贵州省 Province

面积 174,000 平方公里 Area 174,000 sq km 人口 3,904 万 (12 种少数民 Population 39.04 million (12 minorities, 族,占全省人口 1/3) 1/3 of province) 省会 贵阳 Capital Guiyang

297 贵州省 Guizhou Province 贵州教会 The Church in Guizhou

十八,十九世纪时,传道员及 In the 18th and 19th Century, catechists and 贞女对教会的发展有特别大的 virgins played a great part in spreading the 贡献。他们宣布耶稣的福音到 faith to all levels of the population, 各级的人,包括苗族以及其他 including the Miao and other minorities. 的少数民族。他们中有男女殉 Some died as martyrs and were canonised. The faithful in Guizhou have a great 道者,列为圣人。贵州省的信 devotion to the Blessed Martyrs of China 友特别恭敬中华真福和圣人: particularly to

张大鹏 (1754-1815) Joseph Zhang Dapeng (1754-1815), 吴国盛 (1786-1814) Peter Wu Guosheng (1786-1814), 易贞美 (1815-1861) Lucy Yi Zhenmei (1815-1861), 王曼德 (1802-1861) Martha Wang (1802-1861) 文乃耳 (1832-1862)等十八位圣人 Fr.Jean Pierre Neel (1832-1862) These and 18 other Guizhou Martyrs were 全体真福于 2000 年 10 月 1 日 st 被列圣。 canonized on Oct.1 , 2000 过去: Past: 贵州代牧区 (1696-1721) Kouitchow Apostolic Vicariate 1696 1701-1706 杜代牧 Carolus Turcotti SJ 1708-1737 刘代牧 Claude de Visdelou SJ 贵州由四川代牧区管理(1721-1849) Guizhou administered by 1721 贵州新代牧区 (1849-1924) New Guizhou Apostol.Vicariate 1824 由巴黎外方传教会管辖 Run by the Paris Foreign Mission 1849-1853 白代牧 Etienne Albrand ME 1853-1860 童代理 Paul-Hubert Perny ME, administ. 1860-1871 胡代牧 Louis-Simon Faurie ME 1871-1893 李代牧 Eugene Lions ME 1893-1913 易代牧 Francois Guichard ME 1913-1924 施恩代牧 Francois Seguin ME 安龙监牧区 1922 Lanlong Apostolic Prefect.1922 贵阳代牧区 (1924-1946) Kweiyang Apost.Vicariate 1924 1924-1936 施恩代牧 Francois Seguin ME 石阡监牧区 (1932) Shihtsien Apostol. Prefecture 1932 现在: Present: 目前贵阳,安龙,石阡 三个教 The 3 dioceses Guiyang, Anlong, Shiqian 区组成一个贵州教区。 have practically merged into one Guizhou Diocese.

298 贵阳教区 Guiyang Diocese 过去: Past: 贵阳总教区 (1946) Kweiyang Archdiocese 1946 1936- 蓝士谦 Jean Larrart ME 1958- 陈原才(宗座不承认) Chen Yuancai, official

现在:教区网页:www.gztzj.cn Present: Diocese web: www.gztzj.cn 主教:王充一 Bishop: Anicet Wong (1988 年 12 月 4 日受祝圣于北京) (consec.on December 4, 1988 in Beijing) 助理主教:肖泽江 (2007-09-08) Coadjutor: Xiao Zejiang (08.09.2007) 电话:86- 851- 6829117, 138 8518 8926 Tel.: 86- 851-6781117, 138 8518 8926 非官方主教:胡大国 Unofficial bishop: Hu Daguo

