D r a f t O n l y A p p r o v a l P e n d i n g SUMMARY of PROCEEDINGS J O I N T T R A N S P O R T A T I O N , H I G H W A Y S & M I L I T A R Y A F F A I R S C O M M I T T E E

COMMITTEE MEETING INFORMATION November 30-December 1, 2020 | 8:30 AM Online only This meeting was held remotely due to the COVID-19 health emergency.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Senator , Co-Chairman Representative John Eklund, Co-Chairman Senator Jim Anderson Senator Senator Stephan Pappas Senator Representative Stan Blake (excused 11/30/2020 a.m.) Representative Representative Tom Crank Representative Carl Loucks Representative Joe MacGuire Representative Representative Representative Kevin O'Hearn Representative Cyrus Western

LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE STAFF Heather Jarvis, Staff Attorney MaryBeth Oatsvall, Legislative Editor

The Committee Meeting Summary of Proceedings (meeting minutes) is prepared by the Legislative Service Office (LSO) and is the official record of the proceedings of a legislative committee meeting. This document does not represent a transcript of the meeting; it is a digest of the meeting and provides a record of official actions taken by the Committee. All meeting materials and handouts provided to the Committee by the Legislative Service Office, public officials, lobbyists, and the public are on file at the Legislative Service Office and are part of the official record of the meeting. An index of these materials is provided at the end of this document and these materials are on file at the Legislative Service Office. For more information or to review meeting materials, please contact the Legislative Service Office at (307) 777-7881 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The Summary of Proceedings for each legislative committee meeting can be found on the Legislature’s website at www.wyoleg.gov. PAGE 2 OF 11

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee met for two days remotely to finalize its interim work. The Committee received information regarding military matters, including updating the State military code, progress on construction of state veterans' facilities and siting of wind facilities with respect to missile facilities. The Committee received information on transportation and highway matters, including developments regarding a state road usage charge to replace the fuel tax, a WYDOT needs study report, using driver's license applications to register for Selective Service, creating airport districts, concerns with recognizing farm trucks and public safety communications systems. The Committee received testimony and voted to sponsor bill drafts regarding State military code revisions, traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder treatments, Selective Service registration via driver's license applications, abandoned vehicles towing and liens, airport districts, autonomous vehicles and antique motor vehicles.

CALL TO ORDER (MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2020) Co-Chairman Von Flatern called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. The following sections summarize the Committee proceedings by topic. Please refer to Appendix 1-01 to review the Committee Meeting Agenda and Appendix 1-03 to review public comment requests and comments. Video of the meeting is available on the 's YouTube page.

MILITARY DEPARTMENT OPENING REMARKS General Gregory C. Porter, Director, Adjutant General, Wyoming Military Department (WYMD), provided updates on air and army guard deployments, the universal occupational licensure bill draft sponsored by the Joint Corporation, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee, a new connector path in Guernsey, a delayed start for the Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy, COVID-19 response and impacts of State budget reductions on personnel and facilities (Appendix 2-01).

MILITARY CODE REVISIONS Major Karen Hinkle, Staff Judge Advocate, WYMD, provided an overview of military code revisions and discussed the current State military code as out of date, inadequate and unusable. Major Hinkle also stated that failure to fix the outdated language will result in WYMD continuing to be unable to appropriately discipline forces (Appendix 3-01).

Introduction of bill draft Heather Jarvis, LSO Staff Attorney, provided an overview of draft bill 21LSO-0015, Wyoming military code (Appendix 3-02), which amends and updates the state military code and repeals certain provisions.

Committee Action Senator Pappas moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0015 v0.5, Wyoming military code. The motion passed by roll call, with Representatives Blake and MacGuire excused.

TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (TBI) TREATMENT Major Jeremy Anderson, Staff Judge Advocate, WYMD, discussed seeking approval by the Veteran’s Administration for treatment options that include hyperbaric oxygen treatment for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) suffered by current and former military members and benefits (Appendix 4-01).

Public Comment


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 3 OF 11

Denny Sedlack, war veteran and counselor to veterans, expressed support for the joint resolution.

Grady Birdsong, veteran and veteran advocate, expressed support for the joint resolution and discussed treating veterans with hyperbaric oxygen and success rates.

Discussion of bill draft Ms. Jarvis provided an overview of the joint resolution 21LSO-0017, Traumatic brain injury treatments (Appendix 4-02), which requests Congress to enact legislation and requests that the Veteran’s Administration work to expand and improve effort to treat TBI and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Committee Action Senator Steinmetz moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0017 v0.4, Traumatic brain injury treatments. The motion passed by roll call, with Representatives Blake and MacGuire excused. The Committee made the following amendment:

Page 1-above line 1 LSO will incorporate post-traumatic stress disorder into the catch title.

