14th June Current Affairs “Mindset is what separates the best from the rest.” Index • Sports • Reports & Indices • Awards & Honours • International Affairs • Summits & Conferences • National Affairs • Extra Highlights Sports Sports Kohli is the sole indian in the list of top-paid athletes शीर्ष भुगतान वाले एथलीट ⴂ की सूची मᴂ क हली एकमात्र भारतीय हℂ Sports • Virat Kohli, ranked 100th, remains the sole Indian in the Forbes list of the world's highest-paid athletes with estimated annual earnings of $25 million. The list is headed by Barcelona and Argentina football superstar Lionel Messi. • 100 वᴂ थान पर ववराट कोहली, फोर्ब्स की दुवनया की सबसे अविक कमाई वाले एथलीटोⴂ की सूची मᴂ 25 वमवलयन डॉलर की अनुमावनत वावषसक आय के साथ एकमात्र भारतीय बने ए हैं। इस सूची मᴂ बावससलोना और अर्जेंटीना के फुटबॉल सुपरस्टार वलयोनेल मेसी हैं। Sports Extra Information: Spain Sports Capital: Madrid Currency: Euro Monarch: Felipe VI Prime Minister: Pedro Sánchez Neighbours: Portugal and France (Mediterannean Sea in the South) Sports Argentina Sports President: Mauricio Macri Capital: Buenos Aires Currency: Argentine peso Neighbours: Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay Sports Which country won the Cantor Fitzgerald U21 International 4- Nations title? कैंटर वफर्जराल्ड़ U21 अⴂतरासष्ट्र ीय 4-राष्ट्र ोⴂ का खिताब वकस देश ने र्जीता?

1) /भारत 2) ireland/आयरलैंड 3) South Korea/दविण कोररया 4) Germany/र्जमसनी 5) France/फ्ाⴂस Sports Which country won the Cantor Fitzgerald U21 International 4- Nations title? कैंटर वफर्जराल्ड़ U21 अⴂतरासष्ट्र ीय 4-राष्ट्र ोⴂ का खिताब वकस देश ने र्जीता?

1) India/भारत 2) ireland/आयरलैंड 3) South Korea/दविण कोररया 4) Germany/र्जमसनी 5) France/फ्ाⴂस Indexes and Reports Indexes and Reports India accounts for 12% of the world's internet users भारत मᴂ दुननया के 12% इⴂटरनेट उपय गकताष Indexes and Reports • According to annual report on internet trends by venture capitalist Mary Meeker, India accounts for 12% of the world's internet users. • वᴂचर कैवपटवलस्ट मैरी मीकर द्वारा इⴂटरनेट के 셁झानोⴂ पर वावषसक ररपोटस के अनुसार, भारत मᴂ दुवनया के 12% इⴂटरनेट उपयोगकतास हैं। • China has the largest base, accounting for 21% of all internet users globally, and the US comes third at 8%. • चीन मᴂ सवासविक इⴂटरनेट उपयोगकतास यानी 21% उपयोगकतास हैं, और अमेररका 8% पर तीसरे थान पर आता है। Indexes and Reports Extra Information: Recent Reports and Indices 2019 Index Index released by India's Rank 1st Rank World Press Freedom Reporters Without 140 Norway Index 2019 Borders StartupBlink Startup StartupBlink 17 USA Ecosystem Ranking 2019 Global Energy World Economic 76 Sweden Transition Index 2019 Forum EASE Reform Index Indian Banking -- Punjab Association and National Bank Boston Consulting Group GDPR Readiness Index CISCO 6th -- Indexes and Reports Index Index released by India's Rank 1st Rank Corruption Perception Index Transparency 2018 International 78 Denmark Bloomberg Bloomberg Innovation Index Business 54 South Korea City Momentum Joneslanglasalle Index (JLL) -- Banglore Global Findex 2017 The World Bank 2nd China United Nations Human Development Development Index Programme 2018 (UNDP) 130 Norway Indexes and Reports India ranked 113 out of 176 countries in End of Childhood Index भारत ने 176 मᴂ से 113 देश ⴂ क बचपन के सूचकाⴂक मᴂ थान नदया Indexes and Reports • According to the 3rd End of Childhood Index Global Childhood Report 2019, India ranked 113 in 176 countries with 769 scores out of 1000. • चाइल्डड इⴂडेक्स ग्लोबल चाइल्डड ररपोटस 2019 के अनुसार, 176 देशोⴂ मᴂ भारत 1000 मᴂ से 769 स्कोर के साथ 113 वᴂ थान पर है। • The Index released on May 28, 2019, by 'Save the Children', a United Kingdom (13K) based non-profit organization which works for child rights. • 'द सेव द वचल्डरन' द्वारा 28 मई, 2019 को र्जारी वकए गए सूचकाⴂक, यूनाइटेड वकⴂगडम (13K) आिाररत गैर-लाभकारी सⴂगठन है र्जो बाल अविकारोⴂ के वलए काम करता है। Indexes and Reports Extra Information: The top 5 countries at this End of Childhood Index are: 1 -Singapore 2- Sweden 3 -Finland 4- Norway 5 - Slovenia Indexes and Reports Which of the following topped the 'Netflix ISP Index' 2019? वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकसने 'नेटखिक्स ISP इⴂडेक्स' 2019 मᴂ शीषस थान प्राप्त वकया?

1) SpectraNet/स्पेक्ट्रानेट 2) Star Digital/स्टार वडवर्जटल 3) Jio GigaFiber/वर्जयो गीगाफाइबर 4) Airtel/एयरटेल 5) Hathway/हेथवे Indexes and Reports Which of the following topped the 'Netflix ISP Index' 2019? वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकसने 'नेटखिक्स ISP इⴂडेक्स' 2019 मᴂ शीषस थान प्राप्त वकया?