教区神父名单 Priests Names/ Ordination Dates 胡大国 Hu Daguo (1951) 陈禄俊 Chen Lujun (1951.06.29) 龙诚忠 Long Chengzhong (1994.07.31) 马德江 Ma Dejiang (1994) 肖泽江 Xiao Zejiang (1994) 陈裕敏 Chen Yumin (1998.09.05) 沈承开 Shen Chengkai (2000.01.01) 任明辉 13985863082 Ren Minghui (2000.01.01) 李一飞 Li Yifei (2000.01.01) 赵立勇 Zhao Liyong (2004.11.21) 裴竹林 18708638477 Pei Zhulin (2004.11.21) 李 通 Li Tong (2004.11.21) 罗政辉 Luo Zhenghui (2005.11.20) 任延军 Ren Yanjun (2005.11.20) 李慕宗(已去逝) Li Muzong 杨德华(已去逝) Yang Dehua 蒋经文 Jiang Jingwen 李利民 Li Liming 刘显军 18744813800 Liu Xianjun (2007.10.21) 梅培恒 Mei Peiheng (2007.10.21) 张翊勇 Zhang Yiyong (2007.10.21) 冯银贵 Feng Hengui (2010.05.16) 罗佳伟 Luo Jiawei (2010.05.16) 姚世伟 Yao Shiwei (2010.05.16) 修生: 5 位, 修女: 24 位 Minor Seminarians: 5, Sisters: 24 教堂: 七十多间, 教友: 10 万多名 Churches: 70 over, Catholics: 100.000

299 ►贵阳市 (北京以南 2,540 公里) ►GUIYANG (2,540km s. of Beijing ) 圣若瑟主教座堂(北堂) St Joseph Cathedral (Beitang) [550001] 贵州省,贵阳市, 和平路 110 号[550001] 110, Heping Road, Guiyang, GUIZHOU 电话:86- 851- 678 11 17 Tel.: 86- 851- 678 11 17 神父:马德江,赵义勇 Priests: Ma Dejiang, ZhaoYiyong 86- 851-678 85 94, 135-95077701 86- 851-678 85 94, 135-95077701 主日弥撒:早上七时半,九时整 Sun.Mass: A.M.: 7.30, 9.00am 晚上七时整 P.M.: 7.00 教友:七千名 Catholics: 7,000

历史简介 Brief History 贵阳北堂自 1876 年建成以来已 Built in 1876, the Beitang has a history 有一百多年的历史。可惜多年失 covering over a century but has unfortunately 修,陈旧不堪。1981 年 11 月圣 been derelict for a number of years. In November 1981 repairs were carried out. The 堂进行加固维修。其风格为中国 architecture of this church mixes western and 少见的融中西建筑为一体而富于 ٛ ulti-s style. The Church of the Blessed 中国建筑特色。 Martyrs near Southgate has been demolished 靠近南关的真福朝圣馆已成为一 after being used as a jail. The South Church 所牢狱又被拆掉了。南堂曾被当 (Nantang) had become a shed for tools. 为储藏室已还给教会。此后教堂 Restituted to the Church, it was later ٛ 被强行拆掉。用这块地盖一个多 demolished and replaced by a ulti-storey building providing some income to the 层楼大厦给教会提供微薄收入。 Church. A new church of the Blessed Martyrs 2001 年,南关原及幼堂附近一座 has now been built near south Gate. 新真福大堂落成了。

▲贵阳市圣若瑟主教座堂 St Joseph Cathedral (Beitang) in Guiyang.


怎样去? How to go there? 火车站前面的一路及二路公共汽车 Bus no.1 and bus no.2 from the railway Station 是从城南到城北的。到城中心一椭 are crossing the city from south to north. From the oval shaped central place of the Fountain, 圆形的喷泉广场,向北多走一个车 go north one more bus station. Walk further 站。向北继续前进一些,看见右边 north and you see a bridge. On your right side, 有一座桥,通往旧城。过桥转左上 leading to the old districts Cross the bridge, 和平路。 turn and go up Heping Road. 贵州天主教备修院 Guizhou Preparatory Seminary 过去有一个座落在六冲关的修院在 In the past, there was a seminary in 1987 年部份建筑归还教会。因为地 Liuchongguan. Part of the buildings have 方偏僻,交通不便,所以没有保留 been restituted to the Church in 1987. As it was too much out of the way, the place was 那 个地点来开一个新修院。 1989 not retained for the new seminary. In 1989, 年,一个预备修院在一间北堂的旧 the seminary started again in an old 屋子复课。后来又把一座三层“黑 building, next to the church. Later, the 3 大楼”粉刷一新成“白大楼,备修 storeys “Black building” was renovated and 院就迁往这里,目前备修院暂时停 became the “White building”. The seminary 办,此楼作为神父与在外读书修生 moved there. Today, the seminary was 们的临时住处。 temporarily closed. The building is used for seminarians studying elsewhere.

