Prepared in the Saskatchewan Archives Office, Sasl~toont 196.5 (0


Table of Contents Page

Introduction •••.•.•.••••••..•••..•••••••.•••...... ••...... • v

'1 .. Board of Educat:Lon Letter and Mail Books, 1886-1892 •••••••••••• 1 B. Letter. Book of Secretary, January-August, 1886 •••••••••••• 1. b. Letter Book of Secretary, July 6-November 4, 1892 ••••••••• 1 c. Board of Education Mail Book, April 1, 1887-May 27.1891 ••• 1

2. Deputy Commissioner with Educational Council, 1903-1909 •••••••• 1

3. Deputy Minister with Superintendent of Education, 1918-1929 •••• 1

4. Annua 1 Reports, 1922. 1924 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2

5. Amendments to School Act. 1911-1930 ••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••• 2

6. Schools in Unorganized Territories, 1899-1904 •••.•••••••••••••• 2

7. Report on Manual Training Schools in the North-Hest Territortes, 1903...... 2

8. Teacher Training School for For.eign Language Communities.

1908- 1914. • • • • ...... ,. , • ...... III • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 a. Ruthenian Matters, 1908~!911...... 2 b. Deputy Commissioner's Correspondence, 1909-1914.JHt;~;'-~l~ji.C,'~JP 3 c. Application for Admission, 1909- J.914.••••••••••••• ,".! ,~.'.~.!..t.,!'.,-~, 3 d. Principal's Correspondence, 1909-1914 ••••••••••• ij~~J~~~~~y 3 e. Agreement Bonds. 1909-1913...... 3 f. AcCounts .. 1909-1"913...... 3 g. Emmina tion Pa.pers. 1912 ....•..•...... ,...... 3

9. Special Normal School Classes. 1911·1918...... 3 a. Genera.l. 1915 .. 1918 ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••• ~""'.~.l.I~'ir-\~-"-:fi 3 b. Students' Records and Accounts, 1911-1916 ••••••• f\g"J.·.\:!;>:~: 4 c. Hiscellaneous. 1915 .. 1916 ••••••.•••••••••••••.••• F.{i;:~)n:~c~~r~f2 4

10. Provincial Normal Schools, 1923·1940...... 4 a. General, 1929.1931...... 4 b. Superintendent of Education with Principals.1926-1931..... 4 c. Deputy Min:f.ster of Education with Principals.1927 .. 1940.... 5 d. Textbooks, 1923·1929...... 5

11. Extra-provincial Educational Authorities, 1915-1941...... 5 a. Correspondence with Canadian and American Colleges and Universities. 1926·1939...... 5 b. Correspondence toli th other Departments of Education, 1915·19t.l ...... I!...... 5 (U)

12. Foreign Community and Private Schools, 1908·1930••••• ~ •••••••••• S n. Foreign Language Use. 1917 .. 1921 •••••••••••••••••••••• ; ••••• 5 b. Frenoh Schools, 1919 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. 6 c. Report on Foreign Schools. 1917 •••••••••••••••••••• P"-C"""''l'i\.:·.. )~'~"~\i~d) '~', ,"' 6 d. Royal Commission on Private Hchools in Certain Mennonite Settlements $ 1908.. 1910. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 !'il'"C"-'" , "'n~T' e. Private Schools and Colleges. 19l7.. 1930 ••••••••••••• ,~~·'~~,.,~,;II,j 6

13. Saskatchewan High Schools, 1909 .. 1916 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 a. Proposed High School Districts. 1909-1916...... 6 b. nigh School Grants. 1909-1914...... 7

14. University of Saskatchewan. 1907.1941...... 7 a. General Correspondence. 1921·1940...... 7 b. Papers and Plans Re Possible Sites. 1909...... 7 c. Auditor's Report. Harch 1911...... 7 d • Forms and Ci rcu is. 'fS ••• " ••••••••••••••• ,. ,. • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • 7 e. Minutes of Board of Governor IS l1eetings. 1908-1910...... 7 f. Draft Minutes of Meetings of Senate. 1901·1908...... 7

g. 1'11 scallatleous ••••••••••••••••• oil ~ •••••••• it ...... ,. 8 h. Summer Schoo 1. 1930.. 19l~ 1 ...... fIF.?YE:';:r ~;D 8

15. School for the Deaf _ 1922- 19/.~O •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

16. Agricultural Education, 1914-1924...... 8

17. Technical Education, 1920-1939...... •••••• 9 a. General Correspondence, 1920-1934 ••••••••••••••••••"~.~,., •.•,.".,~"_"' 9 M J C 11' . t 1920 1939 n\;::~i; ,ill.; li::U 9 b • l'loose aw ,..0, egl.a. e t ... • ••••••••••••••••••• r~.:;r:,-r-,~)i(~)'\'.T~ c. Collegiate, 1920-1935 ...... ~t;-o'! '.';"~ '.LJ 9 to, r-~'... -.... -~·"(·'~(···.-·;} d. Saskatoon CoUegiates. 1920-1935 •••••••••••••••••• !~\i.:~,;~';l,(~t~:L 9 e. lieyburn Co11egiate$ 1920-1923...... 9 f. Collegiate, 1920-1924...... 9

18. Dominion Government, 1933~ 1940...... • 9

19. Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Program, 1937 .. 1941...... 9

a. Adverti sing ...... iii ••••••••••••••• ., • • .. • • • • • • • 9 b. Agreements II 1937 .. 1942 •• !...... 9 c. Correspondence and Reports, 1937~194l...... 10 d. General Correspondence and Inquiries, 1939-1941...... 10 e. Extension Department, University of Saskatche~van.1937-1938. 10 f. Dominion Youth Training Supervisor, 1940-1941...... 10

20. School Furnishers and Publishers. 1930-1935...... 10 a. Correspondence, 1929~1931...... 10 b. Correspondence. 1933·1935...... 10 (iU)

21. Ctlnadlan Readers. 1922- 1929. • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • •• 11 a. General Correspondence, 1922-1929 ••••••.•.••.••.•••••....•.••• 11 b. Royal Commission: }tIarang Text Book Contract, 1909 ••••••••••••• 11

22. Winnetka Educational System, 1928.1935 •••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••• 11

23. Sattel' Schools Day. 1916...... 11

24. Educational Survey, 1917 .. ·1918...... 11

25. Overseas Education League, 1926·1937•.••..•..••••••••••..•.••••... 11

26. Saskatchewan Scholarships in Par1s, 1925-1931 •••..•••.•••••••••••. 12

27. School Inopection ...... " .., .... I' ••••••• " •• 0 ••• ., •• It • • •• 12 0 a. I nspector~,..I.. Annua 1 Reports. 1920 • •••••••..••••••••..•.RF-.'-'. 1J'"l't' I.'>'

28. Saskatche~."an Teaahing Profession •••.••••••.•.••••..•..••••••••.•• ll.~ a. Saskatchewan Educational Association. 1910.1917...... 14 b. Saskatchewan Teachers. Alliance, 1920·1932...... ll~ c. Teachers' Conventions. 1937, 1938. 1940 ••.•••.•••••.•..•••••• 14 d. Tea.ahers' Exchange Re Employment, 1916-1939 •••...•.•...•••••• 14 e. EnUsted Teachers and Students, 1916.. 1920 ...... ~ 1.5 f. Board of Referenoe. 1929.. 1942...... 15 I g. Files of Former Teachers, 1926 .. 1928 ••••.••••••.•••••.•••••••• 15 1',. Teaahers t Sa 1at'le6, 1945...... 15 1. Standing Granted Non-Saskatchewan Certificates, 1920·1942 •••• 15

29. Saskatchewan School Trustees' Association. 1916·1937 •••••••••••••• 15

30. Strathcona Trust for Physical Training, 1909.1937 ••••••••••••••••• 16 a. General. 1909 .. 1915.1923.. 1927 ••••••••.•••••••••••.••.••.•••• 16 b. Correspondenoe lU th Students t 1913.. 1915...... 16 c. Local Committee Correspondence, 1916 .. 1920 ••••••••••••••••.•• 16 d. List of Traineeit 1913-1924 •••.•••••••.••••••.•...•••••••••• 16 e. Cadet Corps Inspections, 191~1920. 1925...... 16 f. Annual Reports. 1923-1928. 1935-1936...... 16 g. Toronto Exhibition. 1912...... 16

31. Patriotic Organizations, 1906~1920 •••...•.•..•..•...•••..•.•.••••• 17

32. Educa.tion: Wa.r Effort •••...... ". " ..... ".' .... . '•.•...... , . " If ." • 17 a. Schools Patriotic Fund, 1916~1919 ••...••.••..•.•.••••....•••• 17 b. Canadian Patriotic Fund Circulars, 1915-1916 ••••••••.•••••••• 17 c. War Savings Societies * 1918.. 1920'...... 17 d. School Red Cross Fund II 1917 .. 1921. •. , '. • ...... • . • • .. .. • . • • .. • • • 17 e. Belgian Children's Relief Fund. 19164 1918 .•••.•..•..••••....• 17

33. Larger Admil"listrative Units. 1939.. 1944 •••.....•••.••...... •...••• 18 (iv)

RE8TRICTED 34. Relief: Textbooks, 1932...... 18

35. Royal Visit, 1939...... 18

36. Essays and Oratorical Contests, 1933-1939 ••.•••...... •.•..•..•.. 18 a. Essay Contests, 1933-1939 ••...... •...•...•.•...... 18 b. Bryant Oratorical Contests, 1934-1939...... 18 c. Contests, 1934-1939 ...... •...•••. 18

37. Canadian North-West Historical Society, 1926-1928 ...•.....•.••...• 18

38. Miscellaneous Administration ••.••..••••....•••••••••...... •..•.• 18 a. Consolidated Schools and Conveyance of Children ..•.•.•.•.••.. 18 b. Proposed Legislation Regarding Municipal School District~, 1923-1926 ••..••..••••.....•.•.•..•.••.•.•.•.•.•.. 19 c. Law1er-Kormi1 Commission, 1910 •..••..••••.•...... •...... 19 d. Act Regarding Consolidation of Schools, 1913 .•....•...... •.. 19 e. Osler vs. Co1tart, 1907 •...... •...••.•...... 19 f. School Finances, 1931-1938 ...... ••.••••...... •....•.... 19 g. Educational Costs, 1930...... 19 h. Community Pastures and' the School District, 1938-1944 •...•... 19 i. School Support System, 1934 •...... •...... •.••..•...... • 19 j. Accounting Records, 1921-1946 ...... 20 k. List of Rural School Districts, 1949...... 20 1. Miscellaneous Forms and Circulars...... 20 m. Miscellaneous...... 20 n. Fees and Candidates...... 20 o. Saskatchewan Book Bureau...... ••...... 20

39. The Alexandra Readers...... 20

40. Ledge rs...... • . . . . . • . . • ...... • . . . 20

41. Department Officials ...... •.•..•...... •.. 20

42. Former Teachers •...... •...... •.• '. • ...... 21

Also see! Addenda beginning p. 22 (v)


The first regulatory body of educational work in the North West Terri- tories was the Board of Education which was established on August 6, 1884 by the "School Ordinance of 1884." At a later date the name of the Board was changed to the Council of Public Instruction.

This Council directed educational work in the North West Territories until 1901 when the Department of Education was established.

In 1901 the Department consisted of the Commissioner of Education, who was the head of the Department and a member of the Executive Council; a

Deputy Commissioner, the Educational Council, which was an advisory body; and two branches. The Clerical Branch was in charge of administration within the Department and the Technical Branch consisted of the Superintendent of

Education and school inspectors. The creation of the provinces did not alter the administrative organization of the department a1tllough there were changes in personnel and a reduction in geographic sphere of activities.

New appointments in 1909 included a Superintendent of Neglected and

Dependent Children, who had supervision of the education and maintenance of deaf mutes and blind children. In 1912, a Superintendent of Education was appointed, with general supervision of the educational policies of the

Department, and specific direction of such matters as Regulations of the

Department, Courses of Study, Text Books, Normal Schools and examinations.

Other new appointments, noted in the list of officials attached to the annual reports, included, in 1907, an Inspector of School Districts; in 1908, a

Supervisor of Ruthenian Schools, with the title of this official changed in

1911 to Supervisor of Schools in Foreign~Speaking Districts; in 1912, staff (vi) appointments for the new Saskatoon Normal School were made, and in 1914 the office of Registrar was added to the Department.

In 1941, the Department established the Agricultural Instruction Committee to direct agricultural education. In 1917 a Director of School Hygiene was appointed, with a School Hugiene Branch remaining in the Department until

May 1, 1928, when it was transferred to the Department of Public Health.

A Teachers' Exchange was organized in February, 1918, but in February, 1922, was transferred to the Bureau of Labour and Industries. In 1919 the office of Supervisor of School Districts in Foreign Speaking Communities was re- placed by a Director of Education among New Canadians, the latter office continuing until 1922.

By 1930 the Department consisted of a Minister of Education with two advisory bodies, the Educational Council and the Commission for the

Education of Soldiers' Dependent Children; a Deputy Minister and the Reg- istrar's Branch, School Organization Branch, School Attendance Branch,

Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School, Rural Education Branch,

Chief Inspector and Normal Schools.

These records of the Department of Education were transferred at various times to the Archives by gift and under authority of Order-in-Council as indicated in Accession Nos. P14, PIS, P22, P29, P47, P50, P67, P73, P99 and P125. In 1965, the files concerning similar topics were brought

together for ease of reference.

Some files were stripped when first received by the Archives and this is indicated either in the guide or by memoranda in the file written by the person who stripped the file. Most files are arranged chronological order could not be maintained because Department officials glued together corre- spondence on the same subject. (vii)

Wherever possible, the original file title has been retained. Although the Archives has imposed an arbitrary numbering system on the records, where a Departmental number is available, it has been included after the file title in square brackets.

The files of former teachers, 1926 - 1928, consisting of the academic and professional records of individual teachers (144 fi1esh are subject to restricted access. Access to Board of Reference, Department Officials,

Former Teachers, Personnel, and Conciliation files is also restricted.

Permission for access to these files may be sought from the Provincial

Archivist. Ed.

- 1 ..


1. Board of Education Letter and Mail Books, 1886-1892

a. Letter Books of Secretary, January-August, 1886. 3 volumes.

Letter boor~ of the secretary of the Board of Education, North- West Territories, consisting of approximately 975 pages. This book is deteriorating and many pages have faded. However, typed copies of legible pages have been bound in three volUmes. b. Letter Book of Secretary, July 6-Novemher 4, 1892.

The letter book of the secretary of the Board of Education, North-tvest Territories. An index to the letter book is included.

c. Board of Education Mail Book, April 1, 1887 .. ,.1ay 27, 1891.

Record of letters mailed. and postage account.

2. Deputy Commissioner with EdUcational CounCil, 1903-1909. [12G a.nd 62G] 3 folders Correspondence of D.P. McColl with members of the CounCil, mainly ooncerning the appolntment or members. the oalling of meetings. and the payment of travelling expenses. There is also correspondence about the work of the Council including the amendment of Depart- mental regulations and approval of text books and eourses of study. Some correspondence in 1907 is concerned with the reSignation of W.R. Sparling, North Batt1eford. from the Council due to his failure to get the Liberal nomination in the constituency for the 1908 federal election. The file also contains minutes for a Council meet'lng of November 22. 1907.

3. Deputy Ministel- with Superintendent of Education, 1918-1929. 4 folders. The fila contains oorrespondence mainly between the Deputy Minister of Edueation and the Superintendent concerning departmenta.l polid~es suoh as high school grants. regula.tions. equipment. oourses, Normal Schools, summer holidays. school bUildings, agricultural education and the Agricultural Instruction Committee. examinations. amend- ments of legislation, the Inter-provincial Conference on Educa.tion. outline of duties and responsibilities of various officials and div- tsions of the Department. school inspection, official trustees. teachers' institutes Bnd conventions, night sohools. teacher cer- tification. the eduoational oounoil. teaching of music at Regina College, use of the French language tn schools, the Paris Scholar* ships. and the Canadian Educational Association. The file also contains the Minutes of the Educational Council meeting of March 21, 1925. Ed • .. 2 •

4. Annual Reports. 1922. 1924. [62G] 2 folders

5. Amendments to School Act. 1911-1930. [14~G] 13 folders

This file consists of correspondenoe concerning proposed or actual amendments of the School Act or other legislation per- taining to education. Most of the requests COme from school districts. financial firms. . farmers' organiza- tions. teachers' organizations. educational authorities. other government officials or private persons interested in education. The correspondence deals \l1i th such matters as default on de- bentures. financial problems of school districts, the evasion of compulsory attendance laws. the use of languages other than English and the interpretation of existing legislation. Much of the correspondence reflects the problems faced by school districts in general and some correspondence refers to specific problems in certain localities. The file also contains minutes of the First Annual Convention of the Trustees' and Teachers· Association of the Turtle£ord Inspectorate, March 18. 1920, the Official Report of the Annual Convention of the Saskatche~van School Trustees' Convention. February 17-19. 1926, and an un- dated memorandum "Resolutions to be presented for the Consider.. ation of the Minister of Education" which possibly was presented by a teachers' organization and possibly dated in 1929.

6. Schools in Unorganized Territories, 1899-1904. 1 folder

At~tendance records for schools located in unorganized school districts \\lithin the North"\l1est Territories ~.,hich received grants from the Indian Department.

7. Report on Manual Training Schools in the North"West Territories, 1903. 1 folder

A report by L.B. Bennett addressed to F.W.G. Haultain. CommiSSioner of Eduoation. regarding the teaching of manual training. The file also contains a letter from Nr. Bennett addressed to Mr. I.D. Singleton concerning education in the early days in Sa. s 1

8. Teacher rrr~.l.ilaing Schoo 1 for Foreign Language Communities, 1908 .. 1914 •..

a. Ruthenian Matters. 1908-1911. [l06G] .1 folder Note: The term Ruthenian is used here to denote a foreign language speaking student of Slavic origin whether Ruthenian. Ga!Jcian. Bukovinian or Ultrainian.

This file consists of petitions endorsing a resolution of the Ruthenian-English Teachers' Convention concerning the appointment of a Ruthenian teacher at the Training School. The file also includes correspondence with the Rev. George Bryce. \linnipeg. about Ruthenian students taking classes Ed • ... 3 ...

at Manitoba College. correspondence concerning the certifi· cation of SDslmt(lhewan teachers tatting their training in Manitoba. and the appointment of a principal for the Ruthenian Training School at Regina. A list of schools in Ruthenian settlements, 1909, is alao included.

b. Deputy Commissioner's Correspondence. 1909-1914. [106G] 7 folders This file is mainly correspondence of D.P. McColl, the Deputy Commissioner of Education, concerning the establish- ment, location, equipment, staff, a.ccounts a.nd other aspects of the administration of the school. There is also con- Siderable cort',spondence concerning prospective students, and class lists, reports on students and on their work aSter leaving the £0.:1\001, copies of examination papers, and a special report by J. Duff, Inspector of Schools, on conditions in the SChool.

c. Application for Admission, 1909-1914. [106G] 2 folders

d. Principal's Co~respondencet 1909-1914. 3 folders

Correspondence received by Joseph Greer. prinCipal of the Teacher Training School, mainly from D.P. McColl. concerning operation of the school, accounts, applications for students to teach io Ruthenian school districts, reports on progress of students and inapectorts reports on teachers trained at the school. Some of the correspondence dupUcates that in file 8b.

e. Agreement Bonds, 1909·1913. [106G] 5 folders

Memoranda of Agreement between the Minister of Education and the student and his guardian, setting forth the conditions of admission and repayment. This correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of student.

f. Accounts, 1909-1913. 1 folder

Invoices for supplies and furnishings of the trainilOg school.

g. Examination Papers. 1912 1 folder

Copies and drafts of training school examinatione. (Also see 6b for examination papers.)

9. Special Normal School Classes, 1911 .. 1918. [16G]

a. General. 1915 .. 1918. 2 folders

Correspondence between Departmental officials, particularly the Deputy Minister, a.nd inspectors tv.E. Stephenson and M.A. Rverts who ~...,ere in charge of the specia.l classes. The corra.. spondence is mainly concerned with examinations, course of - 4 -

studiee, correspondence courses for the students, granting of diplomas and provisional certificates to students in special classe$ and the advisability of continuing the special classes .. The file also contains copies of examination papers t reports on the progress or students generally and inspector's reports on students after they began teaching. Thera is also a ste.e" iattest table "1,{sts of Teachers tdth Foreign Names Teaching in Saskatchewan 1.n 1919. 11 indicating namo~ school district, certificate. length of time teachi1,",gt training. place of birth and nationa11ty.

b. Students' R(~cords and Accounts. 1911-1916. 11 folders Tho first oight folders in this f11e consist of cor.res- pondence with individual students concerning the repayment of money loaned them by the Department while students at 01 ther ('~ the! Teacher '!'raining School or the special Normal School classes. The remaining folders have misc~ ellaneous correspondence concerning the collection of accounts, and class lists, copies of examination papers for 1914 and a number of charts, 1911-1916, giving the names of studdnts. thGir financial status, indebtedness to the Department and their progress at the school.

c~ Niscella.neous, 1915-1916. 1 folder ''I" Contains attendance registers and reports on students for the special Normal school classes.

10. Provincial Normal Schools, 1923-1940. [l6G]

a. General. 1929.. 1931. 1 folder Correspondence regarding the holding of professional examinations; agenda, recommendations and results of Nonnal School conferences; admission requirements. course of studies, arid staffs of Normal Schools; reports on ,rural practice teaching and medical examinations of Normal School students~

b. Superintendent of Education with Principals. 1926~1931. 3 folders There is a great deal of overlapping between the contents of this file and others in this section. The correspondence is mainly concerned ~li th the purchase and use of textbooks. teacher training, staff appointments and resignations. reports on rural practice teaching, professional examinations and the reports of medical examinations of students. Folder I is correspondence with the principal of the Normal (;cho01, 1927-1938 and it also includes a report of {nqui ry into the condition of schools in French-speaking settlements 1n Saskatchewan made by G.A. Brown. Folder 2 1s correspondence with the principal of the Regina Normal Scho~l, 1927-1940, and it also includes a report on the condition of the Normal School buildings in Regina, and a report of the facilities for teaching home economics. Folder 3 is correspondence with the principal of the Saskatoon Normal School. Ed • .. 5 w

c. Deputy Mj.nister of Education with Principals, 1927·1940.

Correspondence of the Deputy Minister. with the principals and staff members of the Normal Schools. The correspondence is mainly concerned with courses. textbooks, staff appoint- ments and sala.ries. general expenditures, student activities. disciplinary problems. itinerary for school inspections and extramural courses. The files are arra.nged chronologically for each school. (1) Moose Jaw. 1927 .. 1938 17 folders (2) Regina. 1927-1940 11 folders (3) Saskatoon, 1933-1940 12 folders

,- d. Textbooks, 192,3;"'1929. 1 folder

Corr.espondence with publishers e.nd Normal School principals concerning textbooks for use on the course of studies or for the school libraries.

11. Extra-provincial Educational Authoritiesl 19151941.

a. Correspondence \-l:Lth Canadian and American Colleges and Universities. 1926-1939. [1090] 8 folders

Contains requests from both canadian and American universities for information on the Sa.skatchewan educational system. Such things as organization and curriculum seem to have been of special :Interest. Matters of text books and e~ro.mina.Uons, also covered in this correspondence. Also contained is Some correspondence t-1i th the Unt versi ty of London regarding el{tramural ~"ork 1n SasltEltchewan schools.

h. Correspondence with other Departments of Education, 1915-1941. [ 108G]

Correspondence exchanging information on different educational systems in . Grea.t Britain and the . The bulk of the material consists of inquiries regarding the Saska.tche'Zl1an system. Subjects conSidered are curricula. regulations for entering High and Normal School, Technical School education. exchange tea.chers, text books, examinations, and educational surveys. (1) Great Britain and Ireland, 1915-1941. 3 folders (2) Canada and United States, 1929·1940. ll~ folders

12. Foreign Community and Private Schools, 1908-1930.

a. Foreigrt Language Use, 1917.. 1921. [149GJ 3 folders

REf)TRlCTEO Considerable correspondence in this file is with school ,'" c------",.,..l!inspectors to ascertain the extent to ~~hich languages other than English were used or taught in each inspectore,te. Although the larger part of the correspondence is about the use of French. the inspectors also reported nn the use of Ruthenian and German. Reports were also made on the ability Ed.

of individual teachers to instruct ~n French and English. l'his information tl1as collected Into yeat'ly reports. The file also contains protests from school boards agaiof;t some of the resolutions adopted at: the 3chool. Trustees' ConvenUon t 1918, and withdrat

b. French Schools, 1919. [223G] 1 folder

Correspondence concerning a inspection, made by R.D. Coutts, of schools where the majority of ratepayers and students ~"ere French. Correspondence is also included ( the dates of SUIDnler holidays at these schools.

c. Report on Foreign Schools, 1917. 1 folder

An unSigned report: regarding school condi tions ~. ,evaluation of teachers a.nd courses taught in schools of foreign language commun1.ties north of Snskatnbn.l.

d. Royal Commission on Private SchoolS in Certain Mennonite Settlements, 1908.. 1910. [H8G] 2 folders

Correspondence concerning the holding of Royal Commission hearings into complaints made by excommunicated members of the Old Colony Mennonite Church concerning (~onditionB in certain schools in !>1ennonite settlements in the Hague, Oeler and ~4I1'lrma..n districts. The file includes M:tnutes 0:1: BVidence presented at the inquiry held at Warman. December 28 and 29. 1908.

e. Private Schools and Colleges. 1917-1930. [26G] 2 folders

Note! The pages in this file were numbered on the upper right hand corner in pencil.

This file eonta.:i.ns correspondence, returns and inspector.s' reports concerning the private schools and colleges not under the jurisdiction of the Department.

Pages 2 • 25 consist of official forms and retut~s from private schools for the 1920·1921 period. 'They are arranged a.lphabet. ieally by nama of town or post office.

Pages 26 to 95 consist of correspondence, 1921 .. 1922, betllleen the Deputy Minister of Education and school inspectors con~ eerning the number of private schools in the inspectorate.

Pages 96 ~ 326 consist of correspondence, reports a.nd returns from 1917 to 1930. Lists of private schools are also included.

13. Saskatchmyan Schools. 1909.. 1916.

a. Proposed High School Districts. 1909·1916. 1 folder

Correspondence of the Deputy Commissioner, later Deputy Minister, regarding the creation of new High School districts. N 7 ..

1 folder h. High School Grants, 1909·1914. This file contains statistical information showing the basis on which inspection and equipment grants were paid to high schools under the Secondary gducation Act. Charts show the date of oonstruction of the school and the amount of yearly grants.

