
, ATO, Council Called 'In Suez • WEATHER, '/ REPORT I'ItESEN'rs THEDAIL.'Y . NEWS..", ", " .' L E H A R available at ~unny, WcsterlYlI'inds IS. High - Ic,day 6~, Vol.'63, No, 219 ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1956'_ , (Price ~ clnls) Charles Hutton &Sons'

DrelV OK, To Lead· Party 'r~ops ('Ii \,1,\ (cr, - Hon. G~orgc rene n yprus or,'f p'r" 1':1 rcporlers Thursday .he ~'f:r:"= 11'1'11 and wil.1 lead lhe r::;:r .. 1\'C Consen'a!i"e parly • .', ~,::lr In Ihe nexl lelleral clec· :::. r :'~~I~cI in June, 10:'7, 'i~ r.: ,'.1 ~nd cheerful, the 62· ,:;/,j (\ppositinll leader In the ,OSSI e rou ;'::::::: ~. m;tde the stlltement In e ver ana LONDON (AP)-French troops 'peated to tile ambassador his coil· I plan for turning over the 10S·mile Egyptian 'embassy here to leave I presumed Britain and France .... ;,;., ~h~rtly belore he and will and arms descended on the Brit· tention that the canal is an Inle~.' waterway to international control. llIe connlry wilhin 72 hours. The, tell lheir allies what they plan ~:., PerII' left Oll~wn by ~Ir lor Ish Isle of Cyprus 'rhursday lor gral part of Egypt and subject Nasser has indlcacdrepeatedly order retaliated. for Egyptian' to do if the taiks wllh Nasser I !\rr:·I\,eck holi:la~' in Bermuda. service as needed in the Suez cri· to Egyptian soveriegny. lhat he will reject any !nterna· President Nasser's expUlsion, of bre~k down. T"r ~:lid3Y was ordered by Mr. sis. ' An official communique issued ional' control, bllt has agreed to two British diplomats among The reports of troop movement! t:t"'. dn:tor fJllolI'ins a ~Ix·day , They arrived as tcnslon mounted in Cyprus, the British military ineet the commitee. seven Britons in Cairo whom came. wilhin hours of the . an~ ~;:::;1 chc:l;up in' ~lontre~I's on lhe pplitical front in a ehal· ,base less tlian two flying hours BRITISH SIIIP BOlllBED Egypt accused of spying. nouncement in Paris and London' (C:' ':icli In;. tit ute. The lenge Irom Eg)'pt's President Nas· from Egypt said "first clements' Preparing [or any trouble that The Egyptian attaches are Ab· that Britain had agreed Franc. ~:l.~;'. m;\I'e aller Mr. nrew ser to stalements made Wednes'" oC French iroops to be stationed might develop from this situation, delsalam Kalifi and Hamdi Mo. might station troops temporarily I:: r' m p]a i n e cI uf' tiredne8s day by President EIsenhower and in' Cyprus have arrived here by Britain has given FranCe a base llammed Nassef. The Britons .ex. 'on Cyprus. The, announcement r'T ;.j he i~ in ~ood health amI State Secretary Dulles., air tonight." . on the eastern Mediterranean is· pelled were Ilrst secretaries J.B. said France' wanted to be ,able­ r:':' rnl~' rc~1 romplc'lr after a Nasser contcnded neither WNi Earlier, Gen. Sir C h' a r I e s land bas t lon, where British Flux and J. G. Gove. because oC events in Egypt. 'and f.-:~: 'Il ,;~5sion 01 rarliament. right in stating the &Iez Canal is l{cightley, commander in chicf of strenglh alreadr .has been greatly The five - nation committee of the Suez' Canal Zone'-to assur. ": ~>' r rl'cr~' reH5pn 10 h~liel'c physically intel'l\ational In charac· British, land in the Middle Increased. AustralIan Prime Minister RoberI' . "protection of French nationalJ t:~ 1 \', ill bel Ihe part)· in tbe ter by trenly. East, flcw Lo Cyprus from top While lhe dOllble military build· G. Menzies held another meeting aDd of their interests In the easl. I!I: ;rncral election." ~[r. Drew And in this atmospherc of still level talks in London, bringll/g up progressed in the eastern Med· here in planning lhe' assignment ern Mediterranean." n'l, "1 hal'e hecn j:\I'cn a clenn mounting tension, the British lo~. wilh him two French officers, 'a'll iterranean, lhe British rulers of given at the 22·nation Suez con. Subsequently Sir George Young, h:J r.! health." elgn office announced the 15·na· army captain and a navy ·]jeulen. ,Cyprus were faced with fresh out· ference ended in London a week foreign' o!Ciee spokesman told. tion North Atlantic Council will anL cO/llmander.breaks by rebellious Greek Cyp. ago. It will meet again today, fly press conCerence the mov'e shoUId Jlt.1. RI:SUm: ,\CTlVlTY meet in Paris Wednesday "10 con· "The, French cargo ship Aulne' riots demandin~ an ~nd to colon· to Cairn Sunday and mcet Nasser be viewed not as coercive buLaJ T.~~ ~ppo~ilinn [c~der said he sider the Suez Canal question." 1 anchored oil Famagusta, ,the deep ia, I rule an~ ul\lon WIth Gree~e: there Monday. .precautionary. He denied Britaill ~ j, '~.'Od "hapc." aeldin~: TROOPS ARRIVE watcr port on Cyprus' east shore: ' An explOSIOn damaged a BrItish The foreign office announcc· had made any commitment 'or "I T:ln 10 remme m~' rull ~Ctil" In Cairo President Nasser sum· : Reports from there said it car. lank lan,ding ship in FamagusJa ment ?C the meeting oC the.. NA:r.O joint, military action with France, ~:rl " >~on a~ I j:ct back Irom moiled U:5. Ambassador Henry I ried military supplies and about ha.rbor ncar the anchored French Council, top ~ody of the 1J .. na~lOn He said he knew 01 nb plans to ::-:p." Bl'roade to "express regret" at 1150 troops. ship Aul~e.. . North Atlanhc Treaty Orgamza. set up a joint command. , the ennal "Intern~tionnlized by Eighteen countries, Including .In ~ dlplomahe coW war, Bnt· tion, said Forei;.m· Secretary' ScI· The Paris newspaper France­ i:;p hri=f airport inten'lew \\'a5 the 'treaty of 1888. Nasser re. Britain ,and France, support the am, ordered two attaches of the lVyn Lloyd would attend. 1\ lVas Soir said more than 5,000 Frencll • !.r-t time ~Ir. nrc\\' had met " prr;, ,.ince he lell lor a holi· , ,troops will lea I'e Marseille in the N" wee];s before Parliament next two davs bound for an "un· ' WI-II Ba' ,c" l( 18 N t· PI,I knoll;n destination."· . At Ihat lime he said Canada , - a 'Ion - an Usually well·informed lources Ilred fAIt Irom the com· , I in Algiers said that about ',000 rIfecl.. of innuenza and an HELD IN BABY'S DE:\TII-NclY lIal'en, Conn.-VirginIa B. ,Tas· toogh. pers, :12, (above), a six·root, 260.pound New Haven nurse, is I I I t I French paratroopers and foreign I FItor' n erna . t· Iona C,ana ' Con ro legionnaires. sailed We~nesday ~!r. nrew inlerrupted hl~ holl· helng held. in connectl·~n, with the deatb of seven·day·old Abbe -from Algcna fOr an undIsclosed , in I~e Geor~ian Bay area to Krapsinow. Also being i!lvestignled nrc the deaths of two other I , d',b 0 1 . I 'f' d 1 'd h" destination.' I 0'11''\11',\ (CPl-Canada is bacl;. tee mecting in Paris, probably li'ilIl of exten 109 territorial w.ater~ .e. ~m I~ e.atI Ie, 0 avol - allng lUESON MEETS NASSER . .. 10 O\l3\\'a where he saw babies assigned' to her care In the last seven years. Miss ,Jaspers. : inc: the 18'poiI'CI' plan for intel'na.1 attend a mecting of the NA,TO ~'o~d the pr~sent three·mlle hn;lt. lhe tll'O Issues tangled up. I V l~ K' I •Menon, Indlall !! T: r. Whilel)'. It was at 'daughter IIf a fOI'mer slate selmter, saicl she shook the Krapsinllw tional control of the disputed Suez council there on Wednesday. fhlS I~ bmg delaye~ pendl~g The statement on the canal by .'.~' ~lS Ina . 1: '.:1"r ,hal Dr. Whitely orderellj bab)' "a couple 01 times:' The Inlant succumbed to a "gross Canal, Ihe go\'crnment announced GIFT TO PAKISTAN talks WIth other count.nes and In the Canadian government-which mInister \ WIlhout portIoho,. spent :. r:rt];lIp ;t thc :\eurolosieal Thursday. ' . In a series of other, annollnce. t.~e UN... , did not participate in the London more ~an three. hours durmg tl!e '.Ir, trauma" In Grace·Ncw lIa\'en ·Hospital.-(lN Phalo). The gOI'e1'l1men! made 'l, ublie a ments at a press conference., Mr. 5. Cana.dlan schon on Israel s talks-said Canada feels the Lon· day WIth PreSident Nasser In ------lon'g standmg request t purchase don proposals "arc reasonable and C.airo .. "We discussed the ~eneral statement lIl'ging that Egyptian Pearson said: . _ '. ts . . 0 • b satisCaetory and desen'e our sup. s!tuat~~n and au,: talks wij! con· President Nasser negotiate a jper. 1. Canada has iiTIllated discus· ~abrh l:J. m t~!~ ~ounJry IS b' port as a basis for negotiation." tmue, lII~non sa!d. Soviet Lady Athlete· Wanted. manent settlement along the hnes sions with' the United States aimcd mg" e up un I e uez pro. Menon IS architect of a minor. o proposed at a London-~conferenee at CUdttilng down ~n;icnconvcniences ity proposal from.the London con· of the 18 countrIes.: , and e nys' eaus~d anadlan clti· Nasser E,xperesses "Regret" ference" where Wing Cmdr. Ali External, Affairs. MInister Pear. '2en~ a,t Unjted States border Sabry was Nasser'~ o,,!Lside ,~b- . London For Hat -Stealing son said 'that ~t.hc':;'dJlciaratioli- points because lhelr names appear server. That plan calls for an In' fn stating thc IAlndon, terms form.-a on U.S, Immigration i'lookout" Over EI·senhower Statement.' lernational advisory council for zn:-;DO:-; (Reuters)-A cham· The Russian consul In London malden name oc' Nina· Romaseh· solid basis for settlement-is be. 1lsts. the canal, under Egypt's control. 1\~~!i3n woman athlete, Nina paid her bail of £5 ($14) and lin· kova, hOlds Ihe Olympic ree.ord Ing transmitted to Interested coun· ',,2. The Canadian and West Gel" CAIRO (AP) -Preshlent Nas., country which believes in "inter· But Menon says ~e is not pres- 'CI'3, 21" Was missing In dcrtook 10 see Ihal she Ilppeared for lhrowing the dIscus. ' tries Including Egypt, which has man govOI'nmenls are discussing ser summoned U.S. Ambassador national justice and conciliation." sing Nasser to accept any spec- .~ Thur>da~' nlghl, hours In courl, but she failed to turn up She established this al the Olym· natlonallzecl the vital waterway. tl!C q~estion of, traIning German; Henry Byroade, Thursday and ex· He said the 18 countries propos~ ifie plan-only exploring possibU- L'!: ,;:e had failed to appear In at magistrate's court Thursday pic Games nt Helsinki in 1952 with The Canadian statement re· pIlots In Canada buI Germany hns pressed .Egypt's "regret" over ing the plan represent 9~ per cent ities Cor a peaceful of the I;':,::1(' court to anSWer n charge morning and poliec said they had a throw 01 168 fect, 8','. Inches. ferred to the cnnal as an "inter· not' made a formal request lor President -Eisenhower's statement of traffic through the canal. The dispuie. ~ !:Hl~': fil'e hats 'from a store. been unable to find her. She Is the mother 01 a two·year· national \\'aterway." Th'Jr,sdny at this. Wcdnesda~' referring I{) the Suez plan, the president added, Includes A spokesman for the Australlall P~~:r. \lilh a. warrant out lor Mrs. Ponomareva, under her old child. Cairo, Nasser loolc exception to 3. Canada is making a $1,250,· Canal as an international water· conditions "indispensible to give legation in Cairo announced that a;;rH, said they did not President Eisenhower's use oC the 000 giit of,25,OOO tons of wheat to way. confidence Ihnt Ibis waterway in· the committee, from London would '.' ~ert she was. But the S b J C Cd' same ,phrase Wednesday. Pakistan to help relieve it - food Eisenhower's 5 tat em e n t In ternationalized by lhe treaty of make its hcadquarters In ilie Aus- :·•.• ",.~II,.slrtohnro!:I\.tehrat".lah .• e· bme'I'nisg' a re . ets' ross ana a The external affairs dcpartmcnt .sllorlage. . I Washington Wednesday said the 1888 will be operated so as d~pend· tralian minister's residence there. n . , said later lhat Mr. Pearson, who 4., TIle governmcnt has not yet lS·nation plnn for Suez Canal con •. ably to serve its apPOinted pur· Australia, the Un i led Sta:tes, • ~,:: 0f ,isht in the SOl'ieL em·) leal'es todAy lor a NATO commit.) reached a decision on the matter tral should be supported by cvery pose." Swedcn, Iran and ,Ethiopia are "or 115 H N R d membcrs nf thecommittee. ',.; ~!ficial~ woulel make no ours,.. " ew_ ecor. 15' D d 0 M· · . I A A Egypt took advertising' space IB ,,'''1 on Ihe disappcarance of! ea r ISS ng CP 0, Ie r ncw~papers in Ncw York, Londo'll l;':':r hcyo~d sarin,; A state.! HALIFAX (cP) ~ T\\'o RCAl-' aruce Mel'klln!:cl', 24, Oakl'i1~c, i' , I ' n - II" Ine and Paris oUering highly paid 1Ii~m:'flr"''':,hl he !~~I!cd laler. I Sabre jets landed al Ilearby Dnrt. Ont., and Fit. Lt. B, J. McConlls. ' .' ' jobs as Suez CaMI PAilciLs 10 ~x- j. .1, f11lf.!\1.. .: moulh Thursilay n\'e flours and 30 key, 27, Granby, Que. i W lOBI }' AI} T· d'I FI perienced scam en. , . growUlI .~,: ..;.;rl:~r/I!~i~~~:!r~hll~~~ ~:c~~t\a~;!ss~~~~~Ja ~~~~~UVr~: AVBRAGEn 570 M.P.II. 'rec {, , n ea {, . as {an '1 a at :~~~ep~~S:~~~fh:~iP~~~~~ In hecome a mmnr dIP' cord The pilots said they al'eragerl Ihe canal since Egypt took over ~ .~c:dcnt., TJI~y chopped one hour and 13 570 miles an hour but didn't hIt KODIAK, Ala5kn {AP)-A Ca· threc missing after hours of fore It went down at 9:58 p.m.,1 tiny setUcment 500 miles soul\i. ownership from the old SUez 'Ca· '..... n ,,(hcc spokesman ills· minutes ofC the old record of six the jet stream,a high altl!USC nadian Pacific Airllncs airlinel' search and rescue operations Kodiak time, 2HI milcs southwest west of Kodiak. Plans \I'ere made nal Co., July 26. ".:" . a Russian cmba~sy oC· hours and 13 minlltes set by a wcsterly air fiow. that somelimcs with 22 aboard callght fire ovcr hampered by rising on IllC of Cold Bay. to fly survivors to Anchorage, But Capt. C. T. Atkins, president ... j 'allcd at llJe forclgn of. T.33 jet trainer last January gives aircraft a boosl hi speed. the north Paciric ,Wednesday night beach off lhe tip of lhe Alaska The piane was reporled I{) have Ala~ka. of. the International Organizatipn ~'ll'!rlay 10 dis I' II S S tile 'The plane wok olf from' \lIe Winds were favorable all the way. and camc rlo.wn on Jl bleak peninsula. made one pass over the field and CPAs Vancouver office reported of Maslers, Mates and Pilots, said , :,tn,t ~Irs. Ponomareva. Sea Island air fore base at Van: The aircraft arc normally sta. Alaskan Lidal flat in a ci'as~ ~at Was making anothcr approach lhe pi lot, Capt. Thorton A. the union felt "acceptance of such dtr: :~Cd to sa)' ~ny more be. eouver at '10:58 a.~. ADT (6:58 tloned at St. Hubert. I left 15 persons dead, 0: mlssmg. The pilot' of t!le DC·6H, bonnd when It crashed short of lhe run. Tweed, 33, of Burnaby, B.C., jobs would be conlrary to the best .,lr mattcr IS sub judice a m PDT) and arrIvcd here at Some or tJie seven survivors were for Tokyo from Vancouver,. B.C., way. ' three other crew 'members and interests of the United Sates." 'He It;;1 maHer)." 3:58' 30 m ADT . The pilots said tile weathcr was) injured' critically. . ' radioed Cold Bay, Alaska, tbat DOCTOR FLOWN IN three p~ssenger5 were the sur· said his men would iO to Egypt ,!It:w,rc SUperintendent .T. Ken· •. p.. . ' 'good exccpt for a brief rainstorm I The U.S. naval station here re. his planc Was alire ,but did not The navy flew a doctor and vivors. only if government officials "say ~r.ld or London's west end The flight lI'as nn RCAF air near Vancouver. . ported' there Were 12 dead and_ giVe lhe cause. ThIs was just be., medic.1l supplies w Coid Bay, a okay." , , ' Police DiI'islon, and a de- transport command experIment in The plane carried eight crew A German newspaper, the H~m- in!pcctor made Inquiries rapid trans·Canada deployment of . members and 14 passengers. burger Anzeiger, said 10 German :hc R u s s ian embassy jet aircraft and was carried out Among the latter were 10 Orien· Kiel • canal pilots had accepted E,::;:!'~'\' and also ','Isited Ule So. by the overseas ferry unit. ' tals. similar offers and probably would r~:I.alate. Four jets took part, two making CPAs Vancouver office listed ,leave for Port Said, northern end I'onomare"a arri\'cd in only· one relueling stop at Glmll, these crew members as dead or DC the can,al, next ~veek. A leader ~., !,londay with an all·slar lIlan., and the other two 3toPpinil missing:-,first Officer Philip D. of such pIlots deme~ the. report! '!I Ir.ck and field team 10 at Glmll. and SI. Hubert, near Iverson 31 Navigator William R.ln' Calcutta, 12 IndIan pilots 0 a~ainst Britain's h~st Montreal. The last two planes ar· Hunter '32' and stewardess Evelyn ocean liners volunteered lor serv- , h~rj. loday and Saurday. rived here 12 minutes and 30 sec· Lee. 26, ;nd Anita Wong, 26, all iCe on the. canal In a message 'I. ",UD B,\IL onds afler the record·setters. uO:..fV:.:a~n~c~ou~v~·e~r.:.-______s:..c.:.:n_t_t_o-c_al_ro_.--- ____ t' , w~~ touring the gUllerlng The first pilots to land Were FIt. _ ot I.lJrlpon's swank west end Lt. Ralph H. Annis, 25, !day iI'hen A store detce· leader, 01 McAdam, N.B., and LF lecu,ed her 01 lilting five R.• T. Childerhose,27, of Arc61a, russian .Fishery Officials \Clued at about £1 13s, 5ask. The other' two were FO ,~amages·.. Ship Tour New Brunswick Plants ST. ANDREWS, N.B. (CP)-So. cli;ed' to elaborate on typcs of viet Fisheries Minister Alexander equipment used by the Russia,its. A !shkov, speeding tbrough a "Only separate technical equip­ Cyprus" HarboQr, b~sy sclledule Thursday" visited ment is different." he said. . southern New Brunswick f ish' "In all places. where We catch Gt:STA. Cyprus (Reuters) ,Wives of two Britlsh Army 51'1" plants toured the Roosevclt home We have refrigeration installa· , bellel'cd caused by a geants were shot and wounded on Ca~pobello Island briefly cele· tions. ~re pay special attention, to , mine Thursday night while walking In' Clemens Street, brated his 51st birtbday. building f1 0 ali n g refrigeration i h~lr in the !ide of the Brit. which runs through Nicosia's [ash· Dmitri Cbuvahin, Russian am· ships." 'hlp Charles McLeod docked ionable Aylos' Dhometios ar~a, bassador to Canada, ahr.ost stole He estimated Ulere were about '~r harbor here. 'where most British servil:cmen's the show Irom lhe Russian cabinet 200,000 Russians, actively engaged (harlcs McLeod docked In lamilles '!ive. They were wounded minister as they sped across Pas· in deepsea fishing with untold olh­ h a l' b 0 r Wednesday in the arm. The husband 01, ' samaquoddy Bay to visit the sum· ers ashore dependent on the' in· Tobruk wilh army stores. walking with tllcm, Was, mer home of lhe late United dustry. Canada counts about BO.· is ;,n LST (landing ShiP. tank) Minutes afterward, a Royal Sta.tes'president Franklin D. Roos· 000 fishermen. Briti~h government charter. man and 'hls wUe ,were !Ired evelt ' " "Fishing is of the greatest im·, officials believe a lim· on haU I mlle away but wlll'e not Ru~sian and Canadian me,mbers portance in my countr)'," he said. was attached to the hit. , of the party accompanying Mr. "We get a goo~ d~al oC fo~.r food· while it was In port. The ,gunmen escaped. Ishkov on his trans·j::anada tour .stuffs. from .thls lIIduslry. . ~m,li.J,•• 1 soon after 8:30 p.m., Two British so] d I e:r s, were crowded about, Mr. Chuvahin as he DUTmg thm lour Of. the Roose· a g~ping hole In the ship's wounded Thursday, In ,terrorist told of mgeting the former presl· velt home; the RUSSIan vlslwrs 3nrl causing a leak In the raids on' two village. police sta­ dent \\;ho, he said, had discussed poked tbrough every room, snap· tank. No casualties were reo 'Uons; ,.s Greek Cypriot, terrorists Ute harnessing of 'Quoddy as ping pll?toltraphs. Mr. Ishkov stepped up their antl·Brltlsh cam:, sources of electric power. posed for the photograhers be· lorces sealed oU tile palgn., . Shorlly alter, all lifted steaming side a br?nze bust of Roosevelt. artl!r the explosion and be- Costas Kourldes,' a Greek Cyp~ cups oC co!Cee aboard the fisher· s:ull~red m .lhe 40s by. a Rus· In iOl·estlgation. riot employed In a British Army ies 'patrol boat A1psa in a toast slan·liorn arhsl.

scorcs oC Greek. and Tur. canteen, Was seriously wounded ., • I to Mr. Ishkov on his 51st birlh· Mr. lshkov. and his party at· are employed In when 'gunmen shot· hIm while he day , "tended a luncheon tcndered by , harbor. sat hi a coCfee shop at Tsadha DEATH INVADES CONEY ISI,AND SHOOTING' GAI,LERY:"Co~ey islanl1,' N. Y.-Bencath ihe ,ghostly ligh.ts 01 a Coney Isla!1d REhIGERATIO'N ESSENTIAL Senator A, 'Neil McLean and l·te~ eXplosion was one of village, five miles north of Papll05. shooting gallery, the body of 16·ye~r·old Daniel Bruns Ii!!s ccverca. with .a b'lanket, Ivhile a polic;'mfln stands gua.rd at I·ight. Police While discussing, refrigeration t=.:Ir.cd the ~JC[,C311 . ~\I'ned r.~n:' , inciidc~lt, 01 fre~h vIolence Kourldes recently escaped unln· say tbe boy w~s'aecidenlaliy shoL to death by Irving Youma!ls il'ho bad b,.:n trying hi~ ~kill wi~h :lol·lllc. '. He had hr~d CoU'r shots whe.n. proce~,es whir,h he deemed an es· nors Br03. Ltd .. ron~ldcrc:1 ~',C:" I)' ni:ht Ihat r~llo\\'~d the jured from an aUack by lenorists he turned to Bruns.and accidentally discharged thc' rifle. Thc1 1ifth bulle~ killed the, boy .. The youngster~, neIghbors aL 'Queen s senti-I p'art of his country's .rH· lar[c:l' fish cannmg plant m lhe Ihe Cypriot undersround'. when they pIIshed a bomb down lhe flung fishing operation!,. be de· world. ,chimney. of hi., home, . Village, bad been on an' oullng·toge(her.-(1N J'hoto). " . ,.. ' .. " .' , I, ' .. ' , ..,',. .' r,~if\ . ..1.'1 '.\'.

. . ~ . -,...... ,. _... - ...... , ----- ...... -., . THE DAILY NEWS; THURSDAY, AUGUST 30,1956 , ,:I." 2 .;U , 2 =:Ui •• .iT. C. Ministel ~Sees. THE BIG 6 . . . ". once again presents its Famous

'", DOLLAR DAY 'SAVINGS ,for for', . ~, ~,.+. . ~. ", FRIDAY, To-morrow (August . Hal

311t).. :.The BIG 6 DOLLAR. DAY , AUniled Church min Labrador has forecast hallolt none of its popularity. ~~~~~~:r~~~~==~~~=5~J_~,~,-ti~~ 0u5 . economy and a ra , ...... -.. ----...... ~- ...... - ..-.---- .... -- .. ------..... ,-.. -.- .. -.-.- ..... ~ ... -.--.---.'. ' panding population (or I The ye~n come and. ~o but the . ley. Rev. Mr. G. W. Y: . DAILY NEWS in ~ ,IIG ,.6 DOLLARDA Y remains 1esterday that he bel: P9Pulation of Happy , institution. climb from 1700 to a m 9000 and possibly 5000. 1 tmployment from the 51 j . siaies and Canadian m Goose Bay will boost th 'aJid population of Hal ]dr. Yates said. Mr. Yates. sen'ins a II Happy Valley for unfolded a story o( a panding economy and f11lwtb and de\'(~lnprnrl leW town. just' ~ix I Goose. BOYS' WHITE He lold Ihe NEWS fiel'es Happy \'allr~· lioue tu groll' Hen Sixes a to 14 lIIight lose its milit~rl becau~e Goose itsrlf location (or a ch'ilian 1.00 In alternate to Ganri ,to: Happy Valley's plalned. lies in the big airport. BOYS' WESTERN BelTS Harp); VaJlry'~ pn f.!limatcd 10 hal'r las! year tn nearly I rOWELS ...... · ...... ·...... ·.. ·.. ·.... ·.. ·4· for 1.00 Dler. New homes arc 1.00 th'roughout the r new road is being pu, TOWELS-Rlgular 59, ...... ·.... ·.. ·,·2 for 1.00 It· from Goose to Norl BOYS' TEE SHIRTS ...... for TlI"o new brides will BLUE STR1KE BLADES 3 1.00 Important road link construction has beer: cUP TOWELS-Rlgular 40c ...... 3 for 1.00 Keen Kutter --- t, .. lIr. Yates ~aid th MEN'S SHIRTS and SHORTS: ...... 2 FOR 1.00 zel\, homes had ------.~~------~------10 Package •. HaPpy Valley this LUNCHEON SETS-Conlisting'of 4.Plates and many of the old 50 Blade. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ...... Each 1.00 t,ed the town have , Server ...... 3 for 1 ~OO He said that untold reconstruct ion work en some o( the INFANTS' PLASTIC PANTIES 1.00 D~ESS BRACES, ...... Each 1.00 The new construcli· for enl prosperity oC 4 1.00 he continued, ha~ MEN'S WORK BRACES ...... 2 pair for 1.00. fYernight face-lifting I . MEN'S (:OnON Valley, noll' one o( INFANTS' TRAINING PANTIES lIenll In Labrador. 1, 4 for 1.00 WORK GLOVES MEN'S WORK SOX ...... ·...... ·.. ·3 pairs for 1.00 "A new theatre to ;SO people Is being p DeW transportation CHILD'S APRONS 3 pair for 1.00 MEN'S GARTERS-Reg. 69c ...... 2 for·1.00 fprm of thp R-H Taxi '.' been introduced. The Rig 49c .. 3 for 1.00 C~mpany Is .·'pOllUlnl CrGARETTE LIGHTERS-Souvenir ...... Each .!aci1ltlc. at Happ" 1.00 Vites told the "'~~\' CHILD'S APRONS lie expansion h lew retail outlet will RI9.69c .. 2 for 1.00 WHITE HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS with Iny moriern dr . , ill St. John·s. 10 for 1.00' The U. C. rlrrr'l'm'~ ! . . CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOX····4 pair for mr, that Happy Yo \ 1.00 complete picture of LEATHER PALM WALLETS ...... ·.... ·.. ·...... 2 'for 1.0('- Is'suffering (rom f! CHILDREN'S BLOUSES-Reg. 1.49 .. ·" .. ·• .... ·1.00,' GLOVES • SCOUT PO'cKET KNIVES· .... ·.. :...... ·2 for 1.00 2 PaIrs for $1.00 ------_.. _-----_.__ ..- I} BOYS' CLI~~ON BRACES. ·.... ·...... ·...... ·4 for 1.00 LADIES' WEAR ---- Magistrate Hugh pairsNYLON for ...... ·, .. ---=------_.. _- . lIissing a case 2 ~OSE 1.00 BOYS' V·NECK SWEATERS ...... lIIan of SI. John's 1.00 Irate's Court \,p

, , .

1O()O CANADA'S 3.50 LEADING BRAND MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS .., .. 'Clearirig At 2.98 l' M. /'DEVIN,E THE' BIG , , .' .. . ~ YESTERDAY " with ·an addre r 339 . WATER STREET .' Dr.. •. j Flarence . ..tentiaty Instr , , . ONCE A NUMBER :.- NOW AN INSTITUTION , Aclult Centre. " \ :: :':>.,cpntiDues to-d

. ,, . . • ...... ,.