地址:和平路 110 号 [550001] Address:110 Heping Road [550001] 电话:86- 851- 678 18 04 Tel.: 86- 851- 678 18 04 院长:陈禄俊 Superior: Matthias Chen Lujun 教区招待所:86- 851- 678 81 27 Diocesan Hostel: 86- 851.678 81 27

南明区贵州圣人堂 Nanmingqu GZ Martyrs Church 新华路兴隆街 6 号南堂 [550002] Xinhua Rd, 6 Xinglong Str. Church 电话:86- 851- 581 84 05 Tel.: 86- 851-581 84 05 神父:梅培恒,罗佳伟 Priests: Mei Peiheng, Luo Jiawei, together 兼管花溪区、清镇市、开阳县、修文县 serve Huaxi district, Qingzhen, Kaiyang, 内的天主堂事务 Xiuwen

贵阳市郊区狮子坝 [550018] Guiyang suburbs Shiziba [550018] 圣心女修院 Sacred Heart Sisters Novitiate 电话:86- 851- 645 08 13 Tel.: 86- 851- 645 08 13 院长:钟政梅 Superior: Zhong Zhengmei 年轻修女: 20 位 Young sisters: 20

301 ►鹿冲关(往北 10 公里) ►Luchongguan (10km north) 吾乐之缘圣母堂和原保禄中修院 Our Lady of Bliss Chapel and former St Paul 吾乐之缘圣母大殿是贵阳出名的教 Minor Seminary. Our Lady of Bliss is a very 友朝圣地,特别是每年的 9 月 8 popular pilgrimage for the Catholics in 日,圣母诞辰瞻礼。圣母大殿已被 Guiyang, particularly on 8 September, feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. The basilica has been 拆毁。朝圣聚会在从前中修院的院 demolished and the pilgrimage takes place in the 子里举行。 courtyard of the former minor seminary.

修文县扎佐镇(贵阳以北 42 公里) Xiuwen (42Km north of Guiyang) 扎佐镇天主堂 Zazuozhen

开阳县(贵阳以北 104 公里) Kaiyang (104km north of Guiyang) 县城车站附近一座新的教堂 New Church near the railway station

花溪区高坡苗族乡 Huaxi Gaopo Miao Village 圣若瑟堂 St Joseph’s Church 花溪区青岩镇 Huaxi district Qingyan 耶稣圣心堂 Sacred Heart Church

►清镇县 (贵阳以西 30 公里) ►Qingzhen (30km west of Guiyang) 新华路 199 号天主堂 [550002] 199 Xinhua Road Catholic Church 电话:86- 851-581 84 05 Tel.: 86- 851- 581 84 05

清岩(古)鎮四位圣人陵墓 Qingyan Tomb of the Saint martyrs : 王玛尔大,罗廷荫,陈昌品修生, Martha Wang, John Luo and two 张文澜修生,在 1861 年殉教,1919 seminarians, beheaded in 1861, beatified in 年列为真福,2000 年列为圣人。纪 1919, canonized in 2000. A new stele with 念碑是在 1983 年竖立于坟场的。 their names has been erected in 1983. (从市中心乘去青岩镇的车,走老 (old road to the old city. When you reach the 路 ,快到古镇的望城坡下左边即 slope over the old city, walk one hour down 是,到坟场需要走一个小时) left in the rice fields)

