THURSDAY 3.29.2007 EXPRESS 5 %K4G?A4BBK "!(! &KC7DAB30H

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THURSDAY 3.29.2007 EXPRESS 5 %K4G?A4BBK M V Dance Classes Swing • Salsa Ballroom Best Price 4 weeks $49 703-528-9770 Next to VA SQ Metro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T: 800.287.2829 We participate with most health-plans Offices conveniently located in: Laurel • Ballston • White Flint • Chantilly • North Potomac • Vienna • Wheaton Plaza • Gaithersburg • Springfield • Sterling C7DAB30Hk"!(!&k4G?A4BBk" ?0?4A>A=>C78=6)!FTERWEEKSOFDEBATE 3AN&RANCISCOCITYLEADERSON 7EDNESDAYAPPROVEDABANONPLASTICGROCERYBAGS3AN&RANCISCOWOULDBE THEFIRST53CITYTOADOPTSUCHARULEIF-AYOR'AVIN.EWSOMSIGNSTHEBAN =PcX^] Bg;kb^_ 1dbW2P[[bU^aD]R^]SXcX^]P[5d]Sb `k^ll_ZbelmhiZllZ[beemh_ng]hnk Ik^lb]^gmlZrlineebg` mkhhilhgma^_khgmebg^l%ma^:f^kb& hnmh_BkZjÌphne][^ \Zgi^hie^pbeedghppahmhahe] k^lihglb[e^'Ë ]blZlmkhnlÍ_hkmkhhil ;nlalihd^Zlma^L^gZm^fho^] F0B78=6C>=kIk^lb]^gm;nlaZg] mhpZk]iZllZ`^h_e^`bleZmbhgmaZm ma^=^fh\kZmb\&\hgmkhee^]<hg& phne]k^jnbk^ma^[^`bggbg`h_Z `k^llenk\a^]mhpZk]Zo^mhlahp& mkhhipbma]kZpZepbmabg*+)]Zrl% 0(),#/!,%!0 ]hpgho^kBkZjhgP^]g^l]Zr%ma^ Zg]phne]l^mZ`hZeh_FZk\a,*% &ORMER532EP-ARK&OLEYHASNOT \hffZg]^kbg\ab^_]^fZg]bg`Z +))1%_hkbml\hfie^mbhg' YETBEENCHARGEDWITHANYCRIME k^ie^gblaf^gmh_pZk_ng]bg`pbma =^fh\kZmb\e^Z]^kl]blinm^] ghlmkbg`lZg]Li^Zd^kGZg\rI^ehlb ;nlaÍl\hgm^gmbhgmaZm<hg`k^ll F4BC?0;<140275;0 \hngl^ebg`abf%Ê<Zef]hpgpbma phne][^mh[eZf^_hkZgr_ng]& >UUXRXP[b2^]UXa\2^]cX]dTS ma^mak^Zml'Ë bg`]b__b\nemb^lbgZpZkma^raZo^ 8]eTbcXVPcX^]^U<PaZ5^[Th ;nlalZb]bfihlbmbhgh_ZÊli^& ohp^]mh^g]' LbqfhgmalZ_m^kk^lb`gbg`_khf<hg& \b_b\Zg]kZg]hf]Zm^h_pbma]kZpZe ÊPar]h^lgÍma^`^mk^Zepbma `k^ll%_hkf^kN'L'K^i'FZkd?he^r phne][^]blZlmkhnlË_hkN'L'mkhhil paZmÍl`hbg`hgpbmama^phke]8ËlZb] k^fZbglng]^k\kbfbgZebgo^lmb`Zmbhg bgBkZjZg]a^ik^]b\m^]maZmeZp& L^gZm^FZchkbmrE^Z]^kAZkkrK^b]% _hkl^qnZeer^qieb\bmBgm^kg^m\hffn& fZd^klphne]mZd^ma^[eZf^b_ma^ =&G^o'ÊP^Ík^ghmahe]bg`ni_ng]& gb\Zmbhglpbmang]^kZ`^[hrl[nmaZl fhg^rkZglahkm' 0!",/-!24).