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American Mineralogist, Volume 73, pages 405-412, 1988 Ingersonite,a new calcium-manganeseantimonate related to pyrochlore, from Lflngban, Sweden Pnrn J. DuuN Departmentof Mineral Sciences,Smithsonian Institution, Washington,D.C. 20560,U.S.A. DoNar,o R. Pracon Department of Geological Sciences,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. Ar,aN J. Cnrnor,r, Cnnrs J. SuNr,nv Department of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History), London SW7 5BD, England Assrnacr Ingersonite,CarMnSboO,o, is hexagonal,space group P3m, P32, P3m, P3r2, or P3r2, with a : 7.287\3), c : 17.679(\ A, V: 813.0(6) fi2,7 : 3. The strongestX-ray diffrac- tions [d (I/IJ (hkl)] are 2.97t (r00) (222), 1.55 (80) (226), r.819 (70) (440), s.92 (60) (111),and 3.10 (50)(113). The chemicalcomposition, determined by microprobeanalysis, is FeO 0.2,MgO 0.0,CaO 15.9,SbrO5 74.'7,MnO 9.4, sum 100.2wto/o; F is present,and the content varies from 1.4 to 3 wt0/0.These data, combined with the cell parameters, indicate that ingersonite is isotypic with pyrochlore and romeite. Ingersonite occurs as irregular aggregatesof subhedral crystalswith calcite, clinohumite?, jacobsite, and an un- named mineral at the LAngbanmine, Viirmland, Sweden.It is transparent to translucent, has a vitreous luster, and is uniaxial negative.In reflectedplane-polarized light, it is light gray, sometimeswith a slight yellowish cast imparted by characteristicyellow and white internal reflections.Luminance values [1(o/o)],computed from visible spectrumreflectance measurements,are about l0o/oin air and 2 to 3o/oin Zeiss oil (N" 1.515).Indices of refraction calculatedfrom the reflectancespectra are grven; r < v.
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