◄ 四位圣人陵墓 Tomb of the Saint martyrs


►惠水县 (贵阳以南 57 公里) ►Huishui (57km south of Guiyang) 城关镇圣德肋撒堂 [550600] Church of St. Theresa [550600] 电话:86- 854- 622 33 94 Tel.: 86- 854- 622 33 94 神父:李利民 兼管平唐县、贵定县、 Priests: Li Limin in charge of 长顺县等地天主堂事务 Pingtang,Guiding, Changshun churches. 摆金小教堂 Baijin Catholic Church

►长顺县 (惠水以西南 40 公里) ►Changshun (40Km s-w of Huishui) 威远天主堂 Weiyuan Catholic Church

►平唐县 (惠水以东南 84 公里) ►Pingtang (84km s-e of Huishui) 通州镇天主堂 Tongzhouzhen Catholic Church

►贵定县 (贵阳以东 78 公里) ►Guiding (78km east of Guiyang) 贵定县城小教堂 Guiding City Church 云务区犀头岩 Yunwuqu Xitouyan 露德圣母堂 Church of Our Lady of Lourdes

►福泉市 (贵定以东 51 公里) ►Fuquan (51km east of Guiding) 团坡镇天主堂 [550506] Tuanpozhen Cat. Church [550506] 神父:胡大国主教(非官方) Priest: Bishop Hu Daguo (unof.)

►都匀市 (贵阳以东南 134 公里) ►Duyun (134km s-e Guiyang) 天主堂。1892 年建筑的,1987 年 Catholic church,built in 1892, restored in 修复,教堂正面带特别的五彩陶瓷 1987, with a facade of multicoloured 装饰。 ceramic. 神父:任延军 兼管福泉市、瓮安 Priest: Ren Yanjun in charge of Weng’an, 县、独山县等地天主堂事务 Dushan and other places 地址:环东北路 167 号 [558000] Ad: 167, Huandong Beilu [558000] 电话:86- 854- 826 08 42 Tel.: 86- 854- 826 08 42

►独山县 (都匀以南 50 公里) ►Dushan (50km south of Duyun) 独山城关天主堂 [558200] City Catholic Church [558200] 电话:86- 854- 622 33 94 Tel.: 86- 854- 622 33 94 独山三棒天主堂 Dushan Sanbang Catholic Church

303 ►安顺市 (贵阳以西 97 公里) ►Anshun (97km west of Guiyang) 天主堂, 安顺市法院街 43 号 [561000] Catholic church, 43, Fayuan Stree [561000] 电话:86- 853- 333 10 39 Tel.: 86- 853- 333 10 39 神父: 李一飞 兼爱普定县、平坝县、 Priest: Li Yifei, also in charge of Jinding, 紫云县天主堂事务 Pingba, Ziyun. 圣家会修女院 : 修女五名 Holy Family Convent. 5 sisters 仁爱诊所, 仁爱养老院 Ren’ai Clinic, Ren’ai Aged Home 地址:法院街 37 号 Address : #37 Fayuan Street

◄安顺市天主堂 Caholic church in Anshun

怎样去? How to go there ? 从火车南站,向南走三十分钟,穿 From the South station, walk south ½ Hour 过 市镇,路过左边山上的白色佛 across the town beyond the white Stupa on 塔,转左进入法院街。教堂在白色 the hill. Then turn left into Fayuan Street. The gateway to the Church is on the south 佛塔的南面。 side of the white stupa.

►平坝县 (安顺以东北 40 公里) ►Pingba (40km north-east of Anshun) 天主堂 Catholic Church

►普定县 (安顺以西北 25 公里) ►Puding (25km n-w of Anshun) 普定天主堂 Puding Catholic Church 陇嘎小教堂, 嘎打小教堂 Longjia, Jiada chapels 平坝县天主堂 Pingba church 紫云县天主堂 Ziyun church

►水城市天主堂 [553700] ►Shuicheng [553700] (普定以西北 140 公里) (140km north-west of Puding) 电话:86- 858- 896 23 46 Tel.: 86- 858- 896 23 46 神父:冯银贵 兼管六枝县、盘县天主 Priest: Feng Yingui also in charge of 堂事务 Liuzhixian and Panxian.

