Birding in With Bill Gette

November 3 – 13, 2015

This is a most popular tour to “the end of the world.” The vast landscapes of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego offer dramatic scenery, unusual , and easy birding. Our exploration begins at the famed Valdez Peninsula, where skuas and giant-petrels soar over the rare Southern Right Whale. On the nearby beaches of Punta Tombo, thousands of Magellanic bray and display. Our local guide wrote the book on this colony, one of the largest such gatherings in the world. The unusual mammals, Guanacos and Patagonian Cavies, also make this area their home.

Los Glaciares National Park is home to one of the largest glaciers in the world and some of the most spectacular scenery in all of . Specialties like the White-throated Treerunner and Magellanic Woodpecker are found here. Even further south, in Beech forests of the island of Tierra del Fuego, we look for such as the mouse-like Magellanic , Yellow-bridled Finch, Austral Pygmy-Owl, and a ground-tyrant or two. The trip ends with an exciting boat trip on the Beagle Channel which will give us opportunities to see numerous petrals, nesting cormorants, steamer-, , two species of penguins, and Black-browed Albatrosses.

A trip filled with breath-taking scenary and spectacular birding - I hope you will join us!

Travel with the Massachusetts Audubon Society 208 South Great Road, Lincoln, MA 01773 800-289-9504 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015


Day 1: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 – Arrive at the Buenos Aires Ezeiza airport, and met the local driver for transport to the hotel for check in. If you arrive early enough, you can choose to enjoy a buffet lunch at the hotel and then meet our local guide for a tour of some of the city's attractions, such as the Casa Rosada on the Plaza de Mayo, the renovated Puerto Madero area, and the elegant and frequented Recoleta District & Palermo Park.

For any who arrive a day early, our local guide can take you birding (with enough notice in advance and for an additional fee) to the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve to look for birds such as Masked Gnatcatcher, Black-and -rufous Warbling Finch, Spectacled Tyrant, Great Kiskadee, Red-crested also Yellow-billed Cardinal, Guira Cuckoo, Rufous , Rufous-bellied Thrush, and Golden-breasted Woodpecker, just to mention a few species likely to be seen in a couple of hours. Overnight at Hotel Emperador, or similar (D)

Day 2: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 – PUNTA TOMBO COLONY This morning we depart the hotel very early to catch our flight to Trelew on the Atlantic coast of Patagonia (AR 1896 depart 7:20 AM). Upon arrival, we will immediately head south to the Magellanic Penguin colony of Punta Tombo where 240,000 pairs nest. It is marvelous to walk among the penguins, but you may also spot Darwin’s Rhea, Elegant-crested Tinamou and the endemic White-headed (Flightless) Steamer , which occurs only here. Look overhead for the few pairs of Great Skuas that nest at Punta Tombo and prey on the penguin and chicks. As we explore the landscape, you will begin to become familiar with the Patagonian steppe which seems barren to the eye, but always surprises you with its minute flowers and creatures such as hairy armadillos. As we travel through the area, we will look carefully for the more unusual large birds and mammals, including Lesser Rhea, Guanaco, and Patagonian Cavies (also known as ). The camel-like Guanacos are one of the largest wild species found in South America (along with tapir and jaguar). With long -like ears and a body resembling a small deer, the Patagonian mara (Dolichotis patagonum) is a distinctly unusual looking .

At dusk we will the valley where Great Kiskadee, Lesser Canastero, Black-shouldered Kite (also known as White-tailed Kite), and Rufous Hornero are possibilities. After birding as much as we can stand, we will drive to Posada Los Mimbres. Here on these grounds, we may see Chimango Caracara, Southern Lapwing, Yellow-billed Pintail, and Red-crested Cardinal. Overnight at Hotel Posada Los Mimbres (B, L, D)

Day 3: Thursday, November 5, 2015 – PENINSULA VALDÉS This morning we will head towards the Chubut River valley, where we may spot different species of ducks, such as Southern Wigeon, and with luck perhaps a Rosy-billed Pochard. Our next stop will be the Peninsula Valdés Nature Reserve, a narrow strip of land, extending into the Atlantic Ocean, sandwiched between the San Jose and Nuevo Gulfs.

Get your binoculars ready to search for some of the 180 species of sea and land birds that inhabit this barren windswept land. Some of these birds are endemic species, not large or strikingly colorful, but found in no other country or region. These are Carbonated Sierra Finch, Patagonian Yellow Finch, Rusty-backed Monjita, and Band-tailed Earthcreeper.