, ' , F~IDAY,AUGUST 31,1956 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,. . , , . " '.-.-1 The Dai ly News " ;, 1 ' ,.~ __ ------~------~~--~------~------~----~------~i ~~:~Ier Bright Outlook Continues Probe; New· Co mmunity Possibilities For Happy Valley, La~~h~~~y~"'d'~"'dh' Third Paper· Mi,lI ., rnitcd Church minisler from 13nd it has yet to overcome many 1J1lr;;dor h:ls forecast a prosppr'l of lis problems in Ihe field oS was quick to add thai it could not General Howard Kennedy, the man who beaded the Royal I;:! rt·,'nomy and a rapidly ex. transportation and communication. have becn done without the as- Ccmmis.ion which studied Newfoundland's forest resources, hu rJnrlln~ population for Happy Val. Happy Valley has no adequate slstance and co·operatlon 01 Happy been -employed by the Government oC Newfoundland'to' .5,~ \r), Rrl·. ~Ir. r.. W. Yates told telephone service. The only tele. Valley's "elCceptionally aood neigh· in the conduction of further Investigations into tbe forestry reset· W PAIL\' !I1EWS In St. John's phone Installations are at· the bours" at Goose Airport. YeS oi the Province. !!llrrda)' that he belieVcs the United Church Manse and In t.he Premier Josepb R. Smallwood told tbe Dally Newl last !lIght roruialion of Happy Valley, will Grenie! Mission. Power supplies Dr. Burry ,Not thftt General Kennedy is acting in an advisory capacity In studie. tlim" Irom 1700 to n minimum of arc not adequate although there c! reserves ror the possible erectiOl1 ()l a third paper mill and ill ,,'1,\1 ~nd pos~ibly 5000. IncrcAsed arc prospects oi Improvement and Th general forestry matters. ' ' t:n;!~)mrnl (rom the joint United transporlation costs are high. Enle, ring ,e. General Kennedy "isited. 51. John's this ,,'eek to bold :dl':' $!Jlf' .tnd Canadian air ha,es at I Mr. Yates said that the cost of v cussions with the Prov.incial GOl'ernment. (ji",r lIa)' will boost the economy' unloading I!nd shipping supplies Political Field The Premier told the Neil'S last night, meanwhile, that In· 'Id 1"'l'ulation of Happy Valley to Hnppy Valley from Goose has vestigation5 Into the possibility of. establishing a third paper mill ~: \,.lei' ~aid. been doubled this year. It costs REVEREND G.W, YATES points out location of are "proceeding adively". . y" Y;.Ie,;. s~rl'inl: as minister now tcn dollars a ton to unload Reverend Dr. Lesler Burry, well Goose Bay. Airport, Labrador. The Province of Newroundland, the Anglo·Newfoundland .: H)rp~' "alll'Y rnr three ycars. all goods, including foodstu((s and known Labrador Missionary Cor Del'elopment Company and Bowaters Limited are jointly makin, t!i,:r.rrl ~ stor)' nf a rapidly ex· I'aluable lumber. Mr. Yates told the United Church wtll not be a G A' an Inventory of crown land timber resources to de~ermine whcther ;I,:m~ rennnm)' and the speedy the NEWS Ihat it cosls almost a9 candidate In the forthcoming pro· rnme' nt pprov' e' s or not there Is enough timber reserve to establish the third :11ill. r.'lh and dCl'clopment or the much to bring lumber fromGoo~e "inclal general election. ove . The actual field work for the third mill survc)' b being done I!' ~""n. just .~ix I miles from to Happy Valley as It does to shIp Dr. Burry WB! reported to have , . b)' the famouR Jenkins OTgani~alion. . [,:-"( It to Goose irom Carbonear, in been askcd to represent the LIb- llr ~nlrl thr ~E\\,S that he he- Conception Bay. cral party In the district of .Lab· C ' S hI' h· ' lr·.I' Hap!")' \'allr~' would con· Another handicap is that the rador North •.He Is understood tO I entenary C 0' ars' 'lp : t~"r !ot troll' 4'l'rn Ihoul:h Goose rlock al Goose 15 owned by the have been wIl!ing to accepl the, L' an e Cas' II F 0 r " ::i:~: IO,'r it,. military Importance 1 Armed Forces ~nd ell'llian per· eRndldncy but to hal'e chnnged hi'. ..' , ',~m~'e \;ome itself b an Ideal: sonnel are not permllted to do Rny mind becau~e he felt he could . I"\JliOn Cor ~ cil'i1ian air hase. as : of their own unloading. Mr. Yates better serve the people of his dis· N h M· · II • • E · I~ ,'lrrnalc to Gander. Thc key I're,'caled. however, that plans, ,are' t~'lct as a member of the clergy. . !~ ll'rpy "alley's success. he ex. being laid for the construction of Dr. Burry told the DAILY ort e' rn' IS sionary Lim It . xte nS Ion !lbr~. Iic~ in the i\llure of the a new dock for ell'ilIan use. NEWS, that he will not b. a can· I ' , r, . I '11 V II C 11 h dldate I The Honourable Dr. F. W. Rowe, Kennedy, St. ,lohn'5, llcniistry; liam Guy, SI. John's; Charle~ Ma~', ' , ~:. mport:. ' . I.e Happy ,a ey ounc as •. 'Minister of Education, wishes to James 'frcmbMt, Mouut Carmel,' Deer Lake: Samuel Chafe, White· "M lI'rl')' 'alley ~ populallon 15. acquu'ed R nell tractor and, says I' announce that the GOI'ernment has :tIedi~ine: Dal'id King, 51. John's, bourne: James. Rogers, Corn~r: ust Protect . t!::~;;lrd tn hal'r ~ro\l'n from 1400 Mr. Yates, its I'alue is inestimable. 'Fred Clark approved I 5econd list of recom· Medicine. Brook: Gordon Simms, St. John i. , : !I" ~rar In nearly 1700 ~his sum. A unique problem which It is help. mendation5 submitted to it Jjy the . ENGINEERING UnivCf!ity Appllcanls,- Edwin I ,,:.tr. Xrw homes are springing liP ing to solve is that of the erosion I T f d Committee set up to administer Grade XI Applicants - Clyde, Snook, St ..John'.. S1 F' 1 " . :~r,'\:~~nut the communit~. and II of the shoreline. Mr. Yates told of 8 rans erre the Responsible Government Cen· Greene, St. John's: Gunter DIu· 1 University Applicants entering • lOre IS lenl1el1 , H" rn~d i~ hrio~ pushed through I how one home had toppled, Into tenary Scholarships. This second gosch, Corner Brook: nObert.\ Second Year-Darryl Fry, St. . , t. IT"!1I G(lO,e to ~orlhwest nil'cr.lthe water just two I\:eeks after it To "T asbingtoll list Is as rollows: W,1l1lehotne, Millertoll'ni Gle~n J?hn's: ~:aham Ped~le, Foxtrap: I Max Lane, general lecretary lit I big boats will InterCere with them. 1-' nnl' hrides will complete the had been sold when the bank ",. x~~UCATION . hi t HIli, Buchans: Alfred Brown, WII· SIdney Dk) e, St. John s. I the Newfoundland Federation of I ''The three mile limit," h' , l"'i'r'r13n~ roar! link \\'h~n. ~urface I upon which It had been firmly HQ .. NORTHEAST AIR 'en?:rad~aeu1ty P~ilca~J~c:;I~n ngEu~ C Be' P .' 'I [cisheroncn, told the DAILY NEWS stated, "is too short a dista!1'cc." .r:':':rur~lon ha~. been flDlshed. planted c'l~apscd through erosion. MAND.-Mr. Fred Clark, Dlr~~t~[; gene Abbott, Bona\'ista: Robert 'I"omotlons ·Iut night that Rome action witl "In the light of changing clln· ~I:, \ ales ~ald that so~e 60 The. Co~ncil tractor, however, Is of .Clvilian Personnel for th:e Aitkin, Botwood: Arthur Brown, • • • ! soon have to be taken to cKtend ditions," the Federatioll Secretary t!'T n(\mr~ had been bUIlt at ehmlDshng many of. the troubles North9ast Air Command, will de. 1'rinlty, B.B.; Joan Davis, Placen. I territorial water limits and pro- told the NEWS, "some definite }llrr." \'allry thi~ summer .and caused by t!rosion by dumping new. part St. John's for an Indefinite tla: Walter Dawe: Lewlsporte, Bar: teet this prol'ince'l in·shore fish· consideration is going to hal'! til :o;~." ~f the old shacks which dot. material alons the water's edge. period of dutv at USAF Head, bnra Downtown, Grand Falls: San. ery. be gi\'en 10 this question." '. 'IIC l~. tOll'n hal'c been torn down. Mr. Yates Is very proud of the quarters In WashlnglOl1, D.C .. At dra Drodge, SI. John's: Clement Mr •. Lane lI'as commenting on.a He said he felt the introductl~n !i! '.id that untold repair Rnd work done at his United Church USAF he will be Rsslgned to the Drover, Upper Island Cove: Jean CanadIan Press report that aald I of the 12-mile limit was the .ideal , r':~n.'Ir.,ctiun work had heen done school In Happy Valley. He told Overseas Rnd Field' Affairs Divi· Dymond, SI. Joh,n's; Bar~ara Fllz· the. ~o"ernment has reached nn I~olution 10 tht! problem. r.r 'nmr of the airier houses. the NEWS that the educational ~ion of the USAF Directorate o~ gerald, St. John s: KeZIah GI~I, d. eClSlon .on. the .matter of exdtend' l If "omcth'lng ,I"n't done ;."000, . . I h Civilian Personnel. Gander; Albert Haynes, Rosalie b th 0 0 0 T1r.r nCII ~onstfruchlion and· gen· standfar(dls arhe 10bh g therl dnJot Mr. Clark. wtm has worked. foft Hol!ett, St. John's; Clyde Jac)tman, 109 terrltoml "ater~ . cyan e : Mr. Lane went on, there is ioin, n pro.sperlty a I e community. one a ure as een repor l e n the USAF for 14 years, has been Bell Island; Faith Maldment, present three·mlle hmlt. 110 be trouble' : . t, rn.nllnued, h.a!. resulted In an the prol'incla! examInation. for promoted I.number of times duro Bruce Manuel, Rita Elaine Moore, Mr. Lane said it Is obvious that . . r,!:nl~hl facl'.hfllng for Happy three years. Ing his employment and now holds Francis Murphy, Beverly. Dawe, the fish hal" mo,'ed closer to The C.P. repor1 had quoted 'Ex· \Il!r)·. noll' one of the key seith:. Th G d X I t I h I the highest civilian persOl1nel job St. John's; Marian Quirk, Buchans: ~hore and the bigger boats are ternal Affairs Minister Pearsijn al 'IL!S in Labrador. e ra e e ee ora, Ie 0 ar· In the Northeast 'Alr Command Raymond Rose, Channel: Dorothea coming in after them. Our New· stating that the federal govern· ship for Labrador went to one of He hns been awarded the hIghest Smith, Corner Brook; Angela foundland long·liners, he explain· ment's decision on the Issue ,'is' ., ntW thratre to ~eat more than the .tudenls .t the Happy Valley decoration that the USAF can ·Snook,· Hant'l Harbour: Raymond ed, ,are fishing outside the three being delayed pending talks.,with L't! ~o!"le Is being erected and a school, Kitchener Mesler. giVe to • civilian employee. This Tuck, Hant's ~arbour: Evelyn mile limit and sooner or later the other countries and in the li.N;' ',: If' !ran~portation ~ervlce In the Happy Valley, Mr • .Yates laid, decoration was for exceptional Barnes, St. John s: Hubert Furey, I~ nl Ihe R·H Taxi Compan~' hns Is not lacking In modern entertain· service and was awarded by then Harbour Mnln. , ~BRIEFS~ ment facilities. The Armed Force. Secretary of the Air Force, Harold University Undergraduates wish· "' I llfr. introduced. The Hudson Bay .. at Goos. provide excelle1it radio E. 'I'lilbott. ,~ Ing to enter Second Year of Edu· eBe Broadcast ; C.:::pany Is expanding Its presen cation Course-Marie McNeil, Tre· li:i1itirs at Happy VaUey and Mr. entertainment, through their own When ,Mr. Clark, whose St. passey' Geraldine' Kelly POlich On Sunday next, the 2nd Sept., IN THE NEWS 1'lt[! toM the l\"EWS that when station, and a new television stat· .John~s residence II at 1 Whlteway Cove ' St. John's East: Ellen ' . "Sunday :'liscellany" will present ion Is to be built thi fall 51 t d rt f hi t 'I I' I tl Ad ' I Patrick Dry!dale who has recent· PREMIER SMALLWOOD. told ,h txpansion II completed the s. ree, epa S ollr Was nB on Win ,en, P aeen a: a Brown, S.t. . (Daily News Photo)., ~18ge. They JIve In 51. John'. with: Iy joined the st~ff of the Depart· the News last night that thert is I!T rttail outlet will be on a pnr ,Th. U. C. ~In\ster told the no ,or nbout the 14th of September, John .s; Florence Snow, NOrriS CHARL'ES MARCEL. I their lwo dau!lhtcl's at 17 OSbourne, ment of English at Memorial Uni· nothing particularly signifi~ant -;lh Iny morlrrn department riore NEWS he looked forward to • he will be 'accompanied by his Arm .. , " The Canadian Broadcastjng Cor. ; Street. II'ersity, in the second of three to Attorne" General Leslie. R. iJ s~ .1nhn·s. bright future Cor his community wife, Enid, and their two chil· Um\erslt) Undergr,adnates wish· 1 poration recently announced that. Mr. Mal'del's new work will en· , talks on "The Myths of the Irish". when It gels the· many services It dren, Allen and Sandra. InR to enter Third Year of Educa· '.. 1· " Curtis's prescnt I'isit to ·~ton· nt l'. C. e1~rgyman !ald, how· tion Course ~Ir. Charles Mardel, who has been I tall Iravellmg to schools around I His third talk WIll be heard, on treal. Thc Attorney General. m:. . lh~t !I~ppy V~lIc~' Is not a 11'111 nced, Including more police U I It' U d d' . a member of the announcing staff: 1':ewfollndlanu, sll\lC1'intcnding and : Sunda~', Sept. 9tb. B

Adult Education· Conference DRAPERY

36" wide. Small . prints 'on c:ontrast ground ..... SSe. SPECIAL YD~


LARGE, FLORAL 36" - 44" - .48" Wide PRINTED DRAPERY DRAPERY FABRICS " 36" wide, on grey ground. ' In solid' and floral patterns SPECIAL YARD .. "" ..... 97c, SPECIAL YARD.. 1.25

YESTERDAY.MORNING the 'Adult Education teachers beld. their an~ual confp.rence In the Board Room of .the Depnrlment o[ Education. The conference opened·' 'Aith an address of welcome by the Deputy 'Minister,' Dr. G. A. Frecker, 'Seated in the picture, from Ie!!. to rlg~t, are:-lIfiss M. Russell" St. John's Sanatorium; Dr. Flarence O'Neill Director of. Adult, Education, and Miss E. Feltham' of the Corner Break Sanatorium. Standing, left to right, are:-Mr.· E. Pike, B.A.,. Peni· t~ntial'Y Instructor: Mis. J. Steckle,St.· George'.: Mr. ,N. Bray, Provincial 4.H Leadef; MlssM. Mifflin, !(!1111crgartcn teacher;. Miss. M. Strnw?riugc,. Vi.cc.Prin.cipal Arlu!1 Celltre, Miss C. Cooppr, M.Se., Field Superv\8ori Mi58 P. Rose, Mr. G. Parsons, and, Mr. I;i. Day" all teachers. at the 51., John 5 SanatorIum. 1 he c9ufcrence Continua to-day and &~t~dl)'.-(DRlly'Ne.wl:Photo).... :.,' ." .•' it.~~_u_:_'_ :. . i ' ' . !. '. , . "



Newloundland's Only Morning Paper, • In 'rhe News The DAILV NEWS Is a mornlnl piper ,r.""" , ':, "'. ' • "; I .,. .r"-;" • - "r established in 1894, - and published .. t tht By WAYFARER .. " . . News Building, 3~5-3119 Duckworth Street, , r~ , St, John's" Newfoundland. by, Robinson ,. ,NOTES AND COMMENT tOilS of coppe.' orc wllh a value , ' ...... "" I ~ Company, !.Imltcd,' , We must, fl'rely admit that of 51,572,104 The Bett's CO\'C " ME:~IIlr.R OF'THE CANADIAN PRESS OUI' Cew trial circuits of tho mine, about twelve miles to 'I'he Canldian PreSs Is, exclusivel,y entitled new tratlle system at Rawlills the south oi Tilt Cove' WDS, CI'OSS wc~'c, del'old of any tn the use for republlcation of all new I however, a fur richer producer, 8pcclal difficulties, Wliat Is 1(>;;5' Il was opera Icd by Francis '- disl)!ltchcs in this paper credited tD It or {o certain Is I hI! effect of t,he nciv Ellershnuscl who employed a_ 1'he Associated Prcs~ or Rcuters and also the circuit On traff,t 1.1l00'cmcnt. We thouson~ men In t.he third year local news published therein, hnve not been around durin,;' of his operations at Bett's COV!! All Prea~ Icrvlct and leature IIrticles 10 the perlbd of hcu\'y mealtime he mined almvst as much orc this p~pcr are copyt'lght and their reprodu~lloD cllngesllon, Wnether, howevcr as Tilt Cove nod produced in , I, prohibitcd, the diVersion of /111 eastbound' flftcen ycars, n,\lL\' SCBSCRII'TIOS R,\Tl;S movement nlOllg Qilccn's ROQd • • • C:n.da .. " ...... $ 8,00 per annum snd norlhbound movement on Mlnln!! Iti those days was Unitrd Kin~dom anI! all Prescott Street to Kinll's Rood hordly cconom'( and processing We also, wish to ~xpr' t'orei;n CO\lnlric~ " "SI:!,OO pcr annum Member Audit Sumu or w1l1 provcnt the long delays at of the arc was fop Icss e£ficienl. Ihantt. to Mr. Authorilra no. 5ccorod class mail Post '){flce I t the Queen's Road 'Prescott ,In time the easily accessible who, for manr ye Circulation. Orplr:ment, OltaWH. '.'~ Strcet juncllon has yet to be deposits pelcl'ed out, Tilt Cove looking after thc im ~ccn, Was t.he last to hold out. It the pipes and connecti • • • closed', dowlI Ilbout 40 years NOV£M to tna ble u~ to r FRIDAY, AUGUST :11, 1956 , We are, IlUlI'L'I'CI', lIIueh Illorc ago, _Bell's to\-C had been' supply of water, : COIll'el'lIcd about Ihe casl'we~t exhallstNI long before then and he install the pipes I On Ihe other halid, i1 15 a noleworlhy , lI'affic on Water SIt'eet III n'l1 LIttle Bay, ~omi again, to be facl thllt no geslure has been made bv th!! ~Imls of the rlay and partlt'ulm'­ the ecnll'c of mlncral prOlluc­ Is o\'cr he tral'I'I, ar to take lip the p Progress In The' North Finance II'1inistcr to indicate that hc' see~ n~h~~rldng til? ,lum'lI hour, 'I',he lilln, hnd 11 life of t hrec yeRrs , fl' ft' bl' , , ay II e 1I0teli that Ihe betwcen 1878 ~nd 1881. In tlYO them for fulure UH In ;m I'xl'lw,i\(! inlel'\"ic\\' with the an III atlOl1al'~' nc or 111 pu IC spcndmg, lights chnllgl'c! three tin ~llccessll'c year:; this settlement we al,o wi~1 DlIil~' :'\ew~. Prcmicl' !:;mallwooc\ ha~ The effect of sol'ne curtailment 9f ex- before any mlll'clllcni we5t\\';~d was the "iclim of serious, [ii'es, our thanks to the p.'ljnlec1 a ~)o\\'ing picture of mincl'nl pcnditlll'c Ina\' 110\ 'be gi'cat as a buttress from Cli~t's COl'!! could nCClll', Thil'ty-Iour hOll~es II-ere burnell ~ ,who allow us to in 1903 and a lot'est fire sll'ept :j('\\~lopmr.1l1 in Ihe Burlington Pcninsula, ngn inst sprcadinrr inflation but it would • And on L,w sallie day there was across their land , t> a complete t le-uJI of westbound the settlement in the following main al Harbour ( h b a highl~' !'<.llbf,\'il1,~ stOI'~', pnrlicll' at least !JI\'e a moral aspect to the Gov· Il'affic fOl' a fun ten I11lnut yenr and left 300 persons Our thanks are also I emment's policy which 't now lacks. It ;llotorlsts are, of cOUl'se, acqu~;: homeless, larl\- 10 Iho~e \\'ho, throuch the \'CAr5, It the mllny people in is hardly to be expected that the ordinary Ing patience, There WAS a time • 4: If h;1\"(> hnd i;lilh in the nolentia1itieg of the who have done ,~o citizen will curb his pel'sonal spending if when thc air would be rent hy Some twenty years ago our ~nincral re,nurccs of Ncwfollnc1lancl , the ear'splittlllg croalling of own interest in the possibilities jllke our stay a \'ery Xohoch- knows "et the extent of theEe ~o\'el'l1ment falls to set an example, That hol'OS, 'rhat no longer happens of the Green Bay copper belt !T\;n~r;ll 'pro~!,eci A few ~'cars 'ago, tS a fact that hal' yet to dawn on the and It is something to be was awakened by a convcrsat· ,llany thanks are also I Fhl('hl'll'S W;l~ ill danr;el' of becomin,q II Finance Minister and his cabinet col- thankful for, ' lonwlth II geologist who had Langlie's Calm Appruisal members of the ROI . * • .. was "hI"! tr"\"n, To~la\', ns n re~lIlt of n~w I eagues, , worked In Burlmn's and Letters lour Grace for the ~plrl If you arc at Lile end of a convinced that there were great tbey always gave liS ar.. 1'1'1' r.Nlif's I(lC111co nt dcnth, it appears to ------long line of tralfie, you cannot BV BRUCE BIOSSAT riches to be found in the Green .".mh,en of thr ~ it" I: h:>I"r a Ion!:! life before it. determine the causes oC these Bay belt. A few years lateI', in protracted delnys, But we had When GO\', Arthur Langlie of Washington spoke from Ih' by and superl T\\,cn!\' \-em's ago Tilt Co\'e was n ghost the early stages of the war To The Publican rostrum in San Francisco,- he could talk ahout tht re­ Suez Plot Thickens thought that one [unction' of when both copper and sulphur ~0\'::1_ Toc1;l',' it il' plllsnlin~ with new life, the few police now operating cord of a party in pGwer, This has both advantages and Gil­ While the Menzies committee prepare!. WCl'e at R premium, a mining ..... : mal1\- plat'?!' where COppCl' was once 'on motor cydes was to get ellgineer, Frt'd Foote, was In­ advantngcs, ",i11('(1. new ;lClh'i:',' is to be found, forti­ to go to Cairo to begin talks with Colonel things moving, and 'prel'ent terested In rec.aimlng w,hate,'e!' Editor All pf)litieians hidding for high oUice are expecled la IIY j'-ir.::! thr l'1'1n-i('t ions of tho,e who be­ Nnsset', the latter is trying to build up an sclfi!'.h nllllillmnsirierpte dl'ivers could be extral'ted Irom the what they will do if elected, Bnt it is no little help to be abl, I from holding uo all movement large dumps at Tilt Cove. He TEACHER SHORT AGE tu point to deeds already done-as nn earnest of good failh, ];en'd 11'<11 the ~hores of Grecn Ba" \\'1'1'1' intensificatiOil of anti-British feeling in on UUI' mall! m'ce!. 'I'hiR fune­ needed abou, S200,OOO to go to Editor Daily News, On the other hand, no auministratir.n ever get~ through a period onc nf th!' [Orr:!t minpr:11 helt~ in th(' Ihe i\lirldlc East bv his arrest~ of British tlun is lIot, 11'.11111 OUl' observat, work and nslwrl the government Dear Sir-Your article of AU;l· of incumbency withont making mistakes, especiaJl~' in thele rom. "-n:-10, :\! GlIl1 P()ml. Littlc Bay and ritizens on chn\'[!e's of. espionage, A trial lon, heing Ilcl'fGl'nieci. This is all, fot' a loan This was rejected CIllIl'Sr., ~tory, It list 24th re Tcacher Shorlage CCI\'C' in Ihe notorious Russian manner appear~ of nn old I1n,1 ple)( times, Its errors arc the opposition's ammunition, and lome· ~1:r:c1;l'o" 1::I:1nd, (Irillo; :11'~ pl'obing out of hanl' ano there was little \\'or.e, Than 1955, ,Maybe the bt'ell hashed o"er and rehashed doubt thaI tltt' Commission had limes rr.llui'rc painrul cxplanation, riC'!':) :11:'" t111' {'~,.th, ~cr.kinf! its hidrll'l1 to hr. in sight. o\'cr the !la,1 fell' year" We no faith at 1111 In t.he resurrect­ school boarcl~ are a lot to blame, Bllt if tanglic was trlJuhlcd by this customary IlAndicap, he did :-;c!,('<, :~t Bail' \'rr\c, on~ of the \l'orld's Thi,'lends a new and sinister aspecl to sUPllo~e that a cure may have to ion of the GI'l'~1l Bay mines, If i.e" my wife has applied for a not sholl' it in his keynote S1ddress, True to the keynoter'~ tradi­ n"l':lt (:CIlO<;'~ 1'[ :l~bc,..;10" ha,'; been found, the Sue? crisis, Othe\' things are hap­ walt 011 the ollc,way Rystem to SII' Wilfrid Woods, the Com- position as tcndler and has eight tbn, he i~~lOrcd his party's shortcomings and rlwelt at Ipn~th uJlIIn Tj'r fu:mc fol' the whole peninsula SC~ll1S pcnil1!:l to sl1~gest thai a dangerous situa­ he ~et IIrl lUII'm as the end of the 1111~sloner for E'ublir. Utilities, years of fxprricnce and good what he considercd the posiHvc achie\'ements of rresidcnl Eisen. br1(1hL tion is ill the maldng, Nolhinq could YI!m' and we shall ha\!c to walt had possessed a more flexible qualificatio'ns but cannot he ac· hower's rcgime_ llatientl~' to ~r.e what that mind, Tilt Cove and othcr areas ,B~l':; ill lfl:1~" thi.' nrW,:,)8pet' \\'as emphasise this morc than Britain'., cepted heclluse she is married, cllnngc will pl'Odut'e, might house Pl'oducing mines The historian'; appraisal, naturally will differ from ~lIr.h a pru­ (I • • Silly isn't it. :I~'~;n~ .hc (,ntlllni,:doll of GO\'cl'nmrnt aC(luiescence in the French desire to today, ['ntatinn, But (CIV citilens II'ho understand the inspirational pur, ."IIIIDlaIlUer ~IAKE NO WONDER_ :,"1 \):1\' olle diamond (1rill to nul at the ~tntion troops ill Cyprus to be l'ead~' to The rCI'1r1l1 or' minerai oper­ • • • pG,e of the keynote speech \l'ould express 5Urprise that Langlit ~"r\'!("e of lll'n~l:{,c1 or~ and 01 hci's who had assi;;t Frcnch nationals in Cairo if Ihe ations in the Grecn !lay COPIll!1' But. 1\1. .1. Boylen's operations dealt in some of the party exaggeratinns which are the hallmark r(l\ll1l1 (ll\t('r()pnin~s nf orr thnl rlescl'\'ed need shnuld arise, area is a rendncler that the In this I'eglon Rte re~toring the of these tnlks, first di,ll'o"eI'Y IIf ropper at falt.h of tho~e who have always j.wcQirscrtion_ He spoke somewhat in the ma~ner t'1'11;>]'<; ewer tl'e next [f'W \'ears in de­ the Cnpe, the operation of. t.he canal wnuld one as a l1ellc\'cr In the exist. now in progress, It Is always Tlie Battalion 1Ii11 h~ of the trusted attorney assnring' the family that the estate is in fin! n' r"~r'rnt and cxplorntion.' impoEe a heavy burden on overstrained ence o( minerals 111 the Island." posslhle to have one's hopes "I ASK GOD" Ii the Armoury on Tlnn They bega'i mining coppel' Rt shape and e,'crybody will be taken care of. :' <; Ih;nt!s al"l')('nr at the moment, the Egyptian finances. As it is. most or the raised too high, But on the On bended knees I orrel' up limber 13th, Tilt Cove In 1864 and in Ule lace of It. the outlook for the It did not hurt his case that this partiCUlar estate-tbe Uniled l'Ir('~ betwcen Raie Ycrtt' and Tilt CO\'e key Jlel'sonnel on the canal service are a prayer to God on high • CARRY ON C,L,B, 1\ next fifteen yelll's this one Green Boy rellion looks I very requesting faith, to struggle on Slates--is currently heing managed by Mr, Eisenhower, a man in lLAG FLYIXG. 1T';"'1-:~corrie, in time, nne of the wl'altrit'st westerners who ,mnv be \vithdrRwn and properly produeCt! about 50,000 good. •• , pa lience so I can try , •• I whom milliens of Americans place great (aith, l'!"~ mrEt populous in tht' i~lnnc1, -Yet, it would, take to train others to year~ seek a love noble and true ••• Some might imagine that LangJie intentionall~' s ought to ron' nnt teo mal1\' ye~n; ago, that aren was l'en1nce them, on which I can depend , •• a ------~~~------~~ .. trast his speech with Ihc fire- effort of his Demomtic ...... i'" From (; nart (If the French Shore and the New­ The situation is bad all round, Economic Wh t sincere smile. a tenller kiss, , , counterpart, GOI', Fra!lk Clement of Tennessee, ,He may hare been to malIC my hopes ascend , , • I fnunrllanrl GO\'ernment coulclnot c~el'cise sanction~ would hurt those imposing mindful of that aspect. But the evidence suggests basically that a Others Are.SaYlng want for children as I knoll' ••• it~ co\'t'rei'!n nowers O\'el' it, not e\'en to them, Their immediate effect might be without them life is blue ,', , Langlie spoke according to his nalure, as did Clement thf lVeer Pond Nral' R th> nppoin'tmcnt of II mngistrnlc or police. to stl'eno:then Nasser's position rather ----.------~------~.~- one bit of childish laughter be(ore, mell. than w'- the h3rometers of the country's condition ~! Ihe election apprr.aches, ('I\'.'l1Ed !n1l1cral c\ctims helped, The Gov­ pipelincs might be closed down and oil beller praclI~e =cfl!nclllng down, hnl'e come all thaI way in the for dreams that ~ive to life , , , Nnllv.. "t\ e\e':h'omflgnelic Sltl'\'C'~'S help· ~1I\)p1ic~ at Indian OceRn 1l0rt~ restricted, meantime, fed by streams c( most endearing glow , ," Ihose • ' T.O()KI~r. FOI!W.\Rn easlerncr~, mid-westernel'~, mi- who can clream hal-e Il'hat it ('rl. And 1 (!d:l\', the l)cople of rIc\\'­ That mi~ht ha\'e to lead to mi1itar~' action (SIt'atrol'd Ileacon·Ht'rald) ~raling Oklahomans during the takes _ , , to conquer any woe , fmmdl;]I':!. lookin~ at the pl'Oll1i~e held by the west. The suspense is prelty one- rillst bOWl dal's anti older folks , , . I do not ask for golnen Turnpih~es Sel'v'e Purpose· fOI'll! [01' tlie Eudin~to\l Peninsula, 11ln~' 'All theRe conmlex consequences that sieler! this time of the year, The' in general w}{o have gone to the coin , , , from God who rules I feel that )1e\'hap~ \\'c are olll~' nt the mil v ensue wili fo Uo\\, f1'om the efforts children wonrier What kind of coast 10 spend their declining mankind . " but for the Ireasnres that can give , •. a EI'er sinte Congress enacled the 33 billion-dollar hi~h'l'A; bIll. 1h'-e~!tolrl of de\'e!opment. of 311 F.fTvptian Hitler -to impose his will teacher they'll draw, b,ut the days in sunshine-and smn!l, '_ \"orld, The traged',' )'S that a tMcher ~alrendy knOll'S tbe kind Many poople have no doubt at all blessed peace of mind, repol·ts have been going the rounds that the era of turnpik! build, l! i;; poosible 'to allow cnthtisins111 to ,ltnOn the , ,I of children ~he'll get. that Los Angeles wllJ do. just ing soon will end, - ' bUilcl e~:ce";:i\'e hope, Bllt the Govern­ pinchbeck dictator like Nasser in a de-,' • • • what it says, for the westward leAO S d· 'l'hat may be so, Tile wobbly status of the prestnt marktl for men: hui' gnl1e aboul thc development of cadent cOl1ntrv is able today to hold the ON A TRUCK ROUTE trek Is by no means abated, tll leS tur!1plke revenue bonds cerlainly indicates that investors felr it, om' mitl!'rnl \\'c:lllh in the right wn~' nnrl free world to ransom. ' (Mor.se ,Taw Times-TIr.ralcll Figures on population and Indus· But whether or not this Is truc, and whatever the ultimate di!, It'ls m'xt to impossible to live try trends in the last lew years th!' rc!:ulls up to no\\' l'eem 10 carry the A10r Problems by the side of the road In 1I resi- show a stendy migration to. the pcsition of existing toll roads, It should nel'er be Iorgoten that ther prOlniie of hctter things to come, ______... 1___ ... rlentinl s;-ctlon of thr city, n road wpst anI! southwest, with the MONTREAT. (CPJ-1'he Inter. have made a vital contribution to the Improvement ot Amtrlea'r oVl'r wllll'h all the heavy trans· great smoky Lo~ Angeles COlm- national Civil Aviation Organlza. highway system, ' , , port trurks are diverted and try getling a hlg shal'e, Meanwhile Han Is going to take another WI;ile politicians merel\' talked of better roads and IOmp high, continue to he a Mend of mnn,' the desert builds up over ?>Io- crack at the comple" intcl11ational Strength For 'The Day • • • way experts cluckel! thci~ disapp'foval of the loll road idea, ,thl " j: ' i~ational Finances ja,'c way with people who don't legal problems involved in sllch tUl'llpikeH were built. 'l'h~y are in use now, providing the motOrist i : ' BOSSY 111m RIGHT NA~IE like the smog, things as births, deaths and crimcs I'" ': TI:e r


• 1 ,·.w<~ft .... ••· , .. ,..,~~,}.jI!H~ il AlLchillleck-..:tntle Wedding' :Uti,' .... ~:jQ • ..,...... •

, '


j ,," ,'ur la!t noles on camp !I::~I' inll donations hal'/! been and are "cry gratefully , ,Icdgrd: 525.00 eaeh from Farms Limited Ind '\'. J ~~~rt'S Lhnittd: SI0.00 from L A. J. Lu(Uo\\,; 55.00 each Errnl Bcrg, In Mcmory of 11". Rrrves. George Easton, (r.1J. J. ~I. C•• 'Ice),. Major A. i Ht:nm"n~: 51.00 from Bert Tay·

11,(\ wish 10 expres~ our thanJl\; 10 Mr. Harry ,,!lo. for many years, has _ l~(I~in~ aflrr Ihe inslallation , ; ::r r.lpr~ and connections nee· ~'!~ I,' rnRble u~ to hn\'c an ';,;', ',:r.pl)· of walrr. Nol only '1' :.r :n' prople in Harbour i-,"I "hn ha\'t' donc .-0 milch to ,;1 rut' sla~' a \'cry pleasant

'!I':' thank ... UP al>n pa~sed on '1,,, Come In and see this handsome selsction of Stratton (made ~ ~. ":"'",hrr' 01 thr noll' In n~r· I ":' ':~""r fnr Ihr ~l'lrndid hl'lp :. in England) jewellery, , • Cuff Links, Arm Bands, Tie Retainers, ! ." 1:-,1;.~' 1:31(' liS and 10 Ihe ~ •• -"'. nl 1I1f' I i: I' U ".. " Dress Sets . • • iew.ellery f~mous for its beauty of finish . the {, ,,-~:~: hy Md 511\lCfI·i.inJ; our I , " ,.\. elegance of design, its dignified packaging and best of all l~~r ~: [:;'::':1r~T ('(l~lPETlTJO:\' ' i . ) , j r~, "':J1l'rtllinn for hr;1 ramp for its reasonable prices 1 t(l uy II' .", ~rni{lr ni"bion \\'a~ I'cr", ~ abl. I ." fnr comprlilinn \\'n~ won I ~Ir. and lIIt·F. WlIliam Auchin· Knoll, Top~alJ, The' honeymoon ::h, !Il Tt'l1\ Xn. 2 !.inc. "ABF" leck alier Iheir wedding, whieh was spent at st. CatherIne's, Sal· l .,. ..~'1 I prrlM .,~::,;.m) with Cp1. K. Whill': Tl'nt I took' plnce July 11 at 7 p.m. in monier, 'and they are now resil'l· :.~:..:nrirr. Th.l'rl' .\\'a~ n Itl' I.nr Ithe ~1arian Chapel, Bnsllica of st. Ing It 101 Bond Street • .. "". ~Iur. Illth :'>0. fl Tenl No. John the Baptist. The double- The bride Is the iarmer ,Mis! CUFF LINKS C,7r Bay noh· iring c('remony was celebrated by Ruth Antic, daughter of Mr. and ."Il"C~mpanr. Chain connected Cuff links, oblong, square and oval shapes. Chrome ~. .. :1 h (pI. n. 01111'1'. Tf'nl I Rr\'. Fr. IInnton. Bridal allend~ Mr~. Clarence Antle, And the • l'.ldl' i' .'~.' :".',.r.dr~. a~rl,:\.o. \'l '.·I'nt i\o.. Il'nl~ were ~(r5, ,lenn )Iowco as and gilt finish ...... "" ...... ,.... ,' ...... SOc. set T grOOm is the son o[ Alice Me· , ",'." P~al.' II ox Irap I ompall). mnid o[ honor and Cyril O'Brien Single and double "Expando" Cuff links. Assorted styles on polished ~l ~ Ul\-'01\ , ••• • \. \\: I\rnn~(~)'. Trnl Com. a~ Iw~t man. . Crlndle and the late William and lacquered metal ...... :...... ,...... , 75c. set ~t r.1'~n· t,';"': Third pO~lllfIn wa~ \\'on The rcception \\'a5 held at the Auchinleck, both of ' the city. \ ., \' I Trnl :\0. I Linr, Z'ia\'al _. ______• __ _ Ring and Chain connected Dress Links. Black stone set in' fancy rim 75r:. set i • j'T'" · ·::-pn). \I'ilh LIS G. !'iocl, Tent: not long ago. They havc taken up are well learned at thl~ sort of Real Mother 0' Pearl Dress Links, ring and chain connection ...... 95c. set m,'\a! par- '7 "lnrlrr. Itcmporary rcsidencc at Gull Pond. job and every confidence is as· . Double·ended, Maroon imitati6n stone, ring an,d chain connection 7.5c. set 1..a~;:li. !.OST ,. FOUSJI. ;\Ir. Swanson plans to huild R sured in their work. Shield, Oval, Bold ribbed' and Stamped patterns, highly polish~d and ~~lImlTk ,ror' R.• J. ~1. Norl Rdl'is~5 1l~ modern home there In the very . Mr. F, E. Horton, the chief ae· ~I' !r.rrt II'rre Quile a numher I nenr [uture. Mt's. Swanson comes countant at Gull Pond, ",ho hft! gilt finish' ...... :...... ,...... :...... 1.65 set "I'r!nlorr " ~•• I:llrlr~ lIi~k~d 1111 ,dllrin~ and Ifrom EnGlanri. She 15 I'cry pleased his family moved here from 10 Carat Rolled Gold, Lorenge shape, double "Expanda" with Jew~!iers n ntm~ · t , ump. IIhleh ha\~ nnt been with Ncwfoundland In gencl·al. Bridgewater, N.S., will be lakln.1f Engine turned fronts .. ,...... ,; ...... ,.:... 2.50 set i' 1'(1 ba1- ':~:,:,!n, Tht oll'nrr~ can hal'o Mr. Swanson has taken nver full up residence at Grand Falll in ~:: l!rm~ lis applying to I\lr. rcsponsibillly of the mines 'at the very near future. We under· DRESS SETS ~ lIT fOr I .. , . Gnll Pond, and we are alr~ady stand that thIs will only be until . .,,11 \ TT A~,IOS .. P,\ IJ""F.. seclng good results of his eClorts. housing accommodations ue com· Double Ended Chain connected Cuff Links with three screw type Dress ~ ~.~~~:! " llattalton 11111 be pAI'adlnl( Ilie nlrcaelv has things in full run. pie ted at Gull Pond. Mrs. Horton Studs to match. Plain black stones with flat tops ...... " ...... 2.50 set ,Ir.'t~ .\rmoury on Thursrlay. Sep· nlng gea; and those who have tells UB that Ahe likes Newfound· Chain connected Double Ended Black Stone Cuff Links,'" mounted in ~~~~: 13th. I h d·\o I . ~ t'r:il~ t. C\RRY OS C L' been watching the Gull Pond with land very muc an 8',t • very polished fancy ri~. Three Dress Studs to match ...... 2.50 set , \.: . .B. KEEP THE nit nnxlous ~\'e arc now "olng enthusiastic over the Icenery at • man III r ,r. _( "'XG \\' I ' b Cuff Links with "Mother 0' Pearl" set in .fancy rim; ring and chain con· ..-•••• 1 • I. .R.C. I around with a ~millnc face as ¥r. Gull Pond. . ;. _ Swan!'on thro\\'~ cl'rl'ything he The Badger baseball Aces took neetion. Polished white finish. Three Screw Action Studs to match 2.95 set : I ~ ron'l \' I' G II I ha~ IIlln the quirk dc\'cloilinenl a trip to Windsor on Saturday and Aeroplane Cuff LinkS.-Real "Mother 0' Pearl" set in bevelled gilt rim. '::i(l:rltic .1eW~ i rom II lor the mines thl're. engaged the players or Ihat town Three ser~w-type .Dress Studs to mcitch ...... 3.50 set a"r bttn . , The sinking uf tlw main mine in an exhibition Harne of base· .. ally tblt . shalt has already brllun. The hoist ball. The outcome of the Rame Pond Nral' BadO'el' TIE RETAINERS to .h~ 'Hei; " b II and clect panel board Is installed. was that the Bndger Aces walked i . -_ hnl~t mntor.~ and olher equipment of[ with a win of 20.0. The Harne Highly polished gilt square wire Tie Retainers, with fancy chain. .h th- II., t\D·;En-~lr. T. E. SlI'an,on, 1 hal'c been installed under the lVas stopped at the third Inning Polished and Gilt square wire Tie Retainers, spo.on type with colour~d,· f~I' rhe c~TI:I:': ~f !ht (i1111 Brid;:e ~Ijnps ~tlper\'ision of ~Ir. George Wallgh. oll'ing to heavy rain. stones' set in qilt rim. Scimitar Shorie iie Retainers with bevelled and ct I" lr., r~nfi. "'Icumerl hiS 'wife master mrchnnic, and ;\Ir. John Eight mile~ or the Buchalls road :r '.' , hollowed blad~, fancy hilt. Polished at:1d Gilt Tie Retainers, Oar design ,.nd ...... :1"' to· ,~i11.r to 'Srll'follndland Sidrl Chief Electrician, Both men from the AndRer find hR8 1, now a' lhr E~ -- - been rrsurfaced and plans RI·e. ·and with assorled enoillel cre~ts . h uriderway to move the roek crush· 75c. 80c. 1.10 1.25 ~ '.. I PI' up on the' Buchan. end .orne· time this. week. ARM BANDS }{I'. ~tewRrt Noseworthy. who "Expanda" Arml!!ts eniirely concealed coil err& eom­ \l'as employed "'Ith the Commun· with '~"ril1g~ whieh it)' Council here, has now gone pres~ed when armlet is in E>xtended /"Osition. Highly polished gilt or, 10' work with Goodyear & Sons on white finish ...... :...... " ...... ,...... ,.,...... 5Se. a road construction job III the Buchans area, TIE RACKS Jolr. James Eveleigh and family who has spent the past summer Revolving Tie Rack and Stud Tray. Made of wine coloured plastic:. in-the bush with her husband who Has a capacity for 16 ties ...... ;...... ,...... 1.25 D is fire warden with the N.F,P .A., has now returned home I.· It Is time. for the kids to go back, to scliool. Mrs. Eveleigh advises that