1) SpectraNet/स्पेक्ट्रानेट 2) Star Digital/स्टार वडवर्जटल 3) Jio GigaFiber/निय गीगाफाइबर 4) Airtel/एयरटेल 5) Hathway/हेथवे Awards and Honors Awards and Honors JNU to confer alumni award to Union Ministers Nirmala Sitharaman and S Jaishankar िेएनयू करेगा कᴂद्रीय मⴂनत्रय ⴂ ननमषला सीतारमण और सुब्रह्मण्यम ियशⴂकर क सम्माननत Awards and Honors • Jawaharlal Nehru University will confer the distinguished alumni award to Union Ministers Nirmala Sitharaman and Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. Executive Council of the University has approved a proposal in this regard. The two ministers will be awarded during the third convocation of JNU to be held in August this year. • र्जवाहरलाल नेह셂 ववश्वववद्यालय, कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रयोⴂ वनमसला सीतारमण और सुब्रह्मण्यम र्जयशⴂकर को प्रवतवित पूवस छात्र पुरस्कार (distinguished alumni award ) प्रदान करेगा। ववश्वववद्यालय की कायसकारी पररषद ने इस सⴂबⴂि मᴂ एक प्रस्ताव को मⴂर्जूरी दी है। इस साल अगस्त मᴂ होने वाले र्जेएनयू के तीसरे दीिाⴂत समारोह के दौरान दोनोⴂ मⴂवत्रयोⴂ को सम्मावनत वकया र्जाएगा। Awards and Honors • Ms. Sitharaman had completed her MA and M Phil degrees while Mr. Jaishankar completed his M Phil and doctoral research form JNU. • सुश्री सीतारमण ने र्जेएनयू से अपनी एमए और एम वफल की वडग्री पूरी की थी र्जबवक श्री र्जयशⴂकर ने एम वफल और डॉक्ट्रल ररसचस फॉमस र्जेएनयू से पूरा वकया था। Awards and Honors Extra Information: Recent Awards and Honors 2019:

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) has instituted its first Antarashtriya Yoga Diwas Media Samman (AYDMS). It was announced by the Minister Prakash Javadekar. The aim of the award is to acknowledge the positive role & responsibility of media in disseminating the outreach of Yoga in India and abroad. Awards and Honors

Shri Narendra Modi is conferred with Maldives highest award ‘Nishan Izzuddin’ The main aim of the visit is to further cement ties with the Indian Ocean archipelago. Earlier, Prime Minister Modi and President Solih held delegation-level talks as the two countries signed a slew of agreements to strengthen bilateral ties in a number of key areas including defence. Awards and Honors

Former Indian President Pratibha Patil has been conferred the "Orden Mexicana del Aguila Azteca" (Order of the Aztec Eagle), the highest civilian award of Mexico given to foreigners, on 1 June 2019. Awards and Honors

Mumbai-based Writer Annie Zaidi was announced as the 2019 winner of the $100,000 Nine Dots Prize, an award for creative thinking that tackles contemporary societal issues. She won the prize for her entry titled ‘Bread, Cement, Cactus’, a piece that combined memoir and reportage to explore concepts of home and belonging Awards and Honors 2 Indian women on IBM'S list of top 40 IBM की शीर्ष 40 सूची मᴂ 2 भारतीय मनहलाएⴂ Awards and Honors • 2 Indian women have been featured on American multinational IT firm IBM's list honouring 40 women in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from 15 different countries. • अमेररकी बराष्ट्र ीय IT कⴂपनी IBM द्वारा आवटसवफवशयल इⴂटेवलर्जᴂस (AI) के िेत्र मᴂ सम्मावनत की र्जाने वाली 15 अलग-अलग देशोⴂ की 40 मवहलाओⴂ की सूची मᴂ 2 भारतीय मवहलाओⴂ का नाम शावमल वकया गया है। Awards and Honors • The list includes Harmeen Mehta, Chief Information Officer for Bharti Airtel, Seema Gaur, Executive VP and Head IT for IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company. • इस सूची मᴂ भारती एयरटेल की मुख्य सूचना अविकारी हरमीन मेहता और IFFCO टोवकयो र्जनरल इⴂोरᴂस कⴂपनी की कायसकारी VP और IT प्रमुि सीमा गौ़ शावमल हैं। • Some of the other names include Christine Gabbard and Sabine Scheunert. • अन्य नामोⴂ मᴂ से कुछ विस्टीन गबाडस और सबाइन शेयुनटस शावमल हैं। Awards and Honors Extra Information: IBM

Founded: June 16, 1911 Founders: Charles Ranlett Flint and Thomas J. Watson Sr. Headquarters: Armonk, New York, U.S. Key people: Ginni Rometty (Chairman, President and CEO) Awards and Honors IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited

Founded : 2000 Headquarters: Gurugram CEO: Warendra Sinha Awards and Honors What percent of annual profit does life Insurance Corporation of India Pays to Central Government?

भारतीय र्जीवन बीमा वनगम कᴂद्र सरकार को वकतने प्रवतशत वावषसक लाभ प्रदान करता है?

1) 1% 2) 2% 3) 5% 4) 7% 5) 10% Awards and Honors What percent of annual profit does life Insurance Corporation of India Pays to Central Government? भारतीय र्जीवन बीमा वनगम कᴂद्र सरकार को वकतने प्रवतशत वावषसक लाभ प्रदान करता है?

