-..11111=1.11 4:PAIETAIA. Volume 89, No .19 Serving ihe San Jose State University Community Since 1934 1,[1,1,1 . tuber 26, 19)47. Night Foundation victory unsure about a smash By Karen NI. Derenzi Daily staff wroer stock losses &1St s football train played under the lights Satur- By Dave I.anson lit), 60 percent of which about day for the first time since early Deily staff writer $1.4 million is in% ested in coin - last season in front of 20,108 The SJSU Foundation will have nun) stock. Chu said. fans. the largest home crowd ofl to wait until the current stock market The foundation annually pro- the season and the tenth largest turbulence subsides before finding vides about $172.000 in investment in Spartan Stadium history. out how much of its investment M.O.' profit that is used to fund schol- "It was better I'm a have been lost. arships. little more pleased." SJSU Amy Chu. the foundation's in- The foundation receives dona- Athletics Director Randy Hof- terim director. said that representa- tions trom corporations and private fman said. "but I won't he real. tives of the investment firm of businesses to fund scholarships. The happy until we get 30,000." Kingsley. Jennison, McNulty and donations are in the form of endow- The game was originally' Morse have suggested that she con- ments. which are invested and the scheduled as an afternoon tact them next week because of the profits are used to fund scholarships game. but was sw. itched to a chaos that is overwhelming the mar- for a variety of majors. 7:30 p.m. start prior to the sea- ket. The donors usually specify. son before ESP N added it to The Dow Rine!, Industrial a% er- which sch(x)I or major the individual their college football lineup and age Monday dropped an unprece- scholarship is to be used toward. moved the kickoff to 8 p.m. dented 508 points, rocking investors According to published reports, Man% of the Spartan root- and pushing the volume to more than the llniversity of systern's ers like night games as much 6(10 niillion shares traded. After a endovonent dropped froni $1 as. if not more than. afternoon short revival Wednesday. which saw to $800.000 Monday but has since games and would like to see a record 18b-point gain. it dropped risen to $850.001). more contests scheduled at 77 points Thursday. Stanford University. whose night. "The problem is that the mar- $1 .5 billion endowment is one of the "I think they 're great." ket is so unstable that it would be largest in the nation. reportedly saw said Key in Simon. a sopho- difficult to tell just where we stand." its fund fall to $1.3 billion by the end she said. "We called them Monday MOrC h1.1,111e, Illititlf. "Over- of Monday. all. they 're a lot more fun and and Tuesday. and finally they called The falling market also caused more spirited (than afternoon hack and told us to Nail... Santa Clara University's endowment games ). The found:awn has more than to fall from $81) million to $70 mil- 1,2.4 Ill II, \ L.,(111C111 portfo- lion. Simon usually Can't make it to Spartan football games played during the afternoon be- cause he has to work. fluffy Kuykendall. an un- SJSU unaware declared sophomore. also pre- fers night games to afternoon games. but for a different rea- son. "During the day you're of alcohol week able to get more things done whether it is hoinew ork- or a joh.'' she said. It' ithe game) Drinking considered acceptable is during the afternoon, it con- sumes niost ot your day . It v.a. Ill,: II) he able to in society today, educator says sleep in Saturday morning and By Nelson Cardaddrii not have to worry about making in combating alcohol abuse is that Deity staff writer it to a 1:30 p.ni. game. K uy- Ken Johnston Daily staff photographer drinking is socially accepted. kendall said l.ast week was National Colle- ' ' Whole% er you visit some- %, vt(drr. hoc4 poec Nancy Werkheiser and Tom Gannon both agree the Spartans rate number one giate Alcohol Awareness Week. yet body. he w ill always offer you a SJSU did nothing to promote the dnnk. not a refreshment." Battle event. said. "A drink is considered to he an Oscar Fiattle. health educator alcoholic beverage. People endorse Fifth straight win keeps SJSU in first place for Student Health Service. said he the consumption of alcohol . did not receive any material about Dr. Lois Fiedler. assittlate di- By Brent Ainsworth Vegas, the team's I I th consecutive conference tiously alluded to the posi appearance the event. which was sponsored by, rector of Counseling Ser% ices. said Daily staff writer win. before an impressive Spartan Stadium after v.atching his team win its loth game in a the Vv'ill Rogers Institute. He also although alcohol abuse is a problem Led by Mike Pereis 407 passing yards. crowd of 20,108 and a national television audi- row. said that Student Health Service here at SJSU. ’it is a problem every- SJSU rolled to . . ence. "Our guys played with strength and pur- would not have been able to promote where... Hold it let's try this one: The win secured the team's first place po- pose in temis of going after the bowl gaine.’ he the event because AIDS Awareness She said Counseling Services Kenny Jackson's four rushing touchdowns sition in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association said. "This leaves us in an advantageous posi- Week was held the week before. provides indi% idual counseling to gave the Spartans a . . race and sliced the "magic number" to two in tion to repeat las PCAA champions). " I would have loved to (have students and refers them to treatment Rewind. This one might work terms of the schtiol's second straight California The Spartans played like champions, espe- done it) if it wasn't so close to AIDS programs or Alcoholic, Anony- Jackson, who Led by the pass-catching Immo. of Kenny Bowl berth. Second place Cal State Fullerton cially in their 35 -point first half. Awareness Week." Battle said MOUS. WhatC\CI IS appropriate. Roberts, Guy Liggins and Bill Klunip, SJSIC tis a 3 1 PCAA record. while the Spartans has scored 12 touchdowns this year. had found "We had an Alcohol Awareness Fiedler helped establish an breezed . . . moved to 4-1) and 7- I overall. the end zone three times before the intermis- Week about three years ago and it A.A. program here on campus. It Damn. No lead paragraph can capsuli/e S.IS1 head coach Claude Gilbert. who sion. Perez had connected on If) of 21 passes was difficult to get students in- grew so fast that they moved the the Spartans' 4g-24 victory over Nevada-Las earned 1,, '5th win at the Spartan helm. cau- See VICTORY. pave 4 volved." meetings to the Campus Christian Battle said the biggest problem Sec 1/ bock page Constitution Fresno State paper seeks independence Julie Rogers celebration become independent right 1101A. ',lid It t )aity staff writer would save us the headache of worry ing about The Daily Collegian. is student -run new. spa Ve have the power to cut their budget . begins today per at California State University. Fresno. is ai their budget if we please.' Because the A.S. is the official publisher. it tempting to become financially. independent ot can keep any profits made by. the Collegian. By Brenda rai Lam any Associated Students funding. scott Vick "Vv'e had to hand over $40.000 in profits that Daily staff writer In addition to generating advertising reve- CSUF A.S. vice president we made last year from advertising to the A.S. To celebrate the bicentennial 01 nues to pay, expenses. the Collegian receives and they used the money tor their own projects," the U.S. Constitution SJSU Presi $ I MOM a year from the A .S. [Mil Is %NUS atraid hostile conflicts could occur be- Hurrianko said. dent Gail Fullerton has designated "I think that the current system is not condu- tween the paper and the A.S.. she decided to ex- The Collegian advertising staff sold "an this week as Constitution Week. cive to a democratic society of freedom of the plore the possibility of the paper heing exorbitant amount of ads last semester." said As a part ot the celebration. a Gail Fullerton press." said Tim Hurrianko. Daily Collegian edi- independent from any 'A.S. support, Hurrianko Steve Fountain. Daily Collegian reporter. symposium will he held daily sfst , esidew tor. said. "It's fair that we kept the money." N'ick throughout the week entitled "Crisis Unlike the Spartan Daily. the Daily Colle- He said the editorial staff is afraid to print said. "If the paper had lost money we would have in American Government: Can the nal, at 7 p.m tonight in Sweeney gian is not offered as a class and does not have a anything negative about the A.S. government be- paid for the loss.’ he added Constitution Meet There'. Hall Room 100. marking the open- faculty ad% isci . cause it is officially the publisher of the paper. "But this semester. V., C $A 0111 he able to The presentation will address ing of the week long celebration Last y ear. the Spartan I )iiily received a total "They have every right to be intimidated." match that amount:. Fountain said the crisis facing foreign policy. de- The topic oi discussion is enti- of $39.7111. ith $27,500 ,iiming from the A.S. explained Scott Vick. CSUF Associated Student!. Fountain said he agrees w it Williams. a for- mocracy and the covert presidency. tled "From Nixon to Reagan: Coups budget. But this year. to keep the Daily separate legislative vice president. mer editor. who developed a plan called the Fullerton will introduce key- D'Etat and the Constitution.' from the A.S.. the paper was put totally. into the "We have the power to cut their budget if we "five -to seven-year program... note speaker Alexander Cockburn. a "There are a w. hole series of university's Instructionally Related Activities ac- please,'' he said. Williams. plan is to have an agreement with journalist who has written for Nation crises In 111:11 need dIS- count. Vick said he approves of the the paper be- the A.S. that any. profit made by the newspape magazine and the Wall Street Jour - See (.1,0714i/1100Q hal page Because former Collegian editor Sara Wil coming independent of the A.S. "I v.ant them to See FRESNO. hod pa.et First rain of the season no damper for regular campus activities By Richard Alotroni rain, I v.ented to go oil sleeping, be- munched on some chicken strips, cover the sign that says 'Shaved ence what the weather is like." said Daily staff writer cause we are going to have a barbe- while sitting outside the Spartan Ice', because it's a hit misleading. Nancy Emmick, a reference librar- SJSU students -saw .something cue in the afternoon," said Anne Pub. since we sell other things besides ian. "The students will conie int() `I'm concerned if we rather peculiar when they woke up Schultz. president of the Chemistry the library, if they need a refer Friday morning. Club. "But. the barbecue was The sudden appearance of rain Friday afternoon the Spartan don't get a good Peering through their win- giving to continue, no matter what had niixed effect on local busi- Pub was a lot husier than usual as a A clear majority of students dows, lllll st witnessed rain pouring the weather was like." ness. huge surge of SPAT student filled believe that the sudden appearance amount of rain we from a dark sky. A majority of SJSU students Emmett Kong. who operates the place to capacity. of rain has been long overdue. The rain was a sharp contrast didn't seemed to feel threatened by "Kong's Shaved Ice Cart'. believes could be headed for from the blistering heat wave that the dark clouds. Only a handful car- the oxiler weather has hurt hi!. busi- "I think it's a ciinhination of "I constantly drive by. the 1..ex- plagued the Hay Area just three ried umbrellas. while others ate out- ness considerably . certain things.. midterms. rain and ington Reservoir and it looks so another drought.' weeks ago. side, away from protective over- Friday itself." said John Burke. a dry." Schultz said. "I'm deeply Although the rain was a small hangs. "Still. we are prepared by sell- pub emphiyce. concerned that if we don't get a Anne Schultz, of pace in the up in Oregon. where coffee. danish. donuts. hot Still, other SJSU institutions good amount of rain this winter we shower, the change "I grew ing Chemistry Club president weather did not go unnoticed. rain is commonplace." said Sara dogs. and expresso. he said. "Un- remained totally unaffected. could he headed for another long "When I woke up and saw the Golden, a liberal studies major who fortunately. we'll proahably have to "It doesn't make any. differ- drought." Forum Monday. October M. 1987/Spartan Daily