2 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

We will take a whale watching boat trip early in the afternoon, and then travel east to the southern tip of Peninsula Valdés. Our destination is a private sheep ranch with many miles of coastline where elephant seals breed. Overnight at Rincon Chico (B, L, D)

Day 4: Friday, November 6, 2015 – PENINSULA VALDÉS We will spend the day at Rincon Chico. We can look for a few birds in the early morning, and since this area is an extensive , the possibilities are Patagonian Mockingbird, Long-tailed Meadowlark, with luck Tawny-throated Dotterel or Least , Burrowing Owl, Common Miner, Scale-throated Earthcreeper, Patagonian Yellow-Finch, and the very common Rufous-collared Sparrow. We will spend the morning watching the elephant seal pups and the huge beach masters defending their females from intruding males. We also will look for shorebirds and seabirds such as American Oystercatcher, Rock and Imperial Cormorant; South American, Royal, and Cayenne Terns. Crested Ducks are also found on the rocky shores.

We may spend the afternoon at Rincon Chico with the possibility of spotting orcas off the coast. If we chose, we can head to Caleta Valdes where the orcas prey on Elephant Seal pups at this time of the year. At dusk we will enjoy the sunset under such an open big sky. Overnight at Rincon Chico (B, L, D)

Day 5: November 7 – TIERRA DEL FUEGO - We begin our day with a flight from Trelew to Ushuaia (AR 1896 - 09:55/12:10), the southernmost city of the world. We will head to the Le Martial Range, which is situated behind Ushuaia City. If the chairlift is working, we will ascend and then walk through deciduous beech forest to reach above tree line where we hope to look for some specialties. If the chairlift is not working for any reason we will bird the Southern Beech Forest.

In this area, we will also become familiar with the Flying and flightless Steamer ducks, Dolphin Gull, and Kelp Geese. We may try and spot the White-throated Cara-Cara near the city dump. Overnight at Hotel Yamanas situated on the shores of the Beagle Channel with views to Navarino and Hoste islands. Overnight at Hotel Los Yamanas or similar ( ) (B, L, D)

Day 6: November 8. - BEAGLE CHANNEL & HARBERTON Today we will depart from Ushuaia and sail the Beagle Channel, with views of the city, Mount Olivia, and Le Martial Range in the background. We head to Harberton Ranch, the first ranch on the Island of Tierra del Fuego, to take a guided tour, visit the Acatashun Museum, and take a small boat to on Martillo (Hammer) Island to see the Gentoo penguins up close, skuas, geese, and sedge . A remarkable place.

We will also sail to the Bridges Islands, where Seal lions and Fur seals breed. There are also Rock and Imperial Cormorants colonies, where the main predator is the beautiful but aggressive Austral Gull and the left overs are food for the Snowy Sheathbills, the Kelp Geese which feed on kelp live on the islands, some pipits may be seen walking over kelp beds that surround the islands. As we continue sailing, we will look for sea birds such as the small Magellanic Diving Petrel and the Southern Fulmar, while the most common species are Chilean Skuas, Black-browed Albatross, Sooty Shearwater and cormorants. Sightings depend on how windy it is. Overnight at Hotel Los Yamanas or similar ( ) (B, L, D)

Day 7: November 9 – TIERRA DEL FUEGO NATIONAL PARK We spend the day exploring Tierra Del Fuego National Park, walking several short trails searching for some striking birds such as the Magellanic Woodpecker, the White-throated Treerunner, Austral Parakeets, the difficult small Andean Tapaculo. We will search the Beagle Channel waters for skuas, cormorants, the amazing Black-chinned Albatross and the flightless and flying Steamer ducks. Bar-winged and Dark-bellied

3 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

Cinclodes are also found near water. Austral Thrush is a very common bird of the Beech forest, as is the White-crested Elaenia and the Thorn-tailed Rayadito. Overnight at Hotel Los Yamanas or similar ( ) (B, L, D)

Day 8: November 10th USHUAIA – We will have a relaxing morning looking for species we may have missed, then enjoy lunch with a nice view of the Beagle Channel. We will fly to El Calafate (AR1871 (16:05/17:30) the gateway to Patagonia’s Glacier National Park. We will head West and a little South to our home for the next 2 nights, the working ranch, Estancia Nibepo Aike. We will bird along route, on the shores of where there are Black- necked and Coscoroba , Chilean Flamingo; , Common Snipe, several duck species and look out for Andean Condors and Black-chested Buzzard Eagle. Overnight at Estancia Nibepo Aike ( (B, L, D)

Day 9: November 11th LOS GLACIARES NATIONAL PARK Today we visit the Southern Section of Los Glaciares National Park, en route we will search for a few birds such as Andean Condor, Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, Fire-eyed Diucon, Black-faced Ground-Tyrant. Once we enter the park will be to visit the board walks in front of the Moreno Glacier. There are many balconies located at different heights and distances from the glacier, connected by paths and stairs. From the highest balcony, you will see the amazing surface of the glacier and the northern and southern face. As you continue down, you will find the second balcony, closer to the ice. This is the place where on occasions the ice dam is formed. Birds we may likely see include Patagonian Sierra Finch, Black-faced Ibis, and the Ashy- headed Geese.