, ~' she spent a wonderful summer , , . iau, tb' and plans to go back' again next - _', .f '\ '. '" '. • , • ~' .. _ • -- motorbt year l! everythlllg works out that hillb".r way. • Mr. Lloyd Matthews planl to rir,d by leave for Toronto In the nelr iu· SPECIAL P.URCHASE! ~ ....ill be ture. Mr. Matthews ha. lpent the :umpi\;t past winter in. the logging campI IN OUR INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S 'DEPT. / hml after returnill. trom the mainland last year. . Mr. FOI'd Ball and MI'. Harry Earl, two of our young old boys the batte~ ~arwilr J here, left a few days ago for a COTTON trip to the m~inland. Ford plans on visiting his 'on :Bedford at. Guelph, Ont., while Harry Intends when other batteries"wonr spending I holiday with his .on Harry at Minden, Ont. Best of Willard prlct. start at onl~ luck are extended to these two w& DRESSES (cP) iine 'old gentlemen Rnd lin· all au'JI· cer~ly hope they have a very, vel')' LesUlftl enjoyable trip. A wOl}derful, selection of styles, ..... Rf.~ , ~.pl:lll!t. 'II,~,,, ' Word was received this week by Mrs. Gordon Loder of ,this f~r 11M famous plaeeof the death of her mother and colours~ Sizes 3·6X ...... lUola.leed Aul .. '·13 wWllI. at ,North Hr., P.B, Mrs. Loder left fln,diall immediately for, NOrth Hr .• aecom· REG. VALUES TO 3.98 !Iid W~· $2.39 panled by Mrs. Manuel Peddle, i. fllOrt . , • ·S2111.(IOO Other Willard Batterlc", are Deepest sympathy Is extended to :;In .... inIPf guaranteed up 10 4 years! And Mrs, Loder annd all he~ family. ttlms. all Willard guarantees' plo'tect We will soon be losinr lome of ,tion 'lui you anywhere io Caoada aDd ' ,H up our girls from Bldger, They all the pritt the U.S. seem to be JetUnl the teacher itch Clara",oll . Now available (aclory.fresh wet this year; not only the glris,' but c!O:Iltt4 some of the boYs are also feeling Ontario ~argcd or cbarged bone-dry. the call. \Oilea .. ftnbbrd• . Congratulations are extended to all these lIne younR ~eople who (CP)­ are gi"ing their .'all to the efforts 'C'f't hl~ of education,' and we are sure that N~~~· sr. JOHN'!!,·~ r>l r,lham ella;d• I ~riYinl c~n~ltllU t. Int CIR.diln the kiddle~ ,wherever they gn will Mr!', ,Ile- 11 find. them kind and considerate.' . IWWTCXlNDLAJe. at UO!I· , ~. ' ... . i .•. , . I , . I ~ ': 'I •. r· . i1 ! . 6 THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1956 .l. ....-__._ .. :. -... ------c· --. ------D- -- II ,. ------"ASTRQ-GUIDE . By Ceean CHIT ~CHAT. COLUMNI, For Friday, August 31 Present-For You and \'isiting Ril'erhpad fro II9TH BIRTHDAY I turn to their home at Grand ·Ba'nk. Yours •.• Anolhcr good day. during thi.1 \\'erk \\'C Mr. Wnlbm Earle of '1 Cal'ell l . . . Avoid dissipaling your energy St. John, ~Ir. Th "','cnue, who has just returned I WEDDING ANNIVERSARY • needlessly. Siress orderly del ails .nd Mr. and ~Irs. ; from his annual trip on the 5.5.' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Treannle of work. and 50ft· pedal aggres· three childrrn. Northern Ranger, celebrates his of 21 Baker Street, St. Foxboro,. ~ive lendencies. AspeCls lavor business aClivity and strenglhen­ Mary Smalleon 89th birthday tocll)', Friday, Aug. Mass, celebrated. \helr second wed· and Mrs. John ust 31st. Greetings come from his ding anniversary on August 23rd. ing prestige both in career and 't\m arandc:hildren, J\1ne and Mrs. Trcannic 15 the former Pat ! in social contacts. There is an and. spent the e~ceJlent chance thaI you will Mrs. ~lal'Y SI. Julll , Georae Pike. Short, daughter of lItl'. and Mrs .. ~~------.~--~~--~------. ~-. --.------~---,------! get an advancement in rcspon· and ~!rs .•Jame~ l: P. J. Short of St. John's. sibility and' salary on your job. RETUINED HOME Irom Gander " ~1a5ter Bruce Nlckersan, 51 CHRISTENING. Ihtir \'acat:on with ~ Rochelle Gail, Inlant daughter of Back to:,School in Empire Dresses'! Future .•• Although Cootwcnr P~st ... On August 31, ms .., Cornwall AI'cnue, rclurned home pa·rents. Mr. and ~Irl . " !' yesterday by TCA after spending Mr. and Mrs. John l\ellolVay, 115' oUlput for 1956 is expected to Ihe Firsl NculralilY Act wa; Bonaventure Avenue was christen· BY GAILE DUGAS . , , be somewhat below 1955, passed. It. forbade transpOrting . the past two months with relatlvcs lIr. and ~Ir~. \\'illiam I in Nol'I Scotia. ed at the morning'. service of NEW YORK (NEA)-A four point slaughter will be well main· m~nitions . to belligcrenls. On George Street United Church on fashion program for any llttle girl lained and in 1956 i~ e~pccted Ihls dale m 1920, elcClion reo St. John's to se,' II TO WED TOMORROW . August 26th. Rev. Gearge Service going back to school this,·.fall 10 rise to about a million hides IUrns . were first bioadcul. in , Dolol'rs. \\,;111 , ,;. 3bovc 1955. DetroIt. " The nu~lage tal:cs place at I officiated at the ·ceremony. (or" starting for the first time) at St. Clare's ~I~ .. HAil Hallo"'s, R.C. Church, North • - ' , would Include: the Empire line, (;(oria ~uslainfrl a '. Ril'er on Saturday, September 1st, LEFT FOR \lION~RE.AL . the color \ brown, the provincial she fell whilp. pI;. look and, of course, the earaco or .' The Day.Under Your Sign ',.. ,.~. at 10 a.m. of Kathlcen Mary. daugh. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Wary and oJ~. hurTtf'. ter of Mr, and ~lr5. Joseph D. family, left here by TCA for their llttle jacket. ARIES (So,n MIlCh 21 I. April 701 LIBRA (S.pl. 21 I. Od. 221 ol A wileul:k m.dt' in jest could Uw 11'\ 'IrS. Edwar .Jn~\·. (;;u tI Willilms, Cable Al'enue, 8a)' Rob. home .. n Mantreal on Tuesday aitel' Empire waistlines arc fine . for 5«ial canUel I fnortd. Pbn , "'IIPy smal] girls because they offer filII· t~tnin;. WIth romanlic inlere:U invol.td. anb.ndlt ef culici,m. Dc ttPf'(I,JI, # StoodIr~.. FrC'~h',';' ; ert~. to ~Ir. Patrick Brennan, son s~cnd,mg a hoUday . wUh Mrs. n. '~.u.hllul. t=arrful "hat )'OU u)' n•• , pi ~Ir .and ~Irs. William F. Bren. \\ ary s mather, JIIrs. F. McNllm~ra ness where It's needed most. The TAURUS IAp,n 21 I. May 201 SCORPIO (001.21 I. Ho.. m Hita F;;hry. Tor' .. .• nan, SL John·s.· at her summer home at Topsail. provincial. look is expressed in Tt,. '0 flUbli,h a happy mtlliuM '" \'011 un ,ideSltrt trouble '" Lnllinr _ a \'Hctllion \, i whit yOIl Ij"Ifnd .and "ht ) all Inf. Not 01 .he palh .1 ,hOI, ..110 ... bdlil""'" .'11'. anr! ~Ir' 'jerklns, . rickrack trim, dlrndlskirls • ,ood limr to 161n menf), 10 relative ... h't. not rliHicult. • .\ • 'U:.U'ISG FOR ST. PIERRE ARRIVED YE5Tl::RDAY and pulfed sleeves. Prints arc us· 6Et.4IHI (t.4.Y 21 I•. Ju •• 211 SAGITIARIUS (H ••• n I. 0... Jil • Sr. cd for provincial styles. • Ahhau;h you tl1inlc rut and t.lk bfl. $omttlnn!l' you ...ltd t. &.are in'. tMo "1'1 'I I ' The St. Bon's (ootball team and I Miss Lorra~ne Miller, R.N., ar· do no' ny lnrthinc that h. not bern ~ideralim ma, lifer )'GU1' trhcdult ttIII. )Ir~.' 10IllilS~' (' Jilna If The carRCO stops just abol'e the urduUr Ikollch. out il\ advanrt. rld.,y. T.k, il i. ,ou, ",id., Barrnn. lIell 1.1,' ·.

\' Smuck, with a party and a tele·: ~ttacks the nervous system 'in var· Ave., New York 17, N. Y. This , Treatment 01 ~uttiple, sclerosis' wife lends a h,an~ in these dinners.! Mr. Speer suggests topping t gram from Prime Minister 51.; 10US places In different people ~o i organization already has heir! con· i IS, of course, shll unsahsfactory. I Her two specJalttes are home·bak· ; etables with this sauce: ,J ";~~ Beauty Car~ Laurent. :' I that the symptoms are by no ferences and has contributed to; l!, the cause could be ide,ntified it I cd bresd and spiced orange ~1ices Olil·e.Pecan Butter 8aure ( • means always alike. the support of several promising mnlltt be possible 10 inshtute bet· lor thc chicken. . . about ~, cup sauccl ~ ~/ DIAl 5477 KITcHENER, 0 n I. (CP)- Not so many years ago, It was research pro.iects. ,iter treatment mehocls or even pre, Fal'odle Cblckcn Skillcl (~Iake; TUN . . I . Called "Iasholns, In Flight,"· a considered a rather rare disease Al\IONG TilE LA T T E R 15 a I \'ention. , What is enclluragin;: i, ~ serdn~.l O/1e.quarler cup meited i .; nightly. fashion sholV to be pre· I in the United States. For some sludy of d~tel'ioratcd nCI'Ve tis,ue i Ih~t so m!lCl!lrc, , .. .. ."'1 '.> \lo, • h ' third cup milk, one·third Clip sHc. : serving temerature, s~r~rng ed pimiento.stuffed green O!iI·CS. i serving , sttmng MI Combine flour, one·third, Clip! sionally. Serve with WIT rr:~I,~,._,~!:._s_al_t . and sesame seed,l_a:._s_d_e.:..s_ir_ed_.______--; Allover' Newfoundland Manners Make Charcoa Friends Light BI S.B . I H ),011 hwr • howe 1I!r.'1 him kWlI\, if \'011 ":.prel hun people are eating ::~' l:yhprt I.. Oielfenbachcr, D.n. : ~cl UI) in tim~ I,) r_1 brr Wild animals haVe ~J\\'ays in, with f

.. _._--._.- " .. --- ,,--_ ...

DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31,'19.56 7

if> _------~~------:------"" _ I watel' nOl' ovcrcool, them. Try to selcct uniformly·slzed Dalton (onneil Engagements " . crhead ~ potatdes fllr hoiling, scrub thor· A. d ' H' , G '" N . . ouChly and pUl into ~.J to 1 inch Scholai'ships And als nnounce . oI hoilin!! wnter, cover clusely and . . r.' . ra' ce . ,'. .ews coole until tender, drain and Ril'~rhrad from Such· Mr. ancl Mrs. Lewi~ DaviK wbh shal;e over Ilcat until putatocs Awards .' "Inc Ihi. \\'trk wrre )1i~5 tn announce the engtgement of ,arc dry and menty. Scrve at once. The' Dalton Council 5~hr,1~rshln .:; ';1 .Iohn. )Ir. Thoma5 SI. Iheir only d~lIghter, Mae Yvonne. ! Here is a recipe for a fancy to tbe vplu' r' ~.-~ . " . y \ ';"., ; ~I1'S Mal'v Guilfoyle' The deceased lady was,borhn leTe sembled ncar Ihe' High School to has been a vaiued music in· of cake or pic .. It is in the butter, milk. Cook and stir ,until tlll'ck : '.' !rll whi!- 111~\'in~ near: ' ... '. • In 1881, lhe dauRhter of t e ate pick up pupils and teachers for R slruclress at the Conl'ent here dId of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coady, Eng· · - '_ '. 'r '. I .' ~11'~ .. ca,lhel'lne Hearn. Soulh ·,Mr. And Mrs. Mlcbael Hayes. Leav. ' [wavy an ancy sauces lise over and smooth lish, $10. ..." .... - , " rI It I h I hI t motor dril'e as far as Spaniard's and who has conlributed a great Ihem thnt Ihe calories arc. .,' . . . . "'" " 1 'I' .,1 e, IS m 11& er I aug crs a Hr. Gl'aCC at'the age of eCI'enleen, B Th t SI P I' H II dcal of her talenL to this commun· E I Ih' t ttl I I Add cher~e to wllllp. ~allce, ~lIr Grade IX: Francis Fleming, 1011 '.!.' ~ "'.,,11.,1 .I:'~'. ('~.IH.~r•. r .• ',Sycllle)" C.B. Ilha remaining fifl)"cight yean of ay. cncc 0 • au sa, .. "per 5 say a po a oes s IOU (' n It I I of 1111'. and l\Ir~. Frank Fleming, , i\ ~'" ",.r~. • re.llII al! r. and. ~II'" '. '.I"I'"II"rl·l- R-\'nold- I_ her life \I'ere sp"nt In her adopled where the aflc1'llool1 was spent in Ily D\'e,I' a lonG period. ThIS \l'as lI'eal' thin ja kets 'I '1 I', ' un I mc CI. 1'0111' C Iccse sauce Lalin, 'I' .• I" • ., n 1'0 r, '. •• ~ games, elc., after Which the usual testified to by the many,' of all • . c ." II e 'Icmg Q\'cr I'elletaulrs and serl'e. $10. ; .. I:" r"hry.. or ,I o\·r. al:~ sp~ndillg a holhby at St. John·s. landt the Uniled Stales. refrcshments wcre served. denominations, who called to ex. cooked. Cook only enough to scn'c DUCHESS POl'ATOES Grade XI: ~Iarie Kehoe. daulh·· :·C. ;: • \ .. r~llon \\Ilh Ihrll, ~lr. and Mrs. Al'lul' r'O)(' and Although the lale Mr~. Wills Although the picnic \l'as held press regrel at her departure. ~t one meal. Don't so~k potatoes Beat eggs jptll masherl potatoes. tel' of ~Ir. and Mrs. Leonard Kehoe, \"' ..,no )11'.. f"llIard, rhildl'rn. 51 ••Iohll·~, Al'C visiting; ncver re.I·bited Ncwfoundland,.she indoors, it proved a ,'cry enioy. On Saturday afternoon,. Misscs In lI'atel' b~Iorc cookmg. Don't Arr;1nge in ~ounds 011 greascd CArbonear, Mathematics $10; Latin $10. )Irs. Arihul' H1Il'dle. Iwas privileged on many oceaslOns able.affair and all arc grate[~1 to Bea ~homc~, Kathleen Freeman cook them In a large amollnt of haklng she'el or make a horder of , ", •.;, ";11.~· "l'l",r,;1ld ;\1111, ~Ii«. ~ll's. Richard Re\'llolrl~ recently: til be visited by her brolhers and car owners amI any who assisted and Eileen I.eIly, on behaJ( of the . roast or - ;: '. Ii.-.. [I,n. Hrll 1.laml. IMtcd \'i~ilecl her dall~hte;" Mr5. Herman I sisters and waH always happy to to mnk.e it R happy artcrnoon for Children of lIIary, called at the at St. John's. p.otato around. cuo~ed treal. ... " ni,j'l'hr;ul . 'I t ,\" I I hear news of former friends ancl the children Com'ent and made 1II0thel' Loretta ~'hc latc Mrs. Marlin was horn fISh, Brush mlh milk. 'Bake in Mr. Meaney Is II son of the late .:,: :',: '''I '. ll~n .Ia~·km;lIl. I1rll " orl!3n, a "an.llr~. Ito' recall old assoCiations, • n presentation, for which' she ex· at Harbonr Grace in 1883 anll was! hot oven until brown. Denis Meaney and Mrs. Meaney, '. , k I . h I ~h .~. .1. B. Callahan left here The lale Mrs Wills who had " pressed her heartfelt thanks. Lhe daughler of ,the late Mr. and STUFFED BAKED POTATOES who will be remembered as res! • .. :., 'i':r,/ t:lr \~I'~~ r~;(, 1~lId (01' Gandpr 10 "isit hel' daughter, I been. In falling' health for some Sun(lay SC'rvices Molher Loretta has le(t 10 br Mrs. William Warren. Gifted with Bal(e potatoes. Cut a slice from rlents of IIr. Grace when Mr. Denis '" h.~;.'"·· p.llrnl .. l. • n ~I:·,'. 'fhoma.~ Clral'Y. time, last week suflered a hearl' . with the Presentation Order at a charming personality, Mrs. Mar· one side. Scoop out inside and JIIcaney was Railway Station Agent ",1, .:." Jlunl. • .! ~Ir. nnd ~Irs. Herman Morgan, attack from which she failcd 10 - ST. PAUL'S , Calhedral Squarc, ~t. John's, and tin made numerous friends during mash thoroughly. Add snit, pep- here. The family left here,nearl,. ':,' ~.;lL'rnl,. Il.~rt .,.~I"II" ~,r.\:, ~Ianllel~, were recent I'isitors to rail}'. She entered into rest on Rector: Jlev. L. A. J. Ludlow. Ihe many ¥ood Wishes of her hcr early years In h,er home town per, hot milk and butter. Beat lhirty years ago, when Mr. Meaney ". j. nl 11.0. \.C(~, • at Hiler R:\'Pl'hrad. Thursday evenin&, August 23, 11 a.m., Matins; 6.30 p.m., Even. ~ormer pupils follow her thel'e, a~d !aler at St. Joh~s, all of whom until fluffv. Pile mixlure lightly was Irnnsferred to Corner BrPok ',: ',·:111~ Ill' wllr' muthcr, ~It.. J. J. Bnrron and Mrs. Mich. Left to mourn are fOllr sons and ' Wlil regret her passing. I • . as Station Agent.. . , ". ','.1.11 Shanahan, lie !rU by I arl Barron spenl the week end Mtree daughters, aU residing In the song. HR GRACE SOUTH I Left to mourn besides her hus· nto sbells. ~nke III hot oven Gcrald was very pleased tllr.· "',< :,'1' nl' hllnr on sUl\Il.,·. ,'. I I' B II II d U.S.A. Also surviving Rle two Former RIlSI"dent band are four sons, one of whom, (425 deg'.) unltl brown. visit Hr. Grace after 10 mall1 ,.. ' . . . : \'ISlltn& re a II'CS on e 5 all, brothers al Hr. Grace, Michael and 3 p.m., Evensong. \. Edward, rcsides at Hr. Grace),' . years and to be welcomed b1 I!' f.,,\,n FiI7palril·". ('urnrr 1 ~Ir~. Michael Byrne and family, Walter Hayes, and four sisters, DO A S J I ' Rex. Ernest and Graham, and two VI·SI"tor To Former many friends of his boYhood day •. ." ,:. II '\lrnrtin~ hi. ,'al'alion ~~i~~ Peggy co~nol'~. MrR, Gerald !\Irs. Elizabeth Harrington, of Bell· UNITED CHURCH IeS t t. 0 In s daughlers, May at home and lIIar· . While here. lIIr. and JIlrs. . . . . I I 'I' L'I' . l am and son 1omm" lelt bv Sal· rica, U.S.A" Sisler John of St. Re\'. A. N. Holmes. garet (Mrs. DOll3ld Taylor), as II T Meaney were guests at Pike', '1 r"c 21 ;.nl mOl Irr .•' I,. r. IZII' IIl'ds\"5 Express for ,.Grand Falls. PI'a TIC k' s Conven, t St • J 0 h'n 8, ..'Ir S. 11 a.m., DIV. I ne Wors I'liP; 7 p.m" I Th e news was recclve. d herc on we11' as clg ltdI een gran c h'ld I reno A orne o\vn HlJte.I Th ey Ie ft 1rion day f or Cor· ., ~ .. ;.";;h~l1, • . lIerman Archibald and Mlss·S. B, Divine Worship. i Sunda)' ot the passing at SI. ,10hn's brother, William Warren, of this ' ner Brook where Ihey will visit , '1" ,;Ioria Rllllrr. St .•lohn'.. ~tis~ Angela Hickry recrntly lIaye~ of lIr. Grace, to all of whom ______.____ i of Gcrtrude, wife 0'[ ~Ir. Ronald town also surv!\'es, Sincere sym· Visiting Harbonr Grace dnring Mr. Meaney's mother, Bnd Wind. ",,~ rrlalil'r, hrrr. I I'isited htr si,lrr, Mrs. John God· sincere sympathy Is extended. chcoter, Mass., on Monda)" AUGust: ~Iar(jn, bolh formel'ly of t;is pathy is extended to the bcrea\'ed, the la~t weekend were ~Ir. and 501' to visit hi! brother, Rev. Father !";;trick Thonll';un l'rlurnpd ~~ll. at 51. The funcral look p,lace at Dor· 2ith. I town bn( for many ),cars residing relath·es. ~ll's. Gerald ~Icancy. nnw of !Ilon· F. Meaney.

SALE EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD SALE 30 TO 50% REDUCTION OFF ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S AN D1 LADIES' CLOTHING. THIS IS YOUR OPPOR· TUNITY TO SAVE' ON 'YOUR FALL ·AND WINTER CLOTHIN.G, REQUIREMENT S'. . \ MEN'S SUITS RAGLANS SPORT ·JACKETS TWEED T,OP·COATS WITH EXTRA PANTS With or without zipp-In lin­ Newest materials' and all the 1OO~~ All Wool. 25% OFF; Charcoal, Navy, Grey, Brown, ings. Fawn, Grey, Blue •. wanted .hades. Sizes 34 to Shades: Fawn, Grey, Blue. All Summer Windbreakers. Gab- Good quality gab,ardin.. ' 44. Values to 35.00. Light Blues. Sizes 34 to 44. . . Patch pockets. These coats , , NOW CLEARING have just been opened for ardines, Suede and Leather. ,, S.B. and 0.1. Ityles. Size. 34 to 44. Rtg. 29.75. Fall showing. Sizes 34 to 42. \"""~'.r "ir~t • ,,,,,,'1 him " ' Value. to 59.00 10.95 16.95·. Regular Price 39.00 '" ,,1 hrr • NOW, ...... 't ••• 300 Men's Plaid Sport and , • ,Oil ,. ,,:1]0 NOW ...... 15.75 :. ,'rr:> l,t~ .... 27.95 CLEARING AT .. 24.95 Worl( Shirts. Special Clear .. .•. :t.~~ 1~1('r. Zlpp-Lining 2.50 Extra \ 19.00 i..:l"".\ ~m!('~t anCe Value ...... · .. 1 ~98 ,,!:;.~ it. mo~: Also I, .t SUEDE MEN'S SOCKS NECKTIES 'All Wool Diamond Socks. I Men's: Dress, Shirts. Famous Reg. 1.00 and 1.50 Value. GABARDINE .P,ANTS aNES' Reg. 1.95 pair. name brands. All shades and NOW ...... 1.00 2 FOR 1.00 Blue., Brown, Fawn, Grey. Sizes 30 to 44. Reg. 6.95 sizes. Values to 5.50. Buy now for Xmas Giftl:a,nd NOW ...... •••• ~ ...., ...... 2 25 OTHER SOCKS Value. NOW CLEARING ...... " ...... :· .. :· .... 3.95 III.. 2 Pairs for $'.00 5 " lave the diff"ence.

MEN'S ALL WOOL WORSTED' SUITS'- CASHMERE TOP. . ALL LADIES" COATS 'COATS - ALL WOOL RAGLANS~BETTER QUALlry TROUSERS LADIES' WINTER OVERCOATS. ", ".:' . by ~tad­ I COSTUMES-RAGLANS~ cit:nj; plain a~ " (the nelf .. ~ 0 SI%eJ NYLONS. BLOUSES~SW.EAT£RS- . 1 comfort. 20% Q,FF , , ' . ,F,-r Quality 51-15, Dark Seam. Reg. ,DRESSER Y2 PRICE· •95 1.39 per pair. AND CO. 'LTD. , . SKIRTS-GLOVES E~c~ Y3 OFF RKER 321 .WATER ST., 2 pairs for '1.89 or 98C• Per Pair ALL LADIES' ~TOCK MUST BE CLEARED , . ONROE Opposite EATON'S REGARD,LESS Of COST; td. '. . ,

8_.__ .-_ . ..,_~:=._.=:_;..;..-_- ___~ ______-,. ______-:-- ______--..:...... ____ T~E·DAILY NEWS,~.~RIDAY,__ AUGU_~T 3~, '. friends and a .peelal wlsb for al friends ... We understand sbe' In· ----.- r' 'le' happy .birthday from her dad· ..attends to make TImmins her futul'c" ' .. ", k:e.s Bea''ch No' s· Goo~e Bay.. . home. It Is the wish of all who . , CI Miss Ruth. Boone will be 11 had the pleasure of. knowing her, , ~. ' . IIRTH. alo 10 serve with the Reid Niid. ycara old o~ Sept. 3rd. Happ~,. Ihat she. wm be spared to enjoy CLAllEE'S, BEACH-Conaralu· Rallwars. About 2~ years ago he birthday from her brothers" and .many years of health and' happi· latiDns ale Nina extended to Mr. started 'hls own' printing business sisters and 1111 her friends. .\ ness..· .. • lid Mis. Gtor,e Eddy 9f Soutb at Bishop's Falls and has since car· Miss Marjorie FUller celcbrate~ Mr. ami, Mrs. Ralph Morccombe R.Im, lIet Vera Stenns, of Oller· rled on: ver~luccessfull~ In that her 6th birthday on August 29111, and family of St, John's ~pent a Toronto 'bill')' Club's. Beach, to whom I' place .. ,. . . . Greetings from her Daddy and whife recently with Mrs. More· .. 'fOROSTO CLnSISG &T c!auahter wis' bom II Ihe Grace He leaves to mourn his wlfc, Mommy and sisters Melva and combe's parents,Mr. ·and !IIrs, .', 87 The CIIl.dlu Pru 011 ,..l"Irle St.etk Es.char.liI" HoS]IItal August 24th. • the former ;Ruth ',O'Rlelly of st. Doreen;. Hussey of South River. . .. tQt·.,~t~nn' J, rf'r.·~ nnl-". OIADI .XI IXAM RESULTS Georges, one dauahter and 4 sons. ,WEDDING ANNIV2RSARY . Mr. and !IIrs, Frank French. and I.O~d 101, .d - Ex.dlv:de.is, J.,_~.w.rr.nt •. ) • The R. C. Sebool at North River at Bishop's Falls, and one sister, . Mr. and 1I1rs. IsaaeWU~on of their son of Long Pond spent 8 lllSES ltJowed that lIO~ ;of the pupils Mrs. C. Moore In St. John's. South River are· receiving the week motoring on. the Avalon and 1:!;'1 TJLoi 13-; no took· Grade.Xl exams were Sympathy h 'extended to the be- congralulations of their friends on Bonavlsta Peninsula and will visit 1100 4~1 4» l~OO 2'1 :'l'o: wtttJIfut Those lu'ccfssful were: reaved. . , the occasion of their 2nd wedding friends on the. way. Ther will lISO SI1;; 17'~ 2'1C0 18 11 · Ailtell carrou, raultlne Mullow. MIRACULOUS ESCAPE anniversarY· on Sept. 14th. spend ~he remalllder of thelt vacn- reo 210 210 II~; Verollie Ne\ille and Richard What could ·hJve been avery PERSONALS tlon Visiting Mrs. French! par· ROO '''' :.\1 11}:) 1S::\i 1:' ~ ~orrlsse1' . serious ac~ldent occurred here on M~s. Ruth'Morgan of Topsail Is ~~!~r~lr. and Mrs. Wells of South 4-100 1'6 140 1SleD 18 15 'nIe Co Clf E. School, Salmon Saturday, Aug. 25th, when' a'1956 vlsltmg, her daughters Mrs. .A. Miss Mary Dawson who Is 2875 m 212 ,CoV! had 1000;{. PasSt!5 with onl1 Ford sedan left the road on the Boone of South River Rnd Mrs. S, employed at Narsarrsuak Air Bnse 1100 41 41 1:00 2l 2l ... lIe candidate laklna the exams turn just before the cross roads Boone of Clarke's Beach. Ml's. In Greenland Is home on' 30 days :!200 19\, I' 4500 16" IS'.! :llId this candidate being success. of the Hodgewater and Brlgus Morgan lived at 'North River he, vacation. She is I'islting her par· r.110 14 13 fu1. He ..a. Gilbert ~Ioores.' roads and turned over three times. fore going 10 Topsa\1 io reslcle enls Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson 800 31 :.Ii lOGO 16 16 · :- The U. C: SChool at Clarke'. I The car was practically demol, with her daughter Mrs, W. Pack, of 'Cupids, Miss Dawson was em· 100 2I"l 2U lIOfco 1\11', 2lOt1 , , '!each also .howed passes Ished, but the driver, a .resident her many friends arc pleascd III ployed as' bookkeeper with ~.o :13'; 33:, ,'ii.th 0, ne out' of t\\'o pupils sue. 01. Montreal, escaped unhurt. Vicw. see her once again, 61arence Moore at Clarke's Beach too 0.; 105 .I. I ' , .,' for a number oC years belore go· 6.."9 21;1 :O:S .Ce5lfu1. Suecessful 1\'8S Gerald ers of the acclMnt report It B 101 ss Bal har", "ell~, of 1\Iakl1l' ing to NllrsRrssuak. 4~30 !l I! 2lOt1:6 2r. 'Erford.. miracle that the driver wasn't kill- sons, C,B" spcnt a While rceenlly Miss Maureen Welsh of SI 1r"2'! 2)0 211 ':'aeo 21:; 2ll Congratulations are beln. ex. ed Immediately, It is thought that visiting lit Kclligrews. the guest John's returncd 10 her home re: 1~Qt) lll) ~ ·tended t,o pupils, teachers Bnd par. the sleerlng gave out. or Mr. and lIIrs, A. Butlcr. ccntiy arter spending a vacaUll1l 12'iM:U ~j I:!OO 1" lr ·ents. BIRTHDAY CE:J:,EBRATIONS Mrs, Wm,Smith or Clac'Ia:'s with friends and relatives in South PLUS TERMS tt:O 2/10 :uo R s;n 100; 10.' !TEACHERS AT It C. SCHOOL Miss Doreen FI.r entertained Beach spent few days reccntly Hlver. ~OO AI) An . The teachini starr at the R. C. a number of her young friends on visiting her daughter lind son.in- ,~Ir, All~n Hussey I~ home 011 a AS LITTLE ,AS 10M ,~ I' 15-:00 23~ :!2f. VISIt School North Rh'er for the school Monday, Aug, 27th, on the occas. law, MI'. anri Mrs: Wallace HilIY'II'd to hiS parents Mr .. and ~lrs, 'BOr mJt 140M ~ Q rear 19S6-S7 will be as (011011'5:- Ion or her lOth birthday. Her little of Bay Roberts, Fred Hussey of South !lweI'. Irs1or1l' lin .~ 4&.' ..-uund 1M 11~ n:- 'Principal, Miss Sheila Neville; sec- guests all report having a wonder· Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton and (am· Miss Ethel Stel'enson retul'Oed ...ul ner! 3"" m III .,,'ISlon "11\1 ,. ,~ •and roO!Tl, Miss Agnes Morrlsse)'; ful afternoon, In which they play· lIy of St •• Johll'~ recently visited home recenlly alter spending a II'D.",lck lo"'l $1-, 1:' r,lf.dl,on 15M 1~1., 11 )rim~1j' room, Miss Mary Delaney. cd games and ran races. . After lItrs. Stapleton's parel,ts, Mr, nnd three wceks Vac.1tion at Burin. $2.00 JCOO .\~ ! Jker 11111 ~Il'J 14 I~· 1S64 $2jI : :ed her Grade.ll In 19S3 Ind for delicious supper. All her guests Mr. and Mrs. Allen T~ylor and IOIympI' Fu d :t:~ :!Q YI A WEEK 3C1O :JI :r: the foUDWin, two years attended wish to say happy birthday to two dauglltel's Linda Rnd Helen. • C n aoo 11n l~ ,cplie!:e at 51. Bride's LIlUedale, Doreen. ' spent a fell' da~'s recently I'i;;iting 1 1Il00 41 " Sl Q;lIO 000 . WEEK 500 I~ 11,; 1 .and Memorial COllell!. Birthday greetings are being ex· his mother, Mrs, 'raylor of ~ ~ ::130 r,~ w·1 n. lort 33(· 1M W' • Miss Delaney Jlmed her Grade tended to Miss Rosalyn·Wells who South nil'er, 'rllcy hal'" since re, . 1:(0 125 !~. · H ]9M ssw a~; 1:l In and taught school .t relebrste! her ,14th birthday on turned to Ihr.ir home in Topsail. TORON'I'O (CPl-,Tim ,,·.,rrall, 1001 11 ~: ButlfniUe lor the past yr·ar. August 391h. Mr, and MI'!, flalph Skanes of I ,I'ice • president 01 the Canadian 4!6~ 4iS 43..' ~"l 33" :i: :. "Tht principal !Iiss Nel'ille Is 1'8' Happy blrthda~' 10 little Mi~~ h'y Bell 1~land arp. sllcncling a I'a. I Olympic AssociatIon. said Wed. %100 60 S', :r:oo 4().l 400 (3I1onin,.t Toronlo for 111'0. Batten who will be 7 years old on c~tio1i wilh ~rr, Skanes' mol her. I ncschy the as.lociation is shOl'l 2000 ;1)(1 9, • 'll.oeeJc., aftcr ~ix weeks of Summel' I August 3]st. Greetings from h~I' lh·o,.P. Skancs of ~ol'lh Ri\'el'. about S\O,~O ClC. the S21~,OOO 200 3:1 3Z: WI 73 73 .khool. She nil be relurning at I Mom. and Dad, brother$ and sis· Miss Fern rleid of Soulh Rll'er necned to finance, Ca~;tdian 1I'111tel' 000 16 :' end ft 01) 600a liS 14'· the (If the month, ters and all her little 'friends, has' acceplrd position on the and summer mplC teams. 2000 14 Il In \l'a~ 500 119 21 .' OBtTUARY Birthday greetings also teaching 6tafi of thr. Unitcrl Chlll'ch Tuesday Ihe a);sociation llltO H 4! , Pa~~ed Jleacefully away at Cor· Master Leonard War£OI'd who cele. Academy at Carhoncar. short 520,OIlO htll $10,000. ~et up 10300 49 " 500 JO o' 'ner Brook Hospital on Augu!t brales his birthday on AUJ:u~t Mrs. ~lichaeJ I\ing Rcc~mpallictl oriclnally as part of the prize 3000 11 . ~th. Mr. Walter Morgan (){ Bis· 27th. her daughler, Mrs, Horner 10 her money for swimming a maralhon. 1610 10 9~ 4tO.3M 3iO (hop'. FaUs in his 39th year. Miss Ph),lIIs Newell cclcbr~les Ihome in 'fimmins, On I., on Sun, across Lalic Ontario, was donaled' ':'00 15.5 :151 to tllc COA b.l· the Lake Ontario: 6::SO 101 :.: • Mr. Morgan was formerly of her 12th birthday on Sept. 3rd. da)" Au:!. :!Gth, Tile "rand olel 13300 20-1 I!' ,. • marathon mim committee when 3150 UJ -4l! : Cluke'. Beach but left here years Greetings from ali her family and larlY,will be missed by her host of none of the 10 slI'immcl's finished, 1£3.1 S3();. J :100 JG1~ ,. 1100 1S l' son zt ~4 (r .- 1100 12 !. , ~ • - ~ j ~ , j(J) In! Ih 000 :!1l :' SOD 231'.' 6O:!00 Its 5 3COO 15 I' \ 178j 420 410 and 11):'", 31 3300 4S 1.\ RUEL WRIST W,\TCIIES 100 &ill 6i' Dpper CUll 6416 400 ~!. PLANNING To BUILD YOUR Copp ~III' " Gltn Una l1~O 103 :r GDldale J,lOO 271-: : Cold" ..1 !OO:I 1 Gold l\lan 450 ~jl :':;i Grah BO\lI~ 300 ~l ~ G:andft!i 3~oa 30'"i i CrtDduc 1(,<) 8:0 " Grtthl",t 110\1:6 I Glllch lz,s,] 36 '. Cu.'Ul1r 2Sti tt13'. . C... r ,,1.1 C~~ '50 ~ , ~1I'UI1m 1:((',1 1.1 I, \.