Deborah G. Guadan. Editor David Barry, City Editor Larry Aragon, News Editor fAsHIONI MoGuL Jeff Goularte, Forum Editor WHEN ak\:.f.iff Stephen Ellison, Sports Editor CANits1 KLEIN DRors

Pubhshed for the University Michael P. Fox, Advertising Director CoRA7CN AOUINOs PtC1) and the University Community Johnny Yu, Retail Sales Manager by the Department of Journalism Hunter Elkins, National Advertising Manager JusT CAN'T RESIST and Mass Communications Cheryl Chaffin, Special Sections Manager Lisa Emery, Downtown Retail Manager P CITING ltsi Nis 247 woRTH Since 1934 Eva Spring. Art Director John Churillo, Marketing Manager Sue Seiesky. Co-op Manager Coky coRy cofq.1 Lea Thompson, Production Manager Co% OS NW: k /10; 'THE WOOS OUT ANOTHER Coup MY GootniESS CoRY 15 EVERY ArrEffipr IS JUST DRESS You owP4 ".7 How oR WHAT? Editorial AROUND -NE ceRNER 120%0 FEEL ...xJ NEEDA NEW IMAGE . You Mow Reagan meets the press finally AND we RAVE TO AT coRY Le Asf LOOK REPAWED s"\Er'1186/NeFit..E.S. SomETH /I's a given that President Reagan does not est official in the administration would be the perform well at White House press confer- person in charge of explaining what the presi- , S,1111 ences. and that's why the administration is dent meant to say. Reagan would rely too much ear hesitant to call them. But offering only two on anecdotal evidence, and the result was inac- such opportunities for press questioning at the curate information and a White House emba- White House in 10 months is an unnecessary rassment. MORE obstacle to the free flow of information. Franklin Roosevelt held weekly press con- su/TABLE Critics of the media complain when re- ferences. and even Jimmy Carter pledged to foR THE porters scream questions to Reagan at photo hold one a month. and kept that pace for the occtisiorj opportunitik., and when he's en route to and first part of his administration. So it isn't too from his helicopter. But what's the alternative much to ask for the current administration to at when formal news conferences are as rare as least hold them on a regular basis. to Pt 1 "yes" votes for Roben Bork? During the Iran-Contra hearings. the pres- The president has trouble cramming for ident was described as out of touch and not in such conferences. but if he were more involved control. The best way for Reagan to shed this in the day-to-day operations of the White image would be for him to meet regularly with Leave it to Bieber House. Reagan would surely fare better at such the White House press corps. That way he Letters to the Editor events. could do his homework. and perhaps come After his past prc,s ,itnierences. the husi- across as in control and well informed. Does the mayor know where SJSU is? Editor. When San Jose Mayor Tom McEnery was inter- Take me out to the old ballpark veiwed by KG0 radio Oct. 21. he mentioned that histori- Paige cally in San Jose. all we had was the Blossom Festi% al Borgel-Bieber Nest month. Sail 1'1.111k 1Sk:11 %niers be asked to and Stanford. I didn't realize that Stanford is located in approye the idea of building a new ball pails for the San Jose. ants at Seenth and Townsend streets Although this sit Apparently. San Jose's mayor is not aware ot uation is unique in that Candlestick Park adapts many ot SJSU, nor is he aware that we were founded in 1857 be- Midterm crisis the chat acteristics ot an iglim w Ind tunnel during most fore the CO. il War, w hich gives us the distinction ot / lust had one of those weeks. night games. it's part of a trend Dave being the oldest public institution of higher education in It was the kind of week where your car In Chicago. the White S,IN are pressuring city offi- Lanson Califonna. I understand that when UCLA and Berkeley breaks down on the freeway, you have three cials to pitch in on construction of a new stadium to re started, they were branches of SJSU. midterms and a paper due. The weekend seems just place sem:table old Comiskey Park. Built in 191o. it's Apparently. the city fathers and city mothers of San a distant spark of light at the end of an interminable currenti the oldest ..a..h II par..k in Lie minor leagues. Jose are not aware of SJSU either because there is not tunnel. And across town, political pressure from one reference to us in the otherwise iinpressive exhibits It went something like this: purists who believe the game should only he played dur- Minneapolis' Metnulorne and "El I.ays’ 1)0dger Sta at the San Jose Historical Museum. Monday: !have an incredibly difficult time mayor nor city leaders for their ing the day has kept ('ubs' iitfi,ials from installing lights dium is in Minnesota they. have plastic grass and real I do not fault the getting up. The weekend was fantastic. the alcohol in quaint Wrigley Field. Ironically . these same tans may people. and down south the grass is real and the people lack of areness. The highest priority item for the lead- endless. Crawling out of bed. I hop in the shower he responsible for the park's destruction when the club are plastic. ership (it SJSU is to tell our story effectively. Only when and rush off to school. decides it iust can't draw enough people playing day Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Stadium. St. Louis' I read the obituaries of colleagues in the San Jose Mer- But as soon as I got past the traffic jani on the games to make money. Busch Stadium, Philadelphia's Veterans Stadium. Cin- cury New s. do I discover their imentationally recognized freeway, I realized I forgot my backpack. so it's How much longer until Boston's Fenway Park and cinnati's Riverfront Stadium: They all pretty much 1(xik achievements. Keeping the accomplishments of our fac- back home. Detroit's Tiger Stadium the other two remaining the same. ulty and graduates a secret is no longer in the best inter- After picking up the backpack. I get in the car. major league ball parks ts MI an dose of charm --- are Of course there are some relatively new stadiums ests of the university . telling myself Im going to try this day all over threatened by the wrecking hall .' that ooze a little charm. Milwaukee C'ounty Stadium is James J. Asher again and. faking a smile to myself, I head back for The ambiance of an old-lashioned. purely urban rather nice, as is the Oakland Coliseum. But by and Psychology Professor the freeway. ball park really. adds to the joy of watching a game. large. most team owners prefer huge venues that entirely About two miles front scluxil, my car starts Nowaday s. most parks look the same. have unlimited lack character. making these weird noises. but as usual. I turn up acres of parking and are so completely sterile that they After the first few innings at the old hall parks, one the radio hoping they will go away. But the engine take part of the tun out ot the game. is able to sneak down to the better seats. But at these new Daily editorial uninformed is insistent. and soon I have to pull over. Lifting the get to There's something about the "Green Monster" at places. the crowd is segregated to separate levels upon Editor. Kitt& I pray I can get it fixed enough to decide it's useless Fenway Park. the iy y -coy ered mitt ield alls at Wrigley. entering the park. While reading Friday's editorial. I was interested to school. A half an hour later, 1 a tow truck. the "exploding" scoreboard at Comiskey and the white The seating at the older parks is also better suited to see the topic of the minimum wage come up. The edito- and call even harder. but then I facade lining the grandstand root at Yankee Stadium. In the fans. The cheaper grandstand seating at many of the rial stated that although the minimum wage would be in- Tuesday: Getting up is was up until 2 a.m. studying for a political science these parks. it's sort of thrilling to w atch a game in the older parks is as close to the action as the box seats at creased to $4 an hour. employers would have the choice same place Babe Ruth. Ted Williams. I .uke Appling and many modem stadiums. One can get the feeling of being of only paying 85 percent of the wage - - amounting to midtenn. a night out with my friends and my Ty Cobb pia\ ed. What ghosts haunt the Seattle King - in on the action at Fenway Park or Tiger Stadium more $3.40 to full-time students under 21 and employee's I sacrificed day to study for this test. After dome? Mario Mendoza and Jeff Burroughs'? than at . where they have some seating who receive tips amounting to 60 cents an hour. job the previous pages of notes for six hours. I figure Going tii a game at Comiskey Park and Wrigley so high that nose bleeds break out among the crowd. I dug back and found an article in Thursday's Daily staring at 50 the instructor can dish out. Field. you di o.e through the surrounding neighborhoods les a shame when a Connie Mack Stadium. Crosley about the same subject. The reporter mentioned that l'nt ready for anything ques- aware of the bug -city atmosphere. the gritty housing. the Field or Forbes Field is tom down. These parks have a "Federal law permits employers to pay full-time stu- When I get the test. 35 multiple choice can't help wonder- skyline in the distance. And then, after parking in what is character and history that is unique to their business. Or- dents under the age of 21, 85 percent of the minimum tions stare me in the face. and I to study for the asinine pretty much a vacant lot. you walk into the park and are dinarily, no one weeps when a warehouse or factory is wage. which amounts to $2.85 of the orginal $3.35." If ing why I even bothered the first place. struck by the sea of green of the field and the majesty of razed. that is true. full-time students get an increase of 55 cents. exam in home to the tov.ering grandstands and wonder how you can still These baseball shrine% should be renovated instead not a "whopping 5 cents" as the editorial claimed. After a full day of classes, it's back he in the middle ot an urban jungle. of demolished. When Yankee Stadium began to show it% What bothers me the most is that both the editorial burn the midnight oil once again in preparation for

