Congressional Record—Senate S4501

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Congressional Record—Senate S4501 June 17, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4501 And because of the progressive benefit struc- ternal grandparents came from Italy to ernors in the country who were still in ture of Social Security, those with higher in- Vermont seeking a better life. They office after the Watergate debacle of comes collect less per dollar paid in. created many jobs when they did that. 1974. This underscores an under-appreciated Doug came to Nashville. He sat down bonus of the Senate immigration bill. The They sent their children to college and bill shifts U.S. immigration policy somewhat saw their grandson become a Senator. with my wife Honey, Tom Ingram, and more toward skills-based entry rather than My wife’s parents came from the me, and we talked about the idea of an- family unification. It also increases green Province of Quebec, speaking French. other Governor’s race—this time in cards for foreigners who graduate from She was born here. Her family contrib- 1978. Doug’s view was that I had lost, American schools in science and engineering, uted to the economy of Vermont, and among other things, because I wasn’t a thus raising the education and skills of new our whole region, with the jobs they very interesting candidate, that I cam- immigrants. This means the future fiscal im- created. They raised three wonderful paigned in a blue suit and talked to Re- migration windfall is likely to exceed $4.6 publicans and to rotary clubs. So the trillion. children at the same time. Immigration won’t solve all of Social Se- We are a nation of immigrants. Let’s talk was about what would be authen- curity’s financial problems. The program fight to maintain our tradition of pro- tic, what did I really like to do. still needs reform in its benefit formula and tecting the vulnerable. Let’s allow the To make a long story short, I ended to allow private accounts. But immigrants American dream to be a reality for all up walking 1,000 miles across Ten- unquestionably narrow the funding gap. those who are in this country because nessee over 6 months in a red-and- More generous immigration is a wise step to- they want to be in this country. black plaid shirt, followed by a group ward solving the entitlement crisis in Wash- of four University of Tennessee band ington. Time is not now divided from one side to the other, is it? members in a flatbed truck. And sev- Mr. LEAHY. Likewise, an article eral times a day we would get up on dated June 6, 2013 in Commentary de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. It is not. Mr. LEAHY. I yield the floor, and I the truck and play in Alexander’s bunks the myth that immigration washboard band. Doug put all that on would bankrupt the Medicare trust suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The television, and I won the election. fund. The title of the article is notable: Now, to some, that would seem like ‘‘Message to Congress: Immigrants Pay clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to an ultimate political gimmick, but if More Than Their ‘Fair Share’ of Medi- you think about it, the idea of the care.’’ According to the article, ‘‘it call the roll. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I walk across Tennessee was a good deal turns out that closing the borders more authentic than the photo-ops and would deplete Medicare’s trust fund.’’ ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. the press releases and the 5-second In fact, ‘‘over a seven-year period, im- sound bites that are often what we end migrants paid in $115.2 billion more The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. up with in politics today. But let me than they took out. Meanwhile, native- just say it this way: I would have never born Americans drained $28.1 billion f been elected Governor if it hadn’t been from Medicare. In other words, immi- TRIBUTE TO DOUG BAILEY for Doug Bailey. grants are keeping Medicare afloat. Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I He also did something else I had And it’s non-citizen immigrants who come to the floor to talk about Doug never seen anybody else do—no other make the biggest contribution. On av- Bailey. Doug Bailey died last week at political consultant. He actually wrote erage, each one subsidizes Medicare by age 79. The New York Times reported a plan and we actually followed it dur- $466 annually.’’ It concludes that on Tuesday that Doug Bailey helped ing the campaign. ‘‘Scare-mongering about the cost of define the role of political consultant The important thing for me to say immigration has become a staple of po- today is that political consulting was in the 1960s and 1970s and that he litical debate . But our findings in- not the end of Doug Bailey’s help. He founded the Hotline. He was much dicate that economic fairness, not just came to Nashville once a week during more than that to me and to countless morality, argues for immigrants’ my first term as Governor not so much others for whom he was an example of rights to care.’’ to talk about politics, but to talk how to live a public life. The goal in this bill is to encourage about how to be a better Governor, I am aware that when offering a eu- undocumented immigrants to come out which was his idea of how to be a polit- logy it is good form to speak more of of the shadows so we can bring them ical success. Our conversations were the deceased than of oneself, but that into our legal system and then do what usually not about how to follow, but is hard to do with Doug because he all Vermonters tell me, what Ameri- how to lead, and how to deal with the cared so much about everyone he met cans everywhere tell me: Play by the political implications, for example, of and everyone he worked with. I first same rules. I mean, that is a sense of wanting to have three big road pro- fairness we should agree to. If we cre- met Doug Bailey in Washington, DC, in grams and do it on a pay-as-you-go ate a reason for people not to come out the spring of 1977. I was here for a few basis so we could attract the auto in- and register, this is going to defeat the months working with Howard Baker, dustry to our State without running up purpose of this whole bill. It makes all the former Senator from Tennessee, debt and persuade all the Republican of this work: the hearings, the hours who had just been elected to be the Re- Members to vote for three gas tax in- and days and weeks of markups and publican leader of this body. He asked creases, which every single one of them consideration, makes it for naught. me to come work for him. I think part did. Amendments that seek to further pe- of that was to console me, to let me Doug’s advice was that a good tactic nalize the undocumented would just lick my wounds for having lost the was to do the right thing because it encourage them to stay in the shadows. Governor’s race a couple years earlier would confuse your opponents; they These steps are not going to make us in Tennessee. There wasn’t much pros- wouldn’t understand what you were up safer and they are not going to spur pect for a political future for me then to. our economy. because the Nashville Tennessean had His advice about recruiting people to One of the many reasons we need im- written that there wouldn’t be a Re- work in the cabinet, for example, was migration reform is to ensure there is publican Governor in Tennessee for an- not to just invite someone who might not a permanent underclass in this Na- other 50 years. take the job, but to make a list of the tion. As part of this effort, we need to So I was here in Washington, and four or five best persons to do the job continue the vital safety net programs while I was here I became energized by and then ask the best one. He said: You that protect children, pregnant women, the Republican Senators. It looked to might be surprised—that person might and other vulnerable populations. me as though Jimmy Carter was al- be waiting for an opportunity to serve Too often immigrants have been un- ready in trouble, and my friend Wyatt the public. That was some of the best fairly blamed and demonized as a drain Stewart introduced me to Doug Bailey. advice I ever got because some of the on our resources. Facts prove the oppo- The reason I thought it was an impor- best persons were waiting for the right site. tant meeting was because at that time opportunity for public service. We are a nation of immigrants. As I he and his partner John Deardourff All this sounds hopelessly naive, es- have said many times before, my ma- represented 7 of the 12 Republican Gov- pecially today, in a time when there is VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:42 Jun 18, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G17JN6.001 S17JNPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 17, 2013 so much cynicism about politics.
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