Contingency minute – June 17, 2020

New cases: 4.757

Total infected: 220.628 Overview as Deaths 232/ Total 3.615 of June 17 Tests performed: 12.636 / Total: 886.169

Experts call for tougher measures: due to the figures and growing debate around the concept of ​ hibernation, "putting the Great to sleep". Minister Paris noted that various proposals are being analysed. Today, the total number of infected people will be updated with the sum of 31,412 cases, reaching more than 215,000.

Central Bank projects the worst drop in GDP in 35 years: according to the latest IPoM report, the ​ economy could fall between 5.5% and 7.5% this year, the largest in 35 years. During 2021 and 2022 it would register growths between 4.75% and 6.25% and between 3% and 4%, respectively. Investments would shrink by about 16% by 2020. "The report warns that the unpublished nature of the current situation makes it particularly difficult to make projections, as they depend largely on factors that escape economic analysis," stated in its statement.

Job offers fell by 70% in May: compared to the same period in 2019, according to outplacement firm ​ LabLab. In April, they were reduced by 66%.

The first bill of the emergency agreement has been submitted: the total expenditure of the new IFE ​ would rise to US$ 2,267 million, if payments are extended to October.

CMF is evaluating the possibility of extending the flexibility of provisions: Santander and Scotiabank confirm extension from 3 to 6 months to reschedule mortgage loans. BancoEstado and BCI had already left, and the Security and Consorcio banks also intend to do so.

Ipsa increased by 1.2%: while Wall Street rose by 2%. The cause would be better figures in the U.S. ​ and Europe, and effects per drug to treat some cases of Covid-19 (dexamethasone).

Dismissals drop by 33% compared to April: and by 16.1% compared to May 2019, according to the Labor Department. For the Subsecretary of Labor, the cause would be the Employment Protection Law.

The Casino and Gaming Superintendency is analyzing possible reopening between September and October: under strict hygiene protocols. ​

The government will not appeal to the TC because of the law that prohibits cutting off for non-payment of basic services: despite arguing that the initiative could contain "vices of ​ unconstitutionality". There would be no veto either.

16,348 people are reported to have been arrested in the last week for health crimes, with repeat ​ offenders numbering 8,000.

Nelson Orellana, mayor of Tiltil, dies of a heart attack. He was infected with Covid-19. ​

Promising Chinese vaccine to be tested in : thanks to a partnership between the Catholic ​ University's Millennium Institute and the Chinese laboratory Sinovac Biotech. Convention would help ensure their access in the country in the future.


World Health 7.941.791 infected (434.796 new cases) worldwide and a total of 431,541 deaths Organization (3.255 in the last 24 hours). (WHO):

Johns Hopkins 8.192.700 infected in 188 countries, with 444.111 deaths. The United States is the University1 country with the most confirmed cases (2.137.731), followed by Brazil (923.189) and Russia (552.549).

China increases controls in Beijing: after an outbreak that raised fears of a second wave of ​ contagion, the government of the Chinese capital raised the health alert and ordered the suspension of classes. The situation would be getting worse.

Germany gives the green light to clinical tests of possible vaccines: this would be the second ​ authorisation, now for pharmacist CureVac. In previous days, the German government had announced a contribution of 300 million euros to the company to prevent the entry of foreign capital.

European Commission proposes partnership to support delivery of vaccine to poor countries: also to middle-income nations with funding from major powers.

Advanced results of new possible treatment: the low-cost drug dexamethasone has been shown to ​ reduce the risk of death in one-third of severe patients.

Trump signs decree that changes police: it seeks to create a database to track officers sanctioned for ​ excessive use of force. The Democratic opposition considered the measure insufficient.

1 The data is obtained from the site: Here, the information is constantly updated. The numbers reported are from a review at 8:30 a.m. today.

Daily agenda and activities

● 07:30: The Minister of Agriculture visits the Lo Valledor Supply Center to promote and coordinate actions to prevent and reduce food losses and waste through Food Banks.

● 08:30: The publishes the June 2020 Report (MPR) on its website.