" LEA HER JmvEI, BOX RONSON I.IGIITER Nfld.-Ca ~, $5,50 11J1 ( With Lock ana Key $2,95 lip 8E SURE YOUR NEW HOME IS WIRED Lel\;Dt: Halifu: FOR MODERN Aug\l~t :lIst. 'younSOl\IE' SUA "Eft Scptcmher Ht~' 5eplcmh~r til' ELECTRICAL LIVING, ADEQUATELY WIRED FOR A ~IFETIME 529,50 ul' September ~ti' . Octoim 51h. ~% Weekly

OF ELECTRICAL CONVENIENCE. Lel\'ing Halifa.~; S~ptem"eF ~' SUC.\R allil (,1tF.A~n:R· ~eptcmher 14'1 ~dequa~e wiring. in CU1Uplete wilh llIatchill~ September 22: your home trar. S5,V5 up Oc:oher ].'1.. ' . Octobcl' !lth .. ~ For immcdial,' means 'For rales . .'pa' greater efficiency and $1.95 .- I HARVEY & C( R. N. COLE. ~pel eco~omy in the operation of all TrlE ROBE III electrical appliance.. You' need (j·E FRYEn \ . PEl'I"S , , • rE~Cll.~ Complele wilh enrol '. $U5 np SZUs . adequate' wiri~g,,,~~ ,f~lIy. enjoy FOR FREE ADVICE ON HOW TO GET TRA YF.!. CLOCK . . Guaranteed movement. $S.95 CO · all the comfort and convenience ADEQUATE WIRING FOR YOUR NEW' HOME, f SEE MR. O'REILLY AT OUR OFFICE, 489 WATER RIIINESTONE SET I .... ,M./V "EDENW( c that . your low-cost electric .service STREET. Necklace and earrings. ". .. . 2 a HAlIlLTOX $7.~5 TonOXTU . , has to offer. :\[QN'l'REA I. . . Annn'IXG S1'. .M/V "AVONW ,I Avalon Credit Jewellers HA.'IILTON - TORONTO' ., MONTREAL ARRIVING ST. LIGII Wafer Sf. At Adelaide Clirgo aeceptcd 0-, arrangement. . For rates and I . . .;. : OPEN AN ACCOUNT , " CHEAP, DEPENDABLE ELECTRICITY I 'Murray j


-... J' .., ... .,...:. .... r" l' . \ .. -' .~ .."~ ,~~.'. I .. "!~2:~.~_~::~'~, ~.-~_.;-:;'" I '.; _ • • ;I. ~ .. ". j 1

. , .' •• " , .'

. -..... -" ...... ~ ... DAilY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST ,31, 1956 '! ... ~

Market Report 1 Stock· Hord n •• k ~oo 14 14 ]I .. r U E,tell. 95& 19!'J 19\~ \91 .• The Blonde· Cried H .r Lake. 500 4 I' 14' Vondoo 411150 31 a7 35 -I Toronto lIead"ay 7950 1:0 114 II!' -5 U,p Ca. IIII)IJ 61115 100 101 -4 Ue.tb mrlO 31 28 21 -~ \'!c. • 21~1 4() 35' 31 lo~nSTo Cln~ISC; ~TOCI\I lie'" . 13b!l3 10\~ 10 0 - 1\ IVJltuy SSOO 151\ 15 IS - I, ~, 'P' C,.,dla. PI... Holllnl'r 50! $211. 25\, 28\. - 'i Wlllroy :I30Il m 1811 2M +7 MURDER ,...rl. $t.. ~ Esrha'ltAuI. I~ H.yle 700 775 775 773 -20 U Monlftub :!COO 22 22 22 +1 ,~. ,",,, I, rt." ""'.'" nl.r.:pd t. Hud lIay 370 srm 16 II -iii WIDdw,rd 100' ~I II 21 +1 I 1"'1 !'I. ,d - C.-dl\,:d.r.d. xr-E·rllhl. lIu~h'Plm , 5110 t7 H 47 -3 Roelt"ln 311l ~t :In 311 - ~ .' ( •• m.ts.' Ind Lal,. :3000 571, 57 57 - 1'. IV M.tar Me) 16 16 IS \ N., In,p:ra!n m" m 114 114 -I Wr Har. ' 311 t70 170 170 -1 lIlSr.~ Irllh Cop ~ooo 270 26 :1111 + Vk 1I.lr, ~3:0 215 212 :Il ",'",.,1 '"I '" I~;'11113 1"3I~" .,3131 ; "3Ill> - 1\ .10)'0.T.o.oU. Elpl 1111584100 10372 1007n 1M71 -I-1 Zonm.cC,,~ 6300 33 35 35 . . XXX1Il ,him• Into the batrootri and, tum· ". r:1 I:!":' :!O:!O 50.\ 100 -15 11 47 .~,_ A.~ lin. z.l',17'; :51,1m _ I'; .TollleooJou.t :)33415m 2n111 107 3D ClIulola••• I Cop 2700300 9l~ ~900 900 • : PM• bl e d him Inside the tub. He' lay .~~.",. 2'1(0 II 17 Il _ \. ".burk. tIt') 17 15 n -2 Ga,pe Cop .~3 'SlI'" 511\1 .\I~ • The TropIcal Arms Hotel on I there. an Inert mass, stili breaU!· .~ .... pt.. r:o 210 ~IO 210 +2 J.".er 61M' 09 1(Wl 109 +1 ' OILS !\orth Miami Avellue was located Iing loudly aOl: steadily. ' "I:'",." 1I0r :!J,)~M IS:I'2l'1 :II'::I!Ot:... 12\1 K.nv1lltIC.rr Add 110010$ IIB1;9 IB!II... IIIlm _-... lit AP'Am LedueC.nl 71C39:00 10760 10010 311Seo -I_: btle ween a I quo~. shop and a dell· Shayne drew the tatter;d .\" \lnu'n 1100 1'1 140 \4 _I Ruba)'con ~ BI'a I 5 _... Ana.Am \::xp 300 lIS 11\\ al\ -11< cates sen. The lIauor store was shower curtain to pr'olect him· L'f:'"II'""PI 2C11:INlSlt'l 11 3Il:ILI15 15\~ -5+ 1'1 LabudorKlrt Hud ;a~\12 UIIl11 ~I:'70 21\71 +I Ball Sp'1S.I prA 300'3UO 13....SlIIi 3m19 319 - II still open when Shayne pulled up 1self from the spray, reached',a L'" 1'tOO II 41 4t L IlIIIlult :1500 215 :55 m, -2, IIlnll' 2920Q 45 310 83S .J In front of the notel and leaped long arm past it. and turned o· n .,,-, 1:I\O:Il 2l 25 :.. o,u 000. ta II II Blla 1000 11 14 II t i'or, ::00 11\\ II 19 .. t L Shor" 245 us Ul us IIrlllma. 100 105 105 10.1 oU. ' 'the cold water. • 1l'.. RJI &l()O 1611 \!I. II LI Luz 100 4()l 40! 4()l tS Cal Ed llOO '2111 2711 :HI - I~ The Tropical ArDis was an old The ·pray hit full on Paulson", 1;!>t:I,..... ,,~, 10.'1n3II 1131 13::a 13I 3 +2 LLlAneoun Lac 2075:13!,1000 16 230IS 23016 +5 CauLC Oll La.d.wt. 5CO1000 19l 31 155'305. 1953115 -5+5 h olel, gone to aced. There was legs, and0 Shayne reached up to ,,,,,.~. 10t.0 II 16 16 -1 LlJm',1 1668 14 13 U cs P.tl . 1317 500 UO (SO -10 a big, empty lobby with shabby, the adJ'ustabIe head and moved SU."'..":,,r 2.'A'I'",11'10 ~ 201 201 -1 Lou,leourtLlJraolo Iconmo 115a3 112~'3:)3 112 +2 r.C AIBrll on 'Em 2130~ 76058 75058 71058 -2+5 rococo decoratfons, yawning It so 'it hit him In the face. .,-~ I"""' 2:100 :Il'; 3m :Il!~ -I- 1% L)'ndbursl 7]00 U 135 138 -8 C D.v Pel. 13250 730 ... 703 710 '-23 chairs and wilted potted plams. Paulson mollned and feebly' , ,,,,.,..,,,O!'"' ,,~r.(110 ~l ~10.' :M.'10.' -5H Lvn~Maca... 3000300 :10011 19111\ ,196\I ... r.C PLHome Pet. 3m971 24()400 39014() 39024() -10 A drop·lIght over the desk was lifted on arn: to lI'ard off tile , ... ~"!Ill ClO U ~ 15 "'1 Maedo.ald 1,:00 13 7l ftO .4 Cludu.. ~'O 161 161 161 .2 the only illumination, and there cold wate~. S'.,la.',.·le turned it o'n II'"H'" 15m:XIO:' ~ 23'2G ~4lI21 -3-1 Mleke.oM•• Leod 619907110 13762" . 13! ~6 131~7 -3-1 C.ntCtnl .LcducE.p! 13100100.00 1&0 400-C5 400m -15-!Il was no one ~c.hlnd the desk. full force lind movcd the head ''''''It"":~' 1;1037800):Ill:lll~! II> ~ ='" _,-1-10 MI..,olMidI.. 1130:WI~ lI!i:3% lI!' 21! I, +4 CharlorC AUcnbt.. 011 2002010 w.t16v.. 105 15 ~16\, +iii A hand . prl nt e d car d proppe d 'slowly, selldlnr the stinglpg l"'."~'"' !r.(ItI 211 ~ 2&4 ... , !IIlllrtlc .000 lID 140 1.\lI _, r. COrda.n ~OII :!tI!' 311\, 2m ~galnst a mech~nlcal push·bell spray up and down the length ,';. I:NI I> In In _ I. Mine.,' U 24 .2 I: Dra,on 5600.'\.1 52 53 -s Instruct d Sh "R' ~; .. " ~ m :uo :lID .. 10 MlrlUm. ~~~03 ~ 27n~I' ,27R ~4 -2 I: E Cre.t !Il~ 112 10 ~O -3 .,~ ayne t0 IDg ror,' o[ Paulson': body.' .. , .. ,;:,,;1'" r..\.\ 100; 10.\ lft.1 _, Mlr II "t. 'D50 II 7R 7K -~ C ~U. Mac' 5021 413 1&0 410 -10 ser\'lce... . He twitched ,lnd jerk'ed Ind ''" "" '-M All Rn l1li _7 1700'.1 1S 1.1 011 580 ,"', •• ,(>0.\ 'h I~ IA 'MI~brunMlrtlll 3M31 I:!II 117 1211~ -T CrtoDel n10 14421m 3to&10 510Ill! 3fiG -30 . He hIe, l th btlu. on s larp I y WI tl I' moaned, then sat. up suddenly ,.",' H~ 131 ::211 %20 -18 ~I.\( ...I. 11\00 3~ 3~ 3~ 0",". 10900 32 31 32 ,h.l~ p,a, 1m an~ a loud, metallic I with his eyes wide. ....unU" .. "._".....,~, :.'";;II'~ • 6&\•• lA, McWatterlMtMarmlc III()(\100 4n13\. 10.'Ill, 13', F.Ira"o P.R :H321200 315II !O(J46 !(ItI~4 -lS-3 ,""'ATVRFRONrr r... " pmg ~ e~c.h o~ d tl Iroug II tl Ie empty "I'm drowolng. Turn It off,... I- tell"J ~ •• ;,! 'M '1; m 117 ., Merrln min 'lt5 ~n 2~1 -,. (len rol. .3M 1105 W) 601· -l -- lobby. Notlll.ng.happened and he I you." '. T"- r,,1 '''' J3!I 131 31 -2 M.tl Uron 1500 21 27 23 Oen 1'1'10 " 22! DIO IlOO IlOO -15' " --, ---- k t II d , ....,. II'" ~ ,~. ~\Idrlm 11~lO 16' 1I~ 1~~ Gr Ptaln Dv nls 14B 17 4T DIRECTORY ep on PlDglJl~ unt a oor I • • • '. 1';;":' ),'>0 $I" I:', U', ~\Indlmar 2800 21 :!3 .4 .1 Gr h·tel G D6D iW 3:)3 :!25 " opened In a side wall behind the I , , ,,:!,! ._, :IlO' I:', 11 MI.ln, Coil' 2S0 nm 21 2.1 - Ii Gridoll 100 'lI\i II'h 1I\~ _ " desk and a fat man in his shirt. II SHA' NE mored lite head 10 ,,.. ,,', :;)('(1 1!1 IS • _ lll' ore 5lOO 29 2~ ::'1 -3 Hllb C.... I 1030 :13 37 :II the spray t k P 1 ~, J.'•• ' 1I.11 til... I§ 11" :1': _IIi, Sello 11500 :1 21 ,~ - \; H1,hwood 3000 ~8 31 311 ON DOCK sleel'es emerged He had poutin" i . o~ au son squar,.... ,. 11,r \ ,," ISM s:o I'" 19 -I" . M'n F.nd,a. 7900 5~ JO ~I .. I Home all A 900 SI4" H!~ U\l. _ ~~ 'I V '1 . , 'lIps and he sm,·I.led strongly oOr' 10 the face. He blined .1/:111 "r ;;1. :t~!M ~ ~ Mo.etl %11'", 71 66 611 -6 Hom. 011 II 100 SI3\, 131> 13\!o ...... pper, Royal Firetug 3, • I dd d d ..., \"". m" :II 31 J!I Sal Elrl ~400 58 53 M' + Husky m $13 13 13 and S.S, Random. These threB i,ln as lIe waddled up to the desk s IU ere an put his hands u" r. [.. 0100 110 103 .11'1 -t Morul 402.1 320 3113 -5 Hu,ky ..to 140 630 60S 60S -20 II b d then squirmed t kn 11, r ~;:;:1 1Il00 41 11 I: SOl Lablna 1600 133 132 ~20m _3 Jupiter too 221 223 223 -'2 W I e on dry dock until Wedncs. an grunted. "[ heard . you the,. a, a, ee .t:J ;",~:,: :.ro 1", 1115 1.1 U s.w Aller ~oo 19 lR 18 Lib PI" 800 " 95 29! _, day, Sept. 5.th. first time Mister. No need to posllton ant'. turned his ba.ck on ;,,,.,, ::'0 la MG 1'0 -15 S.". Athonl 21011 62 60 80 -, LI Pete 1~00 22 IT 22 +5\!o k ' 'II th " !the tormenting \Vater . ., iV.:' l)(' 4lI! ~ 400 Mulll.)la. 2%1)0 140 130 134 -I MarI,old 7000 31!'J 30 311> +ll'.o AT DOCK WR e up a e guests.· .'. ,,~ r.. 1:40 1:!tI 1:3 I~ Sew Cal 800 61 61 n -~ Merrill Pet. 100 '171> 1114'171< _ ~I . Shayne skipped, the obvious Shayne turned it off and it:! r,,, ~ H'i Ill, 1m ... ~ Se,,' DeIhl 1900 IIC 101 101 -4 Mldcon 2.1970 II' It 7 -2 S.S. Kyle: Elliott is the master, retorl. He lIemandcd, "Do Y,ou reached In to gat.her up 'a' hand.·' ,,,,="rt'''''''~ II.. :l'1(li\~~ 475I: 4131:: m ~s N.,,'New DickenJa,o. 6300100 17nII 17017 110II .+0 s.tN BrlilotI'ele SMseoo 4S523 430117 W·123 -t W1lI be sa Iii ng I om the dry dock have a ?Iiss Paulson?" " Ifir u 0 Paulson s . water·soaked on"":' :.r.73 ~ l~ MO -0 S \(f'lo~e ~o 22 :!II 20 -~ Sew B Dam !)SOlI 210 240 '240 coastal wharf on. Frl'day, takl'ng "'{' I 'coat between the Ihoulder (,_t •• ) 2700 60 59 '9 -I N'.'lund 4100 511 ~D 30 +I N Conllnent !iOO sa rr rr +I J' ISS Pau sor.?" The fat man I . •~, ~, r;o.' fro 400 4~ -s N Ma.llIlbl 3I0Il 13l I~I 128 -3 ND"'ln 1003 23 33, 23 -1 passengers, mall and freight. belched as he s.hook his head. blades. ~e pull~d. tlte sodden C'.' J;,,,: :1(0 11'10 91 100 Scw RO)'rn 6500 405 390 400 N Ga. Expl 4800 no 161 161 II V I man upright and -I d ... - n.",::-.. "'" 2'.>J 3~ 3:1 3!5 N S••• lor 2000 91~ 9 9 + \; S superior !67!!1s1 ~ :l.'I.I Pl • • Bonav stn sailed on Thurs. "No siree, we sure don't." . • .' D appe .WIU C':,.R,,,, J«I 73 n 73 -t Sew Thurb -I.lOO II 16 II NC ons TlO 63) &SO 6J.] -10 day on th st J h 'L i "Mr. Paulson? Bert?" VICIOusly, first on one cheek IIId r:.~ La'. f((J I~ 15 II Nicki Rln 11000 430 m 420 NC' Oil' pr .1.1 3a 38 33 e . 0 n s· ew sporte th th th (t.;'",,, ~ 145 110 143 Xlplllln, IC¢O 315 370 370 -10\,. :';orlhland 3300 14 80 Il -I service. ' "Well, yes, now. :Mr. Paulson en e o.er. .' (,-..:.",,, 2000 \I 1m Il'~ H~ lll,to 1300 1m 13 13\', "011 Sel.cl 14900 15 13 14\\ +m h Is with us for a fact." Paulson 'Cried out In .urpri!! 5."tIl lI! 210 :~ -3 Nor .... cm. 7BUO 54 12 73 -I,. OkaUa 200 2'11 295 :m .. 9 T e S.S. Glencoe is b~lng put . and hurt the r d thi kl d 1~ II .. II ~I Sorand. 710 163\, alii 621. -1~, PIC p.le 2075 S171; 11 17~' _ Ii In readiness to eventually sail "nd "Since when?" . t ,n cu se c ':! an ~(J,),'G n 17 4& +3 Sorllrtl. 13011 15 \I 14 I'o,hll.dor 181~9 160 m 137 -3 k" "Just this evening checked in. .wlsted away. . .. ' SOC! :10 30 :In _~ "orme'al r~o 100 U! 700 +9' Peru. 0111 :1200 208 200 208 +5 ta e Up the Nortb S)'dney to Port N.ot more'n on hour ago.'" Shaynr: let him go and stepped :toOO 17 16 16 -I Sorp.~ I:'.:mo 151 III m _ I,' I'elrol 9'll0 Ill! 103 1M t5 auxBasques services for frc'lght. a 1610 10 '90 10 Sor In.a III()(\ 8!'. B ..~ -5' Phllllpi 300 150 150 130 Ing 0111)'. "What's .his room number?" back grimly. Paulson did. to I .. t. WI 3&J ~TO 3:0 -s Nortblpn 1510 145 425. _ Ponder 21511 sa 11 11 _, crou h' g III . d It •. ,"'... :00 \&1 :61 161 -1 "Rank" 13100 m 130 133 -% Prairie 011 1100 410, US 135 -5 M.V, ,Clarenvlilo is waiting (or "Well, I'll tell. you. Mister. You c. 10 pos on, opemna In '" ,.,n'. Cl(I :0 :'1', 2.31\ +m "oIVoli. ~~ (31. 45 (3 - Pro •• Gil 1100:121 :!IS 21&' +1 { wanta talk to Mr. Paulson, I rec· shutt10g hiS mouth without .ut· : n.:.",'1 uaoo:!GI III It-.! _I N,,"'lma ISM II 41 ~ Ree' Expl 1500 14 lJ... 1310 + 'h urther, sailing orders. tid hi I ". '; •." 3~ 1%.1 uo m -5 O'Brl.n 1Il00 17 61' 0' +1 nlo Palm~r 7280 Jm 2011 2Q.I MUNICIPAL BASIN kon-'" er ng a loun, s eye! g eamln, :... '., ~ , 1633 130;, 3O\i 30" _.. o~am. \lOCO:ll '!I ~ +21 RoyaUle' 9'10 U 15'; m; - ~I A. E, HICKMAN CO. LTD. "What number?" Shayne's madly. . . , \;."" i>oO l5'. 36 :II! _1\\ roan 530 9'.! 175 f )hm 2100111'0 7! 7S 75 O'l.«ar.oka 1000 27\1 271,9'1 271",. -+1> SipphROYll11e Ie pr ~ 210UQ~ :ll ~0!1 23,\3010 _~ 1\1. V. Payoff which' has been voice rasped 11k!: a file on tem· Sh ayne Ieane d orwar d an d '" ',r,"' ~ 21 ~I 11 omnllion. 3100 8\~ 711 7\'.0 -1 Seeur Free 2130 1(10 lID 400 +::0 ~"'"\..... percd steel. slapped him again. He asked ''', ,,,hoi 1400 12 11 11 _ \'.0 I op.nll,kl "SO SI51i 1m m. -.1> SOUril :;011 O. 30 30 +2 moored up all the winter Is slat· ~i!i-:l!r.~ "Two.ten. But I'm tr'-'I'ng to coldly, "Can you hear me, Paul· M r ~,~'IN\ :0.'11 In! 100 Iftl ~ I oren,dl 9000 3S 3: 32 -;; spooner 5425 4% 31 3! -l!> ed to eventuall" go nn d .' dc"k ~ ~-t>""-~ , P"" 000 ~ ::0 10 ormlby 800 6% 62 62 oj.. Surely .11. 7011 110 1~3 110 +2 CRO I ' .." ',",'i~: :;..... tell you-" ~on??" Understand what I'm s~y· , K,~ r.~ !oro nn:lV, u\!o _1% O,llko .1130 421> 4m m~ -I- 1% south U 0111 7n 57 ~7 37 SBE & CO. LTD. (f'''''' .:1 109 : ~",oUI1 ~:t:'I 94 102 -5 Pac E ..t 1000 13 U 13 +1 stn.wen 1500 aD 76 110 M V Colin 211d is d Shayne turned away fast and . . , ••,,"" :toOO 16 151. 15\\ + '" Plramlq MOO 141> \I 11 -1 TeK Calglr)l 1040 !l! 65 !.l _. • • moore lip went past the closed door of an "I'm c·cold. I'm' f·free.ing:' :" , .. d I1L; 4%0 110 420 I'lym ..,r 2500:?9 21I:?9 ". Tran. Ca. 1100 m \GO 155 indefinitely. . Sh Id ilL t' !( .. , -r .:er 1000 15 33 JI • Pltch.Ort 5300 lin II m~ -,., Tran •. Emp 2100 236 230 ~'30 -5 Veteran Explorer c If d T.•. "r. U.','Of e.. elevator to stain on one side, nyne sa:, e s see you • :''-111t' 33((\ " IS 45 ~ I'laeer 1010 $1411 1310 3V, - \1 Trans Era 7200 37 36:rr d l' arne 0 ry .:","".1". He'cllmbed tWl.dllghts and found can stand up. He got a grip Qn r., ..,1 10.' iT9 ~o 61n + 10 Po,. ROllY. 000 53 53 ~3 '1'rlae 011 mlS. fIO!'J 1170 10 - Ii OC c. WIll prosecute' the herring, h' d h d P I r,...., rull HI6 ~ ~to ~ Prem Bord !OOO 1m 15 15 -I W"I MI).rtll 630 au 140 14() fishery. Sailing in . a few ·dal's. "Some no.good at ille office c','/i~ci\cd ul"brell •• -&t.·" 210 He knocked loudly and tried IS arm an eave. au son [m<''''1l' 180 1\60 011. 230 H II _'" 3'00:Il 160 I'r,.t.n 721 MO 1>60 -5 \1n 12330 m 37 tl the' door It was locked and his helped hlmsel[ a little and ma~' [.;'" M.. ISOO 21 21 :1 ., Pronto ~ 533 ~25 m -5 IV De.altl 6!30 173 17ft 17n -t ·I\I.V. 1Iianeco I! still up tal I is the old one I p,;ot rid (If lllst monthl knocking' broug".t no response. it to his feet. Shayne dragged r~:., 3000 1:3 II' I .. J PrO' AI" 1600!02:1OO 200 -9 Vulca. 1000 71 71 71 +~ sale. I hlm r~'l.1 5001) 31 .31" I'urd.. 3100. 26 25 !iii ~! w D•• al ..Is 500 42 41, 42 -I ''',halers Gun VI and FI'nback are I. He cursed at the delay, studied I over the edge oE the tull, l'»,.' """':11:1:5 Que Cllib ~l«J ~30 120 25 0 Wespae 566Il 31 3<1 :n .. ~ " II h d h th h r. ,~" "II 10100 :7 II II Quo Cop 1100 175 167 170 W A,bley 10Zl 1210 121, 1%\; _ It moored up for the season. i S ] • FURNESS WARREN LINE the lock as he got a ring of keys gave 1 maar s ove roug =1 SIlO II 19 19 _ QU. Lab 17700 19.... 17 18 m. nupu. 2661> 234 231 ~34 {Ilam..: IIp f hi k t I h 1 k . Ided the duorway He staggered and 1. r~" :2."(1 Ie' 4~ 4~ -I Que Lllh 110 SIOIO 10Ii Mi W Naco 100 131 131 13 AYRE & SONS LTD.,l \. oJ Nova Scotia' leaving Liverpool rom s poe e . e oc Yle • . . ""'" To 21 2m _ \I Rldlore 2Q.IO 1116 lOS 101 -1 IV Nnro,,10 300 2.1 :15 2l . Jennie Elizabeth, John Kenn Is: Aug. 25, due st. John's Aug. 31. to the first key he chose. Shayne went flat on IllS face on the bed· .\;tIl 11 \I 14 _ '" Itllft\'1l1l 7.5 170 110 170 Van Canuok (300 I~ 15 15 h I ~I fl th d' I'ght d room floor 1000 16\; II . IS _\; Q ~I.tll 50 330 320 330 IIANKS It e master, loaded freight for' ovemen' I-S Leaving for Halifax and Boston ung e oor o:Jen on n Ie' . lInce. ~ ~'i =w 24; _I ::'~~k ~ ~ l~o ~~o ~~nl : m :III:~ -I Englee, Wesleyville, Twillingate, 1\ e" Newfoundland leaving Liverpool bedroom. He stood glaring at thc Shayne followed lind rolled :".. RIOO" 11 71 "'1 u".,ton SM!4 24 %1 wlhp n23 '~6 ~!w i<5 -1 Rodlngton, Conche, JIIain Brook THE NFLD •. GREAT LAKES Sept. 12, due St. John's Sept. 18, huddled figurlJ 01 a man on the him over on his back, jerked him 1-: IIlllrt )J~0011:61 1~60 10: -2 ::ri"A.forth.mn ~:! n0 ~~~ -I h~~'1 ~ ~~. ~I' ~1' -'~'\ ISt. Anthony. Grlquet, Quirpon a~ i STEMISIIIPS T.TD. Leaving for Halifax and Boston floor beside the bed. An Army up to a sitting posure. The mad· /I: ~;':I :OII~!IO 5l'O i90 Sind River 27000 2.1\1 21 21\, _ '" Tor.Dom 310, 1161. mi 4m _ Ii ,far as Cook's Hr., sailed. I . lIlV Dundee from Toronto Alld. Sept. 19, due H~lifax Sept. 21 and automatic lay L1~. the I100r beside ness was going out oE Paulson's /I: 'l!! :zooa LI 10 &I .. I nSI Mlebul 7000 37 35 ~ INDUSTIUALIf f" . , h B t S t 24 L . B t him. But there was no smell of eyes, being replnced by fear .. h. )1,111, 500 n Ii:! &3 _I. lien.. 500 :100 200 ~oo Aluml.lum ~oo .131 ... 13' 132 -1\% ar as Cook s Hr., ready to sail. ::ll and ~Iontrcal Sept. 4 for St. os on ep. . eavlng os Oil '. lat:)!:rJZI 1116 60S ~ 105 ~ ....p Cr 31)0 40 140 140 -1-5 AnRIo Nlld 173 $1m \I', I'i +!i JIInggie Green, Delaney I'S the I.John's. (This vessel offers 45.000 Sept. 25 nnd Halifax Sept. 29, due gun·powder in the tightly closed I (To Be Continued) , hI! $00'1 41 43 n ~herrl\t ,as 3m I'" 8!iO -10 II Ma. 5:1S ,no, II 16 S J h '1' f room. I' e So: lnL-.:J 32 27 21 ~'~11II111 200 490 .90 490 I: Bre" Ttl pm 27 ~'7',l. master, is loading freight for·SI. ,cubic feet of rcfri~eralor space). t.. u n's ~ct. 1. Sal 109 or LlI'er- d h I;:tu 111_:3'1 III 137 _I 51.... 1230 1m II II -II> E 51 ••1 :ms ,:I2V. :1" ll11 _ \\ Ba", ,'all'lng tuday for SI I lItV. Lunan from. Hamilton pool Oct. .. Shayne pulled the oor s ut lratar 1000 138 133 138 _, sn ~\ultr 1m 123 119 , -3 ~or' wlllr J50 114\~ 1\\ It\; ~Iar"'s,. 'I N 5~. tILl I and walked oVllr to look down Do .,"ou want 10 hal'e more pep I .... " ~ 1/1 &0 '0 Sll St.nd :1000 54 52 ~2 Sledman. 100 $21 24:1 lIolar"'s Ba' . I a IOU,! Sept. 7, Toronto Sept 8, ova. co la eal'lng vcrpoo d f To( ,;". !IIIOl 4e 311 4e .. I SI.CD!! toJ I') R9 119 . Wolke.. 5U 172\L 72\1 72\~ _ '. J ~. nd 'I I 1St 11 f St 1 Sept ~61 due St Jolin's Oct 2 at the man witil the scarre ace fcrr Iun7 Do "ou want to get rid f ,.e.,,-#,""""., 1000:71330 co un17 1;'011 -2+10 SI.dSloe.n •• o.a\'r .2000 100 24 292j ~I _I~ I 1: seb71 .' A'''lOb.'•• 'H,. ane I 111 •• Buntcr. Fur.long,I Is aJohn's. " on rea . ep . or. Ii Leaving. ~ , for Halifax• and Boston• . HIS . c hec k s were ,ery re d an d IliS . of that slouch?• Do you want. I l ~ ~ ~:~" •• ~ I~ ~ ~; ~1" ~:~~~~t~h i: 2ro 2~ 2~~ -'iU01.tloeal th~ mlaster Is having engine re· JlI.V. Perth frail! Ilamillon about Oct. 3, dlle Halifax Oct. 5 and moul.!! was ope:. and he breath· better complexion? The booklet c.." \1..... IlU m II II -1 steeloy 000 101\ 10\~ 10\; !rJ " palre( . Sept. 14, Torollto Sept 15 and Boston Oct. 8. Leaving Boston Oct. e.d stertorously. Just bey~nd. his "AN INSIDE STORY" gil'es you r." ~'" :;00 170 1;0 170 +I SloeI' nock 4.183 s::m 21\!O 2m _ 'i 'r. HALLETT LTD.· ~Iontreal Sepl. IB for St'. Jo·hn's. 9 and Halilax Oct. 13, due St ..rlght hand .Iay a.•. corked Plllt bot- informalio that can h~lp .,"ou solve \'11: 1!I6:iS!Po) 3111 !!'III Slur,.on 69 19 '9.1 MON EAL T ItS tl f h k b ut a quarter ~"r".~.'" ::~ 103. lOll 102 -1 SUd COnI 2.3003!~ 15 15 ,~ _ \0 • iI:RThO c~~~:'~GI'~"~c N. and C. Ralph, Cheater Is • John's Oct. 15, Sailing for Liver· e a IV IS Y " 0 many of these and similar prob- ,,;tao. ...oo:n .. 27:!: ~uUlv.n 1600 UO m III -15 the m~ster, discharging a car .."u BAINt:: J.OHNSTON & CO.' LTD. !pool Oct. .16. {ull. .. . Ilems. If .vou would like to hl'l'e ..~:!:, ~:.".. t 430~ ~l21 m II 275II '-I Tandemroom Lun~ 280Il50 130° 0147 10110 10 +1 /\A~\~I blpr ~I> ~~• ... LIS~i!h k !~\~ of salt bulk fish, loaded a full Ca tl ICfI~e H~nn, Hnnn. IS the NeWfoundland leaving LiVerpool Sh ayne Iean. cd over an d shook , a copv DE this booklet write :to t::;.e,~N"~ 1: ~,; ~ ~ -1 ToO::;~1tI I: ~ 52 ~ +1 A.b.,IIl. 41 lIud lIa)' Min 87 cargo for the usual northern ports master, wIn. sail .for Petty Hr. to IOct. 13. due St. John's Oct. 19. him roughly, callJ?,g; "Paulson! "ilealih Education Offi'ce", Dept. [" .." 1M s:o 510 110 _I Torblt 2000 63 6l ~3 -4 ~~~~.N~ Sa' sm. Irn~ ~11.k 1~1' and· is ready to snil. S~l1ing this I take a em'go of fish to Hr. Buffet. Leaving ior Halifax and Boston Wake up, Paulso~ In his e~r. of ·Health, St. John's, and a copy , .." .. k IIN:6 3l !.5 _, T.wI,mac 3eoo 18 1B II . • BOWRING BOt ~O d H I'f He got no response ~ l:ll l~ :u 3.1 -2 Trlnl n.. 4000 36 36 36 -I ~:W,~~: ~ !l!1 m.;'~:r 1..1~ Friday a.m., Aug, 31st.' I . . ROS., LTD. 1 e. M, ue a I ax Oct, 22 and • ; ; will be sent to y!'u. free of char;e. •"'~, :.i2.' Ill', III, m, _', U Albt'w" 600 715 710 710 WBoll 71' IIQCWIIII SI LI'ndy Barbour took f . ht' ~Itrlam May, Rogers is the mas· I Boston Oct. 25. Leaving Boston 'If,I'Cr';:'''' .,. 1:('"I'" '.10U 100IN pro15 -30_I tinVlotlml. Keno 3300200 215670 %03670 210'6;~ -5 ::~~I'II m. McColl S3 (or northe t J B It' rClgA '1 ter, t 00 k f mg. IIt for the usual i 0 ct. 26 an d Halifax Oct. 30, due HE s t eppe d b ac k wit.h narro;y· Many lives have been lost and, c Cem.nl ,.6 ":~ae~dl :~\. Fogo TIVl8. p~rt 5, ~e i s Nr~, northern ports. . BOliton Sept. 6. Leaving Boston ed eyes and kicked the dr?nken homes destroyed by fires caused g ~~l:'.~~n~r m~ :g::lrl:aDk tl~: and Seldom.l~a~leed da~f{g~f Th~~s:'. Rita and Blanche .to.ok leight Boston Sept. 7 ,and HaJi!ax ~e.pt. man hard. Thele was still no br people ~moklng in bed. If you Cdn Brow '!I SI L nrt 710S da)' Aug 30th I lor Hare Bay, Trlmty, B.B. 11, due st. John s Sept. 13. Snling response. . are sick and the doctor permits' a ~n 'c~~~,n 1: ~~a~\~.1 ~:: ' . . IIndian Bar, Greenspond, Fair Is: same day for L~v~rpool. Sighing, Shayne went mto the cigarette. be sure tl13t you have Hfld.-Canada Steamships Ltdl cpn 34 11 Walker 72\; H,M.C, ,DOCKYA~D land, Badger's Quav. Vallcylield Sept.. 1, due Hahfax Sept. 3 and bathroom and turned on . the an ashtray on a tray or otlier Soc.ramo 35 CAN"'"lA~ . t Dreclge P.\\ .D. 400 sallecl at 4, and Wesleyville Saiied . Leavmg lor Halifax and Boston light, There WII1 a rust·stamed container, so that the cigarette fREIGHT SAILINGS r,Ol~ri~,~~. ~" ~.~~ PIP I~I' Ip.m. ,thUrsday, Aug. 30, IIII' Ochre i 'Wcr.lu)' nnd n:Jlnh, Gllulh e~r Is Nova ?cotia leaving. Liverpool tub with a shower apparatus on cannot fall onto the bedcl()thes. I ~.:~~~::!I.' .'W ~~~~t.~ II. ~i ,Pit Cn~e. ' . " Ithe master, look freiglit for St. John s Nov. 1. Sailing again the wall at one end. . Dcn't keep the cigarette In your M.~. "BEDFORD D" Fa '''1' AU:3r.:.1 M.V ..Ac?dla from Valleyfield., C:mnullviilc, G;mtl~r Btly, 1Il'I'r1ng: s~m,e day for Llv~rpool. He went back and. got a grtp fingers between puffs-you niay H.... LlFAX . ST. JOHN'S 1'3 1OI1r "'UI3' Keftne •• tl 131 I CANADA PACKE :'.Hnl~n " I IS Ie mas er, ' S RED CROSS 0 n 5 p " siers and hours later may l!arn 1.I