Watching baseball in a steel -and-concrete mon- age in the early 1970s. the team decided to give it a and the article appeared in the Spartan Daily. yet another test. strosity that looks like something out of Epcot Center is multi -million-dollar facelift and the "House that Ruth Now. I believe that the option for employers to pay Learning from my first mistake. 1 decide not to after an hour, I like watching "Gone W ith The Wind" on videocassette Buile was sit% ed only 85 percent of the miniinum wage to students is un- study as diligently for this test. and at home: the product., the ti:1111C. but something's still Forget the Cadillac baseball stadiums; the national fair. give it up to watch the continuing saga of Maddie lacking. pastime is much more enjoyable in the classic '57 Chevy I also helieve its unfair when an editorial omits or and Dave. The only difference between going to a game at parks and fields. excludes information that could sway opinions a differ- - Wednesday: The test stares me in the face like ent way some sort of mystical. horrifying, midevil beast. I If it is because of ignorance the editors did not can't believe the instructor expects me to finish 12 know that the 85 percent option :already existed I e,...ity questions in 50 minutes. To make matters have to wonder why. An article appeared in the Daily the woi,e, I only know half the answers to only three of day before that explained that point. the questions. But. somehow. I manage to com- I do hope the editors will read the paper. so that plete some of the questions. fake the rest. and finish they will he as informed as they should be a minute before the end of class. Thursday: Yet another endless night, only this Randy !tall time my shoulders ache and my fingers are numb Freshman from typing away all night. I skip my morning (*computer Science classes. call in sick to work and try to finish the paper before noon so I can rush down to hand it in before the deadline. But just when I think it's Miller time. I have to hit the books, once again. for another midterm the Forum Policy next day. By this time. I'm positive my instructors have The Spartan Daily would like to hear formed a conspiracy against me to drive me insane from you our readers. and prevent me front writing another scathing col- umn. After studying for a few hours. I fall into an Your ideas, comments, criticisnis exhausted sleep. and suggestions are encouraged. By lis- Friday: After the 8:30 a.m. midterm. I head up tening to our readers we can better serve to the Spartan Daily, hoping to get a laugh and some work done. But it was not to be. My column the campus community. is due in an hour and I'm sure there isn't a brain cell Letters to the editor can be on any left alive. However personal attacks and let- "I don't have any ideas for a column," I tell topic. the Forum editor. ters in poor taste will not he published. "Well. what's bothering you?" he asks. All letters may he edited for length or "Nothing in particular," I tell him, "and ev- libel. and the Daily reserves the right to erything in general." "Write about something that's really bugging limit the number of letters on a given topic you ,' ' he says. after a sufficient amount of comment has "Something that's really bugging me'?" I say. After thinking for ii few seconds, the light bulb appeared. goes (iff. Letters must hear the writer's name, "How about this.' ' I tell him. "Just another major, phone number and class level. week in the life of an SJSU student." "Sounds good to me," he says. "Just so long Deliver letters to the Daily office on as it's dime in five minutes." ,5 the second floor of Dwight Bente! Hall or Paige Itorgel-Bieber is an associate editor. "gm You serra ot* TWAY T1404 Net:X3 WEI:26 F002 YEARS AGO? to the Student Union information desk. Leave it to Bieber appears every Monday. Spartan Daily/Monday, October 26, 1987 General News Page 3

Daily Delivery CBS-TV salutes Air Force A brief look at off-campus news

tings. with one-hour documentary Ban The manager's lawyer. Kenneth Ward, declined Styrofoam comment Friday. The decision could be appealed in Superior Court. NEW YORK ( AP) CBS of eight planes all ol them lost in The commission said pre-empts regular programming for battles against Pancho Villa on the Hastings moved from Ala- bama to California in 1985 and an hour tonight for "Top Flight," a Mexican border. group urges was accepted for en- rollment at California State rather pedestrian tribute to the 40th National World War I flying ace Arthur University. Hayward SACRAM1 ( ) (AP) Styrofoam fast-food where she planned t() study mass anniversary of the Air Force. "Ray" Brooks tecalls his matter-of- communications. News containers and egc cartons and plastic gnx:ery bags At the campus housing office, she The one-hour documentary factly fatalistic. attitude toward get- found an ad should be banned in Califomia. an environmental placed by another student from Emmy-winning producer Ar- ting into a rickety' biplane that had looking for a roommate at group said Friday. the 108-unit Jackson Anns nold Shapiro ("Scared Straight’) been shipped to Europe in pieces and Hayward, and she ar- Californians Against Waste held a news confer- does have a few soaring moments. reassembled. ranged to move in. but otherwise it looks more like a and Space Administration program ence in front of a downtown fast-food outlet to outline Two days later. the commission said, Dee "When you got a plane that high-sch(x)I educational film than a -- and continually reverts to movie its support for local and state laws to require biode- Chamberlain. one of the apartment managers. tried to lasted an hour or two. you nursed it network television show. fixitage. This is not an undesirable gradable materials to he used instead of Styrofoam discourage the other student from li,ing with a black. so you had a plane that lasted The host is William Shatner. device to provide drama and color, maybe and other plastics. saying blacks were loud and hard to get along with. four hours." he said. Compasses star of the old "Star Trek" series. but it gets to be a bit much. "The problems with plastics and Styrofoam in Hastings made an appointment by telephone to were no good. He went by. the sun. The sh()% 's individual segments are There are periodic highlights. the environment and problems it causes for wildlife meet with the managers, but when she and her family. There were no parachutes "I ex- good, but instead of being linked ef- like an interview with aged Gen. and marine life are iust beginning to he known." said arrived, they found no one home. the commission pected to die, period. It's as fectively. they are divided for no ap- Jimmy Doolittle who recounts the simple CAW spokesman Mark Murray. said. After learning of Chamberlain's comments to as that,’ Brooks say s parent logical purpose into four sec- real story behind the movie "Thirty Such containeis also add to garbage and landfill her prospective nximmate. Hastings went back to the tions on aviation heroes, rescue Seconds Over Tokyo." the World That brings us to "rescues," problems as "plastics are becoming an increasingly apartment unannounced and then telephoned, but missions. female flyers and fighter War II bombing mission he led right the most engaging portion of the large part of our municipal waste,’ Murray said. Chamberlain refused to see her. pilots. into the heart of enemy temtory. show. 'The news conference was in front of the down- Hastings then went to a 1(x:al fair housing organi- It's evident right away that the "I have never felt fear." Do()- Col. Gail Halvorsen was the town McDonald's outlet. Murray and a man dressed /anon, which sent black and white "testers" to the documentary does not know whether little says. "I an) single-minded. I "candy bomber" in the Berlin air- in a striped clown suit. in imitation of McDonald apartments. The black visited twice and rang the bell it is a tribute to the Air Force. flying can think of only one thing at a time. lift. With home mov ies, Halvorsen symbol Ronald, held out the Styrofoam containers the hut no one answered; the white went the same day and in general, or maybe movies about If I'm in a very hot spot indeed, 1 am recalls his private mission - drop- firm lISCS for many of its burgers. They contrasted was told by Chamberlain that an apartment would be flying. thinking how to get out of that ping goodies in sinall handerchief those vv ith the paper boxes used for hamburgers at the available at the end of the month, the commission It begins with film clips from spot .’ parachutes from his cargo plane to Burger King across the street. said. Three days earlier, Chamberlain had given the student who had agreed to live with Hastings a 30 the movie "The Right Stuff" -- the Cut again to movie footage. children below. When word of his "It's time for Ronald to stop clowning around -day eviction notice. tale of pilots from the Air Force. The fighter-pilot segments em- "candy bombing'. reached the and get serious." said the clown. who called himself Unable to find other suitable housing near the Marines and Navy who became as- body the history of the Air Force, United States. he was inundated with Harvey Bushelbutt. *There’s t(x) much mc-toxics.’ tronauts in the National Aeronautics beginnity with the Army Air Corps hankies by mail university. Hastings enrolled at SJSU. near her par- Murray. said he's been talking to legislators. but ents' home. hasn't yet identified one to carry the proposed bill. The bill would ban fitod and drink packaging that uses New fault discovered Gynecologist to pay $6 million toxic chlorollourocarbons. known as CFCs. and re- quire all fast food packaging. egg cartons and grocery LOS ANGELES (AP) The Oct. 1 earthquake sacks to be biogradable or recyclable. that devastated portions of Southern California erupted along a nameless. previously unmapped fault Lana Flirsain. spokesvcoman for McDonald's miles underground. not along the Whittier Fault as for hysterectomy Corp. in Oak Brook. III_ said that foam containers to ex-wife first thought, authorities said. "allow us to serve our product to our customers in It was the second major California quake to be hot, fresh manner." SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) A was pertiwnied during a hysterec- caused by such a formation in recent years. The earth- She said foam compresses flat in a landfill and, gynecologist who sewed his wife's tomy. quake that struck Coalinga in 1983 had the same on - while it never deconiposes. it also does not leak int() vagina shut because he believed she State Sabih said she has scarring of g n water sources. as ink in printed paper might. was having an affair was ordered to the vagina and had to undergo two The Oct. 1 temblor, which measured 6. I on the News She said McDonald's announced last August that pay the woman $6 million. reconstructive surgeries. Richter aftershocks caused deaths it would phase out use of CFCs in the foam manufac- scale. and its seven Thursday's jury award to Deb- "She can have sex. but it hurts and $213 million in damages. Authorities first turing process. making its Styrofoam a different way. bie Crandall-Millar, 35, should her a lot he said. thought it was centered on the Whittier Fault. teach an important lesson to physi- Sabih said Crandall- \ lillar was But Lucile Jones, a seismologist with the U.S. cians. the woman's lawyer, David Crandall -Millar. v.ho has 1111SA: indeed having an affair. and that Geological Survey. said scientists have discovered AV. Student refused housing Sahib of Monterey, said Friday. remarned and lives in Fresno, was may have liniited the jut y ard. the fault that triggered the quake was a shallow dip- "Most people don't like to pun- awarded $250,(XX) for past pain and "I think they could have re- sAN FRANcisco LAP) A black student ping fault. not a steeply dipping fault like the Whittier ish a doctor; they tend to put then) on suffering, $750.0(X) for future pain turned a bigger verdict. hut I think who was barred from an apartment near her chosen Fault. a pedestal," he said. and suffering and $5 million in puni- she wasn't liked by the jury because campus and had to change colleges as a result has The motion of the quake was vertical, she said, "For the first time in the United tive damages by an I I woman. one- there was the impression she was been awarded 511.500 in damages by. the state's civil while the Whittier Fault would produce a more hori- States, a jury says a husband must man jury following tour days of de- sleeping around and going to Europe rights agency. zontal movement. not operate on a wife. They should liberations. and Mexico on her elderly husband's In a unanimous decision last week. the Fair Em- Research has led experts to believe such un- never have done it in the first "She is sad and elated." Sabih money he said. ployment and Housing Commission said the manager known faults. lying below folds of nx:k called "anti- place." said. "Sad that her ex-husband, who The jury found Millar 60 per- of an apartment complex in Hayward had been guilty clines," may be more common in Southern California she loved at one time, had done this. cent responsible for the incident. and of racial discrimination against Tanya Nycole Has- than once thought. and elated that she was vindicated." Dr. Robert W. Tetatreau, who was For the Record Dr. Glenn C. Millar of San Luis working with Millar in performing Obispo was 60 and Crandall-Millar the hysterectomy on Crandall-Mil- The Spartan Daily is com- was 30 at the time of their marriage. lar. was ruled 40 percent responsi- mitted to accuracy. Any signifi- Contacted by telephone Friday. ble. SpartaGuide brief look at campus events cant error brought to an edi- Millar declined comment. Sierra Vista Medical Center A tor' s attention be Crandall -Millar maintained that was also ruled negligent but not re- corrected. he told her after the surgery, "I've sponsible for the injury. Millar was The last day to sign up for A.S. ology department speaking on "The ryl Allmen at 2-77-2272 for informa- If you notice something fixed it so you'll never screw around ordered to pay the punitive damages leisure services fitness classes in- Potential Impact of Genetic Engi- tion. which you know is incorrect, on me again." an allegation the doc- and 60 percent of the injury award. cluding water fitness. low impact neering.' at 3 p.m. today in the Stu- please write to the Spartan aerobics. vc eight naming. and dance dent Union Montalvo Room. Call tor denied. Millar is still practicing medi- will have Daily, San Jose State Univer- aerobics is toiiiiirrov% Students may Alan Kirk at 279-18(14 for informa- SJSU Kendo Club She said the two were under- cine, but a state review board sus- 7 to 9 sity, One Washingwn Square, sign up in the A.S. Business Office tion. Japanese sword fighting from going marital problems ut the time pended Tetatreau's medical license p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in San Jose, CA 95192. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and to- and he suspected she was seeing an- pending a review and he is now prac- Alyne at morrow. Call Donna Kaylor at 277- Career Planning and Placement Spartan Complex 209. Call other man when the 1984 operation ticing in Colorado, Sabih said. 2858 for information. will present "Preparing for Oral 371-6134 for information. Boards" at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in Spartan Daily FBI agents nab suspect Leisure Services will end intra- the Student Union Loma Prieta Associated Students will be ac- Serving the San Jose State mural soccer sign-ups today. Stu- Room. Call Cheryl Allmen at 277- cepting applications for positions on dents may sign up in the Leisure 2272 for more information. the A.S. Election Board and A.S. University Community Services Office from 9 a.m. to 5 Judiciary for the upcoming elections Since 1934 in Bay Area murders p.m. Call Andrew Lamont at 277- Career Planning and Placement in the A.S. Office on the third flow 2858 for information will present a Co-op Orientation of the Student Union. The deadline (UCPS 509480) OAKLAND (AP) Franklin Leandro, and the attack two days 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Student is Friday at 4 p.m. Call Michele Fler- Sk,011110.1, ,M1114, raid Al t Lynch, charged with the savage later on Bessie Herrick. 74. of Hay- Member ol alitotnkt New.Nper Puhloihei. Psi Chi will hold a meeting Union Umunhurn Room. Call Che- whine at 277-3201 for infiwmation. beatings of three elderly women and ward. .ietnin and the V....Luton 14esi. Puhlished dads 11:3(1 a.m. today in the Psi Chi Police received a call hs San Jose %tau I nncrsits. Jurine the t011r,, wanted for questioning in the murder San Jose lounge in Dudley Moorhead Hall. YCJI opinions espressed in the gem, morning of Oct. 18 from Russell of an elderly San Jose woman Oct. the Call Jeff Stone at 446-1574 for infor- neve...arils those ot the !Syr...mem 18, was ;Arrested Friday afternoon in Bibb, Lovardi's great-grandson. NIOTI IER OLSON'S INN and Mass Coniniunu anon, the t noersits Adniiii mation. back door to istraion or JII \ student ot iaults islanitatnin Los Angeles, the FF1I said. who discovered that the ItcsicicHcc I loIcl at,epted on a rensisislet ol Garden -area home had Details of the arrest were not the Rose The SJS1.1 Sierra Club will pre- basis Full asatkno. sex NIS lash sernestri immediately available. been forced ()pen and the place ran- HOME AwAY FRoNi tioME! %, NI Ott price per sop,. 15 tents I lo sent Dr. Chris Brinegar of the hi- searching the ilrlo.eis nod thronah AS01...1101 Lynch, 32, has already been sacked. SJPD officers - de. AI GI per participating otrollvil charged by the Alameda County Dis- residence found the victim in a Phone Fditonal Adsertisine trict Attorney's office with the fatal closet. She had apparently been Printed h, Fru ke Park. Press eStuffrot ISigrnagei Please send all addie.. r. beating of Anna Constantine. 73. killed several hours earlier Kinko's Announces Ns( titans sl ti 1 I Spartan Dail,. San low Mete who died from injuries suffered Although police suspect that Voashmetio Square. San line. (-A 45 I W.' when a man broke int() her San some items Of Val tit! Cre stolen. Desktop Publishing STAFF Leandro home Aug. 13. robbery is not thought to be the mo- HIFI 1 On Tuesday. police added tive for the attack. by the Hour I dittir Deborah Ci (roadati Marie Lovardi, 82. of San Jose. to Authorities also %cam to talk to Advertising thrertor Michael P I En Get the commence and vain) t ity Fditot ['avid Kans.' the list after she v. as found beaten to Lynch about the slay ings of two Assistant its F dttor Judith I aught death. The previous week, police other San Leandro vwilien. Pearl of a Macintosh' and News I &tor I arrv Aragon Slh IOUS Assistant News &tor Nancy Nadel linked I .ynch to the slaying of Agnes Larson. 76, was fatally beaten June LaserWriter ''' desktop I mom I ditnr Jeff Coolant. George. 74. whose battered body 24 and Adeline Figuerido. 89. was Assistant Forum Idnor Ir. Dunlap publishing systemwithout Sports F ()nor Stephen I Ilgon was found in her Richmond home. killed July 28. Assistant Sports dais. Mark I INNI The FBI also had issued a war- Detectives believe Lynch preys the expense! t door I hitairah .1 Kaplan rant for Lynch's arrest on charges of on the elderly women to support a Photo Editor Michael Hurke Assistant Plwiln 1.ditor Krad Mangin unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. drug habit. Rewards totaling $10.- Assiurtate rdttors Paige Howl Kugler He's also wanted in connection (X10 have been posted for the arrest kinkois Grelt C001S Great I fans Ingebrelsen peopie \\ glik111}1, )1S1111( r I( ) S4 II I I( P.(' S1.11 ' Stenhanw M Nichols with an assault and robbery Aug. 15 and conviction of the person respon- ,slidirci I I illV4111' 4( 1111., ' ( hief Photographer .loe ( disen on Ruth Durhan. 88, also of San sible for the San Leandro slayings HtiAll Advertising Manager trilinns Yii 310 S 3rd St 1..irgi Sliortt1 lull fat Min's Downtown Retail Advertising Manager (Across from McDonalds) I .1 triert National Advertising Manager I hinter I lkins 295-4336 72 N. 1111 STILF.F.T. S. \N .10SE 1408) 998-02'2:1 Marketing Manager John ChurIllo I ONLY FOR S.J.S.U. STUDENTS ii-up Manager Sue Selesks Spirt Sections Manager Chola Chathn Art Director luaSlrinn4 Production Manager I en lhornpvin ORMIECIMMEMIZEI Rept.ers Brent Ainswielli Huts Kamen, Charlotte Hanoi CLUTCH SPECIAL THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO Neli011 Cardadeiro Karen M Derenn Katt, DISC & Dwoet I dwin ( iarrks I retain. Cirant. Krenda I Al LABOR I arn Dave I Anson Richard Motroni. $139.00 BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. (Awn Julie Hearn MOST CARS Photographers Sue Howling. Ken Johns.. Arneleia Manes Wad And they're both repre- Stutakawa Dan Sweeney OTHER SPECIALS sented by the insignia you wear Arafat. Andre Angeles Pamela Armstrong lien Kent TUNE-UP ()IL CHANGE BRAKES as a member of the Army Nurse Monique Drumm (:hnsti. I elutes Caws I Id, SMOG hard Warren Johnson hotbeds Mehand I tenon 4 CYL. RELINED Corps. The caduceus on the left Page Atli* Sislansda I his. Squaglta iarni I AND FILTER re/ $7.95 means you're part of a health care Marlorting ( onoulloWs $27.95 $17.95 $37.95* Jennifer I eldties Sue Johnson ',anti Mat shat .1. $5 CERT. system in which educational and Marshall I Ansa. Nelson Susan Reith 'MOST CARS WITH STUDENT I D career advancement are the rule, National Account Faisentives Camels. Aden f inds.lohnson BIRD SAN CARLOS) I not the exception. The gold bar Special Sestilana Fa...ranee. WE'RE HERE FOR YOU Nomole Kreekinseklge Hoinits I iiiis Anne, Va, on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. lf you're hen *STUDENT BUDGET PRICE AUZERAIS 4TH earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Act- F liecutives `sow Auntie Paul ( ampagoa I awrent e I k FAST QUALITY SERVICE 2 8 0 Clifton, NJ 07015. Or call toll free I -800-LISA-ARMY e f airhanks FLA, Green SWIM Doshula ( !benne lulana Jargusikne Jenkins Kevin .lotin 9:00A -8:00P uin Matt Willson Kathy I mho*. Comp PIKNI 298-3531 Kelly Seelig. Tom Stuart Man Toe. CORPS. BE ALLYOU BL MON THRU SAT 455 AUZERAIS AVE. S.J.I ARMY NURSE Page 4 Sports Monday, (ktober 26, 1987/Spartan Daily