1) 1% 2) 2% 3) 5% 4) 7% 5) 10% Life Insurance Corporation of India pays 5 percent of annual profit to Central Government. In life insurance parlance, LIC, it has to distribute 95 percent of the surplus to policyholders and the balance to government, its shareholder. The insurance behemoth completed the acquisition of 51 per cent controlling stake in IDBI Bank, marking the entry of more than 60 years old state-owned insurer into the banking space. International News/ Affairs International News/ Affairs New app to help students wishing to study in U.S. यू.एस. मᴂ अध्ययन करने के इच्छुक छात्र ⴂ की सहायता के नलए ऐप लॉन्च International News/ Affairs • The U.S. Embassy organised its fifth annual ‘Student Visa Day’ and launched ‘EducationUSA India’. It is a mobile application to provide Indian students with “current, comprehensive and accurate information about studying in the U.S.”. It was launched by the Embassy in collaboration with the United States-India Educational Foundation. • अमेररकी दूतावास ने अपने पाⴂचवᴂ वावषसक 'छात्र वीर्जा वदवस' का आयोर्जन वकया और 'एर्जुकेशन युएसए इⴂवडया' का शुभारⴂभ वकया। यह भारतीय छात्रोⴂ को "अमेररका मᴂ अध्ययन के बारे मᴂ वतसमान, व्यापक और सटीक र्जानकारी" प्रदान करने के वलए एक मोबाइल एखिकेशन है। इसे दूतावास ने सⴂयुक्त राज्य-भारत एर्जुकेशनल फाउⴂडेशन के सहयोग से लॉन्च वकया था। International News/ Affairs Extra Information: Recent Apps and Portals Launched by Governments 2019 Name of the App Launched by Objective To assist to the families of the martyred CRPF personnel with regard to issuance of ex gratia, pensionary benefits and all information regarding the welfare Veer Parivar Central schemes introduced for them by the App Government government. To provide a real time collaborative environment to visualize medical and dental images (digitized X-Ray images or DICOM data) for Patient diagnosis and Government treatment planning from remote eCollabDDS of India locations. International News/ Affairs Name of the App Launched by Objective Ministry of To Provide all the three modules Housing and Conversion, Substitution and E-Dharti Urban Mutation related to properties App Affairs online. The Election Observer Commission To help poll observers to submit App of India reports The Election To enable citizens to report on Commission violation of election code of cVIGIL of India conduct. International News/ Affairs Name of the App Launched by Objective To help students with their reading and comprehension skills and will help them read out aloud in English BOLO App Google and inHindi. Ministry of Human Resource It provides access to digital Development and textbooks for all classes, National Council of graded learning materials Educational and enables participation in Research and exhibitions, contests, e-Pathshala Training festivals, workshops, etc. International News/ Affairs Gandhi peace rally held in Saudi Arabia सऊदी अरब मᴂ गाⴂधी शाⴂनत रैली International News/ Affairs • To mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Embassy organized the ‘Gandhi Cycle Rally for Peace’, in Saudi Arabia. • महात्मा गाⴂिी की 150 वीⴂ र्जयⴂती मनाने के वलए, भारतीय दूतावास ने सऊदी अरब मᴂ ’गाⴂिी साइवकल रैली फॉर पीस’ का आयोर्जन वकया। • The rally was organized in association with the Diplomatic Quarter Authority and Saudi Cycling Federation. • रैली का आयोर्जन वडिोमैवटक क्वाटसर अथॉररटी और सऊदी साइवकवलⴂग फेडरेशन के सहयोग से वकया गया था। International News/ Affairs Extra Information: Saudi Arabia International News/ Affairs • Capital: Riyadh • Currency: Saudi riyal • King: Salman of Saudi Arabia • Neighbours: Saudi Arabia is bordered by and the Red Sea to the west, Yemen and Oman to the south, the Persian Gulf, Qatar and United Arab Emirates to the east, and Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan to the north. International News/ Affairs Facts about Mahatma Gandhi International News/ Affairs • Full Name: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi • Born: 2 October, 1869 • Place of Birth: Porbandar, Gujarat • Death: 30 January, 1948 • Place of Death: Delhi, India • Cause of Death: Shot by Gun or assassination • Father: Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi • Mother: Putlibai Gandhi • Nationality: Indian • Spouse: Kasturba Gandhi • Children: Harilal Gandhi, Manilal Gandhi, Ramdas Gandhi and Devdas Gandhi International News/ Affairs • Professions: Lawyer, Politician, Activist, Writer • Literary work by Mahatma Gandhi: • Hind Swaraj, published in Gujarati in 1909. • He edited several newspapers which included Harijan in Gujarati, Hindi and in the English language; Indian Opinion, Young India, in English, and Navajivan, a Gujarati monthly. • Gandhi also wrote his autobiography, The Story of My Experiments with Truth. • His other autobiographies included: Satyagraha in South Africa, Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule. Summits and Conference Summits and Conference 16th Asia media summit kicks off in Cambodia 16 वीⴂएनशया मीनिया नशखर सम्मेलन कⴂब निया मᴂ शु셂 आ Summits and Conference • The conference is deliberating on many issues pertaining to the media and broadcasting industry. • सम्मेलन मीवडया और प्रसारण उद्योग से सⴂबⴂवित कई मु饍ोⴂ पर ववचार- ववमशस कर रहा है। • The Ministers from different countries presented the digital trends in the broadcasting sector in their respective countries. • वववभन्न देशो के मⴂवत्रयोⴂ ने अपने सⴂबⴂवित देशोⴂ मᴂ प्रसारण िेत्र मᴂ वडवर्जटल 셁झान प्रस्तुत वकए। Summits and Conference • Envisioning the media in the 4th Industrial revolution, Darren ong, an industry expert said that placing consumer interests at the centre of decision making is crucial to the online environment. • 4 वᴂ औद्योवगक िाⴂवत मᴂ मीवडया की पररकल्पना करते ए, एक उद्योग ववशेषज्ञ डेरेन ओⴂग ने कहा वक वनणसय लेने के कᴂद्र मᴂ उपभोक्ता वहतोⴂ को रिना ऑनलाइन एनवायरनमᴂट के वलए महत्वपूणस है। Summits and Conference Extra Information: Cambodia Summits and Conference • King: Norodom Sihamoni • Prime Minister: Hun Sen • President of the Senate: Say Chhum • Capital: Phnom Penh • Currency: Cambodian riel • Neighbours: Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. Summits and Conference The ";Angkor Wat" is located in which of the following country? इनमᴂ से वकस देश मᴂ ववश्व का सबसे ब़ा मⴂवदर खथत है?

1) India/भारत 2) Egypt/वमस्र 3) Cambodia/कⴂबोवडया 4) Indonesia/इⴂडोनेवशया Summits and Conference The "Angkor Wat" is located in which of the following country? इनमᴂ से वकस देश मᴂ ववश्व का सबसे ब़ा मⴂवदर खथत है?

1) India/भारत 2) Egypt/वमस्र 3) Cambodia/कⴂब निया 4) Indonesia/इⴂडोनेवशया Summits and Conference

• Angkor Wat, also known as the 'city temple', is the largest temple in the world. • It has a vast temple complex in Cambodia featuring the magnificent remains of several capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century AD. • It was built by Suryavarman II • It stands on a raised terrace above the rest of the city. • The temple is made of three rectangular galleries rising to a central tower, each level higher than the last. Summits and Conference 19th SCO Summit began 19वाⴂ SCO नशखर सम्मेलन शु셂 आ Summits and Conference • 19th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit began in Bishkek from 13 June 2019. • 19 र्जून 2019 से वबश्केक मᴂ 19वाⴂ शⴂघाई सहयोग सⴂगठन वशिर सम्मेलन शु셂 आ। • PM Narendra Modi will address the plenary session of the SCO Summit, where he will present his vision for the regional cooperation and development through the SCO forum. • प्रिानमⴂत्री नरᴂद्र मोदी SCO वशिर सम्मेलन के पूणस सत्र को सⴂबोवित करᴂगे, र्जहाⴂ वह SCO मⴂच के माध्यम से िेत्रीय सहयोग तथा ववकास पर अपना 饃वष्ट्कोण प्रस्तुत करᴂगे। Summits and Conference • PM Modi will also meet Presidents of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Mongolia and Iran on the sidelines of the SCO Summit. • प्रिानमⴂत्री मोदी SCO वशिर सम्मेलन के मौके पर अफगावनस्तान, कर्जावकस्तान, बेला셂स, मⴂगोवलया और ईरान के राष्ट्र पवतयोⴂ से भी मुलाकात करᴂगे। Summits and Conference Extra Information: List of Country/Capital/Currency/Heads Country Capital Currency Head Afghanis tan Kabul Afghan afghani President: Ashraf Ghani President: Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Kazakhst Nur- Kazakhstani Prime Minister: Askar an Sultan tenge Mamin President: Alexander Lukashenko Prime Minister: Sergey Belarus Minsk Belarusian ruble Rumas Summits and Conference Extra Information: List of Country/Capital/Currency/Heads Country Capital Currency Head Mongoli Ulaanb Mongolian President: Khaltmaagiin a aatar tögrög Battulga