14. University of Saskatchewan, 190~·1941.

a. General Correspond€mce. ),921-1940. [156G] 12 foldet's Moat of the material in this fl1e is correspondence of the Deputy Minister with members of the University faculty and staff and is mainly about academic records of students. changes 1n regulations and curricula of high schools, matriculation requirements, university entrance requirements. correspondence courses, changes in university courses. and scholarships. The file also contains copies of Milnutes of the Meetings of tho University Senate and Orders· in· Council appointing members to the University Board of Governors. Folder 9 also contains a brief concerning the estdblishment of a pet'ln.."I.nent Office of Students' Business Administration and folder 11 also contains correspondence concerning the fO'l:111ation of the Saskatchewan Mathematical Association.

b. Papers and Plans Re Possible Sites. 1909. 1 folder

This file conta.ins extracts from the minutes of meetings of the Board of Governors concerning the proposed site of the university, copies of letters concerning the university si to * t\o10 undated maps of Saskatoon, Sh01iling the pt'oposed site and a. blueprint map referred to as Exhibit A in an agreement bet~veen Fred Engen and the Uni vet"U ty Board; April 21, 1909.

c. Auditor's Report. March 1911. 1 folder

d. Fonns and Circulars. 1907-1911. 1 folder

This file contains notices of annual elections for Members of the Senate, blank ballots and nomination forms, and lnv~.tations. notices. and programmes for the first Convo- cation held on January 8. 1908 at Regina.

e. Minutes of Board of Governor's Meetings. 1908-1910. 1 folder.

This file also contains Minutes of the University Council t-Ieetings, 1907·1909.

f. Draft Minutes of Meetings of Senate. 1907-1908. 1 folder This file also contains copies of Statutes enacted by the Senate. w 8 .. Ed.

g. Miscellaneous. 1 folder

Ine1udad are By.. J.a~>1s of the Board of Governors (three copies) a copy of the contraot between the University and Smith Bros. and Wilson, contractors, dated May, 1910 for the construction of university bUildings and correspondence regarding construction.

h. SummerSchool, 1930.. 1941. [1700] 3 folders , '.; Most of the material in this file 1s the correspondence of the Director of the Summer School with the Univers:f.ty registrar. Department officials, and students, ooncerning courses, entrance·requirements and the a.cademic records of certain applicants, a.nd ora.l Eng~tsh classes for those teachers vlho could not speak EngUsh fluently.

15. School for the Deaf. 1922·1940. [97G]

a. General Correspondence, 1922·19l~. 19 folders Mainly Deputy Minister's Correspondenoe regarding aspects of the School's administration such as instruction. super- vision and care of ~tudents. staff appOintments and salaries. a~comm~lation and accounting. The earlier part of the file contains information concerning the care of deaf students in institutions in other provinces and the establishment of the School at Saskatoon.

b. St8J!f. 1939. 1 folder Correspondence between DepUty Minister and the Superintendent of the School. for the Deaf regarding salary rates, a.ppoint .. menta and duties of the staff.

c. Survey of Schools for the Deaf. 1929. 1 folder

Report presented to the Premier by a special committee conSisting of Mr'~. George HolUs, M.{f. Sharon. R• .T.D. IHlliams ~3.nd N. Latour on schools for the deaf in Manitoba and neighbouring American States.

d. Accounts, Expenditures. Or.der.s, Supplies, 1934·1940. 5 folders

16. Agricultural Education. 1914·1924. [165G] 3 folders This file contains the minutes of the meetings of the Agric- ultuwiilulnstruction Committee appointed in 1915 by the t-Hn1Hter of Education. Also included reports on the special. courses in agriculture given at the University SUmmer School. genera.l ~epLr~~ 00 ~nstruc~1on given in a.griculture and hOUSGhold science, and reports of the Direetor of the School of Agriculture. (Also see File 3.) • 9 .. Ed •

17. Technical F4ucation. 1920-1939. [lllC] a. General Correspondence, 1920·1934. 5 folders Cor-respondence largely between the Deputy Minister and the federal Director of Technical Education regarding courses offered. staff efficiency and expenditures in the provincial technical training schools.

b. Moose Jaw Collegiate, 1920.. 1939. t. foldarsn;:}:! U:;IC. ;r':,L~

c. Regina Collegiate, 1920.. 1935. .5 folders FE>:-'; ~TD

Pi: . 'd. Saskatoon Col1egiates, 1920.. 1935. 5 folders e .. . l-leyburn Collegiate, 1920.. 1923. 1 folder f. Yorkton Collegiate. 1920-1924. 1 folder

F.Ues l7b .. 17f. contain correspondence between either the principal of the collegiatos or the secretary of the local Vocational Education Committee and a Departmental official. generally the Deputy Minister or the Chief Inspector. on suoh topics as financial administration, courses offered in each community, teaching staff and admission requirements. Each file contains inspectors' reports on the teachers. 18. Dominion Government. 1933-1940. [BOG] 4 folders

This file 1.8 mainly routine cox-respondence between Depa.rtment and Canadian goverrnnent officials requesting information or publications. There is cons1de~able COrres90ndence with the Dominion Bureau of Statistics which compiled information for an annual statistical report on education in canada. The file also contains some correspondence on vocational and technical education. and courses for nlembers of the armed forces through the Educational Services Committee of the Canadian l.egion. Folder 2 contains a "Report of the Conference on Schonl StatiStics." held at Regina, October 22. 1936.

19. Dominion .. Prov1.ncial Youth Training Program, 1937·UM. a.. Advertising. 1 foldar

Application forms, posters, newsletters and circulars.

b. Agreements. 1937 .. 1942. 2 folders

Correflpondence" copies of or.dets .. 1.n .. council and Memot'8.ndum of Agreement implementing the Dominion .. Saskatchet'1a.n Youth Training Program. .. 10 .. Ed •

C'. Correspondence and Reports. 1937 .. 1941. 2 folders

Mainly correspondence bet't'leen the Deputy Ninister and either Bertha C. Oxner, Director of t~oman"s t-lork, University of Saskatchewan,or R. McGregor, Chief Guidance and Placement Officer for the Youth Training Program.

d. General Correspondence and Inq~iries. 1939-1941. 2 folders

This mateda,l consists of inquh·"l.:!s concerlling the courses offered in the Youth Training Program, administrative details connected t-lith the training of mechanics for the R. C.A. F. and payment of expenditures.

e. Extension Department, University of Saskatchewan, 1937 .. 1938. 1 folder Correspondence between the Deputy Minister and the Director of the Extension Department I s contr:f.bution to the Youth Training Program. Most of this correspondence deals with the Extension Department's Local Farm courses for rural unemployed. The expenditures of the ERtension Department. while directing these courses. are also major topics of diseuBsion.

f. Dominion Youth Training Supervisor. 1940-1941. 1 folder

This file 1s almost exclusively the correspondence of the Dominion Supervisor of Youth Training, R.F. Thompson. with the Provincial Chief Guidance and Placement Officer, W.A. Ross. Subject matter includes equipment provided in va.r:l.ouB provincial technical training schools. couraes offered, the need for reduced el~penditures. and the desirability of more effective screening of applicants.

20. School Furnishors and Publishers, 1930~1935. [59G] a. Correspondence. 1929.1931. 4 folders Correspondence. arranged chronologically. from various pubUshing firms to the Deputy Hinister. There is aleo a. great deal of advertising material from publishers ttschool aids. Also included are inquiries from eastern Canadian firms regarding the possibility of the ostablishment of a Book Bureau in Saskatchewan.

b. Correspondence, 1933-1935. 4 folders Correspondence, arranged alphabetically by Company, from various publishing firms to the Deputy Minister concerning books. There is also a great deat of advertising material from publishers of school aids and inquiries from eastern Canadian firms regarding the possibility of the establishment of a Book Bureau in Saskatchetvan. Ed • .. 11 ..

21. canadian Readers, 1922-1929. [72G]

a. General Correspondence, 1922 .. 1929 3 folders Correspondence between the Deputy Minister and various publish- ing firms concerning the availability, costs, and shipping of the canadian Reader. The file includes bills of lading, custom returns and invoices. b. Royal Commission: Morang", Text Book Contra.ct, 1909. 1 folder.

The report of the Royal Commission investigating the Morangc Publishing Company contract with the Saskatchewan Government. Also included are some miscellaneous items, such as accounts, and the original order, appointing the CommisSion.

22. tHnnetka EdueatlorelSystem, 1928 .. 1935. 2 folders Correspondence between either the Chief Inspector or the Deputy Minister and education officials in Winnetka, Illinois regarding the Winnetka system of! education. Correspondence is also con- cerned with arrangements for an inspector's conference at which the Superintendent of \.Jlllnetka Schools was the lecturer. 23. Better Schools Day, 1916. [99G] .3 folders

June 30. 1916 was proclaimed a school holiday, the day to be given ovel' to meetings of trustees and ratepayers for the purpose of studying s(!hoo1 problems. The bulk of this correspondence is concerned with organizing "Better Schools" day, sending out of literature, and arranging for speakers. Included are lists of Roman Catholic'. Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist clergy in the provine,e , and interviews vlith \V'.B. \HUoughby, J.A. Calder, Dr. W.H. Foght and Dr. Norman Black. Also included is correspondence from various school distl'icts forwarding resolutions passed at ' their meetings of June 30, 1916.

24. Educational Survey, 1917-1918. [ 128G] 5 folders

The file is material concerning a provincial survey conducted by an American specialist in rural school practices, Dr. w.n. Foght. The file contains the forms and questionnaires distributed by the Department to the school districts and corl'espondence concerning various aspects such as children of school age not at school and lands outSide established school districts. Also included are reports on consolidated schools and a number of diagrams i11us. trating school conditions in sast(atchet'lan.

25. Overseas Education League, 1926·1937. [105G] :3 folders Much of the correspondence is between Department officials and the Overseas Education League. The bulk of the material pertains to the sponsorship by the League of summer trips by teachers to and the British Isles, summer courses available for these visitors, costs of transportation, living accommodation, and ex- change of teachers bett'leen Canada and the British Empire. The Ed • • 12 ..

file also includes a great number of advertising booklets and circulars published by the League. and correspondence and pub- licity material concerning the activities or the National Council of Education.

26. Saskatchewan Scholarships in Paris. 1925-1931. [142G] 2 folders Correspondence between Department officials. applicants for scholarships. provincial educational authorities and the Cluladian legation tnFrance concerning appUca,ti.ons forscholat't! ships. notification of awarding of scholarships. instructions to successful applicants. reports on the students from French in.. structors. reports from tM students on the p1;"ogress of their wGrk. payment of scholarship funds and regulations for awarding scholarships. 27. School Inspection.

y:;:,a. Inspector's Annual Reports, 1920. 1 folder This file conSists of the annual reports of inspectors on the progress of sdhools in his territory. Included h in- formation on school attendance, buiLdings, roads, attitude of the community to the schooL and ~eacher, and academic st.anding of the teacher.

b. Inst~ctions to Inspectors, 1931·1936. [lBG] 7 folders Consists of memoranda from the Deputy Minister and Chief Inspector on aspects of Departmental policy such as reports, expense accounts. opening and closing of schools, salaries, and hoUdays.

c. Inspeotors' Weekly Statements. ·1934-1935. 33 folders Weekly statements submitted by inspectors showing date, nature of duty, conveyance, name of school district inspected, teacher. miles covered B.nd total expenses ..

d. Superintendents' Files. These are general fUes of retired or deceased supedntendents of schools. consisting of correspondence between the superin- tendent and senior officials of the Department. The corres- pondence is mainly concerned with the carrying out of inspection duU.!i!s but there :La also a great deal 0·£ persona1 information and information about the professional careers of the superin- tendent. Some correspondence indicates general conditions in the Scllv",t districts or inspectorate. Note: There is some overlapping with the material in ftle 41 which contains details of the avademic and teaching careers of many of the Superintendents listed helo,v. ... 13 .. Ed.

U) Andrews, H.C., (1934~1935) 2 folders (2) Brat",n, A. R. , 0934-1945) 3 folders

(3) Cm.,ie, J.E •• (1931-1935) 1 folder (4) Murray, G.t'i., 0933.. 1935) 1 folder (5) Cram, W.S., (1922-1935) 3 folders

(6) Crough, B.T., (1924~1942) 4 folders

(7) Gagne, J .R., (1934·1936) 1 folder

(8) O'Brien, J., ( 1931. ... 1932) 1 folder 1'" (9) Davidson, R.J •• (1936-1943) 1 folder

(0) Johnson, H.R., (1940.. 1941) 1 folder

(11) Sparkes, R.E., (1943 .. 1947) 1 folder

(12) l)rimmie, ~.J. J •• ( 1929 .. 19t.S) 4 folders

(3) Everts. H.A... (1922- 19l.1) 8 folders

(14) }francis. t~. R., H 929 .. 1946) 7 folders

(15) Grantham, E.N. , 0929.. 1941) 3 folders

(6) Harrison, F.W. , (1932 .. 1943) 4 folder s

(7) Hat--1ryluk.. F. T • , (1925 .. 1946 ) 5 folders

(Un Henwood, F.P., (1930-1942) 5 folders

(19) Hjalmarson, B., (1926-1935) 3 folders (20) Innes, C• ., 0930.. 19313) 4 folders

(21) Levlis. \~., ( 1929-1943) 3 folders

.(22) MacLennan, J.A., (l924·194~) 4 folders

(23) McClelland, S.E.M., (1917-1942) 4 folders (24) Rowan, F.W., (1911·1944) 3 folders

(25) Sexsmi th. \tf., (1929 .. 1943) 4 folders

(26) Tomlinson, J.T., (1931-1942) 5 folders

(27) Toombs, M.P., (1938-1941) 2 folders (28) Tripp, M.A •• (1928 .. 1943) 4 folders

(29) t-laind. t·I.R •• (1936 .. 1945) 3 foldet's Ed. • 14 ..

28, Saskatchewan Teaching Profession.

a. Saskatchewan Educational Association, 1910.. 1917. [138C]

(1) Ceneral, 1910-1916. 3 folders

The bulk of the material in this file consists of Deputy Minister's correspondence regarding the organization, and repol'ts on the annual meetings of the Sasl(£ltchewan Educational Association. 1912.1916~ Included are the lists of teachers attending and the resolutions submitted,

(2) Secretary-Treasureris Correspondence, 1913-1917. 3 folders

Correspondence of Charles Nivins, Secretary-Treasurer of the Saskatchewan Educational Association, concerning the establishment of an official publication of the Association, arrangements for executive meetings and the 1917 con~ vention and copies of the conttitution of the Association. a copy of the paper given by Dr. Peter San~ord at the 1917 convention, and a copy of the minutes ~f the Assoc- iation'a Executive Meeting. October 6. 1916. b. Saska tche\'1an Teachers· Allianee, 1920*1932. [ 144G] 3 folders

This file contains correspondence regal'ding the publication of .!h! 8a.skatchewa!LTqaeher, the form of teachers t agreements t protests concerning the Regina Public School Teachers' eon- tracts, 1921-1923; salaries and particularly the effect of the depreSsion on salaries. the activities of R.H. Laird in trying to establish the Western Teachers' Union; the setting of depart- mental examinations; a proposed Teacher'S Superannuation Act, and replies to questions sent in from the Alliance concerning departmental policies. The file also contains a copy of the Report of the Special Conference of Representatives of the Manitoba Teachers' Alliance. a copy of resolutions presented by a delegation of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Alliance to the provincial cabinet on December 30, 1930 and a short biographieal sketch of Augustus H. Ball, a former Deputy Minister of Education ..

c. Teachers' ConVentions, 1937, 1938, 1940.. [66G] 10 folders

Consists of reports. Usts of teachers in a.ttendance, resolutions propceed, and convention programmes. Most of this ma.terial was sent in to the Director of Teacher Training and Supervision by the inspectors.

d. Teachers' Exchange Re Employment, 1916-1939.. [68G] 3 folders

Correspondenoe between Department officials. usually the Registrar, and various teachers' employment agencies concern- ing placement of teachers, teacher certification, interpretation of School Ac~ operation of the teachers' exohange of the Department of Education and of the Bureau of Labour and Industries. Ed. - 15 -

Folder 3 also contains a five-page undated memorandum "Aid for Schools," correspondence regarding relief measures in the 1930's and correspondence concerning technical and vocational education and draft Conventions and Recommendations arising from the work of the International Labour Conference.

e. Enlisted Teachers and Students, 1916-1920. [104G] 4 folders

Correspondence concerning the compilation of a teacher's honour roll, the arrangements to grant pass standings to students who enlisted before final exams, the Military Service Act and its effect on the reaching profession, and the Khaki University.

f. Board of Reference, 1929-1942. (RESTRICTED ACCESS) 21 folders

These files consist of appeals to the Board of Reference from teachers because of their dismissal by school boards. In some cases the evidence presented at the inquiry is in the file. Summaries of the decisions on cases heard during each year are sometimes included.

g. Files of Former Teachers, 1926-1928. (RESTRICTED ACCESS) 441 folders

These files contain the academic and professional records of individual teachers from high school examinations to the year of withdrawal from the profession. The files are arranged alphabetically in the year in which teachers retired and are numbered separately for each year, i.e. 1-346 (1926), 1-63 (1927) and 1-32 (1928).

Note: See File 42 for recrods of former teachers in a later period.

h. Teachers' Salaries, 1945. 3 folders

This file consists of completed forms filed with the Depart- ment showing the salaries paid to principals and teachers by school districts.

1. Standing Granted Non-Saskatchewan Certificated, 1920 - 1942. 4 folders

Correspondence mainly between the Registrars for the Depart- ments of Education of the provinces regarding certification of teachers from outside the province.

29. Saskatchewan School Trustees' Association, 1916-1937. [138G] 7 folders

This file contains correspondence, mainly between the Association and the Department, concerning arrangements for the annual conventions of the Association, resolutions passed at conventions and inquiries concerning some aspects of the Department's work. There are also transcripts of replies made by Department officials to questions submitted to the "Question Drawer," a feature of some conventions. There is also a small amount of correspondence concerning meetings held by local trustees' associations and with the St. Peter's Colony Trustees' Association and the Catholic School Trustees' Association. - 16 ..

30. Strathcona Trust for PhYllical Training, 1.909 .. 1937. [HOO]

a. General. 1909 .. 1915. 1923 .. 1937. 10 £olde1!'s Correspondence concerning the establ:t&hment and administration of a physical and military training program in Saskatchewan schools as provided for by the Lord Strathcona Trust. The 1923-1937 sections contains a number of reports. minutes and financial statements concerning the physical training p-rogramme under the Trust. The co-rrespondence is mainly about the al;l1arding of prizes and certificates., A letter of June 9. 1929, written to \v.M. Thrasher. Secretary Treasurer of the Saskatchewan section of the United Farmers of Canada, outlines the history and operations of the Trust. This letter was written in reply to a letter from the farmers' organiza- tion opposing cadet training in the public schools.,

b. Correspondence With Students, 1913-1915. 3 folders

This file mainly consists of letters from applicants, usually teache-rs. seeking entry to phYSical training classes. Correspondence concerning the grant111g of bonuses to teachers is also included.

c. Local Committee Correspondence, 1916-1920. 13 folders The bUlk of this correspondenoe pertains to the distr! .. button of funds to teachers and heads of local committees ~'l1ho have bee'n successful in their work under the Trust •. Also in this file are inquiries from teachers regarding prizes awarded by the Trust. minutes of the Saskatchewan Committee of the Strathcona Trust and information on courses.

d. List of Trainees. 1913"1924. 3 folders

Lists of students who attended phYSical training olasses or cadet instructors' schools showing type of certificate issued.

.'~' e. Cadet Chrps Inspections. 1912-1920. 1925. 2 folders

Annual 1nspection reports of cadet corps at various provinciai centres. Instructions to cadet companies as well aa correspondence regarding impending inspections are also included. f. Annual Reports, 1923 .. 1928. 1935-1936. 3 folders Annual Reports of the Strathcona. Trust for Physical Train.. ing including reports from eaeh participating province.

g. Toronto Exhibition, 1912 1 folder

Clippings from the ~oronto Star Week1I 8h~ling the Saskatchewan Mounted Cadets at the Toronto Exhibition. Ed • .. 17 "

31. Patriotic Organizations, 1906 .. 1920. [69G and 73G] 4 folders

This correspondence is mainly with the League of the Empire, but also with the Victoria League and the Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire. concerning proposals to foster a greater feeling of unity among the teachers and students of the British Emplre~ Leaflets. gailey sheets of Empire text books. proposals to exchange letters bettveen EngUsh and Canadian schools, the holding of imperial education conferences and patriotic literature distributed to schools are contained in thiS file. Also in- cluded is a list of I.O.D.E. Chapters in Saskatchewan. with secretaries and addresses. and announcements of post*war. I.O.D.E. scholarships.

32. Education: War Effort.

a. Schools Patriotic Fund, 1916.1919. 3 folders This file consists of correspondence remitting con- tribUtions to the fund and acltnow1edgements by the Deputy Minister~ Letters and printed material give in· formation on the scope and purpose of the fund. and the various way~ of raising money.

b. Canadian Patriotic Fund Circulars. 1915-1916. 1 folder

ThiS file contains circulats d~.stributed to school boards and teachers concerning the Canadian Patriotic Fund.

c. liar Savings Societies. 1918-1920. [ 38GJ 1 folder

This file of correspondence; pamphlets and memoranda shows the formation and operation of the Saskatchewan ~var Savings Society \-lhieb. was organized in 1918 by the Department of Education in cooperation with the National War Savings Committee. Included are several eopies of ~he Ihrift Magazine issued fortnightly.

d. School Red Cross Fund. 1917"1921. 5 folders

This file consists of a record of contributions from the various Inspectorates. reports and Circulars and corre- spondence regarding contributions. 1917-1918, and general corre~pondence.

Eh Belgia" Children's Relief Fund. 1916-1918. .3 foldet"s This correspol1dence consists of letters accompanying re- mittances to the Belgian Children's Relief Fund and the Department s acknowledgement. Ed. - 18 -

33. Larger Administrative Units, 1939-1944. 1 folder

This file contains material compiled by the Department regard- ing "larger unit administration." Included are booklets on the New Brunswick and Ontario systems, reports on other pro- vincial systems as well as on those of Britain and the United States, and a copy of the amended School Divisions Act of . (See also Addenda, page 25)

34. Relief: Textbooks, 1932. 3 folders

.~,This file consists of requests from parents and school boards /~~ESTR1C'T'ED' for the distribution of used text books as a form of relief J to needy students •. The correspondence is arranged by name of town. (A to L only)

35. Royal Visit, 1939. 3 folders

This file consists mainly of memoranda between the Minister, Deputy Minister and Director of Teacher Training, and corres- pondence of teachers and students of school districts with the Director of Teacher Training. This correspondence, arranged alphabetically, consists primarily of inquiries and replies regarding time and place of the royal visit, arrangement of transportation for students, and inspectors' plans for the striking of a medallion commemorating the visit.

36. Essays and Oratorical Contests, 1933-1939. 3 folders

a. Essay Contests, 1933-1939.

This file contains correspondence which pertains to essay competitions sponsored by the Ceylon Tea Bureau, the New History Society, the Canadian Mining Journal, and the Commonwealth of Australia. (See also Addenda, page 25)

b. Bryant Oratorical Contests, 1934-1939.

c. Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Contests, 1934-1939.

37. Canadian North-West Historical Society, 1926-1928. 1 folder

Correspondence between Campbell Innes, Secretary-Editor of the Society, and departmental officials soliciting financial support from the Department for the publication of books on western Canadian hLstory.

38. Miscellaneous Administration

a. Consolidated Schools and Conveyance of Children. 1 folder

This file consists of typed reports concerning the success of the consolidated school system in other provinces and in certain American states. Included here are extracts from the Manitoba School Act. The conveyance of school children, and the teac.hing. :. of manual training and domestic science are also discussed. (See also Addenda, page 25) .. 19 .. Ed • b. Proposed Legislation Regarding Municipal School Districts, 1923·1926. 1 folder

Included in this file is a report on Municipal School Districts, a Departmental memorandum and newspaper clippings ~egarding the same subject, a report on High School Organization in Sask- atche~van, a chart indicating school grants for Regina, 1919- 1926; several copies of a Bill to Provide for the Administratioon of Schools by Municipal School Boards, a report on Manitoba MUnicipal Schools. a oopy of an Act to provide for TOt~ship Boards of Public School Trustees, 1926,and a Report of an A4dress in the Legislative Assembly, June 22. 1915, by the Honorable Walter Scott concerning the revision of the Sask· atchewan School system. c. Lawier~Kormil Commission. 1910. 1 folder

Report on an investigation regarding the conduct of W.L. Lawler and Victor Kormi1. executive members of a local school board. the former a Trustee and Secretary~Treasurer. the latter an Official Trustee.

d. Act Regarding Consolidation of Schools, 1913. 1 folder

Consists of an annotated copy of the Consolidated Schools Act, 1913.

e. Osler VB. Coltart, 1907. 1 folder

Judgement of the Honourable Mr. Justice Newlands of the Supreme Court of the North.West Territories in the case of Osler va. Coltart et al. concerning the collection of school taxes. f. School Finances. 1931-1938. 1 folder

This file is a compilation of newspaper c1ippAaganand statistical information regarding school finance and taxation", g. Educational Costs, 1930. 1 folder

Statements of educational coats arranged according to the number of the rural , showing name of school district, assessment, rate, operattng coats. teachers· salaries, enrollment. and number of rooms per school. h. Community Pastures and the School District, 1938~l944. 1 folder Statistical information and Departmental memoranda regarding arrears in salaries of teachers employed in school districts affected by community pastures.

1. School Support System, 1934 1 folder

This file consists of memoranda and reports concerning an M 20 M Ed.

investigation into the feasability of rev1s1ng the method of tax support for education and the possibility of equalizing school grants.

j. Accounting Records, (samples) 1921-1946. 1 folder

k. List of Rural School Districts, 1949. (Oversize)

A numerical list of Saskatchewan Rural School Districts.

1. Miscellaneous Forms and Circulars.

m. Miscellaneous. 1 folder

Included in this file is a memorandum for Dr. McKechnie regarding suggested amendments to the School Act, 1924; a list of school districts by number with information such as enrollment, number of grades, certification of teacher, 1941, and a letter concerning the indebtedness of Conley S.D. #1805, February, 1943.

n. Fees and Candidates. 1 folder

Sample ~ist of Grade XI and XII examination candidates and fees paid at Bedford Road Co llegia te , Saskatoon.

o. Saskatchewan Book Bureau. 3 folders

Consists of samples of forms, circulars and accounting records.

39. The Alexandra Readers. 14 books

40. Ledgers.

Record of Physical Training Certificates, 1911-1926, 2 vols. Record of First Aid Certificates, 1915-1919, 1 vol. Newspaper Scrapbooks: General, 1912-1919, 5 vols; Better Schools, 1915-1917, 1 vol.