ViCtOrY: Roberts, Klump, Jackson star in SJSU's 48-24 win over Rebels Front page I knse. He carried the ball 28 times kurth down on the UNLV 10, Gil- for 247 yards after two quarters. l.ig- for a 2.6-yard average. And Jackson bert sent in Sergio Olivare/ for a gins already had five catches tor 90 knew why the yardage didn't come attempt. yards. easy. The senior placekicker noodled Those individual showings car- "They were a real good de- it through, but a holding penalty. on ried an added significance, because fensive team." he said. "()ur guys the Rebels prompted Gilbert to erase the East Coast sportswriters whose were blocking the best they could. I the three points and take the first votes determine the coveted All - had to use all my head fakes and down. Jackson scored his first TI) America status were probably still jukes to get what I got. Plus it was four plays later it.001 the I. awake during that half. The game muddy. That slowed me down a Olivare/ missed a 52-varder on ended at 2:20 a.m. Eastern Standard tittle." SJSU's next dio. e It vt c tied a Time. Nothing slowed his Rebel coun- school record and been a personal "It never hurts to have a gtxid terpart, Elbert "Ickey’ Woods, who best. but the hall dropped 5 yards game individually. but thats not explotled through the conkrences short of the goalposts. what I'm looking for,’ said Pere/. best defense for 197 yards on 25 car- "I got under it too much. Oli- who finished with 25 completions in ries. Woods. the PCAA's leading varez said. "I know I can make it 37 attempts for 407 yards and three ground gainer. had the best game by from that distance. I'm glad I got the TDs. "I think it gets ekeryone else a UNI..V running back since 1978 chance. though.' pumped up. but the main thing is and bolstered his season total to 691 SJSt ' pummeled the Rebels that we showed the nation that were yards. with a 28 -point second quarter. Jack- a good team." Cornerstones of the Spartan de- son scored from 1 and 6 yards out. Klump. a senior tight end niade fense, one of the nation's hest over- Liggins, who led the team with 6 the catch of the year on a deflection all units, admitted to having trouble catches. outran cornerback Sean from Roberts in the fourth quarter stopping the 225 -pound bruiser. Blunt for an 8-yard scoring pass to and was nanied ESPN's player of the Woods escaped from numerous ef- make it 21-0 with 10:03 left in the game for his five grabs. Roberts. forts to break runs of 18, 21 and 54 half. Klump scored his first TD on a starting in place of injured Johnny yards. 3 yard pass from Pere/. Johnson, entertained the crowd with "He was the hardest running In the meantime. the Rebels his five acrobatic catches. back to tackle that we've faced this struck for their first ....inc. a 58 -yard Jackson's four scoring runs tied year." said safety Ryan Rasnick. pass from Richard Vk'i I lianis to a 34-year-old school record shared "He put his head down and bowled a Thomas over Spartan cornerback Jay by Dick Stults (1952) and Joe Ulm kw of us over. We tried to form Taylor. Considering Thomas' All - (1953). The senior tailback is one tackle him like we're supposed to. America-like speed. Taylor only shy of tying the season rushing TO but that didn't work." made the one mistake. The Spartan record, set by Charlie Harraway in Other than yielding all-star acts junior deflected three passes and ran 1965. by Woods and receiver George stride for stride with Thomas for schtxil record shared by Dick Stults Thomas (two touchdown passes). most of the game. (1952) and Joe Ulm (1953). The se- SJSU followed the "Road to the Cal "They told me he runs a 4.3 nior tailback is one shy of tying the Bowl" script to perfection. (40-yard dash)." Taylor said. "He Brad Shirakawa - Daily stall photographer season rushing TO record. set by Guy Liggins' 20-yard reverse got by me quick and I couldn't catch Charlie Harraway in 1965. and I9-yard reception helped the him. You don't mind giving up the Chris Slesander proudly holds up ihe football after recokering his second fumble of the game in the Spartans' Jackson had to hull for his 74 Spartans drive 75 yards on their short passes, but one thing you hate 48-24 x oker \ IA Saturday . Fhe dejected \ IA player is Bill ()Perin. yards against an inspired Rebel de- opening drive. His team stalled on is to get heat deep. Receivers make the catch If If irliat 41 11mi inn wade easier thanks to an iiiiistanding take handott bt Pere/ to running I lic dif feience beksecii a hack 1)011,11tISICV.,11-1. good ottensike passing attack in "Mike made such a great fake. football and a gicat one is the num- treeinig the (It:tense and lea% ing me ber Ot reeeisers quo- all alone in the end /one.- Klump terhat tan Unlit% to. said. "It IAA, like playing catch in It the quimerback has only one my backyard... capable receiei to toss the hall to. "I hope this ganie makes other then the passing attads is pietliciable teams with:island that it I'm double and tmetfectie. ,likered thew kk ill be someone else. tt the oftense has two or nisi Nioi.1 \ like can Mom to," three well iounded pass catchers. I irgins said -What makes Itill and then the opposing defense can have dangeiotis is that not its hands lull IfO 1110 11111 the patter?), Solid wool of this thel/I' Carl like I (10, hilt hOth he lotilld Ille Sp.II Lill,. per- Mall AO and /01Ie t or [name against Ne, Ada I as \ egas . the t:0111h111:111011 Of Saturdas night. ss het,. passing .it K lump and Roberts set up the 1110St tack lacked up .1 \k catch most of the 2(1.108 III a -Pi- _’4 patrons at Spartan Stadium hake eker AlthOUVII SIM-, ill -America seen wide recieer t-antlidate iu% I iggins Kenny Rolferts Second and 15 from the UNLV led the team kk sr. eau:lies toi . uti 16 Pere/ threw to Roberts in the Ken Johnston Daily staff photOgrapner yards and one touchdown. it was the middle around the Rebel three. The per fonwince, ot two other Spartan re- part of my hotly is aching hall deflects off Roberts and flew Guy [Ambits runs from Sean Blunt after Liggins pulled in one of six catches for the game ceivers. tight end Hill klimip anti I.or light ends. the hitting from into the end /one. where Klump %Alio wide retie \ er Roberts. the defenders is more constant and a gleefullk itseiked the prize for the helped do the Rebel, in. lot harder touchtliikk "I teel %%Ie. OIle Of my "Tight ends usually :melt the like threv, it hard and high." best toothall pertormances." said hall in the middle of the field. where Roberts said ’Ifie hall went ott the Roberts. who made foie catches lor there are more deletitleis.- Klunip pads then skinned oil im helmet I 90 yard. "All ear long I was said. "Itut tonight I was reatb for Min kilos\ \Oat happened. until I FOR LIGHTNING FAST looking to contribute to this team them heard the ,iffssrl selling and N.OI. Bill and tonight I did K lump poked to he more than at the end of the tield Against Roberts imine- read \ .12,iinst the Rebels with like -To tell fit the Nutt). that was RESULTS Advertise in the diatelt made up tot early season cat, r.,r 90 y ards and tkk-ii touch planned." laughed K lump "But, to mistakes h making some rather ini- Fs:limp'. first scout,. a three he honest. I \sits glad I caught it be- SPARTAN DAILY piessie Perhaps the most the sectmd quartei _inst. it made up toi the other passes tatillai grab occurred earl in ’. .1 I thoiT,,1 pict game, 277-3171 Ille II1114.1 quarter on second and 23 SIM -s rime. Spartan tmarterback itke l'ele/. seeing Roberts running a -TOUCHING LIVES ciossing pattern. drilled a high bul- -TEACHING let Rohm.. double teamed on th, -CHANGING WITH THE TIMES plat lumped in the air and catit+' 14I the ball mei the Rebel detenders a 25, aid gain Volunteer advisors, men & women, 21 yrs. & over are needed tor Bay "rin not %smiled about getting Area BBG and AZA chapters 01 Central Region anai B'rith Youth hit." Roberts said. "All rin think- Organization. Play a vital role in helping Jewish teens appreciate & ing ,thiita is coming down with the preserve our Jewish Heritage. BOARD Help to guide young people in a group GET ON hall in my hands. life experience and to mold the leaders of tomorrow's Jewish Community. "Kelin hail the time to shine THE 19th ANNUAL tonight.- Pcie/ said "It shoxs the For further information, call Debra Polsky depth ke 11,1\ e at receiser.- 415/349-0901 ALL-CAMPUS Still. the constant, siolent world ot football did take some toll CHESS TOURNEY on the ....4111,1 110111 Campbell. -This is 111, II tiMe 1%1: <<,< played a hill k ears. co Are you prepared for Mondays at 5:00pm (beginning Oct. 26) Robeits said Nit iiicd and the new phone system? Here's your chance to Entry Fee-$5.00 familiarize yourself with them Winners to represent SJSU in the before November 1st. EVER CRAVE- ACU-1 Regional Chess Tournament -February 26-28 Multi-line and Sinitic -line Telenhonea A COPY Mmiciay. ( 12 lo /. I :40 here at SJSU AT 3 AM? 8:30 10:00 10:30 - 12:00 Info & Sign-ups at the Desk

miner, kr a tom shop that 1.30 3.00 %mil' odli hums, rs 3;10 5:00 kink". is thi. 277-3226 rilijA TRIUIVINQ _-4.41.110 ( I ISJ lo Wednesdis kinkoss 810 10.1)0 Area open 20 nours Student Union Games 1030 12:00 481 L San Carlos St Ors 1 3() ;1:00 (Between 10th and 111h) '130 5:00 29 5-5 511 rm-\ For reservat;ons call 277-3272 1 y Spartan Daily/Monday , October 26, 1987 Extras