Iran Tehran Iranian rial President: Hassan Rouhani National Affairs National Affairs Cabinet Approvals कैनबनेट स्वीकृनत

• The Union Cabinet approved the signing of the Letter of Intent (LOI) between India and Costa Rica in the field of Biotechnology. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने र्जैव प्रौद्योवगकी के िेत्र मᴂ भारत और कोस्टा ररका के बीच आशय पत्र (LOI) पर ह‍तािर को मⴂर्जूरी दी। National Affairs • It has been signed to work out the agenda for the collaboration for Innovation in Science & Technology Diplomacy. • यह ववज्ञान और प्रौद्योवगकी कूटनीवत मᴂ नवाचार के वलए सहयोग के एर्जᴂडे को पूरा करने के वलए हस्तािररत वकया गया है। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet, approved an MoU on cooperation in the area of Cyber Security between India and Finland. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने भारत और वफनलैंड के बीच साइबर सुरिा के िेत्र मᴂ सहयोग पर समझौता ज्ञापन को मⴂर्जूरी दी। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet approved the MoU on the cooperation between the Ministry of Railways, India and Railway Research Institute, Russia. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने रेल मⴂत्रालय, भारत और रेलवे अनुसⴂिान सⴂथान, 셂स के बीच सहयोग पर समझौता ज्ञापन को मⴂर्जूरी दी। National Affairs

• A MoC between India and Kyrgyzstan was approved for collaborative research work on High Altitude Biology and Medicine. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने भारत और वकवगसस्तान के बीच हाई एल्टीट्यूड र्जीवववज्ञान और मेवडवसन पर सहयोगपूणस अनुसⴂिान कायस के वलए सहयोग ज्ञापन को मⴂर्जूरी दी है। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet approved the MoU on the cooperation between India and Bolivia on cooperation regarding Bioceanic Railway Integration Corridor Project. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने भारत और बोलीववया के बीच एकीकृत रेल गवलयारा पररयोर्जना ववकवसत करने मᴂ सहयोग पर समझौता ज्ञापन को मⴂर्जूरी दी। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet approved an MoU on the cooperation between India and Thailand in the field of Astronomy / Astrophysics / Atmospheric Science. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने िगोल ववज्ञान, िगोल भौवतकी और वायुमⴂडलीय ववज्ञान के िेत्र मᴂ भारत और थाईलैंड के बीच सहयोग पर समझौता ज्ञापन पर ह‍तािर को मⴂर्जूरी दे दी है। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet approved a Bill, namely, the Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Bill, 2019 that is the Bill to replace the Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 (12 of 2019). • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने ववशेष आवथसक िेत्र (सⴂशोिन) वविेयक, 2019 नामक वविेयक को मⴂर्जूरी दे दी है, र्जो ववशेष आवथसक िेत्र (सⴂशोिन) वविेयक, 2019 (2019 का 12) का ‍थान लेगा। National Affairs

• Union Cabinet approved the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill 2019 to replace Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Ordinance 2019. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने आिार तथा अन्य कानून (सⴂशोिन) अध्यादेश 2019 को बदलने हेतु आिार तथा अन्य कानून (सⴂशोिन) वविेयक 2019 को मⴂर्जूरी दे दी। National Affairs

• The Cabinet cleared a fresh bill to ban the practice of instant triple talaq. • मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने तीन तालक की प्रथा पर तुरⴂत प्रवतबⴂि लगाने हेतु एक नए वविेयक को मⴂर्जूरी दी। National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet approved an extension of President's rule in Jammu and Kashmir for six more months beginning July 3 • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने 3 र्जुलाई से शु셂 होने वाले छह महीनोⴂ के वलए र्जम्मू और कीर मᴂ राष्ट्र पवत शासन के ववस्तार को मⴂर्जूरी दी National Affairs

• The Union Cabinet has cleared the New Delhi International Arbitration Centre (NDIAC) Bill, 2019. The Bill provides for setting up of an independent and autonomous body for institutional arbitration. • कᴂद्रीय मⴂवत्रमⴂडल ने नई वदल्ली अⴂतरासष्ट्र ीय मध्यथता कᴂद्र (NDIAC) वविेयक, 2019 को मⴂर्जूरी दे दी है। वविेयक सⴂथागत मध्यथता के वलए एक स्वतⴂत्र और स्वायत्त वनकाय की थापना का प्राविान करता है। National Affairs Extra Information: Cabinet Committees and its Types: National Affairs The six Committees of the Cabinet are

Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC): It is responsible for all appointments of higher ranks in the Central Secretariat, Public Enterprises, Public Enterprises and Financial Institutions. Cabinet Committee on Accommodation (CCA): It is responsible for the allotment of accommodation for various top positions in the Government of India. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA): It deals with the activities pertaining to the economics of the country. National Affairs Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs (CCPA): It looks into the matters related to the progress of government business in the Parliament of India. It is headed by Union Home Minister.

Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA): It is responsible for all issues related to domestic and foreign affairs. It is the most powerful cabinet committee and is described as Super Cabinet.

Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS): It is one of the most important committees in India, it looks into the matters of defence expenditures and National Security. Note: All Committees of Cabinet except Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs (CCPA) is chaired/headed by Prime Minister. CCPA is headed by Union Home Minister. National Affairs Karnataka Government Launches “Pink Sarathi vehicles” कनाषटक सरकार ने लॉन्च नकया “गुलाबी सारथी वाहन” National Affairs • The state government of Karnataka launched “Pink Sarathi vehicles” for women safety. • कनासटक की राज्य सरकार ने मवहला सुरिा के वलए “गुलाबी सारथी वाहन” लॉन्च वकया। • This was launched by the Chief Minister of Karnataka, H. D. Kumaraswamy. • यह कनासटक के मुख्यमⴂत्री, एच डी कुमारस्वामी द्वारा लॉन्च वकया गया था। • The vehicles were procured by the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) under the ‘Nirbhaya’ scheme. • वाहनोⴂ की िरीद वनभसया ’योर्जना के तहत बैंगलोर मेटरोपॉवलटन टराⴂसपोटस कॉरपोरेशन (BMTC) द्वारा की गई थी। National Affairs Extra Information: Karnataka Static GK Facts