41. Department Officials. (RESTRICTED ACCESS)

These files consist mainly of correspondence and reports on the academic and teaching careers of persons who became superintendents, teachers at Normal Schools or other officials of the Department of Education. High School, Normal School and University examination results are often included. Note: There is some overlapping with material in 27d.

Appleby, Arthur James

Asselstine, Robert W.

Bates,Frederick Wellington - 21 - Ed.

8lacklock, Robert Finlay Innes, Campbell

Brown, Charles Everett Johnson, Harold Raymond

Crough, Emmett Thomas Keith, Arthur Wyllie

Drimmie, William John Loeppky, Abram J.

Everts, Howard Alonzo Massey, Norman Levi

Ferris, Reginald Heber Carroll McClelland, Samuel Ernest Milburn

Francis, William Roy Maclennan, Joseph

Fraser, James Raymond Oulton, Charles Albert

Gosselin, Gerard Albert Piercy, Chesley Hickman

Griffin, Gordon Nathaniel Rankin, Elizabeth Eugene

Harris, George Gordon Reid, Nelson Latour

Harrison, Frederick William Rowan, Frederick William

Henwood, Frederick Percival Sp(\.rkes, Ra lph Edward

Hedley, James Walter Stevenson, William James

Hjalrnarson, Bjorn Stewart, Charles Sang

Horning, Robert Lewis Stillwell, George Benjamin

Huff, John Samuel Waind, William Raymond

42. Former Teachers.

These files contain the academic and professional records of individual teachers from High School examinations to the year of withdrawal from the profession. They are arranged alphabetically regardless of year of withdrawal and are for a period later than those files in 28.g

These files have been sampled from a larger group and the contents of some files have been stripped. 42. Files of former teachers: Contain inspectors' reports, correspondence on teacher training and departmental memos regarding retirement or decease while still actively teaching. (Sampled)

(1) ADAIR, Arthur Dunham, 1935-1943 5mm Presumed dead on active service, 1942.

(2) ADAMS, Lucille Estella, nee TUCK, 1925-1930. Deceased 1951 5mm

(3) ANDERSON, Harry Ivan, 1905-1932. 2.5 cm Deceased, 1932.

(4) ARNOLD, Ada Florence, 191'}f)-1942. 5mm Retired 1942; deceased 1953

(5) BARR, Laura Kate, nee HOUSTON, 192.g;.1948. Deceased 1949.

(6) BARSS, Florence Amelia, nee MURRAY, 19.18-1945. 3.0 cm Deceased 1949.

(7) BARTON, William Hales, 1914-1960. Deceased 1959 2.5 cm

(8) BELL, George Campbell, 19:14-1953. 8mm Deceased,!. 1951.

(9) BESSIE, Ze1da .. Eliza, nee WHITEFOOT, 1929-1944. 5mm Deceased 1943.

(10) BEYNON, Jennie Edna, 1914-1947. 5mm Superannuated 1947; deceased 1955

(11) BJARNASON, Dora Jonina, 1923-1939. 5 mm Deceased 1939.

(12) BONGARD, Walter Conrad, 1920-1940. 1.0 em Deceased 1949.

(13) BONNEY, George Alexander, 1915-1952. 1.5 em Superannuated 1952; deceased 1952

(14) BOURKE, Irene Lenore, nee MULLIN, 1935-1946. 1.0 cm Deceased 1946.

(15) BOURNE,Myrt1e Anna, nee SPICER, 19J 3-1950. 3.00 cm Superannuated 1950; deceased 1952

(16) BRADLEY, Allan Catto, 1929-1943. 8 mm Killed on active service 1942.

(17) BRADLEY, Clarence Walton, 1920-1943. 1.0 cm Deaeeased 1943.

(18) BREADY, Effie C.E., 1906-1936. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1936; deceased 1948 42. (19) BREDT, Margaret Ursula, 1921-1945. 8mm Noted deceased 1929 (1949?] (1949-TSC)

(20) BRENNAN, Annie Amelia, 1918-1945. 3.5 cm Deceased 1945.

(21) BRm'lN, Alexander Morris, 1911-1938. 1.0 em Deceased 1935.

(22) BRm'lN, Ethel May, 1938-1943. 5mm No note Or memo re death or retirement.

(23) BROWN, Harold Oliver, 19.35-1943. 1. 00 cm. Deceased 1941.

(24) BROWN, John Arthur, 1936-1941. 5mm Killed on active service, 1941.

(25) BROWN, Orlan Roderick, 1937-1943. 5mm Presumed dead on active service, 1943.

(26) BROWNLIE, John Rarity, 1912-1954. 1. 5 em Superannuated 1953; deceased 1955

(27) BRYENTON, Mabel McBeth, 1931-1941. 8mm Deceased 1937.

(28) BUCKBERGER, Alice Lillian, nee BAILEY, 1924-1943. 1.0 cm Deceased 1943. .

(29) BULL, Robina Florence, 1941-1946. 5mm Deceased 1945.

(30) CAMERON, Ellen, 1921-1946. 5mm Deceased 1945.

(31) CAMPBELL, Bertram Alfred, 1920-1948. Deceased 1949 2.0 cm

(32) CAMPBELL, Colin Donald, 1918-1939. 5mm Superannuated 1939; deceased 1953

(33) CAMPBELL, Robert Balfour, 1926-1942. 1.5 cm Deceased 1942.

(34) CAMPLING, Margaret Ramsay, nee LINDSAY, 1944-1956. 5mm Deceased 1956 (35) CARROLL,Martin Joseph, 1911-1948. 1.8 cm Deceased 1947

(36) CASKEY, Zetta Louise, 1920-1947. 8mm Deceased 1947.

(37) CHAPMAN, Mildred Doreen Roberton, 1939-1944. 5mm Deceased 1944. (ROBERTSON) 42. (38) CHRISTIE, Dorothy Joy, ~931-1936. 5mm Deceased 1936.

(39) CLAMPITT, Edward Blake, 1938-1943. 5mm Missing in action, active service, 1943.

(40) CLARKE, Helen Maude, 1906-1935. Deceased 1956 8mm

(41) CLOUTIER, Carmen Gertrude (Sister St. Basil), 19~8-1954. 1.0 cm Deceased 1954.

(42) COLEMAN, Kate Bertha, 1906-1946. 5mm Deceased 1946.

(43) COLLIER, Erma Janetta, 1923-1955. 2.5 cm Disability 1955; deceased 1955 COOK, Margaret Euphemia - see file (49) (44) COPPINGER, Mary, 1912-1939. 5mm Superannuated iY39; deceased 1952

(45),COWIE, Donald Arthur, 1929-1945. 5mm Killed on active service 1944.

(46) CREALOCK, Annie Brent, 1913-1940. 8mm Superannuated 1940; deceased 1949

(47) CRERAR, Bertha, 1913-1947. 3.0 cm Superannuated 1947; deceased 1949

(48) CROOK, Mary Katherine,1938~1941. 2mm Deceased 1940.

(49) COOK, Margaret Euphemia, 1903-1933. 3.0 cm Superannuated 1932; deceased 1949

(50) CUNNINGS, Ronald Everett, 19~3-1944. 8mm Killed in action 1944.

(51) DAHL, Helen Esther, 1920-1960. 5 mm Deceased 1960.

(52) DALY, Michael Joseph, 1914-1947. 8mm Deceased 1942.

(53) DAVID, James Julius, 1913-1947. Deceased 1947 1.5 cm

(54) DEETS, Anna Christine, nee LLOYD, 19q,2-1948. 8mm Deceased 1947.

(55) DEMERS~ Julia Myrtle, nee NELLIGAN, 1916-1937. 1.5 cm Deceased 1937.

(56) :)DE~1PSEY, Alice Helen, 1919-1946. 8mm Deceased 1946. 42. (57) DERBYSHIRE, George Edward, 1927.-1943. 8 mm Killed on active service 1942.

(58) DESMARIAIS, Alice Blanche, 1928-1945. 8mm Deceased 1945.

(59) DICKSON, Adeline Irene, 19 20-1945. 1.0 cm Deceased 1945.

(60) DIRKS, Charles Benjamin, 1913-1948. 3.0 cm Ceased teaching - disability - 1948. Deceased 1955

(61) DOUGLAS, Fred Aubrey, 1911-1944. 2.0 cm Stated to be in Alberta in 1944~ Deceased 1953

(62) DOWNEY, John Harold, 1942-1945. 5mm Deceased 1945.

(63) DOXSEE,Egerton Powell, 1915-1924. 8mm

(64) DRAKE, Clarence Josiah, 1913-1952. Deceased 1956 1.2 cm

(65) DUCKLOW, Millicent Beatrice, 191~-1943. Deceased 1947. 1.0 cm

(66) DUNDEE, Annie May, nee McCUTCHEON, 1912-1944. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1944; deceased 1953

(67) DYKES, Eva Ellen, nee BRUCE, 1909-1947. 8mm Deceased 1947.

(68) ECOB, Percival Ewart Chapman, 1910-1934. 1.0 cm Deceased 1934.

(69) EDGAR, Joseph Walter, 1930-1945. 1.0 cm Believed killed in action, 1945.

(70) EHMAN, Cecilia Elizabeth, 1935·-1943. 5 mm Deceased 1942.

(71) ELLIS, Elsie Grace, 1943-1945. Deceased 1947 3 mm

(72) ESTABROOKS, William Lud1ow,1929-1942. 81Wl1IIl Deceased 1942

(73) EWERS, George A., 192~-1943. 3m Deceased 1943.

(74) FERGUSON, Agnes Olive, 1909-1936. 1.8 cm Deceased 1936.

(75) FINES, Elmer Russell, 1923-1937. Deceased 1946 1.0 cm 42. (76) FINN, Vivian Mabel May, nee PROUT, 1912-1948. Deceased 1953 3.0 cm.

(77) FLETCHER, Grant Alexander, 1932-1944. 1.0 cm Presumed dead on active service, 1944.

(78) GALGAN, Peter Edward, 1934-1945. 8mm Killed on active service, 1943.

(79) GALLAWAY, Annie Esther (E1izabethanne Esther), 1905-1956. 5mm Dec.eased 1956.

(80) GERMAINE, Edna, 1916-1942. 2.0 cm Deceased 1942.

(81) GODDARD, John Langford, 1918-1946. 3.0 cm Deceased 1946.

(82) GRAY, Olive Edith, 1911-1948. 8mm Deceased 1948.

(83) GREEN, Fairlie Mary, nee LIVINGSTON, 1929-1941. 5mm Deceased 1941.

(84) GROPP, Norman Alfred, 1927-1944. 1.2 cm Killed in action overseas 1944.

(85) HAMMOND, Kathleen Ada, 1910-1942. 2.0 cm Deceased [1942?]

(86) HAMREN, Emma Tue11a, 1927-1944. 1.0 cm Deceased 1944.

(87) HARRIGAN, Margaret Geraldine, nee Galvin, 1908-1938. .3-.0 cm Deceased (1953 TSC)

(88) HARRIS, Hazel Anita, 1914-1946. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1945; deceased 1946.

(89) HATHAWAY, Wilfred Norman,1927-1942. 2.0 cm Died on active service, 1942.

(90) HENDERSON, Rudyard Noble, 1923-1951. Deceased 1952 1.8 cm

(91) HERITAGE, Susanna Frances, 1912-1942. 8 mm Deceased 1942.

(92) HERR, John Benjamin, 1945-1948. 5 mm Deceased 1948.

(93) HETH, Louise Margaretta, nee HERMANN, 1944-1953. 1.0 cm Deceased 1952. 42. (94) HIGGINS, William Arthur, 1508-1941. 1.8 cm Superannuated 1941; deceased 1953

(95) HILL, Rosalie Roberta, nee COWIE, 1936-1943 .. 5 mm Deceased 1943.

(96) HILLIARD, Mary Ann, nee CASWELL, 1915-1946. 2.0 cm Superannuated 1945; deceased 1956 (97) HOLMES, Lily Ellen, nee Rout1edge,1923-1952. Deceased 1953 2.0 cm

(98) HOUGHTON, William Mehr, 1914-1950. 5 rom Deceased. No date.

(99) HOWARD, Erna Hedwig, nee Poggemi11er, 1932-1940. 1.0 cm

(100) HOWES, Evelyn Mary, 1933-1942. 8nnn Deceased 1942.

(101)HRYNEWICH, Helen Elizabeth, nee WAWRYK, 1924-1945. ],0 cm Deceased 1944.

(102)HUNT, William Orval, 1905-1940. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1938; deceased 1961

(103)HUOT, Delima Alphonsine, 1926-1940. 8 mm Deceased 1940.

(104) HUTCHISON, John Alexander', 1906-1933. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1933; deceased 1952

(105) HYLAND , Jessie May, nee WORDEN, 1920-1956. 1.0 cm Superannuated. 1956; deceased 1957

(106) IRVINE, Robert Gordon, 1906-1943. 2.5 cm Superannuated 1936; deceased 1948

(107) ISRALSON, Glenn Herbert, 1937-1942. 8nnn Killed while serving in armed forces, 1942.

(108) JOHNSON, Gunnstein Gunn1auger, 1922-1939. 1.5 cm Deceased 1939.

(109)JOHNSTON, Mildred Agnes, nee McEWEN, 1920-1956. 2.0 cm Deceased 1956.

(110) JOSEPHSON, Clarence Va1dimar, 1950-1956. Deceased 1954 8 rom

(lll) KERR, Annie Eva, 1909-[1960] ·5 rom Deceased 1960

(112) KIERNAN, Matthew Patrick,1913-1938 5 rom Deceased 1938. 42. (113) LAMB, Florence Emma Sarah Ann, nee MASON, 1916-1948. 20 cm Deceased 1937.

(114) LAWRENCE, Ira Alphonse, 1910-1948. 1.0 cm Deceased 1946.

(115) LESLIE, James, 1912-1948. 1.5 cm Deceased 1948.

(116) LINKLATER, William Fraser, 1912-1955. 3.0 cm Superannuated 1952; deceased 1955.

(117) LOEWEN, Victor John, 1938-1955. 1.0 cm Deceased, no date. (1954 TSC)

(118) LOSIER, Renee Aaron, 1956-1958. 5 mm Deceased 1958.

(119) LUCHT, Esther Dorothy, 1940-1945. 5mm Deceased 1945.

(120) MACE, George Arthur, 1913-1943. 1.5 em Deceased 1943.

(121) MAJOR, George Robert, 1921-1940. 1.0 cm Deceased 1940. MARIE JEROME, Sister. See STRUNK, Eleanor (122) MARTIN, Charles Wilson, 1927-1937. 8mm

(123) MASLEY, Marie Ann, 1945-1951. Deceased 1955 8mm

(124) MATHESON, Annal1ae, 1946-1947. 5mm Deceased 1947.

(125) MATTISON, Arthur, 1911-1949. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1948; deceased 1956

(126) MAZERALL,. Augusta,1918-1942. 2.0 cm Deceased 1942.

(127) l1ELDRUM, Elizabeth Margaret, 1909-1933. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1933; deceased 1949

(128) MILLAR, George Ronald, 1934-1942. 8mm Killed in action, 1942.

(129) MITCHELL, Kathleen Myrtle, nee NICHOLSON, 1929-1952. 1.0 cm Deceased 1954 (130) MOFFATT, William Campbell, 1932-1944. 8mm Deceased 1944.

(131) MORRISH, Winnifred Bernice, 1915-1944. . 1.0 cm Deceased 1944. 42. (132) MORRISON, Andrew Thornton, 1933-1936. Snun

(133) McADAM, James Lewis, 1918-1934. 1.0 cm Deceased 1934.

(134) McCONNELL, Edison Dumane, 1913-1945. 1.0 cm Deceased 1945.

(135) McCRACKEN, Alice Muriel, nee Angus, 1926-1942. 8 nun Deceased 1942.

(136) McCULLIE, Archibald, 1924-1944. 8 nun Deceased 1944.

(137) McCUL~OCH, Sara, 1914-1946. 8 nun Superannuated 1939; deceased 19.45.

(138) McDERMID, James, 1910-1948. 1.0 cm

(139) HacDONALD, Kathleen Margaret Joan, 1937-1945. 9 mm Deceased 1948

(140 )McDONALD, Stephen, 1908-1944. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1941; deceased 1944.

(141) MacKENZIE, Marion Louise, 1914-1941. 2.5 cm

(142) McLEOD, Norman Roderick, 1905-1934. 5 nun Deceased 1934.

(143) NESS, Olav Alfred, 1925-1942. 1.5 cm Killed in action, 1942.

(144) NEWFELDT, Abraham Robert. 1926-1950. 2.5 cm Disability 1950; deceased 1951

(145) NEWMAN, George Edward, 1908-1933. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1933; deceased 1953

(146) PASCOE, Edith May, 1912-19.49. 5 nun Deceased 1948

(147) PERKINS, Henry, 1912-1939. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1939; deceased 1948

(148) PERKINS, William Elias, 1918-1957. 1.5 cm Deceased 1957 TSC

(149) REIERSON, Norma Evelyn, 1943-1947. 5 nun 42. (150) ROBINS, Henrietta Bessie, 1918-1943. 1.0 em Deceased 1942.

(151) ROGERS, Elizabeth Florence Clark, 1912-1944. 1.0 em Deceased 1943.

(152) ROMBAUGH, Margarete Isabelle, 1936-1941. 3mm Deceased 1941.

(153) ROOKE, :C1arence James, 1930-1942. 3mm Killed on active service 19.41.

(154) ROSS, Elsie Jean, nee Allan, 1935-1945. 3 mm Deceased 1945.

-- St. BASIL, Sister. See CLOUTIER.

(155) SAMPSON, Martha Louisa Ignatia, 1917-1943. Deceased 1954 8nnn

(156) SANDERCOCK, William Clark, 1910-1946. 1.5 em Deceased 1938.

(157) SAVA, Annie Marguerite, 1934-1944. 1.0 em Deceased 1944.

(158) SCHAFER, Michael Jacob, 1946-1950. 8nnn Deceased 1947.

(159) SCHATZ, Jacob, 1926-1948. Deceased 1949 1.5 em

(160) SCHULL, Frederick Harold, 1939-1944. S mm Presumed dead on active service, 1943.

(161) SCOTT, Robert Irving, 1928-1943. 8 mm Killed on active service, 1943.

(162) SCRIMGEOUR, William George, 1911-1947. Smm Superannuated 1947; deceased 1950

(163) SHABAGA, Nickolas Carl, 1938-1941. Smm Deceased 1941.

(164) SHAW,Gordon Campbell, 1929-1934. smm -Deceased 1934.

(165) SHAW, James William, 1930-1933. 3mm Deceased 1933.

(166) SHEA, Edward Lea, 1932-,-,1942. 5 mm Killed in action 1942. (167) SHEA, Paul Chester, 1926-1955. Deceased 1955 1.0 em 42. (168) SHILLING, Marjorie, 1930-1932. 3mm Deceased 1932.

(169) SILVERSIDES, Leslie Bateman, 1917-1953. 8mm

(170) SMITH, Thomas Edward, 1931-1943. 5mm

(171) SMITH, William Edgar, 1911-1947. 3.0 cm Deceased 1947.

(172) SMITH-WINDSOR, Grenville, 1929-1942. 1.0 cm Killed in action 1942.

(173) SOUCY, Joseph Conrad, 1924-1942. 3mm Deceased 1942.

(174) SPEERS, William Henry, 1906-1945. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1945.

(175) STANIK, Albert, 1913-1955.. . 10. Noted deceased on 1955 memo. (1956 TSC) (3 folders)

(176) STAPLETON, Florence Isabe1,1931-1943. 5mm Deceased 1943.

(177) STASICA, Karol, 1948-1952. 8mm Deceased 1952.

(178) STEPHENSON, Edward Scott, 1912-1944. LO cm Superannuated 1935; deceased 1944.

(179) STEWART, Florence Ruth, nee COCHRANE, 1913-1952. LO :cm Deceased 1955. (180) STRONG, Walter John, 1917-1947. 2.5 cm

(181) STRUNK, Eleanor (Sister Marie Jerome, 1927-1951. 1.5 cm Deceased 1956 (182) TAYLOR, Robert Anderson, 1904-1952. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1952.; deceased 1955

(183) TENNANT, Gudrun, nee Johnson, 1935-1951. Deceased 1952 8mm

(!84),'TINLINE, Edward Llewellyn, 1953-1955. Deceased 1955 3 mm

(185) UNDERWOOD, Audrey Elora, nee WAIND, 1918-1943. 5mm

(186) UNDERWOOD, George Reuben, 1912-1955. Deceased 1956 2.5 cm ( ., . ' 'I, (187) VOLLMER, Sarah Grace (McLean), nee DICKINSON, 1931. 1mm . Deceased 1953 (188) VOWLES, Louis George, 1911-1952. 1.0 cm Superannuated 1952; deceased, 1953 42. (189) WALKER, Edward Dawson, 1914-1955. Deceased 1958 3nnn

(190) WALRAVEN, Katherine Margaret, 1922-1952. 2.5 cm Disability 1952; deceased 1953 (1957 TSC)

(191) WARD, Roald Curtis, 1927-1939. 5 mm Deceased sometime in 1937-1939 - no date given.

(192) WATT, Anna Ellen, 1935-1939. 5nnn Deceased 1939.

(193) WATT, Freda Jean, 1935-1939. 5nnn Deceased 1939.

(194) WEBSTER, Lydia Florence, 1911-1943. 1.5 cm Deceased 1941.

(195) WILKINSON, Frederick Edward, 1912-1955. 8nnn Superannuated 1955; deceased 1955

(196) WILSON, Jeanne Anne, 1931-1936. 5nnn

(197) WILTON, Arthur, 1918-1951. 1.5 cm Deceased 1951.

(198) WOLFE, Ar1etta Caroline, 1949-1954. Deceased 1955 8 mm

(199) WOODHAMS, George Thomas, '1926-1941. 1.5 cm Deceased 1941.

(200) YATES, Wilma, nee SPEERS, 1924-1940. 1.0 cm

(201) YEATS, Winnifred Lucy, nee LUCAS, 1911-1944. 1.5 cm Superannuated 1939; deceased 1944.

(202) YOUNG, Cordelia Winnifred, nee STEWART, 1931-1943. 5mm Deceased sometime in 1941-1943 - no date given.

(203) YOUNG, Elizabeth Annie, 1909-1946. 1.0 em Superannuated 1935; deceased 1946. Ed.



These files were received after the material in the previous section of this guide was arranged. In a number of cases the G numbers have been continued by the Department for the same file title. Hherethis has occurred, the files have been allotted numbers in the addenda the same as those in the previous section. Similarly, files having the same title but III different number, or left unnumbered by the Department, have been integrated into the numbering system of the earlier section.

Any files not fitting into the earlier section have baen arranged in alphabetical order and numbered beginning at number 43. G numbers and special file numbers allotted by the Department have been written after the file title in square brackets. In a few cases, the same G number had been aSSigned by the Department to entirely different file .titles.

This set of files is not necessarily complete as is evidenced by

"Part 4" of a particular file being transferred to the Archives but the previous three parts have not been transferred. Ed. 23

2. Educational Council, 1902-1951. a· Educational Council, 1912-1931, [15G] 1 foliler h. EducAtional Council, 1928-1934, [3] 1 folder c. Correspondence, 1934-1951. 2 folders d. Minutes, 1902-1949. 1 folder

1. Memo's to Deputy Minister, 1944-1950. 1 folder

4. Annual Report, 1930. [62G] 1 folder

5. Amendments to Acts, 1917-1925. 1 folder

10. Prov:f.ncia1 Normal Schools, 1925-1964. c(l). Moose Jaw Normal School, 1943-1954. [16G] 13 folders c(l). Saskatchewan Teachers College, Moose Jaw, 1954-1959. 3 fo1der.s c(2). Saskatchewan Teachers College, Regina, 1959-1964. 2 folders c(3). SaskatchElwan TeachElrs College, Saskatoon, 1960-1964. 2 folders c(3). Saskatoon Normal School, 1945-1959. [16G] 10 folders e. Advisory Council for Normal Schools, 1951. 1 folder f. Normal Echoes, (Moose Jaw), 1925-1928. [20]' 1. folder g. Annual Report, 1948-1954. 1 folder

11. Extra-Provincial Educational Authorities, ]916-1970. a. Colleges, Universities, School Boards, Canada and the U.S.A., 1943-1970. [109G] 6 folders b(l). Department of Education, Great Britain and Ireland, 1944-1963. [123G] 1 folder b(2). Departments of Education, Canada and the U.S.A., 1941-1970. [108G] 12 folders c. Beauty Culture in Vocational Education, 1936. 1 folder d. British Isles, 1933-1948. [41G] 3 folders

[This file is more in the nature of correspon- dence with societies and publishers in the British Isles concerning books and pamphlets than being similar to File 11 b(l). It might have to go in a section other than 11.J

e. British Empire Overseas Dominions, 1916-1939. [49G]1. folder

12. Foreign Community and Private Schools, 1927-1943. f. French Readers, 1928-1943. [96G] 1 folder

[This file might have to be put in another section. It is primarily concerned with the purchase of French Readers.J

g. French Schools, Special Investigati.on, 1930-1931, 1935. [35G) 1 folder h. Primary French Classes, 1930. [36) 1 folder 1. Pernerowski' s Ukrainian School, 1927-1928. [17] 1 folder Erl.


