Just Around the Corner: 44Th School of Prophets Indiana UM's Set Record
r At Indiana Central Just around the corner: 44th School of Prophets This is the last call for the 1985 Wesley Theological Seminary, Washing- professor of systematic theology at Duke Other class topics include "Death School of the Prophets, a long-standing ton, D.C., will serve as the keynote Divinity School; Dr. Henry L. Gerner, di- in the New Testament," "Wesleyan The- continuing education event for Indiana speaker; preacher of the week will be Dr. rector of the Buchanan Counseling Center ology: Its Past and Its Promise," "Effec- Area ministers. Tex S. Sample, professor of church and at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis; the tively Coping with Stress," "Successful Seven classes and three workshops society at Saint Paul School of Theology, Dr. Mark J. Blaislng, senior pastor of and Creative Fundraising," "Pulpit and will be conducted during the event, slated Kansas City, Mo. (see photos in June Trinity UMC, Elkhart; The Rev. Daniel the Pew: Reflecting a Global Perspec- for Aug. 12-15 at Indiana Central Univer- HUM). L. Farce, one of the directors of Church tive," and "The Family and Christian sity, Indianapolis. INSTRUCTING CLASSES will be World Service's Office of Global Educa- Nurture." Two seminary educators will serve Adolf Hansen, vice president for student tion; Dorothy and George Dolch of Pfeif- Workshop instructors will include as key speakers at the event, now in its affairs at Garrett-Evangelical Theologi- fer College in Misenheimer, N.C.; and Amy M. Owens, certified alcoholism 44th year: Dr. Marjorie Suchocki, dean cal Seminary; Dr. Thomas A. Laogford, Suchocki, who will focus on "Experienc- (Continued on page S) and professor of systematic theology at vice provost for academic affairs and ing Christian Unity." Loren Maxwell dead at age 55 THE REV.
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