• Chief minister: H. D. Kumaraswamy • Governor: Vajubhai Vala National Affairs Static Point Of Karnataka Nicknames/Special titles of cities: City Special Names

Bangalore Silicon Valley of India

Coorg The Scotland of India

Mangalore Rome Of The East National Affairs Folk Dance: Somana Kunita Dollu Kunitha Kunitha Kodagu Jaggahalige Kunita Karadimajal National Affairs Important Festivals: Festivals Note Mahashivaratri Mahashivaratri, which is celebrated in February, is about worshiping Lord Shiva, whose appeal is strong and persistent in equal measure among all sections of the society. Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti is the harvest festival, a new year and the festival of rejoicing and celebrations embracing the entire household friends and neighbors. Kambala A Traditional Celebration in Rural Karnataka. Mysore Dasara Mysore Dasara is the Nada habba or state Walking Tour festival of Karnataka. National Affairs River RIVER DAM Tungabhadra Tungabhadra Dam Krishna Alamatti dam Arkavathi Manchinbele Dam Ghataprabha Hidkal Dam National Affairs Nature: Magod Falls The mesmerising Magod Falls are located 80 km from Karwar. Here, the Bedthi River takes two distinct leaps to hurtle from a height of 650ft. Kundadri Located on Thirthahalli-Agumbe road, about 12 km from Thirthahalli, Kundadri Hill is a gigantic monolithic rock formation. Hebbe Falls Hebbe Falls is located at a distance of 8km from Kemmanagundi. An exhilarating trek along a steep and narrow path leads you to these sprightly falls. National Affairs Nature: Onke Abbe Yet another waterfall near Agumbe, where the water apparently loves a steep tumble, the word "Onake" means a pounding stick which is used to pound grains in villages. Kudremukh The Kudremukh (Horse Face) Range gets its name from the unique shape of its main peak. National Affairs Heritage Site: Name Remarks Halebeedu Halebeedu, before it became Halebeedu or the destroyed city, was the second capital of the Hoysalas and went by the name Dwarasamudra. Bangalore Modelled on the lines of the Windsor Castle in Palace England, the Bangalore Palace flaunts turreted parapets, battlements, fortified towers, and arches. Bijapur The one-time capital of the Adil Shahi kings (1489-1686), Bijapur is dotted with mosques, mausoleums, palaces, fortifications, watchtowers and strong gateways, with the massive Gol Gumbaz dominating the landscape for miles around. National Affairs Heritage Site: Kolar The once-capital of the Ganga Kingdom is also a place worth exploring. Visit the famous Kolaramma Temple, originally built by the Gangas and later renovated by the Cholas. Badami The capital of the mighty Badami Chalukyas might have shrunk into a few scenic square kilometres in terms of touristy value. But Badami still retains its majesty. Pattadakal Once the destination of kings, Pattadakal was where kingdoms were bestowed upon heirs apparent. National Affairs Heritage Site: Bellary Fort The Bellary Fort was built on top of the Ballari Gudda or Fort Hill, during Vijayanagar times by Hanumappa Nayaka. Hyder Ali took possession from the Nayakas in 1769, got the fort renovated and modified with the help of a French engineer. Aihole Known as the cradle of temple architecture, Aihole is an experience of time travelling, by all means. A quiet village where centuries-old temples have been let alone to grow old in peace, history rests in equanimity at this former capital of the Badami Chalukyas. National Affairs NTA to conduct IGNOU entrance exam for MBA and BEd courses for Jan 2020 admission िनवरी 2020 मᴂ प्रवेश के नलए एमबीए और बीएि पाठ्यक्रम ⴂ के नलए इग्नू प्रवेश परीक्षा आय नित करने के नलए एनटीए National Affairs • Entrance examinations of IGNOU's MBA (OPENMAT) and B.Ed programmes are conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) across 100 cities across India. • इग्नू के MBA (OPENMAT) और B.Ed कायसिमोⴂ की प्रवेश परीिाएँ राष्ट्र ीय परीिण एर्जᴂसी (NTA) द्वारा पूरे भारत के 100 शहरोⴂ मᴂ आयोवर्जत की र्जाती हैं। • NTA conducting Computer Based Entrance Test for higher educational institutions. • उ वशिा सⴂथानोⴂ के वलए कⴂप्यूटर आिाररत प्रवेश परीिा आयोवर्जत करने वाला एनटीए। National Affairs Extra Information: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

• Established: 1985 • Founder: Government Of India • Chancellor: President of India (Ram Nath Kovind) • Vice-Chancellor: Nageshwar Rao National Affairs Hypersonic missile successfully test fired हाइपरस ननक नमसाइल का सफलतापूवषक परीक्षण नकया गया National Affairs • India conducted a successful first test flight of the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) from a base off the Odisha coast. • भारत ने ओवडशा तट पर खथत बेस से टेक्नॉलॉवर्जकल वडमॉन्सटरेटर वमसाइल व्हीकल (HSTDV) का सफल परीिण वकया। • The only other countries that possess this technology are the US, Russia, and China. • इस तकनीक के प्राप्तकतास देश केवल अमेररका, 셂स और चीन हैं। National Affairs • The HSTDV is an unmanned scramjet demonstration vehicle that can cruise up to a speed of mach 6 and rise up to an altitude of 32. km in 20 seconds. • HSTDV एक मानव रवहत प्रदशसन वाहन है र्जो 20 सेकᴂड मᴂ मैक-छह की रफ्तार और 32.5 वकलोमीटर ऊⴂचाई तक र्जा सकता है। National Affairs Extra Information: List of Missiles with India Name Type Pinaka Multi-barrel rocket launcher truck surface-to-air missile. antitank missile. Helina air-launched antitank missile. Amogha missile antitank missile. CLGM Cannon launched antitank missile. DRDO Antitank Missile Anti Tank Missile -I (SS-150) surface-to-surface . Prithvi-II (SS-250) surface-to-surface ballistic missile. Prithvi-III (SS-350) surface-to-surface ballistic missile. National Affairs surface-to-surface medium-range -I MRBM ballistic missile. surface-to-surface medium-range Agni-II MRBM ballistic missile. surface-to-surface intermediate- Agni-III IRBM range ballistic missile (IRBM). surface-to-surface intermediate- Agni-IV IRBM range ballistic missile (IRBM). surface-to-surface intercontinental Agni-V ICBM ballistic missile. (ICBM). Four-stage Intercontinental ballistic Agni-VI missile (ICBM).(under development) National Affairs Who was conferred with the prestigious ';Missile Systems Award 2019' for his leadership role in the Indian missile programmes? भारतीय वमसाइल कायसिमोⴂ मᴂ उनकी नेतृत्वकारी भूवमका के वलए प्रवतवित 'वमसाइल वसस्टम अवाडस 2019' से वकसे सम्मावनत वकया गया था?