14. University of Saskatchewan, 1908-1970. a. General Correspondenr.e, 1941-1961, 1963-1970. [156G]9 folders h. Summer School, 1949-1964. 1 folder h. Summer School for Teachers, 1915-1924 [J70G] 9 folders i. President, 1908-1918. 8 folders j. College of Education, 1962-J.967. [158] 1 folder

[Some correspondence concerning appointments to Educational Council of Saskatchewan.]

k. Winter School, 1941-1946. 1 folder 1. Advisory Council College of Education, 1947-1950. 1 folder m. College of Education, 1937-1961. f158G] 3 folders

15. School for the Deaf, 1946-1962. a. General Correspondence, 1946-1948. [97G] 3 fo1rlers a. General Cot'respondence, 1959-1962. [97G] 3 folders d. Inventory, 1957-1961. 1 folder

16. Agricultural Education, 1941-1948. a. Agriculture Vocational School. 1943-1945. 1 folder b. Agricultural Conference, 1941-1943. 1 folder c. Agricultural Instruction, 1942-1948. 1 folder

18. Dominion Government, 1926-1963. a. Dominion Government Officials, 1943-1963, [50G] 12 folders b. Inspectors of Taxation, 1926-1930. [33G] 1 folder

20. School Furnishers and Publishers, 1928-1948, 1957-1964. c. Publishers and School Supplies, 1947-1948, 1957-1964. [59G] 6 folders d. "Makers of Canada" and Oxford Course in Canadian History, 1928. [15] 1 folder

21. Canadian Readers, 1909-1944. c. HIghroad to Reading. 1935-1944. [72G] 1 folder d. Catholic Readers, 1909-1937. [113G] 1 folder

26. Scholarships in Paris, 1931-1932. [142G] 1 folder

27. School Inspection. b. Bulletins to Superintendents, 1937-1948. [18G] 6 folders

28. Saskatchewan Teaching Profession, 1906-1963. b. Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, 1933-1961. [144G] 9 folders c. Teachers' Conventions, 1951-1957. 1 folder d. Teacher Employment Exchange, 1940-1961 [68G] 2 folders i. Standing Granted Non-Saskatchewan Certificate, 1906-1926. [1l4G] 1 folder j. Committee on Certification, 1942-1947. 1 folder k. Teachers' Superannuation, 1955-1960. 1 folder 1. Teachers' Locals Outside of Conventions, 1939-1963. 1 folder Ed. 25

29. Saskatchewan School Trustees' Association, 1936-1969. a. Saskatchewan School Trustee's Association, 1939-1969. [l38G] 5 folders b. School Trustees Organization: Conventions, 1936-1950. 1 folder

30. Strathcona Trust for Physical Training, 1935-1948. 1 folder

31. Patriotic Organizations. a. Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. Leagues of Empire, 1921-1948. [69G] 3 folders b. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, 1949-1959. 1 folder

33. Larger Administrative Units, 1938-1945. a. [Larger School Units: Questionnaires], 1938-1939. 1 folder b. Larger Unit Administration, 1944-1945. 1 folder

36. Essays and Oratorical Contests, 1943. b. Bryant Public Speaking Contest, 1943. 1 folder c. Educational Tour Essay. 3 folders

38. Miscellaneous Administration. h. Community Pasture, 1937-1945. 1 folder o. Requests for Lists, 1940-1963. 3 folders p. School Fuel Advances, 1939-1942. 3 folders

43. Addresses and Articles, 1919-1931. 3 folders

44. Adult Education, 1938-1967. a. Adult Education, 1938-1961. [lOOG] 1 folder b. Adult Education, Part 4, 1958-1967. 1 folder

45. Advertising Copy, 1939-1945. 1 folder

46. Advisory Committee Certificsation of Teachers (Provincial), 1943-1945. 1 folder

47. Air Cadet League of Canada, 1941-1948. 1 folder

48. Architects File, 1956. 1 folder

49. Army Cadets, 1942-1952. 1 folder

50. Army Week, 1942. 1 folder

51. Anderson, G.R. (Dr.), 1931-1936. [28G] 1 folder

52. Arithmetic Manuscript, 1927-1928. [18] 1 folder

53. Banff School of Fine Arts, 1943-1961. 1 folder

54. Blind, 1932-1964. [94G] 1 folder

55. Briefs, 1938. 1 folder Ed. 26

56. Budget Bureau, 1949-1960. 1 folder

57. Bureau of Child Protection, 1928-1946. [122G] 2 folders

58. Canadian Association of School Superintendents and Inspectors, 1956. 1 folder

59. Canadian Authors, 1920-1933. [30] 1 folder

60. Canadian Centenary Council, 1963. 1 folder

61. Canadian Conference on Education - Financing Education, 1961. 1 folder

62. Canadian Council of Education for Citizenship, 1940-1946. 2 folders

63. Canadian Dental Hygiene Council, 1939-1944. 1 folder

64. Canadian Education Association, 1918-1969. a. Canadian Education Association, 1944-1969. [51G] 23 folders b. "Minority Privileges in Education in Canada", 1953. 1 folder c. Briefs, 1952-1959. 1 folder

65. Canadian Mental Health Assocation, 1940-1953. 1 folder

66. "Canadian Paintings by Canadian Artists", 1929-1930. [29] 1 folder

67. Canadian Passenger Association, 1941-1951. 1 folder

68. Canadian Public Health Association, 1941-1953. 1 folder

69. Canadian Red Cross Society, 1918-1941. [31G] 1 folder

70. Canadian Red Cross, 1944-1961. 1 folder

71. Canadian School Trustees' Association, 1944-1959. [38G] 1 folder

72. Canadian Teachers' Federation, 1926-1960. [2] 1 folder

73. [Canadian Vocational Training], 1951-1964. 1 folder

74. Circulars issued by Department, 1928-1931. [4] 1 folder

75. Civil Defence, 1950-1960. 1 folder

76. Civilian Rehabilitation School, 1950-1954. 1 folder

77. Clerk of the Executive Council, 1905-1948. [2G] 1 folder

78. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, 1908-1936. [3G] 1 folder

79. C.N.R. Community Progress Competition, 1930-1932. [40] 1 folder Ed. 27

80. Committee on School Administration, 1938-1939. a. Committee on School Administration. 1 folder b. Committee on School Administration, 1938-1939. 1 folder

81. Community Schools, 1928-1940. [152G] 1 folder

82. Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia, 1926-1930. [8] 1 folder

83. Co-ordinating Committee on Supervision, 1946-1948. 1 folder

84. Court Judgements, 1932-1937. [54] 1 folder

85. Crippled Children, 1954-1967. a. Crippled and Retarded, 1954-1967. 1 folder b. Crippled Children: Saskatoon, 1958-1961. 1 folder c. Handicapped Children: Prince Albert, 1956-1964. 1 folder

86. Crown Corporations, 1948-1957. 1 folder

87. Dafoe Airport, 1941-1945. 1 folder

88. Defective Eyesight, 1926. [99G] 1 folder

89. Department of Education Staff, 1915-1944. [106G] 1 folder

90. Department of National Defence - Overseas Schools, 1955-1956. 1 folder

91. Departmental Forms, 1933-1945. [115G] 1 folder

92. Detention Home for Boys, Regina, 1916-1941. 3 folders

93. Dewdney, (Mrs.) A.S., 1936-1938. 1 folder

94. Director of Staff Training, 1949-1953. 1 folder

95. The Dominion Educator, 1924-1925. [10] 1 folder

96. Empire Youth City, 1939-1957. 1 folder

97. Empire Youth Sunday, 1942-1947. 2 folders

98. Equalization Grant Survey, 1950. 1 folder

99. Estimates, 1946-1951. 1 folder

100. Exams, 1943-1951. 1 folder

101. Fellowship of the Maple Leaf for the Supply of British Teachers for Western Canada, 1917-1933. [130G] 2 folders

102. Film Board Part 4, 1957-1963. 1 folder

103. Fire Commissioner, 1957-1969. 1 folder

104. Flag Pamphlets. 2 folders Ed. 28

105. F1in F1on, 1929-1947. 1 folder

106. Floral Emblem, 1943. 1 folder

107. Foreign Countries, 1932-1956. [42G] 4 folders

108. French-Canadian Catholic Association, 1927-1953. 1 folder

109. Gillmore, A.K., 1961-1963. 1 folder

110. Girl Guides Association and Boy Scouts, 1931-1959. [45] 1 folder

Ill. Governor-General's Medals, 1912-1961. [125G] 5 folders ll2. Highway Traffic Board: School Van Insurance, 1940-1965. 1 folder

113. Industrial Towns Committee, 1964-1965. l:folder

114. Insurance, Correspondence, 1941-1963. 3 folders

115. Interdepartmental Co-ordinating Committee, 1947-1953. 1 folder

116. International Magna Carta Day Association, 1927-1939. [31] 1 folder

117. Interprovincial Committee, 1930-1935. [61G] 1 folder

118. Inter-Provincial Conference, 1941-1943. 1 folder

119. Inventories of Supplies, 1930. [42] 1 folder

120. Kindergarden for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 1961-1965. 1 folder

121. Law Society of Saskatchewan, 1918-1921. [52G] 1 folder

122. Laycock Survey, 1943-1945. 1 folder

123. League of Nations Society, 1927-1946. [16] 1 folder

124. Lieutenant-Governor, 1907-1932. [lG] 1 folder

125. L10ydminster Charter, 1941. 1 folder

126. Local Council of \vomen, 1942-1951. 1 folder

127. McConnell Map Co., 1922-1936. [11] 1 folder

128. McKechnie, J.H. (Dr.), 1924-1934. [23G] 1 folder

129. McLeod, James Archibald, 1930-1933. [21G] 1 folder

130. Mailing Lists, 1930-1936. [60G] 1 folder

131. Maps, 1957-1969. 1 folder Ed. 29

132. Mennonite Teachers, 1927-1928. [14] 1 folder

133. Mental Health Fifth International Congress. 1 folder

134. Mentally Defective Children, 1941-1962. [98G] 1 folder

135. Minister of Education, 1941-1951. a. Minister of Education, 1941-1945. 1 folder b. Minister of Education, 1944-1951. 1 folder

136. Ministers and M.L.A.s, 1934-1950. [134G] 1 folder

137. Monthly Reports, 1931. [34G] 1 folder

138. Motion Pictures in Saskatchewan Schools, 1917-1934. [29G]1 folder

139. Municipal School Districts: Proposed, 1918-1920. [151G] 1 folder

140. Music Colleges and Music as an Optional Subject, 1919-1942. 1 folder

141. National Council of Education, 1938-1960. [105G] 2 folders

142. National Federation of Canadian University Students, 1951. 1 folder

143. Navy League, 1940-1959. 1 folder

144. News Letter, S.K. Laycock, 1953. 1 folder

145. Nutrition Services, 1943. 1 folder

146. Peace Pact, 1929. [33] 1 folder

147. PhYRlcnl FltnPRR. 1950-1961. n. Physical FItness, 1950-1951. 1 folder b. Physical Fitness Part 3, 1957-1963. 1 folder

148. Prepayment of Grants, 1941. 1 folder

149. Provincial Auditor, 1906-1947. a. Provincial Auditor, 1906-1946. [6G] 1 folder b. Provincial Auditor, 1940-1947. 1 folder

150. Provincial Library, 1911-1932. [143G] 1 folder

151. Provincial Youth Agency, 1965. 1 folder

152. Public School Districts Taught by Sisters, 1930-1939. [38]1 folder

153. Pupil Cost, 1943. 1 folder

154. Purchasing Commission, 1944-1961. 1 folder

155. Quebec Royal Commission of Inquiry on Education, 1962. 1 folder Ed. 30

156. Recruiting of British Teachers, 1954-1960. 1 folder

157. Regulations, 1916-1944. a. Regulations, 1916-1930. 2 folders b. High Schools, 1927-1930. 1.folder c. Normal School, 1924-1928. 1 folder d. Oath of Allegiance, 1917-1944. [30G] 1 folder

158. Reid, N.L., Assistant Deputy Minister, 1925-1935. [22G] 1 folder

159. Reid, Report on Northern Scho01s,1939. (xerox copy) 1 folder

160. Registrar: Policies and Departmental Administration, 1919-1937. 1 folder

161. Rented School Buildings, 1929-1932. [34] 1. folder

162. Rose, A.B., 1935-1941. [24G] 1 folder

163. Royal Colonial Institute, The Royal Empire Society, 1918-1931. [48G] 1 folder

164. Rural Municipalities, 1931-1960. 4 folders

165. Rural School Finances, 1940. 1 folder

166. Salary Schedule, 1945-1946. 1 folder

167. Salvage, 1942-1943. 1 folder

168. Sanitary Toilets, 1930-1931. [43] 1 folder

169. Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League, 1943-1952. 1 folder

170. Saskatchewan Arts Board, 1948-1963. 1 folder

171. Saskatchewan Book Bureau, 1939-1963. 5 folders

172. Saskatchewan Bureau of Publications: News Items and News Editors, 1957-1963. [56G] 1 folder

173. Saskatchewan Civil Service Association, 1948-1963.1 folder

174. Saskatchewan Drama League, 1948-1956. 1 folder

175. Saskatchewan Educational Conference, 1943-1945. 1 folder

176. Saskatchewan Federation of Home and School Associations, 1936-1966. 2 folders

.177. Saskatchewan Government Departments, 1914-1967. a. Index to Attorney General Files. 1 folder b. Department of Co-operation and Co-operative Development, 1945-1961. ' 1 folder Ed. 31

c. Department of Highways, 1914-1960. [7lG] 1 folder d. Department of Municipal Affairs, 1928-1950. [lOG] 3 folders e. Department of Municipal Affairs, L.r.D. Branch, Tax Collection, 1950-1963. 6 folders f. Department of Telephones - Deputy Minister, 1909-1963. [llG] 1 folder g. Department of Agriculture, 1918-1962. [9G] 2 folders h. Department of Natural Resources, 1931-1967. [17G] 1 folder 1. Department of Public Health, 1924-1965. [12G] 2 folders j. Department of Public Works, 1946-1964. [8G] 1 folder k. Department of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, 1946-1954. [23G] 1 folder 1. Department of Social Welfare, 1946-1964. [47G] 1 folder m. Deputy Provincial Treasurer, 1946-1965. ·1 folder

178. Saskatchewan Immigration Commission, 1930. [37] 1 folder

179. Saskatchewan Local Government Board, 1914 - 1955. a. Revenue Commission, 1914-1955. [73G] 2 folders

180. Saskatchewan Provincial Musical Association, 1919-1959. a. Saskatchewan Provincial Musical Association, 1919-1939. [53G] 1 folder b. Saskatchewan Musical Association, 1940-1959. 1 folder

181. Saskatchewan Reconstruction Council, 1943-1945. 1 folder

182. Saskatchewan Relief Commission, 1931-1934. [49] 1 folder

183. Saskatchewan Research Council, 1954-1955. 1 folder

184. Saskatchewan Safety League, 1931. [44] 1 folder

185. Saskatoon Art Centre, 1961-1963. 1 folder

186. Scholarships, 1914-1962. a. British School at Rome, 1914-1919. [133G] 1 folder b. Bank of Montreal Canada Centennial Scholarships, 1960. 1 folder c. Colorado School of Mines Scholarships, 1933-1955. 1 folder d. Gro1ier Society Scholarship, 1951-1958. 1 folder e. Imperial Oil Scholarship Committee, 1946-1962. 1 folder f. Library Scholarship, 1946-1952. 1 folder g. Masonic, [135G] 1 folder h. National Scholarships in Technical Education, 1936. 1 folder i. Upper Canada College, 1939-1942. 1 folder

187. The School, 1917-1928. [107G] 1 folder

188. School Broadcasts, 1941-1970. 2 folders

189. School Districts: Loans, 1930-1970. 6 folders

190. [School Districts: Prairie River and Dana ], 1919-1923. [26] 1 folder Ed. 32

191. School Fire Insurance, 1929-1939. [35] 1 folder

192. Schoolhouses burned in Doukhobor Settlements, 1929-1937. [27] 1 folder

193. School Libraries, 1946-1950. 1 folder

194. School Unit Zone Meetings, 1948-1951. 1 folder

195. Sea Cadets, 1942. 1 folder

196. Secondary Education: Fees, 1926-1928. [3] 1 folder

197. Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children, 1928-1970. [21] 1 folder

198. Special Government Functions, 1922-1952. 4 folders

199. Standard One Room School Plan No. 1B, 1952. 1 folder

200. Statistical File, 1941-1943. 4 folders

201. Steam Engineering Course, 1925-1927. [9] 1 folder

202. Stillwell, George B. (Dr. ), 1924-1937. [20G] 1 folder

203. Sub Examiners, 1942-1953. 1 folder

204. Superintendents of Schools, Correspondence, 1965-1967. 1 folder

205. Supervisory Area: Kinders1ey and Glidden, 1930-1936. [37GJ 1 folder

206. Teachers for Overseas Service, 1942. 1 folder

207. Teachers' Income Tax Deductions, 1941-1958. 1 folder

208. Temperance and Narcotics, 1941-1961. 1 folder

209. Travelling Book Agents, 1929-1938. [102G] 1 folder

210. Unauthorized Textbooks, 1916-1918. [27G] 1 folder

211. Unemployment Insurance, 1942-1950. 1 folder

212. Union School Boards, 1929. [25J 1 folder

213. [University Entrance Requirements], 1937-1947. 1 folder

214. Unqualified Teachers, 1941. 1 folder

215. Vacation Leave, 1949. 1 folder

216. Visual Instruction, 1928-1937. [100GJ 1 folder

217. Vocational Education, Regina, 1927-1928. 1 folder Ed. 33

218. Vocational Training Advisory Council, 1946-1949. 1 folder

219. War Time Prices: Books, 1941-1943. 1 folder

220. Western Board of Music, 1937-1951. 1 folder

221. Western Canada Association of the Deaf, 1957-1961. 1 folder

222. Western Teachers' Union, 1929-1959. [39] 1 folder

223. lfuat Saskatchewan has done in the Great War, 1918-1930. [19] 1 folder

224. Women's Services. - Armed Forces, 1942. 1 folder

225. Work and Wage Program, 1945-1946. 2 folders

226. Workman's Compensation, 1953-1963. 1 folder

227. World Federation of Education Associations, 1928-1931. [23] 1 folder

228. Mimeograph File. 13 boxes

229. School District Loans: Teachers' Salaries, 1937-1941. 7 boxes

Correspondence and forms concerning the granting of loans to school districts to enable the payment of amounts still owing to teachers for salaries payable before January 1, 1935. The loans were made under An Act to authorize Certain Loans by the Province to School Districts, (Chapter 58 of 1937).

The correspondence is mainly between the Deputy Minister of Education and school district officials or the teachers to whom the money was owing. The files are arranged in order of the school district number.

(51) Connaught (100) Henke (146) Workman (202) Percy (249) Robin Hood (305) Frontenac (345) White Rose (429) Xena (500) Palestine (536) Silverton (605) Manor (655) Bethel (700) Lein (746) Barholis Ed. 34

229. (801) Poplar (856) Erie (908) Mida1e (956) Rhineland (999) Twin Valley (1051) Stony Run (1100) Rosco1 (1147) Berdahl (1205) Hudmore (1253) Arbor Vitae (1300) Holdfast (1347) Lipton (1400) Edenho1me (1452) Bennet (1500) Kindred (1554) Ath10ne (1598) Greenfarm

(1651) Hagen (1703) Norman (1758) Hillhurst (1801) Forest Glen (1854) Ohioville (1898) Black Diamond (1950) Kah1sburg (1998) Schneller (2056) Salt Lake (2105) Trail (2167) Silver Cloud (2205) Elbow View (2248) Belvidere (2299) Kincardine (2353) Balrobie (2397) Highland Valley

(2457) Sunny Field (2503) Slager (2518) Arland (2557) Rolling Plains (2600) (2651) Donegal (2699) Douglas (2746) Salisbury (2800) Pine Lake (2849) Truax (2901) Andersonville (2950) Spiral (3001) Kabrund (3057) Shakespeare (3098) Winston (3154 ) 1'1ora ( 3199) Creek Valley

(3252) Buffalo Gap (3300) Watkins (3352) Trilml70rth Hanor Ed. 35

229. (3415) Rose1ea (3451) Lakenheath (3504) Meadow View (3553) Westridge (3607) Fern Valley (3649) Mistletoe (3653) Sandoff (3702) Oskaloosa (3750) Queen Alexandra (3801) Wildflower (3851) Orange Valley (3903) Sharon (3940) Red Butte

(4003) McDonald Dale (4052) Painsvil1e (4100) Wheat Belt (4152) Maharg ( 4253) Mundie (4300) Long Range (4353) Grant Butte ( 4397) Hyatt ( 4442) Maj estic (4502) Lone Trail ( 4549) Baldwin (4602) Dendron ( 4650) Alida (4699) Lisieux

(4750) Cal d,,,e 11 (4796) Fir Mountain (4858) Dexter (4899) Sandy Ridge (4945) River's End (5002) Botany (5047) Big Bush

(P.S. 1) Forget Protestant Separate (H.S. 6) Qu 1 Appe11e (R.C.S. 7) Mathieu (R.C.S. 10) Heyronne

42. Former Teachers 2 boxes Restricted Access on some files. DEPARTI1ENT OF EDUCATION ADDENDUM

Saskatchewan Archives Board Saskatoon, 1988 Ed.I}-Jd· 37


L (75) Board of Reference, 1943-1959 12 em a. 19'.3-1945 1.5 em b. 1946-1948 1.5 em e. 1948-1949 1.5 em d. 1950-1953 2 em e. 1953-1956 2 em f. 1956-1959

2. (75) Boards of Coneil:i.ation (Teachers' Salaries), 1950-1964 59.9 em

a. School Units, 1950 2 em b. School Units A-L, 1951 2 em e. School Units H-S, 1951 2 em d. School Units A-K, 1952 2 em e. School Units L'::'S, 1952 2.7 em f. School Units, 1953 2.3 em g. School Units A-G, 1954--1956 2.2 em h. School Units H-K, 1954-1956 2 em i. School Units l1-H, 1954-1956 1.8 em j. School Units O-S, 1954-1956 2 em k. School Units A-K, 1957 2.2 em 1. School Units tFS, 1957 2.4 em m. School Units A-H, 1958 2.5 em n. School Units N-S, 195[3 2 em o. School Units T-Y, 1958 2.4 em p. School Units, 1958 2.5 em q. School Units, 1960 2.4 em r. School Units, 1960 2.5 em s. General, 1961 1.2 em t. School Units 2-9 1.8 em u. School Units 11-28 2.5 em v. School Units 30-36, 1961 2 em w. School Units 37-50, 1961 2.5 em x. School Units 52-56, 1961 2.5 em y. School Units 61-66, 1961 2.4 em z. School Units, 1962 2.3 em aa. School Units, 1963 1.8 em bb. School Units, 1964 1.7 em

3. (75) Boards of Conciliation - Teacher Tenure, 1954-1962 6.4 em

a. 1954-1957 2.1 em b. 1959-1960 2 em e. 1962 2.3 em 38 Ed. Add.

4. (7G) Department of the Attorney General, 1908-1946 18.2 cm

a. 1908-1912 2.3 cm b. 1913-1916 2.2 em e. 1917-1922 2.4 em d. 1923-1928 2.4 em e. 1929-1930 2 em f. 1931-1935 2.3 em g. 1936-1940 2.2 em h. 1941-1946 2.4 em

~. (lOG) Department of 11I.Jnicipa1 Affairs, 1951-1972 5 em

a. 1951-1956 2.5 em b. 1957-1972 2.5 em

6. (25G) Government Correspondence School, 1937-1963 9.5 em

a. 1937-1944 2 em b. 1945-1947 1.8 em e. 1948-1949 2 em d. 1950-1954 2.5 em e. 1955-1963 1.2 em

7. (32G) Royal Canadian Hounted Police, 1929-1955 5.5 em

a. 1929-1934 2.4 em b. 1934-1941 1.5 em e. 1941-1955 1.6 em

8. (40G) Outpost Correspondence School 1929-1930 8mm

9. (50G) Dominion Government Officials, 1964-1971 5 em

a. 1964-1967 2.7 em b. 1968-1971 2.3 em

10. (74G) Inspee tors ~ Reports on Indian Schools, 1927-1973 31. 8 em RESTFiIGjE.D RF:.~,:~-r~~~,I;'~·TEi) a. 1927-1928 1.5 em b. 1929-1931 2.5 em e. 1931-1934 2.5 em d. 1935-1937 2 em e. 1937-1939 2.2 em f. 1940-1942 2.5 em g. 1943-1946 2.5 em h. 1947-1950 2.6 em 39 Ed. A'<:ld· ..\) i. 1951-1954 2.5 em j. 1955-1956 2.4 em k. 1957-1958 2 em 1. 1958 2 em m. 1958 2 em n. 1959-1973 2.6 em

11. (97G) School fof the Deaf: Correspondence Regarding

Students, 1946-1962 4.6 em ;';'\'.., I

a. Students A-L, 1946-1962 2.2 em h. StudentsM-Z, 1946-1961 2.4 em

12. (97G) School for the Deaf: General Correspondence Regarding Students, 1946-1957 2.7 em

F;r-::.~.'-·; .. 13 •. .(97G) School for the Deaf: Staff , 1957-1963 1 em Fl[srF~;C

14. (97G) School for the Deaf: General, 1963-1972 5.4 em

a. 1963-1964 2.6 em h. 1964-1972 2.8 em

15. (97G) School for the Deaf: Inventory, 1963 1.5 em

16. (97G) School for the Deaf: Annual Report, 1944-1945 7 mm

17. (97G) The Measurement of Intelligence of Pupils at the Saskatchewan School for the Deaf, 1949 6 mm

18. (97G) School for the Deaf: Statement of Policy, 1951 3 mm

19. (97G) Regulations for the School for the Deaf, 1935-1945 5 mm

, f\E~~r:f~~-:;TE&7G) Deaf Children from Other Provinces at Saskatoon, 1938-1946 4 mm

21. (97G) School for the Deaf: Shoe Repair Training, 1935-1939 5 mm

22. (97G) School for the Deaf: Vocational Work, 1937 3 mm

23. (97G) School for the Deaf: Applications for Superin- tendent's Position, 1947 2 mm

24. (HOG) Strathcona Trust Fund: General Correspondence, 1909-1958 1.1 em 40 Ed. AJe·

25. (HOG) Strathcona Trust Fund: Annual Reports, 1934-1948 9.8 cm

a. 1934 8 mm b. 1935 7 mm c. 1937 7 mm d. 1939-1940 1 cm e. 1941 1 cm f. 1942-1943 1.1 cm g. 1944 9 mm h. 1945 1 cm i. 1946 1.2 cm j. 1947 1 cm k. 1948 4mm

26. (lUG) Balfour Technical School, 1936-1966 6.7 cm

a. 1936-1949 2 cm b. 1950-1955 2.2 cm c. 1956-1966 2.5 cm

27. (U1G) Saskatoon Technical School, 1936-1967 6.8 cm

a. 1936-1948 2.7 cm b. 1949-1953 1.8 cm c. 1954-1967 2.3 cm

28. (U1G) Moose Jaw Technical School, 1940-1964 3.6 cm

a. 1940-1947 5mm b. 1948-1962 2.5 cm c. 1963-1964 6 mm

29. (lUG) Vocational Education - General, 1934-1939 4 mm

30. Private Schools: General, 1933-1966 1.5 em

31. (145G) Amendments to the School Grants Act, 1920-1945 1.6 cm

32. (145G) Amendments to the School Attendance Act, 1920-1939 1 em

33. (145G) Amendments to the Trade Schools Act, 1936-1937 7 mm

34. (145G) Amendments to the Secondary School Act, 1920-1946 1 cm

35. (145G) Amendments to High School Regulations, 1934 5 mm

36. (145G) Amendments to the School Act, 1930-1947 6 cm

a. 1930-1932 2 cm b. 1933-1938 2.4 em c. 1939-1947 1.6 em 41

37. Correspondence with Municipalities re: School Fuel Advances, 1939-1947 2 em

38. Correspondence with Rural Hunicipa1ities re: School Fuel Advances, 1939-1945 2.3 em

39. School Fees and Taxes, 1941-1959 2.5 em

40. School Grants: General Correspondence, 1931-1966 2.7 em

41. Patriotic Progr~ms. 1941-1967 13.4 em

a. 1941-1950 2.2 em b. 1951-1956 2.5 em e. 1956-1957 2.5 em d. 1958-1960 2 em e. 1961-1963 2 em f. 1963-1967 2.2 em

42. Petition Re~arding Memorization of Bible Verses in Saskatchewan Schools, nd. 4.9 em

a. Petitions, nd. 2.5 em b, Petitions, nd. 2,l. em

43. I.O.D.E. Libraries, 1943 1.1 em

44. Superintendents' Conference, 1948 5 mm

45. Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, 1962-1969 1. 2 em

46. Ministers' Recommendations to Council, 1968-1977 6 em

a, 1968-1970 2 em b. 1970 1.8 em e. 1974-1977 2.5 em

47. Orders in Council, 1966-1972 5 em a. 1960-1968 2.5 em b. 1968-1972 2.5 em


Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon 1974 Ed.2


Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School Introductory Note:

. An Outpost Correspondence School ~"as opened early in February 1925 to serve children living outside of organized school districts. It soon included children who were for reasons of health unable to attend school and children living in areas where school buildings had not yet been constructed. In 1929 the service was expanded to include children living in school districts but who were unable to attend school regularly and for adults who wished to complete their'. In September 1930 the school was extended to include Grades IX, X, XI and the name was changed to the Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School

1. Miitlster of Education, 1925-1927. l folder

Memoranda and reports submitted to the Minister of Education S.J. Latta by the Director of the Ou~post CorrespondQnce School, Miss C. E. Sheldon-WillisQs. f 2. Department Officials, 1925-1927. 1 folder

Copies of memoranda and reports sent by the Director of the Outpost correspondence school to various departmental officials including the Deputy Minister, the Superintendent of Education, School Inspectors and the Registrar.