We take a cruise across Brazo Rico, passing icebergs which have calved off the south front of the . Reaching the Canal de los Tempanos (Iceberg Channel), the boat will stop at a safe distance from the glacier, continuing to sail down its entire front, allowing spectacular views of the high wall of ice. The excursion lasts approximately one hour and provides a totally different perspective of the Perito Moreno Glacier, with almost constant falling walls of ice from its front into the milky waters of Lago Argentino. Overnight at Estancia Nibepo Aike. (B, L, D)

Day 10: November 12th BIRDING LOS GLACIARES NATIONAL PARK We spend the day walking, birding, looking for Andean Condors, we may drive up to a lagoon to search for ducks we may have missed and take time to try and photograph some species. W will also look for Chilean Flicker, Austral Pygmy Owl, Shrike Tyrants, Mourning Sierra Finch, Fire-eyed Diucon, the strange Rufous- tailed Plantcutter and Tufted-Tit Tyrant. We will also visit Glaciarium the Museum dedicated the the glaciers and ice fields of Patagonia as well as to some of the early explorers. We will walk around the Laguna Nimes, an Important Bird Area. Birds that are found in this reserve are Cinereous , Red-Gartered , Chilean Flamingo, Ashy-headed Geese, Southern Lapwing, and Andean Ruddy Duc,k just to mention a few species. Another bird we hope to find is the Magellanic Plover.

Lunch will be very hearty and enjoyed at a working sheep ranch. There will be time to explore this charming town, spending our last pesos. At 7 PM we will fly from El Calafate to spend the night at Buenos Aires on ARAR1893 (19:05/22:01). Snacks will be available at the airport, but there are no plans for dinner this evening. Hotel Emperador. B L

Day 11: November 13th – BUENOS AIRES We spend the morning birding at Costanera Sur where we hope to find species typical of “the pampas” habitat. These may include Spectacled Tyrant, Yellow-browed Tyrant, Cattle Tyrant, Masked Gnatcatcher;

4 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

Black and rufous Warbling Finch, Picazuro Pigeon, Roadside Hawk, Chalk-browed Mockingbird, Giura Cuckoo; Yellow-billed Cardinal, Green-bared Woodpecker just to mention a few species we can add to our Patagonia list this morning.

We will spend 3 hours here, then enjoy lunch at the renovated port area called Puerto Madero, return to the Hotel Emperador to refresh, change, and probably a short nap before you check out at 4:30PM to drive to the international airport to fly back to the USA. (B,L)


Main Trip Price: $8095 per person, double occupancy. $1850 Single Supplement. A $1,000 per person deposit is required along with the reservation form.

INCLUDED IN TRIP PRICE:  All accommodations and meals as noted in itinerary  Expert local naturalist guide and tour leader  Mass Audubon tour leader, Bill Gette  Buenos Aires city tour  Whale watching boat trip  Entrance fees and guiding to all reserves and national parks, including Los Glaciares National Park, Peninsula Valdes and Punta Tombo and Glaciarum  Boat trip to the front of Perito Moreno Glacier  Boat Trip in the Beagle Channel, birding on Bridges Islands and Harberton  Gratuity for local guide

NOT INCLUDED IN MAIN TRIP:  International flights and departure taxes;  Flight from Buenos Aires to Trelew (day 2) & flight from Trelew to El Calafate (Day 7) – reservations will be made for you. prices of these flights ~$1016 (May, 2014) New cost for 4 internal flights USD1265.- per person  Items of a personal nature such as laundry or beverages from the bar  Certain meals as noted in itinerary.  Passport fees, Departure taxes

About Your Guide

Mass Audubon Guide Bill Gette is Sanctuary Director at the Joppa Flats Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary in Newburyport. Bill, a skilled teacher and field naturalist, has been leading domestic and international natural history expeditions for Mass Audubon since 1986. He has led very successful programs throughout the United States and to Bhutan, Turkey, Canada, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, , and the Galapagos Islands, Iceland, and Antarctica. Bill has taken a leadership role in bird research and public education concerning birds and bird conservation. He directs the Joppa Flats Bird Banding Station, a research and education facility operated in cooperation with the United

5 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

States Fish and Wildlife Service. He and his staff have also developed interpretive programs and field trips for audiences with special needs, including the visually impaired. Bill’s most recent initiative is Mass Audubon’s Birder’s Certificate Program, which is designed to enhance the public’s knowledge about birds and to stimulate a conservation ethic.


APPLICATIONS, RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS: Early applications are strongly encouraged. Trip rosters usually must be finalized 4 months before departure! All applications must be accompanied by a completed reservation form and a $1,000 per person deposit. Deposits can be by check or credit card (Visa or MasterCard). We reserve the right to decline your application. In the case of questionable health, we reserve the right to require a physician’s certification to affirm you are capable of the activities.