, ; - '...... , ' \' , \eo : - ', .. ,' nail Y NEWS, FR

'. l luxurio~s, long_wearing nylon.an: IJ A gleami~g distincti~n 1·,10 I , I upholstery in every Chevrolet . A ligh' touch of 'he to . . . borr~wed from higher-priced 'g'-' to the rear, othing extra, Beautiful BIG Chevro'e"s swi e commands • b d le9ance r' " d "Baby-Guard" d . .'~In.,. cars·,..:smart full·width chrome~. . Cleo,,-I,1O e e, Che'lro\et's .broa pushbutton drear oor locks-with yoU ~ay n I'''I'I'Iing'' room for hats, • cJ~'ch pedals, Th:g~~ype ,brake ~nd 'plated wheel covers! YourS' • interiors-rea . . Drive with prld~:h;fashion taUlig"'S opened even ~r:;' :he ,d~orclln't be clear formore comf ,00b~"1S free .and on Bel Air models; an extra- ck and ,,19 i I hips, shoulders! . or ~ II foot room, ,car d e ble impress on, portan, .' • he /ns,Je, An im-' cost 'opti~n on other models, 'eove a snernoro ' protect/on-cit·. no e x t ra cost, '


JU~bo-Orum Brakes hold'ttle " s"ant you touC~ the pedal- High l . In I" ( Extra lofe'y Ch . - evel Venti/at' BONDED brake Inl~g no hood-high I Ion takes in . T3 Sea/ed.B-;omevro/e"1 new Luggage room to sparel Exira_low 1 f eve'-c/ aIr of Stylish secre'! Left-side tailligh' swings , '51) Easy-ading 11 brakes ~ rive . ,., CO NFl add Heacllamps reer of road h eaner, coo'er ' down to uncover the Hide-Away Gas ~ctuolly '0' Irunk sill makes loading and unload­ , eat f air ,on a II 4 wheels' . for , - time seeinl E ,to YOur nigh,_ ing a cinch, Two trunk lighls are set or shlOe , ,'t w· or ks! ' umes, dust' Raln ' . Cap-no more paint damage from I ' xc ullve ' , DENt, STOPS. ugl .nsur. full b ' aiming safely, strategically in bumper guards. spilled gasoline, ene"'I,

\ .. Pow,erf.ul 12-volt electrical Iystem packs twice Ihe punch Body_by-Fisher slreng'h Panoramic view of the road through aved' with fcini~d a~d New freedom f' . ',' of'old6-valt syslems,Quicker, '. the farnous ali-steel, the'magnificen' sweep of Chevrolet1s Roads seem neW-P 'on Spherical " rOm p . secUrI'y- " nose-dive", assenger':'pi'ch' surer starting whalever thl all_welded body, With e)( ra- wide windshield I A wonderful view Glide-Ride Fron,Suspenst', "5,tep'" C sops' A t' 0' 109 d' let5 WIlee 5 on'rol reelue b' n I- IVe Brakl' weather-big eieelrical ri id centre framing, All all round-driver can easily see all ball-joint eSlgn " yOU feel is the 45% es raki ,. ng co~· o for safer I n~, dIve up '0 ' reserve for access aries, !nent fused into a sohd over rough spo,s_a d 'de' , ' evel.fllght ; s 4 fenders; smoo,h, stea y rI ' P ''I bly , s'OPPlng, "FortreSS of Stee ' super " . ' ,

. '

, A 'hough". u I conve'. Gear.shifting • . . 9 Iave box d" nJenc!_ pleasure ,IS practically' a - , with Chevrolet O'ler- doubles as a 0::. opens f1ol, , wl'h Ch The new 140 It ' Big gas sa'llngs help~r that lets your Specialre" . verage 'ray qUick silk ,evrolet's A flick of the switch, and, t,he front ' J' ,p, Blue·Flame '''6'' . cesses It,-Io ' M ' -smoo'h 5 - JIve lest' Ch esh 'ransmis ' ynchro. a' moves to make you perfedly hi In , evrole' his'ory! Ultra drive-the po~er while '(ou really s'eady. CENTRE 0 g cups se mfortabl behind the wheel, a handylod ' glove box • Way wi'h SI~n, ','5 mise,'y e ~h compressIon ralio (8 to 11) engine loaf d, o~~ai'able with b or rtverand ' . gaso'ln . • ned more efficient use of : mean~ cover, groun ' passertgers! Its bes'..Jik d ,e IS one of ~~e'lrole"s p!'wer_Positio Seat- ever bef I gasohne than . e specla'lies! • I a popular power op tIon. ore. VB' engines. • \l _----'~'. _----::;:;;;::~~c:l«J~,.rl1T-~---=-=- ~(:ret:lh,struck of themSt~~ Mr. Dulles i . Photo), .. I ;

" A luxuriousl ",": ' Rotary safely ·door la'ches help keep wi tit . y SRloo'nau,o' •. ' li~pep-tfiat-s' ; matic drive doors safely shut in emergencies, Also, ghtnltlg-fast ' Pn.werglid I .. a' slight 'e~'r~ cost, seat belts, padded down h'f getaway " e. A's " for aelded ' " automatic instrument panel, shoulder harneu­ ,val/~ble. wi'h Vs passlOg ,safe, . . Ct;evrolet offers them all, __--..J Keep a light hand on the wheel­ or 6 engi' y. "',. " . Nailed_to.the-road stab\l\ty nes. • of ..,. ~ith Chevrolet's relay type steering linkage , Chevrol -s' outrigger re~r suspenSIon! So serisational,you've ' L et ; j , Rear springs are longer, mountek -the record-smashl sample if , makes steering more responsi'le, mo!e. Astonishingly , ng Turbo-Fire VB! wn wider aport outside the fram~~roc - precise than you:'1e ever Ikno It • sive, it's easil:~~et, Instantly respon_ I steady cornering, neW secullty, Self-centring, '00, ., of aliI ' most modern va :.___ ------.c~~-----~------, ·

,', -:'.,

" ·;. - - .- . ..'' " " Usually found only In high-priced Chevrol~t brings you th !verything in automatic power e cars-Ball-Race steering gearlBall safe'yof ex,ra.'ow ea!Urel-a fingertip raises or bearingl redu ce friction to a min· tubeless,'Ires ,-a' f lowersfrontandrearwindows . , imum to make steering smoother no extra cost, Gre '. !:. Power Steering, Power Brake~ . -. once' 'bl at res,st-. and easler, and to make the . . 0 owou,s 51 . . , ' (: • • t. • you name it, Chevrolel def/ar 'f ' ,ower ,sleerlng.gear more durable. . , ' .!on I punctured. '.- has it! - '. • Oplional 01 exlro' cod . ,

·. ,~

I, . • .. . ., :\ , I oJ' ,,' I :


" .,

I World· Events In,Pielures .:. ' " , , •••••• F ~,..... • ...... ~ ...... ~

0" ,.


.\:\GELES, Ca1ir.-Manac1ed, strapped to a high steel chair, and guarded by court' bailiffs In a 50und-proo{etl WASHINGTON, D.C.-Output of the new Boeing KC135 Jet Stratolanker (left) has been 'istepped up" according ,:~,:',cr, James ).lerkouris ra\'erl on a\; court proceeded Lo determine hi5 sanity. Merkouris is on trial, charged to an announcement today by Air Force 'Secretary Donald Quarles. Here the KC135 is shown refucbl, a giant. r.-,] et ;':' ~hc ~layillg of his ex-wife. Outside the chamber, prosecutor L. Miller Leavy (left) is slltlwn speaking. SeaLed Boeing B-52 Stratofortress long-range' bomber. It is the world's first jet stla~ntanker and r011!!d Ollt. nf ti,e !:"C~;i;g ~~;;~t' :'!erkouris is his attorne.,', L. Besil Lambros (right). COUl't resorted to this unusual measure because of the Renton, Wash., plant July 18th of this year. ,It is scheduled to make its first flight shortly.·- (tN. Photo). : ::emnt interruptions and profanity of the accused.- (l.N. Photo).

ric II I

~H1:\GTOX. D.C.-AI:rriitHori, Failfani, Secret~!y-Gen eral of the Christian Democratic Party of It.al;'. (left) and ,c;r:- of State John Foster Qulles enjoy a hearty, laugh dUl'ing their meeting toda\' at the State Department . -truck them funny was Fanfani's reference to a remark Democratic keynoter G~v. Frank Clement made SANFORD. FLa.-Fire fightet·s mo,'e In to extinguish' the, flaming inferno caused today when a Na,'Y att

help bep li!'!tl,~ •• Als., .. ". pcsddeli BACK TO ,SCHOOL, AND •• harnlU- ---"" Back To'MusicWith KEMBLE 5 MINX MINIATU3E REGENCY MODEL. .The Best Seller of today for the Pianist of Here 'is a Piano of proved merit with full ' tomorrow. Height 2'lOW'. Width 4'4". - f ree tone an d responsive touch, "in Mahog- Depth 1'8%", Has patentall·metal frame, any c,asework of "Modern" style which is incorporating the "Back" structure. Over­ most' pleasing and at,tractive. Height 3'6//. strung' scaling. Full compass. 85 Note. Width 4'5//. Depth' 17W'. Compass 7 'Special Herrburger.Brooks action with dou­ Octaves. Full, overstrung. ' Patent all·metal bl~-~ushed keys. Hammers of fine,st quality frame, incorporating the //Back// structure. ,felt and full ., Easy action gives the . . Herrburger-Brooks action with metal stand- beginner confidence, ond the tone is rich , ards.' double.bush~d keys.' Best· quality heavy \ and full. The modern, streamlined case~/ork means easy dusting; is available in Mahog­ felted ham~ers. ,Truly an :investment in a' any and limed: Oak and is beautifully fin­ musiCa.l education for your y~ungsters, and ished. Practice will be a pleasure on the in new grace and beauty for your home •• Kemble Minx Miniature Piano: ' It a wonderful' saving. Don't miss it.

·Reg.' 5650." NOW' 'DOWN, .' 5565.. , .' s56.50


" "." " ' ...... ;. , . I'" 1 . ~ . ,- , ' , \' , ' I t , . . 12 THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1936 (HE DAILY NEWS, I . ... ------*------.... - .' :- The' A~~i _. ~Star-'---'- Cornwall Capitol Figure .. Ma gic! . ' ---_._------.,.. . ~ ~·No;·~-PT.aY;l1g.· -No;~P-la-yi-ng To-mm'J'OtV 7.45-:-RoyaI.Stores Theatre. Getti~g Around B.OO-News, Parade of Hits. ., 9.45-:-Dos·co News; GREGORY PECK, JAMES STEWART IN JOHN WAYNE,IN. lO.OO-The Falcon. A~NE BAXTER, "BROKEN ARROW" "T~E SEARCHERS" ';.-...sip 011. CBC New .. ACBOIiS 3 Not ,ettJilJ . IO.30-Newa in a Minute. 'IN "YELLOW SKY" RC!iearch dor.!' for. "Broken US-Top of lbt Mornilll.· ,. .. 1 Motor al'Ol1D4 lO.30-Dlary of Fate. Arrow," Twent~l:th Century·Fox "The Searcher!" starring John' I.OO--CIC Nlw. Ind WeltJIel. \'thlele " Food IlIIt 11.00-Loeal and Provo New •. With "Yellow Sky," Twentieth encore triumph, disclose! some WlIJ'ne A. C. V. Whitney picture 1.1S-liasicl1 Clock. 4 Snow yehlele 5 Cripple4 . ll.Ol-National News. , Water ,'thIele' I !Ian topiber Century·Fox hn; brought to the fascinating sldehghts on the his· for Warner Bros., In Technlcolor ".OO-IIonl.. Devotion .. 'lLaIr 11.15--Sports Final. screen a walloping dramatic hit torical friendship between the and Vlsta·Vlsion, "The Search· 9.15-PropaIll Prevlew. 12 Omsumtd 'Slams ll.SO-Houseparty, News. . !.hat offers locai moviegoers some fierce Apache chief. Cochise, and .ers" returns to the screen the lI'»-l'iIno P1I,llme. IS Mucullne 9 Fonnerl,. 1.00-Queen and Sign Off. 95 minutes of the tautest, most a courageous wllite man,. Tom great actor·dlrector team of UO-Jeeords It Random, . 14 Poker stake 10 Solar dhk 15SDrrowful 11 TrY hard·hlttlng and exciting film Jeffords.' Wayne' and John Ford, whlc.h has lO.OO-Jluica1 Prolflm. fare to come this ,way In many Though shortly after the Civil thrl11ed audiences so many times IO.l~H1t of lbt Day. II HelIhts 11 Merited 28 Upon 4f Old EllBll$h VOCM· .18 Bombardtd 10 C~boys get 28 Impudent talC a moon. Gregory Peck, Anne War the Apacllcs and Whltcs with motion 'pictures such as !.~·Power. FRID4Y, AUGUST 31 Baxter, Richard Wldmark and an were Involee:'. In a bloody strug· "Stagc·coach" and "The· Quiet I ;~ ~::?'. Cole this Dl'OIIIId 31 Cheered 46 French Islands l~NnrI. ---,. steers 33 DukhcIr.lnl 47 MllSlcal 6.30-0n the Air. excellent supporting cast give gle, these two men, on opposite Man." . 'lo.JO-JlIInIlq XUJleale. J butrument superlative performances In Ulls sides of the fenre, refused to let Always among the foremost lo.6-nC VBrltb'. . =~ 23 SUtch '1I1n 38 Bleb fur 7.30-Breakfast. Club and. Newt The ;; 4BClty'in dynamic story. and Director the hostilities break the bonds stars In boxofflce appeal, Wayne 1M . 26 Arabia ""U 2' Corded fabriu40 Nlrrow boards D.OO-A Date with Denys. 11.1~UPt Lyrical. n • M 25 SpokeD 41 Small IslaDd CalUDmJa Wel1man and Producer Lamar of mutual respect and fondness portrays an embittered Civil ll.»-ScbDol 9.15-The Valley and tbe HIlL IrOadca.t. . .n ShOWl how 10 28 Amphltho.ater 42 Girl'. name aORusslaD 9.30-A Uale with Deny •. Trotti have come through with they felt for each other.' War veteran who returns to Ilis e(!nUnuing with our 1:!.6-JlI4 Dl1 Seenld•. iSl =:::d 27 F.bricJ 43 DrY vIllase IO.OO-NewJ. . another top achievement to, Based on thl~, historical fact, Texas home only to find his fam· laying of the trans~ . LOG-Doria :alllJetin. 10005--A Date with Den,. .. match their unforgettable "Ox· the Technicolored "Broken Ar· Ily has been kl11!'d and his nieces graph cable back in Ih ; . :n Staid m-".."...,..., , US-Lora Umited. I U LlIII1ted lO.30-Adopted Soa. . Bow Incldimt." . row" allOWS ho'\' Jeffords (play· held captive. .: the part pla)'cd by Bi. UD-CIC N..... j freedom to 1O.55-:-Ncws. "Yellow Sky' recounts the ed by Jimmy Stewart) had the· d I In that grcat project. UO-C.C Hen alld Weather. I ,ehroW1d , . 1l.00-Burtons of Banner Street. story of seven' men-outlaws-., courage and vision to bring peace . John Ford, WfJO won Aca emy 1.6-Aullt LuC)". 3& Redactor r+--t--t--t=..,.-+-t,t-II 11.15--Song Time. who, hunted O\'er the burning to Arizona by daring to come Awards for "Stagecoach," reo following quotation j 2.00-WonIJ ud )lillie. 3SFllrt1vt 1l.30-Keyboard Capers. Arizona badlands, hide out in a alone to Cochl8e's .tronghold, turns to Ule scer,e of his earHer torial in the Public Lc .• :!.3O-XUJical Jletldmous. 3'1 AfreIIl 11.45--Tops In Pop.. . ghost town where a girl, wise In though for .even long yean no triumph, Monument ValleY, Utah written b)' ~(r. Henr!' . 12.DO-News. ;.3.30-Tmi, Cailada Katinee: I :st llmille4 Iuw!'u ...... -r.-t-+~ the ways of men and the desert, white man had come within the to film "The Searchers." This "All honour to Dr. .uo-cBC Hlw .. 40 Heaven!1 12 ..05-0Ramblln' With Regaa . lives with her grandfather. The great chief's arm and escaped location spot was made famous having so early disco' US-Tilllel,. Tun"" 41 Noun sUfllx l2.l5--Bank of HapJ;llness. outlaws are excited by the hint wl!.h being cruelly tortured to by Ford, wlto subsequently used partance of Ihe proj •. 4.6-ChI1dre11', StOI')'. t2 81rd of prey 12.30-Newa . t5Rea.on tor of a gold cache hidden by the death. the spot to screen "My Darling havI'n!! advocated it \~. !!.1~Fbhtrle. Broadca.I.· l2.45-Flsherme1l', Foreealt. k d Clementine," "Fort Apache," ~ plliDllround J.l5-Sportseast. old man, and become wrac e Actually Jeffords sought out .and in(Juenee which r '. !!.U-SoDIl lor Summertime. tI On this you . Im-t-t-t-i--I- with suspicion of each other. But Cachlse (played by Jeff Chand. and "She Wore H Yellow Ribbon." • . S.oG-JDtlrllltZZO. ,.1 nowhere l.30-News. It Is ·the lone girl, and the ruth· ler), not to talk peace but to pro- Howevor, for ""'If' firs t tl me lhe tion must wield." 145-:-RambIiD' Wltb HeiR less determination of each of tect his own per!onol safety. For. valley is being shown' both In And even Gist, • 6.25-ProIram Pred,w. ,dlbt, around kr-t-i- 2.e6-Newa. th~ --·Iroiii~~J 4792 ~(r. l.JO-Supper Guest. &1 Anbrobe men to make her his personal merly' superintendent of the Vista Vision and In Techplcolor. 10-lO who is accorded the 3.00-Dollan OD Parad .. A. • 6.6-Xuslcal Proaram. 5: Tip .4.00-Newll. prize, that sparks the terror and malls, fourteen of his men had A group of talented newcom. 6,1- ..... /J '.._, many of hal'in~ heen I " '7.DO-CBC Ntws and Wnther. 51 Arrow poison ...... -+_ 54 Culal'! 4.05--Ralnbow Ra·ncb. lense drama of the inevitable been k\l1ed by tne Apac.hes and erg are seen on the screen with I r_ ~e._, of the great underl~~ 7.1'-turtaln CII1J. 4.55-:-News. .,." _ 55 Au,menl. battle between them, and blulds he, himself had been wounded Wayne In the film. Jeffrey. Hun. The ';Empire.Princ e to say: "I mal' he pard. • 7.30-Top' Today. 56 Pause B.OO-News 11Id WeathPl'. the suspensefu. plot to its terri· by their arrows. t V Mil d NataJie ~.. Ing honourahle ment · ·7.6-Doyle !lulletln. 57 Ocean 6.15--Sportcast. fie climax. Disgusted with the lack of er, era ~s an ! ions the \'er)' loveliest Lordship Bishop )(u •• B.l~on, lIecltal-~brllyn Gregory Peck I! superb as the government protection, he quit Wood. who was an A.cademy! ~'oul' figure! A gracefl:! DOWN 6.25--Lost and Found. d I Award nomine for her fmc per·, with scoop nc"k high €m . high order of talent • '.30-CouthlchinJ Conterene •• 6.45--News. leadero! the dehpera oes Wlose his post and turned to prospect- forman.,ce In "Rebel .Without A i ice. smooth fitte'd and plr~ acknowledged. To hil lIeadrr. I SlnJin& voIce 7.00-Simon Mystery. efforts to keep the men in line Ing in the mountains. Yet this too C , IO.3G-WinniPfJ Pop Concert. 2 Westtl'lutate ...... 7.lS:-Dr. Paul. Is complicated by the complcx was dangerous· with Cochise on ause.. . i cess silhouette. The little expressed belief of I l1.3~!!C National New •• 7.30-Yours to Remember. relationsilip that develops be· the warpath. Seemingly without Rounding out the Impressivc! makes a stunning COvcr·::p . of the project." B.OO-Order In the Court. tween himself m,d the girl. Anne the fears of ordinary men, Jef· cast is veteran actor Ward Bond, Ithis "go e\'erywher~" hi;;:,.:.! "Gisborne, hol\'c\'er D.OO-Boston Blackie. Baxter plays the desert·harden· fords made up !tIs mind to have long an .assoclate of both Wayne Pattcrn 479.~: :\1t~~e5' Si:~~ writer back in the se' CJON D.30-Come A.Calllng. ed girl, underscoring her versa· a face to face talk with !.he war· and Ford in sue!1 all·tlme hits as 12, l~. 16, 18, 20. S:le lS ed a prominent part FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 CJON.TV 9.45-:-N ews. tllity with one 0.1. her finest per. rlor leader. "The Quiet Man" and "My Darl· i and ~olcro 4~:' ;'H~! ~.j ir.ch. graph cahlc project. lO.OD-Eneores. ' formanccs to date. Richard Wid· . The bold frontiersman aald Ing Clementine II In "The Searc·: ThiS patte:" caly try u;e. yond all doubt th~t 6.:lO-Bob Lewis Show. lO.30-Sammy Kaye .. mark Is perfect as the treacher· later "This was the commence- hers," Bond reputedly gives a: pIe to se\~': !: tested f;ar .£it .. •·RIDAY, AUGUST 31 I.OO-Datellne • lO.45--Ncws. ous outlaw who ·challenges Pecks ment of my friendship with COCo pOWerful performance In the! complete llil.i:rtrateu .n;.:-;. . had no notion of tl 6.3~Snd. New .. S.3G-The M!I1lonaire. 1l.OD-tlportscast. lead. Others in the outstanding hise, and, although I was fre- dual role of t. front.ier parson 1 Send THIR'fy.F[VF. ([STS any other cable unli: 6.35-Wealher. !I.OO-Lol1y Too Dum. 1i.65-Fishermen'. New. and Fore- 5.00-Howdy Doody. 1l.15--This Is ~hc Siory. cast Include Robert Arthur, John quently compelled to guide and a fighting Texas Ranger. ' cens) in coins (r-l::m;lI c.n~"t 1854, the project w;o cast. S.30-Kld. Show. 1t.3000tar Sta,e. 1l.30-Sandman Serenade, News. Russell, Henry Morgan, James troops aglnst him and his band, "The Searc.hei's" was a:iapted' ~ccepted) for this p"::prn. to him b\' :'Ir. Gi.,bn 7.!lO-Nnd. Ncw. and Sport&. 1.IIO-ItaDcJa 'time. lO.OO-Wreatlln" 1.00-Closedown. Barton and Charles Kemper. it never interfered with our frl· for the screen from the best.: plainly SIZE. N ,It " E, ~1II)1\[~. h~d for tltc prc\'iou 7.DS-Local WeaihPl'. S,SO-NewI, lUll-New•• endship. He respected me and I selling novel by Alan Le JlIay. It. I'l'YLE NUMBER most anlenlly demtt'· 'l'.IIO-Feature Movie, lUG-The. Late Sbow. 'l.l5-Caaacllan New. and 5110rlL respected him.'" was produced bv Merian C. Coo.! . . talents and mC;lns I vous SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION There was good reason to re- per from a screen play by Frank; Send order to.'\SSF. .\ n ., ~ work of hi" life. IInti '7.3~Roulld the World New .. FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 'l'.SS-Weather Roundup. "The Other WDmln" Ipect Cochise. Not only WILl the i, S. Nugent. ; care of ST. JOIIX's DA~L\.·.rnr •. great genius hrlor( Apache a great warrior, but his -_.. ----.--- .. -...... -.. _.•.. _. , Pattern Dept, 60 FRO~T ., 7,45-News Summary. 6:00-Sundlal and New •. WEST TORO:oo."TO OST he was brou;hl un ;; . a.bo-Nfld: New.. . B.DO-Breakfast Club. Blackmall, murder and intrigue cause was just. Alwas a peace· Iby the Robot! And over every·; , "" that incxorahir Ilr~c' . 8.20-Shlpplag Repllrt. BSO Mak u MI d. dominate the latest Hugo Haas ful Indian, he had turned to war I thing on this strange "Forbidden I U5-K1ddles Cerner. . -. e p your n production, "The Other Woman," only after a YOUllg Army Lleute- Planet" bovers an unknown, un· I ... _- means. In thi~ el1l' 8.3D-Nfld. Nen 8.45-Rex Koury. Set against a Hollywood back· nant hung three of his close reo named invislbl" menace that sud· I Field, with "11 hi' ~ 8.35-Complete Weather HQuad. 9.00-It Happened last Night .. ID.OO-Coffee Time. ground, the film deals with I latives for I crime they never denly attacks the Earth·men in a 1 FARES Pl.EASE fluencc. l'toppc(1 in Us-~rnlnll Merry.G~· ·R~~Dd. n.OO-Turn back the Clock. producer who innocently gets In· committed. spectacular war of the future!! CLDETHORPES, Engl.r.n the ~cheme to I 11'1 '. volved with a "bit·part" actress But, though peaceful an his And it's all climaxed by the elC" Railway officials in this ces~." 9.oo-Nfld. News. 1l.SO-Pepperrell JUke Club. 1 9.0S-Duke Box Review. 12.S0-Hlllbllly Matinee. who plans to expose him public· life, when Cochi~e took the war· ploslon of the planet into a fiery. shire town are bo!ding Wbite)', It woul;! hr. ~ ~rr 9.25-lt Takes I Woman. l.DO-Behlnd the Story. Iy unless he pay. her a hand· path he did It with a passion and inferno! Here is an amazing mot· I mongrel dog, until someone s;:y that l'yrn, Wrl 9.30-News. l.DO-Behlnd the Story. some fee. ability that was phenomenal. An· Ion picture ••• M.G.M.'s "Forbid· '195 3d he owes in fares. hi~ wealth inln : 9.S1-Duke Box RevIew. 1.15--J\Iasters of Melody. "The Other Woman" marks grlly proclalmlnll that ten while. den Planet"-the thrilling story lusting Whitey hopped ,Wealth alone would 9.4O-Juke Box Review, l.30-Muslcal Express. the fifth film In which Haas and would ,die for every Apache kill· of Man's leap to the stars • •• train and went to sieep in a . 9.45-Woman'. News. 1.45--Bob Crosby. Miss Moore have. appearcd to- ed, be made hid VOW good. in wondrous color and cinem'l class compartment _ without f.ccomplished it will gether. It Is a repeat of the ma- The Icreenplay for "Broken scope! ticket. ,. and intelligent rnthl lO.OG-New., Courtahip. lad Mar 2.00-Matinee. \ ture Haas sty!.:. coupled with a Arrow" was penned by Michael __...... _-_.-._._..... ;_.•• _ ...... -.-._-.- .. -...._.-_...... domitable busin~~~ . dag.. 2.30-VOUS Record Room. '.' completely different situation. Blankfort, and has been hailed arid determination I•. '10.15-Duke Eox Review. a.SO-Bob & Ray, or Paradc'ol 10.SO-News, Who Am I? Sports. Twentieth Century·Fox 11 releas· for Its tremendous realistic 1m· obstacles. The {nil. IO.4O-Joan Blanchard. 3.5S-News. Ing this adult drama. pact. The writer himself IBid from a lettrr writt~ ID.45-Helpful·Ham. 4.00-Thls Is New York. Hugo Haas holds the worthy that he "couldn't miss" with such Scanlon. mana;pr (. 10.55-Wife Savel. 4. 25--News. distinction of being the· only fascinating historical material at company in 51. Juhn 11.00-NeW5. 4.30-Last Man Out "five·way Hollywood talen!}' In hand to work with. ;rgo, gh'es an idca f\f 1l.01-Jobn Turner's Family. 5.00-News. addition to wrltmg, producing, ....;.=::::::===.. i~! that were mel 1l.30-News, Tops Today. 5.l5--World of Sports. directing and starring In his own .~.-.. • "--- early days of the r: tOG-Local and National Head 5.30-Curtaln Time. films, Haas. also finances his mo· line. New. Ind Weatber. 6.00-NBws. vIes, in an almost unheard·of Paramount "The 5cript of Ihr . !.lO-Tops Today. 6.l5--Rampart Sireet. combination of five important considercd \"orlhlr, 1.15-New.. 6.45--0ff!cera C-111. contributions til the creatlon of, .~ __~~~--'-__ d t f'I' 1 l.35-Daify Interview. 7.00-News. a motion picture. The Czech.born \ ~- a e 0 I S 1;5"'-. KElP YOUR GROUP SHOTS SMALL, INFORMAL movie genius has compiled an Twelve long ycar.' , l.4O-Sportn Review. 7.0~ack Carson. To-day In takln, rroup .hot!, there are U you're uslne f1uh to light ;1.45-:-Invltlition to Music. 7.30-Flnal Edition (New. and admirable recoro In Hollywood remembcr hoI\' \RILyN MONROE in ·'GENTI.E:'tIEN . JUDY HOI.LIDAY In "THE MARRYING IUND,·_·L.\UGIIS CAG~EY .1•. "TRIBUTE:TO A ·.UD .. M.\N"­ I ':'.ES .. I I'REFER BLONDES"-:lIUSIC-SONGS-TECHNICOLOR . At'TION-TRRnr.S-CINEM.\SCOPE. "SLIGHTL Y SCARLETII, r CO:\lEDY-ROMANCE. I ... , .

13 .

[HE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1956 . ~ " .. . . -, .~ .. ~ ... • '";,J, ... ,-.~ ,,' . ., ' ·1:... • ~ .~. 'l '\',<.~ .

. .