3. Forms, 1925-1927. 1 ,folder,

Copies of fo~ letters, application fo~s, lesson reports, lesson plans, and samples of memoranda requesting the forwarding of copies of text books by the department to students.

4. Correspondence Schools, 1924-1926. 1 folder

Correspondence with Departments of Education in Alberta, British Columbia and Australia regarding the operation of their corres- pondence schools.

5. General Corre8pondence.1925~1927. 1 folder

Correspondence on a variety of subjects including publicity, inquiries, loan of books. pen pals and requests for teaching aids. Also includes a copy of an obituary notice which was pub- lished in the Leader-Post of April 9, 1949 on the death of Miss C. E. Sheldon-Williams, first director of the correspondence schooL

6. General Correspondence, 1930-1934. 2 folders

Correspondence of the director A.B. Ross with departmental officials and others on matters relating to the operation and expansion of the Correspondence School to include high school Ed.2

subjects. Included is correspondence ~lith 11Testern Elctension College for the purchase of their high school correspondence courses and information from other Departments of Education in their pr.o- grams. Also included are departmental memoS about accounts, reports, staff, and equipment.

7. Daily Registers. 1925-1930. 2.5 volumes

Information on the students registered and the material that has been sent to them. Volume three of the series is missing. AN INVENTORY OF THE RECORDS OF THE SASKATCHEWAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VOCATIONAL EDUCATION BRANCH

Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon 1974 Ed.3

Table of Contents

1. Manual Training and Domestic Sciences, 1913-1916...... 1 2. Technical Training, 1944-1948...... 1 3. Technical Education Committee, 1944-1947, 1949...... 1 4. General Correspondence, 1959-1961...... 1 5. Memoranda, 1946-1953, 1958-1961...... 1 6. Surplus Equipment, 1945-194,9...... 1 7. Departmental Conference, 1946...... 2 8. Commonwealth Technical Training Week, 1961~...... 2 9. Official Openings, 1947-1956...... 2

10. Director of Training, Department of Labour, Ottawa, 1947-1951 ...... *...... 2 11. Director, Vocational Training Branch, Ottawa, 1948-1960... 2 12. Trade Analysis" 1959...... 2 13. Industrial Foundation of Education, 1957...... 2 14. Royal Commission...... 2 15. Saskatchewan Technical Teachers' Association, 1947-1959... 3 16. School Building Grants...... 3 17. School Build ing Plans...... 3

18. Grants, Vocational School Assistance Agreements, 1948-1957...... 3 19. Vocational Schools Assistance Agreement, 1945-1956...... 3 20. Survey on Technical and Vocational Instruction, 1953...... 3 21. Composite Schools, 1954-1959...... 3 22. Committee Study of Vocational Education, 1957-1959...... 3 23. Superintendents' Reports, 1954-1957...... 3

24. Provincial Technical Institute

a. General, 1953-1958...... 4 b. Central Planning Committee, 1957-1960...... 4 c. Reports and Data, n.d...... 4 d. Instructional Staff...... 4 e. Official Opening, 1960-1961...... 4 f. Administration, 1959...... 4

25. Agricultural Education

a. General, 1953-1959...... 4 b. Publications...... 5 c. Kinders1ey Vocational Agricultural Program, 1954-1960. 5 d. Vocational Agricultural Program, 1956-1960.. 5 e. Rosetown Vocational Agricultural Program, 1958-1960... 5 f. Sturgis Vocational Agricultural Program, 1957-1959.... 5 g. Tisdale Vocational Agricultural Program, 1959-1961.... 5 h. Teachers Available, 1957-1960...... 5

26. Apprenticeship Training, 1950-1950 •...•.•....•.•..••••.••. 5 27. Bakery School, 1960-1961 •..••..•••..••.••...•••••••....••• 6 28. Cotnmercial" 1954 .. ., .... ., ...... 6 29. Highway Technicians Course, 1960 .••..••••.••...••.••..•.•• 6 30. Welding Correspondence Course, 1958-1959 ••••...••••..••••• 6 Ed.3 11

31. Home Economics

a. Minutes of the Home Economics Curriculum Conunittee, 1953-1955...... 6 b. Correspondence, 1953-1960...... 6

32. Pipe Welding Courses, 1958-1960...... 6 33. Power Engineers Evening Classes, 1959...... 6

34. Printing Courses

a. Correspondence, 1949-1953...... 6 b. Examination Results, 1953-1955...... 7

35. Coordinating Council on Rehabilitation, 1959-1960...... 7 36. Rural Electrification Course, 1959...... 7

37. Shopwork

a. General Correspondence, 1957-1963...... 7 b. Shop Equipment, n.d ..•••.••.•.•••.••...••••••.•••.. ;.. 7

38. Winter Training Programs, 1958-1959...... 7 39. Cottages for Northern Settlements, 1961...... 7

40. School Building and Equipment Grants

(1) Arcola School Unit, 1946-1950 ...... 7 (2) School Unit, 1948-1950 .•••••..••••••.••••• 7 (3) Biggar School Unit, 1946-1950 •..••••.••••...••••..••• 7 (4) Broadview School ·Unit, 1948 ••.••.•.•••••••.•••••••••• 7 (5) Canoia School District, 1946-1950 ••.••.••..••••••.••• 7 (6) Carlyle High School, 1948-1950 •••..••••••••••.••••••• 7

(7) School Unit, 1947-1950 ••••••.••..•••.••.••••. 8 (8) Eston, E1rose, Kyle, White Bear.and Prouse, 1946-1950 8 (9) , 1946-1950 ...... , ...... 8 (10) School Unit, 1946-1950 .••••••..•...•.•..••• 8 (11) Govan School Unit, 1946-1950 .••••••..••••..••...••••• 8 (12) Gravelb0\.l:rg, 1950 ...... 8

(13) Herbert School Unit, 1946-1950 ••••••••••••••.••••..•• 8 (14) Hudson Bay School Unit, 1944-1949 ••••••••.••••..••••• 8 (15) Humboldt, 1946..:.1950 ••.• ~ •••.••••••.••••.••••.•••••••• 8 (16) Indian Head Area, 1945-1949 .••••.••••••.••••••....••• 8

(17) District, 1947-1950 •.•..•.•.••.•••.••••..•••• 8 (18) School Unit, 1946-1950 ••.••••.•••••••••.••• 8 (19) Kinders1ey School Unit, 1946-1950 .•••••••••••..•••••• 8 (20) Kinistino School Unit, 1946-1950 ••••••.•...••••.••••• 8 (21) Lanigan School Unit, 1946-1949 •..•••.••••...•.•••.••• 8 (22) Leader School Unit, 1946-1950 ••••...••..••.•.•.••••.• 8 (23) L1oydminster, 1946-1949 .•••••..•••.•..•.••••.••.•.••• 8 Ed.3 iii

40. (24) Maple Creek, 1946-1950 •.••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••• 8 (25) Meadow Lake School Unit, 1946-1950 •••••.••••••••••••• 8 (26) Me1fort School Unit, 1946-1950 •••••••.•••.••.•••••••• 8 (27) Melville School District, 1947-1950 ...... 8 (28) Milestone School Unit, 1946-1950 •...... 8 (29) Moose Jaw, 1938-1950 ...... 8 (30) Moosomin District, 1947-1950 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8

(31) District, 1946-1951 ••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 8 (32) North Batt1eford, 1946-1950 •••••••••••••.•••..••••••• 8 (33) Oxbow School Unit, 1947-1950 ••••••••• ~ .•.•••.•••••••• 8 (34) Prince Albert District, 1946-1950 ••••••••••••••.••.•• 8 (35) Radvi11e School District, 1946-1950 •.•.••••.••..••••. 8 (36) Regina East School Unit, 1948-1950 •••••.••••..•.••••• 8 (37) Rosetown District, 1947-1950 .•••••••••••••.••.••••••. 8 (38) District, 1946-1950 ..••••••...••...... 8

(39) Saskatoon City, 1946-1950 ...... 8 (40) Saskatoon East School Unit, 1946-1950 •..••....••..••• 8 (41) School for the Deaf, 1950 ...... 8 (42) Shaunavon School District, 1946-1950 ••••••••••••••••• 8 (43) District, 1949-1951 ••••.•••..••••.••••• 8 (44) Sturgis School Unit, 1946-1950 •.••••••.•••...••.••••• 8

(45) Tisdale School Unit, 1946-1950 •••••••••.•.•.•.•.••.•. 8 (46) Unity School District, 1946-1949 ••••.•••..•..•.•..•••• 8 (47) Wadena School Unit, 1946-1948 ••••.•••.•....•••••••••• 8 (48) and Cudworth Districts, 1946-1950 .••.•..••••.•• 8 (49) Watrous School Unit, 1948-1950 ••••••.....•.••••..•••• 8 (50) Wilkie School District, 1946-1950 ••••.••••...•••••••• 8 (51) Wilkie School District, 1946-1950 •.•••••.•.••.••.•••• 8 (52) Wynyard District, 1945-1950 •••••••••••••••..•.••••.•• 8 (53) Yorkton Collegiate, 1946-1950 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 8

41. Early School Building Files...... 8 ADDENDUM

42-64 See file listing. 9-11 Ed.3


V~cattonal Education Branch

1. Hanual Training and Domestic Science. 1913~1916. ). folder Correspondence and inter-departmental memoranda regarding grants for manual training and domestic science classes, estimates, and reports from inspectors on manual training and domestic science classes in their inspectorates.

2. Technical Training, 1944-1948. 5 folders Correspondence mainly with H. Janzen, Director of Curricula but also includes other material relating to the setting up of a committee on Technical Education, arranging for meetings of the committee, seeking opinions of others, recommendations for courses, special problems regarding grants, Outram Vocational achool, planning courses and the deva16pment of composite school programs.

3. Technical Education Committee, 1944-1947. 1949. 1 folder Minutes of the meetings of the Technical Education Committee from the first meeting November 3, 1944 to the seventeenth meeting January 23, 1947. Included also are the minutes and agenda for a conference of Technical High School Principals and the Principals with officials of the Department of Edu- cation on May 13, 1949.

4. General Correspondence, 1959-1961. .3 folders This correspondence consists mainly of inquiries from private indiViduals regarding technical and vocational courses and apprenticeship programs offered in Saskatchewan. Also in- cludes inquiries from other departments on the programs of instruction and an article by Mrs. Lepine called '~hy Finish High School."

5. Memoranda, 1946-1953, 1958,1961. 2 folders Correspondence with the Minister. Deputy Minister, departmental officials and other departments of the government on a number of subjects. Included is correspondence on vocational grants, department policy, conferences, meetings, advisory committee, staff requirements, supervision and equipment. 6. Surplus Equipment, 1945-1949. 1 folder Correspondence regarding the distribution to schools of equipment from War Assets Corporation and the Department of Reconstruction. 2. Ed.3

7. Departmental Conference., 1946. 1 folder Program and reports given at a conferenoe of departmental officials which was held for the purpose of discussing the various aspects of the department's program.

8. Commonwealth Technical Training Week, 1961. 2 folders

Correspondence. minutes of planning meetin~J reports and literature distr.ibUted by the department as part of ita pro· gram for technical training week.

9. Official Openlngs, 1947·1956. I folder Official programs and newspaper clippings for the opening of new school bUildings.

10. Director of Training, Department of Labour. Ottawa. 1 folder 1947-1951. Mainly correspondence regarding grants under the vocational assistance agreement. 11. Director, Vocational Training Branch, Ottawa, 3 folders 1948 .. 1960.

Correspondenoe malnly about grants and building projects but also includes correspondence on vocational correspondence courses. students aid, conferences, building projects, official visits and teacher qualifications.

12. Trade Analysts. 1959. 1 folder. Analysis of Bteamfitting and the electrioal trade and pub- licationsof Department of Labour, Ottawa IDn optometry. machinists. and careers in meteor-ology. 13. Industrial Foundation on Education. 1957. 1 folder Establishment of standards for technicians in chemistry and other fields. 14. Royal Commission. 1 folder Correspondence regarding meetings of the interdepartmental committee to study royal commiSSion reCommendations and a request for informatton on apprenticeship training program from the Royal CommiSSion on Coal. Ed.3 3.

15. Saskatchewan Technical Teachers1 Association, 1947-1959. 1 folder Programs. minutes and correspondence about meetings of the association. Included is cot:'respondence 1regarding possible depa~tment grants to help defray costS of the meettngs~ 16. School Building Grants. 1 folder Provincia! formulae for assistance grants. 17. School Building Plans 1 folder Speeifieations, standard school plans, quanset hut construction and washroom facilities for rural schools. 18. Grants, Vocational School Assistance Agreements, 1948-1957. 1 folder

Correspondence, reports and atatistics on the applieation of grants for buildings and equipment under the Dominion Provincial Vocational Assistance Agreement.

19. Vocational Schools Assistance Ag~eementt 1945-1956. 1 folder Agreements, statistics. reports and cOJ:'respondenee regarding extension of the joint Dominion-Provincial agreements.

20. Survey on Technical and Vooational Instruetion. 1953. 1 folder

Retu~6 on a survey of teehnical,modlfied compOSite, e~mpsite and itineJ:'ant programs on vocational instruction being given in the schools for the academic year 1953-1954.

21. Composite Schools, 1954-1959. 1 folder Requests for information. suggested grants system and summary of the retutns on a questionnaire for composite high schools on the number of students in shopwork and commercial programs who become employed in these fields.

22. Committee Study of Vocational Education. 1957.1959. 1 folder Minutes of meetings, correspondence and final report of the committee on the technical education program. Also a mimeo- graphed report ,entitled itA Study of the Function of Vocational Education in the Secondary School System and the Place of Balfour Technical School in the Seeondary School System of Regina" prepared by the Balfour Technical School staff. May 1959.

23. Superintendents' Reports, 1954·1957. 1 folder Reports by the Director of Vocation Education on visits in place of the Superintendent to schools in Saskatoon, Moose Jaw and Regina. Also some correspondence on teacher student load and qualifications. Ed.3 4.

24. Provincial Technical Institute

s. General. 1953-1958 1 folder Correspondence with technical school officials in other provinces and states rega.rding visits to examine their school and details of building and organization. A report on the possibility of using the Regi.ns Normal School building. Correspondence with departmental offi~lals and others on the pl:oposed institute including minutes of. a conference to discuss the relationship of the proposed institute with the eXisting technical collegiates.

b. Central Planning Committee, 1957-1960 1 folder

Minutes of the Central Planning Committee for the Provincial Technical Institute. Some memoranda prepared by sub- committees for the central committee.

c. Reports and Data, n.d. 2 folders Memoranda and other data prepared for the Central Planning Committee. general information on classes. Qstimates on space needs. submission of the Department of Labour on the proposed school, proposed work program. and the t~port of a provincial conference on'industrial development.

d. Instructional Staff. 1 folder

Advertisement forpr1.,nciPal~ and instructor techntca, institute. Also query regarding a trade instructor.

e. Official Opening, 1960-1961. 1 folder Correspondence regatding plana and invitations to the official opening of the technical institute. Also program for the opening and complimentary banquet.

f. Administration, 1959. 1 folder

Correspondence mainly relating to space requirements. building reviSions, staff, staff tl+aining and budget. Also included is a request for the introduction of new courses.

25. Agricultural Education

a. General, 1953-1959. 2 folders Correspondence and reports regarding agricultural education in the schools. Also includes correspondence on curriculum. training of teachers, a Saskatchet1an Farmers' Union brief and requests for information. Ed.3 6.

h. Publications. 1 folder Referenoe material gathered from other inatitutions.

c. Vocational Agricultural Program, . 2 folders 1954 .. 1960. Correspondence with the instructors, unit offiCials, university personnel and others regarding meetings, visits, courses llnd staff. d. Kinistino Vocationa1 Agricultural Progra.m,1956-l960. 1 folder Correspondenoe with the instructors, unit officials, university personnel and others regarding meetings, visits, courses and staff.

e. ROBetown Vocational Agricultural Program,19SS-l960. 1 folder COl:'tespondence with the instructors, unit officials, university personnel and others regarding meetings, viSits, courses and staff.

f. Sturgis Vocational Agricultural Progt:am, 1957·1959. 1 folder Correspondence '-lith the instt'Uctors. unit officials, university personnel and othet:s regarding meetings, visits, courses and staff.

g. Tisdale Vocational Agricultural Program, 1959-1961. 1 folder Correspondence with the instructors, unit offiCials, university personnel and others regatdbg meetings. visits, courses and staff.

h. Teachers Available, 1957-1960. 1 folder Correspondence with indiViduals regarding possible em- plo~nent as vocational agricultural teachers. Also correspondence with a unit superintendent on the pOBsi· bility of establishing a program. 26. Apprenticeship Training, 1950.1960. 2 folders This correspondence is mainly concerned with the problems associated with running the apprentioeship'igqram at canadian Vocational Trade School. ,Saskatoon. Thh developed as a joint responsibility of the Department of Labour and Education and many problems arose because the ohannels of command were not always clear. Included also al'e course outlines, requests for information and minutes of adviSOry committee meetings. There 1s also correspondence about the transfer of trade tra.ining to the provincial technical institute. Ed.3 6.

27. Bakery School, 1960~1961. 1 folder

A. proposal to establish a. bakery school either as a private school or as one sponsored by the government.

28. Commercial, 1954. 1 folder Mainly comments from teachers who took part in a special two day clinic nn shorthand.

29~ Highway Technloians Course, 1960. , folder

Co~re8pondence regard:Lng arrangement for a special course fo~ highway technioians.

30. tlelding Correspondence Course, 1958 .. 1959. 1 folder Correspondence regarding the course and topical outline of the course. 31. Home Economics •

a. Minutes of the Home Economics Curr:Lcu1um Committee. 1 folder 1953 .. 1955.

Minutes of a committee formed to revise the home economics COUl'ses.

b. Correspondence, 1953.1960. .5 ~o1ders Mainly correspondence concerning the curriculum revision committee and its work. Included are surveys and reque8~s from teachers and others for information. There is also some correspondence regarding summer school courses, teacher qualiflcations.and plae~ment ~equests for infor- mation from the department and· some publications .. 32. Pipe Welding Courses, 1958-1960. 1 folder Correspondence regarding arrangements for holding pipe welding courses. Included is correspondence about staff, building equipment and the selection of trainees.

33. Power Engineers Evening Classes, 1959. ·1 folder

Mainly correspondence regarding the assistance to be given to the Institute of Power Engineers in running the course in Prince Albert. 34. Printing Courses. a. Correspondence, 1949-1953. 3 folders These files include the preliminary planning and 7.

arrangements for the printing course and then the eorres~ pondence that arose as the result of the teaching of the course in a number of centres.

h. Examination Results, 1953-1955. 1 folder Copies of exam papers and reports on the results of the exams.

35. Coordinating Council on Rehabilitation, 1959-1960. 1 folder Correspondence, minutes, agendas and reports.

36. Rural Electrifica.tion Course. 1959. 1 folder Correspondence regarding arrangements for a series of short courses in rural electrification. 37. Shopwork. a. General Correspondence, 1957-1963. 2 folders Correspondence of W.W. Sharpe, supervisor of shop work with school teachers, principals and others respecting 'courses of study, school aids, inspection visits, summer school programs, visual aids, and requests for information.

b. Shop Equipment. n.d. I folder Plans for a sat.,horse. drafting board, blueprint frame and woodworking bench. Also department publications entitled liThe General Purpose Banch,lI "Putting the Vaoant Schoolhouse to Effective Use." and "A Guide to Planning and F~r.niBhing Commercial Rooms."

38. Winter Training Programs, 1958·1959. 1 folder

Correspondence regarding arrangements for special winter training progr.ams for the unemployed.

39. Cottages for Northern Settlements, 1961. 1 folder

Construction sequenc~ plans for northern cottages.

40. School Building and Equipment Grants. Correspondence relating to grants for school additions and equipment for vocational education. Arr.anged alphabetically by name of unit or district. (1) Arcola School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (2) . Assiniboia School Unit, 1948-1950. 1 folder (3) Biggar School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (l~) Broadview School Unit. 1948. 1 folder (5) Canora School District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (6) Carlyle High School, 1948-1950. 1 folder 8. Ed.3

(7) Eastend School Unit, 1947-1950. 1 folder (8) Eaton, Elrose, Kyle, \ihite Bear and Prouse, 1946-1950. 1 folder (9) Estevan, 1946-1950. 1 folder (10) Foam Lake School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (11) Govan School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (12) , 1950. 1 folder (3) lIet;bert School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (4) Hudson Bay School Unit, 194~1949. 1 folder (5) Humboldt, 1946-1950. 1 folder (16) Indian Head Area, 1945-1949. 1 folder ( 1.7) Kamsack Dlstl.'ict, 1947-1950. 1 folder (1S) Kerrobert School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (9) Kinders1ey School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 fold.%, (20) Kinistino School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (21) Lanigan School Unit, 1946-1949. 1 folder (22) Leader School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (23) , 1946-1949. 1 folder (24) Maple Creek, 1946-1950. 1 folder (25) Meadow Lake School Unit, 1946-1950 1 folder (26) Me1fort School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (27) Melville School District, 1947-1950. 1 folder (28) Milestone School Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (29) Moose Jaw, 1948-1950. 1 folder (30) Moosomin District, 1947·1950. 1 folder (3l:~ Nipa~V'in District, 1946 .. 1951. 1 folder (32) , 1946-1950. 1 folder (33) Oxbow School Unit, 1947~19S0. 1 folder (34) Prince Albert District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (3S) School District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (36) Regina East School Unit, 1948-1950. 1 ~t>lder (37) Rosetown Dist'tict. 1947 .. 1950. 1 folder (38) Rosthern District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (39) Saskatoon City, 1946-1950. , roider (40) Saskatoon East School Unit, 1946·1950. 1 folder (40 School for the Deaf, 1950. 1 folder (42) Shaunavon School District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (43) Swift Current District, 1949-1951. 1 folder (44) Sturgis School Unit. 1946-1950. 1 folder (45) Tisdale Sehool Unit, 1946-1950. 1 folder (46) Unity School District, 1946-1949. 1 folder (47) tiled ens School Unit. 1946-1948. 1 folder (48) {>Jakaw and Cudworth Districts, 1946 .. 1950. 1 folder (49) Watrous School Unit, 1948-1950. 1 folder (50) Collegiate, 1946-1950. 1 folder (St) Wilkie School District, 1946-1950. 1 folder (52) Wynyard District, 1945~1950. 1 folder (53) YorktonCoUBglate, 1946-1950. 1 folder 41. Early School Building Files. Files for the districts of Windy Plain, Cabri and Eldersley. 9 Ed.3


42. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, n.d. [119] 3mm Saskatchewan Technical Institute, Refri- geration and Air Conditioning course outline. 43. Barbering Trade, 1964. [132] 2mm Advisory Board Minutes, Feb. 5, 1964. 44. Bricklaying Trade, 1964. [130] 2mm Advisory Board Minutes, Jan. 30, 1964. 45. Carpentry Trade, 1964. [136J 5mm Advisory Board Minutes, January 13 and 14, 1964. 46. Drafting, 1963-1964. [131] 2mm Reports of meetings of Mechanical Drafting Curriculum Committee July 11, 1963; of curriculum committee -Drafting, August 15, 1963; of Advisory Committee - Industrial Drafting Technology, June 25, 1964; of curriculum committee - Drafting, June 27, 1963. 47. Electrical Trade, 1964. [125] Advisory Board Minutes, January 27 and 28, 1964. 48. Farm Machinery Mechanics, 1963-1965. [118J 5mm Report of meeting of Advisory Committee Farm Machinery Mechanics, 1965, address presented by T.H. Taylor, Supervisor, Vocational Education to Saskat- chewan Retail Implement Dealers Association, conven- tion, course outline, farm machinery mechanics, report of meeting of Farm Machinery Repair Committee, August 7, 1963, report of meeting of Advisory Committee Farm Machinery Maintenance and Servicing, July 10, 1963. 10 Ed.3

49. Food Services, 1963-1964. [120] 3mm List of food service supervisors, Food Management Technology course outline, 1964, report of meeting of curriculum committee - Food Services, August 5, 1963, meeting of the curriculum committee for Food Services, July 22, 1963, report of meeting of the curriculum committee - Food Management Training, preliminary outline of course as established at meeting of curri- culum Advisory Committee, June 24, 1963. 50. Heavy Equipment Repairs, 1963. [121J 2mm Report of meeting of heavy Equipment Repair Committee, August 9, 1963, report of meeting of Advisory Committee - Heavy Equipment Trade, July 2, 1963. 51. Machinists Trade, 1963. [122] 3mm Saskatchewan Technical Institute Machine Shop course outline, report of curriculum committee - machinists trade, meeting of curriculum committee - machinists, 1963. 52. Metis Vocational Training, 1964-1965. [133J 3mm Minutes, October 21, 1964; April 14, 1965; January 7, 1965; review of Northern Vocational Training Program 1964-1965, correspondence, 1964. 53. Millwork, 1963. [124] 2mm Report of Curriculum Committee, June 24, 1963. 54. Motor Vehicles Maintenance and Repair Trade, 1964. [127] Smm Letter from R.H. Schultz to Mr. Reynolds regarding Dominion trade analysis of the M.V.M.R. trade. Report of meeting of the Advisory Board, January 16 and 17, 1964. 55. Plumbing Trade, 1964. [126] 3mm Advisory Board Minutes, January 23 and 24, 1964. 56. Prince Albert Technical High School, 1962-1964. [137] 1.2 cm Correspondence regarding planning, construc- tion and other matters dealing with the High School. 11 Ed.3

