Annual Review of Critical Psychology Marxism And
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ANNUAL REVIEW OF CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY ARCP 9 MARXISM AND PSYCHOLOGY editor Michael Arfken 2 Managing Editor Ian Parker Editorial Board International Advisory Board Alexandra Zavos, Athens, Greece Andrew Lock, Auckland, New Zealand Alex Bridger, Huddersfield, England Bernardo Jiménez-Domínguez, Guadalajara, Mexico Angel Gordo López, Madrid, Spain Conceição da Nogueira, Braga, Portugal Babak Fozooni, London, England Dennis Fox, Springfield MA, United States Brenda Goldberg, Manchester, England Don Foster, Cape Town, South Africa Calum Neill, Edinburgh, Scotland Eero Riikonen, Helsinki, Finland Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, Sao Paulo, Brasil Esther Wiesenfeld, Caracas, Venezuela Christian Yavorsky, New York, USA Euclides Sanchez, Caracas, Venezuela Colleen Heenan, Leeds, England Gill Straker, Sydney, Australia Dan Heggs, Cardiff, Wales Grahame Hayes, Durban, South Africa David Harper, London, England Hanne Haavind, Oslo, Norway Deborah Marks, Leeds, England Ignacio Dobles, Oropeza San José, Costa Rica Diane Burns, Sheffield, England Isaac Prilleltensky, Florida, USA Elliot Cohen, Leeds, England Ivan Ivic, Belgrade, Serbia Erica Burman, Manchester, England Jill Bradbury, Durban, South Africa Eugenie Georgaca, Thessaloniki, Greece Joe Whittaker, Bolton, England Gill Aitken, Salford, England Kevin Kelly, Rhodes, South Africa Gill Craig, London, England Lois Holzman, New York, United States Haim Weinberg, San Diego, USA Maritza Montero, Caracas, Venezuela Helen Spandler, Preston, England Martha Augoustinos, Adelaide, Australia Ian Law, Adelaide, Australia Michael Billig, Loughborough, England Ilana Mountian, Manchester, England Morten Nissen, Copenhagen, Denmark Ingrid Palmary, Johannesburg, South Africa Ole Dreier, Copenhagen, Denmark Jane Callaghan, Northampton, England Pablo Fernandez-Christlieb, Mexico City, Mexico Jude Clark, Durban, South Africa Ron Coleman, Glasgow, Scotland Karen Ciclitira, London, England Sara Vataja, Helsinki, Finland Ken McLaughlin, Manchester, England Tod Sloan, Tulsa, USA Mihalis Mentinis, Caracol de Oventic, Chiapas, Mexico Tomás Ibáñez, Barcelona, Catalunya Pam Alldred, London, England Ute Osterkamp, Berlin, Germany Pauline Mottram, Liverpool, England Valerie Walkerdine, Cardiff, Wales Rob Evans, Birmingham, England Wendy Stainton Rogers, Milton Keynes, England Rose Capdevila, Milton Keynes, England Wolfgang Maiers, Berlin, Germany Sam Warner, Manchester, England Tom Billington, Sheffield, England Vera Marten, Manchester, England ANNUAL REVIEW OF CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 3 Annual Review of Critical Psychology Issue 9 Marxism and Psychology Editor Michael Arfken SPECIAL ISSUE: MARXISM AND PSYCHOLOGY 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS table of contents Introduction Marxist Scholarship and Psychological Practice 6 Michael Arfken Marxism and Psychology Conference 2010 8 Ian Parker Articles Knowldge and Interest in Psychology: From Ideology to Ideology Critique 10 and Beyond Gordana Jovanović Reconstructing the Critique of Ideology: A Critical-Hermeneutic and 20 Psychological Outline Thomas Teo Re-Imagining Non-Domination: Troubling Assumptions in Psychoanalytic 28 Critical Theory Bogdan Popa The Role of Technology in Herbert Marcuse’ s Eros and Civilization 38 James McMahon Hidden Trends: Reason, Renunciation and Liberation in Marcuse’s 48 Appropriation of Hegel and Freud Elliott Buckland ANNUAL REVIEW OF CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY 5 Meditation of the Socialist Dream: Psychoanalysis, Psychology, and the Political 58 Organization of a Discipline Gregory Flemming Marx in Lacan: Proletarian Truth in Opposition to Capitalist Psychology 70 David Pavón-Cuéllar To Sell Marx in North America is to Not Sell Marx 78 Brad Piekkola Ideology Beyond Marx: Shame, Disambiguation, and the Social Fashioning of 84 Reparation Steve Larocco The Malleable and Open Body: Emancipatory or Oppressive? 92 Clifford van Ommen and Vasi van Deventer Identity Recognition and the Normative Challenge of Crowd Psychology 100 Radu Neculau Marxian Currents in Latin and North American Community Psychology 110 Ravi Gokani The Development of Development: A Post-Marxist Analysis of the Development 118 of Hegemonic Developmental Psychology Joanna Wasiak Wresting Change as a Liberating Concept: Lessons Learned from Teen Moms in 126 a Liberation Psychology Workshop Colleen MacQuarrie, Emily Rutledge and Lorraine Begley Notes on Contributors 138 SPECIAL ISSUE: MARXISM AND PSYCHOLOGY 6 Introduction - MARXIST SCHOLARSHIP AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PRACTICE introduction michael arfken Marxist Scholarship and Psychological Practice By Michael Arfken, University of Prince Edward Island t is difficult to