● 10:00: The Minister of Public Works refers to the modifications of tariffs of urban highways in the Metropolitan Region.

● 11:00: Talk "Challenges of the banking sector: during and after the pandemic", as part of the transmission of Vision of Leaders of Itaú, with José Mena, president of ABIF.

● 11:30: The metropolitan mayor, together with the executive director of Movistar Arena, lead the distribution to the municipalities of the last boxes of merchandise for the communes of the Metropolitan Region.

● 12:00: Social Unity leaders call on the Chamber of Deputies to formulate a Constitutional Accusation against the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, and announce legal actions to determine possible criminal and civil responsibilities.

● 17:00: The presentation of the study "Impact of the technological evolution of the commercial labor force" of the National Chamber of Commerce is held.

● 18:00: A new edition of BTG Talks is being developed. Daniel Mansuy, a columnist and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Rennes, and Pablo Ortúzar, a social anthropologist, are participating.

● 19:00: The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile holds the webinar "Challenges of people management and employment continuity in a pandemic".

Legislative activity


Important commissions ● Treasury will meet to learn about the Central Bank of Chile's Monetary Policy Report (IPoM). (09:30 a 11:00).

● Fisheries will see: (i) project on tradable fishing licences and incorporation of rules to prevent illegal fishing (Bulletins 11704, 11642, 10190 and 7926); and (ii) project on benthic resources (Bulletin 12535). (11:30 a 13:00).

● Transport will analyze the various problems affecting unions in the area as a result of the context, as well as the responses and measures taken by the Executive. (09:30 a 11:30).

● Constitution will see the Reform of the Water Code (Bulletin 7543). (10:30 a 12:00).

● Work will see (i) the reality of workers in the performing and audiovisual arts; (ii) a project that modifies article 163 of the Labour Code (Bulletin 13500); and (iii) a project that reinforces the application of the provision that protects the rights of workers in the acquisition of goods and services by the State (Bulletin 13532). (12:00 a 14:00).

● Public Works will meet to listen to the Minister of Public Works on the reduction of tariffs or tolls for the use of electronic devices. (12:30 a 14:00).

● Public Security will see the project that strengthens the protection of the Forces of Order and Security and Gendarmerie of Chile (Bulletin 13124). (13:00 a 14:30).

Chamber of Deputies


● Will see: (i) Project to establish a gender quota for the integration of the artisanal fishery bodies and register (Bulletin 12702); (ii) Project for incorporating a special precautionary measure for victims of domestic violence (Bulletin 9715) (iii) project that suspends the application of teacher evaluation and tests of the Education Quality Measurement System (Bulletin 13554); (iv) project on the non-observance of isolation or other preventive measure (Bulletins 13304, 13389); and (v) project that increases the Emergency Family Income (Bulletin 13583). (10:00 a 13:30).

Important commissions

● Treasury will see the project that extends the Emergency Family Income (Bulletin 13583). (09:30 a 13:00).

● Constitution will meet to see the project that modifies the regulations of the Chamber of Deputies to eliminate secret ballots. (Bulletin 12495). (15:00 a 17:30).

● Social Development will analyze and evaluate the implementation of the Emergency Family Income. (15:00 a 16:30).

● Environment will continue the study of the project that prohibits the use of wood heating devices (Bulletin 13412). (15:00 a 16:30).

● Minería y Energía will hold a session to see the scope and implications of the so-called LED lights case together with the Ministry of Energy. (15:00 a 16:30).

● Fisheries will address draft legislation banning trawling for common hake (Bulletins 13019 and 12937). (15:00 a 16:30).

● Recursos Hídricos will see a project that extends the period of validity and makes possible the extension of the decrees that declare zones of water shortage (Bulletin 13322). (17:30 a 19:00).

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Felipe del Solar Isabel Hohlberg Extend Comunicaciones Socio y Director General de Socia y Gerente Comercial Rosario Norte 555 Piso 12, Asuntos Políticos y Legislativos [email protected] Las Condes - Santiago - Chile [email protected] +562 24377700 [email protected]