VETERAN'S FACILITIES REPORTS Tim Sheppard, Executive Director, Wyoming Veteran’s Commission discussed the progress and timeline for the Veterans Skilled Nursing Facility (Appendix 5-01, p. 16).

Ryan Scranton, State Construction Department, described and showed photos of construction progress at the Veterans Skilled Nursing Facility (Id., at 17-20). Regarding the Veterans Home, he explained that there does not appear to be an appetite to move forward with a bill to authorize level III study and design.

General public comment on military matters David Salazar, Deputy Director, Wyoming Cowboy Challenge Academy (WCCA), and Martin Gubbels, Torrington resident, spoke in opposition to closing the WCCA. They discussed the history, purposes and successes of the WCCA, state and federal funding, budget cuts, challenges and the future of the program (Appendices 1-03, p. 8-9 and 2-02).

SITING WIND FACILITIES NEAR MILITARY FACILITIES Senator discussed 2020 SF0036, "Large scale solar and wind energy facilities" negotiations with the federal government intended to balance landowners rights with wind siting restrictions and reported an update that the Air Force subsequently obtained a rule for no construction within two miles of certain military facilities. He also explained how existing wind facilities within the two miles would be affected.

Co-Chairman Eklund discussed protecting property owners and property rights and expressed support for the bill draft.

Senator discussed airman safety and national security and expressed opposition to the bill draft.

Senator discussed tension points and the need to have more conversations regarding policy.

Public Comment


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 4 OF 11

Colonel Deane Konowicz, Vice Commander, 90th Missile Wing, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, discussed military readiness, wind turbines, hazards and risks and stated any security issues are national security issues.

Dale Steenbergen, CEO, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, discussed balancing landowner concerns with safety issues for local airmen and supporting the military. He expressed opposition to the bill draft.

Committee Action Senator Anderson moved to table the draft bill 21LSO-0249 v0.5, Wind and solar facilities-siting near military facilities. The motion passed by show of hands.

WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OPENING REMARKS AND FY21 BUDGET K. Luke Reiner, Director, Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), provided opening remarks and 2020 highlights. Director Reiner also discussed employee achievements, Wyoming Transportation Authorization Program (W-TAP), which expands and streamlines WYDOT authorized travel. The program permits motorists to drive on sections of closed roads when authorities deem it safe to do so. He explained budget cut impacts and construction projects delayed (Appendix 9-01).

Dennis Byrne, CFO, WYDOT, gave a WYDOT FY2021 budget presentation (Appendix 9-02). The presentation included the operating budget, revenue, funding ratios with federal and state monies, buying power, and de-earmarking trends. CFO Byrne also discussed anticipated revenue and carryover for motor fuel collections and projected expenditures, such as WYDOT positions, unfunded operating needs, highway improvement funding ratio, increases of construction costs and road deterioration.

ROAD USAGE CHARGE (RUC) UPDATES Director Reiner provided an overview of the RUC (Appendix 10-01), how it works and program development history. He explained additional calculations and considerations and proposed amendments for the legislative session to the bill (Appendices 10-02 and 10-03), which the Committee voted in September to sponsor.

Public Comment Mark Larson, Executive Vice-President, Wyoming Petroleum Marketers Association, expressed support for a fuel tax increase and outlined barriers to a single state implementing a RUC effectively and efficiently (Appendix 10-04).

INDEPENDENT REPORT ON WYDOT NEEDS STUDY Director Reiner introduced Dye Management Group, Inc. (DMG), the transportation needs study and WYDOT’s short-term and long-term needs while prioritizing funding (Appendix 11-01).

Bill Dye, Founder and CEO, DMG, provided background information on DMG, a consulting founded in 1990, and described their best practices and transportation reviews and projects (Id., at 3-4).

Rob Zilay, President, DMG, discussed needs quantification, which include estimated unfunded annual needs, budget needs, which include surface transportation needs of pavement preservation and construction and also include bridge preservation and replacement, highway maintenance, traffic, safety, future


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 5 OF 11 expansion, delayed projects, computer systems, communications, impacts of underfunding Highway Patrol, motor vehicle services, aeronautics, fleet and equipment, buildings and facilities (Id., at 5-28).

SELECTIVE SERVICE UPDATE VIA DRIVER'S LICENSE DATA – STATUTORY UPDATES Introduction of 21LSO-0245 Selective service registration Ms. Jarvis provided an overview of 21LSO-0245 v0.5, Selective service registration (Appendix 12-01), which requires certification of selective service registration consent via driver’s license and identification card applications and requires WYDOT to transmit data to the selective service system.