57. Radio and Television Trade, 1964. [128] 2mm Advisory Board Minutes, February 13, 1964. 58. Reports, 1956-1968. [134] 5mm "Agricultural Education in Saskatchewan Schools 1915-1956" with recommendation for future development. "Technical and vocational Training in Saskatchewan on Overview", "Procedural Guide - Upgrading Courses", 1968. 59. Resources Management, 1963-1964. [123] 5mm Report of meeting of Committee for Resources Management Technology, report of meeting of curriculum committee - Resources Management Tech- nology - July 22, 1963, review and progress report on Resources Management Technology Programme, 1964, a preliminary report on the Resources Management Technology course at the Central Saskatchewan Technical Institute, October, 1963, agenda for Resources Management Technology Meeting, November 19, 1964. 60. Schedule "M", Federal Provincial Agreement, 1960. [140] 2mm Advisory Committee Minutes of the Advisory Meeting on Schedule "M", November 24, 1960. 61. Secondary Education: Proposed "Blueprint", 1964. [139] 1.2 cm Reports of discussion groups, summary of pro- ceedings, memoranda and other material related to Division IV Conference. 62. Sheet Metal, 1964. [129] 2mm Advisory Board Report, February 4, 1964. 63. Stationary Engineering, 1963-1964. [135] 3mm Advisory Committee Minutes, February 7, 1964, minutes of meeting of Stationary Engineering Curriculum Committee, July 11, 1963, Stationary Engineering course outline, meeting of curriculum committee - stationary engineering, September 18, 1963; minutes of meeting of curriculum committee, August 1, 1963; July 18, 1963; June 25, 1963. 64. Technical Institutes and Schools, 1961. [138] 2mm "Proposed Vocational Development: Revised Statement on Space Requirements, October 14, 1961." AN INVENTORY OF THE RECORDS OF THE SASKATCHEWAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ADULT EDUCATION DIVISION

Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon 1974 Ed.4

Table of Contents

1. Staff Correspondence, 1944-1957.

a. Staff Reports and Newsletters, 1944-1957 ••.•••.•••••.••• 1 b. Staff Meetings, 1946-1957 .•.••••.••••••••.••••.•.•••••.• 1 c. Applications, 1944-1957...... 1

d. Personnel, 1945-1957...... 1 (1) Lin Brown, 1948-1949...... 1 (2) Gordon Campbell, 1955-1957...... 1 (3) Jim Davidson, 1948-1949...... 1 (4) David Fast, 1945-1949...... 1 (5) Gwen Fife, 1947-1948...... 1 (6) Florence Gaynor, 1945-1948 ... ~...... 1 (7) W.M. Harding, 1945-1946...... 2 (8) . A. W. Johnson, 1945-1946...... 2 (9) Hugh Logie, 1945-1947...... 2 (10) Edward Parker, 1945-1946...... 2 (11) Sam Roddan, 1947-1950...... 2 (12) Vern Serl, 1957 ...... " ...... ". 2 (13) David Smith, 1949-1953 ...... •.•.•...... ••.•..• 2 (14) Murray Thomsom, 1949-1956...... 2 (15) Watson Thomson, 1945-1946...... 2 (16) James Ward, 1953...... 2 (17) Carl Wicklund, 1946-1950...... 2 (18) A.J. Wirick, 1945-1946 ..•••....••.••.••.••.....••.• 2

2. Annual Reports and Policy Statements, 1945-1954 •.••...•••.•• 2 3. Enquiries and Comments, 1945-1955...... 2

4. Departmental Correspondence, 1944-1956.

a. Ministe r, 1944-1955...... 2 b. Deputy Minister, 1944-1956...... 2 c. Meetings, 1945-1954...... 2

5. Interdepartmental Correspondence, 1944-1956 ...•...••.....•.• 3 6. Universities, 1944-1954 •••... ·..•...•..•.••.•...... •.•• 3 7. Government Bodies Outside Saskatchewan, 1944-1953 ...... • 3 8. Political Correspondence, 1944-1946 ....••..•..•..... ~ .••..•• 3

9. Lighted Schools Program, 1945-1958.

a. Reports and Staff Correspondence, 1945-1957 ...... ••.•• 4 b. Public Correspondence, 1945-1958 ..•...... •....•.•..• 4

10. Study-Action Program, 1944-1949

a. Groups and Conferences, 1944-1949 .••...••.•....••.••..•. 4 b. Labour Education, 1944-1946...... 4 Ed.4 ii

11. Community Center Planning, 1944-1954 •••••••••••.••..••••••• 4

12. Basic English and Citizenship Program, 1945-1955.

a. General Correspondence, 1945-1955 ••••.••••••••••••••••• 5 b. Teacher Training Courses, 1945-1947 ••••.••.•••••••••••• 5 c. American Contacts, 1945-1947...... 5 d. Requests and Enquiries, 1945-1955 ••.••••••.•••••••••••• 5 e. Conferences, 1955...... 5 f. Dominion Government, 1945-1948 ••..•••.••••••••••••••.•• 5

13. Canadian Citizenship Council, 1947-1957 •••••.•••.••...••••• 6

14. Co-ordination and Leadership Training, 1945-1957.

a. General, 1945-1957 ...... '...... 6 b. Education Week, 1952-1955...... 6 c. Farmer-Labour-Teacher Institutes, 1947-1957 ••••••..•••• 6

15. Radio Programs, 1944-1955...... 7

16. Canadian Association for Adult Education, 1944-1957.

a. Correspondence, 1944-1957...... 7 b. Reports and Minutes, 1944-1957...... 7

17. Audio-Visual Projects, 1945-1955 .••••.••.•••••.•••••.•••••• 7 18. Saskatchewan Arts Board, 1947-1955 ••..•...••.••••..••.••••• 8 19. Canadian Welfare Council, 1947~1953 .••..•.•.•.....•..•••.•• 8

20. Group Development, 1949-1957.

a. Committees and Institutes, 1949-1957 •.••.•...•..••.•••• 8 b. Projects, 1950-1955 .•..•••..•.•..••••••.••.•••....••••• 8

21. Publications, 1949-1956 ••.••••••.•..•••.••..••.•....••••••• 8 22. Canadian Mental Health Association, 1950-1955 •••.••..•••.•• 9 23. Royal Commission on Agriculture and Rural Life, 1952-1955 •• 9

24. United Nations Association, 1952-1955.

a. General, 1952-1955...... 9 b. Seminars for High School Students, 1953-1955 ••••••.•••• 9· c. New Canadians Council, 1954-1955...... 9

25. Saskatchewan.Council on Public Affaris, 1953-1957.

a. Minutes, 1953-1957...... 9 b. Correspondence, 1953-1955 •...•.•••.•.••..•.•.••.••..••• 10 DEPA~rMENT OF EDUCATION

Adult Education Division

1. Staff Correspondence, 1944-1957.

a. Staff Reports and Newsletters, 1944-1957. 2 folders

This file contains a few newsletters giving information about members of the stafL The staff reports were written by each staff member, telling something of his or her activities during the past week or month. The reports deal mainly with the Lighted Schools, Basic Eng1ish;and Citizenship and Study- Action programs as well as the work of the Division regarding community centers, and cooperative enterprises, thus giving a broad, skeletal framework of information about the work of the Division. The file is quite complete for the years 1945 and 1946, but contains only a few reports for the following years.

bo Staff Meetings, 1946-1957. 1 folder

Minutes of staff meetings of the Division and the rough draft of minutes of a Staff Seminar held in May 1948 are included in this file, as well as minutes of jOint meetings with the staff of the Saskatchewan Arts Board and the Sask- atchewan Recreation Movement.

c. Applications, 1944-1957. 2 folders

Letters of application and recommendation from people who were hired for the Division, and samples of letters from people who were not hired. Some replies of the Adult Education Division have been kept when they contained in- formation about the activities of the Division. Information regarding the background and qualifications of some members of the staff can be found here.

d. Personnel, 1945-1957. (RESTRICTED ACCESS) 18 folders

Correspondence by members of the staff about their work and about personal matters. Included are memorandum from the Director's Office on subjects related to the operation of the Division as well as personal family matters. This file also contains information about the background and qualifications of staff members. Folders for the following staff members have been arranged alphabetically:

(1) Lin Brown 1948-1949 (2) Gordon Campbell 1955-1957 (3) Jim Davidson 1948-1949 (4) David Fast 1945-1949 (5) Gwen Fife 1947-1948 (6) Florence Gaynor 1945-1948 J~C1. 4

- 2 -

(7) W.M. Harding 1945-1946 (8) A. \-1. Johnson 1945-1946 (9) Hugh Logie 1945-1947 (10) Ed~"ard Parker 1945-19l.6 (11) Sam Roddan 1947-1950 (12) Vern Serl 1957 (13) David Smith 1949-1953 (14) Murray Thomson 1949-1956 (15) Watson Thomson 1945-1946 (16) James Ward 1953 (17) Carl Wicklund 1946-1950 (18) A.J. l.Jirick 1945-1946

2. Annua 1 Reports and Po licy Statements, 19l.5~ 1954. 1 folder This file is not complete but does contain annual reports for about half of the above period as well as various policy statements, usually undated. These policy statements contain information about the duties and activities of members of the staff as well as general information as to the various proRrams of the Division, their scope and purpose. Minutes of meetings on policy are included also.

3. Enquiries and Comments, 1945-1955. 1 folder This file contains samples of letters of inquiry to the Adult Education Division as to the activities it was carrying on and its progress. The replies contain information of a general nature about the program of the Adult Education Division. There are also samples of letters asking for material for speeches and papers on various aspects of Adult Education. as well as samples of letters of commendation to the DiviSion.

4. Departmental Correspondence, 1944-1956. 1 folder

a. Minister, 1944-1955.

Includes correspondence between the Minister of Education and the director's office of the Adult Education Division about finances, policy and activities of the Livision.

b. Deputy Minister, 1944-1956. 2 folders

This file contains much routine correspondence with the Deputy Minister of Education, but it also includes some correspondence t"ith clerks of the Department. It deals with such things as staff salaries and emp16~nent arrangements, authorizations for expenditures and other administrative details. c. Meetings, 1945-1954. 1 folder

Programmes and minutes of superintendents' conferences, meetings of officials of the Department of Education, and staff conferences of the Department as ,.;ell as some Director'li! correspondence with the Chief Superintendent regarding a conference are included in this f11e. Most of this material deals with departmental cooperation. organization and curriculum revision. J-.:d.4 - 3 -

5. 1 nterdepa:rtmenta 1 Correspondence, 19l.l•• 1956. 3 folders

This file contains correspondence between the Adult Education Division and other divisions in the Department of Education as well as other departments of the Saskatchewan Government, including the Premier's Office and the Legislative Library. This correspondence deals with a Wide variety of topics from administrative details to projects such as Government exhibits in which the Division worked in cooperation with one or more of the other departments. There are also minutes of meetings of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee and the Regina Group on Public Relations.

1 folder

Includes correspondence with the University of Saskatchewan as '~ell as correspondence with other North American universities. The major part of this correspondence is with the University of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture and Extension Department re- garding activities such as Citizens' Forums. the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Plan, an apprenticeship plan and conferencea on such topics as cooperative farming in which the Division and the University departments cooperated. This correspondence contains information regarding the rivalry' that developed between the Extension Dep~rtlUent and the P.dul t Education Division. There staff reports on visits with university personnel and minutes of the Advisory Committee to the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Leadership Course. This fi Ie contains a lot of general information about Adult Education in SaskatchewAn.(See also Radio Programs)

7. Government Bodies Outside 'Saskatchewan. 1944·1953. 1 folder

Division correspondence wtth various Dominion and foreign government bodies such as the h1artime Information Board, the French Information Service, the Russian embassy in the United States, and members of the Federal Parliament as well as Adult Education departments in other provincial governments is included in this file. This correspondence deals with many topics and includes such things as requests for information about Adult EdUcation actiVities in other areas, recol~endations for jobs with the Division, and information on topics such as citizenship, study-action, and rehabilitation of veterans. (See also Basic English and Citizenship)

8. Political Correspondence, 19lt4-19/+6. 1 folder

This file is composed of samples of letters of comment by the publiC on public affairs as brought up by the "L:f.ving Newspaper" published by the Division and replies to theoa letters by Division personnel. rrheae letters include comment on the policy of the Division and on Vlatson Thomson's resigi,ation as well as politics in general. Included in this file is a report on a meeting to discuss the position of the Cooperative Commom-1ealth Federation in Regina 011 October 22, 1951~ "hich DaVid Smith and Murray Thomson attended. Ed.4 - 4 ..

9. Lighted Schools Program, 1945-1958.

8.. ReportB and Staff Correspondence. 191~5 .. 1957. 1 folder

This file contains staff reports on Lighted Schools. correspondence among the staff regarding the program. There is also some correspondence about the program with University of Saskatchet4sn personnel and other divisions of the Department of Education. There are memos and reports regarding changes 1n the regula.tions and policy of the program and the establishment of "Commu~1ity Adult Classes". There ar. reports on the l.ighted SchoolCl Conference held at Wadena in June 1.949.

b. Public Correspondence, 1945-1958. 1 folder

This fl1e is composed of samples of letters by interested persons regarding the operation of Lighted Schools classes. These and the replies of the Division indicate the interest shown, the nature of the classes and how they ware administered.

10. Study~Action Program. 19/+4-1.949.

a. Groups and Conferences 1944·1949. 3 folders

This fila is composed of staff reports, correspondence. nnd reports on citizens' conferences on such subjects as health, rehabilitation, cooperative farming, community centers and Family Service. There is correspondence between Divieion personnel and the Canadian Fellowship for Co-operative Communities, university personnel, staff of other government departments and interested persons of the public (samples) regarding the above su.bjects, arrangements for the conferences, 'study groupSt libraries and all kinds of Coopel'ative ventures such as cooperative play schools and cooperative housing as well as racial discrimination.

b. I.abou r Education. 1944- 191.6. . 1 folder

Included in thin file are soma staff peports On the labour education classes sponsored by the Adult Education Division and correspondence between the director of the Division and people active in labour unions and councils az~d othar interested persons regarding the administration, organization and purposes of these c1assef3.

11. Community Center Planning, 1941f.1951~. 3 folders

This file contains mi.nutes of the Sa.skatchewan Community Center Planning Committeo meetings and of the Prairie Rural Housing Committee as loie 11 as corre5pondence of Division staff w1 th other Government departments (espeCially the Department of Cooperation) t universities (Saskatchewan and Manitoba), American community study centers, the Ed.4 - 5 -

Central Mortgage and Housing CorporaUon, and people in the province \oTho t'lere interested in establishing a communf.ty center tn the:f.r district. Thero are reports and correspondence regarding community councils set up to establish communHy centers. (See also Sttidy-/\cUon Program.)

12. Bastc Eng 11 sh ulld Citizenship Program, 19lf5- 1955.

1. folder

This file cona:f.sts of staff cOrl~eEip(l'(jdence and Division correspondence ~lith other Government ...~epartments and with national bodies such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Canadian Association for Adult l~'ducation and th3 Canadian Educational Association regarding the education of immigrants in general and Basic English and Citizenship Cours\iI'i in particular, their aims and administration. There are samples of teaching aids and aSSignments used in the course, course outl'nee and lists of regulations.

b. Teacher Training Courses, 1945-1947. 1 folder

This file 1s composed mainly of correspondence between Florence Gaynor of the Adult Education Dtvision a.nd John Kelly, an expert on Basic English, although there is some director's correspondence and depa.rtmental memos from the Deputy Minister regarding the nature of, and arrangements for teacher trai.ning courses in Basic l<:nglish and Citi.zenship.

c. American Contacts, 194.'5-1947. 1 folder

This file conSists of Niss Gaynor's correspondence with interested persons in American educational institutions. mainly Harvard University, \o~ork i.n Ba.sic English and a.rrangements for her trip to Harvard in 1947. Much stripping or requests for literature has been done.

d. Requests and Enquiries, 1945-1955. 2 folders

These fi108 are a sample of the requests f~r information received by the DiviSion regarding the teaching of basic Inglish and citizenship to immigrants. This correspondence is with teachers. superintendents, organizations, and individuals interested in helping immigrants learn English and it gives an idea of how the program \lias actua.lly carried 011.

a. Conferences, 1955. 1 folder

This file contains a lot of Division correspondence with the federa 1 Department of Citizenship and Innnigration and persons interested in immigrant education regarding Basic English and Citizenship conferences and teacher institutes. Programmes and news releases are included.

f. Dominion Government, 191}5-19l\8. 1 folder

This file contains Miss Gaynur'g and the directors' correspondence with Dominion Government departments, mainly the Citizenship Branch Ed .!~ - 6 -

of the Department of the Secretary of State regarding the aims, methods and study material of the Basic English and Citizenship Program in Saskatche\-Isn, as well as similar program,. in other Jl~·ovtnces. (See also United Nations New Canadians Council)

13. Canadian Citizenship Council, 1947-1957. 1 folder

Included in this file are annual reports, a brief presented by the canadian Citizenship CQuncil in 1949 to the members of the Royal COlllmission on Nationa.l Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences, and Division corresppndence with Florence Gaynor and other members of the Canadian Citizenship Council regarding the former's trip West in. 1948 and immigrant education. There is a program for the National Seminar of Citizenship held in May 1953.

14. Co-ordinaUon and Leadership Training 19'~5· 1957.

a. General, 1945-1957. 5 folders

This file contains programmes, minutes, reports and correspondence regarding the various leadership training, coordinating and cooperative activities in whieh the Oivision participated: co- op schools, Leadership 'frtlfl.ning Conferences. the Agricu Iture ~dvisory Committee, Provincial and Regional Coordinating Committees and Sub-committees, a Regional Gropp Survey, the. Saskatchewan Recreation Movement, Rural Life Schools, Community Health and Welfare t-Jo rks hops t correlation committees, Home and School Institutes, the Community Welfare CounCil, the We~tenl Regional Conference on Social Work, A Seminar on Religion in Public Schools, a Group Work and ~ecreatton Institute, the Co- operative Commonwealth Youth Movement, and other youth organizations, gducational Conferences, Farmers' Union Conferences, th1! Sask- atchewan Metis Society, dietrict libraries, teachers' conventions and the Qu' Appe lie Va Bey Center Advisory Commit tee. (See also Canadian Welfare Council.)

b. f!:ducation Week, 1952-1955. 1 folder This fUe contains minutes of the Provincial Educati.on Week Committee, reports on Education Week activities, programmes and Division correspondence, mostly directors', with other interested persons, usually teachers, regarding arrangements for Education I~eek programs.

c. Fa.rmer-Labour-Teacher Institutes, 191.7-1951. 3 folders

Hi-nutes of meetings of the SllskatcheWlln Occupational Group Council and Farmer-Labour-Teacher Institute Planning Committees, reports on a.nd evaluations of these Institutes and correspondence regarding participants &nd arrangements for the Institutes are included in this file. This corr.espondence 1s mostly between Division personnel and farm~r. labour or teacher organizations such as the SaskatcJewan Federation of Labour. Th<3re also some samples of the Idnd of material presented and discussed at the Institutes. Ed.4 • 7 -

15. Radio Progr.ams, 1944-1955. 3 folder.s

This file contains copies of radio speeches made by Division staff. correspondence with the Canadian Broadco.s,ting Corporation, the Ctmadian Association for Adult Education, the National Farm Radio Forum and UniverlJity of Saskatchewan personnel, mostly dealing '>lith the Citizens' Ilnd Farm Foruml). There are reports on conferences regarding these broadcasts, minutes and reports of fOf.'Ulll council meetings :I.n various districts', annua.l reports and ne~"Gletters of the National Farm Radio Forum, lWl1ual reports on the Citizens' Forum Broadcasts, l3ummaries of Farm Forum, discussions, and a. draft copy of a UNE'sr::O study on NE'RF. Some of the more routille correspondence has been stripped.

16. Canadian Association for Adult n:ducatioll, 1944-1957.

a. Correspondence, 1944-1957. 2 folders

Most of the correspondence is between the dtrectora of the Division and the Canadian Associatiou'for Adult Education regarding arrangements for conferences, their respective' adult education projec,ts, the Canadian Association for Adu 1 t Education Hanlfests, and the report on Labour Education prepared by DaVid Silli tll under the auspices of tl.a' Canadian Association for Adult Education, as tvell as 8. copy of the first draft of the report. There are some letters about radio programs and publications ("Food for Thought II) in the production of which the Division and the Canadian Association fot: Adult Education cooperated.

b. Reports and Hinutes, 1941~:-1957. 2 folders

Included in this file are minutes of meetings of the National Executive of the Ganadian Association for Adult Education and of Speclal committees of that body and the Joint Planning Commission. Also~ thare are repotts on l'lational and regional conferences and annual reports of the association.

17. Audio-Visual Projects, 1945.;1955. '1 folder

Thh file contains Division correspond once with the National FUnl Board. the Saskatchewan Film Board, university and government personnel regarding the use of films·in Adult Education programs. There are minutes of meetings of the Saskatchewan Film Council. and the conferences on Educational T.V. as •.]ell al3 correspondence regarding arrangements for and decisions at these meetings. and those of the ProviSional Radio and T.V. Advisory Committee. Ed.4

18. Saskat~hewan Arts Board, 1947 Q 1955. 2 folders

This file consists of annual and semi·annual reports, minutes of meatings of the various committees of which the Board was composed, samples of requests for recordings and some director's correspondence with Arts Board personnel and other interested persons regarding Arts Board activities in relation to adult education.

19. Canadian t-leUare Council, 1947-1.953. 1 folder

Thi8 file includes the minutes of the annual meeting of the Recreation Divisionof the Canadian Welfare Council, a report of the executive director of the Canadian Welfare Council, and correspondence between DaVid Smith, Director of the Adult Education Division and personnel of the Canadian Welfare Council regarding arrangements for annual meetings, Mr. Smith's appOintment to the National Committee of the Recreation Division of the Canadian Welfare Council and the Western Regional Conference on Social Work.

20. Group Development, 1949-1957.

a. Committees and Institutes, 1949-1957. 5 folders

Minutes of meetings of the various provincial and regional committees on Group Development, reports of these committees, reports on the various institutes on Group Development, Leadership Training, Human Relations, Family Life and Staff Training both in Saskatchewan and the United States, samples of eva1ltations of thesedinstitutes and correspondence regarding the institutes.

b. Projects, 1950·1955. 3 folders

This file consists mainly of a sample of Division correspondence with various youth groups, teachers associations. women's groups, farmers' organizations. cooperative associations and the National Film Board in which members of the Division were asked to participate in meetings or conferences of these groups to give aid in improving group discussions and activities. There are minutes and reports for some of these meetings such as the Saskatchewan Federation of Production Co- operative annual. meetings, a meeting on Social and Economic Problems in Northern Saskatchewan and a report on the Cafrot River Youth Education Project. There are samples of the kind of discussions and exercises carried on at these meetings for group development,

21. Publications, 1949-1956. 1 folder

This file contains samples of copies of articles written by Division staff for the bulletin "Saskatchewan Community" and for the Canadian Association for Adult Education journal "Food For Thought", as well as correspondence among the Division staff and between the staff and the Canadian Association for Adult Education personnel regarding the articles. Ed.4 • 9 •

22. Cana.dlan Mantel Health Association, 1950-1.955. 1 folder

This fUe containB a copy of the constitution of the S(U.. kRtch~t-mn l)f.v:f.sion of tha Canadian Hanta,l Health A86oclation. Ild,nutos of VlSt'r.iout~ committee mOQtings of that body and some directm:s' correspondence 1:,U:h tho GI.\l1l1dilll'l l-i(.l'ntal Httalth .:\sBoeintion ~xflcutiv08 director rotla:rding activities of the Cnnadil1n Mentnt !ilul.lth ASflociatlon diVision!n Baslt4tchawan.

'ttt-ts fHe gener.8\ infor.matton about, 1."~fnt"encA pllp(n:s for, progress reports on. ~nd copies of bdefs pres(\Inted to the Commission. Th~T'e 1.8 ROnlf!! d1 -rectot'!!!' \\'!ot''t''espondence 1."19" gtn'dins qllElsUon~ ratsed sboot adult educntton by the COmmlfi1"lton and info1"ll1aUon about th1!l ~.,ork (')f the 'OivUion sent to tbe C(')mH1t~glon.

24. United Nations Assoeiatlon. 19'2-1955. 1 folder

",nnual reports of the R~gf.'na 'Branch (.If the Un! ted Nations /\.!£soetatf.on, raports of the National Secretary, the eon .. ~tttut!on of the national organization. branch repo~t •• mf.nutes of meeUngli of the llattonal Execlltive Commttt~e and of thn Regina Branch executive, as "iTell as df.t'f'lctors1 corr¢f,)).')(mdence About United Nations BcUvtt1.fts in Saskatchewan ar(~ included in this £1. Ie.

h. Seminal'S for High ~chool Students. 1953-1955. 2

TH.R file contains rdnutes of maeUnMs of th~ 'Plannin. CO!l1tnittClS, DlvU10n correspondence with parUe1pants 1n the seminars e.rrangell\ont8 for and at thes~ gathot'ings. There a'l:"e also roports and newsletters from the seminars.

c. New Canadia.ns Council t 19S1~ .. 1955. 1 folder

This fIle cons1.11ts of mf.nutes of 1'l1OC'ltinp,s of the (;ouneU, the constitution. a memorandum regsrdtn)1 the functlone of th0 c(')unct I, minutes of committee meetillgs and TH.vi9ion COI't'CUJ" pondence regt'l.rding Citlzensh11l Dil.y programs. H06t of the COrT.'Mpondane~ Is uith the fp.deT.'l!lJ. Department of Citizenship ~nd lmmigration.

2S. ~n!.'lkatche\.Jan Cou'f'Ici 1. on Public ~£fai rs, 19:53 .. 1C).51.