remember a time when so many people depression? Or another article that gives psychologists the from such a variety of backgrounds took to the streets tools they need to assist employers with kinder, gentler lay- Ito draw attention to the widening disparity between the offs? What do articles like this from a leading psychologi- promises and the products of our economic and political cal organization say about the relationship between modern institutions. As evidence continues to mount that our “ad- psychology and the existing economic order? vanced” nations not only accumulate massive amounts of wealth but also produce unprecedented inequalities in the Perhaps all this suggests is that modern psychology, like distribution of that wealth, a vocal contingent of the work- any other academic discipline, must operate within the con- ing class has, for the last few weeks, occupied financial dis- fines of the existing social order. Given that the financial tricts throughout the world. These protests have captured market periodically goes through natural fluctuations, the the imagination of a growing number of people who see best that psychology can hope to do is to alleviate some neither their aspirations nor their sense of justice embodied of the anxiety that emerges from these brief crises. From in some of the fundamental structures of modern society. such a perspective, the APA headlines are evidence not of psychology’s parochialism but of its willingness to ease the In the wake of the near total collapse of the global financial suffering of those who find themselves in an unfortunate set system, we are also witnessing a growing number of activ- of circumstances. ists, scholars, and practitioners who have begun to reflect on the relationship between certain academic disciplines and Yet there is another dimension to the relationship between dominant economic and political structures. Yet for those dominant economic structures and modern psychology that working within the discipline of psychology, the connection bears some scrutiny. It is clear that the roots of modern psy- between political economy and psychological knowledge is chology are supported by the same enlightenment rational- anything but transparent. For example, what are we to make ity that continues to sustain many of our modern institutions of an article on the front page of the American Psychologi- from liberal democracy to neoclassical economics. Given cal Association (APA) website that, at the height of the the symbiotic relationship that exists between psychology global recession, urged psychologists to brace for recession and these institutions, it seems inevitable that when one of ANNUAL REVIEW OF CRITICAL PSYCHOLOGY MICHAEL ARFKEN 7 these institutions begins to exhibit certain weaknesses other account of the conference activities institutions will step in to turn our attention to other matters. Thus, while the looming collapse of our financial structures Given the overwhelming success of this first conference, it could engender reflection on the legitimacy of the capitalist was agreed that every effort would be made to organize ad- mode of production, the APA headlines shift our attention ditional Marxism and Psychology conferences on a regular to matters that are less threatening to the existing state of basis and in a new location each time. We are pleased to affairs. announce that the second Marxism and Psychology Con- ference will be held from August 9-12, 2012 at the Univer- This suggests that a deeper relationship exists between our sidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, located in economic structures and our scientific pursuits. In other Morelia, Michoacán, Western Mexico. Further information words, it is not only that psychological research and prac- regarding this conference can be found on the conference tice is financially supported by industries that have a vested website - interest in maintaining the existing economic structure of society. At an even deeper level, the very idea of a disci- While the contributions to this issue draw on a wide range pline such as psychology that attempts to understand the of intellectual traditions, the three that figure most promi- mental structures occupying the spaces between people and nently are hermeneutics, critical theory, and psychoanaly- their environments or between people and other people ex- sis. This is not surprising given the influence that Marxism presses a logic that can only take capitalism as its point of has historically exerted on these traditions. What is truly departure. At this level, to make the relationship between striking is the breadth of topics that contributors address in economics and psychology thematic is to discover that what this issue. Against the background of these traditions, con- we refer to as psychology is simply a potent euphemism for tributors reflect on the role