►镇宁布依族苗族自治区 ►Zhenning Buyi Miao Region (安顺以西南 20 公里) (20km south-west of Anshun)

304 镇宁城关镇天主堂 [561200] City Catholic Church [561200] 电话:86- 853-622 61 92 Tel.: 86- 853- 622 61 92 神父:罗政辉 兼管黄果树、关岭县天 Priest: Luo Zhenghui, also in charge of 主堂事务 Huangguoshu, Guanling churches

黄果树天主堂 [561200] Huangguoshu Cat.Church [561200]

亚桥发展促进会 Asia Bridge Development Associaton 镇宁县,安康路 [561200] (ABDA) Address: , Zhenning County, An 马修,黎培忠 Kang Lu [561200] Matthew Carpenter, Thomas Li 电话:86-853-6220966 Tel: 86-853- 6220966 传真:86-853-6225115 Fax: 86-853- 6225115 电邮:[email protected] Email: [email protected]

►关岭县(镇宁以西南 20 公里) ►Guanling (20km south-west, Zhenning) 花江镇天主堂 Huajiang Catholic Church

■贵州西南 ■South-west Guizhou 安龙原教区 Anlong Former Diocese 过去: Past: 安龙监牧区 1922,代牧区 1927 Lanlong Ap.Prefect.1922,Vic.1927 教区范围包括贵州西南 covering south-west Guizhou and 及广西西北。 north-west Guangxi. 由巴黎外方传教会管理 run by Paris Foreign Missions 安龙主教区 (1946) Lanlong Diocese (1946) 1922-1952 贾 禄 Alexandre Carlo ME 1652 年 (永历六年, 顺治九年)明永历 From 1652 to 1656, the Ming Imperial 在这里驻跸至 1656 年。皇家主要人 Family, partly converted to catholicism, 物已进天主教:宫中母王太后圣名为 resided in Anlong, accompanied by Jesuit 列纳, 皇后圣名亚纳, 太子慈煊圣名当 priests: Empress dowager Helen, Empress 定。今有石碑在教堂为证。 Anna, Prince Constantin… A carved stone slab in the church witnesses to this past story

现在: Present: 教友:一万名 Faithful: 10,000 (大部分属于布依族和苗族人) (mainly from Buyi and Miao ethnic groups)

305 ◄安龙县 (贵阳以西南 303 公里) 公园路 7 号天主堂 [552400] 电话: 86- 859- 520 13 85 神父:任明辉、张翊勇 兼管望漠县、 册亨县天主教事务 教友:1,300 名 ◄Anlong (Lanlong) (303km s-w Guiyang) 7 Garden Rd Cat.Church [552400] Tel.: 86- 859- 520 1385 Priest: Ren Minghui, Zhang Yiyong, also in charge of Wangmo and Ceheng Faithful: 1,300 ►册亨县 (安龙以东南 59 公里) ►Ceheng (59km s-e of Anlong) 教友:1,000 名 Catholics: 1,000

►望谟县 (安龙以东 117 公里) ►Wangmo (117km east of Anlong) 新天主堂,1992 年 12 月 8 日祝圣 New church blessed on Dec.8,92

►兴仁县 (安龙以西北 59 公里) ►Xingren (59km n-w of Anlong) 兴仁民主路 24 号天主堂 [562300] 24 Minzhu Rd Cat. Church [562300] 电话:86- 859- 621 45 24 Tel.: 86- 859-621 45 24

►贞丰县 (兴仁以东 56 公里) ►Zhenfeng (56km east of Xingren) 教友:200 名 Catholics: 200 ►兴义市 (兴仁以西 72 公里) ►Xingyi (72km west of Xingren) 老城街天主堂 [562400] Laocheng Street Cat.Church[562400] 电话:86- 859- 324 21 64 Tel.: 86- 859- 324 21 64 神父:蒋经文 兼管兴仁县、贞丰县等地 Priests: Jiang Jingwen, in charge of 天主教事务 Renxian, Zhenfeng, pastoral work.