1. folder

Included In this file are minutes of confaranc~e and institutions on Public!ll. meetings of the Saskatchewan Rd.4

- 10 -

Council on Public Affairs, the Canadian Institute on Public Affairs and the l?ubHc Affairs Institute 1'lann1118 Committee. b. Correspondence, 1953-1955. 1 folder

This file contains samples of material discussed at the institutes and correspondence regarding arrangements for institutes and conferences. often with the speakers or people invited to speak at these gatherings, and about the activities of the Council in Saskatchewan. There is some diroctors' correspondence with the National Institute on Public Affairs regarding the Couchiching Conference. A CHECKLIST OF THE RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCHOOL ORGANIZATION BRANCH

Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon 1985 Introduction

The School District Organization Branch, later the School

Organization Branch, was established in the Department of Education in 1919 with an inspector in charge. The branch was responsible for the administration of the law as it applied to the erection of new school districts, alteration of district boundaries, selection, approval and expropriation of school sites, the election of trustees, the operation of schools and the appointment of officials. The branch also was responsible for furnishing statistics in connection with school debentures, loans, attendance and classification of pupils, school grants and short term schools.

The branch was reorganized and became the responsibility of

Director of Administration in 1943-1944.

The records are divided into two sections. The first section, entitled Proposed School Districts, covers the period 1918 to 1943.

The second section, entitled Building Plans and Alterations is for the period 1918 to 1947. It is arranged according to geographical areas within the province.

The records were accessioned under accession number P 233 and

P 209 and comprise 215 cm of records. Ed 5


Schoo 1 Organization Branch

1. Proposed School Districts, 1918 - 1943.

A-436 Robinhood, 1926 Twp. 50-15 & 16, \'13 1rnm A-472 Theodore, 1918-1921 28- 6 & 7, W2 3rnm A-473 Lancer, 1918-1926 23-21 & 22, W3 3 mm A-599 Biggar, 1919 36-16, W3 2rnm B-5 Marquis, 1922-1926 20- 27 , W2 3rnm B-63 Mawer, 1920-1925 19- 3, W3 2rnm 8-91 Meadow Lake, 1925 59- 18, W3 3rnm B-137 Stranraer, 1921-1928 32- 18, W3 4rnm 8-189 Grenfell, 1921-1930 15 & 16- 7 & 8, W2 1 em 8-195 Crestwynd, 1925-1928 13- 27, W2 2mm B-214 Orkney, 1921-1940 1- 15, W3 4mm B-249 Prelate, 1921-1927 21-24, W3 2rnm B-262 Palmer, 1921-1925 10- 3, W3 3rnm B-319 Hamis, 1922-1928 31- 11 & 12, W3 1rnm B- 328 Rama, 1924 32 & 33- 7, W2 3rnm B- 357 , 1923-1936 1rnm 8-376 Mantario, 1923-1929 26 & 27-26 & 27, W3 5mm B-388 , 1925-1928 45-24, W2 2 mm B-391 Mervin, 1924-1926 51- 20, W3 3 rom B-393 Grenfe 11, 1924-1928 17- 7, W2 1 mm B- 396 Loreburn, 1924 26- 5 & 6, W3 2rnm B-401 Mida Ie, 1924-1930 7- 10, W2 1rnm B-404 Guernsey, 1923-1925 33-24 & 25, W2 3 rnm B-412 Lacadena, 1924-1926 23- 16 & 17, W3 2 mm 8-413 Maxstone, 1924-1935 5 & 6-30 & 1, W2 & 3 3 rnm B-417 Rosetown, 1924-1925 30- 13, W3 3 mm B-446 C1avet, 1929 35- 3, W3 1 mm B-447 Fleming, 1925· 11 & 12- 30, WI 1 mm B-449 Regina, 1925 17 & 18- 19, W2 1rnm B-450 , 1925 31 & 32-14 & 13, W2 l, rom B-467 Climax, 1925- 1927 3- 19, W3 4 mm B-473 , 1925- 1927 23- 21 & 22, W2 3 rnm B-478 Barford, 1925 41- 13 & 14, W2 1 rnm B- 480 Ba t t leford , 1925-1936 41 & 42-20, W3 2 rnm B-489 Bayard, 1928 12-24 & 25, W2 2 rnm B-490 Foam Lake, 1925-1926 30- 9 & 10, W2 2 rom B-491 Eastend, 1925 7- 22, W3 2 rom B-497 , 1926-1928 40- 18, W2 1 rom B-504 Paddockwood, 1925- 1926 53- 24, W2 lrnm B-506 St. Boswell, 1926 13- 6 & 7, W3 2 mm B-507 Evesham, 1927-1936 39 & 40-25, W3 3 mm B-51O Megan, 1926-1928 47 & 48- 10 & 11, W2 1 rnm B-514 Orcadia, 1926- 1937 26- 5, W2 2 rom B-517 , 1926- 1932 47-25, W3 3 rom B-518 Ritchie, 1926-1938 5 & 6- 22, W2 2 rnm B-522 Es terhazy, 1926 19- 2, W2 2 rom B-523 Harris, 1926 32 & 33- 11, W3 3 rom B-529 Runciman, 1926-1930 46-14 & 15, W2 3 rom B-532 Pontrilas, 1926 49-14 & 15, W2 4rnm B-539 Belanger, 1926 7- 25, W3 4 mm Ed 5 2

1. B-541 , 1925-1928 Twp. 29- 2, W2 6rnm B-544 Hardy, 1926 5 & 6-20 & 21, W2 3rnm B-548 Leslie, 1926 30 & 31-13, W2 2rnm B-555 Nokomis, 1926-1929 29-21 & 22, W2 4mm B-557 Melville, 1927-1930 22.; 6 & 7, W2 5mm B-559 Madison, 1926 26,27 & 28-21 & 22, W3 3rnm B-568 Tichfie 1d, 1926- 1927 26 & 27- 8, W3 2mm B-571 Ke lliher, 1927 26,27 &27A-13 & 14, W2 3mm B-575 Eston, 1927 27 & 28-21 & 22, W3 2 mm B-576 Wilkie, 1927-1929 40- 17 & 18, W3 2 rnm B- 577 Radisson, 1927 40 & 41- 9 & 10, W3 2 mm B- 580 Aberdeen, 1927 37 & 38- 3, W3 3 rnm B-586 Coronach, 1927 2-27, W2 Imm B- 587 Denzel, 1927-1936 38-25 & 26, W3 3mm B-589 Forgan, 1927 25 & 26-13, W3 Imm B-590 Moosomin, 1927-1937 14 & 15- 6 & 7, W2 Imm B-594 Naicam, 1927-1928 39- 17 & 18, W2 2mm B-595 Wimmer, 1927-1935 37- 17, W2 3mm B-599 Kayvi11e, 1927 8-23 & 24, W2 lrnm B-613 Ravenscrag, 1927-1939 5 & 6-22 & 23, W3 2rnm B-614 Leader, 1927 22-25 & 26, W3 Imm B-615 Peterson, 1927 37-27 & 28, W2 2rnm B-621 Va 1pariso, 1927 43 & 44-15 & 16, W2 lrnm B-623 Ormiston, 1928-1929 9-25 & 26, W2 3rnm B-628 Rock Glen, 1927 2 & 3-29 & 30, W2 2rnm B-634 Dunb 1anc, 1927-1928 25- 6 & 7, W3 2mm B-639 Hoffer, 1927-1930 2 & 3- 14 & 15, W2 Imm B-641 Flora & Lens, 1927-1928 14-12, W3 4 mm B-644 , 1927 4- 9 & 10, W3 Imm B-652 Spring Va 11ey, 1928 10- 27 , W2 2rnm B-657 Fleming, 19'28 12- 30, WI 1 WID B-660 Montmarte, 1928 13 & 14-10, W2 2rnm B-662 Craik, 1928-1929 23- 1 & 29, W2 & 31 rom B-668 Wideview, 1928-1929 3- 9, W3 -\ rom B-670 Bannock, 1928 45- 8, W2 lrnm B-682 Spielding, 1928-1929 38 & 39- 17 , W2 3rnm B-683 Calder, 1928 24-31 & 32, WI 1 rom B-686 St. Wa Iburg, 1927-1928 54-21 & 22, W3 2rnm B-689 Drinkwater, 1928-1930 15 & 16-23, W2 2 rom B-691 Viscount, 1928-1930 33 & 34- 27, W2 4 mm B-700 Prince Albert, 1928 50-28 & 1, W2 & 31 rom B-701 Avon lea, 1928-1929 12- 22, W2 2 rom B-705 Bengough, 1930-1936 4- 22, W2 2mm B-711 Eng1efe1d, 1929 39-19, W2 Imm B-712 Ogema, 1929 7- 23, W2 Imm B-716 Ke lfie1d, 1929 34-18 & 19, W3 2 rom B-723 Bluff Creek, 1929-1931 2 & 3- 5 & 6, W3 2mm B-724 Wa Ish, 1929-1936 10-29 & 30, W3 3 rom B-733 Shaunavon, 1929-1930 9-18 & 19, W3 Imm B-735 Glenavon~ 1928-1929 14- 8, W2 2 rom B- 736 Neville, 1929- 1930 10& 11-13, W3 2 rom B- 739 Cudworth, 1929-1930 41-27, W2 2mm B· 745 Gorefie1d, 1929 23 & 24-26, W3 1 mm Ed 5 3

I. B-746 Wat son, 1931-1940 Twp. 37 & 38-18 & 19, W2 1 rom B-750 E1lisboro, 1929 18 &19A- 8 & 9, W2 1 rom B-758 Chamberlain, 1929 21-26 & 27, W2 1 rom B-762 Asquith, 1930 37-12 & 13, W3 1 mm B-767 Willow Bunch, 1929 5 & 6-27 & 28, W2 1 mm B-769 Parkbeg, 1929-1930 16 & 17- 3, W3 1 nun B-775 Golden Prairie, 1929-1930 14-27, W3 3 mm B-776 Cold Lake, Alberta, 1929 61- 25, W3 1 mm B-787 Beaubier, 1929-19:7 2 & 3- 17, W2 1 rom B-814 Donavon, 1930 33- 7, W3 1 rom B-816 Peaceda Ie, 1929-1936 44-11 , W3 2 rom B-817 Bracken, 1932 1- 16 & 17, W3 1 rom B-818 Rut land, 1930-1931 41 & 42-25 & 26, W3 2 rom B-823 Fox Valley, 1930 16- 27, W3 1 rom B-827 Overland, 1930 1- 16, W2 1 nun B-828 East Poplar, 1930 1- 26, W2 1 rom B-829 , 1929-1930 9-15 & 16, W3 2 rom B-842 Luse1and, 1930 35 & 36- 27, W3 1 rom B-843 Wind thorst, 1930 13 & 14- 6, W2 1 rom B-853 Summercove, 1930-1931 3 & 4- 7 & 8, W3 2 rom B-855 Consul, 1930-1933 4 & 5- 27, W3 2 rom B-856 Mendham, 1930- 1931 21-28, W3 1 nun B-859 Fi 1 klOre, 1930 10 & 11-11 & 12, W2 3 rom B-860 Maple Creek, 1930-1931 8-28, W3 1 rom B-863 Perigord, 1930-1939 38 & 39-11 & 12, W2 4 rom B-873 Roanmine, 1934 3-21 & 22, W2 1 rom B-876 Debden, 1930-1931 51 & 52- 6 & 7, W3 1 rom B-877 Broadview, 1930 18- 4 & 5, W2 1 rom B-878 Harris, 1930 31- 11 & 12, W3 1 rom B-880 Humbo 1d t, 1930 37-22, W2 1 rom B-885 But terby, 1930 48- 1, W3 2 rom B-887 Laventure, 1931 52- 10, W3 2 mm B-896 Weldon, 1930-1932 45 & 46-22 & 23, W2 1 rrnn B-901 Canora, 1931 31 & 32- 4 & 5, W2 2 mm B-905 Kennedy, 1931-1933 11 & 12- 2 & 3, W2 1 nun B-908 Theodore, 1931- 19':<2 27 & 28- 8 & 9, W2 1 rrnn B 911 Makwa, 1931 58-19 & 20, W3 1 rom B-923 Beaver Flats, 1931 19-11 & 12, W3 1 rom B-926 , 1931 21- 21 & 22, W2 2 rom B-930 Hague, 1931 40 & 41- 2 & 3, W3 3 mm B-931 Springs ide , 1934-1935 27 & 28- 5 & 6, W2 1 rom B-934 Carrot River, 1934-1935 51 & 52- 11 & 12, W2 1 rom B- 935 Eston, 1931 24 & 25-19 & 20, W3 1 mm B-940 Ibstone, 1931 40 & 41-17, W3 1 rom B-941 Asquith, 1931-1932 38- 9, W3 1 mm B-962 Meadow Lake, 1932 59 & 60- 17, W3 2 rom B- 964 Loon Lake, 1932 58-23, W3 1 rom B- 965 , 1932 3 & 4-25 & 26, W3 1 rom B-973 Eastleigh, 1932- 1935 15 & 16- 1, W3 1 mm B-976 Duck Lake, 1932 43- 2, W3 2 mm B- 977 Carrot River, 1932-1940 50- 9 & 10, W2 1 mm B-981 F la t Vall ey , 1932 61 & 62-21, W3 1 rrnn B-992 Paddockwood, 1932-1933 54-24 & 25, W2 1 rrnn Ed 5 4

I. B- 1010 Forest Gate, 1933 Twp. 55-22, W2 1 mm B-1016 Ye 110w Creek, 1933-1935 43 & 44-23, W2 1 mm B-1019 Richard, 1933 44-12, W3 1 mm B-1022 Imperia 1, 1933-1934. 27-24, W2 2 mm B-1023 Lorenzo, 1933-1940 46 & 47- 9 & 10, W3 2 mm B-1024 Whitewood, 1933 18- 1 & 2, W2 1 mm B-1026 L1oydminster, 1933 49 & 50-26 & 27, W3 1 mm B- 1031 Waldron, 1934 21 & 22- 4 & 5, W2 2 mm B-1034 North Batt1eford, 1934-1940 44-16 & 17, W3 3 mm B-1037 Marcelin, 1933-1936 46- 5 & 6, W3 2 mm B- 1038 Vanguard, 1937 10 & 11- 9, W3 2 rnrn B-1042 Wingard, 1933-1934 46- 3, W3 3 rnrn B- 1050 Arcola, 1934-1937 9- 4 & 5, W2 1 mm B- 1051 Stornaway, 1934 26 & 27- 1 & 2, W2 2 rnrn B-1052 Runnymede, 1936-1942 29-30, WI 4 mm B-1053 T'way, 1934 43 & 44-24 & 25, W2 1 mm B-1054 AUda, 1934 4 & 5-32 & 33, WI 1 mm B-1056 Maple Creek, 1934 10 & 11- 28 & 29, W3 1 mm B-1063 Markinch, 1934 22- 17 & 18, W2 2 mm B-1066 MacNutt, 1934 23 & 24-31, WI 1 mm B- 1069 ltuna, 1934-1937 26 & 27-10 & 11, W2 2 mm B-1074 Veregin, 1935-1936 29- 1, W2 2 mm B-1078 Prince Albert, 1934-1935 51 & 52-24 & 25, W2 1 mm B-1080 Furness, 1934 47 & 48- 27 & 28, W3 1 mm B-1084 Davidson, 1934 26- 2, W3 1 mm B- 1087 Glen Elder, 1934-1935 36- 2, W2 1 mm B-1088 G1as1yn, 1934-1935 50-16 & 17, W3 2 mm B- 1089 Sanctuary, 1934-1936 24- 15, W3 1 rnrn B- 1091 Meadow Lake, 1934-1940 58-16 & 17, W3 3 mm B-1094 Meeting Lake, 1935- 1940 48- 10 & 11, W3 1 mm B- 1103 Goodive, 1935 23- 8 & 9, W2 1 mm B- 1105 Midnight Lake, 1935 52 & 53-16 & 17, W3 1 mm B- 1112 Crooked River, 1939 44 & 45- 12, W2 2 mm B- 1112A E1ders1ey, 1935 45-12 & 13, W2 1 mm B- 1119 Red Cross, 1935-1938 54 & 55-24 & 25, W3 2 mm B-1124 Barford, 1934-1935 41-14, W2 1 mm B- 1128 Brightsand, 1935 55-20, W3 1 mm B-1131 Lemburg, 1936 20 & 21- 9, W2 3 mm B- 1132 Smeaton, 1936-1937 51 & 52-20, W2 4 mm B- 1134 Carrot River, 1936-1939 50 & 51- 11 & 12, W2 1 mm B- 1137 Garden Head, 1936 11- 19 & 20, W3 2 mm B-1139 Hendon, 1936 36- 13 & 14, W2 1 mm B-1140 Coderre, 1936 13- 2 & 3, W3 1 mm B-1141 Lisieux, 1936-1937 3 & 4- 2, W3 2 mm B- 1143 Amiens, 1936 50- 9, W3 1 mm B-1144 Hai tvi11e, 1936- 1940 45-24, W2 1 rnm B-1145 LAnore Lake, 1936-1937 41-20, W2 1 mm B-1146 Ki 11deer, 1936 2 & 3- 3, W3 2 mm B-1149 Hudson B~y Jet., 1937-1941 45- 4, W2 2 mm B-1151 Killdeer, 1936-1937 1- 3, W3 2 rnm B-1155 Eston, 1937-1940 27-20 & 21, W3 3 nllll B-1156 Semans, 1937 27- 19 & 20, W2 2 mm B-1163 Vandura, 1937 12 & 13- 1 & 2, W2 Imm Ed 5 5

1. B-1169 Carlyle, 1937 Twp. 8 & 9~ 3 & 4, W2 2 nun B-1170 Pinto, 1937 I- S & 6, W2 1 rom B-1171 Ethe lton, 1937-1938 44-'20 &21A, W2 1 rom B-1175 Foam Lake, 1937 31 & 32- 11, W2 1 mm B-1191 Simmie, 1938-1939 11-16, W3 2 mm B- 1192 White Fox, 1939 52~14 & 15, W2 2 rom B-1194 Esterhazy, 1939 19 & 20- 1 & 33, W2" & 1 2 rom B-1198 Crooked River, 1939 44- 12, W2 1 rom B-1199 Bagley, 1939 48- 19, W2 1 mm B-2002 Meath Park, 1939~ 1941 50 & 51-24, W2 1 mm B-2003 Meadow Lake, 1939-1941 59- 18, W3 2 rom B-2005 Romance, 1939 35 & 36- 19, W2 1 mm B- 2010 Bjorkda1e, 1939-1942 43-13, W2 2 rom B- 2013 Beaver River, 1940 63- 23, W3 1 mm B-2015 Batt Ie Heights, 1940-1941 51- 9, W2 2 mm B-2017 Dysart, 1940 21 & 22-15 & 16, W2 1 rom B-2019 Or1ey, 1940 45-10 & 11, W2 1 mm B-2024 Lancer, 1941 21 & 22-22 & 23, W3 1 mm B-2028 Embervi lIe, 1943 61 & 62-22 & 23, W3 2 mm B-2032 Goodsoi 1, 1942 62- 21 , W3 1 mm C- 672 Chaplin, 1916-1925 18- 5 & 6, W3 2 rom S- 1 Grave1bourg P.S.S.D., 1921 2 mm S- 2 Perigord P.S.S.D., 1935-1936 3 rom s- 3 Corning, 1925 1 rom S-4 Manito Forest Reserve, 1920-1922 43- 27, W3 5 mm S-5 R.C.S.S.D., 1928-1929 Imm S- 6 Lander R.C.S.S.D., 1918-1920 36- 17, W3 4 rom S-7 St. Charles Parish R.C.S.S.D., 1916- 1917 14- 3, W3 5 mm S- 8 Estevan R.C.S.S.D., 1928 1 mm s- 9 Esterhazy R.C.S.S.D., 1912- 1928 4 mm S-10 Cutknife R.C.S.S.D., 1935-1936 Imm s- 11 St. Alexander R.C.S.S.D. it10, 1911 Disorganization. 1 mm S- 12 St. Patrick1s R.C.S.S.D. :ft11 , 1911 Disorganiza tion. 1 mm S- 13 St. Peter's R.C.S.S.D. 4'5, 1911 Disorganization. 3 mm S- 14 Macklin R.C.S.S.D., 1928 2 rom S- 15 St. Mary's S.S.D, 413, 1911 Altering the limi ts. :2 P"!l'1 S- 16 Henribourge R.C,S.S.D., 1927-1928 1 mm S- 17 Peterson R.C,S.S.D. 1 mm S- 18 Wakaw R.C.S.S.D., 1914-1930 il mm s- 19 Wilcox R.C.S.S.D., 1924-1925 1 mm Ed 5 6

II. Building Plans and Alterations.

The material is grouped according to geographical location. Unless otherwise stated the collection is comprised of plans and correspondence for the construction or alteration of education buildings in Saskatchewan, 1918-1947.

* indicates that the plans are with the file. The school district number is given followed by the name of the district.

l. North-west portion of the province (South and northwards).

33* Bellevue, 1924-1929 2 rom 91* Clarksdale, n.d. 2 rom III Bresaylor, 1922-1945 1 rom 180* Vance, 1919-1944 2 rom 240* , 1926-1929 1 cm 405 Gottlob, 1920-1938 1 rom 612 Tinson, 1936-1942 1 rom 630* Arnawanda, 1927 4 rom 653 Montrose, 1921-1944 1 mm 660 Awde Hill, 1939 1 rom

702* Druid, 1924-1929 4 rom 779* Dominion, 1935 3 mm 787* Poplar Bluff, 1926-1929 3 nun 838 Lovedale, 1928 1 rom 918 Riverbank, 1927 1 mUI 923* Grand Plains, 1929 2 rom 954* Avondale, 1926 2 rom 1036 L1oydminster, 1925-1927 2 rom 1114 Vlood1awn, 1940 1 rom 1201* Meadow Lake, 1931-1940 5 rom

1264 McKague, 1920 1 rom 1351* Radisson, 1929-1930 1 rom 1364* Borden, 1929-1930 5 rom 1406 Ilirral, 1935-1945 2 rom 1417 , 1918-1936 1 rom 1438* North Battleford, 1929-1947 3 mm 1555 Maymont, 1925-1936 1 rom 1564 Trafalgar, 1935 1 rom 1569* Lincoln, 1928 1 rom 1578* Clear Spring, 1938-1945 2 rom

1670 East Hill, 1921-1927 2 rom 1732 Happy Land, 1924 1 rom 1912* Brilliant Star, 1930 1 rom 1916* Denholm, 1921 4 rom 1926 Pascal, 1919-1926 2 lllIl! Ed 5 7

l. 1953 Waseca, 1946 1 nun 2120* Nob 1eview , n.d. 1 nun 2144* Standard, 1939. 1 nun 2162 Lucky ,Lake, 1937 1 nun 2218* Nei1burg, 1945-1946 7 nun 2183* Knowles, 1921-1945 5 nun 2231 Wasteena, n.d. 1 nun 2321 Unity Town, 1926 1 nun 2330 Bostonia, 1916-1930 2 nun 2344 Grant, 1921 1 nun

2363 Landis, 19l7-1925 1 nun 2401 Belton, 1925 2 mm 2420 Macklin, 1935 2 nun 2425 St. Peters, 1918-1931 2 nun 2437 Tessier, 1921-1925 1 nun 2471 Delisle, 1928 1 nun 2497 Biggar, 19l5 1 nun 2498 Harris, 1918 1 nun 2499 Wynyard, 1920-1927 3 nun 2516 Southminster, 1934 1 nun

2534 Rosetown, 1927-1930 1 nun 2584 Rus, 1926 1 nun 2628 MacKenzie, 1930 1 nun 2658 Denzil, n.d. 1 nun 2659 Netherhill, 1927 1 nun 2700 Brock, 1929 1 nun 2731 Banana Belt, n.d. 1 nun 2795 Kerrobert, 1931 1 nun 2933 Guyhirne, 1932-1940 1 nun 3016 D'Arcy, 1926 2 mm 3045 Mervin, 1922-1939 1 mm

3144 Loverna, 1926-1928 2 mm 3246 Raspberry Creek, n.d. 1 nun 3321 Plato, 1924 1 nun 3347 Beaver Brook, 1921-1941 1 mm 3367 G1amis, 1921-1933 1 mm 3378 Invicta, 1928-1940 1 mm 3453 Langley, 1944 1 mm 3475 l.Jaskiagon, nd.d 1 nun 3588 Dry Gully, 1926-1937 3 nun 3645 Coleville, 19l6-1921 1 mm

3694 Prince, 1935-1945 1 nun 3746 Anglia, 1916-1941 1 mm 3754 Garvoch, 1930-1941 1 nun 3790 Tangleflags, 1929 1 nun 3857 Gallivan, 1919-1941 1 nun 3915 Warcop, 1918 1 nun 3952 Dods1and, 1919-1929 1 nun 3960 Gram1ick, 1917-1918 1 nun 3987 Madison, 1926 1 nun 4014 Hill Sixty, 1942 1 IllIl! 4023 Bonnievale, 1918-1930 1 mm Ed 5 8

1. 4061 Briardale, n.d. 1 rom 4105 Rosebrier, 1919-1926 1 rom 4114 Winter, n.d. 1 rom 4132 Bonni~ Doone, n.d. 1 rom 4136 Hillmond, 1939 1 rom /,168 Allanadale, n.d. 1 mm 4181 Clow, n.d. 1 rom 4195 Crimea, 1919-1920 1 rom 4206 Root, n.d. 1 mm 4137 Canadian, n.d. 2 mm

4221 Tee Pee, n.d. 1 mm 4234 Halfway, n.d. 1 mm 4249 Lake Russell, n.d. 1 mm 4273 Loon Lake, 1941-1944 1 mm 4277 Jack Pine, 1942 1 mm 4280 Aroma, n.d. 1 mm 4284 St. Albert, 1932 1 mm 4295 Molewood, n.d. 1 nun 4299 St. Florence, 1920-1933 1 nun 4976 Beaver Dale, 1932 1 mm

5003 Birchington, 1933 1 mm 5014 Rialto, 1933-1936 2 nun 5035 Stoke, 1934-1941 1 mTI! 5041 Dunfield, 1934-1939 1 mm 5050 Mullingar, 1934 1 mm 5080 Timberland, 1935-1938 1 mm 5089 Rapid Bend, n.d. 1 mm 5107 Frenchman Butte, 1936 1 rum 5108 Tweedsmuir, 1936-1942 2 rom 5123 Goldfields, 1936-1937 1 mm 5128 Northern Pine, 1938-1940 1 rom 5141 Sweet Rocket, 1938 1 mm 5157 Green Mantle, 1940-1944 2 nun 5185 Good Soil Hamlet, 1943 1 mm

2. Prince Albert area.

IB St. Antoine, 1918-1939 3 nun 3* Prince Albert, 1926-1'144 1 em 8)~ St. Andrews, 1928-193 2 nun 8B Stobart, n.d. 1 mm 27 St. Jean Baptiste, 1937 1 mm 32* Big River, 1929-1947 5 rom 177 Royal, n. d. 1 mm 212 Sand Lake, 1941 1 nun 252 Shellbrook, ·918-1923 1 nun 466 Bergthal, n.d. 1 mm 474* Rosthern, 1918-1919 6 mm 484 Ebenfeld, 1919-1928 1 nun Ed 5 9