1) Sudhir Mishra/सुिीर वमश्रा 2) Chitra Rajgopal/वचत्रा रार्जगोपाल 3) Samir Vankatpati Kamat/समीर वⴂकटपवत कामत 4) G Satheesh Reddy/र्जी. सतेश रेड्डी 5) S Christopher/एस विस्टोफर National Affairs Who was conferred with the prestigious ';Missile Systems Award 2019' for his leadership role in the Indian missile programmes? भारतीय वमसाइल कायसिमोⴂ मᴂ उनकी नेतृत्वकारी भूवमका के वलए प्रवतवित 'वमसाइल वसस्टम अवाडस 2019' से वकसे सम्मावनत वकया गया था?

1) Sudhir Mishra/सुिीर वमश्रा 2) Chitra Rajgopal/वचत्रा रार्जगोपाल 3) Samir Vankatpati Kamat/समीर वⴂकटपवत कामत 4) G Satheesh Reddy/िी. सतेश रेड्डी 5) S Christopher/एस विस्टोफर Extra Highlights Extra Highlights CEA Krishnamurthy Subramanian appointed part-time member in IBBI सीईए कृष्णमूनतष सुब्रमनणयन ने आईबीबीआई मᴂ अⴂशकानलक सदस्य ननयुक्त नकया Extra Highlights • Krishnamurthy Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) and B. Sriram, former managing director (MD)and chief executive officer (CEO) of Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI Bank) were appointed part-time members of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). • कृष्णमूवतस सुब्रमण्यन, मुख्य आवथसक सलाहकार (सीईए) और बी श्रीराम, पूवस प्रबⴂि वनदेशक (एमडी) और भारतीय औद्योवगक ववकास बैंक (आईडीबीआई बैंक) के मुख्य कायसकारी अविकारी (सीईओ) को इन्सॉल्वᴂसी एⴂड बैंकरप्सी बोडस ऑफ़ इⴂवडया का अⴂशकावलक सदस्य वनयुक्त वकया गया। (IBBI) Extra Highlights Indian archery team secured Olympic quota भारतीय पु셁र् तीरⴂदािी टीम क ओलⴂनपक क टा Extra Highlights • Indian men's archery team secured the Olympic quota for the 2020 Tokyo Games by storming into the quarterfinals of the World Championships with a 5-3 win over Canada in the Netherlands. • भारतीय पु셁ष तीरⴂदार्जी टीम ने 2020 के तोक्यो िेलोⴂ के वलए मᴂ ववश्व चैंवपयनवशप के क्वाटसर फाइनल मᴂ नीदरलैंड पर 5-3 से र्जीत के साथ ओलⴂवपक कोटा हावसल कर वलया है। • This is for the first time after the 2012 London Olympics that Indian men could secure a team quota. • 2012 के लⴂदन ओलⴂवपक के बाद यह पहली बार है वक भारतीय पु셁ष टीम कोटा हावसल कर पाई है। Extra Highlights

In Uttar Pradesh, veteran journalist and former Rajya Sabha Member Rajanath Singh 'Surya' died in Lucknow in June 2019. Mr Surya had worked in various newspapers and he was a well- known columnist. उत्तर प्रदेश के अनुभवी पत्रकार और पूवस राज्यसभा सदस्य रार्जनाथ वसⴂह 'सूयास' का र्जून 2019 मᴂ लिनऊ मᴂ वनिन हो गया। श्री सूयास ने वववभन्न समाचार पत्रोⴂ मᴂ कायस वकया था और वे एक प्रवसद्ध स्तⴂभकार थे। Extra Highlights

UP Bar Council president Darvesh Singh was shot dead in the court premises by a lawyer. She was the first woman President of the Bar Council. उत्तर प्रदेश बार काउⴂवसल के अध्यि दरवेश वसⴂह की अदालत पररसर मᴂ एक वकील ने गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी थी। वो बार काउⴂवसल की पहली मवहला अध्यि थीⴂ। Extra Highlights Priyanka Chopra to be honoured with humanitarian award by UNICEF नप्रयⴂका च पडा क यूननसेफ द्वारा मानवतावादी पुरस्कार से सम्माननत Extra Highlights • Priyanka Chopra, a global UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Child Rights is going to be honoured with Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award by UNICEF at the UNICEF SNOWFLAKE BALL. • बाल अविकारोⴂ के वलए एक वैवश्वक यूवनसेफ सद्भावना रार्जदूत वप्रयⴂका चोप़ा को यूवनसेफ SNOWFLAKE BALL मᴂ यूवनसेफ द्वारा डैनी केए मानवतावादी पुरस्कार से सम्मावनत वकया र्जाएगा Extra Highlights Dell has emerged as the most trusted brand in India in 2019: TRA "िेल" बना 2019 मᴂ भारत मᴂ सबसे भर सेमⴂद ब्राⴂि Extra Highlights • According to a report released by brand analytics firm TRA Research, “Dell” has emerged as the most trusted brand in India in 2019. With 31% Brand Trust Index (BTI) difference from Dell, auto brand Jeep makes a dramatic entry in the second spot. LIC and Amazon are ranked on the third and fourth spots and Apple iPhone emerged as India’s fifth most trusted brand. • ब्राⴂड एनावलवटक्स फमस टीआरए ररसचस द्वारा र्जारी एक ररपोटस के अनुसार, "डेल" 2019 मᴂ भारत मᴂ सबसे भरोसेमⴂद ब्राⴂड के 셂प मᴂ उभरा है। डेल से 31% ब्राⴂड टरस्ट इⴂडेक्स (बीटीआई) अⴂतर के साथ, ऑटो ब्राⴂड र्जीप दूसरे थान पर है। LIC और Amazon तीसरे और चौथे थान पर हैं और Apple iPhone भारत के पाⴂचवᴂ सबसे भरोसेमⴂद ब्राⴂड के 셂प मᴂ उभरा है। Extra Highlights Vegan Teen Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Wins Prestigious Prix Liberté शाकाहारी नकश र िलवायु कायषकताष ग्रेटा थुनबगष ने प्रेस्टीनियस नप्रक्स नलबटी िीत नलया Extra Highlights • Vegan teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has won the prestigious Prix Liberté. • शाकाहारी नकश र िलवायु कायषकताष ग्रेटा थुनबगष ने प्रनतनित नप्रक्स नलबटी िीता है। • Thunberg, 16, is the first recipient of this new award, which was designed to honor a young person ‘engaged in a fight for peace and freedom’. • 16 साल का थुनबगष, इस नए पुरस्कार का पहला प्राप्तकताष है, निसे, शाⴂनत और स्वतⴂत्रता की लडाई मᴂ लगे एक युवा व्यक्तक्त ’के सम्मान के नलए बनाया गया था। • The award comes with prize money of €25,000. • पुरस्कार € 25,000 की पुरस्कार रानश के साथ आता है। Extra Highlights Manipur man detects WhatsApp bug, enters Facebook Hall of Fame 2019 मनणपुर के आदमी ने WhatsApp बग का पता लगाया, फेसबुक हॉल ऑफ फेम 2019 मᴂ प्रवेश नकया Extra Highlights • Zonel Sougaijam, a civil engineer from Manipur was included in Facebook Hall of Fame 2019, for detecting a WhatsApp bug that violated privacy of a use... • एक उपयोगकतास की गोपनीयता का उल्लⴂघन करने वाले व्हाट्सएप बग का पता लगाने के वलए मवणपुर के एक वसववल इⴂर्जीवनयर जोनेल सौगैर्जाम को फेसबुक हॉल ऑफ़ फ़ेम 2019 मᴂ शावमल वकया गया था • Facebook, the social media giant honoured 22-year-old Mr. Sougaijam, by including him in Facebook Hall of Fame 2019 and also awarded $5000. • फेसबुक, सोशल मीवडया की वदग्गर्ज कⴂपनी ने 22 वषीय श्री सौगैर्जम को फेसबुक हॉल ऑफ फेम 2019 मᴂ शावमल कर सम्मावनत वकया और उन्हᴂ 5000 का पुरस्कार भी वदया। Question 1 2019 मᴂ वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकस कⴂपनी ने प्रशाⴂत कुमार को पखिक पॉवलसी के वनदेशक के 셂प मᴂ वनयुक्त वकया?