怎样去? How to go there? 离长途汽车站,转左云南街,过第 From the bus station,turn left Yunnan Street 三个桥(星桥),问教育局在何 cross the 3d bridge on the river ask for the 处。教堂在旁边。 Bureau of education. The church is nearby.

►花江县 (安龙以北 129 公里) ►Huajiang (129km north of Anlong) 天主堂 Catholic church ►盘县 (安龙以西北 123 公里) ►Panxian (123km n-w of Anlong) 天主堂 Catholic church

306 ■贵州北部 ■North Guizhou ►遵义市 (贵阳以北 155 公里) ►Zunyi (155km north of Guiyang) 旧老城四方台天主堂[563000] Old City Sifangtai Catholic Church 地址:红花岗民主路元天宫巷 4 号 Ad.: 4 Yuantian gong Lane,Minzhu Rd 电话:86- 852- 823 44 99 Tel.: 86- 852- 823 44 99 神父:龙诚忠 兼管遵义县、桐梓县、 Priest: Long Chengzhong, in charge of 习水县天主教事务 Tongzi, Xishui.

◄遵义市 旧城四方台 天主堂 Old City Sifangtai Catholic Church in Zunyi.

怎样去? How to go there? 从火车站乘搭公共汽车或小型巴士, From the railway station, take a bus or a 到了丁子口下车,向北走五分种,走 minibus to Dingzikou. Walk 5minutes 到湘河的新桥,过桥向西北走上山, northwards and cross the bridge on the river Xiang. Walk uphill along the large 在左手边看到一座道教观-元天宫, avenue towards the northwest. 从元天宫旁的小道走去便可到达教 You will see on your left the Taoist temple 堂。若是从火车站搭一路公共汽车, Yuan Tian Gong and the lane leading to the 在新桥下车。 church. Bus 1 from the railway station stop (New Bridge). 历史简介 Brief History 原本的教堂是按地方特色修建的美丽 The former church, built in beautiful local 的建筑物。1935 年一月曾被红军用为 style, was used in January 1935 as a 聚会点。 meeting place for the political bureau of 1953 年政府改为毛泽东纪念馆,然后 the Red Army. 把另一块土地及房子还给教堂的本堂 In 1953, the government transformed it 神父-夏禄厚,以当作交换旧堂的土 into a memorial to the glory of Mao Zedong. A piece of land with a house was 地及建筑。 given in exchange to Fr.Xia, already the parish priest at that time.

307 不久夏神父入狱二十年,1985 Later Fr. Xia spent 20 years in jail. He was 年获释,他出狱后在 1987 年开 fully rehabilitated in 1985. He started 始建现今这座新堂。 building the present new church in 1987.

◄龙坪 (遵义以东南 30 公里) 圣吴国盛之墓 (1786-1814)

Longping (30km s-e of Zunyi) Tomb of St Wu Guosheng (1786-1814)

►桐梓县 (遵义以北 61 公里) ►Tongzi (61km north of Zunyi) 桐梓县天主堂[563200] Tongzi Catholic church [563200] 神父:李慕宗 Priest: Mauritius Li Muzong

►习水县 (桐梓以西 142 公里) ►Xishui (142km west of Tongzi) 习水县二朗镇天主堂 Catholic church ►绥阳县 (遵义以的东北 43 公里) ►Suiyang (43km n-e of Zunyi) 绥阳县天主堂 [563300] Suiyang Cat.Church [563300] 电话:86- 852- 622 79 33 Tel.: 86- 852- 622 79 33 神父:陈裕敏 兼管湄潭县、务川县、 Priest: Chen Yumin, in charge of Meitan, 余庆县等地天主教事务 Wuchuan, Yuqing, etc.