Bloom County Berke Breathed YesterDaily PH WA INORNMV/AP L/NtON /HMO VANPALtIEP A brief look at yesterday's news CEO Of 81.001 COUNTY YESTERPAY SuNORY NENAff-ENE0 _. PROpter7ONS INC." . ACRE RERUN conirc try WO/LANCE PYSCUSS AN UGLY SCRAWLING AN MO AMIN5r Local News General News . RESULT Of OW CURROY istavAciersvnir ceoceNrry FUR/Hue LABOR AMBLES t4/714/N ME ARTWORK . TO Amick- / MESE INK - WIELPING The Student Union Board of Directors decided President Reagan announced, during his na- I TERRORISTJ. MERE CAN Recentt Tuesday that the human performance department tionally televised news conference on Thursday that me EA/r ONE RESftlYSE had and SJSU athletic teams must pay a fee to use the he wants to meet with Congressional leaders to help -d Recreation and Events Center or its Aquatic Center. create a plan to control and reduce the national defi- !" To Student Union Director Ron Barrett said the fa- cit. "I'm putting everything on the table with the cility is to be primarily used for recreation and that exception of Social Security," Reagan said. I - academic courses would be taking away from that Reagan also defended his Persian Gulf policy 40/411! use. and said he will not allow Iran to attack American a .rweweer" \ Jim Bryant. human performance department ships and Americans without retaliation . hed chairman, objected to the new policy. saying his de- "If (Ayatollah Khomeini) is going to go on on partment does not have the funds available to pay a with provocative acts against us then he's running a Isaac Newt Sheila Neal lthe usage fee. great risk. Because we are going to respond," Rea- gan said. "We are not just going to sit there." rst I WAN N AIRP! OK , YOU wEll, AT LEAST The attorneys representing 1 WAWA both sides in a suit ELF? CAN CARVE SOC6 ,t 1Ts BETTER filed by two Stanford athletes against the NCAA Five people were killed and one injured when IF YOU DO CET TNE FIAFKIN r/A._ `\ ' SU" PIM YOUR over drug testing presented their closing an Iranian Silkworm missile hit a Kuwaiti super- on arguments ME NEW l'Et. BUT OON'T Thursday . tanker oil terntinal Thursday, officials reported. .."#<, OCT '",.--- Fla. ' J a 7EU, MX 614 SCREW Roben van Nest. the attorney None of the U.S.-flagged tankers the Navy protects In"! off, -,..., 49. for Stanford ath- Yd)( , .... 1 i xis letes Barry McKeever and Jennifer Hill, said that were in the area. , ! \.,I "/ the main issue of the The latest incident was the third attack of the case is that drug testing viol-. 0 - . , lates an athlete's constitutional right of sheikdom located between Iraq and Saudi Arabia at , privacy - , it since the athletes are required to urinate into a the head of the Persian Gulf this week...... _,. ., . he beaker in front of a NCAA representative. There were not many casualties as a result of 01,,,11., I ".---Z, After Santa Clara County Superior Coun Judge ihe attack because no ships were loading in the Sea Iv , *Is Conrad Rushing reviews the eight days of testi- Island terminal and fewer than the usual 20 men 0,1, 401140tWe7 :k niony. he will issue a ruling. were on duty. Michele Bertolone. Associated Students Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'C'onnor h 6 direc- Good Clean Fun Gene Mahoney tan tor of personnel, announced her resignation from of- refused an emergency request to ban 44 Alabama s to fice at last week's board of directors meeting. textbooks from public schtxils because fundamen- WEEK.- ON ( the She said she is vacating her position to partici- dalist Christians claim the books promote a godless 71.05 IS ME. "111MY MR. L IPPERI:SOBc riy pate in a study-trip to England and to complete other religion. NAME'S LIPPER. ED MY.- Pre. ... /11 Y... MS< Ill a CLEM FUN pmjects that she has been working on. The appeals court in August ruled that the text- L IPPER. rm A COP. /IV HUSBAND Bertolone is the third director did not express governmental approval of se- 4D9 els to resign from books I WORK HERE. HE'S... HE'S... PE W.. SORRY, K DS /boil the board of directors this semester. cular humanism or disapproval of theism. Wilt Y GEE IKEA5! DE . /VO TIP1E- FOR ANY to ITP1US7 8E GREAT Tb CE- GE.- DE . lay NEW STUFF MAW BE A COP...LIKE /AI 7HE DE- Gr-DEADiti movies? SEE YOU TO/1ORROW. WIVIEVill nly Classified rtan

ran ACTIVISTS!! MAKE Sat! Make defter- Or Christopher Cabrera 0 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS onc*. register F opening for receiving clerk for DEMOCRATS to Quality & fast service at extremely vote. 1 yr material hondling experience AWAY FROM HOME and you don't Full tine pert tine Cell 243- low price Complete eye cern in. .1593. required Must helve valid Orly- know where to find place of ciuding glaucoma check. com. Ws ikon. and be able to ilft 60 worship?? Consider the CHURCH ALL AMERICAN COPY now hiring p f pet. cont.t lenses service for He lbs Call (415)493-1800 x445 OF CHRIST just off campus 81 N leanly Fashion tch time tor counter clerk & mast Irani. and sun 8th St . 286-0348 Need a Ode? We manager trainee WIll train. good VARIAN IMAGE TUBE DIV hes a glasses by the 4.1ing designers Home On The Range Bill Lukas the tee Cahn centered Bible bell.- pay & benefits Apply in 2 loca- FT PT opening on weekend shift Super thin lenses tor high power Ins and people loving Bible tions 407 E Sant Clara for en automated equipment riper- Rs Open 7 days week insur ate St 295- DESPITE- classes %end. at 9 30 A M , .600, 1010 W El Camino Real, ator Require. 1-3 yrs E M amoral. once & Mance are warmly wel- PIE FAO- THAT Tuesday st 7 30 P M &ad. Sunnyvale, 737-9803 bly seperience or equivient ED In come SJSU students & sten al- VoO elms Not DiVutzt. Worship at 10 A M & 6 P M.Dorrn science. compuW knowledge. wiry. hove 10% on Cell for wpt Tee- 1.04.ATION OF YOOR BACK TO SCHOOL!!",11,....",,,..." Bible studies available U S cifiren Call 415-493-1600 now... 405 F Santa Clara St at IKE Back to Wort ...... Au NOSE - WEVE .445 9th. call 995-0464. We speak Viet. STUDENT DENTAL OPTICAL PLAN Greet lob opportunity for return- OEC.I OE TO FOREGO name.. Spanish & Chinese Enroll now! Save your teeth. ey. Ins studeots Pert time iob seek- WAITERS, $5 hr NO EXPERIENCE le% IN TERR0C-APrAl and money too For information ers etc ream top dollar doing teee- Pert time weekends. call Joe at NEED CASH FOR COLLEGE, 'Finan- , and brochure see A S office or marketing for No Cain largest 666-2200 cial ald from the privet. sector (Irk # , call (408)371-6811 newspaper Flexible hours for WAITER WAITRESS COOKS Earn overwhelmingly neglected re- ft’S!..2. 7/1, VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Isn't It time flexible people, all shifts Call tOp SS$1565 Marie Callender. Is source AI Scholastic Consul- you got down to the business of today 370-9096.!! now hiring for mil hours WIII train tants WO have I. resource. to help you tap into the private sec. your the purpose? Alternative Ca- CAREER OPPORTUNITY" Stan your Call 285-7130. 2631 Meridian A. , tor lor financial ald No matter reenvork Alesessments Since own multi line insurence agency S.J. 1970 Cern! Willis. M A 734.9110 what your grad. are or what your Up to 530.000 guarentee Com- CIP plete training propel, at no cost income is we can find financial WHAT'S YOUR MAJOR? Thal s great HOUSING to you with. map. company Call aid sources for which you are that ywr getting your I/miasmic LARGE 4.5 BORIS HOUSE tor rent. today 371-4663 walled We pimento. it. Coil or life together, but what about your 51100 mo Call Steve or Eileen at write led. for tr. Information on SPIRITUAL Me? Whee ore you CHOOSE YOUR Owe HOURS, Walk- 462-0516 Available Nov in or how you can receive financial sicl doing about that? There will be an ing distance trom carmine Teie- sooner North 5th SI horn the privet. sector Write informal Bible itudy on Monday marketing Sales Account Exec- ROOM FOR RENT,. Othet atmosphere, Scholastic Consultents, P 0 Box nights at the Afro-American OD utives. Salary, S5 hr PLUS Call Classified walking distance to SJSU ReM is 2744. Santa Clare Ca 95055 Or (Conference Rm ) from 7-8 Ernie at 998-4526 0,99 negotbale (S 17th ST) cell 262- phone 243-3964 P M Ail ere invited end 'noel wel- CLERICAL ASSISTANT emperor 15 hr. 9379 NEED STATISTICAL HELP? IBS Re- Bonus Travel tickets. Western needs Serving Evergreen. SSJ & come If you have ny questa. SiONAI TYPING & business week Type 40 WPM, 16 50 per hr extra tickets or others Will pay up FINEST KiND WORD PROCESSING' cell Stanley or Melvin al 926.2946 STUDIO APARTMENTS 2 miles North search Associates will input. ana- a law minutes from SAO Student MI View area Contact Nancy at vices est reasons,. & ear oni. to 5350 each (cash) Cali (916) rates Ail types of paper. ell lengths of campus Othet security Wile lyse. and Interpret your date Uni- sealable Cali Meur.n wary (415)960-6738 Cali ;4081797-4047 AUTOMOTIVE Its Singles only $395 to 5425 Su. valeta and 'wither.. 739-0736 or (800)648-1661 (408)224-0652, 9orn lo 8prn 51 60 page. double-spaced typing TFRM COUNSELOR - autistic group home permeate' we block. bus & lite techniques Clear explanation. and epelling, $1 85 page. typing PAPERS.RESUMES" Need TRAVELS WITH JULIE.", Youth APA FORMAT, term pew. thesis we. DO YOU NEED A CAR??? Please call and full prootrewlIng Campbell help? Call S 0 S for chikiren Work M-F 6em-Sern rall nearby No pets Near Inter (415)349-4/07 fares, EURAIL perna. etUdeni " Group pro- AL SILVA at SWANSON-FORD- corned 10 years typing word pro- Great rep lor Psych or Spec Ed section of 101 880 1058 N 41h St Dr.-local pick-up end delivery late pumas. essays, mi. re PHONE NSWER SERVICE. tours. discount sir tickets, hotel cessing experience letter gunny ISUZU In Lcs Gatos, 356-2101 evellsble 866-6960 ports Fr. spelling ch.k Letter stud $8 hr Call 9-5 377.5417 295-6641 etc FREE ticket de $12 95 rno No equipment & no reservations. printing Very competitive ret. Find out how you can wally tor quality prthters Flesuners EARN EXTRA MONEY in your WANTED FEMALE NONSMOKER tr phone needed Lots ot features. iivery on campus 335 S 11th SI . and hist turn around arallable ENTERPRISES affordable LOAN today" cover letter for 1988 apriner in- spank. by Wing AVON! For Ware 3 Woe Meth. S San Jost call 977-3011 977-0799 Students repel. di.ount Ac- student writing assistance. edit IS IT TRUE you can buy peps tor $44 ternships end all ala career op- information call Jodi et 559-8469 home 6375 rno 1 3 WI Avell cent Dote 261-49112 - ask tor Te- In., word processing typing Min. through the U S government? PHONE SERVICE WITHOUT your own portunities Competitive rate. NAMED, cell Jenny Day 086-4122 TYPING m. Liles from school Pick-up and de- EULIPIA RESTAURANT Is hiring bus- hone Easy with AMVOX 24 hr Also otter typing and WP training Get the facts today, Csil 1.312 livery. too, Give your papers that AAAA ACCURACY ACHIEVEMENT, 747-1142, Ea 8115 sers and man. tor lunch & din- mesuping service Perfect tor BLOSSOM HILL SANTA TERESA individual instruction volth exp. PERSONALS ACKNOWL - profession.' touch Call today to ner Greet student lob Cell MO- sororities & lelernIties & other ACCOUNTABILITY. atom Feet. quelity typing end rienCOd teacher 735-8645 (Sue) 80 FORD FIESTA. runs good. new lops reserve your time 251-4665 6161. 374 1st St ELECTROLYSIS CLINIC" Unwentei common interest groups Greet EDGEABLE in typing that word processing of your resume. Sunnyvale tires struts & cab Minor body halr removed forever Confiden- for singles Cell 993-3711 trust Tony 296-2087 acedernic or bust... needs NEED THAT FORGOTTEN paper typed HANDYMAN FOR APTS nr campus TYPING, REASONABL F work. well taken cane of, $950 lepaced RATES tial 335 S Sapwood Ave , San 51 50 per page double Avenel. seven days a fast? Lel me help. 12 pg, dbi sp Call Tim Ortiz days 747.1521 Must know war plumbing $7 hr PROFESSIONAL DISC JOCKEY by Santa Clefs ar. Coll Pah at 24.