%:-/.3)6!)3!0 bg`bgBkZjZg]a^dghplmaZm'Par ghm[^^g\aZk`^]%Znmahkbmb^llZb] ÊMa^\eh\dblmb\dbg`_hkhnk 0RESIDENT"USHSAYSAPROPOSALTOWITHDRAWTROOPSFROM)RAQhWOULDBEDISASTROUSv ]h^lgÍma^]^Zepbmama^k^Zeblln^l P^]g^l]Zr'ÊB\ZgÍmk^Zeer`bo^Zgr mkhhilbgma^_b^e]%Ëa^lZb]'ÊB_<hg& 4HEPRESIDENTSAID$EMOCRATSWOULDBERESPONSIBLEIFMILITARYFUNDSRUNOUT _Z\bg`ma^:f^kb\Zgi^hie^8Ë0? fhk^]^mZbehma^kmaZgmhlZrp^Ík^ lmbeebgma^ik^ebfbgZkrbgo^lmb`Zmbo^ lmZg\^Zg]p^Zk^phkdbg`pbmalmZm^ Znmahkbmb^l%ËlZb]=^[kZP^b^kfZg% 0XST)0cc^a]Th lihd^lphfZg_hkma^?;BÍlPZla& BcdShBWPZTbD_4e^[dcX^]CX\T[X]T bg`mhg_b^e]h__b\^'0? _hkfZffZel_hng]ghlb`gh_ Ma^g^plmn]rlZrlmaZmaZi& 5XaX]Vb?^[XcXRP[ L\b^gmblmllZrghlnk`^ ln\aZ[nklmh_g^pli^\b^lZmmaZm i^g^]mhlhf^^qm^gm%[nmma^g^p F0B78=6C>=k>b`am_^]^kZeikhl^\n& =4FH>A: bgfZffZeli^\b^l mbf^Zfhg`ma^Zg\^lmhklh_ik^l& li^\b^leZk`^ere^]mh^ohenmbhgZkr mhklp^k^_bk^]eZlmr^Zk[^\Znl^ma^r 7^\XRXSTbBTaX^db2aX\Tb ^gm&]ZrZgbfZel'HgerfZffZel ]^Z]^g]l'Bg\hgmkZlm%ghln\a ]b]ghmln__b\b^gmerlniihkmIk^lb]^gm 3a^_X]5Xabc<^]cWb^U½& Z_m^k]bghlZnkl]b^] pbmaghfh]^kg&]Zr]^l\^g]Zgml ^qiehlbhgh_li^\b^lpZl_hng] ;nlaÍlikbhkbmb^l%:mmhkg^r@^g^kZe G^pRhkd<bmrÍlfnk]^kkZm^aZl =4FH>A:kFZr[^rhne^Zkg^]mabl lahp^]maZm^__^\m' Zfhg`ma^Zg\^lmhklh_fh]^kg& :e[^kmh@hgsZe^lÍ_hkf^k\ab^_h_ ]khii^]g^Zker,)i^k\^gmbgma^ bgl\ahhe3Ma^[b`]bghlZnk]b^&h__ :mma^mbf^h_ma^]bghlZnk ]ZrfZffZelebd^kh]^gml%\Zml% lmZ__lZrlbgk^fZkdlik^iZk^]_hk _bklmmak^^fhgmalh_mablr^Zk%iheb\^ /.fbeebhgr^ZklZ`hpZlZeb[^kZ& ]^fbl^%fZffZelp^k^lfZee% ahkl^l%^e^iaZgmlZg]i^hie^' ]^ebo^krMankl]Zrmh<hg`k^ll' h__b\bZellZb]P^]g^l]Zr'K^ihkml mbhg_hkfZffZel%Zg]ma^rjnb\der Z[hnmma^lbs^h_lak^plZg]\Zml' Bglm^Z]%k^l^Zk\a^klk^ihkmbg ÊMa^]blmbg\mbhg[^mp^^gÌihebmb& h_Zeel^kbhnl\kbf^lp^k^Zelh]hpg ikh]n\^]Zehmh_g^pli^\b^lmaZm Ma^ehg`&lmZg]bg`b]^ZaZl[^^gmaZm Mankl]ZrÍlblln^h_ma^chnkgZe \ZeÍZg]Ìi^k_hkfZg\^&k^eZm^]Ík^Z& *)'+i^k\^gm'Iheb\^<hffbllbhg^k bg\en]^]Zg\^lmhklh_anfZglZg] hg\^ma^]bghlZnklp^k^`hg^%fZf& GZmnk^%ma^rlahp^]ZgbgbmbZe[nklm lhgl_hkk^fhobg`ZNgbm^]LmZm^l KZrfhg]D^eerlZb]bmpZlma^_bklm hma^kfh]^kg&]Zr\k^Zmnk^l' fZelp^k^ln]]^ger_k^^mh^qiehbm [^mp^^gZ[hnm*))fbeebhgZg]1. 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