►湄潭县 (遵义以东 80 公里) ►Meitan (80km east of Zunyi) 新修湄潭天主堂 Newly buit catholic church

►余庆县 (湄潭以南 112 公里) ►Yuqing (112 km south of Meitan) 天主堂 Catholic Church ►务川县 (绥阳以东北 150 公里) ►Wuchuan (150km n-e of Suiyang) 毛田天主堂(这是天主教传入贵州的第 Maotian Catholic Church (the first 一站) catholic community in Guizhhou)

■东北 ■North-east 石阡原教区 Shiqian Former Diocese 过去: Past: 石阡监牧区 (1932) Shihtsien Apostolic Prefecture (1932) 由德国圣心司铎会管理 run by German Sacred Heart of Issoudun Missionaries 1932-1937 包美德 Aloysius Baumeister MSC 1937- 步坚牧 Mathias Bucholz MSC 308 现在: Present: 教友:20,000 Catholics: 20,000 ►石阡县 (贵阳以东北 320 公里) ►Shiqian (320km n-e of Guiyang) 石阡长征路天主堂[555100] Changzheng Rd Cat. Church [555100] 电话:86- 856- 765 31 23 Tel.: 86- 856- 765 31 23 神父: 裴竹林 兼管铜仁市、印江县等地 Priest: Pei Zhulin in charge of Tongren, 天主教事务 Yinjiang churches. 修女:雷喜蓉 Sister: Lei Xirong 教友:5,000 名 Faithful: 5,000

雷家屯耶稣圣心小堂 Leijiatun Sacred Heart Chapel 教友:五百名(土家族) Faithful: 500 (Tujia minority)

►思南县 (石阡以北 67 公里) ►Sinan (67 Km north of Shiqian) 教友团体 Catholic community

►德江县 (石阡以北 142 公里) ►Dejiang (142km north of Shiqian) 德江县中华街 22-23 号天主堂 [565200] 22-23 Zhonghua St Church [565200] 电话:86- 856- 852 25 22, 852 33 93 Tel.: 86- 856- 852 25 22, 852 33 93 神父:姚世伟 兼管思南县、沿河县等 Priest: Yao Shiwei, in charge of Sinan, 地天主教事务 Yanhe.

►黄平县 (石阡以西南 192 公里) ►Huangping (192km s-w of Shiqian) 旧州 (黄平县城以北 25 公里) Jiuzhou (25km north) 天主堂 Catholic Church 电话:86- 855-2374318 Tel.: 86- 855-2374318 手机:18744813800 Hd : 18744813800 神父:刘显军 兼管镇远县凯里市天主 Priest: Liu Xianjun in charge of 教事务 Zhenyuanxian, Kailishi

►铜仁市 (石阡以东 134 公里) ►Tongren (134km east of Shiqian) 中山路徐家巷铜仁天主堂 [554300] Zhongshan Rd Xujia Lane Cat.Church 电话:86- 856-523 19 25 Tel.: 86- 856-523 19 25

►镇远县 (石阡以南 220 公里) ►Zhenyuan (220km south of Shiqian) 县城小教堂 Chapel used by mattress makers Tel.: 86- 855-572 51 33

■ 贵州西部毕节地区 ■ West Guizhou, Bijie Region

309 ►黔西县(贵阳以西北 140 公里 ►Qianxi (140km north-west, Guiyang) 县城天主堂 City Catholic Church 神父:沈承开 兼管大方县、毕节市、 Priest: Shen Chengkai, in charge of 金沙县、威宁县等地天主教事务 Dafang, Bijie, Jinsha, Weining 电话:86-857-18985881548 Tel.: 86-857-18985881548

►大方县(黔西以西北 73 公里) ►Dafang (73km north-west of Qianxi) 马场镇天主堂 Machang Catholic Church

►金沙县 (大方以东北 113 公里) ►Jinsha (113km north-east of Dafang) 金沙新修天主教堂 Newly built church

►毕节市 (大方以西北 50 公里) ►Bijie (50km north-west of Dafang) 新修天主堂 Newly built church

►威宁县(毕节以西 173 公里) ►Weining (173km west of Bijie) 东山小教堂 Dongshan Catholic Church