Don Benton, Director, and Jacob G. Daniels, Deputy General Counsel, United States Selective Service System (SSS), discussed current law, the fact that twenty-nine states and five territories have mandatory registration via driver's licenses and expressed support for the bill draft. Director Benton described effects on Wyomingites of not registering.

John J. Aguirre, Wyoming Director, SSS, discussed Wyoming lagging in registration compared to other states and expressed support for the bill draft.

Taylor Rossetti, Support Services Administrator, WYDOT, discussed the driver’s licensing process in Wyoming and commented regarding mandatory requirement (opt in or out) and administering the program.

Committee Action Senator Anderson moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0245 v0.5, Selective service registration. The motion passed by roll call, with Senator Hutchings and Representatives Blake, Brown, Crank and Western voting “no” and Senator Steinmetz excused. The adopted bill includes the following amendments:

Page 2-line 12 Delete "separate signature line and".

Page 2-line 22 Delete "The department may accept an application from an".

Page 2-line 23 Delete entirely.

Page 3-lines 1 through 9 Delete entirely.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER (TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2020) Co-Chairman Eklund called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

ABANDONED VEHICLE TITLES AND LIEN STATUTES – STATUTORY UPDATES Introduction of bill draft Ms. Jarvis provided an overview of the bill draft 21LSO-0247 v0.3, Abandoned vehicles-towing service liens and titles (Appendix 13-01), which amends and clarifies procedures, notice and fee allowances for abandoned vehicle liens and amends the procedure for obtaining junk vehicle titles.

Lacey Bruckner, Investigation Supervisor, WYDOT, provided a distinction between a storage lien and a mechanic’s lien. Ms. Bruckner also discussed concerns from the working group.


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 6 OF 11

Briana Smith, President, Wyoming Towing and Recovery Professionals, expressed support for the draft bill and discussed proposed amendments listed in Appendix 13-04. Ms. Smith also discussed identifying possessory interest, storage interest, abandoned vehicles, salvaged vehicles and fair-market value versus retail value.

Public Comment Mary Lankford, County Clerks Association of Wyoming, discussed the position of county clerks and provided an overview of their proposed amendment (Appendix 13-02).

Katharine Wilkinson, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, discussed providing more notice to insurance companies, timeframes and a storage fee cap.

Committee Action Representative Blake moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0247 v0.3, Abandoned vehicles-towing service liens and titles. The motion passed by roll call, with Representatives Brown, Crank, MacGuire and Obermueller voting “no” and Representative Western excused. The Committee adopted the following amendments:

Strike or delete, as appropriate, “retail value” and insert “fair market value” throughout.

Delete “county” and “municipality” throughout.

Page 14-line 5 Delete "."; reinsert stricken ", and if a vehicle".

Page 14-lines 6 and 7 Reinsert stricken language.

Page 14-line 8 Reinsert stricken "cost of the services.".

AIRPORT DISTRICTS Introduction of bill draft Ms. Jarvis provided an overview of the bill draft 21LSO-0264 v0.4, Airport districts (Appendix 16-01), which authorizes counties and municipalities to create airport districts, specifies requirements, duties and powers of airport districts, municipalities and counties, authorizes assessments, specifies distribution of a portion of fuel taxes to airport districts and requires cooperation from the Aeronautics Commission.

Laurie Urbigkit, Airport Operators, and Devon Brubaker, Airport Director, Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport and Sweetwater Aviation, explained the need and rationale for airport special districts. They discussed economic activity, local control, funding needs and solutions and expressed support for the bill draft.

Public Comment Brian Olsen, Administrator, WYDOT Aeronautics, expressed neutrality on the draft bill.

Committee Action Representative Brown moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0264 v0.4, Airport districts. The motion passed by roll call vote, with Senators Hutchings and Steinmetz voting “no” and Representative Western excused. The Committee adopted the following amendment:

Page 7-line 18 After "accepting" insert "public".


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 7 OF 11

AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES (AV) Discussion of bill draft Jesse Kirchmeier, Emergency Response Planner, WYDOT, and Ms. Jarvis presented aspects of the bill draft 21LSO-0012 v0.6, Autonomous vehicles (Appendix 17-01), which provides for regulation, registration and licensing of vehicles equipped with an automated driving system. Mr. Kirchmeier also provided perspectives from the working group where they differed from WYDOT's. He reported that there are more than twenty states that already have AV regulation, and the industry would like to know what the rules are going to be in Wyoming.

