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WAU THE DAD'S WAIUNG Anyone want to rent a skunk? Tiy the Stow Press classified In May I paid the Easter corsage, ads. Mr. Claike Nicol desper¬ In June the Mother's Day gift ately needed one full grown I deoderized skunk. He had no smile as I cancel these tokens off, idea where to look for one, and Then I preach to the family, on thrift then he thought of the Stow Press So what happens when bills arrive classified ad section. He plac¬ ed an ad in our paper on Thurs¬ in July? day and received a call the same There's a charge slip here for a day telling him to come and pick Father's Day tie. up his skunk. The moral of their story . our classified ads get results. KEEP UP WITH STOW by Gracious Sokes Volume 1, Issue 33 June 30, 1960 Single Copy 10* vvwvvvwvw Warren High Is Champ STOW QUEEN SELECTED 4th CELEBRATION PLANS COMPLETED atowites will march. Other starts the parade at Kent State Stowltes will watch. Many Stow- Airport at 10 a.m. there will be Ites are busy right now and have excitement for Stowltes of all been busy for many weeks In ages. Reigning over this cele¬ preparation for the Realllly Big bration will be Stow's first July 4th Parade. And the martial Queen, Linda Farinacci, who music will be furnished by the was chosen at Stow Jay Cee's Warren High School Band.. .who picnic at Silver Springs Park are real champions to fill in for June 26. our own Stow High School Band. Akron Model-T Club has an¬ Chief Robert Woodard, Police nounced Intentions of driving in Department, Captain Howard Os- the parade. man, Fire Department, and James Mr. Wilford Blxler, Stow, has Exline, Community Council presi¬ definitely committed his 1922 as dent, Parade Committee Head3 , Hupmobile with himself as driver. have issued an appeal for more Mr. William Richardson, Kent, marching or mobile individual or will drive his 1904 Curved-Olds- units to to con¬ STOWS LOVELIEST LASSES picture by Bob Di.t.r group feel free mobile. tact them if they wish to*march. Stow Garden Forum with its 5 Finalists in the contest for Stow's Queen war* I. to r., Carol Ferrante, Norma Shfnkrow Linda Farinacci Valeria No motorbikes or motorized mid¬ clubs represented will have a (named Crowner), (chosen Queen), cars will be floral Caudill (third place winner), Barbara Spear and Pat Werllng. Judging con¬ get accepted. If any convertible. Members of siderations included poise, personality, charm and speech, as well at ap- outside baitfs or mBrching-musi- the Forum have been busy for p.¦wee. Judges Finance Director Mr*. Betty Thompson, Police Chief cal groups are interested please weeks making tissue carnations Robert Woodaid, Councilman Edward Montgomery and Stow Press publisher contact these chairmen. to decorate their car-float. Mrs. Peg Knight, agreed they'd probably never have a mora difficult task. Donations for the fireworks, Mr. Oakley Spaght, Miss Thel- which were to be placed in glass ma workman and Mrs. Nina Par- ITS ALL OYER NOW *£L, QUEEN LINDA STOW GRAD jars that were distributed about part will act as Grand Marshalls. Secession . this has been a Linda Parinaccl, Queen of Stow have fallen far below ex¬ And there will be children. bitterly contested issue since Stow until next year at this time, pectations. Announcement has Children both in the parade and the first petition was filed four was thrilled at the honor she been made that in order to defray children watching. It's going long, hectic weeks ago. won last Sunday. An eleven- the cost of the fireworks a dona¬ to be a Big Day with even an When you take this paper year resident of Stow, she gradu¬ tion collection will be taken at exhibition of 8tow Little League from your mail box next Thursday ated from Stow High in June, Kent State Airport at the fire¬ baseball during the early evening the issue will have been decided. 1959, and is now, at 18, a works display on the evening of hours. It will have been decided at the sophomore at Kent State Univer¬ the Fourth. You're going to be there, too, polls, and that is as it should sity, where her name has' fre¬ EXCITEMENT PLUS QUEEN aren't you? be. But as this is being written quented the Dean's List. Linda From the first band note that the two factions, those for and was a cheerleader in her senior those against detachment, year at Stow High. She works continue to do battle. part time at the Smorgasbord. LEMON CARLOADS FOR LEMONADE In a last ditch stand the Stow's new queen lives at secessionist group spearheaded 3545 D arrow Rd. , with her parents , by ex-councilman