" : • Project Ielegrap"h "Cable ..' • I" .. t""ntlnllins with our notes on thc "lIlue. A few sold for 50 cents! h: :n~ of the transatlantic tele· :llr. Field told me, on one DC ca· ,r.,,11 cable back in the sixties, and sion when we were speaklnf of I~.t lIart played by Bishop ~lul1ock the clark da~'3, as the twelve "ears CQuncil' in that grcat projccl. we Sh'c the II'cre called, thnt he· often f~1t so The Fan:ti1y· 1.,11,1\\ ins quotation from an ~di· ashnmcd 10 ask .the dircctors for I~n,;lH.:trn in brthe ~Ir. Public Henrr Ledller Winton: of 1886, moreno other money plan that than he tocould ask hitthem on • EDITOR'S NOTE: Tbe Famll,. CooeD ee..... of • ,..... - ".\11 honour 10 Dr. ~Iullock for to dinner and )alk telegraph; when .psychiatri!t, a newspaper editer, a "omell'. pal' editor ui ... ~"\'1n~ ~o ('arly di!eO\'ered the im. about to break up he would care- • newspaper writell. TbHe consult '!lith elergyJlltll of .U f.IUI. iN .~::;;nce of the projcct. and for llessly remark: 'There's McKay denolllmation.. All le&teu are held iii eDmplete coDfldellee. ~;I ,n: "d\'oc~tcd.iI with ~he ~ower 1down there. We must keep him TOM-My wife's sister thwarts could never make it. I think Frink I:.:: ,"!lucnee whIch one IU 1\15 pos : UP. gentlemen. and all my money my boy. has I good chance becausl our :;.~ :nu,t wirlri." I is ,one. I hal'e nothing on hand LOIS-He Ihas Indoctrinated Ihe Congressman make~ his. appoint· .\r.rt I'l'en ~Ir. Gisbornl' himself. : 0 meet his last draft.' Taylor boy. ments as the result ol·competition, ~r. \ I' accorded the honour b~': 1I'0uid say: "All right, Cyrus, send • • • and his school principal seeml te r.'.~~~' 111 ha\'in~ heen the originator I it down to. me.' And 50 It went TOM-My wife has an older sis· think highly of his chances. . I'! !l:r ~rrat undertakin~. had this! on. They took turn about, paid terhas whonever Is married.past her She45th has year a highand thisMy .. AUsister·in·law she can secsees is no that 1I0int I amill II' .,y: "I ma~' he pardoned for mak. the drafts, and said nothing. Fleld position in the school system and trying to get him a free education, ::.: !lor.Durable mention of IIis:I crossed the. Atlantic seventy times earns a good salary. She has ai, and she points out that she is L,.,,:,hip Bi>hop ~lulloek. whosc; and paid his own expenses." way. said that she would provide ready to finance him. She will not h,;:1 rrdrr of t~lcnt is unil'crsallr In an arllcle on the Atlantic (or the education of our three admit that Frank would be as ;:knn.drd~~d. To him i~ due the ,Cablp, written In' 1917, Henry F. children and make them her sole frustrated as 1 lVas if he fails te r\i':('.~rd belid of the fea~ib!lity' 5hortis, one. lime Government heirs in her will. get to West Point. r: lhr projCtt." 'architect. s~)'s. "There ha\'c been 'This, plus the fact that my wife • • • "1~I,hornf'. howel'er." ~a)'s a loeal " many discussions a~ to who was feelshope ofthat marrl her'age sister because gave sh up wI'shany m.vLOiS-it sister is isn't the atboss all becausethat I think of , ed to help her father after the her moncy. I would side l1·ith iny "r:lrr hack in the sc\'cnlies. "play. ,'father of the inlghty thought to e . rd ~ prominent part in Ihe tele'l connect the Old World al)d the death of her widowed mother, husband if 1 did no"fecl he \I'a~ F:rh cable project. \\'c admit be. I Nell' by the electric cable. Fred. gives my lister·in.law quite a bit wrong. Hc has indoctrmated Frank : .. rd all doubt thnt Cyrus Field \ crick N. Gisbornc, a tele'graph of weight in our home. ill'ithout realizing it. I cannot see l:.rl no notion of Ihe Atlantic or operator and a man of great gen. As ft. matter of fact, I like m>' I Frank spending his whole life as • • Ir.~ ~ther cahle until, in February Ilus nnel origlnnli\>' of thought, as sister·in·la~. I not. only respect! a ~oldier. •• IB.;~. thr project I\'a, propounded IlI'ell as full of enterprise, was her for her aecomplishmenh, but • !,' ~l::n h\ ~Ir. Gii'hornc. Gisborne I chief official of Ihe Nova Scolian I am fond of her as a person. 'THE COUNCH. - There are h.. ~ Inr the prc\'iou~ three ~'cal'l • Telegraph Company, and had, no I am not therelore disposed to be ~ume 'misconcepfl":,s to be clear· ~ ... ,t mlrntl~' dC\'c'trd all his tlmc, : donbt. many Ideas to to what jealous of her influence or nrgu' lcd up. A West Point education i~ '" 'rr.t, and mc~m tn thi5 great! might be done, and became event. mentatlve, a good cQucations. While it im· ". rk of hi~ Iile, until, like many a lually one of the prime mOl'ers In to Ofbe late,resent!ul howcvcr. of her I ha\'eattempts begun to I: bcnc~iciariclposes moral toobligations !cr\'e th~ir upon coun· it! milt ~rnius brfnre "nd ~illrr.' ~tartins the work. He came to argue our Qldest child, Frank, out Itry. It does 110t neecessarJly mean ~.' '. a! brou~ht u!' all standin~ hy i'\ell'foundland In 1851, Rnd laid of his ambition to hceome a Wcst thai he must be a suldier in th~ ::;'llncxl'rabir necc"ity- want of, a projcct ,before the Legislature, Point,man. It so happens that this narrow sense. Wcstpoint trainin;! , ... , nc. In Ihi. cmer;:l'ncy Crru~: I\hkh \l'a~ a prospectus of an was my boyhood ambition but I c.an lead to carccrs, tn and out of ),,'1ri. with :til hi. wealth and In. I\I'erland line fl'om St. John's to ' the Army, in engineering, law and !::,encr.h ~toppcd t in . andI carried. Capet bn~r, t and then to communi. In IDOl!".' lRid Fi • J . B: W00 d.5, . I otherthe obhgatIon ~ela~eil toprofcssio.ns. Ie. rl'e In uniform,As for , .L~E . ~:,~ 'e rme II' trlllmp lanl suc. ,cn e e ween Cape Ray and Cape SACRAMENTO, Calif..-Onc of these beauties wi]} reign liS "Maid of California" Ilt the 11 stllte fair at one tlm1l Postmaster General, m I it is nolV a common obligation im· En;;' .::d j Cr ~ c'" : itl'rton hy steamer or carrier SA' a .sp.eech before the Ro"al Cum· posed on all "outh, although I't ap· ~ .>; L:-"',,": I I~ h . ,. t"1 acramcnto, ugust :W-SCj;: :mber 9. Winncr has beeJi ()icked, but will not be announced until fair' is cpened. • • .1 .... us...... ~ : 111\11., r R creat n11.pcclally by the illustrious pre. I . agreement with th t f d of mdoctrmatlon. LIttle boys are : - ,. • ,"':ltJble bu~inc~~ perse\'erauee r , thc Rt. Re\'. Dr. Mullock, • 111e Bahama~, had th, following tiflc world of their day: Gallon, t~r~lble bloll'," saYI 1"leld, "the have read: "The weather has been, b' em 0 orwar impressionable, and they are stirr· I latc . - i I'~ drtermination tn ol'ercome all ; Roman Catholic Bishop of St. to lay: . Wheatstone, Fairbairn, Bidder.' workers were at once stopped and most pleasant.' 1 wrote It 'un- i o~r th uSlRes~din an:. from all parts Ied to their ambitions by factors { r~,tarlcs. 'The following extract: John's. to whom. the honour. ~nd Government Home, Bah~.m~l, Varley, Latimer, and Ed win' the' money which had been paid pleasant.' We had fogs Ind storms lOb t e 2~or "f 'I IS cable was that cannol always be traced, 'but I ! Marcn 291h, 1889. Clark. The latter men composed '. in returned to subscribeTi. Such almost the whole way. Our sue· 3 o~ 0 ml es and cost ab?ut they get most of these ide~s ~,m • Ictter writtcn hl' Thomas! credit of being the prime mover d I Ihe Commission app·oinled in 185B', wa' the .tate of thl·ng. oniu tcn cess n'as the re·ult. of the highc"t! SlO~,Ooo.' The subsequent laymg through what they hear and sec k'n1on, mana!:t'r of the cahle! arc always. given by the highest Be),on quest on, Dr. Mullock ' • • 0 J "! 0 ' of a dIrect cable by th C b t tl (':llp~ny in SI. JlIhn'~ many ~'ear~ . nuthOl'llics; and It was on the In. was Ihe Iirst to Give public ex· by the British Government to in· I montns before the 1866 cable was' scirnce combined wit~ practical I: . 1 C bl e ommer· a ou Ie!". ~1\ r:o .• 1\~~ an idea of the difficnlt. ',itialil'e of a leiter writtcn bv His 1 pression to the idea of Atlantic I vestigate and report on the prac·! laid. But it was inexpressible com· experience." ~\ . ate ~o~~a~y, from, Gre~t Frank obviously has been sub· t~ , I '., thaI were met lri~h in the Lordship to the Courier ·news. '1. cable communication. It was If· tieabllIly of the enterprise. They: tort to have the counsel of such Speaking of the celebrations IJ r~ a:n 0 d u~ 10 d s COle, 5t.! jeel to his aunt's influence as \\'cll ·s t •• :; rla~~ of thc projccl: paper of this city, November 8.' lerwards uld thai Gisborne had· gave two years' voluntary service,: men as Sir Daniel Gooch and Sir that followcd Ihe successful lay.,.; n \ a~ t enc~ anothcr to; us his father's, and it is'.dinitted .' 1350. Su""csting the work 'h t I CAlled attention 10 It In Canada and spent thousands of pound; I Ro'o~rt . A. Glass; and to hcar the' ing of the cahle in 1866, J. T. CIV or, materl~IlY strength· I that the father did not· con~dcus· 'The !Crlpt of thc Company was I'eall" br~~ght ~I GI b "a! about the samc time; but Dr.·1In cxperiments. And In Ihe prac. 'stout.hearted Mr. Brassy tell us ill caney sa)'s: "United States and I' encd our own sen'ICC, and they' Iy llummer the We.;t ·Point idc. H.;ld~rrd worthlm from the ~ : • r. s orne to! lluliock had not borrowed from! tical work of preparation for, and '.(0 go ahead, jlnd if need were' hc Canadian papers contained de· I undero?k t? forward our bU.liIICSE : in(u hj.r- son', ~c~d. If l~is aun.1 C':f ~I i15 i>5u~. 1954 till IS80. :' cII[onntlland. I~ mU5t be remem'l anyone. Indeed when Mr. Gis. I the actual la\'lng of the cabl would put down £60000 marc. It ~criptions of similar rejoicings In' by theIr dIrect cable should our c~n ,Ur the boy s Interc~talld In spec 1 £) j .. flIt Inn" ,'car.' of midnight I lIcret! that. at tim time there was' borne first ca~e to Newfound. i without comp~nsalion of any kln~' was finally cimclud~d that the Ilhcir countries. It is related that oll'nt cda,h,le or land lines bc inter· : t:1lc mhaottelrds, Ilt·ell t i ;;oIDrd. !'out •.. .., 110 5uhmal'me callIe In existence ! I d I ..h hi' . t' 'd t th ,. . . St J h' rup e . " C 5 U no sc terse : :urn cr ~.holl' IlIfhcult II \\'a5' t " an, n conneehon WIt t e II'cre eminent engineers such as, bcst course was 0 orgamze a nclV . amI 5 e rejoIcings In • 0 n s: G tt' b k I . Wesl Point if that is the bo"'s.~InSI ,,- b !": ~Icl\a.\' to keep tlte concrrn "Is~o Ineven th betE we.I en h DoverCh andI Cal· I ques tl on, I muc h d ou bt t ha I hc II St cp hi"enson, .Brune, Wltworth. i company II 'hi ch \IOU ' Id assume th c.,I a hI'umourous rlS IIman lal'd t·0 BI'shoc Ing'1 Ilk'ac to t Ie subject., 01 . me. and has such strong aPPI'ol'ai• c : ;, :hrr. liD\\' it wa All pa" out" e ng IS anne, which, ld h p , u oc being the orlgm 1:-' a. I'n drht. rnceS'IPt .• ne"c'r ap.' was nflf1wards the first cable to IVOU a\'e been able to move I Penn, Lloyd, and Josiah Field. It ; work; and so orlginaled Ihe ,Robert John Parsons, member 01 i ator 0f' th'd f .. ; (rom ·the father. . •••• . he operaled" the' Ikeptlcal legislature but for was wholly and solely an Anglo.:. Anglo.American Telegraph Com·' Parliament for st. John's East.! Cable 1'0' e I ~a .0 . an A~la:tlc i il',;.thc~ rxpcnse~. ~lonthll' draUs I' '. Dr. Mullock's earnestness and Saxon, I British.American under· I pany. It was formed by ten gentle· 'Be gob, Robert John, the cable i t Ph Ject, It IS InterestJr.., (0 .--- "err m.de on the ~CII' York di., A tcstimonlal gll'en to Mr. Gis.' influence. it lVonld be ungrate. taking In which Uncle Sam and mcn who met round a table In is a great im'cntion entirely. I~~o e.. t e rcmal:ks of lhat great Onc~ a pCI'Illl'n::1\ tU.Jth It<. :'r:,'r< ":hn. ~al\'anized hy Field. : horne hy I Commission In SI., (ul, II well as unjust, to 5uggest ,Tohn Bull pulled together· tn un. London and put down' £ 10.000 Shure we \\'on't hare to write I ~stOJI~~, ArchbIshop Howlcy. on del'eloped caries. there is Dothin;' J:r: p~~'In~ out~'car after yem' John's only ga\'e him the credit. one word in disparagement of ion and lriendly emulation tor the apiece. Soon after the hooks lI'ere letters home at all nOl~,' 'Why t ~'T~u Jc~t:. " ,that y?U ca~ make that toc;tll ;:1'0\'.. t.l .. lr I~n~ 01 Ihousnnrl5 in lhe: Iif projecting the entel'prisc, not' the great man'~ .tiUe to the un. ~ttH;nment of a common purpose opened to the public' through the not,' asked Parsons. 'ilcgad, .sir,'. I.e orlgmal 1m ~ntor 01 a ~ro· : b~e~ mto lis former \l'h~lc ~on • ::d h"pe 01. ~ome ~ay bccoming i of orIslnating or conceiving it.: aided conception of the. plan that iUl' the universal bcttilrment of eminent banking house of J. P. ,aid he, 'the cable will send them! jcet IS h~ II'ho fIrst conccl\'es' dltlO~. ~ou may hal'e. It fllle f .r.nfctf.rI \\lth Europe and !let.; The ttstlmonial' \l'a~' signed by E.! now girdles the world by its mankind." : ~!organ & Company, Ind In foul" "II for a pound I word.' As a. an~ proposes it. The pcrson who, Ibu.t .It WIll bc only ~artly yoUl t,~;: .thetr money. back. They wcre ~I. Archibald,' Attorney General; i man'cUou. developments. I After the telegraph cable .bad leen days we had raiscd £60,000. i matter of record, thc cable ehargeti 'aetlng on such exprcssed idea, ;orlglnal looth. Unless It has beel. ('.n'l~rrtd lunal1cs by busincM Charle,! F. Bcimentt, Member of II, A. SUEt>. parted In the unsuccessful' at. It was only the first day of March i wer~ then .set at £ I stirling pel' ·prlot~ulces therdefrOm a tangible re'I' ~~;:yfU~' p:e~~~[e~~rthcSrUf~!~~gt~' ~,'n. Ihey had n(l office, no clcrks, thc F.xceuti\'e' Council; John Kent "In Ihat galaxy of Intrepid mcn ,tempt m;ule In the Great Eastern I that the new, company was form·: \Iord, or £20 sterling for twenty su s an a apter, artificer, or

;{'('retar • sue\t our of the Housp. of' Assem: of determination," to lay It In 1865, Cyrus Field said, ed, and it was registcred as a II words not exceeding 100 letters." .g!. ~':;.:':~ y as ~fr.lker In~omltable ~~c~:~:i:~i in~:n::/~f nt~ese;rSo: I~;~~ ~~y b~c ~r~u!ha~:tUto~~~ ; ~ . a lie. lIere WI mg to, ;Ii and Iwo members of the ~ays the late J. T. Meaney, In an 'We returned to England defeat. company the ncxt day; yet such Alexander !II. McKay also took 'e t it If Th h' the not too dlstnat future.' It J! Q.k for nothlnll if some one! Hou~e. Hugh W. Hoyles and Am. article on "Communication" In cd but lull of rcsolutlons to be. was the vigour, and despatch that a prominent part In the telegraph J c se. e .person w 0 fIrst much wIser and more economic;.! ~.')~l~ fced m. At one lime a fell' i bro!e Shea. In a leUer to. Arch, Ihe Book ol Newfoundland," . to gin the battle anell'." Work on in five months from that day the: project. In an article In the New· propo~ed the laY,In~ ?f th~ eleetri~ to prevent teeth from decayln! mm lIere offcred for sale on: bishnp Howley 0/1 the subject, Sir whom the successful laying of' the a new cable sLarted immediately cable had been manufactured, I foundlnnd Quarterly some years ~able was the orlgmal Inventor hy ,brushillg them right. after eal ~n the Exchange. Sloo \\'a~ par,! Ambro~p, Shea, then Governor .of Atlantic cable is entirely due and Field lI'ent back to New York. shipped on the Great Eastcrn, i ;Igo Judgl' Prowse paid a tribute of the enterprise, not any of the ing to remO\'e teh acid formin stands fo5th the name of Cyrus' In December he returned to Lon. stretched across the Atlantic, and to his memory by saying, "But for per.50ns. engaged in the act ..of food particles that c~use the qan; . Field, the trail.blazing pioneer In don only to find t1lat the Attorney was sending mcssages literally as Field's' enthusiasm, and McKay's' laymg It. That person, the orlgm· a?e. Pormpt brushing of teet· the great adventure. Associated General hnd. giyen a written swift 05 'lightning from continent uctivity and economic efficient al proposer of the scheme, was d!r~ctly after eating. and reguln: Ith hi P t I I th h to continent" Then he gave the workin~ of the line it would have the Right !leI'. Dr. Malloek, and V1Slt~ 10 ~our denbst fer toot· IV m were e cr Cooper, op n on at t e Company had no . . . I b' th Th . d t repaIrs WIll helo vour teeth t . Chandler White, Marshall Robel.ts legal right to Issue the. new 10 incident of the first telegraphIC been abandoned over and over none 0 .er. ere Is no ocu~~n, last a . lifetime. "'rite 10' "Healt . and Moses Taylor of Nelv York per cent shnres on which they cable error on record. Hc said. ,again, these two kepi. it alive, No no known and accepted tradItIOn, Education Office"; Dcpt. of Heall and later the following English. rclied to raise additional capital "In a despatch which appenl'('cI in i one can rob McKay's memory of n~ rumour even! extanl. that at· ISI. John's. (or the frce fold, men of prominence In the selen. fur the nell' venture. "This was a the .Ncll' York papers you may· Ihis undying (arne," the proJcct to any other "HOW TO BRUSH YOU ______. ___ . ___. _._.. ___ .. : .. __ .. ______..:-_ mindtl'lbute.~ and pen but his." TEETH." : _ \ -- .. -_ ..... _..... - - _.- ..•. ~

REFRIGERATORS JUST ARRIVED. • You look slick lind I V ••• a ,I New shipmenl Qf LIGHTING FIXTUICES feel invigorated when you shave the Gillette R. C. A. .~ AI.o way, with 8 Gillette Blue Blade in your 8 cu.fl. razor. For extra con· • \'enience buy Gillette I.BANANA!j, .•_ ·New shipment of 17" CROSLEY t.V. Blue Blndes in dis­ pensers with used­ I RED. and GREEN GRAPH I • blade compartments. . I HONEY 'DEW MELON I New line of KITCHEN UTENSILS. 20·blade size $1.00- 5199.50 lO·blade sin 50c. • PEARS OW" (Regular package- • GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 5 for 2Sc.) . 5 YEAR GUARANTE. I BROCCOLI . " I And for the Kiddie.' new shipment of GLASS MARBLES. • CAULIFLOWER AT II • PARSNIPS • SPINACiH :' PARSLEY' Electric Utilities:: ;: O'CLOCS 'I SWEET POTATOES GROUCHY'S LTD. UMlffD ON McDONALD'S FRUIT STORE. LeMARCHANT ROAD DIAL 5433 P.O. BOX 448 fRESHWAUR ROAD' DIAL 2860 . ;. HARVEY ROAD MILITARY ROAD .. :.-:.'-.'...... ,..;.,-.;.;.;.... - ----_ .. _-- .. -.... TOPSAIL ROAD' t ...... ______----...... ;~~,<..;<- ,..;::.;.;:r._·"·_:~~·:·.·1 t ..

'. .Ii' .. .. '1 ~ ., • 1 THE DAILY NEWS; 'FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1956 ~HE: DAILY NEWS: ", J1. 14 .! ~. ~:::::::::-::.:':.:'R~.=E:'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::~-:~------::---~~ Select Returning Curtis Leaves 51, 511 Theory Of Music Feildial i! Sh N It Long Pond F..or Montreal. TORONTO (CP)-Mrs. William Results Officers For I,.yUe, wife nf the Toran\{) Rotary CONVENT ARMY I .. South· . ore .0 es . c,,~A,}o~::'0N Club president', learned Italian BAY,Of BULLS MERC}' ' :,Topple ; 11 p.m.-Holiness Mceting. Election Di~cuss Javelin phrases So that she cnuld greet Advanced Jllnior Division: , The Feildlans made \ : ~ 2 p.m.-Sunday School. Retur~lng officers for the Attorney Gena-al Leslie R. Cur· lI1rs. Gian Paolo Lang, wife of Alberna O'Dri 1\ '}.yoffs last night .5 hcoming pl'ovincial election tis left St John's yesterday for I the Rotary International president . sco :' : Mr. and Mrs. T. Keln left by ber.t S. Haynes, Gerald F. 'Hlbbs, 7 p.m.-Salvation Meeting fort . '. .' from Italy. Mrs. Lang spent two \ Ment - Alverna O'Driscoll ~ount Cashel of the. air August 22 to relurn to their Kevin Hiscock, Joan Hiscock, are now being chnscn. Chief Elec- Montreal on und~sclosed buslDcss, days here while on a round·the· 83%: Bernadette Maloney 77;" , ,inning wave ~s .they home in Boston, after spending Rellnald Jones, David T. Met· tnral Officer N. Sho'rt told the The Attorney General was due In world trip with her husband 10 ·JUI!ior Division:' ".' )Iountles 9·2 1D In Fox Trap a vacation here. They were the calf, Marlon Petten, Velma Par· ,.me., , Upper Gllilies DAILY NEWS, however, that no l\Iontreal today. '.. 'so.me of the 9,100 clubs in 99 coun· Hnn~urs-Ej]een MelVin, 94%. Tbe Blues mlde ~lr. Robcrt Hlgbbs or Bell Is· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ter, Isabella Rideout, Anne Scott, Hopewell L.U,A. Bandsmen particular. significance cnuld ,he Mr •.John C. ~olle, Pr.esld~nt of ' tnes. Ment - Lorraine Drew. 810t tile 'first six innings lind spent the weekend the guest Batten. Brenson Porter. Thomas C. Dav· 80"" held a meetln" last week to attached to this move by election CanadIan Javelin Ltd., IS as well IJoan Puddister • L ,," uP of Mr. and ~lrs Gordon Fagan. Wilfred Cable who Is employ.· Is, Ena Francis, Maxine Froude, " . tI d . N ,'1ES 'KE CITY ,(l t co n'I' their lead w~th k t f d date, forecasters. ' . due In l\Iontreal to ay an Its reo L til"" • I II'ams 75~' Clemml'e P dd' t ,. coming In th~ first, '. : !.lr. and )lrs. Ben Fagan and cd by the Hudsen Bay Company Cynthia Haynes Joan Harvey, ma e arrangemerJ s or a ga, en h I .t' ltd th tit ,'tlt 'lONDON. Onto (CP) - l\IurIel, .,.., U IS fr, party, to be held on Labor Day Mr. Short said t at 01 Ia mnves por e a Ie may mce \\1 ., r. 1\1 G'b QC f L d ' 75%; Dolnres Williams fts .. second, two In thr· )1r. and Mrs. Sam Petten spent spent twu week& vacation recent· Alma Kennedy, Geraldine Keu· .... w d h b d t I' u the r~ C t' # J organ I son, ,non on, I . • • • ' .c. with the usual sid e •. uO 5 an ave een ma e 0 me p ~- ur 15. • • . • England, spoke about the historic' Preparatory DIVISion: jhret.ln the sixth to a holldal' recently touring the Iy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nedy. lCoring. The Felli; Burin Peninsula.· . Herb Cable. Dining his vacation turkey teas will be served II) the turning olflcers for the 35 . dis· Javelin stnc~, ~~ the ~eanhme British capital to members of the Hnnnurs - Bett~· Gl~'nn, 99';0' evening and will conclude with a tricts which will be at stake in the .has shown, slgOlflcant Increases London, Ont.. Business and Pro· Lawrence' Power, 85~. ' JIrOn. as they got : ~r. and Mrs. Gordon Fagan, Wilfred accompanied by his two pltcbu Donnie R~an Jllint la5t weekend on Bell Is· sisters Joan and Margaret, made 'dance at nlghl .. Music will be election. - One returning officer over the past week or so. It has fessional Women's Club. Merit-John Dec"an 83" Topsail, supplied by,the Moonllght Trio. '" , lOr In the Mounties ' . ; land. They were 'lIccompanled py a trip to Blanc Sablon, visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Jl.llller and will serve for each 'district, in· cllmbed to over $25.00 on the New - ,Fir.~t Steps Divisiof/: ' . th. first inning WhH i· ~lr. .and :\lrs. Douglas Morgan relatl\·es. UNITED CHURCH daughter, Gail from I.ewlsporte, Illuding the two·man district of Ynrk Exchange. Javelin was being fil'e dnllars in the past two weeks. : Honour~-Jeanette Nagl 97"''­ out three sngles to , tlf Seal Co\'e. They were the l\Irs. E. Downing of Toronto spent the weekend tlle guests of Harhour Mnin. . snld at $24.50 on nver the counter There has been no official indio ,~Iadonlla Lynch. 97~;: Be~~adet~ runl • ~ I:ursts of Mr. anrl Mrs. lIlax Reid. with her daughter Linda, are 11 a.m.-Mr. Roy Tiller. !\Ir. and Mrs. Herbert Day. Mr. The Chief Electoral Officer told exchanges in lIInntreal yesterday. : cation of what may have caused' 51. Croix, 92%; MaUl'l!en Who The Mount Cashel .1' non Clarke I'If the teachers presently spending a vacation 7 p.m,-Rev J, ,G .. Barnes. Miller alsr visited friends at Seal the NEWS that it was standard Javelin stock has risen by nearly I the ,: It., their bid In the four Mount Pearl-1l. a.m.-Minis· illcrea~e. S5~~. ~la{f of the Rcgil'"al High Sehnoll here, the! guests of Mrs. Mar A. 101 and Len Walsh I ~pent last weel;cnd at Chance BaUen. :\ll's. Downing's other Cove where he laugl1t school for Pl'ucticll to line up returning ofli· ------.. tel'. a year.' Mr. l'

" I , ~Ir$. Hattie Rlchard~ oC st. her mother. \ Rev. J. Goodland. C.N.n. . elec~inn. He said the Federal Gov· , ' , JlIIss Ida Rldcout is presently , .. .\nthuny. Silent Is holiday recrnt·, )h's, Caplaln Monk. returned 8,30 a.m.~Holy Communion. - on vacation, Ida Is employed at crnment operated under a similar h' the l:ur51 of i\lr. and Mrs.: home this week after \'Isltlng her 11 a.m.-H.C. with addl·ess. the San, Topsail Rond. s),stcm. , Ilarr)' Ballen. molher a~ ea Sr.ie. J scots I I 7 p.m.-EvelUonl. ~Ir. Cyril Banelt and daugh· I '1'JIC many fl'l~nds of !Illss Vel· Miss I\lal'lo Winter nf st. ------Irr l.orraine, were recent \·Isit· '\ ma Porter tendered her a fare· JoIm's, spent .; weeks' vacation H 1'1 0 nn herc. thry wrrc Ule !lursts well party In~t wcek, , prior tn recently, the guest of lI!iss Jackie 0 ett n Barnum, at theil summer home, oLea of ~Ir. and :\lr-. Leslie Batten. ! her leal'lng fn\' Englee, where DaI"id Didl'olil. newsboy fnr: shr. 11'\11 be teucnlng at the Sal, UPPCI' Gullies. ' The ltaunch Mac 1\11'. and Mrs ..Iack Harnum Jr., EI teo Date the EI'I~ning Tell·gram Is present· I vatinn schonl thQre. Velma Is t~e er. In, pIIt themselves in arrived back home Saturday al· The provincial general elcelinn foOtball playoffs 1;;: I~' ~pending a ,'al'aUon al Grand: riauehter nf ;\11'. anri 1111'S. "II· M1s5 Elizabeth Cousins. 'B.A, F~II~. ., ; freel POl'tCI·. 'I'hls Is her first tel' spending a ,'nllday at Grand will be called between Septemher tile! defeated the H Bed who has been Ipendlng a Falls, Corner Brook and Deer 24th and Octnber 15th. That's the ~Ii~~ Lorraine Ballen $pent .: year teaching. WI' wish her every vacation .In Boston, U.S.A., reo 1&11 2-11. II Curtis ~ ftl'·s days reccntl~·. tlte gucst oC I SUl·CC~s. Lake... . C ,.t'. lntonight'. en turned home htl! week. !\fl'. and l\lrs, Gerald Fagan, prediction nf Pogresslve onser· will then playoff \ r "r. and :\Irs, Aubrey Sparkcs. i QUEEN ELIZABETH R.H.S. and Mr. aIH' MI,·s. Eric Kennedy vative Leader Malcolm Hollett. i na\' Roberts. i GRADE XI EXAMS Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fagan and in tlte but of tw~ ~ Lorraine Eriwarri. daugh· Cnngratulations and best wish· Mr. and Mrs. Henry I\lnrgan spent spent the weel,eud atl\lr. Charlie Mr. Hollett told Ihe DAILY aeriu for ~nd Morgan's summer hnme, Salmon· NEWS last night that was just ,.m. t('r and son of :\lr. and :'.Irs. es al'c extenrierl, to the teachers tile weekend touring the Avalon h~ Troph,.. IeI' Line. as much in the dark about the Frank Jnnes. Grah~m son o[ 1I1r. and IlUplls who cussessfully pas· and camping out. . This wu the, ICC :\Ild ~'rs. Lew!'llyn Peddle and sed Ulelr Grade XI exams they Mr. Cyril Kcnnedy Is preesnt· election date as everybody else, lite Macpherson, Ho Mr. and Mrs William Codner . Boyd son of ~tr and ~trs. Harry arc as follows:· Iy spending t\\'\J weeks' vacatlnn but he'said if he were asked to II the Crusaders hp , ' Balten will be attending ~Iemo· Hnnours - Eme Grean~lade, of Torbay, spem the weekend at athnme, Cyril is employed at make a guess it would be between former match II n KeJllgrews they were the guests Argentla. ri~1 Unh'crslty at St. Jnhn's again .Tonn Kearley. Mrs. Jack Harnum Sr., left the last of September and the Football lA!agu. h this year this I~ t.helr second I Pass-Doug Buller, James of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. second weelc of' October. protest Ind the g; I year. ! Button, Mnleholm Chaytor, Rn· Baxter Tilley. this week, to.' Boston, U.S.A. iUltd to be replay ; , where she will be spending a Mr. HolleU told' the NEWS Both Maephenor. I holiday vlsltl,IH her daughter, mennwhile, Ulat the P.C.'s will an· dlaulked up by cl I . R!ta, Mrs. D. Everett and her nouncp. "several more candidates Jim Ketts on two snll Joe. 'shol·t1Y". The P.C. leader said the of pia,.. With both I r Presently spcllding a holiday, candidates have been lined up. but hard, the Seotl ke I the guest of 1\IIss Patsy Barnum the announcement is being with· .. btl tou with :\ are 1\\lss Jenel!e Fever of SI. I held for the lime being. abott. Jnhn·s.·1' J'I B II I I . I I The Newfollnd Iand Press. the Around the left 1\ l. \ Ie l: m IV 10 S emp oy· P C '11 b ]teats picked 1 cd with Unite,. Tuwlls Electric: : . Party paper, .WI pro ably .. " .....,.. hi. dparily Company Is prcsently on vacn.; lilt Ihe streets agam before the fipld h' '\II'ent with lion. I election, :Ill.. 1I0llett said. The body .toppln. run: \ Rev, Cannn.1 A, ~Ieudon cele. : Newfnundland Prcss is the official IILInoenin. betw hruted Holy Cnmmunion at All : organ of the party and carries all Croll tItf.nee h. Saints Church, Fox tray Sun·, uf the party's pnlicy. t. tIM ,oaImouth day and EvensoJ,g at St. Peters: . P!.nO'l1 to beat. Jir Church, Hopc,welJ. The Rectnr of : {"1' f ' III. bill Into the the pa,rl~h. Hev G. E. Elliot and i ~ta :f Conference ,!. iood Ittemp :'tIl'S. Eillol who has becn spcnd· lurr Yudon too; Ing the 5 Ulll llIel in England are' Of F'} B d .,.mit tht Red Go e:cpected bark early In StePtem,: ' I m oal' 1IIId, • Jood try ber. : . ON ,THESE lit lPhere over Phillip Dall'e who is employeri I . The Newfoundland staff of tlte Another ,ood .h with the Deparl1l1cnt of HeaHh National Film Board held a con· ~ "., taken is presently Oil \'acallon. rerence In St. .Tohn~s on Aug. ~heJ'lOll een Miss Glenys Woodman. recent· 27th anrl 28th to discllss and out· eruaders ,Ollie. Iy spent a few riays vacatiull al line its activities for the new film ~t4 this one New Harbour vi·dtine friends and season commencing Sept. 1st. RE-ROOF NOW relatives. The regular monthly Basic Film . . with ;e IJUrM·p lIlrs. Ralph Yetman and two p. "t . d . DIES Little I FIE •children of Indlnn Bay arrived n~ram ClfCUl s rec.C1ve ~Irst at· here August 22 to spend a weeks t~nllnn as they p:o.vlde a film ser· vacation, the gllest of IIIr. and vice to commul1111es that meets Iy JIMMY 1\Irs. Phl1llp Duwe. the basic needs 'for organizing : WILLIAMSPOll . ~. : 'itt: ~t" FAVOURITES ~1ft lIK7, the llrs u ":~. '.i: <. George IIlorean furmerly of social and Informational programs H"OI Upper Gullies bl,l nnw living in for general auriienees.· The 1955·56 World., Series 11'1 ,utet elt)' and Oshawa, 'Ontnrio. has been visit· distribution figures show that ASPHALT. SHINGLES.. back lin It. )'0\1 --, Ing relatives anj friends on the mnre communities used the SCI'. hoI\' fir this ba s.hore and was tl~e guest recently ! vice this year Ihan last and ·0. Nnw 'Is the timt to n·rool-and IN for kldl from 8 ' of lIIr. and 1\lrs Chnrlcs Scott. I . PI S .. roofinll material tn 1111 i. tht amuiD. Bill Warlord returned hnme pec~s are that ~ven more Will do lion,. AS ADVERTISED IN lIew PATENTED B.P. Roofmuler Saturday frnm AldCl'shnt where: S? lD the ComlDg~easnn. Basic ihe, ftrst Serle ..phalt .hio,:!I.. They combinl the he spent the Slll''lmer In training I111m .programs conSISt of the lat· PennlYllnil PI' READER'S DIGEST, rUllged bealllY of an 0,:"1., gr.;nr.l for the Army Cadets, Bill sue· est films produced on Canada and OIlly one O\lt-l1f·SI .. TIME; ta""" wilh In eKtremely nllUral • Inonton, N.J. The ccssfully passed his Grade IX I' other counlries. ' I"oking ,h.tlOf/! hand for amarin" ' of WUlIamsport ", " .. ~., McLEAN'S; exams. Bill's nome was omitted 'Better Ways of Using Films' . d!sigo Jtplh Ind appealing chUItIU• )lion,hlp in an t £l'om last I\'~eks iBt. Alsq omit· and 'Film Discussion Techniqncs' Etc. • A w14. rIng' ef I unt.st. t;rl. from thl! list was 1I1ajol'ic. were ~Iso given primary consider. ThlJ 7ur'. I ,1 ...lftl ,tlMnl Smlt.h who pas!f'd Grade X. ation. Community groups and- or. 1rI1l hive teams ganizatlons can. as a result, es· lion el the natto pect to receive muc11 assistance The brand of I Seal Cove witll both frnm lheir district rep· rerent, too. If t rcsentative. The skills will enable foUe"" tbe Pitt ALSO 'IN STOCK &lx one 0 Mr .. Xoah Dnurdr.n frum the I Cilm users to dn more with 'films a tightly· U.S.A. is pl'e~ent1y ~pel1r!ing a ami ~chip.ve better rcsulls . • RAILROAD, MINERALISED - COLORED of 10 runs \'acaUnn with his father, ;'Ill'. Eli Attending the confcn:~c~ " s filet between th Dnurden alslt brothers and L. W. McDonald dl's!' t va • HOX.ALL, SLATE ~ SURFACED 'Isters Ill~ ' rIc represen· pions' and runnf' " . (atil'e C B k More thin 8.00' • DUX.BAK, SLATE· SURFACED Mr. Ray AI' e I'." spent the week r ' ~rne,r roo: George end at Grates COI'e visiting his \\ alsh, dIstrict representative, ?1cturesque Wllt • BLACK JACK, Smooth parents. Botwood: Gordon Fillier, district x.ll\le Plrk, wi Mr. and !\lrs. Calcph l\teades representative, SI. John's; Kay or th. erowd !It .• ROLL SHINGLE, Colors IdU beblnd eent! CarebOUl'll, 'l'rinl\y Bay were Dunne and Walter ?tIitUested, reg· • • • 1.~LY SMOOTH \'isltIng IIlrs. Walter Dawe du~· lonal office, st. John's. : AI aaehleht If Ing the week. !al11edy paces, I , . • ROOF COA liNGS, Etc. Congratulations are extended ther car. . bands bl. to Mrs. Jessie Dawe who cele­ Miss Mary Lear spent the week ll!nospbere can brated her birthday August 22: ItttInr that the Mrs. Judy Avery and daughter end. visiting ··friends at Clarkes Beach. tween the Iges D Marilyn are presently spending 1Iltthln,. Little a weeks' vacation wilh I frIends Miss Linda Hiscock and Miss tate. on I blg·tl and relatives at Grates Cove. Bunnq and Ther~sa Hickey spent . day • Mrs. Bannister of British Hal" a hol1day visiting friends on Bell Here's your chance to save 8~ on Five Rose! AcUon beglm! bour Is presently spending a va· Island last week. : cation, the guest of Mrs. Ramen ,CHOCOLATE FUDGE and WHITE CAKE MIX. Your family on AUI. 21. 'I'.hr~ lITrs. Isaac Morgan spent two 011 AUI. 22, th. Morgan, Seal Cove. will enjoy smooth fine textured White Cake with fresh Au,. 23 and th ,Pastor and Mrs .. Bursey arrlv· weeks holidays at La SciI' re­ cently visiting her parents. strawberries or rich, satisfying Chocolate Fudge ' ~l", er In Seal Cove this week. Pastor , The eight tean: Bursey will be III charge of the LOCAL ROAD BOARD cake with your favourite ice cream. Sh~~ now for these ~",,·o lectinn" Pentecostal Assembly here; The local road board or Seal delicious cake mixes and save·8~-a gift to you from Five Rose5; UJUI·nllmelnts. tltr' The many frit'ncls of Mrs. Mnrk Cove held' II meetlng August 13 Butler tendered her a SUrprise to make arrangements for local party this past week on the' oc· road repairs. A cnmmlttee 01 four OF caslon of their annlvcrsary We lVere elected has follnws:· Alex MATCHING THE QUALITY FINE RECIPE CAKES' wish tllem many hallY returns. Butler, Gilbert. Morgan, Rell •• _a _.- ...... Mrs. Reuben Morgan WJIO has Dowden ElialMorgan, Chairman, been. cnnflned ,t:J hospital for the there were fourteen members ,. past couple of weeks through present. It was decided that all Injuries she receiver! when Mr. local rORds In this area would BUIl.DING MATERIALS' DIVISION and Mrs: Morgan was taking a be attended hI. Material for this Agent F. M., O'LEARY,\ SHAW ST. ' DIAL 80291 patlenl to hospital, they 'became' work would be EupplleJ! by Con· Involved In an accident ~Ith ano· crete Prnducts. ' -