Comments from Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Tech. and Digital Innovation Tech. Senator , Co-chairman, commented in support of the bill draft and explained that AV vehicles exist, and Wyoming needs a framework in place to handle them.

Director Reiner expressed support for the bill draft, rules and regulations and using technology on the roadways.

Colonel Haller answered safety concerns and explained how law enforcement would adapt.

Representative , Co-chairman, discussed revolutionizing public safety and that there are thirty- eight other states with AV legislation or executive actions. He spoke in favor of the bill and catching Wyoming up and then making Wyoming a leader in this industry.

Public Comment Marsha Allen, Wyoming Automobile Dealers Association, discussed recommendations from the working group and expressed support for the draft bill.

Josh Fisher, Director of State Affairs, Alliance for Automotive Innovation, representing vehicle manufacturers, discussed the future of the industry, key issues and provisions within the bill draft concerning testing of deployment of AV vehicles as creating a delay. Mr. Fisher also discussed data recorders and their accessibility to law enforcement.

Sheila Foertsch, Wyoming Trucking Association, Inc., provided comments on pilot programs and expressed support for the bill draft.

Ms. Wilkinson expressed support for the bill draft with a proposed amendment that AV manufacturers should have separate liability insurance coverage of $5 million.

Committee Action Co-chairman Von Flatern moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0012 v0.6, Autonomous vehicles. The motion passed by roll call, with Senators Hutchings and Steinmetz and Representative MacGuire voting “no” and Representative Western excused. The Committee adopted the following amendments:

Page 3-line 3 After "standard" insert ". A vehicle equipped with an ADS is not a vehicle that is equipped with systems that enhance safety or provide the human driver assistance, but where the collision avoidance systems are not capable, collectively or singularly, of driving the vehicle without the active control or monitoring of a human driver".


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 8 OF 11

Page 10-line 7 After "laws" insert ";"; delete "and the automated".

Page 10-line 8 Delete entirely.

Page 10-line 9 Delete "required by a driver of the vehicle;".

Page 13-line 4 After "from" insert "a vehicle equipped with".

Page 13-line 5 Delete "data recorder".

Page 13-line 7 Delete "interact with" and insert "obtain the information from".

Page 13-line 9 Delete "31-5-1009" and insert "31-5-1108".

Page 17-after line 12 Insert subsection (d) requiring manufacturers to carry $5 million of liability insurance.

Page 19-line 6 After "ADS" insert "that do not meet the other requirements of this article".

FARM TRUCKS - THREE-AXLE TRUCKS AND WORKING GROUP REPORT Co-Chairman Eklund discussed commercial versus noncommercial farm trucks and regulations.

Brent Moline, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, as a member of the Farm Truck Working Group, discussed working with Nebraska to recognize Wyoming farm sticker decals.

Mr. Rossetti discussed issuing farm sticker decal versus a license plate—Wyoming issues a decal.

ANTIQUE MOTOR VEHICLES – STATUTORY UPDATES Discussion of bill draft Representative Landen Brown provided an overview of the bill draft 21LSO-0099 v0.6, Antique motor vehicles (Appendix 19-01), which amends the definition of antique, amends the requirements for registration to include insurance, annual renewal and validation decals, amends the format of antique license plates (pioneer plates) and increases fees.

Mr. Rossetti discussed pioneer plates for antique vehicles and current procedures.

Committee Action Senator Anderson moved the Committee sponsor 21LSO-0099 v0.6, Antique motor vehicles. The motion passed by roll call, with Senators Hutchings and Steinmetz and Representative Blake, MacGuire and Newsome voting “no” and Representative Western excused.

PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, WYOLINK UPDATE, FUNDING OPTIONS AND ALTERNATE SYSTEMS Director Reiner discussed WyoLink in action, describing success stories (Appendix 20-01, p. 1). He commented that it is good to focus on maintenance costs of local users but cautioned not to lose sight of funding the entire system.


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 9 OF 11

Troy Babbitt, Chief Technology Officer, WYDOT, provided an update on WyoLink current system status, which includes sixteen new towers for a total of eighty to ninety-three towers that cover ninety-nine percent of the state. He reported on upgrades to paging, interoperability and broadband. Mr. Babbitt also discussed WyoLink successes for the Mullen fire and statistics and calls in 2019 (Id. at 2-3). He also provided comments on funding for the biennial, the split of the annual fee, and that they received no CARES Act funding.

Jerimiah Rieman, Executive Director, and Kelli Little, Deputy Director, Wyoming County Commissioners Association, discussed maintaining a regular funding source instead of burdening local governments and organizations with the costs and reported that they have formed a working group to propose funding options and solutions.