- Jo.. call 247-7486 for appoint- Available seven days weekly week 365-1012 Rsurnee are $S pg I in on cent. pert time Don-295-5641 Desiree Michel. formerly of KSJS 5633 ono leave meswge ment 0010 turnaround All work guar ell day Tue. & Thur. & .rty You've got the party. we've got CALL LINDA TODAY, Avoki the rush. COMPUTERS INTERESTED IN HELPING YOUNG snteed Thanks rn on Mon Wed Fri tor .sy p u TYPIST, TRANSCRIBER, WORD PRO- FEMALE COMPANION WANTED to the music. Mkhel Productions Reserve now for your terrn pa- AFFORDABLE COMPUTERS, Basic PEOPLE?? Coaches needed for end dal only type in the eve- CESSOR' Story Rand 101 ilve wlth sincere handicapped provides wide vertery of music A BEAUTIFUL PAPER every time, Ex- per., group propects. thews etc XT.turbo syetem, 5497, ($839 en after-school sports end activ. nings Call MARCIE al 926.1274 SI 55 page. doubie-apittiOd men Want lo establish lasting tor your wedding. party, Or Oar.* perienced with school report.. Professional word processing, - AT Urn program in San Jose Middle (lv mug on my machine) Please can Cecelia Iona 3 Pei el w hd disk, clock. relationship. Plea. thews. transcription. and group or call Brian at et reasonable rates Call Dear. 'merit. Morn* Oulck return, ell $979 (come sae.) Ail system. Inci Schools (Jr High) Sports 298-7390 2942308 or Phil al 749-2820 922-7359 protects PickUp & Delivery, work guars... Caseate tron PROCESS IT WRITE. Faculty and ear 3331 El Camino. ScoutIng beckground helpful. but Monitor. kW Grimmer Check, Editing avail- scriplion available Mans can rely on accurate wORD XPERTISE Word processing call FUN - EXCREMENT Almaren Seine Clew 249.4221 FINANC- not necessary 1.5 75 hr. Are you fir REWARD YOURSEI F WITH best EU- Only 12 thesis able Student discount Branham ar. 7 day went 2.- finely production ot .wsletters. dissertation manu.rIpt ING AVAILABLE' Randy at 249-6040 nude who enjoys thla? You hon- ROPEAN secret (unadvertleWil minutes away Cell now to re.ne 4504 report.. resumes, pubiketions English French Spanish Can est? I'm 5'9". brown heir. blue heir and skin products Rare busi- 371-8720 PC-COW. Computer & Accesorles. MONEY, MONEY! MONEY, time before the ruah' 1408) 946- inentecripia. correspondence. eyee. 144 pound. appearenc ness @net or fundraising opportu- ENTERPRISE WORD PROCESSING , 1.2. (406) 2941606 Telemann your way to lots of n 3862 Pamela Words and More etc Will ad in premolar spelling. WOAD 404 S 3rd St paeans Reply to Devid, 929 In Thesis weclalista Also Wm p- PROCESSING. Students, In. nity Cell write VIKTOR (indaten. punctuation block from campus Network If your ambitious. seelf-netevated For prompt 7 day One Wm.. Woe Sunnyvale. CA et 270.3774. P 0 ABSTRACT WE RE NOT, Acedemic pas. manucrepts, .reersplays. atructors. small business TINT the lob dent distributor> meson. leave message tor $995 IBM AT compatible 51,095 and like people. cell us On our specielty papers, theetia. 94067 Box 9. San Jose. Ca 95013 or word processing resumes. repetitive lettere hen- iesumes. man- XT S525 Printer P10801 517. training Immediate openings in Pewee et (IOC 2110- t 821 uals. Monday Gueranteed letter quality ecru. KriptIon Fr. SPELCHEK, copy disseriations mass melling. HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT ASSOCIA- Sweeney Flail 211. Hard disk. modem. mouse 6% our plea.nl, comfort... Camp- spell check throush Friday racy Fr. disk storage proofing edit, di. Mora. (Mick turn- RESUMES, PAPERS. WORD PRO. etc Reasonable students with 1 0 Com bell Once Full and Part time Call TION. Shabbet dinners. peril.. reit. oft for Res.onable rates We re fast. sround Sante Cline 246-5825 CESSING. Fast turnaround Easy Call & R DESK TOP SERV- 3749090 Itims. outings. Wednesday ROVING MECHANIC near campus porter & Accessories 404 S THIRD pendeble.grernmerexprolenced pre. Call Patin Y YOURS. 371)- ICES st 2744582 I imlled pick up Lunch and Learn. discuses.. BRAKES, luneup. FOREIGN & EXPERIENCED SECRETARY for your sr . Jo. (408) 295-1806 PART AND FULL TIME RETAIL HELP, college gr... so call us with se 3706 & delivery leraell dancing, nd much mon., @cedar., business, legal word DOMESTIC' Low overfeed Rea- leisp SCI- National fern now Me immediate pors,repona. the.. WORD PROCESSING For info call MILLE L al 294-8311 son.. Please call 795-8746 ask proc.sIng reeds Tenn papers, RESUMES,.... WRITING & WORD aludents end FOR SALE openings. Storting pay rate Is ENCE) etc al 251-0449 reports. PEIOCESSING. 35 were expert- Isculty Convenient location on I- I d like for CHUCK,'" resumes. cow inters. sots $35. 510, No experience is needed be- to meet witty, vivacious, al- GAS RANGE $50, sleeper ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL group protect., en. Studeot Discounts Car.r 750 & I eigh $7 standard double truistic woman I'm w manuals. th.ees, eves, 789- cause of our Intensive on Me lob occasion- Years of experi- piano 5225 bo Call WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY by KIRK word processing dissertations etc Center at 243-4070 space page Coll l Inds al 9,8- training progrem Good meth and elly charming, busy 27 yr. id Ail wademic oak for I omen. and 0764 .308 KUZIIPIAN" Distinctive portraiture ence .rving SJSU tenuity tomb. APA Free disk stor- SJSU TYPIST reeding lakIlle ant plus ens, & grad student. multiiingual 7 blocks from campus SP. with sensitive touch A veriely student. HP iseinet output Ail GOVERNMENT HOMES for 51 00 (U & widely traveled I'm genuinely age. SPE LCHE punctuation and Word proces.ing, typing & eel WRITING. RESEARCH SERVICES Ail evening end weekend positions Minot. from Repos & tair of plans to choose from oil roe work guaranteed grommet assistance All work ting Free disk Repair) Buy direct, se available and some nexiblilty good healed quite decent sloes. eubects Ousaled writers Re- toff. tor wniebly preced BY APPOINT- camp., cell PJ al 923-2309 guaranteed Professional...Leak 25 pep. typtng writing weed properties Cell is sliowed during Wei cern. In looking & bright (3 nears) I double spaced editing paper and thesis MENT (408)259-5941 dependable .rvice at AFFORDA. Tenn ppers, fact.. 1-419-459-3548 eel H404 relation. It you qualify. corporate enjoy risme conver . books, Mod- ACCURACY ASSURED Profession.' reports cover let. development and esstatence Re- BI F RATES," Cell Pam ere thaw, etc (toll-refundable) 24 hra scholarships are warded. Intern. foreign film. & cusine Word Processing Th.es. pe- st 747- Call Fen al 279- sumes Word proc.aing A re- TRAVEL ws, resumes and denertstions 2681 (SANTA CLARA) Further 1157 sults Cstalog (415) 841.5036 HONDA SCOOTER AFRO 50 Excel- ships are possible. end you may poky), latin music (lousy Ail of your bun.. or ecedemic savings with referral discounts, (Berkoesyl lent condition. MI, $850. 978-0916 earn 2.3.4 credits par water or Ooncor) I admire those sr strong AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED United SUCCESS ENTERPRISE PROFES. AC408 ...ter During your winter. desire to learn crime contrib. spring and especielly summer show high deg of awaltivity 714E BREAD A FlOSES BOOKSHOP .. breaks. full time work available Girtfrtend of 4 yrs I has been SAN JOSE institution Cali today for information and an &operated lin starting to heel Illie Print Your Ad Here tor 15 years College-eve stu- interview. or call Mondey through meeting someone You rs dents of history. political science, (Count approximately 30/offers and spaces for each hner Friday between 10 and 3Ple (408) preset.. Inns, land erudite (un- Bieck, Asian and Chicano stud- Ad Rates 922-0586 n the line le buoy. less wealthy. requite homy) ios. wcial work. wornen's sha- Minimum three lines on one day plane be patient and try agen Attempt et friendship -I? P 0 B les. lam. history. and marelsrn .1 III/ 117 An equal opportunity COmpany 160103. Cupenino. Ca 95016 socialism should come in end Each brows* We els have, In English RECREATION LEADER WNTD to work KAREN HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY," translation. Soviet teretbook. in w youth wpm 12-15 eloureM-F elope your day lo special one I One Two Three Four Flve Extra I the social scienCe We Cern/ 11 30-IPM for Sane Clara Peres tenon,/ not begun, YOUR BOY I Day Days Days Days Days Day bOttl now and used booke in Pre & Rec. Cell Tricia st 964-3257 MICHELLE,'" WE WISH you very I 3 Lines $3 55 $4 35 $4 75 $5 00 $5 20 $ 90 Wove flad es well as fiction. po- SALES TEL EMARKETMO Be your HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY 4 Lines $4 35 $5 15 $5 55 $5 80 $6 00 SI 05 children s, mysteries, and etry. own boss Wort at 1104710 Great TODAY,!!!! C W 20 much more Poeta., records & 5 Lines $5 15 $6 00 $6 35 $6 60 $6 80 $1 tooth...Ion peckags Free train- WORSHIP AT CAMPUS Chrlatien fen I periodicals .- rel the Wen Chs- 6 Lines $5 95 $6 80 $7 15 $7 40 $7 60 $1 35 ing No experience needed For ler Sunday LUTHERAN 10 45 con Gallery feature's political. I personal interview cell 414968- ern , CATHOLIC 30 pm and 8 00 Each Addltional L ine Add $ BO third world. and woolen'. al 4833 Ask tor Mr Badger pm Meese call CAMPUS MIN- I BREAD & ROSES BOOKSHOP Print Name SECURITY OFFICERS PROCESS ISTRY et 2984204 for worship. Issues) 950 S First St . San Jose. 294. Semester Rates (All SERVERS FT PT S O'S-ell shttl counseling, programa and study 5-9 Lines $46 00 10.14 Lines $63 00 2934 (3 blocks south of 280) FT P7 evening pro.. wryer. opportunities Rev Nee. 15 Plus Lines 880 00 Address Phone & VEIL, sin/ 10. WOOING DRESS We will Iran Apply In swan M-F Shires, Fenn Bob Liner, Sister Phone 277-3175 15390 C11 twee dey (415) 494 SAMPPM, MO Menden Ave , J . Judy Ryw, Rev Norb I 3550, eves (4011) 296-9480 2611-5860 City 8 State 7ip SERVICES WORRIED ABOUT CONTAMINATS SECURITY RECEPTION en shag ft pi of our water end the high coin S5416 hr to siert Full temele. /MAE IT ALL. Stop shaving, waling, I tatted water? Crystal-clear reperlencs needed Apply VAN- tweerIng of teIng chernket depill I Enclosed is $ For _Days 1 drInkag wan can be vslieble GUARD SECURITY, 3212 Scott tones Let me permanently re- ICircle a Classifications right ywr sink Call Peter sl Blvd between Onotl & Son T. move your unwanted halr (chin, 2S3-4277 for more inforwillon bikini, tummy, mouse/eche. atc) Help Wanted Personals maa Sane Clara CaN 727.9793. SEND CHECK. MONEY ORDER Classified Desk Locatiml Outside 09M2011 15 percent discount to students I Automotive Housing Serv.ces PRESCHOOL! Extended HELP WANTED rrACH[PIS end teculty Cell before December OR CASM TO Hours 900A M lo330R M day 12-6 PM Only Must have ECIF Travel For Sale L ost 8 Found ACCOUNTANTS, BOOKKEEPERS, 31, MU and gel your Mat appt et units, good myna.. Cell SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Deadline. Two days prior to publication CLERKS, Farr money while de- 1 2 price "Unwanted Heir Dew- I Stereo Typing Computers TOOAY 72341340 weloping en inswele resume porn Ma My Co. Wen Cha- San Jose State University Consecutive publication dates only to type et I through lob xperlence Part time TYPIST WANTED to be able ron PI , 5S4.3500. 