wilbur Z. Mañibo, Heidi D. Mendoza Members: Dr. Loucel E. Cui, Catherine B. Gigantone, Heidi D. Mendoza

WAYS AND MEANS CONFERENCE KIT (USB ID) Chair: Dr. Loucel E. Cui Chair: For. Sofia A. Alaira Members: Dr. Patricia Ann J. Sanchez, For. Sofia A. Alaira, Members: Joseph Vicente, Jessa O. Aquino, Robert Patrick M. Simplicio Q. Veluz, Jessa O. Aquino, Catherine B. Gigantone Cabangbang, Denice Janelle B. Pantua, Heidi D. Mendoza

​SECRETARIAT WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA Chair: Dr. Loucel E. Cui Chair: Dr. Loucel E. Cui Members: Rosemarie Laila D. Areglado, Maria Regina V. Regalado, Member: Joey Philip B. Torres Jayson L. Arizapa, Ann Clarisse S.V. Siababa, Wilbur Z. Mañibo, Beth Zaida H. Ugat, Marlon V. Elvira

7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 23 Philippine environmental science association Office: Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology University of the Philippines Diliman

The Philippine Environmental Science Association (PESA) is a consortium of different higher education institutions originally composed of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU), and De La Salle University (DLSU). PESA was organized to strengthen the value of environmental science as an interdisciplinary field in analyzing and providing solutions to perennial environmental problems of the country. This is in response to the need for a proactive stance to continuously upgrade and advance the level of environmental science research and action to address the various environmental problems affecting the country.

One of the activities to achieve PESA’s goals is the conduct of the Annual National Conference on Environmental Science. The annual conference provides opportunities for research updates and discussions on key environmental agenda that include climate change, environmental impact assessment protocols, biodiversity and conservation, environment- resources-population dynamics, disaster risk management, and best practices and green solutions, among many others. This annual meeting gathers members of the academe, industry, students, research institutions, government agencies, and private organizations for a one or two-day meeting for an active exchange of ideas. The following are the previous conferences organized by the Consortium.

1ST NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AND WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (1st NCES) Theme: Environmental Science for a Changing Environment | 7-8 May 2012 | UP Diliman

2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (2nd NCES) Theme: Harnessing Environmental Science for a SMARTer Interdisciplinary Analysis and Adaptive Management of the Environment | 25-26 November 2013 | UP Los Baños

3RD NATIONAL AND 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (3RD NCES and 1ST ICES) Theme: Strengthening ASEAN Partnership through Environmental Education and Research for Sustainable Future | 24-25 November 2014 | Ateneo de Manila University

4TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (4th NCES) Theme: Towards Achieving Environmental Sustainability through an Interdisciplinary and Globalized Approach | 24-28 November 2015 | University of San Carlos, Cebu

5TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (5th NCES) Theme: Breaking Barriers and Bridging Sciences Toward Healthier Ecosystems and Sustainable Development | 8-10 July 2016 | Mindanao State University – Tawi-Tawi

2ND INTERNATIONAL AND 6TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 5th NCES and 2ND ICES) Theme: Baselining, Yardsticks, and Agenda-Setting in Environmental Science Research | 3-5 August 2017 | UP Los Baños

24 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science 25 7TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (ACES) https://aces-pesa.weebly.com/

26 7th Annual International Conference on Environmental Science