Project Document (Prodoc) Template and Guidelines – Updated October 2019
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CI-GEF PROJECT AGENCY GEF Project Document Regional Capacity building of COMESA Member States in Eastern and Southern Africa for Enhanced Transparency in Climate Change Monitoring, Reporting and Verification as defined in the Paris Agreement Regional (The Comoros, Eritrea, Seychelles, Zambia) April 2020 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE: Regional capacity building of COMESA member states in Eastern and Southern Africa for enhanced transparency in Climate Change Monitoring, Reporting and Verification as defined in the Paris Agreement PROJECT OBJECTIVE: To strengthen capacity of COMESA member States to comply with Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement through establishment of an Eastern and Southern Africa Regional CBIT transparency framework for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of climate actions, report on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and knowledge dissemination PROJECT OUTCOMES: 1.1 Technical capacities and institutional frameworks of participating countries to transparently plan, monitor and report on their NDC targets and climate actions improved. 1.2 A Regional institutional framework for COMESA Member Countries to transparently plan, monitor and report on their NDC targets and climate actions improved. 2.1: Capacity of participating national academic institutions strengthened to train relevant Government officials to transparently report on agriculture, forestry, and land-use sector NDC targets. 3.1: Enhanced transparency through establishment of a regional platform for learning, sharing and knowledge management. 4.1: A monitoring and evaluation framework for the project COUNTRY(IES): The Comoros, Eritrea, Seychelles, Zambia. GEF ID: 10093 GEF AGENCY(IES): Conservation International CI CONTRACT ID: OTHER EXECUTING PARTNERS: Executing Agency: DURATION IN MONTHS: 60 The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) - Climate Change Unit. Partners: • Ministry Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment, Territory Planning and Urban, The Comoros • Ministry of Water, Land and Environment, Eritrea • Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Seychelles • Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Zambia • The Vital Signs Monitoring Programme. • The Regional Center for Mapping. Resources for Development (RCMRD). GEF FOCAL AREA(S): Climate Change START DATE (mm/yyyy): 06/2021 PRODOC SUBMISSION DATE: 12/04/2020 END DATE (mm/yyyy): 06/2026 PRODOC RE-SUBMISSION DATE: 15/03/2021; 22/04/2021 ESTIMATED DATE FOR MID-TERM 10/2023 ESTIMATED DATE 06/2025 EVALUATION: (MM/YYY): FOR TERMINAL EVALUATION (MM/YYY): FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT (USD) GEF PROJECT FUNDING: 4,200,000 PPG FUNDING: 142,855 TOTAL GEF GRANT: 4,342,855 CO-FINANCING 1: THE REGIONAL CENTER FOR MAPPING RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT (RCMRD) 400,000 CO-FINANCING 2: MINISTRY AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES, ENVIRONMENT, TERRITORY PLANNING AND 100,000 URBAN, THE COMOROS CO-FINANCING 3: MINISTRY OF WATER, LAND AND ENVIRONMENT, ERITREA 100,000 CO-FINANCING 4: MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE, SEYCHELLES 400,000 CO-FINANCING 5: MINISTRY OF LANDS AND NATURAL RESOURCES, ZAMBIA 400,000 CO-FINANCING 6: CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL 50,000 CO-FINANCING 7: THE COMMON MARKET FOR EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA (COMESA) 96,000 TOTAL CO-FINANCING: 1,546,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST: 5,888,855 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... iii GLOSSARY OF TERMS ......................................................................................................................... v SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY .........................................................................................................8 SECTION 2: PROJECT CONTEXT ......................................................................................................... 11 A. Geographic Scope ................................................................................................................ 11 B. Environmental Context and Global Significance ............................................................................. 14 C. Socio-Economic and Cultural Context ............................................................................................. 18 D. Global Environmental Problems and Root Causes ............................................................................ 20 E. Barriers to Addressing the Environmental Problems and Root Causes .......................................... 22 F. Current Baseline (Business-as-Usual Scenario) / Future Scenarios without the Project ................ 24 G. Alternatives to the Business-as-Usual Scenario .............................................................................. 32 H. Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Chosen Alternative ......................................................................... 33 SECTION 3: PROJECT STRATEGY ........................................................................................................ 37 A. Objective, Components, Expected Outcomes, Targets and Outputs .............................................. 37 B. Associated Baseline Projects ........................................................................................................... 54 C. Incremental Cost Reasoning............................................................................................................ 60 D. Global Environmental Benefits ....................................................................................................... 61 E. Socio-Economic Benefits ................................................................................................................ 65 F. Risk Assessment and Mitigation...................................................................................................... 66 G. Sustainability ................................................................................................................ 69 H. Innovativeness ................................................................................................................ 70 I. Replicability and Potential for Scaling Up ....................................................................................... 71 J. Consistency with National Priorities, Plans, Policies and Legal Frameworks .................................. 71 K. Consistency with GEF Focal Area and/or Fund(s) Strategies .......................................................... 77 L. Linkages with other GEF Projects and Relevant Initiatives ............................................................. 78 M. Consistency and Alignment with CI Institutional Priorities ............................................................. 82 N. Communications and Knowledge Management ............................................................................. 83 SECTION 4: COMPLIANCE WITH CI-GEF PROJECT AGENCY’S ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) ............................................................................................... 85 SECTION 5: IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION ARRANGEMENTS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ....... 88 A. Execution Arrangements and Partners ........................................................................................... 88 B. Project Execution Organizational Chart .......................................................................................... 94 SECTION 6: MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN ........................................................................... 95 A. Monitoring and Evaluation Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................... 95 B. Monitoring and Evaluation Components and Activities ................................................................. 95 SECTION 7: PROJECT BUDGET AND FINANCING ................................................................................. 99 i CI-GEF Project Agency – Project Document (ProDoc) Template and Guidelines – Updated October 2019 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Climate projections for the four countries using the IPCC AR5 models .............................................. 20 Table 2: Status of adaptation efforts and implications for inaction .................................................................. 21 Table 3: Status of GG Inventory in the Project Countries ................................................................................. 22 Table 4: Gap analysis of Institutional arrangements and MRV System capacity .............................................. 23 Table 5: Country-stated capacity needs and priorities to be addressed by Component 1 ............................... 38 Table 6: Country-stated capacity needs and priorities addressed by Component 2 ........................................ 49 Table 7: Baseline initiatives at national level in the project participating countries ........................................ 56 Table 8: Summary Table of Global Environment Benefits for this CBIT project ............................................... 61 Table 9: Status of Project Core Indicators ......................................................................................................... 63 Table 10: Target number of beneficiaries per outcome.................................................................................... 64 Table 11: Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning ......................................................................................... 67 Table 12: Consistency with National Priorities, Plans, and Policies .................................................................