Which of the following companies hired Prashant Kumar as its director of public policy in 2019?

1) Zomato 2) Ola 3) Mahindra 4) TCS 5) Wipro Answer 2019 मᴂ वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकस कⴂपनी ने प्रशाⴂत कुमार को पखिक पॉवलसी के वनदेशक के 셂प मᴂ वनयुक्त वकया?

Which of the following companies hired Prashant Kumar as its director of public policy in 2019?

1) Zomato 2) Ola 3) Mahindra 4) TCS 5) Wipro Question 2 2019 मᴂ बार्जार पूⴂर्जीकरण के मामले मᴂ वनम्न मᴂ से वकस सॉफ्टवेयर सेवा कⴂपनी ने IBM को पीछे छो़ वदया है?

Which of the following software services company has surpassed IBM in terms of market capitalisation in 2019?

1) Infosys 2) Wipro 3) Tata Consultancy Services 4) HCL Technologies 5) Tech Mahindra Answer 2019 मᴂ बार्जार पूⴂर्जीकरण के मामले मᴂ वनम्न मᴂ से वकस सॉफ्टवेयर सेवा कⴂपनी ने IBM को पीछे छो़ वदया है?

Which of the following software services company has surpassed IBM in terms of market capitalisation in 2019?

1) Infosys 2) Wipro 3) Tata Consultancy Services 4) HCL Technologies 5) Tech Mahindra Question 3 वकस राज्य ने अपने बुर्जुगस माता-वपता को छो़ने वाले बेटे और बेवटयोⴂ को र्जेल भेर्जने के प्रस्ताव को मⴂर्जूरी दी है?

Which state has approved the proposal to punish sons and daughters, who abandon their elderly parents, with a jail term?

1) West Bengal 2) Gujarat 3) Odisha 4) Bihar 5) Jharkhand Answer वकस राज्य ने अपने बुर्जुगस माता-वपता को छो़ने वाले बेटे और बेवटयोⴂ को र्जेल भेर्जने के प्रस्ताव को मⴂर्जूरी दी है?

Which state has approved the proposal to punish sons and daughters, who abandon their elderly parents, with a jail term?

1) West Bengal 2) Gujarat 3) Odisha 4) Bihar 5) Jharkhand Question 4 र्जून 2019 मे फ्ᴂच ओपन खिताब र्जीतने के बाद नवीनतम वूमेन टेवनस एसोवसएशन (WTA) रैंवकⴂग मᴂ एशले बाटी आठवᴂ थान से वकस थान पर पⴂच गई हैं?

To which position has Ashleigh Barty risen from number eight in the latest Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rankings in June 2019 after winning the French Open title?

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) 5 Answer र्जून 2019 मे फ्ᴂच ओपन खिताब र्जीतने के बाद नवीनतम वूमेन टेवनस एसोवसएशन (WTA) रैंवकⴂग मᴂ एशले बाटी आठवᴂ थान से वकस थान पर पⴂच गई हैं?

To which position has Ashleigh Barty risen from number eight in the latest Women's Tennis Association (WTA) rankings in June 2019 after winning the French Open title?

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) 5 Question 5 RBI ने ATM शुल्क की पूरी समीिा हेतु 6 सदस्यीय सवमवत का गठन वकया है। सवमवत की अध्यिता कौन करᴂगे?

The RBI has constituted a 6-member committee to review the entire gamut of ATM charges and fees. Who will chair the committee?

1) Sanjeev Prakash 2) Dipin Guram 3) VG Kannan 4) Rahul Sinha 5) Ritesh Kumar Answer RBI ने ATM शुल्क की पूरी समीिा हेतु 6 सदस्यीय सवमवत का गठन वकया है। सवमवत की अध्यिता कौन करᴂगे?

The RBI has constituted a 6-member committee to review the entire gamut of ATM charges and fees. Who will chair the committee?

1) Sanjeev Prakash 2) Dipin Guram 3) VG Kannan 4) Rahul Sinha 5) Ritesh Kumar Question 6 प्रत्येक वषस अⴂतरासष्ट्र ीय बाल श्रम वनषेि वदवस कब मनाया र्जाता है?

When is the International Day Against Child Labour observed every year?

1) 9 June 2) 10 June 3) 11 June 4) 12 June 5) 13 June Answer प्रत्येक वषस अⴂतरासष्ट्र ीय बाल श्रम वनषेि वदवस कब मनाया र्जाता है?

When is the International Day Against Child Labour observed every year?

1) 9 June 2) 10 June 3) 11 June 4) 12 June 5) 13 June Question 7 वकस राज्य ने वृद्धावथा पᴂशन 60 से 79 वषस के आयु वगस के वलए 100 셁पये प्रवत मावसक बढा दी है?