Final payment is due 95 days before the departure date. Final payment must be by check or money order.

RATES:All tour prices are based on double occupancy. If you would like us to find you a roommate, we will do our best, but cannot guarantee a share. If we cannot find a share, you will need to pay the single supplement. All forms and fares are accurate at the time of publication (August 2014) but are subject to change at any time prior to departure. It is our policy to only pass on the actual amount of any increases in airfares or land costs such as those increases due to the devaluation of the dollar. Rarely, a price increase may be called for if the group falls below the minimum, as listed in the itinerary.

FLIGHTS: You, the traveler, are responsible for booking and paying for your own international flights from your home to the city of Buenos Aires. Once you reserve your space, we will provide you with suggested flights and tell you which flights our leaders will take. You may book flights directly with the airline, online, or with a travel agent. Please be aware that most tickets are non-refundable, therefore you should not book your flight arrangements until you have checked with us to be sure the tour has the minimum number of participants for the trip to go. We ask that you provide us with your flight details so we can be sure to meet you at the airport upon your arrival.

PHOTOS: Mass Audubon reserves the right to make use of any photograph taken on the tour. We guarantee that no photos of a comprising nature will be used. If you have questions, please contact us.

TRIP INSURANCE: A brochure and application for optional trip cancellation, illness, and baggage insurance will be sent to you upon registrations. We strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation insurance to protect yourself. Mass Audubon does provide Medical Evacuation Coverage as part of the tour price, but coverage is limited. We suggest you review policies on

CANCELLATION Policy: If you need to change your booking, you must inform us immediately in writing. All cancellations must be done in writing and are effective upon receipt in the Massachusetts Audubon Travel office:  Cancellations received up to 121 days prior to departure will be refunded deposits less a $300 per person fee.  Cancellations between 120 and 90 days prior to departure, will forfeit all deposits.  There are no refunds for cancellations 90 days or less from departure.

We strongly urge all travelers to purchase trip cancellation insurance. You will be sent information from Mass Audubon Tours upon receipt of your deposit or you can review policies here:

Your Responsibility: Although every precaution is taken to safeguard you and your belongings, group travel trips by their nature involve a certain amount of risk. Trip participants should understand that the domestic and international trips sponsored/operated by Massachusetts Audubon Society (Mass Audubon Tours) - hereafter collectively “M.A.S.” - involve known and unknown risks. M.A.S. assumes no responsibility for injuries, death, financial losses or damage to clients’ property caused by or occurring during participation in any of the travel trips sponsored/operated by M.A.S. 6 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

Trip participants must assume responsibility for having sufficient skill and fitness to participate in the trips and activities offered or sponsored by M.A.S. Trip participants must also certify that they have no medical, mental or physical conditions which could interfere with their abilities to participate in the activities and/or trips they are participating in and they must assume and bear the cost of all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. It is the responsibility of trip participants to have in place adequate insurance to cover any injury, damage or emergency transportation costs related to their travel and/or participation in trip activities and/or to bear the costs of such injury, damage or emergency transportation costs. Because of the risks associated with the travel trips sponsored by M.A.S. we urge all trip participants to supplement their own insurance with travel or vacation or emergency response types of insurance. M.A.S. requires that all trip participants acknowledge and assume these risks by reading and signing an M.A.S. Release and Waiver and Assumption of Risk contract prior to departure.

CONDITIONS OF TRAVEL: Travelers will be provided with an itinerary and trip preparation information. It is expected that travelers will read this information prior to trip departure. Travelers will be responsible for completing an application reservation form, including the personal information and a release of liability. Travelers will be expected to abide by the terms set for in the invoice. During the tour, travelers are asked to respect and follow the directions of their guide and leader.

7 Birding in Argentina Patagonia November 3 – 13, 2015

Reservation Form: Patagonia, Argentina, November 2015

Passenger 1 Name as shown on passport:

Nickname for Name tag: ______Date of Birth: ______

Passenger 2 Name as shown on passport:

Nickname for Name tag: ______Date of Birth: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State:______Zip:______

Phone: Day: ______Evening:______

Email address:______

Room Preferences: _____I request single accommodations where available and will pay the single supplement. _____I would like to be assigned a roommate. If one is not available, I will pay the single supplement. Personal Information: ___I/We are non-smokers. (If you are a smoker(s), please check here___ and note that smoking is limited to outdoors in non-group spaces)

___Is there anything Mass Audubon should know about your health that might impact your ability to participate comfortably on this trips? Please describe: ______

Deposit: ____ Please find my enclosed check deposit of $1000 per person: Checks should be made payable to “Massachusetts Audubon Society” OR ____ Please charge my credit card:

VISA___MC___ Card #______Exp.______