1645 S Bea- San Jose. California 95192 No refunds on cancelled ads & hell taw position. ACCOUN- Neat SO WPM, WM thert-nne, com Ave , IC "1469 Tod. Oore I TANTS ON CALL, 2635 N 1st St , call J. at 806-2200 Tomorrow" I S.J. 432-40116 VARIAN IMAGE TUBE DIVISION tee EYECARE AT SUNRISE EYEWEAPI, ii , Local News Monday. October 26. I 9K7/Spartan Daily Night: Fans like change Finishing touches FrOM pil.;, problem.... Wise said. -It's dist) hill Knoll. a junior telecommu- more dangerous tor ixmple walking nications major, had similar feelings out ot the stadium tatter the game)." about afternoon games taking up a They tend to be a little more whole day. rowdy because people tend to drink "The gaine's over and you're more at night... Simon said. just dead,'' Ktuill said Tailgate parties on the fields Sandy. Wise. a sophomore lib- surrounding Spartan Stadium offi- eral studies major. noticed the crowd cially began at 5 p.m.. hut people reaction. could have taken all day. to celebrate "Night games are more fun," the teams winning season if they she said. "It seems like everyone wanted. gets into it more " The first night garlie Of the sea- All of these Spartan fans v, ould son was not v, (Mout its problems. like to see more night games s).-hed though. uled for future seasons. "The bad thing is that people ’Maybe ei en balance. - get more drunk and cause niore Simon said. Alcohol: Still accepted rum ptige / ounce ser% nig antl l.spiCal serving Center (located at 10th and San Car- of beer is I 2 ounces If you are mix- los streets).'' ing your own drink. use a shot glass Fiedler said the AA group to measure the liquor. meets every Wednesday from I I:30 Know yourself and your a.m. to 12:30 p.m. mood. If you rarely drink, chugging The campus also has a therapy a few beers will affect you faster group for adult children of alcoholics than it would affect someone who is which she said is already filled to ca- accustomed to drinking. Your mood pacity. can also influence the way you react Battle said that "people have u to a drink. If you're depressed over a love for alcohol. even before they test, drinking will depress you fur- become alcoholics." ther "We need to have a group that is against social drinkers." Battle said. "A group that would start Take a Cruise in some early prevention programs." The Classifieds! The Will Rogers Institute has outlined some drinking tips: in the Don't drive after your next /Warfel. Sperten Daily Arnel,ta Manes -- Da,ly stall photographer tailgate party or happy. hour whether Diane Stephenson. a junior line arts student. Miner for her beginning art class. Stephen- forms and vibrant colors. Art is her second you've had beer, wine or distilled spirits. An American dies 277-3171 is touching up a painting of a huge. colorful son said she likes to eaperiment yiith organic degree. Her first was in anthropology. every 35 minutes in an alcohol -re- lated traffic accident. It's better to walk an extra mile or spend the night at a friend's than risk taking lives on Constitution: the road. Speakers focus on nation's problems Eat something never drink on an empty stomach. Eat be- From pave / Hie ability of the president to nity about matters of great impor- Frau,,,,-0 slate t in, Also commit the nation to secret wars and tance to the Ametican people . members of the ptolessional world fore you go to a party. eat while SAVE '2 AND ,:tissity... that is the teason why we you're there. Solid food like cheese are doing this.- said histoly protes- that he is beyond the public political The meetings held this week such as Jonathan lai shall. editorial BEAT THERUSH!! control should concerti students. he will give the audience an opportunity page editor for the Oakland Fribune can slow down the alcohol absorp- sor Da Eakins. ehiel org.iiiiier of tion rate. for lunch said to hear and discii.. ISSIIC, concerning will speak at the meetings. Bring in a friend the sv inposium off -I think the symposium is one the government The audience will The sy inpositim is sponsored by Don't he pushed int() drink- atterl:00 p.m. and receive $2 Plans to present meetings on the ing mune to the ot ihe best thing to happen on caill also he able to ask the speakers ques- the departments ot history. socio- than you can handle and when you present this coupon government began this semester don't pressure ptis. ...lid George Moore. chairman tions as LI part tit the thcusiOn. logy. English. humanities, commu- your friends to keep waitress after people trom %arum. depart- up with you. of the histoly department. "We're Speakers w ill he twin such uni- nication studies. Afro-American Everyone has an indi- ments expressed con,..ern. about the vidual liopin to inform both the campus versities a Stanford. the University studies and Asian-American studies tolerance. Let your friends way the "Iran -gate- hearings were pace themselves. handled. community and thc larger commit- of Cala. Berkeley and Sat) Eakins said. Keep a watchful eye: Cock- 'They I Congress could's. e dug tails should contain no more than I in deeper than they did and we think Constitution Calendar I/4 ounces of distilled spirits. Wine "r, at - p that what was revealed. and not re- Alonday. ()ct Relatimis limn San Francisco State "East-West Detante: North -South is commonly no more than a five Hall vealed. was a bluffing of the fact that Sweeney I iiiieisit\ Tensions." Speaker: Franz Schur- Coop. I ) I tat our goernment is undergoing a se Ism) It) Re,u2an man. Sociology'History professor PLENTY OF SEATING UPSTAIRS " sp,akei ries ot cost:. that need to he brought and the Constitution Wednesday. (ki. 28-The Cri- from University of California. burn. lour. into du: open and discussed.- he Alesander CoL k sis iit I kniocracy: Berkeley. Magazine and TWOSPECIALS said. nalist from Nation I I a.m. Memorial Chapel: 12:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel: Having a sy mposiuni is a way. the Wall Street Journal. "D1,000'10,1000: The President. "Is the Caribbean An American eatip.O.D of making students more aware ot l'ottett.,, and The Public... (),..t. 27 -The CoYeit Lake?" Speaker: Cynthia Maha- $3.50 EACH the issues facing them. Eakins said. Speakei Tee Holterman. aid to Presidens.% bit% professor of Afm-American INCLUDES "What.. going till 'ongressman Ronald Daum. affects stu- I I . lo a.m. Fountain Area. Studies from SJSII. FREE dents es some of l' nip in. Memorial Chapel: these students Tower Hall. "Secret .1 cams and Medium 2 HALF SANDWICHES can die from these crises and we Hie ( of DeriloCraey: The feel co\ ert operations in Me Redg,iii Friday . ()ct. 30-Contra De- that students should se and Abuse of Executive Au- Soft Drink 2 BEVERAGES become in- lonatlian testi:ill. bate. formed on the issues," Fra Speaker ntie Speaker: Barton ith the 1,11 he said !alma 1 1:30 a.m. Memorial Chapel: 2 SLICES OF PIE Falitotial Page horn the Iterinacin. History professor from (fak land Tribune "Resolved: That Continuing Co- OUR WIDE SELECTION OF stantoid ersity . vert Action hi. the l'inted States in to p S1. mot ha Chapel: SANDWICHES INCLUDE COUPON GOOD ONLY -Hie ( ot SeL.ret Thursday. Oct. 29-The Crisis Central \mei 1, a is t 11,k:suable.- CLUB Fresno Wais speat laishall Wind- in Loieign hy members tit the S.ISl Intercol- TURKEY AFTER 1:00 PM Imt late Debate Team. OFFER GOOD THROUGH 10 30 87 Fripm paize millei mot,. International ;ti a Alemorial Chapel: CHICKEN SAI AD TUNA ONE EAST SAN FERNANDO would he put into a fund to he used ROAST BEEF (BETWEEN 1st AND when the paper is independent in ei- 2ndl AND 10 MORF ther five oi cars Advertise in the "Oin teat is that we shouldn't 7 .3 971.4PIE rush into becoming independent too WANT A FUN JOB Spartan Daily min fast.- Fountain said ON A Rut Hurrianko and Vick said 277-3171 SO E. San Carlos 947,1333 they v, ill attempt to start the neLsca TROPICAL ISLAND? ' With SJSU Student ID Only per's independence next rhe Paper %sill not he compl, Can you play volleyball? Tennis? Windsurf' dependent until the fall SLIM:Niel , Dance? Sing? Play a guitar or other musical ViCk said instrument? Are you interested in an oppor- tunity to learn Japanese? Or are you just a "We're putting otir teeter, You should know great personality who can entertain and inspire arid talk mg to other schools to 1"4. %NIX: rat mint. Maybe. about de, i. others into having the time of their lives? If new e.p.t. stick hov, v,e should go ahotil lie you can do one or more of these activities, WIty. WC w'aiifto fin( t in private. test. It's the fast and easy said We have the job for you. way to find out if you're The biggest problem taking the pregnant. or not. And nev( spapei is insurance costs. Vick PACIFIC ISLANDS CLUB... you find out in pnvate. II the stick turns said ...is an elatxtrate beach resort in the Western pink, you're pregnant. If the newspaper becomes nide Pacific that caters to guests who want to be If it stays white, you're pendent. they will have to in:runic entertained, play water sports and tennis, not. It's that their own insulance. lie said Cur sun. fun and even hang-glide! W'e have open- rently the A S tiii the new spa ings for... If you have any per.. libel poll, \ questions about e.p.t., call It int. iethlils eispenise to RECREATION COORDINATORS us toll free I800-562-0266. In New Jersey, call collect get lihel 111,411,11k e... he said. & ENTERTAINERS Hunitinloi eiii,iiiied that be- (201)540-2458. Persons to organize and instruct water and e.p.t. The first and cause 1101 111,1ilatiCe CI1MS beach sports, direct games, arts & crafts, and most trusted name in WWI Wily [Miler. eanipUs I ,11 to perform in matinees, dinner shows and ford their tisk!' insUrallCe. o .1e pool side skits. Applicants should be high pregnancy testing. costs. the 'mm1,111,111 depanment energy extroverted outdoor types with ranged tot Ihe illinorit) papers to reCreation, sports or theatrical experience Introducing print their articles in the Collegian. Intermediate skills in the sports and activities new e.p.t." stitk test "We are not in control of %hat described are preferred; ability to communi- they produce." Iturrianko said. "11 cate in Japanese is not required. However, the they libel someone. the insurance willingness to learn basic lapanese language company Lan drop us " skills is necessary. If you're serious about your career, would like to take advantage of Hurnatiko said he looks for- insoriirMISS ward to the paper heeoming indepen- this opportunity to break into the Pacific Rim work and dent because thes will only he print- explosion, and can come play with months, then grab your resume ing what their statt produces us for six 1{,I and come to the meetings and interviews to be held on October 21i. IWO For information regarding time and place, please contact Daborah Boogard at the Cateer Placement Office (408)277-2816 By the WAS. WV are an Equal Opportunits I mplover and all s laws apply on our little island in. lud mg the one requiring you to show proof of eligibility to work in the U S This means we need to a birth rertdicate passport. work permit Of cyther appropriate BICIRC ADVF:RTISI. IN I HI dos umentation olds at SPARTAN It 11 ing such MANIAS 277-3171