The . , ~: '.:. PINT .'.;w' ~.- . ,. At all Dealers ,... participating in • Full. . , FUN·FOOD' : Foo·d .", PIIOMOTION ;~ :. for all Ages! !

f.... " - ~ , I . I I I.

nI~f!D~AI::.:lY~N:.:E~"'~/S::.., .:.:fR:.:.:ID:;::A~y,~A::U~G:.:::U~ST~3::.:1~,·.:.,;'9~5.::.6 ______;...... ;I_.~. ___--:--:-~---~----.;.--~------'::I .... , ~ feildians Earn Playoff Be·rth:. \John Royle, Junior'i Topple Mount ·Ca shel'9·2 ,I Single Tennis. Cba~p~:- T~t Feildlans made the baseball drive in the only two Mounties C: Tiller •• • •.•• !! J 1 0 . l Last night w.as a big one for I 20-fl. MacGillivray VI. A. .~,~lr5 Ia,t nil:ht as Ihe)' Iweep runs off the toniest. D. Chapman If .. 1\ II 2 0 Johnny Roylc as, after a fine game ;Haynea. . ~r;r.t ra~h'l o[ Ihe crest of their Howle ,Young went the route for B. Cole •",... .. 4 0 0 0 of tcnnis he culminated his march . 6.00 p.m. ·.~in~ wa\'t a~ the), dropped thc the Felldlans 81 he pitehed his B. Ploughman •• ,4 2 1 1 to tite Men's Junior Tennis Singlcs 21-Ruby Morgan and B. Piou,il- ~:~ntic~ 9·2 in 'an error filled best game of the Icason al he held H. Simpson .. II 4 O· 2 0 Championship In' the N.L.T,A. man 1'5 Winners 3. . O~t ' the win hungry. Mounties to six W. RY'n .. If .. 1\ . 0 . 0 1 Tournament. His Ilpponent was 22-Winners 1 and 14. . , Ilin~ Bluts made their bid In hltl while. facing thlrty·three bats· R.Grlme. .. .. •• II 0 1 '0 Geoffre)' Hiscock who put up a 23- G. Hiscock n. winner 10. '. ~ t~t fint fix innings IS they ran men. -The Blues pulled off the D. Squire ...... 4t 1 1 0 great glime and carried Royle to 24 G. Neal va wlnn.r 16. ; lhrir Il'ld with three runs hidden ball trlek successful .to H. Yonn, .. •• .. 4 1 1 0 close score! in both sets. The C\~"IIir.~ In the first, one In the stop a Mount Cashel threat In the lI8 II II 2 final score was 6·3, 6-4 In favour SUNDAY . '~nrl, two In the fourth, .nd sixth Inning whep they trappey Cy Mount Cllhel AB It H E of Royle who is to be congratulat· 10.00 a.m. .'l:~ ;!'t in Ille fixth 10 wind up the Galway off third with bases load· Molloy.';'.. •• ..' 4 1 1 0 cd on his achievement. in galnln~ 25-II. Fraser and H. H,.tll "'- ICcnn~, Tile Feldians started ed and one man out. This was the Walsh ,. •• ~. • 4 1 1 0 the Singles Championship in tllc winner! 13. .(j~ .unn• as Ihey got the range of first time this leas.on thU the Galway .. If .; II 0 0 2 Junior Tournament. 26-Sophie,Lucis \'So winner of ..c.~ rilCbrr Donnie Ryan the main lac· hidden ball trick Ilas been work. Casey·... •• ,. •• 4 0 2 0 Other matchcs saw. a couple de· 27-Winne,s of 2 and •• I: 10' in the Mounties "in streak In ed. Robson, •• •• •• 3 .0 0 2 clded that had been on the go for '2.00 p,m. 97'1-. tt~ hut Inning 'Nhen they lashed The Felldlans with· their cards March .. /' •• If 2 .0 0 1 tile past two nighh. Freda and. 28-Winners , and S. ". "'; :r. O· 0 0 . ro::l thr('f snglel to ICOrt three on the table capitalized on seven Evans •• •• ., ,. 1 Ruby had to go thrce sets before 0 ,29-Co1. Tanner and Col Col. ",. rr'dttte 0 rur-t. Mount Casllel cl'rors to earn' their Arns .,... •• •• 4 0 1 0 getting thc victory over Frances 0 winners 25. . <;, Whit., Thf ~{ounl Cashel .quad m.de playoff berth. They al!lO clobbered Avery If •• ; .... oj, Oil and Ruby Morgan, and the. other 30-Winners 23 and K tl:tir bid In the fourth. Mike Mol· loser'Ryan for elgh hits to pick up Ryan ...... ~ 0 0 1 two matchel were. won In straight 8,00' p,rn. o I'f and Lpn Walsh Iingled to .et their decisive. victory. 33 2 I· 7 sets. 31-Winners 9 and IS. th', ..:enp for slugging. WiU Caley . . BOX SCORES . UmpireA,Connofl, Montgomery. In the listing of games for TO· 32-Wlnnera 18 and 21. ... h~ hammerrd Ollt a double to FelldllDI' A~ R n E Peddle, Vickers. . DAY and the weekend, players are .; asked to read the lisl CAREFULLY MONDAY and co·operate in getting them off 10.00 I.m. as sehedulcd, and the complete Final! Men'. Sngle .. Scots Blank Holy Cross Civil,Service list is shown below. Finals Ladiel Sirrgl...... Bowling League· 2.00 p.nt. RESUL 1S OF YESTERDAY'S Finals Men's Double .. GMIES Finals L'Idies Doubl... To LeadSoccerSectlon Elects Officers,. Junior N.L.T.A. I" 6.00 p,m. Christine Wheran d, Marg Me· Finals Mixed Doublet. Th' ""unch Macpherson Iquad lng It Into his arms. The Annual general meetln, Ilf Carthy 6.0, 6.1. PLEASE READ TJIJ! LIII' _', put tl'.rmlel\·rJ In Ihe Section B The play Iwitched and Holy the .bove lugu. w.. held lad Georgina Elton d. Elizabeth Mur. CAREFULLt. /o!>tNII "layoffs last night when Cross tookk com.mhand °tfldthe Dbal1. night, Aug. 3D, 111l1li. and was phy 6.0. 6.1: ______1Ile1' ~rfr.ted the Holy Crosa Jun· Hard wor lng fIg t ou s er oug presided over by the President Mr. Frances Walsh d. Kathryn Tem. Ion :.0. If Curtis .hould be.t St. Sears let up several good chances John V. Rabbitt •••nd represenll· pleton 6·1. 6·2. L Str k Plf. in lonight'. engagement, they for the Red Golds when he drop- lives of the various ·team. prelent. Georgina Elton d, Carol Ann ongest I ea 'rill then playoff with the Maci ped the ball In front of the Scots Reports for the palt year WIre Spurrell 6.4, 6.0, iD th' Mit of two out of three ·Ioalmouth. presented by Secretary Charlie Linda Winter d. Catherine Man· On Line Tonight pm' aenr. fOT th. Sabboth Jaele Philpott and Noftal of Ihe Rennie .nd Treasurer otto Whee!- ning 6.1, 6-2. , Trophy. of Ihe Holy Croll defence also er and .howed that the waue John Royle d. Geoffrey. Hiscock WASHINGTON (AP)-Ioxiq'.: Thil 11"11 tile .econd playln, Ilf .howed up good In thitl f IIame had experienced another lueceu· 6-3, 6-4. longest durrent wlM\jI1 M .treat' ~ the ~hcpherson, Holr Croil lame. when they broke up mos a ac· ful year. Finals for Junior Men's Cham. goes on the line tonight when U!I>', : .. the Crullden had protested Il)e pherson aUacks. I The pries for the paat ,.ear· , pionship); defeated Jimmy Soc ~ Phlla •. ': flr.lllef JIIItch e. no contest. The :. Jim Keats then came forth with were presented.. .nd tl1l11 thore delphia tackles' Bernabe (Baby) _, Football wgu. l1ad upheld the hi. lecond Macpherson goal. This was done by Mr. Herb Buckln,· . RIVERDALE JUNIORS .Vasquez of gmexico City ill • 111- FIIt.at .n4 the gam. Wla ach. one was scored in the same man· ham. of the General Hoapllli. 101· Joan lIIarshall d, Penny Clous. round lightweight scrap at Capital Iultd 10 be repl.yed. ner II the first. Keats made a lowing which the election of of· 'ton 6-4, 6.2, Arena, Both Macpl1erson talllH win breakaway, tore down the field, ficen took piaci with the follow· Georgina Elton d. Kathryn Tem. Soo is rated a slight favorite Oil cNulked up by cll15Y centerman and gently tapped the bJlll past Ing results: . picton 6.1, 6-L . the strength of 33 consecutive vie. Jim K.. ta on two beautiful piecH Pierson Into the nets. . President-John V. llabbltlJ. Linda Winter'd, Edwina Greene tories-20 by knockouts. But Va,. . ef ilIa,.. With both teaml fighting On a pass from Harry Yudon Vic. Pmldenl-WlIllam· Eng· .. ,8'CAIJ66 6.1 6.1. . quez. the lightweight champ ol r.ard. the Scota leept Bob PltrIOn Keats followed up his &corB by IIlh. . 1oI/tf1, 1.0/'olG ~N(i2 Christine Whelan d. Elizabeth' Mexico, has an edge in experienee 'CI& hll tote with IIverll alJdlnll whipping the .phere at the Jled Secrellry-Patrlck Micke,.. . BAT WHICW MAINLY. . Grecnc 6.0, 6.0, in the calibre of his past opposit. · Ihott, Gold'i netl. He missed. 'Treasurer-Olto Wheeler. CARR/Ii" .,HE 81iAVl!5/ RIVERDALE SEN!OR Ion. ArfIund IIhI levrn mlnule marie. Back came, Holy .cross with New applicationJ for membership 81(1. '!iP/"I.J~ ~ .. ____ ~ .. ___ . Freda Greene and Ruby An. Vasquez has won 44 0( 57 boull .. lI!n XMII picked up the ball and Jack Philpott dropping the ball into Included Public Health, Public I drews d. Frances Godden and Ruby since he !tarted In business. six · r.u1fd hi. dtadlr .ttack. Up the Rideout'l .rms on a frree kic~. Welfare, G.P.O. 2. C~ N. Ry Audit., Morgan B.6, 3-6, 6.2. . years ago. He put away H nvall litld h. lfent ",ilh 110thin, and no- Both Holy Cross and Macpher. Public Workl, Ind all wert ae- E I d' B S. . I ,Jeanette Blair and Dr. B, Mur· and·.has Men kayoed himself Goly '. :ody I'IGPJIIIII him. Wlavln, and Ion worked hard but the Scots cepted. making the Le.gu. 20 X _ .0 ge r . an·gs· I ng, e phy d, Hope- and Hugh Fraser 6-1. once. while losing 12. His oHler mnoeninl between the Holy b.d I definite, edge over their op- team •• One te.m not pre.ent, due B.6, makh ended In draw. . · CI't'II deftnn h. worked hll way penenls. to their dept beln, workin'l, may Enid Swatek and R. Gallagher d. The, fight \~'iII,. be earrlcd over .~:~,rc~E':!·:r.~ ~::"~;?~~'~~!;I\! :Fl~~~r:~~,=~:jf':": To ,Edge "Pennant. Pressers" SOPhle~::K;:DE~:::~on. ~diou~~ku;~lday .. -~~~ht.TV and A JOIId atlempt cam. when ward. Doug Sears, Philpott, S. Dua to reptlrl to the entrance Friday . p' b hI p. h 1Iu:: Yudoll took a eorner lIbot Kern., John Gough, B. Everard. of the .Uey •• it I. Jlkeliy that (Scores) when a lorrentlal downpour l1it Bessent' had relieved Brook . 10,30 a,in. ro a e lte ers' .,unit the Red Gold .. Bob Ch.ulk MACPHERSON-Goal, Rideout; there will be • little delay in ,et· American League County Stadium. The Infield be- slarrer Roger Craig In !he seven til Frances Walsh n. Linda Winter, I lIIId, a IOOd try but h. headed Backs Andrews Howel1 Dicks tin, going tha ,.ear, and a tenta· Nil lames ICheduled. came loaked before the ground with an inningending strikeout of Christine Whelan vs. Georgina NEW YORK (AP) - Probable tit tphtra IIVtr 1h. enwbar. I"ny: Dodgers: •Forwar~, Yudo~ tva date is let lor Tuesday 'Sept. National League crew was able to haul out the tar. Ernie Ballks with the ~ases loaded Elton. . pitchers i? today's major league Anotl1er IOOd Ibot .,ainst HoI, B. Chaullc. Keab. Gallop, D. 18th. Accordllll to the number of . \o!Usburgh 1, Milwaukee 1. paulin and after a 55.minute walt, after the Cubs had scored one in Ann Cole vs, S. Oliver. games WIth won·lo$t recorda ill Cl'DM wu talcen by C)Ti1 Inny. Ohaulle. teams In the Willie. aU teeml'will Chlc.go 4. Brooklyn 3, the umpires decided It was 1m. that frame to tie It at 3.3. Randy 6,00 p.m. parentheses: KicphtlWa eenter half. 'nIe be playing each playing night. A possible to continue. . Jackson of the Dodgers and Pete I-R. Gallagher VI. Dr. }l, Mur· St to NI ati°tn~I'IlJ.eaukllue (2 N' C:uadtn JOIUe, Bob PlerlOlI. X.lerK-Jack Jackman. Line.. complet. copy of thta aehedul. Iy Th. Canadian Press Bob Friend and Bob Bubl went Whisenant of tlie Cubs hit second. phy. _. us a 1t1 wa ee . '0- ~t4 thlt one nicely by aeoop- men. Gerry Gulliver. Jim Brown. will be luued to elch 'team memo Ex.Dodger Don Hoak caromed all tile way 011 the mound, Friend Inning homers. 2-Zenla Balodll and John Wehmeier (8-9) and Pto~y (8t.2) her 10 that tbere Ihould b. no an I1th·lnning lingle off first base giving up six hits and lluhl four. Dodgers lost their &tartlng Clouston VI. Ruby Andrews and p. ~~dM~~e (~7~i~ Vs h ps ( ) Little Leaguers ,Today's Suo per doubt when they af. bowling, \. to drive In Hoble Landrith from Frlend himself made hal! of the catcher When Roy CampaneIla had Olmstead. Brookl : at New York (N)- :$ seeond 1I'Itl1 the winning run on hits oft Buh!. to leave the game In the eighth 4-B. Ploughman VI. R. Rorke. N comk (21-6) v Surkont (1-0) .. j:.... Nine Entrants For Tltlll"lJday I. the last·place C.hicago BROOKS LOSE CAMPY because he relnjured his right ~lcalO .t Cinc~ati (N)-Itush Iy JIMMY BRISLIN St ar Cub ••dged the pennant'!1esslng J:Ioak's desperation single at hand. BATURDAY (12.7) vs Jeffcoat (5-2) "ILlJAMSPORT. Pa.--{N'7A) By WHITNEY MARTIN T Mil Wlk Brookl;,n Dodgerl 4-3. ChIcago came after rellefer Don IITANDINGS . 10.00 a.m. t Phil. delphia at Plttsburlb (N)- -b 1~7, the tint Llttl. Le.gue en. e a The Brooklyn loss allowed the Bessent gave an Intentional walk lIy mE CANADIAN PRESS 3-D. Olmstead v•• J, Clous on, Haddix (12-5) VB Kline (11.15) . World Serlu w•• held lJI thl. NEW YORK (AP)'_ Odd how plce'.ettln, 'Milwaukee Braves to to Dee Fandy to get at Honk after NaHonnl uagne lI-Doris Clouston and B. Bauld AmerlcllI Leape ,ulrt ell)' and when you look baseball cornel up with a super· piek up half a Jame over the Dod· Landrith slnglcd and was sacrific. . W L Pct.GBL n. Jeanette Blair and Dr. 1.!urphy. Oleveland at Chlcalo 2.N)- ~arl en It. ,.ou let In Idea of .tar, an outstanding gate aUrac. The Royal 5tor•• Teu mile walk /lerl In .1.1 nodecision tie with cd 10 second. ' Milwaukee 76 ~. ,608 7-Rev. M. Genge V5. C. Greene. WYnn (15.7) and Score (1,,"7) v. ~o.. fir thil basebali program tlon. everY time the (ans start will be held tomorrow afternoon Pittsburgh. The winner was Turk Lawn. B:o~klyn 74 51 ,592 2 8-Frances . Godden vs Marg Pierce (lS.6) and Donovan (8.7) to! kidl from 8 to 12 hal 10m. ~~rn!~~ h~~r I~~:d f~~~~ t~f t~~ and nine contestants have 10 far The Bravfs now lead Ihe Dod· notching, his ~ightll I'lclory aaginst CInCInnati 74 53 .583 3 Hitchens. New York .t Washington (N)- aln~(, parks. signified their Intention of parti· gers by two full games Rnd third· six defeats, . lIe relieved lefty Jim ~~!JI~:U:\I 6., 63 .500 1m 11,30 a.m, ford (14.5) "s Paseual (6-13) The "rat !lerllS IU. Itrlctl,. a It Is 18 If the Auccmor, Ilr SIlC. clpallng. Th. Secretary of the local place Cincinnati by Ihree. The Davis. Ivho left for a pinch.hitter p't~bte Ph a ;~ ~ ..sO 16 A:i~~ir ~~.SsW~I~~::rtS.na~d D~: Baltimore It Boston .

.' \ ," t, I ' -, \ f

DAilY NEWS, FI -; --.,..,...... ".... ., ....".-- .' 16 .. THE DAILY'NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1956 :. THE HEART OF JULIET JONES - rJ acubyOn' '3l'idge' l fDATi~~:n r.::::;;-::::=:-:-=:-::~-:-::::.:'"""=4 ' TWO SWINDLES ' - SAVE DECL.ARER t, . , Bv OSWAL.D JACOBY i SOUTH exeel'ted lwo swindles I,in the play, of today's hand. The dh'st shDuld h~\,'e worked. but I foiled; and the opposite, was true . I of his secOllC: ~wlndle. Justice" ,sometimes work~ in, mysterious 'ways. • , j. Wcst operied ,the king of d la· I monds, and South dropped the USED· WASHERS I nine of diamond! In the attempt ~ to p.crsunde.We~t to ,contlnu~ the , . .' , suit. West saw t:'at the three and , . t deuce of dlnmor.rls were mtsslng , '"nnd that his par}ner.mlght well be slgnallng wit/; the ,six of dla· ,: monds for R continuation of the .I\~:HI" F'~T " suit. After some thought, hoW;' .: : '/OJ e~PO"" RECONDITIONED AND .' ever, West decloc.>d that the dla- . . ..~.., BOAI, THEN MY MOTe::: •••• . 'monds could walt, and he there· t"D!' 'You WAtlT . , " . " (ore sh.1fted to thl' queen of. clu.bs. "'.,. ~.J'\-L'-l'I:;! . South .executed his second w~j FO~? I . IIvlndle' by plavlng low' clubs \ ' ' REPAINTED , "'om both hand~ on' this triekl . Since. Easl'folloll'ed suit with the

r:-"-':"::":':;;;---===:::'-:'::-'~--;" " • NORTH " 4Q943 ¥QJ10 •. 854 ",K12 - WEST. EAST 482 • 6 \ IN YOUR CASE TI-IIO TUMO" ¥ 8.653 ¥ A9742' SECRETES TOO MUCH A selection of these fine \ .AKJ .1076 INSULIN. 1'1-115 CAuSES II--- '" Q J 103 '" 9 8 5 4 roo MUC14 0;: THE SUGAR \ SOUTH (D) TO BE U5ED UP AND RESUI..T5 IN A LOW SLOOD used mod~ls may be seen .... AKJ 1075 SUG .. R ..ND ABNORMAl.. ,¥K' ~EI4AVIOR • • Q932 at either our Water St. • ",A6 North-South vul. south West Sorih East Showrooms or at our Ser;' 1 • Pass 2 ... Pass 4 1.1 Pass Pass Pass Openmg lead-. K • : t 5TI~L DON'T .vice Department on Gil •. L-~1 __~' ______~1 UNDEl<:STA.NO ...... _.•.... " ... , ...... ' ... _, .>.eoUT THIS N:l"'M.\lL' TI-IE "ANCREAS TuMOR IN ,seCRE1E5 INSULIN W;;ICH o\\'cst possible dub: West should I '.W P.!\NCREA,$. HELPS TH!' BODY U!iE UP n-IE bert St. .avc secn t.~laL somcthlng was I , Ph:. eENNETT. SUGA~ IN THE 61.00P. amiss. West continued, however, i with thc jack of clubs, and SQuth have been che~ked' I bl'cathed fl'eely again: All I Declnrer won the second club' PRICED ; WflJrr I ool,'T · with the ace rlr~1V trumps with I I L~:Dc:;!GTt.'JO. fROM ONLY and reconditioned and I the nce and dUlllmy's nine. and r . 15 I-iOI'lA , cashed the I;ing ul clubs In order , \':i:=V--1.J LII(= I to discard the kiml of heal·ts. De· . ·: .... ~D WO~1..D $49.50 clarer then led ,the queen of t.::r loA" SET are in excellent condition. , !j:;1 F(;~ THil heurts til l'IJ out East's acc. C~il THAT Alter th:s sel'ies of plays It was ! K~OC""O M • , clI~y to get to dummy with the ~IIA OUT. 1 (IUeen of 5\ adc,_ in ordel' to dis· ; card two diamonds Oil the .lack \ 'and ten of hearts. South tllU~ .. nlllilaged ·to holr, the luss down THROW AWAY THAT BUCKET .. . to one club and two diamonds. \[ SOllt,11 hat, cloyed the liund :1Ul'lllaJly, East would ha\'c won I helll't trilll. ano woud have re' mned II diamond. The ·defend ":'5 wunld hal' ' t1rfealed the con' . 'llet by tal,ln;: ~ heart and three: I .iamolld~. , . I

(]Uldrrn \ Puzzlr i

II. ,.

• ,/


IN TIlE PARK Delivered ready to install with pump and motor· securely mounted Judy and Johrmy love to go to tbe park' and visit the animals; on 10 Imperial gallon tank (12 U.S, gallons); with full 210 Imp, . 'l'hey always carry something 10 gallon per hour water delivery rate. Ideal for small' households, i feed to them I ' If you would like ,Ii ; to know what they are feeding, cottages, hunt camps, etc., where ill compdct size sav~ valuable ~ join all the numbered dots to· ; f space. When used in summer cottages, a few [lIomentS work with I gether, starting wIth dot number ; a wrench detafhes the unit for transport ,to safe 9ff·se·ason , . one and ending with dot number . .' I forty·four. Color with YOllr paints I ~ . ',' storage. Weighs only 130 Ibs.; fits in the trunk or in. the back I 01' crayons. I I • of most cars. Completely equipped. with automatic, pressure I i control switch, safety pressure' relief valve' and air volume, , , \ -.. i control I "

ONLY $119.50 •• "ON HIRE PURCHASE . , the, . Welcome' Wagon Hostess Will Knock on Your' Door with ~ihs' and Greetings from' Fliendly 'Bl!siness" The • Easte,tn_., I - G-reat on : Neighbors aru Your Civic and Social Welfare' Leaders Company, .... ·lhnited! The Birth of c Baby, .... .' Arrivals of. NewcolT1ers to City. On the O~CCJ5;on 0/: 'Phon~ 3031 ,

--'-'JlMAI'\III17III4-Q~"';.~ ... ~, "0"""""""" .. J(f,I!!,!!!'.'~"''''.'''''I':'I ...... ,.;''. "".~iTf"" - ....., ;,.., ...... ------~------.--' ~ ••. -­ ·.~,...... ;,i1-I.:t:.: ... NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31,' 19~6 \ ...... , .,;. 'I~ .17' ~ ______~ ______----~--~------.------~---~r~..... ! If,iJ·:t.E!'" :\~D rils FR1E~DS B.Y MERRILL BLOSSER House Speaker [Fulleral For Six ~~,,'9~~f~J)i~r ~, ~t Ordei'ed To Rest li,.Airm~n To'.Da,." CftWt. """"';••:.... NOWHERE.! .J .Jii_ .ftlHI>.'=t. Premier Joseph R. Smallwood The rcmnins of r.i:t crew n'cm" ...... ~ ueclined to comment last ni~ht bel's o[ nn RCAF plane which INfo! when asked by the DAILY NEWS crashed in Newfoundl~nu ~;ears .. nbout the reported resignation of ago, which ha~'c been rc~till" ~.t I the lIon. n. F. Sparkes, Speaker; Ca·".:Jcll's Funeral Home, will be ·t 1 of the Provincial Legislature. Mr. cO~I'aycd br mot~r hearse to the. , '1'fl I . ,", J.. 1 Smallwood said "I have no com. J?mt Ser\'~ccs ce~letel'~! r,~ 10 I r ';:/,/. ment whatel·cr." Furthcr weicht ~~~t~k thIS morl1lng lor mter·, I .1 . .. was added 10 thc reports of Mr. The funeral scrvices Ihis morn­ Sparkes' resignation. )'cslerday ing will close Ihe stOL'y oC th~ when a rcle~sc -from his office: tragic crash. which occurred dul" staled Ihat he would hal'e to Iin~ '\'01'lcl wO,r '1'wo dill'S when make an exlended visit 10 Ihe an RC AF DiGby craft crashed into Mainland on the advice of hi! doe-I thc tong Ran~~ Mountains. 'rhr tor. . • . wrccl;a;:c of Ihe planc wa~ ('lUlld The release slated "acting on 'the •last . winter by rt trapper. hut th,r adl'icc of his doclor, the Hon. R, !hD,dles could 1101 be removed untIl ~E PIlOPI'EP IT , W£~L. Jl:::'~EAD FIIOM TJ.l! POCK ... F. Sparkes, Speaker of the House, IthINS fiummnf·r· , P'I t ~:;~~;D O'L ON 0 th 10 TI4I1OUt1M THE ~"'T I , . ames e alrmen ai.·p: TI-I£ ~'OTO~,A"'D Iea\'es on Tuesday, Septe~ber ~th, Offieer~ E, .1. Padden. S. S. Stubbs rr v.AS S",PP£RY, for, an extcnded health trIp to the tn, E. Cr.rc~·, ~nd C. T. Crerar: AND 1 ....1 ....1 ... Mamland. i Flight Serlleant C. H. Finni~, allrl "~Ir. and Mrs. Sparke~", It con.; SCI'geant T. H, Few. tinued, "will travel to Sydney 'I where they will pick UD their car Y F il and motor south. They cxpect to' eo am v be away Irom the proi'ince lor the 1 0 eRe oi month of September," I n I MI'. Sparkes, himself, earlier dC'1 ' , dined to comment on the reports. At r..1fl: TI.', .Of I! 01;, r.·, e"", stal'lin~. thi~. Sun~ay 1:'11~hl.,!'_,~· •.• I•• of his resignation. The Speakr.l'! p.m., CRe racho Will pl'esent ~ has been ill Cor several months He i new scrie! of PI'Ol:l'

N'EP'l'UNE; N.J.-Looking quite happy in each olher's ~ompany; Go\:ernol' Ro~ert M~~;l1e~ of New '~e1'5ey and Helen Stevenson are shown at Music'. Circus he~e. Miss Stevenson IS. a COUSJl1 oC Adlai Slevensdn, emlot::rattc Presidential nominee. She and the unma.rried New Jersey Governor have bcen 5cen"logcthel' fn:quently oC.... u,"- (LN. Photo),


-'-"- -" '. '._ ...... _. '-'''-'''-''. --_ .. -.... _...... -.. -. ,_ ... -.-- ._ .. .