Chad Dinges, Fire Warden, Albany County, expressed support for WyoLink, the effectiveness of the system especially during the Mullen fire and the need for funding. He expressed concern with smaller departments being unable to pay for maintenance, which could hurt interoperability.

Tom Noble, Sublette County Commissioner, Shad Cooper, Fire Chief and County Fire Warden, and KC Lehr, Sublette County Sheriff, provided comments on the Harris Radio System, the bid process, the project budget and timing and coverage of the county.

Public Comment Mark Harshman, Chairman, Public Safety Communications Commission (PSCC), discussed concerns about ongoing funding of the system for small rural departments, resulting in them returning to their old legacy systems and hurting interoperability. He spoke highly of the WyoLink quality, use and coverage. Mr. Harshman urged the Committee to find solutions for long-term funding.

Doug Frank, member, PSCC, discussed WyoLink as critical in emergency response and finding a permanent funding source.

Nathan Smolinski, Program Manager, WYDOT Telecommunications, provided brief comments on WyoLink agencies and users.

MEETING ADJOURNMENT Before closing the meeting, several Committee members welcomed new members and expressed appreciation for out-going members. There being no further business, Co-Chairman Eklund adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator Michael Von Flatern, Co-Chairman


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 10 OF 11 Committee Meeting Materials Index

Index Agenda Item Document Description Document Provider Number

1-01 Agenda LSO

1-03 Call to order Public Comment LSO

Military Department Wyoming Military 2-01 WMD Opening Remarks Opening Remarks Department

Military Department Wyoming Cowboy 2-02 WCCA Letter Opening Remarks Challenge Academy

Wyoming Military 3-01 Military Code Revisions Military Code Revisions Department

3-02 Military Code Revisions 21LSO-0015 v0.5 Wyoming military code. LSO

Traumatic Brain Injury Wyoming Military 4-01 TBI Treatment (TBI) Treatment Department

Traumatic Brain Injury 21LSO-0017 v0.4 Traumatic brain injury 4-02 LSO (TBI) Treatment treatments.

Wyoming Military 5-01 Veteran's Facilities Reports Veteran's Facilities Reports Department

Siting wind and solar Wyoming Military 6-01 facilities near military Siting Wind and Solar Facilities Presentation Department facilities

Siting wind and solar 21LSO-0249 v0.5 Wind and solar facilities-siting 6-02 facilities near military LSO near military facilities. facilities

Wyoming Department of Wyoming Department of 9-01 Transportation Opening Director's Opening Remarks Transportation Remarks and FY21 Budget

Wyoming Department of Wyoming Department of 9-02 Transportation Opening FY 2021 Operating Budget Presentation Transportation Remarks and FY21 Budget

Road Usage Charge Wyoming Department of 10-01 RUC Presentation Updates Transportation


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov PAGE 11 OF 11

Road Usage Charge 10-02 21LSO-0104 v0.7 Road usage charge. LSO Updates

Road Usage Charge 10-03 Observations and Possible Amendments LSO Updates

Mark Larson, Wyoming Road Usage Charge 10-04 WPMA Comment Letter Petroleum Marketers Updates Association

Independent Report on Dye Management Group, 11-01 Needs Study - Commission Presentation Needs Study of WYDOT Inc.

Selective Service Update 12-01 via Driver's License Data - 21LSO-0245 v0.5 Selective service registration. LSO Statutory updates

Abandoned Vehicle Titles 21LSO-0247 v0.3 Abandoned vehicles-towing 13-01 and Lien Statutes - Statutory LSO service liens and titles. Updates

Abandoned Vehicle Titles Mary Lankford, County 13-02 and Lien Statutes - Statutory Proposed Amendment Clerks Association of Updates Wyoming

Abandoned Vehicle Titles Malcolm Ervin, Platte 13-03 and Lien Statutes - Statutory Public Comment Email County Clerk Updates

Abandoned Vehicle Titles Briana Smith, Wyoming 13-04 and Lien Statutes - Statutory Proposed Amendments Towing and Recovery Updates Professionals

16-01 Airport Districts 21LSO-0264 v0.4 Airport districts. LSO

17-01 Autonomous Vehicles 21LSO-0012 v0.6 Autonomous vehicles. LSO

Antique motor vehicle - 19-01 21LSO-0099 v0.6 Antique motor vehicles. LSO Statutory updates

Public Safety Communications Systems, Wyoming Department of 20-01 WyoLink Update, Funding WyoLink Update Transportation Options and Alternate Systems


WYOMING LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX 307-777-5466 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE www.wyoleg.gov