Which state has hiked old-age pension in the age group 60 to 79 years by Rs.100 monthly?

1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Bihar 4) Jharkhand 5) Chhattisgarh Answer वकस राज्य ने वृद्धावथा पᴂशन 60 से 79 वषस के आयु वगस के वलए 100 셁पये प्रवत मावसक बढा दी है?

Which state has hiked old-age pension in the age group 60 to 79 years by Rs.100 monthly?

1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Bihar 4) Jharkhand 5) Chhattisgarh Question 8 वकस देश ने फीफा मवहला ववश्व कप मᴂ 13-0 के स्कोर के साथ सबसे ब़ी र्जीत दर्जस की है?

Which country has recorded the biggest-ever victory in the Fifa Women's World Cup with a score of 13-0?

1) Thailand 2) USA 3) France 4) Poland 5) Germany Answer वकस देश ने फीफा मवहला ववश्व कप मᴂ 13-0 के स्कोर के साथ सबसे ब़ी र्जीत दर्जस की है?

Which country has recorded the biggest-ever victory in the Fifa Women's World Cup with a score of 13-0?

1) Thailand 2) USA 3) France 4) Poland 5) Germany Question 9 कᴂद्र ने ______तक सभी को स्व पेयर्जल मुहैया कराने का लक्ष्य रिा है।

The Centre has set a target of providing clean drinking water to all by ______.

1) 2022 2) 2023 3) 2024 4) 2025 5) 2026 Answer कᴂद्र ने ______तक सभी को स्व पेयर्जल मुहैया कराने का लक्ष्य रिा है।

The Centre has set a target of providing clean drinking water to all by ______.

1) 2022 2) 2023 3) 2024 4) 2025 5) 2026 Question 10 वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकसे वषस 2018 का ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार प्रदान वकया र्जाएगा?

Who among the following will receive the Jnanpith award for the year 2018?

1) Vikram Seth 2) Kiran Desai 3) Amitav Ghosh 4) Aravind Adiga 5) Rohinton Mistry Answer वनम्नवलखित मᴂ से वकसे वषस 2018 का ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार प्रदान वकया र्जाएगा?

Who among the following will receive the Jnanpith award for the year 2018?

1) Vikram Seth 2) Kiran Desai 3) Amitav Ghosh 4) Aravind Adiga 5) Rohinton Mistry Question 11 र्जून 2019 मᴂ राज्य सभा के नेता के 셂प मᴂ वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है?

Who has been appointed as the leader of Rajya Sabha in June 2019?

1) Narendra Singh Tomar 2) Thawarchand Gehlot 3) Sudarshan Bhagat 4) Rao Inderjit Singh 5) Radha Mohan Singh Answer र्जून 2019 मᴂ राज्य सभा के नेता के 셂प मᴂ वकसे वनयुक्त वकया गया है?

Who has been appointed as the leader of Rajya Sabha in June 2019?

1) Narendra Singh Tomar 2) Thawarchand Gehlot 3) Sudarshan Bhagat 4) Rao Inderjit Singh 5) Radha Mohan Singh Question 12 ______के स्वतⴂत्र वनदेशक मुकेश सभरवाल ने ऋणदाताओⴂ के वनदेशक मⴂडल से अपना समय अकादवमक कायⴂ के वलए समवपसत करने हेतु इस्तीफा दे वदया है।

______independent director Mukesh Sabharwal has stepped down from the lender's board of directors to devote his time to academic pursuits.

1) HDFC Bank 2) Yes Bank 3) Axis Bank 4) UCO Bank 5) ICICI Bank Answer ______के स्वतⴂत्र वनदेशक मुकेश सभरवाल ने ऋणदाताओⴂ के वनदेशक मⴂडल से अपना समय अकादवमक कायⴂ के वलए समवपसत करने हेतु इस्तीफा दे वदया है।

______independent director Mukesh Sabharwal has stepped down from the lender's board of directors to devote his time to academic pursuits.

1) HDFC Bank 2) Yes Bank 3) Axis Bank 4) UCO Bank 5) ICICI Bank Question 13 Who is appointed as pro-tem speaker of Lok Sabha?

A. Suresh Yadav B. Vikram Sharma C. Virendra Kumar D. Vignesh Raj Answer Who is appointed as pro-tem speaker of Lok Sabha?

A. Suresh Yadav B. Vikram Sharma C. Virendra Kumar D. Vignesh Raj Question 14 Which Insurance Company launched 'My Protection Quotient' Tool?

A. Max Life Insurance B. Birla Life Insurance C. Aviva Life Insurance D. Life Insurance Corporation of India Answer Which Insurance Company launched 'My Protection Quotient' Tool?

A. Max Life Insurance B. Birla Life Insurance C. Aviva Life Insurance D. Life Insurance Corporation of India Question 15 What is the 2019 Theme of World Day Against Child Labour?

A. Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams! B. Children around work in fields C. Child Labour is crime D. Child Work should not cross beyond the time line Answer What is the 2019 Theme of World Day Against Child Labour?

A. Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams! B. Children around work in fields C. Child Labour is crime D. Child Work should not cross beyond the time line Question 16 The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is to be rebranded as ______.

A. International Athletics Federations B. World Athletics Tour C. Athletics International Forum D. World Athletics Answer The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is to be rebranded as ______.

A. International Athletics Federations B. World Athletics Tour C. Athletics International Forum D. World Athletics Question 17 Mela Kheer Bhawani festival is celebrated in ______.

A. Tripura B. Odisha C. Andhra Pradesh D. Jammu & Kashmir Answer Mela Kheer Bhawani festival is celebrated in ______.

A. Tripura B. Odisha C. Andhra Pradesh D. Jammu & Kashmir Question 18 Abhishek Singh was appointed as the Chief Marketing officer of;

A. PhonePe B. BharatPe C. Paytm D. Freecharge Answer Abhishek Singh was appointed as the Chief Marketing officer of;

A. PhonePe B. BharatPe C. Paytm D. Freecharge Question 19 Which country won gold medal in all the 4 events in the 24th edition of ITTF World Tour Hong Kong open?

A. China B. Japan C. South Korea D. North Korea Answer Which country won gold medal in all the 4 events in the 24th edition of ITTF World Tour Hong Kong open?

A. China B. Japan C. South Korea D. North Korea Question 20 India and this country has partnered to set up a national maritime heritage museum at Lothal?

A. United Kingdom B. Germany C. Canada D. Portugal Answer India and this country has partnered to set up a national maritime heritage museum at Lothal?

A. United Kingdom B. Germany C. Canada D. Portugal