.- • l'.-:-.., 'THE NEWFOUNDLAND I St t t ,,"I t' Wall Washing Barber. f FEDERATION' OF MUNIClp. i a u ory ,~o Ice ,RotaMT Meebng ! WALL WASHING-Walls & J ' . . ALITIES CIVIL ENGINE'ERING, NOTICE ! ".• 4- T1Ie rtlular weekly meeting or TH~ CENTRAL BARBER SHOP' SCHOLARSHIP i In the aller of tllr. Will ~nd ! ed by nclI' machine. ReSUlts • '10.: the 51. John's Rotary Club was "hCI areynow opcbratlng Sidx __ 'Eslale !: Edward I. O'neilly, The regular 'Monthly Meet· , perrc.ct; s:l\'e~ palnt.-Xew. 'd H tIC a rs. ou can C assure • A' I I ' • , ,. h h·' J '1 held It the. ~ewfoun dl an ~. e of the best possible sen'lce P)lll~RI on. nre, nV~lcd for Hentleman, or St. John's, New· "lOg of t e, St. J.o n s . uvem e I lIIethod Rllg and \\'al\ Clcan. I ers, Frcshwnt('1' Road. 'Phone (In Thursda" Auaust 30th., ~llh plus the least posslblc wall. the NOli [oundln~d, Federation of roundland, decemd. I T.A. & B. Society· will take ! 91033. ~g2.~,lm the President, Walttr Dal'les, In Ing. 24 New Gower St. opp. 1I1unlcipallties CI~I\ Englnccrlng I --. .' I NDA So tember the (hair. The followin, lut~ts Adelaide Motor5 Ltd ag311m Scholarship of $250 for Ihe UIII·! All pmon~ hal'ln!! an;r rlalm~ '. P ace on SU Y" P "'~rf weleomtd by Rotarion Jim . . • ,vcrslty YeAr 1956·1057. This o!drnlands upon or afCec!i~11: ~h~: 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. at the K of st'· h J. E D \'Is Kirk. ~cholarshlp I~ lenahle Rt lhe E~latr. of Edward 1. 0 Belli) , C . Clubrooms St 'Clare Ave FOOTBALL • eln aue!;.. r.. -: A , Memorial Unll'('rsl\y of New· a(orc"airl, arc required In (orwarrl' ",' , ' hnd Lalie, Onl., ". T. A!kley, St. JI' 5[0 roundland., ,particulars ol the 5amr. in wril. By Order. Joh!!'s; w. J. Lahey, Gander; J. Purpose:· ing" duly aUested, 10 The Eastern JAMES L. JACKMAN TO-NIGHT Smith, Taronto; W. Mnlfett, Mon·' .' To Assl~t ~tu~l'nt5 Inlerl'slcrl Trust Compan~', Pills Bllildin!:, 5 ,. trul: H. Gral'~OQ, Montrtal; C. TIlE FINEST a.TRACK in Civil ,Engineel'lng to altend Waler Sireet, St ••Iohn·s. A~cnt lor, , e~~,.ary Junior Hierlihy, Comer Brook. EXTRUDED ALUMINUM U~i\'cl'slty:, Ih~ E~'{celltrix or. th~ Will n[ the i ------', for, employment in t The !!IIest s eaker Mr. H. J!rown . IEllglbllltv. , .mll EdWard I. () RCIII.v, 011 or he.! WANTED BOY CURTIS the Department of Fis '" . -trod Pd b" R t rI n GIIS COMBINA nON STORM A~ID (11CanrlldalM nlllsi be naUves rnre the 29th uay DC Septcmber . .. - III Uef ~ 0 a 0., ,Iof Newfound'and Of have nt., A.D. 1956, after which date thr I V,. LABOR) !l::!!~'. ~r. Broll'n de!h'ere,~ ,a m05t SCREEN WINDOW tended school there for at least said Agent for th,; Executrix w~1I ' Permanent position. Good f);U!!.f .. t addresJ on the eru.ade . ' two years. proceed tn distribute the salu I chance for advancement ST. PAT'S (ASSISTI !:;~ 5tlter Reading" a subject or I (2) All IIppllcallons must be I Estate, hal'lng regard only to ~uch I A I· I., d •'t' . &:'t.!! Lo:!!!'est to the whole com· acceptable to the Memorial Uni'l claims o( which it shallihen have pp y In own ,~an Wrl 109 SALARY: $21 ::::.1::1::'. I'erslty for Ihe first year engln·, had ·notice. .to ••• ---~--'---'p .. '-'. CONTROLLED eerlng CDurse. . i This 13th day of August A.D., Lost, Stol;;- Condidot~ are exp liON (3) The scholarship shall not 1956. Box 19 ,experience and sam VIHTILA ~ be awarded to a eandlate holding THE EASTERN TRUST CO. or . Strayed Apl'on Alley another oC equal or greatcr value Agent for Execulrll care Daily News work of similar natu Awarding of Scholarship: ag17,24,31,sep7 ~ I ; From 6 Pine Bue Avenue !! :-' twenty·[h'e mlnu~e.s before WESTCOTT'S LTD Scholastic achievement II the' ------i : Black and White BEAGLE 'I ::-..::!:::;!:t :5 we ar~ writing. this, • princIpal I'cqull'cment but eeon. ; brown face and ears. CIVIL SERVICE 1::;3 we are to sleepy we are nod· (MANUFACTURERS) omlc need anu tlher factors may •'''''''''''''t'OI. ,,,, .. , ",. "',"u. 1-. !\J1 I• din!: o\er the typewrit~r. But we , Cor. EII~:~:!b :A:~r:~~1 C. Rd i be laken Into account. ; please return to 6 Pine 123 Water Stre t:r hun~ry 100. and can·t make! Dial 91115 e Ellzabetb Ih'r !Application far Schol.flhlp: "i*~~;.r.1 "Go ahead, fire me~" : Avenue or up our minds whethcr 10 stop this' , (1) Appllcatlon~ should st~te WALSH'S ~~~~~-=-;;;..;;,.;::-:";;;~.::::,.-,=.~:::::===L IPhone ~O,~99.F and get something to eat, or gil . ' full particulars of qualifications 2!:e~d :.nd finish tile column amI; : and be made hi the Pre5lden~ 01 A reword is offered. CAREER S~ 'd h k ; FOR ' the MemOl'lal University o[ ~ew· NEW FOUND WANTED ~ct a snack .afteJ'llar s. T e e\. I [oundland not later than SCll' We are lookin! lIe Is hummmJ: a\I'a~' nn the • PROMPT SERVICE Itember 12 1956 ' agSI scp4 1950 AUSTIN! FIRST ENGINEER with 3rd Class Steam Ticket ~:l" c. but I' c mi!;ht as wel\ 11'.111' • CAREFUL FINISHING I' , CARD cessful and earning till Otlr belter·half comc~ home' • COLORS REVIVED i.------. ~200'PO .. for DREDGE P,W.D. 400. Salary $325,00 per tunlty for further pI !:-am "S" shilt. and hare a snack; l BREAD limited. This man i "ilh him. Wc'd like tn ha\'p A . CALL , DR. J. O. $5000.00 IYJ'f Ii FROM '(OUR mont~. Apply to ambitious. He prabe ~c~I1~' lu>doll~ pirrr. oC pie anrl ~ • ground, is determin' , ('l/lI nl Ira. h~ttrr ~til1 two cul'~ , OU~ttt~ GERALD E. KNIGHT, District Engineer, for Baird M.otors Ltd and an establishec r! tea. toni~ht. Ri~ht nn'\' we al'e ;z;J ~ FAVOURITE GROCE~ I fRASER A / , DIAL 80378-9 Building No, 29, Buckmasler's Field, St, John's man selected will 1!lO!;m:: at an illustralion of 0liItt:ir; $5.00 WILL BE OUT·QF·:O'//N m(\ulh·\\~tcrin;: eonc(1ction called ~+I.ii;< MERRYMEETING ROAD a~2".6i , leading rapidly to Ra;pbcrr~' Glaze Pit. Hnwever" , FOR THE MONTH OF 8a5ebClller/, Sweep ·the business insural onp e~nnot ('at' an illustration in MONt'BY ST, DIAL f3!S SEPTEMBER to be drawn, surance company. I bM!~.I ~n we'l\ probably settle =;===~=====:: STADIUM II-:::~~-=::,~:--_._ •.._-II opportunity for ad for ham sandwich. Nc\,erlhc- .. September 3rd, MEWS DRY WANTED !(!,!. this pie Is nice to reall I SCH~DULE I;,·c::...,.....-·D---A-- N'· C· E All enquiries confic :~::ut. and, one of those days. BE ADEQUATELY INSURED ftug27.5L YOUI'IG LADY for general office work. Required to 7·9 p.m., or 6372 r Q.!:t:l we are not so lackadaisical i FRIDAY I \CLEANERS LTD., keep sales r'ecord. Good handwriting essential. Duties :.! -xe ::e'rlght now, n must try • FIRE • MARI~E TO will include typing,' general office records. Applica­ Sunday Hisht • AUTO ROllER SKATING INSURE tion forms will be mailed on request by letter or At p_J~PS!:P_W G!...4ZE PIE CALL YOUR IJ to 10 p.m. Open· Monday 1 ~!!'.:!: GU:iE:tnZp e rum b t,elephone. AMUSF.MENT CEi'lT2E , '~ Little Lf :.."U!t b.!ke:! lnd cooled SATURDAY MANUElS ! p:::! !:flh :-:spberrles Modernaires 8:.. ':",ira ROLLER SKATING through Friday PEPPERREll ~ =:.:p !t:.ar ilJiHi:6t MARSHALL MOTORS' LTD. Conteen Se,",'ire, 1 !u.lj:oons unflal'ored gelatin INS U RAN C E, 2 to .. and. 8 ,to 10 p.m. Buses retu~nil19 "fler 1:': ublespoons cold water WATER ST. ST. JOHN'.' ;: teaspoon lemon juice DIAL 10-10 8:30 a.m to 6 p.m. the Donce BANNERMAN Pt : ublespoons melted margarine FUEL OIL SEPTf 1 pkg. prepared v:milla pudding E?,cept on Saturday INSURANCE POOR SPARI{ P:'~GS liz teaspoon almond exlract Newfoundland STOVE OIL ''THE STARS OF 1 P.O. Box 188, 'Phone B·03jO·j7~ TEACHERS WANTE,D 1 cup hea\')I cream. whipped (Tel) Combine raspberries and sugar HARD COAL FOR ADULT TEACHING AT PLAGUE POWER OF Services , .' I in saucepan. Heat gcntly to rx· SEE THE LARGE DISPLAY SOFT COAL ST. JOHN'S SANATORIUM tmt juicr. Strain nil. juice Jor: PASSENGER NOTICES I I CLEANING MATERIALS YOUR CAR F( .. :111P. Ifrozen m~~errlc~ ma), br CONp..IECT\ON L.eWISPORTE. I OF PROMPT DELIVERY (1) One to teach Academic Subjects SP:II]; '. uled. without ~ddllJonal !u,::ar -- CORNER BROOK Sl:RVICE FROM Jllll~' II"",; , '. Modern two store} cheek:-- for {'IH.:illll:( ":\"" jU!! duin n(f Ii~uid Irom 11I~'\'rrl Trllin The Caribou" leal'in" (,2) One to instruct in CommerCIal Subjects WASHING COURTEOUS SERVICE \I'pl! ad.ill,tpd ,'n,: .. :'.'::, room, dining roon hrric~ I. Stl mpbcrrir~ ~sirlr, ~t: .Iohn·~ :; p.m. to·da~·. Fl'ida~~ R. Coleman J. at Grade XI level. ,"Ililrk pili:!.";: ill'll 1"'1 I'·~,·:\ ~H: Soltrn ~rlatin in cold w~trr, Di~· WIll m~kl' ronnr.ctinll~ ~t Cornp.1' '. PHONES: floors, full basemE r;lI' to :.:.ain :":::' :1' ': ::: ."1,,, IIlrr hoi watrr. !ilir inln' RI'n"k wllh 5.S, Sprin!!nillc rol' MACHINES 6077 - 5586' - 5863 - 5871 Limited ~"OUI' Freehold. 19 Lon Dllckwllrth St. llIal MI.; Sanatorium School re-opens on September 4th. frolll lli!.!h m't:!!l/! .•.. \~ .. buI',Y jUi.cr, Add, m~r;arlnc and' rp.!:ular.. II~:'I~ Lewisporte·Cornel' or dean plll~, ",.,' ", Pric. reduced for AT TI-I;; Apply to: ItmCln lUler. Clull until 5!iShtl~., Brook ~rl I ICC, Nfld. Coal & Oil O/CEDAR, DUSTBANE and hllrn oil (ho" ,,:' .. >;":' thicktntd. Meanwhile prepare pud· CONNECTION BAY RUN GRI';AT EASTERN on, . tin'), I .. rrll, HOME WAX NEWFOUNDLAND TUBERCULOSIS ASSN. din!: according to package dll'p.c, PLACENTIA BAY & r~ll'OnT co. LTD. Co. Ltd. Have YO'Jr t!e::s. Add, almond extract. POUL' Regular 9 R.m. train leaving' 351 WATER ST. DIAl. 3001 CLEANING MATERIALS King George V Institute ~luSI Chm~d 441 WATER STREET and Tested whilry yo~ , ~to t::e £..~el!. Let cool. Spread St. John's Monday, September Water Street. REAL ESTATE AG ;.upb~me.l o"er nnllb pu~d!n~. 3rd. ~11l makt' connection at ~~======~---:--_~~_...... - wait - at ~!!! .!to ':I'it!! r~obem' iultp' Argen.la "'lth 1\1, V. Burin lor the .11 ~2!l.:11 DIAL: C _, .. il 'f . •• . I Ba~' FUn P\~centia Ba.I·, llt31.sep4 , '. .!7~" Ch.U ~!!.II 3E1. Ju;1 ~efm, WEST .~U'" PLACENTIA I\A Y TERMINAL .. !e!'tlll$. ~o"El'ple \"!Ih ~'hlpped ~ Regulllr 9 it m. tr~in leal'in!;, :..-ea::: z:::1 ~arn!!h \\'I!h frelh r21P·jSt. .'Jobn·~ \"!!d"e~da~·. Sepp.tem.1 SERVICE STATION be!'!'!s. " ber .ith. will make connection ~t I WANTED' ST. J! GW(,'!:i\';~·AF cm.:,'!; C'Rt'5T Ar;entiil ,,·!tll n \', Burin lor the! ?ORTUGAL COVE ROAD !!.i mE!!d mar.arim Fun PIRcentia Ral', at TCA Roed ~llP' \\'~.t ! Y(,lIlng man 10 learn Television and Radio h eup §!n~er:n!p crumb; ~OUTH COAST SI'RVICE I HOI ~ !!:i.!:l, [Cn!fc!loner!" lugar ",.S, Batca)lell ot'p;I·~tjn; on Ihe i Service. Experience not nece;~ary, but mllchanical LASO' UR DAY MOTORCADE :.. ftl'C:l~" CI""'mnn South CO?';1 Sel'I'ICe "'Ill .ail: ,An important ~ .!.;.: ;'l"ti "-:'. fr~m Dock C... ;!.,tal Wharf 5 p.m. I aptitude an~ ambition essential. lIIONDAY, SEPT~~IBER 3T11, 1956 'M:·~· ~:.t~b· m}tr.artnE to 2Jn,et' \1·~dne.'£13Y. Scptember ~th. At 10.00 a.m. the various Org:mi. d Delegates will .... \= !. ..m", ~!!.e In :uEar an l A I B lOS zations will assemble on Elizabeth b!en:h.'1i \"Ell .5omd COHN!!CTION l!OUTH COAST pp OX I' ~:~:~1.::!cn. . SERVICE Y Avenue, junction o[ Elizabeln TO-NIG f' :::!:. ':I ~·mch P!f can, ~C\'ermg lug28,tf Avenue and Portugal ('ol'e Hoad =c~tc::! and _ide. completely. Pat Train :'l'he Caribou" leal'lng West, and will move 'jIll from that AT PRI :::!l.!ll~ down firm"'. Bake 10 St. John s 5 p.m. Wednesday, (Tel) , . . September 5th, will make con. • pnint via Elizaheth AI'- \ ,Ie. Nell! n:,n~tes In moderatell hot oven nectionatPortAuxBasqucswlth, Reg·l~te·r' ed Nurses COVe Hoad, King's Brid~e J(oad,1 l40? Fl. Let cool. , 8.S. Bar Haven for regular ports llllitHry Buad, lI11rl'CY \tuad, i.e.; :'\011' that we'\'c torturcd our; Soulh Coast Service. ~[archant Ruau, Patrick Street. 'ChC5 \;ith the thought that we Pnll'er Street. Hamilton Avenuc to' d . h CONNEqlON ST. JOHN'S.' R' t d 'N ' . d W M' on t a\'~ any RasPh~n'y Pir., LEWISPORT! SERVICE egis ere urses are require at estern emorial :-lew Gowcr Street, East on New GIRL fOR In rqualb unplta~ilnl Imp Ju~t, Train "T.he Cal'lbou" Ie;wlng Hospital, Corner Book, Newfoundland, for General Gower Strcet, Duckworth Sireet. • CLOTHES make the man it CHAFE pop~~d Up 10 remmd u~ that wr i st. .Iohn's 5 p.m, Wednesday, 0 M I I Norlh on King's Bridgc'I!oad anll ma kes the clothes dnn t hl\'e ~ny Banana Nut Cakr I Selltembcr 5th will maliC cnn. uty on a e Surgica , Obstetrical and Pediatric floors. down Lake Avenuc to Stndiuln Department of Educalion Experience nc :~nil:ht lilher. But II'! "'iII, he-I necllon at t:ewisoortc with l\t.V, Commencing salary.. $2,100 per annum gross, Apply to Parkinl( Lot where the Parade will !(lre m~ny daY5 ha\'! Pl~~cd. Wr. Ron8vlsta lor regular porh 51. di'Pmp. .WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor Grade X. Ap: promi!e our!ch'es right nnw. .rohn·s· Lcwbporte Sel·I·lcc. SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES Rehvprn tllp honr of IO,~O R.m . . B.4NANA NUT CAKE CONNECTIOr: NOTRE DAME ~nrl nntil th~ PAranA h~~ P1lmr!, 4 HOlD-WORTH ST. 21; cup~' slCted rake flour lAY 5E~VICE ag24.61 I onl" "8hirlr~ )lArticipatin; in the I

2 Il'aspoons baking powder Train "The Caribou" leaving ----.------:--_____..:... ____ 1' Parade will be permitted 10 jl<1I'k' ~~ teaspoon lada St. John'! 1\ p.m Monday, Sept· on Eliz~bcth AI'enue hetween rl)r T( ~~ teupoon nit ~Fber ~rt W~lI m~ke a ~onnec. . .WA' NTED tugal Cove Road and ROIV~n Strp~t :.j, C'JO . 'l!o.tenlnl_. • Codroyon a for ell'regular spor e portswit Nou'e!II.V. From 11.00 R.m, nntil the Parade - eup lug!r Dame 'Bay ServIce. ,haspassed no I'ehide will be per A Registered Nurse Dn t.-iUi\ III, J 1.T PHOTO , 2 eU!.It FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES TYPI ST milled to park un the Soulh. ~idp ETI1T,HIO:; ." eup __ opp~d !lui .meal, . Freight Is Rece:oted rlAlly Dt. the ' nf Duckworth Street betw€en Prcs for Night Supervisor is required for Western M~morial .. ; Ant;';Tl!}";' ,\ iltU5! 1 teaspoo!l \~rulLa extnet· Dock COllotAI Shed lor ~\I port:; eott Street and Cochrane Street.' Hospital, Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Knowledge of 1 cup 1IIllhed ripe banana! (Z lon "he South COR,~t Servlc!! but Experienced preferred Between 11.15 a.m. And until the , Re!,istratkll fill' rI~m·nllr:; to ,3 b1!!.!.!la5) .In order to guarantee .movemenl Parade passes no vehicle will he Obstetrics essential. 45 hours week. Gross salary i high 5chnol ~r~clr; ~lId Grade !! !.!b!a;poon! inlll( bl' thJ5 trip of the 5.1';' Baccalleu ' Apply • permitted to park on Military Road $2/6QO.$2,800, Apply to Commercial hr~in~ nn I ,Si!(toie~~ flour, b!kinJ po\\·.fr~lght mu.l b~ Rt Dock Coastal I between Co~hralle Street DUrl Ban· Scptrmhrr 4, at I hr. ADTTJ.T de:;,'sada, anti salt~ Beat shorlen. Shed not, Iilter than Noon. T!lei' BOX NO. 39, c/o Daily News nerman Road. ' ' SUPERINTENDENT OF' NURSES • CATION n;WfIlE. ~lrlllnri~1 f:i lInt!! creal!ly, Add sugar grail. day, 5eptembe: 41h. From 11.20 a.m. and until' the I "rnity AlIllC:;, ~len'YI1I~ctin~ " 11 • '-c! '-t' be FREIGH:r ST, JOHN'S· lug29,30.31 Parad p s s n hi I '11 b __ag_2_4,_61 ______--'- _____ : Classes will ufficially IIpen ~l!!Y a:: eo" lnue ating u,m CORNER BROOK SERVICJ: e as e 0 ve e e WI C hi!!.".,t ... ll!d fluff,. l·. Add eggs, one at Freight for forwardlngf via st'. permitted til )lark on Power Street : Tucsd~y, SClllClllhrr 11. at 7953 ~. _e, but1l1g ,After eae.lt __ &ddl.' John's and 5.S. Northern Ranger between Patrick Street and Hamil , II.m. Miss ll. S, Strall'bL'itigc , t!C!l: ~Ul !lilly, Add !luts anil for reiular portb St.:John's.Cor. ton Avenue. Heat L·_t -I' ~t Vehicles are not to park on any I hy IWIl p.:rt.limc Iradlcrs \\'III wu .....=. :. lr in vanilla. Add ner Brook Service will be ' 'WANTED . !!:lur· I:!!xture alternatelywllh accepted'· at th,,' Dock Coastal street 50 as to interfere with the I availahle 10 interl'il'II' job; bplllU IDd milk, a small ,amount' Shed Wednesday,' B.eptember Iree pnssagl',o[ the motorcade. ' SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR _ i f'llId!'lIt~ at till' (\':Itre dailr .t·1 lime beaUpu alter each addi. 5th, II a.m.B to 5 p.m., and Thur~' Nil vehirle will be pel'milt~1l to ; 2:lIiJ • 5:(11) ",III. ::lId 7:~O, COVel Uon unUi 5moolil. Turn Into .. day, Sl'plem~r - 61h, 9 a,m. 'lo IIIl1ve within 'urte hUlIIll'cd ~'urd5 III : p.lII. 'a'i ~ell ~t!li>~dc.ake lInn fBx8x:! Nuun. ' , . '.' ' . tile Pal':lIle on unystl'eet lin whil:h , with expe,rience in Typing. Attractive wages, ! ,ouly ;1 Ih .. ilrd UlIlIIllcr c ' , the l'arntle Is )lns~illg. . • ! nl'l'Olllllllllialed, EIIIIIII e~r1)'., . Iftb)· and' bab' in a .. JQoderale . l'edestl'inll~ along the route' m'e . Group:and health b'enefits 'ovaHable. Apply I il g.oOlI hcginllill~. . ,.' i :', ~rl) .1350'F)·'for about 5l1. min· urgently requested to keep to Ihe I Lislen to ),ollr radlll, I<.a(, llirs" or unUr cake is done. Serve sidewalk. i ne\v;;papcr (or'further lIohC.CS . . ~n. Dr, frost' Iqp:anil !Ide!' with I,. S'fItANGE, , BOX' 27, c/o Daily News, . I~ernrng· speci~~courscs bCI.~g, , , , ,. ~I ~l!ut!e~> ~rosting. . Chief of Police.' , l1ug29,30,31 .• !ered, this year. " . ~_ ·n. ,: ". :." j "

.... ~ . . ," -- , . , , .. _ " '. < •• ~ .' • _ ... ~ •• _ •• n ...... -... - ...... '. . . ' .. : •

''"''I'".. , "q.,,~.- '. ",: ' ., "f} • • , , ., . , " · . 19 DA!lY NEWS, fRIDAY, AUGUST 31; 1956

, ' THERE OUGHTA BEA LAWI WANTED , CHARLADY · '. ~ '" ~. Apply in person . l Tooton's Photofinishing Studio WANTED CABOT STREET' Fer employment in the Fish Inspection' laboratory of AUCTION the Department of Fisheries at ST. JOHN'S, NFlD. Tuesday, Sept. 4th LABORATORY ASSISTANT Children'S Playground Assoc ... (ASSISTANT TE'CHNIC1AN) .2 p.m. SALARY: $217.50-$2<47.50 A MONTH 50 Head Choice The Annual Broadcast featuring Children from Candidales are expec.ed to have some high school Bannerman Park will take place TO·NIGHT en experience and some experience in a laboratory or ,Butchers' Cattle ... erl of similar nature. through Radio Station C.B.N. at 9 o'clock.

, \'f:::ill~f a Apply tOI GLE ""i~h lip LEASE LISTEN IN" CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF CANADA, ~. I' r,l,l,. f '. Finder ("l'el) •. =:ne Bud . 123 Water Slreet St. John's, Nfld.

. 99-F ONL Y COMPLETE BLIND InsuranC1l Service. Manufacture. Laun· CAREER SALES OPP,ORTUNITY dry Repair, Worl! gua.ranteed. We are looking for a man who is currently suc- INSURANCE-lllwrlng BrDlho One day service. Frefl quota· TO·NIGHT .r Limited Insurance Depart· Uons. Keame.vs Limited, NOTICE cessful and earning a good income but whose oppor· ment-Fire. Automobile. Mar­ Manufacturers. 454 Waler St. tunity for further promotion and higher income seems EYin JohnlOJ! wIth Ine and all Casualty Un.,., GraCi a,utlller, Voctlist. Telephone 3131. WHEN YOUR HOUSE NEEDS To our former customers at Townside, Jersey. limited. This man is likely aged 25·40, married and a repair job done, small or • SATURDAY NIGHT o. ambitious. He probably has a sales or executive back­ DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· lnrge Dr It needs to be paint· side, Freshwater, Placenti~, Argentia, DunviIIl gr:lund, is determined to succeed, resourceful, likeable DOUII MIMr'1 OrchlStr. ANCE-Don', risk your valu· ed at low cost and efficient with Voc.l. lIy L.rr,IDt, abies to "save" , few doHan. service kindly call 'J. Strat· and an established resident .in the community. The' DIAL 90069 Our· falr·rate, ~e1l3ble policy ton, 42 Cashin Avenue. Dial Southeast and Swans: We wish to extend a mon selected will be given thorough sales training gives immediate protection. 750B.F. jne12,lmth 'PhDne 6921 or write I. J. ------leading rapidly to estate analysis and sales work in Lacey. P.O. BOl 506 .• repl.tf GISSOr-. ... UITARS - HDrner sincere thank you for your patronage and to .. - ..Button stop Accordeons and Ine business insurance field with a prominent life in· Harmonicas, Rtchmond Sallo­ give notice of severence of business con'nec.· r suronce company. The position is one with unusual phones, Boosey Clarlnets.­ ~======;;; ,tURNlSS WITHY INSUR· Charles Hutton & Sons. P.Q. --iICJ opportunity for advancement, prestige and earnings •. ANCE Department offering dependable insurance-Auto­ (eb3.eod •• Friday , Aug. 31 tion between MacCornta.::'s Dl'y Cleaning Ltd., All enquiries confidential, 'Phone Mr. Macleod 7283, mobUe. Fire. Burlliary. Plata START your own businessl 6372 'rransportatlon, Travel Accl· 7.9 p.m., or during regular business hours. OLD COLONY dent. Liability. Phone 2073. Our products nre a must in 11.30 a.m. and Mr. Martin Power, Agent. Glass, Tourist Bagllage, all {ammes, Excellent com· mission. Free sample! with 4 Head Beef CLUB Contact STAN FOWLER, R. each order. Specials with MONDAY NIGHT nouf building, for Fire Auto- free products Monthly pre· Cattle MacCormacs Dry ~leal1ing' lid. :. ... :-7'= mobile and Plate Glass Insur· mium. Free cntaloltue nnd - "'. '- little League Baseball DANCE BY ST. • ance. Claims promptly setti· detalis on rcquest.-FamUex, 1.6 Young Pigs lug29,31 JOHN:S TRADES AND ed. 'PhDne 5531-P.O. BOI Station C, IIIor.treal. 83. PEPPERREll LITTLE LEAGUE ALL STARS i~ LABOUR COUNCIL ______. ALL WOOL MATTReSSES are 5 Crates .f'. . qOBERT DAWE & SON. Fire picked. rl1oCovered: springs ST. JOHN'S LlTIltLEAGUE. All STARS .~ DIAL 90069 : and Automobile Insu.rance. da:;, beds rewired; Inner Poultry TEACHERS WANTED ;ANNERMAN PARK, TO.MORROW; SATURDAY, '1 ~~~~~~==~~ Be life. be sure, InBure. Tele- spring mattresses recondition· phone 2882. P.O. BOl ~ cd. Write, Phone 381l1, wire ex '''Fergus'' from Two SEPTEMBER 1st at 2.30 p,m. Royal Bank Chamber.. St. H. J. Keats. 16 Mount Royal Wanted immediately Licenced Teachers John's, " Avenue. Charlottetown, P.E.I. II L 0 5 T ______------1 for Mount Pearl Park Amalgamated School. PL~G5 'lHE STARS OF TO·MORROW IN ACTION TODAY IMPORTED Passenger Tires $10 \' ,Td) ON ELIZABETH AVENUE. DRIVE WITH THE SUN BE· each: Tubes $2.00 each: Re- Interested parti~s piease contact: ER OF HIND YOU. Protect your trended Tires, 15 and 16 in.. ' property. Insure with the Snow and Mud design, non· MR. H. GOUDIE, Treasurer ONI oldest Compam' In the world. vulcanized (no sectional or i FOR SALE W. F. Caldwell, Insurance spot repairs) $14,95 each.- 193 Park Ave., Mt. Pearl Park Agent, 'Phone 2485, Temple Auto Accessories, Used Tires or Pho'ne 80049, 9 a.m .....,.5.30 p.m. M:ldern two storey detached; containing kitchen, living' White Handbag BuUdlng, Duckworth Street, Sales, 86 Hamilton Ave. 'aug29,31 room, dining room, 5 bedrooms, bathroom, hardwood St. John's. ag5,lm aug30,31,sepl ------_.------_..... ,-' ...... , ..... - , floors, full basement, ail furnace heated. Landscaped. !PHONE .90230H _-_. Freehold. 19 Long Pond Road, off Carpasian Road. Prite reduced far' quick sale. ,.- B. F. Goodl'ich Tires • ,,' I BASEBALL JOHN A. BYRNE , LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCES TO.NfGHT at 6.15 p.m. P.EAL ESTATE AGENT ,. 165 WATER,ST.. Junior ON YOUR OLD TIRES. MOUNT CASHEl DIAL: OFFICE 7631 or RES. 90131 • BUDGET TERMS AVAilABLE. 1.:iL!Cp. ·vs. ------HOLY CROSS AT THE I SATURDAY ST. JOHN'S AMATEUR 2.15 p.m.1 FEILOIANS 2515 ST. JOHN'S ARMY OPEN CADET CORPS HOCKEY LEAGUE VI. An important mllting of ,bicutivi and Team' HOLY CROSS BALL PARK Del'gatH will bl h.ld 6.15 p.m.: (CARPASIAN ROAD) JUNIOR CONTEST- Remustering Parade TO.NIGHT, FRIDAY, AT 7.30 AT PRINCE OF WAI.ES ARENA SUNDAY FRIDAY, 31 AUGUST, 1956, 7:15 p.m. ., /Ttl! . . ST. ION'! vs. Hut 6, Buckmasler's Field ST. PAllS Monday Night 8:00p.m . 'WANTED MONDAY Any boy 14 to 18 years old who is interested in army . , GIRL FOR PHOTOFINISHINGSTUD/OS ~ 2.30 HOLY CROSS training, camping, .22 shooting, radio, etc., is )nvited, VS. Experience not Issintiab minimum' education to attend. Films will be shown and equipment demon· ' .~ .: .. ~ Educ~lion . FEILDIANS $2,000.00 In Prizes Grade x. Apply in penon ·MONDAY NIGHT· strated during the evening. . aU·.fGO-$2.()(). Card $5000.00 Drawing In Baseballers. Swellp CARDS s2.00. each TOOTON~S . r PHOT,OFINISHING STUDIO ., ,~,:1.T flO'· CAioT STREET ' 00 . , " LAST GAME-51 ,000. Patrons are reminded that a limited number of Motor Cars wi!1 be permitted to Parlt on the !)iamond. N.w HOUSEHOLD FuaNITURE .,FOR. ALL; 1953 CHEVROLET 2 Door Sed.~n, " . NEW 24" TELEVISION liT .'. .. . At the hom. of 'YOUR":·. Heat.r and defrost.r,. new paint. " ". T~eGrand Drawing inthe'Bclsebaliers Sweep for $5000.00 will lobi good, tires,· attractive seat take piaci MONDAY at 9.31) p;m.· and persons ,holding stubs , No. 11, Whlteway Street , , .' ), . ~.,' ' .. ' .- covers, thoroughly r.co~dltioned. are asked to turn them ,in cit the Balr Park not later than 6.00 Wed.,' Sept. '5th , . , .', REG. PRICE 1'450:00 at 10.30 •• 111., \ . p~m. Monday. . Partlcullfl In Wednesday's News. InsPect~on D •• m. morning. 01 FOR YOUR TICKETS CALL 90067 FOR QUICK'DELIVERY '), Sale. , . -.'- \.,.... John D. O'Driscoll . I . Auctlon ..r li31,!ept3I~' ,.:_ i :,'j:':; " .' " . . "

• .' ...... ,...... 9" -. _-- " , " THE DAIL FR!OAY,., AUGUST 31, 1956 .. ~: NE~S, , Hr. Grace News, ~-:A:;T:-:T;H;;;,,~'r-~'======:;=:====2:: Social And ~t,SI<~NOg~e AgainWeSttess' Quality .Personal pl&~ '.. 'T~.f'r..' . '.. sf MARTiN : PURE ENGLISH JAMS. ' . '- A= .~.,~. /. jLACK;DI~M

SCHOOL BAGS, Plastic, • • • • • $1.98

SCHOOL BAGS, Leather • • • • .$1.25

NAVY BLUE ANKLE SOX • • • • 49c .

NAVY BLUE KNEE SOX • • • .. 60c • GIRL!S NAVY BLUE CARDIGANS . . • $3.00 s. MILLEY LTD •. In·' Stock ni~ Rell'cat ,-,. On . ONIONS \lall Slreet CANADIAN CHEESE.. _. _.


, .

, . '. t. V.'S. Dollar MONTREAL (CP) - The ·U.S. LIMITED-c_ .... , dollar closed Thursday at a dis· GEORGE NEAL, ~ count of two per cent In terms of , Canadian funds, down 1-16, Pound sterlIng $2. mia, down 3·16. MARKETS i ; ----.- ) :; '., NEW YORK (CP) - The Cana­ I dian dollar was '1.32 higher at a , . premium of 2 per cent In terms i .. \ ,~ of U.S" funds Thursday. Pound ~ter\ing 1·16 lower at $2.78 5:16. BUIlDING at ... ·~ r -If BIRTH ~ {. " , CROSBIE,-Born at St. Clare's I• ; • .; l l "', ~. Mercy H?spital on August 30th., HARDWARE 'Oawe . . ~ :' ~ \ Chester' ltd. In .lohn Rnd Jilne Crosbie, a !(In. I ~::' , SHAW·ST. DIAL 1-01.1 I ::; : ~ DEATHS ... . ~~ ·/:<..----JIf"'):f;p.l; I r.., '.: ~l · '. -:: .~ t RETAIL -. WHOll!SAll L; ; ~.: SPARKES-Passed away It her home, 74 'Carter's Hill, on August ~'i;}~·~ 30th., ]956, Gertrude ·Spilrkcs. daughler of the late Ambrose and Mary·Sparkr.s:· Funeral Saturday :. SAWS - PLANIS . morning with_ Requiem loraS! at WE STOCK ••, SCREWS .-' LOCKS '. the Basilica of St, John the 1laptist. Snappy 'Service PIERCEY-Passed away at the • MAHOGANY ,. HINGES - FILES Grace Hospital lin Thursday, Aug: 30th., 'E,izabelh, 'Yife of Malcolm Fiercey, in her 63rd yeaT •. Left • BIRCH • PAINT BRUSHES to mourn besides her husband, one •• for Snap~' . "... daughter, Emmie (Mrs. James CHISELS -, GLUt Gosse); three brothers," Jack, Evan • and William; om! sister, Mrs. FIDra 1laker, and three ilrandchildreJi. DOORS • SCREWDRtVERS Funeral will take place at 2.30 ALL SIZES p.m. on Saturday, September 1st .. • 'WE~THER STRIPPING fmm' heT late residence at Bell . , IN BY 10~30 sland. • TURPENTINE ' FUNERAL NOTICE . ,. LINSEED OIL • SASH BALANCES • \ ..... ~~ OUT BY 4.30 • VARNISHES .tc. I. Y~U'LL FIND EVERVTHING YOU -NEED' IN BUILDERS' . " • ., HARDW,~RE'AT ~ •• . "', .HOUR GIGANTIC SALE . REDUCTION' · ...... Lim-ited . ' Chester'. '.r.' ., ,.' • , :Dawe: .. PHOTQFtNISHING EVERYTHING IN . SHAW STREET . TOPSAL "ROAD ··HR. GRAC~After' aperiodo!· (5 'Lines) ·DIAL·.8-Ol1S' (2 Lines) Inactivity,' one of the whalers of SCHOOL WEAR ~IAL'1I~0161' .. tbliform· er Polar, Whaling ~oinpany · ' , .,OISTRIBUTORS FOR WORLD .FAMOUS JOHNS.MANVILL~. a~d '. have .been moored In this' · .At the harllour near. Ship Head ieft this' . MacMILLAN & BLOEDEL SALES LTD,. ;, ': . ' ... week .Iorl;lawke's Harbour' where • . BUILplNG MATERIAL'. IS OUR.BlJSINESS AND, NOT A. SIDELiNE she will carry' on whaling opera. tlons for ·the remainder' of the· • OVER 70,000 ft. of f'oor ~pace; OPEN"SATURO).YS 'ANO':MONDAYS • .. LARGEST 'ASSORTM~~T, Cf BUILDING MATERI~LS. IN; NEWFOUND· . It is IJnderstood. ihai" leveral" LAND. FREE AMftE PARKING SPACE. . .' , c;. .' ..... '.' . ,men, ~ith Capt., F~dbam, 'left by I ! ' •.• ," .,',,' ":.

, ",;',. , . '} '. . '. '( .; ' \ " ' .. ' .. . ,.. "' . . ". .. • " - t ••• , '... '" .'" ~'" .•":' ! • . ~ i .. f.. .• , , .- .J " : ! .' "