2. 502 Eigenheim, n.d. 1 mm 535 Springfield, 1941 1 mm 554 Johannesthal, 1946-1947 1 mm 580 Cars o I). , n.d. 1 mm 607* Henribourg, 1925 3 mm 7,59 Hague, 1921-1929 1 mm 867* Fish Creek, 1937 1 mm 871 La Plaine, 1923 1 mm 879 Birson, 1919 1 mm 943 Gillies, 1929 1 mm

1052 Cudworth, 1932-1946 1 mm 1102 St. Benedict, 1929-1941 1 mm 14t.5 Parkside, 1918-1920 2 mm 1474 Danzi.g, n.d. 1 mm 1508* Kimball, n.d. 1 mm 1632* Kaminka, 1937-1941 3 mm 1704 Svoboda, 1946 1 mm 1757 Golden Rod, n.d. 1 mm 1827 Nichlova, 1929 1 mm 1964 Blaine Lake, 1930 1 mm

2005 Hamburg, 1918-1944 1 mm 2012 Bukowius, 1920 1 mm 2134 Heatherdale, n.d. 1 mm 2279 Salavanka, 1936 1 mm 2386 Ospenni.a, 1940-1945 1 mm 2396 Haralowka, 1929-1932 3 mm 2404 Trinity, 1925-1930 1 mm 2405 Wkynow, 1924 1 mm 2434 Milner, n.d. 1 mm 2571 Blaine Lake, 1937-1944 1 mm 2586 River Hill, 1932 1 mm

2701 Kotzko, 1936 1 mm 2842 Janow, n.d. 1 mm 2903 Shell Lake Rural, 1930-1933 1 mm 2939 , 1919 1 nun 3134 Leask, 1923-1930 1 mm 3143 Howard Creek, n.d. 1 mm 3454 Sich, 1934-1946 4 mm 3595 Domremy, 1931 1 mm 3743 Foxdale, 1923 1 mm 3844 Hazel Ridge, 1918 1 mm

3945 Kaylna, 1936 1 mm 4036 , n.d. 1 mm 4072 Carlton Siding, 1930-1933 1 mm 4115 Pembroke, 1919 1 mm 1+179 Rose River, 1923-1930 1 mm 4198 Avebury, n.d. 1 mm 4219 Lac Cheval, 1938 1 mm 4251 Sugar Hill, 1919 1 mm 4256 Eldred, 1920 1 mm 4991 Weirdale, 1933-1939 1 mm 4992 Smeaton, 1937 1 mm Ed 5 10

2. 5032 Von Hehren, 1936 1 rum 5049 Beaton, 1936 1 rnm 5083 Northland, 1936-1940 1 rnm 5155 Moon Hills, 1939 1 rum 5167 Birch Bank, 1940-1941 1 rnm 5198 Sunbeam Valley, 1941-1945 1 mm

3. North Eastern portion of the province, (Qu' Appelle Valley and northwards) .

12* , 1929 2 rnm 15 Humboldt, 1936 1 rnm 24* Krivoshein, 1932 3 mm 42* Kinistino, n.d. 2 cm 75 Eastman, 1921 1 mm 110 Crescent, 1930-1946 1 mm 126 Pahanon, 1921-1939 1 rnm 159 Yorkton, 1928-1929 1 rnm 163 Pelly, 1929 1 mm 170 , 1917-1946 2 rnm

237 Fountain, 1928-1937 1 mm 300 Abernethy, n.d. 1 mm 310 Duff, 1935 1 mm 317 st. Joseph de Dauphinais, 1920 1 mm 361 Veregin, 1920-1944 1 rnm 374 Beaver, 1920 1 rum 383 Nut Lake, 1928 1 rnm 494 Lysenko, 1927-1928 1 mm 504 Bertdale, 1918-1923 1 rum 519 Silver Creek, 1945 1 mm

5411~ Anemone, 1919 4 mm 564 Moosehorn, 1924-1941 1 mm 603 Dongola, 1940 1 rnm 672 Shannonvil1e, 1923-1933 2 mm 737* Cutland, 1918-1931 3 rnm 758 Porcupine, 1933-1935 2 rnm 761 White Beech, n.d. 1 mm 804 Esterhazy Town, 1938-1944 1 mm 806 C1ova, 1926-1928 1 mm 892 Stenen, 1927 1 mm

916 Tisdale, 1916-1932 2 mm 936* , 1920-1921 1 em 932 Village, 1922 1 mm 949 Tantal1on, 1918-1946 1 mm 953* , 1928 1 rnm 996 Quill Valley, 1926-1927 1 mm 1024* West Brook, 1927-1942 1 rnm 1037* Melfort, 1918-1941 4 rnm 1086* Monastery, 1937 4 mm 1152* Canora, 1926 4 mll} Ed 5 11

3. 1168 Toga, 1947 1 rnm 1178 Craigmore, 1940 1 mm 1186* Bredenbury, 1921-1946 5 rnm 1217 Walter Scott, 1939-1940 2 nun 1230 I Arburj , 1935 1 mm 1251 Kamsack, 1921-1933 1 rnm 1284* Invermay, 1918-1947 5 mm 1333 South Star, 1935 1 nun 1338* 'Ivakaw, 1927-1941 8 mm 1353 Hoodoo, 1936-1937 2 rom

1463 St. Brieux, 1918-1945 5 rnm 1469 , 1930-1934 2 rnm 1475 Star City, 1922-1945 1 mm 1513* Hubbard, 1918-1919 3 rom 1514 Dawn, 1921-1945 1 rom 1529 Humboldt, 1930-1932 1 mm 1540 Grandy, 1920 1 mm 1561 Hount Hecla, 1920 1 mm 1577 Spalding, n.d. 1 rnm 1591 Levant, 1934 1 rnm

1683 Ke1vington, 1930-1937 1 rnm 1700 Fosti, 1919 1 mm 1730 Wo1howetz, n.d. 1 mm 1742 Leroy, 1930 1 mm 1760 Newfield, 1924-1936 2 mm 1795 Wallenstein, 1925-1944 1 mm 1826 Stawchan, 1940 1 mm 1838 Govan, 1930 1 nun 1878 Kolomejia, 1936 2 mm 1884 Norquay Village, 1918-1944 3 mm

1885 Foam Lake, 1920-1930 1 mm 1890 Sproule, 1922 1 mm 1936* Nokomis, 1931-1936 3 mm 2072 Margo, 1931 1 mm 2172* Lake Helen, 1919-1930 3 rnm 2187 Melville, 1927-1943 1 mm 2215* Poplar Hill, 1927 1 mm 2219 Crooked River, 1925-1938 1 mm 2240 Fruitvale, 1933 1 mm 2254 Kelliher, 1919-1945 1 mm

226) Fairy Glen, 1930 2 mm 2266 Hamornitz, 1937-1938 1 mm 2286 Spring Valley, 1931 1 rnm 2307 Sunny View, 1929 1 rnm 2'!390 Hryhoriw, L947 1 rnm 2421 Kilbach, 1919 1 rom 2432 Ulric, 1930 1 mm 2447 Myleside, n.d. 1 mm 2487 Jaroslaw, 1932-1939 1 mm 2537 Woodhurst, 1936 1 mm Ed 5 12

3. 2545 Green Lawn, n.d. 1 rom 2578 Pohor1otz, 1928 1 rom 2611 Raymore, 1923-1945 1 rom 2681 Arabella, n.d. 1 mm 2697 Goodeve, 1919-1937 3 rom 2814 Hazelwood, 1920-1945 1 mm 2919 Lestock Village, 1920-1936 2 rom 3173 Hyas, 1928 1 rom 3216 Lake Ignace, 1936-1937 2 rom 3250 Fenwood, 1926 3 rom

3280 Pontrilas', 1939-1944 1 mm 3577 May, 1923-1937 2 rom 3601 Byng, n.d. 1 rom 3783 Ok1a, 1942 1 rom 3985 Runnymeade, 1918 1 rom 4004 Cheremosz, 1930-1941 1 rom 4025 Deter Lake, 1920 1 mm 4028 Copeau, 1930-1940 2 mm 4055 Chise1hurst, 1940-1945 1 rom 4057 Samhor, n.d. 1 rom

4083 Watsou Creek, n.d. 1 rom 4095 St. Front, 1918-1933 1 rom U02 Shannon Lake, 1928-1942 1 rom 4164 New Insinger, 1919-1930 2 mm 4173 Belleau Brook, n.d. 1 mm 4174 Maniton, n.d. 1 mm 4194 Lister, 1919-1941 1 rom 4231 Clashmoor, 1936 1 mm 4296 East Bend, n.d. 1 mm 4260 Hegan, n.d. 1 rom

4979 Forest Trail, 1938 1 mm 4981 tfuss Side, 1933-1940 1 rom 4983 Mi11road, 1934-1938 1 mm 4984 HeadO\

5072 Hossy Glen, 1936 1 mm 5090 Cherry Blossom, 1940 1 mm 5102 Hollis, n.d. 1 rom 5162 Brentwood, 1936 1 rom 5166 Smoky Ridge, 1942-1944 1 rom l!:d .J 13

4. Saskatoon to Regina area.

64 Boe:gy Creek, n.d. 1 rom 112 Long1aketon, 1930 1 rom 327 , 1921 1 rom 409 Stalwart, 1918-1919 1 rom 581* Are1ee, 1940-1943 1 mm 613 Frieden, 1923 1 mm 769 Diova, n.d. 1 rom 772 Mintern, 1941 1 mm 849* lfuoosier, n.d. i, mm 888 Davidson, 1916-1917 1 rom

904* Brownell, n.d. 1 rom 912* Lynne, 1919 2 rom 934 Hanley, 1918 1 mm 1105 Pleasant Point, 1921 1 mm 1116 Antelope, 1924 1 rom 1133 Sleaford, 1919 1 mm 1238* Steinbach, 1929-1946 4 mm 1334 ,~ vlatrous, 1918-1940 2 mm 1359* Surprise Valley, 1919 6 mm

1373 !fuuntain Chase, n.d. 1 mm 1392 Blackley, 1928-1929 1 rom 1400 Edenho1me, 1925 1 mm 1424 },!ackenzievi11e; 1928 1 mm 1490 Muchamore, 1918-1923 1 rom 1498 Bethune, 1918 1 rom 1505 Uneeda s 1926 1 mm 1589 Kipp, n.d. 1 mm 1617 Southly, 1919 1 mm 1627 Newde1oraine, n.d. 1 mm

1680* Hap1e Valley, 1919 4 mm 1681 Rose Leaf, 1923 1 mm 1741 Eagle Creek, 1932 1 mm 1899 Renown, 1920 1 mm 1971 Concord, 1919 1 mm 1979 Easterlea, 1920 1 rum 2055 Hawoods, 1928 1 mm 2094:~ Da1meny, 1927-1928 5 mm 2152* Colonsay, 1920-1921 2 cm 2234 Shy1oh, 1930 1 mm

Z26l, Chamberlain, 1919-1920 1 rum 2339 Hawarden, 1919-1947 1 mm 2399 Canoe LaKe, 1929-1946 1 mm 2535 Edw?-rds, 1926 1 mm 2555 Leney, :,920-1937 1 mm 2581 Glenside, 1919-1928 1mm 2606 Plunkett, 1922-1935 1mm 2661 Nick1ett, 1920-1921 1mm 2913 , 1930-19l13 l'rom 3499 Farrerda1e, n.d. 1, rom Ed 5 14

4. 3869 Meuse, 1931 1mm 4034 St. Hilaire, n.d. 1mm 4071 Eclipse, n.d. 1mm 4075 Harrowby, 1918 1mm 4156 La Bossee, 1929 1mm 4192 B1air1ogie, 1923 1mm 4214 Big Arm. 1919 1mm 4248 Prairie College, n.d. 1mm 5111 Fulda, n.d. 1mm

5. \-lest Central portion of the province (from the to the C.P.R. mainline).

1 Moose Jaw, 1923-1937 1mm 22* St. Agnes Separate, 1946 2mm 63 Pasqua, n.d. 1mm 113 Pioneer, 1921 1mm 156* Marlborough, 1925-1927 2 cm 189 Boharm. 1919-1920 1mm 378* Piapot, 1930 2mm 433* Centre Spring, 1919-1929 1mm 542 Flaxton, 1925 1mm 591* Petrolia, 1926 1mm

609 Diamond Hill, 1938 1mm 70l, Boden, 1930-1937 1mm 789 833 Narquis, n.d. 1mm 1137 Eyebrow Hill, n.d. 1mm 1056 Dunkirk, 1935 1mm 1297 Beaver Dam, 1921 1mm 1302 Rothsay, 1926-1930 1 mm 1509* Lake Valley, 1920-1936 5mm 1522 Reed Valley, 1919 1 mm

1708* Broad,.,ay, 1920 2mm 1781* Waldeck, 1926-1937 3mm 1748* Gull Lake, 1927-1931 2 mm 1921* Morse, 1928 1 em 2033 , 1918 1 mm 2118 Eyebrow, 1919-1925 2 mm 2235 Ranch, 1921 1 mm 2244 Grave1bourg, 1918 1mm 2299 Kincardine. 1930 1mm 2365 Murray, 1920-1924 1mm

. 2486 Tuxford, 1926 1mm 2528 Emmery, 1920 1 mm 2600 Ernfo1d, 1919 1 mm 2719 Prince of vllia1es, n.d. 1mm 2784 Rouen, 1919-1934 1 mm 2879 Fox Valley, 1928-1944 3mm 3070 Lancer, 1918 l'mm 3075 Battrum, 1940 1- mm 3182 Pennant, 1925-1928 "I mm Ed 5 15

5. 3194 Deer Forks, 1922 1mm 3261 Johnson Lake, n.d. 1mm 3284 Abbey, 1918-1929 2mm 3'372 Leader, 1927-1939 3mm 3387 Estuary, 1917 1mm 3397 Prelate, 1918-1921 1mm 3497 Mossbank, 1942 1mm 3643 llodgevi11e, 1922 1mm 3975 Grafton, 1917 1mm 4041 Jupiter, 1918 1mm 4087 Flora, 1918-1926 3mm

4088 Amphion, 1918-1926 3mm 4089 TI1umenhot, 1918-1939 3mm 4107 Silver Craig, 1919-1930 2mm 4152 Maharg, 1926-1930 2mm 4154 Iris, 1927-1928 1mm 4160 Rocky Hound, 1919 1mm 4185 Ranch Centre, 1919 1mm 4210 Roseneath, 1920 1 mm 4283 Long Island, 1920 1mm 4297 Galloway, 1920 1mm

6. East Central portion of province (qu'Appe11e Valley to ~foose Hountain).

12 Uoosomin, 1921 1mm 14 Hawota, 1919 1mm 22 Rocanvi11e, 1922 1mm 49 Indian Read, 19?0-1921 1mm 5l.* ~'lhitewood, 19L.5 1mm 61 HcLean, 1927 1mm 62 Ri11ington, n.d. 1 mm 82 He1uyn, n.d. 1 mm 94 Glen Adelaide, 1920-1921 1mm 134* Fairmede, 1917 2 mm

179 Wolf Creek, 1928-1930 1 mm 231 Newton, n.d. 1mm 260 New Ontario, 1928 1 mm 309* Carnoustie, 1926 2 mm 339 451 Ramona, 1920 1mm 473 Erncliffe, 1928 1 mm 676"~ Scardia, n.d. 1mm 1040 Ivanhoe, n.d. 1mm

1113* Isage, 1918-1945 2mm 1175 Gibson 1941 2mm 1442 Tiferes Israel, n.d. 1mm 1832 Belleville, 1920 1mm 1960 Petersvi11e, 1919 1mm 2446 G1enavon, 1919-1923 1mm 2458 Oakshe1a, 1919-1931 1mm Ed 5 16

6. 2500 Kipling, n.d. 1 nun 2765 Langbank, 1925 1 nun 2868 Odessa, 1919 2 nun 4228 Meadowvi11e, 1919-1920 1 nun 4247 Candiac, 1919-1920 1 nun

7. South Central portion of province (Regina and south),

13* Gratton, 1926-1930 1 cm 93* Davyroyd, 1927 1 nun 254 Radvi11e, 1919-1926 2 nun 279 Camden, 1920 1 nun 283* Hirsch, n.d. 1 nun 351 Ceylon, 1924 1 nun 539* , 1926-1927 1 nun 595* l1:i1estone, n.d. 1 nun 596 Rouleau, 1920-1932 1 nun 699 Beautiful Plains, 1917-1918 1 nun

764 Delightsome Valley, 1926 1 nun 777 Francis, 1923-1928 1 mm 978* Bengough, 1923-1927 1 cm 1035 Lang, 1926-1947 1 nun 1125 Gray, 1921 1 nun 1136 Moyer, 1936 1 nun 1170 Jacobs, 1927 1 nun

1800 Boyle, 1921-1928 1 nun 2037 Forward, 1919-1924 1 nun 2163 Belle Plaine, 1921-1924 1 mm 2410 Deonton, 1929 1 mm 2666 Dahinda, 1927 1 nun 2706 Amulet, 1919 1 !lUll 2760 Ogema, 1918 1 nun 2774 Coronach, 1921 1 !lUll 2910 Black Oak, 1926 1 mm 3007 Viceroy. 1923 1 mm 3140 Tribune, 1920 1 mm

3177 Verwood, 1919 1 mm 3277 Sussey, n.d. 1 nun 3328 Twelve Mile Lake, 1928 1 !lUll 3479 , 1929 1 nun 3498 Enniscorthy, 1925-1928 1 nun 3728 Maxville, 1927 1mm 3940 Red Butte, 1918 1 mm 3949 Claudia, 1932-1933 Z mm 3961 Vantage, 1922 1 nun 4018 Border1oud, 1917 1 nun 4065 Ips1ey Mount, 1919-19Z0 1mm 4094 Coal Dale, 1936 Zmm 4144 Kempvil1e, 1919 1mm Ed 5 17

7. 4169 Prairie Centre~ n.d. 1 rom 4188 Unbridge. 1919 1 rom 4220 Cantire. 1919-1920 1 rom 5116 Hope Valley, 1944-1946 2 rom

8. South East portion of province.

96 Alameda, 1920 1 rom 162 Hoose Mountain, 1928 1mm 205 Sandringhow, 1918 1mm 259* , 1929 2mm 262 Thunder Creek, 1920 1mm 276 Carlyle Public, n. d. 1 mm 471* Lampman, 1920 1 mm 490 Minto, 1930 1 rom 500 Palestine, 1930 1 mm 582* Hordsworth, 1928 1 rom

605 623 691* Stoughton, 1921-1929 5 mm 795 Roseview, 1937 1 nun 805* Goodwater, 1919 1 mm 877 Hinter Hourue, 1920 1 nun 1060 Teno1d, 1924 1 mm 1095* Amethyst, 1918-1927 1 rom 1221 Prairie Cona, 1923-1945 1 mm 1295* vJoodend, 1918 2 mm

1335 Co1fay. 1920-1923 1 mm 1552* Cedoux, 1921-1928 2 mm 1787 , 1917-1920 2 rom 1898>~ Black Diamond, 1919 3 rom 2065 Silver Vale, 1921 1 mm 2095 ~radigan, 1927 1 rom 2123 Talmage, 1919 1 rom 2186 McAuley, 1937 1 rom 2488 Griffin, 1925 1 mm 2786 Saceine, 1930 1 mm

2812 , 1928-1930 1 mm 3476 Hi11mar, 1925 1 mm 3546 Kingsford, 1941 1 mrn 3647 Hazel Valley, 1920 1 mm 3883 Picton. 1919 1 mrn 3943 Ballymena, 1930 1 mm 4130 Omega, 1919 1 mrn 4167 South Frobisher, 1919 1 mm Ed 5 18

9. South West portion of province.

293 Dixie, 1923 2mm 311 Busch, 1923-1924 2mm 746 Barho1is, 1920-1925 1mm 880 Airlie, 1924 1mm B-1l41 1937 1mm 1657 Mountain View, n.d. 1mm 2412 Lefort, 1939 4mm 2768 North Fork, 1927 2mm 2971 3078 Varisty, 1929 1mm

3189 Meyronne, 1925 1mm 3195 Bedford, 1929 1rnm 3264 Tabor, 1930 1 mm 3324 Val Harie, 1927 1mm 3444 Scotsguard, 1919-1927 5mm 3659 3706 Robsart, 1919-1924 1rnm 4032 Hardscrabble, 1919 1 mm 4039 Cainbraj., 1919 1rnm 4047 Earnsda1e, 1918 1rnm

4064 Gergovia, 1918 1 mm 4068 King Albert, 1939 1 mm 4082 Carmichael Village, 1918-1926 3mm 4145 North Bench, 1919 1mm 4200 Coulee Hill, 1919 1rnm 4209 Riverburn, 1919-1920 2rnm 4267 Fairwe11 , 1920 1 mm 5114 Daystar, 1936-1939 1 mm 5199 Little Wist, 1945 1lhlU

10. South Units.

7 Shaunavon, 1945-1946 5rnm 8 Eastertd, 1946 1 mm 10 Arcola, 1946 1rnm 11 Weyburn, 1946 1rnm 15 Swift Current, 1946-1947 3 mm 20 Regina (East), 1946 1rnm 22 Noose Jaw, 1947 1rnm 26 He1ville (North), 1946 1rnm 28 Cupar, 1946 1 mm 29 Govan, n.d. 1rnm

40 Lanigan, 1947 1rnm 41 Saskatoon (East), 1946 1rnm 45 Sturgis, 1945-1946 1mm lf6 Wadena, 1946 1rnm 47 Humboldt, 1947 4rnm 50 Biggar, 1946-1947 1 mm 52 Hudson Bay Junction; 1946-1947 1 mm 54 Melfort, 1947 1mrn Ed 5 19

10. 56 Prince Albert, 1945-1946 1mm 57 Blaine Lake, 1946 Imm 61 Nipawin, 1945-1947 1 mm 63 Shell Lake, 1945-1947 2 mm 64 Medsted, 1946 1 mm 65 Turt1eford, 1946-1947 1 mm 66 Meadow Lake, 1945-1947 lmm

11. Prince Albert Collegiate, 1946 1 cm Yorkton Collegiate Institute, 1941-1942 1 mm Batt1eford Collegiate, 1925-1931 1 nun L10ydminster High School 23HS, 1930 1 nun Humboldt High School 17HS, 1930 1 nun Regina Collegiate 1 HS, 1927 1 rom

12. Government Aided Schools: Correspondence with various government aided schools throughout the province. The correspondence is concerned with the same problem as the remainder of this collection.

Proposed S.D. B.1l73, 1938 1 nun Stony Rapids Proposed School Sask., 1936 1 nun Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1927 1 mm La Loche Government Aided School, 1935-1940 1 nun Indian School Lac LaRonge, 1940 1 mm Chitek Government Aided School, 1941-1944 1 mm Camsell's Portage ,-)choo1, 1935-1942 1 mm Buffalo Narrows School, 1938-1939 1 mm

Beauval School District, 1939-1940 2 mm St. Joan of Arc Academy, 1939 1 mm Convent at , 1939 J mm Christian Day School, n.d. 1 rom Touchwood Siding, 1945 2 rom Sylvania, 1934-1935 1 mm Northern Saskatchet-!an Administrator, 1945 1 mm Banks Government Aided School, 1939 1 mm Bertwe11 Government Aided School, 1941 1 rom Lisieux Protest Sep. ). D. 116, 1939-1940 1 rom Coderre Protest Sep. S. p. #8, 1942-1945 2 rom A CHECKLIST OF THE RECORDS OF THE SASKATCHEWAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SASKATCHEWAN TEACHERS COLLEGE, SASKATOON

Saskatchewan Archives Board, Saskatoon 1991

RESTRICTED ACCESS Summary of Table of Contents

Introduction . · · · · i 1. Administration • . · · · 1 II. Saskatchewan Civil Service Association · · · · 2 III. Publications ...... · · · · 2 INTRODUCTION

The Saskatoon Normal School opened in the autumn of 1912 with Mr. J.A. Snell, M.A., principal. It continued as a separate entity until 1964, when its faculty was transferred to the University of Saskatchewan. The Teacher's College (as it was known after 1951) remained open until 1970, when operations were transferred to the campus of the University of Saskatchewan. The records of the Saskatoon Normal School, comprising 1.5 meters of material, include administrative records and publications of the School as well as records of the School's branch of the Saskatchewan Civil Service Associa- tion. The bulk of the records was received by the Archives in 1970 and assigned Accession No. P231. All materials are open for research, with the exception of student records. Permission for access to those records must be obtained through application to the Provincial Archivist. Ed.7


I. Administration 1. Minutes of Staff Meetings, 1919-1965. 8.0 cm (4 folders) A gap exists between 1930 and 1960.

2. General Correspondence, 1914-1915. 2.0 cm 3. Departmental Correspondence, 1914-1915. 4.0 cm (2 folders) 4. Departmental Correspondence, 1916-1917. 3.8 cm (2 folders) 5. Practice Teaching, 1945-1946. 1.0 cm 6. Reports and Memoranda, 1942-ca.1965. 3.0 cm

7. Student Registers (Restricted) a. 1912-1939 (oversize) Includes background and marks. b. 1939-1944 (oversize) Includes marks only. c. 1945-1960 (oversize) Includes marks only. d. 1939-1954 3.8 cm Includes background and marks. e. 1954-1969 3.8 cm Includes background and marks, names of faculty and staff.

8. Visitors' Book, 1922-1940. 1.8 cm 9. Photograph, 1926. (Housed in Photograph Collection.) 10. Miscellaneous, 1949-1956. 1.0 cm Ed.7


II. Saskatchewan Civil Service Association 11. Staff Organization, Teacher's College, 1.8 cm 1952-1958. 12. Saskatoon Teachers College, Saskatoon, 1.0 cm Department of Saskatchewan Civil Service Association, 1955-1959. 13. Saskatoon Branch Bylaws, 1957. 2mrn 14. Minutes of Provincial Executive, 1.2 cm 1956-1958. 15. Canadian Labour Congress: Political 2mrn Education Program, 1957. 16. Canadian Labour Congress: Staff 2.0 cm Education Course Kit, 1956-1957.

III. Publications 17. The Light, 1920-1964. 29.0 cm See Marian M. Graham Papers (S-A469, file A.7) for the 1924 edition. 18. Student Assembly Handbook and Directory, 1.8 cm 1948-1963. 19. Provincial Normal School, Moose Jaw, 5mrn 1929-1930. 20. Provincial Normal School, Regina, 1.2 cm 1939-1941. 21. Sundry, 1931-1971. 1.0 cm