Lester Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Farinacci, OLD SILVER LAKE JULY 4th PICNICS held a public meeting Tuesday, and an older sister and two by Nancy Lee Rlney June 21. They called on promi¬ younger brothers. Her father For its One . .Two . .Three nent county officials to explain owns and operates Stow Uphol¬ and you're up to the tangiest what might happen if secession stering Co. glass of lemonade you ever is to become a reality. drank. Of course there are a Chief Deputy Engineer of few other 'very special' methods Summit County Ralph Van Brim¬ SPORTS FANS HEYDAY to follow besides this simple mer said "there would have to formula. be a meeting between township AT KENT STATE AIRPORT "People Just don't realize that lemonade isn't unless and county officials to determine There will be an All-Star good which roads who would maintain." baseball at it contains the flavor of the rind. game July 4th 1:30 The best bottled or frozen Summit County Sheriff Bird at the Airport Field. The stars very painted a dreary picture stress¬ will be chosen from the Stow's lemonade has that particular ing his manpower shortage, but Class F goodness left our because there said "we will give you the very League. is no taste of rind," Mr. Oakley At 3:30 the League managers of Covella and best service we possibly can if will have a chance to even Spaght, Spaght, you do seceed." get Beckley Real Estate Inc., Carl with the League umpires. They affirms. Coffeen, Superintendent are going to play a game. of Summit County schools, ex¬ To round the afternoon of Mr. Spaght quenched the thirst plained how territorial changes desires for as many as 10,000 baseball, the two top softball persons at a time while he was affect school zone district laws. teams of Akron will an In effect he said that the people stage Park Superintendent of the former exhibition at 6:30. Silver Lake Park back in in a certain district have the Earlier in the afternoon there 'way final say as to how their school 19 10-1912. Silver Lake Park will be parachute jumps. They ranked in its as a sum¬ zoning law 8 will be set-up. Mr. OakI ay Spoght para* a Union heydey will start at 3:30 and continue mer resort with Euclid Beach A Northampton Township intermittently. for raal tangy lamonada on tha twar (Cont. on p. 8) porch of his raaidanca. Darrow Rd. (Coat, on p. S) THE STOW PRESS Way Back When by Frank Green Peg Knight Publisher Th* Schools In Early Stow 2nd Part Nancy Riney Editor Most of the districts were made from 1830-1840. The Stow Cor¬ Kathy Martin Society ners District No. 3 was one of the largest and most popular. It was 2% miles north and south and 2 miles east-west. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY When it was laid out there were 29 families living in it. .5 of By STOW PRESS these were Wet- of the was mores. With town. It often called OV 8-5694 3386 Kent Road Stow, Ohio big the Brick | families common Block School because SUBSCRIPTION RATE at that time the the house was built of brick, the .... IN $2.50 PER YEAR PAYABLE ADVANCE attendance in the only one in town not made of Display advertising rates upon application winter term must logs. Etha Talcott, another old ' Fish Creek there Entered as second-class matter December 19 at the have been a resident, says 2, 59, posiotiice were 3 school houses in his at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, under act of March 3, W97. houseful, 50 or 60. During its district; the first one on the River the 2nd one on the a STOW SAFETY SHACKLED be move existence of al- Road; made to more slowly Kent Route and the Golden there would be fewer most 100 years there were three Road, 5; by Bob accidents, brick one. first The sound of but they won't sanction a light built to house it. The The two were anguished brakes buildings made of wood. Both he Mrs. shrieked through theplacid night. because it would slow traffic. first one, likely built of logs, and Seconds later there was a deafen¬ Stow officials were helpless; lasted until 1831 when a new Coffeen name several of their ing crash as one machine slammed they could do nothing without one was built. We are not sure teachers. Mr. Talcott went to State into another. When it was an Highway approval. where the first one stood. The my father, F. M. Green, in Civil over one car in a There will come a when lay broken heap day 2nd and ones were War times and Mary Coffeen at the foot of a State Highway approval won't be 3rd definitely telephone pole located about 30 rods north of to Aunt Jane Sturdevant (my Vil¬ and another was rendered incap¬ needed for such matters.